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Pimples on the face of a 1 month old baby. Red small pimples on a newborn's face: on the cheeks and nose. The main causes of red pimples


The skin of a newly born baby is exposed to a variety of factors in the new environment, significantly different from the comfortable womb of his mother, where he stayed and developed for 9 long months.

Most of the changes to skin of a newborn baby in the first month of life are temporary. Small pimples on baby's face occur quite often in the first few weeks and then disappear without a trace. Such a physiological rash is normal and does not require specific treatment. But still, showing a child with a rash to a pediatrician will not be superfluous, especially if the pimples cause anxiety and discomfort to the baby.

Pimples on the face of a newborn baby can be caused by hereditary factors, infectious diseases (for example, molluscum contagiosum), or an allergic reaction. , hormonal disorders. Examination by a specialist, as well as necessary tests, will help start treatment on time and quickly stop the development of the disease.


Let's consider the reasons that cause the appearance of a rash on a baby's face and get acquainted with the treatment options for the disease in each specific case:

Milia (closed comedones). Photo

Dotted yellowish or white papules that appear on the baby's face individually or in small groups. Such pimples are typical for many infants. Since the openings of the sebaceous ducts in immature glands form gradually, small blockages form;

There is no treatment for such acne on the skin, and as the glands mature, they disappear.

Small rashes on the face of a newborn due to an allergic reaction.

The most common reasons: the intake of allergens into the body through breast milk, as well as external irritants (particles of laundry detergents, shampoos, creams, wool, bedding).

The skin of a newborn baby is thin, loose and highly sensitive to the effects of adverse conditions. Easy vulnerability, rapid spread of bacteria after childbirth and immaturity of local immunity reduce the protective ability of the skin.

White bumps in a newborn are common, but they are not a sign of serious health problems. The appearance of acne on a baby's face is the first sign for further action on the part of the parents.


Let's figure out why acne appears on the face of a newborn, what they threaten and how to deal with them.

Milium (whitehead, millet, microcomedones)

Occurs due to the immaturity of the sebaceous glands. Milium is clogged sebaceous glands, or more precisely, cysts overflowing with fat. The disease occurs in 50% of newborns. Milium are dense, white, painless nodules, not exceeding 0.2 cm in diameter. They most often appear on the nose, in the forehead and nasolabial folds, and a single location of the rash elements on the baby’s torso is possible.
The disease goes away on its own after 1.5 months.

Neonatal vesiculopustulosis (periporitis)

This is a purulent inflammation of the sweat glands, caused by staphylococci, streptococci, and less commonly fungi. Vesiculopustulosis is a common skin disease among newborns. Appears due to improper hygienic care of the baby’s skin, infections of the mother, as well as a low level of sanitary and hygienic condition in maternity hospitals.

Pimples reach the size of a pea and can become inflamed. They no longer appear on the face, but in the hair of the head, less often on the body. For treatment, doctors prescribe treatment of rashes with brilliant green and antibacterial ointments. Recovery occurs after 1.5 weeks.

Newborn acne (puerperal acne)

Acne is a manifestation of natural hormonal changes in a newborn’s body. Acne does not pose a danger or threat, is transient, disappears spontaneously after the removal of maternal and placental hormones. Pimples in the form of yellowish “pearl beads” appear on the child’s face (nose and cheeks), in the skin spots and on the thighs.

Neonatal acne disappears by 3 months of age. In rare cases, it can be found in one-year-old babies.

Allergic skin rashes

They are small bubbles with yellow contents. To the touch, the rashes are perceived as a rough crust and are located on the baby’s cheeks and forehead. An allergy can be to foods that the nursing mother ate, to cow's milk protein and sugar, if the baby is bottle-fed, i.e. to food allergens.

The rash will disappear if the allergen is eliminated. Breastfeeding women are prohibited from eating fatty, sweet and starchy foods, and highly allergenic foods (nuts, seafood, peaches, strawberries, citruses). Artificial children may have to change the formula to hypoallergenic or soy. Sometimes it is enough to change the manufacturer of baby food - for children with children it is better to choose an expensive, highly adapted formula.

Erythema toxicum

A skin reaction similar to an allergic one appears in the first week of life in the form of small white pimples. Most often the rashes are located on the chest and abdomen, but are also found on the face and limbs. Toxic erythema does not require treatment and goes away on its own.

With properly organized skin care, all pimples go away on their own and without a trace, do not require special treatment, and do not leave scars or age spots on the baby’s face.

