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How many vaccinations are given to a child under 3. National vaccination calendar. Vaccination procedure

There is a certain schedule of vaccinations for children, which will protect the child during an epidemic and develop certain antibodies in the blood. Every person's immune system is designed to fight various infections and bacteria. General immunity is able to resist the diseases against which the child is vaccinated. But to fight specific infections, the body must produce certain antibodies, which are produced by specific immunity. The vaccine must be involved in this process. After the injection, the active formation of antibodies against a certain type of infection begins.

In each country, the vaccination calendar may differ, this is due to the fact that in different regions there are different infectious diseases that are more common to varying degrees. For example, in the USA they vaccinate against hepatitis A, as well as against meningococcal infection. The vaccination calendar in Russia is also constantly updated. Since 2015, vaccination against pneumococcus has been made mandatory for children and adults.

Contraindications for vaccinations

Only a pediatrician, after an examination, can determine whether or not to vaccinate a child. But there are some contraindications that prohibit vaccination:

  • Premature babies weighing less than two kilograms at birth. Plays a role when it is necessary to vaccinate against tuberculosis;
  • Allergic reaction to yeast (important when vaccinated with hepatitis B);
  • Poor functioning of the immune system;
  • Complications after previous injections;
  • Pathologies of the nervous system;
  • Allergic reactions to certain antibiotics and chicken egg whites;
  • Infectious diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Vaccination calendar for children

Before the birth of a child, parents should familiarize themselves with what vaccinations are given at the birth of the baby. After this, parents must decide whether or not to vaccinate their baby and sign the necessary documents.

There is a special list of mandatory vaccinations for children:

Vaccination of newborns is carried out in the maternity hospital under the supervision of a doctor. Mandatory vaccinations are:

  • Vaccination against hepatitis B. It should be carried out on the first day after the birth of the baby;
  • Vaccination against tuberculosis. Conducted between 3 and 7 days from the birth of the baby.

Vaccination up to 1 year:

  • 1 month repeated vaccination against hepatitis B;
  • 3 months of vaccination against tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria;
  • 4-5 months polio vaccine;
  • 6 months: booster vaccine against polio and hepatitis B;
  • 1 year vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. All these vaccinations come in one complex.

Mandatory vaccinations for children after one year of age

  • At 18 months - repeated vaccination against polio. The vaccination is given with the same vaccine as for the first injection. It can be of two types: in the form of drops, to be taken orally, and also in the form of an injection, which must be administered intramuscularly;
  • At 18 months. Repeated vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. The vaccine itself consists of killed germs and toxins. It also requires a booster dose at age 6 years, but only uses a two-phase vaccine that does not contain pertussis;
  • 6 years. Diphtheria and tetanus vaccines. Once introduced, vaccination against these diseases is recommended every 10 years;
  • 6 years. Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. It is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Provides a guarantee of protection;
  • 6 years. Repeated vaccination against polio. The booster vaccine does not require intramuscular injections. Available in the form of drops that are placed in the mouth;
  • 7 years. Vaccination against tuberculosis. This is the best way to protect yourself from the disease. On this moment there is no remedy better than vaccination;
  • 14 years old. Repeated vaccination against polio. And although drops can be used, most often at this age, children are given the vaccine by injection subcutaneously.

It is very important to keep and follow the vaccination schedule for children to protect your child. Usually, all vaccinations performed are recorded by the doctor on duty. Often, mandatory vaccinations are given to children at school and kindergarten under the supervision of a doctor.

Preparation for vaccination and vaccination of one-year-old children

A baby who is already one year old must be vaccinated against measles, rubella and mumps. If such a comprehensive vaccine has not been carried out, after a year the doctor may prescribe vaccinations for each individual disease.

There are routine vaccinations, the schedule of which must be adhered to, but there are parents who want to vaccinate their child additionally against certain diseases (most often these are influenza and pneumonia). Such vaccinations can be carried out based on the general condition of the baby.

In addition to the fact that you need to follow the vaccination schedule, after 1 year of age your child should have their immune system’s reaction to tuberculosis checked. To do this, do the Mantoux reaction. After this, such a study will be carried out periodically in junior and senior schools.

In fact, preparing for vaccination is more likely to apply to adults, because it is necessary to mentally prepare for such an event. Before going to the doctor, you should make sure that the child is healthy. Children who were sick during the vaccination period are not vaccinated. And if a doctor must prescribe vaccinations up to three years of age, then in the maternity hospital an examination by a neonatologist is necessary, who will determine the condition of the baby and his readiness to be vaccinated.

To be sure of the baby’s health, you can undergo additional tests. If there is a risk of an allergic reaction, you can give your child antihistamines before the injection. After vaccination, they can be given for a few more days for preventive purposes.
Parents who go with their child to the clinic for vaccination should be as relaxed as possible. It is worth distracting the child with games so that the baby pays less attention to the needle and the painful sensations from the injection.

Before vaccination, you should not change the type of food or introduce complementary foods. After using the drugs, you should expect a reaction such as an increase in temperature. It is advisable to pre-purchase antipyretics and use them at the first symptoms.

Important. Before giving an injection to your baby, the doctor must open the drug in front of you, make sure the integrity of the packaging and the quality of the vaccine.

The effect of drugs on the body

  1. Vaccination against hepatitis B. For newborn babies, vaccination can have the following consequences: slight redness at the injection site, which hurts slightly when pressed. A slight increase in temperature (a temperature of up to 37.5 degrees is considered within normal limits). When the vaccine is repeated, such consequences occur extremely rarely;
  2. Vaccination against tuberculosis. With BCG, the reaction in a newborn does not occur immediately. Parents can observe a small lump in the place where the injection was given. It most often appears after 4-6 weeks. In some cases there may be significant redness and swelling. After two or three months, the seal disappears, leaving only a small scar. This is precisely what indicates that the newborn has begun to develop immunity to this disease;
  3. Vaccines against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. Slight redness and swelling may appear at the injection site. When pressed, the child may feel pain. The child may have a slightly elevated body temperature for the first few days (about 38 degrees is considered normal). Such consequences may occur after each vaccination;
  4. Poliomyelitis. If the vaccination was carried out using a subcutaneous injection, there may be redness. If the drops were used orally, there is no reaction. If the child has increased sensitivity, in some cases, after using the drops, a fever and a slight rash may occur;
  5. Rubella vaccine. After vaccination, the temperature may rise slightly (usually this happens on days 5-7). The lymph nodes may become slightly enlarged. But most often, no reaction from vaccination is observed in children of different ages;
  6. Measles vaccination. After the procedure, the temperature may rise significantly (up to 39 degrees), usually this happens on days 5-10. Babies may experience slight redness on the cheeks, slight swelling and nasal congestion;
  7. Mumps vaccination. The reaction may be similar to the measles vaccine. No other symptoms have been observed yet.

If you find symptoms that are not listed, you should immediately contact your pediatrician and have your child examined.

Vaccinations for newborns. Advantages and disadvantages

The vaccinations a newborn will receive depends entirely on the decision the parents make. Now there are many different opinions among doctors and patients about which vaccinations are more necessary and which ones should be abandoned. This is a huge choice for parents, as there are cases of adverse outcomes among those who decide not to vaccinate their newborn child.

There are two opinions: you can and should do all vaccinations according to the vaccination table, even in cases where the child does not tolerate them well. And also a second opinion when you need to give immune system the child to form on its own, without the use of vaccines.

Positive aspects of vaccination:

  • 1. Vaccination is needed for a child whose immunity is not fully formed. And although the vaccine does not guarantee against infection, in case of illness it significantly reduces symptoms;
  • 2. Reduces the risk of contracting a specific disease;
  • 3. If there is no vaccine, the child may become ill with various infectious diseases, which may have unforeseen consequences;
  • 4. By vaccinating all children, an epidemic can be avoided. And unvaccinated children can cause infection to everyone else.

