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Zodiac signs based on literary characters. Your zodiac sign and literary character Who is Sherlock Holmes' zodiac sign



Why not?

If you want, even a whole field of Dutch tulips swaying in the wind.

These two can imagine, and ultimately create, anything that comes to their mind.

Uranus, the planet that rules Aquarius, is called the Alchemist in astrology, and most Aquarians are truly creative and miracle-minded.

Only occasionally does the immutability of this Air sign prevent the Uranian outbursts of the miraculous and force some Aquarians to live like all other people, without thinking about the beautiful madness of genius that tries to break through their constant habits and views, through their monotonous lifestyle.

Keep in mind, I'm talking about the minority here.

But when changeable Pisces joins Aquarius in all this gobbledygook, even the constancy of these rare Aquarius is significantly softened Water element Pisces, and their Uranian essence can freely break through.

Of course, the average Aquarius doesn't need any outside help for his mysteriousness to become apparent.

Pisces just adds another dimension to the madness and magic.

In nature, water softens the air, creating a humid mist - the most suitable atmosphere for mysterious alchemy, capable of translating desires and dreams into rainbow reality.

Simply put, Pisces and Aquarius are good influences on each other and on this tired, old world.

There is no end to the miracles that they can come up with and create together.

These two would make an amazing detective team: Aquarius as Sherlock Holmes with a full detective kit (magnifying glass, stupid hat and extravagant habits) looking for the exact facts, and Pisces as Dr. Watson, much more sensitive, insightful and intelligent than himself the character of Sir Arthur Copan Doyle.

By the way, the humid fog of London is precisely an example of the just mentioned combination of Water and Air, so it was a perfect place for the mysteries that Holmes was investigating.

When the unconventional but hyper-methodical Aquarius follows the Neptunian intuition of Pisces, the solution to the Great Train Robbery or the Great Jewel Heist seems elementary.

It doesn't matter which one is a man and which one is a woman.

In this couple, neither age nor gender affects their ability to penetrate the unknown.

When Pisces and Aquarius come across each other in a combination of boy-boy, girl-girl, boy-girl (in any Aquarius is the astrological sign of equality of the sexes), they will deviate slightly from the norm in their behavior with each other, not to mention the behavior both of them in relation to other people.

Wherever they flutter and float - in the office, in the church, in the museum, at home or in the classroom - these two are truly worth watching.

Since they are marked by the Sun Sign scheme, Aquarius should feel that he (or she) can learn a thing or two from Pisces, but, you see, Aquarians usually think that they already know almost everything.

However, Aquarius would only benefit from emulating the patience inherent in most Pisces, since he himself is endowed with this quality purely symbolically.

Pisces should respond to their union with sympathetic tolerance of Aquarius's whims, weaknesses and foibles, and most Pisces do so.

By nature, Pisces are inclined to go out of their way to please people, while Aquarius does not care at all that they do not please absolutely anyone.

An obstacle to achieving harmony may be the Neptunian tendency to secrecy, to constantly stick to some little things.

This can drive the average Aquarius to a white heat.


Aquarius is not interested in the personal lives of other people, since of all the Sun signs he is the least prone to gossip, if we exclude the flawed Mercury in his horoscope.

Under normal circumstances, these people do not stick their nose into other people's affairs.

But this man or this woman is seduced and teased by deliberate evasiveness, and if they encounter it, the magnifying glass is immediately brought out into the light of God and the pursuit of the secret begins.

Aquarians simply cannot stand to keep Pandora's box locked.

When it comes to riddles or puzzles of life in general (or people in particular), Pisces and Aquarius will delight in guessing the answers together.

Aquarius will stick his head right into the window of the people he is interested in and ask.

Pisces will keep a few steps away (typical Pisces will never dare to intrude on strangers like that), consumed by curiosity and the desire to find out what Aquarius managed to find out in his Uranian casual but direct manner.

Aquarians can walk right up to a person and ask them the most mind-boggling question.

They are not intentionally rude, they just want to know.

Quite often they find out, because most of them are so surprised when they hear something like: “When you were little, did you pour water into air balloons, to throw them out of the window?”, which we immediately answer without thinking.

Only Sagittarius has more curiosity than Aquarius.

(Leo and Scorpio are also curious, but this curiosity is better controlled.)

There is a difference between gossiping or snooping and Uranian curiosity.

An Aquarius won't give a damn to find out why his neighbor has been married six times or what his bank balance is, but he or she will suddenly ask why this neighbor painted the house in pink color, has Peony ever kept a pet snake at home, what does he think about vegetative propagation, or has he ever earned a free ticket to the circus by fetching water for elephants.

Most Pisces don't ask direct questions.

Their guesses and mental perception reveal so much to them that there is no need to inquire about everything.

Uranian premonitions and Natural intuition should have allowed Aquarius to also silently guess about everything, but Aquarians want to know everything for sure.

There are many characteristics and quirks that Aquarius and Pisces share.

However, there are a few distinct differences.

For example, people ruled by Neptune are dreamers.

Those ruled by Uranus also dream, but in a wilder, more intricate way.

Pisces loves art, music, poetry - at least most of them.

Aquarius also loves all this, but he may unexpectedly prefer a barrel organ with a monkey to a classical piano.

These two will probably lose their temper differently.

When Pisces gets angry, they either pour out a stream of irritated words, or measure out a couple of quiet, but clearly disapproving phrases, and then fall silent, which drives Aquarius into despair, who does not accept this way of dealing with troubles.

The Uranian way of dealing with disagreements is to instantly (and unpredictably) erupt in thunder and lightning, hoping that the storm will clear the air and quickly subside and be forgotten.

But Pisces remember unpleasant emotions a little longer, and they need time to think alone before they are ready for normal communication.

In money matters they are more or less similar.

Some Aquarians carefully count every penny they earn or spend, and then instantly forget the total amount.

Pisces also get confused with money.

They often calculate their bank balance in their head, on the back of an envelope, or on the wall next to their phone.

However, if both have a widow's Moon or Ascendant, they will be veritable walking calculators.

Of course, we study the average or typical Aquarius and Pisces, like all other signs, but I think I should constantly remind you of the exceptions when the positions of other planets slightly or significantly weaken certain qualities.

Yet, when you look more closely, you will find the basic properties inherent in their signs imprinted in the subconscious.

In helping Aquarius understand how to understand and communicate with Pisces, astrology would recommend a lot of gentleness, peace and calm.

And images.

Those ruled by Neptune are irritated by a lack of peace and need constant stimulation in the area of ​​abstract thinking.

In helping Pisces understand how to understand and communicate with Aquarius, I would personally recommend learning Abraham Lincoln's Aquarian quote: "They do what they do because they are what they are."

No one could have defined the nature of Uranus more succinctly.

To understand it, you need to possess it yourself.

According to astrologers, since any phenomenon or event can be described by appropriate astrological images, it is not a problem to determine which zodiac sign a particular literary character belongs to, based on what the writer’s imagination or folklore. And in in this case it doesn’t matter at all whether Baba Yaga really existed or not, since this is already a kind of archetype that can be referred to and cited as an analogy for the concept of a psychotype of one or another zodiac sign. So let's get started.


Active and enterprising heroes. They simply cannot sit in one place; they will always find something to do. But they live mostly in the present moment; they prefer not to think about the future until it has come. They are not averse to fighting, and are easily drawn into adventures that do not require lengthy preparation. They are not indifferent to bladed or firearms, they love speed, so their indispensable companions are a sword, a pistol, a fast horse, a car, an airplane or a spaceship. As the plot progresses, such characters often take part in a fight, saving the world or carrying out some important mission. Usually they triumph over their enemies, although they themselves are fairly beaten, in some cases wounded, and if the work is fabulous or fantastic, then they are generally killed or destroyed in some other completely unusual way, albeit with subsequent resurrection.

