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Making bouquets of fresh flowers. Floral arrangements from garden flowers Original do-it-yourself bouquets of garden flowers

There are so many beautiful plants blooming at the end of summer that it’s simply impossible not to take advantage of it. You can put together a composition from flowers from your own dacha or buy them at a spontaneous flower market near the station or on the highway.

The success of a bouquet depends on how elegantly its elements are combined. Florists recommend choosing the main plants, companion flowers and decorative greenery, and then starting to collect a bouquet from the central element - the most lush and beautiful flower. Don't forget about balance, and to do this, constantly rotate the growing composition.

As companions, you can use phlox, snapdragons, flowering mint, yarrow umbrellas and many other garden flowers, which themselves look simple in a bouquet, but perfectly highlight the splendor of the main characters in the composition.

It is recommended to add one green branch for two or three flowers. At the same time, not every green plant will fit into a bouquet - it must have dense, glossy foliage that will not wilt by morning. Good garden plants in bouquets include ivy, periwinkle, ash wings, euonymus, boxwood, peony leaves, ostrich feather fern (but only adult leaves, young ones will curl and droop after a few hours), as well as spirea branches and shepherd's purse.

What to choose as the main element of the bouquet? Pay attention to the sunflowers - of course, not the largest specimens. In addition to its spectacular and unusual appearance, the sunflower is good for its durability, as well as its natural “head tilt”, which is why you can easily form a round bouquet from several flowers.

In autumn, the garden is dominated by dahlias of various shapes and colors. You can put together a bouquet of them by choosing flowers of one variety or combining several varieties in a composition.

Lilies look spectacular, the richness of their colors is amazing, and red or red lilies make the most autumn bouquets. Just be careful and choose varieties without a strong odor.

Hydrangea is a champion in durability; bouquets made from it last a very long time. In addition, a well-designed hydrangea does not require companion plants, which is important for those who doubt their talents as a florist.

If you think that you will be anything but a florist, then you are deeply mistaken! Everyone can learn to make compositions from garden flowers - living and non-living. And even if professionals are skeptical about your creation, it doesn’t matter. If only floral arrangements from garden flowers bring joy to you and your loved ones. Not everyone loves artificial flowers. Well, it's a matter of taste. But everyone loves fresh flowers without exception. If you are not allergic to flower dust, let's roll up our sleeves. And in the literal sense, so that they do not get wet from the water. And let's try to create a bouquet according to all the rules. Well, or almost everyone.

Any flowers that you like are suitable for the composition. When you bring the plants home, trim them, clean them of excess leaves, and remove thorns from the roses. Then you need to give them a good drink of water. To do this, place the plants in large buckets of fresh water (add a piece of charcoal or an aspirin tablet) and trim the stems again under water. This is necessary so that a thin air layer does not form at the end of the stem, preventing it from absorbing water. Let the flowers sit in water for several hours. And if you want, leave them even for a day. After that, you can continue to work with them. Decide in which corner of the house you would like to place the bouquet. Place a vessel filled 3/4 with water there and start creating!

Flower arrangement in a glass.

Flower arrangements can come in many different forms. Nowadays round bouquets are held in high esteem. Plants with rounded inflorescences, such as marigolds, asters, marigolds and others, are ideal for them. Irises, fudge and foxglove are excellent “material” for creating oval bouquets. And if you plan to place the composition on a coffee table, try creating a triangular-shaped bouquet. The sizes of the bouquet can be very different. From very tiny to huge - half human height. Small bouquets look great, for example, on the dining table. You don't have to put it in a vase - a champagne glass is just as good. You can also add a sprig of berries and a candle to such a mini-bouquet - you will get an original table decoration. And if you attach several callas along with gypsophila in a glass, you will get a luxurious snow-white composition, perfect for a wedding or other celebration. Another option for the holiday table: trim the heads of flowers, such as chrysanthemums, and place them in a saucer of water. And to make all this splendor look even more impressive, add a few green leaves and a floating candle - your guests will be delighted! Large bouquets - with a diameter of 50 cm or more - are placed not on the table, but, as a rule, on the floor. For such compositions, the most spectacular flowers are usually selected, using the stems and leaves of fern, asparagus, and gypsophila as a background. The largest flowers are placed in the center of such a bouquet. If there are a lot of flowers in the composition, make sure that they do not bunch together, but lie freely and airily. But at the same time they did not crumble.

