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Walkthrough of mission far cry 1. Walkthrough of the game Far Cry. Prepper Stash: High Voltage

The escape

“At that very moment Alice darted after him, not thinking about how she would get back out.”

It seems like just recently that Jason Brody (that's you), his brothers Grant and Riley, and a few other friends were relaxing and having fun on the tropical island of Rook Island. And now Jason and Grant are locked in a cage. In the best case, their parents will pay the ransom and the brothers will be released. However, Grant, who served in the army, has other plans. He kills the guard and frees himself and his brother from the cage.

The character's movement is controlled by the usual. You must duck [C] to avoid detection by the pirates. Don't get up and follow Grant. To take equipment items from the table, go up and hold [E]. Then you will need to throw a stone to distract the sentry. Aim at the corner indicated by the icon and press [T]. The path is clear, climb through the window while Grant holds the door. Then, to climb onto the boxes, you need to press [spacebar]. Then stealth training. Entering the bushes, Jason will be invisible to enemies. Throw another stone against the wall and move past the hapless guards. Apparently, pirates have taken over an entire tourist camp and are now sifting out the rich tourists from the poor.

"Run Forrest, run!"

famous line from the movie Forrest Gump

Unfortunately, Granta kills you as the strongest. But he lets Jason go so he can hunt him later. To run, you must press [Left Shift] and continue moving. As you run, you will need to jump over the trunk, [spacebar, as usual] and then over the crevice to avoid falling down. Run forward and climb the vines. You crawl under a rock. When a pirate attacks, you will need to press [spacebar] often and quickly.

Amanaki Village

Jason is found on the shore by Dennis Rogers and taken to the village of Amanaki, a Rakyat tribe. Dennis gradually brings Jason up to speed. First, you need to buy a firearm. Enter the weapon shop. The only available barrel so far is the Colt 1911. Click on an empty cell to place it in it. new purchase. Now two better pistols have opened in the shop, but we don’t have enough money to buy them yet. In addition, submachine guns and even AK-47s are also visible in the window, but the merchant is not going to sell them. However, she gives instructions to turn on the radio towers to order new weapons. It's interesting how this business works.

Go outside and follow Dennis. He will tell you more about the radio towers. One is very close. But don’t rush yet, look around. Where Dennis stops, you can find a couple of boxes that are illuminated. Such boxes can contain useful things and money. Now you can turn off the road and go up to the tower. It's funny: money is just thrown around here, you can find it just lying on boxes. The radio tower is not guarded by anyone, except for the snake that I came across right next to it. One bullet from a pistol is enough. Climb to the very top of the radio tower. There you can disable the encryption device. Well, just like the “synchronization of viewpoints” in Assassin’s Creed. You can also go down quickly using a cable. To do this, go up to him and press [space]. Dennis is already waiting downstairs. Look at the card [M]. On it you need to mark the boar's lair by clicking [right mouse button].


Before you go on your first hunt, you can look into the village shop; a lot of new things have opened there. And a few guns, like the STG-90, are even free. This is a gift for activating the radio tower.

It is best to get into the car that is located next to Dennis, so you can get to the place faster and safer. However, walking is more interesting, so it’s up to you to decide.

In the yellow zone you need to start hunting and collecting herbs.

  • Plant leaves are marked on your radar according to their color. Red and green plants grow on the ground, but you need to swim for blue leaves, since they grow on water, and even under water.
  • Two boar skins. Killing a wild boar with a firearm is not difficult. All that remains is to approach and skin the carcass.

When you've collected everything, return to Dennis in the village. You can use "instant travel": bring up the map, find the instant travel icon and double-click on it. Dennis will teach you how to create items.

Select “create items” from the menu. First, make the medicine, click on the “make” button at the bottom of the screen. Then select the "backpacks" tab and make an extension for the backpack. Now you need to select “tatau”, in other words “perk”. Tatau is applied in honor of the animal to give the owner its strength. Select a skill and double click. Now you can choose two skills.

Outpost capture

The phone Jason picked up at Vasa's camp carried a message about Lisa, Jason's girlfriend, being taken to the outpost. Dennis decides to attack this outpost, especially since it will help recapture the island.

Get into Dennis's car. He will take you to the place. More rakyat warriors will join along the way. They will wait until you attack the outpost to join.

The outpost can be attacked frontally. Or you can quietly enter from the rear. You can even cut them out discreetly using a knife or a learned skill. There are very few pirates at this outpost, and besides, your comrades will quickly join you, so there shouldn’t be any problems. You can search the bodies, or pick up the AK if you had a pistol before. You should now enter the outpost hideout. Lisa is not here, she ran away. But inside you can find a memory card. Take a look around and get ready to go to a certain Dr. Earnhardt.


The dock house is marked on the map with an exclamation mark and is not very far away. Along the way, you can synchronize another radio tower. As for the doctor's house, it is located on the top of a cliff, which can be reached by road, or by a detour, from the side of the reservoir.

One of Jason’s girlfriends actually took refuge in Dr. Earnhardt’s house. But not Lisa, but Daisy, Grant's girlfriend. Enter the house and go up to the second floor. Daisy is injured, and besides, she ended up in poisonous thickets. In short, to prepare an antidote you need to find mushrooms. On the first floor of the house there is vending machine, you can use it.

- "Leap of Faith" – Jason comments, spreading his arms in flight.

You need to climb out of the water using vines hanging from the wall. Upstairs, Jason will get poisoned by mushrooms, it's inevitable. Along the way, you will witness hellish glitches and an influx of memories. Mostly quite fresh and concerning Jason's lost friends. When the glitches are over, you will find the treasured mushrooms. The exit from the cave is located in the same place as the old military cannon, which was displayed during the inspection from the radio tower. Get out and go upstairs to Greenhouse. Wasn’t it possible to go this route straight away?..

Give the mushrooms to their big fan, Earnhardt. Now return to Daisy, she has already woken up.

