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How long does godetia sprout? Godetia planting and care in open ground, growing seedlings from seeds, photo of flowers. Planting and caring for godetia flowers while growing from seeds

I can’t imagine a garden plot without a flower bed and a flower bed; flowers enliven and bring special colors to the harsh everyday life of a gardener. This article will be devoted to one of the most beautiful annuals - godetia. This beauty burns with a bright fire in my garden bed until the frosts.

This plant has earned special attention not only for its beauty, but also for its unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

It’s not for nothing that godetia is called the flower of passion; every year it is reborn from a tiny seed with inextinguishable energy and thirst for life, turning into a lovely plant.

Godetia's closest relative is Clarkia; both plants belong to the Fireweed family, although they are completely different. Godetia has been attracting flower growers for many years with its bright large buds and long flowering.

The graceful plant is often used in mixborders, flower beds, balcony boxes and outdoor flowerpots. Godetia grows well at home. It is a cold-resistant annual with an erect, abundantly pubescent stem, well branched, linear-lanceolate foliage.

The plants are spreading or narrow pyramidal with many azalea-like flowers, which are simple or double in white-pink-red shades, measuring 4-10 cm.

The most common among gardeners are two types of godetia, which in turn have a huge number of varieties. Each of them is distinguished by its own external characteristics: the shape of the foliage, the color of the petals, the height of the bush.

Godetia is lovely, which is a slender annual up to 60 cm high. Bell-shaped, sometimes cup-shaped flowers can be simple or double in shape with petals as if made of satin. Flowering lasts from July to the end of September.

Godetia grandiflora or azalea-shaped - this bush is highly branched, making it well suited for decorating not only a garden plot, but also rooms, loggias and terraces. The flowers are large, double, reminiscent of an azalea. Blooms until frost.

Requirements of graceful godetia for growing conditions

Godetia cannot be called a capricious plant. For full development, a well-lit area of ​​loamy soil, protected from strong winds, is enough for it. Tall varieties also need reliable support. The only thing godetia does not like is an abundance of rainfall; in wet summers the plants become weak.

The flower likes moderate watering; waterlogging does not do it any good, so when growing it is advisable to arrange good drainage. Excessive amounts of nutrition cause excessive growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering, so there is no need to be overzealous with fertilizers - once a month with a complete mineral complex is enough.

For more abundant flowering, it is necessary to tear off the faded inflorescences in a timely manner, otherwise the resulting ovaries will weaken the godetia, not allowing the buds to open fully.

It is recommended to leave a limited amount for collecting seeds. The seeds ripen a month after the start of flowering; the darkening of the capsules is a signal of their readiness. They are picked, dried and stored. The germination period of planting material is maintained for three years.

Methods for growing godetia from seeds

Godetia is grown by seed; you can plant it immediately in the chosen place, or you can speed up the flowering period and grow seedlings first.

Landing in the ground

  • The seeds of this flower are not afraid of spring frosts, so for earlier flowering they can be planted immediately after the snow melts. From the beginning of April to the end of May is the time for sowing; winter sowing also gives positive results.
  • First, prepare the bed so that the soil settles well and the smallest seeds do not die;
  • The grooves should be at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other, and their depth should not be more than 5 cm;
  • Thinning out crops is a rather tedious task, especially small ones. Therefore, it is better to plant them less frequently, and when they become stronger and reach a height of 7 cm, you can remove the excess bushes, leaving the optimal distance for their development of 20 cm.
  • Sowing before winter is best practiced in regions where winter is not so severe. Sowing is done in November, in furrows not exceeding 1 cm in depth. Before sowing, seeds must be disinfected and thoroughly dried. Then the plantings are covered with a thin layer of mulch and additionally covered with black plastic film.

Godetia seedlings

Naturally, the seedless growing method is much simpler. There is no need to fuss with seedlings or drag them from place to place. But despite this, the seedling method has one important advantage.

This is due to the fact that this crop has a long growing season: the period from sowing the seeds to the beginning of flowering is almost 90 days. This is quite a lot for an annual. That is why seedling cultivation is preferable.

This flower is not particularly demanding, but is often attacked by pests. To increase its viability, the seeds must be disinfected before sowing. To do this, they are kept in a dark solution of potassium permanganate for at least an hour.

  • You need to plant godetia seeds for seedlings from the second ten days of March; it is advisable to plant each seed in an individual container. And due to the fact that this crop does not tolerate transplantation well, it is better to use peat pots or plastic glasses 15 cm deep as dishes, which you will not mind cutting later.
  • Thoroughly disinfect planting containers, fill them with a good layer of drainage and add soil. Water well, wait until it is completely absorbed and distribute the seeds over the surface of the soil.
  • Sprinkle them on top with a thin (no more than 50 mm) layer of sifted peat and, without pressing, cover the top with polyethylene.
  • Place the crops in a warm place. When the first shoots appear, remove the film.
  • And they will appear after 10 days. The plant needs to be watered very sparingly so as not to provoke fungal diseases. Lighting must be at least 12 hours a day.
  • From the beginning of May, seedlings can begin to be accustomed to daylight and air. Gradually, starting from 1-2 hours, take them outside, bringing the “walks” to full daylight hours. When the weather outside becomes warm, you can leave them overnight.