What should you be concerned about?

  • If the rash spreads further.
  • Pimples do not go away for a long time and increase in size and quantity.
  • The baby has a fever.
  • The child is lethargic and inactive.
  • The child is restless, cries, eats poorly.

Any of these signs may be a harbinger of blood infection, a severe inflammatory process! This means the baby needs urgent medical attention.

What to do if your baby has white pimples

You want to get rid of pimples on your face as soon as possible, but you should not use extreme measures to do this, which can harm the child more than the pimples themselves.

What is prohibited to do

  • Do not squeeze pimples. When a pimple is crushed, its infected contents enter the bloodstream, and the infection also enters the bloodstream from the hands of an adult. The closer the infected area is to the brain, the more dangerous it is.
  • It is forbidden to wipe the face of a newborn with lotions and alcohol-containing products.
  • You cannot give your child medications or use antibacterial and antihistamine ointments without consulting a doctor.

What can you do

In order for the rashes to disappear and not appear again, you need to organize proper care for baby's skin:

  • Every morning and evening, wipe the child’s face with a wet cotton pad. Start with the eyes, then wipe the nose, ears and the rest of the face.
  • The child must be bathed every evening with potassium permanganate added to the water. Potassium permanganate dries and has an antiseptic effect.
  • If the baby does not have allergies, then chamomile decoction can be added to the bathing water for antiseptic purposes. A decoction of the herb is a good treatment for any skin rash; it can be added to the bath while bathing, used as a lotion and for wiping rashes.
  • After each change of clothes, the child needs to lie naked for 10–15 minutes. Normal temperature for air baths – 18–22 degrees.
  • The child must be dressed according to the weather - not wrapped up and not overheated. When going outside, dress your child the same way you dress yourself, plus take another blouse. During the cold season, additionally cover it with a blanket or blanket.
  • To care for your baby's skin, it is recommended to use modern wet wipes, powders and oils.

The skin of a newborn baby is extremely sensitive and vulnerable. Watch your child, take care of his and your skin, and then all the sores and pimples will bypass you.

Suddenly appearing pimples on the face of a newborn baby can greatly frighten parents. Pimples often appear in children in the first weeks of life and come in different shades. They can occur singly or form clusters. The small red rash on the baby's face looks especially frightening. Proper treatment begins with understanding the cause of the disease. Therefore, it is important to know why pimples appear in newborn babies.

Hormonal changes are the most common cause of pimples in newborns. While the baby was still in the mother’s womb, some of her sex hormones were transferred to him. Some time after birth (usually 1 month), the baby’s body gets rid of them. Because of this, rashes appear on the face. They do not cause any anxiety or discomfort to the child. This usually goes away on its own by 2-3 months. Doctors call this phenomenon neonatal bloom. In rare cases, the baby's skin clears up to 8-9 months. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor. He will help you understand why the rash appeared and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The appearance of white pimples on the face of a newborn baby is associated with the normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands. The sebaceous ducts do not have time to open, which is why the skin secretions cannot come out. This is why white pimples (milia) form on the face. Usually this phenomenon lasts one month.

Small red pimples on a baby's face may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction. This applies to both breastfed and bottle-fed children. In the first case, mother should reconsider her menu. The baby may be allergic to some of the foods she eats. In the second case, the pimple may pop up due to infant formula, which is not suitable for the child.

Allergens can be not only foods, but also cosmetical tools. Infants' skin is very sensitive and reacts to substances contained in creams, wet wipes, and washing powders. It is necessary to use only high-quality products designed specifically for children. Manufacturers of such products do not include harmful and allergenic substances that the adult body is used to coping with.

Another cause of skin rashes can be prickly heat. It is characterized by small red pimples in a newborn that appear in the folds of the skin. It occurs in the warm season, when the baby sweats. Miliaria occurs most often on the neck, but pimples can also appear on a child’s face.

Intestinal dysbiosis, which often appears due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract in children, can lead to acne on the face. In this case, symptoms such as increased gas production, colic, stool disturbances, etc. are typical. If dysbacteriosis is suspected, you should consult a pediatrician.

How to get rid of pimples on your baby's face?

With hormonal changes, small pimples on a baby's face in most cases go away on their own. You can help acne go away faster by using special products. These include ointments and creams that have a drying and anti-inflammatory effect. It is allowed to use only those that are designed for children of the first year of life. The drugs Bepanten and Tsindol are suitable, and are well tolerated even by a month-old child.

