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2 types of stress. Stress and stress conditions. Causes, stages, what happens in the body, positive and negative consequences, methods of dealing with and increasing stress resistance. Acute reactions to stress

An active social life, a constant presence in the cycle of events, family, work - all this together is the cause of strong tension and anxiety. Due to the wrong lifestyle, as well as exposure to negative situations, a person can experience stress, which in itself has a devastating effect on emotions and health.

What is stress: concept

Before looking for ways to get rid of the negative impact of external factors, it is necessary to find out what stress is, for what reasons it occurs, and by what signs one can judge its presence. Stress can be defined as the reaction of the body to various stimuli. The magnitude and duration of the action of these stimuli varies, and their influence and consequences largely depend on the individual characteristics of the individual and the ability to cope with negative factors.

Stress is also called a state of increased tension and a strong load on the human psyche. It is known that not only negative factors, although they are the most common cause, but also positive ones can cause stress. For example, changes in the family, the birth of a child can also be a cause, although for most people such events are positive.

Thus, stress is defined as the response of the body to the action of stressors. These are the factors and elements in a person's life that can directly affect his condition.


In order to be able to avoid the influence of negative stimuli on the body, it is important to know the causes of stress. Of great importance is the resistance of a person to external stimuli. Different people react to the same event in different ways, respectively, one person may experience stress, while another does not. Main reasons:

  • Chronic fatigue, when there is little time for proper rest.
  • Internal attitudes and beliefs of a person that do not allow adequate and calm response to certain stimuli.
  • Traumatic life situations: illness of relatives and one's own, death, sudden changes in life.
  • Long term financial problems.
  • Mismatch of life with own expectations.
  • Pressure from close people, especially in the family.
  • Family disagreements.
  • Problems at work, inability to find mutual language with colleagues, conflicts with superiors, the impossibility of moving up the career ladder if a person expects it.

Of great importance is the type of human nervous system and its susceptibility to stimuli. A weak nervous system, fears exacerbate the impact of stress factors and lead to its intensification.

How to identify the presence of stress: symptoms and signs

Now it is necessary to find out the main signs and symptoms of stress in order to start its prevention in time and remove a person from a negative state. All symptoms can be divided into several categories:

  • emotional;
  • cognitive;
  • Physiological;
  • Social.

Emotional Signs

A person, being in a state of stress, feels irritability, aggressiveness, tearfulness, a feeling of loneliness. Sudden and poorly controlled outbursts of anger are possible, which leads to conflicts with others. Stress is often the cause of the development of a depressive disorder, so it is important to minimize its impact. There is a change in mood from good to sharply negative.

Cognitive signs of stress

The impact of stress factors, especially prolonged, leads to a deterioration in thinking, memory, attention. A person in this state solves current problems worse, it becomes more difficult for him to perceive new information, to fulfill his professional duties.

Physiological symptoms

Stress is the cause of disruption of many bodily functions. There are headaches, pain in the heart area, blood pressure rises. Often a person under stress has insomnia, a decrease in appetite or an increase in it, which provokes a change in weight. There may be severe fatigue and weakness in the body, and a decrease in sexual desire.

social signs

A person in a stressful situation can go into conflict with other people, not always giving an account of his own actions. People can transfer the impact of stress at work to loved ones, taking out their anger on them. Stress in the family, in turn, can affect the efficiency in professional activities, and constant negative thoughts can provoke the appearance of errors in work, and sometimes injuries. In a person who is under stress for a long time, social contacts may be disturbed, as people begin to avoid his aggression.

Types of stress

In medical and psychological practice, it is divided according to the mode of action: a positive form and a negative one.

Eustress is stress caused by positive events. It is divided into two groups:

  • Caused by emotion.
  • Mobilizing.

The first type arises when a person realizes what is happening to him, he understands the tasks facing him and sees ways to solve it. The second type involves a small adrenaline rush, which helps to tune in and quickly switch to solving the current task. We experience mobilizing stress in the morning when we need to quickly get ready for work. These are light types of stress that help to deal with current problems and be active in the world around us.

With a low resistance of the body and the human psyche to the effects of external factors, eustress can turn into a destructive one.

Distress - this type of stress has a destructive effect on the human body. Mental activity is disturbed, physical health worsens, working capacity decreases. It can also be divided into several subtypes.

  1. Physiological. Such stress appears when exposed to adverse environmental factors: temperature, weather, as well as internal factors - hunger, thirst, pain in various parts of the body.
  2. Emotional. It occurs during situations when a person experiences strong emotions, and they can be not only negative, but also positive. The constant experience of the same emotions can cause fatigue, moral and psychological exhaustion. This type also occurs in the presence of a strong imagination, fantasies that can cause real stress.
  3. short term. Occurs with the sudden impact of some factors, for example, a sharp fright. Often associated with the instinct of self-preservation. It usually passes quickly and has no after effects. However, when a severely traumatic situation occurs, stress can be experienced for several days and be profound.
  4. Chronic. This is the most dangerous type. A person is daily and systematically exposed to certain stressors. At the same time, he gets used to their presence, ceases to notice, however, they continue to act. Distress can lead to disruption of the body, various diseases, nervous breakdowns. Often ends with development in its severe form, up to suicidal tendencies.
  5. Nervous stress. It is often observed in people predisposed to nervous diseases, but it can also occur against the background of severe tension. AT this case much depends on the type of nervous system and how a person usually reacts to stimuli.

Stages of development of stress

Development takes place in several stages. It can be observed as a state of excitement, when it is difficult to control one's emotions and actions, as well as a state of inhibition and indifference to what is happening. There are 3 stages of stress:

The first stage is anxiety.

