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The most beautiful drought-resistant flowers for a flower bed. Which drought-resistant flowers are best to choose for a flowerbed in a sunny area? Drought and frost-resistant plants

Not every plant is adapted by nature for normal development in conditions of lack of moisture. Some dry out, others lose leaf turgor, others simply do not grow to the required size. What to do if watering the garden is often not physically possible? The site may be located far outside the city; visiting it more than two days a week is almost impossible: work, worries, distances. In this case, the problem can be solved by a special selection of drought-resistant plants that can wait for their gardener even in clear and sunny weather and a minimum of moisture, and at the same time not lose their viability and attractiveness.

Dry garden design

When decorating a flowerbed, you can use a standard planting scheme: the foreground of the flowerbed is filled with low-growing flowers, tall ones are placed in the background. If a flower garden is created from perennials or for more than one year, then a number of important points must be taken into account:

  • Drought-resistant flowers thrive in poor soils and do not tolerate waterlogged soil without moisture drainage; if both are present, the plants may die. Good and thoughtful drainage is an indispensable condition for a properly arranged flower garden. When choosing a location for arrangement, it is important to take into account its illumination: some drought-resistant flowers love the sun, others love the shade.
  • Plants should combine well with each other; moisture-loving varieties will feel uncomfortable next to crops that cannot tolerate excess moisture. The desire to connect the incompatible can create difficulties when watering.
  • To ensure good drainage, sand and gravel are added to the soil. Watering is carried out in the morning, reducing moisture loss during the day.
  • Plants need to be planted at some distance from each other, leaving enough space for free evaporation of water and growth of the above-ground parts.
  • You can retain moisture in the soil by mulching with chopped leaves, sawdust, and straw.
  • Most drought-resistant plants in the wild grow on poor soils and lack organic matter; when preparing a flower garden, it is better to limit the use of fertile additives.

Among the drought-resistant plants you can find many bright, decorative flowers, unassuming by nature, but decorating the garden, giving its visitors pleasant aromas. They also attract pollinating insects.

Even with the huge variety of this kind of plants, among them there are several undisputed favorites.

Crop varieties for dry gardens

List of plants that feel comfortable in shaded and sunny areas:

  • sagebrush;
  • periwinkle;
  • spurge;
  • sedum;
  • arabis;
  • yarrow.

All of these crops feel comfortable in the most unfavorable conditions, for example, when planted between the roots. They decorate dry slopes and rockeries.

Alyssum, gaillardia, and saxifrage are characterized by sufficient drought resistance. Lavender bushes can decorate garden paths and fill the garden with a magical aroma. Irises, beloved by many gardeners, are also capable of growing and developing normally in not the best conditions; another thing is that their flowering period is short: from three to five weeks. Some varieties may rebloom in the fall.

Echinacea, a guest from warm countries with bright flowers of purple, burgundy, pink and yellow, is suitable for decorating dry areas.

The Byzantine chistets will give the flowerbed an original texture, popularly called “lamb’s ears.” The silvery foliage has a velvety texture, and the perennial plant creates soft “cushions” as it grows.

The beautiful African crocosmia has about fifty species, the aroma is similar to saffron. The plant's stars decorate outdoor flower beds from mid-summer to late autumn.

Tall, popular drought-tolerant plants:

  • mallow;
  • decorative bow;
  • miscanthus chinensis.

Two-meter-tall beautiful hollyhocks create elegant screens that decorate areas until the first frost. Spectacular plants require a minimum of care: it is enough to sow the seeds in the ground at a distance of half a meter from each other on well-drained and fertile soil. After just a year or two, it becomes possible to enjoy mallow flowers in white, yellow, burgundy or purple shades from early summer until late autumn.

Decorative onion or allium deserves special, close attention. In the spring, it shoots out tall shoots almost as tall as a person; elegant spherical inflorescences look very unusual and stunningly beautiful: they can be white and pink, lilac and reddish-violet. The “onion” smell will protect the garden from harmful insects.

