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Do-it-yourself spiral staircase, drawings, calculations. How to make a spiral staircase with your own hands. Installation of a spiral staircase on a support pole

The spiral staircase is universal structure that connects floors. Basics advantage This type of structure lies in its compactness, as well as simple installation, which can be done practically to each.

The construction of any type of stairs involves compliance existing standards, which ultimately help to obtain a durable and, most importantly, safe design.

The number of steps in the future staircase will be directly due to its design features. Therefore, you should define the vertical elements to which the riser values ​​apply: width, height And length.

To find out the height of the structure, need to measure the distance from the lower and upper floors. When measuring necessary remember that the thickness between two floors (floors) is also included in the value.

That is, if the distance from floor to ceiling is 3.0 m, and the thickness of the ceiling is 30 cm, then to find out the height of the stairs, you need to sum up two indicators, and it turns out 330 cm. All other calculations will be oriented to the height of the risers.

Recommend choose a height in the range from 15 cm to 20 cm, since a person will comfortable move along such stairs. To determine the number of steps need to divide the first value obtained by the second: 330:15=22 steps.

Determining the tread

Long-term practice shows that minimum width tread (in its middle part), convenient for moving up the stairs, equals 22 cm, and the maximum value should not exceed 40 cm.

Otherwise, the person will lose his step, and this will become reason fatigue. And the structure itself will occupy a lot of places due to its bulkiness.

Calculate the twist angle

This value is determined experimental way. For this need to measure the distance from the start and end points. The optimal wrap angle is considered 360°.

Attention! The twist angle should be smooth, convenient and space-saving.

Manufacturing stages

You should start installing a spiral staircase only after completed all necessary calculations. This stage of work is considered the most simple, since it does not require special skills or special equipment.

Manufacturing of the structure consists of the following mandatory stages.

Installation of support

The load-bearing part of the stairs should be located strictly vertical, so for accuracy you should use a level or plumb line. Preferably use a metal pipe with thick walls. This will give additional strength to the structure. Special bushings are equal in vertical height.

To prevent deformation of wooden products, horizontal parts and bushings laid with washers.

Tips for installing steps:

  • when calculating the size, need to increase the size of the washers used, since otherwise the height of the structure will be significantly higher than preliminary data;
  • to give the structure strength, recommended lay the steps with a slight overlap and secure them with brackets;
  • installation should begin from the bottom step, placing the steps counterclock-wise in a spiral.

Upper stage fastening

The final ones The installation stage is the fastening of the upper stage of the structure to the ceiling. For this they use steel linings. If the ceilings are indoors reinforced concrete, the upper step is attached using dowels.

If desired, only the handrails will remain, which will help purchase designs additional rigidity.

Spiral wooden staircase- This is an easy-to-install design that anyone can make. Important follow several compulsory tips to help you design and install the structure.

How to build a spiral wooden staircase with your own hands, see below in video instructions:

The compact design of a spiral staircase ideally combines lightness and strength, introduces an element of originality and unusualness into the interior, and at the same time has a number of other practical and applied advantages.

Let's consider the technology of constructing a spiral staircase, what material to use, how to calculate and how to manufacture structural elements.

Pros of spiral staircases

  • Firstly, the spiral staircase does not take up much space, since it is located around a special support and seems to “hang” in the air. In the case of limited space, this is a compelling argument. 1.5 sq. is enough. m for a device of this design.
  • Secondly, the cost of a spiral staircase is somewhat less than the price of building the usual ones.
  • Thirdly, the manufacturing principle is quite simple; of course, you need to have certain skills and tools, but you can do it yourself.
  • Fourthly, the efficiency of use in your own houses or apartments, where there is no heavy traffic of people and you can easily go up to the second floor.

It is important to remember that the steps of the screw structure are not very wide and with a sufficiently steep climb, this becomes a source of increased danger. Therefore, it is recommended to not walk very fast on such a structure and observe the rules of caution. This disadvantage can be compensated for by installing reliable handrails. Even more important is the accurate calculation of the dimensions of the stairs and, in particular, the winder steps and the width of the tread (horizontal surface).