Arguments of those who are against vaccination:

  • 1. Modern drugs are not always of high quality and effective, and their effect is greatly overestimated;
  • 2. A large number of vaccinations for newborns has a powerful impact on the immune system. In such cases, it is better to postpone some vaccinations to a later date;
  • 3. The first few vaccinations, especially against tuberculosis and hepatitis, should not be given to a newly born baby. This is especially true for children who live in good conditions and cannot become infected with such diseases in the first months of life. The risk of getting sick is very small, and the consequences after using the drug can be serious;
  • 4. Infectious diseases such as measles or rubella are not at all scary, especially for young children. Usually such diseases pass quickly and without complications, and getting vaccinated can be dangerous;
  • 5. The risk of complications from vaccinations is very high. All this is due to low-quality drugs and incompetent specialists.

Many parents who are opponents of vaccination believe that the child should be fully examined before such activities. After all, there have been cases when a baby was diagnosed with serious illnesses and pathologies, and vaccination complicated treatment.

When making a decision, you should not go to extremes, but rather consult a doctor and have your baby examined. If there are no contraindications, vaccination is carried out, you can protect your child.

Any doctor will tell you that prevention is the most effective way to treat a disease. And this statement is one hundred percent true. Because it is much easier to prevent the development of a disease than to then waste time, effort and money on its treatment. In addition, many diseases are so aggressive that a person finds out about them too late.

Therefore, doctors never tire of repeating that, firstly, you should definitely monitor your health and undergo regular examinations. And secondly, don’t ignore preventive actions aimed at maintaining good health.

About what great importance has prevention, ancient doctors said. The fathers of medicine suggested that their patients observe the rules of personal hygiene, as well as adhere to the rules healthy eating. As humanity and medical science developed, preventive methods of combating diseases also improved.

Nowadays, in any developed country, considerable funds are allocated for sanitary, hygienic, anti-epidemic and educational measures, which help to avoid major pandemics and ensure a stable increase in a healthy population. can be considered one of the main methods of prevention wide range diseases that a hundred years ago exterminated hundreds of thousands of people.

Types of vaccinations

Before we talk about what types of vaccinations there are and why they are needed in general, it is worth paying attention to some general questions on the topic and taking a short excursion into history. Did you know that until the 19th century, European doctors were helpless in the face of frequently recurring large-scale epidemics (pandemics) of infectious diseases.

For example, (deadly dangerous virus, which appeared in Asia around the 5th century AD) affected millions of people every year, of whom 30% died, and the survivors were crippled for life. Ancient doctors looked for all kinds of ways to protect against this deadly disease.

Thanks to which they came up with such a method as inoculation or vaccination, i.e. the process of introducing foreign or contaminated material (such as fluid from a smallpox blistering rash) to a healthy person in order to develop immunity. In India this procedure was called variolation .

According to another version, China is considered the birthplace of inoculation, where they used such a method of combating smallpox as nasal insufflation , i.e. inhalation of powder containing the smallpox virus. European doctors received information about vaccination thanks to the East India Company.

The first Greek doctors to practice vaccination were E. Tionis and Jacob and Chios Pilarinos. This method of combating smallpox in the USA and England was used half a century before the Edward Jenner vaccine, officially recognized by the scientific and medical community, was invented in 1876.

However, it was not widely used due to the high mortality rate and was used exclusively during periods of outbreak of the disease. It is interesting that the first to fight back the deadly disease was a simple farmer, Benjamin Jesty, who noticed that people who had suffered a milder version of the disease (cowpox) did not become infected with smallpox. He infected himself and his family, thus conducting a scientific experiment.

In the end, everything ended well, no one got sick or died. Subsequently, the already famous English doctor E. Jenner was able to obtain a vaccine against smallpox by inoculating his gardener’s son with cowpox. The boy who suffered a milder version of the disease not only survived, but was subsequently immune to smallpox. From this very moment a revolution in medicine began.

A real breakthrough in vaccination was made by the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur, who, using his innovative pasteurization method, was able to develop vaccinations against And anthrax. Latest case of infection smallpox was recorded in Somalia in 1977. With the help of mass vaccination, humanity was able to eradicate a disease that had claimed millions of lives for hundreds of years.

Types of vaccines by composition:

  • live vaccines, i.e. containing weakened living strains viruses or harmful microbes ( antigen );
  • inactivated vaccines, i.e. containing inactivated ones, i.e. killed strains;
  • biosynthetic vaccines, i.e. containing material (for example, proteins) obtained by genetic engineering;
  • containing toxoids , i.e. inactivatedtoxins produced by the causative agent of the disease.

In addition to the antigen, vaccines may contain:

  • preservatives ensure the sterility of the solution;
  • fillers;
  • sorbents;
  • stabilizers;
  • other non-specific impurities (for example, substrate proteins, animal serum or antibiotics).

Distinguish active And passive vaccination . In the first case, a person is injected with waste products of a pathogenic microorganism ( , ), and in the second - antibodies (). It is important to note that during active vaccination, only inactivated ones are administered, i.e. killed or greatly weakened microorganisms to eliminate the slightest possibility of infection.

Methods of administering vaccines:

  • The intramuscular method of administering vaccinations is considered the most popular. Good blood flow in the muscles helps immune cells reach the injection site of the pathogenic organism as quickly as possible. This is what ensures rapid production immunity . In addition, the distance between the muscles and the skin reduces the likelihood of developing side effects on the skin. For children under three years of age, vaccinations are given in the thigh (front lateral part). After three years, the vaccine is given to the shoulder (deltoid muscle). It is not recommended to inject vaccines into the gluteal muscle, as there is a risk of getting into the sciatic nerve, which is fraught with complications. In addition, the vaccination needle is too short to penetrate the subcutaneous fat layer of the buttocks. The result is subcutaneous rather than intramuscular administration of drugs.
  • The cutaneous or intradermal method of administering vaccinations into the flexor surface of the forearm or shoulder is used when vaccinating against tularemia , and . As a result, a lemon peel (a whitish spot with indentations) forms at the injection site.
  • The subcutaneous method is used to administer live vaccines, as well as streptococcal and gangrenous ones. toxoids . This method is preferred for use in patients with bleeding disorders because this type of vaccine administration reduces the risk of severe bleeding.
  • Aerosol method ( intranasal ) involves administering the vaccine through the nose. This method is used for vaccination against flu to provide local immunity at the so-called “entry gate” of infection.
  • The oral method of administering vaccinations is used to vaccinate children aged one year or older. typhoid fever .
  • Complex vaccination is a method that is characterized by the simultaneous administration of several vaccinations.

Ideally, after vaccination, the immune system should respond (i.e., fight back) to the harmful antigen. The process of production of “defenders” by the bone marrow starts leukocytes , which in turn produce antibodies . They kill the introduced antigen, and if everything went as planned, then the body develops immunity to this type of disease.

Moreover, such immunity can last for a long period of time or for life. Therefore, some vaccinations may need to be repeated over time to maintain the antibodies' ability to kill pathogens. Having been vaccinated, a person does not get sick because the antigens contained in the vaccine are weakened or killed.

Antibodies fight pathogens

They play the role of “provocateurs” of the immune system, which begins to protect the body as soon as it detects harmful microorganisms. If in the future a person encounters a disease for which he was vaccinated earlier, he will either not get sick at all, because previously developed antibodies will destroy pathogenic microorganisms, or will transfer the disease in a milder form.

The immune system reacts to the vaccine immediately, this is how our body works. However, how smoothly this process will proceed is unknown in advance. Therefore, unwanted side effects from vaccination may occur. Unfortunately, we are all different and what is good for one can be disastrous for another.

Undesirable side effects are individual not only for a particular type of vaccination, but also for each individual human body. However, the most common common side effects are:

  • edema , redness or thickening of the skin, as well as pain at the site of vaccine administration;
  • minor increase in body temperature ;
  • crying and loss of appetite in the child;
  • headache;
  • rash (acceptable for vaccination against , or ).

The adverse reactions listed above are considered normal, since this is how the immune system reacts to the effects of harmful microorganisms after vaccination. Skin reactions are caused not only by the drug administered, but also by the trauma caused by the syringe needle.

