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People's indignation is justified Shamil Khadulaev: all the people cannot make mistakes - officials can make mistakes. Participants in the congress of the Nogai people noted the intensification of confrontation with the authorities of Dagestan. Reaction of officials to the congress of the Nogai people

The last straw in the cup of many years of patience of the steppe people was the May meeting of the government of the Republic of Dagestan on land reform, following which the authorities recorded their intention to form new settlements on the lands of transhumance in the Nogai region. The Nogais immediately declared their disagreement with this decision - and on June 14, thousands of people arrived at the Congress of the Nogai people in the village of Terekli-Mekteb.
Its participants accused the head of the republic of pursuing their national interests and infringing on the rights of the steppe people (they want to give the lands of the Nogais mainly to the residents of Avar mountain settlements). Activists are confident that this is the reason for the gross interference of the regional authorities in the upcoming elections for the head of the Nogai region.
Details of the congress are in the KAVPOLIT report.

An obedient puppet instead of the head of the district

Since Soviet times, the motto “Elde, tilde, dinde – birlik!” has been installed at the entrance to the Nogai district, which local residents have followed for many years. Translated as “In the land, in the language, in the religion - unity.” But today the authorities of the republic are trying to take away one link of this principle - land - from the steppe people. Nobody cares about their opinion on this matter.

The Nogais decided to express their indignation at public convention, which brought together about 5 thousand participants. They all believe that the leadership of Dagestan has been ruining their native land for many years, and now they are going to take away the most precious thing - the territory of their small homeland.

Congress of the Nogai people

Residents of the Nogai region patiently listened to each speaker, although the June sun was mercilessly burning, and the event lasted until three o'clock in the afternoon. Nogais from all different regions of the country gathered at the congress, all of them expressed concern about the fate of native land and called on him to fight for his future.

The congress participants are confident that the republican center is not concerned about the problems of ordinary people. The Nogai region is fading away without the support of the center, the steppe is turning into a desert, and people are forced to look for work in other regions of the Russian Federation.

The famous artist Ismet Sheikh-Zade arrived from Crimea to support the fraternal people.

Businessman and public figure Rustam Adilgereev spoke from the podium about the most pressing problems of the region.

– The comprehensive program of economic and social development of the Nogai region for 2015-2018 with a total volume of more than 1 billion rubles practically failed due to lack of funding. Investment programs are not being implemented, the local budget is decreasing every year, and ultimately it has become scarce,” the social activist stated.

He believes that the republic’s authorities “need not the Nogais, but their lands,” which officials “distribute to all mountain residents - but not the Nogais.” And all these processes are taking place with the connivance of local government officials.

– Of the almost 900 thousand hectares of Nogai land, only 300 thousand hectares are in municipal ownership. The republic seized the remaining lands into its own ownership, the public figure said.

Residents of the area with a poster “Foreign land is Haram!” Haram means "sin" in Arabic.

According to Adilgereev, the land reform, under the guise of which flat lands are given to the population of the mountainous regions - Gunibsky, Gergebilsky, Botlikhsky, Shamilsky and Tsuntinsky (mainly Avar), became the last straw in the patience of the Nogais. The businessman is sure that the fact that the head of Dagestan, Ramazan Abdulatipov, is an Avar himself is not just a coincidence.

– In the light of this land reform, the unhealthy interest and persistence with which the leadership of the republic is participating in the election of the head of the Nogai region has become clear: they need an obedient puppet. They need a person who carries out the will of the leadership, even if this harms the interests of the local population, Rustam Adilgereev is sure.

Therefore, he explained to the participants of the congress, the leadership of Dagestan has made and is still making incredible efforts to eliminate local contenders for the post of head of the Nogai region and impose their own person.

The public figure notes that the republican authorities do not take into account either the opinion of the Nogais or the articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which regulate the procedure for changing the territories and boundaries of a municipal entity.

Since 1996, Dagestan has had a law “On the status of lands for transhumance,” which gives the republican authorities the right to dispose of them. He managed to cause considerable damage to the interests of the Nogai region: the lands between the villages of Karanayaul, Arslanbek and Kumli were transferred to the Tarumovsky and Kizlyar districts.

Since then, the system of transhumance livestock farming in the republic itself has collapsed, but the law remains. In 2012, the Dagestan authorities proposed State Duma introduce the concept of “lands of transhumance” into federal legislation, and transfer the lands themselves to the disposal of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. But they were refused.

