Все о тюнинге авто

Короткие рождественские сценки на английском языке. Сценарий праздника «Рождество» на английском, немецком и русском языках методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему. Мбоу астаховская сош

Santa Claus:

Hello, my friends! Привет , друзья !
I am Santa Claus!
Я Санта Клаус
I am very old.
Я очень стар
My land is very, very cold.
Моя земля далеко - далеко
In my sleigh with two reindeer
Я приехал к нам на оленях
I bring presents every year.

Ребенок : Christmas is here!
The day is so clear,
The snow is so white,
The sky is so bright.
We shout with all might
Merry Christmas!

Ребенок : Hello, dear boys and girls! Hello, dear parents and grandparents! Welcome to our Christmas party! We are very glad to see you here!

Ребенок: Здравствуйте, дорогие мальчики и девочки! Здравствуйте дорогие родители, дедушки и бабушки! Мы рады видеть вас на нашем празднике !

Педагог : Christmas is a religious holiday. We celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. Ребенок : Рождество - религиозный праздник . Мы празднуем рождество 25 декабря .

Педагог : Christmas is always the happiest day of the year. Children like to think of it as their own holiday. The fun starts the night before, on the 24th of December, Christmas Eve. Traditionally this is the day when people decorate their trees.

Ребенок: Рождество – всегда один из счастливых дней в году. Дети очень любят этот праздник. Веселье начинается в ночь перед Рождеством 24 декабря, в сочельник. Традиционно в эти дни люди украшают свои елки.

Звучит мелодия песни “Silent Night”, входят остальные участники праздника со свечами в руках.

Дети рассказывают стихи на английском языке: фоном музыка

Ребенок : A Happy New Year!
The day is so white,
The sky is so bright,
We shout with all might,
“A Happy New Year !”

Ребенок : Father Frost!
Bring many toys
For little girls
And little boys.

Ребенок : New Year Day!
New Year Day!
Let us sing
And let us play!

It is winter, it is Christmas!
Look at our Christmas Tree!
There are big balls, there are nice dolls,
Many candies you can see.

Ребенок : Santa is coming,
Sleigh bell are near
Have a Happy Christmas
And a Happy New Year!

Ребенок : A happy new year to you

A happy new year to me

A happy new year to all our friends

Ребенок :

New things to learn

New friends to meet

New songs to sing

New joins to greet

Настало время спеть песню “Веселое Рождество

Все поют песню.

К нам в гости приехали с солнечной Италии дети с танцем «Тарантелла». Давайте поприветствуем их. Выходят дети и танцуют тарантеллу.

Педагог: Санта Клаус привез с собою своих мишек. И они хотят продемонстрировать вам свой танец Gummy Bear

Santa Claus:

Merry Christmas to you, dear children! Merry Christmas to everybody!

Педагог :

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Дети: Счастливого рождества и веселого нового года.

Поем Jingle bells

Заключительный концерт в виде рождественской истории «To Meet Santa» прошел 25 декабря в 16:00 и стал завершением декады английского языка. Идея собрать вместе Санта Клауса, Деда Мороза, Итальянскую ведьму Бефану, гавайцев и эскимосов с тем, чтобы показать, как люди в разных странах празднуют Рождество и Новый Год, была поддержана. Сценарий был полностью на английском языке, за исключением Российского Деда Мороза. Сценарий отличался от всех традиционных новогодних сказок новизной и современным взглядом и интерпретацией. Учащиеся с удовольствием репетировали и получали удовольствие от процесса подготовки.


A girl (Rayana) is sitting at the table at writing a letter to Santa:” Dear Santa, all year I was a very good girl! I was a diligent student at school. I always did my homework. I always obeyed my Mom and Dad. I helped with the housework! I would like to ask you to bring joy and happiness to my family and all my relatives. I would like all people in the world to be able to ask about help and to get this help. It is very important to manage to ask about what you need. I wish all people’s dreams come true. I wish peace stay on the Earth and we all appreciate what we have. But my biggest desire is to meet you personally! I am sure we will be very good friends!

