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Why dream of calling God for help. Dream Interpretation God, why God is dreaming, in a dream God. Why is God dreaming

God (Christianity) – Two notable images of God have been born in pop culture lately. The first was created by George Burns assisting John Denver in Oh God! and the second by James Earl Jones giving special orders to Roma Downey and Dell Reese in the television show Touched by an Angel. In the first case, God is presented as accessible and blessing; in the second, He becomes more edifying and powerful. The image of God appears in dreams in different ways. Often God appears not in the form of a man, but as something endowed with a divine principle (for example, in the form of religious icons, the Bible, etc.). In the end, sometimes in a dream there is simply a feeling of a divine presence. The appearance of such a divine element in our dreams opens the way to Providence and suggests a solution to the problem that we encountered in a dream. It happens that a divine symbol, as if warning against mistakes, stops us. This is especially true when we have a choice open to us leading to a PROHIBITED act or relationship. In such dreams, it is important to evaluate the content of the revelation received. The very fact of the appearance of divine symbolism deserves close attention. In the waking state, our EGO denies the supernatural power of God. But during sleep we are more open and disposed to communicate with the Almighty. Try to decipher the information contained in this spiritual message. Does the deity that appeared in a dream correspond to the ideas about it that you adhere to in reality? In military affairs, there is a kind of identification code that helps to determine how conscientiously the orders of the officers are carried out. Perhaps you should resort to the use of such an identification method before determining for sure that you were visited in a dream by a Supreme Being. Before you follow what has been revealed to you, check its content against the character and nature of God. Did the divine symbol frighten you, did it threaten you? Try to find reasons for your feelings. Did the Midnight Guest try to tell you something? Review problematic aspects of your life before determining if the dream was prophetic. Greek, Nordic and Roman Gods The gods represent idealized desires, obstacles, POWER and relationships. Deities are always endowed with features in an exaggerated form: Thor is the most powerful god, Zeus is the embodiment of wisdom, Eros is the god of love. In a dream, we encounter these deities or move into their body, inheriting their qualities. Thus, we see a reflection of the valuable properties of real life. These divine beings sometimes interfere with us, sometimes they tell us how to behave, what character traits to use in various situations when communicating with others. If you are serious about mythology, then it will be useful for you to consider your dreams for self-awareness and solving internal problems.

Dream interpretation god

Every person, whether he is a believer or not, at the moment when he is very scared, or no longer has the strength to fight, turns to God for help. We can believe in his existence, we can doubt, or we can be sure that God does not exist. Every person at least once in his life is visited by thoughts, whether the Lord exists, why certain things happen to us.

Seeing the Lord in a dream

Why is God dreaming? It would seem that such a dream has literally several interpretations. But dream books say that you can see different plots in a dream, which are considered by predictors in different ways.

Interpretations of popular dream books

In a dream, you can see the Christian God, or the Egyptian God will appear to you in a vision, or in general, the so-called chicken god - dream books consider the most unthinkable dreams and help you understand them.

Aesop's dream book

Pray in a dream

Pray to the Lord in a dream - the work you started will be successful. But to watch how others pray - you will experience acute disappointment, which will happen through the fault of people who have not met your expectations.

Buying a statue of God or an icon - a deceitful person will appear on your way who will attempt to take advantage of your kindness.

Selling an icon - a person from a close circle will take advantage of you, which will lead to suffering.

Also, this dream book examines in detail the dreams in which you dream of the ancient gods. For example:

  • the goddess of love Aphrodite - it means that you will be happy and successful in love affairs;
  • great Zeus - success in all matters will await you, no matter what you undertake;
  • the god of fire Hermes - so you should spend more time with your loved ones in the family circle;
  • the goddess of hunting Diana - your pressure and diligence will finally be rewarded, life will become an order of magnitude better;
  • the god of marriage Hymen - peace and tranquility will reign in your family, your relationship with your soulmate will be strong and long.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

The Lord, who happened to be seen in a dream, indicates your desire to receive help, to find protection.

According to this dream book, God is a person’s hope for better times, a speedy recovery, happiness in the house.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

Seeing or talking with God in a dream means that soon your health will worsen. It is worth not to hesitate, but to undergo a medical examination.

Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller also ranked such visions as a negative rather than a positive sign from above:

However, Miller can also find a positive interpretation. Happiness and success in business awaits the person who saw in a dream that heaven clearly favors him.

The image of God in a dream in the dream books of different peoples of the world

Why does God dream according to the Ukrainian dream book? In a difficult situation, there is a person who will lend a helping hand to you.

Pray - get material well-being and a quiet life.

For the French, praying or talking to higher powers also means consolation, support and help in a difficult situation. If the Lord stretches out his hands to you, then you will have dizzying success.

Muslims see God - to positive changes in life and spiritual enlightenment. Listen to how God lists all your earthly deeds - get unexpected joy. For people who are far from their home, such a dream promises a quick and successful way home. Pray - get glory and recognition.

Who dreams about God

Dream Interpretations interpret in different ways what God is dreaming of for different categories of people:

The meaning of sleep for a young girl

  • For a child, a dream about the Lord is a dream-indication. So he will grow up to be a great man. It is important to remember what the divine power had in its hands. A harp, a guitar, another instrument indicates that the child will be a great musician, a microscope indicates the fate of a great scientist, a book prophesies writing.
  • For girls, to hear a divine voice in a dream is to ask a wise person for advice, go to church, and not stray from the righteous path.
  • For a young guy, God's voice or face says that he should be more purposeful and courageous, not give up on his dreams, move forward. If you miss your chance, you risk leading a gray, uninteresting life.
  • For an adult, divine powers are extremely rare and come only at those moments when you are at a crossroads, you lose faith, you cannot fight further. The interpretation of this dream is so multifaceted that it requires separate consideration.

If the dreamer is an adult

For the consideration of this dream, the actions of divine power are of primary importance. It is also worth remembering what you were doing at that moment:

For older people, fellowship with God is also interpreted positively. Even if the latter called you after him, this does not mean at all that you will die soon. Your condition, both physical and spiritual, will soon improve, life will become better and more pleasant.

Watching in a dream how the Lord walks on the water surface - you will study religious issues. Begin to pray earnestly and ask heaven to grant you divine blessings.

Why does the chicken god dream

The chicken god is a stone with a hole, which was created by nature itself. From time immemorial, the chicken god was considered an amulet that protects its owner from misfortunes and dark forces.

There is no definite answer why this stone was called the chicken god. But dream books believe that he is dreaming if you soon need outside help, in cases of difficult life situations.

Remember that, according to legend, the chicken god protects its owner only if it is carefully handled. Therefore, you should be very careful about your words and actions, do not ask for too much, be happy with what you have.

Other interpretations

What else is God dreaming of? Try to remember which colors prevailed in your night vision, even if you only heard a divine voice, then still pay attention to the surroundings.

It is possible that the Lord gave you some object, its color is also important:

  • white - you are pure in soul, your faith is strong;
  • red - your faith is on the verge of fanaticism, it is possible that you will experience an all-consuming feeling;
  • green - you were born to cultivate the land, work with plants;
  • blue - perhaps you have a flight or a trip to the mountains, a situation will occur there that will make you hear the voice of God;
  • black - sadness and grief await you ahead, but the Almighty will be next to you, pray, he hears your voice;
  • yellow - you begin a positive period in life;
  • blue - your faith is unshakable.

When in a dream you see how the Almighty appears to people, hear his voice - you will have a gift, you will be able to help people, heal them.

Your mark:

according to Loff's dream book

Recently, two notable images of God have been born in pop culture. The first was created by George Burns assisting John Denver in Oh God! and the second by James Earl Jones giving special orders to Roma Downey and Dell Reese in the television show Touched by an Angel. In the first case, God is presented as accessible and blessing; in the second, He becomes more edifying and powerful. The image of God manifests itself in dreams in different ways. Often God appears not in the form of a man, but as something endowed with a divine principle, for example, in the form of religious icons, the Bible, and so on. In the end, sometimes in a dream there is simply a feeling of a divine presence. The appearance of such a divine element in our dreams opens the way to Providence and suggests a solution to the problem that we encountered in a dream. It happens that a divine symbol, as if warning against mistakes, stops us. This is especially true when we have a choice open to us leading to a forbidden act or relationship. In such dreams, it is important to evaluate the content of the revelation received. The very fact of the appearance of divine symbolism deserves close attention. In the waking state, our ego denies the supernatural power of God. But during sleep we are more open and disposed to communicate with the Almighty. Try to decipher the information contained in this spiritual message. Does the deity that appeared in a dream correspond to the ideas about it that you adhere to in reality? In military affairs, there is a kind of identification code that helps to determine how conscientiously the orders of the officers are carried out. Perhaps you should resort to the use of such an identification method before determining for sure that you were visited in a dream by a Supreme Being. Before you follow what has been revealed to you, check its content against the character and nature of God. Did the divine symbol frighten you, did it threaten you? Try to find reasons for your feelings. Did the Midnight Guest try to tell you something? Review problematic aspects of your life before determining if the dream was prophetic.

Why is God dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

pray - well-being; refers to the sleeper - an unusual prophetic dream; to see God is a deception; (for a woman, girl) - a loved one, father.


according to the Ayurvedic dream book

Such a dream is very rare. He predicts great success and growth.

God dreamed

according to Miller's dream book

If you see God in a dream, this dream does not promise anything good. A despotic woman can take power over you. If God speaks to you, be careful: you may be judged. Things won't go well either. Such a dream portends shaky health and can mean sudden death. If you see a praying God, repentance and deep regret for what you have done await you. If you see in a dream that God is favorable to you, you will be patronized by a very famous person who will lead you to success.

To see bahus in a dream

according to Hasse's dream book

Seeing him - you will be upset about something.

Why is the Mother of God dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

happy event. It is better to see an icon with an image than live. The Lord or the Mother of God in an unusual form or place, not looking the same as in tradition, is not good and deceitful.

Dreamed of blasphemy

according to Miller's dream book

The dream of blasphemy warns that you will develop qualities in yourself that will make you rude and insensitive towards your friend. Seeing in a dream how others allow themselves to blaspheme is a sign that they will somehow be unfair to you and even, possibly, offend you. It is possible that an insidious person, having achieved your friendship, will bring you a lot of harm. If in a dream you yourself curse yourself, fate will turn its back on you. If others curse you, then this dream promises you consolation and even well-being.

The article on the topic: "dream book to talk with God" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

In a dream, we can see something that we can never see in reality, no matter how hard we try and no matter how hard we put in. For example, we may dream of creatures or entities, the reality of which we can only guess, but it is impossible to meet them in reality. And therefore, people have been interested in the question of what God is dreaming of at all times.

If a person declared that he saw God in reality, he would be considered crazy, but if a person dreamed of God, this was considered a sign of a special blessing or warning. This dream is rare, although very important, which means that it is worth treating it with great attention. The dream book of Simon Kananita says that if you remember only what you saw in a dream of God, such a dream portends well-being to the dreamer.

But why is God dreaming if you have kept in your memory other details of your nightly dreams? Everything depends on the details. Try to remember, maybe:

  • Have you seen God in the sky?
  • Did he bless you?
  • Coryl for something?
  • Did you pray to him?
  • Or did he offer prayers himself?
  • Did the image of the Virgin appear to you?

Depending on the plot, a dream can have slightly different nuances of interpretation. With the help of dream books, you can figure out why such a vision came to you.

Conversations in the sky

According to the Newest Dream Book, God, whom the dreamer saw in the vault of heaven, portends him good health, and if the sleeping person is sick, then soon after such a vision he will quickly recover.

If the dreamer is already distinguished by enviable health and at the same time he dreamed of God in heaven, it means that a person’s affairs will flourish, and undertakings will be successful. If you have seen such a dream, you can assume that higher powers bless you for the accomplishments you have planned.

Other interpreters are of the opinion that the deity seen in a cloudy halo symbolizes that, despite all the piety of the enterprise you have conceived, you may need the help and support of friends and relatives. Another version: the dreamer will have an influential patron, thanks to which things will go uphill, and their completion will bring not only moral, but also financial satisfaction.