Drought-tolerant grasses

Popular Cultures:

  • gray fescue;
  • elymus sandy;
  • reed dvukochnik.

The bushes of gray fescue are compact, reminiscent of a hedgehog with blue needles. The plant looks very impressive on the banks of artificial and natural reservoirs, in rocky gardens. Fescue loves fertile soil with good drainage. Two-flowered grass is an ornamental grass that forms high “cushions”; the grass is variegated, in white and green tones. Elimus is interesting because of its pointed bluish leaves; it is also a grass. Negative quality - the plant grows quickly and can crush its “neighbors”. It is better to plant it in a container without a bottom to prevent the roots from growing.

Unpretentious shrubs

A favorite among drought-resistant shrubs is. The branches are strewn with thorns, the foliage is bright, elegant, in yellow, pink-brown, and red shades. Branched bushes love the sun, but also tolerate dark places.

The bright and unusual euonymus attracts with its openwork crown: the foliage of the plant is small and elegant. In summer, the shrub is green, in September it begins to “blaze” and turns purple, orange, and violet. The pink fruits open to reveal red-orange seeds.

The sight of a blooming euonymus is stunning, but we must remember that all parts of the plant are poisonous.

Silver oleaster is no less decorative; it tolerates depleted soils well, improving them with nitrogen. The foliage is silvery, strewn with small flowers with a pleasant aroma. In place of flowers, fruits are formed, which by autumn turn into yellowish berries.

Undemanding to care, unusually beautiful forest guest -. A godsend for suburban areas, the shrub spreads a light and pleasant resinous aroma around itself. Juniper will effectively complement a rock garden, a multi-level flower garden, and decorate a garden path.

Drought-resistant plants take root well, do not cause unnecessary trouble for the garden owner and serve as a worthy decoration for a suburban area.

Photos of species and varieties of drought-resistant plants

Blooming euonymus. Sedum.
Euphorbia cypress.

Soil moisture plays a big role in the development and flowering of ornamental plants in the garden. But if the location of the site is inconvenient, when the sun’s rays dry out the soil, and it is often not possible to water it, drought-resistant flowers and herbs are chosen for the garden. They will be able to perfectly decorate the site without losing their attractiveness and vitality.

Ornamental crops that tolerate drought easily, or xerophytes, can thrive in poor soils. They love both sun and shade. There is no need to come up with an irrigation system for them; it is enough to add gravel and sand to the ground to drain the soil. Even rare watering of drought-resistant plants will not lead to their death. Layers of mulch made from sawdust, straw, and chopped leaves will help retain moisture.

Flowering perennials and annuals can decorate a flowerbed or rocky garden:

  • Cloves are undemanding to moisture. Flower petals ranging from white and pink to red look great on lawns and in gardens between trees. Low varieties of cloves are suitable for.
  • It blooms in June, covered with blue or lilac stars of flowers. Low-growing bushes are suitable for borders and suitable for alpine slides. The branches of the plant grow quickly, do not require special care, are unpretentious and shade-tolerant. They are watered generously twice a week in the morning. The aster grows in one place for several years.
  • The perennial does not even tolerate partial shade. Strange coneflower is beautiful with yellow petals, and purple one decorates areas faded from the heat, reviving them with bright colors. Decorative double types of the flower also have white petals reminiscent of a chamomile.
  • The snow-white carpet of yaskolki looks impressive against the background of gray stones. The small flowers of the plant are collected in corymbose inflorescences.
  • They are used to frame flower beds. Its stem is not high, and miniature flowers of different colors, in addition to being decorative, have a pleasant honey aroma. Alyssum thickets will add sophistication to any area.
  • Phlox awl-shaped is so named because of its narrow, hard leaves, slightly pointed. The creeping stem of the plant ends in peduncles, on which there are two flowers of different tones - white, lilac, purple. This view will also be decorated with a rocky garden, and... During the summer the plant manages to bloom twice.
  • Bluebells with white and blue flowers tolerate drought well. They are suitable for rustic garden design.
  • Of the flowers with tall stems, we can distinguish, or. She is not afraid of drought, delighting with flowering from July to August.