In addition, many vaccines often contain special components that are designed to ensure greater blood flow to the injection site. As a result, more immune cells will form in this place, and the immune system will be stronger. Therefore, redness ( hyperemia ) on the skin after vaccination is a normal indicator of the body’s functioning.

It’s a completely different matter when, after vaccination, a person experiences pronounced complications, for example, a severe allergic reaction ( , ) or temperature above 40 C. In such cases, you should not hesitate, you need to urgently call ambulance, because minutes count.

In addition, vaccinations have a number of contraindications, which also differ depending on the type of vaccine. The following types of contraindications are distinguished:

  • True, i.e. those that are confirmed and proven by scientific means, and are also listed in international recommendations, orders and annotations for vaccines.
  • False are contraindications that were either previously considered dangerous conditions for vaccination, or were invented “by the people” (for example, Down's disease , cerebral palsy , ,anemia , , , birth defects development, as well as severe illnesses suffered at an early age).
  • Relative contraindications are classified as true contraindications, but the final decision on vaccinating the patient is made by the doctor. For example, if you have an allergic reaction to a protein, you do not get a flu shot, but during an epidemic, a doctor may give permission for a patient to get vaccinated if he considers that the risk of developing an allergic reaction is lower than the risk of contracting the virus.
  • Absolute, i.e. contraindications, in the presence of which the child is strictly prohibited from receiving vaccinations even if the time has come according to the recommended vaccination schedule.
  • Permanent contraindications are conditions in which vaccination will always be unacceptable, for example, if the child has primary immunodeficiency .
  • Temporary contraindications (exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections ).
  • General and specific contraindications. The first group includes conditions in which any type of vaccination is not recommended (for example, elevated body temperature), and the second group includes conditions in which a particular type of vaccination is contraindicated, but all others are not prohibited.

Should your child be vaccinated? Should children under one year old be vaccinated? Can they be done if you have allergies? And in general, knowing about possible severe and in some cases deadly side effects, should you even trust the life of your precious baby to vaccines? These questions worry the vast majority of parents.

We think that many of us have at least once encountered the opinion of opponents of vaccination, who claim that vaccinations are not just a waste of time and money, but also a dangerous activity. There is a whole social movement which promotes anti-vaccination .

Anti-vaxxers have sharply criticized mass vaccinations, challenging both their safety and effectiveness. It is interesting that opponents of vaccination appeared immediately after the invention of the first smallpox vaccination by E. Jenner in the 19th century.

At that time, people refused to be vaccinated for religious reasons. Over time, several anti-vaccination organizations formed in the United States and Great Britain that fought against vaccination on all fronts. It is important to note that the basis of such organizations were representatives of the so-called alternative medicine, i.e. homeopaths, chiropractors, and traditional healers of all stripes.

All of them argued that the “devilish vaccines” not only infringe on the human right to freedom of choice, but also cause irreparable harm to health. Despite the fact that it is the 21st century, science and medicine are rapidly developing, the anti-vaccination movement is still thriving. Because there are still people who naively trust the untested scientific arguments of vaccine opponents.

In addition, the Internet contributes to the development of the modern anti-vaccination movement. After all, now anyone can get the information they are interested in, even if it is false and unverified. As a rule, opponents of vaccination give the following arguments why one should not get vaccinated:

  • “Vaccination is nothing more than a pre-planned conspiracy by doctors and pharmaceutical giants to enrich themselves.” Anti-vaccinators are truly convinced that all data on the actual benefits of vaccinations has been fabricated by scientists and pharmacists. This statement is so meaningless that sometimes I don’t even want to comment on such wild statements. For centuries, many doctors have been trying to find a cure for deadly viral diseases that literally “mowed down” entire generations of people. They conducted experiments on themselves or their loved ones. And when in the 19th century doctors and scientists managed to achieve success and find a way to protect people from mass deaths due to epidemics of serious diseases, instead of gratitude, what they received was condemnation and distrust. It’s good that there are still more thinking people, otherwise we would once again live in fear of diseases such as black pox , rabies , polio , measles or tetanus .
  • “Vaccines are not effective” is another statement that simply reeks of ignorance. Unfortunately, the main audience of the anti-vaccination movement is poorly educated and overly impressionable people who are not able to think independently and take all kinds of horror stories at their word. Statistics say that it is thanks to vaccinations that people, when faced with a serious infectious disease, either do not get sick or suffer from it in a milder form. Things are completely different with an unvaccinated person who, firstly, will not be able to avoid the disease, and, secondly, it is not known how he will survive it. Even in the last century, hundreds of thousands of people died from smallpox or smallpox. Thanks to universal vaccination, cases of infection with this deadly disease have not been recorded over the past 30 years. Isn't this the most important proof that vaccinations really work?
  • “Vaccines are not needed because... The diseases they fight are already extremely rare.” I just want to say out loud: “Gentlemen, anti-vaccinators! Severe infectious diseases are indeed rare now. But only because people around the world have been vaccinated from birth for more than a hundred years.” Indeed, modern medicine has reached unprecedented heights in the diagnosis and treatment of infections. However, vaccination is still considered in the best possible way prevention and treatment. Unfortunately, many parents still doubt whether to vaccinate their child or not. Everyone is afraid of possible complications, this is understandable. But it is also worth thinking about the fact that without vaccination, a whole layer of the population is formed whose immune system is not protected. These people will not only suffer themselves, but will also become potentially dangerous carriers of infectious diseases to others.
  • “Vaccinations harm children’s health and contribute to the development of severe disabilities and diseases.” Some people really believe that vaccines can cause cancer in children. This is an absolutely ridiculous statement, since it has long been proven that childhood autism is a congenital genetic developmental defect. Anti-vaxxers actively use rumors and speculation to influence people's opinions. This is precisely the saddest thing about this whole movement, which is trying to fight something that it absolutely does not understand and is not even trying to understand.
  • “Statistics on complications after vaccinations are deliberately underestimated by medical workers who cannot be trusted.” Why should humanity trust anti-vaxxers, who often have no specialized (medical, biological, chemical) education at all?
  • “Vaccines harm the immune system.” Earlier we talked about the mechanism of the immune system's response to vaccines. Vaccination cannot harm the immune system in any way; it forms it, causing the body’s defense system to activate and produce antibodies that can destroy the infection. This absurd statement of anti-vaccinators speaks only of their complete ignorance and lack of awareness of the anatomy of the human body and the principles of operation of its main vital mechanisms.
  • Religious motives and appeal to human rights. The basis of the anti-vaccine movement in the 19th century was made up of deeply religious people who believed that man has no right to interfere with the plan of God and Providence. They say that those who are destined to die from illness will not be able to avoid it in any way. Nowadays, religious opponents of vaccines (official representatives of the main religious denominations do not oppose vaccinations) are also joined by individual rights activists who argue that only the person himself can decide what to do with his body. But no one is forcing you to get vaccinated. This is a voluntary decision. Before vaccinating a child, the doctor is required to obtain not only oral, but also written consent from the parents, so there are no violations of individual rights.
  • Various conspiracy theories according to which vaccination is a way to influence human health, for example, with the aim of reducing the number of a particular nation.

If you still doubt whether you should vaccinate your children and vaccinate yourself, then think about the following:

  • The popularity of the anti-vaccination movement in some regions over the past two decades has led to epidemics of precisely those diseases for which people en masse refused to be vaccinated.
  • It has been proven that the risk of developing complications when using even the most severe vaccination for the body (on average one case per thousand) is several times less than the risk of complications and death from an infectious disease.
  • Refusal of vaccinations in childhood creates a whole layer of the population that will be vulnerable to infectious diseases in the future, and then a global pandemic will simply be inevitable.

If you put aside all emotions and look sensibly at the anti-vaccination movement, you can see that it is these people who competently manipulate for profit, and not doctors or pharmacists. Who are the anti-vaxxers who pay for publications exposing vaccinations in the media? As a rule, ardent opponents of the position of official doctors are representatives of unconventional or unrecognized methods of healing.