This is the body's initial response to stimuli. There is anxiety, fear, alertness. At this stage, a person can mobilize his forces to solve the situation. The stage lasts from several minutes to several weeks, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the psyche. As a result, a person may lose self-control, his behavior changes to the opposite of what is usual for him, tension builds up, relationships with loved ones and colleagues may be disrupted.


At this stage, the body's resources are activated and resistance to stressors occurs. Being at this stage, a person is able to most effectively cope with the impact of the stimulus. The body's resistance is overestimated, a person is able to analyze and find the most effective solution.

The third stage of stress is exhaustion

If a solution and a way out of the situation is not found, and the person failed to cope with his emotions, then the stress passes into the phase of exhaustion. Strong fatigue, indifference, lack of strength and desire to do something and change begin to be felt. High probability of occurrence of somatic and psychological diseases.

If a person has enough of his own resources or he has found methods to deal with stress, then he gets out of his influence.

The psyche and resistance of each person to adverse factors are individual. One person experiences a little stress and easily finds a way out, while the other reacts violently and aggressively to a similar situation. It is important to learn how to recognize the presence of stress and its type in time and take appropriate measures. Rest, change of activity, positive social contacts, sports will help reduce the impact of adverse factors and prevent the transition of mild forms of stress into.

Stress- this is a response of the human body to overstrain, negative emotions, or simply to monotonous fuss. During stress, the human body produces the hormone adrenaline, which makes you look for a way out. Everyone needs stress in small amounts, as it makes you think, look for a way out of the problem, without stress in general, life would be boring. But on the other hand, if there is too much stress, the body weakens, loses strength and the ability to solve problems.

Selye identified 3 stages of the general adaptation syndrome:

    Anxiety stage. The person is in a state of alertness and tension. Adaptive resources are mobilized in the body and a sort of “prelaunch readiness” arises. Although a person feels good physically and mentally and is in a good mood, so-called psychosomatic disorders may occur during this period: migraine, allergies, stomach ulcers or gastritis.

    The stage of resistance. Occurs if the stress is still strong. All the resources raised by the body for adaptation begin to be actively spent. The person no longer feels the rise of strength, but has already “entered into a working form” and is ready for a more or less long overcoming of difficulties, despite barely perceptible fatigue.

    stage of exhaustion. It occurs with prolonged exposure to stress on the body. The energy spent on fighting the circumstances has already been exhausted, and the moral and physical strength is running out. Man no longer has the ability to defend himself. In this case, help can already be provided from the outside in the form of support or elimination of the cause of stress.

For each stage, characteristic changes in neuroendocrine functioning are described.

Initially, Selye viewed stress solely as a destructive, negative phenomenon, but Selye later writes:

Stress is a non-specific response of the body to any demand presented to it. […] From the point of view of the stress response, it does not matter whether the situation we are facing is pleasant or unpleasant. What matters is the intensity of the need for adjustment or adaptation.

- Hans Selye, "The Stress of Life"

Types of stress


The concept has two meanings - "stress caused by positive emotions" and "mild stress that mobilizes the body."


A negative type of stress that the body cannot cope with. It undermines human health and can lead to serious illnesses. The immune system suffers from stress. In a stressful state, people are more likely to become victims of infection, since the production of immune cells drops markedly during a period of physical or mental stress.

emotional stress

Emotional stress is the emotional processes that accompany stress and lead to adverse changes in the body. During stress, the emotional reaction develops earlier than others, activating the autonomic nervous system and its endocrine support. With prolonged or repeated stress, emotional arousal can stagnate, and the functioning of the body can go wrong.

Psychological stress

Psychological stress, as a type of stress, is understood by different authors in different ways, but many authors define it as stress caused by social factors.

stress symptoms

What is stress in practical terms? To understand this, let's look at the main stress symptoms:

A constant feeling of irritability, depression, and sometimes for no particular reason.

Bad, restless sleep.

Depression, physical weakness, headache, fatigue, unwillingness to do anything.

Decreased concentration, making it difficult to study or work. Memory problems and decreased speed of the thought process.

The inability to relax, put aside your affairs and problems.

Lack of interest in others, even in best friends, relatives and close people.

A constantly arising desire to cry, tearfulness, sometimes turning into sobs, melancholy, pessimism, self-pity for a loved one.

Decreased appetite - although the opposite happens: excessive absorption of food.

Often there are nervous tics and obsessive habits: a person bites his lips, bites his nails, etc. There is fussiness, distrust of everyone and everyone.

Selye later introduced the concept of "positive stress" ( Eustress), and designated “negative stress” as distress.

Positive properties of stress

And here we again give a small list:

    According to Dr. Richard Shelton from the University of Alabama, stress does not always have a negative effect on the human body. Yes, in the event that it has become chronic, then you should contact specialists, but if stress happens only periodically, then this can be beneficial.

    When exposed to stress, indicators of intellectual abilities grow, because. the brain creates more neurotrophins that keep neurons alive and provide communication between them

    Stress enhances immunity, because. the body, feeling its impact, begins to prepare for potentially dangerous situations, during which interleukins are produced - substances, to some extent, responsible for maintaining normal immunity. Stress mobilizes the body's resistance, although only temporarily

    Under the influence of stress, the body becomes more resilient, because stress can be called a kind of training of the emotional system and psyche. When a person faces stress and solves the problems associated with it, he becomes more resilient to more serious problems.

    Stress forms motivation. Such stress is called positive or simply eleustress. It allows a person to enter a state that saves strength and resources, and as a result of which a person simply does not have time to procrastinate, reflect or worry.