All types of drought-resistant flowers are beautiful. They can determine the style of the site and add a touch of originality to the garden design.

Designers also use grass to decorate the site, among which it is better to choose those that do not like high soil moisture.

  • It is known about elymus that it has long, sharp leaves of a bluish tint. A feature of the plant is its ability to spread throughout the entire territory. If you limit planting, you won’t find better grass for the garden. It remains decorative even in dry summers. Summer residents have long appreciated the dwarf plant with long green leaves bordered with white stripes. Lush carpets of herbaceous plants will decorate the border along the fence and rock gardens, rock gardens.
  • The fluffy tussocks of gray fescue are renewed annually, so they always look fresh and beautiful. The grass does not spread across the area, clogging it. But heuchera attracts from afar with its yellow and red rosettes of leaves.
  • Hare cabbage and stone rose are called young. The leaf palette includes brown, red, pink, and silver colors. The best place for the plant is sunny, and the soil is suitable from sand, which allows moisture to pass through well. The underdeveloped root system allows hare cabbage to germinate even on stones.

Ornamental grasses that are drought-resistant are actively grown in the garden.

Numerous ground covers for rocky gardens are not very tall. Their stems grow no more than 15-30 centimeters. Therefore, the plantings form dense clumps that grow well under bright sunlight. It is better to choose them for rock gardens with drained soils.

Plants with an average stem length of up to a meter can easily tolerate the lack of moisture. Bushes with small flowers decorate rocky gardens for a long time. They are suitable for growing along paths. Plants are planted to decorate terraces and gentle slopes.

You can combine herbs and flowers with spherical spruces, pines, compact shrubs - bean, Japanese quince.

Ground cover flowers look great in a rose garden, in the foreground of flower beds and garden beds. And in an English-style garden you can’t do without medium-sized sun-loving plants - chistets.

You can enclose drought-tolerant plants in stone slabs, which will help free you from weeding the area. They will be an excellent backdrop for flower beds of bright summer flowers. And in a wild nature-style garden with stones, boulders, and elevation changes, plants that are not afraid of drought will look ideal. If you want to update your garden, make it natural at a minimum cost, then you need to use xerophytes or succulents.

The main advantage of growing xerophytes is their ability to feel comfortable even on poor soils. But wetlands are not suitable for plants. On them, crops quickly rot and die. To ensure a constant outflow of moisture, you need to provide drainage to the area with drought-resistant plants. Among flowers and herbs there are both those who love the sun and those who prefer shade. This is also taken into account during planting.

When creating compositions of ornamental crops, do not forget that nearby there should be plants with the same requirements for soil and moisture.

By using xerophytes or succulents for design, you leave them more room to grow. They love to grow, so they need to be limited, not giving the roots room. To care for plants, you don’t need to think about fertilizing. In rare cases, they are fed with ash. But organic matter must be excluded.

Despite their ease of care, many drought-resistant plants are bright and colorful, have a pleasant aroma, and bloom lushly. They are indispensable in the design of dry slopes, rockeries, rock gardens, and rocky gardens. Those who do not have the opportunity to design a site need to sow drought-resistant plant specimens, and they will impress with their flowering throughout the summer.

More information can be found in the video:

Not every plant is able to fully develop and grow without sufficient moisture. They can react to its deficiency in different ways: some are stunted in growth, others lose leaf turgor, and others dry out completely. But what if in hot, dry weather it is not possible to water the flower garden often? In this case, an excellent solution to the problem would be to select drought-resistant plants for decorating a flower garden, which, even with insufficient moisture, do not lose their attractiveness, delighting others with lush flowering and a wonderful aroma.

When designing flowerbeds of drought-resistant plants, you can adhere to standard planting schemes, in which the foreground is filled with low-growing flowers, and tall, handsome flowers are planted as a background in the background.

Decorative flower beds can act as a spectacular decoration for a site and serve as a source of aesthetic pleasure for their owners

When creating a flower garden that will decorate the site for many years, it is necessary to take into account a number of points:

  • Place of arrangement. Drought-resistant flowers feel comfortable in depleted soils. But they do not tolerate marshy soils where there is no sufficient outflow of moisture. On waterlogged soils they simply rot and die. Reliable soil drainage is a prerequisite when arranging flower beds. When laying out flower beds, the factor of illumination of the area is also important, because some drought-resistant flowers love sunny areas, while others love shady places.
  • Combination of plants. When selecting compositions, it is important to take into account the conditions for growing a particular species. Plants with different moisture needs may feel uncomfortable in close proximity. And with such a combination of plants, the gardener may have difficulties with watering.
  • Creating conditions for growth. To ensure reliable drainage, a sufficient amount of gravel and sand must be added to the soil. It is advisable to water only in the morning, thereby reducing moisture loss during the day.

Plants must be planted at a sufficient distance from each other, leaving room for free growth of their above-ground parts.

Since most drought-resistant plants in nature grow on depleted soils and soils lacking vitamins, when preparing a flower garden it is better to limit the amount of organic fertilizers.

The opinion that drought-resistant plants look inconspicuous compared to their sun- and moisture-loving counterparts is wrong. Among the drought-resistant plant species you can find many bright and showy decorative flowers. Beautifully flowering, drought-resistant perennials are unpretentious in nature and can grow even on depleted soils.

Many gardeners love drought-resistant plants not only for their unpretentiousness and beauty. A pleasant aroma always hovers around flower beds with these plants, attracting insects that pollinate the flowers.

But even among the variety of beautiful drought-resistant plants, there are clear favorites that, even with insufficient care, can delight with lush, unique flowering throughout the season.

Using tall and low-growing drought-resistant grasses when designing compositions, you can even create real masterpieces of landscape art

Unpretentious plants can feel comfortable in both sunny and slightly shaded areas. Periwinkle, wormwood, milkweed, arabis, sedum and yarrow grow well between rocks. They are indispensable when decorating dry slopes, as well as for arranging and.

Among ground cover and low-growing drought-resistant flowers, the most decorative ones are: awl-shaped phlox, gaillardia, alyssum, saxifrage

Lilac lavender bushes, planted along garden paths and exuding a magical aroma in the area, can literally transform the territory of the site

Irises, beloved by many gardeners, are also not particularly demanding to care for. Most of them bloom for 3-5 weeks in the spring, but some varieties bloom again in autumn.

Irises are amazing plants, numbering in tens of thousands of varieties, striking the imagination with their exquisite flower shape and variety of colors.

Echinacea is also great for decorating dry areas. A native of warm countries, it is interesting for its bright inflorescences of pink, yellow, burgundy and purple.

In addition to their decorative appeal, miniature “suns” can also have a healing effect: they help improve immunity, as well as cure colds and flu

Byzantine clearing will help give the garden an original texture. The plant, popularly referred to as “lamb’s ears,” is interesting due to its silvery foliage with a velvety texture.

Byzantine chistets is a herbaceous perennial 30-40 cm high. As it grows, it creates elegant soft “pillows” with a silvery tint

Crocosmia is an unusually beautiful plant, numbering about 50 species, of South African origin. The aroma of its flowers is somewhat reminiscent of saffron, widely used in cooking.

Crocosmia, decorated with spikelets with star-shaped funnel-shaped flowers, is famous for its abundant and long flowering, which can last from mid-summer to late autumn

This drought-resistant plant looks great in open flower beds.

Among the tall, drought-resistant beauties are mallow, miscanthus, and decorative onions. Reaching a height of two meters, they are able to create elegant screens that will act as a bright decoration of the site throughout the season until the first frost.

The graceful stems of hollyhock roses can be decorated with about a dozen semi-double or double flowers of various shades, from snow-white, rich yellow to dark purple and burgundy.

These showy plants are ideal for a low-maintenance garden. It is enough just to sow the seeds in the ground at a distance of 50 cm from each other on fertile and well-drained soil - and within a year or two you will be able to enjoy the stunning flowering of mallow from June to late autumn.

Allium or decorative onion deserves special attention. Throwing out flower-bearing arrows 80-170 cm high in the spring (depending on the variety), it dresses up in spherical inflorescences of stunning beauty.

Large balls of allium inflorescences, smoothly swinging on thin arrows, are strewn with star-shaped flowers in white, pink and light purple shades

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, thanks to its specific “onion” smell, allium is able to protect not only itself, but also its flowerbed neighbors from harmful insects.

Drought-tolerant grasses

When designing a flower garden, a special place should be given to drought-resistant herbs. The most attractive among them are gray fescue, two-tasseled fescue and elimus.

Compact bushes of gray fescue, the height of which does not exceed 20-25 cm, externally resemble a sea urchin with bluish needles

Such “bumps” look impressive against the backdrop of ponds and rocky gardens. Gray fescue grows best in sunny areas with fertile, well-drained substrate.

Two-bottle grass is a rapidly growing ornamental grass that forms tall “cushions” collected from white-green variegated grass

The decorative grass elymus is also attractive with its pointed bluish-gray leaves.

Since elymus grows quickly and behaves somewhat aggressively towards neighboring plants, it is better to plant it in a flower garden, limiting the roots using a container without a bottom

Decorative trees and shrubs

The beautiful barberry shrub is a clear favorite due to its unpretentiousness and drought resistance. Its thorn-strewn stems, growing up to 1 meter high, are decorated with elegant yellow, pink-brown and bright red leaves.

Among the variety of barberry varieties, the most decorative ones are Golden Ring with small red leaves in a yellow border and Rose Glow with pink-brown leaves with a fancy pattern in the form of white strokes and droplets

Branched barberry shrubs love the sun, but can also grow in slightly shaded areas. Some varieties of barberry also delight you with edible bright red fruits in the fall.

Euonymus is a bright and unusually beautiful shrub, attractive with its beautiful openwork crown and small, elegant foliage.

The plant, whose foliage is a rich dark green in the summer months, is engulfed in an “autumn fire” as September approaches, turning into shades of orange, purple and violet.

The pinkish fruits that cover the stems of the euonymus open as they ripen, revealing bright red-orange seeds. Amazing sight! But it is worth remembering that ripe fruits, like all parts of the plant, are poisonous.

The silver oleagin shrub is no less decorative. It feels most comfortable on very depleted soils, enriching and improving them with nitrogen.

The branches of the shrub, decorated with silvery foliage, are strewn with miniature flowers during flowering, spreading a pleasant aroma, thanks to which they are widely used in the perfume industry

In place of the flowers, fruits are later set, which by autumn grow into yellowish berries with astringent, sweetish pulp.

The flexible branches of an evergreen shrub are decorated with tiny needles and scaly needles, spreading a pleasant resinous aroma around them.

An amazingly beautiful forest dweller, withstanding unfavorable conditions, is capable of transforming any place on the site. It will be an effective addition to a rocky garden, a multi-level flower garden, a mixborder, or a frame for a garden path.

Drought-resistant plants are ideal for garden and flower garden decoration. They take root well and serve as a worthy decoration for the site.

From spring to autumn, summer cottages and garden plots are decorated with flowers, ornamental grasses and flowering shrubs. The most difficult thing to do is design flower beds that are located in sunny areas of the garden. Many types of plants fade or even dry out in the sun. But there is no need to despair. There are many annuals and perennials that love sun and grow well and even bloom in dry conditions.

Flowers for a flower bed

In sunny areas you can grow abundantly flowering and beautiful flowers that can be annuals or perennials.

Calendula or marigold

This beautiful flower, known to many, can decorate any flower garden with its yellow or orange, bright buds. Marigolds bloom from June until frost. They can reach from forty to seventy centimeters in height. The strong, ribbed and erect stem of calendula is shrouded in glandular hairs. Elongated ovate leaves grow at the bottom of the stem, and in the middle and above there are lanceolate, alternate, sessile leaves. At the beginning of summer, the plant produces yellow or red-orange flowers collected in large baskets.

