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Speech and handouts for defense. Sample speech (protective word) for the thesis. Structure of a speech to defend a diploma

The question of how to write a speech for a diploma is not so simple. And it seems like a lot has been said about this, and enough has been written, but this problem appears one way or another. I would like to give a few tips to students who are stumped when writing a defense speech. Don't be afraid to write your own speech! This way you will become even more familiar with your work.

How is the defense itself carried out? What and how you need to know for effective protection diploma or final work? Next, we will characterize the protection process itself.

Protection of the diploma

Structurally, the protection looks quite simple and includes two main stages and one additional one.

1. The actual protection of the work itself is the story of the work report you prepared. The main goal of the report is to present the work in such a way that it would be interesting to the committee listening to you.

2. Answers to the commission’s questions - this is the second part of the diploma defense, and here you will have to answer questions from the local examination committee. Generally quantity asked question is not limited, the commission can ask you until everything becomes clear to it. But usually each member of the commission asks one or two questions, and not all participants always ask these questions.

3. Announcement of the results of the defense - this part is already the most pleasant, everything is already over and there is nothing to be afraid of. After the results are announced, you may be scolded or praised, it all depends on whether the members of the commission liked you or not.

Important to remember a number of features of the protection process!

Defense is called that for a reason— You are defending the work you wrote. You have your own vision of the problem and you offer your vision to the commission, so you must DEFEND your work!!! The bolder and clearer your story, the higher the presentation effect.

Answers on questions component your speech. It is advisable to answer questions clearly. However, it is allowed to use materials from the work to clarify what you might have forgotten. Usually this is a request to the commission to look at your work (from memory I find it difficult to say this reliably, can I clarify this question in the work and answer you accurately).

Use practical examples to answer questions.- this shows your mastery of the theory and the professional skills you have acquired. If it is difficult to remember the theoretical calculation, give as an answer an example from life on this issue.

Prepare a work defense plan or report. Even if you know your job inside and out, a basic protection plan will not hurt you. This is additional psychological insurance.

Before you start writing your thesis speech, you need to learn a few simple rules.

Rules for writing a speech for a diploma defense

The defense speech (defense plan) should be meaningful, informative and as short as possible. The report should not be drawn out. You should not include a lot of theory in it; this reduces the effect of protection. Further the most important rules writing a speech for the defense of a diploma.

The most significant points are included in the report – “extra water” should not be included in the report; the defense’s speech is a clear representation of what you did and what you proposed.

The main parts of the report should be found in the work itself , there is no need to invent or think anything out. We take:
introduction– title of the topic, relevance, purpose and objectives of the work, subject and methods of research;
a short summary from the theoretical chapter(if there is such a requirement educational institution) the main provisions of the theory and the level of its elaboration, as well as the degree of applicability in modern working conditions of a specialist;
general conclusions from the analytical chapter on the activities of the organization and the degree of development of the phenomenon or process being studied, and be sure to indicate the identified problems that will be solved in this work;
suggestions from the project chapter and characteristics of the expected effect of the activities.

We include tables in the report and handouts , from which you can draw analytical conclusions and graphs that clearly present the results of the study.

The written report must be learned, not necessarily word for word, but the REPORT SHOULD BE TOLD AND NOT READ! All this will affect the presentation effect of your speech.

Effective presentation (presentation)

The effect of your speech largely depends on the impression you made on the certification commission. The rules are banal, but very effective. So:

  1. Appearance - of course, this is a business style of clothing - is met by clothing. A neat, tidy appearance calms and pacifies the commission. Considering that these are your teachers who have never seen you in this form before, then this is a double plus.
  2. Speaking confidently - convincing the committee that you know what you're saying - is the hardest part. Try to be as nervous as possible. I don’t recommend using sedatives (as a teacher with many years of experience), they slow down processes and this can lead to difficulties, especially in the thinking process.
  3. Try not to use terms that you do not know in your speech. They will definitely pay attention to this. If you know the meaning of a complex term, then be sure to include it and show off your erudition!
  4. Be sure to interact with the handout or presentation. For example... let's look at the graph. Or we can see from the table. In this way, you will show how well you master the material, and you will also “lose” a little time if the defense has a time limit and you do not reach the standard.
  5. Don't be afraid of commission questions. This is why the defense of a diploma is called a defense. You must defend your opinion. Therefore, give arguments, proving from your work that you are right. If during the process of answering you realized that there was a mistake on your part, adequately admit it. Yes, there is a small mistake of mine here. I will take this situation into account in my professional activities.
  6. Be sure to greet the committee at the beginning of the defense and say goodbye at the end. No one has canceled the rules of politeness.
  7. During the process of defending yourself and answering questions, try to communicate more with the chairman of the commission. He is a stranger, he doesn’t know you, and his assessment may depend on how much he likes you. It happens that those who showed not very high-quality studies during the defense receive 5 because the chairman really liked the performance.

