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Spiced coffee recipe. What to drink coffee with When is it better to add spices to coffee

05.09.2019 241 views

Spices for coffee should be chosen wisely - not every spice will complement a scalding drink! If you want to add new unexpected notes to your taste, or enhance the spicy aroma, you need to learn how to choose the right combinations of seasonings! Read our tips and choose recipes to suit your taste.

What spices can you use?

We will tell you what spices are added to coffee - in the review you will find detailed description the most delicious and healthy ingredients. But first, let's note a few important rules:

  • Seasonings should only be ground before use - do not store powders for a long time, they will lose taste, smell and beneficial features;
  • Any spice should be used in moderation - excessive consumption will ruin the taste of the drink and can also lead to unwanted side effects.

Are you already excited about the idea of ​​making coffee with spices? Let's discuss the perfect spices!


One of the most popular and expensive spices, which is valued all over the world:

  • Adds piquancy and a slight pleasant bitterness;
  • Soothes the stomach and gives a cooling effect.

You should not put more than half a tsp. on the mug.


Only the lazy have not heard of cinnamon - it is added to baked goods and used as a natural flavoring. This is a unique seasoning, tasty and healthy:

  • Gives a delicate aroma and pleasant sweetness;
  • It has a warming effect and has anti-cold properties.

Most often, this coffee seasoning is used to decorate milk froth. We do not recommend using more than a pinch per cup.


Don’t be surprised - not only lemonades, teas and decoctions, but also coffee drinks can be prepared using ginger.

  • Calms nervous system;
  • Relieves headaches and cramps;
  • Helps stimulate metabolism.

When cooking, it is enough to use a pinch of ground ginger or a small piece of fresh root.


You should definitely include in your coffee spice set nutmeg– it perfectly complements a black or milk drink.

  • Gives a pungent and slightly bitter taste;
  • Helps to warm up, tones brain activity;
  • Strengthens memory and is used to prevent heart disease.

When cooking in a Turk, just add nutmeg on the tip of a knife or sprinkle foam on top!

Black pepper

This familiar spice can be added not only to soups and main courses - add it to a coffee drink.

  • Gives a tart aroma and pungent taste;
  • Has antimicrobial properties, treats colds;
  • Stimulates the production of gastric juice.

One or two ground peas are enough for one mug.


The oily spice is especially loved in the East - essential oils give the drink a special aroma and pungent taste.

  • Has a warming effect;
  • Normalizes blood circulation and digestion;
  • Reduces the effect of caffeine on the human body.

One or two cloves, whole or ground into powder, are enough for one serving.

Star anise

This coffee spice contains many essential oils, which are revealed in hot water:

  • Helps with colds, treats cough;
  • Relieves pain.

It is enough to put a few stars in the Turk.


Small sticks or ground powder will give a sweetish smell and a pleasant taste - put a few pinches in your coffee.

  • Acts as an aphrodisiac;
  • Normalizes sleep, calms the nervous system.

Now you understand what spices are added to coffee - it’s time to finally brew a cup and cheer up!


We figured out what spices can be added to coffee - go shopping right now! And if you have already purchased the necessary spices, it’s time to prepare a delicious drink - we will tell you several methods of preparation, choose the one you like.

With cloves

First prepare the following ingredients:

  • 120 ml water;
  • 30-40 ml cream;
  • 2 tsp ground grains;
  • A teaspoon of sugar;
  • Four carnation stars.

Now let’s start preparing coffee with spices in a Turk:

  • Grind the cloves in a mortar or coffee grinder;
  • Pour the spice and grains into the Turk, add sugar;
  • Place on the fire and keep on the stove for about thirty seconds, stirring;
  • Pour in water and wait until foam forms;
  • Remove the Turk from the stove for a couple of seconds, then repeat the action;
  • Pour the drink into a mug and add cream to taste.

Now grab the Tunisian spiced coffee recipe – you won’t soon forget this unique taste!

In Tunisian

Prepare the following components:

  • Water – 150 ml;
  • A teaspoon of ground grains;
  • Cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • Two carnation stars;
  • A third of a teaspoon of cardamom.