From folk remedies apply:

  1. Chamomile decoction, for the preparation of which you use 1 tbsp. l. dried plant and 200 ml of boiling water. Infusion is carried out for 30 minutes.
  2. A decoction of string, for the preparation of which the same proportions are used as for chamomile decoction.

Moisten a cotton swab with the resulting herbal decoctions and wipe the pimples on the newborn’s face once a day. Such products dry out pimples well, relieve inflammation and have an antiseptic effect. In addition, herbal decoctions and infusions soothe the skin and stimulate wound healing.

Under no circumstances should pimples on a newborn’s face be squeezed out! This can lead to infection and cause the rash to spread. At home, it is only allowed to lubricate baby's pimples with special products and herbal decoctions. But even before using folk remedies, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

Diet of a nursing mother

It is known that small pimples can pop up due to proper nutrition mother. This applies to children who are breastfeeding. Therefore, when red pimples appear on the face of a newborn baby, the first thing you need to do is analyze the diet and remove all allergenic foods from the diet. Doctors recommend that nursing mothers:

  1. Eat food 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  2. Eliminate fast food, canned food and all products with a lot of flavors and dyes.
  3. Limit your consumption of sweets. Usual sweets and chocolate can be replaced with dried fruits.
  4. Use dairy products(ryazhenka, kefir, cottage cheese). But it is not recommended to drink milk itself, especially cow’s milk, in large quantities.
  5. Avoid products made from white flour. It is recommended to eat bread made from rye flour.
  6. Include in menu seasonal fruits in small quantities. However, tropical fruits should not appear in the diet. Tomatoes are not recommended as a vegetable.
  7. Drink clean water. A nursing mother needs to consume a sufficient amount of fluid (at least 1.5-2 liters).

In the first month of breastfeeding, the mother's diet is meager, but she will not have to give up goodies forever. When acne on the face of an infant disappears, allergenic foods should be introduced into the diet with great caution. For example, you can eat a small piece of dark chocolate, after which you need to observe the baby’s reaction. If rashes do not appear, then you can sometimes treat yourself to sweets. However, you should not abuse such products in any case.

Prevention of acne in children

To prevent rashes in your child, you should follow some recommendations. First of all, it is important to monitor the baby’s hygiene. Children should get used to morning washing with clean boiled water (you can add herbal decoctions to the water). When choosing creams, ointments, and washing powders, you must carefully study their composition and buy products that are safe for small children. Formula-fed babies need to select high-quality milk formula. And mothers of breastfed children should remember the importance of proper nutrition and healthy sleep. Following these tips, as well as regular visits to the pediatrician (once a month) will help protect the baby not only from rashes, but also from other diseases.

All young mothers notice acne on the face of a newborn almost from the first days of his life. This scares some people, but most parents know that small pimples in a baby are a common occurrence, and if they appear without visible reasons, then they will disappear on their own. In 85% of cases it is natural and safe, but sometimes such skin rashes indicate some serious illness. To be clear, you need to know that pimples in an infant are different.

Pimples on a baby’s face can be very different (more details in the article:). Before understanding treatment issues, it is necessary to find out the cause of the rash.

Hormonal pimples

The medical definition of such pimples is acne of newborns or neonatal cephalic pustulosis. The reason for their appearance immediately after birth is a hormonal crisis - into the fetal body in recent months his intrauterine development Hormones from the pituitary gland, placenta and ovaries come from the mother. When there are too many of these hormones, small pimples appear on the baby’s skin. The areas of their manifestation are the head, cheeks, nose and chin. If a newborn child has increased production of androgens (adrenal hormones), then the appearance of pimples may change slightly - they will have white or black heads.

The natural question that parents have is whether they are dangerous, contagious, and whether they need to be treated? The word “hormonal” scares many, but the famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky explains that such pimples on a baby’s face do not pose a danger. You cannot become infected with them and there is no need to treat them - after some time (usually 1-3 months) they will go away on their own.

White pimples

The medical name for white pimples is closed comedones. The mother can observe their appearance in any area on the face - on the cheeks, chin and forehead of a newborn or one-month-old baby (see also:). Half of children have these rashes. They look like dense bumps on the skin (papules) and are white or yellow in color. Appear singly or in the form of multiple clusters.