How to write a defense speech course work you can see .

You can download an example of a speech for a diploma (report) and handouts for the report.

It would seem that, in order to get an “excellent” for your coursework, you just need to write it well. In fact, writing a term paper is only half the battle. She still needs to be protected! In some universities, junior students are exempt from defense and receive grades by submitting their work to the teacher. But from the third year (and in some places from the first), grades are given based on the results of the defense.

Why is this stage needed? Defending your coursework is a rehearsal for a more important presentation: defending your thesis. The purpose of the event is to teach students:

1) write speeches and create presentations to defend your work;
2) clearly introduce the audience to the results of their scientific research;
3) convey your position on the topic concisely and reasonably;
4) do not get confused when answering questions on the topic of the course work and defend your point of view.

How to prepare for defense?

In order to successfully defend your coursework, you must:

  1. Write it at a decent level(we recommend reading the article about). Firstly, if you do not cope with the writing, you may not be allowed to defend yourself. Secondly, the assessment still depends 90% on the supervisor. Usually he already has a rough idea of ​​what to deliver to you. But there is still a chance to overwhelm the defense – or, conversely, to shine!
  1. Prepare a defensive speech. At a minimum, compile the introduction and conclusion. This is a light program, rated “satisfactory”. To perform brilliantly, you need to briefly but convincingly reflect the tasks, goals, and results of the work in your defense speech. Ideally, demonstrate your scientific contribution to the study of the topic.
  1. Create a cool presentation. Nowadays, few defenses can do without this element. Visual accompaniment emphasizes your serious approach to protection. In addition, the visuals are easier to perceive by the audience. Sometimes a high-quality presentation pulls out completely hopeless work. Often - adds points. If you are not very good at computer programs, you can develop a presentation plan yourself, and order its design from a professional on StudLance. It can also be done on a turnkey basis.
  1. Read the speech several times, ideally learn it by heart. You can peek slightly at the folder with the speech, but reading it from start to finish is bad manners. Students who read their defense speech almost syllable by syllable, make bizarre accents (“ferrous metal Urgy”) and make mistakes (“… Australian scientist Freud…”) look especially unsightly. This suggests that the student most likely did not write the coursework himself. And now he’s seeing his own speech for the first time.
  1. An opponent is usually not assigned to defend the coursework. But if your university practices defending coursework with the participation of an opponent, you need to prepare a decent, but not aggressive, response. The ideal option is to admit some minor mistakes and thank your opponent, and come up with a plausible excuse for the remaining comments. It is not recommended to attack your opponent in the “you’re a fool” style, especially if he is a graduate student or a teacher. More valuable to yourself.
  1. Answer audience questions comprehensively and convincingly. If you are, be sure to read what is written in it. It is at this stage that the risk of failing a brilliant coursework written to order is highest. Because teachers are not mugs.
  1. Distribute prepared questions to your classmates. In general, all teachers know this technique, but they are loyal. This, after all, creates excitement on defense. And you will be able to prepare wonderful answers to these questions and cover up the not very successful ones with them. Naturally, the debt is repayable - your classmates will also give you their questions. From the outside, such a defense looks very solid: such interest among students, such smart questions, such reasoned answers!
  1. Choose a teacher who has enough authority to protect you, if anything happens. Sometimes only your supervisor and his “brood of pets” are present at the course defense, but it happens that the defense takes place for the entire department at once. A situation may arise when they will bring you down in order to spoil your teacher. Or simply because someone needs to give a C, and your graduate student is the most harmless. So read the article about.
  1. Additional advice is not to make enemies in the pulpit. During your defense, you may even be reminded of a roll of paper thrown by your teacher in your first year. He no longer teaches for you, but look, you showed up to defend yourself. And, it seems, he prepared questions...
  1. Try to get to the student conference. In a number of universities, the best students make presentations on the topic of their coursework at these conferences. This counts as defense and guarantees an A.