(Her brother Stas enteres the room)

What are you doing? (Stas)

I am writing a letter to Santa. (Rayana)

Writing a letter? In the 21st century? All people have computers and the access to the Internet. Why not to write an e-mail to him? (Stas)

E-mail? What’s this? (Rayana)

An electronic letter. You type it and sent from your computer. The letter immediately enters the Santa’s mailbox…By the way, have you known before that Santa has his own website? (Stas)
- Website? What website? (Rayana)

Oh, my God! Check this out, Rayana, you type www.santaclaus.net and …Stop! What Santa are you writing to? (Stas)

What do you mean “What Santa”? (Rayana)

Rayana, do you think there is the only Santa in the world? (Stas)

Why not? (Rayana)

You still don’t know so many things, Rayana! OK, I will tell you what I know myself as your older brother. People in different countries celebrate Christmas and New Year in different ways. And by the way they have their own Santas. (Stas)

I can’t belive it! Who are you kidding? No, no, no, it’s totally unacceptable! Santa is unique and special! (Rayana)

Yes, he is but… Stop, I know how to prove it. Look! With help of virtual space we’ll travel around the world and see how people celebrate Christmas. (Stas)

Christmas in the Great Britain.

Santa (Ahmed) is sitting at the desk among the piles of letters from children all over the world. (As a background Jingle Bells sounds)

Everyday is the same! I feel like a robot! I get up at 5 o’clock, have cookies and milk for breakfast, go to my Christmas workshop and check what my elfs make for kids all over the world. Then I have cookies and milk for lunch, sleep a little bit and again at 5 o’clock pm have cookies and milk… I am fed up with milk and cookies! I wanna meat, coffee without milk, bananas and lemonade at least.

What I have to listen every day? Me? Who was the most talented Santa in the class? Who played in rock band? Jingle Bells? (He sits at the piano and plays Warriors Imagine Dragons) See! That’s what I like. We live in the 21st century! By the way, my transport, how I move, by reindeers, ridiculous! (Ahmed)

Santa, Santa, your main elf is late because he got stuck in a terrible traffic jam! (Elf)

Traffic Jam? How is that possible? Are sky roads gridlocked? (Ahmed)

But, Santa, you have recently turned all your reindeers into Mersedeses. (Elf)

Oh, I forgot! You never know what is better! I need to visit my sister Befana, I haven’t seen her for ages! She lives in Italy and I will eat pizza, cheese and spaghetti! (Ahmed)

Who are you and why you entered my house? Oh, no, stop, it was from another play who are you, my little child, and what do you need from me? (Ahmed)

Santa, it was my dream to see how people celebrate Christmas all over the world. Please, take me with you! (Rayana)

OK! No problem! We still have no my helper but I have a driving license! (Ahmed)

No, Santa, let’s go by reindeers! (Rayana)

Oh, I am too kind sometimes! Ok, lets! (Ahmed)

Christmas in Italy with the witch Befana

Befana (Alua) wearing bandana and shorts with a big broom walking along her room back and forth and screaming: “Mama mia, tradizione idiota! I should fly on a broom whereas il mio fratello Santa Claus flies on a sleigh with funny reindeers! I should eat pizza and spaghetti whereas il mio fratello Santa Claus eats cookies and milk? I hate it! (Then she sees Santa and guests)

Amore mio, il mio caro fratello! Ciao, ciao, come stai? (Alua)

Molto bene, grazie, mia sorella! (Ahmed)

Stop! Let’s fence first! (Alua)

Fence! Are you kidding, Befana? (Ahmed)

Come on, Klaus, I will prick you!

They are fencing, at last Befana wins.

You are losing your shape, carissimo! (Alua)

That’s what I am talking every day, Bef! I am eating only cookies and milk! (Ahmed)

Then Befana sees Alex and Stas:

Who are they, russo turisto? (Alua)

Turisto, but not russo! (Ahmed)

Oh, dear lady Befana, I am so happy to meet you! I have never known about you! (Rayana)

You haven’t known about me? Questo e impossibile! Questo e koshmar! (Alua)

Calm down, sorella! Let’s sing our favorite song! (Ahmed)

They sing a song together Flyleaf.

