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Evergreen sickle-shaped asparagus. Description of the unpretentious plant Crescent Asparagus: care at home, photo Needle Asparagus

Indoor plants are famous for their abundance, but for the most part they are sensitive to care and climatic conditions, so propagating asparagus at home is suitable for people who do not like “delicate” flowers.
Asparagus is characterized by an unpretentious nature, longevity and rapid growth of roots. Flower growers paid attention to the plant in the 19th century, although asparagus had been around long before that moment, but for some reason did not attract the population. Flowers, depending on the species, differ in external characteristics; they can be in the form of lush bushes or hanging vines.

Botanical description

I would like to start the description of this plant with the root system, since it is represented by an intertwined ball of many elongated, at the same time juicy tubers, which are connected by thin roots. Thanks to this, the plant is able to stock up on nutrients and moisture, so that it is enough to wait out the dry period.

The flowers are very similar to lily inflorescences; it is because of this factor that the flower has been classified as a lily for a long time. Photosynthesis often does not occur in the leaves themselves. The leaves are like needles, but they are soft. The shape of such leaves is called cladode.

Another interesting feature of the plant is that new shoots grow from the rhizome, while old ones die off. It is also unusual that one branch can have both male and female flowers, thanks to which pollination occurs much faster.

Important! Never forget that by cutting off an asparagus shoot you can no longer wait for growth, just as the possibility of reproduction is eliminated by the tips.

Carefully! The fruits of any type of asparagus are poisonous! They are attractive, small red berries that you just want to try, but under no circumstances should you do so. Therefore, if you have small children or animals at home, you should remove the potty from their access.

Plant species

For propagation at home, the best options are the following varieties:

Ordinary. The stems are straight and smooth, reaching 1.5 m in length. This species has another name - medicinal asparagus (or pharmaceutical asparagus). The leaves are cladode-shaped, scaly, growing along or upward. The inflorescences are white during flowering, after which they turn red.
Pinnate. The shoots of this species resemble a fern and a fir tree at the same time. A small bush with tall shoots is covered with small white-yellow flowers during the flowering period. The fruits of pinnate asparagus are dark blue in color. This flower grows very well on windows facing east or west. Direct sunlight, as well as too much shading, have a detrimental effect on the flower.
Asparagus crescent. Decorated with long leaves with small hooks and notches. In nature, this helped the plant to stretch upward, since it clung to nearby plants or trees with hooks. Its branches reach a height of no more than a meter, due to this they can be tied up, thereby creating an exhibition. The variety has high endurance and resistance to low temperatures. The root gets stronger over the years. The fruits are small, brown in color, white inflorescences will fill your home with a pleasant aroma.

Asparagus care

The issue of care entails special nuances, the implementation of which will not require much effort, but these conditions should not be neglected. The plant requires bright lighting, however, direct sunlight during the day is not allowed, with the exception of early morning or evening.

These points are included in the basic care when propagating a flower. With the onset of spring, pruning should be done. You can remove dried and already bald stems. As was said at the beginning, after this procedure the shoots stop growing, but this will allow the young branches to be stronger.

The plant needs regular fertilization. Every week, from spring to the end of summer, every 15 days in the fall, and monthly in winter. Mineral complex fertilizers are suitable for this.


There are three main ways in which asparagus reproduces. All these techniques are widely used.

Asparagus grown at home, when placed in soil saturated with nutrients, begins to actively fill the entire volume of the pot.

Note! Until the root system completely fills the container, the flower will not grow green.

This sequence is characteristic of all varieties of domestic asparagus, regardless of whether it is a young seedling that has recently sprouted from seeds or an adult specimen that has been growing for more than one year. Given this feature, you should not choose a large container for the plant, as it will not be enough for a long period. It is recommended, on the contrary, to opt for a container with a diameter of only a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one.
Note! Asparagus plants are replanted every year for 4-5 years; adult specimens that are more than 5 years old should be replanted no more often than every 3-4 years.

