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Static exercises for the press. Statics for losing weight in women and developing strength in men. Effective sets of exercises for abdominal training

The rectus abdominis muscle is indivisible, and you cannot train only the upper or lower abs separately. The nerve impulse passes simultaneously through all the nerves and approaches the muscle group, so abdominal exercises for women pump up all longitudinal muscle bundles running in the vertical direction. To get a flat stomach and narrow your waist, it is enough to perform several exercises in which you can statically tense your abdominal muscles as much as possible. We will tell you how a set of abdominal exercises for girls differs from men’s abdominal muscle training and how to perform it correctly.

Many girls are afraid of losing tone in the abdominal area and pump their abdominal muscles every day, and even with a dumbbell or disc in their hands. This fear is usually present in those who eat poorly and do not pay enough attention to other muscle groups. Good tone is indeed maintained, but the result is not pleasing - the stomach becomes as if bloated.

The thing is that the rectus abdominis muscles contain a large number of white fibers that quickly increase in volume. By pumping up the abs a lot, amateurs only add muscle thickness to the fat layer. Without caloric restriction, these muscles are not visible at all, but the belly grows and the waist becomes wider.

According to the classic bodybuilding scheme, you need to do no more than 15 repetitions per set with weights. But this scheme is suitable for those who want to increase the thickness of the cubes. Girls do not need a fast pace, which does not dry out the abs, but stimulates the growth of white fibers. Slow pace and one-set training are best for women.

Why is a flat stomach better for women than a bulging six-pack?

In normal condition, a woman should have about 20% subcutaneous fat, and the cubes are clearly visible at 10%. In order for the sculpted abs to be clearly visible, a woman will have to sacrifice her health. Another argument in defense of a flat stomach without abs: if you don’t go to the gym and work out on your own at home, then most likely your body is not developed harmoniously and abs in combination with skinny arms, an undeveloped back or deltoids look ridiculous. In addition, girls spend most of their time in clothes and their abs are not visible, but a thin waist is noticeable not only in a swimsuit.

How to train the abs correctly and for how long?

The secret to a beautiful flat stomach: training, static work and nutrition. For non-competitive girls, it is advisable to do several different exercises at a slow pace, combining them into supersets or performing one approach for each. This way you will “spread” the load - you won’t give the white muscle fibers a reason to grow. The stomach will be flat, firm and bulky.

Apply static voltage - pause at the most difficult top point. In the last repetition, you can make several such pauses as you return to the starting position.

Proper breathing is especially important - the abdominal muscles contract as much as possible during a full exhalation. You only need to exhale with effort. The range of motion should be almost full, which will increase the effectiveness of the exercises. At the lowest point, you cannot straighten up completely and relax. Study carefully the video lessons of fitness experts, in which they teach you step by step how to perform all the exercises correctly.

Many will be surprised by the fact that it is advisable to do it once a week. In this case, it is necessary to train other muscle groups 3 times a week, pay attention to strengthening the core muscles and do not forget about cardio training. In the basic exercises that are performed in every workout, the abs are in static tension, so the abdominal muscles will not lag behind.

How to pump up your lower abs?

The rectus abdominis muscle is not divided into parts, and during abdominal training it contracts equally at the top and bottom. When performing lying leg raises, it may seem like you're working your lower abs, but it's actually the iliopsoas muscle that's being engaged. Below there is a large amount of connective tissue. Women have more of it in this area than men, and there are also fewer nerve endings, so the area is poorly developed.

How to get rid of belly fat?

To achieve this, girls need to get rid of excess deposits throughout the body with the help of aerobic (!) exercise. The laws of physiology are such that burning fat in one specific area is impossible.

Women have a harder time burning fat and getting sculpted abs due to less testosterone. Create the right diet, be prepared in advance for long, systematic work on your body, and don’t believe the stories about how you burn off extra centimeters while doing the plank.

The best dynamic abdominal exercises for girls

Lying on the mat, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor or lift your crossed legs up. Cross your arms over your chest. Raise your upper body to 30 degrees, pressing your lower back toward the floor. Perform the exercise slowly, holding for 3-4 seconds at the top and do not strain your neck. At this pace you won't be able to do 100 repetitions, but 8-30 will be more effective.

Lying on the floor or on a bench, lift your slightly bent legs up. During the exercise, raise your legs strictly perpendicularly, while lifting your lower back off the floor. Keep your abdominal muscles constantly tense.