What goes with what.

This question worries all beginners. Actually experienced florists they manage to combine seemingly the most incompatible plants in one bouquet. Therefore, everything depends only on your taste and imagination. However, if you are not very confident in your taste, learn how to make bouquets of flowers of the same type at first. But just “naked” flowers don’t look very interesting, they definitely need to be supplemented with greenery - then the bouquet will really sparkle! Green leaves create a background and highlight the beauty of the flowers. Use peony leaves, asparagus stalks, and gypsophila as a background. You can also borrow a few leaves from your indoor plants: for example, aspidistra, monstera, or cut a sprig of ivy.

If you want to bring together several types of flowers, it is worth thinking about the color scheme of the plants that will be collected in the bouquet. The perception of color is a purely individual thing and there are no clear recommendations in this regard. But still, keep in mind that some tones inspire, others allow you to relax, others evoke sadness, and others simply repel. Thus, mischievous orange-yellow bouquets disperse melancholy and depression, red bouquets feed us with vital energy, green-blue bouquets give rest and tranquility, pink ones facilitate the search for inner harmony. But purple ones (if they do not contain other shades) can plunge you into melancholy. Therefore, take this into account when composing your bouquet. Also keep in mind that some colors complement each other well, while others do not. For example, it’s not for nothing that white is called a universal color. It “gets along” with absolutely all other colors, shading them and softening dark tones. Red “feels” good in the company of yellow and white. Orange and yellow are combined with blue, indigo and violet. Well, purple - with yellow and white.

Choosing a vessel for a flower arrangement.

It is very important to choose a vase worthy of your creation. In principle, any container that harmonizes with the flower arrangement can become such a vessel. In addition to traditional vases (glass, plastic, clay, crystal), you can come up with more original ones. We have already mentioned glasses and saucers, there are other options. For example, a saucepan or a cup. Even a pumpkin is suitable as a vase. You just need to cut out the flesh and cut off the top. And even though the life of the pumpkin vase is short-lived, how unusual and fun it looks! There is only one “but”: the vessel should not have loud patterns or elaborate designs, but ideally be monochromatic or with small inclusions. Otherwise, all the attention will be not on the bouquet, but on the vase. It is very important that the vase and flowers harmoniously complement each other, merging together. Let’s say that if the bouquet is in pink tones, it will be paired with a pink vase, several shades darker or lighter than the flowers themselves. Or you can do without a vase altogether, and use an “oasis” floral sponge to nourish the plants. It is sold in flower shops. Water it periodically with water, and the flowers will remain fresh for a long time. The advantage of a sponge is that it is easily pierced, which means you can give the composition any shape. Having fixed the bouquet in a sponge, it can be placed in a wicker basket or on a dish. Just don’t forget to disguise the “oasis”, for example, with shells, beads, pebbles or moss. If you want to secure a bouquet in a low vase, a needle holder installed on the bottom of the vessel will help you. Just pin the plants on needles and that’s it - the “hedgehog” will hold them securely, no matter how many flowers there are on it. And further. Do not forget to take care of the composition - then it will live for many days. Add flower preservative to the water. And don’t forget to add fresh water every day: plants quickly absorb it. Protect flowers from overheating and drafts, periodically spray them with water from a spray bottle and ruthlessly remove fading specimens. And never place your floral masterpiece next to fruit: apples, pears and others like them emit ethylene, which speeds up the blooming of flowers.

Floral arrangements from dried garden flowers.

