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Sewage system in an apartment building: design and installation methods. Sewerage repair in an apartment building Sewerage system in a microdistrict

A normally functioning sewer system in a house should ensure the unhindered removal of all wastewater and its disposal. Such systems are quite complex, which is explained by the multi-story nature of these buildings.

After all, it is necessary to combine all branches into a single network and ensure its connection to the city sewer system. Drainage is a pressing issue not only for apartment buildings, but also for private buildings.

But in this case, wastewater is discharged into septic tanks. These are autonomous systems that are used in conditions of inaccessibility of urban drainage systems.

As a rule, the sewerage system in a multi-story building involves several drain risers. Such risers are large-diameter pipes that run from the first floor to the last. Drain pipes from each apartment on the floor are connected to this pipe.

Thus, the answer to the question of how the sewage system is arranged in a multi-story building is very simple. It consists of a main pipe trunk with branches to each apartment.

That is why in most apartments the kitchen is located in an adjacent room with the bathroom and toilet. This ensures savings in distance and simplicity of the wastewater disposal system itself. After all, there will be no need for a long intra-apartment network.

Accordingly, sewer repair in an apartment building, as well as its maintenance and replacement, will be much easier.

Often, the wiring starts in the kitchen, then passes through the bathroom and there it connects to the common riser of the entire entrance. At the same time, the sewer line in the apartment, one way or another, has several branch bends. For better flow of wastewater, the main line is installed with a small and
uniform slope. Thus, wastewater will pass to the riser on its own and will not accumulate at turning points.

This is important, since the sewerage system in a multi-story building must ensure the absence of blockages. The fact is that sewage contains many different types of inclusions. These can be fragments of organic or inorganic objects, hair, and so on. These elements can accumulate in corners and form blockages.

How to make repairs in an apartment building?

Soviet-era apartment buildings have a sewer network that consists of
metal pipes. It is quite durable, but the pipes are susceptible to rust. Meanwhile, common house sewers and the largest pipes were often made of cast iron.

Its main disadvantage is the rough inner surface. It delays the passage of various small objects. As a result, blockages form.

Therefore, the question “who is to blame for a clogged sewer in an apartment building” arises quite often. Finding out the direct culprit is difficult and pointless. In any case, the management company ensures the normal functioning of sewer networks.

Blockages are removed in two ways:

  1. Mechanical, which involves the use of a stack. This is a flexible steel rod. It is placed in the drain hole of a sink or toilet and pushed deep into the pipe in a circular motion. This procedure is repeated several times. It should be noted that this method of cleaning pipes is quite effective, but labor-intensive.
  2. Using chemicals. As a rule, these are gels with a special composition that have the ability to decompose waste. In this way, the removal of blockages is achieved. These products are easy to use, they do not require human effort and act very quickly.

There are several types of such funds. The use of one or another product depends on the complexity of the blockage.

In modern apartment buildings they are installed. They are no less durable and strong than metal ones. They are also much easier to dismantle and replace in case of damage.

Who should repair the sewer system in an apartment building?

You can find out who is responsible for sewerage in an apartment building in the HOA (homeowners' association). As a rule, the management of an apartment building is carried out by the corresponding management company.

Her responsibilities include the following:

  • Maintaining utility networks, including the sewerage system.
  • Repair of this system, and, if necessary, replacement of its individual elements.
  • Storm sewer repair and maintenance.

Thus, a clogged sewer in an apartment building, if it concerns a common riser, is the responsibility of the management company. And eliminating blockages inside apartments concerns only apartment owners.

At the same time, you need to know that the common property of the water drainage and sewerage system is the common property of the owners of the apartments in the building. Based on the management agreement, this property is transferred to the management of the company.

This agreement clearly defines the areas of responsibility of the management company. But since all homeowners regularly pay for the services of such a company, sewerage repairs in an apartment building should be carried out at its expense and in a short time.

If the communal sewage system in an apartment building is so dilapidated that its repair seems impractical, then the system must be completely replaced.

