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The happiest zodiac signs. The happiest zodiac signs The most successful zodiac signs in

According to astrologers, 2018 will not be burdened by shocks and turmoil. The period is expected to be very productive. The most great luck awaits those who are engaged in creative work, and for some representatives of the Zodiac circle, opportunities open up that one can only dream of.

Which zodiac signs will be lucky in 2018


A period of prosperity and well-being is coming for Scorpios; they will be helped by Jupiter, the planet of good luck and great happiness. The gas giant will stay in the constellation of the same name until November 8, 2018, and then move to the house of money. Scorpios will feel more free and confident, they will be lucky in big things and in small things. The stars advise trying your luck in the lottery or taking part in prize draws.

2018 will be very successful for creative representatives of this sign. Neptune's transit through the house of self-expression creates a need for recognition. Any projects related to art will be successful and profitable. Scorpios' talents will be appreciated.

Favorable months in 2018: January, September, October, December.


Aquarius will experience incredible luck in the professional sphere thanks to Jupiter’s presence in the house of career until November 8, 2018. An excellent period for strengthening your authority among colleagues, career achievements and self-realization. Aquarians will easily win the favor of management, and can also count on the support of influential people.

The transit of Uranus through the houses of connections and family will bring positive changes related to the social circle and home. It is possible to move, purchase your own home, and make life-changing acquaintances.

Favorable months in 2018: January, February, May, September, October.


For Taurus, 2018 has prepared many pleasant surprises and unexpected gifts from Fate. The transit of Saturn and Pluto through the house of aspirations will force you to reconsider your views on life and affect your worldview. The period is very good for education, acquiring new skills, research activities. The knowledge gained this year will help representatives of this sign achieve their goals.

Jupiter will be in the house of partnership until November 8th. He will bring with him positive changes: promising business cooperation, marriage, profitable deals and agreements.

Favorable months in 2018: April, May, June, September.


In 2018, Libra can make a real breakthrough in life. Circumstances will be as good as possible. Libra owes a lot to the influence of Jupiter, which entered the house of money this year and will remain there until November 8, 2018. There will be a real opportunity to improve social status, open new sources of income, and increase capital. Towards the end of the year, representatives of this sign will be able to make a major acquisition, for example, buy a car.

During the period from January 14 to August 15, the White Moon will be in the career house. If Libra takes the chance, they will be able to step onto a new rung on the career ladder.

Favorable months in 2018: July, August, September, October, November.

DUSHANBE, December 25 - Sputnik. In the coming 2018, the planet Mercury will give all signs of the zodiac new energies: intelligence, rationality, intelligence, calculation and design of everything new, esoteric astrologer Gurgen Hovhannisyan told Sputnik Armenia.

It will be easy to be lucky in 2018, but showing too much emotion is dangerous, and there is a risk of getting lost in it.

Aries Pioneers

The year will be very successful; new opportunities will open up for representatives of this sign. All the strength and energy that they put into their endeavors will bear fruit. Their intuition will seriously develop. All this will manifest itself throughout the year. And to maintain achievements and increase success, you need to work on your speech, rhetoric, and communication in order to competently present all your ideas.

There will be serious obstacles, but they are useful for Aries - it strengthens them, helps them develop their skills and strengths. Fatal (but positive) events are also expected that cannot be influenced. Aries has been preparing the ground for a long time, now doors are opening for them.

Taurus are luck hunters

The year for Taurus is successful, good and pleasant. The risks will be justified as the year will be financially prosperous.

Health problems (if any) will be resolved quickly. Over the course of the year, Taurus will be able to overcome obstacles without even noticing the difficulties. It is worth enlisting support to enjoy successful moments throughout the year.

It is worth being vigilant and careful not to miss out on success during 2018.

Gemini is a royal sign

These are the rulers of the year and the most royal sign in 2018. Not only will they be successful 365 days a year, but they will also help others achieve success.

In the coming year there are all the prerequisites for the twins to express themselves to the fullest. All other 11 signs will be equal to Gemini. This is a very mysterious sign in which two personalities “live” at once: one sleeps, the second wakes up. They are called "dioscurii", that is, winners. Representatives of this sign will have that same dioscuric energy.

Geminis will also be lucky in everything related to career and family, and masculine energies will help them with this. Many trips to different countries are planned.

Cancers and the generous gift

Since last year, a wonderful time has begun for crayfish. The happy season will continue next year. They will also have to work on speech and words, since all obstacles can be overcome with the help of a thoughtful word.