In fact, you can make a spiral staircase for your home, which will become an exquisite component of the room, yourself, keeping in mind the nuances that are of fundamental importance:

  1. For comfortable movement, professionals advise making the span width at least 100 cm, then the width of the structure is slightly more than two meters, provided that the load-bearing support has a diameter of 20-50 mm.

  2. An inexpensive and at the same time reliable option, which is one of the most common, is considered to be a design where the steps are fixed to a load-bearing support and screw handrails with balusters.

  3. Another design, with bent-glued handrails, with steps and risers attached to them without constructing a support in the center, is much more expensive and requires more labor.

Taken in a horizontal plane, a stair screw can have the shape of a circle or a polygon (when the structure is located near the walls). To install the steps, recesses are made in the wall, where bookmarks are prepared for subsequent installation.

What materials should be used to make spiral staircases?

The strength and durability of the staircase depends on the chosen material. An asbestos-cement or metal pipe is suitable as the main load-bearing element of the structure, onto which the steps are attached by welding, bolting or coupling. Sometimes brick, concrete, stone or wood are used to make supports.

Railings are made of hardwood, metal, and their combined use is possible. In addition to traditional beech, oak, ash and metal steps, glass or plastic steps are often found today.

In order to achieve durability, reliability and increased safety, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. The helical design, in which the inner edge of the horizontal plane is free, reduces the risk of slipping when ascending and descending narrow parts of the steps. This option is called a ladder without a vertical plane, and it has higher safety indicators.

  2. Movement on the stairs usually occurs in the middle of the steps, so it is recommended to make them about 20 centimeters wide. Already 15 cm from the central support, the width of the steps should be at least 10 cm.

  3. The length of the steps depends on the purpose of the staircase. In case of rare use, you can limit yourself to a size of 0.6 m with a diameter of 1.4 m. The optimal size is slightly larger: steps - 0.8 m, diameter - about 2 m.

  4. When calculating design data, it should be ensured that the height for a person’s passage ensures the ability to move along the next turn, which is about two meters.

  5. For the central support, it seems optimal to use a thick-walled metal pipe (about 50 mm in diameter), which gives the entire structure the necessary strength. The support must be installed exactly vertically, and the point on which it rests must be able to bear the entire load.

  6. With a wooden covering, the vertical post is mounted using anchor bolts and the necessary fasteners. An option for fastening is by pouring concrete using bracing.

  7. To secure the steps to the central post, holes with a diameter equal to the diameter of the post are drilled on the narrow side of the step. The steps are installed using bushings; their height should be the same as the height of the vertical plane. Horizontal planes and bushings must be lined with washers to protect the wood from deformation. The size of the bushings should be calculated by adding the size of all the washers, otherwise the height of the entire structure will be greater than the preliminary data.

  8. The length of the steps directly correlates with the size of the opening in the ceiling, and their number is obtained by dividing the height of the stairs by 18-20 cm (the distance between the feet), not forgetting to add the thickness of the steps.

  9. To give the structure strength, subsequent steps are laid with a slight overlap on the previous ones and secured with a bracket, which is placed between the adjacent edges of the steps in their widest part.

Installation of a spiral staircase

The assembly of the spiral staircase is carried out in the following sequence: installation of the supporting post, installation of treads and bushings in the required order. Next comes the installation of the steps, taking into account their exact initial and final position, and at the end the brackets are secured. The installation is completed by fastening the upper step to the ceiling. All that remains is to install the railings and make handrails.

Calculation of a spiral staircase - drawings and diagrams

DIY spiral staircase - video assembly instructions

Wooden spiral staircases - photo

Metal is perfect for assembling a variety of staircase structures. Compared to other existing materials, it has good indicators of service life, reliability and load-bearing capacity.

From the material in question, it is possible to make both small-sized staircase structures with low weight, and solid stairs of any level of complexity and configuration. A properly assembled metal staircase can organically fit into almost any interior. This design will be appropriate both inside and outside the room.

An additional advantage is that you can assemble an ordinary metal staircase with your own hands. To do this, just study the recommendations below and do everything in accordance with the instructions.

In terms of structural properties, internal and external metal stairs do not differ significantly from their wooden and concrete counterparts. Before starting work, you must prepare a staircase design and choose the most rational form of the product.