Listen, I have never known that witches can be so cool! She is gorgeous! I like her so much! (Rayana)

Yea! Pretty cool old eternal lady! But we have to visit two more countries and now we will visit Hawaii. (Stas)

Hawaii? Stas, you are pulling your leg! People in Hawaii cannot have Christmas because they have no snow! (Rayana)

Alex, you will be really surprised to see how they have a blast during this holiday. Come on, let’s go, you will see everything yourself! (Stas)

Christmas in Hawaii!

I am tired, Stas! We have just visited three different countries! What else? (Rayana)

What else? Let me think, Oh, I know, Russia! (Stas)

Oh no! (Rayana)

Why? What’s wrong with Russia! (Stas)

It’s very cold there! (Rayana)

Rayana, cold is better that rain at Christmas Eve! Come on! (Stas)

Christmas in Russia with Father Frost!

Дед Мороз (Дима Маклецев) ходит по сцене и воспитывает снежинок. Дима должен сыграть как режиссер, типа: «Не верю, сколько раз повторять вам, не убедили вы меня, что это за танцы, вы к детям собрались или на дискотеку? Ну-ка еще раз по местам, занять свои позиции» Снежинки с Некитом танцуют свой танец.

Райана и Стас хлопают и кричат «Браво!», Дед Мороз поворачивается к ним и говорит: «А это еще что за диво дивное, зачем пожаловали?»

We would like to see how you live and people in your country! (Райана и Стас)

Иностранцы что-ли? Отправлю-ка я их в Африку, вот смеху то будет! (Дима Маклецев)

Но и сам попадает в Африку!

Там сталкивается лицом к лицу с папуасом дед морозом. Оба орут: «АААА»

Потом танцуют и поют Эскимос и папуас)

Затем Дед Мороз просит прощения у ребят и летит с ними назад, номер Российский дед мороз!

Well, Rayana, now you know that in different countries there are different magicians and traditions. Have you chosen who you is gonna write your letter? (Stas)

I have changed my mind, Stas! I wanna see all of them one more time! (Rayana)

I can do it in one go! (Stas)

You? You know what? You are the greatest show-off I have ever met in my life! (Rayana)

Me? Show-off? Rayana, don’t forget, we live in the 21st century and I will only press the button ‘ENTER’ and Abracadabra… (Stas)

All four magicians come out and greet Rayana! Then one of them asks Rayana!

Have you already made your New Year’s Resolutions? (Ahmed)

Have I made what? (Rayana)

Stop, stop, may I tell the world about this great New Year’s tradition!

Before the clock strikes 12 times people all over the world make their New Year’s resolutions and decide to do something new at the beginning of the New Year! Let’s all make our New Year’s resolutions. I am sure New Year will bring all of us happiness and new productive and efficient life! (Stas)

People take a small piece of paper and write down their New Year’s Resolution then roll it into the small rolls! Then we all burn candles.

Candles and small glasses and the song “Last Christmas” of Wham.

Калижанова Анна Николаевна,ЧСОУ "Friendship", г. Караганда, р. Казахстан, заместитель директора по английской программе

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Сценарий праздника « Рождество ».

1. Приветствие ведущей:

Hello, dear guests! Hello dear kids and your parents! We are very glad to see you all here at our holiday of English Christmas!!! Здравствуйте …….

2. Выход феи Ведущая:

Фея – у нас не простая, а добрая фея, которая творит добро утром и днем, она просыпается вместе с вами, дарит вам солнечный свет и тепло, а также веселое настроение. А вечером она засыпает вместе с вами, её волшебные чары охраняют ваш сладкий сон и дарят вам только добрые и прекрасные сновидения. Фея: приветствие: на английском и русском.
ФЕЯ: Christmas is here,
Christmas is here.
Merry Christmas, Mothers!
Merry Christmas, Fathers!

Merry Christmas, teachers!
Merry Christmas, Children!

3. Презентация (см. Приложение 1).

4. Традиционная песня Рождества We Wish you a merry Christmas!