The number of transplants depends directly on the condition of the plant and the soil that remains in the pot. Since the roots are actively displacing it from the place allocated for it.

Even with high endurance, not all types of asparagus calmly and painlessly tolerate replanting into a new container, therefore, after replanting, observe the plant; if you notice that the plant is cramped in the new pot and it suffers from this, it is better not to replant it. Instead, add fresh soil, if it is possible to do this; of course, at the same time be sure to feed the flower.

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The summer months are the time for hydrangeas to bloom. This beautiful deciduous shrub produces luxuriously fragrant flowers from June to September. Florists readily use large inflorescences for wedding decorations and bouquets. To admire the beauty of a flowering hydrangea bush in your garden, you should take care of the proper conditions for it. Unfortunately, some hydrangeas do not bloom year after year, despite the care and efforts of gardeners. We will explain why this happens in the article.

Every summer resident knows that plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for full development. These are three main macronutrients, the deficiency of which significantly affects the appearance and yield of plants, and in advanced cases can lead to their death. But not everyone understands the importance of other macro- and microelements for plant health. And they are important not only in themselves, but also for the effective absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

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Spicy pickled watermelon is a savory appetizer for fatty meat. Watermelons and watermelon rinds have been pickled since time immemorial, but this process is labor-intensive and time-consuming. According to my recipe, you can simply prepare pickled watermelon in 10 minutes, and by the evening the spicy appetizer will be ready. Watermelon marinated with spices and chili can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Be sure to keep the jar in the refrigerator, not only for the sake of safety - when chilled, this snack is simply licking your fingers!

Among the variety of species and hybrids of philodendrons, there are many plants, both gigantic and compact. But not a single species competes in unpretentiousness with the main modest one - the blushing philodendron. True, his modesty does not concern the appearance of the plant. Blushing stems and cuttings, huge leaves, long shoots, forming, although very large, but also a strikingly elegant silhouette, look very elegant. Philodendron blushing requires only one thing - at least minimal care.

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Plum - well, who isn’t familiar with it?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, surprises with excellent yields, pleases with its diversity in terms of ripening and a huge selection of color, shape and taste of fruits. Yes, in some places it feels better, in others it feels worse, but almost no summer resident gives up the pleasure of growing it on his plot. Today it can be found not only in the south, in the middle zone, but also in the Urals and Siberia.

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Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow absolutely environmentally friendly, healthy fruits and vegetables in their own garden. Atlant microbiological fertilizer will help with this. It contains helper bacteria that settle in the root system area and begin to work for the benefit of the plant, allowing it to actively grow, remain healthy and produce high yields. Typically, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

Summer is associated with beautiful flowers. Both in the garden and in the rooms you want to admire the luxurious inflorescences and touching flowers. And for this it is not at all necessary to use cut bouquets. The assortment of the best indoor plants includes many beautifully flowering species. In the summer, when they receive the brightest lighting and optimal daylight hours, they can outshine any bouquet. Short-lived or just annual crops also look like living bouquets.

Crescent asparagus is an attractive indoor plant that in appearance resembles a fern, with which it is often confused

Asparagus: growing from seeds

One of the ways to propagate this type of asparagus is by growing it from seeds. To do this, the seeds are sown at the end of spring in moist soil, the temperature of which must be maintained at 23-25 ​​degrees. When the seedlings sprout and become strong, they need to be planted in separate pots, providing the same care as for adult plants.

Asparagus propagation

Another way to propagate such a plant is by dividing the bush. In this case, when replanting, the asparagus bush is carefully divided into several separate parts, the number of which depends on the volume of the root ball. Having planted new plants obtained in this way in separate containers, you need to provide them with the care that adult plants of this type also require.

Asparagus: growth pattern

The leaves of this plant are modified shoots, which are collected in several pieces together. Over time, these leaves increase in length and become woody. At home, the plant can reach more than half a meter in diameter and one and a half meters in height.