    Specialists at Johns Hopkins University found that the children of women who experienced mild or moderate forms of stress during pregnancy develop faster physical activity and motility

    Severe stress dilates a person's pupils so that he can collect the maximum amount of visual information about ongoing events.

    According to scientists, stress is the most important part of the evolutionary process, because. it enhances the ability of a living being to survive

    Stress thickens the blood, which prepares the body for injury (but the downside is that frequent stress can lead to blood clots)

How to deal with stress?

Many methods of prevention can be performed without the help of a specialist. For example, for those who constantly live in a nervous environment and face stressful situations daily, psychotherapists advise:

    it is easier to relate to ongoing events and not take them to heart;

    learn to think positively, finding positive features in every incident;

    switch to pleasant thoughts. If any negativity overwhelms you, force yourself to think of something else;

    laugh more. As you know, laughter not only prolongs life, but also helps to get rid of nervous tension;

    study physical education, because Sport helps to get rid of negativity and cope with stress.

Avoid unnecessary stress.

It is impossible to avoid all stressful situations. There are, of course, those who, despite their unpleasantness, must be resolved. However, in life there is a huge amount of stress that can still be avoided.

Try to change the situation.

If you can't avoid a stressful situation, try changing it. Find out how you can change things so that this problem does not occur in the future. Often this is due to a change in interpersonal communication and work in your daily life.

Adaptation to the stressor

If you can't change a stressful situation, then change your attitude and adjust to it. Look at stress from a different angle

Accept what you can't change

Some sources of stress are unavoidable. You cannot prevent or change stress caused by a serious illness or death of a loved one, a crisis, etc. In such cases, the best way to deal with stress is to accept these situations for what they are.

Find time for relaxation and entertainment

If you regularly find time for relaxation and entertainment, then you will be better protected from the inevitable stressful situations.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

You can increase your resilience to stress by improving your physical health.

Stress: causes, types and prevention


Snezhana Ivanova

All people are affected by stress. Nervous tension, various surprises at work and in the family lead to the exhaustion of moral and physical strength.

Stress is an essential component of life modern man. Many people would like to avoid it completely, but in most cases this cannot be done. Nervous tension, various surprises at work and in the family lead to the exhaustion of moral and physical strength. All people are affected by stress, its symptoms are known to everyone.

stress symptoms

It is important for everyone to know the symptoms of stress. Life sometimes presents us with such surprises that one can only be surprised at how everything unfolds in an unknown way. By what manifestations can one understand that a person is experiencing severe nervous tension? What are the main symptoms of stress? Let's try to figure it out.

Sleep disturbance

A person under stress often suffers from insomnia. Sleep disorders are associated with overexcitation of the nervous system. Such a load is fraught with consequences. Often there is a situation where a person wants to sleep, and can not do it. He fails to achieve complete relaxation. Thoughts are layered on top of each other, making it difficult to adequately perceive the events taking place. A person under stress cannot experience the pleasure of rest. All he does is fight invisible enemies and constantly expect the worst possible outcome. Everyone has their own reasons for stress. The symptoms are the same for most people. The first thing that begins to be noticed is that peace of mind is leaving, a person is losing support under his feet. Moreover, in most cases, people tend to endure any emotional upheaval. Few people manage to avoid stress in everyday life, but it must and can be dealt with.

physical weakness

Under stress, physical weakness is always observed, this is his characteristic symptom. It's all about the hormone adrenaline, which begins to be produced in large quantities during stress. Physical weakness is the result of nervous overexertion. Sometimes there is a characteristic pain in the muscles. You should not be afraid of this condition - it will pass in a few hours. After stress, it is best to sleep, mentally disconnect from what is happening. You can’t force yourself to do something, only if it is not required by emergency circumstances. Physical weakness is a completely natural reaction to severe overwork and stress.

Sense of anxiety

Another characteristic symptom that is simply impossible not to notice. Stress undermines the internal forces of the body, leaving disappointment and fear inside. The feeling of anxiety does not leave those people who are under stress. This symptom indicates that it is time to take some effective measures, and not just suffer endlessly. Anxiety, irritability, unwillingness to act is associated with a breakdown. It is undesirable to leave a person alone in such a state, no matter what the reasons for the disorder are. The best medicine is to talk with a loved one or a good friend who can support. Other symptoms of stress are associated with the inability to relax, to make the right decision.

Any nervous shock does not arise from scratch. It just doesn't happen. Very serious reasons are necessary for the formation and development of stress. They usually indicate what a person needs to change in their life. Anyone who is attentive to his own condition and does not want to aggravate it should be engaged in the prevention of stress. Let's take a closer look at the causes of stress.

job change

Very often, a change in the usual environment entails the development of stress. This is a common cause of stress. A person needs to get used to a new environment. At first, everyone experiences a certain nervous tension, self-doubt. Feelings of anxiety and some danger may not leave for several days or even weeks. And that's a perfectly normal reaction. healthy body to stress. Changing the type of activity is a serious step that should not be taken spontaneously, under the influence of emotions. Such a reason is quite enough to start experiencing not very pleasant emotions. In most cases, people are terrified of being fired and do everything possible to avoid this event, because they believe that finding a good job is difficult and impossible to do it quickly.

Parting with a loved one

This is a serious reason that can lead not only to the development of stress, but to act as a serious reason for the formation of a nervous breakdown. A person is not omnipotent, he cannot constantly experience negative emotions and at the same time not have any significant consequences. Parting with a loved one is something that can turn the system of internal beliefs, break the strong mental organization of a person. This happens because people have a deep need to take care of someone close. If you deprive a person of such an opportunity, he will feel unnecessary and failed. Prevention and treatment of stress that has arisen on the basis of personal relationships is impossible without an awareness of the individual's future prospects. Still, much needs to be rethought and understood in order to change the attitude towards the situation.

