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Thinking test for work. Pre-employment testing. Appraisal for an accountant vacancy

Nowadays, probably every person who applied for a job passed some kind of test when applying for or interviewing for a job. Now even small companies use online tests to select candidates, let alone tests for companies such as Sberbank, Gazprom, Sibur, Rosneft, Mars, BAT (British American Tobacco), Pyaterochka and so on.

So, let's talk about what tests are most often used when applying for a job:

Psychological tests

Psychological tests are needed directly to determine the candidate’s personal qualities, character and temperament. For example, for a vacancy for the position of director or manager, you need leadership skills. And if a shy, uptight, quiet candidate comes to the position, but with good education and knowledge, then such a director is unlikely to be able to lead a department or organization, right? Based on this, it would be correct to use psychological tests when applying for a job.

Numerical tests

Logic tests

Or they are also called abstract-logical tests, logic tests. Most logic tests are similar to an IQ test. Logical tests assess intuitive abilities, as well as the ability to make logical conclusions based on non-verbal information presented in the form of abstract symbols. The logical thinking test is a set of abstract figures, among which it is necessary to identify a pattern and answer the question. An example of a job application test is shown in the picture below.

They can also be combined with each other, for example, you are given a test of 15 questions, which contains both elements of a verbal test and elements of a numerical test.

Employment tests are created by companies that develop training, tested materials for personnel assessment. Companies such as SHL, TalentQ, Ontarget and others. That is why some HR specialists, when making initial contact with a candidate, recommend familiarizing yourself with such tests and reading on the Internet what numerical and verbal SHL or Talent Q tests are. If you are reading this article, then you have probably also been recommended to familiarize yourself with employment tests.

On our service you can get acquainted with each of the tests for free, decide free tests with answers and also buy a kit for better preparation for the upcoming exam.

Tests effectively help reveal the applicant’s erudition, his work skills and find out how motivated he is.

A test is a series of multiple-choice questions to test the applicant’s preparedness. The test results reflect the test subject's compliance with the organization's requirements.

Job interview tests

Let's look at the types of tests during a job interview:

  1. Professional - tests, including a list of questions on knowledge and skills specialized for a particular job.
  2. IQ test, reflecting the intelligence quotient, as well as the development of a person’s abstract thinking.
  3. Tests to determine general and special abilities— reflect important qualities of an employee: logic, memory, attentiveness, hearing or vision.
  4. Personality and motivation tests:
    • personality tests help to calculate a person’s temperament type, his character traits, how much he is able to focus his attention and shows his level of emotional stability;
    • motivational tests during a job interview, they show how motivated the employee is to carry out work, whether he values ​​the position he holds, whether he will overcome the difficulties that arise in the workplace, and whether he wants to grow and develop in the chosen industry.
  5. Attentiveness test— tests a person’s ability to remain vigilant for a long time.

    It is used for recruiting personnel for those positions for which concentration and scrupulousness are of great importance.

  6. Shapes test- used to determine psychotype. It is necessary to arrange five figures in the preferred order, and this will determine which category of people the subject belongs to.
  7. Logic test— determine a person’s ability to find a logical connection and think through multiple moves.

Examples of interview tests and answers to them


Professional tests for a job interview, examples of 3 questions from the test for employment in an international company for the position of economist. If 60% of the questions are answered correctly, the test is passed:

  1. the volume of resources received by Russia from the IMF through conventional lending mechanisms in the 90s. amounted (billion US dollars):
    • less than 5;
    • 5, 1 — 10;
    • 10,1 — 15;
    • more than 20.

    The answer is Mr.

  2. In the Eurasian Economic Community:
    • Each country has the same number of votes;
    • the number of votes of each country is proportional to the shares of funds contributed by it to the community budget.

    The answer is b.

  3. World Trade organisation:
    • is part of the UN system;
    • is not a member of the UN, but is bound by a cooperation agreement with it;
    • not affiliated with the UN.

    The answer is b.

IQ test

There are a total of 40 questions in the test, you are given 30 minutes. Below are examples of 4 questions from the test for your reference.