Writers often endow the Aries hero with fiery red hair, a bold and even daring look, freckles on his face, and a chiselled profile.

Vivid characters: Ostap Bender, Nozdryov, d'Artagnan, Duncan McCloud, Scarlett O'Hara, Tom Sawyer, Pippi Longstocking, Little Red Riding Hood, Alice the Fox, Lilu (V element).


If left undisturbed, he is calm and not prone to adventure, so writers rarely endow the characters in their works with the characteristics inherent in this sign. In the life of the Taurus hero, usually nothing interesting happens for a long time, and only some extremely important event forces him to get up from the stove or tear himself away from his favorite chair, leave a cozy home, having previously stocked up on provisions for a long journey, and begin to fulfill his mission. And it is usually simple-minded - to protect someone, for example, his country or a person dear to him, or to stop evil, which in most cases, by the way, directly or indirectly threatens his own well-being. When everything is completed, such a hero returns to his usual way of life.

Outwardly, the Taurus character is usually a strong man with a wide nose and beautiful, expressive eyes.

Vivid characters: Ilya Muromets, Kotigoroshko, Shrek, Commissioner Maigret.


Characters who could well have been born under the sign of Gemini are devilishly intelligent, curious, nosy, and don’t mince words. These are inventors and jokers. Sometimes they are downright funny, but only because at will put on this mask. Even in a negative form, they still endear you to yourself. However, based on the actions they perform, it is difficult to initially determine which heroes they belong to - positive or negative. And in the course of the work, they may well be “re-educated.” Although sometimes heroes of a negative nature, Geminis are, nevertheless, not evil. Rather, they show themselves as liars, cheats and swindlers. They can also be sarcastic and thieving. For some of them, the duality of nature manifests itself in the literal sense of the word. Remember Gollum, who suffers from outright split personality, from The Lord of the Rings, or the pirate Jack Sparrow with his visions. However, it would be a mistake to classify the Serpent Gorynych with his three heads as Gemini. The character of this creature is rather that of a scorpion. In addition, regenerative abilities (in some fairy tales, severed heads tend to grow back very quickly) are also characteristic of this sign.

The Gemini character can be found in adventure works or in fairy tales with travel, and they are recognizable by their general mobility, sometimes a long and skinny physique, sly eyes and an elongated, slightly pointed tip of the nose.

Vivid characters: Jack Sparrow, Koroviev, Chichikov, Odysseus, Passepartout, Panikovsky, Baron Munchausen, Gollum, Peter Pan, old woman Shapoklyak, Dunno, Pinocchio, Kolobok.


If the hero of the work needs care, sympathy, support and love; if
he has close ties with his family, or vice versa - there is no family, or his relationship with her has completely gone wrong, and this depresses him very much; if he lives in an old, but very comfortable home, to which he is very attached; if he loves his home, his homeland, strives for it with all his heart when he has to stay in a foreign land; if he is often sad and cries; if some little thing can plunge him into the abyss of depression; if its main goal is peace of mind, you can rest assured that this is the image of Cancer. It is interesting that science fiction writers practically do not include Cancers in their works, but in fairy tales they appear quite often.

Vivid characters: The Master, Robinson Crusoe, Box, The Little Prince, Romeo, Pierrot, Eeyore, Harry Potter (although according to JK Rowling he was born under the sign of Leo, his character is more like Cancer).


A bright, central character on whom the entire work rests. Sometimes his name appears in the title of a novel, story or story. The main idea he pursues is: man is the master of his own destiny. Indeed, after reading carefully, you begin to understand that the character of this sign, by making one decision or another, sets the tone for other events. That is, his role is key. As an example, it is appropriate to cite Margarita Nikolaevna - carnal love and heavenly muse of the Master. If she hadn’t gone out then with a bouquet of yellow flowers (by the way, yellow is the most loved color by Leos), she would not have met her betrothed. If she had not decided on the spot to throw in her lot with him, there would have been no work. With all his strength, the character of Leo is noble, true to his word and compassionate towards the grief of others - Margarita asked Woland not for herself, but for the sinner Frida. In some cases, Leo is also presented as a hero-lover.

It is easy to recognize such a character in the description: he has a bright, beautiful appearance, rich clothes, and a hat is required on the head.

Vivid characters: Margarita, Don Juan, Ivan Tsarevich.


Balanced, smart, hardworking and efficient hero. Sometimes he is too strict, but at the same time he is always fair. Most often appears in detective works, because attention to detail and the most thorough logical analysis are the most strengths his nature. Another interesting observation: Virgo characters are in most cases unmarried. At least, nowhere in the works is their marriage partner mentioned or it is directly stated that the Virgo hero is not married (not married) and is not even going to ruin his life in such a strange way. The same is true for children.

Vivid characters: Sherlock Holmes (although Conan Doyle indicates in “Notes on Sherlock Holmes” that he was born under the sign of Capricorn, any more or less literate astrologer will confidently classify the famous detective as a Virgo), Miss Marple, Mary Poppins, Malvina, Snow White, postman Pechkin, Dr. Aibolit. Cardinal Richelieu can also be attributed to this sign, as Alexandre Dumas presents him in his novels, especially since the real prototype of this political figure in France was actually born under the sign of Virgo.


Usually someone's friend or partner who constantly accompanies the main character, such as Piglet - Winnie the Pooh or Doctor Watson - Sherlock Holmes. Sometimes Libra is represented in the works of aesthete heroes, and writers in some cases deliberately display their inherent characteristics in a somewhat exaggerated form (Ellochka the Ogress from “12 Chairs”). Perhaps there is not a single novel, story, story or fairy tale where this sign would appear in a negative form. The flexible Libra, in principle, is not against following someone’s will, even if it is evil, but in the end they understand the balance of power and move to the bright side.

Vivid characters: Dr. Watson, Manilov, Ellochka the Ogress, Piglet, Thumbelina (she is included here solely on the basis of being small and pretty, but due to her hard work she should be considered a Virgo).


Scorpio is ideal for a detective or deeply psychological work, where you can, without skimping on bright colors, reflect all the ins and outs of the human soul, amaze the reader with an abundance of emotions and experiences. More often than others, a character of this sign encounters death; more often than others, he knows how to deceive it, get out of a seemingly hopeless situation, and survive after being seriously wounded or suffering losses. This only strengthens him. The shrewd Scorpio hero loves to control people and is ready to use force to do this. He always remembers the insult inflicted on him, does not stop at revenge, even to the point of murder, and sometimes he himself is ready to take his own life - either according to his own convictions or to spite his enemies. It happens that it is through the mediation of Scorpio that writers describe the other, afterlife side of life. The inner world of such a hero is rich, but his feelings are contradictory to the extreme. He loves deeply, but only one step separates his love from hatred, and if necessary, he takes it.

Almost always, writers endow Scorpio heroes with a demonic, sometimes ugly, and sometimes damn attractive, fatal appearance.

Vivid characters: Count of Monte Cristo, Milady, Professor Moriarty, Anna Karenina, Juliet, Raskolnikov, Dorian Gray, Azazello, Kaa the Boa, Zmey Gorynych.