Sit on the uneven bars, leaning on your elbows. Keep your elbows close to your body to make it easier to isolate working group muscles. Tightening your abs, raise your legs bent at the knees slightly above the horizontal level. The legs are raised in the same way while hanging on the horizontal bar.

Grab the handles of the machine and pull your head towards your pelvis, without reaching full folding. Hold for a few seconds until the muscle contraction peaks and gradually return back.

The best static (isometric) abdominal exercises

It is performed in the morning on an empty stomach or 3-4 hours after eating in a standing position, lying down, on the floor on all fours, sitting on a chair or on your knees. The technique is always the same: exhaling and completely emptying your lungs of air, draw in your stomach as much as possible. Hold for 10–15 seconds. As you exhale, relax your abdominal muscles. Do 5–20 repetitions daily. Gradually progress by increasing the tension time to 60 seconds. More details about this exercise in the article ““.

Your hands or elbows should be under your shoulders. Legs and back are straight. The abs are as tense as possible. Don't lower your head too much, don't hunch over, don't lift your buttocks. “Twist” your pelvis inward, reducing the arch in the lower back and pulling your body into one line. Don't get hung up on time and do the exercise efficiently. More details in the article ““.

Lie on your back, lift your straight legs up (20–30 cm from the floor) and place your hands behind your raised head. Look up and don't tuck your chin to your chest. Stay in this position until your limbs tremble.

Legs Elevated Crunch

Lying on your back, raise your knees bent perpendicular to your body. Stretch your arms along your body and lift your head and shoulder blades off the floor. Press your back to the floor and do not bend at the lower back. Hold the position for 15–60 seconds.

If you have osteochondrosis, slipped discs, injuries or back pain, do not perform abdominal exercises. Before starting exercise, consult your doctor.

Effective sets of exercises for abdominal training

For beginners, 1-2 exercises are enough. Do them as many times as you can without breaking your technique with proper breathing. If you train at the gym, use the services of a trainer and ask him to teach you the exercise technique.

The most effective superset:

  • classic crunches 20–30 repetitions;
  • hanging leg raises 12–20;
  • plank 30–60 seconds;
  • break 15–30 seconds;
  • repeat the whole complex 2-3 more times.

Deep relief workout for advanced athletes with low body fat percentage:

  • hanging leg raises 3x20 (3 sets of 20 repetitions with a break of 15 seconds);
  • classic crunches 3x20;
  • “bicycle” or “scissors” in the air 3x20;
  • plank 1 minute.

When to pump up your abs: before or after the main workout?

For abdominal muscles no of great importance when you train them. At the end of the workout, abdominal exercises will restore intra-abdominal pressure, and at the beginning they will additionally warm up the body. However, it is worth considering that the abs are a significant stabilizer in most exercises for different muscle groups. After training, other exercises may be more difficult.

When can you eat after an ab workout?

The abs are not trained on a separate day, and exercises for a beautiful belly should always be combined with work on the lower or upper body. The following dietary recommendations apply to any workout:

Want to burn fat? Do not eat after training for 1-2 hours - allow the body to use existing reserves.

Intense abdominal training is very tiring, after it a woman can feel the same as after squats. But abdominal exercises practically do not burn fat, and one extra set of abdominal exercises can lead to the fact that you cannot resist dessert in the evening. This is neither beneficial nor practical for those trying to lose weight. Don't overtrain and you'll find it easier to stick to proper nutrition, which means the result will be better!

You need to work your abdominal muscles regularly and you will have to do this throughout your life if you always want to have a flat and beautiful stomach. It is impossible to pump up your abdominal muscles for future use, like many other things. That’s why now there are a huge number of different exercises so that you never get tired of working your abdominal muscles. However, despite the variety of exercises, as a rule, they all come down to one thing, various modifications of crunches.

I suggest trying static abdominal exercises. What are they good for?

1. You can do something else at the same time. For example, read a book or watch TV. At first, this will be difficult to do, since you will be very overstrained, but over time the muscles will become stronger and it will become easier to combine two things.

2. It is enough to devote only a couple of minutes to a static exercise, and these couple of minutes will be spent on maximum tension of the muscle, thereby working it out faster. Unlike dynamic ones, in which during a whole set of abdominal exercises, the muscle experiences maximum tension for no more than 15 seconds. There is a difference.