Now do the following:

  • Warm the empty Turk over low heat (one minute is enough);
  • Add sugar, ground grains and spices, stir;
  • Add water and place on low heat;
  • As soon as the drink boils, remove the Turk and let the foam settle;
  • Place on the heat again and bring to a boil;
  • Let the drink brew for a few minutes and pour into cups.

Spices give black coffee new flavors and neutralize the harsh effects of caffeine on the body. Gourmets are offered a simple and quick way to prepare natural coffee with an oriental accent. The main thing is not to overdo it with spices. It is not recommended to use more than three spices in one recipe. Ingredients for two servings

  1. medium roast coffee beans – 2 tsp.
  2. cardamom – 1 box
  3. cinnamon - a piece of stick
  4. allspice – 1 pea
  5. sugar - 1 tsp.
  6. water – 200ml

Preparing for the sacrament of making coffee with spices

Immediately before cooking, grind the grains along with the spices in a coffee grinder. The finer the powder, the stronger and richer the taste of the drink. Smell matters too. You've only just started cooking, but you're already bathed in aroma! Coffee cups need to be warmed up. If there is no special device for heating the dishes, simply fill them with boiling water.
True gourmets prepare coffee not in coffee machines, but exclusively in a Turk. It is advisable to use copper or ceramic, small - for one or two cups. A narrow neck will ensure the formation of a cap, which serves as a barrier to the entry of air during cooking. Under such conditions, the coffee will release all its beneficial substances to the water as much as possible, and the taste will become thicker and richer.
Water for coffee should be taken cold, unboiled, but purified. Good tasty water is the key to excellent coffee. Have you prepared everything? Then let's get started!

The process has begun

Place sugar and coffee with spices on the bottom of an empty Turk. Place over low heat and heat for 15-20 seconds, stirring. Be careful not to burn the contents! Add water to the narrowest point and bring to a boil. It is advisable not to be distracted so that the coffee does not boil and run away. Once the foam cap rises to its maximum height, remove from heat and let stand for a minute. Then repeat the heating until the foam rises. And so two or three times. Attention! The coffee should not be stirred so as not to disturb the foam head. Let the divine drink sit for one minute. Using a spoon, spoon the foam into heated cups and carefully fill them with coffee. You can enjoy it! Bliss from perfection
Keep in mind that it is not advisable to drink coffee on an empty stomach. Its taste goes best with hard cheese and chocolate. Wise Arabs serve coffee with a glass of clean cold water, which highlights and enhances the incredible taste and allows you to feel all the shades. Coffee is a refined and noble drink that demands respect. That is why you should not drink it three times a day. Receptors will no longer perceive the full depth of taste, and addiction and even dependence on caffeine may occur.

Coffee has long been very popular. The aromatic drink has long found fans on different continents. But only true gourmets know a lot about it. Ordinary people are not very knowledgeable about the types of drink and the degree of roasting of the beans. And even more so, not everyone knows that you can make coffee with spices. Such drinks are widely represented in today's fashionable coffee shops. However, there is nothing difficult in learning how to make aromatic coffee at home.

What spices can I use?

Wise eastern people were the first to drink coffee with spices. In this way, they were able to achieve new flavors, enhance the beneficial properties of the drink and neutralize the effects of caffeine. Thanks to the use of different spices, coffee can invigorate, calm, and lift your spirits.

Over time, Europeans also adopted unusual options preparing the drink. In order to learn how to prepare an aromatic drink, you need to know what spices are added to coffee. Not all spices are good for this.

In our article we want to provide a list of the most common and suitable spices:

  • Cinnamon is simply irreplaceable for preparing the drink. It gives it a bittersweet taste. Cinnamon is considered a wonderful addition to slightly sour Arabica beans. For preparation, not only crushed spice powder is used, but also whole sticks, which are dipped directly into the cup for a few seconds.
  • Ginger. The root makes the drink aromatic, juicy, and very warming. It is in hot coffee that ginger exhibits its properties best. The pulp stimulates intestinal activity. To prepare the drink, you can use not only the powder, but also the grated root.
  • Carnation. Spicy and bright, the spice has a bitter note. It goes well with a strong drink. Clove lowers blood pressure, neutralizes caffeine and is a good antiseptic, which allows it to be used during respiratory diseases.
  • Cardamom is spicy, sweet, cooling. A drink with it helps you relax and achieve harmony. The high concentration of essential oils gives a strong, unique aroma. Cardamom helps eliminate stomach problems. IN hot coffee you can add a box of spices.
  • Black pepper. Don’t be surprised that this spice appears on our list. Pepper makes the drink more appetizing and aromatic. Coffee with it warms you up well and puts your thoughts in the right frame of mind. Just add a few peppercorns to a cup of drink and let it brew.
  • Nutmeg tones and excites. To prepare coffee, use powder, which is poured over the foam.
  • Vanilla gives the drink a dizzying aroma, attractive and warm at the same time. To make coffee, you can use pods that are dipped into a cup for a couple of minutes.