In order for marigolds to bloom in the spring, they can be grown in seedlings and planted in flower beds located in well-lit areas. The soil for them should be nutritious and well-drained.


There are a large number of varieties of these surprisingly unpretentious flowers that can grow in flower beds located in the sunniest place. Marigold flower heads come in various shades of orange, brown and yellow. They are formed on stems, the height of which, depending on the variety, reaches from twenty to one hundred and thirty centimeters. Light or dark green pinnately dissected or pinnately divided leaves are located throughout the stems.

Marigolds are grown from seeds and decorate flower beds in the garden from June until frost. They emit a spicy, strong odor and are widely used in folk medicine.

Garden carnation

The perennial herbaceous plant is grown as an annual in our gardens. The height of the bush can be from fifteen to seventy centimeters. Each bush has many stems, which produce one flower with a fringed or jagged outer edge. Petal color may be pink, white, burgundy, red, lavender, orange, purple, green and even two-tone. Carnation leaves have an awl-shaped, linear-lanceolate or simply linear shape.

Carnations of different varieties look very beautiful in a sunny flower bed. The result is a motley and bright flower garden that decorates the area from June to October.

Rejuvenated or stone rose

The drought-tolerant succulent features fleshy, short, purple or green leaves and paniculate or corymbose inflorescences that bloom in July. Stone rose flowers may be greenish, yellow, purple, white or red in color. The young blooms in early or mid-summer. It all depends on the type of plant and weather conditions. Most often, a stone rose is used to decorate alpine slides or rocky slides located in dry, sunny areas.

garden chamomile

Large, delicate, white flowers with a yellow center can decorate a flower garden located in a sunny place. Garden daisies are perennial herbaceous plants, the height of which, depending on the type, reaches from fifteen to sixty centimeters. Chamomiles bloom in July and bloom until autumn . When planting them in a flowerbed, you need to keep in mind that the plant is aggressive and can quickly grow and multiply by self-sowing throughout the area. Excessive spread will be prevented by compliance with agricultural practices.


Tall, bright and lush lupins can bloom twice during the season - at the beginning and at the end of summer. Plants ranging in height from eighty to one hundred and fifty centimeters produce long inflorescences consisting of violet, lilac, cream, pink, red, white or yellow flowers. On a herbaceous or woody stem, the plant has palmately compound leaves on long petioles. Lupines can be planted in a flower bed in groups or one at a time, combined with other flowers.


In May, yellow doronicum flowers resembling small suns will bloom in a sunny area. This plant has more than forty species, depending on which the height of the plant reaches from thirty to one hundred centimeters. Light green triangular leaves form on the stem. At the bottom of the bush there is a dense rosette of leaves.

Doronicum is unpretentious and easily adapts to various growing conditions. That is why it can be grown in areas where there is sun all day long.


An annual with bell-shaped flowers, it blooms from June to August. Depending on the variety, mallow flowers can be single or double with colors ranging from white to black. Large buds with a diameter of up to twelve centimeters are formed on a stem with a height of thirty to one hundred and twenty centimeters.

In order for mallow to decorate the garden already in June, it is grown in seedlings. You can plant the seeds directly in open ground, but in this case the plant will bloom only next year.

For many years, perennials planted in a sunny area will delight with their flowering, which include chistema, geranium, Carpathian bellflower, oak sage, rue, catnip, yarrow, purple coneflower, and liatris.

Drought-tolerant grasses

You can use herbs to decorate a flower garden s that will add volume and fill the voids of the flowerbed. Many of the herbs have interesting colors and leaf shapes, so they can be used to decorate a separate area.

