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Herbaceous plant yellow green grass. Zelenchuk yellow (photo) cultivation, planting and care Zelenchuk yellow application

Yellow zelenchuk, green grass, night blindness - this modest plant, but concealing many secrets, is called differently. Larva is primarily known in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent, but it is often used to decorate the garden. The article is devoted to a description of the plant and its medicinal properties, tips for caring for it and recommendations regarding the use of yellow green grass in landscape design.

Botanical description and distribution of yellow green grass

Yellow lily – herbaceous, reaching a height of 0.2 to 0.5 m. The plant can be easily recognized by its fast-growing long shoots, elongated pubescent ovoid leaves with pointed ends and a silvery pattern at the base, erect tetrahedral stems and yellow spongy inflorescences collected in loose racemes. Quickly covering the ground with a variegated carpet, Zelenchuk does not allow other plants, including weeds, to approach itself: this representative of the Lamiaceae family is extremely aggressive when it comes to being adjacent to other inhabitants of the garden.

The yellow butterfly is distributed over an impressive territory. It can be found in deciduous forests of Europe, the Caucasus and even Western Siberia, as well as in any part of Ukraine. The plant is annually decorated with flowers in May and blooms until the end of June, and the succulent foliage retains its decorative properties until the onset of frost.

Useful and medicinal properties of yellow clasp

The aerial part of the plant is used in folk medicine. It contains microelements such as ascorbic acid, essential oils, alkaloids, flavonoids, sucrose, as well as tannins, many vitamins and saponins. Thanks to this rich composition, the herb has a powerful diuretic, sedative and expectorant effect.

There are practically no contraindications for Zelenchukova, however, it is not recommended for patients with allergies and individual intolerance to substances that the plant contains.

Growing jasmine on the site

Zelenchuk yasnotkovy is not very fastidious in care: Loam or sandy loam soil is perfect for it; If a gardener is interested in the accelerated development and more abundant growth of damselfish, then you can plant it on fertile, well-drained soil of average moisture. The plant prefers neutral or slightly acidic soil.

Yasnotka in landscape design (video)

Technology and timing of planting yellow zelenchuk

Before planting clarets in open ground, it is best to choose a place adjacent to low shrubs. It is not worth planting yellow zelenchuk under trees with a dense crown., because the plant, especially some of its varieties, does not tolerate humidity above average. The illumination in the chosen place should be good: the claret loves bright or diffused light.

Yellow lily is sown in early autumn, unlike its other species, which need to be planted in early spring. The technology for planting yellow green grass is quite simple: the selected area is pre-drained (8-10 cm) and moistened, and then the plant is planted on it. You can press lightly on the seeds, but you need to leave them close to the surface. Since claret is resistant to low temperatures, seedlings do not need to create greenhouse conditions. The first shoots of yellow zelenchuk will appear 45 days after sowing.

Rules for caring for yellow grass

Despite its moderate whimsicality, yellow green grass requires attention and care, otherwise it will turn from a cultivated plant into an ordinary weed. Here are a few rules for gardeners to care for perennials:

The use of zelenchuk in medicine

Thanks to the composition of flowers and shoots, rich in useful substances, in the art of treatment with folk methods, yellow zelenchuk has long been used as an expectorant, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Herbal infusion very effective in the treatment of acute and chronic cystitis and urethritis, prostate adenoma, incontinence in the elderly, glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis. In addition, fresh jasmine treats skin infections and heals wounds. Poultices and compresses made from yellow green grass are an indispensable remedy for joint inflammation.

Fresh juice and decoctions from the leaves of yellow grass can have a positive effect on those suffering from insomnia, depression and decreased appetite. In this form, zelenchuk is recommended to be taken before meals and at night, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Useful properties of jasmine (video)

Zelenchuk yellow in garden decor

In the design of garden landscapes, chrysanthemum is very popular due to its ground cover feature. This perennial will easily and quickly transform inconspicuous corners of the garden, decorate the bases of bushes and small trees with a permeable crown, and cover border compositions with a colorful carpet. Yellow Zelenchuk is also perfect for decorating alpine slides, because it can actively develop among stones.

One of the common scenarios for using jasmine in combination with a large boulder is to surround a stone dug vertically into the ground with an airy carpet: many gardeners find it harmonious and natural when this or that object seems to “grow” out of the greenery.

Yasnotka can be safely planted in areas where it will have sole control of the territory: in the gaps between paths, the area between the house and the asphalt, “between the rows” of flower beds, in city courtyards with less favorable conditions, etc. Growing rapidly, yellow green grass will cover unsightly places with a beautiful carpet of leaves with an unusual pattern.

Yellow lily is often used as an hanging plant. Long shoots will gracefully hang from the flowerpot, gradually completely covering it and creating the effect of a silver-variegated “bump” in the middle of the lawn.