Features of the use of spices

Arabs traditionally prepare coffee with spices. They prefer drinks with a sharp tartness and spicy accompaniment against the background of the usual aroma. Arabs use not only the previously listed spices, but also cumin, star anise, anise, allspice, and garlic. Sometimes clover grains, dates, figs, mint, citrus essences, almond powders, etc. are also used. Such a wide range of additives allows you to prepare a drink for all occasions. In the east, coffee is served as a complement to main courses and as dessert. The drink can be liquid or creamy.

If you are taking your first steps in using coffee spices, you should follow certain rules. It makes sense to start with small doses of spices and a small amount of drink. The new taste and aroma may not seem very pleasant upon first tasting. Spices require moderate use. IN otherwise excess will completely destroy the taste and aroma of coffee, making it disgusting. For example, if you want to use black pepper, just add one pea to a cup for the first time.

Spices are believed to neutralize the negative effects of caffeine. However, recent research by scientists suggests that coffee is exclusively healthy drink, which has no negative impact.

Experts say that even ground spices can be used to prepare the drink. However, it is worth remembering that over time they lose their intense aroma. Therefore, spices should be purchased whole and then crushed immediately before use.

Non-traditional supplements

Some countries have developed their own traditions of preparing and serving coffee. For example, in Finland the drink is served with a cube of fatty cheese in a cup. Coffee tastes even better when it is accompanied by melted, gooey cheese. The Vietnamese practice even more original version. They put a sweet omelette in their coffee, made from a mixture of beaten egg and condensed milk.

Citrus fruits are often used to make spiced coffee. Coconut shavings, orange and lemon zest are mixed with ground coffee and cooked in a Turk. Such additives give the drink special notes. In cafes now, the foam of the drink is often beautifully decorated with cocoa powder. It should be noted that chocolate and coffee complement each other perfectly.

Coffee with cardamom

How to make spiced coffee? Cinnamon and cardamom are the most popular spices for making the drink. We present to your attention a simple recipe for coffee with cardamom.


  • Ground coffee (natural) – 2 tsp.
  • Water – 130 ml.
  • Cardamom – 10 grains.

If you want to make real coffee, you will need a Turk for this. You simply cannot do without such dishes. Cardamom should be added during cooking. Turka is removed from the heat only after foam appears. It must be transferred into a cup using a spoon, and the container itself must be placed on the stove. The drink should be brought to a boil again, then strain through a strainer. The finished coffee is poured into a cup.

Flavored drink recipe

We bring to your attention a more complex recipe for coffee with spices. To prepare we will need:

  • Three buds of cloves.
  • Cinnamon stick.
  • Sugar.
  • Ginger decoction.
  • Milk.

Preparing the drink is quite simple. Spices and fruits are thoroughly kneaded in a container and poured with boiling water, after which they are boiled and infused for 30 minutes. This solution is later used to make coffee. The infusion is poured into a Turk and cinnamon is added. Sugar and milk are added based on taste preferences.

Gingerbread coffee

There are many recipes for making coffee with spices. Not to mention the fact that every housewife can make her own changes to the existing recipe.


  • Milk – 50 g.
  • 1 tsp. maple syrup (instead of sugar).
  • Three boxes of cardamom.
  • Ginger – 1/3 tsp.
  • 1/3 tsp. cinnamon.
  • Vanilla in the form of a pod – 1 cm.
  • Ground coffee – 2 tsp.
  • Water – 140 ml.

