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Foreign literature abridged. All works of the school curriculum in a brief summary. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale characters: "Mowgli" Mowgli summary 5 6 sentences

The Jungle Book is a story written by J.R. Kipling. Main character is a boy named Mowgli who was lost in the jungle at an early age but found family and friends such as Baloo, Bagheera, Kaa and Akelo. The stories are about the incredible and exciting adventures of a little boy in the jungle.

“The Jungle Book” is a kind and instructive fairy tale that teaches loyalty and friendship. J.R. Kipling, describing the laws of the Jungle, makes us think that in human civilization there is no such order and balance, and that people cannot maintain the fraternal unity inherent in the inhabitants of the Jungle.

Read summary of Kipling The Jungle Book

The story begins when a boy got lost in the jungle as a small child. Following in his footsteps is the tiger Shere Khan. But the child, having reached the wolves' den, escapes from the tiger and finds his new family, in the person of the Father and Mother of Wolves. Due to the fact that the child looks like a frog, he was named Mowgli. The boy is allowed to live among the wolves, because at the Council of the Wolf Pack two votes and a fee were given for him by Bagheera and Baloo.

Mowgli grows up, learns the language of animals and the Laws of the Jungle, which Baloo teaches him. One of the boy's first exciting adventures was when he was kidnapped by the monkeys of Bandar-log and taken to the Cold Lairs. But Mowgli is saved by his friends - Bagheera, Baloo and Kaa, who were warned by the kite at the boy's request.

About ten years pass when Mowgli loses the protection of Akelo, as he has become old, and faces the hatred of most of the wolves, who hate the boy for his look. The tiger Shere Khan is waiting for the moment when he can make Mowgli his prey. But nothing works out for him. Mowgli, bringing fire from the village, demonstrates his power to the entire wolf pack, setting Shere Khan's skin on fire and protecting Akelo.

After leaving the jungle, Mowgli comes to a village where he lives with a woman named Messua. The boy learns the language of the people, learns about their way of life and tries to lead a human life by becoming a shepherd of a herd of buffaloes. From his friends in the jungle, Mowgli learns that Shere Khan has returned, and with their help he deals with the tiger, luring him into a trap with buffaloes.

Having prevented the hunter from taking the tiger's skin, Mowgli saved his named parents and, with the help of the jungle inhabitants, destroyed the village.

After Mowgli's return, all the animals recognize him as the rightful master of the jungle.

When the young man reaches the age of seventeen, the wolves are attacked by the Red Dogs, who destroy everything in their path. Having lured them into a trap, Kaa and Mowgli save the wolves from death.

The older Mowgli gets, the more he wants to live like a human. He eventually says goodbye to his friends and leaves the jungle. Now Mowgli has a family and lives an ordinary human life. But he will always remember the Jungle and his true friends.

Picture or drawing of The Jungle Book

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  • Summary of Kipling The Jungle Book

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The book consists of two parts. Some of the stories tell about Mowgli, about his life in the jungle among wild animals. IN two years of age The woodcutter's little son gets lost in the jungle. The lame tiger Shere Khan is on his heels and wants to make him his prey. The child crawls to the wolves' lair. Father and Mother Wolves accept him into their family and protect him from Shere Khan. They call him Mowgli, which means “little frog.” At the council of the wolf pack, the bear Baloo, who teaches the wolf cubs the law of the jungle, and the black panther Bagheera, who pays the pack not to hand over the baby to Shere Khan to be torn to pieces, ask to allow Mowgli to live among the wolves.

Mowgli's intelligence and courage allow him to survive and grow stronger in the difficult conditions of life in the jungle. His friends and patrons are the bear Balu, Bagheera, the boa constrictor Kaa, and the leader of the wolf pack Akelo. Many adventures happen in his life, he learns to speak the language of all the inhabitants of the jungle, and this saves his life more than once.

One day, the monkeys take the boy to Cold Lairs, a ruined Hindu city founded in the jungle centuries ago. Bagheera, Baloo and Kaa come to the boy’s aid and save him from the monkeys who are playing with him like a toy.

Ten years after Mowgli arrived in the jungle, the leader of the pack, Akelo, becomes old and can no longer patronize his favorite. Many wolves hate Mowgli because they cannot stand his gaze and feel his inexplicable superiority. Shere Khan is waiting for the right moment to deal with Mowgli. Then, on Bagheera's advice, Mowgli brings fire from the village. On the Council Rock of the wolf pack, he demonstrates his strength to the animals, sets Shere Khan’s skin on fire, and speaks out in defense of Akelo.