The patronage of the “right person” also promises a dream in which God was not only neutral, but blessed the sleeping person for some business. According to the Chinese dream book, God, who speaks favorably and patronizingly with the dreamer, portends an unexpected improvement in the financial situation of the sleeper. Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov advises to take the words of God as carefully as possible - they may turn out to be prophetic.

The psychological dream book believes that if you saw God in a dream, it means that you have seen the personification of your own conscience, your higher self. If the dream was peaceful and blissful, the sleeper is in harmony with himself and the world, and his affairs will be harmonious and successful. I dreamed of a good God - expect a "white" life streak.

Some interpreters believe that the vision in which God is talking to the sleeping person is not only a symbol of a successful development of events in the near future, but also a reminder. In particular, it is not necessary to concentrate all thoughts only on the material side of life, it is necessary to remember the spiritual component as well.

I dreamed of God who reproaches you - most likely, you yourself reproach yourself for some ugly act. You should not “cut” yourself - you need to draw conclusions from the situation, apologize to whom you see fit, and forgive yourself. If God regrets some of your actions - do not rush to put your plans into practice, they may turn out to be premature, you need to wait a bit, and then the circumstances will become more favorable.

Prayers and worship

What is the dream of the God to whom you pray in your night visions? Interpreters believe that this is a favorable dream, which portends that circumstances and people will be on your side, which means that you can take on the implementation of the most daring and "impossible" plans. Moreover, the dreamer himself can become a symbol of good luck for his entire environment.

The Eastern Women's Dream Book clarifies that even if circumstances are not developing in the best way for you now, the dream of praying to God is favorable. It gives reason to believe that the situation is on the mend and all your current worries and fears will be in vain and groundless. Do not worry, you just need to do your job - and you will be rewarded for it with public recognition and material rewards.

The New Era Dream Interpretation says that if you dreamed of God appearing during a church service, this means that higher powers support the sleeping person in his quest to take his own place in this world. The interpreter advises to understand and accept oneself, to try to think freely, rationally and creatively, to get out of the yoke of generally accepted stereotypes. This can become a guarantee, if not brilliant material success, then certainly a much happier attitude.

The Islamic dream book says that if you dreamed of God, to whom the sleeping person prays, this can mean a quick career advancement or success in public affairs and, as a result, fame and honor in society.

The mythological dream book is sure that such a plot is a harbinger of the fulfillment of the dreamer's most cherished desires. If during worship in night dreams you light a candle or make a donation, it means that in reality your family will soon not need anything.

However, explaining why God is dreaming, who prays with the dreamer, all interpreters decipher this plot as a warning. You should reconsider your plans, because they can harm both you and the people close to you - and therefore the creator prays that these plans do not come true. If you heed this warning, sad consequences can be avoided.

The Mother of God, who appeared in a dream, promises the sleeping person incredible life luck. Do not neglect such a dream, you need to act and bring your plans to life!

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Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive Dream Interpretation of Juno online service - out of more than 75 dream books - is currently the largest dream book in Runet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of interpretations of dreams of all symbols and images from different dream books - both folk and written by various authors, including both well-known dream interpreters and those who are still little known, but no less talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one site, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. Here you can find answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of sleep on any topic by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed about and choosing from them the one that “hooks” you the most - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - which means a dream that you personally had and specifically at that time.

For even more complete clarity in the interpretation of your dream, if necessary, in addition to the dream book, you can use the additional information in the Juno section - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, in what days you have prophetic dreams, how to work with a dream, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams are dreamed on the full moon, at which time many more dreams are dreamed. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in introspection. What was dreamed about on the growing moon requires implementation in reality - pay special attention to this. You will find out which days of the week and lunar days are empty, and which are prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days come true, and on 29, 1, 2, etc. - almost nothing). Important dreams are dreamed on such dates of the month as 1,3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

Our Dream Interpretation of Juno is free and presented in a convenient and beautiful form, divided into paragraphs and subheadings dedicated to the interpretation of dreams of certain authors or nationalities, so that it can be used most easily and comfortably. Using the service is simple, namely:


Searching for words in the Dream Interpretation of Juno online service can be done both alphabetically and by specifying a search word. In the case of an alphabetical search, select the desired letter and from the list that appears, the word that interests you.

