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Sugar kills testosterone in the female body. Is it possible to lower testosterone in a woman without taking hormones? Sedentary lifestyle

Testosterone is considered a typically male hormone. However, it is also produced in the female body, being a precursor to estrogen, it is simply 10 times less.

Functions of testosterone in the female body

  • growth and formation of muscle fibers and bone tissue;
  • regulation of the balance between muscle and fat tissue;
  • sexual desire;
  • regulation of sebaceous gland function;
  • growth of hair follicles;
  • participation in the process of follicle formation in the ovaries as a precursor of estrogen.

Signs of high testosterone in women

  • hair growth in places atypical for a woman - legs, face, back and phalanges of the fingers;
  • on the head, hair may grow less intensively, even to the point of baldness;
  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands leads to acne;
  • increased growth of muscle tissue and a gradual decrease in fat deposits lead to a change in the figure according to the male type;
  • follicle formation is disrupted and the possibility of conception decreases, infertility develops;
  • in cases of a significant increase in this hormone, the menstrual cycle changes, up to amenorrhea (absence of menstruation).

Causes of elevated testosterone in women

In women under 40 years of age, increased testosterone levels can develop due to a number of diseases: the hormone increases with reducing tumors of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland or ovaries. There is a genetic predisposition to elevated levels of this hormone. However, functional reasons are more common:

  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • stress;
  • passion for sun tanning;
  • excessive consumption of foods high in artificial sugar;
  • strength training while taking anabolic steroids, as well as professional sports (weightlifting).

Often increased level testosterone levels occur in neurological patients taking barbiturates or in patients with arterial hypertension who are treated with clomiphene.

How to reduce testosterone in a woman

Before reducing the level of this hormone, it is necessary to find out the cause of the hormonal imbalance in the body. To do this, blood testosterone is determined on the 7th day of the cycle and examined by an endocrinologist. If necessary, additional studies are carried out to determine the condition of the ovaries, pituitary gland and adrenal glands (ultrasound, MRI). If the presence of hormone-producing tumors is not confirmed, they begin to reduce the hormone with medications or traditional methods.

First of all, they put their diet in order and adjust the composition of the foods they eat:

  • At increased testosterone Women are recommended to eat protein foods (meat, fish, chicken).
  • The diet must include dairy products (cottage cheese, full-fat milk, cream).
  • It is better to avoid vegetarian food.
  • Long breaks between meals should not be allowed, since a decrease in glucose levels and, accordingly, insulin in the blood increases testosterone production. The optimal break is 3-4 hours.
  • A number of foods contain free testosterone - eggs, legumes, garlic, hazelnuts and almonds. They need to be excluded from the diet.
  • Sweet foods must be present in the diet, but those that contain natural sugars (fructose). These are dates, sweet fruits, honey.
  • Foods containing low molecular weight sugars - potatoes, white bread, cereals (especially oatmeal) - will help reduce testosterone levels in women. Eating natural sugars stimulates the production of estrogen and insulin.

Normal levels of these hormones lead to a natural decrease in testosterone in women.

Folk remedies for reducing testosterone in women

After correcting your diet and diet, you can begin to adjust your testosterone levels with folk remedies:

  • Freshly squeezed celery and carrot juice. Take on an empty stomach, a glass a day. It is better to alternate juices, for example, one day - celery, the second day - carrot juice. It should be taken into account that long-term use carrot juice can lead to yellowness of the skin and sclera, so it is best to take it in courses of no more than two weeks.
  • Tea with added licorice root. A pinch of crushed licorice root is added to regular tea before bed.
  • Infusion of flax seeds. A tablespoon of flax seeds is poured with half a glass of boiling water. The infusion is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Peppermint infusion. Pour a tablespoon of dry herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. It is recommended to drink no more than two glasses of this infusion per day, as mint has a sedative effect.
  • Oatmeal jelly. Natural oat grains (not ready-made processed flakes) need to be poured into a glass cold water and leave overnight for swelling. Then cook over low heat for an hour and a half, adding water periodically. After this, you need to strain the oats, rub it through a sieve, add the pureed mass to the broth and mix. This jelly can be consumed three glasses a day.

In addition to folk remedies, yoga and acupuncture are recommended to reduce testosterone levels in women. If the effect of non-drug therapy is not achieved, hormonal treatment is indicated.