Unmet Needs

Sometimes stress is formed on the basis of unmet needs. They can be both physical and psychological. What can be attributed to this item? For example, unfulfilled dreams of personal happiness, unrequited love. Difficulties at work, associated with the need to prove oneself and prove one's worth, also lead to stress. The unmet need for love and acceptance is a common cause of stress. If people analyzed all the causes that can only lead to nervous overstrain, then it would be impossible to describe them all. There are many reasons for stress. If a person does not take care of himself, then very soon he will earn himself a nervous breakdown.

In psychological science, it is customary to distinguish several stages in the development of stress. These stages characterize the state of mind of a person, the ability to resist any negative factors. The very stages of stress can be compared with the steps along which a person moves through the labyrinths of his emotions.

Light degree

The very first stage is characterized by the appearance of slight fatigue, impressionability, susceptibility. A person suddenly begins to think about his life, is afraid to take active steps in order to correct an unsatisfactory situation. The easy stage does not bring much suffering. It only shows that something is wrong with a person: he is tired, nervous, lost his way. But if you do not make attempts to get rid of nervous tension, anxiety and doubts will only grow.

Average degree

The second stage, which is characterized by a rapid increase in the level of anxiety. At this stage, it becomes more difficult to resist the onslaught of stress. The second stage assumes that a person begins to immerse himself in his own experiences, although he continues to actively seek a way out of a predicament. Being in the middle stage, a lot can still be corrected without much damage to health. The only sad thing is that sometimes people think very little about how much they harm themselves. You can not treat stress without any attention, it is fraught with irreversible consequences.

Severe degree

Unfortunately, stress develops and progresses very quickly. If the situation has gone too far, one has to reap bitter fruits. The third stage of stress is characterized by severe depression, unwillingness to make any attempts to restore peace of mind. A person ceases to believe that anyone can help him. This condition is already called anxiety-nervous disorders and has a strong impact on the perception of reality. Such a person is unable to perceive joy, he needs serious treatment. The third stage of development of stress requires increased attention.

Types of stress

In psychology, there are two main types of stress. These types are fundamentally different from each other and allow you to judge how productively a person works on himself. Knowing the types of nervous tension, you can try to analyze your own state and come to certain conclusions.


This is a type of nervous tension in which there is a strong concentration of attention on any object or phenomenon. In this case, even experiences are beneficial.: a person in a short time mobilizes all his internal forces in order to get out of a difficult situation, to achieve a certain result. This type of shock contributes to a better understanding of one's own intentions, the search for a way out. A person begins to realize what he really should strive for, and what it is better to completely abandon.


This kind of nervous tension cannot be beneficial. It is a type of nervous disorder in which a person suffers greatly. In fact, distress is a type of stress, the main distinguishing feature of which is prolonged emotional arousal. With such a disorder, of course, a person cannot fully develop, feel happy. In this case, the tension increases several times, it cannot be compared with any kind of emotional disturbances. Distress is not just a kind of disharmony within the personality, but a serious disorder that needs timely treatment.

Treatment and prevention of stress

Any emotional deviations should be examined without fail. It is better to prevent them than to try to fix something later. To prescribe competent treatment must necessarily be a specialist, and not a lover of heart-to-heart conversations. Qualified psychologists are engaged in the prevention of stress. What are the main principles of treatment and prevention? Let's try to figure it out!

improve sleep

Before you start swallowing sedative pills, you should go the easier way. You need to start monitoring the quality of your rest. Very often, people significantly neglect sleep, sacrificing it for some urgent business. This should not be done. For a person, sleep is extremely important. The correct daily routine will be an excellent prevention of stress and will help in the treatment if the problem has already appeared. It is better not to delay treatment if a person really needs it.

Physical activity

Many modern people, guided by some considerations, significantly neglect physical activity. This is a big mistake that can lead to irreparable consequences. Treatment and prevention of stress are based on constant movement. A person should be aware that you need to do gymnastics or exercises at least once a day. It is best to practice a specific sport. This is an excellent treatment that helps even in advanced cases. In itself, the treatment of a nervous breakdown requires the individual to take full responsibility for what is happening. You need to try to move as much as possible, then subsequently you will not have to resort to treatment with potent drugs.


This method is good because it allows you to get rid of any manifestations of trouble in the state of mind of a person. Treatment of stress is advisable to begin with a deep understanding of the events. The more a person develops the skill of managing his own inner essence, the faster he will be able to cope with any problem.

Thus, in order to free yourself from nervous tension, you need to try to find peace of mind as soon as possible. It is better to prevent a severe emotional disorder in time than to resort to its treatment later.

Good day, dear readers!

In this article, we will discuss with you such important issues on the topic of stress as: the concept of stress, the causes, symptoms and development of stress, stressful situations, as well as how to relieve stress and prevent its manifestation. So…

The concept of stress

stress ( English stress)- a non-specific (abnormal) condition or reaction of the body to various adverse factors (stressors) that affect it. Among the most popular stressors are fears, conflicts, lack of funds.

Among the symptoms of stress, irritability, anger, insomnia, passivity, lethargy, dissatisfaction with the outside world and other signs are distinguished.

An interesting fact is that small stressful situations are necessary for a person, because. they play an important role in further favorable changes in the life of the person himself. This is due to the release of adrenaline into the blood of a person during a stressful situation, as well as other biochemical reactions that help a person solve a particular task, which may last more than one year in a person’s life.