After that, he leaves the jungle and goes to the village, to the people. There, one woman named Messua takes him for her son, who was once carried away by Shere Khan, and gives him shelter in her house. Mowgli learns the human language, becomes accustomed to the way of life of people, and then becomes a shepherd of the village herd of buffalo for several months. One day he learns from the wolves loyal to him that Shere Khan, who went to another part of the jungle to heal his wounds, has returned. Then Mowgli lures the tiger into a trap and sends a herd of buffalo at him from both sides. Shere Khan dies. The village hunter, who learned about the death of the tiger, wants to receive 100 rupees for the capture of Shere Khan and wants to take his skin to the village. Mowgli does not allow him to do this. Then the hunter calls him a werewolf, and Messua and her husband - sorcerers. Mowgli with a tiger skin is hiding in the jungle. His named parents are going to be burned. Mowgli returns, helps them hide and get to the English settlement, from whom they can ask for protection. Mowgli sends wild elephants, buffalos, and deer to the village, and they trample fields, destroy houses, disperse herds, so that the residents are forced to seek shelter in some other place.

After the death of Shere Khan and the destruction of the village, Mowgli returns to the jungle, and now his life is especially good. He grows up to be a handsome, strong and intelligent young man.

When he reaches seventeen years of age, the wolves' habitat is attacked by wild red dhole dogs. Each of them is weaker than a wolf, but they attack in hordes, they are hungry and kill all living things in their path. Mowgli and Kaa lure them into a trap. His cunning helps him get rid of most of the uninvited guests.

Spring comes, and Mowgli is drawn to people. He says goodbye to his friends and finally leaves for where Messua and her recently born child now live. Mowgli meets a girl, marries her and leads a normal life for a human being, but forever retains in his memory his first years spent in the jungle and the images of his true friends.

Year: 1894 Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: Mowgli - a child raised by wolves

Worldwide famous fairy tale its text is quite different from the cartoons based on it. Of course, there are no singing and dancing animals in Kipling's work. This is a darker, even cruel work. It is included in The Jungle Book (two parts) among other stories about humanized animals. (One of the most famous stories- “Rikki-tikki-tavi”).

This long tale begins with a woodcutter's two-year-old son getting lost in the jungle. Of course, he is in danger of death, there are too many dangers in the wild, especially for a child, and besides, a tiger is hot on his trail. But fortunately, the child ends up in the den of the wolves who lead the tribe. They protect the human cub, even the pack council (along with the panther and bear) supports this decision. Named Mowgli (little frog), the foster child grows up among the wolf cubs.

Many adventures happen to the hero. For example, one day the monkeys steal him and take him away to play. But the birds tracked their lair, and Mowgli was saved. Having matured, Mowgli deals with the tiger, who has not yet given up the idea of ​​​​eating him, the young man lures him into a trap and removes his skin.

The older Mowgli is, the more timid the wolves become in front of him, without understanding why... And they don’t like it! His adoptive father is already old and cannot protect him. Moreover, Mowgli is drawn to people. He is received in the village by a family who have lost a child. Mowgli settles in, learns the language, and becomes a shepherd. And here he is the Master, the animals obey him unconditionally. But the evil hunter calls him a werewolf, and his adoptive parents - sorcerers. They are about to be burned, but Mowgli saves them and destroys the village using the power of the jungle.

And the hero also brings fire from the village to conquer the wolves and become the master of the jungle. He succeeds in everything, and yet he is not yet seventeen years old. When he came of age, his native pack of wild dogs was attacked. But Mowgli saves the wolves by luring the invaders into another trap - with beehives. But before that, the wolves under his leadership give a terrible battle to the enemies.

As a result, Mowgli returns to people - to his adoptive parents. He gets married and leads a normal life for a person, although retaining memories of an extraordinary childhood. Yet he became not just a “foster” of wolves, a stranger both in the jungle and among people, he became a wolf man.

Mowgli paid the jungle good for good. The wolves who protected and raised him were themselves saved by his grown-up foster child. The fairy tale shows that man is still the king of nature, you just need to treat it with understanding and love.