In accordance with the manufacturing method, metal stairs are divided into welded and forged options. Forging skills, of course, cannot be mastered quickly, but to make a simple welded staircase, a good theoretical basis and a couple of practical lessons are enough. However, first you need to choose the best option for the future design.

Types of staircase structures

Among the most popular homemade stairs are:

  • stairs with stringers. In this case, the steps are fixed on a kind of metal ridges;

  • ladders on rails. Frameless system. The steps are attached to the load-bearing wall. Bolts specially designed for this purpose are used for fastening;

  • staircases on beams. In this case, the basis of the design is represented by bowstrings. Between them risers and treads, or only treads, are fixed;

  • spiral staircases. The structure has a spiral appearance and is attached to a load-bearing central support;

  • prefabricated stairs. Assembled from ready-made modules. The assembly process is extremely simple.

Regardless of the type of staircase, it can only be supported by the ceiling. To further increase the overall reliability of the structure, additional supporting elements can be placed under the landings of the staircase structure.

You can also secure the platforms with consoles, and place the racks discreetly in the wall space.

Often, a separate load-bearing partition made of brick or concrete is erected to accommodate the stairs.

At this point you will have to figure it out yourself, focusing on personal preferences and the recommendations received above.

Combination options

Metal can be combined with almost any finishing materials. It harmonizes perfectly with glass, various stones, concrete, as well as wood and brick.

A homemade metal staircase can be equipped with any type of fencing: both ordinary vertical posts and unusual screens made of perforated steel and glass, carved items, hand-forged elements, throws, etc.

Fencing elements can be fastened using bolts or welding to the end of the step, or they can also be installed directly on the steps.

In accordance with the personal preferences of the owner, operational specifics and stylistic features, the load-bearing part of the metal structure can be supplemented with steps made of corrugated metal, reinforcing steel, concrete, porcelain stoneware and many other materials.

In private houses, metal staircases with wooden steps look most organic. Outside the home, the staircase may consist entirely of metal. It is advisable to sheathe the inside of the frame with another, more pleasant and familiar material.

You can lay facing ceramics, durable laminate, carpet and other wear-resistant materials on the steps of the stairs.

Guide to assembling a homemade flight of stairs

There is nothing overly complicated about assembling a metal staircase yourself. All you need to do is follow the instructions in everything and thoroughly think through your every further action.


Before starting work, prepare all the necessary equipment for this. First of all you will need welding machine. Beginners master inverter-type devices most quickly - they are the easiest to use. With appropriate experience, you can use any other machine suitable for welding the metal you are using.

Also prepare mechanical saw, grinder and emery wheel. If you will be making wooden steps, additionally prepare clamps, electric drill with a set of drills, self-tapping screws, circular saw.

Prepare in advance project of the future staircase. You can make it yourself, order it from a specialized company, or find suitable drawings in open sources. There are quite a few such sources, so you can easily choose the staircase option that is best suited specifically for your situation.

Diagram of a simple metal staircase: 1 Channel. 2 Corrugated metal steps. 3 Steel fillies. 4 Welding locations. 5 Brackets for fastening steps.

The simplest metal staircase will be based on a channel of dimensions 8-10 placed on its edge. If you plan to finish the staircase, prepare your preferred material for this, for example, wooden boards or sheet metal.

It is best to cover the steps of an external staircase with corrugated metal sheets or other non-slip material.

The fences will be made of angle steel. To create supports for the treads, prepare reinforcement.

First step. Cut the reinforcement into fillets. These are special support devices placed on the beam. Select the dimensions and required number of fillies in accordance with the terms of the design documentation for your staircase.

Second step. Weld mounting brackets to the side of the filly on which the step will subsequently “lie.”

Third step. Weld the fillets to the channel installed on the rib. Pre-prepared markings made in accordance with the design documentation will help you with this.

Attach the second channel to the prepared channel beam with fillets attached to it and correct the markings if deviations are detected.

For self-assembly of an ordinary staircase with a meter width, a couple of stringers or bowstrings will be enough. If the staircase has more impressive dimensions, equip it with three or more support beams.

Fourth step. Assemble all the elements of a homemade metal staircase into a single structure using welding.

Fifth step. Treat the metal with a primer, and after it dries, with a special anti-corrosion compound.

Finally, all that remains is to install the assembled staircase on the supports. The support functions can be performed by racks, high-quality welded from a channel, as well as metal corners attached to the support beams by welding.

If you wish, you can give preference to a more complex design of a metal staircase with a bowstring cut from thick sheet metal. Cut according to the design, as accurately and accurately as possible. Otherwise, the procedure for assembling the staircase will not differ from the assembly of the design option considered above.

After assembling and installing the structure, proceed to covering the steps.

Step cladding

A variety of materials can be used to finish the steps of a metal staircase. In households, such finishing is most often done using wooden overlays.

First step. Mark on the metal steps the locations of future holes for bolts or screws in increments of 150 mm. The distance between the end edges of the steps and the mounting holes must be at least 20 mm.

Second step. Attach plywood backing to the treads. Fix the element using a special adhesive composition, usually sold with the mark “with filling effect”. This glue is notable for the fact that it does not wrinkle after hardening. In addition, the filling adhesive composition allows you to eliminate various minor defects that inevitably appear even with the highest quality welding.

It is prohibited to use simple mounting foam to fix the substrate - this material does not have the necessary resistance to crushing and very quickly deforms under the influence of mechanical loads.

Third step. Secure the wooden overlay to the tread using a pair of clamps, and then finally secure it through the pre-prepared mounting holes. If you use self-tapping screws, place them underneath in the undertight area. If fastening is carried out with bolts, fix it openly.

Carry out the covering of all steps according to the above diagram.

Thus, there is nothing complicated in assembling a simple metal staircase yourself. Having studied the basic provisions of the instructions and learned additional nuances, you will be able to cope with all the activities yourself. Improve your skills, and very soon you will be able to assemble more complex and aesthetically pleasing stair structures of any size, type and configuration.

Good luck!

Video - DIY metal stairs

Is it possible for an ordinary person, i.e. Can a non-specialist make a spiral staircase on his own? We affirm - it is possible! But first, of course, you need to have a good understanding of all the subtleties and nuances of its manufacture. This article will help you with this.

We are drawing up a project, or what is the secret of a safe staircase?

A spiral staircase differs from a regular flight staircase in that all its steps are winder (rotary). This makes it somewhat awkward to use. To reduce this disadvantage to a minimum and make the structure safe, the following rules must be observed when designing it:

  • make the pitch of the stairs ≥ 2 m;
  • span width ≥ 900-1000 mm, i.e. the diameter of the stairs should be approximately 2 meters, the diameter of the support;
  • tread width at the support ≥ 100 mm.
  • in the middle the tread width should be ≥ 200 mm. At the edge, i.e. in the widest part, this figure should not exceed 400 mm.

Now let's calculate the stairs taking into account all these points. You need to calculate the radius of the rise or the radius of the trajectory. Since the path passes through the center of the spiral flight, the radius is half the width plus half the radius of the support. For example, the diameter of the support is 100 mm, in which case the radius of the trajectory will be equal to: 500 50 = 550 mm.

When making a spiral staircase, it is better to abandon risers. Thanks to this, the foot will not jump off the treads even at their narrowest section.

Knowing this value, we can calculate the number of steps in one turn. To do this, you need to calculate the length of the trajectory using the formula for finding the circumference: L=2πr=2x3.14x550=3454 mm. We divide the resulting value by the width of the tread in the movement area. Let's take a safe and convenient value - 220 mm. The result will be 3454:200=17.2~17 steps.

A beautiful and comfortable spiral staircase is quite simple and is perfect for organizing the transition to the attic or attic floor.

The main feature of screw structures is their unusual shape. Externally, the console of the building looks like a petal with rounded edges. The main advantage of the device is significant space savings in the house.

Most often it is placed in a vertical position, without inclined straight steps. Despite the fact that it is not entirely comfortable to walk along such a staircase, the entire structure can occupy only 1 square meter. m.

The structural part of spiral staircases may differ. The flight of stairs is fixed radially. If you pay attention to the horizontal cut of the screw in the diagrams, you will notice that it can be polygonal or round.

Types of spiral staircases:

  • resting on a wall and supporting structure;
  • supported by special support posts.
  • supported on a fence or curved bowstrings;
  • with pinching into the support post.