A generous gift in the year of the Dog for Cancers - many new paths and opportunities. Let's not forget that cancer is not only ruled by the moon, but also influenced by the movement of Sirius.

If there were health problems last year, then this year Cancers will be able to solve them.

Leos: orientation and family

The year is successful for this sign too, and they need to navigate correctly throughout the year. This year Leos will weed out everything bad and unnecessary - starting with people, ending with personal issues.

They will determine their path and pride individually. For single Leos in 2018 there will be a great opportunity to create a strong family.

The next 20 years depend on what decisions the lions will make in 2018.

Virgo financiers

This sign is under the universal protection of the stars, all risky actions are justified, one must not be afraid of competition, and move quickly. They need to create, draw an individual path.

Again, there are healing, cleansing, healing energies that remain with the virgins. You should be careful with your emotions.

There is a risk that Virgos will mismanage financial resources. But this is just a warning, so that representatives of this sign should pay attention Special attention this issue.

Libra the Philosopher

For Libras, 2018 is a great year: they will catch a “golden” fish. All gifts from the stars will go to Libra.

A successful year, there will be a lot of competition as well as chances to advance. The scales will climb up the stairs.

Good year To create a family, there is a lot of positive energy. Feel free to create. Libra is a philosophical sign, which helps them create new course. In addition, Venus helps this sign to express itself on the creative side.

Scorpios: up and down

For this sign, the year will be decisive; dualism is relevant for them now, so they will have to choose one of two evils: either quickly rise up, or vice versa.

The issue of a sharp but correct orientation will be relevant throughout the year. And no one will be able to influence this. A good year for family, strengthening family relationships, for treatment of diseases.

Scorpios should not radically change anything this year, suddenly look for new paths, change country or profession - this will be risky. This year is to wait it out and accept help from others: loved ones, acquaintances, friends.

The year may not be very promising pleasant surprises, and in this regard, Scorpios must be careful.

Sagittarius shoot accurately

This year will be successful for Sagittarius and will open doors to new opportunities. The year is more focused on business, creating soil, and future long-term ideas.

Sagittarius will have to resolve various issues that for a long time stood in front of them, and begin to build their own individual path.

Capricorns on the path to success

Capricorns continue to painstakingly climb upward, which is difficult for them. However, 2018 will be a relatively calm year for them. Everything will be fine with your health; if there were any problems, then the coming year will provide an opportunity to correct everything quickly and efficiently.

As for success, a lot of attention should be paid to real estate and financial income. This is very important for Capricorn, since these are the issues that will dominate the entire year.

All issues will be resolved hard work, overcoming difficult situations that are needed for protection and multiplication of opportunities. And Capricorns always have enough strength and power. Everything is given to them thanks to hard work.

Aquarius: competition and boundaries

A wonderful year for this sign; in 2018, many “pleasants” will fall on them, new borders will open.

Since 1991, Aquarius has influenced us all. In the coming year they will have many opportunities to prove themselves with the best side. High competition, communication, new facets and opportunities, as well as high-quality transmission of information are extremely important for Aquarius. July 27 is an important date in the life of this sign, and within a year the number 27 will become a talisman.

Pisces: forget the old

The year will also be good for representatives of this sign. During the year, attachment to everything old will appear. And if the fish do not find the strength to fight these memories, then within a year the stellar energies themselves will remove them “by force.”

They should try to become part of society, understand people, seek peace. As for speech, you should also be careful.

The Part of Fortune (Wheel, Point of Happiness) in astrology represents success and the absence of problems. It symbolizes the nature of wealth and human values. And also, the greatest reward that the owner of a horoscope can receive. In which field natal chart The Wheel of Fortune is located, where the owner of the horoscope will feel the fullness of life.

A distinctive feature of this fictitious point is its manifestation in the second half of life.Like Jupiter, the Part of Fortune promises abundance and joy. It pushes a person towards the environment that best suits him and helps him figure out where he can be successful.

The Part of Fortune also shows a person's greatest need: what he needs most and where he will find his greatest joy. This point helps to look beyond the mind, reveals goals and helps determine ideals. It expresses the very essence of the Soul.

The Happiness Point manifests itself differently in the hemispheres of the natal chart. If it is below the horizon, the satisfaction is the return. Only by sharing with others does a person achieve satisfaction. If the Part of Fortune is in the upper part, the owner of the horoscope will receive benefits from other people. A person deserves such a gift of fate thanks to the merits of his past incarnation. And the one who gives more now will receive benefits in the next life.