One example that vividly depicts this picture: In the 90s, one person went bankrupt in business, and in such a way that he also remained in large debts, about $ 1 million. This stressful situation forced a person to mobilize all his mental and other abilities to solve this issue. After some time, he decided to make several types of salads and offer them for sale in one of the capital's shops. His salads quickly sold out, and just a year later he supplied salads to many metropolitan supermarkets, which allowed him to repay the debt.

Another example, which is often called the "self-preservation instinct" - when a person is in mortal danger, he can solve this issue in a way that is simply impossible in a normal state.

Of course, the situations are different, and the solutions are the same, but I think, in general, you understand the picture.

In addition to the positive effects, stress can also have negative effects. When a person is constantly exposed to stressful situations, his body intensively wastes its strength (energy), which leads to its rapid exhaustion. Since all organs are in a tense state, they are more susceptible to secondary adverse factors, such as diseases.

A striking example is the situation when under stress a person falls ill, the speech apparatus is disturbed (), etc.

In addition, severe stress or a sudden stressful situation sometimes leads a person to.

Also, with strong, prolonged and frequent stress, a number of pathological changes develop, expressed in various diseases of the mental, nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, immune and other systems. The body is exhausted, weakens, loses the ability to decide or get out of a stressful situation.

Thus, scientists have established two main types of stress - eustress (positive stress) and distress (negative stress). We’ll talk about types later, but now let’s move on to considering the symptoms (reactions) of the body to stressful situations.

Some of the body's most common responses to stress include:

- causeless and frequent bouts of irritability, anger, dissatisfaction with the people around the person, the situation, the world;

- distrust of oneself and other people, fussiness;

- frequent desire to cry and sobs, longing, self-pity;

- lack of desire to eat, or vice versa, excessive desire to eat;

- nervous tic, non-specific desires for the patient to bite his nails, bite his lips;

- increased sweating, irritability, digestive system disorders (,), skin itching, heart palpitations, chest discomfort, breathing problems, feelings of suffocation, sharp, numbness or tingling in the limbs;

- increased interest in alcohol, drugs, smoking, computer games and other things that previously did not particularly interest a person.

Complications of stress

Among the complications are:

- constant insomnia and headaches;
- use of drugs, alcohol;
- disorders of the digestive system -,;
- cardiovascular diseases ( , );
- depression, hatred, suicidal desires.

There are a lot of reasons for stress, tk. each person has his own individual organism, psyche, lifestyle, therefore, one and the same factor may not affect one person at all, or have a slight effect, while another person literally becomes ill, for example, a conflict with another person. Therefore, consider the most popular causes and / or factors of stress:

- a conflict situation with another person - at work, at home, with friends or even with strangers, a quarrel;

- dissatisfaction - with their appearance, the people around them, success at work, self-realization in the world, the environment (home, work), standard of living;

- a small living wage, lack of money, debts;

- a long absence of vacation and a good rest from everyday affairs, life;

- routine life with a lack or a small amount of positive emotions, changes;

- long-term chronic diseases, especially affecting the appearance, as well as diseases of relatives;


- the death of a relative or just a close or familiar person;

- deficiency in the body and trace elements;

- watching emotional films, or vice versa, horror films;

- problems in sexual life;

- frequent fears, especially of fatal diseases (), the opinions of other people, old age, a small pension;

- loneliness;

- excessive physical activity, or unfavorable conditions environment(cold, heat, rainy weather, high or low atmospheric pressure);

- a sharp change in the environment - moving to another place of residence, changing jobs;

- hard music;

- other reasons or situations that can hook or annoy a person.

Types of stress

  • By type of stimulus:

physical stress. It occurs as a result of exposure to the body of adverse environmental conditions - the sun, cold, heat, rain, radiation, etc.

biological stress. Occurs as a result of a malfunction in the work of various body systems, diseases, injuries, excessive physical activity on the body.

Psychological or mental (emotional, nervous) stress. It occurs as a result of exposure to a person of various positive or negative emotions / experiences. Most often due to social problems- money, quarrels, living conditions.

Eustress. Provoked by positive emotions, experiences.

Distress. A negative form of stress, in which the body finds it difficult to cope with the problem. It is a common cause of various diseases, sometimes even fatal, such as cancer.

  • By time:

short term stress. It emerges and develops rapidly. It also disappears very quickly after removal of the stressor (pathogenic factor).

chronic stress. This type of stress attacks a person from day to day, accustoming the body to being under it in such a way that the patient almost begins to believe that this is his reality, not seeing a way out. A chronic form of stress often leads a person to various complex diseases, phobias, and suicide.

Phases of stress

The development of stress occurs in three phases:

1. Mobilization. The body reacts to the stressor with anxiety and mobilizes its defenses and resources to resist the stressor.

2. Confrontation. The body resists a stressful situation, a person is actively looking for a way out of it.

3. Exhaustion. With a long duration of influence of a stress factor on a person, the body begins to deplete and becomes vulnerable to secondary threats (various diseases).

stress treatment

How to relieve stress? Stress management includes the following:

removal of the stressor (stress factor);
- physiological procedures;
- taking calming (sedative) drugs;
- psychological correction.

1. The first thing to do to relieve stress is to remove the irritating factor, if possible. For example, change jobs, stop communicating with a conflicting person, etc. Sometimes even the red walls of your bedroom or office space can be an irritant.

