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Who suits the girl calf according to the horoscope. The ideal man for a woman under the sign of Libra. Taurus zodiac sign compatibility

She doesn’t need a passionate macho, and a lyricist with glasses is probably not an option either, her ideal is “hard nut”, “carrier” and “Doctor House”! She is a lady who chooses between the flame of passion and spiritual unity a dream, for the implementation of which He is needed - a comrade, comrade, like-minded person.

The Sagittarius lady is too addicted to nature to be clearly aware of her goals and desires, therefore she prefers to choose as her life partner not the one who looks at her, not the one who cares about his dream, but a man who will reverently and gently achieve her next goal. Do not scold when a million-dollar project is abandoned halfway, and help even when everyone else is sure of flying.

The love of a Sagittarius woman is not at all like the stranglehold of Scorpio, or the complete dissolution of Telochka, Sagittarius prefers an equal relationship, when you can quarrel before using foul language and put up long and hard. She does not tolerate cunning and cunning, the gentleman is always required to determine exactly, and then always follow his convictions.

In turn, the Sagittarius woman is able to provide her chosen one with spiritual comfort, not demand too much, forgive mistakes and support in the difficult ups and downs of life. They fall in love with a person based solely on internal sensations, he can be a cripple, a representative of a different race, even an alien - the main thing is that he has the strength and desire to live.

Compatibility in love

Oddly enough, but the Sagittarius lady can create the most ideal union with a man of her sign. The sign itself does not carry a pronounced gender, therefore Sagittarius and Sagittarius will see themselves in each other, love and understand until the last ellipsis.

Slightly less ideal, will be the relationship with Aries and Leo. The lamb feels amazingly subtly his partner-Sagittarius, he has that solidity and pressure, which sometimes the young lady-Sagittarius lacks. In his capable hands, her unthinkable plans will quickly become a reality. In addition, Aries and Sagittarius have a fairly similar temperament, they will be fine in the same bed in any position.

The Leo man is inferior to Aries only in his position regarding the Sagittarius lady. If the first is on a par with her, then the second will definitely put her higher and will admire her like a work of art. Leo is harder to promote for financial assistance in the implementation of projects. But in this tandem, the lady’s complete power over the gentleman in a horizontal position will be a big plus, in the heat of which he will give everything and even more.

Despite the similarity in outlook on life and the desire to experiment love affair Sagittarius women and Gemini men ends quickly, and not at all on a friendly note. It may seem to the lady that the gentleman is unnecessarily demanding, although he himself does not perform the functions of protection and support, while the Gemini will be embarrassed by the exactingness of the Sagittarius. And he doesn't owe anyone anything!

But to try your luck with a Libra man, Lady Sagittarius is within her power. Despite his low initiative, this comrade, like no one else, is capable of loving "just like that." Libra will try to level out all the sharp corners of relations with Sagittarius, and protect her from rash acts, carefully harmonizing all aspects of life.

An interesting and exciting romance awaits Sagittarius with Aquarius, however, this tandem is more likely to end in pure friendship. Aquarius is good with his calm attitude to any antics of Sagittarius, only in her affairs he is not an assistant, after all, he needs to save the world!

Pisces and Scorpio men rarely get involved with the Sagittarius lady. Pisces is frightened by her unbridled imagination and speed of reactions, they are more interested in the concept than in its embodiment. Scorpions, on the other hand, do not agree to be on the sidelines after ideas, and their friends turn out to be very self-centered. prefers to be the sole target of his lady.

A love affair with Cancer often leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in Sagittarius's soul. He quickly lights up with her plans and desires, but then instead of gait forward, he slowly crawls backwards, which is shameful in the mind of the Sagittarius lady.

Any relationship with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn for the Sagittarius lady is excluded. Representatives of earth signs in the world of fire and air have nothing to do. Lady Sagittarius, only as a last resort, can become interested in Capricorn, but then quickly fly away from a world in which there is no place for a miracle.

Peaceful and calm Taurus needs love and comfortable solitude. One of the main priorities for Taurus is the stability of relationships, but quite often they are associated with such unstable signs as Aquarius, Scorpio, Gemini, but the strength of such unions is relatively low.

The union of Taurus and Aries can often be strong due to the strong temperament and sexual compatibility of both signs. If their feelings do not fade away within a month, they can develop into a strong and strong union.

Despite the fact that these signs have too few common interests, the Taurus woman is able to win Aries with her housekeeping, stability and care for the family hearth. Their marriage has every chance to last a lifetime.

Union Taurus and Taurus is very good in terms of love relationship, romantic adventures, similarity of goals and interests can create a stable and strong relationship. The solid and economic Taurus finds its soul mate and the union of two Taurus, this is a redoubled strength and energy.

If the Taurus woman wants to connect her fate with the Gemini man, then this union is completely unsuitable for both signs. Too different characters and temperaments converge under one roof and stability cannot be expected from these relationships.

Relations in a pair of Taurus and Cancer are usually very harmonious. Economic and solid Cancer and Taurus are practically made for each other. Both are united by the desire for financial well-being, comfort and homeliness.

Taurus and Leo, a fairly strong union in which each of the partners can be fully realized. If Leo leads an active lifestyle, then the Taurus woman will provide him with a reliable rear. In general, the ideal of a woman for Leo is a wife who willingly concedes to him the palm in the house, while being an excellent hostess and possessing an accommodating disposition.

The Taurus woman has all this, which in this sense is a real treasure for Leo. In other words, this is an almost perfect union in which there is everything - love, care, mutual understanding, and even a clear distribution of family roles.

This alliance has every chance of being long and lasting.

A Virgo man and a Taurus woman have much in common: they both do not expect favors from fate, but are used to achieving everything with their own work, both are tuned to serious relationship, appreciate the comfort of the family hearth and strive for well-being.

True, in everyday life a Taurus woman may not be satisfied with the excessive frugality and meticulousness of the Virgo, but she is fully able to appreciate his hard work, dedication and honesty.

The union of Taurus and Libra, unites the love of worldly joys and pleasures. The Libra man is a very subtle and creative nature, they can appreciate Tasty food, beautiful things, good sex.

AT Everyday life Taurus women and Scorpio men, the stability of relations ensures the calmness of Taurus, and Scorpio, with his difficult character, is immensely grateful to her for this and is able to move mountains for her sake.

Usually, a Taurus woman is happy to do housework, provide perfect comfort in the house and take care of children. At the same time, both partners are set up for a serious relationship and are ready to solve problems together, so their marriage has every chance of being very strong and happily lasting a lifetime.

An example perfect couple, is the union of the Taurus woman and the Capricorn man. The strong and harmonious union of the wise Capricorn and the economic woman of Taurus is held together not only by sexual compatibility, but also by practicality, fidelity, and purposefulness of both signs.

A good option for Aquarius men, union with the Taurus woman. A gentle, economic and understanding Taurus woman is perfect for a creative and freedom-loving Aquarius. Sometimes a Taurus woman may not be satisfied with some household troubles, but Aquarius rarely thinks about convenience - there can be a thousand reasons for him to close any, even the most beautiful, page of his life and start writing a new one from scratch.

Men-Pisces, find mutual understanding and support in alliance with the Taurus woman. A patient Taurus woman takes care of all the household chores and an organizational role in the family. In Pisces, she is satisfied with his talent and kindness, besides, in addition to excellent sexual compatibility, they have many features in common, and their relationship can become strong and long.

At first glance, everything is extremely simple. According to classical astrology, the Taurus woman is ideal for marriage with representatives of the elements of the Earth: Capricorns, Taurus and Virgo.

A little less - the water signs of Pisces and Cancer, with which the sign of Taurus is in a favorable aspect - sextile.

But there are some nuances:

  1. Marriage with a representative of your own sign (Taurus) is fraught with the danger of excessive “soul kinship”. For example, a situation is possible when two Taurus, a little “obsessed” with beautiful things, will mercilessly squander family finances, trying to get ahead of each other.
  2. With a Virgo man, a Taurus woman will have strong love experiences.
  3. With Capricorn, you will have to travel a lot.
  4. The Cancer man, like no one else, will be able to successfully solve the material problems of the family.
  5. It will be simply boring to live with a Pisces man, but all other benefits in this option are not guaranteed.