Asparagus: care features

The optimal place for growing crescent asparagus is a bright place, but protected from direct bright light. It also grows normally in fairly shaded places. Such a plant should be planted in universal soil for indoor plants; the pot should be large enough so that the asparagus roots have the opportunity to grow.

From the beginning of spring to mid-autumn, the plant needs abundant watering. You need to water so that the soil becomes sufficiently moist, but before that it must dry out a little. The rest of the time you need to water more sparingly. Fertilizing should be done twice a month only in summer during active growth.

If the asparagus is in a room with warm and dry air. It needs to be sprayed periodically. If the air is cool, there is no need to spray at all, watering less abundantly. At any time, the air temperature in the room with this plant should not fall below 10 degrees.

Possible problems

In some cases, asparagus can be damaged by spider mites; any other pests affect the plant very rarely. A sign of the presence of spider mites is a thin web on the bottom of the needle-like leaves, and spots on their upper parts. If the damage is not very serious, you can get rid of such pests with frequent spraying. If the damage is serious, then only an insecticidal preparation can help.

If the plant is placed in a room with warm, dry air, the tips of its leaves begin to turn brown. In this case, asparagus needs to be sprayed frequently to ensure high air humidity.

Asparagus (lat. Asparagus) is a plant that at first glance resembles a fern, a member of the Asparagus or Asparagus family. This is a striking example of perennial rhizomatous herbs, can be in the form of vines or small shrubs and has inflorescences with single flowers. There are approximately three hundred different species in nature, some of which are strikingly different from each other. The southern part of America, the countries of Southern and Eastern Africa, and Asian countries are considered to be their native places, although under natural conditions this representative of Asparagus can live in any climatic zones and a wide variety of continental territories.

Historical facts about the asparagus flower

The earliest cultivated species is the common asparagus, or as it is also called medicinal (asparagus officinalis) or pharmaceutical. It is more popularly known as asparagus. Since ancient times, this dietary culture has been especially popular among the peoples of France and England. However, long before this, it was grown in the territories of Egypt and the Mediterranean. There is an assumption that this flower was first mentioned at the beginning of the heyday of Egyptian civilization. This conclusion was made by archaeologists when they discovered an asparagus mark on a piece of a painted frieze, the time frame of which dates back to the third millennium BC. Some time later, this plant was mentioned by the famous cook of Ancient Rome when writing his book on food “De re coquinaria”.

The Romans had a special relationship with this plant, and therefore even during military campaigns they ate it. In view of this, a certain fleet was even organized, the purpose of which was to deliver grass to the empire from the territory of the colonies.

Around 160 BC, Cato the Elder, a famous political figure of the time, wrote about asparagus as the most important crop for the empire.

Asparagus asparagus


The structure of the plant is quite unusual. If we look in more detail, it becomes obvious that instead of leaves there are phyllocladia - this is a combination of the stem and leaf part of the plant, which has a needle-like shape. However, this does not mean that this representative of the flora does not have leaves; they exist in the form of dried triangular scales on the stem; in other species they look like small thorns. The stem is relatively hard and elastic.

The entire above-ground part of asparagus is presented in the form of transformed stems, on which miniature flowers of white or pink color periodically bloom.

White asparagus color

The fruits are small berries, which, due to their belonging to one species or another, also have different colors - red, orange or black. They are filled with seeds inside. If we talk about the root system, then asparagus is the “owner” of thin roots and oblong-shaped bulbous tubers. With the help of such tubers, the plant is able to store and retain the necessary moisture, nutrients and carry out the reproduction process.

Types of asparagus

The most recognized species are Meyer's asparagus, for example. In appearance it resembles a small bush. It can reach about half a meter in height. It is characterized by the presence of a straight stem on which there are thin, green foliage, resembling small needles. The most common use is in creating flower arrangements.

