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Cristiano Ronaldo's training: how the best football player of our time stays in shape. The secret of Cristiano Ronaldo's abs. Training scheme for the Portuguese star How many times does Ronaldo do the press?

The basis of the famous football player’s training and the secret of his excellent physical shape is discipline. Ronaldo trains five times a week for 3-4 hours a day and follows a strict diet. Special attention Cristiano pays attention to the quality and quantity of sleep, which is so important for recovery.

His training program includes endurance training (interval cardio, circuit training, plyometrics - we will talk about all these aspects separately in due course), training in the gym to maintain muscle tone and specific football training to improve the level of ball control.

Experts say that low levels of subcutaneous fat (less than 10% of total body weight) - main secret abs and sculpted body of Cristiano Ronaldo. The footballer also stated in an interview that he regularly does abdominal exercises. His personal record is 3,000 crunches performed in one day.

Despite the fact that Cristino adheres to a high-calorie diet, his active lifestyle and regular physical exercise allow you not to even think about fat deposits on the sides and lower abdomen.

So what is Cristiano Ronaldo's training program?

I’ll say right away that everything described below is not our speculation, but a translation of the training program that was once compiled specifically for Cristiano by the famous fitness trainer Brad Campbell. The purpose of the training is to maintain general muscle mass, as well as enhancing strength, endurance and other parameters important for sports success.

This program is not intended for beginners or even advanced trainees. Attempting to complete the presented training cycle without professional supervision will not only be ineffective, but can also lead to rapid overtraining.

Workout A: Strengthening

Comprehensive training for all muscles of the body - loaded pull-ups, dumbbell bench press on a fitball, deadlift on straight legs, lunges forward and to the side with dumbbells, barbell cleans, standing barbell presses, standing calf raises, one-arm kettlebell lifts with rotation.

Each of these exercises is performed in 5 sets of 5 repetitions; between sets - 45 seconds of rest. After the main workout - 30 minutes on the treadmill in the “mountain running” mode (sudden and frequent changes in the inclination angle of the belt, plus increasing speed every 5 minutes).

Workout B: Circuit Training

Circuit training involves twelve bodyweight plyometric exercises performed in a row without a break for one minute each. A total of 2 sets of these exercises are performed. The total duration of the circuit training is 25 minutes.

Exercises may vary from day to day. The most typical: box jumping, push-ups with clapping hands, jumping forwards (standing straight, feet together, jump as far as possible, pushing off the air with your hands, landing on both feet), jumping push-ups.

Workout C: Strengthening Endurance

The exercises are performed in a row, 18 repetitions each, without a pause for rest - squats with dumbbells; triceps push-ups with feet on a bench; rolling a fitball towards you with one foot while lying on your back; Bent-over dumbbell row; seated dumbbell press; push-ups on parallel bars.

This workout, like workout B, is performed in a circuit mode. After completing the first cycle of exercises, a one-minute rest follows, then the second cycle is performed. Remember that taking amino acids during such a workout will significantly increase its effectiveness.

Grouping workouts

Training is performed in a staggered manner. On Monday, workout A is carried out, on Tuesday - 45 minutes of running, on Wednesday, workout B and workout C are combined, on Thursday - rest, on Friday - workout A, Saturday - rest or running, on Sunday - workout B.

To speed up recovery, sports massage, warming up in a sauna and a contrast shower are used. In addition, Cristiano Ronaldo regularly undergoes comprehensive medical checks to detect overtraining at an early stage and reduce the risk of injury.

How Cristiano Ronaldo trains

Match TV studies the training programs of the leader of the Portuguese national team, looks at his Instagram and talks with three physical training experts to distinguish truth from fiction. You can see Ronaldo in excellent Portuguese form at “Match!” Football 1" at 22.00 semi-finals of Euro 2016.

What I wanted to know

The topic of training a football player who runs like a sprinter, and whose effectiveness rivals a Kalashnikov assault rifle, seemed so obvious that Google should have been bursting with the request for Cristiano Ronaldo training. But the popular search engine communicated like football players who had flown from France to Sheremetyevo, and answered either in general or in fragmentary phrases.