Despite its increased aggressiveness, the claret is still capable of becoming an element of flower ensembles if you choose the right neighbors for it. The best options are hostas, tiarellas, heucheras, lungworts, forest peonies, aconites, as well as bulbs - tulips, hyacinths, daffodils. These combinations can make excellent compositions for flower beds and mixborders.

Yasnotka in garden decor (video)

Other types of jasmine

In botany, approximately 80 species of jasmine are known, but only a few are grown as garden crops:

Meadow perennial with erect, branched stems and creeping rhizomes. It reaches a height of 45 cm. The stems and leaves are oval-heart-shaped and pubescent. The flowers are two-lipped, snow-white, collected in whorls in the axils of the apical leaves. The flowering period begins in June and lasts until September. This type of clasp, like the yellow one, has a wide range of healing properties;

An annual, less often biennial, low plant (up to 25 cm) with thin roots and flexible stems. The stems are densely covered with small oval leaves. From April to September, red nettles are decorated with delicate flowers in all possible shades of pink;

Tall perennial, reaching 70 cm in height. The erect shoots are almost pubescent, covered with oval-serrate leaves with a silver stripe along the central vein. During flowering, speckled yaeryssa attracts insects with fragrant flowers 2-3 cm long, light pink or bright purple. The species includes several ornamental varieties(Album, Aureum, Beacon Silver).

Yellow Zelenchuk is an unpretentious plant that can decorate any garden plot or city yard. Its creeping and aggressiveness are not disadvantages, but advantages that can be advantageously used in landscape design. In addition, jasmine is used in folk medicine, so it can become a worthy representative of a gardener’s personal garden “first aid kit.”

Botanical characteristics

Zelenchuk yellow, translated - Lamium galeobdolon (Galeobdolon luteum), there are names such as: zelenchuk or yellow, dobropol, sernyak, zelenchuk, dead mint, nettle, stinking chicken coop, night blindness, magic nettle, linden, forest nettle, earthen incense .

A herbaceous perennial with a tetrahedral ascending stem, few branches, its length reaches 50 centimeters. The leaves are velvety, petiolate, ovate in shape, slightly rounded, crenate with whitish-silver spots; lower leaves are heart-shaped.

The flowers are arranged in whorls spaced apart from each other. The calyx is campanulate-tubular, with five veins and spiny-pointed teeth. The corolla is two-lipped, yellow; the lower lip consists of three sharp blades, the upper lip is in the form of a helmet. There are four stamens; the ovary is superior, four-lobed, with one style and a stigma. The pistil is bright red. The fruit is formed by a triangular nut.

Plant distribution

Yellow Zelenchuk is found in the Caucasus; grows throughout Ukraine. It grows in meadows, deciduous forests, and also among shrubs.

Part used

The aerial part contains chemical substances due to which the herb is considered healing, among them: iridoids, for example, acetylharpagide, galiridoside, harpagide, there are saponins, alkaloids, tannins, and silicon compounds have been found.

Collection and preparation

The grass is plucked during the flowering period. You can use a sickle or knife with these devices and cut off the required amount of raw materials. Then it is cut into pieces and laid out on a pallet, which can be lined with a sheet of thick paper. Next, turn the harvested plant every day to prevent dampness.

When the grass becomes dry, it is laid out in paper bags or cloth bags. Next, they are placed in a ventilated room so that, due to the existing ventilation, the raw materials are stored better. The shelf life should not exceed 24 months; after its expiration, it is not recommended to use it, since decoctions and infusions will not have the proper therapeutic effect on the body.

Use of yellow zelenchuk

Traditional healers use yellow green grass to prepare various medicinal potions that help cope with many ailments. They have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

An infusion prepared from magic nettle is recommended for use in acute chronic and acute cystitis; it helps cope with glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and urethritis, and is effective in prostate adenoma and urinary incontinence due to decreased tone of the bladder sphincters.

Infusion recipe

To prepare the infusion, you need to stock up on yellow green grass in the amount of one teaspoon, the raw materials are first crushed, and a ceramic pestle and mortar are used, in which the plant is ground to the desired structure. Next, pour it into a bowl and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water, then leave for ten to twenty minutes.

When the infusion has been well infused, they begin to filter it; for this you can use a fine sieve or gauze, but it should be folded in two layers, through which the finished solution is strained into a clean container.

The cake on gauze can be squeezed out and then thrown away, after which the infusion is suitable for its intended use. Usually it is used 400 milliliters per day warm in small sips. It should be stored strictly in the refrigerator, and no more than three days, after which it begins to lose its medicinal qualities.

Decoction recipe for glomerulonephritis

As an additional therapy in the treatment of glomerulonephritis, you can drink a decoction of the following medicinal plants; of course, you should first consult with a specialist, and only then start preparing the drug.