The main feature of such heroes is spontaneity. They are truth-loving, smart, fair, sometimes idealistic, always optimistic and often hide behind the guise of a jester, such as the cat Behemoth. Another, no less important feature is that they never stay in one place. Quite fluently
look at the list below of the bright characters of this sign to make sure that they are all, to some extent, travelers, because the action of the works in which they appear takes place anywhere, but not in their place of residence. The only exceptions are, perhaps, Winnie the Pooh, Baba Yaga and Carlson. But how often did Winnie the Pooh sit at home? No, he was usually hanging around somewhere. But the main witch from Russian fairy tales and Carlson generally knew how to fly, and the issue of distance was not a problem for them, so they didn’t spend too much time at home either. It is also interesting that Sagittarius characters are often found in fairy tales, and there are almost no negative heroes among them. Even Barmaley is somehow cute and capable of frightening only small children, and even then only in make-believe.

Vivid characters: the good soldier Schweik, Don Quixote, Shura Balaganov, the cat Behemoth, Baba Yaga, Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, the Scarecrow, Alice who traveled to Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, Sinbad the Sailor, Barmaley.


Perhaps most of the villains are concentrated under the auspices of this particular sign. Capricorn characters personify the idea of ​​power, justice, and duty. They are influential, calm, and excellent at leading others, although sometimes they are ponderous and gloomy. Human passions and high feelings like love or compassion do not surprise or touch these heroes. They are cold and sometimes cruel. At best, they are fair. There are few such characters in classical, adult literature. In a slightly exaggerated form they appear to us in fairy tales. These are usually misanthropes who do not like not only people, but also animals.

Vivid characters: Woland, Plyushkin, Captain Blood, Sharikov, Koschey the Immortal, The Snow Queen, Karabas-Barabas, Cruella, Darth Vader (this character has a lot of technical Aquarius in it, but his tough character allows him to be classified as Capricorn).


They embody the idea of ​​freedom, equality, brotherhood. They are bred as rebels, revolutionaries, agents of higher justice, progress and reason. They are often indifferent to material goods. The main qualities that distinguish them from other representatives of the Zodiac are ingenuity, savvy, and technicality. In science fiction works, they are sometimes a strange mixture of man and mechanism, less often they are described as mutants with some kind of extraordinary abilities, which allows them to do good, protect the weak and maintain the balance of good and evil in the world. It is Aquarius that writers send to act in other worlds, in other dimensions. For example, Neo can penetrate the virtual world of the Matrix, and Anton Gorodetsky is able to enter the Twilight. But even those characters who are embodied in a completely normal, human form are extremely inventive and know how to think outside the box, which is the basis of their success. For example, the same Ivan the Fool. He is a fool, of course, but in the end he snatched half the kingdom and a beautiful wife to boot.

Vivid characters: Stirlitz, Erast Petrovich Fandorin, James Bond, Robin Hood, Huckleberry Finn, Ivan the Fool, Emelya, Anton Gorodetsky, Captain Nemo, Gulliver, Batman, Spider-Man, Cipollino, Puss in Boots, Tin Woodman, old man Hottabych, Mowgli, Neo , Captain Vrungel, Malchish-Kibalchish.


There are two types of such characters. The first is positive, which is characterized by such qualities as compassion, sacrifice, kindness, understanding and forgiveness. The second is negative, or rather, not so much negative as deluded and trouble-free, due to their naivety, who fell under the power of other, sometimes not very decent people and were forced to follow their lead, like, for example, the cat Basilio or Duremar. Sancho Panza can also be included in this category: it was necessary to be so imbued with the ideas of the idealist Don Quixote in order to give up everything and follow him on a difficult path. There is also a third type of Pisces hero - self-sufficient and mysterious. They usually exist in fairy tales; they are good wizards and wish-granting genies. Such strange animals as the intangible Cheshire cat that dissolves in the air or the Cheburashka, which belongs to an unknown type of animal according to the classification accepted among zoologists, can also be considered Pisces.

Vivid characters: Yeshua Ha-Notsri, Sancho Panza, Cinderella, Gerda, Assol, Cheshire cat, Basilio the cat, Duremar, Cheburashka, Ichthyander, The Little Mermaid.

Irina Romanova especially for the site

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I do not consider myself a fan of anything or anyone, including one of the most famous literary heroes of all eras - Sherlock Holmes. But I keep track of films dedicated to him.

English mini series "Sherlock" At first I watched it briefly on TV, curious, but didn’t get carried away, then I bought the disc for entertainment and discovered that the more I watched it, the more I liked this film. Stylish, highly professional, excellent performances by the performers of both the main and secondary roles, and what makes it interesting not only from the point of view of the plot - with all the dynamism and external eventfulness there is a relational, psychological aspect. Ordinary detectives live for one, maximum two viewings; this picture can be reviewed, savoring the details.

The obvious feature of the film is that the action has been transferred from the Victorian era to the 21st century. Holmes enjoys high technology to receive and process information. Watson writes stories about solved crimes and glorifies a friend's deductive methods on a blog; however, Sherlock also has his own blog, where he describes, for example, 243 types of tobacco ash.

But modernity is not limited to simply putting smartphones and laptops into the hands of heroes. In principle, there is no primitiveness or straightforwardness in the film. The most diverse trends and nuances of our time are unobtrusively noted. For example, the famous pipe Sherlock Holmes, which helped his brain work, was replaced with a nicotine patch. (Holmes: “It’s impossible to smoke in London these days! Bad news for the brain.” - Watson: “Good for the lungs.” - Holmes: “Oh! Breathing is boring!”). This was done due to the fact that the film was shown at a time when the promotion of smoking in any form was prohibited on English television, but how it was played out, how appropriate it looked, giving an additional shade to the character of the hero. The communication of the main characters is devoid of the stiffness that naturally was present in works created a century ago. Nowadays people address each other not by their surname, as was customary before, but less formally, by name: Sherlock, John, Molly (and the series is simply called “Sherlock”).

The fate of all films and performances based on classic works: they will definitely be compared, and not only with the original, but also with numerous previous staged versions. According to some experts, Benedict Cumberbatch- best Sherlock Holmes out of 72 known variants. Martin Freeman, who played the role John Watson, earned an honorable third place on this list. Russian viewers, of course, remember Sherlock Holmes performed by Vasily Livanov. For us, he was the best for a long time - until now. Everyone is good in their own time, Livanov - in the Soviet time. (By the way, the screenwriter of the Soviet series Vladimir Valutsky admitted that “Sherlock” was the first interpretation of Conan Doyle’s work that he liked, after his own work, of course).

A little earlier than the series with Cumberbatch, a film version with Robert Downey Jr. appeared. A little later - an American remake "Elementary" with Jonny Lee Miller. It depends on you, but Guy Ritchie’s quite stylish, self-sufficient film remained at the level of a classic action movie, nothing more. Regarding the American series, even the performer leading role prefers the English Sherlock. Miller and Cumberbatch, by the way, are friends.

Members reacted curiously to both seasons of the series “Sherlock” Sherlock Holmes Society of London. This literary hero is a national treasure of Great Britain, just as, for example, Eugene Onegin is a national treasure of Russia, and Scarlett O'Hara is a national treasure of the United States of America. Connoisseurs have admitted that the BBC series' interpretation of Holmes suits the classic character perfectly if moved to modern society. Holmes remained Holmes. (This is not the American interpretation with Holmes the drug addict). Cumberbatch himself once joked that if he took a coin for every phrase “we expected something different and were pleasantly surprised,” he could treat all the journalists.

I’ll try to break down this unexpected success of the film for many.

The series is not a series at all

Not a series in the usual sense. So far, only six episodes have been shot, or rather, six separate films. In terms of timing, they are full-fledged films - each one is an hour and a half long. They are staged by different directors, each has its own style, tone, idea, meaning - and at the same time develops the overall plot. The first episode is the introduction of the heroes, the second episode is their getting used to each other, the third is the appearance of an anti-hero, the fourth is a love test, and the sixth, very different from the previous ones, does not look like a detective story at all, the genre is almost a drama. Great script that Steven Moffat and Mark Getiss wrote in turns and in co-authorship. Superbly constructed dialogues, appropriate humor, intellectualism, harmonious, clear composition of each episode. How elegantly the stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are rearranged and reformatted, preserving the plot details, but often changing the essence!

What attracts me is the carefully executed production, the thoughtfulness of every detail, the quality in everything. Apartment on Baker Street, where many episodes are filmed, was recreated not on a crowded street near the city center, where the Sherlock Holmes Museum is now located and there are a lot of signs with his name around, but in a remote area - but close to the original (I happened to see it). The operator actively uses the “surround shooting” method, when one situation, one object is recorded from different angles, creating a three-dimensional image. Text messages floating on the screen that do not stop the action, but overlap with it. Beautiful views of London, special atmosphere. A memorable soundtrack, the tempo of which changes depending on the rhythm of events. And – a non-serial feature – the absence of cliches, and if they exist, they were introduced deliberately, as signs of modern clichéd thinking.

Actor's parting

Amazing accuracy with the choice of actors for almost all roles. Inspector Lestrade (Rupert Graves) is unexpectedly charming, intelligent, although he does not grab stars from the sky, and respects Sherlock. A professional in her field (and this is autopsy of bodies in the morgue), pretty, but unsure of herself as a woman, Molly (Louise Brealey). Moriarty (Andrew Scott) is simply an acting feast, with insanely expressive facial expressions. I also found the character of Mycroft Holmes performed by Mark Gettiss very interesting.


But the main success, of course, lies in the duet of the main characters.

Benedict Cumberbatch has his hero Sherlock Holmes to thank for making him famous. But Sherlock should also be grateful to Benedict for being able to portray him so organically, vividly, and charmingly (even though the actor is far from handsome), making him a truly extraordinary person. Cumberbatch's every gesture is precise, making excellent use of his rich voice, posture, and ease of movement. The role is not easy, there are a lot of words that have to be pronounced quickly, his speech sounds almost at the speed of thought.

Actor Cumberbatch

Cumberbatch comes from an acting family; his parents did everything possible to prevent their son from following in their footsteps, but they did not succeed. He received an excellent education, but his acting career began to take shape only at the age of 30 (Benedict is now 36). Yet he was not widely known before playing Sherlock. Now it’s in great demand (filming of the third season was delayed, among other things, due to his busyness in other television and film projects). When the authors of the idea, who were also the screenwriters, chose the performers, there was no long search or debate regarding the main character: in the role of the modern Holmes, both saw Cumberbatch and only him.

Sherlock-Benedict is by no means the sensible, unhurried gentleman puffing on a pipe who has grown into our consciousness thanks to previous film adaptations. Its internal computer operates at a fantastic speed - millions of gigabytes per second! He is eccentric, incomprehensible, annoying with his unwillingness to fit into the conventions of this world, and calls those around him idiots to their faces. “Be quiet, Andersen, we are lowering the IQ of the entire street!” Police Sergeant Sally Donovan refers to him only as “psycho”, but about himself he says “I’m not a psychopath, but a highly active sociopath, learn the terms, Andersen!” He is absolutely integral, almost autistic, he knows not only everything about everything and everyone, but also everything about himself. He is a genius and constantly demands that others recognize this: “The weakness of a genius is the need for an audience!” “Yeah…” Watson nods. But the authors do not allow their hero to endlessly revel in his own mind, from time to time putting him in funny situations, allowing him to make mistakes, tiny, insignificant, which, nevertheless, emphasize that nothing human, including mistakes, is alien to him.

One of the reasons for the success of Sherlock’s image is that in our era the theme of the proportionality of mind and feeling, the correlation of technology and humanity is very relevant. Speeches about “excessive emotions” and the triumph of reason are heard more and more often. In principle, the whole series is about this, about the possibility of combining intelligence and feelings. Well, one more thing about the relationship between the two.

A couple is not a couple

Another detective classic, Agatha Christie, also has wonderful heroes who have been worshiped for more than a century. And yet, neither Miss Marple nor Poirot are able to compete with the Holmes-Watson duet precisely because there are two of them. “We are not a couple!” - John constantly proves, fearing that he will be suspected of unconventional inclinations. “No, a couple,” says Irene Adler. And where there are two, there is the main thing - there is a relationship.

Watson - Freeman

So, another big plus of the series is the relationships.

The opening episode, where the main characters meet for the first time, is interesting to re-watch after finishing the entire series. We meet new people, some weekly, some daily, but then we remember and savor the details of only those meetings that became milestones for us, that changed our lives - and we forget others forever. This is exactly what happened to Sherlock and John when they met: life changed. And John is no less important to Sherlock than Sherlock is to John, perhaps even more so. (By the way, Watson's role in the film is more significant than in the literary source, where the doctor is mainly a target for ridicule and some balance of everyday life for the eccentric detective).

The 21st century Dr. Watson has returned from service in Afghanistan, much like his late 19th century counterpart. The war was different, but still the same, endless, invincible Afghan. He is courageous, stubborn, principled, internally persistent, decisive, ready for action, reliable and even moderately insightful, if assessed on an ordinary scale. What did he become for Sherlock? “Maybe not the brightest head, but an unrivaled conductor of light.”

Watson - Sherlock's moral code. Already in the first hours of their acquaintance, Holmes, noticing the frozen faces of those around him in response to his remark about the death of the murdered daughter: “It was a long time ago, why would she be so sad?”, asks him: “What? Badly?". Watson helps the “highly active sociopath” to socialize: he apologizes for his rudeness, smoothes out harshness and outright impoliteness. He embeds it in this boring, horizontal, flat, but inexorably real world.

Throughout all the episodes, an unobtrusive ironic line runs through Watson’s fear of being branded not as a friend, but as a “buddy.” In Great Britain, after much debate, a law was passed legitimizing same-sex marriage, and this topic is still actively discussed. So what exists in between?

Already in the second episode, Sherlock, who has never had friends, introduces John: “My friend,” but for some reason he corrects: “Colleague.” But in The Hounds of Baskerville, Watson, who easily tolerated Holmes's many arrogant antics, is seriously offended when he declares: “I have no friends!” Sherlock's apology scene is almost sentimental. However, he immediately uses the established contact to conduct a rather harsh experiment with a friend in the role of a guinea pig.

And so it goes on all the time: something happens between them, uneven, changing, now irritation, now recognition, from time to time they save each other... What is this? In my opinion, something more than friendship. This is already love. Know-know, no indecent hints. They are usually just friends with a close, somewhat related person. They are friends for something. They love you for nothing. Only love is unconditional. John Watson endlessly admires Sherlock, appreciates his intelligence, but also perfectly sees the shortcomings that he finds difficult to come to terms with. And yet, he accepts him entirely, as is, just as a mother loves a child - any one, weak, wretched, as long as it is her own. His love is also unconditional because it does not require anything in return. He doesn't ask. But it does. Because Sherlock, of course, loves him too.

Well, what about love for a woman?

The question of Holmes's relationship to Irene Adler is not so clear. The performer of the role believes that his hero loves her in his own way. But as if without “chemistry”, without physiology. “Don't worry, it's about sex,” the words of Mycroft's brother. “Sex doesn’t bother me,” the words of Sherlock’s brother. “How do you know?”, the words of Brother Mycroft. Now he knows. Irene Adler is dear to him. Because she is the same. Everyone dreams of meeting their soul mate. Sherlock didn't dream, but he met. But he is smart, he understands: in this life he must be alone. This is fate, I was born this way, no doubt about it.

Irene Adler

But Watson’s personal life seems to be going well in future episodes (as in the literary original). Because he is still an ordinary person and lives his “ordinary story.”

That's the main question. Does Sherlock have a heart?

- I'll burn your heart out! – Moriarty is angry.

- From reliable sources it is known that I don’t have it! - the spiritually stable hero is ready to joke at a critical moment.

- Well, we both know that this is not entirely true...

A superbrain, a superhero, capable of not worrying if worrying doesn’t help matters. Cold? Indifferent? As if. However, everything he does, he does for the sake of people, for the good. Everyday little things, social conventions and, especially, empty words may not be important to him, but he helps, he saves. (And he doesn’t even want to take money for it, which earthly Watson, as a true friend and protector, does not allow). "You're on the side of the angels!" - Moriarty pronounces his verdict. (However, their competition-dialogue on the roof at the end of the sixth episode is not one of the strongest “pages”, in my opinion).

The film has a strong humanistic component. Perhaps the creators did not consciously set such goals, but the series turned out to be very “correct”; it presented modern man in its extreme, extreme manifestation, but convincingly beautiful. A person in our technological time is able to develop the mind - and preserve the soul, to be a brain center - and a center of attraction for people. “You are the most humane I have ever known,” says John Watson at his friend’s grave.

In the article “The Hands of Sherlock Holmes” (section “Palmistry, Reading Lines” on my website) I write about how often an actor is let down by his hands. With his face, a talented person can play anyone, but the palms, fingers, their shape, and features are ready to give the artist away. So, Cumberbatch's hands correspond to what his hero's hands should have. In an article written a long time ago, I briefly analyzed the palms of the actor playing Holmes and made some assumptions about the artist himself. Later I got acquainted with information about this person and became convinced that my guesses were correct.

Cumberbatch and Freeman are friends in real life

About Benedict Cumberbatch. According to his half-sister, he has a lot in common with the hero of the series. He is an intellectual, reads a lot, has little free time, as he works a lot, and thinks very quickly. They say he is strange. And not even married (yet). From his student days, Benedict continued his relationship with actress Olivia Poulet for 12 years, but they recently broke up. Like Sherlock, he has a difficult character, although not as harsh. And he also likes to joke. “The other day I accidentally read on some blog that I have a horse’s face, an idiotic last name, that as an actor I am mediocre and stupid. And if I can somehow argue with the last two, then with the first, alas, this has been with me since childhood.”

Sherlock's hands

I’ll complete my impressions of the film “Sherlock,” as befits my site, with astrological “fabrications.” I like to “guess” who famous literary and film characters are based on their zodiac sign. For example, I am convinced that Nastasya Filippovna (Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot”, the television series by Vladimir Bortko “The Idiot”) is Scorpio, Prince Myshkin is certainly a Pisces, and Rogozhin played by Vladimir Mashkov is most likely a Taurus, he is too caught up in feelings, and his beloved woman is killed by his possessive instinct. ( Don't you agree? We can discuss. By the way, you can read about the fact that quiet and peaceful Taurus are leaders of certain categories of criminals in the article “Zodiac Signs and criminal tendencies"on my website in the "Astrology" section,). Sherlock Holmes, performed by Cumberbatch, is very similar to a mixture of Gemini and Aquarius: intelligence and speed, rationalism and self-obsession. John Watson is most likely a Taurus, or Capricorn. In general, there is the element of Air - here the element of Earth.

And what kind of horoscopes have not already been created. I like literary horoscopes.

TO As we know, many literary heroes are perceived by us as real people. And their names have already become household names. Astrologers could not ignore this popularity and, after consulting with the stars, they compiled a Literary Horoscope according to the zodiac signs for men and women.

Aries man according to the Literary horoscope

- Othello. He is jealous to the point of madness. His significant other should avoid even a hint of betrayal, otherwise there will be trouble. But if you do not give reasons for jealousy, then Othello will be the most caring and attentive life partner. The Aries woman is associated with Desdemona. This is a faithful and constant lady in her feelings, who is often undeservedly suspected of treason and betrayal. She's a victim evil tongues, the machinations of unkind people and unfavorable circumstances. At the same time, she can change everything if only she takes a closer look at the people around her.

Astrologers named the Taurus man Don Quixote. His nobility, generosity and readiness for knightly deeds know no bounds. Don Quixote is a selfless dreamer who created a fantastic life ideal for himself.

The Taurus woman is a typical Roksolana. She won't disappear anywhere. Everywhere he will find a place in the sun, and the best one at that. Roksolana will always take care of those she loves.

The Gemini man is the hero of love affairs. And therefore it is not surprising that observant astrologers called him Don Juan. Everyone considers him a daring violator of moral and religious norms, everyone thinks that he can conquer everyone. In fact, he is simply not able to refuse a single one.

The Gemini woman, for her apparent inconstancy, became Madame Bovary. There are always a lot of fans around her. She is amorous and sincere in her feelings, but too often she comes across the wrong men. Madame Bovary is capable, defying all conventions, and again and again throwing herself into the abyss of love, which sucks her whole. Whether she will be lucky on the love front depends on herself. A little prudence and at least a little constancy will not hurt Gemini.

The Cancer man is a typical hero of our time too. That's why they called him Pechorin. He is afraid of the creaking of the shutters, but at the same time he fearlessly goes towards the bear. Pechorin is a good analyst; he carefully calculates all his actions.

The Cancer woman is seductive, jealous and vengeful by nature. That's why they called her Medea. She attracts men to her like the light of a traveler, but before you succumb to her charms, you need to think carefully: not to burn in the flame of her passionate love.

The Leo man is a real Karamazov. Strength is felt in him, serious passions rage, he always gets what he wants, regardless of the price. End justifies the means. This person, having believed in the Idea, will be faithful to it to the end. But before you find this idea, you will have to go through a long and painful journey of searching for yourself and your relationship to the world.

The Leo woman is fearless, like Scarlett. She will pass all the trials that befall her with honor, with her head held high. And he will certainly achieve what he wants, what he strives for.

Virgos are made for love. Therefore, the Virgo Man is Romeo, and the Virgo Woman is Juliet.

They will love one person all their lives. To love sincerely, romantically, giving yourself completely to love. And if fate separates them from their beloved (beloved), then they will not look for a replacement. “You can only love once in your life,” say Romeo and Juliet.

Libras, both men and women, have remarkable detective skills. That’s why the Libra Man is compared to Fandorin, and the Libra Woman to Miss Marple.

Fandorin has a clearly formed outlook on life. It is very important for him to live in accordance with his own conscience, even if this contradicts generally accepted norms. Miss Marple is a kind-hearted person. She does not tolerate injustice, and therefore does everything possible to ensure that the truth prevails.

There is something devilish and mystical about Scorpios. Therefore, the Scorpio Man is called Woland, and the Woman is called the Queen of Spades. Woland - Serpent-tempter. In an insinuating voice, he will talk about the delights of vice and lure you into hellish nets. This is a passionate and temperamental man with the gift of persuasion. He is a subtle psychologist, has a good understanding of people and knows how to charm.

The Queen of Spades is a femme fatale. You won't get bored with her. She is always different. As the Russian proverb says: “It will press you to the heart, then it will send you to hell.” She is mysterious, enigmatic and unpredictable. The Czech writer Josef Toman said the best about her: “She combines the tenderness of all mothers and the passion of all lovers, wisdom and madness, childishness and experience, cruelty and loyalty, she is an angel and a devil, fire and ice water, she smells of the musk of a tavern and the incense of a temple.”

Sagittarius man - Robin Hood. A sharp shooter who always hits the bull's eye. A daring man, a fighter for justice. If Robin Hood is nearby, no one will dare to offend you.

Sagittarius woman - Esmeralda. A kind, sweet, affectionate, naive creature that you can’t help but fall in love with. Out of a large number of fans, she always gives preference to the most beautiful, but not always worthy.

The Capricorn man is often compared to Andrei Bolkonsky. Bolkonsky is a man capable of giving his life for his Motherland, with a strong sense of duty, a true patriot.

Capricorn woman - Natasha Rostova, faithful, loving wife, a good mother, a wonderful housewife who knows how to create comfort. She is intelligent and smart, but they cannot be together.

Aquarius man in the Literary horoscope - Evgeny Onegin. He is a man tired of social life. He was bored with everything, always bored, sad and sad. Most of his life passes as if in a dream, and when he wakes up, it often turns out that he did not notice the most important thing in life and passed by his happiness.

Aquarius woman - Tatyana Larina, a sincere, pure-hearted girl. “She is wild, sad, silent...” And besides, she is modest and naive... If she survives unrequited love, she will become a real socialite, give herself gloss and will break men's hearts, remaining faithful to her husband, even if she does not love him.

Pisces Man - Ichthyander. He can only live in his own environment, where everything is close, familiar and dear to his heart... It is very difficult for him to adapt to an unusual environment.
The Pisces woman is a rebel by nature. That is why astrologers named her Katerina.

According to Ostrovsky, she is above generally accepted stereotypes and lives according to her own laws, but sometimes cannot withstand external pressure. A storm is raging in her soul, and she is not always able to cope with it.

From here:

Another literary horoscope:

It is a pity that great writers in the prefaces to no less great works do not indicate the zodiac signs of their main characters. And there are usually no dates of their birth... There is some meager information about the time and place of action... In general, the reader is completely deprived of the opportunity to know who, for example, is the notorious Scorpio, and who is the militant Aries: Kolobok or Little Red Riding Hood...

Optimistic ARIES

Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind (Margaret Mitchell) is a true ARIES

Quote: “You’ll see, I’ll still get married, even if I stop flinching, squealing and fainting.”

Aries's optimism is simply inexhaustible, and his seething energy always accompanies him. Undoubtedly, these qualities are the reason for the endless series of adventures, twists and turns, various kinds of alterations, awkward situations and clashes in his life. An interesting fact is that these very character traits can not only cause Aries a lot of trouble, but also lead him to the right place at the right time. And then, when Aries feels himself at the epicenter of a whirlwind of events, then all his best personal qualities appear. This makes Aries feel like a full-fledged “tenant” of the planet, when he feels that life does not flow through his fingers, but is seething around him and in himself. The heroine of Gone with the Wind, Scarlett O'Hara, faced many difficult trials, although she dealt with them with the grip of a true Aries - stubborn, strong and courageous. And something tells us that, if there had not been a hurricane in Scarlett’s life, she would still have organized it on her own.


Reflection of Taurus in literature - Little Red Riding Hood by Charles Perrault.

Quote: “It’s me, your granddaughter. I brought you a pie and a pot of butter.”

Taurus stands firmly on the ground, resting on all four feet. Taurus never looks for easy ways, they are used to fighting for their well-being, and therefore they know how to do this very well. They are rarely visited by impulsive desires - they are pragmatic and rational. Taurus are able to find a way out of any situation, even if they are in a deep forest with Little Red Riding Hood on their head, and around there is impenetrable darkness and a pack of wolves. The Zodiac sign Taurus has extraordinary ingenuity, which allows him to find a way out of any situation, even the most insoluble at first glance. In addition, do not underestimate Taurus, for he has an enviable resourcefulness, which, alas, is not given to everyone. However, these Red Riding Hoods are completely unsuited to the outcome of events when only Taurus is satisfied with the result of events. Little Red Riding Hood is filled with the thought that everyone around her should be happy. And he diligently achieves the fulfillment of his desires!

Two-faced Gemini
(21.05 - 21.06)

Don Juan - 100% GEMINI

Quote: “My hand is quite heavy, although I may look quiet.

Wherever the game takes us, I am not afraid of my offenders,

And I will teach those who insult my appearance both honor and decency!” J. Gordon Byron, Don Juan.

Gemini every minute and hourly try unsuccessfully to cope with the struggle of two personalities within themselves. While one of the personalities is in the process of making a deliberate decision, the second is preparing thousands of reasons contrary to the latter. It is noteworthy that this approach works for Gemini in any situation in any area of ​​life. Especially love. That's why Geminis are sometimes called Don Juans - in honor of the famous hero-lover. The problem with Gemini is not their ability to win the heart of any beauty or any handsome man, but the fact that the Gemini Man or Woman is simply not able to refuse any of them!

Romantic and touching CANCER
(22.06 - 22.07)

A full-fledged representative of the Zodiac sign Cancer in literature is Romeo from William Shakespeare’s poem “Romeo and Juliet”

Quote: “Love is wise madness: it is full of both bitterness and sweetness.”

Cancer-Romeo is romantic, vulnerable, sincere, unquestioningly believes in eternal love and strives for it with all his heart. Despite the tenderness and timidity of his character, Cancer is able to stand up for himself. He loves silence, solitude and peace, is prone to long thoughts and deep thoughts, but will not miss the chance to spend time in good company and the prospect of having fun to the fullest. Cancer is one of those zodiac signs who tend to perceive the injustice of life as a personal slap in the face. Due to excessive sensitivity, Cancer-Romeo repeatedly finds himself in tragic situations, committing a series of rash actions one after another!

LION who lives on the roof
(23.07 - 23.08)

The brightest representative of the Zodiac sign Leo is Carlson, who lives on the roof: handsome, damn smart and moderately well-fed, and, of course, in the prime of his life.

Astrid Lindgren, "The Kid and Carlson, Who Lives on the Roof."

Leo is a zodiac sign, full of optimism, love of life and friendship. He wins hearts, collects sincere smiles and eaten cakes, never loses heart, always bursts with cheerfulness and love. The best toastmaster, organizer of mass events, unexpected transformations. Leos are created for fun, they simply do not know how to be sad and yearn for more than 5 minutes.

Carlson is a real Leo: moderately well-fed, charms any creature, always in the prime of life. He is in constant delight with each day and with himself. We should thank Leo - they try their best to infect others with the same positive emotions. And we must give them credit - they always succeed in doing this!

VIRGO with intelligence
(24.08 - 23.09)

It is unlikely that anyone would argue that the best literary reflection of the Virgo zodiac sign is Anna Karenina.

Quote: “Respect was invented in order to hide the empty place where love should be.” Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina.

And who would have thought that Virgo, so rich in tenderness and softness, is capable of such harsh actions that could be condemned by society. But for Virgos, when the question becomes acute and concerns happiness, no boundaries of decency or social laws exist. “Anna Kareninas” are capable of a desperate struggle for happiness, love and their interests. But, no matter how reckless the actions of Virgos may seem, one should not underestimate the thoughtfulness of each step of such recklessness, since Virgos are the last sign of the Zodiac who is capable of throwing themselves into the pool headlong without having a well-thought-out plan!

LIBRA, who is not to be trifled with
(24.09 — 23.10)

The most prominent representative of Libra in literature is perhaps Sherlock Holmes from the notes on Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Quote: “I put myself in the place of the character, first of all, having understood his mental level, I try to imagine how I myself would act under similar circumstances.”

It is typical for Libra to think a little about a question, to be silent for a while, to weigh, to analyze. I just want to compare Libra with Sherlock Holmes, as if they came to Earth to judge and give conclusions on various topics. It is the silence of Libra that is much more verbose than any chatter of other signs of the Zodiac, and their inspector’s gaze, like an X-ray, shines through the interlocutor, noting small details and inconsistencies. Representatives of the Libra sign are cunning, attentive and smart people. And, often, like Sherlock Holmes himself, they direct their forces into the fight against evil.

Devilry and SCORPIO
(24.10 — 22.11)

The real, notorious Scorpio is Mikhail Bulgakov's Woland from The Master and Margarita.

Quote: “I like to sit low. It’s not so dangerous to fall from low.”

Whatever one may say, from any side in Scorpio a certain devilry shines through, mysticism and the unknown shine through. Whatever Scorpio is, he is a mystery with an eerie attractiveness of image, depth of gaze and hidden threat at the same time. Everyone knows that even a fleeting glance from Scorpio can pierce to the very bones. What to say if Scorpio “takes aim”...? Scorpios are praised not for their ability to gracefully strike an opponent, but for the fact that they do not do this as often as they can. Although some individuals will not miss the opportunity to sting more painfully. Scorpios are credited with some mysterious knowledge, which may be why Woland can safely be called the most prominent representative of Scorpio in literature!

SAGITTARIUS who loves to visit
(23.11 —21.12)

A typical Sagittarius in literature is Winnie the Pooh.

Quote: “A suitable company is one where they will treat me to something and listen to my Grumpy with pleasure.”. "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All" by Alan Milne.

Sagittarius is Vinnie IIuh: just as open, impossibly charming, trouble-free in any regard, occasionally tactless, but very kind, sweet and constantly tipsy. If Sagittarius, should such a misfortune happen, is visited by some crazy idea, he will certainly begin to try in every possible and impossible way to bring it to life, until it becomes clear to him that the reason for his failures lies in the “wrong bees.” But the moment when Sagittarius understands this comes too late... However, Sagittarius has no time to be discouraged, since a new batch of amazing ideas is already swarming in his head!

Persistent CAPRICORN
(22.12 - 20.01)

The true representative of the Capricorn zodiac sign is Mary Poppins from the feature film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye” directed by Leonid Kvinikhidze.

Quote: “Oh, what bliss, Oh, what bliss, to know that I am perfection. To know that I am ideal".

Capricorns are sedate, persistent, serious and stubborn. This is exactly what the heroine Mary Poppins is, who will not allow children to play pranks even for a moment, raising them to be exemplary citizens. Capricorn will not make concessions, indulging the slightest whims and whims of the children, he will teach them strength and perseverance. Capricorn will set an example of good manners and behavior with his whole being and strive to cultivate adult feelings in children. And, despite their seriousness and steadfastness, Capricorns know how to make their children’s childhood the best in the world!

Lover of life - AQUARIUS
(21.01 - 20.02)

True Aquarius - Ostap Bender

Quote: “We have to think. For example, I am fed by ideas.”“Golden Calf” by Ilf and Petrov.

Aquarius is one of the most “mobile” signs of the Zodiac: there is always a lot of ideas, words, forces, noise, hubbub, body movements and, as a result, the result is zero effect. Although this does not upset Aquarius himself at all, for he is full of courage, cheerfulness and optimism. Aquarians themselves suspect that the result of the work done is not as important to them as its process. Aquarians enthusiastically enjoy life itself every second, the breath of a fresh wind, the gaze of an attractive brunette... Aquarians do not need to learn to enjoy life - they know how to do this, and use their skills with or without reason... That's how they are - Aquarius! And the most prominent representative of Aquarius in literature is Ostap Bender, for whom every day is a holiday, and life itself is an inexhaustible carnival!

thoughtful PISCES
(21.02 - 20.03)

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's Don Quixote can be called the most prominent representative of the Pisces zodiac sign in literature.

Quote: “To become wise, you have to pretend to be crazy.”

Don Quixote of La Mancha is cunning and intelligent, mysterious, living in his transparent and spacious reservoir, understandable to him alone. Pisces are accustomed to swimming according to laws that are known only to representatives of their zodiac sign. They think about unknown, alluring distances, they are seduced by knightly battles. Pisces think about justice, about truth, about everything extremely important, global... It’s not for nothing that they are considered one of the most extraordinary and unusual signs. Pisces have some extremely noble mission, even if it is to fight windmills

Optimistic ARIES (21.03 - 20.04)

Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind Margaret Mitchell - a true ARIES

Quote:“You’ll see, I’ll still get married, even if I stop flinching, squealing and fainting.”

Aries's optimism is simply inexhaustible, and his seething energy always accompanies him. Undoubtedly, these qualities are the reason for the endless series of adventures, twists and turns, various kinds of alterations, awkward situations and clashes in his life. An interesting fact is that these very character traits can not only cause Aries a lot of trouble, but also lead him to the right place at the right time. And then, when Aries feels himself at the epicenter of a whirlwind of events, then all his best personal qualities appear. This makes Aries feel like a full-fledged “tenant” of the planet, when he feels that life does not flow through his fingers, but is seething around him and in himself. The heroine of Gone with the Wind, Scarlett O'Hara, faced many difficult trials, although she dealt with them with the grip of a true Aries - stubborn, strong and courageous. And something tells us that, if there had not been a hurricane in Scarlett’s life, she would still have organized it on her own.

Cunning TAURUS in a red cap (21.04 - 20.05)

Reflection of Taurus in literature - Charles Perrault.

Quote:“It’s me, your granddaughter. I brought you a pie and a pot of butter.”

Taurus stands firmly on the ground, resting on all four feet. Taurus never looks for easy ways, they are used to fighting for their well-being, and therefore they know how to do this very well. They are rarely visited by impulsive desires - they are pragmatic and rational. Taurus are able to find a way out of any situation, even if they are in a deep forest with Little Red Riding Hood on their head, and around there is impenetrable darkness and a pack of wolves. The Zodiac sign Taurus has extraordinary ingenuity, which allows him to find a way out of any situation, even the most insoluble at first glance. In addition, do not underestimate Taurus, for he has an enviable resourcefulness, which, alas, is not given to everyone. However, these Red Riding Hoods are completely unsuited to the outcome of events when only Taurus is satisfied with the result of events. Little Red Riding Hood is filled with the thought that everyone around her should be happy. And he diligently achieves the fulfillment of his desires!

Two-faced GEMINI (21.05 - 21.06)

Don Juan- 100% GEMINI


“My hand is quite heavy, although I may look quiet.
Wherever the game takes us, I am not afraid of my offenders,
And I will teach those who insult my appearance both honor and decency!” (J. Gordon Byron, Don Juan.)