Among the two coaches who worked with Ronaldo personally were Brad Campbell and Michael Clegg. The latter worked with the Portuguese back in Manchester. Two training programs were found (a fairly standard set: push-ups, dumbbell flyes, hanging leg raises, biceps curls, jumping and bodyweight squats), but each time it turned out to be difficult to establish their authenticity: who and when compiled them for the Portuguese and whether this happened In fact. It is known that when Ronaldo injured his hamstring in the spring, physiotherapist Joaquin Juan worked with him. Cristiano trained up to 6 hours a day according to an individual program, did exercises with ropes, which can often be found on Instagram among hockey players and MMA fighters, and swam in a pool with ultraviolet-treated water.

Real Madrid physiotherapist Felix Ledesma, who previously worked at Lokomotiv, noted in a conversation with a Match TV correspondent that he cannot disclose the nuances of Ronaldo’s training process without the club’s consent. We decided to start small and find out how, in principle, you can train with a personal trainer during the club season.

Maria Burova, manager of the sports medicine center of FC Lokomotiv:“It is a common practice for foreign Premier League footballers to bring their own physiotherapists. And here the club’s physical training coach must be aware of the program that the player chooses with his personal trainer. As a rule, a personal trainer receives carte blanche, but on the condition that he informs the coaching staff about the training process.

How much training an athlete will do with a personal trainer depends on both the goals and the characteristics of the training itself. There are examples when a football player does one or two approaches with submaximal weight in the gym the day before the game in order to feel the muscles, strength and power.”

What they say about Ronaldo's training

From what we managed to find out for sure: Ronaldo is extremely disciplined in his training and several people immediately mention the Portuguese as an athlete incredibly devoted to the regime. Cristiano eats a lot of protein, vegetables and sleeps at least eight hours a day so that his body can recover. At the same time, Ronaldo’s athleticism and his famous transformation, when after several years at Manchester United the player became noticeably larger and more prominent, make one talk about heavy weights and long hours in the gym.

Vasily Volkov, physical training coach, sports physiologist:“During a football match, there may be moments that require the player to perform high-power motor actions, for example, accelerating after the ball or jumping as high as possible to make a header.

The ability to perform high-power movements cannot simply appear in the body - this requires muscles prepared in a certain way. It is very convenient to prepare such muscles using the tools that are available in the gym. It is not always possible to create the conditions for the muscular adaptation we need using only special football exercises. And there are situations when you need to specifically work with some muscle group, and at the same time give a break from running work.”

Ivan Krasavin, fitness trainer:“From my own experience I can say: football players have very good genetics. That is, you don’t get into professional football with bad characteristics, people there have big hearts, they have excellent oxygen supply to their muscles, and very good legs.”

What is known

Ronaldo himself, after one of his goals, could not resist pointing for a long time at the muscles of the front of his thigh, which were truly impressive in size. Kuban coach Sergei Tashuev in an interview with Match TV that Ronaldo’s total tonnage “in the peak weekly cycle exceeds 20 tons,” and a squat of a hundredweight is not the limit for the Portuguese. The best Russian hurdler Sergei Shubenkov also needs to swing to develop sprint speed.

The Internet did not offer a single figure indicating the weight of the barbell with which Ronaldo squats, but told a boring story about three thousand bodyweight squats. It became interesting how Ronaldo actually squats and whether this affects his speed.

Vasily Volkov:“To be a good sprinter, you need to be born one. What I mean now is a certain muscle composition that is given to us from birth. And having already been born a good sprinter, you can develop this advantage, including in the gym.

I know how football players, hockey players and track and field athletes squat. From a technical point of view, this cannot be called full squats in the sense that, for example, weightlifters do it. There is a half squat of pure water. And accordingly, the shorter the distance you go with the barbell, the more weight you can afford. For a football player of this class, squatting 200 kg at half amplitude is normal.

But kilograms are not a goal, they are a means. From a physiological point of view, we need a thigh that will be able to perform work with a power of about 20 watts per kg of body weight. To get this, you need to pump your legs, and as your strength increases, you have to increase the weights when the previous ones stop having an effect.”

Maria Burova:“Now the trend in modern physical training is moving away from maximum weights – working with submaximal weights to develop power. Because it is the power parameter that is most important during the game, and the maximum strength parameter is no longer so important during the match, so setting records in the gym is not for a football player.

The average player can squat 80-90 kg, but the squat itself, although it is a great exercise, is no longer so important and indicative. Considering the risk of exacerbation of some back problems, I would generally recommend squats for 15 percent of those involved. Today there are a lot of exercises that replace squats, and equipment that makes it possible to estimate how many watts a football player has squeezed out in one repetition, and this is a parameter of an athlete’s coolness. The more, the more explosive the muscles.”