Since the republican law on lands for transhumance does not comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On the turnover of agricultural lands,” it should be repealed - and thereby recognize the right of municipal bodies to dispose of their lands.

This explains the haste with which land reform is being carried out in Dagestan. Before repealing the unconstitutional law on healthy lifestyle, the republican authorities want to “use it as a formal justification for their land reform,” Adilgereev believes.

“The Nogai steppe and the Nogai are indivisible”

The Dagestan law “On the status of lands for transhumance” violates clauses 11 and 12 of Article 39 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, allowing the republican authorities to distribute agricultural land without holding tenders. It is not surprising that on the official website of the Russian Federation there is not a single record of the provision of healthy lifestyles for rent in the Nogai region.

Lawyer Alaudin Arazbaev, who acted as a presenter at the congress of the Nogai people, recalled: the cost of renting land for transhumance livestock farming, according to regional law, is 0.3% of their cadastral value. As an example, he cited the Muslakh agricultural enterprise, which leases 4,107 hectares of land within the Nogai district from the Svetly collective farm in the Rutulsky district and pays 8.73 rubles/ha per year (the cadastral value of the plot is 11 million 965 thousand 603 rubles) .

“Why can’t residents of the Nogai region rent these lands? Because everything is done in circumvention of the law, in offices,” Arazbaev is indignant, bitterly stating that earlier, even with a change of power, the principle of indivisibility of land and people was always respected in Dagestan, but now “their historical territory” is being taken away from people for the first time.

But the most violent reaction from the audience was caused by the speech of a simple rural teacher, who said that the republican authorities want to get rid of the Nogai people and take away their lands.

“It will be a gift for the Dagestan government if we all leave and leave this land to them.” But this won't happen! As long as Nogai blood flows in our veins, this land is ours,” he addressed those gathered.

According to him, the Dagestan authorities have been trying for decades to “squeeze the Nogais out of their land,” carrying out reforms contrary to their interests, while problems are ignored and hushed up.

– For example, in my village of Ortatyube we have not been able to achieve gasification for 20 years. As a result, with incredible efforts, gas was supplied, but for two years now the village residents have not opened the valve. We have been building a school since 2008; it has not been completed in ten years; children study in the outpatient clinic building, in two shifts. There is no gym or food service,” the teacher shared his problems.

He noted with indignation that the current attempt of the Nogais to defend their native lands “is presented as their ethnopolitical conflict with other nationalities,” although in fact there are two sides in this conflict – “the authorities and the people who want human conditions for themselves.”

“We are not enemies of other nations. There are no national contradictions here,” the teacher assured, recalling that the Nogais have always lived in peace with their neighbors and did not share anything with them.

Let us recall that in mid-May photographs of the protocol adopted at the meeting following the implementation of land reform in the Republic of Dagestan appeared on the Internet. The protocol states that on the lands of the Nogai, Kizlyar and Tarumovsky districts, work should be carried out to “identify built-up areas.” The territories must be determined with the participation of the municipalities of the mountainous regions of the republic - Akushinsky, Botlikhsky, Gergebilsky, Gunibsky, Tsuntinsky and Shamilsky.

This protocol caused indignation among residents of the Nogai region. Despite the fact that a document soon appeared on the Internet, which recorded the suspension of execution of the protocol, the public decided to act actively and hold a congress in the Nogai region.


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A week has passed since the emergency congress of the Nogai people was held, but there has still been no official reaction from the Dagestan authorities to the proposals and demands voiced at the forum. Why? The FLNKA correspondent office addressed this question to Shamil Khadulaev, a member of the Republican Public Chamber.

At the congress of the Nogai people, everything was said correctly: decisions cannot be made without taking into account the opinions of the indigenous population of the region. When this happens, it causes justifiable outrage among people. The Nogais mobilized and made appropriate statements.

The authorities need to understand one important thing: the whole people cannot make mistakes - officials who take ill-considered steps can make mistakes. Even if these steps are supposedly taken to serve someone else’s interests.

Of course, the power structures of Dagestan must make a statement - either refute what was said at the forum, or make amendments, or cancel what they planned. Silent defense is not a solution to the problem.

What was surprising was that the preparations for the congress were widely announced, but nevertheless, neither representatives of the apparatus of the head of Dagestan, nor members of the government, nor parliamentarians took part in the work of the forum or entered into dialogue with people...

Previously, when there was at least some semblance of fair elections, they somehow tried to enlist the support of voters. Now this is not the case. You can behave as you please towards the people and not bear any responsibility for it.

