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Drawing a Celtic knot step by step. Drawing knots in Celtic style. Drawing a Celtic Circle Pattern

A weave that creates a whole image that has neither beginning nor end is called a Celtic knot. This is a type of knot that is popular all over the world and has magical powers. The meaning of these symbols still remains an unsolved mystery for many.

Celtic ornaments are an interweaving of various patterns. Arranging harmoniously, they create aesthetic, mysterious symbolism.

In appearance, the nodes are intricate, ingenious labyrinths. The main goal of which is to force a person to learn various facets of his essence, being in constant search throughout his life.

What does Celtic Knot mean?

All Celtic knots include various basic symbols that carry the main meaning:

Spiral ornament, symbol of eternity. Performed in triple form. They symbolize harmony of body and soul, constant spiritual renewal.
A butterfly is the personification of the soul, the rebirth of a person after death.
The Tree of Life is a symbol of the unification of the underworld, life in the Higher Worlds with ordinary earthly life. Symbolizes a parallel reality. Depicted as hands outstretched to the sky. The lower part of these drawings resembles the roots of a tree.
A cross with a circle is a combination of directions of light, the harmonious coexistence of all four elements. The cross protects from the influence of evil spirits and fills with vitality.
The heart is a romantic symbol. This is an unbroken line that characterizes the merging of two souls.
Trixel, one of the most frequently used ornaments. The trefoil indicates the union of the three elements: water, fire and earth. It has a protective effect, makes a person successful, rich and brings good luck.

The node can be executed in any form:

  • drawn;
  • burned on wood;
  • made of metal, as an amulet;
  • pinned on the body;
  • made in the form of a hairstyle;
  • connected;
  • gossip

The most common are the so-called knots of protection and love. There are no specific shapes for weaving them. They are made in the form of rounded structures representing infinity. Various symbols are woven into the trefoil, characterizing, for example, love, determined by the subconscious of a person.

Celtic knot weaving pattern

The knots are woven in varying complexity, including square, round, triangular and other shapes.

Weaving basics for beginners:

A loop is made at one end of the cord.
The second free edge is skipped. The result is a heart shape.
The same end is wound alternately into the edges of the heart, passing between the turns.
Repeated on the other side.
Circled again.
Continues to be passed through the loops.
The end of the cord is hidden on the back of the knot.
The Celtic knot is ready.

Weaving a bracelet “Celtic pattern” from paracord

Making such a decoration yourself is not difficult:

  1. Take 3 cords of different colors.
  2. Foldable. Two of them are circled with a third, forming a loop.
  3. The remaining two parts overlap.
  4. Wrap with a single end, crosswise.
  5. Then it is woven like a “pigtail”, intersecting alternately, a single cord with paired ends.
  6. At the end of the weaving, two others are tied with a single cord.
  7. At the end of the paired part, a Celtic button is knitted.

Celtic button

Detailed video on how to knit a Celtic button step by step:

Hairstyle "Celtic knot" in hair

This hairstyle is an original way to style your hair. Well suited for those with thick, long hair.

Braiding pattern:

  1. A separate strand is taken from each side, at a short distance from each other.
  2. A loop is made on the left side.
  3. The left strand is overlapped with the right one, then the right one is passed under the left part.
  4. The right end is inside the loop on the left. The left side of the curl and its end are held with your free hand.
  5. The end of the right curl is passed through the center, then the base of the left loop.
  6. The right strand is drawn around the base of the left curl. Turns down, carefully pulls both strands
  7. The knot is straightened and fixed with varnish.

This weaving is one of the simple oval love knots, expressing infinity, eternal life.

The name “Celtic” was given to those types of knots and stylized designs that served a decorative function among the ancient Celts. Mostly church monuments with manuscripts were painted with Celtic knots. Notable examples include the Book of Kells, the 8th-century Lichfield Gospel and the Lindisfarne Gospel. It was from that time that their spread began across different countries and cultures of the world.

The earliest interlocking patterns first appeared during the Roman Empire. And by the 3-4th century, a special form of art was formed from knotted ornaments, which was soon embodied in the form of decorating mosaic floors. Celtic patterns were very popular in the architecture of Ancient Byzantium, as well as in the art of the Celts, Copts and Islamists.

Each of the Celtic patterns is characterized by its own sacred symbolism. Today, Celtic symbolism is actively used - it can be found on various amulets, amulets and pendants.

The Celts firmly believed that every person is a piece of the World Tree. It was precisely this that he had to achieve at the final stage of his path after physical death.

For each Celt, a special print was chosen for the amulet, which was believed to correspond with his destiny. It was the symbolism of the ornament that could tell about the state of health, well-being, finances, as well as love - in general, about all the components of a person’s life.