What do we see

Ronaldo brought 75 kg of his own weight to Manchester United. Now he weighs 80, and some sources indicate 78 kg. These are standard proportions for a football player and not very heavy weight for a man 185 centimeters tall. This circumstance does not prevent Ronaldo himself from looking very athletic in photographs, and impressing not only with his abdominal muscles, but also with his developed back, shoulders and biceps.

Ivan Krasavin:“He looks like a footballer: lean, but tall and very well-coordinated. I won’t say that he impresses me as a bodybuilder or a bodybuilder; there is nothing outstanding in his build, especially in professional photographs with the right light and correct processing, something can be emphasized favorably. But, on the other hand, it is clear that he not only runs, but also works on the shoulder girdle and upper body.”

Maria Burova: "Football in recent years five becomes more powerful, so everything must develop. The top will be sculpted in any case, since they spend a lot of time in aerobic mode, which allows them to dry out muscle mass. About seven years ago there was an opinion: why does a football player need a top? Now, fortunately, this opinion is changing. There are a lot of athletes who pay attention to their physical training. They start working with individual trainers and physiotherapists. Believe me, we have enough players who are well built, it’s just that Cristiano is a player on whom a lot of attention is always focused, plus he is a top-class player. For example, you wouldn’t look at a football player from the second league simply because he’s well built.”

Vasily Volkov:“The purely visual feeling that a person is pumping very seriously, that he has a very powerful torso, gives a small percentage of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, again, without measurements it is difficult to say exactly how developed Cristiano’s upper body is. With a height of 185 cm, Ronaldo weighs 78 kg, in my opinion these are good proportions for football.

Moreover, a football player’s overly developed upper body is rather a whim and has no direct relation to performance on the field. Even playing with the body, blocking, is still not as strong contact as in hockey. But there is a risk of harming your endurance, since you carry an extra five kilograms in the form of biceps around the field.”

Ivan Krasavin:“Lean muscle is the result of huge calorie expenditure. As far as I know, a football player can lose up to five thousand in a game. There is an unrealistically promoted metabolism there, and, I think, professional nutritionists work with Ronaldo, and all the legal pharmaceutical support for recovery between training and games is appropriate there.”

Vasily Volkov:“By the way, a developed muscular system presupposes that you exercise regularly, and you use all the fibers that are in your muscles to work. You train them with a certain intensity and amplitude, which makes them ready for some extreme situations on the field. Plus, the work itself in the gym stimulates anabolic processes in the body. To put it simply, during sleep after strength training the body repairs itself. If aerobic training destroys more - a person loses weight, including due to muscles, then strength training builds and restores.”

What does Ronaldo post on Instagram?

From what can be gleaned about the Portuguese's training from his personal photographs, we see abdominal exercises (Ronaldo has been reported to easily do three thousand crunches), balance work, bodyweight squats and shock absorber training. To put it simply, special rubber creates tension resistance. There is also a popular video where, during a training session at Real Madrid, instead of regular push-ups, Cristiano does a complicated version - with a clap, and does it at a fairly fast pace.

Ivan Krasavin:“I think he does a lot of abdominal exercises, a lot of push-ups, his pectoral muscles are not very developed, but they are quite lean. Most likely, this is functional training with high-repetition work.

That is, he can perform most of the exercises with his own weight, or with a barbell and dumbbells, but this can be 30-50 percent of the maximum.”

Maria Burova:“Yes, training methods are changing now: training with TRX loops, rubber shock absorbers, functional training is becoming more and more popular, and they are moving away more and more from free weights and the pursuit of records.”

Vasily Volkov:“Rubber can create muscle conditions that are not possible with regular weight training. When, for example, we need to get rid of inertia in an exercise or add some instability to the movement, rubber can help with this.”

Ivan Krasavin:“The effectiveness of shock absorbers is greatly underestimated. The point is that there is no such load on the joints, plus the shock absorber creates constant tension, and it turns out that there is no phase where the muscle completely relaxes. And as you work, the more you pull it, the more stress you get.”

Vasily Volkov:“As for the appearance of the abs, this is, first of all, a low percentage of subcutaneous fat, which is not directly related to the performance of the abdominal muscles. But obviously hitting the ball has a rotational component to it, and to do that we need strong abdominal muscles.”

Ivan Krasavin:“90 percent of people won’t do the crunch he shows in the photo, and with extra weight in the shoulder girdle, it will be especially difficult. I remember seeing this exercise in some films, it looks impressive. But I can’t call it the most effective among abdominal exercises. On the contrary, I really like hanging leg raises. It’s still better to work the rectus muscle from the bottom up, since the lower part of the fibers is attached to the pelvic bones and you don’t feel it so much when you twist the body.”