When searching by the entered word, observe the following rules:

  • The word must contain only Russian letters. All other characters will be ignored.
  • The search word must contain at least 2 letters.
  • Only one search word is allowed.
  • In the case of an advanced search, all words containing the entered combinations of letters will be displayed. For example, with an advanced search for the word "tea", the program will give an interpretation of the words "TEA" and "OCCENT".
  • The case of the entered letters does not matter. For example, entering the words “hand”, “HAND”, “Hand” and “hand” will give the same search result.

In the collection of our service there are more than 75 dream books, many of which only we have, there are such well-known and popular sources as Miller's dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first of the dream interpretations in the world), Vanga's dream book (its name speaks for itself ), the dream book of Nostradamus (a world-famous astrologer and predictor), the dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as the interpretation of dreams of different peoples (Russian, old French, old Russian, Slavic, Maya, Indians, gypsy, Egyptian , Eastern, Chinese of the Yellow Emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author's dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou-gun, Old Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books of Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Sivananda, English Zadkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of interpretation of dreams as the absolutely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Denise Lynn (on the recommendation of - the best), the Russian noble dream book of Grishina, Tsvetkov, Loff, Ivanov, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeki, Azar, as well as the modern universal, feminine, masculine, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tale mythological, esoteric, catchphrases, symbols, folk signs, mirror psychological states, dream interpreter, dream book - self-instruction book, dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of sleep that they were looking for.

The theme of love and personal relationships is widely represented in the dream book, but other topics also have detailed coverage. Have a nice dream!

2008-2018 © Dream Interpretations on Juno are presented for informational purposes only. All rights reserved. Copying is prohibited.

God by dream book

It's no secret that when a person feels bad, he seeks solace in something he believes in. One has alcohol, the other has a certified psychologist, the third has a friend's vest, the fourth has God! Yes, yes, God! Not everyone recognizes its existence, but in difficult times, almost everyone cries out: “God, why am I doing this?” The question, of course, may seem rhetorical, but not for everyone. There are people who sincerely believe in the Almighty! They pray to him, make sacrifices, talk in their sleep! And the Lord answers them! Also in a dream. Are you wondering why such a dream is dreaming? What does the subconscious want to tell us? Or is it the Creator? We open the dream book, ask, we get an answer! Join, it will be interesting!

christian god

To see an old icon of Jesus Christ, the son of God - in real life you need protection and patronage. Feel free to ask the powers that be for help.

Praying in a dream to God - asking for help and protection from the patron in reality.

I dreamed that you see God who is praying - you have committed an impartial act, which you greatly regret. Do not wind yourself up, repent and ask for forgiveness from those who have been offended, the dream book gives advice.

It is a dream that you are God, and you are sitting high in the sky above the clouds and, looking down, you see many people asking for protection - someone close to you will need help. Do not neglect your friends, help, no matter how difficult it may be for you.

I dreamed that you were watching the manifestation of God to people - in reality, you will have the opportunity to believe in miracles. A pleasant surprise awaits you.

It is a dream that you saw in a dream two angels who are talking to each other - in reality you will hear some news. Depending on what kind of angels they are - light or darkness, there will be conversations. Light cherubs - the news will please, dark angels of death - the news will be bad.

Celestials of Olympus

Seeing Zeus in a dream is a bad mood. All week you will "throw lightning" at others, the dream book warns.

It is a dream that you are standing near the raging sea and hear the voice of Poseidon screaming at you - postpone your upcoming vacation trip for a couple of days. Otherwise, you won't get into trouble.

Talking in a dream with Athena - some kind of test awaits you: a test, an exam, certification, etc., the Gypsy dream book warns.

I dreamed that you hear a conversation between the god Hades and the goddess Persephone, arguing about something - you will have a quarrel with a marriage partner or loved one.

Pray in a dream to Hephaestus - in reality, you will encounter everyday difficulties. Perhaps it will be some kind of accident or breakdown of something, the dream book suggests.