Call of Medusa

The ship is located on the shore under a steep cliff. You can even go hang gliding from this cliff! One way or another, you will find yourself close to the ship. You can use the camera [Z] to observe pirate patrols. The number of treasure boxes is simply off the charts.

It is necessary to quietly eliminate the patrols so that the alarm is not raised. To do this, you can distract them with stones, or, for example, use a weapon with a silencer. One of the patrolmen, marked in yellow, can find the keys to the wheelhouse, and the other has some information. Now go up to the deck of the Medusa and enter the radio room. Listen to the message about the pirates' plans. Oh, it would be better if they were selling counterfeit discs... Collect cartridges in the wheelhouse, get ready for battle, return to the deck and shoot the squad of pirates who arrive on the boat.

Playing the Robber

Dennis is located in the village of Amanaki. You and other pirates want to attack the Rakyat village. Jason needs to sabotage their weapons. Go to the indicated “forest village”. It is very convenient and quick to get there along the river. In addition, there is a radio tower very close.

On the outskirts of the camp you need to climb into an observation post. Take out your camera and mark your enemies to know their movements. You need to quietly go to the center of the camp to turn off the alarm. Along the way, you can kill enemies secretly, with a knife in the back, for example. Now you can climb into the weapons warehouse. Place the dynamite in the center, in the highlighted area. You will have 15 seconds to run away from the explosion. Now all that remains is to either kill all the pirates in the camp, or simply run away from it. But, you know, there are so many chests here...

Prison Raid

The prison is well guarded. First, you need to find and turn off the alarm; the most convenient of them is located on the tower. From there you can cover the entire camp with your camera. Now you can begin cleaning up the pirate guards with a clear conscience. Search the commander's body for the key, now you can go into the cave. Lisa, Jason's girlfriend, is being kept locked up.

Girlfriend Rescue

How fragile is the floor here... after the fall, Jason survives, and even remains, more or less, intact, but Lisa is still somewhere above! Go up the stairs and wait for the fire to go out. But the next pipe needs to be shot - aim at the valve. If you are out of ammo, there is a pistol on the floor in this area. Water will extinguish the flame. Climb the stairs to a higher level, there will be a door that needs to be taken out with a machete [F], there are also other obstacles on the island that are destroyed in a similar way. Move forward, press [W] and [A] when the icons appear on the screen, and then climb up [spacebar].

Soon Jason and Lisa will be starting the car, you will need to push it, often pressing [spacebar]. In the car, Jason finds a grenade launcher and a bunch of ammunition for it. Gorgeous! True, they will take the toy away just as quickly. You'll have to shoot back using conventional means or a pistol.


Jason and Lisa made it to Dr. Earnhardt's house. Go lower to find the entrance to the cave. Here Daisy is trying to fix the boat. To do this you need to find a power head. Yep, that's right. It is underwater, in the far left corner of the marked area, next to a pile of junk. Go back and find Daisy in the boat. Now approach Lisa.

Meeting with Citra

The Temple of the Zither is quite far away. Find Dennis at the entrance. This temple appears to be very ancient, having been built long before Zithra and the Rakyat tribe occupied it. Follow Dennis inside. Judging by the number of tatau, these guys are fully pumped up. After the pathetic dialogue, Jason will drink some kind of dope, probably another mushroom tincture.

Here we are laughing at Jason, but the poor guy doesn’t even understand that all these are glitches. So we follow the man in white from the shore to a house whose insides are at the bottom of the ocean. There, at the end, you need to pick up the dagger.

Jason decides to repeat the path in reality. So leave the temple and move to the place.

The wrong side of the city

First of all, look at the skills - after meeting Citra, access to more advanced skills opened up!

It's a long way to get to Badtown, so a quick trip is very useful. In the settlement you need to go to the bar. Here, local gamblers are missing a fourth participant. And soon a man in a white suit will appear, follow him. Hide in the bushes, and then crouch behind the boxes.


You need to follow the white man into the house. After another pathetic speech, a partition will open, behind which there is a staircase to the basement. In it, a true US patriot, special agent Willis, gives Jason a flamethrower and sends him to set fire to the drug plantation of Hoyt Walker, who is also Vas’s boss.

The plantation is guarded by only a couple of pirates. Approaching the plantation, Jason immediately takes out a flamethrower. You can also set the plantation on fire by exploding carefully placed red barrels. In short, it's time to rock! After the first plantation there will be another one, larger. You can find ammo inside the buildings if you suddenly run out of fuel. There are so many guards here that it’s time to take out a light machine gun. When all five plantations are burned, a fishing village will appear behind them. In addition to the pirates, there is a boat in it. It just needs to be undermined.

In it, too, it was necessary to burn down a drug plantation using a flamethrower.

A Man Named Hoyt

We return to Willis, to his patriotic basement. Hoyt wants something from the rice field village. Not far from the helicopter there is a hut from which Jason can observe what is happening. One of the prisoners managed to escape far enough to be rescued. You can shoot the pirates right from here if you have a sniper rifle. If not, you may need to get closer. After the death of these two, run after Rongo, that is the name of the aborigine. Watch your step! This place is also a minefield! First you need to notice the mine, and then blow it up with a shot. Go from the same side from which the prisoners fled; in other places the grass hides mines. Approach Rongo from the front and untie him.

Now you need to follow exactly in his footsteps to avoid the mines quickly. By this time, many pirates will also appear who want you dead. Still, a sniper rifle is highly desirable in this mission. In the village, Rongo wants to return to his home. You can't go far, you need to defend the house. There are two staircases leading up to it, so don't be caught off guard. The waybill will show where Oliver is being taken.

Save Oliver

So it's a chase. Oliver is not at the first parking lot, so you need to quickly go to the next one. There are just a couple of guys standing there, guarding. Kill them and take a sniper position. All this must be done within the allotted time. Watch through the lens the helicopter and the approaching convoy. You will then be given a sniper rifle with a powerful scope. You need to shoot at the pirates, preventing them from killing Oliver. A good third of all enemies can be killed by shooting at the red barrels at the right moment. At the end, the grenade launcher will come out, and Oliver will come after Jason on a boat. Jump into the water and get into the boat. A new chase awaits you with a stationary machine gun in your hands. Don't miss the fireworks from the helicopter!