Men's health is a very important factor on which not only harmony in sexual relationships, but also a person’s self-esteem depends. Reputation, status in the team - oddly enough, to a large extent all this is connected with the level of certain hormones in the body. Low testosterone in men produces a number of symptoms and signs, the causes of which must be determined through medical diagnosis. With a timely response, specialists will prescribe the correct treatment and help restore male strength.

What determines testosterone levels in men?

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in the testicles and adrenal glands of men and directly affects the regulation of spermatogenesis, libido, muscle growth, metabolism and secondary sexual characteristics. It comes in two types: free and albumin-bound. Normal hormone levels range from 12–22 nmol/l. A content of less than 5 nmol/l is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

The amount of testosterone in a man's body is influenced by several key factors. The main one is age. Starting from the age of 30, the production of this hormone gradually decreases by about 1-1.5% per year. Its content depends on lifestyle and general health. The presence of bad habits, alcohol consumption, obesity and weak immunity significantly reduce the level of the hormone. Severe stress has a detrimental effect on men's health. Helps increase testosterone levels in a man's body physical exercise And healthy image life.

What is low testosterone in men

Hormone problems are often associated with age. A decrease in testosterone in men is due to androgen deficiency - a clinical and biochemical syndrome that appears in mature age. Such changes significantly affect the quality of life and sexual activity, so at the first sign of hormone imbalance, you should consult a doctor for advice. Low testosterone levels at an early age indicate other problems, possibly related to the reproductive system.

Symptoms of testosterone deficiency

For men, this hormone plays a vital role. It affects the condition of the genital organs, desire and general well-being, so any disturbances will manifest themselves very clearly. Low levels of testosterone in a man's body cause a general decrease in social and physical activity. It is accompanied by a number of symptoms indicating emerging health problems. Testosterone deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • low libido;
  • lack of pleasure from sexual intercourse;
  • increased urination;
  • physical weakness;
  • constant fatigue;
  • absent-mindedness, memory impairment;
  • symptoms of depression for no apparent reason.

Signs of Low Testosterone

Any malfunction of the male hormone in the body immediately affects the physical condition. Signs of low testosterone in men are visible to the naked eye - the body begins to look different, masculinity disappears, strength is lost, and excess weight appears. In addition, a man may be plagued by problems in his sex life. The appearance of the following failures should be a reason to contact specialists.

  • decrease muscle mass, muscle strength;
  • increase in fat folds on the body;
  • erectile dysfunction and erectile dysfunction;
  • reduction in the area of ​​hair on the body;
  • gynecomastia is breast growth that appears with a strong decrease in testosterone levels.


Low testosterone levels in men can be caused by factors of three main conditional groups: genetic, age-related and external. If reduced level hormone levels in older men is considered normal, then early problems (before 40 years of age) indicate serious disorders. As a rule, we are talking about failures of the endocrine system and dysfunction of the testicles. A number of other factors can contribute to testosterone deficiency:

  • Pathologies of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, testicular dysfunction. These disorders have a negative impact on the synthesis of testosterone in the male body. As a rule, they are congenital.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle. Excessive drinking of alcohol, smoking and abuse of junk food do not contribute to the synthesis of the male hormone in the body.
  • Lack of sex life and permanent partner. Sexual abstinence can also cause testosterone deficiency.
  • Excess weight. Excess body fat suppresses the production of androgens and promotes the production of the female hormone estrogen.
  • Stress. Permanent stressful situations and emotional shocks stimulate the release of adrenaline, which blocks the production of testosterone.
  • Other diseases. Andropause can be brought closer by pathologies of cardio-vascular system, kidney.

Diagnostic methods

If you suspect an imbalance of the testosterone hormone, you must undergo a comprehensive medical examination. At the first stage, the endocrinologist will become familiar with the patient’s complaints. Next, the patient will need to undergo blood and urine tests, sometimes it is necessary to examine bone tissue. To obtain a reliable result, blood sampling should take place in the morning, since at this time the hormone levels are most similar to the real picture. About a day before diagnosis, experts advise avoiding excessive physical activity.


A small identified lack of testosterone in men can be compensated for naturally. To do this, you need to change your lifestyle for a while, limit the consumption of alcohol and smoking. It is best to stick to a diet without fried and fatty foods. At this time, it is advisable for men to engage in physical activity and sports exercises.