Pars of Fortune in houses

1 house. Joy comes from independence and personal responsibility. Calls for help weaken the protection of Fortune. Life's blessings come through one's own efforts and external attractiveness. It is recommended to build relationships with others on spiritual closeness, and harm is caused by inflated self-esteem, selfishness and pronounced individuality.

2nd house. This situation gives great chances for material wealth. You can achieve it by understanding your own ideals. If a person lives by dishonest labor, speculation and fraud, luck will turn away from him. Financial wealth comes through business skills, ingenuity and calculations. At the same time, receiving an inheritance and entering into a profitable marriage is not excluded.

is in exile. But this cannot be said to be a weak position of the planet. In this water sign, she gives her best and makes you fully feel the depth of feelings. Those with this position choose a partner who is able to hook them. They like people who are a little mysterious, passionate and outwardly noticeable.

Often feelings go beyond self-control. It can be difficult to control emotions, which ultimately lead to loss of self-control.Worries and jealousy out of nowhere are exhausting not only emotionally, but also physically.This is more about the affected planet. In harmonious aspects, it is easier for Venus to restrain feelings and not go to extremes.

Venus in Scorpio breeds jealousy, dependence and power. A person wants to control the life of a loved one. He limits his contacts, tries to influence the choices and desires of his partner. He does not tolerate it when people argue with him and sees this as dislike for himself.

In relationships, they put sex and trust first. Not wanting intimacy means lack of love. If a loved one hides something from such a person, it seems to him that he has fallen in love with another. Suspicions destroy relationships if the partner is not ready for the intensity of passions and disagreements are an unbearable burden for him.

Venus is a planet that is directly related to money. She is the ruler of Taurus, who rules the second house (own material resources). Scorpio is the sign of other people's money. If the planet is not affected, its owner can count on good income or a comfortable life. If there are negative degrees, it can lead to bankruptcy or periodic financial problems.

Venus in Scorpio in the women's horoscope

Throughout her life, the feelings of such a woman do not allow her to relax. She needs to feel desired and attractive, and she wants to be aware of all the affairs of her lover or husband. In a calm relationship, she will be bored, and a woman will always be able to create a situation in which she will be convinced of self-love. If this does not happen, she will torture herself and her partner. Ultimately, such interactions will lead to a protracted and painful separation.

In astrology, the seventh house, the planet Venus, as the natural ruler of Libra, and the Moon are responsible for marriage. The latter, manifesting itself in marital relationships, affects livability, comfort in partnership and family life. If there are planets in the seventh house, for a strong relationship, they should not have negative aspects. And if Uranus, Pluto, Saturn and Neptune are in it, they reduce the chances of a happy marriage.

Harmonious Moon and Venus indicate a person’s desire to create a family. In marriage, he shows the qualities of a good family man: caring, economic and loving. Such people are adaptable, prone to compromise, romantic and constant in their feelings.

A strong, harmonious ruler of the seventh house says that the owner will definitely enter into a marriage that will be successful and strong. And the more harmonious aspects between the Moon, Venus and the ruler of the seventh house in the horoscope, the better family life will develop.

The following formulas indicate happiness in marriage:

  • 4 - 7 (marriage for the sake of creating a family);
  • 5 - 7 (marriage for love).

Stable, long-term relationships are indicated by fixed signs standing on the cusp of the seventh house. Mutable speaks of impermanence and changeability. Cardinal - they force you to be offended by your partner, without delving into the problems of conflicts, and contribute to an abrupt end to the relationship.

Jupiter can brighten up unpleasant moments of marriage. If this planet is involved in synastry, then the couple will be happy. Even with negative aspects:Jupiter/Sun, Jupiter/Moon, Jupiter/Venus, the spouses will not feel unhappy.

Without the participation of Saturn in synastry, a long-lasting relationship will not work. Aspects from this planet strengthen the connection and teach responsibility for each other. But only if the degrees between the planets are positive. The connection holds it together, but adds conflict if it is Mars, or coolness - Venus, Moon.

In water signs, the Moon feels very comfortable. Here she shows best qualities and gives its owner subtle intuition, sensuality and a rich inner world. But in the sign of Scorpio, the Moon is in its fall, and it can be difficult for her to find harmony and not succumb to dark thoughts. Its owner is prone to strong feelings, doubts and increased anxiety.