3. In static exercises, all energy is spent on muscle tension, in contrast to dynamic exercises, in which energy is also spent on performing the movement.

4. Thanks to static exercises, you can significantly increase the strength of muscles that require additional load and are slightly behind in strength.

5. These exercises can be performed daily, in various combinations. This will take a little time, you won’t get very tired, but your muscles will get a very good workout.

I would like to draw your attention to the execution technique. A static exercise must be performed to maximum load and then fixate yourself in it. When lifting your body, you must lift your shoulder blades off the floor, tense your abdominal muscles as much as possible, and with each exhalation, press your navel toward your spine. Your breathing can be a great way to help increase the load.


More complex

Despite the fact that dynamic exercises give relief to the external muscles, they are not able to work the internal ones. What exercises are good for the internal abdominal muscles?

It has long been known that it is necessary to include static abdominal exercises in your training, which, together with dynamic ones, help to build strong abs.

Let us consider in more detail the technique of their implementation.


Static exercises help create stress on certain muscle groups without moving the body. Statics performed with different strengths gives different results. So, for example, done half-heartedly will help you reduce the volume in the waist area and tone your muscles a little. If you perform a set of exercises at full strength, then the so-called white muscle fibers are included in the work, as a result of which the muscles become stronger and more voluminous. Thus, the stronger the muscle tension when performing statics, the weaker the blood flow through the muscle. If you overdo it with loads, it can lead to stopping blood flow and serious problems V cardiovascular system. A few more static features:

  • If you have problems with the heart or blood vessels, try not to perform heavy loads when performing static abdominal exercises;
  • Statics + stretching is an ideal workout for maintaining muscle tone. If you strive for volume and relief, you should include dynamic exercises with weights in your training;
  • Static exercises can be performed in the form of circuit training;
  • Performing isometric exercises does not require the use of special devices.

The video below describes in detail the technique of performing one of the static exercises for the press - the plank:

Execution technique

Before starting any workout, you need to warm up well. And even if static exercises do not require dynamic movements, it is still necessary to warm up the muscles to avoid sprains. Often, static abdominal exercises are performed with your own weight. A striking example of this is. How long should you perform a static exercise? Having taken the desired position, stay in it until a burning sensation appears in the muscles, then stay in it for another 5-10 seconds and relax. Each exercise must be performed in 3-4 approaches, with long pauses between them - about 2-4 minutes. At the end of your workout with static abdominal exercises, it is recommended to perform muscle stretching or breathing exercises.

Static or isometric exercises are a complex whose action is aimed at contracting a group of muscles without causing them to move. They are successfully used in training for people who want to lose weight. Static abdominal exercises will help you remove extra pounds from your stomach.

Statics in Greek means “equilibrium”, and isometry means “distance without change”. During exercise, the tense muscle does not change its length and the joints remain motionless. This kind of physical exercise is useful for women and men. You don't need any special equipment to practice; you can do it at home. Regular static exercises help strengthen muscles and tendons, so they are effectively performed for losing belly fat. A wall, floor, chair, rope, chain, or towel can serve as exercise equipment. With the help of simple improvised means, you can train and transform your body.

Static gymnastics will be interesting for people who have problems with blood pressure, as well as cardiac problems, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and various types of joint pathologies. When performing this physical exercise there is no need for heavy physical activity, jumping and other active actions. A number of simple exercises work in the following directions:

  1. Stimulate and strengthen the rectus muscle, which determines the appearance of six-pack abdominal muscles.
  2. They tone the transverse muscle, which ensures a flat stomach.
  3. They work on the oblique muscles, which create a slender waist.

The condition of this type of gymnastics is to hold the body in a special position, during which a certain muscle or group is tensed. To lose weight and work out the abs, the body position should be held for 30 seconds.

How useful for weight loss

To understand whether there is any benefit in performing physical exercises such as static exercises for weight loss, you need to understand the principle of action. A person can perform any work with different loads, and this gymnastics can be performed using unequal physical strength. If you exercise at full strength, the white muscle fibers come into action, and when the load decreases, the red ones work. Toning red muscle fibers affects weight loss by burning fat deposits.

For those who want to get quick results in a short period of time, home method removing fat from the abdomen and sides using static abdominal exercises is not their strong point. To achieve the desired results, in addition to diligent and regular training, it is necessary to follow a strict diet that helps reduce energy consumption and break down fat. Those who are interested in this method of losing weight are wondering whether static exercises are useful for strengthening the abs and how?