Do you use any other chips on defense?

How to write a speech for a diploma correctly? Do you know? No? Then listen carefully...

A competent, clearly thought out speech for a diploma is an important component of success. It’s not enough just to write a speech for your thesis; you also need to be able to talk beautifully about your work. Otherwise, the commission may inadvertently get upset and lose all interest in you.

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  1. How to write a security word (speech) for a diploma? Write your own diploma . You should not write a thesis defense without studying your thesis thoroughly. Re-read the material, let it “get it” in your head. After that you can start. But how can you defend your thesis if you didn’t write it yourself? The same thing - study the work thoroughly before defending.
  2. Remember the time . As a rule, the thesis defense does not last long. As they say, 10 minutes of shame - and you can relax. Therefore, you should not directly rewrite the entire diploma into your speech. Let the report be an assistant, a cheat sheet, according to which it will be easier to talk about the essence of the research.
  3. Before writing a security statement for your thesis, together with your supervisor think about possible questions , which the honorable commission may ask. It is advisable to include information that will help with answers in the speech.
  4. Use information from the introduction and conclusion . Indicate what the task of the diploma was, how it was solved, what was done and what was received as a result. The speech should capture the essence of your work, so add conclusions from each chapter.
  5. Practice your defense in front of the mirror . Or in front of friends. First of all, it's funny. And secondly, already standing in front of the commission, you will not feel much discomfort, since you have already been in this situation “at rehearsal”. In addition, this way you can tailor your speech to a clearly defined time frame.
  6. Do you want to be an example of how to write a speech for a thesis defense? Make a presentation . And here it is important to know.

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How to correctly compose/write a speech to defend a diploma: example

And now, so that beginners can understand how to write a speech for a diploma, let’s give an example. Here is a sample of Mr. X's ideal thesis/thesis speech:

"Hello, dear members of the certification committee! The topic of my final qualifying work is “How to write a dissertation in 2 hours.” The relevance of the topic is obvious, this problem is very common, many people face a similar problem that requires consideration from a scientific point of view. The purpose of the work – conduct research on writing a thesis in 2 hours.

The first chapter discusses the work theoretical basis writing a thesis in 2 hours. Analysis of the issue showed that the features of this process are as follows: the thesis is written mainly at night, often in co-authorship. Excessive coffee consumption and chocolate overdose have a positive effect on the process.

The second chapter of the work is devoted to practical research. The results of the study confirm the theoretical principles presented in the first chapter."

The result of the project chapter was the development of methods for writing a diploma in 2 hours. During the preparation of the work, the tasks set at the beginning of the project were solved. The goal of the work - to conduct research on writing a thesis in 2 hours - has been achieved. This concludes my thesis defense. Thank you for your attention!"

We know very well how difficult it will be to write a speech for your thesis defense correctly. On the eve of this significant event, when nerves are on edge, making presentations and speeches can turn into real torture.

Fortunately, we have an excellent solution to such situations - the help of a professional student service. The vast experience of our performers will not allow you to doubt your success in defense!

A speech or report to defend a thesis is an integral and one of the most important attributes of defending a thesis in psychology. Preparing a high-quality report ensures that the overall preparation for the thesis defense is at least half successful.

The defense speech should not be too long, but at the same time, the entire essence of your thesis should fit in it. As a rule, it is required that the duration of the speech be no more than 10 minutes, and if you do not meet the time limit, you may even be interrupted. Therefore, it is advisable to clarify the requirements for the duration of the report at your department, read aloud your defense speech at an average pace with a stopwatch and make sure that its duration meets these requirements. If the length of the speech exceeds the limit, then it should be shortened.

It is also advisable to find out whether your department allows sight-reading of speeches. If it is not allowed, then you need to decide, taking into account your individual characteristics, whether it is worth learning it by heart, or whether you have enough moral stability and the ability to convey the essence of your defense report in your own words. Everything here is individual.

How to write a speech (report) for defense

At the very beginning of the speech, we write an appeal to the commission and voice the topic of our diploma, for example:

Dear chairman and members of the state certification commission! We present to your attention a thesis on such and such a topic.

Then we immediately move on to the introductory part of the speech, starting with the relevance of the topic. The relevance should not be described in detail or completely copied from the introduction. Three or four sentences are enough, which contain the essence of relevance.