All Celtic patterns are harmoniously intertwined with each other, forming very bizarre figures. All Celtic patterns are characterized by artistry and filigree. It is thanks to their unimaginable aesthetics, mystery and symbolism that they retain their popularity to this day.

In appearance, Celtic patterns are very similar to intricate and cunning labyrinths. At the same time, their main idea is the following: a person is forced to spend his whole life in search of the truth and learn all the facets of his personality.

What do the different Celtic symbols mean?

At the first glance at the mysterious Celtic ornaments, the soul is filled with a very unusual feeling - they attract the eye and simply fascinate. All symbols are not just drawings, but ordinary abstractions, and each symbol has its own meaning.

  • . The cross, to which a circle is added, has a deep meaning. It symbolizes the harmonious combination of all 4 elements or directions of light. At the bottom, the cross always expands - this indicates the increasing needs of a person. The symbol of the cross also exists in the Christian religion and paganism. In the latter he is personified with the energy of the sun. There is an opinion that the Celtic cross is able to protect against the negative effects of evil spirits and fill its owner with life wisdom.
  • Butterfly - personifies the human soul, and also correlates with the theme of rebirth after death and change.
  • Tree of Life. In Celtic culture, a tree was depicted as arms that reach towards the sky at the top and resemble roots at the bottom. The ancient Celts always believed in the existence of parallel realities. The Tree of Life symbolizes the unification of ordinary life, life in the higher worlds and the underworld.
  • Heart - even the avid Celtic warriors were inherent in romance. So, they have a heart symbol, which is drawn as one continuous line. The heart symbolizes the union of two souls.
  • Trefoil (or trixel). It appears very often in Celtic symbolism. The trefoil will indicate the unification of the earth, water and fire elements. It has very strong protective abilities; it will make its owner more successful, lucky and rich.
  • Spirals. They are always triple. The spiral signifies eternity, unceasing spiritual growth, as well as harmony between the physical and spiritual.

The Celts were of the opinion that all ornaments are formed by the Threads of Life, and it is unacceptable to change the patterns, because they were given to us by the gods from above. Symbols were carved on stone, also engraved on metal media, and used to decorate books.

At this point in time, Celtic patterns are applied to amulets and amulets. They are also often used in the form of tattoos. Before you decide to settle on one or another Celtic style, it would be a good idea to carefully study the true meaning of the signs. After all, using magical symbols, you inevitably influence your destiny.

Types of Celtic Knots

Let's look at the most commonly used types of Celtic knots.

Protection node

The ancient Celts decorated their homes with similar amulets in order to protect themselves from any misfortunes. In addition, the sacred sign was used on military weapons: it was applied to shields for battle and to the bodies of the warriors themselves. They believed that the symbol had powerful life-affirming energy.

There was also an opinion that the protective knot removes any illness or evil eye from a person and provides protection from all diseases.

As a rule, protective knots were hung near the front door (so that evil could not enter the home) or above the bed (in this case, the knot provided sweet dreams for the family).

Celtic love knot

It symbolizes the unification of male and female energy, thanks to which the birth of new forms becomes possible, which also “mate” with each other and contribute to the birth of subsequent ones.

The love knot indicates the union of two souls and can help lovers maintain their feelings over many years. If both in a couple have such an amulet, it means that no one can separate them.

There is also a second meaning of the knot of love - the symbol harmoniously combines the mind, body and spirit.

It should be noted that in reality there are no specific shapes that indicate that certain types of knots symbolize love. All this is determined by the human subconscious. For this reason, a heart consciously woven into a trefoil is associated with the manifestation of love in all the highest senses of the word.

Closed nodes in their various manifestations and forms represent infinity, which is clothed in certain qualities of the divine nature. Therefore, they are often used, for example, in black magic, when they want to consolidate some negative qualities, enclosed in a closed knot in an endless series of troubles. To explain this more simply, in practice, the same events begin to repeat in a person’s life, dressed in different external forms.

The process of creating Celtic knots

Knots can be drawn, embroidered or burned - their magical effect does not depend on the method of creation. It is important that the person himself feels subconsciously which of the methods listed above is worth using.

During the creation process, great importance is given to the shape of the nodes. The most popular is the circle shape, which is associated with eternity, infinity and great potential for vital energy.

It becomes possible to strengthen certain qualities, thanks to which they will constantly be present in your life. In other words, the Celtic knot is a manifestation of the cause-and-effect relationship, known to us all by the saying “what goes around comes around.”