What Ronaldo himself says and does

Ronaldo will try to do everything to play against Portugal for the second time in the final of the European Championship, and at the same time prove to Gareth Bale that it is too early for him to aspire to the role of the best player of the same continent. He hit fifty again for the season and barely noticed that he celebrated his 31st birthday in February.

Vitaly Volkov:“If we talk about physical condition, then with proper and regular training, 31 years is not yet old. If you approach the training process wisely, in my opinion, you can remain at the same level for another 10 years.”

In February, news broke that Ronaldo was planning to lose two kilograms of body weight to maintain his speed and mobility. And here we can admit that Ronaldo still pays attention to his age, and you can once again be surprised at how professionally he trains.

Text: Vadim Tikhomirov

Photo:; getty images;

The basis of the famous football player’s training and the secret of his excellent physical shape is discipline. Ronaldo trains five times a week for 3-4 hours a day and follows a strict diet. Cristiano pays special attention to the quality and quantity of sleep, which is so important for recovery.

His training program includes endurance training (,), gym training to maintain muscle tone and, of course, football-specific training to improve his ball skills.

The secret of Ronaldo's abs

A low level of subcutaneous fat (less) is the main secret of Cristiano Ronaldo’s abs and sculpted body. The footballer also stated in an interview that he regularly does abdominal exercises. His personal record is 3,000 crunches performed in one day.

Despite the fact that Krishtin adheres to a high-calorie diet, his active lifestyle and regular physical activity allow him not to even think about fat deposits on the sides and lower abdomen. If you are looking for a method of burning belly fat -.

Cristiano Ronaldo training program

The training program below was compiled specifically for Cristiano by famous fitness trainer Brad Campbell. The purpose of the training is to both maintain overall muscle mass and increase strength, endurance and other parameters important for sports success.

We especially note that this program not intended for beginners or even advanced trainees. Attempting to complete the presented training cycle without professional supervision will not only be ineffective, but can also lead to rapid overtraining.

Workout A: Strengthening

Comprehensive training for all muscles of the body - loaded pull-ups, dumbbell bench press on a fitball, straight-legged deadlifts, forward and side lunges with dumbbells, barbell cleans, standing barbell press, standing calf raises, one-arm kettlebell lifts with turning.

Each of these exercises is performed in 5 sets of 5 repetitions; between sets - 45 seconds of rest. After the main workout - 30 minutes on the treadmill for “mountain running” (sudden and frequent changes in the inclination angle of the belt, plus increasing speed every 5 minutes).

Workout B: Circuit Training

Circuit training involves twelve bodyweight plyometric exercises performed in a row without a break for one minute each. A total of 2 sets of these exercises are performed. The total duration of the circuit training is 25 minutes.

Exercises may vary from day to day. The most typical: box jumping, push-ups with clapping hands, jumping forwards (standing straight, feet together, jump as far as possible, pushing off the air with your hands, landing on both feet), jumping push-ups.

Workout C: Strengthening Endurance

The exercises are performed in a row, 18 repetitions each, without a pause for rest - squats with dumbbells; triceps push-ups with feet on a bench; rolling a fitball towards you with one foot while lying on your back; Bent-over dumbbell row; seated dumbbell press; push-ups on parallel bars.

This workout, like workout B, is performed in a circuit mode. After completing the first cycle of exercises, a one-minute rest follows, then the second cycle is performed. Remember that taking it during such a workout will significantly increase its effectiveness.

Grouping workouts

Training is performed in a staggered manner. On Monday, workout A is carried out, on Tuesday - 45 minutes of running, on Wednesday, workout B and workout C are combined, on Thursday - rest, on Friday - workout A, Saturday - rest or running, on Sunday - workout B.

To speed up recovery, warming up in a sauna and a contrast shower are used. In addition, Cristiano Ronaldo regularly undergoes comprehensive medical checks to detect overtraining at an early stage and reduce the risk of injury.


Cristino Ronaldo's training complex is based on the use of circuit training, plyometric exercises, high-intensity interval training HIIT - and, of course, purely football training to hone his ball control skills.