A fragment of the past

We return to the Badtown tavern, here Jason will find Buck. He wants to sell Keith for... a knife? The same knife that Citra requested. According to Buck, information about the location of the knife is on the Nostalgia ship, where we are now heading. The simplest and most obvious way is to find a boat on the shore. But you can also climb a mountain and fly in an airplane. If you want to sneak in secretly, do it along the stairs on the starboard side, that is where the desired door is located. Here you can kill guards quietly, using a knife and techniques. One of the pirates will talk about a laptop with data about the knife. It is located in the hold, on the lower floor.

This is really unexpected! Jason has to escape from a sinking ship. To swim faster, press [Left Shift]. You will also notice an oxygen tank. For some reason you can’t take them with you, just take a breath of air. A short run through the compartment with air, then again water and one surviving soldier, get ready to quickly press the keys that are shown on the screen. Second oxygen cylinder. Swim through the compartments, and at the end you can get out of the ship through the window. And Buck is right there.

“Open your closed eyes to bliss”

An excerpt from a poem by A.S. Pushkin " Winter morning"

Down into the darkness

The tank is waiting for you on the shore at the entrance to an old military bunker. You'll have to go downstairs, alone. All passages are blocked, but there is no ceiling in the room. Climb onto the boxes and pull yourself up. You can look around at the top, there are a couple of snakes and some money. Then we go down the stairs. You need to swim along the canal. At the other end there will be a destroyed submarine, and around are Vas's people. Get out of the water onto the stairs, no one can see you as before, you can use this for a secret murder. Finally, you will find the entrance to the cave. The pirates have already set up explosives to blow up the passage. Find the fuse approximately in the center, below. Big boom! And you can come in.

There will be water ahead again. Before you dive, find (the crosshair will turn red) and kill the crocodile, this will make you feel safer. On the other side is the entrance to the temple. We dive again and find ourselves on the way to the treasury. Jump to the other side! But a landslide occurs, and Jason ends up in the water again. There are two mechanisms on the left and right, activate them one by one and enter the opened room. Demolish the three poles using the knife. The water is rising, now you can swim over the door of the first, on the left, mechanism. Now the water is high enough to climb out of. An ancient, almost collapsed ship appears before our eyes. We take the second part of the compass, collapses immediately begin. To the left of the entrance there is a path along the cliff. It leads to the exit.

Treasure in the mine

Buck is waiting for Jason at the entrance again. This time, at the entrance to the mine. Another history lesson, and you can take the elevator down into the mine. Now push the minecart, hide behind it, and then kill the pirate. The second one can be killed by a collapse if you shoot at the precarious wooden supports as it passes by. There is a larger squad ahead. And then you can push the fuel cart, which will explode upon arrival, destroying the third squad. Next there will be a bridge, which is guarded by snipers. You can get close to them by using a moving trolley as a siege shield. Already at the second trolley, if you have a sniper rifle, you can kill all the pirates. Otherwise, you will have to come even closer. Cross the wooden bridge; there is a bulletproof vest on the box on the left. From here you can go to the goal.

And again, unstable wooden supports, how fortunate. There are a few more snipers, but they are standing right under the wooden supports. They're just everywhere here. Finally, a door will appear, opened by the same ancient compass. Beyond the passage is a round room with a ring in the center that activates the doors. You can loot the rooms on the sides, then go along the central road. There is a broken road ahead that can be overcome by jumping. And at the end there is an elevator. Well, this was his last descent. A few more jumps along the scary stone road, and here is our goal - the third part of the compass! Everything around is crumbling, this place has done its job. Run without looking back. Indiana Jones mission, no less.

Lin Kong, I guess?

The tank is already waiting for you near the canyon. The lake is far below, you can safely jump, although in reality it would definitely not have happened without bruises. Climb onto the rocks and climb up the vine. There is a large round stone door here. It leads to a tomb that the aborigines built for a Japanese general. As expected, the Vasa pirates are also inside. This time they also captured fighting dogs. There is also a drawbridge and a cable to the other side. In the ruins near him is a bulletproof vest. An ambush has already been set up on the other side of the cable, apparently especially for Jason. Be careful, the enemies are below you, but by some miracle they can throw grenades up. Two more zip lines.

Carefully go down, below you is not water, but acid! Be careful with geysers, only step on the rocks when they are quiet. At the end you will climb up a vine. Here is the door that can be opened using the compass. A huge tomb will open in front of you, with a giant statue in the center. It is still forbidden to touch the water, so again he walks on slippery stones, parts of the fallen bridge. From time to time they begin to seethe, you must move only when everything is calm. Inside the large statue of Lin Kong, there is a smaller statue. And under it is another keyhole for a compass key. The statue rolls back, revealing a staircase to the crypt. Lin Kong was buried with that same dagger. Even after his death, no one set their sights on this damned object. Get out of here before the tomb burns like a crematorium! Climb into the narrow gap by pressing the mouse buttons alternately. Here comes the bright light at the end!

Sad reunion

We go to Buck's house, it is located above Badtown. Buck, surprisingly, was honest about the part about keeping Keith captive. He even gives Jason the key to the basement, in which Keith sits on the bed and begs for mercy. Buck is one hell of a sadist. And I have no intention of letting my two friends go.

The battle is presented in the form of a QTE: you need to press the right mouse button, the left one, the left one again, often press [space] and finally [W]. There's one less bastard on this damn island.

“I like the Walrus better,” said Alice. At least he felt at least a little sorry for the poor oysters.

But he ate more than Plonik,” Tweedledum objected.

Lewis Carroll. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Keith joins his friends in the cave and reports news of Riley's fate.