Grown seedlings are transplanted into open ground in May, when the threat of night frosts is not terrible. The plant is carefully placed in the prepared hole without disturbing the earth. A little humus is poured into the bottom of the depression.
Next, the hole is lightly covered with soil and moistened well. During the first week, the planting hole should not dry out.

It is advisable to mulch the seedlings with any organic material, for example, grass without seeds works well.

Before the seedlings are planted in the ground, they are watered regularly, without allowing the soil to dry out. During this period, it is fertilized with the full complex twice: after sprouting and 7 days before transplanting to the flowerbed.

Due to the fact that godetia does not like its roots being disturbed, carry out all replanting activities before the roots of the plant fill the entire space of the pot.

Godetia seedlings are stretching: what to do?

Most likely, the plant does not have enough lighting and free space. This problem can be solved by moving the containers with seedlings to a brighter place; if this is not possible, install lamps for additional illumination.

If the planting is thickened, then plant the plants into separate pots, while reducing watering. A week after planting, feed the godetia with half the dose of fertilizer for flowering plants.

Try to give preference to low-growing, compact bushes, the height of which does not exceed 30 cm. Such individuals will also feel good on the windowsill. Compact plants with large, delicate inflorescences look especially luxurious.

Dangers on the way

  • The most common danger to godetia is root rot. Its appearance is caused by excessive watering and stagnation of water. Diseased bushes will have to be pulled out and destroyed.
  • Small spots on the leaves indicate the presence of peronosporosis, which can be controlled with special fungicides.
  • In unweeded areas, the plant is often damaged by leaf-eating pests, so to prevent their appearance, promptly remove weeds and loosen the soil.
  • Godetia is often attacked by fleas and aphids. The most effective way to combat them is with the help of intexicides; you can also use folk remedies. For example, preventive treatment with a solution of ash and laundry soap, or a solution of birch tar gives good results.

It is difficult to be indifferent to godetia. Its incredible flowering, bright, as if silk inflorescences will harmoniously fit into any group planting of flowering and decorative foliage plants. Godetia blooms for three days; a pleasant addition is its wonderful aroma, reminiscent of vanilla.

Among other things, this crop is perfect for cutting, especially if you add a little citric acid to a vase with water. And the variety of shapes and colors will appeal to any gardener, because this graceful lady will be able to enliven any flowerbed.

A native of sunny California, the garden flower godetia is both a delicate and bright decoration of flower beds and window sills.

An ornamental plant can be grown on a balcony or used in a landscape design composition. The plant has been pleasing flower lovers with its elegant beauty for more than half a century. Growing godetia from seeds is available both in a spacious pot indoors and in open ground in almost all regions of the country. Godetia has spread not only across the central and southern regions, but also thrives in the Urals and in the even harsher climate of Siberia.

Preparing for landing

Godetia can only be grown from seeds. In this way, it resembles the propagation of the perennial herbaceous flowering plant gypsophila. In order for planting to be successful, you need to know the characteristics and preferences of the flower.

Landing dates

Basically, the timing of planting a plant depends on the region in which it is grown. In the southern regions of the country, it is customary to plant the plant before winter before snow falls. Flowers grown in this way are more frost-resistant and resistant to diseases. In cold climates, the best time to grow seeds is the second half of April. In May, the seeds of the plant are no longer worth planting. When planting godetia, many gardeners rely on the lunar calendar. It is recommended to sow seeds on the waxing moon. The best dates for planting godetia according to the lunar calendar:

  • from February 20 to 25;
  • from 5 to 10 and from 20 to 24 March;
  • from 8 to 14 and from 20 to 23 April.

Choosing a location on the site

Godetia feels good in areas well lit by the sun, but without direct scorching rays and winds. It can easily grow in semi-shaded places. The plant loves water, but you should not plant it in areas where moisture accumulates, this will lead to rotting of the roots. Godetia calmly tolerates proximity to other flowers.

Soil preparation

The best soil for a flower is loamy with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. Before sowing, dig up the soil and add compost in the amount of 5 kg per 1 sq. m. m. For godetia, the soil should not contain a lot of nitrogen. Before planting the plants, moisten the soil.

Selection and preparation of planting material

The seeds do not require special preparation before planting. To prevent the occurrence of diseases, experts recommend soaking the grains in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. After this, the seeds are dried, mixed with sand and sown in prepared soil.

Planting methods

Plants are planted with seeds directly on the prepared site, or in containers and greenhouses to obtain seedlings. Some flower shops offer ready-made godetia seedlings during the season.