To complete the topic, watch the complementary video:

Today is one of the most interesting features of the Inkscape editor - the contour effect. Celtic knot . Using this effect, today we will draw a simple Celtic knot and get acquainted with the contour effect. First, let’s launch the editor (who would doubt that we’ll start with this 🙂). Leave the document sizes at default.

How to draw a Celtic knot

This lesson is an illustration of the use of this extension, and not a lesson in drawing a node.

Step 1.

Create a square without black color 4 px thick. The square dimensions are 60 by 60 px.

It is worth checking the corners of the square - if they are rounded, then you should mark them as right angles, as shown in the screenshot below with a red circle

Step 2

At this step we need to create a pair of elongated rectangles. Vertical first

You need to check that the stroke thickness is also 4 px. We create the second rectangle by duplicating Ctrl+D. After creation, rotate it 90 degrees.

After rotation, select all objects with the mouse

and align using the panel (Shift+Ctrl+A)

Align both vertically and horizontally. At the end of this step, we combine (do not group or sum!) objects (Ctrl+K)

Step 3.

Now it's the turn of contour effects, which in the Inkscape editor are called up by pressing Shift+Ctrl+7. Choosing an effect Celtic knot .

Click add. In the effect settings, uncheck the boxes as in the screenshot below and reduce the switch size to 5.

For subsequent work, switch to the tool Edit nodes.

An overlay settings marker in the form of a diamond and an overlay type indicator in the form of an arc with an arrow appear in the selected node.

A single click changes how the visible line will pass - above or below another line. If the arc turns into a circle, then no overlap occurs. The gap is adjusted by changing the parameter Fixed thickness .

The screenshot above shows, using the example of a horizontal rectangle, how the lines should go. Passing above and below the line alternates (marked with red markers). Finally, make a copy Ctrl+D.

For the copy, select red color.

Step 4.

At the last stage, for a black square, make a stroke 6 px thick. Place the red knot on the black one and align it

If the red line creeps beyond the black line, you should select a parameter Fixed thickness.

It must be said that such a simple creation of a node is only possible for rectangles and squares. Creating nodes of other shapes (circular arcs) requires a little more work.

Below are two circles with a contour effect applied. Celtic knot.

As you can see, parts of the circular arcs are not located as we would like. To give the desired location, you will have to outline the object (stroke) and tighten the nodes (shown with a marker)

But now the figures are superimposed as needed

Now you can begin more complex work. Good luck.

Hello, dear friends! The ancient world consisted of many civilizations that had their own culture, but for some reason the culture of the tribes called Celts was especially valued. What does a Celtic pattern mean and why are they still very popular today? They are revered as powerful amulets. Why are the patterns of ancient tribes so attractive?

What do we know about the Celts?

The Celts are a people who lived in the lands of Northern Europe in 500-250. BC era. They inhabited large areas of Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and some lands of Northern France. The ancient Greeks called them Celts.

The warlike people easily seized foreign lands, causing their neighbors an endless series of problems. It is interesting that they fought naked, with only a sword in their hands. They also gained a reputation as bounty hunters for their opponents, who they hanged in plain sight.

The Celts were not only desperate warriors, but also virtuoso craftsmen.

Since the time of their residence, almost no monuments of their culture remain, but archaeologists manage to find jewelry and the famous Celtic crosses, attractive with intricate patterns that never break.

The ancient people did not believe in the finitude of life; people were sure that a person dies an infinite number of times and comes into this world again. Scientists have been trying to unravel the mystery of their symbols for many centuries, but one thing is known - they have a powerful magical meaning. Therefore, if you decide to get a tattoo, you must apply the lines with the greatest precision so as not to harm yourself.

The types of ornaments are striking in their diversity, and each design carries a special meaning and is endowed only with its own miraculous power.

The type of ornament attracts attention - a labyrinth, where all the threads go to the center, which means the attraction of the human soul towards perfection, and the circle denotes the unity of Heaven and Earth. Upon closer inspection, you can see 3 spirals that form a triangle or triskele - a symbol of the unity of the three elements: Air, Water and Fire, as well as joy and prosperity.

By studying the weaves of threads, you can distinguish the figures of animals and birds; each image has its own meaning:

  • the heron embodies vigilance,
  • partridge - cunning,
  • dove - love, spiritual development,
  • snakes - wisdom, healing powers, keepers of secret knowledge,
  • the hare is a symbol of a comfortable life, immortality, but also deception,
  • Pisces is a sign of disapproval.

The magic of Celtic symbols

It is difficult to unravel the mystery of the patterns of the ancient people, to find out what their intricacies mean.

And the disappearance of an amazing people from the face of the earth haunts historians of all times. But contemporaries inherited a valuable heritage - mysterious Celtic patterns.

The famous Book of Kells was created in 800. The medieval manuscript is lavishly decorated with exquisite miniatures and ornaments.