Gemini every minute and hourly try unsuccessfully to cope with the struggle of two personalities within themselves. While one of the personalities is in the process of making a deliberate decision, the second is preparing thousands of reasons contrary to the latter. It is noteworthy that this approach works for Gemini in any situation in any area of ​​life. Especially love. That's why Geminis are sometimes called Don Juans - in honor of the famous hero-lover. The problem with Gemini is not their ability to win the heart of any beauty or any handsome man, but the fact that the Gemini Man or Woman is simply not able to refuse any of them!

Romantic and touching CANCER (22.06 - 22.07)

A full-fledged representative of the Zodiac sign Cancer in literature - Romeo from William Shakespeare's poem "Romeo and Juliet"

Quote:“Love is wise madness: it is full of both bitterness and sweetness.”

Cancer-Romeo is romantic, vulnerable, sincere, unquestioningly believes in eternal love and strives for it with all his heart. Despite the tenderness and timidity of his character, Cancer is able to stand up for himself. He loves silence, solitude and peace, is prone to long thoughts and deep thoughts, but will not miss the chance to spend time in good company and the prospect of having fun to the fullest. Cancer is one of those zodiac signs who tend to perceive the injustice of life as a personal slap in the face. Due to excessive sensitivity, Cancer-Romeo repeatedly finds himself in tragic situations, committing a series of rash actions one after another!

LION who lives on the roof (23.07 - 23.08)

The brightest representative of the Zodiac sign Leo - Carlson who lives on the roof: handsome, damn smart and moderately well-fed, and, of course, in the prime of life.

(Astrid Lindgren, “The Little One Who Lives on the Roof.”)

Leo is a zodiac sign, full of optimism, love of life and friendship. He wins hearts, collects sincere smiles and eaten cakes, never loses heart, always bursts with cheerfulness and love. The best toastmaster, organizer of mass events, unexpected transformations. Leos are created for fun, they simply do not know how to be sad and yearn for more than 5 minutes.

Carlson is real: moderately well-fed, charms any creature, always in the prime of life. He is in constant delight with each day and with himself. We should thank Leo - they try their best to infect others with the same positive emotions. And we must give them credit - they always succeed in doing this!

VIRGO with wisdom (24.08 - 23.09)

It is unlikely that anyone would argue that the best literary reflection of the Virgo zodiac sign is Anna Karenina.

Quote:“Respect was invented in order to hide the empty place where love should be.” (Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina.)

And who would have thought that Virgo, so rich in tenderness and softness, is capable of such harsh actions that could be condemned by society. But for Virgos, when the question becomes acute and concerns happiness, no boundaries of decency or social laws exist. “Anna Kareninas” are capable of a desperate struggle for happiness, love and their interests. But, no matter how reckless the actions of Virgos may seem, one should not underestimate the thoughtfulness of each step of such recklessness, since Virgos are the last sign of the Zodiac who is capable of throwing themselves into the pool headlong without having a well-thought-out plan!

LIBRA, which is not to be trifled with (24.09 - 23.10)

The most prominent representative of Libra in literature is, perhaps, Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Quote:“I put myself in the place of the character, first of all, having understood his mental level, I try to imagine how I myself would act under similar circumstances.”

It is typical for Libra to think a little about a question, to be silent for a while, to weigh, to analyze. I just want to compare Libra with Sherlock Holmes, as if they came to Earth to judge and give conclusions on various topics. It is the silence of Libra that is much more verbose than any chatter of other signs of the Zodiac, and their inspector’s gaze, like an X-ray, shines through the interlocutor, noting small details and inconsistencies. Representatives of the Libra sign are cunning, attentive and intelligent people. And, often, like Sherlock Holmes himself, they direct their forces into the fight against evil.

Devilry and SCORPIO (24.10 - 22.11)

The real, notorious Scorpio - Woland Mikhail Bulgakov from The Master and Margarita.

Quote: “I like to sit low... It’s not so dangerous to fall from low.”

Whatever one may say, from any side in Scorpio a certain devilry shines through, mysticism and the unknown shine through. Whatever Scorpio is, he is a mystery with an eerie attractiveness of image, depth of gaze and hidden threat at the same time. Everyone knows that even a fleeting glance from Scorpio can pierce to the very bones. What to say if Scorpio “takes aim”...? Scorpios are praised not for their ability to gracefully strike an opponent, but for the fact that they do not do this as often as they can. Although some individuals will not miss the opportunity to sting more painfully. Scorpios are credited with some mysterious knowledge, which may be why Woland can safely be called the most prominent representative of Scorpio in literature!

SAGITTARIUS who loves to visit (11/23 - 12/21)

A typical Sagittarius in literature is Winnie the Pooh.

Quote:“The right company is the kind of company where they will treat me to something and listen to my Grumpy with pleasure.” (“Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”, Alan Milne.)

Sagittarius is: the same open-minded, incredibly charming, reliable in any regard, occasionally tactless, but very kind, sweet and constantly tipsy. If Sagittarius, should such a misfortune happen, is visited by some crazy idea, he will certainly begin to try in every possible and impossible way to bring it to life, until it becomes clear to him that the reason for his failures lies in the “wrong bees.” But the moment when Sagittarius understands this comes too late... However, Sagittarius has no time to be discouraged, since a new batch of amazing ideas is already swarming in his head!

Stubborn CAPRICORN (22.12 - 20.01)

A true representative of the zodiac sign Capricorn - Mary Poppins- the heroine of fairy tales by children's writer Pamela Travers. I think everyone remembers this sorceress nanny from the feature film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye,” directed by Leonid Kvinikhidze.

Quote:“Oh, what bliss, Oh, what bliss, to know that I am perfection. To know that I am an ideal.”

Capricorns are sedate, persistent, serious and stubborn. This is exactly what the heroine Mary Poppins is, who will not allow children to play pranks even for a moment, raising them to be exemplary citizens. Capricorn will not make concessions, indulging the slightest whims and whims of the children, he will teach them strength and perseverance. Capricorn will set an example of good manners and behavior with his whole being and strive to cultivate adult feelings in children. And, despite their seriousness and steadfastness, Capricorns know how to make their children’s childhood the best in the world!

Lover of life - AQUARIUS (21.01 - 20.02)

True Aquarius - Ostap Bender.

Quote:“We have to think. For example, I am fed by ideas.” (“The Golden Calf” by Ilf and Petrov.)

Aquarius is one of the most “mobile” signs of the Zodiac: there is always a lot of ideas, words, forces, noise, hubbub, body movements and, as a result, the result is zero effect. Although this does not upset Aquarius himself at all, for he is full of courage, cheerfulness and optimism. Aquarians themselves suspect that the result of the work done is not as important to them as its process. Aquarians enthusiastically enjoy life itself every second, the breath of a fresh wind, the gaze of an attractive brunette... Aquarians do not need to learn to enjoy life - they know how to do this, and use their skills with or without reason... That's how they are - Aquarians! And the most prominent representative of Aquarius in literature is Ostap Bender, for whom every day is a holiday, and life itself is an inexhaustible carnival!

PISCES (21.02 - 20.03)

As the most prominent representative of the zodiac sign Pisces in literature can be called Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

Quote:“To become wise, you have to pretend to be crazy.”

Don Quixote of La Mancha is cunning and intelligent, mysterious, living in his transparent and spacious reservoir, understandable to him alone. Pisces are accustomed to swimming according to laws that are known only to representatives of their zodiac sign. They think about unknown, alluring distances, they are seduced by knightly battles. Pisces think about justice, about truth, about everything extremely important, global... It’s not for nothing that they are considered one of the most extraordinary and unusual signs. Pisces have some extremely noble mission, even if it consists of fighting windmills!