Such large-scale renovations inevitably come with fees from all residents. After all, the sewer system is their common property. But the installation work will be carried out by the management company. Often such companies enter into contract agreements for such work with third-party companies. The main thing in such situations is to ensure proper control on the part of residents over the spending of the collected funds by the management company (management company).

The company is obliged to regularly report to residents on the expenditure of these funds and the costs of repairs.

If there is reasonable suspicion of abuse by the Criminal Code, then it is necessary to contact law enforcement agencies. They will conduct an inspection and find out whether the collected funds were stolen or whether the work was done honestly.

Storm drainage system

A system such as storm drainage in a multi-storey building is a mandatory element of protecting the structure. The fact is that rainwater and water that is formed as a result of melting snow and ice will penetrate into the soil under the house.

Over the course of several years, this process can lead to subsidence of the foundation due to excessive soil moisture.

In addition, moisture has a negative impact directly on the very foundation of the house. The foundation may begin to crack.

Subsidence will cause cracks to appear on the walls and disrupt the geometry of the structure. Such processes are very dangerous and can lead to the impossibility of further operation of the entire apartment building.

To ensure the drainage of rain and melt water from the house, a storm sewer should be installed. This system consists of several communicating containers that are placed underground. Therefore, they are invisible to the eye and do not interfere with the passage of traffic.

The passage of water through storm drains is a chain. It is convenient to present it as follows:

Such storm sewer systems are used only in new buildings. Houses built 20 years or more have only a perimeter blind area. It prevents rain and melt water from entering under the foundation.

Thus, the water is removed from the house at a distance of one and a half meters and freely enters the soil. This often leads to the formation of large puddles and excessive soil moisture.

Sewerage in a private house

The principles of drainage systems in private households are not fundamentally different from the same systems in apartment buildings.

Thus, the sewage system in a house on screw piles is a system of pipes that are connected to each plumbing equipment. This includes bathtubs, sinks, toilets, as well as washing and washing machines. To preserve the aesthetics of the premises, the pipes are placed under the flooring material. All of these pipes are connected at the point where they leave the house. From where the wastewater enters the centralized city sewerage system or an autonomous septic tank.

In general, the sewerage and water supply system of a private home is not particularly difficult for a professional. The main thing is to ensure a slight slope when laying pipes and reliable connection of their fragments. The junctions of water and sewer pipes can be a source of emergency situations. Therefore, fittings are used to join individual parts of pipes at places where they turn. They are installed using a special crimping tool, which ensures a tight fit to the pipe and prevents the formation of breakthroughs.

When installing these engineering systems in a private home, it is necessary to correctly calculate the distance between the sewerage system and the water supply system to prevent emergency situations and facilitate repairs.

The optimal distance is 20 cm. This allows installation of water supply systems and wastewater disposal almost simultaneously. In this case, the likelihood of damage to one system while installing another will be minimized.

Storm drainage is also important for a private home. Such a system is created according to the principles of its design in apartment buildings. There are no significant differences between them.

It is important to drain condensate from the air conditioner into the sewer system. Systematic penetration of condensate under the base can lead to the loss of the foundation’s strength qualities. Therefore, condensate must enter the general storm sewer system.

In this case, the best option for the sewer system is a pipe with a diameter of 110 mm. It will be able to ensure effective removal of wastewater. It is best to use plastic products. They are stronger and more durable compared to their metal counterparts. In addition, the price of pipe 110 for sewerage is affordable and starts from 150 rubles per 1 meter. To avoid making mistakes, you should listen to the opinions of several experts.

When planning repair work, which includes replacing the sewer system, connecting additional appliances and devices, or remodeling, you need to understand the key principles of the design of this system. Without a clear understanding of the operating principles, you will not be able to avoid many inaccuracies during installation. And the cost of such inaccuracies, in most cases, is quite high, since the only way to correct it is to completely redo the entire wiring.

It is important to emphasize that the sewage system in an apartment building is not a complex system. Its tasks are simple and intuitive: transporting wastewater from water intake points, which can be washbasins, sinks, washing machines, bathtubs, etc., to the riser.