You will need yellow green grass, St. John's wort, bearberry, these herbs are needed in the amount of 40 grams, then, take half as much horsetail, birch buds, corn silk, knotweed, oregano and 15 g of chamomile.

Chop and mix the resulting herbs thoroughly, and take the resulting mixture in the amount of 60 grams, pour it into a prepared dry container, where add a liter of boiling water. The drug must be infused for at least 12 hours, then it is boiled for no more than ten minutes, after which it is filtered through a cloth, it is better to use gauze, which is first folded in two layers.

Next, cover the container with gauze and carefully pour the broth into it; the settled herb can be squeezed out and thrown away. Store the drug in the refrigerator for no more than five days; it is not recommended to use it later, as it can ferment and lose its healing qualities.


The medicinal herb yellow greenery should be used for medicinal purposes only after the patient has consulted with a competent professional. You should refrain from using drugs on your own; you should always consult your doctor first.

Zelenchuk grows in broad-leaved, spruce-fir and oak forests, often forming a continuous green carpet. In gardening, it is used as a ground cover plant for its ability to displace other crops.

Zelenchuk grows in broad-leaved, spruce-fir and oak forests, often forming a continuous green carpet

Description and composition

Yellow Zelenchuk belongs to the perennial herbaceous creeping plants of the Lamiaceae family. Vegetative, creeping and easily rooted shoots enable the grass to reproduce not only by seeds. The branched root system has a cord-like shape and many appendages spreading out to the sides. The tetrahedral, dark green stems are strewn with small fibers and can be more than half a meter long. The leaf blades are lanceolate and ovoid in shape with jagged edges, covered with white fluff below, and almost bare and wrinkled above, sitting opposite on short petioles. Very often the leaves are spotted.

The peduncles are simple, erect, with spike-shaped light yellow inflorescences located at the top, each of which has 5-6 medium-sized lip-shaped flowers. Flowering occurs in late spring and early summer, and the fruits, which are very dark, triangular nuts, ripen in the middle or end of the warm season.

Yellow Zelenchuk belongs to the perennial herbaceous creeping plants of the Lamiaceae family

Yellow green grass got its name because it overwinters with green leaves, which do not change their color even in spring. As soon as the snow begins to melt and the first thawed patches appear, the plant produces fresh foliage.

The grass has a lot of other names: yellow grass, night blindness, linden, forest nettle and others. The plant is quite widespread. It can be found in European forests, the Caucasus and Western Siberia.

Zelenchuk yellow- a perennial herb found in the wild in Central Europe, Siberia, and North Africa. It is used in landscape design, as it is a beautiful variegated ground cover that is unpretentious in cultivation. It is distinguished by its extreme aggressiveness and vitality, displacing other plants from its possessions. The official name is green or yellow weed.

Due to its insufficiently studied chemical composition, the plant is not used in official medicine, but it appears in folk recipes. Often used in complex formulations in combination with other medicinal herbs.

Description and chemical composition

The plant has creeping roots, stems can reach a length of up to 0.7 m, and grow both horizontally and vertically. The leaves look very impressive, have an ovoid shape, jagged at the edges, and are mottled with silver-white spots on a green background. Flowering occurs in May-June and lasts no more than 2 weeks. Yellow “lipped” flowers are collected in peculiar inflorescences of 6-8 pieces. The fruits are black or brown nuts.

The biological components of the plant have not been fully studied. However, it is known for certain that claspberry contains tannins, alkaloids, iridoids, water-soluble silicon compounds, saponins, glycosides, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, and essential oil.

Beneficial features

The use of yellow zelenchuk is explained by the complex of useful substances it contains. It is used in the following cases:

  • useful for acute and chronic forms of cystitis;

  • recommended for the treatment of prostate adenoma;
  • has a positive effect on reducing the tone of the bladder sphincter, which causes urinary incontinence;
  • helps with glomerulonephritis;

  • used in the treatment of pyelonephritis;
  • improves digestion;
  • normalizes metabolism;

  • acting as a sputum thinner, it helps with respiratory diseases.

Use in folk medicine

  • With a decrease in the tone of the sphincter of the bladder and the resulting urinary incontinence, with urethritis, to thin the sputum: 1 tsp. steam the herbs in 0.2 liters of boiled water, let stand for 10 minutes, filter. Drink warm, 150 ml three times a day, before meals, for 5 days.

  • For urethritis: take yellow green grass and tenacious bedstraw in equal parts. 1 tbsp. l. Brew the mixture in 0.5 liters of boiling water, wait 30-40 minutes. Drink 0.1 liter three times a day, before meals.
  • For chronic and acute glomerulonephritis, a complex herbal mixture is made: 20 g of oregano and yellow green grass flowers, knotweed grass, birch buds, corn silk, 40 g of St. John's wort and bearberry leaves, 15 g of chamomile and 30 g of horsetail. 4 tbsp. l. Place the mixture in a liter of water for 12 hours. Boil for 10 minutes and filter. Drink 0.1 liter four times a day an hour after meals.