If the problems are more serious, drug treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. Doctors prescribe medications to patients that contain the missing hormone itself. Among them, the most popular are Androgel, Omnadren, Andriol, Nebido. These products are commercially available in the form of an injection solution, capsules, and tablets. Andropause in men is also treated with hormone-free drugs, such as Evo-test, Vitrix, Tribulus. They produce natural hormone production.

Duration of treatment and dosage medicines prescribed by the doctor. After approximately 2-3 weeks of therapy, the patient should undergo repeated tests. Based on them, it will be possible to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the course, the results achieved, and the need to adjust the dosage of the hormone. In rare cases, prescribed medications have to be taken for life. Without medical intervention, low testosterone in men can lead to dire consequences - male infertility.

Hormonal drugs

Medicines containing hormones are prescribed to patients based on test results. Tests should confirm low testosterone levels in a man's blood. The degree of hormone deficiency determines necessary medicine and a dosage that will help eliminate androgen deficiency. The drugs can be taken as an addition to a course of potency enhancing drugs. Hormonal medications are available in tablets, gels, capsules, patches, injections, and subcutaneous implants. See below for an overview of the most popular products.

Androgel is a transparent, colorless gel based on testosterone. The medicine works on the principle of replacement when hormone levels are low. The drug is applied to the skin, after which it is absorbed and penetrates the circulatory system. The effect of the gel begins on the first day. The hormone level gradually increases. The main advantage of Androgel is its simplicity and obvious effectiveness. Among the disadvantages, we can note the high likelihood of an allergic reaction and contraindications. A rash and irritation often appear at the site of application of the product.

Omnadren – solution for intramuscular injections. Belongs to the pharmaceutical group of androgens. The drug is based on 4 testosterone esters with different rates of action. The medicine is injected into the sciatic muscle, one ampoule at a time, at a frequency specified by the doctor. The main advantage of the drug is low frequency use (usually 1 ampoule every 4 weeks). Disadvantages of Omnadren – many side effects. Among them are priapism (prolonged painful erection), fluid retention in the body, oligospermia (decreased sperm count).

Nebido is another hormonal drug from the androgen group for intramuscular injection. The lack of male hormone is compensated by the substance testosterone undecanoate contained in the drug. Plus Nebido: injections for men are carried out once every 10-14 weeks, which makes the medicine the longest-acting among its analogues. However, the drug also has disadvantages - a number of side effects from almost all parts of the body.

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones produced by the endocrine system. It can be found in both sexes, but is especially abundant in men. And for them it is important first of all. It is this hormone that is responsible for those properties of the male body that make him different from women in biological terms. And therefore, it is extremely important for a man to maintain a sufficiently high level of this hormone. But, nevertheless, sometimes disruptions occur in the functioning of the endocrine system, and the level of the hormone decreases. Is it possible to prevent this phenomenon?

Testosterone standards

In men, testosterone is synthesized in the gonads - testicles (testicles), as well as in the adrenal cortex. By chemical structure the substance belongs to the class of steroids. Also involved in the process of hormone synthesis are the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, which secrete enzymes that command the endocrine system to begin hormone synthesis.

Most testosterone in the body is bound to various proteins. Free testosterone makes up approximately 2% of the total hormone. Testosterone in young men aged 18-20 years reaches its maximum concentration. Then the hormone level begins to decline. From about age 35, testosterone levels drop by 1-2% per year. The decrease in the amount of the hormone in the blood of men with age is a natural process. However, a situation often occurs when low levels of the hormone occur in young and middle-aged men. This situation, of course, is not normal and requires treatment.

Normal levels of testosterone in the blood of men at different ages

Why does a man need testosterone?

Testosterone is responsible for the formation of the body according to the male type. This process begins in infancy, continues through childhood and adolescence, and ends in adulthood. However, the role of testosterone is not only in the formation of reproductive organs and external sexual characteristics. Testosterone plays a significant role in metabolism and in maintaining human health. With its participation, the process of spermatogenesis is carried out. Testosterone is responsible for the formation of the muscular and skeletal system and for regulating body weight. Testosterone is also responsible for many mental processes. For example, testosterone neutralizes the effects of the stress hormone cortisol. Thanks to the effects of the hormone, a man feels joy in life and optimism.

Symptoms of low testosterone

In men with low testosterone There are a number of signs that are often not associated with a given cause. This:

  • , loss of interest in the outside world,
  • decreased libido or impotence,
  • obesity,
  • feminization – loss of body hair, gynecomastia,
  • decrease in muscle mass,
  • memory impairment, absent-mindedness.