The rebel commander instructed Jason to install C4 on the road along which the pirate convoy should pass. Approach the fuel truck, there is a mark on it for C4. Now run as fast as you can to the water tower and climb to the very top. If you don't have your own sniper rifle, you can take the one on the tower. You will have to shoot at the soldiers who arrive. Yes, these are not Vasa’s people at all. Screw the sniper - if you have a grenade launcher or rocket launcher, it's better to use them and blow up the jeeps as soon as they arrive! If not, you'll have to shoot a lot of heads.

When the soldiers are gone and the armored car starts moving, grab the cable and get into the truck. Catch up with the armored car, ramming barriers of cars and soldiers on your way. Kill the last soldiers and open the rear doors of the armored personnel carrier.

Warrior Rescue Service

The convoy turned out to be a trap! These soldiers are actually Hoyt's mercenaries.

You could have seen this mission in videos before the game was released.

So Jason goes down with a rock tied to his feet. Untie and swim through the passage behind the waterfall. It’s just fitting that the pirate with the shotgun has his back to us, since they finally decided to take the weapon away from Jason. The same goes for the next two oncoming enemies. Now we have a shotgun and an AK-47. Entering from above, you can mark enemies through the camera (how did it survive?). You can act openly. You can climb onto the roof with a sniper and quietly kill him by borrowing a rifle. You can do it quietly using a knife. You can use cables. Please note that if the alarm is raised, you will have five minutes to complete the task. The goal is to get into the helicopter. Alas, he will be immediately shot down with an RPG.

How do you know I'm out of my mind? - asked Alice.

Lewis Carroll. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Jason is literally immortal. He has already been thrown into a mass grave. But then he woke up. It's time to get out. Hold down the right mouse button, then the left one, and so on. You can't imagine a worse awakening. It's time to return things, we go straight to the pirates, but we don't shine. In the hut on the right there is a bulletproof vest and a mine. Pirates do not have firearms, you can kill them all quite easily, especially from behind. In one of the houses you can find a flare gun. An armed heavyweight can also be killed in the back, but with dogs it will be a little more difficult. Inside the hut, which was guarded by an armored pirate, there is a cabinet with all of Jason's ammunition.

New challenge

Citra gives Jason another drug. A new glitch could be dangerous: it's the "Ink Beast", seemingly a huge masked deity that breathes... ink? To win, you need to shoot with a bow at the monster's mask. Then ghostly warriors will appear, who also die from being hit by an arrow. The monster will get stronger and begin to throw clumps of... ink, apparently. You just need to run away from them. When the giant is defeated, climb up his arm and finish off your [space].


I would like to first note that the latest skills are now open!

Jump into the water and swim to Vasa Island. You drag the pirate into the water and climb onto the pier. We walk along the road and meet two more pirates. We deal with four pirates at the entrance, including the sniper on the tower. Now we go to the indicated point, pull ourselves up and go inside through the door.

A trap has been prepared for you here. Everything is on fire, but it also points the way forward. Jason starts to have glitches from the smoke. The tiger is locked and harmless, you need to find a ladder to the roof. Quickly jump off it, unnoticed penetration will no longer be possible. First of all, we release the tiger and kill the machine gunner. You can walk around the entire company through the warehouse building on the left. We cross the courtyard and see the hangar door open. We meet a heavy machine gunner and a couple of soldiers. We go inside and again find ourselves in a drug glitch. We go on TV and look around. All you need to do is kill Vas.

Zither's Grace

Did you guess the riddle? - asked the Hatter, turning again to Alice.

No,” answered Alice. - I give up. What's the answer?

“I have no idea,” said the Hatter.
Lewis Carroll. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Jason found himself back in the Temple of Zither. After the conversation, you will have to leave him. Dennis celebrates at the exit.

We go to Doc Earnhardt's house and go down into the cave. You can say goodbye to Keith and Oliver separately.

Meeting Club (Cave Memories)

Before you leave the cave, you have the opportunity to go back in time and find out how your friends ended up on this island.

In the corner of the cave, not far from the boat, you can find a plate. Below it is the inscription: "Eat me!" (Eat me). This is also a clear reference to Lewis Carroll's Alice. I won’t spoil it, and there’s no place to get stuck in the visions.

Jason will wake up in different places in the cave. There are three visions in total, each one begins with another pill.

Flying south

Having dealt with Vas, Jason decides to take on his boss, Hoyt. Agent Willis needs to know where to find him.

5 minutes before plane departure! Get on an ATV or some other vehicle of your own. It is very important to plot the path on the map in advance and remember the main turns so as not to get stuck and turn around. Although, according to the tradition of Ubisoft games, time is allotted with a large margin.

Upon arrival, you will find the plane under siege by pirates. Shoot the first batch, and then protect the plane and Willis during repairs. You can use a stationary machine gun near the plane. However, the bulk of the pirates are attacking from other sides, so you will have to cope with your own means. The last wave, and you can fly away!

Three blind mice

What are you making up? - the Caterpillar asked sternly. -Are you out of your mind?

“I don’t know,” answered Alice. - It must be in someone else's. You see...

“I don’t see,” said the Caterpillar.

Willis gave Jason the Wing Suit. While in flight, press [Left Shift] to activate it. Key [W] – tilt down, [S] – up, [A], [D] – left and right. [C] – open the parachute. [W] - speed up the fall, [S] - slow down. You need to land on the island.

After landing, you need to steal a pirate car. We free the tiger with a shot and finish off the remnants of the pirates (or the tiger). We get into the car and go to the “Hefty Horseradish” bar. Apparently they grow root crops there. Talk to the bartender. Okay, so it's an underground card club. Talk to the guard at the entrance. What luck that one place is always free.

You'll have to play one game. All control keys are on your screen. [Left Shift] will show all the rules and terms. Look at your cards first and then decide how much you are willing to bet and what the odds are. You need to play one game. Sam will then reveal himself and he and Jason will leave the bar.