To be fair, it is worth noting that among representatives of conservative medicine there are many critics vaccinations . But this does not mean that they deny its benefits, they just want to improve the process of both the production and use of vaccinations. First of all, everyone is concerned about the safety of both the vaccines themselves and the vaccination process.

After all, vaccinations, unlike other methods of healing, are given to initially healthy people. The vaccine should not worsen the patient's condition or cause harm. Its main goal is to strengthen the immune system and build protection against infection. Therefore, everyone who deals with vaccinations must be extremely scrupulous about safety issues.

It is for this reason that all vaccination issues should be dealt with exclusively by government agencies. After all, when the epidemic subsides and infections do not make themselves felt for a long period of time, the population switches from the danger of disease to the possible danger of vaccination. Mandatory control by the state will help improve the quality of vaccinations, as well as reassure people who are worried about possible negative consequences.

Of course, only parents themselves can decide whether their children under one year of age and older need to receive all the vaccinations prescribed by the calendar, but the opinion of doctors on this matter is unequivocal. Even taking into account possible complications and side effects, which are truly rare, especially with modern vaccines, vaccinations protect the child from the more terrible and sometimes fatal outcome of a serious infectious disease.

The results of mass refusal to vaccinate led to epidemics:

  • Smallpox in Stockholm in 1873-1874, when the number of vaccinated people sharply decreased from 90% to 40%.
  • in Great Britain in the 70-80s of the last century, when, after another dispute about the benefits and harms of vaccination, the number of vaccinated people decreased from 81% to 31%.
  • Whooping cough in Sweden from 1976 to 1996, due to a moratorium on childhood vaccinations imposed by the authorities, a high mortality rate was avoided due to the abolition of restrictions on vaccinations.
  • Diphtheria in the CIS countries in the period from 1990 to 1999, when, along with the general decline in healthcare, there was a massive refusal to vaccinate. As a result, about 5 thousand of the 150 thousand people infected died from diphtheria.
  • Corey in the Netherlands in 1999-2000, when an outbreak of the disease occurred in religious communities where the benefits of vaccination were denied.
  • Corey in Dublin (Ireland) in 2000 and again due to mass refusal of vaccinations.
  • Diphtheria, And measles in Nigeria from 2001 to the present. The terrifying situation was provoked by the leadership of the northern part of the country. The governor of Kano state, a religious conservative and anti-vaccination advocate, has recommended that his citizens refuse vaccinations. As a result, these territories became “suppliers” of infection for all their neighbors. Unfortunately, to this day in Nigeria they are wary of so-called Western medicine and vaccination. People continue to die, and the worst thing is that the largest percentage of deaths occur among young children.
  • Corey in India in 2005, due to the refusal to vaccinate children, a generation became vulnerable to the disease.
  • Poliomyelitis in the territories of Pakistan and Afghanistan controlled by the Islamist Taliban movement. The disease has been rampant there to this day due to a ban on vaccination financed from the budget of Western states, with which the authorities in this region are in a state of armed conflict.

According to the rules, doctors use for vaccinations children's vaccination calendar. This means that in at different ages The child is required to receive a certain type of vaccination. It was not by chance that such a unique plan or schedule was provided. The childhood vaccination calendar is a clearly defined vaccination system that will help the child’s immune system develop protection against major infectious diseases.

It is important to note that this list of vaccinations from birth is advisory in nature, i.e. it is preferable to adhere to it, but there is nothing to worry about if for some objective reason (illness, travel, etc.) you missed vaccination. The main thing is to get vaccinated, albeit late.

Pediatricians recommend paying special attention to vaccinations given to children under one year of age. It is better not to miss vaccination dates at this age, since newborns and one-year-old babies are most often at risk of the disease.

In order for the vaccination process to be successful and not cause inconvenience, both parents and children should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Vaccination can only be carried out in medical institutions and use it exclusively for this purpose immunobiological preparations , tested, approved and registered in accordance with national legislation.
  • TO vaccinations you need to prepare in advance. This means that before vaccination you should visit a doctor, who must examine the child and give his permission for vaccination. In addition, recent blood and urine tests should be provided to the pediatrician for review. These are extremely important preparatory activities, which will help eliminate the risk of developing side effects from vaccinations given against the background of an ongoing illness. Parents and the doctor must be sure that the child is healthy and feeling well. Otherwise, it is better to postpone the vaccination.
  • If a child is allergic, then about a week before vaccination you should not introduce new foods into his diet. In addition, it will be useful to check with your pediatrician about ways to eliminate or mitigate a possible allergic reaction. For example, often the doctor prescribes antihistamines, to prepare the child's body.
  • Before vaccination with live vaccines, you should avoid taking drugs containing sulfonamide and antibiotics.
  • It is better to spend the first half hour after vaccination in the clinic. This will allow you to quickly receive qualified medical care in case of side effects or complications.
  • It is strictly prohibited to apply any compresses or bandages to the vaccine injection site.
  • On the day of vaccination, as well as tomorrow, you should refrain from walking, because large crowds of people or hypothermia increases the risk of developing or acute respiratory infections against the background of vaccination, after which the immune system is “busy” fighting the infection.
  • If after vaccination the child’s temperature rises (up to 38.5 C), then you can give an antipyretic drug after consulting a doctor. If the temperature is above 38.5 C, then you should immediately call an ambulance.

What vaccinations are given to children under one year of age?

So, what vaccinations and how many of them are given up to a year? The national schedule of childhood vaccinations in Russia, presented in the table below, will help us answer this question.

Age Name of vaccination
Newborn babies Viral hepatitis B On the first day after birth, the child is vaccinated against viral hepatitis B. Newborns at risk are also vaccinated:
  • carrier children HBsAg antigen (disease marker);
  • children born from mothers who have recovered from the hepatitis virus;
  • children whose mothers were not tested for markers of the disease;
  • children born to drug addicted mothers;
  • children of women with hepatitis virus.
Newborns on days 3-7 of life Tuberculosis Vaccination is carried out to prevent the development of a tuberculosis epidemic in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where incidence rates exceed 80 cases per 100 thousand people. Children who are surrounded by people with tuberculosis must be vaccinated.
Newborn babies aged 1 month Second vaccination against viral hepatitis B
Newborn babies aged 2 months
  • Third vaccination against viral hepatitis B.
  • First vaccination against pneumococcal infection .
Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the rules and instructions for the use of drugs established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Vaccinations are repeated for children at risk.
Newborn babies aged 3 months Diphtheria , whooping cough , tetanus , polio.
Children 3-6 months old Haemophilus influenzae infection.

Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the rules and instructions for the use of drugs established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The vaccination course consists of three stages. Vaccinations are given at intervals of 1-1.5 months.

Risk group for vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae:

  • children with congenital anatomical defects and immunodeficiency conditions, which can provoke the development of Hib infections ;
  • children suffering from oncohematological diseases;
  • children receiving immunosuppressive drugs for a long time;
  • HIV-infected children, as well as those born from HIV-positive mothers;
  • children living in closed preschool institutions (psychoneurological dispensaries, specialized boarding schools, anti-tuberculosis institutions).
Children aged 4-5 months Second vaccination against diphtheria , tetanus , whooping cough , polio , pneumococcal And hemophilus influenzae infection. Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the rules and instructions for the use of drugs established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for children who received their first vaccination at 3 months.
Children aged 6 months Third vaccination against tetanus , diphtheria , whooping cough , viral hepatitis B , hemophilus influenzae infection And polio. Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the rules and instructions for the use of drugs established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Vaccination calendar for children under 3 years of age

What vaccinations does a child receive per year? The procedure and timing of vaccinations for one-year-old children are regulated by the vaccination schedule for children under 3 years of age.

Age Name of vaccination Procedure and recommendations
Children aged 12 months
  • fourth vaccination against viral hepatitis B;
  • measles, mumps, rubella.
Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the rules and instructions for the use of drugs established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Children aged 15 months First revaccination against pneumococcal infection
Children aged 18 months First revaccination against whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, polio and Haemophilus influenzae Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the rules and instructions for the use of drugs established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for children vaccinated in the first year of life.
Children aged 20 months Second revaccination against polio Vaccination is carried out in accordance with the rules and instructions for the use of drugs established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for children vaccinated in the first year of life.