5. Конкурс на знание английских слов по теме рождество:

ФЕЯ: Ну что ребята, вы вопросы нам задавали, мы на них хорошо отвечали, а теперь мы с феей хотим посмотреть знаете ли вы английские слова на тему рождества и нового года. - Давайте проведем конкурс: вспоминайте все английские слова, связанные с нашим праздником рождества, нового года, зимы, зимних каникул. ЧЬЁ СЛОВО БУДЕТ ПОСЛЕДНИМ, КТО ЗНАЕТ БОЛЬШЕ ВСЕГО СЛОВ- ТОТ И ПОБЕДИТ В ЭТОМ КОНКУРСЕ, а нашего победителя ждёт подарок от феи! КОНКУРС ЛЕКСИКА ПО ТЕМЕ РОЖДЕСТВО, НОВЫЙ ГОД 1. New Year 2. Christmas 3. holiday 4. winter 5. winter holidays 6. celebration 7. Christmas tree 8. Christmas dinner 9. Christmas songs 10. Christmas pudding 11. presents 12. Father the Frost 13. Snow Maiden 14. Santa Clause 15. jingle 16. sleigh \ sledge 17. candles 18. skate 19. ski 20. snowflakes 21. snowballs 22. snowman 23. cold 24. frost 25. snow 26. to play snowballs 27. snowboard 28. a fairy (фея) 29. a fairy-tale 30. a miracle 31. a hill (ice-hill) 32. skating rink 33. garland 34. decoration 35. fir apple (шишка)

6 . Появление Санты


Well, the candles are lit,

the Christmas tree is glittering with lights,

the fire in the fire-place is burning.

It’s time to begin the festival.

The festival of Christmas.

7. Вопросы санты школьникам и родителям -yes\no
- Children, Are there any naughty boys among you?
- Are there any smart girls among you?
- Do you learn well at school?
- Do you play together well?
- Do you listen to your teachers?
- Do you help your parents?
- Teachers, do you love your children?
- Do you punish them?
- Do you praise them?

Фея: Мы знаем, что вы, ребята, подготовили рождествнское стихотворение для нашего Санта Клауса, ему просто не терпится послушать вас! Становитесь ближе к санте!

8. Стихотворения Санте

Oh, Christmas tree!

Oh, Christmas tree!

How lovely are your branches!

Lovely and green they always grow,

Throgh summer sun and winter snow.

Oh, Christmas tree!

Oh, Christmas tree!

How lovely your branches!

*** Christmas is coming,

The geese are getting fat.

Please, put a penny And happiness you’ll get.

*** Winter! Winter! Winter!

The snow is falling.

The wind is blowing.

The ground is white.

All day and all night!

*** Snowflakes fall on trees and walk.

Snowflakes fall as white as chalk.

Snowflakes fall into my hand.

Snowflakes brighten up our land!

*** Come to the garden

And play in the snow,

Make a white snowman

And help him to grow,

9. Песня “if you are happy … В Америке и Англии очень популярна и любима всеми ребятами одна песня-игра if you are happy … If you are happy 1. If you are happy and you know it Clap your hands (clap-clap). If you are happy and you know it Clap your hands (clap-clap). If you are happy and you know it And you really want to show it, If you are happy and you know it Clap your hands (clap-clap). 3. Stamp your feet. 4. Snap your fingers. 5. Nod your head. 6. Say "OK”. 7. Do all six

Фея: Что это?

Ученик: это рождественская хлопушка «Christmas cracker». Мы приготовили её для нашего праздника. Мы написали пожелания для ребят и положили их в хлопушку, а сейчас хотим, чтобы вы, ребята, выбрали себе пожелание.

Санта: Thank you, thank you for presents, for dances, songs and games.

A merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
I shall meet with you next year!
A merry Christmas for me,
A merry Christmas for you,
A merry Christmas for everyone.
That’s what I wish - I do.
Good bye, dear children!

10. Стихи для санты Феи:

Ребята, мы знаем, что вы подготовили рождествнское стихотворение доя нашего Санта Клауса, ему просто не терпится послушать вас! Становитесь ближе к санте! Christmas Tree Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree! How lovely are your branches! Lovely and green they always grow, Throgh summer sun and winter snow. Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree! How lovely your branches! *** Christmas is coming, The geese are getting fat. Please, put a penny And happiness you’ll get. *** Winter! Winter! Winter! The snow is falling. The wind is blowing. The ground is white. All day and all night! *** Snowflakes fall on trees and walk. Snowflakes fall as white as chalk. Snowflakes fall into my hand. Snowflakes brighten up our land! *** Come to the garden And play in the snow, Make a white snowman And help him to grow,