Causes of decreased testosterone

Hormone levels can decrease for various reasons. But, as a rule, they are divided into primary, caused by diseases of the endocrine system, and secondary, caused by external factors and factors related to a person’s lifestyle.

What factors can lead to a decrease in hormone levels? This:

  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • unhealthy diet
  • excess weight,
  • unbalanced sex life,
  • bad habits,
  • lack of sleep,
  • drug treatment,
  • exposure to harmful substances from the environment.

Sedentary lifestyle

It is well known that movement is life. This rule is true for all people, but especially for men. Nature has designed the male body so that it is convenient for him to constantly engage in various physical exercises. Previously, men were engaged in hunting, farming, cattle breeding and fighting. All these activities required great endurance and physical activity, which were maintained at the proper level thanks to high testosterone levels. Nowadays, most men are engaged in sedentary work that does not require high level hormone.

Of course, there is no need to return to the habits of your ancestors to increase your hormone levels, however, it is useful to remember that to maintain optimal male shape, you need to exercise regularly. It has long been established that intense physical exercise promote the production of testosterone in the blood in men. This is a natural reaction of the body, since without this hormone muscle growth is impossible.

Poor nutrition

Not all foods we consume help maintain sufficient testosterone levels. Food must contain the required amount of microelements, vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, both from animal and plant sources. Both overeating and insufficient, irregular nutrition lead to a decrease in testosterone.

Excess weight

A man's extra pounds are not just an appearance defect that spoils the typical appearance of a tough macho man. In fact, adipose tissue cells are factories for the production of the testosterone antagonist estrogen. In addition, testosterone can also be destroyed in fat deposits and converted into estrogen.

Irregular sex life

Regular sex also promotes testosterone production, especially in adulthood. However, it should not be too frequent (no more than 2-3 times a week), since in this case the opposite effect will be observed - the hormone level will decrease.


Popular stereotype associates masculinity with a tendency to consume alcoholic drinks in large quantities. And completely in vain. It has been established that alcohol negatively affects the centers of the brain responsible for the formation of the male hormone, as a result of which the reverse process is launched in the body - the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

Surely, beer lovers can smile indulgently here - after all, their favorite drink contains relatively little alcohol, and for this reason, it would seem, should not seriously affect testosterone levels. But this is absolutely not true. Beer contains a large amount of plant estrogens. Thus, beer is an even greater enemy of the male hormone than strong drinks.


During stress, the body produces a special hormone - cortisol. This hormone does not directly affect the amount of testosterone. However, cortisol can block testosterone receptors, rendering testosterone useless. Thus, men exposed to stress experience the same symptoms as men with low testosterone.

Lack of sleep

Most men are very familiar with the feeling of a spontaneous morning erection. This phenomenon is largely due to the fact that testosterone levels are highest in the morning. Most of this hormone is produced at night, during sleep, and deep, not superficial.


Many somatic diseases can cause a decrease in testosterone. This is especially true for diseases affecting the androgynous system, for example, prostatitis. But diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, lipid metabolism disorders, and leukocytosis can also affect the level of the hormone.

Drug treatment

Testosterone often decreases under the influence of medications. These include carbamazepine, veroshpiron, tetracycline, magnesium sulfate, and glucocorticosteroids. As a rule, a decrease occurs only with long-term use of drugs, and after stopping their use, the hormone level returns to normal.

Environmental pollution

Modern civilization poisons our body with many chemicals that negatively affect testosterone levels. There are especially many such substances in car exhaust gases. Research shows that gas station workers have low levels of the hormone. But household chemical products are also not free from substances harmful to the male hormone. In particular, these include bisphenols contained in many personal care products and detergents– shampoos, lotions, liquid soaps, etc., as well as in plastic containers.

How to increase testosterone in men?

If you don’t know how to increase the level of this hormone, you can consult a doctor for advice. However, before starting treatment, you should understand the origins of the situation. A decrease in hormone levels can be caused by a variety of reasons, and therefore the increase in testosterone in men depends on many factors. Of course there is also hormonal drugs containing testosterone. However, they are recommended to be taken only in exceptional cases, for example, in cases of pathologies of the endocrine organs, since they will not replace the hormone produced naturally.

So, how to increase testosterone naturally?


Men who exercise regularly generally do not have problems with testosterone. The most suitable exercises for this purpose are those aimed at developing various muscle groups of the body, for example, on weight training machines. Classes should be quite intense, but not particularly long. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because otherwise The body will perceive the activity as stress, and cortisol will be produced. To increase testosterone production, it is enough to exercise for about an hour a day, and not every day, but 2-3 times a week.