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A peaceful and very calm sign needs tender feelings, as well as solitude. When choosing a partner, life needs determine priorities. Taurus adheres to the basic rules - the stability and security of the union.

Zodiac signs suitable for Taurus: Cancer seems to be a romantic and perfect partner for Taurus. The changeable mood of the first will not spoil the stability of the partner. In addition, Cancer, due to its constancy, provides reliable grounds for a serious relationship.

Both people demonstrate a desire for an emotional and passionate life. An acceptable relationship becomes possible if there is a physical attraction to each other. A successful marriage is also likely.

A bright, passionate connection will be between Taurus and Scorpio. Moreover, in these relationships, no partner will feel the need for treason, since they have the same sexual appetite. However, in an irritable state, Taurus is quite stubborn, which will annoy and anger Scorpio. Marriage will become favorable if partners learn to be more tolerant of each other.

Taurus and Capricorn demonstrate a long-lasting and viable union. Indeed, in addition to passion in a love relationship, partners have a huge amount in common.

Astrology affects many interesting aspects in a person's life, it also helps to determine which partner in love will bring more happiness. Anyone who is interested in horoscope predictions is interested to know what fate awaits him with his loved one. In this article, we will look at who suits the Taurus woman.

Characteristics of the sign

  • Element: earth
  • Planet: Venus
  • Symbol: bull
  • The main properties of this sign: stability and constancy.

Taurus is driven by nobility and independence. They are balanced, calm people with stable views on plans and goals in life. They love stability and do not particularly trust change.

They love comfort very much and strive to provide for themselves from their very youth. good conditions. Taurus is strongly attached to the family, economic and practical. They only rely on own forces and almost never seek support. Their inner strength is manifested as a persistent hardy character. However, Taurus is characterized by slowness, so promising opportunities both in personal affairs and in work often go under their noses. Slow Taurus does everything with feeling, with sense, with arrangement, carefully thinks through everything, makes decisions thoroughly. It is good for this sign to be alone. Alone, he engages in introspection, which helps him clean up his head and act more decisively.

In addition, Taurus people are kind, sensitive, soft and romantic. They respond with gratitude good relationship to them, always ready to help, being with them is comfortable and interesting. There are many mysteries in these people, they themselves like to create intrigues, test others for feelings. And who according to the sign of the zodiac suits the Taurus woman, we will find out further.

Taurus Woman

The Taurus woman is very feminine and insightful. She has a special power of attraction, which she enjoys using. On the outside, she may be a fragile sweet girl, but inside she is strong man with spiritual hardening.

Taurus women are gifted with wisdom by nature, but they do not openly show it. In relationships, they do not like to lead, they need a man who will take everything into his own hands, and she will only competently guide him in the right direction. Such a woman is very intuitive and well versed in people. Men who show themselves with not very positive side, she immediately eliminates. Most of all, she values ​​loyalty and honesty.

They also value stability, tranquility and comfort. Material values ​​are also quite important, as this is the basis of security and confidence in the future. Answering the question of who suits the Taurus woman, you can immediately highlight the main character traits of the companion she is looking for. This man must be self-confident, serious, purposeful, reliable. The Taurus woman needs a real man who will be her protection and support.

Character traits

To understand which zodiacs are suitable for Taurus women, you need to get to know their own character better. All Taurus are purposeful and stubborn. Women have no less strong swiftness in achieving their goals. Also by nature they are stubborn, reserved, independent.

With this rather firm side of character, they are able to show themselves very caringly, insightfully, kindly and responsive to people. Such women skillfully bring their relationships into harmony. If they truly love, they will be faithful and give their partner boundless love.

Such women are wonderful housewives, they easily create coziness in the house, they try to make the whole family feel comfortable and warm. They do not have the need to complain about the hardships of life, and if such a woman has not yet met her man, then she can easily cope with any problems, without fear of any responsibility. Thanks to the ability to set serious goals and achieve them, they often become successful, wealthy, achieve career heights and many merits in life. Signs suitable for a Taurus woman should be no less penetrating in nature.


The external features of the Taurus woman can immediately give her away. She is naturally attractive. She gets beauty and grace, often an elegant bust. Also, these ladies have a well-developed sense of taste, so they dress stylishly. The Taurus woman loves luxury and sophistication. To my appearance she gladly adds furs and diamonds. That is why it is so important for her to find a wealthy partner who can embellish her already bright image.

Taurus women are curvaceous, it should be noted that by nature they are inclined to be overweight, but they can present themselves in such a way that they will look doubly spectacular than a slender rival. So what kind of men are suitable for a Taurus woman?

Compatibility by horoscope

What signs of the zodiac are suitable for Taurus women and what will be a union with one or another sign - the horoscope tells.

1. With Aries. Relationships can develop, but they are unlikely to be happy. Such a union has few common interests, but there is a fiery passion. Unfortunately, the passion of Aries cannot be kept for long, Taurus tends to experience paranoia of jealousy, which will make the freedom-loving Aries run away from this relationship.

2. With Taurus. Excellent prospects. Both signs will understand each other remarkably, support each other, they will have few conflicts in a relationship, if only because of jealousy.

3. With Gemini. The union will be difficult due to the different worldviews of the two signs. Gemini is too airy and nonchalant in nature, while Taurus lives with rigid demands for constancy and stability. There is practically no chance for a successful continuation.

4. With Cancer. Assumes a good love compatibility. understanding, sincerity.

5. With Leo. Most likely, such a couple will not last long together. It will not be easy for a Taurus woman with such a man, there is a risk that the brutal Leo will simply charm the lady and take advantage of her.

6. With Virgo. The prospects are good. For a Virgo man, a Taurus woman will be just the perfect option, as she will be able to support him in all endeavors and share his point of view in everything. The Union promises to be strong, stable and prosperous.

7. With Libra. Perhaps the union will be sensual, but in business and the development of relations it will be unproductive. Both partners are not very decisive and slow, they will lack emotions and activity.

8. With Scorpions. In a pair of two terrible jealous. These signs are very different, the chances of a short romance are almost 100%, but you should not count on a serious relationship.

9. With Sagittarius. In a romantic relationship, both signs will not be very comfortable due to different outlooks on life.

10. With Capricorn. Taurus and Capricorn in a love tandem will be able to go through many trials and love each other even more.

11. With Aquarius. Relationships run the risk of failing without trust. Each of the partners will think of themselves first of all, so the compatibility is low.

12. With Pisces. A Taurus woman is not very suitable for a Pisces man. She will have to get used to his impulsiveness, inconstancy, changeable mood and instability for a long time. But if she loves him with all the flaws, then this relationship will withstand a lot, and they will be happy together.

friendship compatibility

In friendship, Taurus behave no less faithfully than in love. In a difficult moment, you can always rely on them, but not everyone develops friendly relations. What signs are suitable for a Taurus woman in friendship:

With other signs, friendship will be short and without mutual understanding.

Compatibility in love

Who suits a Taurus woman in love and how does she manifest herself in a relationship?

The Taurus woman is jealous, but very caring and attentive to her partner. She chooses men with a strong character and does not like importunity from boyfriends. Obsession will not help to achieve its location. But in flirting, she is simply an ace, and such a woman attracts the attention of men without difficulty.

Her chosen one must be wealthy and handsome. These are the two main criteria on which the Taurus woman relies in her choice. She is very captivated by exquisite gestures of attention from men, beautiful courtship, romance, gifts. She also loves a rich intimate life. If the partner does not interest her in bed, then he has no chance of continuing the relationship.