Generally speaking, it is better to collect and dry herbs, flowers and various stick twigs in summer and autumn. But if you are late with this, don’t be upset - you can prepare something even in winter. Let's say, pine or thuja branches. Cut off the branches you like and, bringing them home, immerse them in a hot (60 degrees) aqueous solution of glycerin (1:1) for three days. Then wash and dry them. Or you can create a real winter bouquet. Take a piece of polystyrene foam, chop it up and apply the resulting “snow” to the branches that have been cleared of bark, which must first be coated with furniture varnish or a thin layer of glue. By the way, the branches themselves can be given a very intricate shape. It is better to use willow branches for this, which bends well. Peel them from the bark and wrap them around an object, such as a jar or roller. When they dry, they will take the shape of this object. Try to place curved branches so that the top end points up, not down.

Bouquets of dried flowers also perfectly enliven the interior. To create such compositions, you can buy ready-made dry plants, painted in different colors. Give free rein to your imagination - don’t be afraid to combine dried flowers with cereals, pine cones, various twigs and driftwood! Just make sure that the flowers, leaves and branches are in harmony with each other. To make the composition look more advantageous, install branches and flowers at different angles at different levels. Styrofoam, plasticine, moss pillows and more are suitable as fasteners. And if you want your bouquet to be truly original and unique, in the future, collect and dry the plants yourself. Moreover, collecting them is a pleasure, and drying them is not difficult at all. Let's say, if you plan to make a picture from dried flowers in the future, it is enough to put the plants in a book in the summer, having first straightened all the leaves. But if the flat version does not suit you, we offer you a volumetric one. You will have to tinker with it a little longer, but when dried, the plants will not lose either shape or color. Place the plants in the box, secure and carefully cover them with dry, fine sand. Just make sure that all the petals and leaves are straightened! Place the box in a dry place for a couple of weeks, then make holes in the bottom of the box and remove all the sand through them. Now all that remains is to brush off the remaining sand with a brush, and you will be convinced that the plant looks like it’s alive. And plants with many small flowers (gypsophila, lavender, mantle) can be dried in the microwave. Place the plants on filter paper in the oven. Turn it on at half power for a couple of minutes, then remove the plants and hang them by the stems for a few days.

Dried flowers can not only be placed in vases and create original tabletop compositions, but also create wall masterpieces with their help. For example, weave them into straw dishes that decorate the walls of your kitchen, attach them to wire or, say, a large root of an unusual shape, a larch branch or birch bark. You can use various wooden frames of round, oval or square shape. In this case, it is recommended to make a background from canvas or colored velvet cardboard - this highlights the beauty of the plants. Nowadays it has become popular to combine dried flowers with leather, feathers, and nylon. Another fashionable trend is to include leaves and fruits of vegetable plants in dry bouquets. The leaves of parsley, cabbage, and celery are also dried in the sand, after which they migrate to the paintings. Well, this “dry splendor” is complemented by the fruits of some garden plants. For example, poppy (collect boxes after the seeds ripen), peonies (fruits of faded plants), rhubarb (ripe fruits), physalis (bright orange lanterns are cut). You can also dry berries, for example, red and black rowan, rosehip.

A beautiful dry bouquet can also be made from roses. As soon as you see that the roses presented to you for your birthday have begun to fade, take them out of the water and turn them upside down. Hang to dry in a dark, warm place. In the same way, you can preserve dahlias, calendula, clematis, yarrow, daisies and many other flowers. The more “dry stocks” you prepare, the better. It is recommended to store them in a cardboard box, placing filter paper or napkins under the flower heads. After all, on long winter evenings it is easy to drive away bad mood and apathy with the help of flower arrangements from garden flowers. Compositions made from them - no matter whether alive or dried - are literally permeated with the energy of the sun. And if you feel that bad weather is playing out in your soul, create a new stunning bouquet or painting of flowers - and there will be no trace of melancholy left!

Not a single celebration is complete without bouquets - flowers help to express warm feelings and confess love. Don’t think that only a professional florist can create a flower arrangement. Of course, floristry is a science with its own subtleties and rules. This doesn’t stop you from coming up with bouquets yourself and delighting your loved ones with them more often.