Picture or drawing of Mowgli

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Year of writing: 1894

Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: Mowgli- a child raised by wolves


In infancy, the boy was lost in the forest, here the tiger Shere Khan wants to make him his food, a pack of wolves led by their leader Akela take the boy under their protection. Mowgli lives with wolves, and he is taught by Baloo the Bear and Bagheera the Panther all the intricacies of the sciences necessary for wild animals.

After many years, the child turns into a man, and Akela has become old and feeble. Many wolves hate human cubs because they are subconsciously afraid of them; they are just waiting for Akela’s death in order to destroy his pet too.

Mowgli, to show his strength, brings fire from the village and defeats his ill-wishers. But then he has to go to people, although his heart is breaking from pain and sorrow.

Conclusion (my opinion)

In this work, wild animals behave exactly like people: they fight for power, make friends and love, hate and fight. Among them there are noble and vile, low and honest. Mowgli went to the people, but it was the wild animals that made him a real man.

Kipling Rudyard fairy tale "Mowgli"

Genre: literary fairy tale

List of stories about Mowgli from The Jungle Book in order:

  1. Mowgli's brothers
  2. Kaa Python Hunting
  3. Tiger! Tiger!
  4. How fear came to the jungle
  5. Jungle Invasion
  6. Royal ankas
  7. Red dogs
  8. Spring
The main characters of the fairy tale "Mowgli" and their characteristics
  1. Mowgli, a human cub raised by wolves. At first weak and defenseless, but gradually becomes the master of the jungle, everyone obeys him and everyone respects him.
  2. Baloo. Bear, teacher of wolf cubs.
  3. Bagheera. Panther. Like all cats, she is affectionate, but scary when angry.
  4. Kaa. Python. Very smart, knows everything about the jungle
  5. Akela. Leader of the wolf pack.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Mowgli" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. A wolf family finds a human cub in the jungle and the pack accepts it, after the intercession of Baloo and Bagheera
  2. Baloo and Bagheera teach Mowgli the laws of the jungle, he becomes a prisoner of the bandar logs, but is saved by the python Kaa
  3. Mowgli meets the White Hood and learns what the Water Truce is.
  4. Mowgli goes to the people, but he is accused of witchcraft when he kills Shere Khan
  5. Mowgli saves the jungle from the invasion of red dogs
  6. Mowgli returns to people.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Mowgli"
Even if a person was raised by the jungle, his place is still among people, because a person always returns to people.

What does the fairy tale "Mowgli" teach?
This fairy tale teaches you to be fair, kind, honest, teaches you never to deceive or betray. Teaches not to trust gold. Teaches you to be natural and free. Teaches that we are all of the same blood.

Review of the fairy tale "Mowgli"
This is the fascinating story of a human cub who grew up among wolves and for a long time considered himself a member of the wolf pack. Scary and exciting adventures awaited Mowgli in the jungle, but people turned out to be even more dangerous. But still, Mowgli was a man and therefore became the master of the jungle. He defeated the tiger Shere Khan, he saved the jungle from the red dogs. But when Mowgli grew up, he still returned to the people.
This is very interesting story, which you read without stopping from beginning to end.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Mowgli"
Water is for fish, air is for birds, and the whole earth is for man.
Man is not born for himself.
No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.

Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Mowgli" in parts:
"Mowgli's Brothers"

  1. Wolf family
  2. Jackal Tabaki
  3. Roar of Shere Khan
  4. human cub
  5. Rahksha's Courage
  6. Council Rock
  7. Baloo and Bagheera
  8. Mowgli has grown up
  9. Bagheera Council
  10. Stealing the Red Flower
  11. Akela missed
  12. Mowgli's triumph

"The Hunt of the Python Kaa"

  1. Mowgli teaches the law of the jungle
  2. Kidnapping Mowgli
  3. Kite Rann
  4. Python Kaa
  5. In a ruined city
  6. The appearance of Bagheera
  7. Mowgli in the dome
  8. Baloo and Bagheera in the pool
  9. Kaa Appears
  10. New friend
  11. Hunt Kaa

"Tiger! Tiger!"

  1. Mowgli comes out to people
  2. He is accepted into the Messua family
  3. Mowgli herding buffaloes
  4. Shere Khan watches over Mowgli
  5. Mowgli meets Akela
  6. They are driving buffaloes
  7. Death of Shere Khan
  8. Accusation of witchcraft
  9. hail of stones
  10. Mowgli goes into the jungle
  11. Mowgli refuses to be the leader of the wolves.