Planting seedlings

The acquired seedlings should be planted in the ground in late May - early June. Planting is done with a lump of earth or a pot, if it allows it. Selection and preparation of planting material Before choosing seedlings in the store, you should carefully examine the young plants and make sure that their leaves are even and healthy, the sprouts are strong and not too tall. When transplanting godetia sprouts, their height should not exceed 6-7 cm. Step-by-step planting instructions

  1. To plant seedlings in the ground, choose a cloudy day. It is best to plant either early in the morning or after sunset.
  2. Moisten the prepared, loosened soil.
  3. The soil lump is carefully removed from the container and transferred to the hole.
  4. Dig the plant in and moisten the soil underneath it.

Sowing seeds in the ground

Growing godetia from seeds is a fairly simple task. For direct sowing, the beds should be prepared in advance. The seeds of the plant are very small, and it is important that by the time they are planted, the soil has already settled after loosening and watering. Depending on the climatic conditions of the region, seeds are sown from February to April or in October if grown before winter. Planting seeds in autumn is preferable in the southern regions of the country. Furrows up to 6 cm deep are formed on the beds at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other. The prepared seeds are mixed with river sand in order to better see how much material will be planted, and they are sown in furrows. Planting material should be sown as rarely as possible so that later you do not have to weed the beds. After the sprouts reach 7 cm in height, they are thinned out, leaving 20-30 cm between flowers.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

In cold regions of the country, it is preferable to grow godetia seeds for seedlings. Preparing seedlings It must be remembered that Godetia seedlings, as they grow, should be periodically taken outside, accustoming them to light and sun. The time to pick plants is when they reach the 2-3 leaf stage, being careful not to damage the roots of the flower. Young plants are very tender and do not tolerate transplantation well. Therefore, to grow seedlings, it is recommended to use peat pots that can be placed in the ground along with the flower. Timing of sowing seedlings To grow seedlings from seeds, they are planted in individual containers as early as March.

With successful development, the first shoots will appear in 10-12 days. After the plants reach the required height, they are transplanted into open ground. Transplanting into open ground Before planting ready seedlings, make sure that there will be no frost at night. The plant really does not like transplants, so this needs to be done as carefully as possible. The plant is brought into a hole prepared and fertilized with manure along with a lump of earth or directly with a pot, dug in and watered. During the first week, you need to ensure that the soil remains moist. It is recommended to cover the soil near the stem with grass, sawdust or other organic matter.

Outdoor care

Simple care in flower beds and at home makes the plant very popular even among novice amateur gardeners. Godetia is unpretentious, but to successfully grow it you need to know a few basic rules:

  • loosening the soil;
  • moderate but regular watering;
  • garter of large-flowered bushes and some other large varieties of godetia;
  • periodic fertilizing with low-nitrogen fertilizers for active flowering.

Watering frequency and water quality requirements

The flowering and quality of the plant depend on the correct watering regime. The soil should be moistened as the top layer dries. Overwatering threatens the flower with diseases of the root system and death. When germinating seeds, it is recommended to water the beds with slightly warm water until the sprouts appear using a sprayer so as not to erode the soil. It is useful to let the water for watering godetia stand in the sun for some time.


The plant is not too demanding when it comes to feeding, but the soil needs to be fed before flowering. The best fertilizer for godetia is nitrophoska, which contains a lot of potassium and fluorine. A solution is prepared from it in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. per 10-12 liters of water and fertilize the soil under the flowers. It is recommended to fertilize three times per season.

Installation of supports

Godetia bushes will bend down or break under the weight of flowers without support. Therefore, the plant must be promptly tied to wooden or metal stakes. This is especially important for varieties characterized by tall stems.

Flower diseases and pests

Tender godetia is easily susceptible to disease and suffers from attacks by pests. The first and quite common cause of plant root disease lies in the flooding of the soil. If signs of root rot have already appeared, the flowers cannot be saved. They are removed from the roots. Another common disease, downy mildew, manifests itself in the form of spots on the leaves. The causative agent of the disease can be cured using fungicides. Most often, godetia is damaged by leaf-eating insects such as aphids and flea beetles. First of all, you should carefully monitor the area with flowers, destroying weeds and periodically loosening the soil. For prevention, bushes are treated with a solution of birch tar or a mixture of a solution of laundry soap and ash. If the plant does become sick, insects can be destroyed using insecticides.

Self-collection of seeds

Seeds are collected from several pre-selected plants. To do this, only the first 3-4 buds are left to bloom on the plants, the rest are picked until the seed pods are completely ripe. Seeds are collected after they are fully ripe. When the boxes dry out on the bush and become brittle, they are carefully removed from the stem and laid out in a warm and dry place for 30 days. Then all the seeds should be collected in bags, labeled with the name of the variety and the date of collection. The seeds are stored in a dry and dark place, or even better, for the first half of the year, place them in the lower compartment of the refrigerator.

Types and varieties of godetia

Godetia is an extraordinary plant with more than 20 species, so every gardener will be able to choose a flower to their liking. The following is a description of the most common varieties of annual plants.