2. Physiological stress relief procedures include:

- healthy sleep;
- a good rest, preferably in nature;
- eating food enriched with vitamins and;
- active lifestyle - exercise, cycling, swimming;
- relaxing baths;
- relaxing music;
- a walk in the fresh air before going to bed;
- deep, calm breathing - inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth;
- relaxing massage.

3. Medicines against stress are divided into two groups - sedatives and tranquilizers (anxiolytics).

Sedatives or drugs are aimed at calming the mental system. Among them are:

- sedatives: "Barboval", "Valerian", "Melison".
- sedatives: tea with, tinctures (, peony), decoctions (, oregano), relaxing baths (with needles).

Tranquilizers (anxiolytics): Adaptol, Noofen, Tenoten.

Important! Before using drugs and other anti-stress drugs, be sure to consult your doctor!

4. The intake of vitamins has a very beneficial effect on the body, this is especially true when eating monotonous and unhealthy food, or with constant physical and mental stress. Particular emphasis should be placed on the intake of B vitamins, which are found in large quantities in nuts, cereals (wheat, rice, barley), black seeds, dried apricots.

5. Psychological correction. A psychologist's consultation can help you rethink your life, change your daily priorities, change your attitude towards yourself and other people. Sometimes a professional, after listening to the patient, can help make the right decision in a given situation, or teach a person to solve stressful situations on his own. In all cases, everything is individual, as we said at the beginning of the article.

I can't help but mention about prayer, because turning to God and His solutions to certain issues, including stressful situations, often go beyond understanding, and the result usually exceeds all the expectations of the person who turns to Him. Who better than the Creator is able to solve the problems of His creation and understand all of its bitterness, despair, anguish and other human problems.

To minimize the development of stress, pay attention to the following recommendations:

- lead an active lifestyle;
- Eat food enriched;
- try to find a job that you like;
- get enough sleep;
- give up alcoholic beverages do not use drugs;
- spend more time outdoors, relax in nature, not at the computer;
- limit yourself in the use of caffeine (coffee, strong black tea);
- do not watch or listen to what is unpleasant for you (movies, music, news);
- watch your child - what he reads and watches, limit him from information of a violent, otherworldly and occult nature;
- share your experiences with friends or relatives you trust;
- if you feel that you cannot or do not know how to overcome stressful situations, contact a psychologist for advice;
- Turn to the Lord and ask Him to help you overcome stressful situations.

Which doctor should I contact for stress?

  • Psychologist;
  • Psychotherapist.

Video about stress

In most medical sources, stress is described as a certain reaction of a person in response to exposure to various stimuli. Moreover, it can be not only emotional and psychological factors, but also physical ones.

AT recent times when studying the etiology and pathogenesis of many diseases (especially autoimmune and oncological, lesions of the cardiovascular system), attention is paid to such a concept as psychosomatics, in other words, the relationship of the psychological state with the work of internal organs and systems.

As a result of clinical studies, it was found that it is the permanent influence of stress that is one of the main causes of many pathologies.

The Canadian scientist Hans Selye (1907-1982) played an important role in the study of stress and the response of the body in response to the influence of adverse environmental factors.

The data he received allowed modern specialists to explain the relationship of such a condition with various acute and chronic diseases.

Currently, stress also means:

  • strongly negative (as well as positive) factors affecting the body (they are also called stressors);
  • response of the body to the impact of the stressor;
  • adaptive mechanisms that “turn on” in situations that threaten health.

Under the influence of both physical and mental factors, certain biochemical reactions occur in the body. The autonomic nervous system is activated, the sensitivity of adreno-, cholino- and serotonin receptors increases. The activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary system increases, which leads to the release of adrenaline, the renin-angiotensive system, which is reflected in the level of blood pressure.

The activity of the kallikrein-kinin system also increases, which includes protein structures that regulate the intensity of pain impulses, vascular tone, etc. In addition, there are certain changes in the work of the cardiovascular system. A similar condition affects the rheological properties of blood, increasing its ability to coagulate.

On the one hand, these reactions are designed to protect internal organs and tissue from damage. However, on the other hand, prolonged exposure to such factors leads to the opposite effect - disruption of the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine and other systems.

There are many classifications of stress. So, according to G. Selye, stress can be not only harmful, but also beneficial for a person. It's called eustress. Against the background of such a state, the reserve capabilities of the body are mobilized, resistance to various environmental factors (various infections, blood loss, etc.) increases. There are cases when symptoms of chronic somatic diseases disappeared against the background of eustress.

"Harmful" stress (distress), on the contrary, reduces the body's resistance, aggravates the course of existing pathologies, and moreover, causes the emergence of new diseases. It is believed that the development of such a condition is due to too intense exposure to a stress factor or an inadequate response of the endocrine system to its influence. But the physiological nature of eustress and distress has not been fully elucidated.

Another classification involves dividing stress into:

  • Biological. Arises as a protective mechanism, regardless of the type of impact. Manifested in the form of tachycardia, hypertension, decreased activity immune system. Breathing movements become deeper and more frequent, the muscles are tense. At the same time, the work of the digestive tract slows down, and metabolic processes accelerate.
  • Psychological (emotional). This term refers to the emotional response of a person to the impact of stressors. This form of stress is more dependent on psychological features. So, a tendency to depressive states, complexes, uncertainty in own forces etc. reinforces the negative impact of distress and can lead to serious consequences in the future.

Previously, only a limited number of diseases (asthma, ulcers, hypertension, migraine) were considered purely psychosomatic. But now this list has expanded. According to experts, many pathologies can be added to it, ranging from the common cold to cancer.