"How Fear Came to the Jungle"

  1. Drought
  2. Water truce
  3. Shere Khan kills a man
  4. Hati's story
  5. First tiger
  6. First killed deer
  7. Tiger runs
  8. Monkey ruler
  9. Fear in the Cave
  10. Tiger kills fear
  11. Lots of hairless with sticks
  12. The right of one night

"Jungle Invasion"

  1. Hunter Buldeo
  2. Accusation of witchcraft
  3. Panther song
  4. Mowgli in the village
  5. Parents are free
  6. Panther in a hut
  7. Elephant Hati
  8. Invasion of the fields
  9. Fear of people
  10. Exodus of people
  11. Destroyed village.

"Royal Ancas"

  1. Mowgli plays with Kaa
  2. Old dungeon
  3. White hood
  4. Useless Treasures
  5. Royal ankas
  6. White Cobra Threats
  7. Senile impotence
  8. Mowgli throws away the ancas
  9. Six deaths in one night
  10. Return of Ankas

"Red Dogs"

  1. Wounded Wolf
  2. Kaa's Council
  3. Bees
  4. Mowgli and the leader's tail
  5. Mowgli's escape
  6. Ambush
  7. Valleys in the water
  8. Battle on the Shore
  9. Death of Akela
  10. Victory


  1. Spring in the jungle
  2. Mowgli 17 years old
  3. Mowgli meets Messua
  4. Mowgli stays with people
  5. Farewell to the jungle.

Summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Mowgli" by chapters
"Mowgli's Brothers"
It was evening in the Sioni Mountains when the jackal Tabaqui came to the Wolves’ lair. He asked to treat him with a bone and told him that the tiger Shere Khan had changed his hunting location.
The wolves did not express joy about this. Then they learned that the tiger hunts humans. They heard how Shere Khan roared when he fell into the woodcutter's fire, and then a small human cub crawled out to the lair.
The wolves refused to give the human cub to Shere Khan. The she-wolf Raksha even challenged him and Shere Khan decided to wait for the decision of the wolf pack.
When the wolf cubs grew up a little, the wolves led them to the Council Rock, but where lay the old gray wolf - Akela.
Shere Khan demanded that the cub be given to him, but Akela said that wolves do not care about outside decrees, they obey only their own laws. Akela asked who would be willing to vouch for the human cub.
The first to speak was the bear Balu, who agreed to raise him, but he needed another voice.
Then the panther Bagheera jumped out to the wolves and offered them a ransom - a deer carcass for a person’s life.
So the man remained in the wolf pack and received the name Mowgli - the hairless frog.
10-11 years have passed. Mowgli grew up, he learned many of the tricks of the jungle, became strong and resilient.
During this time, Akela lost weight and Shere Khan began to confuse the minds of young wolves, saying that man had no place in their pack.
Bagheera warned Mowgli that many consider him an enemy only because he is a man and because they cannot stand his gaze. She told Mowgli that he must get the scarlet flower.
Mowgli went to the village, and the wolf pack went hunting.
Mowgli looked at the flower pot for a long time, and, making sure that it was not dangerous, took it away from the little boy.
When he returns, he learns that Akela missed.
Wolves gather at the Council Rock. Shere Khan demands that the man be given to him, and Akela and Mowgli shame the wolves who have forgotten about honor.
Bagheera and Baloo are ready to fight for Mowgli.
Then Mowgli says that he was told so much that he was a man that she believed it. He throws the pot on the ground and a red fire blooms in the jungle.
Mowgli forces the wolves to recognize Akela as leader again, pokes Shere Khan's face into the flames and leaves to join the people.
But he promises to return.