Flowers have been a decoration for holidays and part of interior decor since ancient times. Centuries passed, fashion and people's tastes changed, but the tradition of congratulating with bouquets remained unchanged. If we recall modern trends in design and decor, we can come to the conclusion that bouquets of fresh flowers also serve as a means of creating coziness at home.

Don’t think that you need to spend a lot of money and look for a good florist for this. Anyone can make bouquets of flowers with their own hands. It is enough to adhere to certain rules. Before you move on to making a bouquet, you need to think through everything. It is very important to decide on the shape, color and composition.

It is worth remembering that some plants do not tolerate any proximity. If you chose wildflowers, then it is better not to add anything else to them. The same rule applies to exotic plants. For example, an orchid can be framed with a small amount of greenery. There are also flowers that are an excellent background for almost all other plants. These are irises and decorative sunflowers.

How to make bouquets of flowers with your own hands?

For those who are making a bouquet of fresh flowers with their own hands for the first time, professionals advise focusing on options from one type of flower. Floristry for beginners also involves a number of other features.

  • There are several styles of making bouquets of fresh flowers. Most are done in a massive style. In this case, there is no free space between the elements. Simple bouquets of the same type of flowers can be classified as a linear style.
  • Do-it-yourself flower bouquets do not tolerate stylistic overkill. When creating a composition, you should not use too many types of plants. As a result, you will get something overloaded and clumsy. 2-3 varieties and a small amount of greens are enough.
  • The creation of any bouquet can be broken down point by point. First, we determine the shape and composition, then the color compatibility and the number of plants in the bouquet. If you are going to make a bouquet of flowers growing in your garden, it is recommended to cut them at an angle. Next, they should be placed in water. For those flowers that were not immediately used when making a bouquet, florists advise updating the cut - this way they will not wither longer. Remember, the number of flowers in the bouquet must be odd.
  • Bouquets can be made in different sizes. For birthdays, large ones are preferable, and for weddings, on the contrary, not very voluminous ones. The shapes of men's and women's bouquets should be different. For beautiful ladies it is better to make round bouquets, and for men - elongated ones.
  • Also, when forming bouquets, you should remember that there are incompatible flowers.

  • This is not about composition or color compatibility. Some plants release substances into the water that can lead to the rapid death of other flowers. It is believed that roses, carnations and lilies should be placed in a vase separately.

Exquisite bouquet: master class

Sometimes the simplest bouquets look the best. A very delicate spring bouquet can be composed of white and pink flowers. To do this, just place pink flowers in the center, frame them with white ones and tie them with a pink ribbon. Peonies and ranunculus - garden buttercups - are suitable for such a bouquet.

  • Prepare your tools - floral tape, garden shears, wire. Cut the flowers 45 cm long. The cut should be at an angle. To make the bouquet last longer, cut the cut again under water and place the flowers in a vase.
  • Prepare the plants: remove all leaves located at the bottom.
  • Find the largest one among the flowers. Take it out of the vase. Try to hold below the bud with your index finger and thumb. It is more convenient to hold it in your left hand.

  • With your right hand, begin to form a bouquet of smaller buds. The flowers should be located slightly below the central stem. In order to better arrange the flowers, turn the future bouquet with the buds towards you.
  • Continue to shape the bouquet by adding new stems, placing some at 45 degrees. Try to arrange the stems crosswise.
  • Form the bouquet until it is the desired size. Secure it with floral tape.
  • Cover the floral ribbon with a wide satin ribbon, moving from top to bottom. Align the length of the stems, making them equal. The bouquet is ready!

Making bouquets of fresh flowers: video tutorials

You can also make unusual flower arrangements using packaging. Wildflowers, porridge, white stars placed in a cone made of craft paper, decorated with textile or paper lace, will appeal to romantic people. To do this, the finished bouquet is placed in a cone with the top cut off. Next, the paper is decorated in any way - using lace, decorative tape.

The same effect can be achieved if you use floral mesh or coarse burlap. To do this, you also need to trim several branches of yellow and pink carnations and sprigs of greenery. Flowers of the same length are placed in the center, greenery - along the edges. Preparing the decorative wrapper. To do this, we begin to wrap the upper right edge of the mesh or fabric, heading to the left. We have a cone. To prevent the wrapper from falling apart, it can be secured with a stapler in an inconspicuous place.