  1. Find the extra word:
    • SHAKYR;
    • ESTAN;
    • CUBLE;
    • COLLAB.

    The answer is a cube

  2. Place the missing word in brackets:
    • SLING (. . . .) CARRIER.

    The answer is a prize.

  3. What number is next in the series:
    • 18 10 6 4?

    The answer is 2.

  4. Find the extra word:
    • LUST;
    • CLOSET;
    • TINOP;
    • VEROC.

    The answer is tinop.


  • <90 баллов — ниже среднего, им обладает 25% людей;
  • 90-110 points is an average result, 50% of the world’s population has it;
  • >110 points is a high result, 25% of people have it.

To demonstrate staff motivation

There are 20 questions in total in the test. Examples of 3 questions from the test are given.

  1. What do you value most in your professional activity?
    • Work schedule;
    • convenient location;
    • wage.
  2. Would you work overtime for bonuses and extra pay for qualifications?
    • yes, but no more than 2 additional hours;
  3. Taking initiative in work is caused by:
    • the employee is driven by high responsibility;
    • desire to increase the company's ratings;
    • winning the favor of your superiors and career growth;
    • embodiment of one’s ideas, the desire for self-realization.

The results are calculated as follows: some answers are given 0 points, some are given 1 point, and others are given 2 points.

  • From 0 to 7 - low motivation;
  • from 8 to 17 - average motivation;
  • 18 and above – high motivation.

For attentiveness

The pictures show the names different colors, that's just the word "Green" is written in red letters, the word "Yellow" is written in blue, and the word "Black" is written in yellow.

In practice, only half of the respondents cope with this task for a while.

This example was first used to identify foreign spies, but similar interview tests of attentiveness are now used to select suitable candidates.

Shapes test

Interview test with figures: There are 5 shapes - rectangle, square, zigzag, triangle, circle.

Result - we determine which figure the subject put in first place. She will mean characteristic feature person.

  1. Rectangle- the person is expressive and easy to learn.
  2. Square- a responsible and punctual person.
  3. Triangle- a person is ambitious and ambitious.
  4. Zigzag- a creative person who does everything with enthusiasm.
  5. Circle- a friendly, open and benevolent person.

Logic problems at an interview

This section presents logic interview tasks with answers and provides a real example from the practice of a Russian financial company. There are 12 questions in total, below are 4 examples from such a test. Pass/fail.

  1. All hippos can swim. All child prodigies are hippos. This means that all child prodigies can swim.
    • Right;
    • wrong.

    The answer is a.

  2. No man will become a governor if he has freckles. All people have freckles. This means that no one can become a governor.
    • Right;
    • wrong.

    The answer is a.

  3. Only bad people They offend the weak and throw tantrums. Anya is good.
    • Anya offends the weak;
    • Anya throws tantrums;
    • Anya does not offend the weak;
    • Anya offends the weak and makes hysterics obsolete;
    • none of the above.

    The answer is c.

  4. Some sofas are buses. Some locomotives play the flute. This means that some sofas play the flute.
    • Right;
    • wrong.

    The answer is b.

If, as a result, 6 questions out of 12 are answered, then the test is passed.

How to pass successfully?

One of the most important questions is how to pass interview tests? A number of simple recommendations must be followed.

  1. Stay calm and focused, even if the allotted time to solve the test is short.

    Visualize in your mind that this position already belongs to you and that you have already overcome all the difficulties. This way you will set yourself up to successfully pass the test; believe in yourself, no matter what.

  2. If you notice that The test questions are primitive, don’t get confused and don’t complicate the situation by making things up, that there is a catch.

    Your twisted doubts may lead you to choose the wrong answer, even if you knew the right one. This is a special technique to weed out unsuitable candidates.

  3. Don't forget about the time management rule: If you get stuck on any task, don’t waste time, skip it and solve the rest, and return to the difficult one later.

    The idea for a solution may come while you are answering other questions. And it also happens that in other questions there is a reference or even an answer to the question that caused you difficulty.

  4. You need to answer honestly, because in tests in 90% of cases there is Control questions , which check whether the subject gives honest answers. Moreover, they are not always noticeable; some of them are well veiled.

    Attention! Remember the questions and answers as you go through the tasks. An HR manager is often an experienced psychologist. If he suspects a lie, during further conversation he will somehow try to bring the person out into the open.

  5. Always look over the answers to look for mistakes before handing them in. Check everything thoroughly, because... due to stress, even if a person knew the correct option, he may put the wrong answer.

Preparing for testing

There are many on the Internet useful information about standard test tasks at the interview.

If this is a large company, then you can find important information on employment forums about what interview tests are expected of candidates for the position, and prepare for them.

View different variants and try to solve logic, attentiveness and aptitude tests. This will increase your chances of successfully completing tasks, because it is always easier to work with already familiar material that you go through by analogy with what you have already seen before.

To solve motivational tests, you need to think about what answers you would like to see from a motivated employee, responsible and fulfilling all orders with great zeal, if you were the director of this company.

Prove that you are a worthy candidate for this position.

Solving professional tests requires knowledge of your profession. Read the necessary literature, repeat those nuances that you have not encountered in your work for a long time.

Take notes and highlight important details. You can consult with people who have more experience in this area, unless of course we are talking about trade secrets.


Interview tasks may be different, but they all allow the employer to facilitate the search for a suitable candidate for a vacant position in the company, especially if there are a large number of applicants. Because there are very diverse tests, then ultimately they help to get to know the subject from all sides and how well he fits the company’s requirements.

Interview testing has been successfully used in practice by many well-known international corporations for a long time, whose headquarters include distinguished employees and have long proven their effectiveness in personnel selection.

Psychogeometric test at interview:

Position geometric figures in order of their preference and importance to you. There are five shapes to choose from: triangle, square, circle, zigzag, rectangle.

Based on the figure placed in first place, the recruiting manager will try to determine the main dominant features of your personality and your behavior.

Basic psychological characteristics behavior:

Square: punctuality, organization, passion for writing, practicality, economy, accuracy, strict adherence to rules, professional erudition, instructions, attention to detail, narrow circle of friends, focus on facts, cleanliness, caution, dryness, coldness, persistence, perseverance, firmness in decisions, hard work, patience, weak politician.

Triangle: desire for power, leader, ambition, mindset to win, high performance, pragmatism, wild entertainment, focus on the essence of the problem, determination, impulsiveness, self-confidence, strength of feelings, courage, indomitable energy, narrow circle of friends, risk-taking, impatience , excellent politician, impatience, wit, wide social circle.

Circle: good intuition, a tendency towards melancholy, contact, calmness, a high need for communication, goodwill, orientation towards the opinions of others, caring for others, the ability to empathize, generosity, emotional sensitivity, a penchant for social work, gullibility, the ability to persuade, convince others, indecisiveness , weak politician, talkativeness, sentimentality, craving for the past, flexible daily routine.

Rectangle: inconsistency, variability, uncertainty, excitement, unpunctuality, curiosity, courage, low self-esteem, positive attitude towards everything new, self-doubt, sudden mood swings, gullibility, fast, nervousness, avoidance of conflicts, tendency to lose things, new friends, forgetfulness, imitation of other people's behavior, injuries, tendency to catch colds.

Zigzag: creativity, thirst for knowledge, thirst for change, excellent intuition, daydreaming, impracticality, life of the party, wit, impulsiveness, focus on the future, behavior, positive attitude towards everything new, desire to work alone, obsession with one's ideas, enthusiasm, enthusiasm, carelessness in financial questions, spontaneity, instability of mood, aversion to paperwork.

Psychomotor test at interview:

The candidate is asked to draw a person or animal. The test is based on the theory of psychomotor connection. The HR manager is trying to determine from the drawing emotional attitude the subject to his own life. If you are given such a task, then fantasize in moderation.

Possible interpretation:


Bold lines indicate the presence of internal tension.

Sketchy, abrupt lines - uncertainty or accuracy and scrupulousness.

Figure location

The drawing in the center of the sheet is a normal level of self-esteem.

The picture is closer to the top edge - the desire for self-affirmation, a high level of self-esteem, dissatisfaction with one’s position.

The drawing is closer to the bottom of the sheet - indecision, self-doubt, depression.


The head is turned to the right - activity, desire for action.

Full face position - egocentrism.

The mouth is open, the tongue is visible, the lips are not drawn - excessive talkativeness.

An open mouth, lips and tongue are not drawn - timidity, mistrust.

Increased head size - rationality.

Big ears - sociability.

Teeth drawn - aggression.


Thin legs - impulsiveness, frivolity, superficiality of judgment.

Full legs - rationality, thoughtfulness, reliability.

The tail is raised up - cheerfulness, confidence, activity.

The tail is lowered down - dissatisfaction with oneself, doubts.


Bristles, horns, nails, armor, needles - aggression, protection.

Bows, feathers, and other decorations are a desire for self-justification and self-adornment.

Wool, mane, voluminous hairstyle - sensuality.

Tentacles, wings - courage in making decisions, passion for one’s activities.

A lot of shading, “smudging”, “darkening” - fears, concerns.

Color test at interview:

You will be offered cards of different colors. You will need to arrange the colors in any order. This is a psychological test, the purpose of which is to find out your basic personality traits, communication skills, and also test your resistance to stress.

The ideal order of colors to pass the color test at an interview is: red - yellow - green - purple - blue - brown - gray - black.

To avoid arousing suspicion from the HR manager, change the arrangement of colors and move away from the ideal sequence.

Change only adjacent colors. For example, you can swap red with yellow, blue with purple, but not red with black, or yellow with brown. Never place cards in reverse order.

The test is performed twice. You are repeatedly asked to arrange the colored cards in any order. You can keep your original sequence or change the arrangement of colors slightly.

Logic test at interview:

The applicant is asked to solve 12 logical problems. The purpose of the test is to test the candidate’s level of logical thinking and test the applicant’s resistance to stress. If the applicant solves all 12 problems correctly, this indicates high level logical thinking. 10 is a good level of logic. 6-9 - average level. Less than 6 - this candidate has difficulty with logic. Refused to do it - afraid of difficulties.


When taking a logical thinking test, you must use only the information that is in the text of the question; do not try to rely on your life experience. Read the answers carefully and compare each one with the task, whether it contradicts the statement or not.

1. Some rabbits are trees. All trees love dogs.

So all rabbits love dogs.

a) correct

b) wrong

2. All books can run. All elephants are books.

This means that all elephants can run.

a) correct

b) wrong

3. Two carrots are never alike. Birches and chestnuts look exactly the same.

This means that birches and chestnuts are not two carrots.

a) correct

b) wrong

4. Some potatoes are cars. Some cars play a tambourine.

This means that some potatoes play the tambourine.

a) correct

b) wrong

5. No bird can become a minister if he has a blue nose. All birds have a blue nose.

This means that none of the birds can become a minister.

a) correct

b) wrong

6. All the nightingales collect bananas. Some banana pickers sit in a doghouse.

This means that some nightingales are sitting in a doghouse.

a) correct

b) wrong

7. Only smart people steal or cheat. Sveta is stupid.

a) Sveta is deceiving

b) Doesn’t steal light

c) Sveta steals

d) Sveta steals and deceives

8. All swans cannot crawl. All swans have tickets.

a) without tickets, swans cannot crawl

b) some swans do not have tickets

c) swans cannot crawl because they have tickets

d) all swans who have tickets cannot crawl

e) swans cannot crawl and they do not have tickets

9. Some cats are Chinese. The Chinese have three legs.

a) cats with four legs are not Chinese

b) the Chinese, who are cats, sometimes have three legs

c) Chinese people with four legs are sometimes cats

d) There are no non-Chinese cats with three legs

e) cats have three legs because they are Chinese

e) none of the above

10. Trees are green cats. Trees drink beer.

a) all green cats drink beer

b) all green cats are trees

c) some green cats drink beer

d) Green cats don't drink beer

e) green cats are not trees

e) none of the above

11. Smart leaders fall from the sky. Stupid leaders can smoke.

a) Stupid leaders fall from the sky.

b) Smart leaders who know how to fall can smoke.

c) some stupid managers cannot smoke.

d) some smart managers are stupid, because they know how to smoke.

e) none of the above

12. Each triangle is square. All triangles are orange.

a) there are triangles with orange corners

b) there are triangles with square corners

c) there are triangular orange corners

d) corners and triangles - square and orange

e) none of the above

Right answers:

1b, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7b, 8d, 9a, 10c, 11d, 12d

These answers are correct. If they do not coincide with the answers you gave, this indicates that your answers are incorrect. If you are sure that you are right and these answers are wrong, you are still wrong.

Selection of candidates for vacant positions carried out by specialists using specially developed methods. Interview tests have become a common step in personnel selection. Job seekers try to find the right answers to get a job. But not in all cases it is possible to prepare in advance for such a task.

Prescribing tests

This form of testing allows you to quickly examine the qualities of many candidates and compare them with each other. A pre-employment test achieves several goals:

  • exclude the influence of personal sympathies or negative attitudes of the recruiter;
  • weed out candidates who are definitely not suitable for the job;
  • select the people most suitable for specific tasks according to his psychological make-up.

In some cases, such tasks are required. For example, a test for admission to the civil service is designed to study a citizen’s level of knowledge about current legislation.

Detected parameters

Employee testing allows you to:

  • obtain information about the level of knowledge in a specific area;
  • get an idea of ​​intellectual development;
  • draw up a psychological portrait of the candidate;
  • determine whether a person has leadership qualities;
  • find out motivation and life priorities;
  • find out whether a person is able to quickly make adequate decisions in non-standard situations.

Pros and cons of the technique

The main advantage of testing is obtaining objective assessment a person’s knowledge, his personal qualities, and the ability to solve practical problems with a limited amount of time. Based on the test results, the HR specialist operates not with subjective impressions, but with numerical indicators, which makes it possible to compare different candidates.

Several stand out negative points when using the selection method in question:

  1. The scope of use is limited. It is advisable to use interview tests when hiring an employee with a clear list of competencies. Such positions are typical for large organizations where responsibilities are divided between departments. In small companies, formal selection is more likely to hurt.
  2. Results may be distorted. Many tasks used for testing when applying for a job are available on the Internet.
  3. Difficulty of interpretation. The manager wants to get a universal answer to the question of whether a person is worth hiring. For the personnel officer, positive results will be an absolute advantage of the candidate, and negative results will be grounds for refusal.

For example, psychological tests when applying for a job cannot take into account all factors environment and human personality. An employee interacts with colleagues and relatives and this affects his behavior in the future.

  1. Not all specialists agree to take a verbal test or other test that does not relate to their knowledge and experience in the profession. Experienced applicants will agree to spend time on multi-stage selection if in the future they will get a well-paid job in a well-known company.

How testing is carried out

The person is invited to the next stage of the interview, given a sheet with tasks, and the rules for working with the test are explained. The candidate for the position answers the questions immediately and then submits the job. The HR specialist monitors the progress of the test.

If space permits, computer technology is used. For testing, a special program is used where tasks are loaded. The applicant selects answer options and enters them into the computer. The result is saved in the program.

Categories of tests for employment

Research is divided according to the subject of study. Tests can be aimed at studying a person’s personality and his way of thinking.

Other assignments are designed to teach job skills. For example, a test for knowledge of Excel functions will allow you to avoid a situation where a person is already registered as an employee, but needs to undergo additional training.

Psychological personal

The purpose of the tasks under consideration is to test a person’s motivation and study his behavior style. When hiring senior or middle managers, Professional is used personality questionnaire. The results will indicate the candidate’s behavior pattern, his style of working with subordinates, and will allow you to understand whether such a boss is worth hiring for the team.

To work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a person must pass such a test. It is necessary to exclude persons prone to suicide, depressive disorders, and highly susceptible to the influence of other people. The psychologist’s job is also to prevent people with corruption motivations from entering the workforce.

The most popular test is Ketell's 16 personality factors. A person is asked more than 180 questions, and the answer is chosen from 3 options. Based on the research, we can draw a conclusion about the personality of the candidate. For example, you can identify a person with inflated self-esteem, dependence on the opinions of others, too trusting, etc.

Psychological tests during hiring allow us to weed out people who will not be able to get along in a team. Mutual understanding in the team, the atmosphere among employees is as important as the amount of remuneration.

Logical intelligent

  • An example of such a test is the Amthauer task. In the sequence of words, you need to establish the absence or presence of any feature. This is a verbal test during which the candidate analyzes the text and makes sense of it logically.
  • More complex Eysenck tests. Candidates for the position must complete logical sequences of words and numbers.
  • A typical example of a logic test is an IQ test. A person needs to continue the series, eliminate unnecessary things, etc.

Logical tests are used when hiring people who need to make quick decisions in the face of insufficient information.

For attentiveness

Attentiveness tests allow you to weed out people who cannot quickly find the necessary information in a document. This skill is required if an employee will work with reporting and large volumes of data.

This test is used when hiring an accountant. As part of the task, you need to find words in a set of letters or identify errors in the finished document. A limited amount of time is allotted for completion.

Mathematical numerals

When applying for a job, numerical tests allow you to study a person’s ability to analyze digital indicators and make the right decision without a calculator or special programs. Mathematical tests are used when hiring supply engineers, economists, accountants, etc.

A similar test is taken during admission to Sberbank. Candidates calculate yields, loan rates, interest, etc.

For stress resistance

An applicant for a position is given a number of tasks that relate to the manifestation of emotions in different life situations. For example, does a person get irritated in response to criticism from colleagues.

More often, instead of a stress resistance test, a tough interview or business game. Created conflict situation, which may arise during work. An HR specialist studies how a candidate reacts to stimuli.


Some positions require an understanding of technology. This usually applies to engineering specialties or vacancies for managers who work with equipment.

A typical example is the Bennett test. A person is given several tasks with possible answers. Each concerns the functioning of a simple mechanism. A person needs to quickly figure out how the system will behave under certain conditions.


Some positions require proficiency in a certain language. For example, when selecting people for public service A test for knowledge of Russian is required.

Large companies test verbal skills in the field foreign languages. At the initial stages of candidate selection, there are no resources to test the knowledge of each person individually.

Preparing for testing

The main problem of a person is time and the inability to concentrate. Before the test you need to rest and collect yourself.

You cannot prepare for a specific verbal or numerical test. There are many options for tasks, and there is no point in memorizing the correct answers to each one.

Aptitude testing is entirely dependent on the skills and experience of the individual. Before the interview, it is advisable to study specialized forums where the problems of people in a particular profession are discussed. The tasks will most likely concern typical and non-standard situations.

How to pass successfully

The main method of preparation is training. You should go to interviews, take tests and be interested in the results. This is especially true for the verbal ability test. The more often a candidate solves problems, the better he will do.

It is worth looking for typical tests with answers used in job applications and studying them. Only a few companies present their own objectives during the interview. These are large organizations or international corporations where there is a need for many employees at a specific level.

The search for options on how to undergo a psychologist is typical for those wishing to work in the police. Tests in the law enforcement agencies are multi-stage in nature, and it is difficult to prepare for them with a 100% guarantee.

Test results

Each test has a key. The specialist will compare the test subject’s indicators with the table and draw a conclusion.

The big problem is the interpretation of the results. When applying for a job, verbal tests will show not so much mental abilities as a person’s readiness to solve logical problems at a certain moment. It is not worthwhile, for example, to check the abilities of the chief accountant in this way. It is better to test the candidate’s knowledge on core issues.

Also, psychological tests when applying for a job must be deciphered by a specialist with specialized education. If you entrust this to a personnel officer, the result may be interpreted incorrectly.

Some duties require perseverance and attention, rather than significant intellectual ability. Therefore, there is no need to test every employee upon hiring.

In the work of an HR specialist when selecting personnel, the use of various tests is of great help. Tests help to objectively compare candidates with each other. Tests help to avoid subjectivity towards the applicant on the part of the recruiter. Tests help test those skills or knowledge that cannot be tested in any other way during an interview. The main requirement for tests is validity. There is no clear Russian translation into one word of this term, which is why the English one is used. It means the following: “this device actually measures what it is supposed to measure.”