Also called plumosus. This species of Asparagus is presented in the form of a subshrub. The plant can be confidently classified as highly branched, having bare stems with small leaves in the form of scales, brown in color. The length of phyllocladia is 1.5 cm and they are connected in small bouquets, on average up to ten pieces. They are colored light green and are partially curved. Asparagus has a curly, thin stem. The blooms are presented as white small flowers; only plants that have lived for more than ten years can boast of them. It bears fruit with black berries containing three seeds.

The plant is characterized by the presence of many small flowers, the color of which ranges from white to pale pink, and have a delicate scent. The form of asparagus can be ampelous, or it can be bushy. A distinctive feature is its powerful root system. Phyllocladia have a pointed configuration, light green color, 3 cm long, collected in the form of bunches. Ethiopian asparagus (this is another name for Sprenger's asparagus) has a bare stem, which becomes arched as it grows. The result of ripening is red berries with one seed inside.

Asparagus-shaped or asparagus-shaped variety

One of the varieties of semi-shrub plants, reaches a height of 1.5 m, light green in color. When mature, it requires firm support due to its flexible stems with a creeping structure. It blooms in the form of white miniature flowers (only if the asparagus is not indoors), which subsequently turn into dark orange berries during ripening. It has oval leaf-shaped phyllocladies of light green color.

Asparagus asparagus

Crescent asparagus (A. falcatus)

This is perhaps one of the largest representatives of Asparagus. Outwardly it resembles an elegant liana. In natural habitats it can grow up to fifteen meters, and the thickness can reach one centimeter. When bred at home, the sickle-shaped species is about four meters long. The flowers are traditional white, collected in small inflorescences, and have a pleasant fragrance.

Asparagus crescent

It is most popular among botanical researchers, and amateur flower growers perceive it as a sophisticated, elegant flower that can be used to decorate a home interior. The plant has multi-tiered thick and light stems. It grows best on a windowsill, needs regular feeding, the optimal temperature is at least 10 degrees. At the same time, it negatively tolerates the presence of dry air in the room, due to which asparagus turns yellow and crumbles. The plant will bloom in five or six years, provided all recommendations for caring for it are followed.

Racemosus (asparagus racemosus). It is characterized by two-meter long elongated shoots, bunched phyllocladies of linear shape. There are flower clusters consisting of fragrant pale pink flowers.

Types of asparagus video

Asparagus: care and reproduction

Home care

It is no secret that asparagus is primarily considered not a garden plant, but primarily a houseplant. It is in great demand due to its unpretentiousness to growing conditions. How to care for asparagus? To achieve the desired result, it is important to remember only a few recommendations. For example, the plant is a light-loving plant, so it should be exposed to bright, diffused light; direct sunlight is strictly contraindicated, as it can destroy the flower.

When it gets warm outside, it is important to think about a place where the asparagus would be exposed to fresh air flows, but protected from drafts and precipitation.

The optimal temperature should not exceed 22 C in the summer, and not lower than 15 C in the autumn-winter period, otherwise the plant may lose its leaf part and begin to dry out. What to do? There is no need to panic too much, since in the spring, when normal care is resumed, new shoots will form. To maintain moist air (this is what is acceptable for asparagus), it is important to spray not only the substrate, but also the air around the plant; you can line the base of the pot with wet expanded clay or pebbles. As with any plant, regular moderate watering is important for asparagus. It is worth remembering the “golden mean” in order to avoid rotting of the plant’s horse system. In the autumn season, the number of moisturizing procedures is reduced.

Feeding is carried out every fourteen days using fertilizers with organic or mineral content. For greater efficiency, it is worth fertilizing after thorough watering.

As for transplantation, it is done every two years. In view of this, it is necessary to remove the plant from the container in which it grew before, clean it of dried shoots and trim the roots slightly, and then place it in an already prepared flower container.

The asparagus flower loves loose, nutritious, relatively acidic soil, consisting of turf and deciduous soil, peat and coarse sand.