Thurston is a town captured by Hoyt's mercenaries. Luckily, they don't pay any attention to the unarmed Jason Brody. Find Sam, he is standing in front of the door on the second floor of the house. He came up with a disguise for Jason: a rookie mercenary. We move into place and don’t make any noise. Sneak up to the sitting mercenary. Throw a stone behind him, and when he turns away, you will pass by. Below is a cave. You can't jump into the water, we go down the stairs. Follow the second patrolman, do not take any action until he sits down and the oncoming patrolman gets out. Then throw another stone and sneak further. The next mercenary has his back to you, throw a stone to his right. We also sneak to the entrance to the port. Distract both guards and sneak behind the flamethrower. Jump into the water and swim to the ship. Kill the recruit from behind. After Sam’s call, we go to register the arrival of recruit Foster and go listen to Hoyt’s speech. Now you can freely roam around the base; there are a huge number of chests here. When you finish the inspection, steal the inflatable boat.

When all three are killed (the evidence is on the body of the last victim), all that remains is to leave the camp and get to the safe zone.


Sam is waiting for you at the drug plantation. The pirates, deprived of Vas's leadership, attacked Hoyt's plantation. Catch up with Sam, he is about to defuse the first mine. Pirates will attack you, it is advisable to kill them early because they throw Molotov cocktails. To defend the second mine, you should climb onto the roof of the same building (although it’s scary to stand over a mine being neutralized!) in order to better see enemies in the grass. The last mine is in the warehouse, stand behind the machine gun by the window and meet the guests. I DO NOT recommend blowing up barrels, the fire may prevent you from seeing the pirates shooting at you. We kill the last pirates, shoot down the helicopter and you're done! Indeed, a mission for relaxation.

Into the enemy's mouth

Jason must take photographs of the mercenary leaders who arranged a meeting in the mine. This is where a camera comes in handy.

Follow the road along the river. The mercenaries set up posts, but we're not Jason Brody, right? It's just another recruit, Foster, it seems. Climb the tower and use the cable to get to the other side. Another transplant. Climb the tower, take the bulletproof vest and take pictures of the meeting on the bridge. The guard won't like this, so we kill him. Grab the cable and run to the RPG, you should blow up two cars on the bridge. Shoot the mercenaries across the river opposite so as not to interfere. Move forward as far as you can, and use the cable to jump to the other side. Walk back a little and go up a level. Then to another level, we jump onto the platform with a cable and move along it to the other side. Mercenaries run out of the mine ahead, and a new bulletproof vest awaits you inside. We move further, another detachment of yellow mercenaries will jump out at you along the path. In the mine there is a warehouse with cartridges. We grab the last cable. On the other side you can already reach the bridge. All cars and bodies, except one, mysteriously disappeared. Search the commander's body. Oh, very strong squads with RPGs are appearing from all sides, it’s time to go! Jump from the bridge into the river. Get to the jeep.

Paint it black

Everything has its own morality, you just need to be able to find it!

Lewis Carroll. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Such a dish should catch several thousand TV channels! It's a shame to blow it up. However, you will have to.

Since this is a restricted area, you can forget about camouflage and just shoot everyone. How hidden is up to you. The base is guarded by several heavyweights, snipers and many regular soldiers. Deep tunnels, or trenches, conceal patrolling soldiers. It would be a good idea to turn off the alarm. There is no need to be afraid of phrases like “don’t let him into the bunker” - they will be repeated even if no one has seen you. Place explosives on the armored door of the bunker and move away.

It will no longer be possible to act secretly inside; all security is on alert. The target is on the roof, so for now we just move forward. Grenades and, dare I say it, sometimes RPGs, will come in very handy here. Also, wait for them to start throwing red barrels - quickly turn around and run. In addition, there is a flamethrower hiding in this passage. Here is the ladder to the roof of the bunker. Plant explosives and get ready to defend. Mercenaries will be breaking into the roof within a couple of minutes. Wait for the helicopter with Sam and climb into it. All that remains is to blow up the antenna. But move away from the screen, because you'll have to jump out of a helicopter!

Buy ammo, decide on your arsenal, and only then take on the mission.

The town is buzzing like a disturbed beehive. Don't rush, just shoot at the heads, throw grenades, in a word - clear the way to the exit. There, steal a jeep with a machine gun and go to the airfield. With a machine gun, because you need to use it to shoot down a helicopter. You don't have to be distracted by simple mercenaries.

The mercenaries at the airfield will have to be completely cleared out. Please note that tents are subject to gunfire. You need to examine the indicated building in search of Riley. You will be greeted by a flamethrower, and behind him will be the desired red door. The little brother has been freed, all that remains is to make his way to the helicopter. Riley has a pilot's license, remember? True, they are on a plane, but these are minor things. Jason takes over the machine gun, kills crowds of enemies, and at the same time the legendary “Ride of the Valkyries” plays! However, during the defense there are exactly two dangers: numerous grenade launchers (note that the warehouses in which they stand often explode, they can also be identified below by the missile paths) and three helicopters at the end.

Difficult choice (final!)

Jason and Riley landed near the Temple of Citra. You need to enter it to find friends.

But in reality, Jason only falls into a new hallucinogenic trap. You must follow the path of the Warrior and, taking the blade you previously obtained, decide the fate of Lisa, and with her, choose one of two possible endings of the game Far Cry 3!

The game tells us about Jack Carver, a former German soldier special purpose(Marines). Accordingly, he is the main character of the game. Who had no idea how a pleasant boat trip could end, under the scorching tropical sun, in the company of his charming companion, journalist Valerie Cardinal.

A hellish nightmare in the company of modified cyborgs, mutants and monsters, that’s what awaited the hero, instead of a romantic pastime with Valerie, who disappeared like fog, rushing off on a jet ski without even saying goodbye. You find yourself at the bottom of an incomprehensible pit, run along the pipe, climb the steps, stepping over the skeleton. We bend down and climb into the hole, and crawl under the pipes. Next to the hieroglyphs, up the stairs, you will hear someone's verbal altercation. Run near a small pool, they advise you to distract the guards by throwing stones into the pool, pick up the transmitter. Time to meet Doyle, he is an unknown savior, he will continue to help you. Take a pistol from the box, a grenade from another box and head to the barrels, here will be your first “Checkpoint”. Save system Far Cry is represented by checkpoints, you are automatically saved when you reach them. Grab the armor and exit through the door.