The best spiced coffee recipe will allow you to prepare the most delicious drink. The prepared spices must be crushed and mixed. Their proportions should not be maintained exactly. You can experiment on your own with the quantities of certain components.

Add all the spices to the ground coffee, fill the mixture with water and bring to readiness. Strain the drink and pour into a cup. Add maple syrup or any other sweetener to it. You can also pour warm or cold milk into your coffee to suit your taste. When serving, you can sprinkle some spices on the foam of the drink.

Jamaican coffee

We suggest making Turkish coffee with Jamaican spices.


  • Sweet cream – 110 g.
  • Cloves – 3 pcs.
  • Two cups of strong coffee.
  • Brown rum and sugar - to taste.
  • Cinnamon sticks – 6 pcs.

The cream must be whipped into a stable foam. We brew coffee in a Turkish pot with cloves. Add sugar at your discretion. Its quantity depends on your taste preferences. Strain the drink and pour it into cups. Add up to 20 grams of rum to each. And on top of the drink we decorate it with a cap of cream whipped with cinnamon. The amount of sugar and rum in coffee can be changed to suit your taste.

Mediterranean coffee

The following quantities of ingredients are needed to prepare 8 cups of coffee:

  • Sugar - to taste.
  • Whipped cream – ½ cup.
  • A slice of orange and lemon.
  • Chocolate syrup - ¼ cup.
  • Cinnamon – 4 sticks.
  • Cloves – 1.5 tsp.
  • Anise seeds – ½ tsp.

Place the spices in a container for preparing the drink, add ground coffee. Pour boiling water over the mixture and then heat it to a boil. The drink should boil a little so that it has time to brew. Pour the finished coffee into mugs, decorating them with cream on top. You can add a slice of orange or lemon to each cup. The drink should be drunk hot.

Coffee should be prepared at the rate of 2 tsp. for one cup.

Muscat coffee


  • Yellow sugar - tbsp. l.
  • Cream - ½ cup.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Egg yolk.
  • A cup of coffee.

Beat the egg yolk and sugar thoroughly using a mixer. Heat the cream in a small container. Gradually add the beaten egg into the cream. The mixture must be brought to a boil, but not boiled. Pour the resulting mixture into cups of coffee. Thoroughly sprinkle ground cardamom on top of the drink.

Vanilla coffee


  • Ground coffee – 3 tsp.
  • Vanilla stick.
  • Water – 190 ml.
  • Mint - four leaves.
  • Sugar – 5 tsp.

Pour sugar into the Turk and set it to heat up on the fire. However, you need to be careful that the sugar does not burn. It should be warmed up for no more than a minute. Then add coffee and vanilla stick. Pour the mixture cold water and cook it over low heat until it boils. After the foam appears, the Turk should be removed from the heat. Coffee should not be boiled.

We wash the mint leaves and knead them with our hands. We pound it in a mortar. Strain the finished drink and pour into cups with the addition of mint.

Coffee with garlic


Place cloves of garlic, coffee and sugar (to taste) in the Turk, add just a little salt and ground pepper. Fill the mixture with cold water. We send the Turk to the fire. Bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil it. Pour the coffee into cups. Pepper and salt make the drink stronger, and garlic adds brightness.

Aromatic plants have always been used in cooking, perfumery, and medicine. Although more than 150 varieties have been accumulated in the world's storehouse, 15–20 aromas are used in everyday life, and coffee spices are experiencing a rebirth thanks to the increased interest in the immortal drink.

Spices have made an endless and dramatic journey into modern cuisine from ancient times. Mentions of seasonings can be found in chronicles about the history of ancient countries: China, India. Egyptian papyri preserved methods for preparing drinks with cinnamon, cumin and saffron.

Previously, they were used locally, but as civilization developed, spices spread far beyond the growing area. Until now, the use of aromatic substances has its own national characteristics.

Coffee melodies from different countries

No coffee meal in the Arab world is complete without spices. The love for tart and pungent taste is passed on to them genetically. Against a background of divine aroma, they enjoy notes of the distinct fragrances of traditional additives.


The pungent-smelling tonic is a favorite aromatic plant among the Arabs. The fruits are used in small quantities and are prepared by often grinding coffee beans along with cardamom.