It is important to warn novice HR's - let's turn to the quote from the book by A.A. Krymov. " ":
“In fact, the use of tests is only useful in combination with other, more familiar selection tools: biography analysis, interview, observation. But there is also a danger: after reading the interpretation of the test, you can get a “halo effect,” that is, you begin to look at the person through the test results. So it’s better to talk to the person first and then test: here the test is more likely to help confirm or refute your personal impressions.”

Today we have - attention tests. They can be used in the selection of secretaries, personal assistants, various kinds of clerks, the same personnel inspectors (in addition to checking professional knowledge) and other specialists whose responsibilities include working with documents and other data that require concentration.

The most commonly used is the Munsterberg technique. The technique is aimed at determining selectivity and concentration of attention. The test was developed by the German-American psychologist Hugo Munsterberg (1863–1916), a representative of practical psychology (psychotechnics), who taught at Harvard University.
Münsterberg studied issues of enterprise management, professional selection, career guidance, industrial training, adaptation of technology to human mental capabilities and other factors in increasing the productivity of workers and the income of entrepreneurs. Münsterberg received an international certificate for this test in 1934 in London, and his method is still very popular.

The good thing about the test is that it is easy to use and gives an almost instant result - it only takes a few minutes from giving the task to the candidate to receiving the result.

Munsterberg technique (selective attention)

The technique - Correction test ("Bourdon test") has a certain popularity.
The “Corrective Test” method for studying attention was created by B. Bourdon in 1895. In the experiment, the subject is presented with a page filled with some randomly placed characters. These can be numbers, letters, geometric shapes, miniature drawings. The test subject's task is to find a certain sign and somehow highlight it - underline, cross out, mark. Which sign and what needs to be done are specified in the instructions.

Bourdon test(test and instructions in Word format)

Another frequently used test is.
The study is carried out using special forms on which there are 25 red and 24 black numbers. The test subject must first find the black numbers in ascending order, then the red numbers in descending order.

Red-black table technique (switching attention)(test and instructions in Word format)

  • Bourdon test (DOC 58 Kb)
  • Münsterberg technique (RTF 57.101 Kb)
  • Red-black table technique (switching attention) (RTF 72.123 Kb)

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    “Cases” (from the English case study - analysis of a specific case) are one of the methods for assessing personnel for various purposes, from the suitability of candidates for work to the reserve for promotion to leadership positions. It was invented in 1860 at Harvard...

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    Psychologists have developed quite a lot of typologies of character and personality, in particular – and in relation to the assessment of applicants for VIP positions. Which one is better? The answer is simple: the one you know how to work with. I suggest you learn a simple...

  • Case method as one of the personnel assessment methods

    Personnel assessment using case methodology is becoming increasingly popular in Russian companies. Personnel officers are gradually moving from selection questionnaires to rapid assessment using projective techniques. I have long come to the conclusion that projective methods in personnel selection have a number of advantages.

  • Cases for secretaries

    Literacy assessment Invite a candidate interviewing for a secretary position to fill out any of the interactive dictations presented on the website You should follow the link to the website, select the text, fill in the empty cells, choosing one...

  • Popular methods for assessing candidates

    At the present stage of economic development, human resources come to the fore, ahead of financial, material, technological and informational ones in importance. For effective use human potential, the organization needs to correctly evaluate candidates during selection. There are many methods...

  • Payroll Accountant Test

    Case: When should a company pay sick leave to a quit employee? The following are clarifying questions that the applicant must ask and the correct answers to them: Question: Sick leave is open for 30 calendar days

  • With…

    Test for the position of Auditor Question 1: From the following components current assets choose the most liquid: a) accounts receivable b) cash

  • c) inventories Liquidity is the ability of assets to transform...

    Personnel assessment: not a blind acquaintance Personnel assessment is not a fashion, but an objective necessity when hiring new employees, considering candidates for promotion, reorganizing an enterprise, optimizing the management structure and choosing forms of motivation. Personnel assessment has always been carried out, but until recently there was no effective techniques