A wide variety of materials can be used for construction. Most owners prefer to build structures from concrete, wood or metal.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • They do not clutter up the space, so they occupy a minimum amount of free space in the room. They are easy to install in small rooms;
  • Provided that high-quality materials are selected and all construction rules are observed, this design has a stylish and modern design, so it can not only be a means of transportation, but also serve as home decoration;
  • Compared to other types of staircases, the cost of spiral staircases is much lower, so home owners do not have to overpay for anything;
  • The structures can be placed either against the wall or in the middle of the room;
  • Marches can be installed with the narrowed side to the main central support or the wide part attached to the wall.

Screw structures have only one drawback. The point is that you can’t go up and down quickly without holding on to the railing. Otherwise, it could result in all sorts of injuries. To reduce the risk of getting caught, it is preferable to install flights with wider steps.

Professionals advise starting to make a drawing with a detailed plan of the first floor and indicating the area where it will be installed. The plan must include the exact dimensions of the opening, taking into account the given scale.

Rotating blades, as a result of which the shape of the steps changes, must also be drawn in detail, while all proportions must be respected. A separate diagram shows circular lifting angles.

Design calculation

Calculation of parts must be carried out with special care, otherwise errors will result in discomfort and bruises.

The calculation must be carried out according to the following rules:

  • According to accepted standards, the minimum step length should be about 150 mm with a height of 300 mm. You should not violate these parameters, as this may result in a decrease in the level of security. Maximum figures vary around 140-160 mm in length and 280-300 in height.
  • A significant factor is the angle of inclination. Naturally, the higher this indicator, the less space it takes up. Acceptable values ​​vary from 23º to 45º. The most popular tilt angle is from 25º to 35º. An inclination angle of more than 45º is too sharp, so you can only climb the stairs backwards. But if the slope is less than 23º, it is more logical to install a ramp.

For the production of steps, wood with a denser texture is often used - tanned beech. Brittle rocks should be avoided, as they are not able to withstand the high loads placed on them.

The thickness of the finished elements should not be less than 50 mm if the height of the structure should not exceed 2 m. If the height of the structure is increased, then the thickness of the steps should be at least 60 mm. The number of steps is determined by dividing the height of the opening by the rise up.

The material used must be thoroughly dried and processed. It should be taken into account that if the wood is unevenly dried after installation, the wood gradually begins to lose moisture and deform, taking on the shape of a propeller.

Moreover, a damaged step must be replaced immediately after the defect appears, otherwise one step may pull other elements with it, compromising the strength of the structure. That is why professionals advise purchasing already planed material.

Drawings of spiral wooden staircases

Due to its efficiency and low cost, wood structures are especially popular. As a plan, you can use ready-made drawings developed by professionals.

As for the advantages of this type of device, it is undoubtedly fire resistance, the ability to combine various materials, modern design, ease of installation and durability.

Many modern home owners who follow fashion trends and their homes install spiral staircases not only inside, but also outside.

This is due to the fact that metal materials are least resistant to various climatic influences and withstand bad weather.

Concrete, metal, wood and brick pillars are used to construct the supporting structure. They are attached using elements, bolts and couplings welded to the pipe.

The steps are easiest to attach to a wooden stand. For this, bars, metal corners, etc. are used. The stand must be firmly fixed and able to withstand the total weight of all components and a person with a large body weight.

In addition to this, the main support column must be firmly connected to the lower and upper parts of the structure. The diameter of a wooden or concrete rack should be from 150 -500 mm or more, while a metal structure should not be less than 50 mm.

To make it convenient for residents to move, it is necessary to correctly place the axles. Often a frame is installed for them, which is pre-fabricated to fit the final shape. Craftsmen advise using corners and welding the support itself in the form of a straight plate.

You can connect 2 metal profiles together in the form of an inverted T-shaped stand. It is on this that steps can subsequently be placed. This technology allows you to adjust the dimensions of the steps at any time.

Fences and railings

At the last stage, the fence is installed. For stairs of this type, it is performed not only as safety, but also as a decorative element in combination with forged inserts and curved wooden elements. Most often, metal pipes are used as a basis. This design looks quite impressive.