Godetia is lovely

Godetia charming is a slender and tall plant (about 60 cm), decorated with double or regular flowers in the form of bells or cups with a diameter of about 4 cm. Flowering time is July-September. Varieties of lovely godetia:

  • “Pink Grace” is a tall plant with bright crimson flowers;
  • “Satin” is a lower plant that blooms with beautiful pink bells, darkening towards the middle;
  • “Scarlet Red” has red-pink flowers that lighten toward the center.

Godetia azalea flower

Godetia azalea flower is so named because of the similarity of its flowers to camellia and azalea. The petals of the buds are painted with a primary color, on which spots of a different shade are scattered. The height of the plant reaches 50 cm. Varieties of godetia azalea flower:

  • “Diamond” is a plant with large carmine-colored flowers with white speckles;
  • “Bride” is a bush strewn with snow-white or soft pink flowers;
  • “Cattleya” is a small bush with spectacular lilac buds.

Terry godetia

Terry godetia is not a plant variety, but a variety of flowers with beautiful double petals. For example, “bride” and “diamond” are characterized as double hybrids. Varieties of godetia terry are very loved by landscape design specialists. Varieties of godetia terry:

  • “Gofre” is one of the most popular varieties of godetia, characterized by large (up to 8 cm) flowers of a wide variety of, but always bright colors.
  • “Sybil Sherwood” are compact bushes no more than 40 cm with lanceolate leaves and flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm. The petals are semi-double of an unusual pinkish-salmon color, slightly lightened along the edges.
  • “Rembrandt” are low-growing spherical plants, decorated with double flowers up to 6 cm in diameter. Pink petals with a red spot are beautifully cut along the edge.
  • “Yesenia” is a dwarf plant with bright double flowers, often bicolor.

Godetia grandiflora

Varieties of this plant can be either short (20-30 cm) or tall. Regardless of this, they are strewn with large flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. The bush is highly branched and has thin lanceolate leaves. Godetia grandiflora blooms from the very beginning of summer. Compositions from this flower can often be found not only in open ground, but also on terraces and window sills of houses. Popular flower varieties also include the previously described terry hybrids “Rembrandt” and “Sybil Sherwood”. Varieties of large-flowered godetia:

  • “Monarch” is a very popular variety, more than 40 cm high, with satin flowers painted in a wide variety of shades and transitions.
  • “Orange Room” is characterized by a semi-spreading bush that grows up to 45 cm and has red-orange flowers.
  • “Blitzstral” - this very bright variety will not go unnoticed thanks to its large red flowers.

Godetia in landscape design

Landscape designers have long loved the southern flower for its fluffy clouds of silky flowers in a variety of shades. Godetia looks great in combination with many ornamental plants and in the foreground of landscape slides. The flowers go well with small-flowered crops (gypsophila and ageratum), as well as marigolds and eschscholzia.

The flowering of each bud lasts at least 3 days, and due to their large number, it seems that the plant is blooming constantly. The flowering season of godetia begins in June and continues until frost. An elegant plant will be an excellent decoration for a green corner or flower bed in any garden, enlivening them and filling them with a subtle, pleasant aroma. The beautiful godetia will not leave any flower lover indifferent. It looks great both outside and at home, and cut plants will delight loved ones for several days with elegant and bright flowers and a vanilla aroma. If you add a little citric acid to the water in the vase, the bouquet will stay fresh even longer.

Godetia is beautiful, exquisite, delicate - a small bush generously covered with silky huge flowers of the most delicate colors. This plant is not the most popular in amateur gardening. Summer residents are confused by the luxurious appearance of the flowers, reminiscent of the inflorescences of a capricious azalea. But godetia is not like that at all. She is a real lady. Undemanding, full of dignity, calm and gentleness. By planting godetia in a flowerbed, you will give your garden charm and elegance.

Like any representative of the flora, godetia belongs to a specific family. This annual flower belongs to the fireweed family. She is a relative of the well-known medicinal Ivan tea. The genus Godetia includes about twenty species found throughout America. The plant originates from southern California. It is named after the botanist Godet, who first “tamed” this marvelous flower, studied it and included it in the classification.

It has an erect stem that branches from the base and barely reaches 40 centimeters in height. The bushes are spreading, the crown is pyramidal. Leaves lanceolate, alternate. Nothing remarkable, just like many other flowers. The most magnificent thing about godetia is the flowers. The shape of the petals, their delicate silky texture, the most delicate color, like a hint of color - this is the beauty formula by which nature created this plant. Godetia flowers are not just large, but very large. They can reach 10 centimeters in diameter in a certain variety. Godetia has very short peduncles. The flowers appear as if attached directly to the leaves or stems. They are shaped like a bell or form a cup.

After flowering, a fruit is formed - a seed capsule with four sides. The seeds in them are not very small, and their germination persists for four years.

Today, various godetia hybrids have been developed:

  • azalea;
  • bushy;
  • dwarf;
  • terry.