What zodiac signs are suitable for Taurus women in a romantic relationship:

  • Taurus men are ideal for Taurus women in love because these two signs feel good about each other and clearly understand what they need. They can create a honeymoon that will last forever. At the everyday level, they easily solve problems, but both Taurus are not too inclined to make concessions, therefore, if a scandal breaks out between lovers, it will be difficult for both of them to wait for the first step from a partner. Both Taurus are practical and reliable, they can easily rely on each other. Also, personal relationships will not hinder them in their own development, but only, on the contrary, support them.
  • Cancer men are also great for Taurus women. They have a similarity in characters, so the signs are easy to communicate with. They are always ready to understand each other without a long showdown. Implementing plans together is only a joy, if they do a common thing, this will positively affect their relationship. These signs quickly find compromises and resolve problems. High compatibility.
  • With a Virgo man, a Taurus woman will build a happy relationship. Signs are very different, but love union- they are one. The main advantage of this couple is that they quickly come to trust, they know how to negotiate, both strive for comfort, order and stability. Strong disagreements are not expected here in everyday matters, but emotionally, a slight tension may appear. Accumulated grievances, hiding negative emotions can aggravate relationships over time and lead to coldness between lovers.
  • Paired with Capricorn, the Taurus woman will feel protected, and this is what she needs. In this union, everything will be built on mutual support, each of the partners needs to develop, and they will be happy to support their loved one. Both of them will create their own common world, inaccessible to prying eyes. The Capricorn man will definitely lead in these relationships, and the Taurus woman will feel comfortable behind him.

Sexual Compatibility

In intimate relationships, the Taurus woman prefers variety and experimentation. The intimate sphere is very important for her, and she strives to live this part of her life violently.

Who is more suitable for Taurus women in sexual relationships:

  • Aries. A surprisingly very harmonious sex life will take place with Aries. Despite the fact that these signs are not similar in romantic and family relationships, they are perfectly combined in the sexual aspect.
  • Taurus. This sign fits in every way. Personal life will be stormy and eventful, both signs know perfectly well how to please each other. Sex appeal here at the highest level.
  • Crayfish. Intimate life with a Cancer man will bring the most vivid sensations. In this tandem, sexual desire will be mixed with deep spiritual feelings.
  • Scales. The couple will be able to show great variety in bed. For both signs, the sex life will be filled with pleasant discoveries.
  • Scorpions. A magnetic connection is formed between Taurus and Scorpio, and their sex life is interesting and emotional. But on one intima, strong relationships cannot be built. There is a great risk of jealousy and betrayal here.
  • Sagittarius. Good sexual compatibility is observed with Sagittarius. A stormy and passionate relationship is guaranteed, but monotony can quickly dampen the excitement of both partners.
  • Capricorn. In sexual relations with Capricorn there will be romance, tenderness, and passion. The horoscope predicts excellent love compatibility.

Marriage Compatibility

Taurus take marriage especially seriously. They choose a partner for life, and the family for them is the most sacred thing in the world. The Taurus woman will treat her husband with respect, listen to him and obey. In addition, such women make excellent mothers. With all family members, they will try to create a warm trusting relationship.

Who suits the Taurus woman according to the horoscope? Creating a family is an important point, because she is very selective in finding her future husband. Until he finds the very one, he can break quite a few hearts of simple boyfriends, but as a husband he will choose the man in whom he is completely sure. After all, marriage for her is for life.

Zodiac signs suitable for a Taurus woman for marriage:

  • Taurus with Taurus will definitely find family happiness. They may take a long time to decide to enter into a more serious relationship, but in marriage they will be happy.
  • Marriage with a Cancer man will also work out well. Serious quarrels in their union are not expected, the children who appear with them are unlikely to witness scandals between their parents. The union is very calm and harmonious.
  • Marriage with Leo. This union will not be cloudless at all, if these two signs generally have the strength to endure each other and arrange a wedding. Both will have to break their temper in order to please their spouse. In marriage, there are many provocations on both sides, little trust, perhaps disrespect for your partner. The children of such parents will also have a hard time, because mom and dad will always keep the atmosphere in suspense.
  • With a Virgo man will add up ideal relationship before marriage. In marriage, both of them will have to make an effort to fully adjust to each other. A little difficult compatibility, but in general, if both try, they can create a strong, strong family.
  • With Capricorn, wonderful family relationships will develop. Children will bathe in parental warmth and care. The signs have different approaches to education, on this basis, disagreements may periodically arise.

The perfect couple

Considering who suits the Taurus woman, one can single out men with a persistent, strong character and strong ambitions. Confidence, determination, perseverance, desire for leadership - all these qualities must be present in her chosen one. But not all candidates, even with such a set of qualities, can win the heart of this lady. Astrological forecasts describe in detail which zodiacs are suitable for Taurus women both for short-term romances and for creating a lasting family union.

Ideally, they will build deep sensual and trusting relationships with male Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn. With such partners, the Taurus woman will be most comfortable. However, there are signs with which it is better not to start a serious relationship. They are Aries, Leo, Gemini. Thus, it becomes much clearer who suits the Taurus woman according to the zodiac and how to maintain relationships between lovers.

Compatibility horoscope: which zodiac sign suits a woman for marriage - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Peaceful and calm Taurus needs love and comfortable solitude. One of the main priorities for Taurus is the stability of relationships, but quite often they are associated with such unstable signs as Aquarius, Scorpio, Gemini, but the strength of such unions is relatively low.

The union of Taurus and Aries can often be strong due to the strong temperament and sexual compatibility of both signs. If their feelings do not fade away within a month, they can develop into a strong and strong union. Despite the fact that these signs have too few common interests, the Taurus woman is able to win Aries with her housekeeping, stability and care for the family hearth. Their marriage has every chance to last a lifetime.

The union of Taurus and Taurus is very good in terms of love relationships, romantic adventures, the similarity of goals and interests can create a stable and strong relationship. The solid and economic Taurus finds its soul mate and the union of two Taurus, this is a redoubled strength and energy.

If the Taurus woman wants to connect her fate with the Gemini man, then this union is completely unsuitable for both signs. Too different characters and temperaments converge under one roof and stability cannot be expected from these relationships. Even if Gemini and Taurus find common interests that can unite them, still such a marriage cannot last long.

Relations in a pair of Taurus and Cancer are usually very harmonious. Economic and solid Cancer and Taurus are practically made for each other. Both are united by the desire for financial well-being, comfort and homeliness. Both representatives of the zodiac are homebodies who appreciate good food, luxury and a high quality of life. Such a couple can hold on for a very long time and happily.

Taurus and Leo, a fairly strong union in which each of the partners can be fully realized. If Leo leads an active lifestyle, then the Taurus woman will provide him with a reliable rear. In general, the ideal of a woman for Leo is a wife who willingly concedes to him the palm in the house, while being an excellent hostess and possessing an accommodating disposition. The Taurus woman has all this, which in this sense is a real treasure for Leo. In other words, this is an almost perfect union in which there is everything - love, care, mutual understanding, and even a clear distribution of family roles.

This alliance has every chance of being long and lasting.

A Virgo man and a Taurus woman have much in common: they both do not expect favors from fate, but are used to achieving everything with their own work, both are tuned in to a serious relationship, appreciate the comfort of a family hearth and strive for well-being.

True, in everyday life a Taurus woman may not be satisfied with the excessive frugality and meticulousness of the Virgo, but she is fully able to appreciate his hard work, dedication and honesty.

The union of Taurus and Libra, unites the love of worldly joys and pleasures. The Libra man is a very subtle and creative nature, they can appreciate delicious food, beautiful things, good sex. Thanks to this, their relationship often turns out to be very strong - nothing brings people together like the ability to enjoy little things together.

In the everyday life of a Taurus woman and a Scorpio man, the stability of relations ensures the calmness of Taurus, and Scorpio, with his difficult character, is immensely grateful to her for this and is able to move mountains for her sake.

Usually, a Taurus woman is happy to do housework, provide perfect comfort in the house and take care of children. At the same time, both partners are set up for a serious relationship and are ready to solve problems together, so their marriage has every chance of being very strong and happily lasting a lifetime.

An example of an ideal couple is the union of a Taurus woman and a Capricorn man. The strong and harmonious union of the wise Capricorn and the economic woman of Taurus is held together not only by sexual compatibility, but also by practicality, fidelity, and purposefulness of both signs.

A good option for Aquarius men, union with the Taurus woman. A gentle, economic and understanding Taurus woman is perfect for a creative and freedom-loving Aquarius. Sometimes a Taurus woman may not be satisfied with some household troubles, but Aquarius rarely thinks about convenience - there can be a thousand reasons for him to close any, even the most beautiful, page of his life and start writing a new one from scratch.