The spice is rich in essential oils. It is believed that it increases potency. Previously, the seasoning was used to improve digestion, build muscle, and activate male power.

The addiction to spice is no coincidence. The rhizome of the plant in ground form has long become a traditional addition to various dishes not only in the Arab world, but also in many European countries. Its beneficial properties are due to the content of amino acids, vitamins, and essential oils.


The aromatic seasoning makes the drink original in taste, softens and enriches the coffee. The spice's pronounced antimicrobial effect allows it to preserve food longer, and in the Middle East it is used in spicy meat dishes.

The well-deserved reputation of the complex of volatile essential oils of cinnamon allows its use against colds and other infectious diseases.


Spicy, rich and bitter-tasting buds go perfectly with. To preserve the tart aroma of the spice, the buds of the tropical tree are not subjected to prolonged heat treatment. They are placed in a mug and filled with the finished drink.


A warming, disinfecting, digestive-improving product, add 1-2 peas. Let it brew for a few minutes.

The spice is recommended for use in cold weather. The piquant additive not only saturates the body with additional fragrance, but also cleanses the walls of blood vessels, strengthens memory, disinfects the body from pathogenic microbes, and stimulates the gastrointestinal tract.

Those who want to decorate the coffee ritual in a special way, each time changing and combining spices in different proportions, add anise, star anise, garlic and even to the drink.

Fantasies of the regions of the planet

The Italians, the founders of Western coffee traditions, have a great passion for the drink. They have been breathing its aromas since birth and, not unreasonably, consider themselves the founders of coffee culture in Europe.

  • Greece, Egypt and most Mediterranean countries are united by a love of mixed spices from ginger, nutmeg, coriander;
  • Roman coffee shops share a classic taste for tropical flavors with cinnamon, cardamom and lemon juice;
  • the Iraqi population likes to add saffron stigmas;
  • Africans add oriental spices and a lot of sugar;
  • in Brazil they love to drink coffee with foam - it is generously sprinkled with chocolate;
  • in some States of America, a mixture of cloves, cinnamon, fruit zest and brandy is prepared, then it is set on fire and added to the finished drink;
  • Indonesians offer coffee shop visitors a huge selection of seasonings at their discretion;
  • Scandinavia is a territory where they love strong drinks, and local gourmets, in addition to popular spices, add the lion's dose of alcohol;
  • in the Yemeni tradition - reverent attitude to coffee attributes, and Bedouins value the narrow spouts of their teapots, in which cardamom gets stuck.

Nowadays you can find a special set of spices for coffee everywhere, and it has received special recognition trademark"Kamis."

The mission of the Polish company is to search for exquisite combinations of various spices. Thanks to strong marketing, Kamis began a triumphant journey since 1991 and established itself as the best manufacturer in the seasoning market.

Opinion polls show that the brand enjoys enormous trust among 70% of buyers. Manufacturers continue to conquer the market, covering vast continents.

Coffee spice mix

Making coffee at home is now easy. The market is overflowing with household appliances, but lovers of oriental traditions use ordinary ones, and achieving a diverse aroma is more difficult - you always need to stock up on packets of seasonings and roots of your favorite plants. Spices are added to the drink in tiny portions, and many of them lose their unique fragrance over time.

To preserve the taste and get rich coffee with a light breath of fresh spices, manufacturers came up with airtight packaging with a set of seasonings that combine with each other. The coffee grinder with spices from the Polish company Kamis offers a mixture that includes pieces of seasoning:

  • cinnamon;
  • carnations;
  • vanilla

The spice also contains sugar crystals, processed using special technology. But they only enhance the taste and do not function as a sweetener.

Using a seasoning mill is easy. It is tilted over a mug or Turk and the cap is rotated several times. The “Kamis” mixture set gives other types of coffee variety an additional taste that many gourmets love. The only drawback of the spice is that not every person likes the special bouquet. Then they choose a different composition, from a different manufacturer.

Blend from Sonnentor

A set of spices called “Spices from Aladdin” includes oriental seasonings:

  • nutmeg;
  • cloves;
  • cinnamon;
  • ginger

The ground ingredients are packaged in a jar, but its tightness allows you to store seasonings for a long time without losing the specific aroma.