Despite the delicate appearance of its graceful flowers, godetia can bloom all summer and autumn until frost, easily overcoming all the difficulties associated with summer drought, autumn rains and temperature changes.

Types and popular varieties of godetia

There are godetias with simple flowers that have the traditional four petals. And there are double-flowering plants, with luxurious fluffy flower clusters. The petals are colored in a variety of colors - pink, scarlet, carmine, purple, white, apricot, peach. Many hybrids have been bred with a combination of two or more shades of color.

Godetia grandiflora
"Weisser Schwann"Medium-sized variety, up to 35 cm high. Spreading shoots. The flowers are satiny, snow-white, cup-shaped, 6 cm in diameter.
"Orange Room"Tall variety - can reach even half a meter. The structure of the bush is semi-spreading, the stems are branched. The flowers are bell-shaped, diameter 5 cm. The color is rich fiery red or bright orange.
Godetia is lovely
"Crystal Snowflake"Medium-sized variety with forty-centimeter shoots. Stems are erect. The flowers are bell-shaped and pearly white. Diameter 5 cm.
"Kirshkenigin"Tall bush, up to 60 cm. Spatulate petals of crimson flowers, different shades of red, diameter 7 cm.
Godetia terry (hybrids)
"Bride"Azalea-shaped flowers of snow-white color with a delicate pinkish tint. Their diameter is 6 cm. The height of the compact bush is 40 cm.
"Rembrandt"Not a tall bush - only 30 cm, hemispherical in shape. Flowers 7-8 cm. Pink color with reddish spots

How to grow godetia from seeds

Since the flower can, even at the seedling stage, tolerate frosts on the soil down to -2°C, and air temperatures down to -5°C, you can sow the plant directly into the flowerbed, covering the seedlings with film for additional protection.

Sowing in the flowerbed can be done already at the end of April. In areas with a mild climate, the plant is sown even before winter.

Sowing in the ground

Pre-winter sowing can be done in areas where there is no harsh winter. Sow in November, in shallow centimeter furrows. The seeds must be pre-disinfected and thoroughly dried. The crops are covered with soil in ridges, mulched, and covered with protective material and black film.

With traditional spring sowing, it occurs in May. Before sowing, you should dig shallowly, loosen and moisten the soil. The seeds are immersed to a depth of 0.5 - 1 cm. If you want to avoid picking, make the distance between the bushes 25 cm. If the crops are dense, they must subsequently be thinned out.

Growing without seedlings is, of course, easier than growing from seedlings. There is no need to spend a lot of effort, and there is no threat of seedling death due to careless actions during picking and planting.

However, seed seedling cultivation is suggested due to the long growing season of the plant. It takes 80-90 days from sowing to flowering. For an annual to be sown in the ground, this is too long a time. Therefore, it is still preferable to grow godetia as seedlings.

Soil for godetia

Godetia develops best on loamy soils. But the plant does not like excess moisture. Therefore, when cultivating in pots, cache-pots, balcony boxes, as well as in containers for seedlings, you should definitely take care of the drainage layer.

Godetia does not like soils that are too alkaline. He prefers slightly acidic ones. You can deoxidize the soil in the flowerbed before planting seedlings or seeds with lime or dolomite flour. The latter is also recommended to be added to the seedling soil. Also, in open ground, excess alkali can be eliminated by adding urea or diluting the soil with peat.

To grow seedlings, it is better to prepare the soil yourself. For this purpose, river sand is mixed with garden soil and peat in equal parts.

Growth conditions

Godetia loves light very much, but not direct, but slightly dimmed. Direct midday summer sun can burn delicate flower petals. Therefore, flower beds with light shading during the hottest hours are suitable. Although the plant is resistant to frost, when setting up a flower bed with godetia, it is better to choose the south side of the site. Godetia combines well with other annuals and perennial flowers, both in color and in the absence of an overwhelming influence on each other.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Godetia is not very demanding on growing conditions, but is often affected by pests. Therefore, when sowing seeds, great importance is attached to disinfection.

Advice! Before sowing in the ground or for seedlings, godetia seeds must be kept for at least an hour in an intensely colored solution of potassium permanganate or disinfected in any other way.

Sowing seeds for seedlings begins at the end of March. Containers 15 cm deep can be used as the first sowing containers. Planting is carried out in pots 20 cm and deeper.

Planting seedlings and care

The time to plant seedlings is in May. It should be no higher than seven centimeters. Depending on the time of sowing the seeds, it can be either the end of May or the beginning. Godetia is very susceptible to movement, so planting should be done carefully, with a soil clod, preferably in cloudy weather.

The distance between plants is immediately left at least 25 cm. To successfully grow flowers with bushes, a decent feeding area is required.

Advice! Godetia is not planted in its blooming state. Therefore, you need to have time to plant before the plant produces flower stalks. Before the formation of buds, already in open ground, godetia can be fed with minerals, mainly potassium and phosphorus.