Thank you in a dream for Ares' help - "get on the warpath" in real life. Someone made you very angry and offended, and now you want to get revenge. Think about whether you need such a relationship, it may be better to just stop communicating with the offender, without bringing the situation to a conflict.

To be Apollo or Aphrodite in a dream - in reality you are not completely satisfied with your appearance, so look for ways to change something in yourself. Try, for starters, to change the style of clothing, the dream book suggests.

Contact with the Creator

I dreamed that you were talking with the Lord - your leader will want to talk with you, the dream book warns. Remember what your conversation with God was about, you will talk about the same with your superiors.

I dreamed that you were looking at sculptures of Egyptian gods - you have a long trip ahead, most likely a business one, suggests Miller's dream book.

Asking for forgiveness from the Lord God - you are offended by someone, and you are waiting for the offender to take the first step towards reconciliation, suggests the dream book of the Eastern sages.

Calling and talking in a dream with the Holy Trinity - your company has become uninteresting for you, you feel close to them, or vice versa, a "nerd". Stop communicating with them for a while, the dream book advises, you will soon realize that you are bored without them.

Why dream of a quarrel between Zeus and Hades on Olympus because of children?

dream interpretation

Talked to God

Dream Interpretation Talked to God dreamed of why in a dream Talked to God? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Talking to God by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation Talk to God

Every person, whether he is a believer or not, at the moment when he is very scared, or no longer has the strength to fight, turns to God for help. We can believe in his existence, we can doubt, or we can be sure that God does not exist. Every person at least once in his life is visited by thoughts, whether the Lord exists, why certain things happen to us.

Seeing the Lord in a dream

Why is God dreaming? It would seem that such a dream has literally several interpretations. But dream books say that you can see different plots in a dream, which are considered by predictors in different ways.

Interpretations of popular dream books

In a dream, you can see the Christian God, or the Egyptian God will appear to you in a vision, or in general, the so-called chicken god - dream books consider the most unthinkable dreams and help you understand them.

Aesop's dream book

Pray in a dream

Pray to the Lord in a dream - the work you started will be successful. But to watch how others pray - you will experience acute disappointment, which will happen through the fault of people who have not met your expectations.

Buying a statue of God or an icon - a deceitful person will appear on your way who will attempt to take advantage of your kindness.

Selling an icon - a person from a close circle will take advantage of you, which will lead to suffering.

Also, this dream book examines in detail the dreams in which you dream of the ancient gods. For example:

  • the goddess of love Aphrodite - it means that you will be happy and successful in love affairs;
  • great Zeus - success in all matters will await you, no matter what you undertake;
  • the god of fire Hermes - so you should spend more time with your loved ones in the family circle;
  • the goddess of hunting Diana - your pressure and diligence will finally be rewarded, life will become an order of magnitude better;
  • the god of marriage Hymen - peace and tranquility will reign in your family, your relationship with your soulmate will be strong and long.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

The Lord, who happened to be seen in a dream, indicates your desire to receive help, to find protection.

According to this dream book, God is a person’s hope for better times, a speedy recovery, happiness in the house.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

Seeing or talking with God in a dream means that soon your health will worsen. It is worth not to hesitate, but to undergo a medical examination.

Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller also ranked such visions as a negative rather than a positive sign from above:

  • the image of God means that you will fall under the influence of a woman with despotic manners;

Feeling sorry for reality

However, Miller can also find a positive interpretation. Happiness and success in business awaits the person who saw in a dream that heaven clearly favors him.

The image of God in a dream in the dream books of different peoples of the world

Why does God dream according to the Ukrainian dream book? In a difficult situation, there is a person who will lend a helping hand to you.

Pray - get material well-being and a quiet life.

For the French, praying or talking to higher powers also means consolation, support and help in a difficult situation. If the Lord stretches out his hands to you, then you will have dizzying success.

Muslims see God - to positive changes in life and spiritual enlightenment. Listen to how God lists all your earthly deeds - get unexpected joy. For people who are far from their home, such a dream promises a quick and successful way home. Pray - get glory and recognition.