Pisces men find mutual understanding and support in alliance with the Taurus woman. A patient Taurus woman takes care of all the household chores and an organizational role in the family. In Pisces, she is satisfied with his talent and kindness, besides, in addition to excellent sexual compatibility, they have many features in common, and their relationship can become strong and long.

Taurus zodiac sign compatibility

Taurus zodiac sign compatibility:general characteristics, sexuality,what zodiac sign suits Taurus,relationships.

Taurus: characteristics of sexual life

Taurus is charming, subtly feels beauty, knows how to create both an exquisite interior and harmonious relationships. He looks at life realistically, assessing his abilities adequately.

Taurus rarely has many novels, especially at the same time. They honor traditions, often keeping their virginity before marriage, then they are impeccably faithful. Matters of matrimony are taken extremely seriously, choosing a companion slowly and thoroughly.

Heart wounds heal for a long time, especially if the break happened due to the betrayal of the chosen one. They can calmly relate to his easy flirting, but when they cheat, they go crazy. Therefore, they are not in a hurry to fall in love, they study a potential companion for a long time, his character, habits. From the chosen one they expect constancy, the ability to be content with little, and clarity of mind.

In sex, Taurus do not like to experiment, they are rather gentle, not passionate. They know the price of their sexual abilities, have intuition and always feel pretense. If they are in love, they can succumb to persuasion, but they rarely admit that they liked the innovation. Taurus is true to tradition, this also manifests itself in sexual life.

Male Taurus devote a lot of energy to satisfying the desires of their beloved, but they do not allow her to dominate and are even frightened by her excessive activity.

Taurus women love exquisite caresses, willingly accept them, but they will never be allowed to do what is unpleasant for them.

What zodiac sign is suitable for Taurus

In the first samples of love relationships, representatives of the Earth element, to which Taurus himself belongs, are most suitable for Taurus. A vivid romance with Capricorn, quite successfully - with Taurus, and, on occasion, Virgo.

What zodiac sign is perfect for Taurus? For a strong family union, Taurus must look to the Water signs, because it is water that nourishes the earth, inspires life, makes it fertile. The ideal planetary contraction for Taurus is Scorpion: they give each other the influence of those planets that everyone lacks. But Scorpio should be less selfish, and Taurus should not be so receptive. Also suitable Crayfish and Pisces.

Zodiac signs suitable for Taurus to a lesser extent

Marriage with representatives of Fire can be dangerous, but very advantageous if successful. The most promising alliance with Sagittarius- a lot of passion, an explosion of dust from the offering of fire. Aries can be the Fiery patron of Taurus, looking down on the efforts of that, from above. Leo is the most dangerous and difficult for Taurus.

Zodiac signs suitable for Taurus in rare cases

Air does not affect the Earth in any way, just like the Earth does not affect Air. Therefore, the union of Taurus with a representative of the Air element is completely unpromising. Only Gemini can be an exception: if desired, Taurus will take care of them and lead them through life very skillfully (always the previous sign of the zodiac patronizes the next).

But these recommendations are rather a generalization. To find out true compatibility in a couple, you need to know the names, eye color, time of birth, date, hair color, nose shape, and even the features of the figure of both. It is believed that knowing the necessary parameters, you can find the perfect companion.

Taurus zodiac sign compatibility: problem solving

The circle of communication of Taurus is very wide, but it is incredibly difficult for him to find a “suitable” person: Taurus is very serious in choosing even a potential partner, often only notices shortcomings. And yet, having a special sensitivity to beauty as it understands it, Taurus does not feel sexual interest in people who are wonderful, but do not meet his aesthetic needs. Has the right to. But something is worth adjusting in the approaches.

Taurus must remember: people change, relationships will just help his chosen one to succeed. Goals are easier to reach together. It is worth connecting intuition, looking ahead, focusing only on the merits of a partner. Legibility is not necessary to bring to the point of absurdity. It would be good to expand the "aesthetic horizons" in order to notice more attractive things in people. After all, ideas about beauty can turn out to be ossified stereotypes.

So, Taurus met the ideal betrothed, but as the novel develops, doubts overcome him more and more: is the choice right? It seems that the chosen one did not live up to expectations. When choosing, Taurus is scrupulous, it is unlikely that he was mistaken at the beginning, he should not torment himself in vain and there is no need to blame his partner.

Taurus likes to dominate in relationships, therefore he is dissatisfied with seeming disobedience. Taurus needs to give the partner more air - independence. You must also allow your relationship to not follow the pattern that Taurus has developed for a long time. After all, his chosen one has his own habits, his own scheme. Wishes should be expressed correctly, and criticism should not be met with hostility, perhaps it is constructive. If desired, Taurus, in fact, can get along with an impossibly difficult person.

Excellent intuition immediately tells Taurus that the beloved is not in the spirit. But why, Taurus is difficult to understand. He, instead of enjoying the company of his beloved, begins to "dig out" his mistakes.

Taurus are practical, give a lot of energy to financial affairs, but they often do not remember about spiritual comfort. Feeling that the beloved is not very happy, Taurus immediately remembers material blessings. Taurus should, being interested in his partner, find out exactly his mood, dreams, plans, this is important. It is also worth weakening the control of the situation: sometimes it is enough to relax to reduce tension. Leave some freedom and understatement.

The reasonableness, prudence of Taurus sometimes does not help them out in building relationships. Even if the chosen one is ready to give in, his actions seem inappropriate to Taurus, annoying. The reason is that Taurus has excessive demands, expectations that are not characteristic of a partner. deeds.

Important: correctly and in time to inform your beloved wishes; be able to take care of yourself; to give the chosen one more attention and time, so that he does not have feelings of his insignificance in the life of Taurus; share the concepts of “love” / “own”: a beloved is not property, he must have personal space, dreams and aspirations; to have a heart-to-heart talk about mutual expectations, the search for a compromise.

Taurus is a strategist who knows many ways to start a romance. He quickly refuses a hopeless struggle, but if there is something mutual, but the transition to close relationships is inhibited, Taurus is lost. It is worth trying to act easier - where hints are powerless, recognition or an unexpected invitation is irresistible.

Carried away by their maneuvers, Taurus may not notice responses that do not fit into the intended scheme. It is worth relaxing, “rebooting” and not missing the most pleasant moments, and even if not according to plan.

Taurus sometimes try to conquer the one who should be avoided. That's why subconscious slows down, does not give suitable words, protecting from unnecessary communication. The situation should be analyzed again.

"Love unhappy ruined life"

With a break and shallow relationships, Taurus experiences severe mental pain. But when the feelings were serious and strong, it comes to depression, complete distrust of others and loss of hope. Taurus reproaches himself, is afraid to make a mistake again, he becomes too careful, pushing away those who could get carried away, does not enjoy life.

Important: do not dwell on the past, maintain confidence, do not look for an ideal, do not set as the main goal the search for an absolutely perfect betrothed, live actively, be open, enjoy communication, give a chance to the future; remember - you can’t insure yourself from experiences, the development of the novel requires even more work than the beginning.

Taurus is demanding. Giving a lot, being strong and emotional, he wants to receive a lot. He believes: the partner will always be very attentive. Trying to always please the chosen one sexually and financially, Taurus may not feel a response.

Taurus needs to: make the partner feel interested in spiritual contact, reduce the level of material requests - dates are good in high-class restaurants, in the park, and in general hobbies; do not try to turn reality into an ideal picture from your head, do not put pressure on loved ones, forcing them to meet expectations; reduce activity, allow your loved one to behave according to his needs, naturally; learn to listen to the advice of your soul mate, to perceive her (his) “passive” behavior as concern for common peace and good.

It's only General characteristics Taurus, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual.