It is necessary to care for flowering plants, just like all other inhabitants of the flowerbed.

  1. Regularly loosen the soil near the stems and between plants.
  2. Keep the soil free of weeds.
  3. Watering should be done average in terms of the amount of water used per bush, but regularly.
  4. Feeding is carried out three times. Nitrophoska with a high content of potassium and fluorine is suitable - a tablespoon per 10 liters of water.
  5. Dried flowers and leaves must be removed.
  6. To destroy pests and preserve plants in a timely manner, immediately after detecting a problem, you need to use insecticides.
  7. When tall varieties grow to their full height, it is necessary to build a support for them, for example, from twigs, so that the stems with peduncles do not break under the weight of the flowers.

Godetia appeared in Europe not so long ago - only in the middle of the 19th century. But immediately after its triumphant appearance, it took a strong place in European gardens. Her world fame never fully reached Russia. Perhaps this heat-loving annual, grown through seedlings, is too luxurious for our dachas.

Video - Growing and caring for godetia

Back in the 70s, one teacher told her students that a plucked flower is trash. To some extent, she is right, but the bright and fiery godetia retains its beauty in any form. Described by great romantics in songs and poems, it still captivates the hearts of many people. Some associate the plant with an alluring dream, others with a flower of flaming passion. For others, she is a true flower lady. What is this charming earthly creation? Let's try to lift the painted veil to see all the delights of the magical flower.

Looking at a flower through a magnifying glass

Probably, the idea of ​​looking at a flower through a magnifying glass has never occurred to anyone. After all, Godetia already looks charming, attracting more and more new fans. But, nevertheless, taking a closer look at the plant, you can notice its touches that are invisible at first glance.

The flower was first discovered on the American continent in the state of California. This is his “historical homeland”. It turns out that godetia came to us after traveling a long way across the ocean. Despite this, the plant received its name in memory of the famous Swiss botanist C. H. God.

Godetia belongs to the fireweed family and is an annual herbaceous plant. It is characterized by erect stems that branch luxuriantly, creating a charming garden shrub with a maximum height of about 60 cm. It comes in a pyramidal and spreading shape. Along the slender shoots, lanceolate green leaves with entire edges are located in a regular order.

Looking at the many godetia flowers in the photo, think about the splendor of the shades and the delicate “fabric” of the petals. Try to immerse yourself in their sweet aroma and imagine that the flowers are already growing in your summer cottage.

The satin petals of godetia buds can be simple or double, which are collected in small bouquets or brushes. Their magnificent coloring is especially striking:

I would also like to note the two-color versions of the garden beauty. The harmonious combination of pink and white gives the impression that someone specially painted the petals with a brush. White buds with red or peach strokes in the center look original. And the delicate purple hue is diluted with dark tones of red. Isn’t this charming flower capable of decorating the countryside landscape of a country house? Try it and see.

It should be noted that the plant is valued not only for the lush, bright colors of its buds. Its main advantage is that the flowering period begins in July and lasts until early November. A truly precious gift from nature.

Basic principles of care and planting of godetia

In order for a true lady of the flower kingdom to appear at the dacha, it is important to follow a number of basic principles of planting. One of the options for growing a flower in a flower bed is to sow seeds in the soil in spring or autumn. In the prepared area, shallow holes are made into which the planting material is lowered.
Then it is lightly sprinkled with soil and sprinkled with water.

Growing godetia from seeds is a fairly simple way to grow a magnificent passion flower in your dacha. If you sow seeds in the fall before frost and the first snow, they will have time to absorb moisture from the soil, but will not germinate. But the plant will bloom 3 weeks earlier than those sown in the spring. A simple secret, but what a benefit!

There is also the option of growing godetia from seeds, when it is better to plant the plant using seedlings. It is advisable to start work in early spring. So, on the 10th of March, flower seeds are sown in containers or boxes with fertile substrate. After this, you should provide the plant with moderate watering, not forgetting about balance. The containers are taken to a room where there are no drafts and plenty of light.
When godetia seeds sprout (after about 17 days) and two leaves appear on the surface, they are planted in separate containers or pots. After 14 days, it is necessary to fertilize the flowers with fertilizers.

After the seedlings have grown stronger, godetia is planted in open ground and cared for in accordance with the basic rules:

  • timely watering as the soil dries using a spray bottle;
  • regular loosening of the soil in the root area of ​​the flower to provide air supply to the plant and uniform distribution of moisture;
  • removing weeds from the flower bed;
  • a thorough examination of the foliage in order to identify flower pests and destroy them;
  • freeing bushes from dried buds and leaves.

The godetia flowers shown in the photo, planted and cared for in accordance with the basic principles, look simply gorgeous. Their buds shine brightly in the sun, the greens are juicy, and you want to kiss the petals.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, they are hardened off for 14 days. To do this, in the room where containers with flowers are located, windows and doors are opened every day. As a result, godetia seedlings adapt to the outside temperature and practically do not get sick after transplantation.