The manufacturer with the poetic name “Magic Tree” offers consumers a mixture of cardamom, ginger with additions: star anise, cinnamon and cloves.

There are many chain stores offering exclusive variations based on their own fantasies. For example, a drink was born in the depths of the 90s in a Moscow coffee shop, which received a name known to many.

Rough coffee with spices

Capricious Raphael passionately loved coffee, but he wanted something unusual, tender and tasty. Talented bartenders, who loved their work with genuine enthusiasm, after a long search, once offered him a drink, which the guy could not refuse in the future.

It is also useful because it strengthens the immune system, helps resist seasonal diseases, and at the same time cleans blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.

There are many recipes with ginger, and everyone has the right to combine the proportions in their own kitchen.

The basis can be a method that satisfies the desire of most coffee lovers: heat 180 ml of water in a Turk, add one or two teaspoons of coffee, stir, bring to a boil, remove from the stove. Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and ginger in equal parts to the finished drink and leave for several minutes. A pleasant and healthy drink is ready!

Recipe with ginger, cognac and whipped cream

Human imagination is limitless. And the ways of combining are counted in thousands of variations.

  • cognac - 20 g;
  • whipped cream;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • grated ginger - ¼ tsp.

Before adding the chopped root, steam it for 10 minutes. Coffee is brewed stronger than the usual method. Ginger tincture, a spoonful of cognac are poured into it, sugar is added as desired, and cream is placed on top. Ginger drink tastes wonderful if you dilute it with pieces of fruit and berries.

Pepper coffee recipe

The methods of preparing a drink with hot seasoning are not much different from each other, but the obvious fact is that it gives not only pleasure. The drink warms, cleanses, promotes weight loss and smoothes cellulite. To prepare it, you don’t need the skills of a barista or sophisticated connoisseurs.

Coffee is brewed according to the traditional oriental method using Turkish coffee. Heat it slightly, add crushed coffee and a pinch of black pepper, pour in 10 ml of water, and bring to a boil. After the foam cap has formed, remove it. A pinch of salt and a tiny piece of butter wouldn't hurt. The result is an unusual but pleasant taste.

Coffee is drunk slowly, spices are combined in different ways, combining seemingly incompatible components.

And in conclusion, “Two cups of coffee on the table”:

People have been using spices since ancient times. Modern man can’t even imagine preparing any dish without adding certain seasonings. Flavorful additives are used for soups, pilaf, porridges, jams, baked goods, and drinks. One of these drinks is coffee.

The Arabs were the pioneers in this area. It was they who began adding various popular spices to coffee - cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger and vanilla. Some connoisseurs of the drink drink it with cumin, anise, pepper, dill and even garlic. All these seasonings in one way or another have a beneficial effect on the body, and also slightly mitigate the negative effects of caffeine.

Spices and their benefits

Ginger has a warming effect, stimulates normalization of work gastrointestinal tract, has a calming effect, helps relieve spasms and pain. You only need to add a little bit of it in the form of a piece of fresh root or a pinch of powder.

Cardamom has a cooling effect and a specific taste. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs such as the spleen and stomach, and also has a calming effect. It must be added in whole boxes, without crushing them.

Cloves help lower blood pressure, have pain-relieving properties and stimulate blood circulation. Is a natural antiseptic. The aroma of essential oils and spices makes coffee special. You need to add 1 clove head per cup.

Nutmeg has tonic, immunomodulatory and stimulating properties. It has a unique aroma and pungent taste. It is recommended to sprinkle it on top of the foam or added cream.

Cinnamon helps cleanse the blood, has an anti-inflammatory effect on the entire body and increases blood circulation. Add one whole cinnamon stick or a pinch of powdered spice to the coffee.

Pepper is a natural antiseptic, stimulates the stomach, removes toxins, and cleanses the body. You need to add 1 or 2 peas to the finished coffee. The drink must be allowed to brew.

Cumin has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole and has medicinal properties for digestive disorders. Add a small pinch of spice to the coffee.

Black pepper will add spiciness to the drink. It has a warming effect, cleanses the digestive system, improves stomach function, speeds up metabolism and removes toxins from the body. You should add 1 or 2 peas to the coffee and let the drink brew for a while.