Moon in Scorpio endows the owner of the horoscope with touchiness, increased emotionality and vulnerability. Lunar Scorpio is greatly tormented by feelings such as jealousy, envy and anger. He can be aggressive, irritable, hot-tempered and vindictive. This attitude is influenced by the planet Mars, which, along with Pluto, is the ruler of the sign Scorpio. The sensitive Moon under the pressure of Mars becomes explosive and irritable. Pluto makes her mysterious, mystical and powerful.

A calm state is not for lunar Scorpio. He is capable of unconsciously creating stressful situations for yourself and those around you, so that you can overcome them yourself. If there are no difficulties, passions and problems in life, it is not life. But to create a shake-up, he does not need to start a scandal. Lunar Scorpio knows how to eloquently remain silent, distributing negativity to others. After the release of energy, there is a short respite, and then emotions accumulate again in an increasing manner.

2018 is characterized by a gradual improvement in the lives of most zodiac signs. The friendly patroness of the year - Dog - will persistently smooth out conflict situations, created by the Red Rooster, and encourage new acquaintances. However, not everyone will have time to appreciate the Dog’s goodwill in last month winter, because for some February will be less successful. Representatives of the fire element can safely be considered the happiest signs. Let's consider astrological forecast for February in more detail.

The pioneer of the fire element will fully experience the support of the stars. February happiness for Aries will be a complete surprise, since luck will come from the outside. A representative of the most active sign won’t even have to get up from the couch! Good news will be brought by friends and just acquaintances. Luck will be associated with Aries's career aspirations. There is a possibility of significant movement in space: in the form of moving to a new place of residence or a business trip abroad. As for your personal life, you will have to wait until the summer...


The dog sympathizes with these cheerful guys. They are always ready to have fun and enjoy life. Therefore, she will be happy to help Gemini with finances so that they continue to flutter like butterflies. Debts will be closed with a wave of a wand, and the necessary investments will take place at the end of February. Many Geminis will finally find their calling. An unexpected job offer, an invitation to participate in a promising project - all this will definitely bring them success. Therefore, the winter of 2018 will be remembered by Gemini for a long time. Moreover, a stormy love spring will follow...

Cancers will have to face some difficulties. The dog is suspicious of all amphibians, so it will take some time to adapt in 2018. February should be devoted to career issues and improving life in the family nest. A serious influx of material wealth cannot be expected, since Saturn’s movement is characterized by a retrograde direction. It is advisable to get your own pet to bring good luck to your side. Or at least visit an animal shelter. This will also help bring balance to your personal life.

And here is the happiest representative of February 2018! The fiery energy of Leo fascinates the Yellow Dog with its warmth. It costs her nothing to help these magnificent cats with the implementation of any projects. Successful completion of your favorite business should happen in the last month of winter. Everything will contribute to royal crown shone in the first rays of the spring sun. If the birth of a child is planned during this period, then one can only envy his fate. To be born in the best month of the most loving year! Lviv's financial appetite will also be fully satisfied. The dog will share every bone.

But Virgos will have to test their body’s strength. In order to charge themselves with positive energy for the whole year, in February they need to pamper their body with exercise every day. Strengthen your will with special exercises: preference should be given to those that eliminate stooping and spread your wings. However, they are no strangers to such a regime. These thorough guys always take good care of their health. In gratitude for their dedicated work, the Dog will leave the Virgos a bone somewhere in the middle of the year.

Inspiration will knock on the door of the Libra house no earlier than the middle of the month. Until then, they should patiently wait in the wings, accumulate strength before the breakthrough. After a friendly kick from the Dog, they will be able to start towards their intended goals. It is important to continuously keep the dream before your eyes. Constant visualization helps achieve it in the shortest possible time. February should be held under the motto of hard work and perseverance. Spring success awaits only the most determined.


Despite the fact that 2018 can be considered a happy year for most Scorpios, they will remember February with painful anticipation. None bright events not expected - just work. Representatives of the most mystical sign must pass this test with honor. Boredom can be relieved by engaging in your favorite hobby. And at the same time prepare for a meeting with the chosen person. Many Scorpios will find their soulmate this year. And this will happen in mid-spring. The dog will try to lead the partner by the hand.


It's been a long time since Sagittarius have been as lucky as this winter! Their fiery essence was fully revealed to everyone around them. Now no one questions the authority of these philosophers of life, since their impeccable reputation invariably precedes every action taken. Many representatives of the sign even have the impression that the guardian angel himself descended to them from heaven. And they will be able to feel all this in February. Health difficulties will disappear, and tense relationships with loved ones will be restored by the planet Venus. It is her support that will be most effective for wise Sagittarius to achieve happiness.