Go down to the beach, don't be distracted by the helicopter hovering in the sky, better see what you can get in the huts. Be extremely careful, it is very easy to fall off the cliff. In the hut next to the boat, a new task awaits you - climb into the house above and get the binoculars. Checkpoint. Follow the flashing dot on the radar and swim across the strait. Checkpoint.
When approaching the camp, the radio transmitter will tell us that we desperately need to steal some type of transport. Grab some jeep and drive along the path (the path will be indicated by a sign on the radar), shooting down and shooting mercenaries along the way. Checkpoint. There is another jeep on the beach with two reptiles on board, give them a “warm welcome”. Continue further along the road to the left. A couple more thugs and another Checkpoint are waiting for you at the next jeep. The number of jeeps will only increase further; head along the path to the wreckage of the plane. Checkpoint. Make your way through the jungle forward to a World War II aircraft carrier lying on the shore. Get inside the hole in the bow of the aircraft carrier, then Doyle will contact you via radio.


Your task is to find your companion Valeria, who left you without even saying goodbye. Jump into the water, swim along the corridor, don't forget to pick up the free machete. Climb up the steps, remember there is a mercenary around the corner, be careful. Then run through several cabins, a large hangar, then a room with scattered, thrown bombs. Use the stairs to climb to the upper deck of the ship, your transmitter will start working. Get out through the hole in the hull (Checkpoint) and run to the bow of the ship, where a mounted six-barreled machine gun awaits you. Slash mercilessly, pouring fire on your enemies, then go around the ship on the other side and climb the stairs to the top. Checkpoint.
In the nearest room you will find a mercenary and Valerie's documents, and you will also listen to Krieger's speech about his scientific research. Get out to the upper deck (Checkpoint), a helicopter and a modest detachment of mercenaries who have taken up defensive positions behind the boxes are already waiting for you. Cross the bridge to the stern, be careful and careful; machine gun fire from enemies easily interrupts the chains on which the bridges are attached, there is a chance to crash and reset your health bar. Shoot the chains holding the inflatable boat at the side, and then jump into it. Follow the compass needle.


Pass by the village by the water and move towards the complex located on the mountain. If you wish, shoot the crew of the patrol boat and capture it and use it instead of crawling between the thickets of bushes. Checkpoint. Then follow the shoreline and go up the hill. Not far from the next checkpoint, there is a stationary machine gun, which should be turned into dust, snooping around in the neighboring village. Climb the stone stairs to the top of the hill, taking cover or shooting back from patrols, (Checkpoint) and enter the complex. Follow the long corridor without turning anywhere (Checkpoint) until you find yourself in a large room. We find a new machine on the counter. We enter the elevator, go up and get out to breathe fresh air.
The path (Checkpoint) will lead you to an ancient cannon, then to a satellite dish, next to which you can grab a minigun and cause a bloody massacre for the mercenaries landing from a cargo helicopter. Approach the bunker door, Doyle will tell you that it will take a little time to crack the code. Try to stay alive until that moment, shooting from enemies and helicopters, when the damn door opens. Checkpoint. Go inside and straight to the command center to the left. Eliminate the commander, pick up his special access card. You need to get explosives and stick them to the generator to lift the entire base into the air. Go to the room on the left using the access card on the door and pick up the explosives. Go out into the corridor, turn left and plant explosives next to the generator. You have 10 seconds to escape into the red tunnel.


Follow the path, destroy all the mercenaries in the camp, cling to the hang glider, and fly to the other side of the river. A couple of helicopters will appear on the horizon and begin to fire at you. After going down the path, go up the hill and go around the platform with the machine gunner. Checkpoint. The mercenary base can already be seen from behind the palm trees. It is located in the valley, right behind the observation tower. From Doyle you will receive a new task - to blow up a weapons warehouse, but where is the Checkpoint. A group of thugs will stand on your way; you can bypass them, or better yet, turn them into mincemeat. Checkpoint. Make your way to the camp and go into the room with the inscription "Briefing" and find explosives there. Head to the building opposite, you should plant explosives next to the boxes. You have five seconds to escape. Further along the path, take the buggies away, feel free to steal one of them to easily get to the next place. Checkpoint.
Any vehicle has its own degree of damage; if it is under fire for a long time, it will eventually explode. Ram the enemies that get in your way and drive straight along the road. Your path will be blocked by a military tractor and a buggy with a couple of soldiers. There is a free car behind the truck, you can use it if necessary. Immediately across the river there is a Checkpoint, then a group of machine gunners under the cover of a jeep will appear on the road. Checkpoint. The next task from Doyle sounds quite pleasant, although not particularly original - “kill them all!” After destroying all the mercenaries, run to the very end of the pier. A video will begin in which Doyle will pick you up on a boat and then drop you off in a new location.

Research. (Research)

Walk along the shore. Having reached the cave, next to which there is a group of mercenaries, go up to the house (Checkpoint) on the hill, search everything and take the card from the table, then go to the cave (Checkpoint), open it using the gate. We watch and enjoy how some mutant attacks the guard.
Step right, soon after the earthquake, Doyle (Checkpoint) will contact you via transmitter and advise you to find an elevator. We head forward through the tunnels, at the end of a huge cave with soldiers darting along the stairs, you will find an elevator. But unfortunately it doesn’t work; you need to find a power generator to supply voltage. Follow the cave to the right and use the spiral climb to the top. Activate the switch and run back to the elevator and go up. Then just go to the nearest door on the right.