At the age of 6-7 years, the child is revaccinated against mumps , rubella And measles , as well as a second revaccination against tetanus And diphtheria . At 7 years of age, the child is revaccinated against tuberculosis .

Adolescents at the age of 14 are revaccinated against polio , tetanus And diphtheria . At the age of 18 years, revaccination against tetanus And diphtheria , which a person needs to repeat every next 10 years of life.

In addition to the national calendar of compulsory childhood vaccinations, there is also a vaccination schedule for epidemic indications, which prescribes vaccination against:

  • Tularemia people living in areas with an increased risk of contracting this disease and working in land reclamation, agriculture, logging, as well as those engaged in geological or prospecting, fishing, pest control work and those who are in direct contact with active pathogens (medical workers, researchers).
  • Plagues people who are in direct contact with active pathogens.
  • Brucellosis people who work in livestock farming (with goats or sheep) and meat production, as well as those who are in direct contact with active pathogens.
  • Anthrax people involved in irrigation, agriculture and animal husbandry, zoo workers, construction workers working with soil, as well as those who are in direct contact with active pathogens.
  • people working with animals (veterinarian, game wardens), as well as those who are in direct contact with active pathogens.
  • Leptospirosis people working in livestock farming, in the service of catching stray animals, as well as those who are in direct contact with active pathogens.
  • people living in areas where this disease is spread, working in agriculture and animal husbandry, builders and people working on open ground(reclamation workers, surveyors, and so on), as well as those who are in direct contact with active pathogens.
  • Yellow fever , cholera , Q fever people who often travel to places where the disease is spread, as well as those who are in direct contact with active pathogens.
  • Typhoid fever people working in public utilities, as well as those who are in direct contact with active pathogens.
  • people who, due to their work duties, are exposed to the professional risk of infection (doctors, medical staff, workers in the food sector, services, public utilities), as well as those who are in direct contact with active pathogens.
  • Shigellosis people employed in the catering industry, working in bacteriological and stationary laboratories.

Side effects of the polio vaccine

As we said earlier, the body’s reaction to a particular vaccine is purely individual. Unfortunately, side effects cannot be avoided. Because we are all unique, our immune systems respond differently to vaccinations.

However, as people say, “aware is forearmed.” Therefore, let's look at the main adverse reactions of the most common vaccinations. And we'll start with the possible side effects vaccines against polio .

Consequences of polio

Infantile spinal paralysis or polio is an acute infectious disease in which poliovirus attacks the gray matter spinal cord. This disease is characterized by multiple pathologies of the nervous system. The danger of polio lies in the fact that at the initial stage a person thinks that he just has a cold.

The risk group is children aged six months to six years. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets (unwashed hands disease, transmitted by insects) and progresses very quickly. Penetrating into the body through oral cavity, polio multiplies and strengthens in the intestines, gradually affecting nerve cells and the gray membrane of the spinal cord.

Ultimately, entire muscle groups atrophy, nerve cells die, and the child develops severe forms of paralysis. The symptoms of polio are similar to those ARVI (the temperature may rise, a cough and runny nose may appear, and sometimes diarrhea is possible). After a few days, the symptoms of the disease disappear, and the person seems completely healthy.

However, after several days, flaccid paralysis of the limbs develops, when the child cannot stand on his feet. Can paralyze one-year-old babies Airways, which is fraught with suffocation and cardiac arrest. Unfortunately, to date, neither scientists nor doctors have been able to propose a treatment regimen that would help put children who have recovered from polio back on their feet.

Experts believe that the most effective way to prevent a child from contracting the disease is to vaccinate against spinal paralysis in time. Of course, the vaccine has side effects, like all medicines, but they are extremely rare. When producing the polio vaccine, a weakened or pre-killed virus is used, which provokes the immune system to produce antibodies that can defeat the disease.

There are two main methods of vaccination against polio:

  • when the inactivated vaccine is administered by injection;
  • when using drops that are administered to the child through the mouth (orally).

It is believed that due to the fact that in nature the virus multiplies in the intestines, the risk of developing side effects from polio drops is much higher compared to administering the drug intramuscularly. On the other hand, when the vaccine is administered orally, stronger immunity against the disease is developed.

The polio vaccine contains three main strains of the virus. It helps the child develop lifelong immunity from the disease.

Possible side effects of the vaccine:

  • local reactions in the form of redness, lump formation or edema ;
  • general weakness;
  • increased body temperature (up to 38.5 C);
  • allergic reaction to the components of the vaccine.

Doctors say that with proper preparation for vaccination and in the absence of any contraindications, the polio vaccine is absolutely safe. Development cases vaccine-associated polio may occur if a person:

  • congenital immunodeficiency;
  • malformations of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • available malignant neoplasms ;
  • neurological disorders;
  • HIV or AIDS .

Side effects of the rubella vaccine

Rubella is a viral disease characterized by symptoms such as: a red rash over the entire surface of the body, , headache , elevated temperature, as well. Most often, the virus affects children, who experience the disease in a much milder form than adults, especially pregnant women.


As is the case with other infectious diseases, doctors do not have one effective medicine for rubella, for which symptomatic therapy is used. That is, they alleviate the symptoms of the disease and help immune system the body to defeat the virus that causes rubella.

Vaccination is considered the most effective way prevention and treatment of the disease. The following are used as rubella vaccinations:

  • combination drugs MMR or which in addition rubella contain weakened viruses mumps And measles ;
  • one-component vaccinations Rudivaks , Ervevax and a vaccine containing live virus.

It is believed that a multicomponent vaccine is more difficult to tolerate by a child’s body and can cause complications and side effects in the form of:

  • redness, edema or compaction at the injection site;
  • increase lymph nodes(neck, armpits) located next to the injection area;
  • general weakness;
  • elevated temperature;
  • joint pain.

In some cases (for example, if vaccination was carried out without taking into account contraindications), the vaccinated person may develop a rash (purple, red), develop a severe allergic reaction, or vaccine-associated rubella .

Contraindications to rubella vaccination:

  • a history of complications after previous rubella vaccinations;
  • allergy to aminoglycosides , neomycin or other vaccine components;
  • congenital or acquired immunodeficiency condition ( AIDS , HIV , pathology of the circulatory system);
  • pregnancy ;
  • period lactation ;
  • acute infectious processes;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • chemotherapy ;
  • reception corticosteroids .

People who have recently had a blood transfusion or those who have undergone surgery should refrain from vaccination until the body has fully recovered.

Side effects of the tetanus shot

Tetanus is an acute infectious disease in which the nervous system is affected and, against the background of tonic tension of the skeletal muscles, generalized convulsions occur. The infection enters the body through open wounds, burns, frostbite, damage to the mucous membranes, as well as some inflammatory diseases accompanied by gangrene, skin ulcers, abscesses And bedsores .

Contraindications to vaccination:

  • allergic reaction to the previous vaccination;
  • individual intolerance to some component of the vaccine ( Tetanus toxoid, thiomersal , aluminum hydroxide );
  • immunodeficiency congenital or acquired due to diseases ( , HIV );
  • ARVI, acute respiratory infection , exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • exacerbation neuralgic diseases ;
  • And lactation .

Side effects of the vaccine tetanus in adults, as in children, may be expressed in the following undesirable reactions:

  • increased body temperature;
  • strong headache ;
  • inhibited reaction or, conversely, increased excitability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • local reactions in the form of compactions, redness or swelling at the injection site.

The above complications can go away on their own without any serious consequences.

You should seek immediate medical help when:

  • swelling larger than 8 cm has formed at the injection site;
  • showed a strong allergic reaction (Quincke's edema , rash throughout the body);
  • appeared convulsions which can lead to encephalopathy.