Note! The main difficulty in installing a sewer pipeline is that wastewater must move by gravity, so the project must take this event into account.

Sewerage system for a typical apartment building

Houses built according to standard designs of the last century, in most cases, include kitchens and a close location of the bathroom, so the sewer pipeline in them is uniform.

Wiring, in most cases, is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Under the kitchen sink, in most cases, the system begins;
  2. After this he goes to the bathroom;
  3. The toilet is where the connection is made to the central riser, which runs through all floors of the building.

Note! The riser of the house must have an outlet to the roof to ensure ventilation of the system.

Installation of the system must be based on the following rules:

  • The main task of the system is to transport wastewater from devices in each apartment to a non-specialized riser;
  • The operation of the system is based on the principle of gravity without the need to create additional pressure;
  • To organize gravity flow, the pipes must be placed at an angle;

Note! The angle of inclination of the pipeline is regulated by the rules and regulations for sewerage in an apartment building.

  • The slope must be maintained along the entire length of the pipeline. In the absence of a slope in some sections of the system, especially in rotating sections, a sewer blockage will quite often form in an apartment building.

Sewer pipeline diagram

In most cases, all plumbing fixtures in the house need to be connected to a sewer riser, with the possible exception of the heated towel rail and water heater, which do not require a drain.

To organize a sewer system within one apartment, in most cases a standard scheme is used:

  1. The sewer riser is equipped with a cross, which is equipped with three bends, two of which are designed for connection with pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, and one for 100 mm pipes;
  2. The main line of the system with a diameter of 10 cm is used to organize the toilet drain;
  3. One of the lines with a diameter of 5 cm is needed to connect devices that are located in the bathroom, these can be: bathtub, shower, washbasin, etc.;
  4. The second five-centimeter line is needed to organize the drainage of appliances in the kitchen, which in most cases are a sink, dishwasher, etc.;
  5. The remaining pipes in the system are branching lines to the connected plumbing. The connection sequence in this case is determined only by the installation location of additional plumbing.

Note! In apartments with a large area, it can be equipped with two sewer riser outlets, especially if the layout provides for a remote kitchen and bathroom location.

Sewer repair

Due to the fact that permanent equipment has not yet been invented, at one time any owner will be faced with the need for sewer repair in an apartment building.

Pipe selection

Modern homeowners have not installed cast iron pipes for a long time; most of them prefer plastic.

The following types of pipes are suitable for sewerage:

  • PVC – polyvinyl chloride;
  • HDPE – polyethylene;
  • PPRC - polypropylene.

Advice. There is no fundamental difference between these types of materials. From them, it is possible to create both a sewer pipeline and a storm drain in an apartment building.

Assembly development

The instructions on how to assemble pipes with your own hands are extremely simple and understandable:

  • Any pipe on one of its sides is equipped with a sewer coupling with a soft rubber seal;
  • The connecting elements of the system, called fittings, have the same couplings;
  • To organize a joint, you need to connect the unmanned end of the pipe without a coupling to the coupling of the fitting or pipe. The rubber ring of such a coupling will guarantee the tightness of the connection;
  • Experts advise pushing the pipe all the way, and when finished, moving it back to a distance of no more than 1 cm. This method provides a damper gap that will allow you to compensate for linear expansion.

If the plumbing fixture is so far from the sewer riser that it is not possible to organize the movement of water by gravity, you need to install a sewer pump in the system.

Terms of use

There are rules for using sewerage in an apartment building, which any user of the sewer system is easily obliged to follow in order to avoid blockages and breakdowns.