Treehouse. (A house on a tree)

Immediately behind the first door, someone will be unlucky and will be dragged on a rope into the ventilation, he will hopelessly resist and moan loudly. Go back out into the corridor and you will come across the remains of a strange monster, its mouth is full of fangs and occupies the entire upper part of its chest. Walk past the jeep and follow into the small room on the left, behind it into the door next to the vending machines. Checkpoint. Doyle will tell you that you need to find scientists, perhaps they know Valerie’s whereabouts.
Run across bridges stretched between huge trees, you need to get to the building with the inscription "Supervision". Once you enter, shoot the monsters and pick up the key card near the scientist's corpse. Using the card and reader, enter the room; in the next room, pull the switch to open the gate leading to the helipad. It's time to leave the building; the elevator will take you down to the lower level. We go up the path and, if desired, steal a jeep standing in the mercenary camp. Drive using the radar as a guide. Checkpoint. Doyle will contact you and demand that you get explosives and set off an explosion.
The mercenaries have created a blockage on the road and are firing from machine guns. We run further across the bridge towards the tower. Next to the tower we select explosives (Checkpoint), then go along the tension bridge stretching over the abyss. We plant a bomb in the wall, near the door with a combination lock. After the explosion, crawl through the resulting hole, we head to the bunker, with a massive door, use your card.


Follow the corridor, grab a bulletproof vest with a first aid kit, press the button and get into the elevator. Go through the room with a huge monster, then go into the mine, go down to the very bottom along the stairs with the sign next to the number “2”. After a couple of doors you will come out to a walkway over the water, behind which there is a room with enclosures for monsters. We go into the door on the right, pass another 10 - 12 doors, a cannon on the bridge (Checkpoint), a mine, a bunker with guards (Checkpoint). You will run into glass, behind it a group of soldiers and mutants in cages is waiting. Climb the ladder to the very top and press the console in order to release the poor animals, they will mercilessly and cruelly remember everything to their offenders. Destroy everything that moves, then go to the gate. In the next room, follow the stairs up and quickly get out of this building. Forced march to the helipad, it is not so far away, when we get there, watch the next video. Valerie will kick Jack out of the helicopter (he managed to cling on) and then, in the next scene, crawling onto the beach, she will tell the whole truth about herself - that she is an undercover CIA agent.


You urgently need to get night vision goggles, otherwise fighting in the dark is not particularly pleasant. Climb up into the jungle, shoot the creatures near the mercenary's corpse. Doyle will contact you again. Follow forward along the path leading to the camp. In the hut we should definitely grab the glasses we need so much from the box. Doyle will give instructions to move to the steam generator. My advice to you is to get a jeep, since the road will be quite long, there will be at least 5 Checkpoints along the way. Head to the generator, on your way you will come across a worker, using him to take possession of the communication circuits. Then run to the door, about ten meters from you, the compass will indicate its location.

Regulator. (Regulator)

Follow straight, go around the tractor with burst tires, pull the switch to unlock the door. Then along the shore, from the crane we turn left and continue across the bridge. Soon you will see a destroyed bridge, climb onto the tower, a cable stretches from it to the other side. Using the fasteners, cling to the cable and jump to the next tower, then go through the door (Checkpoint). Behind the door there is a bunker. In the hangar, activate two switches. We turn left and enter the door, steam will block your path, get rid of it by turning the valve on the left. Straight along the corridor to the left, another valve, also turn it. Behind the next door, don't forget to pick up the key card. You need to return to the first valve, go down the stairs, and take another card from the table. And again to the valve, go up the broken stairs and take another card. If you have all three cards, it’s time to head into the corridor with three reading devices, after checking three doors will open, you need to close three valves. Further along the corridor to the left (Checkpoint), you will find yourself in a room with huge industrial fans in the very center, behind glass. Head upstairs and go through the door. Activate by clicking the computer console on the right. You will hear explosions, soon everything here will turn into ruins, your cell phone will ring, Valerie herself will be in touch.
Run to the ventilation system, on the right by the wall, pick the lock on the door, and climb inside. We watch another video, from which we understand that the creatures have gained freedom, and now they will scour the area, and increasingly come into your sights.


Go along the pipe, next to the remains of the worker, go up the stairs. In the weapons room, equip yourself with grenades and everything you need, go down the stairs consisting of brackets inserted into the wall (Checkpoint), your task is to turn off the steam supply using a valve. Go back and move forward, destroying groups of soldiers in chemical protective suits. Soon you will come to a blocked passage, on both sides of which there will be ventilation holes. First of all, crawl into the right one, then climb up the stairs and floors in order to turn the valve and thereby block the steam that prevents passage into the left hole. Ride on a swinging grid on chains. Return to the room where there was steam previously, then to the room with brick walls, use the elevator to go down. Explore a couple of laboratories with mutant corpses, and plunge into a labyrinth of narrow tunnels. When you get to the machine gun, don’t miss the chance to shower the hordes of monsters attacking you with heavy fire. Soon you will find yourself in a room with pipes and a smoked, locked door. Crawl into a kind of chimney. Then fall down and go through the door. You are almost out of this nightmare.


We leave the building and follow the bunker, the compass arrow points to it. Opening the grate, you will see a stream of steam blocking the passage. But the way out of this situation is obvious - move the box and jump from it onto the pipe. Once again you have the opportunity to take a deep breath of clean air, move along the winding path along the hill, go around the two soldiers near the jeep, then the guy with the bazooka, go up the mountain (Checkpoint). Then, past the flaming car and another jeep (Checkpoint), go down to the coast. Next, a short walk along the beach, past the lighthouse, climb the cable to the top of the hill. The road will lead you to crumpled cars and mercenaries, they have organized defense on the bridge. After the bridge (Checkpoint), head towards the building with a helipad. We go to the door, an archive opens before your eyes.