11. Игра с сантой ухо-нос на английском

12. Песня if you are happy … Феи:

молодцы ребята, какие хорошие и интересные вопросы задавали!!! А теперь давайте немного попоём и поиграем. В америке и Англии очень популярна и любима всеми ребятами одна песня-игра if you are happy … If you are happy 1. If you are happy and you know it Clap your hands (clap-clap). If you are happy and you know it Clap your hands (clap-clap). If you are happy and you know it And you really want to show it, If you are happy and you know it Clap your hands (clap-clap). 3. Stamp your feet. 4. Snap your fingers. 5. Nod your head. 6. Say "OK”. 7. Do all six

13. Благодарность санте на англ и проводы санты под песню we wish you a merry Christmas
Father Christmas:
Thank you, thank you for presents, for dances, songs and games. I have presents for you, too. (Раздает подарки)

Цели урока:

  • развитие учебно-коммуникативных умений;
  • расширение лексического запаса;
  • формирование и развитие социокультурной компетенции через знакомство с культурой и традициями страны изучаемого языка;
  • развитие творческих способностей.

Оформление: на доске название праздника и его символы, кассета с записями Рождественских песен, Рождественские атрибуты, елочки, венки, поздравительные открытки, чулки, колпаки, мешок с подарками, костюмы.

Ход праздника

Звенят рождественские колокольчики. Звучит песня”We Wish You a Merry Christmas”

Главные действующие лица – учащиеся 6-х классов, члены кружка “Культура Великобритании”

Master of Ceremony:

Christmas is here!
The day is so clear,
The snow is so white,
The sky is so bright.
We shout with all might
Merry Christmas!

– Hello, my friends! We are going to celebrate Christmas today.

Santa Claus is on his way
He is coming on his sleigh
Jingle bells are ringing
Santa Claus is singing

– Santa Claus, where are you? We are waiting for you.

– Hello, my friends!
I am Santa Claus!
I am very old.
My land is very, very cold.
In my sleigh with two reindeer
I bring presents every year.

– White Cat, White Rabbit, welcome to our party!

В зал входят символы года Белый Кролик и Белый Кот.

It’s Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Yes, it’s merry, merry Christmas,
It’s time for hanging stockings,
It’s time for riding sleighs,
It’s time for jolly greeting,
Snow and holly, overeating,
Oh, I love you merry Christmas!
You’re the best of holidays.

Christmas Day, happy day!
We are glad and very gay
We can dance and sing and say:
“Welcome, welcome, Christmas Day!”

Звучит мелодия песни “Silent Night”и входят остальные участники праздника со свечами в руках.

Christmas Star: Christmas is a religious holiday. We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas. Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present. It’s a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square. Most families write Christmas cards. In England almost every family receives more than 60 Christmas cards.

Snowflake 1: Christmas is always the happiest day of the year. Children like to think of it as their own holiday. But for everyone it is a very special time. The fun starts the night before, on the 24th of December, Christmas Eve. Traditionally this is the day when people decorate their trees. Children hang stockings at the end of their beds hopping that Farther Christmas will fill them with toys and sweets.

Snowflake 2: Relatives usually meet for the big Christmas dinner. The traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey with vegetables and Christmas pudding. In England people make Christmas pudding before Christmas. Everyone in family stirs the pudding and makes a wish. It’s a traditional meal, which people cook for Christmas party. When the pudding is hot they put 5-penny pieces in it, a button or a ring. If you find a button in your piece of pudding you will be rich, a ring – marriage.

Clown: At Christmas we follow old customs. We feel the magic of the season. Most families decorate their houses with a Christmas tree, buy presents for the family and friends. Sometimes English families trim trees outside their houses and place candles in the windows. Red and green are the traditional Christmas colours.

Snow Maiden: The 26th December – Boxing Day is an extra holiday after Christmas. This day people usually give and receive presents. This is time to visit friends and relatives or to sit at home and watch football.

Master of Ceremony:

– Let’s sing our favourite song “Jingle Bells” звучит фонограмма песни.

Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way!
Oh, what fun it is to ride
On a one-horse open sleigh!
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way!
Oh, what fun it is to ride
On a one-horse open sleigh!
Dashing through the snow,
On a one-horse open sleigh,
Over the fields we go,
Laughing all the way!
Bells on bob-tails ring,
Making spirits bright –
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight!
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way!
Oh, what fun it is to ride
On a one-horse open sleigh!