Cut off the top of the cone. We pull the resulting bouquet through the hole. We tie the bouquet in the middle with a decorative ribbon. The bouquet of carnations is ready!

There are many subtleties that help you create a beautiful bouquet.

If you want to make a symbolic bouquet that carries a certain meaning. Then you should familiarize yourself with the symbolism of color. Red color means love, passion, pink - tenderness, white - purity of thoughts, fidelity. Do not think that yellow color only means separation and betrayal. The ban on its use in bouquets has long been a thing of the past.

Florists advise using different textures in bouquets. This effect can be achieved by using open flowers and twigs with buds. This effect can also be achieved using the texture of the petals - terry, smooth, needle-shaped. Remember that it is better not to overdo it with the number of textures, as well as with shades. 2-3 different varieties are enough.

To make the bouquet look compositionally complete, use additional decorative elements (beads, corrugated or craft paper, ribbons).

Large inflorescences are always located in the center, and smaller flowers frame them. Try not to cover them with greens - everything is good in moderation.

Not a single celebration is complete without bouquets - flowers help to express warm feelings and confess love. Don’t think that only a professional florist can create a flower arrangement. Of course, floristry is a science with its own subtleties and rules. This doesn’t stop you from coming up with bouquets yourself and delighting your loved ones with them more often.

Flowers have been a decoration for holidays and part of interior decor since ancient times. Centuries passed, fashion and people's tastes changed, but the tradition of congratulating with bouquets remained unchanged. If we recall modern trends in design and decor, we can come to the conclusion that bouquets of fresh flowers also serve as a means of creating coziness at home.

Don’t think that you need to spend a lot of money and look for a good florist for this. Anyone can make bouquets of flowers with their own hands. It is enough to adhere to certain rules. Before you move on to making a bouquet, you need to think through everything. It is very important to decide on the shape, color and composition.

It is worth remembering that some plants do not tolerate any proximity. If you chose wildflowers, then it is better not to add anything else to them. The same rule applies to exotic plants. For example, an orchid can be framed with a small amount of greenery. There are also flowers that are an excellent background for almost all other plants. These are irises and decorative sunflowers.

DIY flower bouquets: how to make?

For those who are making a bouquet of fresh flowers with their own hands for the first time, professionals advise focusing on options from one type of flower. Floristry for beginners also involves a number of other features.

  • There are several styles of making bouquets of fresh flowers. Most are done in a massive style. In this case, there is no free space between the elements. Simple bouquets of the same type of flowers can be classified as a linear style.
  • Do-it-yourself flower bouquets do not tolerate stylistic overkill. When creating a composition, you should not use too many types of plants. As a result, you will get something overloaded and clumsy. 2-3 varieties and a small amount of greens are enough.
  • The creation of any bouquet can be broken down point by point. First, we determine the shape and composition, then the color compatibility and the number of plants in the bouquet. If you are going to make a bouquet of flowers growing in your garden, it is recommended to cut them at an angle. Next, they should be placed in water. For those flowers that were not immediately used when making a bouquet, florists advise updating the cut - this way they will not wither longer. Remember, the number of flowers in the bouquet must be odd.
  • Bouquets can be made in different sizes. For birthdays, large ones are preferable, but for weddings, on the contrary, not very voluminous ones. The shapes of men's and women's bouquets should be different. For beautiful ladies it is better to make round bouquets, and for men - elongated ones.
  • Also, when forming bouquets, you should remember that there are incompatible flowers.

  • This is not about composition or color compatibility. Some plants release substances into the water that can lead to the rapid death of other flowers. It is believed that roses, carnations and lilies should be placed in a vase separately.

Bouquets of flowers: master class

Sometimes the simplest bouquets look the best. A very delicate spring bouquet can be composed of white and pink flowers. To do this, just place pink flowers in the center, frame them with white ones and tie them with a pink ribbon. Peonies and ranunculus - garden buttercups - are suitable for such a bouquet.