Side effects of the diphtheria vaccine

Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease that affects bronchi , oropharynx , larynx , and skin. Complicated forms of the disease also harm other organs. In children, a common complication of diphtheria is considered croup (swelling and obstruction of the airways).

To treat diphtheria bacillus, use a special serum containing anti-diphtheria antitoxin . However, vaccination is considered the most effective way to prevent the disease, for example, or ADS .

Since the frequency of vaccinations against diphtheria And tetanus , and whooping cough coincides, then a complex adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine against all three diseases (abbreviated DTP) is used. The second type of ADS vaccine is used in cases where a person has contraindications to vaccination against whooping cough.

After vaccination against diphtheria, the following undesirable reactions may occur:

  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • local reactions in the form of redness, swelling, painful compaction;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic reaction.

According to doctors, the diphtheria vaccine is one of the safest and most easily tolerated vaccines. Adverse reactions from which are comparable to a common cold, but the effectiveness is so high that it helps, if not prevent the disease in 100% of cases, then ensure its mild form.

Side effects of the Haemophilus influenzae vaccine

Haemophilus influenzae infection is a group of infectious diseases ( , pneumonia , , purulent , septicemia ), which primarily affect the central nervous and respiratory systems and are accompanied by the development of purulent foci in the internal organs.

Vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae infections is easily tolerated in the vast majority of cases. However, it is extremely rare to experience side effects such as:

  • redness and slight swelling at the injection site;
  • decreased appetite;
  • general weakness;
  • bad dream.

When a multicomponent or complex vaccination is used for vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae infection, complications such as:

  • allergic reaction ( , );
  • edema lower extremities;
  • bronchitis ;
  • vomit ;
  • cough ;
  • nausea ;
  • neuritis brachial nerve.

To avoid complications and side effects, you should strictly adhere to the rules of preparation for vaccination, which we discussed earlier, and also not vaccinate if there are contraindications.

Side effects of the tularemia vaccine

Tularemia is a zooanthropotic (i.e. common to humans and animals) infectious disease that affects the body’s lymphatic system and is accompanied by fever and general intoxication. Voles, rabbits, water rats and hares are considered carriers of the disease.

A person becomes infected through direct contact with animals (hunting), or through contaminated food and water. The infection is also carried by blood-sucking arthropods (mosquitoes, ticks, horseflies). As a rule, vaccination against tularemia is given to those people who live in the area where the outbreak of this disease is recorded.

The following side effects may occur after tularemia vaccination:

  • edema and redness at the injection site;
  • soreness and short-term increase lymph nodes ;
  • headache ;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • general weakness ;
  • allergy .

Now many modern mothers have a little doubt about how necessary it is to vaccinate their babies. Approximately 70% of all parents from time to time not only do not use the vaccination calendar, but even write refusals from them. There is an opinion that the forcible introduction of a particular vaccine into a baby’s body can cause the most unpredictable reactions.

It is worth knowing that the vaccine itself is the introduction into the body of not completely dead microbes, as some people think, but simply slightly weakened. These are certain bacteria that are the causative agents of certain diseases. To ensure your baby’s health, it is important to act in full accordance with a document such as the vaccination calendar.

After entering the body of one or another medicinal product, he quickly defeats him, immediately develops a certain immunity and becomes simply immune to diseases. The vaccination calendar will tell you which vaccinations to give, in what sequence to vaccinate children, and you will also need to seek qualified help from a professional.

The importance of modern vaccination

The significance of such a document as the vaccination calendar and, accordingly, the vaccine itself is based on the prevention of the occurrence of various viral diseases, not only for children, but also for adults. The process of implementing such preventive measures and their maximum effectiveness has been proven over the years.

Important! The vaccination calendar makes it possible to effectively reduce the morbidity threshold in children, but also significantly reduce the number of various complications in patients.

Nowadays, various infectious diseases occupy a serious place among the entire modern population. It is vaccination, which is carried out according to a schedule such as the vaccination calendar, that makes it possible to quickly develop immunity in children, which protects against various diseases, many of which have quite serious consequences.

Modern parents often refuse vaccines, as there is an opinion that they are in some way harmful to the child’s body. Sometimes this even applies to such serious things as tuberculosis, which children have been diagnosed with for many years. Often, refusal to follow such a scheme as the vaccination schedule is based on the fact that modern hospitals do not have the necessary information regarding all possible consequences.

Doctors are confident that vaccinations for children under three years of age are simply necessary, since the load that is usually introduced into the body is small enough for the child’s basic capabilities. If a child grows up without the use of a schedule such as a vaccination schedule, they become susceptible to a wide variety of infections, especially before the age of three. They simply do not have immunity, so when a virus appears, the body fights the infection in full, which often causes some complications in children under three years of age.

Under what conditions is vaccination carried out?

All vaccines that are indicated in such a scheme as the vaccination schedule for children under three years of age are fairly high-quality and very carefully studied biological preparations that give the maximum positive effect when used correctly.

Important! Proper vaccination of children under three years of age involves the correct use of injections, all contraindications. The cold chain must be observed and taken into account possible complications individual character.

The most basic contraindication is the presence of an allergic reaction to a certain type of vaccine or its components. Also, routine Mantoux and other vaccinations are not done if the child has a fever or various chronic infections, a list of which every doctor has.

If there are no contraindications, children can be given several types of vaccines at once. A special table of preventive vaccines has been developed that can be given to children on the same day.

Important! Babies up to one year old should be vaccinated without disrupting their diet and sleep patterns. If there is a certain tendency to allergies, it is worth preparing a little, for example, giving high-quality anti-allergic drugs for a couple of days.

Vaccination table - main features

A specific vaccination schedule is a list or plan of vaccines that are given before one year, up to three years, and a little later. In other words, at one age or another it is recommended to receive the vaccinations listed in the table.

Currently, the preventive vaccination schedule includes 12 main vaccines for children under one year of age and up to three years of age. To make the vaccination process as easy as possible, one biological preparation contains an injection that consists of three or five elements. The child simply does not face such a phenomenon as psychological stress. The vaccine schedule allows for minimal visits to the clinic. Without exception, all vaccines up to three years of age are able to create ideal immunity in the child’s body.

Features of mantoux grafting

As the vaccine schedule shows, mantu is given immediately during the process of discharge from the maternity hospital, that is, on days 3-7 after birth. For babies up to one year old, injections are given in the shoulder, then at the injection site a small ball is formed in the body, which gradually begins to rupture and thereby form immunity in the child at the cellular level to tuberculosis. As a result of the injection, a small scar remains on the body; after mantoux it does not remain.

This vaccination is called BCG and is quite important. This is based on the fact that this disease belongs to the category of social diseases, the result of which is often death. It is for this reason that it is so important to carry out competent preventive treatment of the disease, make mantu and develop reliable protection against it.

Tuberculosis bacilli are certain bacteria that can be fought by two main systems, as shown by mantoux. These are certain antibodies that are usually produced by the human body and do everything to create personal local cellular immunity. The result of the fight directly depends on how antibodies work, that is, on cellular immunity. If the body has certain antibodies, which are equal to approximately 15% of the total immunity relative to this particular disease, then in their presence various fatal forms of the disease will not appear.

Important! Antibodies are not able to completely protect a person from the disease, but they can seriously reduce the risk of various complications.

The scar on the shoulder will indicate that the vaccination worked effectively. Evidence will be a positive reaction to mantoux, which is given to children every year until they reach the age of 17. Situations often occur when children need to be re-vaccinated before going to school and a mantoux test is also done. This may be necessary because the first vaccination did not give the desired result, and all the administered mantoux were not positive.

As a certain vaccination schedule for children before and after one year shows, in addition to mantoux, they are also required to be vaccinated against diseases such as:

  • Tetanus;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Diphtheria;
  • Polio;
  • Rubella;
  • Measles and so on.

Every parent needs to carefully study the vaccination plan so that the child grows up healthy.

Reasons for complete exemption from vaccinations

The vaccination plan for children aged three years may be disrupted. Similar difficult situations usually arise when there are some contraindications or some circumstances that exempt children under one year of age or more from vaccination.