Игровой момент.

Master of Ceremony: – Now, let’s make a wish!

(Санта Клаус проходит с мешком по классу и дети вынимают из мешка записки с пожеланиями шуточного подарка на английском языке. Например,“Dear Santa, bring me a kilo of snow, please!”)

Master of Ceremony: – Now, let’s play! “Где хвост у Кролика?”

(К доске выходят пять уч-ся 5 класса. Задание – нарисовать на доске символ года Белого Кролика. Каждый рисует свой символ. Мастер Церемонии выбирает лучшего, а затем стирает хвосты у кроликов. Затем выходят еще пять уч-ся и с завязанными глазами пытаются приклеить заранее подготовленные меховые хвосты к изображению кроликов. Уч-ся несколько раз прокручивают вокруг своей оси. В конце конкурса всем участникам Санта Клаус раздает подарки).

Master of Ceremony: – Now, try to guess!

1. (Мастер Церемонии раздает индивидуальные задания на снежинках и просит составить слова из букв.)


Дети составляют слова из предложенных букв.


(В конце конкурса всем участникам Санта Клаус раздает подарки).

2. (Мастер Церемонии загадывает загадки и песни на тему Зимы, Нового Года и Рождества на английском и на русском языках.)

В конце все аплодируют друг другу.

– Merry Christmas to you, dear children! Merry Christmas to everybody!

Master of Ceremony:

– Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Разделы: Внеклассная работа

Сценарий новогодней сказки на английском языке “When Christmas comes”.

A Russian girl is sitting in am armchair and reading a book of fairy-tales.

Her mother calls her.

Mother: Stop reading books, dear, New Year is coming. Help me to lay the table, please.

Russian girl: Just a moment, Mum. It’s my favourite tale. I wish I were there in the fairy-tale.

Music. Lights go down.

A group of children is singing Christmas carol “Holy night”.

Silent night,
Holy night,
All is calm
All is bright
Round yon virgin mother and child,
Holy infant so tender and mild.
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace.
In the forest. (slide “Winter Forest”)

Russian girl is looking around her with great interest.

Russian girl: Where am I? I can’t believe my eyes. Is it a fairy-tale? Oh, it’s cold here. Where shall I go?

A white rabbit appears on the stage. He is in a hurry. He is looking at his watch and taking it in and out of his waistcoat.

Rabbit: Oh, dear, oh dear! I’ll be too late!

Russian girl: What? A rabbit with a pocket and a watch in it? Of course, I’m in a tale. Who’s ever seen a rabbit with a watch?

Children on the other side of the stage:

  1. A cat went to town to buy a hat.
    What? A cat with a hat? A hat for a cat?
    Who’s ever seen a cat in a hat?
  2. A cock went to town to buy a clock.
    What? A cock with a clock? A clock for a cock?
    Who’s ever seen a cock with a clock?
  3. A bear went to town to buy a chair.
    What? A bear with a chair? A chair for a bear?
    Who’s ever seen a bear with a chair?
  4. A dog went to town to buy a log?
    What? A dog with a log? A log for a dog?
    Who’s ever seen a dog with a log?
  5. An owl went to town to buy a towel.
    What? An owl with a towel? A towel for an owl?
    Who’s ever seen an owl with a towel?
  6. A hen went to town to buy a pen.
    What? A hen with a pen? A pen for a hen?
    Who’s ever seen a hen with a pen?

Russian girl: Mister Rabbit, wait for me, please!

Lights go down.

Queen’s palace. (slide “Palace”)

The Queen is sitting at the desk. There is a blackboard near the desk. Rabbit comes through the gates and runs into the palace. The Russian girl enters and hides nearby.

Rabbit: Good evening, Your Majesty! I am on time (bows). Let’s start our lesson. May I ask you to write down four irregular verbs?

Queen: All right. Dictate!


Chancellor comes.

Chancellor: Good evening, Your Majesty! May I ask you to put Your signature? To four edicts only.

Queen: Write! Well! But then I won’t write – begin-began-begun. Give me your papers!