  1. washbasins and toilets, sinks must be kept clean;
  2. Owners must monitor the serviceability of their own plumbing fixtures and prevent breakdowns;
  3. Do not pour acids or flammable liquids into the system;
  4. Avoid waste of water, its constant flow or leaks;
  5. Do not throw food waste down the drain;
  6. If the sewer system is clogged, it is prohibited to create a drain before cleaning the sewer in an apartment building;
  7. It is prohibited to throw construction waste, sand, dry construction residues and mixtures, rags, hygiene items, with the exception of toilet paper, glass, metal and wood items into the drain;
  8. Protect pipes and plumbing fixtures from heavy loads and mechanical shocks;
  9. To clean the outside of the plastic pipeline, use a soft, wet cloth;

Advice. You should never use iron brushes for surface cleaning.

  1. If plastic pipes are clogged, you cannot use metal wire; this cleaning is done with a narrow polyethylene pipe or a hard rubber hose.

Sewage is needed to drain wastewater and liquid waste, and all family members, including children, should be familiar with the rules for its use.


If you are going to carry out a major overhaul with a complete replacement of sewer pipes, then the video in this article will help you with a detailed description of all stages of the work. But the main rule of this process is to do everything perfectly and properly, because proper operation of the sewage system is the key to comfortable living in an apartment building.

And in addition to correct repair work, you also need to correctly use this system, except for breakdowns and blockages in the system.


As for sewerage systems, questions of their reliability and safety arose among specialists in our country at least twice: in the 1950s at the beginning of mass construction of buildings higher than 16 floors (during the construction of 22-story buildings) and at the end of the 1960s. x when designing the first 25-story residential building in the USSR (Moscow, Mira Avenue, 184).


A. Ya. Dobromyslov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Head of the Educational and Methodological Center for Training Specialists in the Field of Plastic Pipeline Systems MIPC MSTU. N. E. Bauman

SNiP 2.04.01-85* “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings” regulate the design rules for these systems in residential buildings up to 25 floors high and in administrative buildings up to 40 m high. Therefore, the design rules for engineering equipment systems in buildings up to 200–250 m high certainly require careful analysis and discussion.

As for sewerage systems, questions of their reliability and safety arose among specialists in our country at least twice: in the 1950s at the beginning of mass construction of buildings higher than 16 floors (during the construction of 22-story buildings) and at the end of the 1960s. x when designing the first 25-story residential building in the USSR (Moscow, Mira Avenue, 184).

As is known, in 22-story buildings (residential buildings on Vosstaniya Square, Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, administrative buildings on Vosstaniya Square, Kalanchevka, at the Red Gate, Moscow State University) two-pipe sewerage systems are used, consisting of two risers: one of them with a diameter of 150 mm accepts waste liquid (which is why it is called “waste” or “wet”), the purpose of the second, which is connected by jumpers to the waste riser, is to supply air to the waste riser to prevent the occurrence of vacuum in it, leading to the breakdown of hydraulic valves on instruments and equipment , connected to the first riser. The second riser is called “dry” or “ventilation” and has a diameter of 100 mm.

Double riser sewer systems are similar to sewer systems for high-rise buildings in the United States. As an example, let's take the 69-story Rockefeller Center building in New York, in which both the waste and ventilation risers have a diameter of 12” (300 mm).

Paradoxical as it may seem, in the above-mentioned 25-story residential building, the sewerage system includes one riser with a diameter of 100 mm, to which the floor drainage pipelines are connected at an angle of 90°.

Positive experience in operating this system made it possible to introduce it into the mass construction of residential and public buildings in our country and confirmed the correctness of the premises underlying the semi-emterical model of the building sewage system.

Picture 1.

Diagram of the flow of water from the floor outlet into the riser
(section along the axis of the riser)
1 – air;
2 – water

In accordance with this model, when flowing from a floor outlet into the riser, the liquid covers part of its cross-section (Fig. 1), forming a compressed section of the riser. As the liquid moves downward, it entrains air from the atmosphere. In this case, the value of the ejection ability of the liquid is greater than the value of the actual air flow entering the riser.

As a result, a deficiency of air, or vacuum, occurs below the compressed section of the riser. (For example, with a liquid flow rate of 1 l/s in a riser with a diameter of 100 mm, the experimentally measured value of the ejection capacity is equal to 25 l/s of air, but the amount of air actually entering the riser is only 14 l/s, therefore, below the compressed section in the riser there is an air deficit , equal to 11 l/s, and a vacuum of the order of 10–12 mm).