Who dreams about God

Dream Interpretations interpret in different ways what God is dreaming of for different categories of people:

The meaning of sleep for a young girl

  • For a child, a dream about the Lord is a dream-indication. So he will grow up to be a great man. It is important to remember what the divine power had in its hands. A harp, a guitar, another instrument indicates that the child will be a great musician, a microscope indicates the fate of a great scientist, a book prophesies writing.
  • For girls, to hear a divine voice in a dream is to ask a wise person for advice, go to church, and not stray from the righteous path.
  • For a young guy, God's voice or face says that he should be more purposeful and courageous, not give up on his dreams, move forward. If you miss your chance, you risk leading a gray, uninteresting life.
  • For an adult, divine powers are extremely rare and come only at those moments when you are at a crossroads, you lose faith, you cannot fight further. The interpretation of this dream is so multifaceted that it requires separate consideration.

If the dreamer is an adult

For the consideration of this dream, the actions of divine power are of primary importance. It is also worth remembering what you were doing at that moment:

  • I dreamed of God threatening you with a finger, angry, scolding - you have committed a serious offense, you urgently need to change the course of your thoughts and life positions.
  • Just to see him, to ask for nothing, not to pray - you are doing exactly the right thing, keep moving in this direction.
  • In a dream, you began to pray, to ask for something, and God appeared to you - you have a mission with which you were sent to this world. To understand what is required of you, try to remember the words of the prayer and what the Lord answered you;

The deity cries in a dream

For older people, fellowship with God is also interpreted positively. Even if the latter called you after him, this does not mean at all that you will die soon. Your condition, both physical and spiritual, will soon improve, life will become better and more pleasant.

Watching in a dream how the Lord walks on the water surface - you will study religious issues. Begin to pray earnestly and ask heaven to grant you divine blessings.

Why does the chicken god dream

The chicken god is a stone with a hole, which was created by nature itself. From time immemorial, the chicken god was considered an amulet that protects its owner from misfortunes and dark forces.

There is no definite answer why this stone was called the chicken god. But dream books believe that he is dreaming if you soon need outside help, in cases of difficult life situations.

Remember that, according to legend, the chicken god protects its owner only if it is carefully handled. Therefore, you should be very careful about your words and actions, do not ask for too much, be happy with what you have.

Other interpretations

What else is God dreaming of? Try to remember which colors prevailed in your night vision, even if you only heard a divine voice, then still pay attention to the surroundings.

It is possible that the Lord gave you some object, its color is also important:

  • white - you are pure in soul, your faith is strong;
  • red - your faith is on the verge of fanaticism, it is possible that you will experience an all-consuming feeling;
  • green - you were born to cultivate the land, work with plants;
  • blue - perhaps you have a flight or a trip to the mountains, a situation will occur there that will make you hear the voice of God;
  • voters: 107

What do you think about when a higher being appears to you in a dream? Why is God dreaming? Most often, this image provokes strong emotional excitement and feelings. Sometimes you may decide that you are doing something wrong. But not always dream of God- this is the personification of your bad behavior. In some cases, vision predicts success or failure in business.

According to psychologists, the image of the Almighty embodies several meanings. The first is due to the fact that you idealize some person. For you, he appears as a deity that you are ready to worship. Another interpretation is related to unrealized opportunities and hidden potential. This is your inner God, whom you value above all others.

But also the symbol of the Creator appears in difficult moments. A person turns to higher powers for support in situations that are out of his control. Even unbelieving people can pray to gain confidence in the future. It is important to understand what the Savior did in your dream. If he said something to you, those words may be important. Remember what you were talking about and analyze its content.