  • Prepare your tools - floral tape, garden shears, wire. Cut the flowers 45 cm long. The cut should be at an angle. To make the bouquet last longer, cut the cut again under water and place the flowers in a vase.
  • Prepare the plants: remove all leaves located at the bottom.
  • Find the largest one among the flowers. Take it out of the vase. Try to hold below the bud with your index finger and thumb. It is more convenient to hold it in your left hand.

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You can also make unusual flower arrangements using packaging. Wildflowers, porridge, white stars placed in a cone made of craft paper, decorated with textile or paper lace, will appeal to romantic people. To do this, the finished bouquet is placed in a cone with the top cut off. Next, the paper is decorated in any way - using lace, decorative tape.

The same effect can be achieved if you use floral mesh or coarse burlap. To do this, you also need to trim several branches of yellow and pink carnations and sprigs of greenery. Place flowers of the same length in the center, greenery along the edges. Preparing the decorative wrapper. To do this, we begin to wrap the upper right edge of the mesh or fabric, heading to the left. We have a cone. To prevent the wrapper from falling apart, it can be secured with a stapler in an inconspicuous place.

Cut off the top of the cone. We pull the resulting bouquet through the hole. We tie the bouquet in the middle with a decorative ribbon. The bouquet of carnations is ready!

There are many subtleties that help you create a beautiful bouquet.

If you want to make a symbolic bouquet that carries a certain meaning. Then you should familiarize yourself with the symbolism of color. Red color means love, passion, pink means tenderness, white means purity of thoughts, fidelity. Do not think that yellow color only means separation and betrayal. The ban on its use in bouquets is a thing of the past.

Florists advise using different textures in bouquets. This effect can be achieved by using open flowers and twigs with buds. This effect can also be achieved using the texture of the petals - terry, smooth, needle-shaped. Remember that it is better not to overdo it with the number of textures, as well as with shades. 2-3 different varieties are enough.

To make the bouquet look compositionally complete, use additional decorative elements (beads, corrugated or craft paper, ribbons).

Large inflorescences are always located in the center, and smaller flowers frame them. Try not to cover them with greens - everything is good in moderation.

Many people believe that the best gift is one made with their own hands. Bouquets are an excellent confirmation of this statement. Do-it-yourself flower bouquets are made according to certain floral rules. You should take into account color compatibility, the possibility of sharing certain varieties of flowers. All this will help you create a bouquet that the hero of the occasion will remember for a long time!

Fresh flowers are a wonderful gift and decoration for any home. In order for the bouquet to sparkle with new colors, you need to choose the right “clothing” for it. Shiny paper, baskets and bright ribbons have already gone out of fashion, and any connoisseur of floral arrangements will regard such design as complete bad taste. Nowadays it is fashionable to decorate bouquets with floral mesh and give flowers in a box or pot so that they last longer, pleasing the recipient’s eye.

But for that matter, you can put together an original bouquet of just five roses, or large chrysanthemums, at home in a basket - if you supplement it, for example, with soft toys. Making thematic bouquets step by step is generally a very exciting activity; you can arrange them both as a gift to loved ones and for sale. If you do this professionally, the proceeds can amount to a tidy sum, especially on the eve of holidays like Knowledge Day (September 1) or Valentine's Day (February 14). In this regard, it is completely unnecessary to mention March 8th.

How to arrange a bouquet with your own hands? To beautifully arrange a flower arrangement, you need to stock up on some simple materials that can be found in a craft store or florist shop, because the beautiful design of bouquets directly depends on the choice of materials. Self-wrapped flowers carry a special energy, and the recipient will be especially pleased if he is given a hand-wrapped flower arrangement. When choosing materials, you should choose:

Kraft paper is one of the most popular materials. It is environmentally friendly and allows flowers to breathe . This material can be combined with colored office paper and multi-colored craft paper. It also goes well with translucent or transparent film for flowers.

Flowers in a plastic or cardboard box are especially popular. Typically, popular florist brands choose colored cardboard containers to tightly pack roses into.