The stars indicate that Capricorns will fall in love in 2018. Moreover, this miracle will happen even in established married couples. Usually busy Capricorns will suddenly look at their loved ones with different eyes. The happiness of their personal life will be fully revealed to them. Even previously lost relationships will be renewed. However, this still needs to be achieved. Therefore, February should be held under the slogan: “Aim straight for the heart!” Any conscious action filled with love will ultimately bring good luck.


There is an open road ahead of Aquarius. They have the right to decide for themselves how fast to drive. The dog will become a faithful assistant at all stages of the year. It’s even a pity that few of the representatives of the sign will decide to realize their dream in February. But this is more than real! Every step will be accompanied by the support of colleagues and friends, loved ones and loved ones. The most ambitious plans risk coming to fruition with such luck. These are all the consequences of nuclear outbreaks on Uranus, which is the patron sign of the sign.

It's hardly worth looking for love under winter ice. It is better to focus your efforts on your career field. February can be considered a favorable month for self-education and advanced training. The acquired skills will certainly be useful at work. It is important not to force the process, but to dive deeply into new material. And Pisces do this best of all. To attract luck and happiness to their side, they need to work hard in the first half of the year. And then, closer to autumn, the Dog will prepare a worthy reward for them.

Whether you believe it or not, your date of birth plays an important role and influences your character and destiny. Of course, a lot depends on your environment and upbringing, but astrologers say that the stars are the most faithful and reliable harbingers of the future. Very soon the Yellow Earth Dog will take its post according to the Chinese calendar. New Year will bring much more new chances and opportunities for all zodiac signs than 2017 and 2016 combined.

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But there are 4 happy zodiac sign, whom the mistress of the year will reward with special luck in all areas of life. Editorial "So simple!" will be happy to tell you about these lucky guys. But keep in mind that the stars will accompany happiness, and all actions are expected of you.

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Good luck horoscope - 2018

4th place - Leo

Proud Leos are the creation of the Sun. They themselves radiate happiness and joy, and even more so they attract. They skillfully use all their advantages, which helps them get the best from life. Perhaps there were some losses last year, which led the Lions off course or took away a little self-confidence.

Don't be discouraged. The Dog's loyalty will help you cope with everything. A fair wind of good luck will bring you many new useful acquaintances, and amorous affairs will also improve. And your financial affairs will also be successful, so don’t be afraid of a new position or project.

You just need to accept yourself and stop reproaching others for their imperfections, let go of the past and move on with the self-confidence and smile inherent to your sign. The universe is on your side.

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3rd place - Sagittarius

Finally, all the efforts of purposeful Sagittarius will be justified. This sign is ruled by Jupiter, which is the planet of growth, opportunity and expansion. If the previous few years were not very stable and brought many changes in life, to which you always had to adapt, then in 2018 the time has come to reap the fruits of your labors.

In terms of career, simply stunning prospects await you. Big changes are also expected on the love horizon: singles will find a family, and couples will experience a new stage in their relationships. Remember: your happiness is tied to optimism, so don’t even think about depression and despondency. And also trust people, this year your loved ones will help you in many ways.

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2nd place - Cancer

Cancers always give the lion's share of their time and experiences to others, so it's time to get a return. In 2018, representatives of this sign will gain inner freedom and will bestow everyone with their optimism. Minimum worries and suffering. Only bright moments and positive emotions. And innate charisma and a sharp mind will help in career matters.

2017 could have brought you a lot of suffering. But believe me, it's all over. This year you will understand what it means when they support you, and not you. You will also visit a new country, and even more than one.

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1st place - Libra

This year Libra is the darling of the Universe. The Year of the Dog promises real prosperity. Everything in Libra will be beautiful: appearance, emotional state, and thoughts. The wonderful harmony that is so important for representatives of this sign will contribute to happiness. It is balance in everything and honesty with oneself that will bring many pleasant events.

You will gain real understanding and close contact with your soulmate. Astrologers advise finding a new hobby for yourself, in which you will reveal the unknown sides of your talents. Don't be afraid to hint to your boss that you want a promotion. There's a good chance you'll get it. Well, financial affairs will generally be at their best. Prizes, gifts and even winning the lottery.

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These zodiac signs will be very lucky in 2018 in all areas of life. But this is not just like that, but as a reward for your efforts. Don't despair that your sign is not on this list. The Year of the Dog promises to be good for everyone.

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