After relevance, we write the main methodological parameters - the purpose of the work, the object and subject of the study, the research hypothesis. As a rule, all this is formulated briefly in the work itself, so these parts can simply be copied from the introduction.

Then we very briefly provide general “background” information about the empirical research conducted, for example:

An empirical study of such and such a topic was carried out at such and such a time. Two groups of subjects took part in the study: so-and-so and so-and-so. The number of the first group consisted of so many people, the second - so many.

After this, we list the empirical research methods. As a rule, all teachers are well acquainted with psychodiagnostic tools, and one should not dwell on the methods in detail; it is enough to state their names. The exception is rare techniques and techniques that you have developed yourself - in such cases, you should describe the essence of the technique in three to four sentences.

Then in one sentence we list the data processing methods, for example:

The results of the empirical study were processed through correlation and factor analysis.

The defense speech for the diploma is presented openly. This means that the speech will be held at a public meeting of the general state certification commission (abbreviated as GAK), which will be attended by anyone who wishes to attend.

At the beginning of the defense process, the chief secretary of the State Attestation Commission will call the student to the podium and, in his presence, introduce all members of the commission to the main meaning of the diploma project. After this, the student will be given time to present a short report on the results of the study. Time to present the report: no more than 12 minutes.

How to write a speech for a diploma and defend it: instructions to help students

To successfully complete your studies at the institute, writing a diploma is not enough. It also needs to be properly protected. A student can count on successfully passing his thesis project only if his project, speech for defense and the speech itself meet the following requirements:

  • high academic quality of the diploma project, absolute disclosure of the topic, confident and highly professional presentation of the speech for defense. To increase your confidence in success, it would be wise to discuss the content of your thesis project with your supervisor in advance. All comments received must be taken seriously. After all, in order to receive a high grade, a student’s diploma project must demonstrate high value both in its research and analytical parts. 2
  • The preparation of handouts and presentations also deserves no less attention. After all, these most important parts of the diploma project will help each member of the examination committee to become better acquainted with the essence of the diploma.
  • Print and professionally format your graduation speech. The speech itself should clearly reflect such points as: the relevance of the research, contradictions, the hypothesis put forward by the student and the goals and objectives set by him.
  • Don’t neglect the opportunity to agree on the text of your thesis speech before the committee and your supervisor. This will make it possible to take into account all the advice given by the manager and improve your speech. After making final adjustments, you need to make an effort to learn the text of the speech close to the text. This will give you confidence when defending your thesis.
  • Before the defense, you should read the text of the thesis project and the thesis speech for the defense again. This will help you better navigate the structure and text of each work.
  • Don't worry if the SAC members decide to ask one or more additional questions.
  • You must remember that no more than 10 minutes will be allotted for the presentation. Therefore, from the very beginning of your speech you should try to speak quickly, meaningfully and briefly.

How to write a speech to defend your thesis: plan and structure of the speech

In order for the diploma defense to go smoothly, the report intended to be delivered before the State Attestation Committee must be written in advance and rehearsed many times in front of a mirror or by family members. It is extremely important not to miss any of the most important ideas during the process of defending your thesis. To do this, you need to draw up a plan for defending your thesis that would correspond to this example:

  • Brief introduction to the project topic;
  • Discussion of the relevance of the chosen topic and goals of the work;
  • Subjects, objects and time periods of research.
  • Brief analysis of the 1st chapter of the diploma project;
  • The main directions of analysis (contained in Chapter 2) indicating the identified shortcomings, hidden reserves and additional opportunities;
  • The content of each of the proposals, directions or activities described in the diploma with a clear justification contained in the 3rd chapter of the thesis;
  • Conclusion directly related to the topic of the work.

The main role in the thesis speech should be given to the research carried out by the student himself, the main aspects of scientific novelty and the academic value of the material being studied.

An example of a speech to defend a diploma

Dear Head of the National Attestation Commission! Dear members of the State Attestation Commission!

We present to your attention a diploma project called: “Improving the work of the relaxation and recovery center at the Solo Hotel Sokos Palace Bridge.”

In our time, the chosen topic is especially important due to the fact that people of our time have significantly increased the need to replenish the psychophysical capabilities available in the human reserve.

Intense work activity, the educational process, family responsibilities, sports competitions, lack of beneficial rest and proper nutrition - all this sooner or later leads to overwork of the body.