Some pimples on a baby’s face are directly related to the level of hormones in the blood: if it “jumps,” which is normal for childhood, the skin will react with characteristic rashes

In addition to papules, on the skin of a newborn there are purulent pustular elements that resemble small balls with a white spot on the surface. There are also milia - hard white nodules that look like millet grains or wen. These pimples are very small and multiple.

All types of white pimples have clear boundaries, are not accompanied by inflammation or any unpleasant sensations(for example, itching or thickening of the skin at the site of their appearance). There is no need to get rid of them somehow. They will gradually disappear when the glands and ducts of external secretion are finally formed. Like hormonal pimples, they do not pose any threat to the child’s health, since they are a consequence of natural physiological processes.

Red pimples

Unlike the above types of baby pimples, red pimples are precisely the case when a mother should take the rashes seriously and bring them to the attention of the local pediatrician, since such pimples signal the presence of some kind of disease in the baby, or at least about improper child care. Red pimples can appear when:

  • heat rash;
  • allergies (we recommend reading:);
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • infectious diseases.

Red pimples may be allergic in nature. Mom needs to reconsider her diet, and also eliminate household factors that can negatively affect the baby

Prickly heat occurs in children not so rarely. Trying to protect their newborn baby from colds, mothers often play it safe and dress and wrap him up too warmly. The baby overheats and sweats, and redness with small red pimples appears in the most covered areas (armpits, groin area, under the knees, behind the ears and on the neck). In particularly acute cases, they can be complicated by pustules.

There is no need to treat prickly heat with medications (we recommend reading:). It is enough to prevent overheating and follow the rules of hygiene: bathe the baby regularly, try not to use disposable diapers, provide fresh air in the house, and use drying powders if necessary.

Pimples on the face (especially on the cheeks) often appear due to an allergic reaction. It can occur in response to various antigens (medicines, dust, pet dander, etc.), but at this age, the most common cause of allergies is some inappropriate food. Mom needs to thoroughly reconsider her diet. If a newborn baby is fed with infant formula, you need to take their choice very seriously and buy products only from well-established manufacturers.

Dysbacteriosis is a disorder of the intestinal microflora. It manifests itself as pain in the tummy and small rashes with inflammation on the baby’s face and body. The problem will be solved after eliminating the cause, but in order to cope with dysbiosis, you will have to not only adjust the menu for mother and baby, but also consult a doctor about special products that restore intestinal microflora.

Pimples as a manifestation of various diseases

When should you sound the alarm? Red pimples with skin inflammation can be a signal that an infection has appeared in the baby’s body. A characteristic feature, confirming fears, there will definitely be an elevated temperature. What diseases are likely when rashes appear:

  • roseola;
  • rubella;
  • chicken pox;
  • scarlet fever;
  • measles;
  • enterovirus infection.

If you are already observing obvious signs, the only action on your part is permissible - calling a doctor. No self-appointment medicines! Treatment is only within the competence of a specialist - pimples will go away with proper treatment.

Infectious diseases are necessarily accompanied high temperature- this is their distinctive feature

Control and prevention measures

When pimples appear on the face or body of a newborn baby, you need to carefully examine them and measure the child’s temperature. If it is normal, then you will be able to cope with childhood acne on your own.

However, you should not be overzealous. What not to do:

  1. Apply any ointments, especially hormonal ones, without a doctor’s recommendation.
  2. Try to treat pimples with alcohol, iodine, brilliant green or potassium permanganate. Any of these aggressive agents can easily leave burns on children's delicate skin.
  3. Squeeze any pimples.

To prevent rashes on the skin of a newborn, the mother needs to protect him from possible allergens. The main methods of control are to comply with hygiene standards:

  1. Wash your baby with clean boiled water several times a day. Wash his face thoroughly every time after feeding.
  2. Give your baby a bath every night. Add a decoction of chamomile or string to the water, and a very weak solution of potassium permanganate. In summer or in hot weather, swimming 2-3 times a day will not be superfluous.
  3. If you use soap or shampoo, rinse thoroughly so that it does not remain on the skin.
  4. Do not delay changing the diaper so that your baby's skin is not irritated by the discharge. It is advisable to completely abandon disposable diapers such as pampers.
  5. After defecation, immediately wash your child thoroughly and dry the skin with a towel, especially in the folds.
  6. Dress your baby in clean clothes every day. In extreme heat, you can do this more often.
  7. Buy children's clothes only from natural fabrics, do not use synthetics.
  8. Don't neglect air baths. They will dry up all diaper rashes and become good method hardening.
  9. If you use baby skin care products (creams, oils, soaps, shampoo), purchase only natural ones, without potentially harmful ingredients.
  10. The same applies to laundry detergent, which can be used as ordinary laundry soap.

