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Church wedding in June. Wedding in June: folk signs and traditions. November: Come or leave it, do something

In most cases, wedding planning begins long before the wedding. After all, you really want everything to go smoothly. top level and as perfect as possible. Getting married is an important step, where you need to think through every detail and, first of all, decide on the date itself.

It is often very difficult for brides to decide on the date of their wedding or wedding, because during such a period young girls begin to believe in signs and superstitions more than ever. It is believed that the wedding date directly depends on how happy the newlyweds will be. The wedding in 2016 was no exception, especially considering the fact that it was a leap year.

Let's take a closer look at the issue of marriage in 2016, which dates are more favorable for a wedding and which are not.

Year of the Monkey: good and bad days for a wedding or wedding

According to astrologers, even the most non-superstitious couples need to choose a day for marriage with special care. The wedding day, namely its date, can have a fairly large impact on the future life of the newlyweds and bring both negative and only positive aspects into it.

Professional astrologers often mention that the wrong wedding date can destroy even the strongest couple, while they cannot even think about the cause of their trouble. Of course, you shouldn’t think that the right date can 100% protect a couple from divorce, but it will minimize all possible negativity.

If you are planning a wedding in 2016, we recommend that you contact an experienced astrologer who will determine the most favorable days for this. The specialist will analyze the location of the stars and will be able to determine the exact and most favorable date for marriage, and will also draw up personal horoscopes.

Leap year wedding: pros and cons

Since ancient times, there has been an opinion that a leap year is the most unfavorable time not only for marriage, but also for any undertakings, since everything is definitely doomed to failure. Many couples adhere to this opinion and completely refuse to get married this year. Let's try to figure out whether this is so, or whether these are superstitions that should not be trusted so much.

Let's try to go back 200-300 years ago, to our Slavic ancestors. Did you know that at that time a leap year was in no way associated with a time when something terrible was sure to happen? The paradox is that this is the year our ancestors called the time of brides. Exclusively during a leap year, a young lady was allowed to choose her future husband herself and, moreover, to send matchmakers in the form of her girlfriends to the object of desire. Therefore, you should not believe that it was from those times that stories about misfortune during a leap year began.

World statistics say something completely different: in terms of the number of terrible incidents, this year is no different from others. Therefore, even in 2016 you can find favorable days for a wedding, you just have to be positive.

It’s quite normal to get married and even have a wedding, you just need to change your attitude and not perceive this period of time as something terrible.

Marriage, wedding and fasting in 2016

As we know, in Orthodox Church there are 4 Great Lents, when weddings are highly discouraged and not permitted: Filippov (Rozhdestvensky), Petrovsky, in honor Holy Mother of God and Central (Great).

If you have decided to get married, then you should remember these days and fasts, as well as their onset in 2016. Otherwise, the church will refuse you to get married on these days.

Lent, called Great Lent, falls on different dates every year and usually lasts until Easter. This year it began on March 14 and ended on April 30. The remaining 3 posts will take place at normal times, their dates do not change depending on the year.

You should know that weddings are not held on days when it is customary to remember the dead. Every year there are about 8 dates, which are best checked at the nearest church or monastery.

The luckiest days to get married

And so, let's look at the most favorable days for marriage in 2016 by month. Let's figure out which periods and days this year will bring happiness to family life, and which ones can play a cruel joke on a couple.


The month of January promises a favorable relationship for couples, which will be filled with trust and peace. When getting married in January, girls can count on a relationship without quarrels and conflicts.

The last week of January is more suitable than ever for couples who have been together for a long time, their relationship has been tested over the years.

In January, the most preferred days for marriage are from the 10th to the 20th, and from the 26th to the 30th.


The most favorable time for marriage is the beginning of February. It is believed that such a marriage will be stable, and all conflict situations will be resolved quickly and without damage to the relationship. By getting married this month, the couple has a huge chance that their family will become not just happy, but one.


The best time to get married in March is the beginning of the month. It is believed that couples who marry during this period will be happy, all quarrels will bypass them, and mutual understanding will be at its maximum.

Please note that in March it is preferable to get married only at the beginning of the month, preferably before the 10th-11th.


April is not the easiest month, so those who decide to celebrate this month will have to know that they will need to work hard on their relationships in the future. Quarrels are not excluded, where each half will have to weigh all of the above and think not only about their own feelings.

If you still decide to have a wedding in April, then it is better to do it in the middle of the month, from the 15th to the 25th.


It used to be that May was the worst month for holding a holiday. Remember how our grandmothers and mothers said that getting married in May means toiling all your life. And no matter how paradoxical it may sound, it is in a leap year that the opposite is true. It is in 2016 that all the days of May are the most successful for weddings and even weddings.

Therefore, feel free to get married from the beginning to the end of the month.


A marriage registered in June will give the newlyweds stability in their relationships and good luck in any endeavor. The stars will show generosity to the young more than ever.


This month in 2016, like May, is the most successful for holding such an important celebration. The whole month promises couples only happiness in their personal lives, which they can maintain until old age. Astrologers say that marriage in July will allow you to remain faithful to each other throughout your life, and the chance of divorce will be minimal. Therefore, feel free to get married from the beginning to the end of July.


August is also a good month to get married. It’s worth excluding a wedding only in the early days. Astrologers say that such weddings will be very successful, you just have to endure the beginning of married life and get used to each other.

The best days for a wedding are in August from the 15th to the 28th.


September is considered a fruitful month, so in Slavic traditions it is best to get married during this period. It is believed that young people will have a long, happy and hospitable life.

Favorable days for a wedding in September: from the 14th to the 29th.


Astrologers consider October a very controversial month for a wedding. For a fairly long period you will have to protect your relationship from the interference of outsiders, as well as their often inappropriate opinions. Couples will have to learn to listen only to themselves and each other, then it will be possible to align the relationship towards stability.

If you still decide to hold a ceremony this month, then it is better to do it after the 15th.


November is a pretty good month for getting married. However, the relationship will have to work hard, for both partners. For marriages concluded in November, it is important to learn something new during their life together, bring interesting events, and delight each other with surprises. A husband and wife must become one, find common interests and hobbies.

According to astrologers, the most favorable days for a wedding in November 2016 are from 3 to 10 and from 20 to 29.


If you have not decided which month you want to hold the ceremony, then astrologers highly recommend December. In their opinion, the arrangement of the stars will be such that the whole life of the couple will be simply enchanting, love and passion will not subside throughout their lives. December also promises newlyweds commercial success and financial well-being. It is good for such couples to start a joint business, which will bring financial stability.

The whole month is suitable for a wedding, with the exception of the last 5 days.

The main wish to newlyweds is not to believe in signs and superstitions, believe in yourself and your love, and then no leap year will be scary.

How I wish everyone New Year brought with him more and more favorable days for marriage. But, alas, this usually does not happen. In each month, as a rule, there are no more than 2 days that can be called favorable for such a fateful event. And this is connected with eclipses - solar and lunar, the unfortunate position of those planets that are responsible for such important aspects, like love, work, communication and the opposition of those planets that patronize communication between people. Therefore, 2016 will not please us with a wide variety of days when astrologers can recommend celebrating a wedding.

Favorable days of the week for a wedding 2016

Quite often, young people planning a wedding would like to know what can be said about the days of the week? Which of them may turn out to be the most favorable for this celebration and, in general, what is the difference between them?

Let's start with Monday. This day is ruled by the Moon, the planet that patronizes the creation of a family union and helps to share the difficulties of everyday life. Thus, a marriage registered on this day may turn out to be quite successful; you will always have a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in your home. And, in addition, you can expect a significant number of children. But, alas, in Russia registry offices are a day off on this day.

And here Saturday, to which registration is mainly assigned, is very unfavorable in this regard. And not only this. On Saturday you should not start any new business at all; they are almost certainly doomed to failure. Saturn, which rules this day, is the planet that brings suffering and poverty. Therefore, if you are planning a wedding on a Saturday because most of the guests may be present on this day, then it is best if you hold your wedding in several stages. For example, by registering on Thursday or Friday and scheduling the banquet on Saturday.

Why exactly Thursday? But because this day is ruled by Jupiter. The planet that is responsible for luck in the Zodiac. Under his beneficial influence, absolutely any undertaking begins to develop, including a young family. His protection will be especially useful to you during the first years, when so many problems arise due to the fact that two people are trying to get used to each other. In addition, Jupiter promises you financial well-being, which is often of great importance for a young family.

Another very favorable day for getting married and starting a family is Friday, ruled by Venus. After all, it is this planet that is responsible for love and feelings, and therefore, marriages concluded on this day will be based on love, and you can be sure that your feelings will not fade away for quite a long time.

Just like Saturday, it is absolutely not suitable for marriage. Tuesday. Mars, which rules this day, is considered the planet of war, conflict and discord. You don't want your family life was it full of quarrels?

And finally, Sunday. On this day, the Sun reigns, which is responsible for manifestations of creativity, active participation, and individuality. This is why some astrologers do not consider Sunday a particularly good day for a wedding. After all, if the Sun patronizes individuality, then this can lead to a collision between two strong individuals in your family, which can lead to a mutual struggle between two strong personalities. But a family is when two individuals create one whole, and do not try to prove their own leadership. Yes, it's probably good to be alone strong personality will be ready to take on the responsibility for the family, but it is very bad when they begin to fight for this responsibility, proving to each other their own superiority.

Favorable wedding days 2016 (first half of the year):

Favorable days for a wedding in January 2016

Wednesday, January 16, 2016. If you want your family to be based on warmth and closeness, so that your relationship is full of tenderness and complete fusion, then this day, when the Moon will be in the sign of Pisces, is perfect for you. In addition, this day will be favorable for all representatives of water signs.

Wednesday, January 23, 2016. If the main thing in marriage for you is sociability, interest in life and the absence of boredom, then the Moon located in Gemini promises you all this in full. However, there are also unpleasant moments that Mercury, which is in opposition to Saturn, promises. These may be difficulties after about 5 years of marriage, as well as problems that are associated with the preparation of documents or some kind of paperwork.

Favorable days for a wedding in February 2016

Friday, February 1, 2016. Marriages concluded on this day will be quite harmonious and calm, since the Moon will be in the sign of Libra.

Thursday, February 14, 2016. In general, this day can hardly be called particularly favorable, since now the moon will be in the sign of Aries. Although for representatives of this particular sign everything can turn out quite well, since they precisely prefer the seething of passions and a lot of events.

Friday, February 15, 2016. Schedule marriage registration no earlier than 15:00 Moscow summer time (Greenwich Mean Time +4). The Moon located in Taurus will provide you with the necessary stability, your marriage will be comfortable and financially prosperous.

Friday 22 February 2016. Marriage registration should not be scheduled for this day. The position of the Moon in Cancer predicts the possibility of widowhood. Only those can get married on this day. Who has already experienced the death of their spouse.

Favorable days for a wedding in March 2016

Thursday, March 7, 2016

Friday, March 8, 2016

Favorable days for a wedding in April and May 2016

There are no favorable days.

Favorable days for a wedding in June 2016

Thursday, June 13, 2016. This date is good for registering marriages of those couples whose Sun is in the sign of Leo, Sagittarius or Aries. The moon being in the sign of Leo promises your family life many holidays, fun and a variety of entertainment. If you love popularity, fame, and want to be the center of attention, then this day is perfect for you. However, there is also a danger that one of the spouses will go to the left to get their entertainment.

Friday, June 14, 2016. The moon is still in the same sign of Leo, which means. All of the above also applies to weddings celebrated on this day. But you need to schedule registration no later than 15:00 Moscow summer time, since then the moon changes its position to negative.

Monday, June 24, 2016. Since the Moon on this day will be in the sign of Capricorn, it is recommended to get married on this day only to those newlyweds who themselves have the Moon or Sun in this sign. However, if you strive for conservative relationships and value stability most of all, then you may well give it a try.

Wednesday, June 26, 2016. This day is suitable for registering relationships for those couples who value friendship first of all in marriage, so that in addition to love feelings they are also connected by friendly relations. Or even - mainly they. This is exactly the kind of marriage that the position of the Moon in Aquarius promises you. Remember that you will have to constantly keep your door open for friends.

From 26.06 to 20.07. Mercury is retrograde, and, therefore, this period is suitable for weddings only for those newlyweds whose own Mercury is the same. Others may experience a clear lack of communication in marriage.

Unfavorable days for a wedding in 2016:

Solar and lunar eclipses:

As a rule, the largest number of weddings is celebrated in the spring, or rather, in its warmest and most beautiful time. But, alas, it is during this period that as many as three eclipses are expected. Lunar eclipses will be observed on April 26 and May 25, and solar eclipses on May 10. Astrologers are of the opinion that the wedding date cannot be set at least 14 days before each eclipse. The 14 days that follow it are also unfavorable, and, therefore, in the first half of the year, almost 2 months are unfavorable for weddings - from April 12 to June 10, 2016. If you neglect this recommendation, you can expect that your relationship will be very They will quickly lose their charm, and you will simply get divorced. You will feel like a passenger on an express train that you boarded by mistake and now it is rushing you very quickly to the wrong place. And you cannot get off, because this train has no stops. So is your family life, which you will not be able to control. The program was laid down in it by the eclipse, during the period of which you so imprudently celebrated your wedding.

Mercury retrograde:

Mercury retrograde is also very unfavorable for wedding celebrations. Marriages during these periods are only possible for those newlyweds whose Mercury turned out to be retrograde at their birth. If this is not the case, then future spouses are unlikely to be able to reach mutual understanding; they will hide something from one another, which means that their relationship will constantly be under threat of collapse.

Favorable days for a wedding 2016 for zodiac signs

We bring to your attention the most favorable days for marriage in 2016, according to your zodiac sign.


August 18, 2016- On this day you will remember everything special that happened in your relationship. The degree of romantic mood is very high, on both sides.

August 23, 2016- Juno herself, the goddess of the hearth, takes you under her protection on this day, promising your marriage comfort and security.

August 27, 2016- Your marriage will be under the auspices of Venus, the goddess of love; in addition, she makes a woman a wise and caring wife.


February 6, 2016- Your marriage is truly fateful, it will outlive both of you. If you see a butterfly on this day, it will be a wonderful omen.

July 30, 2016– On this day you will be under the protection of Venus, which will send you pregnancy, adopted children, and will also keep under its protection those children who accompany you today.

September 18, 2016- Your meeting was truly a sign of Fate, and you will perfectly coincide in your karma.


February 5, 2016- The day is ruled by the asteroid Cupid, which will shower your path with arrows, causing excitement among your friends.

October 8, 2016- Your marriage is a rainbow after the storm, a soulful union that will outlive you both!

October 17, 2016- Venus will give you romance, and crazy friends (yours or his) will provide thrills.

February 6, 2016- The birth of a child, an adopted child, godchildren or simply children accompanying you will turn your marriage into a romance with continuation.

September 18, 2016- You will definitely have children - newborns, adopted children, stepchildren, or those accompanying your marriage.

December 23, 2016- Today Venus is accompanied by Cupid, which not only sounds very romantic. But it will certainly help you both overcome any problems.

February 5, 2016- You should spend your honeymoon in the most incredible and exciting place that will allow you to be immersed in love again and again.

February 8, 2016 - New life, fantastic friends around you and a marriage that will benefit both of you.

April 15, 2016- If you are going to turn into the Goddess of the Hearth, then this is the most suitable day for this wonderful holiday.


November 16, 2016- Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn will make sexual relationships truly sacred and make you feel their power.

October 26, 2016- Bacchus (God of pleasure) and influential Pluto in your house of children (and intimacy) will lift you to unattainable heights of bliss.

December 23, 2016- Children who will be born soon, children accompanying you, godchildren or young relatives will make this day truly amazing.


February 8, 2016- Venus, which is your ruling planet, will happily fit children (present or future) into the picture of your life.

February 15, 2016- On this date, you will always be able to restore or even revive Love in the most unexpected way.

April 15, 2016- Juno, the asteroid responsible for motherhood and home, will help you make your marriage truly unique.


April 20, 2016“This union will be like a healing medicine for you.” It contains balance, symmetry and harmony.

April 24, 2016- Pluto, which is your powerful ruler, will make this marriage incredibly beneficial for both of you.

July 20, 2016- Your marriage will be well protected and your bond will be very strong.


February 15, 2016- Uranus, the planet of freedom, in conjunction with the most powerful asteroid of new beginnings makes this a very lucky day.

April 2, 2016- Almost incredibly lucky date. It is a good sign if you choose a special toastmaster to officiate your wedding.

May 10, 2016- a successful date will help a woman maintain her freedom and independence, from which your love will only benefit.


April 24, 2016- Today you will look simply incredibly attractive, and children (already existing or just planned) will make you smile.

September 27, 2016- Today you will be under the patronage of Jupiter in the sign of Cancer, and you will have many guests who are simply happy to get together.

October 21, 2016- Fortune will smile on you, and Jupiter in Cancer, which rules you today, will make its wheel turn in the most successful way for you.


February 15, 2016- You will prefer erotic adventures to even the most incredible toasts or videos.

April 2, 2016- Apollo, an asteroid that patronizes extraordinary people and situations in conjunction with Jupiter in your house, responsible for sensual pleasure.

July 8, 2016- Venus in Leo makes the attraction between you two incredible, and your love vows and wedding video will be absolutely amazing.


July 30, 2016- Venus the planet of cooperation will be in your marriage zone and will become your powerful friend.

October 21, 2016- the children (or godchildren) accompanying you will make this holiday of yours simply incredibly beautiful.

November 7, 2016- Apollo conjunct Jupiter will bring with you very special guests, and in addition, you will experience the true meaning of time spent with children.

To the joy of lovers, May, full of contradictions and superstitions, is over, and the time has come for weddings. A time filled with the intoxicating aroma of strawberries and peonies, pleasing the eye with the brightness of cherries in green foliage and the tenderness of June daisies.

It’s not for nothing that it is considered one of the best months to start a family.

Is it possible to get married in June?

The wedding date is decided upon by the newlyweds during the engagement.

And quite often, future newlyweds choose the beginning of summer.

After all, they had been waiting for this event for so long, and the signs and weather were not at all favorable to the family celebration.

Winter completely contradicted the intended concept of the holiday, spring was full of church prohibitions, and even the “pendulum” May, when only the most desperate risked getting married.

And now the long-awaited warm and gentle June has arrived. What does he promise to the young? What should they expect and fear?

First of all, it is a riot of colors. The juicy tender greenery has not yet had time to wither under the scorching rays and become covered with dust. The parade of June flowers is amazing.

There are strict bush and mysterious climbing roses, majestic irises and cute bells, playful daisies and, of course, chic wedding peonies.

There are clearly no questions with the choice of colors, interior decorations and bridal bouquet.

What about the first berries, fresh herbs? Strawberries and cherries, like little hearts, remind you of love and intoxicate with their aroma.

Playful bouquets of parsley, dill and basil just beg to be placed on a green wedding table.

Even the perky squeak of the chicks reminds that the time has come to start families. And the newlyweds are rushing to take advantage of such a wonderful moment - to get married in June.

And having listened to popular signs that promise eternal love to the newlyweds in June, those who want to get married at the beginning of summer simply attack the registry offices. Therefore, those who decided to tie the knot in June will have to prepare and book a date in advance.

Believe me, there are usually so many people who want to sign this month that finding a suitable restaurant, organizers, and even more so scheduling a painting at the last moment will be quite problematic.

Experienced wedding planners advise booking a wedding date for June as early as possible, perhaps even six months in advance.

Keep in mind that you can get married in June, but a wedding this month will be quite expensive.

Not only relatives know about the newlyweds’ preferences, but also all organizations that make money from weddings.

To save money, you will have to make a lot of effort and use all your imagination. But for those who decided to have an unforgettable wedding, there are plenty of solutions and themes in June.

Getting married in June: what folk signs tell you

June is popularly called the honeymoon. And the signs promise families born in June a “honeyed” life.

It is not without reason that since ancient times, weddings have been scheduled precisely at the beginning of summer. The month promises the newlyweds that they will live together happily ever after. June is considered the month of harmony. So the life of the spouses will be fine, filled with harmony.

The relationship will be smooth, filled with respect for each other and stable.

Therefore, young people, for whom the reliability and strength of relationships are most important, are advised to set a wedding date for June.

Even those couples whose relationships are full of disagreements, periodic quarrels and misunderstandings should get married in June - the sweet month will help smooth out rough edges, instill understanding in souls, and balance and harmony in their life together.

But there is another side to the coin. If initially the relationship was built not on love, but on calculation, life together may become not a desired fairy tale, but “a sugary candy.”

Signs for a wedding day in June

Believing in folk signs, painting bright prospects for newlyweds in June, many rush to the registry office.

Therefore, almost every day you can see colorful motorcades and hear happy cries of “Bitter!”

But the weather at the beginning of summer is not always stable.

And even if gusts of wind or short-term rain cannot spoil the holiday, such weather phenomena can predict the newlyweds’ future.

Don't be upset if it rains on the day of painting. A rainy day promises a couple a happy and prosperous life.

If the whole day is clear and hot and sunny, expect a passionate, emotional family life.

Moreover, emotions can be of a very different nature, starting with passion and tenderness, ending with jealousy and insane affection. And all these feelings will be genuine, bright.

On a windy wedding day, it’s worth thinking about treating each other more carefully.

After all, the wind promises many temptations on the path to shared happiness and windy relationships.

The best days for a wedding in June according to the church calendar

Many newlyweds try to combine painting and wedding.

After all, their hearts are united not only by a banal entry in civil acts, but first of all, in heaven, with the blessing of the Lord himself.

Therefore, you need to find out which days in June are favorable for weddings and weddings.

Weddings are not held on church holidays or during Lent.

Considering that Peter's Fast often falls in June, you need to ask when it begins.

The beginning of Apostolic Lent falls on the 51st day after Easter or on the Monday immediately after Trinity week.

Every year the start date of this fast is different. If you cross out Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from the remaining days, when weddings are not held, better days in June for painting and wedding - Friday.

But for those who have set a wedding date on June 16 or are having a wedding on June 3, 17, the wedding will have to be postponed until the end of Lent, that is, set after July 11.

What date in June is best to get married according to the lunar calendar?

The most favorable days For weddings in June, dates falling on the waxing Moon are considered. They will bring only positive emotions to the newlyweds, and make the relationship friendly and united.

This will be a family that sacredly honors traditions, which will have many children and its own customs. But for couples with more experience, it is better to choose June 9. This day is simply ideal for uniting people who have come to this decision carefully.

The marriage will be built on trust and will give rise to a fruitful, strong relationship. Any horizons will be open to the spouses. Let it be religion or travel, sports or philosophy - everything will be built on the common interests and friendly understanding of two close people.

They will make joint decisions. Moreover, they will definitely be creative and extraordinary.

True, they will have to arrange a bright, cheerful holiday, so that their future life will turn out like a fairy tale.

What days can you get married in June: beautiful dates

If a couple, when choosing a wedding date, is not guided by astrological forecasts or folk signs, but for beautiful numbers, it is better to choose dates that contain numbers that are consonant with the year and month.

If you believe various predictions and calculations, the month will be very favorable for starting a family.

And let not a single date coincide in all options. After all, the most important thing is faith in beauty and, of course, love, which young people can carry throughout their entire life together.

Video: wedding in June

The solemn day of the official wedding is not only fun and pleasure, but also a huge step that entails considerable responsibility. In order for the newlyweds to make their life path together easily, smoothly, unhindered and filled with happiness, it is recommended to pay attention to the most favorable days for a wedding in 2016 (February, April, May, July, August, lunar calendar or date of birth, using such an important tool as astrology). What to focus on and what date to prefer - about this in our article today!

Calendar of favorable days for weddings and weddings 2016

January: the beginning of all beginnings?

It would seem that January days seem to be specially intended for a string of a wide variety of holidays, but the advice of astrologers is clear: refrain from wedding celebrations. Since it is a leap year, it is supposed to be celebrated with some conservative solemnity, in which there should be no place for family rituals. If you still intend to choose the first winter month, be sure that neither you yourself nor your partner belong to the category of jealous people - in otherwise such conflicts will become more frequent.

Ideal time to get married: confirmed! Choose dates close to the second half of the month, around the 25th. Romantics who entrust their holiday to Valentine's Day will not go wrong: both the celebration and the marriage will be filled with love, harmony and trust.

Holy March - unfavorable days for weddings

March cats and cats will sing their songs under the window for a whole month. For serenades of lovers, only the first five days are suitable, then - the time of abstinence associated with preparation for Lent. By the way, this is the starting point for those who are thinking about how to choose a favorable day for a wedding and wedding, since during important church events the clergy do not have the authority to perform this ceremony. In order to figure out when you can perform the sacrament, we attach a church calendar.

Spiritual April is an unfavorable month for weddings in 2016

As already mentioned, the theme of Lent runs like a red thread through the entire month of April and completely captures it. But even those people who did not plan to get married are advised to refrain from getting married right now from an astrological point of view. The fact is that Venus does not form very favorable combinations with fundamentally important constellations, which sometimes indicates the fragility of a marriage or its conflict component. Unfortunately, astrologers are unable to suggest a good moment.

May - contrary to popular belief, a good time for marriage

Our unequivocal answer: no, no one will suffer! Choose the numbers you like in the range from 15 to 28 - they are all equally lucky and are responsible not only for harmonious relationships, but also for future financial stability and a strong social position.

Sunny June is the patron saint of love

There will be plenty of favorable days for a wedding in 2016 in June. Quite attractive dates are in the first half of the month, from about the 3rd to the 11th. From the second part, steal 18, 21-23 or 26 days - you won’t have to regret it, since the stars converge under the sign of prosperity.

Fill July with events!

Indeed, don’t hesitate, run to the store quickly and buy the best wedding dress! 6-7, 9, 11, 13-15, 18-21, 25, 27, 29-30 - absolutely all these days are at your complete disposal! Indeed, how often do you see such a cornucopia among days blessed by the Universe?

"Augustu Augustovo"

This month strongly demands maximum asceticism in spiritual, emotional and even energetic aspects. Again, the days are dotted with religious holidays, and Venus is downright opposed to any unions. You can catch the loophole: the 12th is the only moment that our calendar of auspicious days designates for a wedding.

September: what to expect in the fall?

This month gives you several dates to choose from: 5, 9, 18. Despite the paucity of choice, September offers its own benefits in return: it is believed that those couples in love who wish to cement their union on one of these days will live together for a very long and very long time. happy life. Pleasant surprises included!

What does October promise us?

Again, astrologers do not advise rushing into marriage during this period. In later life, there may be an exacerbation of some conflict situations related to primacy and dominance in resolving basic family issues. If everything is definitely settled between you and your significant other in this sense, you can choose the 8th, 20th and 30th.

November: Come or leave it, do something!

Another month that simply causes a storm of delight among newlyweds. Choose from a combination of 1, 3-5, 9-11, 13, 15, 17-21, 24, 26, 28-29 days - all of them are equally successful for sealing the union with a seal and a kiss.

December - favorable days for a wedding 2016

The 17th and 23rd are the most favorable dates, which can be highlighted here. Although there is one caveat: they are doubtfully suitable for a wedding. If you still plan to participate in the ceremony, first discuss all issues with a qualified clergyman.

All favorable days for wedding 2016 are in your sight. Choosing something suitable is not that difficult. The most important thing is that everything goes perfectly, and the key to this will be the couple’s strong intention to live a happy life full of love, joy and trust. May you live happily ever after!

A wedding is a very important step in the life of every person. It is in this case that people often turn to astrology. It is especially important to learn all aspects from the stars for those who are getting married or getting married for the first time.

Everyone knows that astrology can tell us about the compatibility of zodiac signs, their characters and prospects for being together. But more than that, the stars are able to suggest a good date for a wedding in 2016. On favorable days for each sign, everything will definitely go smoothly.

Choosing the right wedding date can determine whether your married life will be happy. You will find out whether 2016 is the Year of the Monkey for a wedding by reading this article.

Wedding in 2016. Forecast for Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are known, to a greater or lesser extent, for their desire to maintain freedom and independence for as long as possible. But despite this, these born loners can be quite happy in marital relationships.

In 2016, for the wedding of Aries, who have finally decided to enter into a legal marriage, the following dates will be favorable: January 12, March 16, May 10 and August 18.

Leo, who is famous for his excessive amorousness, will be ready to legalize relations with his next lover in 2016. If the intentions of the sign’s representative are really serious, then it is best to get married on March 14, April 5, June 18 or September 6.

For Sagittarius who live in a civil marriage, the chances of getting a stamp in their passport increase significantly. The best dates to formalize a relationship with a partner are: January 11, March 17, August 3 and November 11.

Wedding in the year of the monkey for Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Now let's find out whether 2016 is a suitable year for a wedding for representatives of the Earth Zodiac signs.

Practical, calculating and in a state of constant analysis, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn consider work and recognition of their personal labor merits a priority. At the same time, carnal joys for representatives of the earth elements are also not last value. In 2016, stars warn about possible marriage.

Taurus per year Fire Monkey expect conflicts in personal relationships. Most likely, they will have to postpone the wedding. But single Taurus, who met their love directly in 2016, can safely go to the registry office by the end of the year.

The Monkey will give Virgo new acquaintances with representatives of the opposite sex. It is possible that one of these meetings will become fatal. Even those who do not yet have serious love plans can become a bride or groom at the beginning of the year. good time for weddings: February 1, May 13, August 5 and November 10.

Capricorn in the year of the Fire Monkey will face many trials, quarrels and partings. That is why there is no talk of a wedding. Stars advise Capricorns in 2016 distract yourself from the personal as much as possible and direct all your energy to work and professional activities.

Forecast for Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Is 2016 the Year of the Monkey favorable and suitable for weddings for representatives of the Zodiac signs of the Air element?

Tireless and open to everything new, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are always happy to make contact. In love, representatives of the air sign follow the dictates of the mind, not the heart. At the same time, they are capable of real deep feelings.

Geminis who have already found their soul mate can safely get married. A wedding scheduled for the high year 2016 will take your relationship with your partner to a new level and become a pleasant emotional shake-up. Favorable days for a wedding: February 11, April 22, June 4 and October 10.

It's time for Libra to forget about quarrels and resentments towards their partner. If you set the right priorities for yourself in a relationship, then most likely your feelings will flare up with new strength. Summer is not the best period for entering into family life. Lucky days for marriage in 2016 will be: January 2, April 15, November 29 and December 3.

Aquarius will have a lot of troubles in the year of the Fire Monkey. Not excluded in the life of representatives of the sign and with wedding chores. The ideal time to formalize your relationship with your partner is: February 8, May 19, August 14 and December 9.

Wedding of representatives of the elements of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Is 2016 the Year of the Monkey suitable for weddings for representatives of the Zodiac signs of the Water element?

Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces are distinguished from other zodiac signs capacity for sincere compassion. They are very sensitive and are always ready to sacrifice themselves. It is thanks to these qualities that representatives water element excellent lovers and often face severe mental turmoil.

Cancers who have a second half should not delay their wedding. The Year of the Fire Monkey generally promises representatives of this sign success in love affairs. It is advisable to plan your wedding celebration for March 3, May 28, July 2 or October 17.

In 2016, irrepressibly passionate Scorpios are better off holding off on formalizing their relationship and staying in bachelor status. Only a very persistent partner can change the situation towards marriage. Even if the celebration takes place, the marriage will not last long.

Pisces in the year of the Fire Monkey awaits... many temptations. Representatives of the sign will have to show perseverance and loyalty towards their loved one. For those Pisces who have recently met, it is advisable to postpone marriage. It is better to plan your wedding for March 24, June 5, November 19 or December 18.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, despite the fact that 2016 will be a leap year, the vast majority of people should not postpone their wedding. The most important thing is to choose a suitable date for marriage. Do not forget that astrology can only suggest, and the choice is yours.

We hope we were able to help with the question of whether 2016 is the Year of the Monkey for a wedding. We wish you happiness, love and prosperity!