Today, the symbols of the ancient people are used as an amulet or amulet, made in the form of pendants, rings, and necklaces.

All Celtic patterns are not a banal design, each has its own meaning and significance. Below are thumbnails of the original images.

The Celtic Cross has deep meaning. It is believed that it bestows wisdom, saves from the influence of dark forces, and is a sign of Celtic Christianity.

The fragile butterfly represents the soul, rebirth to life and change.

The tree of life without roots is depicted in the form of hands reaching to heaven. The symbol meant the unity of three worlds: the afterlife, life on earth and in heaven.

The heart is drawn in one continuous line and is the personification of the union of two loving souls.

Trefoil (trixel) has powerful protective powers against evil people, damage, the evil eye, and brings money and good luck in your endeavors.

Attention! When applying a tattoo, the design itself cannot be changed or supplemented, so as not to harm fate. The Thread of Life was given by the gods. Around you can make additions with a horseshoe and other signs of prosperity.

The Celts always have a triple spiral. It means eternity, continuous spiritual growth, harmony between body, spirit and mind.

The Celts believed that if you choose the right ornaments, you can change your destiny.

Men's and women's tattoos

For men, it is better to choose the pattern that personifies courage and determination. For example, dragons mean power, strength.

Celtica in the form of a dolphin is a guide of the soul to the sacred islands, a protector of travelers and sailors.

The powerful symbolism of the Celtic cross can be applied to the arm or back for both girls and men.

Deer means prosperity, masculinity, nobility. The deer was revered as a solar animal and personified with the rebirth of the soul. He sheds his horns (the tree of life), then new ones grow in place of the shed ones.

You can put an image of a fish on your forearm - a sign of higher wisdom. And also a clover with 4 leaves - a sign of faith, love, hope, good luck. It can be supplemented with money, a horseshoe.

For girls, the image of a dog is suitable - a symbol of fidelity and caution. A dog will protect you from everything unkind and evil.

Girls love to make a butterfly image on their leg or shoulder. Interpretation of the image: rebirth after the most difficult life changes have ended. This is a sign of readiness for a new life, new victories, just as a gentle butterfly frees itself from its cocoon.

The hare brings prosperity, abundance, health, and adds strength to young mothers. A color image of these symbols can be made on the shoulder and forearm.

How to draw a Celtic pattern

To join the culture of an ancient people, you can learn to draw a real Celtic knot with a pencil.

We will learn to draw by dots. Let's learn a simple drawing technique step by step.

  1. From the dots we make a 4x4 square, that is, 4 dots wide and 4 dots long. So we get a large square with 9 small squares.

  2. In the center of the small square (each) we place a large dot.

  3. In the corner squares we draw lines from the central large mark to the small dot, heading towards the center.

  4. Then we draw “petals” around the resulting lines, as in the bottom picture.

  5. Next we draw 4 more internal, more rounded “petals”.

  6. Then we make a braid of 4 stripes inside. Look clockwise, you will see that each stripe will lie one level below the next.

  7. Now let's add the central weaves.

  8. To make the drawing look more natural, let's create shadows.

More difficult to perform Celtic braid. Take a piece of paper from your notebook and draw two dotted lines, as shown in the figure.

Then, from the outer line at the top, draw a long line diagonally towards the center and a short one downwards.

Then draw another layer of braids, moving towards the center.

To complete the drawing, the “pigtail” should converge in the center.

That's it, the braid is ready!

Weaving according to ancient patterns

Today, more and more people are interested in weaving protective knots. What are they needed for? A knot consisting of a continuous loop is a talisman against dark forces, as well as spirits that are trying to sneak out from the other world. An ancient powerful amulet can help preserve love, protect from misfortunes, unpleasant events, and difficulties. It helps to overcome obstacles and cope with illness. Helps enhance the best qualities of their owner.

When creating a knot amulet, program it to help yourself, put a piece of your heart into it. It cannot be given as a gift, only inherited.

See how to make a weaving - “Celtic love knot”.

A love knot is an amulet to which people have trusted their most secret feelings for many centuries. It has no ends, which is considered the best amulet of love and fidelity of two lovers.

How to tie love knots? When starting to weave this amulet, remember that the exchange of these gizmos is equivalent to the exchange of wedding rings.

This weaving can be taught to children. A child can weave friendship bracelets from regular floss, while adults can use more durable materials, even leather.

Look at the photo, which shows bead weaving in detail.

Dear friends, you have learned a lot about the ancient culture of the Celts. This knowledge is valuable because it enriches our knowledge of the culture of peoples who lived many centuries ago, and also helps us apply it to improve our lives.