Photo: ESB Professional/

Improve nutrition

To increase testosterone, you should streamline your diet, do not overeat, eat 3-4 times a day and no later than 3 hours before

Maintaining a reasonable balance between proteins, carbohydrates and fats is what increases hormone levels. Additionally, there are certain substances that directly stimulate the body's production of testosterone.


Most testosterone is produced in the body from cholesterol. Therefore, your diet should include foods containing it in large quantities:

  • fish,
  • meat,
  • liver,
  • eggs,
  • caviar,
  • whole milk.

Of course, moderation should be observed here, since foods rich in “bad” cholesterol can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system.


Zinc will help increase hormone levels in the body. This trace element is directly related to testosterone production. There is a lot of it in seafood, fish, nuts, seeds - sunflower and pumpkin, cheeses, and some vegetables.

What else can you do to raise your hormone levels? It is also recommended to include in the diet foods containing selenium, vitamins C and B, the essential amino acid arginine (meat, eggs, peas, sesame seeds, almonds, cottage cheese, peanuts, milk), as well as cruciferous plants - cabbage, broccoli, etc. . Plain water also plays a significant role. It is necessary to drink a lot of clean water (at least 2 liters per day).

In addition to alcohol, you should reduce your coffee consumption. It has been established that one single cup of coffee helps burn the male hormone in the body. True, this effect does not last long, but regular consumption of coffee can lead to a significant decrease in testosterone levels.

Another product that is harmful to maintaining high levels of the hormone is soy. Research shows that soy contains a lot of plant estrogens.

Exposure to harmful chemicals

To increase testosterone, you should also minimize your body's exposure to harmful substances contained in urban air. To do this, you should spend more time outside the city, in nature. When driving or sitting in traffic jams, you should close the windows completely. It is also recommended to avoid using household personal care products containing bisphenol - lotions, shampoos, etc. For washing, you can use regular toilet soap. Even toothpastes contain bisphenol, so you should take a minimum amount of toothpaste - no more than a pea.


To increase testosterone, you need to sleep a lot, since the level of the hormone in the body is affected by the full level. It is recommended to sleep at least 7 hours a day, and preferably 8-9 hours. It is important to consider that it should be deep and not superficial.

Regular sex life

The level of male hormone is negatively affected by both abstinence from sexual activity and too frequent sex. It should also be taken into account that simple communication with the fair sex, as well as viewing men's magazines and explicit videos, contribute to hormone releases.

A tan

To increase testosterone, you should also sunbathe a lot. During sun exposure, the body produces vitamin D, which has a beneficial effect on hormone production. This factor should also not be discounted.

Drugs that increase testosterone

However, natural methods require a lot of effort and time. If you don’t know how to quickly increase hormone levels, you can resort to medications. Nowadays you can buy a lot of drugs in pharmacies to increase testosterone. These are dietary supplements and hormonal drugs that should be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Testosterone preparations are usually sold in pharmacies with a prescription.

The main drugs intended to increase hormone levels:

  • testosterone propionate (injections),
  • testosterone undecanoate (tablets),
  • Proviron,
  • hormone production stimulants (Cyclo-Bolan, Parity, Vitrix, Animal Test).

Do not confuse pills to increase testosterone levels with potency enhancing drugs. The former do not directly affect potency, although they can indirectly have a positive effect on it. The principle of action of the latter, as a rule, is not associated with an increase in the level of the male hormone.


Contact your gynecologist to determine the exact cause in your body. These may be disruptions in the hormonal system, taking certain types of medications, especially anticonvulsants, tumors of the adrenal glands and ovaries, estrogen therapy, changes in diet and lifestyle, stress, and more. Perhaps eliminating the underlying disease will help solve the problem of hormone increase.

Hand over necessary analysis to identify testosterone levels, which must be prescribed by a doctor. It must be taken on the sixth or seventh day menstrual cycle(counting from the first day of menstruation), the day before, refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol. Only after the results of the analysis will the specialist prescribe the necessary medicine. Typically, women are recommended to take drugs such as Dexamethasone, Cyproterone, Diane-35, Digostin, etc. to reduce testosterone.