Kaa Python Hunting
When Mowgli was little, Baloo and Bagheera taught him the law of the Jungle. Among other things, they taught him to pronounce the words “We are of the same blood” in the language of all animals and birds.
Mowgli showed his friends a wild dance and it turned out that he was talking to Bandar-log, who consoled him when Baloo hit the boy.
Baloo and Bagheera warned Mowgli not to have relations with Bandar-log.
But the monkeys had a different opinion, they wanted Mowgli to be in their pack, because he knew and could do a lot of useful things. So when the boy was sleeping surrounded by Baloo and Bagheera, the Bandar-logs came down and stole him.
Mowgli woke up among the branches. He saw Rann's kite in the sky and shouted the password to him. Mowgli asked to follow him and show his friends where the bandar-logs were keeping him.
At this time, Baloo and Bagheera were deciding what to do. They remembered the python Kaa, who was the main fear of the monkeys, and went to him. Luckily for them, the python had not had lunch yet.
With a few words, Bagheera cleverly ignited the anger of the python Kaa, conveying to him the words allegedly spoken by the Bandar-logs.
Baloo said that they were hunting the Bandar Logs who stole a human cub. Kaa decides to help and take part in the hunt.
The monkeys have made their lair in the lost city. Mowgli did not like the order of the bandar-logs, who did nothing, fussed, interfered with each other and broke everything. But he couldn't free himself. He was constantly surrounded by monkeys in several rows.
And then a panther appeared. Giving out to monkeys strong blows, she tried to approach Mowgli, but the monkeys fell on Bagheera en masse, and Mowgli was hidden in the destroyed dome.
Cobras lived in the dome, but Mowgli told them “We are of the same blood” and they did not bite him.
At this time, Bagheera was having a hard time and Mowgli shouted to her to jump into the pool. Bagheera hid in the water and Baloo soon joined her.
And then the python Kaa appeared in the ruins. The Bandar-logs were horrified, but the python did not let them run away, hypnotizing them with its eyes. Kaa suggested that Baloo and Bagheera take Mowgli. Mowgli said that he is indebted to Kaa and will definitely help him if Kaa asks for help. Kaa said that he likes Maguli.
Baloo, Bagheera and Mowgli left the ruins, and Kaa asked the bander-logs if they could clearly see him. Kaa began his dance, and the bander-logs descended ever closer to him.
Moreover, even Bagheera and Baloo took a step towards Kaa. Mowgli put his hands on their necks and the animals woke up.
Mowgli admitted his guilt in not listening to his teachers, and Bagheera lovingly struck him six times. Then Mowgli jumped on the cat's back and they went home.

"Tiger! Tiger"
Mowgli comes out to the village and people are surprised to see him. The priest offers to take Mowgli to Messua, the wife of the richest man, whose son was once carried away by a tiger.
Mowgli lives among people and adopts their laws. They seem very strange and stupid to him.
He is sent to graze a herd of buffaloes, and at this time the Gray Brother brings Mowgli the news of the return of Shere Khan. Mowgli decides to kill Shere Khan and bring his skin to the village, because the hunter Buldeo egged him on.
The Gray Brother and Akela come to Mowgli and they destroy the herd of buffaloes to trap Shere Khan. Enraged buffalos run towards Shere Khan from both sides and he decides to take the fight. But the buffaloes simply trample the tiger and he dies. Mowgli skins him.
Buldeo sees the dead tiger and believes Mowgli is a sorcerer who can turn into animals. He runs to the village and as Mowgli drives the buffaloes back, he is greeted by a hail of stones and a musket blast.
Mowgli drives the herd into the village and leaves, saying goodbye to Messua, who has become his second mother.
He returns to the Council Rock and spreads Shere Khan's hide. The wolves ask Mowgli to become their leader along with Akela, but Mowgli refuses. Along with his four wolf brothers, he goes into the jungle to hunt alone.

"How Fear Came to the Jungle"
There is a drought in the jungle. The river became shallow, the birds flew south. A water truce was declared.
All the animals gather near the creek and the elephant Hati monitors the observance of the water truce. Bagheera looks at the deer and regrets that he cannot hunt. The deer get scared, but the elephant Hati calms them down.
Shere Khan appears at the river and says that he has just killed a man because it is his right. The elephant Khati demands that Shere Khan leave and he leaves. Mowgli asks Hati what right Shere Khan was talking about and Hati tells the old story
It's been a long time since there was fear in the jungle. The wise tiger ruled over everyone and everyone obeyed him. But one day a tiger killed a deer and the jungle went crazy at the sight of blood. The tiger himself was afraid of what he had done and went far away. Ta the Elephant asked who would be the new ruler of the jungle. The monkey volunteered to be him. But she brought shame to the jungle. She laughed at everyone and everyone laughed at her.
Elephant Ta said that there would be no law until the animals found fear and ordered everyone to look for it. The buffalos found fear in the cave. He looked like a hairless bipedal creature and everyone was afraid of him.
The first tiger came to the cave and was also afraid of the Hairless One. He ran away and the elephant Ta gave him the right of one night, when the tiger would not be afraid of the hairless one.
Then the tiger came into the cave and killed Hairless.
But Ta said that now the tiger has taught people to kill and they will hunt him.
Since then, people have been afraid of tigers only once a year.