Scientific sources:

  1. Cristiano Ronaldo workout routine and exercises,
  2. How To Train Like Cristiano Ronaldo,

Cristiano Ronaldo is a Portuguese football player. He plays for Real Madrid and the Portuguese national team. The boy was fond of football since childhood. From an early age, it was clear that Ronaldo would connect his life with football. In the history of world football, Ronaldo is the most expensive player. The Portuguese midfielder broke Zinedine Zidane's records.

Body parameters of the famous football player: height – 186 cm, weight – 84 kg. Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985.

The principles of training of the famous football player

The main credo that helps Cristiano succeed is based on discipline. According to the football player, if you want to achieve something, learn to be organized and demanding of yourself. The key to successful physical training is discipline. A football player trains 3.5 hours a day. During the week, classes take five days. To restore wasted energy, the football player devotes great importance rest (sleep at least 8 hours a day). It is during this period that muscle tissue is actively restored.

Athlete's training program:

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  • cardio loads;
  • strength exercises;
  • comprehensive muscle training.

During the week, Cristiano devotes a lot of time to the technique of handling a soccer ball.

Perfect abs

Ronaldo is a successful football player and a sex symbol for women. His abs are made entirely of six packs. What is the secret of a football player's perfect abs? Low level of subcutaneous fat. According to the athlete, fat occupies about 9% of the body. Ronaldo trains his abdominal muscles every day. The record is 3500 crunches in one day. A football player's diet is full of calories. A high-calorie diet does not provoke fat deposits on the stomach and sides. An active lifestyle and constant training prevent fat from remaining in the body.

Cristiano's training structure

A training program for a football player is drawn up by a personal trainer. The direction is to gain muscle mass, strengthen endurance, one of the important parameters in sports. It is not intended for beginners. It should be performed by people who have sports training and a certain level of endurance.

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Program 1. Increasing endurance. The basis is basic exercises. A lot of weight is taken, weighting puts additional stress on the working muscles. The main exercises are crunches on a bench, lunges straight, to the side, bench press, incline press, deadlift, lunges. Performing period – 5 to 5. Rest between sets – 40 seconds. At the end, a cool-down is performed - running on the treadmill for 25 minutes.

Program 2. Circuit training. Based on working with your body weight. Circuit exercises may vary. Performed in two approaches. Duration – 30 minutes. Example exercises are push-ups, jumping jacks, jumping push-ups.

Program 3. Aimed at endurance. Designed for 15 repetitions of each exercise. Consists of pull-ups, jump squats, push-ups, seated dumbbell rows, and deadlifts. A rest period of 2 minutes is allowed between cycles.

When Cristiano Ronaldo took his first steps in football, he was very skinny.

“I had no muscles. So at age 11 I made a big decision. I knew I had great talent and decided that I would work harder than everyone else. In the evenings, I would sneak out of my room to practice. I was getting bigger and faster. When I walked onto the field, people who had previously whispered about how skinny I was looked at me as if it was the end of the world,” Ronaldo recalled in a column for The Players’ Tribune.

Source: Getty Images

Over the years in Manchester, the footballer has noticeably improved. In 2009, the Daily Star tabloid wrote that Ronaldo does 3,000 abdominal crunches a day. This is such a fantastic figure that many wanted to believe it. This is how the main myth about Ronaldo’s body appeared.

It was only in 2016 that the truth became known. A couple of years after moving to Manchester United, Cristiano, together with Sir Alex Ferguson, went to the clinic complaining of acute muscle pain in the abdominal area. It turned out that Cristiano did 700 crunches a day. Not three thousand, but the figure is still impressive. Doctors advised the football player to calm down.

Last year, Ronaldo dispelled all the legends about the unique loads on the press.

“3000 a day? No, I don't make 3000 even in a week. I train my abdominal muscles 4-5 times a week, the minimum number of crunches is 200-300. You don’t need to do too much, otherwise there is a risk of getting a hernia or problems with intervertebral discs,” said the Portuguese.

Tips from Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano talked a lot about the principles of training. Here are the main points:

  1. Eat regularly. It is necessary to monitor the energy balance and nourish the body for best results. Cristiano Ronaldo eats up to six times a day and in small portions.
  2. It is very important to drink a lot of water.
  3. Abdominal exercises can be done even in the bedroom when you first wake up. Or when, on the contrary, you go to bed. If it becomes a habit, it will be easier.
  4. Use a barbell plate. In addition to regular crunches, Cristiano also does them with weights. He takes a plate from the bar and does 15 repetitions, then 12, 10, 8, and again 15. Rest between sets - 30 seconds.

The result is a picture like this.