Perfect Match for Taurus

At a young age, it is easiest to find the perfect couple among other signs of the elements of the earth: Virgo and Capricorn. There is only one condition for complete happiness - Virgo must have her own business and not interfere with Taurus to equip life in her own way. And Capricorn will become an exemplary partner if he is a civil servant of respectable age (ten to fifteen years older than Taurus). In the second half of life, the ideal should be sought among Cancers, and among those representatives of the sign with whom you have been friends for a long time, to whom you trust your secrets. Suitable for Taurus after 35 and Pisces, but only if there is complete harmony in the sexual sphere.

Best Match for Taurus

Crayfish: Representatives of these zodiac signs make a very successful couple. Neither Taurus nor Cancer like frivolous entertainment and spend all their strength on creating a cozy family nest. Conflicts can arise on the basis of the changeable mood of Cancer, this is warned by the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Cancer. To maintain the harmony of relationships, Taurus should be more tactful, then Cancer will unusually appreciate his reliability. This confirms the compatibility horoscope Cancer and Taurus.

Capricorn: The relationship of this couple promises to be successful. Capricorn and Taurus are similar in their love of reliability. The patience of Capricorn is successfully combined with the realism of Taurus. In general, the relationship of this couple will not be burdened with excessive sentimentality, this is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope. Capricorn and Taurus have the same interests, which are the key to a happy and lasting marriage. Boredom and routine can become a serious problem for these relationships, the Compatibility Horoscope warns about this: Taurus Capricorn.

Fish: The relationship of this couple is certainly successful, but ambiguous. The mysterious Pisces is somewhat surprised by the practicality of Taurus, and the industrious Taurus cannot understand the idleness of Pisces. This can be a reason for conflicts, the compatibility horoscope warns about this. Taurus and Pisces are a successful tandem: thanks to such a pair, Taurus opens up his creative abilities, and Pisces intoxicates the reliability of Taurus. The passivity of Pisces can somewhat annoy Taurus, but this will not affect the strength of the relationship, this is confirmed by the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Pisces.

Worst Match for Taurus

Aquarius: This couple is guaranteed a difficult relationship: Taurus will be annoyed by Aquarius's desire for everything new. Aquarius will be tired of the possessive habits of Taurus, this is evidenced by the compatibility horoscope. Taurus and Aquarius often cannot agree on issues of freedom: it seems to Aquarius that Taurus is trying to limit him, and Taurus cannot come to terms with the frivolity of Aquarius. This can cause the collapse of relationships, which is what the Compatibility Horoscope warns about: Taurus and Aquarius.

Twins: This couple has too different characters: Gemini likes a faster rhythm of life and Taurus seems too slow to them. The relationship of this couple will be filled with crises of the genre, the compatibility horoscope warns about this: Taurus Gemini. However, this romance can become long and successful if Taurus is caring, and Gemini will talk more about what excites them.

Sagittarius: This couple is provided with an unusually passionate relationship, which is due to the fact that Sagittarius inspires Taurus. However, for Taurus, the main thing is the desire for constancy and reliability of relationships, and Sagittarius, with his loving nature and desire for new impressions, infuriates him. Sagittarius is annoyed by the regularity and predictability of Taurus, the Compatibility Horoscope warns about this: Taurus Sagittarius.

Strained relations

Taurus: If each of the couple according to the zodiac sign is Taurus, the compatibility horoscope considers this relationship to be extremely reliable. They have a lot in common, and it is often difficult for other signs to understand the conservatism of Taurus. As the compatibility horoscope says, the Taurus woman is more prone to the changes that are necessary in such a relationship. The main obstacle to a happy life for this couple is boredom and routine, the Taurus Compatibility Horoscope warns of this.

Scorpion: The romance of the owners of these zodiac signs will be extremely stormy, this will be confirmed by any compatibility horoscope. Taurus and Scorpio attract each other with incredible magnetism, despite the fact that there are too many differences in their personalities. The eroticism of the first weeks of the novel is eventually replaced by the jealousy of Scorpio, who begins to consider Taurus his property, the compatibility horoscope warns about this: Taurus Scorpio.

Taurus Man with other Zodiac Signs

Who is suitable for a Taurus woman for marriage according to the zodiac?

At first glance, everything is extremely simple. According to classical astrology, the Taurus woman is ideal for marriage with representatives of the elements of the Earth: Capricorns, Taurus and Virgo.

A little less - the water signs of Pisces and Cancer, with which the sign of Taurus is in a favorable aspect - sextile.

But there are some nuances:

  1. Marriage with a representative of his own sign (Taurus) is fraught with the danger of excessive "kinship of souls." For example, a situation is possible when two Taurus, a little "obsessed" with beautiful things, will mercilessly squander family finances, trying to get ahead of each other.
  2. With a Virgo man, a Taurus woman will have strong love experiences.
  3. With Capricorn, you will have to travel a lot.
  4. The Cancer man, like no one else, will be able to successfully solve the material problems of the family.
  5. It will be simply boring to live with a Pisces man, but all other benefits in this option are not guaranteed.

Taurus woman: who is she and what kind of man does she need

Do not take this article as the ultimate truth. "Ideal" representatives of any sign of the zodiac, 100% suitable for the above description, do not exist in nature, just as there are no phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic and sanguine people in their pure form. However, it is quite possible to get a general idea of ​​who you need. In no case do we urge you to destroy an already established relationship, if it suddenly turns out that, according to this text, you are not suitable for each other.

The famous Taurus woman is Penelope Cruz. In addition to her, Uma Thurman, Masha Rasputina, Barbara Streisand, Irina Saltykova, Larisa Udovichenko, Linda Evangelista, Renee Zellweger, Kirsten Dunst, Natalia Oreiro, Alina Kabaeva, Slava were born under this sign of the zodiac.

Woman - Taurus

She doesn't need a textbook to master the art of flirting and seducing, she gives non-verbal "sexual cues" as naturally as she breathes. In order to charm the man she likes, it is enough for a Taurus woman to direct her “erotic antenna” in his direction.

Her eroticism has a powerful attractive force, if a woman - Taurus did not have a well-developed intuition, which immediately allows you to "weed out" inappropriate acquaintances, she would have to make a lot of efforts to somehow streamline the flow of men who want to communicate with her closer.

This person is an owner by nature, already at the very beginning of the novel she is ready to paste over her beloved from head to toe with ads “Don’t get in, I’ll kill you”, “Don’t touch it with your hands”, “He already has a girlfriend and it’s me”, “Private property” etc. Is it any wonder that Taurus novels are never "smooth and sweet"? You can send the best screenwriters from Hollywood to the Taurus woman for an internship so that she shows them how to really arrange jealousy scenes. If only Taurus feels forgotten, abandoned, she will not be silent. He will immediately express his opinion aloud, and in order to enhance the effect of what was said, he will reinforce the words by beating dishes.

As a rule, Taurus women know what they want, they are ready to use all permitted and prohibited means from the female arsenal - from cunning and flattery to tears and threats, in order to achieve what they want, they are pathologically stubborn.

Many people, communicating with young ladies born under this zodiac sign, make the same mistake, underestimating their intelligence. In fact - Taurus women usually rely on their feelings and sensations. Their intuition is a special gift to see the truth, and it is extremely rarely wrong.

The woman - Taurus - is practical, someone, but she can not be ranked among the idealists. She will not suffer for the hero of the film, even if he is a sex symbol three times, if a handsome man is sitting next to her in the cinema. This woman does not believe in platonic love, considering it an invention of the impotent, for her love automatically means sex.

Taurus usually dress well, tastefully, but manage to do it without going over the budget. They adore jewelry - rings, earrings and especially chains, necklaces, beads and necklaces. The neck and decollete are the subject of their special pride.

Taurus women are especially "receptive" to luxury - furs, diamonds and other accessories. beautiful life they are simply hypnotized.

A serious relationship (or marriage) often plays a cruel joke with a Taurus woman - having felt that her personal life has “settled down”, she can stop keeping herself in a tight rein and. start eating, spreading out in breadth. In the soul of any slender girl born under this zodiac sign, there lives a fat woman who is just waiting for the right moment to take power over her body in her plump hands.

The Taurus woman is sure that the way to a man's heart lies through the stomach, because she has been convinced of this more than once from her own experience. She is almost a virtuoso in the kitchen, however, as well as in bed.