Folk dream book

In the classical interpreter, there are several meanings of what why does God dream in a dream. This is a powerful symbol of faith that can warn of trouble or of impending happiness. Remember the details of your vision in order to accurately interpret it:

  • it seemed that the Almighty was having a conversation with you - in reality, things may not go well. It is possible that you will get sick;
  • dreams that he is well disposed towards you - some powerful person will assist you;
  • blesses you - in the real world, God's wrath may fall on you;
  • on the contrary, to see that he sends curses at you is a sign that you will receive everything that you asked for;
  • make a sacrifice to the Creator - to gain financial well-being;
  • you see God and pray to him - in reality you can count on success in business. You will be supported when you need it;
  • dreaming that someone else is praying - in fact, get ready for difficult trials. The people who work with you will not do what you expected;
  • selling a statue of the Savior - beware of unpleasant and dangerous people in your environment. One of them will try to achieve his own, which will greatly hinder you;
  • buying a statue is a sign that your pride will suffer. This will happen through the fault of an evil and selfish person. He will use you for personal purposes, which will lead to disappointment.

Ukrainian dream book

If you see an image of a deity that is close to real, this is a symbol that fate will be favorable to you. There comes a period of implementation of the plan. If you need something, just ask and you will receive it immediately. A dream has a positive meaning, in which the Almighty speaks to you or holds out his hands towards you. You will be able to achieve the implementation of your most ambitious plans. But remember that in return you need to thank God for helping you.

Miller's dream book

In Miller's interpreter dream of God in the sky- not always a pleasant image. For a man, it can mean the bad influence of a despotic woman. You try to resist him, but to no avail. If you dreamed that the Creator was addressing you with a speech, in reality you could be subjected to public censure. Things won't go well either.

The vision in which you saw the Savior during prayer means that you will repent of what you have done. Sincerity of feelings will allow you to count on forgiveness. If in your dream God showed favor, then you can count on the help of a powerful person. He will help you achieve prosperity.

When you dreamed that someone else was praying to the Almighty, this is a sign that you do not need to be afraid of failure. In the near future you will be lucky in everything.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The clairvoyant believed that such images always warn the dreamer of serious events. It all depends on how God appears to you. If he was illuminated by a luminous halo, this is considered a positive sign. In this case, everything in your life will go strictly according to the plan. You can take on new projects - they will be successfully implemented. Enemies will not be able to oppose you.

If you dream that the figure was on fire, then you should worry. You are not acting in the best way in relation to loved ones. As a result, they suffer, and your relationship collapses.

Loff's dream book

The interpreter pointed out that the image can have different meanings. It has to do with how it is perceived in different cultures. In most cases, it appears as an object of religious worship, which warns a person about any mistakes. Sometimes he can suggest ways to solve a particular problem, and also warns against sins and committing evil deeds.

To correctly interpret why the Savior appeared, you need to understand how the dreamer perceives him. Maybe you are afraid of his retribution? In this case, it is important to remember what he told you. For the offenses that he condemned, you reproach yourself. And this dream only suggests that you need to try to rectify the situation.

If in your dream deities are not classical, but ancient (for example, from Egypt, Greece, etc.), then this indicates a desire to idealize what is happening in your life. Such creatures can sometimes also guide you on the right path, but more often they lead you astray. Each deity is responsible for one or another model of behavior. Therefore, you need to understand who exactly appeared to you, and compare with the data that are present in ancient myths or in the epic. So you will understand what your subconscious is talking about.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

In this interpreter, two possible meanings of the image are always indicated - positive and negative. If in your dream the Almighty was dressed in a red outfit, this is a good sign. He predicts the acquisition of a wise teacher. It doesn't have to be a live person. It is possible that you will receive all the new information from a book. You just have to put into practice everything that you learn. Don't be afraid to do it. Good luck will accompany new projects and ideas.

The possible negative meaning of the appearing image refers to those dreams in which the Savior appeared in black clothes. In the dream book, such a vision is a reference to death and a message from it. Most likely, this is not about death in the classical sense. This refers to the death of the spirit. You have to go through many trials that can shake your faith in the best. It will be hard, but try not to give up. After all, the black stripe will end sooner or later.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The esotericist indicates the following interpretations of dreams:

  • The Creator appears, illuminated with radiance - in reality, someone will try to lead you into temptation. Don't give in - it might end badly;
  • dreams that the Almighty is addressing you with some words - in fact, it is important to remember here what exactly he said. This speech contains a hint of what will happen to you in the near future;
  • dreamed that you were praying to him - a good symbol that portends a successful and happy period.