Most modern mothers completely refuse vaccinations. It is normal if the baby has a slight runny nose, as there is some infection in the body. In some cases, if the baby is cheerful and cheerful, if he does not have a temperature, the vaccination can be given, but only after receiving professional advice. Only then do they get one or another vaccination.

The main contraindications to vaccination can be classified in a special way. First of all, they are divided into a couple of groups – false and real. Each specialist can effectively classify the latter into three main categories:

  • Private as well as general;
  • Temporary and more substantial long-term;
  • Relative and absolute.

General contraindications usually apply to all drugs without exception. As for private ones, they, as the norm shows, directly relate to a specific vaccine. For example, if the child has not yet been born, the question of which vaccinations can be given does not matter. It is strictly forbidden to use certain vaccines that may be classified as a specific type of BCG or directed against measles; this is the norm.

There are certain absolute contraindications to vaccinations, which do not provide for any alternative plans. The norm is when the baby is prohibited from all vaccinations if the children have a fairly high temperature.

Important! Special attention deserve some relative contraindications. They can be explained this way: if a baby has a runny nose, but there is an epidemic in the city, then all children, both those who are already sick and those whose health is characterized as normal, must undergo the vaccination process.

As a conclusion

In modern society there is a certain system of inverted values, that is, it is not clear which vaccinations are given and which ones need not be carried out. There is an opinion that vaccinations are more necessary for a standard doctor, but not for a child.

What vaccinations should a child receive and at what age should children be vaccinated? We have prepared a vaccination schedule for children in Ukraine, and also found out whether a child needs to be vaccinated.

If you are wondering when to go for a routine vaccination and at what age your baby needs vaccination, it’s time to understand these issues.

Why vaccinate children?

Vaccination is a way to most likely protect your baby from many diseases or to significantly alleviate the course of diseases.

Vaccination involves the introduction of antigenic material in order to develop immunity to the disease. Antigenic material can be living but weakened organisms, non-living microbes, also called inactivated, as well as purified materials of microorganisms or synthetic components.

The key to successful vaccination is following, proper preparation for vaccination and compliance with all recommendations on how to behave after vaccination, as well as in case of a reaction or complications.

What to do before vaccination:

  • go to an appointment with an immunologist and pediatrician so that specialists can assess the baby’s health;
  • pass all recommended tests, the results of which will provide detailed information about the child’s health;
  • discuss with your doctor possible reactions to the vaccine and complications, and also get advice on how to behave;
  • Prepare your child psychologically for vaccination, tell him honestly that it will hurt a little, but explain that it is necessary.

Important! It is worth refusing vaccination according to the calendar only if the child has obvious ones.

How to prepare a child for preventive vaccinations - Dr. Komarovsky (video)

What to do after vaccination:

  • carefully monitor the child’s condition; in case of strange reactions: difficulty breathing, convulsions, severe rash, call a doctor;
  • if the temperature rises, give the child an antipyretic;
  • do not bathe your child for 2-3 days after vaccination;
  • ​On the day of vaccination, it is advisable not to walk with children.

​​What should parents do after their child’s vaccination - Dr. Komarovsky (video)

Elena Karpenko, pediatrician: “Many parents ask whether vaccination can cause acute respiratory infections? So, it can’t. If after vaccination your child falls ill with an acute respiratory infection, it means that he caught the infection at the clinic where you and he were vaccinated. The main reactions to the vaccine and possible complications after it are described in detail in the instructions for the vaccine that you will receive. You may want to read these instructions before you get vaccinated so you know what to expect.”

There are preventive vaccinations in Ukraine, which are determined by order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. It contains a number of changes dated May 18, 2018 No. 947 “On amendments to the calendar of preventive vaccinations in Ukraine.”

According to the new 2018 vaccination calendar, children are vaccinated against tuberculosis () once - on the 3-5th day of life. The vaccination against will be done three times, as before, and the second will be carried out at 2 months as part of a multicomponent vaccine that will protect against several diseases at once: hepatitis B, tetanus, whooping cough and polio.

And about. Minister Ulyana Suprun said that this approach reduces the number of visits to the clinic. It is planned that children who experience stress from communicating with doctors will react more calmly to vaccination.

Vaccination calendar Ukraine 2018

In the first 6 months, the baby receives many vaccinations according to the calendar, then the next vaccinations are expected at the age of one and a half years. After one and a half years, the next vaccination, according to the calendar, should occur at 6 years.

  • Hepatitis B is a viral infection that affects the liver. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, also through contact with the blood or other body fluids of an infected person.

    It can occur in acute or chronic form. Causes cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure, liver or respiratory failure, cerebral edema, liver cancer. If the infection is not treated, death can occur.

  • Tuberculosis - This is an infectious disease caused by various bacteria. Transmitted by airborne droplets.

    The disease affects the lungs. May also affect other parts of the body, including the kidneys, spine, or brain. Complications are possible in the form of hemoptysis or pulmonary hemorrhage, pulmonary heart failure, spontaneous pneumothorax, renal failure, bronchial fistulas. In some cases it leads to death.

At this age, the child should be vaccinated ), polio (OPV vaccine), and measles, rubella and mumps (MMR).

  • Diphtheria

    Acute bacterial infection. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as through contact with open wounds on the patient’s body and through household objects.

    It affects the respiratory tract, mucous membranes, and in rare cases, the genitals and skin. If rubella is not cured in time, infectious-toxic shock, damage to the heart and tubular bones, kidneys, blood clotting disorders, as well as deafness and cataracts are possible.


  • Tetanus

    An infectious disease that affects nervous system.

    Tetanus develops from infection with spores of the anaerobic bacillus Clostridium tetani, which lives in the soil and enters the body through cuts and other skin lesions. Treating wounds with an antiseptic does not protect against tetanus. If infected, there is a high probability of death.

  • Polio

    An infectious viral disease that affects the central nervous system, lymphatic system, gastrointestinal tract. The causative agent of polio is a virus that is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as through the secretions of a sick person or unwashed food.

    The polio virus affects the intestines and nerve endings, so when infected, the spinal cord and brain are especially affected. Children under 4 years of age are most susceptible to polio.


  • Measles

    Viral infection respiratory system. It is transmitted through contact with contaminated mucus and saliva, as well as through airborne droplets. The virus penetrates the central nervous system, tonsils, lungs, Bone marrow, liver, intestines, spleen. Suppresses the immune system and affects the mucous membranes of the body.

    Complications are possible in the form of laryngitis, otitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, hepatitis, measles encephalitis, lymphadenitis. Measles is the leading cause of death in children.

    Vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella is given at a year and at 6 years of age with the MMR vaccine, which consists of live measles, mumps and rubella viruses.

Vaccination of children in Russia is carried out according to a certain schedule, which is called the vaccination calendar. Our national vaccination calendar is one of the most comprehensive in the world. It is approved at the legislative level and is used throughout the country. Except routine vaccinations, there are vaccinations for epidemic indications, which are given in some regions when there is a threat of an epidemic.

Despite the thoroughness of the vaccination calendar, vaccinations are not mandatory. Parents may well refuse to vaccinate their child by providing a written refusal. Read more about the vaccination schedule, vaccines and vaccination rules, as well as about refusing it.

What laws govern childhood vaccinations?

There are several laws behind the development of the vaccination schedule and vaccination of children:

  1. Federal Law “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases”.
  2. “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on protecting the health of citizens.”
  3. Law of the Russian Federation “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.”

These documents describe the entire vaccination procedure, including a list of recommended vaccinations and possible complications after them. So, vaccination of children under one year of age involves vaccinations against the following diseases:

  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Diphtheria;
  • Tetanus;
  • Haemophilus influenzae infection;
  • Polio;
  • Measles;
  • Rubella;
  • Mumps.

In the event of an epidemic of other diseases, vaccinations may be given unscheduled. The situation regarding infection outbreaks is constantly monitored and regions falling into the “risk zone” are under the control of the Ministry of Health.

National calendar of preventive vaccinations for children under one year of age

Every year the vaccination calendar changes slightly, and some additions are made to it. They mainly concern the procedure for vaccination, and the vaccination schedule remains the same:

Age Name of vaccination Vaccine Notes
1 day(newborn) — First vaccination against viral hepatitis B Engerix V, Combiotech It is especially necessary for newborns whose mothers are carriers of the virus or have acute or chronic hepatitis.
3-7 days(newborn) — Vaccination against tuberculosis BCG-M Not to be confused with the Mantoux reaction. Mantoux is not a vaccination, but a test for the presence of immunity; it is carried out after a year. If there is no immunity, the BCG vaccination is repeated.
Baby at 1 month — Second vaccination against viral hepatitis B Engerix V, Combiotech
Baby at 2 months Engerix V, Combiotech It is given only to children at risk.
Baby at 3 months — First vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus DTP, Infanrix, Pentaxim Each vaccination has its own vaccine, but all 3 vaccinations can be given in “one shot” if you use the combined Pentaxim vaccine.
— First vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae Act-HIB, Hiberix, Pentaxim
— First polio vaccine OPV, IPV, Pentaxim
Baby at 4.5 months — Second vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus DTP, Infanrix, Pentaxim
— Second vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae Act-HIB, Hiberix, Pentaxim
— Second polio vaccine OPV, IPV, Pentaxim
Baby at 6 months — Third vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus DPT, Infanrix, Pentaxim, Bubo-Kok Vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus can be given in “one shot” with a vaccine against hepatitis, if you use the combined Bubo-Kok vaccine.
— Third vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae infection Act-HIB, Hiberix, Pentaxim
— Third polio vaccine OPV, IPV, Pentaxim
— Third vaccination against viral hepatitis B Engerix V, Combiotech, Bubo-Kok
Baby at 12 months — Vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps MMR II, Priorix
— Fourth vaccination against viral hepatitis B Engerix V, Combiotech Only for children at risk.

The next vaccinations await the baby at 1.5 years and at 1 year and 8 months. - This is a revaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, as well as against polio.

About vaccines

Before one year of age, a child will have to receive 14 vaccinations (taking into account the fact that some vaccinations are given in several stages), and mothers will have to learn the many names of vaccines and decide which vaccine to give their child. Let's try to figure out what vaccines are.

  1. Hepatitis vaccine. It contains individual proteins of the hepatitis B virus. There is no genetic material of the virus. In response to the introduction of a vaccine, immunity is formed; it is impossible to get sick in this way.
  2. Vaccine against tuberculosis. Contains weakened bovine tuberculosis bacteria. In humans, they do not cause disease, but lead to the formation of stable immunity. To develop stable immunity, the tuberculosis bacillus must be in the body constantly.
  3. Vaccine against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. The most serious thing about these diseases is the poisoning of the body with toxins. The vaccine contains toxins, but in a very weakened form. They do not cause disease, but the body develops immunity.
  4. Polio vaccine. There are two types: live and inactivated. A live vaccine is the polio virus itself in a very weakened form. This vaccine comes in drop form and can cause a mild form of polio in a child. An inactivated vaccine contains only the protein shells of viruses. It is administered subcutaneously and cannot cause disease, but its effect is lower. Since the polio vaccine is given in 2 stages, sometimes the inactivated vaccine is given first and the second shot is given live.
  5. Vaccine against measles, rubella and mumps. Contains weakened viruses that cause these diseases. The vaccine is safe, that is, it is impossible to get sick from it, and immunity is developed.

How to vaccinate correctly - what mothers need to know

Parents are most frightened by the possible consequences of vaccinations, among which there are very serious complications:

  • Anaphylactic shock;
  • Severe allergic reactions (Quincke's edema, Steven-Johnson syndrome);
  • Poliomyelitis (after polio vaccination);
  • Encephalitis, meningitis, neuritis and other central nervous system lesions;
  • Generalized infection, osteitis, osteomyelitis after BCG vaccination;
  • Chronic arthritis after rubella vaccine.

The likelihood of such complications, of course, frightens young parents. To reduce the risk of complications, vaccination must be carried out in compliance with all rules.

Basic Rules

1. The vaccination schedule is the recommended vaccination schedule for your baby. It can be changed if there are reasons to delay or even cancel vaccination. The reason for temporary medical withdrawal may be:

  • Malaise, cold, fever;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Recent blood transfusion;
  • Prematurity.

In each case, the duration of medical withdrawal is determined individually, usually a period from a week to 1 month. Indications for complete cancellation of vaccination are:

  • Allergic reaction to a previous vaccination;
  • Congenital or acquired immunodeficiency.

2. Vaccination can be given only after a thorough examination by a doctor. The doctor’s task is not only to thoroughly examine the child, measure the temperature and ask the mother about the characteristics of the baby’s body. Another important point is informing the mother about the vaccination itself. The doctor must tell you what vaccine will be given, how it works, what vaccine will be administered, and what complications are possible after vaccination. Good to know! — .

3. The mother can choose which vaccine to give her child. At the clinic, all vaccinations are given free of charge, but if parents do not want to receive the vaccine purchased at the clinic, they can buy their own. This is usually done if they want to supply a higher quality imported vaccine or do a complex vaccination.

4. The vaccine can only be stored and transported in the cold, at a temperature of 2-8C. This rule applies, first of all, to the situation when the mother buys the vaccine herself, since in the pharmacy and clinic all storage and transportation rules are observed unconditionally. When purchasing a vaccine at a pharmacy, you need to buy a cold pack (“snowball”) for it and be sure to take a receipt. This may be needed at your pediatrician's office to confirm that the vaccine is fresh and has been stored correctly.

5. The vaccination itself is given to the child by a nurse in the treatment room. She enters all the information about the vaccination (date, name of the vaccine) into the card. After vaccination, the parents’ task is to monitor the baby’s condition and take action if the vaccination produces a reaction. The most common occurrence is an increase in temperature. Read about how to control the reaction of a child’s body and what to do if the temperature rises here (link).


How to refuse vaccination

Vaccinations are not mandatory, so if parents are against vaccinations for fear of complications, they can write a written refusal. An application can be written by one of the parents addressed to the head physician of the children's clinic (or maternity hospital, if the refusal to vaccinate occurs there). There is no clear form for the statement, but here is a good example of what it should be:


I, (full name), living at the address: (...) declare that I refuse all preventive vaccinations (including vaccinations against hepatitis B, tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, hemophilus influenzae, measles, mumps, rubella) and anti-tuberculosis care for my child (full name) until he reaches 15 years of age.

This refusal is a deliberate decision, and is fully consistent with the norms of current legislation, including:

1) art. 32 (on consent to medical intervention) and Art. 33 (on the right to refuse medical intervention) “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens” dated July 22, 1993 No. 5487-1;

2) Art. 5 (on the right to refuse vaccination) and Art. 11 (on vaccination with the consent of the parents of minors) federal law RF “On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases” dated September 17, 1998 No. 157-FZ;

3) Art. 7, part 3 (on providing anti-tuberculosis care to minors only with the consent of their legal representatives) of the federal law “On preventing the spread of tuberculosis in Russian Federation" dated June 18, 2001 No. 77-FZ.

I ask you to ensure that medical documentation for my child is completed unconditionally, without requirements for vaccination. In form 063, please note that there are no vaccinations based on Art. 5 and 11 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases”.

If you refuse, a copy of this application and my complaint will be sent to the relevant authorities and organizations to take measures to suppress your illegal actions.

________________(date) ________________ (signature)

Refusal of vaccinations should be a truly thoughtful decision, made not only on the basis of horror stories from the Internet, but also on the basis of consultation with a specialist whom you personally trust.

Each family decides the issue of vaccinations in its own way: to give it or not, buy your own vaccines or trust the doctors from the clinic. The most important thing is that the children are healthy.

Vaccination calendar – School of Dr. Komarovsky

On guard of health. Vaccine prevention. National calendar of preventive vaccinations