With an increase in liquid flow, the live air cross-sectional area in the compressed section of the riser decreases and, consequently, the flow of air actually entering the riser from the atmosphere decreases. At the same time, with an increase in liquid flow, the value of its ejection ability and the air deficit in the riser increase. Finally, at a certain value of liquid flow, which is called critical, a critical vacuum arises in the riser and the valve at one of the sanitary fixtures connected to the waste riser breaks. Through the torn shutter, an additional amount of air enters the riser, so the shutters of other devices remain intact /1/.

Specially carried out studies show that failure of a hydraulic valve occurs at a vacuum approximately equal to the height of this valve.

The magnitude of the vacuum depends on the amount of liquid flow, the diameters of the riser and floor outlets and the angle of entry of the liquid into the riser /1/. All these parameters, including the minimum height of the hydraulic valve connected to the design riser, should be taken into account during the design.

As for the height and geometry of the sewer riser, the influence of these parameters on the reliability of the sewerage system requires special analysis.

First of all, it should be noted that most sewer system researchers do not relate the throughput of a riser to its height, if we are talking about heights exceeding the length of the initial section of the vertical pipeline. For example, prof. N.I. Falkovsky /2/ notes that “...the maximum speed of fluid movement is achieved with a relatively short fall.” With reference to data from the University of Illinois, where experiments were carried out with risers 12.6 m high, he provides a relationship according to which the value of rarefaction P in the riser is a function solely of fluid flow:


Q – liquid flow through the riser;

K – coefficient depending on the location of pipelines and units of measurement P and Q;

n – constant, depending on the type and diameter of ventilation.

A.I. Karpinskaya /3/, who carried out experimental studies on risers with a diameter of 100 and 125 mm, a height of 41 m, determined their throughput to be 4.4 l/s and 6.98 l/s, respectively; Note that we obtained the same results when studying the throughput of risers with a diameter of 100 mm, a height of 18.53 m and 60 m /1/.

In 1963, the Danish researcher E. Morkk /4/, based on the research performed, expressed the unequivocal opinion that with an increase in liquid flow, its speed increases and reaches its final maximum value 15 m from the entry point into the riser. Therefore, E. Morkk emphasizes, the speed of liquid movement in risers with a height of 50 or 80 m will be the same as in risers with a height of 15 m.

German researcher F. Pollmann notes that the vertical flow reaches its maximum speed after one or two stages of falling /5/.

Our experimental studies /1/ show that the value of the ejection capacity of a liquid moving in a vertical pipeline stabilizes at its length equal to 90 D st (D st is the design diameter of the riser) (Fig. 2). On this basis, we can assume that the velocity diagram of both liquid and air moving behind the liquid in a vertical pipeline takes its final form through 90 D flow. Consequently, no matter how great the height of the sewer riser, its throughput capacity is equal to the throughput capacity formed at the end of the length of its initial section (90 D st).

Generalization of the results of both our own and the studies of other authors allowed us to obtain a single dependence for calculating the magnitude of the vacuum in the sewer riser /1/:

∆р – vacuum value in the sewer riser, mm water. Art.;

q s – design flow rate of waste liquid, m 3 /s;

A - angle of connection of the floor outlet to the riser, degrees;

D st – design (internal) diameter of the riser, m;

d hole – design (internal) diameter of the floor outlet, m;

L st – working height of the sewer riser, i.e.

vertical section of the riser from the point of connection of the highest devices located in the building to the lower bend of the riser (the section of the riser along which the waste liquid moves), m.

Since the diagram of liquid flow rates in a vertical pipeline takes its final form after 90 D st (and, therefore, the value of the ejection ability of the liquid becomes maximum and constant), when calculating in the case of L st ≥ 90 D st, L st = 90 D st should be taken.

Formula /2/ is the basis for the regulations for the design of building sewerage systems in SNiP II-G.4-70, SNiP II-30-76, SNiP 2.04.01-85, SNiP 2.04.01-85*, SP 40-102- 2000 and SP 40-107-2003. Based on these standards, thousands of sewerage systems have been built and successfully operated in buildings of various purposes and number of floors, incl. such as the 40-story building of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, the 29-story building of the Academy of Social Sciences, the 30-story building of the Izmailovo Olympic hotel complex in Moscow, etc.

According to formula /2/, the TsNIIEP of housing was calculated and in 2002, the sewerage system of a residential complex with a height of 43 floors was designed, which has now been built and put into operation (Moscow, Davydkovskaya St.).

To be continued in the next issue


1. Dobromyslov A.Ya. Calculation and design of building sewage systems. M.: Stroyizdat, 1978, 121 p.

2. Falkovsky N.I. Sanitary equipment of buildings. M., Gosstroyizdat, 1938, 271 p.

3. Karpinskaya A.I. Features of sewerage in high-rise buildings. // Sat. works of LONIIfoundations and foundations, Leningrad, Mashstroyizdat, 1950, p. 23-29.

4. MORCK E.P. What happens in the sewer riser? Bygge Gndustrie, N 15, 10 August 1963, s. 752-756.

5. Pollman Fr. Sanitare Technik, 1960, I, 25 Jg.HP, S. 21-27.

Only specialists should carry out sewerage repairs in a multi-storey building.

The sewer system in an apartment building is much more complex than an individual sewer system. Difficulties arise from the need to serve more users. At the same time, the system must be able to withstand heavy loads, hydraulic shocks and operate autonomously. It is important to know how the sewerage system in a multi-storey building is designed and what requirements are put forward for it.

In most homes today, developers place the kitchen next to the bathroom. This is done for the convenience of laying communications. So, the sewer line begins in the kitchen, passes through the sanitary unit, after which the wastewater is discharged into a common riser. To ensure ventilation, the top of the riser is exposed to the roof.

Before installing a sewer system, a drawing is made

The sewer system in an apartment building operates using a gravity-fed type.

This operating principle is decisive when creating a project. After all, in order for wastewater to be drained naturally, the pipeline must be laid at a certain angle. As a rule, the slope is calculated separately depending on the diameter of the pipes and the location of the treatment facilities.

The sewer distribution diagram in a multi-storey building includes the following components:

  • Vertical. Contains vertically located risers (3-5 pieces per entrance), cleanouts (installed every few floors) and inspection windows.
  • Horizontal. This includes the internal piping that connects the plumbing fixtures in all apartments.
  • Shower. This node is located in the basement of the building and connects the internal sewer system of an apartment building with the external one.

The final link in the sewer distribution system of a multi-storey building is the sewer wells, from which sewage waste enters the city sewer system. They are located at a depth sufficient for wastewater to flow into them naturally. If the house is located in a low area, drainage by gravity may not be possible. In this case, the system is equipped with a receiving collector with a fecal pump, which forcibly moves wastewater into the city sewerage system.

General requirements of SNiP

When developing a sewer system project in an apartment building, all contractors are guided by state standards, building codes and regulations. They are the ones who can guarantee the installation of reliable and safe sewage systems. Indeed, if the rules are violated, problems such as blockages, flooding and unpleasant odors may appear in an apartment building.

It is therefore important that the underground pipeline from the building to the waste collection points has the same slope along its entire length.

Otherwise, blockages will form at the bends of the pipeline, which will complicate the operation of the system. According to SNiP, the drainage slope must be at least 3% for pipes with a diameter of 4-5 cm. For a pipeline with a diameter of 8.5-10 cm, the slope must be 2%. The outlet of the network should be connected to the external sewerage system at a right angle.

It is forbidden to change sewer pipes without the appropriate permission.