Chancellor: Thank you very much, Your Majesty!

Queen: And what shall I write?

Chancellor: Either “execute” or “forgiveness”.

Queen (counts): E-xe-cu-te, for-gi-ve-ness. I shall write “execute” – it is shorter.

Russian girl comes out: Stop it! What have you written?

Queen: Who are you? How dare you speak to me like this? I am your Queen.

Russian girl: You executed a person and didn’t think about him!

Queen: But I can’t write and think at the same time!

Russian girl: It isn’t necessary. First you should think and then you should write.

Queen: If I do that, I shall think and think and think and then I’ll go mad.

Russian girl: Nonsense! And besides, you are not my Queen. I am not from here. I am from Russia.

Queen: Russia? Where is it? Oh, I know, your people live on the other side of the Earth and they walk with their heads downward.

Russian girl: Do you study at school? You don’t know Geography at all. (slide “The map of Russia”)Russia is the largest country in the world with a long and interesting history and culture. Do you know how Russian people celebrated Christmas traditionally?

A group of children is going around the hall and singing Russian folk songs.

Russian girl: Russian people made up a lot of fairy-tales. One of them we prepared for you in a modern version. Can you guess the tale?

Queen: Why should I know it? Mr. Rabbit knows it well.

Rabbit: It’s Russian folk-tale “The Turnip”. But I hardly guessed it.

Queen: As for me I know Math.

Russian girl (writing at the blackboard): How much is six multiplied by six?

Queen: Six times six is eleven. Mr. Rabbit, is it OK?

Rabbit (sadly): OK, Your Majesty.

Russian girl (writing): Multiply eight by eight, please.

Russian girl: Awful!

Queen: And I know Biology very well.

Russian girl: Then answer, when do snowdrops appear in the forest?

Rabbit whispers: In April.

Queen: Snowdrops? Of course, in December, because snow falls in December.

Snowflakes dance.

Russian girl: You are wrong. It’s impossible. Snowdrops blossom in April.

Queen: OK. I want April now. I like snowdrops very much. I have never seen them.

Rabbit: April will come soon. You have to wait only three months or 90 days.

Queen: 90 days! But I can’t wait! Tomorrow we are going to have a New Year’s party. I want to have snowdrops for this party.

Rabbit (sadly): Your Majesty, you can’t break the law of Nature.

It’s winter now….

Music (winter) (slide “Winter”)

Rabbit: Then comes spring with the first dripping of melted snow and snowdrops…

Music (spring) (slide “Spring”)

Rabbit: After spring comes bright summer….

Music (summer) (slide “Summer”)

Rabbit: And then comes golden autumn with a lot of fruit and vegetables, rains and winds.

Music (autumn) (slide “Autumn”)

Queen: I’ll promulgate a new law of Nature! Mr. Rabbit! Sit down and write! I’ll dictate to you. “The grass is green.

There are a lot of flowers in our forest. Bring a basket of snowdrops to our palace for the New Year’s party! “A full basket of gold is awaiting you!” Chancellor!

Chancellor comes.

Queen: Set my seal and proclaim my order!

Chancellor: But Your Majesty…

Queen: This is my order!

Lights go down.

In the forest. (slide “Winter forest”).

It’s freezing. A giant caterpillar is sitting under the tree covered with snow.

Mr.Rabbit and Russian girl are standing and hesitating in which direction to go.

Rabbit: Let’s go this way. Frosty the famous snowman lives here. I hope he can help us.

Russian girl: I am so tired. What’s the use of looking for snowdrops in winter. Where can I sit down?

Russian girl tries to sit down on a giant caterpillar but jumps up and cries.

Russian girl: What is it? Dear me! It’s a snake!

Caterpillar: First of all can’t you be more polite and stop sitting on a delicate caterpillar?

Russian girl: Caterpillar in winter! It’s incredible!

Caterpillar: Stop talking nonsense. Can’t you see? It’s me. What are you doing here on Christmas Eve?

A group of children is singing Christmas carol “Away in a manger”.

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed

The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.

The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay

The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.

Russian girl: We are looking for snowdrops.

Caterpillar: Isn’t it more incredible to look for snowdrops in winter?

Russian girl: Certainly it is. Am I going mad?