When working out the abdominal muscles, fat deposits are burned. Excess reserves are removed from the abdomen, sides, buttocks, thighs and other parts of the body. Abdominal workouts are beneficial because they tighten the muscles of your core, legs, and arms.

A set of static exercises for the press

Look slim and fit and avoid going to the gym - perhaps by doing simple abdominal exercises at home. The main condition for achieving the goal is systematicity.

Exercise Description
1. Raise legs 45° You need to take a lying position on your back and place your hands behind your raised head. The legs in an extended position rise above the floor, forming 45 degrees with the base. You need to stay in this position for 20-30 seconds.
2. Putting your feet against the wall While lying on your back so that your pelvis is located at a distance of 30 cm from the baseboard, you need to rest your feet against the wall. Legs should be bent at the knees. When lifting the pelvis up, the lower part of the legs should take a position perpendicular to the wall, the abs tense, and the tailbone retracted. You should stay in this stance for 20-30 seconds and return to your original state.
3. Abdominal breathing exercise You need to sit on a chair and put your hands on your sides. Taking a deep breath, you need to tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible and maintain this state. Then exhale slowly, passing air through slightly closed lips, making a long “s”. If you tuck your tailbone while performing this movement, you will feel tension in your stomach, legs and buttocks.
4. Plank with outstretched arms Get into a push-up position. The backs of your hands should be at shoulder level. Fingers point forward. Extended legs held on bent fingers. The back should not bend, the stomach should be pulled in. You need to hold this position for 20-30 seconds and relax. The exercise is repeated several times.
5. Plank on bent elbows This exercise is similar to the previous one, but now the body is held not on outstretched arms, but on bent elbows. The upper and lower parts of the arms should form 90 degrees. The elbows should be slightly spread to the sides for better support.
6. Side plank on the elbow You need to turn on your right or left side and raise your body straight on the corresponding elbow. The upper part of the arm, on which the emphasis is made, and the shoulders are on the same line. The body does not sag, the stomach is tucked. The second arm can rest on the hip, extend along the body, or be raised up, forming one line with the shoulders. You need to stay in this position for 30 seconds and change sides.
7. Side plank at arm's length The position is identical to the previous one. Only emphasis is placed on an outstretched arm.
8. Leg Raise Sitting on the floor, you need to raise your bent legs. The body and the part from the hip to the knees form an angle of 90 degrees. You need to stretch your arms in front of you and stay in this position for a few seconds.
9. Retraction of the abdominal muscles This simple exercise is recommended for girls with diastasis after childbirth. It is necessary to pull in the stomach and stay in this position until the count of 20, relax and repeat tightening the muscles several times in a row.
10. Simple exercises You need to lie on your back and stretch your arms along your body. The body rises, forming 30-45 degrees between the body and the floor. It is necessary to linger until a tremor appears in the stomach.

How to increase the efficiency of statics

In statics there are effective exercises to destroy belly fat. The “vacuum” exercise is a fat-burning exercise. It can be performed sitting, lying down, standing. You need to exhale all the air from your lungs, suck in your stomach and hold for 6-8 seconds. It must be repeated daily 7-8 times in a row. In a month there will be a noticeable change in positive side. Based on reviews, vacuum has the most effective effect on working the abdominal muscles.

To enhance the effectiveness of the workout in terms of weight loss, you need to combine or alternate static abdominal exercises with dynamic workouts for women. Another way to increase the productivity of statics is physical exercise with the use of weights. You can use weights plastic bottles with water, thick books and other improvised items.


Despite the sedentary nature of static physical education, it has a number of contraindications. Women with diastasis of the abdominal muscles should not perform most of these holds. Many of them are aimed at tightening the abdominal muscles, which can aggravate the situation. women's health. If you have diastasis, you cannot pump up your abs, perform various racks and twists, push-ups, shoulder lifts, and more. Therefore, in order to strengthen the rectus muscles after childbirth, you need to perform movements that are not associated with protrusion of the abdomen.

It is not recommended for people suffering from lower back pain to hold their legs up while lying on their back. This may be due to osteochondrosis, various injuries, displacement of discs and vertebrae. If you feel back pain while doing static holds, you should stop exercising. You can only perform exercises that pump up the abs and do not involve the back area.