In addition, the following requirements are put forward for the installation of sewage systems in an apartment building:

  • Taking into account strength, corrosion and load, cast iron, asbestos-cement, concrete or plastic pipes should be used for drainage in multi-storey buildings.
  • The installation of internal communication networks should be carried out in a hidden way in installation grooves, shafts, channels and boxes.
  • The pipeline should be protected with waterproofing roll material.

It is not allowed to lay sewer pipelines under ceilings in kitchens, in the floors and walls of living rooms. To ensure ventilation of the system, exhaust ducts should be installed at least 4 m above the roof level. In this case, the connection of the exhaust sewer and chimney ducts is not allowed!

The principle of operation of city sewerage

City household sewerage is an external sewerage system for drainage systems in private and multi-storey buildings. It is a complex engineering system designed not only for drainage, but also for disposal of household wastewater. This system is designed quite simply and operates on the non-pressure principle of natural drainage.

The central sewer system consists of:

  • Sewage wells;
  • Pipeline networks;
  • Street, district and city collectors with pumping stations;
  • Treatment facilities.

Sewage wells are located near any building. They are the protective mechanisms that protect the system from blockages. Collectors are engineering structures that collect wastewater from two or more lines. Wastewater can move through collectors either by gravity or using pumping equipment. It depends on the features of the terrain.

Sewage treatment plants are enterprises that receive and treat wastewater discharged through public sewer systems.

They perform mechanical, biological and chemical wastewater treatment. After this, the wastewater is discharged into the nearest reservoirs or rivers. At the same time, facility workers always monitor the quality of purified water. Most treatment plants have their own laboratories.

Purpose and types of stormwater system

Storm drainage in any building is intended to drain atmospheric precipitation. It is an engineering system consisting of many elements that help avoid flooding of the roof of the building and erosion of the foundation. Installation of such a system begins from the roof. Moreover, it is installed both on flat structures and with slopes.

Sewerage in multi-storey buildings often has a long service life

Depending on the type of installation, storm drainage is divided into:

  • External. It consists of gutters, funnels and trays and is attached along the lower edges of the roof slopes.
  • Internal. This system allows you to collect moisture directly on the roof and remove it through a pipeline hidden in the outer wall of the house.

External storm drainage, as a rule, is installed only in houses with pitched roofs. In some cases, such sewerage can be seen on houses built in the 60-80s. last century. Modern multi-storey buildings are designed with internal storm drainage. This solution is more durable and does not spoil the appearance of the building.

The system for draining domestic wastewater in apartment buildings is quite complicated. This is due to the increased load on communications. Due to the large number of objects being serviced, serious requirements are put forward for the installation of such a system. After all, improper organization of communications can lead to constant blockages and flooding in the house. The installation of sewerage systems in multi-storey buildings is regulated by the requirements of SNiP and state standards. It is according to them that contractors install the system.

The planned repairs include work with utilities, in particular, sewerage.

Often it is necessary to replace pipes, move or install plumbing.

Installation of sewerage equipment requires knowledge of the principles of operation of the engineering system.

Installation errors lead to problems that cost new repairs and financial costs.

Building regulations

More than half of Russia's residents live in cities or urban-type settlements.

Living in a large settlement is associated with multi-apartment panel or brick buildings.

High-rise buildings are connected to the city sewerage system, have internal wiring to all apartments.

Correct functioning of the system is impossible without timely maintenance and compliance with operating rules.

Part of the housing stock was built during the Soviet period. The layout is carried out in such a way that the kitchen and bathroom are located next to each other.

This allows for common wiring sewer:

  • wastewater collection begins in the kitchen (at what distance from the house a septic tank is installed is indicated),
  • passes through the toilet room and bathroom,
  • included in the common riser.

Sewage system in apartment buildings built on the gravity movement of wastewater under the influence of gravity.

Pipe products are laid at a slope ().

The angle is maintained evenly, otherwise, stagnation in turns is possible. The further the plumbing fixture is from the riser, the higher the pipe should be located.

Wastewater has a complex composition, which includes residues of fats, carbohydrates, and solid fractions.

Contaminants settle on the inner surface of the pipes and, accumulating, form blockages.