Asparagus care at home video

Types of reproduction

One of the available ways to reproduce asparagus is to grow it using seeds, which can be bought at a flower shop, or you can purchase it yourself by extracting it from ripe fruits, but it is important to remember that the berries are poisonous, and therefore you should wear gloves when doing this. To get a good result, it is better to sow them immediately after extraction. To do this, place the seeds on the prepared soil, lightly sprinkle the soil on top and water. Cover the top with oilcloth or glass and place in a warm, well-lit place. Within a month the first shoots will appear. When the sprouts reach a height of ten meters, they can be transplanted into larger containers and continue the necessary care.

The reproductive process using cuttings is best carried out in the spring.

To do this, strong, mature shoots are selected and part of the branch is cut off. Wet sand is suitable as a substrate. After planting the cuttings, they must be covered with glass containers and placed in a warm place under bright light, creating greenhouse conditions. After 1.5 months, after rooting, they can be planted in individual pots.

The method of propagation that has the highest probability of germination is division of the rhizome. This process is as follows: the flower is taken out of the container, the old shoots are destroyed, the roots are cleaned of remaining soil and washed. Next, they are divided into small parts and planted in containers with an already prepared and moistened substrate, after which the pots are placed in a shady place with an air temperature of +15 C. The adaptation and rooting process will take a month, then the young asparagus can be planted in a permanent place and cared for .


Asparagus has many benefits as a plant. It can be used as a room decoration. Also, thanks to its healing abilities, it is able to have a sedative effect, regulates blood pressure, is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and can be used as a means of promoting lactation.

Crescent asparagus got its name for a reason.

Its leaves really resemble small sickles, they are very sharp and can easily hurt fingers if not handled carefully enough.

But the appearance of this variety of asparagus is simply wonderful and it can decorate any room.

Care for sickle asparagus

Crescent asparagus is not particularly difficult to care for.


Since the sickle asparagus is native to the shady forests of Sri Lanka, it does not tolerate well direct rays of the sun falling on its leaves.

The best place for him - western or eastern window sills.

If you place a pot with it on a north window, it will not receive enough light, which may cause to elongation of shoots, as well as to pale flowers.


Starting from spring and up to October, asparagus undergoes growing season, during which he needs a temperature regime in the region of 22-25 degrees.

Preferably regularly ventilate the room where it is located, since fresh air is very important for asparagus. In winter it needs coolness, but not colder than 10°C.

Watering and air humidity

In spring and until the end of summer you need to water asparagus often and abundantly so that the soil does not dry out too much, but is not soggy all the time.

In winter it should not be watered too often, especially at low temperatures. If you continue to water the plant in the same mode as in summer, it will have the roots will rot.

Water for watering crescent asparagus must not contain chlorine, so it needs to be defended.

Top dressing

In summer, adult asparagus needs to be fertilized every 2 weeks. special fertilizer, intended for deciduous. There is no need to fertilize it in winter. If the asparagus has grown too much, you can reduce the concentration of fertilizers.


If the asparagus is still young, it need to be replanted every year in the spring. Adults replant only when the size of the pot is no longer enough for them. The pot will need to be deep and wide enough.

The soil needed is as follows:

  • leaf soil - 4 parts;
  • turf soil - 2 parts;
  • coarse sand - 1 part.

Don't forget about good drainage.


There are 2 simple ways to propagate sickle asparagus - by seeds and by dividing the bush.

In the first case, seeds sown in light soil and sprinkled with a little earth. Germination occurs in a warm, moist environment.

With the second method the bush is divided into parts, each of these “divisions” must have a root system and mature shoots.

Diseases and pests

Most often, sickle-shaped asparagus spider mite. In this case, spots and cobwebs appear on the tops of the leaves. In this case, a warm shower will help. If the pest has not disappeared, you will have to use Actellicom or a similar drug.

Sometimes asparagus has root rot. This happens when there is excess moisture. If the tips of the leaves turn brown and dry out– on the contrary, there is not enough air humidity.