Gallery: decorating bouquets with modern materials (25 photos)

Features of bouquet design

Before packing flowers, you should pay attention to some nuances:

  1. The ratio of the size of the bouquet and decorations.

small flowers It is better to decorate with small decorative elements. Large ribbons or greenery will look out of place with violets. The same applies to large flowers, only you need to do everything exactly the opposite: small bows are unlikely to decorate a bouquet of large chrysanthemums. It should be remembered that one flower does not need to be decorated with large bows.

  1. Dried flowers.

You should pay attention to green decorative elements - dried flowers. Individual branches also look beautiful with flowers. It is important to remember that some flowers do not get along with dried flowers or green plants, and such an arrangement can quickly wither. Some florists decorate the bouquet with one dried flower and several branches of green plants.

  1. Volume.

In order for the composition to look lush and voluminous, you should secure the stems with thick tape at the base. This way the bouquet will expand upward, which will significantly increase its splendor.

  1. Fresh colors.

The use of bright neon shades distracts attention from the colors that are the “stars” of the entire composition. It is better to use soft, delicate shades that will only complement the flowers without distracting attention from the main thing.

Collecting a composition: a bouquet of roses with your own hands

How to arrange a bouquet of roses?

1. Glass.

The most popular and frequently requested option design – glass. This is transparent floral paper that allows you to see not only the buds, but also the stems and leaves. Such a bouquet will look neat and without frills, so this option is a classic. To secure the film, use thin adhesive tape.

2. Kraft paper.

For roses, classic beige craft paper is suitable. Such a bouquet will look fresh, natural and beautiful. To highlight the beauty of roses, you should not use “flashy” tones. It's better to avoid neon. The bouquet can be supplemented homemade postcard made using scrapbooking technique. Such a postcard will make the composition as individualized and unique as possible.

3. Box.

A new and widespread option is a cardboard box. Usually it matches the color of the roses that are inside. Contrasting color option available. Red roses look very rich in a red or white box, yellow ones in gold, yellow or mint, and white roses in mint, silver or white, respectively.

Making a bouquet of asters

Asters are very beautiful flowers that look great in netting and burlap. You can use the following materials to create a composition:

To wrap asters in a net, you should take a piece of material that will be enough for one and a half circumference of the flowers. The bouquet must be carefully wrapped, fasten the edges with a stapler and decorate the resulting composition with a bow. This option looks especially original with the appliqué decorating the material.

2. Paper.

Asters can be wrapped in thick kraft paper and decorated with additional sheets of cardboard. The checkered pattern will perfectly complement the bouquet. You can experiment with rhinestones and ribbons, but don’t overdo it. An open bag made of kraft paper is an excellent option for decorating asters.

Making a bouquet of chrysanthemums with your own hands

Chrysanthemums are delicate flowers. But they only look tender; in fact, the chrysanthemum is not picky. Such a bouquet will last a long time in a vase, pleasing the recipient's eye. To arrange a bouquet of chrysanthemums, you can use the following materials:

1. Transparent film.

This composition can be given as a gift for Knowledge Day and birthday. The man who loves chrysanthemums, will definitely appreciate the simple but neat design. This option allows you to focus on the beauty of the flowers without being distracted by extraneous objects in the bouquet. To decorate the flowers a little, you can use glitter mixed with water. Florists apply them using a sprayer.

2. Felt + mesh.

This unusual combination of materials will delight even the most fastidious recipient with its originality. Felt is a material that is rarely used by florists. Now felt has become very fashionable. The mesh is an indispensable “ingredient” of a modern flower arrangement. You should choose a mesh for chrysanthemums in a contrasting color. For example, for white chrysanthemums you can choose a purple or yellow mesh.

Arranging bouquets is a fun and interesting thing. If you approach it with your soul, you can become a real professional for a few minutes and decorate the composition no worse than a florist with extensive experience. You can find many master classes on the Internet., which will help you combine materials and colors. The main thing in this matter is to put your soul and feelings into it: then the recipient will definitely be happy when he receives your bouquet.