Thus, self-cleaning of the internal volume of tubular products is achieved.

Preventing blockages

Periodic work to eliminate possible blockages in deposits is carried out by plumbers in accordance with the maintenance schedule.

Only the slope of the route is not able to solve the problem of blockages one hundred percent (installation of local treatment facilities is described in the article).

Preventative cleaning(read reviews on the use of the drug) highways are carried out for extended sections of pipes and branches. On short runs, deposits do not have time to appear.

The procedure is carried out through windows, at the places where the plumbing fixture is connected to the pipes.

The work is carried out using special equipment, which can be bought or rented.

You can lay pipes without slope to devices that use their own pump, such as a dishwasher or washing machine.

They also check the status of each device in the apartment. The water plug creates an obstacle to unpleasant odors.

The curved shape of the siphons (which is needed to connect a dishwasher, it is written) will allow solid sediment to accumulate, which is periodically removed. Do not forget that the portion of water in the seal must be constantly changed.

INFORMATION. Modern apartments with a large area have two or more bathrooms.

Because of this, several risers can be installed in the apartment, which are located at a distance from each other.

External communications

In addition to efficient operation, two consumer requirements are imposed on sewerage:

  • convenient use,
  • safety.

Modern sewer network consists of two parts: internal wiring and external engineering networks.

The latter include:

  • highways,
  • collectors,
  • wells (),
  • treatment facilities.

At the current rate of growth of cities, and, consequently, the number of residents (what is the established standard for cold water consumption per person per month, it is written), city networks can no longer cope with the load.

Systems built in the second half of the last century contain cast iron pipes (how to eliminate leaks under pressure is written), which become unusable over the years of operation.

Performance properties of cast iron products are worse than polymer ones.

The heavy weight makes installation difficult; the heterogeneity of the inner surface allows it to quickly become overgrown with fat and salt deposits.

Currently, the process of replacing cast iron pipes with PVC plumbing pipes for sewerage is progressing at a rapid pace (dimensions are indicated on the page).

Installation, repair, and replacement of plastic pipes is easier, faster and cheaper. Smooth walls will allow drains to pass through without stopping.

Preventative cleanings are added efficiency of using plastic materials.

Blockages are removed in two ways: chemical and mechanical.

During reagent cleaning splitting reagents are added to the pipeline, which linger in the pipes for a certain time, then are washed off with hot water.

Mechanical method otherwise called manual.

When using it, a steel wire stack is used.

When the cable moves inside the pipes, solid layers are destroyed.

After completion of work, the area is washed with hot water.

Repair of internal networks

Equipment cannot work forever. Therefore, after the allotted time, it is necessary to repair utility networks.

Major renovation is the most convenient moment for this. The first thing to do is select the pipes.

Products from:

  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polyethylene;
  • polypropylene.

There are no physical, design or technological differences between the types.

To install indoor wiring, you can use any.

The main thing is to choose the right one connecting elements and necessary components.

The installation process itself is simple.

Pipes with a diameter of 50 and 110 millimeters Sold by the meter with coupling.

Having bought pipes 2 meters long, it is easy to connect them together. To do this, the straight end of one pipe is inserted into the coupling of the other.

The resulting connection is sealed due to a rubber O-ring.

Products are inserted all the way, then pull it back half a centimeter. Due to this, a damper zone is created that compensates for linear expansions.

Internal redevelopment of pipelines

Often, during the redevelopment of apartments, it becomes necessary to change the internal sewer wiring.

This is possible when combining a toilet and a bathroom, adding or moving a bathroom or kitchen.

Achieve waste movement under the influence of gravity (how much water does a dishwasher use, it is written) is not always possible.

The solution is to install pumps designed for indoor use.


Marking and installing sewerage inside the apartment will not pose any special problems.

The main requirement will be the correct tilt main paths from devices to the riser.

If this condition cannot be met for any reason, forced movement of wastewater is created. This is achieved by installing pumps.

Watch a short video describing the principle of operation of the sewage system in apartment buildings.