Almost all the speakers at Terekli-Mekteb said that it is necessary to contact the federal center, since it is pointless to conduct a dialogue with the leadership of Dagestan. Has trust in the authorities really been so lost?

Absolutely lost! If we begin to analyze the appeal to Russian President Putin, we will be convinced of this. Moscow is tired of such requests. I’m just tired, because every such document is proof of the incompetence of local government structures.

I can tell you that this is not the last such message. More appeals are being prepared to both Putin and FSB Director Bortnikov. Because people no longer know what to do, who else to turn to to be heard. Maybe someday the moment will come when a bilateral dialogue will be established in the republic.

There is no such thing now, and this is the root of the problem. The authorities do not communicate with social activists; they use so-called “tame social activists” who have no merit to the people and, accordingly, are not taken seriously by the people.

As a rule, if such meetings are held, then management representatives invite who knows who. Therefore, there is no benefit from such “meetings with the people”; their coefficient useful action null.

Do you think the situation will be put on hold or should we still expect some action from the Dagestan leadership?

I think that since an appeal was sent to the President of Russia, some kind of reaction from the Kremlin should follow. And if there is a reaction from the Center, then the local authorities will be forced to conduct some kind of negotiations. I hope they won’t try to twist anyone’s arms, because you can’t twist the arms of all the people.

I also hope that the republican leadership will take some measures to smooth out the situation that it itself provoked. But how objective, effective and honest this will be on the part of the Dagestan authorities, we can only guess.

​During the congress of the Nogai people in Dagestan, a resolution was adopted.

We, delegates to the Congress of the Nogai People Russian Federation, representing the Nogais of Dagestan, Stavropol, Chechnya, Karachay-Cherkessia, Astrakhan region, Moscow, Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, we express our fundamental commitment to strengthening interethnic and interreligious peace and harmony in the Russian Federation, preserving and developing national languages ​​and cultures, strengthening spiritual community, provision constitutional rights and freedoms of Russian citizens.

We, representatives of the Nogai people living in various regions of Russia, are concerned about the current explosive situation in the Nogai region of Dagestan.

As a result of the congress, a resolution was adopted outlining our demands:

Adopt an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation following the results of the congress

We demand that the Law of the Republic of Dagestan dated 09.10.1996 be declared invalid (cancelled). No. 18 “On the status of lands for transhumance in the Republic of Dagestan”, as not complying with federal legislation.

We demand that the ownership of the lands of the Nogai district be transferred to local governments in accordance with federal legislation.

We demand an inventory and audit of the lands of transhumance in the Nogai region and all illegal settlements that have arisen there, indicating their locations, as well as a detailed list of identified violations of the legislation on local self-government and land legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Dagestan with the inclusion of representatives of the V All-Nogai Congress in the audit commission Nogai people.

We demand to ensure an established procedure for the provision of land plots and the collection of rent, which are managed by the Nogai district and its rural settlements.

We demand from the authorities state power and the local administration to take comprehensive measures to forcibly terminate the rights to use land plots from lands provided for transhumance livestock farming, used in violation of the intended purpose or in other violations of the law. Ensure strict control over compliance with the standards and seasonality of livestock keeping on transhumance lands.

We consider it necessary for the federal authorities to intervene in the current situation, since at the regional level the conflict is not resolved and has reached a dead end; We ask the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to take the situation under personal control, to accept the leaders of the Nogai people,

We express concern about the current tense situation in the Nogai region of the Republic of Dagestan and express disagreement with the socio-economic and national policy of the leadership of the Republic of Dagestan towards the indigenous population of the Nogai region.

We declare a strong protest to the gross interference of the leadership of the Republic of Dagestan in the issues of local self-government of the Nogai region.

Nogais from all over the country will gather on June 14 in the Dagestan village of Terekli-Mekteb to discuss the plans of the government of the republic to take away the territories of their compact residence and environmental problems on the lands of transhumance in the Nogai district of the Republic of Dagestan. It was there that a group of activists was found who organized the congress.

Nogais demand that the Dagestan authorities abandon illegal land reform

New settlements will appear in three districts of Dagestan, including Nogai.

This is what republican officials decided at a meeting that took place in Makhachkala on May 11, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Dagestan Bilal Omarov and dedicated to land reform.

Another decision was made there - to allocate land for transhumance livestock farming (HLS), which is still in use by farms from a number of regions of Nagorno-Dagestan, for new settlements.