Some oral contraceptives help reduce the amount of testosterone in the female body, but you should never take hormonal medications on your own, as they can cause serious side effects. As a rule, contraceptives are prescribed in conjunction with the drug Androkur. The course of treatment may take several months, depending on how high the testosterone is. Usually, birth control pills paired with Androkur help cope with such unpleasant symptoms of high testosterone as acne, excessive hair growth, and bleeding between menstruation.

Along with pharmaceutical tablets, you can take it biologically active additives to reduce testosterone in women, however, they should also be consulted with your doctor. For example, Dindolimethane, created from broccoli and cauliflower, helps reduce the amount of male sex hormones. Another useful one has the same effect food supplement– calcium gluconate, especially if taken together with vitamin D. When consuming it is very important not to exceed the recommended daily dose.

Since minerals such as zinc and magnesium have a positive effect on the development of testosterone in the body, women undergoing hormonal treatment are advised to reduce their intake. At the same time as this measure, physical activity should be increased, ranging from sports to active sexual activity (if present).

Watch your diet. An increase in the amount of testosterone in the body can sometimes be associated with poor nutrition, when the menu is constantly dominated by animal products. If possible, exclude meat rich in unsaturated fats from your diet, replacing it with fish, fresh vegetables and fruits. The latter, by the way, contain sugar - the cause of the production of insulin, which slows down the production of testosterone. You shouldn’t get too carried away with fruits, but you should definitely consume them unless your doctor prohibits it for certain reasons. It is better not to introduce simple carbohydrates into the diet.

Use herbs that help reduce androgen levels. Regular mint is believed to be effective in reducing testosterone in women. You can simply add it fresh or dried to tea, or use tinctures in capsule form. To prepare mint tea, pour 250 ml of boiling water over 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the leaves of this plant, after an hour, when the decoction is infused, you can drink it. It is advisable to do this a couple of times a day for a week. A similar effect on the body is also exerted by licorice, the root of which is used to prepare an extract or simply put in tea, dwarf palm and black cohosh, the extract of which is especially popular in Europe. Another plant that helps is momorica charantia, popularly called bitter gourd or cucumber.

Drink a decoction from flaxseeds. To prepare it, pour 1 tbsp of boiling water over a glass. spoon of seeds, cover with a lid and let sit for 40 minutes. Strain and take 100 ml every morning on an empty stomach half an hour before your first meal. In the same way, you can prepare a decoction of unprocessed oat seeds - it also has a beneficial effect on stabilizing hormonal levels in the fair half.

Take a course of acupuncture from an experienced specialist. Some studies support the effects of acupuncture on hormone levels in the body. The fact of the relationship between lifestyle and hormonal levels has long been known, so to stabilize it, it is important to pay attention to your body, systematically do gymnastics, swim, run, and Nordic walking. Yoga has a positive effect on hormone levels if you practice it regularly and correctly with an experienced instructor. But it is better to refuse training with heavy weights, if present.

Despite the fact that testosterone is a male hormone, it is also present in the female body. The amount of testosterone determines the sexual activity of the fairer sex, their appearance and mood.

The level of testosterone in the female body is not constant. In the morning it is at its peak, and in the evening it gradually decreases. The testosterone level in the female half of humanity ranges from 0.40 to 3.75 nmol/l. However, often women are diagnosed with an increase in this hormone, and this has certain consequences that force a woman to look for various ways to lower testosterone levels.

Testosterone synthesis is provided by the ovaries and adrenal glands; in addition, it is synthesized in small quantities by the skin and placenta during pregnancy. The change in hormone concentration occurs due to the functionality of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. In the female body, the male hormone performs the following functions:

  • responsible for the functionality of the reproductive system;
  • forms an egg;
  • increase muscle mass;
  • provides the necessary bone density;
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • controls protein, phosphorus and nitrogen metabolism;
  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies;
  • increases endurance and stress resistance;
  • participates in water metabolism;
  • controls sugar levels.

If the level of testosterone in the female body fails, serious pathological processes can be suspected. Symptoms of fluctuations in hormonal levels vary depending on which direction the change occurs.

Causes of excess testosterone

Hormone levels may increase after exercise physical work– this is a normal phenomenon, but a pathological increase in the concentration of the male hormone can cause disturbances in the formation of the egg. In this case, hyperandrogenism develops. This disease may be of ovarian or adrenal origin. The reasons for the increase in hormones may lie in the following:

  • adrenal hyperplasia;
  • a certain phase of the cycle;
  • period of bearing a child;
  • taking certain medications;
  • poor nutrition.