  • To treat hypertrophy and inflammation of the prostate gland: mix herbs in equal proportions - green grass, goldenrod, motherwort, hawthorn, asparagus roots, wintergreen, aspen leaves, blackthorn, black poplar buds, wintergreen, parsley, wheatgrass roots. At night, place 2 tbsp. l. mixture in 0.5 liters of boiled water. Drink 150 ml half an hour before meals three times a day.

Contraindications for use

To date, no contraindications to the use of yellow zelenchuk have been identified. But due to insufficient information, it is not recommended to use drugs with this plant for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children.

Growing and care

  • Zelenchuk prefers shady places; in the open sun, its beautiful leaves can get burned.
  • The soil is preferably neutral, loam is suitable.
  • Reproduction can be done by seeds, layering, dividing the bush, or cuttings.

  • The easiest way is to separate the rooted shoots at the end of summer and replant them in another place.
  • To divide the bush in spring or late summer, the plant is dug up, divided into parts and planted.
  • Cuttings are carried out in early summer. Leaf cuttings are placed in loose, moist soil and create a greenhouse effect. Regular watering is required. It can be replanted to a permanent location in the spring.
  • The seed method is used at the end of September, lightly pressing the seeds into moist soil. Shoots appear in the spring, and flowering occurs only in the second year.
  • Watering is required quite often, but not abundantly, since the roots are superficial.
  • In spring, it is recommended to mulch with manure or compost.
  • The plant does not require shelter for the winter.

Procurement of raw materials

The leaves and flowers of the plant are harvested for medicinal purposes. Collection is carried out during the flowering period. Cut off the inflorescences along with the upper foliage. Drying is carried out in well-ventilated areas, avoiding direct exposure to sunlight. Dried raw materials are stored in paper or cloth containers for a year.

Medicinal properties have been identified in almost all plants, so it makes sense to learn more about how the surrounding fauna can be used for medicinal purposes.

Read about the rich vitamin and mineral composition of salsify, about the invaluable help that preparations from reeds can provide, about the benefits and harms of cashews.

And you, dear readers, write about the use of yellow zelenchuk in the treatment of various pathologies from your personal practice.

Family Lamiaceae or Lamiaceae (Labiatae).

Common names: yellow dead nettle.

Parts used. The above-ground part of the plant.

Botanical description. Zelenchuk is very reminiscent of dead nettle (white nettle), only its flowers are of the wrong color. Previously, the plant was classified as a member of the genus Yamna, but then it was separated into a separate genus. Of course, these are botanical subtleties.

Yellow Zelenchuk - Galeobdolon luteum - is a sparsely pubescent perennial herbaceous plant 15-40 cm high. The stems are ascending, sometimes branched, reddish at the base. The leaves are simple, opposite, petiolate, ovate, double-toothed along the edges, often with silvery-white spots, as if they had been splashed with lime or chalk. The flowers are irregular (two-lipped), collected in six-flowered ringed inflorescences (false whorls) in the axils of the apical leaves. The whorls are twisted at the top. The bracts are 2-3 times shorter than the calyx. The calyx is campanulate with 10 obscure veins. The corolla is yellow, with a tube almost bent, gradually expanded towards the throat, swollen, inside with an oblique hairy ring. Blooms in May-June. The fruit is a quadruple nut, obovate in shape. The yellow green grass usually lives in deciduous forests and is found in thickets of bushes.

Collection and preparation. To make preparations, the above-ground part of the plant is collected during the flowering period, along with the flowers. Cut off the tops of the stems. The raw materials are dried under a canopy in the open air or in a room with good ventilation.
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Active ingredients. The chemical composition of this plant of the Lamiaceae family has hardly been studied. It has been established that yellow green grass contains water-soluble substances and silicon compounds.

Application. Zelenchuk is used as a medicine exclusively in folk medicine. Traditional healers use the plant in the form of an infusion for acute and chronic cystitis, glomerulonephritis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, prostate adenoma. The infusion helps with urinary incontinence in older people due to decreased tone of the bladder sphincters. The plant thus has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. In combination with other herbs, zelenchuk is part of complex mixtures for the treatment of acute chronic glomerulonephritis.

All Lamiaceae generously gift the winged workers of bees with nectar, and yellow green bees are no exception. The honey productivity of the thickets of this plant reaches 60 kg per 1 hectare.
Herbal infusion. 1 teaspoon of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes, strain. Drink 2-3 glasses a day in small sips, warm.