If the usual measures do not bring results, you will have to consult a doctor. He will assess the seriousness of the situation and make recommendations.

In the first months of life, young mothers can observe how pimples suddenly appear on the baby’s delicate velvety skin. Usually, inexperienced mothers begin to worry: consult a doctor, read specialized literature, consult with grandmothers. Sometimes these worries are justified, but in most cases, pimples in newborns are a common occurrence, observed in 85% of children.

There are many reasons why pimples appear in infancy. Some rashes occur as a result of natural hormonal processes, others - as a concomitant symptom of various diseases. Based on the nature of the pimples, the doctor determines the need for treatment.

Hormonal pimples in newborns

This type of pimples is medically called acne of newborns, or neonatal cephalic pustulosis. Immediately after birth, many babies may develop pimples caused by a hormonal crisis. The fact is that in the last months of pregnancy, the mother’s hormones, produced by the pituitary gland, placenta and ovaries, pass into the fetus’s body. Too much of these hormones causes the appearance of pimples on the face of newborns. That is why the baby’s skin condition resembles the face of a teenager during puberty.

Acne of newborns is a non-contagious disease and does not require drug treatment and usually goes away in the third month of life.

In cases where the child has increased production of androgens, the pimples may have white or black heads. Hormonal pimples usually appear in newborns on the head, cheeks, nose and chin.

White pimples in newborns

Whiteheads, or closed comedones, usually appear on the cheeks, chin and forehead of an infant. They occur in almost 50% of children. Closed comedones are dense, white or yellow nodules (papules) that rise above the skin. Pimples in a newborn can appear either singly or localized in a group in separate areas of the face. In addition to papular rashes, newborns may experience purulent pustular elements. They, like papules, go away without medication and do not leave marks on the skin.

In the first two weeks of life, white pimples called milia may appear in a newborn. They are very small, without inflammation and resemble fat sacs. The rash goes away without outside intervention after the formation of the glands and ducts of external secretion is complete.

Red pimples in newborns

These rashes can have a different nature and often require close attention from both the mother and the pediatrician.

Red pimples in a newborn can be caused by:

  • Heat rash;
  • Allergies;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Infectious diseases.

Heat rash in newborns is a fairly common phenomenon that almost all parents encounter sooner or later. It appears from overheating and can occur both in hot and cold weather. cold weather. Many small red pimples are already located on irritated, reddish areas of the skin. If the child is not properly cared for, pustules may form on the inflamed area. Miliaria does not require special treatment. Nevertheless, mommy must follow a number of rules: bathe the baby daily, ventilate the room, use drying powders, and dress according to the weather.

Allergic pimples in newborns are caused by the body's reaction to various antigens. They can have different origins - food, medicine, plant pollen, and much, much more. Food allergies are the most common. In this case, the mother needs to reconsider her diet or change the milk formula if the child is bottle-fed. Allergic rashes of any nature go away provided that the causative agent of the allergy is eliminated in a timely manner.

Violation of the intestinal microflora can cause dysbiosis, which is accompanied by small rashes throughout the body. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to cure dysbiosis. Pimples will go away on their own after the intestinal microflora is restored.

The cause of pimples in newborns can be infectious diseases, which are always accompanied by high fever.

Rashes appear with diseases such as:

  • Roseola;
  • Rubella;
  • Chicken pox;
  • Scarlet fever;
  • Measles;
  • Enterovirus infection.

In this case, treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor, and it should be aimed at fighting the infection, and not at eliminating its symptoms. Pimples, as in the case of bacteriosis, will disappear as you recover.

What to do if your newborn baby has pimples

First of all, do not panic, but try to find out the reason. For this purpose, carefully examine the pimples, their location, color, and measure the child’s temperature. If the baby’s body temperature is normal, then you can often do without the help of a pediatrician. However, you should not act as a doctor by using ointments, powders and medications yourself. To dry out rashes, it is not recommended to use brilliant green, iodine, potassium permanganate and alcohol. For the treatment of pimples in newborns on the head, face and body, it is better to use medicinal decoctions strings and daisies. It is also necessary to follow hygiene rules, review your diet or change children's cosmetics and hygiene products. If the rash does not go away or is accompanied by a high temperature, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will diagnose the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.