Since godetia is a herbaceous plant for open ground, the sown seeds germinate quite quickly. The distance between future bushes should not exceed 20 cm. Otherwise, there will be little space for adult plants, which will lead to serious diseases of godetia. Some gardeners prefer to sow flowers in winter, which is no less effective than in spring. From this it is clear that growing godetia does not require much effort. The main thing is to listen to the basic rules and follow them. In any case, a true flower lady, burning with passion, will appear in the flowerbed of your summer cottage.

A short tour of popular varieties

Many of us love to go shopping and look at colorful products. Let's imagine that we are surrounded by colorful godetias, inviting us to choose them. How to figure this out? Get to know each of them.

Today, the garden flower market offers a huge selection of varieties of this flower. Almost each of them has a unique splendor that is necessary to decorate the garden area.

Majestic large-flowered beauty

Back in 1867, gardeners grew Godetia grandiflora in flower beds and enjoyed its beauty. Despite the fact that it is the 21st century, this compact beauty remains at the peak of its fame. Its slightly pubescent shoots can grow from 20 cm to half a meter. They are either recumbent or erect. Closer to winter they become woody. Along the entire length of the stem there are lanceolate leaves that gradually taper towards their base.

The buds are usually large in size - up to 10 cm in diameter. The shape resembles bells or wide cups. Flowers appear on the tops of erect stems in the form of bouquets or brushes. Satin petals are painted in the following colors:

  • deep pink;
  • bright red;
  • ripe raspberry color;
  • soft lilac;
  • scarlet;
  • Dark red;
  • snow-white.

Flowering begins in July and continues until mid-autumn. Based on this species, breeders have developed hybrid versions of godetia. Among them I would like to mention the most popular.

Variety Weissen Schwan

The flowers are a low-growing bush with a spreading structure. Erect shoots are colored green. Only at the base are they slightly brownish. The leaf blades are wide, lanceolate in shape. The buds are white, cup-shaped. They are soft to the touch, like satin fabric.

This variety of large-flowered godetia belongs to the medium-sized category of bushes. The shoots of the flower are green with a red tint. The foliage is narrow, lanceolate in shape. Buds in the form of wide bells of red or orange color.

Exquisite beauty with terry petals

Another representative of large-flowered varieties that I would like to especially mention is terry godetia. Such flowers cannot be found in the natural environment, but the hybrid forms are pleasing to the eye. They come in double, semi-double or densely double varieties of the plant. Such glamorous bushes are widely used to form landscape areas in summer cottages. One of the most famous flower varieties is the double godetia azalea flower. These colorful varieties are most often used in gardening.

The variety is distinguished by low bushes about 40 cm in height with erect shoots of a pinkish tint. The leaves are lanceolate, the buds are semi-double. Most often they are pinkish or lilac in color with a scarlet spot inside the bud. It is noteworthy that the petals in the center are much darker than their delicate edges. This is the highlight of this variety.

This variety of terry godetia has small hemispherical bushes with pink-green stems. The leaf blades are narrow, lanceolate in nature. Buds with double petals of pink color, on which there is a small red spot. A truly magnificent sight.

His Majesty "The Monarch"

Many gardeners have fallen in love with the incredibly cute dwarf godetia species - the monarch. It reaches a height of only 20 cm. The bush of the flower is compact enough to decorate the space of a summer cottage. The buds are miniature - only 5 cm in diameter. The main advantage of godetia monarch is frost resistance. Therefore, it is often used to decorate country landscapes in northern latitudes.

Having examined some varieties of godetia, we can say with confidence that this fiery passion flower is a magnificent decoration for the garden. When surrounded by him, you feel a magical surge of strength and inner joy in your heart. Is it worth giving up such pleasure? The decision is yours.

Sowing godetia seeds for growing seedlings - video

Godetia is an annual herbaceous plant native to Southern California. The qualifications of the flower were first studied by the Swiss botanist C. H. Godet, in whose honor the plant was named. Beautiful silky flowers similar to azalea have taken their place in many European gardens since the 60s of the 19th century.

They also have similarities with a plant of the fireweed family - clark. Godetia is propagated by seeds and has some growing features, which will be discussed in our article.

Godetia - description, varieties and photo of the flower

bushes plants differ in elongated or spreading shape and compact sizes. They do not exceed 20–60 cm in length. On the erect stems of the godetia bush, lanceolate leaves are alternately located, which may not be visible due to the lush flowering of the plant.

Cup-shaped or bell-shaped flowers with a diameter of 3 to 10 cm may consist of four petals and be simple, or may be collected in a brush and be terry. Depending on the variety, short flower stalks are white, purple, pink, peach, carmine, red or a combination of colors.

Types and varieties

Godetia is lovely is a plant with smooth, erect, fragile stems 60 cm high. Its leaves have a pointed, narrow-lanceolate shape. The spatulate-shaped petals are collected into cup-shaped or bell-shaped flowers with a diameter of 5 cm. They are usually colored in various colors of red and bloom from July to September. There are varieties:

  1. Crystal snowflake is a plant with white flowers and stems up to 75 cm high.
  2. Kirshkenigin is a bush with pink-red flowers.