A darling of fate can be called a man whom a Taurus woman invites to a romantic dinner. He will certainly enjoy the full program: excellent wine, which is an ideal gastronomic pair with a culinary masterpiece that will be on the table; the pleasant voice of the hostess (there are many singers among Taurus), subdued light and the cool smoothness of silk pillows and sheets (Taurus is delighted with silk). The secret is that she will never call someone she does not like.

Among the undoubted advantages of Taurus are tender, radiant skin and a magnificent neckline, as a rule, nature generously endows these women with a bust.

Taurus in bed

At the beginning of a relationship, the Taurus Woman expects patience, tenderness and careful, gradual rapprochement from a man. She needs the pleasure of sex, and not a hasty "walk" into the wilds of erotic extreme. It may seem that Taurus is somewhat conservative and not very thirsty for novelty - in fact, this is not the case. After the successful completion of the "adaptive sex period", she will hope that the partner has enough intelligence and imagination to ensure that each intimacy is different from the previous one, and he will show more and more "tricks" from his erotic arsenal, getting them at the right moment, like a magician pulling rabbits out of a hat.

For a Taurus woman, every sign from a man is important - a hug, a kiss, and even a gentle (or not so) slap on the ass. However, pretty soon it will be ready for more action - what's the point of tuning the instrument if you don't play it later?

In bed, a romantic mood, entourage and scenery are extremely important to her. The situation should fully correspond to what is happening - it costs nothing for Taurus to throw his favorite furs on the floor in order to raise the "erotic degree". Sex for her is an opportunity to demonstrate all her most seductive angles, and bed is a stage where you can play one of the erotic roles, for example, touchy, which The Snow Queen not even good enough, or a vampire, which can compete with the characters of the twilight saga.

What kind of man does she need

The Taurus woman is full of tenderness, tenderness literally overwhelms her, so you can’t do without an “exhaust pipe”. As a rule, Taurus adhere to somewhat "old-fashioned" views, so the husband, not the lover, usually acts as the "pipe". They need a reliable man, behind whom, like behind a stone wall, you can survive any adversity and bad weather without much loss. Weak-minded mumbles, however, like uncouth rude people, do not impress Taurus.

Taurus fit

Quiet and "comfortable" man - Pisces - the perfect partner for Taurus. With him, this strong woman can enjoy peace and quiet, but without the risk of dislocating her jaw, yawning from boredom. He exalts her to the skies and gives her exactly what she needs.

The Cancer man is another "favorite", his whims and constant mood swings, multiplied by the constancy of Taurus, result in an alliance that has every chance of lasting indefinitely. At the beginning of a relationship, difficulties await this couple, but if the dating phase is completed successfully, a breakup is almost impossible.

The next option is a Capricorn man. True, there is more rationalism in this novel than passion, but it can make an excellent marriage of convenience that can stand the test of time, because both of these signs are distinguished by a penchant for pragmatism.

The Taurus woman and the Virgo man have excellent prospects: she gives him what the Virgo lacks so emotionally. And he, in turn, then “levels” and “smoothes” the spiritual impulses and throwing of Taurus, then, on the contrary, “cheers up” as needed.

Two Taurus will butt heads every now and then (as a rule, there are only two reasons for conflicts - jealousy and money), but they have so much in common, the power of erotic attraction is so strong that it can be concluded that they are created for each other, as this union would not look boring and predictable from the outside.

Taurus not suitable

The Taurus woman and the Libra man are absolutely not suitable for each other, with the Gemini man you can spend one wonderful night and learn a lot about yourself, but this romance is unlikely to last too long - the pragmatic Taurus seem too serious and thorough to the frivolous Gemini. With Sagittarius, a Taurus woman is unlikely to last longer than a month - as soon as he begins to persuade her to change her lifestyle, she will not stand it and run away.

The relationship between Taurus and the Scorpio man is doomed from the very beginning - in this union there is a clear “overdose” of jealousy and revenge. Aries and Aquarius have too little in common with the Taurus woman. The lion is too brutal for her (however, because of such an obvious difference, one night sex can turn out to be very even nothing).

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Compatibility horoscope: which zodiac sign suits Taurus women - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Taurus zodiac sign compatibility:general characteristics, sexuality,what zodiac sign suits Taurus,relationships.

Taurus: characteristics of sexual life

Taurus is charming, subtly feels beauty, knows how to create both an exquisite interior and harmonious relationships. He looks at life realistically, assessing his abilities adequately.

Taurus rarely has many novels, especially at the same time. They honor traditions, often keeping their virginity before marriage, then they are impeccably faithful. Matters of matrimony are taken extremely seriously, choosing a companion slowly and thoroughly.

Heart wounds heal for a long time, especially if the break happened due to the betrayal of the chosen one. They can calmly relate to his easy flirting, but when they cheat, they go crazy. Therefore, they are not in a hurry to fall in love, they study a potential companion for a long time, his character, habits. From the chosen one they expect constancy, the ability to be content with little, and clarity of mind.

In sex, Taurus do not like to experiment, they are rather gentle, not passionate. They know the price of their sexual abilities, have intuition and always feel pretense. If they are in love, they can succumb to persuasion, but they rarely admit that they liked the innovation. Taurus is true to tradition, this also manifests itself in sexual life.

Male Taurus devote a lot of energy to satisfying the desires of their beloved, but they do not allow her to dominate and are even frightened by her excessive activity.

Taurus women love exquisite caresses, willingly accept them, but they will never be allowed to do what is unpleasant for them.

What zodiac sign is suitable for Taurus

In the first samples of love relationships, representatives of the Earth element, to which Taurus himself belongs, are most suitable for Taurus. A vivid romance with Capricorn, quite successfully - with Taurus, and, on occasion, Virgo.

What zodiac sign is perfect for Taurus? For a strong family union, Taurus must look to the Water signs, because it is water that nourishes the earth, inspires life, makes it fertile. The ideal planetary contraction for Taurus is Scorpion: they give each other the influence of those planets that everyone lacks. But Scorpio should be less selfish, and Taurus should not be so receptive. Also suitable Crayfish and Pisces.

Zodiac signs suitable for Taurus to a lesser extent

Marriage with representatives of Fire can be dangerous, but very advantageous if successful. The most promising alliance with Sagittarius- a lot of passion, an explosion of dust from the offering of fire. Aries can be the Fiery patron of Taurus, looking down on the efforts of that, from above. Leo is the most dangerous and difficult for Taurus.

Zodiac signs suitable for Taurus in rare cases

Air does not affect the Earth in any way, just like the Earth does not affect Air. Therefore, the union of Taurus with a representative of the Air element is completely unpromising. Only Gemini can be an exception: if desired, Taurus will take care of them and lead them through life very skillfully (always the previous sign of the zodiac patronizes the next).

But these recommendations are rather a generalization. To find out true compatibility in a couple, you need to know the names, eye color, time of birth, date, hair color, nose shape, and even the features of the figure of both. It is believed that knowing the necessary parameters, you can find the perfect companion.

Taurus zodiac sign compatibility: problem solving

The circle of communication of Taurus is very wide, but it is incredibly difficult for him to find a “suitable” person: Taurus is very serious in choosing even a potential partner, often only notices shortcomings. And yet, having a special sensitivity to beauty as it understands it, Taurus does not feel sexual interest in people who are wonderful, but do not meet his aesthetic needs. Has the right to. But something is worth adjusting in the approaches.

Taurus must remember: people change, relationships will just help his chosen one to succeed. Goals are easier to reach together. It is worth connecting intuition, looking ahead, focusing only on the merits of a partner. Legibility is not necessary to bring to the point of absurdity. It would be good to expand the "aesthetic horizons" in order to notice more attractive things in people. After all, ideas about beauty can turn out to be ossified stereotypes.

So, Taurus met the ideal betrothed, but as the novel develops, doubts overcome him more and more: is the choice right? It seems that the chosen one did not live up to expectations. When choosing, Taurus is scrupulous, it is unlikely that he was mistaken at the beginning, he should not torment himself in vain and there is no need to blame his partner.

Taurus likes to dominate in relationships, therefore he is dissatisfied with seeming disobedience. Taurus needs to give the partner more air - independence. You must also allow your relationship to not follow the pattern that Taurus has developed for a long time. After all, his chosen one has his own habits, his own scheme. Wishes should be expressed correctly, and criticism should not be met with hostility, perhaps it is constructive. If desired, Taurus, in fact, can get along with an impossibly difficult person.

Excellent intuition immediately tells Taurus that the beloved is not in the spirit. But why, Taurus is difficult to understand. He, instead of enjoying the company of his beloved, begins to "dig out" his mistakes.

Taurus are practical, give a lot of energy to financial affairs, but they often do not remember about spiritual comfort. Feeling that the beloved is not very happy, Taurus immediately remembers material blessings. Taurus should, being interested in his partner, find out exactly his mood, dreams, plans, this is important. It is also worth weakening the control of the situation: sometimes it is enough to relax to reduce tension. Leave some freedom and understatement.

The reasonableness, prudence of Taurus sometimes does not help them out in building relationships. Even if the chosen one is ready to give in, his actions seem inappropriate to Taurus, annoying. The reason is that Taurus has excessive demands, expectations that are not characteristic of a partner. deeds.

Important: correctly and in time to inform your beloved wishes; be able to take care of yourself; to give the chosen one more attention and time, so that he does not have feelings of his insignificance in the life of Taurus; share the concepts of “love” / “own”: a beloved is not property, he must have personal space, dreams and aspirations; to have a heart-to-heart talk about mutual expectations, the search for a compromise.

Taurus is a strategist who knows many ways to start a romance. He quickly refuses a hopeless struggle, but if there is something mutual, but the transition to close relationships is inhibited, Taurus is lost. It is worth trying to act easier - where hints are powerless, recognition or an unexpected invitation is irresistible.

Carried away by their maneuvers, Taurus may not notice responses that do not fit into the intended scheme. It is worth relaxing, “rebooting” and not missing the most pleasant moments, and even if not according to plan.

Taurus sometimes try to conquer the one who should be avoided. That's why subconscious slows down, does not give suitable words, protecting from unnecessary communication. The situation should be analyzed again.

"Love unhappy ruined life"

With a break and shallow relationships, Taurus experiences severe mental pain. But when the feelings were serious and strong, it comes to depression, complete distrust of others and loss of hope. Taurus reproaches himself, is afraid to make a mistake again, he becomes too careful, pushing away those who could get carried away, does not enjoy life.

Important: do not dwell on the past, maintain confidence, do not look for an ideal, do not set as the main goal the search for an absolutely perfect betrothed, live actively, be open, enjoy communication, give a chance to the future; remember - you can’t insure yourself from experiences, the development of the novel requires even more work than the beginning.

Taurus is demanding. Giving a lot, being strong and emotional, he wants to receive a lot. He believes: the partner will always be very attentive. Trying to always please the chosen one sexually and financially, Taurus may not feel a response.

Taurus needs to: make the partner feel interested in spiritual contact, reduce the level of material requests - dates are good in high-class restaurants, in the park, and in general hobbies; do not try to turn reality into an ideal picture from your head, do not put pressure on loved ones, forcing them to meet expectations; reduce activity, allow your loved one to behave according to his needs, naturally; learn to listen to the advice of your soul mate, to perceive her (his) “passive” behavior as concern for common peace and good.

These are just general characteristics of Taurus, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual.

Who is suitable for a Taurus woman for marriage according to the zodiac?

At first glance, everything is extremely simple. According to classical astrology, the Taurus woman is ideal for marriage with representatives of the elements of the Earth: Capricorns, Taurus and Virgo.

A little less - the water signs of Pisces and Cancer, with which the sign of Taurus is in a favorable aspect - sextile.

But there are some nuances:

  1. Marriage with a representative of his own sign (Taurus) is fraught with the danger of excessive "kinship of souls." For example, a situation is possible when two Taurus, a little "obsessed" with beautiful things, will mercilessly squander family finances, trying to get ahead of each other.
  2. With a Virgo man, a Taurus woman will have strong love experiences.
  3. With Capricorn, you will have to travel a lot.
  4. The Cancer man, like no one else, will be able to successfully solve the material problems of the family.
  5. It will be simply boring to live with a Pisces man, but all other benefits in this option are not guaranteed.

Who suits Taurus

Taurus is a "strong" zodiac sign that is driven by the element of earth. This means that people of this sign are very down to earth, reasonable and simply do not tolerate fuss. In any sphere of life, Taurus, think through the plan to the smallest detail, and then proceed to implement it. They are not alien to spontaneous actions, quick decisions, and, accordingly, people of a similar type are more suitable for them.

Who suits the Taurus woman according to the horoscope?

Peaceful and calm Taurus needs love and comfortable solitude. One of the main priorities for Taurus is the stability of relationships, but quite often they are associated with such unstable signs as Aquarius, Scorpio, Gemini, but the strength of such unions is relatively low.

The union of Taurus and Aries can often be strong due to the strong temperament and sexual compatibility of both signs. If their feelings do not fade away within a month, they can develop into a strong and strong union. Despite the fact that these signs have too few common interests, the Taurus woman is able to win Aries with her housekeeping, stability and care for the family hearth. Their marriage has every chance to last a lifetime.

The union of Taurus and Taurus is very good in terms of love relationships, romantic adventures, the similarity of goals and interests can create a stable and strong relationship. The solid and economic Taurus finds its soul mate and the union of two Taurus, this is a redoubled strength and energy.

If the Taurus woman wants to connect her fate with the Gemini man, then this union is completely unsuitable for both signs. Too different characters and temperaments converge under one roof and stability cannot be expected from these relationships. Even if Gemini and Taurus find common interests that can unite them, still such a marriage cannot last long.

Relations in a pair of Taurus and Cancer are usually very harmonious. Economic and solid Cancer and Taurus are practically made for each other. Both are united by the desire for financial well-being, comfort and homeliness. Both representatives of the zodiac are homebodies who appreciate good food, luxury and a high quality of life. Such a couple can hold on for a very long time and happily.

Taurus and Leo, a fairly strong union in which each of the partners can be fully realized. If Leo leads an active lifestyle, then the Taurus woman will provide him with a reliable rear. In general, the ideal of a woman for Leo is a wife who willingly concedes to him the palm in the house, while being an excellent hostess and possessing an accommodating disposition. The Taurus woman has all this, which in this sense is a real treasure for Leo. In other words, this is an almost perfect union in which there is everything - love, care, mutual understanding, and even a clear distribution of family roles.

This alliance has every chance of being long and lasting.

A Virgo man and a Taurus woman have much in common: they both do not expect favors from fate, but are used to achieving everything with their own work, both are tuned in to a serious relationship, appreciate the comfort of a family hearth and strive for well-being.

True, in everyday life a Taurus woman may not be satisfied with the excessive frugality and meticulousness of the Virgo, but she is fully able to appreciate his hard work, dedication and honesty.

The union of Taurus and Libra, unites the love of worldly joys and pleasures. The Libra man is a very subtle and creative nature, they can appreciate delicious food, beautiful things, good sex. Thanks to this, their relationship often turns out to be very strong - nothing brings people together like the ability to enjoy little things together.

In the everyday life of a Taurus woman and a Scorpio man, the stability of relations ensures the calmness of Taurus, and Scorpio, with his difficult character, is immensely grateful to her for this and is able to move mountains for her sake.

Usually, a Taurus woman is happy to do housework, provide perfect comfort in the house and take care of children. At the same time, both partners are set up for a serious relationship and are ready to solve problems together, so their marriage has every chance of being very strong and happily lasting a lifetime.

An example of an ideal couple is the union of a Taurus woman and a Capricorn man. The strong and harmonious union of the wise Capricorn and the economic woman of Taurus is held together not only by sexual compatibility, but also by practicality, fidelity, and purposefulness of both signs.

A good option for Aquarius men, union with the Taurus woman. A gentle, economic and understanding Taurus woman is perfect for a creative and freedom-loving Aquarius. Sometimes a Taurus woman may not be satisfied with some household troubles, but Aquarius rarely thinks about convenience - there can be a thousand reasons for him to close any, even the most beautiful, page of his life and start writing a new one from scratch.