"Jungle Invasion"
Mowgli is hunting in the jungle with his brothers. Shere Khan's skin hangs at the council rock.
Mowgli learns that hunters from the village are following the trail of wolves.
He sees Buldeo and forbids the wolves to touch him. Mowgli and the wolves confuse their tracks and Buldeo cannot understand where the wolves ran.
He meets the charcoal burners and talks to them. Mowgli learns that Buldeo claims that he himself killed the tiger, and Mowgli turned into a wolf. That they want to burn his adoptive parents as witches, and tell the British that they died from a cobra bite.
Mowgli enters the village at night and finds Messua and her husband tied up in a hut. he frees them and helps them get out of the village. Mowgli's parents go to the English, and the wolves see them off.
Mowgli and Bagheera are sitting in a hut and when people want to burn the sorcerers, they see a panther. The village is terrified and everyone is hiding.
Mowgli calls the elephant Hati and asks him to send the jungle - antelopes, deer, wild boars - to the fields of people. By morning, all the fields were trampled and the crops were destroyed.
People pray and are afraid, but they have to leave their village.
And the elephants destroy it.
The jungle is consuming the cursed place.

"Royal Ancas"
Mowgli plays with Kaa the python, and Kaa tells him about a strange place in the ruined city, where there are many human things, but which is guarded by a white cobra.
Maguli decides to look at this place and Kaa takes him to the dungeon.
They are met by a White Cobra, who rejoices at the appearance of a man. She is very old and remembers a time when the city above was full of people.
Mowgli looks at the treasures indifferently; they do not interest him, because they cannot be eaten.
But he finds the royal ankas, the elephant driver's staff, decorated with a ruby. Mowgli wants to take it and promises to bring frogs to the White Hood.
But the White Hood does not want to let Mowgli go, she threatens him with death. However, Mowgli throws the ankas and it crushes the cobra. Kaa also attacks the cobra and immobilizes it. Mowgli discovers that the cobra has lost its poison glands and its bite is harmless.
He leaves with ankas.
Mowgli quickly becomes tired of the precious rod, and Bagheera says that it brings death. Mowgli throws away the staff.
Mowgli discovers that the rod is being carried away by a man and, together with Bagheera, follows in his footsteps. He sees one man kill another, then finds the second man's body. Then they go out to the fire, near which four corpses lie.
Mowgli takes the ankas and gives it to the White Hood. He tells the cobra to hire young assistants so that not a single person takes away these jewels.

"Red Dogs"
After the jungle entered the village, Mowgli lived a quiet life. But one day a strange, wounded wolf came to the council rock. He said that red dol dogs are coming into the jungle.
Akela has a presentiment that the upcoming hunt will be his last and advises Mowgli to run away. The alien wolf says the same thing.
Mowgli goes to Kaa for advice and the python remembers the past years for a long time. Then he calls Mowgli along and shows him a gorge on the river where the small rock people live. Kaa says that even Hathi is afraid of these people.
Kaa told Mowgli about a deer who, fleeing from wolves, jumped from cliffs through clouds of bees and remained alive. But the wolves that jumped after them died.
Mowgli begins his hunt. He meets the dols in a tree and teases their leader. Then he grabs him and cuts off his tail.
The Dales are furious. Mowgli runs to the rocks and jumps into the water. The dols chasing him are bitten by huge flocks of bees and many dols die.
Others chase Mowgli into the water and he kills many of the dogs.
Finally, Mowgli swims to the ambush site. The valleys splash out onto the shore and here they are met by wolves. A terrible battle breaks out.
Akela dies in Mowgli's arms and advises him to leave the jungle, because he is a man.

Two years have passed. Mowgli turned 17 years old. Spring has come.
Mowgli feels strangely despondent and does not understand what is happening to him. He seemed to have weakened and even running quickly did not restore his strength.
He comes to the human village and suddenly recognizes Messua. Mother happily greets Mowgli, saying that he has become the most beautiful of people and that he is like a forest deity.
Mowgli decides to stay with the people and says goodbye to all his friends.
They wish him good hunting.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Mowgli"