  • Professional (labor). AT production activities there are always some extreme situations for the employee. On the one hand, they require constant intensive work in the face of a lack of time and resources. On the other hand, distress can be the result, and vice versa, of monotonous activity, lack of interpersonal relationships, etc. Be that as it may, professional stress arises when the requirements imposed on a person by the duty of work, and his internal capabilities and resources do not match. Psychological tension is also increased by external stimuli (noise of appliances, hum of office equipment, etc.). The same group of stresses also includes the state in which students and schoolchildren live during exams and tests, serving in military units stationed in "hot spots", etc.

A separate group is the so-called post-traumatic stress disorder, which was described in his numerous works by the American psychoanalyst A. Kardiner in 1980. Such a state is usually associated with natural disasters, catastrophes, various incidents that go beyond the usual human experience.

But the symptoms of delayed psychological trauma may appear much later than the direct influence of the stress factor in the form of headaches, gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system. In addition, manifestations of such a state include bouts of anger, irritability, aggressiveness, loss of interest in surrounding events, etc.

During stress, several stages are distinguished, which were described in the concept of the general adaptation syndrome described by G. Selye in 1960.

  • Stage of anxiety. During this period, the body's defenses are mobilized, when the activity of the nervous and endocrine systems increases. The mechanisms of preservation and maintenance of homeostasis are activated, the efficiency of organs and tissues involved in specific and non-specific stress-response increases due to increased breakdown of glucose and other energy resources. At the same time, cell division processes are suspended, appetite and sexual function are reduced. Increased mental activity to maintain normal temperature sweating increases. Due to the stimulation of the activity of the adrenal cortex, a massive release of corticosteroids into the blood occurs.
  • Stage of resistance (resistance). Force defense mechanisms reaches its maximum. A number of biochemical and metabolic reactions are aimed at maintaining homeostasis (the so-called constancy and balance of the internal environment of the body). This phase serves as a natural continuation of the anxiety stage. Proteins and fats are converted into energy, blood levels rise fatty acids suppresses inflammatory responses. Sodium retention in the body is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. Body weight can decrease, but not due to adipose tissue, but against the background of the destruction of proteins that make up the structure of muscles, skin and bones.
  • Exhaustion stage. Develops against the background of prolonged influence of stress factors. Adaptive resources are depleted, which causes the corresponding emotional state of a person. The vital functions for the body slow down, the reserves of antioxidants and proteins are exhausted. The exhaustion phase is accompanied by an increased loss of potassium, which affects the state of the cardiovascular system. Long-term stay in such a state is fatal due to hypotrophy of the adrenal cortex, inhibition of the structures responsible for the immune response.

The causes of stress are varied and to some extent depend on the individual's response to certain stimuli (for example, one person reacts quite calmly to work conflicts, the other is more emotionally unstable).

However, the main stressors include:

  • troubles in the family;
  • various problems at work;
  • loss of relatives, friends, friends (however, the resulting state is closer to depression, and on the corresponding scale such grief is estimated at 100 points);
  • own illness or identified pathologies in family members;
  • job loss or retirement;
  • financial insolvency, constant lack of money;
  • admission to the university, exams, control, tests, etc.;
  • man-made and natural disasters, disasters, wars, etc.;
  • divorce;
  • impossibility of self-expression and related complexes.

The cause of stress can also be quite pleasant events in a person’s life:

  • wedding;
  • device on new job;
  • purchase of housing;
  • pregnancy and childbirth, etc.

Various physiological problems can also act as stressors:

  • overwork;
  • burns;
  • severe injuries, fractures, etc.;
  • upcoming surgery;
  • fright;
  • influence of heat or cold, etc.

As a rule, both physiological and behavioral and subjective reactions are involved in the development of symptoms of such a condition:

  • the content of catecholamines determines the severity of emotional experiences and predisposition to anxiety and stress disorders;
  • the predominance of adrenaline is accompanied by the appearance of feelings of anxiety and fear, while norepinephrine causes the opposite feelings of determination and anger;
  • cortisol reduces the activity of the immune system, which predetermines the tendency to infectious, autoimmune and oncological diseases;
  • increased activity of lipid peroxidation reactions often leads to pathologies of the cardiovascular system, in particular, damage to the membranes of myocardial cells.

Stress can also be acute or last for a long time. An example of the first form of the syndrome is the state before a responsible exam, meeting, competition, etc. Against the background of prolonged stress, there is a gradual mobilization and subsequent depletion of the body's functional reserves.

The concept of stress and the main symptoms of such a condition

Any person is subject to stress, regardless of social status, position or position in society. According to statistics, in the United States, where, in fact, the very concept of stress was first recognized and introduced into general clinical practice, about 90% of the working population suffers from this condition, and large corporations are forced to spend millions on health benefits. In our country, this figure is approximately 70%.

According to experts, occupational stress plays an important role in the development of such a situation.

Depending on the factors provoking this condition, this syndrome is divided into:

  • informational, when an employee cannot cope with the task due to lack of data;
  • communicative, associated with interpersonal relationships in the workforce, with clients, superiors, etc.;
  • emotional, caused by a discrepancy between the requirements for the employee and his capabilities.

That is why companies that care about the emotional health of their employees invest their efforts and money in organizing field trainings, work with psychologists to develop a team building strategy.

However, each person perceives or experiences a stressful situation in their own way. Susceptibility to this kind of stimuli depends on the psychological make-up and individual characteristics.

People who are more susceptible to stressors are:

  • strive for excellence in studies, performance of work duties, household chores;
  • prone to causeless anxiety and depressive disorders;
  • often get hung up on a situation;
  • react too strongly to excitement, which is manifested by external symptoms (fluctuations in blood pressure, tachycardia, indigestion, etc.);
  • suffer from neurological disorders.

The very concept of emotional stress includes a combination of several groups of clinical symptoms. First of all, it concerns the psychological state of a person.

  • bouts of anger and irritability;
  • unreasonable aggression towards family members, work colleagues and strangers(for example, in a store, public transport, etc.);
  • sleep disorders;
  • hysteria;
  • acute reaction to minor events;
  • self-doubt, internal conflicts;
  • pessimistic attitude towards the future (both one's own and relatives, friends);
  • pathologically increased activity, committing rash, impulsive acts.

Often not in better side human behavior also changes. People under stress:

  • avoid communication with other people (both face-to-face meetings and telephone conversations);
  • distance themselves from the family;
  • prone to overeating or vice versa, lack of appetite;
  • can abuse alcohol, smoke a lot, and with a certain predisposition or under the influence of the environment, switch to taking drugs;
  • deliberately provoke conflict;
  • often cry for no apparent reason.

Mental abilities also suffer from stress. Appear:

  • forgetfulness;
  • distraction;
  • slowing down of speech, speaking;
  • decreased concentration;
  • inattention.

Staying in chronic stress is reflected in the general well-being. Often a person complains about:

  • shortness of breath
  • increased heartbeat;
  • bouts of hypertension;
  • chest pain;
  • nausea, belching, heartburn and other symptoms associated with impaired digestive function;
  • erectile dysfunction and decreased libido;
  • violations menstrual cycle;
  • skin itching.

Often, against the background of stress, chronic pathologies worsen, resistance to viral and bacterial infections decreases. It has been proven that such a condition leads to the occurrence of autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus, and various dermatoses.

Stress as a human response: methods of drug and non-drug care

In accordance with the generally accepted opinion in psychology, the vast majority of people can be divided into two groups (A and B). A person belonging to the first type is usually focused only on success and on achieving his goals.

Against the background of a stressful state, he is seized by a thirst for activity (not always deliberate), which is explained by an increase in the activity of the sympathetic system. According to doctors, people with a similar temperament are more prone to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Type B people behave in exactly the opposite way under stress. They do not rush into the pool with their heads, carefully considering each step. Such behavior is associated with a high functional activity of the parasympathetic system.

In addition, the literature on psychology also describes the most common models (strategies) of behavior in response to the influence of stress factors. This is:

  • Active resolution strategy. At the same time, a person tries to make the most of all the resources at his disposal (and tries to attract new ones) to resolve the situation.
  • Active search strategy. A person is constantly looking for social support for the most effective and productive solution to his problem, turning to friends and relatives for help, trying to find connections in influential circles, etc.
  • Avoidance strategy. This behavior is often compared with the desire of a mollusk to hide in its shell. A person also seeks to limit contacts with the outside world as much as possible, and avoid participation in solving the problem, expecting that everything will “resolve” by itself.

Therefore, all methods of dealing with such a state are associated with the replacement of negative emotions with positive ones. There are several techniques for overcoming your own emotions. This is:

  • Abstraction. If you constantly turn your thoughts to any problem, a significant part of the energy is lost. And in such a mood and a depressed state, it is extremely difficult to find a solution. Therefore, psychologists recommend distracting yourself with something else, which will allow you to calm down and develop tactics for further actions.
  • Reducing the significance of the event. As a rule, the problem acquires a “universal” scale only when emotions are added. If you remove the psychological component, it is much easier to find a way out of a difficult situation or make the right decision.
  • Action. At the initial stage of stress, a huge amount of hormones and neurotransmitters are released into the blood. Therefore, it is important not to remain in a stupor, but to get down to business (but at the same time, it is necessary to avoid rash acts that you will later have to regret).

To combat stress, psychologists advise a behavior model called the creation of a competing dominant. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for as long as possible. In such a situation, the body is “distracted” from stress and directs reserves in a different direction. With the next exhalation, you need to lean back and tilt your head slightly back.

Thus, a person at the subconscious level takes the position of an outside observer, which allows him to assess the situation without emotions and make a decision:

  • how to behave;
  • what resources are needed to remedy the situation;
  • where to get them.

Also in overcoming stress will help:

  • exercise (but in accordance with their state of health);
  • a change of scenery;
  • positive emotions (playing with children, watching comedies, etc.);
  • yoga techniques, auto-training, muscle relaxation.

However, if you can’t cope with stress on your own, and stress negatively affects the quality of life, causes conflicts in the family and at work, you need to contact a psychotherapist.

To date, several hundred methods are known. psychological help patients, but are widely used:

  • rational, in which a detached view of the problem is developed, without emotional coloring;
  • suggestive, is carried out when the patient is immersed in a hypnotic trance and consists in creating the right attitudes regarding the fight against stress;
  • psychoanalysis during which the doctor finds out the cause of stress and, together with the patient, develops the correct tactics of behavior.

Certain medications that have a sedative effect also help to overcome stress.

In a similar situation, plant-based sedatives or homeopathy will help:

  • Nervo-hel;
  • Novo-Passit;
  • Persen;
  • extracts of valerian, motherwort, peony tincture;
  • Dormiplant and other drugs.

Multivitamin complexes containing magnesium will also help strengthen the nerves, ascorbic acid, vitamins of group B:

  • Neurovit;
  • Magne-B6;
  • Neurovitan;

Experts have long noticed that pets will help overcome stress. In some countries, there are even special establishments where you can play with furry pets if you cannot have a pet at home. Therefore, if you are prone to stress, doctors recommend visiting the bird market next weekend.