Pisces men find mutual understanding and support in alliance with the Taurus woman. A patient Taurus woman takes care of all the household chores and an organizational role in the family. In Pisces, she is satisfied with his talent and kindness, besides, in addition to excellent sexual compatibility, they have many features in common, and their relationship can become strong and long.

The perfect match for a Taurus woman

There is a certain psychological hook that the female Taurus comes across. In their personal environment, it is believed that marriages are made somewhere in heaven. If you are unlucky this time, then next time it can only be worse. Or not be at all. This scares the Taurus woman the most. The fear of loneliness catches a partner of any color on live bait, even for such purposeful, stubborn nature, intellectual young ladies.

Who is a Taurus woman

It’s quite difficult to figure out who suits a Taurus woman. The peculiarity lies in the fact that they are not initially adapted to extraneous contacts, acquaintances and chance meetings. It is hard to get along with people, especially with the strong half of humanity. Unlike other representatives of the zodiac circle, they look at the gentlemen for a long time. They understand his flow of thoughts, remember courtship, literally sniff. Without noticing it, they become attached to him and dissolve as a person. When the merger is complete, you can put a dash on the individual. Taurus becomes the very wife of the Decembrist, who, both in Siberia and in the pub, saves from drunkards, and orders a taxi to the strip bar, rescues her betrothed-womanizer from the clutches of the passion.

Probably not the last reason for such stability is the intimate side of life. In the understanding of Taurus women, she should not be full of a variety of partners, postures or movements. Everything that she learned at the beginning of her “Silk Road” will most likely be transformed only at the expense of her partner. In addition, Taurus is a very jealous partner. But physical betrayal has weight for them only confirmed by steel evidence. Some representatives of the zodiac circle can play on this feature.

If her man...

Aries - too few common interests. Flirting, growing into a fiery passion. Sooner or later, Taurus' sense of ownership will make itself felt. When they talk about it in full voice, most likely, the freedom-loving Aries will prefer to look for another life, overboard this boat.

Taurus is a boring and predictable union of two adults. Interests are one for two, the power of erotic attraction rolls over. There are only two reasons for conflict - money and jealousy. Ultimately, the couple is two couch potatoes eating in front of the TV. Everyone is satisfied. Excellent compatibility.

Gemini - spend the night with such a partner and get to know yourself. This is the only thing that can suit both sides. If they continue to communicate, they will soon disperse with spitting and scandals. Taurus is too serious and trembles over the material. Gemini is frivolous, without business acumen and does not respect other people's property. A very shaky union.

Who suits the Taurus woman is Cancer. - A great option for both partners. Taurus calms whims and mood swings in an instant. Excessive seriousness and some dryness of Taurus are cheered up by a mischievous and sensual ally. Harmonious combination.

Leo - again a marriage for one night. The lion is too brutal for the modest Telochka. If the union takes place, then, most likely, the man uses the money and shirks for the first expensive short skirt. There is no union.

Virgo - a man who is dry on emotions simply needs a Taurus woman. He, in turn, concretes her impulses and throwing, and from time to time awakens her. The desire for one thing - material well-being, stability and confidence in the future. Both partners in bed are quite conservative. Great union.

Libra - the union of two indecisive partners? No, don't let that happen. It is not known if you will survive this weak battle.

Scorpio - a lot of jealousy and revenge, an overdose is possible! These two people are too different from each other. At first, it's attractive. For the sake of thrills and variety, you can enjoy, but it is better not to encroach on a serious relationship. Perfect for a holiday romance.

Sagittarius is a great combination for friendship. Not more. Windy Sagittarius and heavy Taurus have too different views on life.

Capricorn is the perfect match for marriage. Rationalism here prevails over passion and feelings. Pragmatic Capricorn and Taurus are ready to withstand any test.

Aquarius is a boat without a helmsman. Both partners want to completely subjugate the other, but carefully hide it. Distrust and quarrels, as a result, termination of the union. Not the best option.

Pisces - impulsive actions Pisces often frighten the Taurus woman, and sensuality makes you doubt your own abilities. A pretty good combination if a woman accepts a partner with all the shortcomings. And as we found out, she can do it.

Based on our advice, look for a really suitable companion.

What zodiac sign is best for a Taurus girl?

Compatibility of signs of the zodiac Taurus + Taurus. A pretty good couple, especially when it comes to romantic relationships, affectionate and sensual hugs, passionate kisses. If we talk about the realities of life, then 2 slow, uninitiated and idle Taurus do not quite correspond to the joint reality.

Taurus + Gemini. Gradually, the dissimilarity of the characters of these zodiacs is so strongly manifested that all relationships become a burden. Little by little, the initial strong sensual attraction passes and the next stage begins - understanding the nature of the partner. Gemini does not sit still, seeks to discover the hitherto unknown, while Taurus is unnecessarily chained to his familiar place.

Taurus + Cancer. A very good couple, due to strong and long-term relationships. Both Cancer and Taurus are homebodies by nature, loving delicious food, splendor and high level life. This union is long-term and is able to give people to the signs of the zodiac Taurus and Cancer absolute satisfaction with life.

Taurus + Leo. For people of the Taurus sign, this union is not very favorable, one might even say unsuccessful, but the Leo zodiac will gain reliable protection for the rear in the person of Taurus. Excessive generosity and predisposition of people of the zodiac sign Leo to the frequent change of elect has an overwhelming effect on the judicious Taurus.

Taurus + Virgo. It cannot be said that the union of these zodiac signs is extremely exciting, but the similarity of principles and outlook on life allows Taurus and Virgo to be together for a long time, and the relationship between them to be delightful.

Taurus + Libra. Both Taurus and Virgo adore the well-being of life, comfort, they are attracted by good and beautiful things, they have a good aesthetic taste, but the tendency of people of the zodiac sign Taurus to the sole possession and disposal of everything and everything often gives rise to many conflicts. However, if Libra decides that these relationships are quite acceptable for them, then this relationship can last for a long time.

Taurus + Scorpio. Signs of the zodiacs that are extremely dissimilar in character, however, surprisingly, get along quite well under the same roof. Taurus is reliable, faithful and quite benevolent to please the strong nature of the Scorpio zodiac. Both of them welcome long-term relationships, which they work together on.

Taurus + Sagittarius. In order to meet the demands of Sagittarius, people of the Taurus zodiac sign adhere to a certain leisurely and organized type of life. This union does not inspire confidence, because for Taurus, the partner is a wanderer without explicit instruction.

Taurus + Capricorn. In addition to passionate romantic relationships, Taurus and the zodiac sign Capricorn have many common hobbies and interests in everyday life, which allows this couple to be together for a long time.

Taurus + Aquarius. This relationship is rather ambiguous. On the one hand, Taurus and Aquarius are equal, have no claims to dominance in relationships, which gives them the opportunity not to feel oppressed in anything. On the other hand, each of them has a hidden nature, which sometimes contributes to not always complete frankness in relationships and erroneous, incomplete mutual understanding.

Taurus + Pisces. Maybe in such an alliance zodiac signs they will never feel lust for each other, but the fact that their relationship is filled with warmth, affection and care in abundance is for sure. The connection between Taurus and Pisces is filled with happiness and magic, it is extremely difficult to refuse such a relationship. Complications can arise only when some third-party force can seduce one of the zodiacs of this couple.

After 29.5 - Taurus begins to grow spiritually and can find a suitable partner among Gemini and Aries. Gemini will increase his intelligence, and Aries - fire and energy. Aries and Gemini are quite intelligent signs and, like Taurus, don't have their heads high in the clouds. Sometimes it is useful to lower him to the ground so that he can take a good look at his life and subsequently change his future.

After 41.5 years, when Taurus has already acquired the long-awaited well-being, he is ready for a deeper, idealistic, spiritual relationship. Here it can be compatible with Scorpio.

What zodiac sign suits Taurus woman

Although Taurus sometimes seem insensitive, they are not. Their ruling planet - Venus - makes them soft and vulnerable, but stubbornness often smoothes these features.