Godetia grandiflora is distinguished by light pubescence and stem heights from 20 to 40 cm. Fragile erect or recumbent stems by the end of the growing season they become lignified. The lanceolate leaves of the plant taper towards the base. At the ends of the shoots, leafy brushes with large bell-shaped or cup-shaped flowers are formed. The diameter of each flower can reach 10 cm, and their silky petals have white, crimson, red, pink, dark red, scarlet or lilac shades. Flowering lasts from July to October. Hybrid varieties of godetia grandiflora can be dwarf and tall. The most popular of them are:

  1. The Orange Room variety is a branched, semi-spreading bush 40–50 cm high. Narrow-lanceolate leaves grow on its reddish-green shoots. The red-orange flowers consist of entire petals and have a wide bell-shaped shape.
  2. The Weiser Schwann variety is a spreading bush no more than 30–35 cm high. It is distinguished by green shoots at the top and brown at the base, entire petals and satin-white cupped flowers.

Godetia terry is hybrid variety of godetia grandiflora. This type of plant does not exist in nature. Azalea-shaped terry godetia is represented by the following varieties:

Godetia: growing from seeds

When to plant godetia depends on how the plant is planted. Seeds are sown in open ground in April and May., or before winter two weeks before frost. For seedlings, sowing should occur in March.

Growing in open ground

Before planting, seeds for half an hour kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure will protect the seedlings from various diseases. It is necessary to take care in advance of preparing the bed, which must be dug up, cleared of debris and weeds, fertilized and watered.

Since godetia seeds are very small, they are distributed on the surface of the bed and lightly sprinkled with soil. For ease of sowing, seeds can be mixed with a small amount of sand or soil.

Every the bush must have enough space and located at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other. Otherwise, godetia will bloom poorly. But it is not possible to immediately place small seeds at the required distance, so the densely sprouted seedlings are thinned out.

Caring for planted seeds consists of constantly moistening the bed, which is regularly carefully watered with a watering can and strainer. The first seedlings from seeds planted in open ground will appear in 2–2.5 weeks.

Growing seedlings at home

To get a beautifully blooming flowerbed from godetia in late May - early June, you can use the seedling planting method. The plant does not really like transplanting, so planting and caring for seedlings in this case will be difficult.

So that as much as possible disturb the godetia root system less, for sowing seeds, you can purchase special seedling cassettes or use disposable plastic cups that can be easily cut. Several seeds are placed in each cell or glass, the soil is moistened and covered with glass or polyethylene. In such a mini greenhouse, the seeds will sprout together and caring for them is much easier.

Seedling containers are placed in a warm place and until the seedlings sprout, the soil must be ventilated every day and sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

As soon as the shoots appear, the glass is removed, and the seedling containers are placed in a bright place. Caring for them involves careful watering and feeding.

If the seeds are sown in boxes, then when the seedlings have two or three true leaves, they will need to be packed into separate containers. Three seedlings are planted in each pot. At the same time, they should be dug out very carefully, and roots that are too long should be shortened.


Seedlings reaching 5–7 cm in late May – early June planted in open ground. About two weeks before planting, seedlings grown at home must begin to be gradually hardened by placing them on the balcony or in the garden.

The area for godetia should be sunny. Plant loves neutral or slightly acidic loamy soil. The flower garden is dug up and fertilized with humus at the rate of 5 kg per square meter. m, wood ash and mineral fertilizers.

Godetia planting should take place in cloudy weather or in the evening after sunset. The distance between seedlings depends on the height of future bushes and can be from 20 cm or more. Each sprout is very carefully taken out of the container along with a lump of earth, placed in the prepared holes, sprinkled with soil and watered well.

Features of caring for godetia

No special conditions are required for growing godetia. However, in order to get lush and long flowering, you must follow some care rules:

  1. The plant should be planted in well-lit places, since in partial shade and shade the flowers will be small and the flowering itself will be moderate.
  2. The soil around the bushes is regularly weeded and loosened. Such procedures will eliminate unwanted “neighbors” and provide the roots with air and space to grow.
  3. Godetia loves regular watering, but it is not recommended to overwater it.
  4. Supports are tied to tall stems.
  5. Every month the plant requires fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, which are low in nitrogen. This will ensure its timely and abundant flowering.
  6. Each bud blooms for only three days. Therefore, in order for new flowers to form as quickly as possible, wilted ones should be removed in a timely manner.

After flowering on the bush seed pods are formed, in which the seeds ripen within 30 days. As soon as the boxes darken, seeds can be collected from them, which are dried and planted the next year.

Unpretentious garden plant godetia with proper planting and care will decorate not only the flower garden with its beautiful flowers, but also borders, lawns and flower beds. The plant is widely used for landscape design.