Apart from pregnancy, all other reasons for increased testosterone require adjustment.

Symptoms of excess testosterone in women

It is impossible not to notice the symptoms of hyperandrogenism, so diagnosing the disease is not difficult:

  • excessive sebum secretion;
  • acne;
  • male physique;
  • increased hair growth on the face and chest;
  • rough voice;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • aggressiveness;
  • clitoral enlargement.

The long course of the disease leads to the fact that the functionality of the ovaries is irreversibly impaired, which provokes persistent infertility.

Causes of testosterone deficiency

A lack of this hormone in a woman’s body can cause osteoporosis, diabetes, neoplasms in the mammary gland, heart disease, and inflammatory processes in the endometrium. The causes of low testosterone levels can be internal and external.

Endogenous (internal) reasons are as follows:

  • pituitary and endocrine diseases;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • tumor processes in the ovaries;
  • changes associated with age;
  • autoimmune pathologies.

Exogenous (external) causes are as follows:

  • there is too much magnesium and zinc in the diet;
  • lack of balance in nutrition;
  • eating large amounts of carbohydrate foods;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • long-term use oral contraceptives and some other medications;
  • excess weight;
  • too little or too much activity;
  • insufficient sunbathing;
  • lack of intimate relationships.

Symptoms of low testosterone

If a woman has a low level of this hormone, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • dry skin, brittle nails and hair;
  • excessive fullness in the abdomen, arms and neck;
  • depressive states;
  • quiet voice;
  • lack of libido;
  • tachycardia;
  • sweating;
  • infertility;
  • sleep problems;
  • decreased concentration.

Principles of treatment

You can normalize hormonal levels with the help of medications or with the help of traditional medicine. It is very important to pay attention to nutrition during treatment. The fact is that there are products that can affect the concentration of testosterone in the blood of a woman or girl.

I must say that any medications, which can reduce or increase testosterone levels, are not recommended to be taken on their own; they can only be prescribed by the attending physician based on test results.

In some cases, surgical intervention is necessary - for tumors in the pituitary gland, for example.

As for products for reducing testosterone in women, they are as follows:

  1. Soybean and its products. Soy contains a large amount of isoflavones, which significantly reduce testosterone levels. In addition, soy and its products contain daidzein, which, when digested, is converted into an antiandrogen.
  2. Legumes. They contain substances (phytoestrogens) that suppress the synthesis of male hormones.
  3. Dairy products. Since milk-producing animals consume large amounts of grass, dairy products contain many phytohormones.
  4. Sesame and flaxseed. Testosterone levels are well reduced by lignan, which these products are rich in.
  5. Vegetable oils. Corn and flaxseed oil have a greater antiandrogenic and anti-aging effect.

What other foods reduce testosterone in women? There are actually quite a few of them:

  • apricots;
  • dates;
  • sweet apples;
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • wheat;
  • oats;
  • lentils;
  • beer;
  • coffee and so on.

Therefore, with elevated testosterone, women are advised to adhere to a special diet.

Dietary rules for high testosterone

The diet must be discussed with your doctor, since a balanced diet is necessary for the health of the body.

Dietary nutrition should include following products, which can significantly reduce the concentration of the male hormone:

  1. Honey, jam, sweet fruits. Any sugars that increase insulin production are indicated for elevated testosterone. This is due to the fact that insulin has a detrimental effect on this hormone, and at the same time increases the synthesis of estrogen.
  2. Dried fruits. Dried fruits contain a large amount of fructose, magnesium, potassium, vitamins and amino acids; all these substances and microelements are indicated for use to reduce testosterone in women.
  3. Oats. Oatmeal significantly slows down the production of testosterone, and in addition, stimulates this hormone to convert into estrogen. It is advisable to cook the porridge in water, and then ready dish add milk, honey and dried fruits.
  4. Medicinal herbs, lowering testosterone concentrations. Mint works best with this. It can be added to salads, soups or brewed with tea.

It is important to understand that all methods of reducing testosterone must be discussed with a doctor. It is very important to determine the cause of high hormone levels and eliminate it. To stabilize hormonal levels, you need to treat the disease, and not just eliminate the symptoms.

The hormonal system is a complex and extremely sensitive mechanism to any changes, which must be adjusted carefully and under constant medical supervision. However, if you contact a competent specialist in a timely manner and strictly adhere to his recommendations, it is quite possible to normalize hormonal levels.