The system of relaxation recovery measures practiced today does not allow you to fully recover from stressful everyday life. This means that this system needs additional adjustments, improvements and improvements.

Chapter 1 summarized information about the work of relaxation and recovery associations existing in Russia today and described the general principles of their work. The main problem lies in the fact that people notice physical fatigue immediately, but people do not pay any attention to emotional or mental exhaustion for years.

As practice shows, the work of relaxation recovery centers consists only of getting rid of existing physical fatigue. Whereas emotional and mental fatigue in such centers is not given due attention.

  1. As a way to get rid of muscle “tensions” that cause pain and spasms in the muscles with a clear limitation of movement.
  2. As a method of replenishing the body's energy potential.
  3. As a means to restore psycho-emotional balance in the event of diagnosing mental or mental overload;
  4. As a targeted improvement of the body.

Also in Chapter 1, theoretical information related to the features of customer service technologies, cutting-edge trends in the development of this area of ​​citizen health, and the main principles of interaction with relaxation recovery associations were considered.

Chapter 2 provided a detailed overview of the activities of the Solo Hotel Sokos Palace Bridge hotel complex. Hotel services include: room accommodation, restaurant service, special services for businessmen and a relaxation and recovery association.

During the study, both the strengths and weaknesses of this hotel in general and its relaxation room in particular were noted. The results of the study were posted in the SWOT analysis table included in the handout.

By preparing the tables contained in the handouts, we can draw a conclusion about the positive results of the work and the harmonious development of this hotel complex. Thanks to this, all conditions are created to satisfy the most frequent wishes of clients and form a favorable attitude towards each of them.

An important part of the hotel can also be considered a relaxation and recovery center, which includes a modern wellness club and SPA-THANN. The center also includes a fitness club “Club Easy Fit”, which fully meets all European standards in terms of its level of service.

The 3rd chapter of the diploma project included personal recommendations for further improvement of the work of the relaxation and recovery complex, the most important of which can be considered efforts aimed at facilitating interaction with the complex’s staff and the targeted introduction of innovative solutions into the work of the center.

Immediate resolution of a set of problems identified in the work will lead to normalization economic efficiency activities of the center and will increase the influx of new clients.

Student Semenov I.V. I completed my defense speech for my graduation project on the topic “Improving the activities of the relaxation and recovery complex at the Solo Hotel Sokos Palace Bridge.” To all listeners, thank you for your attention!

What should the handout material be?

Handouts for the defense are illustrative material needed to present the diploma to the members of the State Attestation Committee from the most advantageous side. The handout will be a visual aid intended to obtain a complete understanding of the information contained in the student’s “defense” speech and his graduation project. The content of this material can be determined by the student himself, in accordance with the graphic appendices indicated in the explanatory note to the thesis. Thus, most often, handouts consist of graphs, diagrams, illustrative material, and small tables.

Handouts should be carefully stapled, combined into standard A4 plastic folders and reproduced in the same number of copies as the number of members of the State Attestation Committee will be present at the diploma defense. Immediately before the start of the “defensive” speech, this material should be distributed to each member of the SAC.

Evaluation of the thesis project: what does the student need to know?

The evaluation of the diploma project and the results of its defense is based on the following aspects:

  • Relevance of the chosen topic. Selection of goals and objectives;
  • Level of knowledge of the theoretical part and practical research considered in the project;
  • Harmony of the topic and objects of study;
  • Selection of methods and approaches for analyzing the results obtained.
  • The quality of the analysis performed;
  • Ability to find the main problem;
  • Specificity of the choice of tasks for thesis consideration;
  • Choosing an appropriate way to solve the problems posed by the student;
  • The degree of meaningfulness of the student’s proposed solution;
  • Description of the fruits of introducing methods designed to improve the existing situation;
  • The ability to competently move on to the results of the diploma project and draw up a conclusion.
  • Preparation of a speech for the defense of a diploma;
  • Quality and practical value of handouts;
  • The performance during the defense of the thesis is assessed according to the following parameters: mastery of the content of the thesis, free presentation of the defense speech, skillful use of handouts, competent answers to additional questions from the State Attestation Committee.

At a special meeting of the State Attestation Committee there will be a decision on setting grades for writing a diploma project and on the possibility of awarding the student being examined a specialist qualification. After this, the results of the meeting will be publicly announced.

How to write a speech to defend your thesis with an “A”: secret methods and techniques updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru