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White magic rituals to get a large amount of money. Features of rituals for wealth and money. For a prosperous life

Who does not dream of gold bars and inexhaustible sources of income. A profit conspiracy does not guarantee you an ocean of money, but it will help to improve your financial condition. All rites are suitable for white magic, therefore negative consequences no need to be afraid.

You can improve your financial condition with the help of magical rituals.

Conspiracies will bring good luck when you use white magic. You can not turn to rituals with bad intentions, then they will be turned in your favor. Very soon you will receive good money, career growth or just winning a small amount.

Conspiracies alone will not do, a person must make great efforts on his own to receive money.

You can perform a strong conspiracy for monetary profit at home, without resorting to the help of experienced magicians and psychics.

Plot selection

Rituals are different: effective and those for which you do not need to waste time. The following conspiracies are recognized as the most effective:

  • to holy water;
  • on a banknote;
  • for a big salary
  • for business success;
  • on a church candle;
  • on a copper coin;
  • for edible salt


Careful preparation before the ceremony is not required. But you can use simple recommendations.

  1. Inner peace is important. Stop worrying and panicking. Tune in to relax and be positive. To do this, take a sitting position and take a deep breath.
  2. specific number. If you have a lot of debt, you need to write them all out on a separate sheet of paper and calculate the total amount.
  3. Calculate how long it would take you to receive this amount, if not for debts.
  4. Write down everything you can give up to pay off that amount.
  5. The resulting number is circled and memorized.
  6. Rituals should be performed in complete solitude.
  7. Visualization of thought. Think that the final figure is already yours

The most powerful ritual

Material concern for the future comes first. People want to dress well, eat delicious food, fly abroad, attend courses they like. To get it, and attract good luck, you can use the help of magical rites and conspiracies.

After the ritual, the keys become an amulet for wealth

A powerful action to receive money has a ritual done on Monday morning. When the sun has not yet risen, go to the door and insert the key into the lock. A strong conspiracy for your quick profit should be read without a hitch:

“The gray wolf went into the forest to find a white hare there. But he did not catch up with him. But I found a forged chest, upholstered in gold and steel. On that casket there is a silver, hefty lock. The key to it is safely hidden from people in the water. Only I will find that key between grasses and stones in the water surface. Not to a simple person, not to a gray wolf, but to me, a servant of God (pronounce your name), that key is intended. I will find the key and unlock the casket, I will take the gems and stones from it. I will collect silver and gold, and hide the key, so that everything will come true.

The key in your hands turns into a kind of amulet, put it in a bag or wallet. Soon, cash receipts will come to your house, and you will be able to fulfill all your dreams and ideas.

Magical actions on a candle

Fulfill strong ritual desirable for successful business, for good trade, increase in customers. Debtors return their debts to you, and money buyers flock to the store.

You need to read a conspiracy for profit in business as soon as it gets dark, on the growing moon. Take a large candle in the temple, take holy water there. For maximum effect, hold out for a church service. Once everything is ready, light a candle and clearly read the conspiracy for big profits:

“You (the name of the debtor is pronounced) are gradually melting, while not returning the debt. If you don't repay your debt, you'll soon melt away completely. Return the money and don't hide anymore! So be it my proven cock word! Sealed (sealed) with fire in the evening, but not during the day (her name is called).

In the morning, take the stub of the candle back to the church and place it under the icon that you prayed to.

The ceremony works very quickly, the next day the debtor will return the required amount of money to you. If the amount was large, the money will be returned within two days.

Conspiracy for wealth

The ritual is performed on the new moon, on an odd number of days. Take a large bill in your hand and read the plot for prosperity:

“As much mud in the swamp, as many fish in the water, so I have a lot of money. Month, grow up to me, the servant of God (pronounce your name), be sure to give wealth. Say "Amen" three times.

Then, put the bill in the most dark corner apartments. Repeat the ritual after 7 days.

For the rapid growth of money

On a full moon, take a few copper coins or a bill, put them on the window. It is important that the coins are illuminated by moonlight.

Coins should be placed on the window to be illuminated by moonlight.

A conspiracy for unexpected profit is read at home:

“The money is drunk by the light of the moon, it is constantly growing, they are adding in strength, my house is overflowing.”

Money should lie on the window for a day. It will be possible to spend them in the store in 30 days. Conspiracies to the moon attract wealth to the house.

Conspiracy for money work

In search of work, we are not the first time, we find a profitable one. Try before you start searching, perform a few rituals.

Plant a plant in the house. During landing, read the plot for profit at work:

“I plant and bless to grow. Grow and bloom, bring good to me. In the same way, my work will flourish and bring good.

When the first leaves appear, money will begin to come to you.

If you expect career development, you can speed up the process by saying the magic words:

“As a magnet attracts metal, so money is attracted to me. Grow my salary, like the moon in a clear sky, and work stay in its place. There will be no renunciation of the greedy eye. Money, come to me!

Conspiracies for profit from Natalia Stepanova

Natalia Stepanova can be trusted with such a difficult task as raising money. To increase profits, not decrease, read her conspiracies.

Call for money

Go to the most profitable store in your city, and best of all to the market. Put your little fingers together and whisper the words:

“Money is big, money is small, what is going on by bargaining, let it stick to me, follow me, Find shelter in my house. For now, for centuries, for all time. Amen".

For money

The plot is read on the growing moon, works to attract money and good luck.

The plot is carried out on the growing moon

Raise large bills above your head, saying:

“What goes out of my hands as a waste, It will come back to my hands again. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

Whisper for profit

In order for money to come in large volumes, you need to go to the shore of any reservoir on the full moon and read the current whisper:

“How many of you, grains of sand, in the sand, so fate would send a lot of money to me. For a strong economy, read on the waxing moon: Master, Lord, our God, having power over every creature, we pray to you, we ask you, you favored the skin and multiplied the herds of Patriarch Jacob, so bless the herds of my cattle, Multiply and strengthen a thousand times for my good , a slave (to such and such). Cover your holy shroud. Save my estate and my yard from the beast of the forest, from the evil man, from envious eyes, from the enchantress, from the sorceress, from the thief, from the mortal conspiracy, from the flood and from the fire, save me, Lord, save me. The Holy Spirit will come upon us. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

Very soon you will receive your first profit.

On the pigeons

“How much grain I throw at you, so that a lot of wealth will come to me. Amen."

During the ritual you need to feed the pigeons

Conspiracy on a pin

For the ceremony you will need: sugar, salt and rice. At night, pour the ingredients in the desired sequence. First a spoonful of sugar, then a pinch of salt and some rice. Insert a new pin into this mass and read the plot for money:

“Salt, rice, I attract good luck in myself. Lord God, make sure that there is always money in my house, and my family never needs material wealth. May it be so".

A pin will make a good amulet that can be put in a wallet.

Conspiracy on a broom

A broom, as a symbol of domestic well-being, is also used to attract wealth.

Buy a new broom, but don't take change. Stick it up in the corner front door. Try to charge it for money using a magic spell:

“I sweep money-denyushki, I call for good luck and wealth!”

On a profit for Christmas

At Christmas, all cherished dreams and desires have magical property, come true. To do this, you just need to read a special prayer:

“For the first time, at God’s hour, I will speak to myself for today, for tomorrow, forever from poverty and poverty, from cold and hunger, As Jesus Christ was born on Christmas, so would the fiat ruble appear. Key. Lock. Language. Amen (3 times)"

Appeal to higher powers will work flawlessly if you believe in what has been said.

For baptism

The conspiracies spoken in Baptism also work to enrich a person.

At 12 o'clock at night, pour holy water on all corners of the house. Then, stand in the center of the main room and say a plot for profit:

“How holy is the water, full and whole, so that my house is also full of a bowl of gold and silver.”

Leave the rest of the water in a glass, and drink it to the bottom in the morning.

Rite with a ring

Your grandmothers still remember a strong way to make a profit. It will require: your ring, a piece of red cloth.

You need to speak the ring so that there is more money in the family

First speak the ring:

“I wear luck on my finger, I put wealth in my pocket. My faith is with me, my strength and my success are with me. Money to me like a passionate river, money to my wallet, to my chests. My bins are full of gold and silver, everything that I have said will come true. The key, the lock, the word of the witch is spoken, and the power is in it. Amen".

Put it on a cloth at night, and put it on your finger in the morning. The ring will become your amulet to attract wealth.

Conspiracy to buy an apartment

If you want to surprise your loved ones and buy them a new home, take honey and holy water. Collect water from the spring and sanctify it. When you choose the right option, pour half a glass under your feet, retreat 7 steps on the ground, read the plot to acquire new property:

“The servant of God (name) will go on clean water, on fresh water, trail after trail. His path will be easy, not bumpy. The servant of God (name) will bypass all the pits and snags, sticks and barriers. What is hidden from the eyes will appear to him at night, he will see the obvious by day. May it be so. Amen"

There are many conspiracies for profit: you can speak keys, brooms, or just read strong prayers. A money horseshoe helps a lot; it is hung over the front door.

People want to live in abundance and use different ways to fulfill this desire. If you work hard, but the profit does not increase, use magical rites. Or maybe you are looking for a new job, you want to get rid of debts, or you urgently need money. For everything there is a special conspiracy that will certainly help to get what you have planned.

Rich people even think differently, unlike ordinary workers and employees. Moreover, many rich people managed to attract wealth to themselves largely due to well-composed conspiracies. No less common is magic to attract wealth through manipulation and conspiracies, on the wallet you use in Everyday life. After all, you go with him constantly to shops, markets, cafes, even restaurants, and from this he is also quite capable of attracting money. By the way, money is a theme of magic that is close to every person. There is never a lot of money and you always want to turn to magic in such a way as to get the most sustainable benefit from it.

A conspiracy to attract good luck for money using a coin

If you have a difficult situation with money, and you don’t know what to do and where to get it, then use the conspiracy to attract good luck for money. After all, this is not at all a complicated, but an effective way to live in abundance. Even when you work and you have enough salary to live, but you want to make a big purchase, and for it you need even more money. Everyone can use the conspiracy, and if you did everything right, then you will immediately notice that the money goes into your hands.

For this conspiracy for money, you need a yellow coin, always carry it with you in your pocket for 5 days, and after each opening of the wallet, when you take out the money from there and give it back, hold the coin in your hand (so that no one sees and understands that you do) and mentally say the following words:

“We give money in another place, we take more and in the century of centuries, and nothing else Amen!”

And when you open it in order to put money in your wallet, then again hold the coin in your palm (so that no one sees or understands what you are doing) and mentally read these conspiracy words:

“Here the money has returned home, the wallet will grow, it will replenish me (name) with wealth, Amen!”

And so you must do all 5 days and every time you open your wallet. And in no case during these five days do not open your wallet just for the sake of it or to count the remaining money. And if you suddenly really need to count, then open the count and then at least 10 rubles, or put it there, or give it back and do not forget to read the necessary words on a coin.

After five days, the coin will be sufficiently charmed, it will become your good luck charm to attract money. Carry it with you in your wallet, do not lose it and do not show it to anyone, and do not give it away, otherwise luck for money will go away with it.

Attract money so that the whole family has money

Well, this conspiracy to attract money will help not only you, but also your entire family, that is, the people closest to you who live with you under the same roof. Maybe you want your children living nearby not to be wasteful in money and always have money with them, and at the same time they don’t ask you for it. So that the husband began to bring more money home. This conspiracy is one of the ways to attract money to the whole family, so that the family does not drag it from home, but rather brings it to the house.

You will need an equal number of candles and white coins as many as you have family members, also prepare dry green basil (you can buy dried pure basil seasoning in the store), candles need to be rolled in basil and put on coins. This conspiracy must be done on the street in the yard, in the waning moon - it will best time to attract money, at night.

“The moon is waning with money, it fills our house, candles shine with a flame on silver and open the way to wealth, wealth rolls into our house to husbands and sons, to mothers and daughters, and in the century of centuries rich we will be paper money rustling and nothing else. The key is the word lock Amen!”

After reading the conspiracy to attract money, bury the candles in the yard, and hide the pennies at home so that no one from the household finds them.

How to read a plot to attract money

You can also use a plot to attract money near a river with a fast current. Such a conspiracy is very simple and does not require any additional attribute, except for a river with a course, any coin and knowledge of the necessary conspiracy words. And it is also effective, but to a greater extent this conspiracy does not bring a lot of extra money, maybe someone will give you a gift, or they will give you a bonus, or maybe you just get some kind of win, in general, just random money is provided to you.

You can stand on the bridge, or you can also near the river, look at the current and say such conspiracy words by throwing a coin into the river:

“Streams flow into rivers, rivers into the seas, and the seas gather into the oceans, so let my coin float to other coins and they all gather in big money and return to me as a slave (your name). Key and lock to my words, Amen!”

Whether we like it or not, financial issues in our lives are not the last. In this section, we have collected the most effective conspiracies to attract money and wealth. Try to use them to achieve the desired level of abundance. Conspiracies for money help 99%

@ Natalia Stepanova, Siberian healer So, first, let's briefly tell you on what magical principles many old and not so old conspiracies for money are built. How conspiracies work Usually a conspiracy is done with ... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova, healer from Altai This water is used to spray the wallet and hands twice a day. The amount of water is half a glass. We choose a prayer or a conspiracy for money for water. Holy water conspiracy Prayer is holy ... >>>>>

@ Irina Smorodova, esoteric writer, journalist. Consider the most important household rituals to attract money and how to perform them. Strong ritual for money Carry out daily for a week during the period of growth ... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova, Altai healer Conspiracy for money on your birthday This conspiracy is read on the day and hour of your birth. If you don’t know the hour at which you were born, you need to read the conspiracy on your birthday at midnight ... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova, Altai healer There is one old conspiracy for quick money, which is done on flowers in pots, it attracts money to the house. Not every plant is suitable for this conspiracy: you need ... >>>>>

@ Maria Bazhenova, Ural healer Conspiracy for a bill Take a new large bill for a conspiracy to attract money and with right side bend a corner in it. Then, in the same way, bend the corner on the other side of the ku ... >>>>>

@ Irina Smorodova, esoteric writer, journalist. Conspiracies that are pronounced during the day should always be directed towards the sun; in the evening - to the west towards the setting sun. They must be pronounced loudly (if you are about ... >>>>>

@ Maria Bazhenova, Ural healer Let's get acquainted with several conspiracies on how to become rich: Conspiracy to develop a business Take out the wick from a church candle, set it on fire and say a conspiracy: The fire is wonderful, oh ... >>>>>

@ Maria Bazhenova, Ural healer What to read conspiracies for water for wealth A conspiracy for water in a pond for good luck When swimming in a pond, say: Voditsa-sister, how you flow is clean and white, so would I, ... >>>>>

@ Sister Stephanie, esotericist, author of books about healthy way life Let's consider some of the most powerful conspiracies for money: Month, month, come, add money to me. How many shining stars you have, so many mon... >>>>>

@ Maria Bykova, journalist, author of amulets. Now we will talk about what can be done to bring money and good luck to ourselves, what folk conspiracies to read and rituals to do. Conspiracy "Money Corridor" Cases ... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova, Siberian healer Plot for prosperity and money This simple but powerful plot is done on a green scarf and grains of wheat. Take a green plain head scarf or scarf, a glass of green ... >>>>>

@ Maria Bazhenova, Ural healer Conspiracy on the eve of the wedding This strong wedding conspiracy is read to the newlyweds by the bride and groom at dawn on the eve of the ceremony. They need to join hands and so go out onto the porch ... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova, Altai healer How to speak the threshold On Saturday, go to church, serve Vespers, and go to Matins on Sunday. Before leaving the house, put small coins under the threshold, etc. >>>>>

@ Maria Bazhenova, Ural healer In order for the family to have wealth, the head of the family must read such a conspiracy to raise money: In the city of Jerusalem, in the church in the cathedral, with Christ on the throne, behind the royal doors ... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova, Altai healer Conspiracy to the deceased for help This conspiracy to help the dead should be read four times a year, on Radonitsa and on three parental Saturdays: before Lent, before Trinity and on D ... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova, Altai healer It often happens like this: money seems to come, but no one knows where it goes. In order to keep money in the house, you need to read conspiracies from unnecessary expenses over each money you receive ... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova, Altai healer In this article we will talk about what conspiracy to read for wealth at home. You will know the most strong conspiracies to help you improve your financial situation... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova, Altai healer In order for there to be more money in the wallet, you need to read this conspiracy on the wallet so that the money flows. A conspiracy to raise money in a wallet A conspiracy of a wallet for money ... >>>>>

@ Irina Smorodova, esoteric writer, journalist. It happens that the more money you make, the more unexpected cost situations arise. This conspiracy helps precisely in the situation when urgently ... >>>>>

@ Sister Stephanie, esotericist, author of books on a healthy lifestyle A woman must speak up. In the old days, homemade beer in barrels was spoken with such a conspiracy for beer. These days, you can also take store-bought beer... >>>>>

@ Alexander Aksyonov, healer How to speak food for money Brashn is called food. This food plot is read over food so that there is always abundance on the table. Arrange on the table all the products that are in ...

Everyone knows that in order to get rich, you need to work hard. But many work and work, but they don't get any money. To correct this injustice, you can turn to the ancient magical rituals of white and black magic for help. But they only help those who believe in them.

People have always dreamed of having wealth, money, fame. From time immemorial, they fought for the possession of wealth, because it was much easier to live with it. Now spells and conspiracies to attract wealth are very popular.

Faith in spells

Since ancient times, to get rich, people have resorted to different methods. The wisest turned to the rites of white magic. Skeptical people do not believe this, they laugh and believe that whispering in the store will not pay off.

If people use magical rites or rituals, this does not mean that they do not need to work, and they just relax on the couch and wait for the rain of money. You still have to work hard. And in the end, life will not consist of waiting for a salary, and the financial situation will improve much, money will appear and linger in the house.

All psychics, sorcerers, magicians are of the same opinion: they claim that energy flows rule human life. After all, for example, the most beautiful and smart girl will be alone if she does not have love energy. She will be more beautiful than her friends, but the male sex does not seem to see her and passes by. It's the same with money. A person around whom cash flows are concentrated will always be comfortable, regardless of how much he earns.

Often one can observe such a picture that one person works hard and earns good money, but they elude him . Where do unexpected expenses come from? to which all the money earned goes. Such people live modestly and cannot get out of debt. And the other person, earning little money, does not infringe on himself in anything, and even manages to save.

Therefore, with the help of special rituals, you can slightly improve your financial condition and ensure that money loves your home.

Black magic

It is very effective in attracting money, but if this is done by an inept person, black magic can do more harm than help. The lack of protective amulets will lead to even greater expenses and losses, and not to wealth. A person will not improve his material condition, but will aggravate the situation.

If the person has no experience with black magic, then to attract wealth it is better to use conspiracies of white magic.

If you still want to use it, then you must fulfill all these requirements. During the ritual, you can not be distracted You need to overcome feelings of fear and doubt.

Danger of rituals

Of all the existing rituals, monetary ones are the most harmless. Using them, a person does not harm anyone. He does not suppress someone's will, as in the rituals associated with love spells, and also does not wish evil, as in the case of damage. Therefore, after using white magic rituals, you do not need to think about the consequences.

With black rituals, as mentioned above, you need to be more careful. Dark forces always demand payment for their services and never help just like that. For example, if they help fix the better side financial situation, then in return there is a chance of losing health, love, a loved one. Based on this, must be kept in mind that when using these rituals, you must be sure of your strong protection.

Elimination of possible consequences

Turning to rituals for help, one must not forget about the poor. Part of your income should be given to the poor, especially people who ask for the treatment of a child, and also give alms to those in need. This money will definitely return in a larger amount.

No need to be greedy for a tip, paying for the services rendered, you must definitely thank, because then the money will return in a larger amount. And greed will not give positive emotions, and wealth with luck will bypass you.

You need to be happy to receive money and always be grateful, because monetary energy is directly related to the energy of joy. Money must be loved, cared for, treated with care, but in no case should it be elevated to a cult and worshiped.

One must always mentally thank fate for every amount received, even if there were hopes of getting a big one. . There is no need to be angry at these moments., angry, so as not to block the monetary energy.

The simplest ritual for attracting cash flows is this: in a store when making purchases or during another financial transaction, you need to say in your thoughts “Your money is in my wallet, your treasury is my treasury. Amen".

This rite will always tell you that you are in a financial flow, and will definitely work, attracting money to the house.

The next rite is performed on the young moon. You need to stop on the road at 12 o'clock at night, get 12 coins and stand in such a way that the moonlight falls on them. Say seven times:

“Everything that sprouts and comes to life multiplies from the light of the Sun, and money - from the light of the Moon. Grow my money. Multiply, my money. Come on, my money. Come to me (name), enrich me. May it be so!".

Then squeeze the coins tightly in your hand and go home, and then put them in your wallet. You should always take it with you when going shopping. All the rituals performed on the young moon are very effective.

For incessant cash flow you need to squeeze money in your fist, go out into the street with them, find a young spruce. Then knock on the Christmas tree with money and whisper three times:

“As young needles grow, so my money grows, not on sugar cake, not on linden honey, not on brew, not on steam, on gold-silver and copper.”

Under the spruce it is necessary to bury this money.

white magic

Hardworking and decent people often live below the poverty line. To fix this, you need to turn to magical rituals for help, and then luck and luck will accompany them through life. The main requirement is faith in luck and success.

Ancient Slavic ritual for attracting money:

Powerful wealth spell

Preparation for the ceremony and the ritual itself will take a lot of time. Spend it at home on certain days. There are such special days, or rather, nights:

  • night from 30.04 to 01.05;
  • night from 31.07 to 01.08;
  • night from 31.10 to 01.11;
  • night from 31.01 to 01.02.

It is necessary to start the ritual after twelve o'clock at night. To conduct it, sixteen candles are required: one gold, nine white, six green. Candles should be lubricated with pine oil. Set a golden candle in the center, place green candles around it, and surround green candles with white candles.

Immediately after twelve o'clock in the morning, pour salt around the white candles. Then light first a golden candle, and then clockwise, first green candles, and then white ones. Three times you need to go around the candles, all the while saying:

"Jupiter will go around the sun three times - it will bring me money."

Then you need to sit for a while and imagine everything you want, what is missing the most. Then extinguish the candles in reverse order. First extinguish the candle that was lit last.

Ladder of wealth

This is a very ancient ritual. In any ritual, the main thing is the belief that it will help. If everything is done correctly, then the money will soon become much more. The spell is cast on a young moon.

You will need: a green thread, a green candle, cloves in the amount of 9 pieces. You need to tie knots on the thread, tying the buds. The result is 9 knots. Pick up this thread and say:

“Ladder of nine knots, I created (a) you so that the wealth I want can be mine. So that I can (la) climb you to prosperity and well-being. It is my will, so be it!”

Tie a candle around this “ladder” and light it every day for 9 days. The burning time must be calculated as so that in nine days the candle is completely burned out.

How to lure money to yourself is already known, but now you need to find out how to save your accumulated savings:

Financial well-being largely depends on the energy that surrounds you. The accumulation of positive energy, good thoughts, wishes leads to improvement in the financial sphere of a person. Wealth is not evil, so you can not think badly about money and rich people. If you think that all the rich are stingy and deceitful, then it is unlikely that you will get rich. Negative thoughts will be a hindrance to the arrival of financial self-sufficiency.

Attention, only TODAY!

How to attract luck and money into your life and into your home

A conspiracy for prosperity to come for a long time.

Pour water into a glass dish and speak out loud (you can read from a book) on it.

“How many will enter my door, so many helpers will be. And there are no enemies, enemies, going to my door. How many times the door opens - so much goodness will come into the house. And evil, bad weather, evil spirits, grief and trouble there is no way here. Happiness - in the house, good - in the house! Amen".

Then spray the doorstep of your house with this water.

A conspiracy for good luck in a new business.

This plot will help you when you start new job which you have high hopes for. This may be a new line of work at a former place of work, or work in another place, or if you start working for the first time after studying.

The plot is read in the morning, after washing. Take a wide cup, from any material, but not metal, pour water. Water should not be cold, but not very warm, but better than room temperature. Speak this conspiracy over the bowl - out loud or in a whisper, you can read from the book:

“Water-water, my sister, you went through mountains and valleys, and underground paths, through dark forests, where fields and meadows, and steep banks, and sands, and pebbles, and damp earth, and bright skies. Many times, water-voditsa, you met the dawn, saw off the night, and with each dawn you washed, was illuminated by the sun, cleansed with white light. So cleanse me, wash my soul and my body, sister water. Wash away dirt and filth, fill it with purity - so that my business is clean, filled with goodness, shone with light, developed, argued, filled with good luck! Amen".

Then wash yourself with this water, pouring it on the top of your head.

A conspiracy to attract money luck.

This plot should be read in the morning, on an empty stomach, on a piece of bread. It helps to start a new phase in your life - when money will come easily and in the right quantities. The plot must be read aloud or in a whisper, you can read the book, but trying not to look at the book all the time, but to look at the bread:

“O Lord our God, Jesus Christ, you fed the hungry with five loaves, so feed me and my family, make my life abundant, full, turn good luck to me, turn misfortune away from me. Let the road of satiety and joy to my house open, let the money come to me, and I promise to spend it wisely, for the benefit of everyone, and increase wealth wisely, to the glory of our Lord. To my words, the key and the lock. Amen".

After a spoken piece of bread you need to eat.

A conspiracy for the successful implementation of all plans.

This conspiracy will help you fulfill what you want in business, in your personal life, and in any endeavor. Read if you need luck, and so that the circumstances work out for you in the best way.

“Voditsa-voditsa, you give me a drink, you let me wash. So give me, Voditsa, three drops of luck, five drops of luck, and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness. I close it with a key, wash it with water, according to my word, let everything come true. Amen".

After drinking water slowly, in small sips.

For wealth to come to the house.

This conspiracy will help attract goodness into your home so that it is rich, and even luxurious.

Take some sheep's wool, or a piece of fur, skin, and speak it out loud (you can look into the book):

“Sheep-sheep, walked around the world, wore a fur coat. That fur coat is warm and rich, she herself came to my house, brought warmth and wealth to me. So be filled, my house, with gold - silver and all good things! Be my house, rich and abundant, for the good of everyone, marvelous for everyone. Be, my words, strong and sculpting!

Put a piece of slandered wool in a secluded place in your house so that no one will find it and inadvertently throw it away. Let it lie for a year. A year later, you need to take a new wool and slander the same conspiracy on it.

For a prosperous life.

This conspiracy will help if you want to live in abundance, and at the same time in peace and tranquility, without shocks, so that peace and prosperity reign in your life for a long time.
At noon, go outside or open a window to let in the sun. Place your hands palms up, pointing them towards the sun, and say the words of the conspiracy three times out loud:

“The sun is the sun, you are warm and affectionate, you walk in the sky, you illuminate everyone, you help everyone, you give good to everyone. So give me, sun, your warmth, light and every good. May it be so".

Then put your palms on your chest and stand with your eyes closed for a minute. This must be done for seven days in a row at the same time (at noon). And even if the day is not sunny, do not miss it, remember that the sun behind the clouds still shines and warms. Reach out to the sun even if you can't see it.

To make money grow quickly.

Wait for the full moon to appear in the sky clear skies. Take
a few coins or bills of any denomination and put them on the window, or any other place so that moonlight falls on them. Say the words of the conspiracy aloud three times in a row (you can use the book):

“Queen moon, you are silver, golden, you grow and grow. So give my money to drink with your light so that it grows and grows. They drink money from the moonlight, they grow hour by hour, they gain strength, they fill my house.

Leave the money in the moonlight for a few hours and then go away so you don't have to look.

Then put this money in your wallet and don't waste a month. They will attract new money to you. After a month, spend and repeat the whole ritual with other money.

A conspiracy to keep money growing.

Take a piece of bread and say it out loud three times, you can according to the book:

“The grain fell into the ground, grew up as a sprout, turned golden as an ear, turned into bread. As I have plenty of bread in the fields, so I have money to the sky. As bread grows - it is eared, so my money grows, it increases. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then eat the bread.

To raise money for the construction or purchase of an apartment.

In the morning, after washing, take some honey, spread it on bread and say it out loud (you can read from a book):

“The bee builds a hive, collects honey, convenes guests. As everyone is drawn to honey, so money is drawn to me. A bee is a hive, I am a house. Wax for the bee, money for me.
Eat bread with honey on an empty stomach. Repeat once a week for a month.

A conspiracy-amulet so that money is not transferred.

In the morning, after prompting, before washing, take a frequent comb, comb your hair with it and say at least five times in a row the words of the conspiracy in a low whisper:

“Hair-hair, grow thicker, money-money, drive more. Hair grows thickly, so let money be thick. Amen".

A conspiracy to always have a lot of money.

On a starry night come out under open sky. Look to the sky and repeat:

"Stars have no number, money I have no number."

Repeat at least nine times in a row, or more.

Conspiracy to make money love you.

There are people for whom money either does not come, or comes in small numbers, or does not linger. These people don't like money. This conspiracy will help you become attractive to money so that it comes in abundance and you keep it.

In the morning, take an apple or pear, cut it in half and say out loud:

“I call on the money spirit, I instill it in a pear (apple). I eat a pear (apple), I overshadow myself with a money spirit. Love me, money, come to me money. Where there is a money spirit, there money goes. Amen".

A pear or an apple should then be eaten.

Conspiracy for a rich life and big money.

Take an item that you often wear (coat, dress, etc.). Sew a small coin into the hem or under the floor.

When you sew, repeat in a whisper (you can look into the book):

“A thread with a needle, and money with me. As the thread for the needle stretches, so the money reaches out to me. I hem the hem, I sew money to myself. Come to me, big and small money, copper, silver, gold, paper, all sorts of different ones, to buy, to sell, for your own joy, for God's grace. Amen".

Repeat without stopping or being distracted as you sew.

On this day, do not wear a thing, let it hang at home among other things. From the next day, wear as usual.

So that the money comes as often as possible.

Buy poppy seeds in the market. Wait for the new moon, and at the very hour when the new moon rises, take a handkerchief, spread it on the table, sprinkle a poppy in the center of it, and, drawing a cross on it with your finger, say the words of the conspiracy out loud or in a whisper (you can look into the book, not learn by heart):

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Most Holy Theotokos, save and save! I am baptized with the cross, I bow to you. Mother of God, You know all my needs, how much money I need, without a coin in my wallet, neither to get dressed, nor to put on shoes, nor a piece of bread, nor a sip of water. Give me as much poppy in a handkerchief, as much money in my wallet. Amen".

Then the poppy should be tied in a scarf and stored in a secret place in the house.

For great wealth.

Cook fish soup, and when you cut and cook the fish, say the words of the conspiracy:

“The waters of the earth are great, the seas-oceans are full of them. How much water is in the seas, oceans, how many fish are in that water, so much wealth to me. Amen, amen, amen."

You need to repeat continuously all the time while cooking. It is necessary that no one distracts, so it is better to do this when no one is at home. The soup must be eaten on the same day, and everyone who lives in the house must taste at least a little.

So that goodness comes to the house.

On the new moon, pour water into a glass and place it on the window so that the moonlight gets there. Let it stand until the moon is full. On the full moon, take a glass in your hands and say aloud to the water:

“The moon was thin, but it became full. So my house should become full of all kinds of good, but with gold and silver.

Then wash your face and hands with this water.