Gathering of Nogais in the village of Terekli-Mekteb, Nogai district of Dagestan, June 8, 2017

The Nogais living there found out about these plans of the authorities and sounded the alarm. In their opinion, through the “efforts” of officials, land reform turns into the forced alienation of territories of compact residence of not only the Nogai, but also the Russian and Kumyk peoples - in favor of residents of unauthorized settlements that illegally arose on the lands of transhumance.

“The Nogai people express concern about the aggravation of the land issue in the Nogai region of the Republic of Dagestan and believe that land reform is being carried out in socially dangerous and illegal forms,” says a statement from the organizing committee of the All-Russian Congress of Nogais, which is scheduled for mid-June.

The demands of the organizers are very clear: they want the land reform in its current form to be abolished.

Gatherings before the congress

Behind last days, from June 5 to June 9, in almost all Nogai villages of Dagestan, Stavropol Territory, as well as in different cities, where there are Nogai communities (Moscow, Astrakhan, Novy Urengoy, Khanty-Mansiysk, Surgut), and other settlements, activists gathered to prepare for the congress.

“Tomorrow a meeting of the Nogai community is planned in Karachay-Cherkessia. Nogais from different parts of the country and from abroad – Turkey, Holland and other countries – expressed support for the congress. This problem worries every representative of our people,” said Rustam Adilgereev, a representative of the organizing committee.

Land, taxes, oil

The lands of transhumance, which are being encroached upon by reform officials, are de facto at the disposal of the Dagestan government, although the Nogais have been demanding for many years that they be returned to the jurisdiction of the Nogai region.

This situation gives rise to a lot of problems, explains Nogai writer and public figure Murat Avezov.

Firstly, the Nogais are categorically against appropriation Kutanam, which are located on lands of transhumance livestock farming, status rural settlements(and the government of the Republic of Dagestan, meanwhile, has already signed a corresponding resolution).

Secondly, Nogai activists are acutely concerned about the environmental issue: in the healthy lifestyle, where they live compactly, livestock grazing standards are not observed, which is why the soil is depleted and desertification occurs.

And finally, a problem of another level has arisen. It is the Nogai region, as the head of Dagneft admitted, that accounts for the bulk of oil production in the republic. But deductions from it do not go to the budget of the Nogai region.

Therefore, Avezov concluded, the transfer of healthy lifestyles to the jurisdiction of the local municipality is necessary to strengthen the tax base of the region.

Defend the Nogai steppe

The main goal of the upcoming congress is to defend the Nogai steppe, said the head of the Nogai community of New Urengoy, Elmurza Tolemishev. He especially emphasized that the authorities of the Republic of Dagestan are deciding the fate of the Nogai district without the participation of a representative of this municipal entity.

Legalizing unauthorized settlements on a healthy lifestyle will result in a disaster for local residents. “They will immediately chop off 600,000 hectares from us,” Tolemishev warned.

He agreed with the argument of the writer Murat Avezov about the economic damage to the Nogai region. “All taxes go to the republican treasury, bypassing our municipality. Everything goes past the regional treasury,” stated the head of the Nogai community of New Urengoy.

Following Avezov, he also recalled oil, the production of which does not in any way affect the tax base of the municipality. “Everyone is silent about this! If oil is extracted on our land, where should at least the tax go? To the municipality! Nothing reaches us,” Tolemishev complained.

From these arguments, he is sure, an unequivocal conclusion follows - to “strive” for the Nogais to finally assign their lands.

“We live together with everyone”

IN otherwise, the Nogai activist warned, the situation threatens to escalate, because the people’s patience is not unlimited. “The Nogais are a very peaceful and hospitable people, but respect cannot be mistaken for weakness,” Tolemishev advised the republican authorities.

They managed to bring the situation to such an intensity that “the people decided to fight to the last” and are already taking very specific measures.

“Now in every city and village where Nogais live compactly, funds are being collected for the needs of the congress. The Novy Urengoy community alone collected more than 200 thousand rubles,” reported its leader.

According to him, the efforts of the Nogais are directed precisely against illegal decisions of officials and do not promise interethnic problems. “I called the organizers of the congress, they said that people from the village of Shumly-Olik would be at the congress. This is a Dargin village in the Nogai region, they have been living side by side with us for many years. We live together with everyone,” Tolemishev assured.

Photos and videos provided by the organizing committee of the All-Russian Congress of the Nogai People