Caterpillar: Why haven’t you said before you are going crazy? I am sure only Rudolf can help you – he is also an extraordinary creature. You have to go that way. (Show them the way).

Russian girl: Thank you. Bye.

Rabbit: Thank you Miss (kisses her hand). Shall we meet one day?

Carterpillar: Put down my phone number, ducky. (Hugs and kisses him).

Lights go down. Music.

Lights go up. Russian girl and Mr. Rabbit are going through the forest.

Chorus. Song “Rudolf the Red-Nose Reindeer”.

Rudolf, the red-nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose.
And if you ever saw it
Used to laugh and call him names.
They never let poor Rudolf
play in any reindeer games.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say,
"Rudolf with your nose so bright,

you would even say it glows.
All of the other reindeer

Won"t you guide my sleigh tonight?"

Then how the reindeer loved him,
As they shouted out with glee:
"Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer,
you"ll go down in history!"

Rudolf appears. Russian girl and Mr. Rabbit run to him.

Rabbit: Mr. Rudolf we are so glad to see you. Can you help us to find snowdrops.

Rudolf: Snowdrops? What a strange idea! I can manage to get moss and lichen for you.

Russian girl: But we need snowdrops very much.

Rudolf: You need a real magician, you need Santa.

Russian girl: Where is he? Tell us, please, we are in a hurry.

Rudolf: I can’t tell you. He is very busy now, he is preparing Christmas gifts for children. That’s why nobody knows where he is. But you can ask Frosty.

Rabbit: Who is Frosty?

Chorus. Song “Frosty, The Snowman”.

Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul,
With a corncob pipe and a carrot nose,
And two eyes made of coal.
Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale, they say.
He was made of snow but the children know
How he came to life one day.
There must have been some magic in that
Old silk hat they found,
For they put it on his head
He began to dance around!

O, Frosty the snowman,
Was alive as he could be!
And the children say he could
Laugh and play
Just the same as you and me.
Thumpety thump thump,
Thumpety thump thump
Look at Frosty go!
Thumpety thump thump
Thumprty thump thump
Over the hills of snow…

Frosty (appears): Who called me?

Russian girl: Dear Frosty, can you show us the way to Santa’s house. We need his help. It’s Christmas Eve now and we’d like to get a basket of snowdrops on Christmas Day.

Frosty: What strange presents do people want to have on Christmas! OK, if you guess my riddles, I’ll show you the way.

Russian girl: We’ll try and I think children will help us (to the audience). Will you help us to guess Frosty’s riddles?

It’s blue by night,
By day it’s white.
It is cold and not dry,
It falls from the sky. (Snow)

Fat and gay, on a winter day,
He came here with us to stay.
But day by day he grew sad and thin,
And so we brought his younger brother in. (A calendar)

In winter and in summer
They stand in one colour. (A fir-tree and a pine)

This is the season
When children ski
And Santa brings
The bright Christmas tree. (Winter)

Frosty: Let’s go that way. I’ll follow you, you can lose yourselves. (They are going away).

Music. Chorus “I wish I were a snowman”

I wish I were a Snowman,
So tall and big and white.
I’d never have to clean my teeth,
Or go to bed at night.
But maybe Mister Snowman
Is wishing he were me,
For I’ll be here when summer comes,
But where will the Snowman be?

Music. Song “Christmas is coming..”

Christmas is coming
The goose is getting fat
Please, to put a penny
In an old man’s hat
Please to put a penny
In an old man’s hat.
If you have no penny
A half-penny can do
If you have no half-penny
Then God bless you.

Lights go down.

Santa’s house. (slide “Santa’s house”).

Santa Claus is picking up his bag.

Santa: A new nose for Rudolf, a new broom for Frosty, a beautiful hat for the caterpillar, a basket of snowdrops for the Queen. What else? Ah, they are coming. We’ll see if they gain their presents.

All: Santa, hello. Help us, please!

Santa: All right! I’ve just learnt a new and very modern dance. If you dance with me I’ll make all your wishes come true.

Dance. Everybody is dancing.

The clock strikes.

Santa: Christmas has come!

Song “We wish you a Merry Christmas…” (All participants).

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year!
Good tidings for you
Wherever you are
Good tidings for Christmas and a happy New Year!

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