Unpretentious and drought-resistant ornamental grasses are:

Ornamental shrubs

Ornamental shrubs are widely used in garden landscaping. Among them, they are unpretentious and drought-resistant:

Examples of flower beds

Drought-resistant crops are unpretentious and can grow in almost any soil. With their help you can create beautiful flower beds and flower beds:

To get a beautiful flower bed to your liking, you can experiment with the flowers, herbs and shrubs you like. Just remember It is clear that drought-resistant plants, like other crops, need care, which includes watering, fertilizing and weeding.

Drought-tolerant shrubs, including flowering and evergreen shrubs, are an ideal choice for gardens in areas with dry climates and lack of irrigation or where water resources are extremely scarce. Although plants receive little moisture, there are many types of drought-tolerant shrubs, which are very attractive for garden decoration. The variety of colors of flowering bushes, abundant flowering, exquisite aroma of flowers and high functionality make them popular among gardeners. So, what drought-tolerant shrubs would be beneficial for your garden to use as hedges? Which shrubs require minimal care and at the same time bloom profusely for a long time?


Blooming lilac bushes are an elegant decoration for any garden. It is a slow growing shrub with green-blue or grey-green leaves and purple, white or pink flowers. Lilac clusters bloom in April-May. The beautiful shrub brightens the garden with abundant blooms in the spring and becomes a beautiful privacy fence the rest of the season. Lilacs can grow from 3 to 5 meters in height and from 2 to 4 meters in width. As a drought-tolerant shrub, lilac easily survives in many types of soil and does not require much gardener attention other than pruning when it needs to be kept into a compact bush.


Barberry (Berberis) is an evergreen shrub with thorns and yellow or orange flowers that turn into red berries included in many recipes. You can use barberry bushes to create thickets for security purposes from prying eyes. Through the thorny thickets of barberry it is impossible for an uninvited guest to enter your garden. Growing between 1.5-2.0 meters in height and about the same size in width, drought-resistant shrubs ideally fulfill their protective function. In addition, after flowering, the evergreen shrub can be trimmed to make it look neater and more compact. Barberry is so easy to grow that it can be grown on its own. These drought-tolerant shrubs require adequate sun and dry soil. They are little susceptible to various diseases and environmental pollution. There are different types of barberry like Rose silver barberry, Crimson dwarf barberry, Golden barberry and others.

Yucca evergreen shrub, also called Adam's needle, is well recognized as a drought-tolerant shrub. Widely used as an ornamental plant in gardens. Yuccas are certainly colorful and picturesque plants because of their rosette of sword-tough, spiny leaves that bloom in an upright column of numerous creamy white flowers. Some species of Yucca have cream or yellow threads on their green leaves, which greatly decorates them. Yucca bushes have bright colors all year round. They are considered drought-resistant shrubs because they feel better in dry and hot climates, although they can also withstand short-term frosts of up to 18-20 degrees.

Spiraea bush

Spiraea is a drought-resistant shrub that can be used for hedges, dividing the garden into spaces and mass plantings for many years. They are usually grown in the middle and northern zones. There are more than 70 species of spirea. There are Billard's spirea with inflorescences in the form of crimson-colored spikes, and Grandiflora willow-leaved spirea with pink delicate spikes of flowers. Japanese Gold Flame spirea with bright pink-red inflorescences look beautiful. Very decorative spirea with yellow leaves Spiraea japonica Golden Princess

Spiraea requires well-drained soil and is considered a low-maintenance shrub because it can grow quite well in poor soils, such as in urban areas. Most spirea are light-loving. In the sun, the flowers bloom well and bloom regularly.

Dwarf Burning Bush or dwarf euonymus

This is simply a stunningly beautiful bush because of its attractive color. It is also called the burning bush. Emerald green in summer, with orange and red berries, turns into an intense fiery red bush in fall. The euonymus bush can be used to create low borders and individual thickets against the background of the lawn. The brightness of the leaves depends on the light. Dwarf euonymus loves fertile soils, is frost-hardy, and resistant to disease and drought.
As you can see, drought-tolerant shrubs don't have to look unsightly due to lack of irrigation. Nature has taken care of the beauty and resistance to various hardships of plants growing in dry areas.