The next goal is to find a working elevator. Go to the research center and go down the hole to the lower level, it is half flooded. To move the huge wooden shield covering the hole in the floor to the side, you need to shoot the barrels located in the center. Jump down and swim through the pipes, after swimming a little, climb up the stairs. In the room with the remains of the medic on the table, pull the switch, it will deactivate the security system. From now on, we will be able to freely enter all rooms with doors that have combination locks. After getting dressed, we will return to the flooded room with a wooden shield that closes the underwater hole, as well as to the door next to the generator, immediately behind it is the elevator. Run into the huge warehouse, destroy the warehouse security group (take the access card from the corpse), then through the door next to the capital letter "A" on the wall. (Checkpoint) we pass through the middle of a pair of inscriptions "Level 1", along a long bridge, into a bunker with a sign "Kreiger Corp". Run to the edge of the large warehouse and shoot the chain on which the box hangs, its fall will cause the floor to break, go down there. Then into the ventilation, up the stairs and into the massive shutters.


Finally we will begin the search for Valerie. We proceed to the laboratory, open the closed door at the end using the access card. It lies next to the machine gun in the corridor next to you. Then we follow the room with the hologram of the monster and go into the door on the left (Checkpoint).
If you walk along the corridor and turn right, you will come out to an installation with a floating cyborg to which various cables and hoses are connected. We head upstairs and enter the door on the right, then past the sign “sub level 1” (Checkpoint). To the left (security), pull the switch that turns on the elevator. Further past the room with another hologram, we go out to the main elevator and go down. We run along the corridors, past the inscription on the wall “sub level 3” and up the stairs. Having gone down into the room with four tanks, we turn the valve at the extreme wall. Water will begin to fill the room, and you will be able to swim into the hole in the ceiling. Then get out into the ventilation, through several half-flooded rooms, unlock the door and fight off Valeria from the flock of mutants. Doyle will contact you and issue further instructions.


Let's take a boat ride to the nearest island. Steal some bombs from the tent. Your task is to blow up the first tower. We take a boat from the pier and sail to the island next door, you will have to climb up the path, soon go down to the base of the tower, it is under excellent security. We plant explosives and tear your legs at your disposal for about 5 seconds. With the first one said goodbye, it’s time to think about the second tower. It is located on a neighboring island, we sail by boat, after which we climb the bridge stretched between the rocks (Checkpoint). We blow up the tower and the job is done. It's time to raise the last, third tower into the air, we get to the next island (Checkpoint). Having completed the task, we sail to a ship off the coast with the strange name “Zol Teretenyak”. Climb onto the deck using the net hanging from the starboard side into the water, we enter the captain's cabin. We take the explosives. It is necessary to install it at the stern of the ship and dump it on the bow of the ship. An explosion will sound, the ship will begin to sink, and a helicopter with a brave machine gunner on board is already flying up to visit you. Climb onto the floating containers, it’s time to give the iron bird with propellers a light, we destroy the helicopter, and a boat will come after you.


Walking along the road, we will come to the ancient temple. The entrance to the temple is blocked, we need explosives, we'll try to find it. Using the beacon on the compass, we go to new ruins, a group of soldiers and a bomb, it lies in a box immediately behind the bug (Checkpoint). Let's return to the blocked entrance and plant explosives (in 7 seconds the passage will be blown up, so have time to escape), then climb inside. Keep an eye on the compass while dealing with attacking monsters and soldiers dressed in chemical protection from gas cylinders toxic fumes escape. There will be three Checkpoints in the labyrinths, the last one is in a tiny room with a lying corpse, explosives and a PDA, which is what we need (PDA). We have to get out of the temple on White light. The exit is in the hall with huge statues of elephants. You need to mine it and cause an explosion, I think you won’t have any problems.


Move to the river and jump into the rubber boat, it is next to the hut. There will be a Checkpoint along the road, right behind the machine gun pillbox. The boat trip is going to be long, so we enjoy the scenery. You won’t have to rest all the time, you will be immediately pursued by a group of military boats, and a huge tree will fall into the water. Your path will soon be blocked by a pontoon bridge; you can’t cross it on your boat; you need to transfer to a boat, it’s waiting at the pier nearby.

You can also break the ropes that attach the bridge floats and push them apart. If you lose your boat, don’t despair; a new one is at the nearest pier, ten meters away. A helicopter will appear in the air, cross the suspension bridge, and notice another rotorcraft. Let's get into the boat, it has a much higher safety margin, and besides, its gun is much more powerful. After the cargo helicopter, disembark and follow the path forward. Notice the huge statue of a sitting sage, immediately behind it is a tractor with a satellite dish, destroy a group of mercenaries (Doyle will contact you), then connect to the satellite. Our friends Valerie and Jack will meet and begin to discuss the future plan, and then Valerie will want to swim under the waterfall.


We desperately need transport, we can’t go on foot through the jungle. Let's go to the mercenary camp and steal a jeep. Jack will stand behind the machine gun (who else if not him), and Valerie will sit behind the wheel (although a woman is driving...). In short, your job is to shoot her and steer her. The trip promises to be long. After her, you will land in some kind of swamp, and Valerie must be escorted to the computer center inside the base, she can be seen through the foliage. Head to the entrance to the base and in the right building go up to the second floor. Valerie will start tinkering with computers, and later decide to rush away. Run after her, don't let her out of sight! Valerie will unlock the door with the code and then take refuge in the command center. At this stage, you need to split up, our partner will remain at the computers, and you must find a way to get into the headquarters. We leave the building, head to “mission planning”, the door will open by itself. Once inside, follow the stairs up to the "headquarters". There is no access, you need to get a card somewhere. You can find it in the "quarter master" room, it is on the table. At the headquarters, we climb up the stairs and take the device from the case lying on the table. Let's head back to the control center, next to the large satellite dish, then follow Valerie. At the bridge there is a Checkpoint. When you get to the base, run to the armory, Valerie will get into the loader with the bomb and drive it out the gate.


Let's talk to Doyle, and then run after the loader, Valerie will get out and hide behind the nearest tree. Move towards the base and enter the cargo lift, Valerie will soon arrive in her forklift with a bomb. We press the button, the elevator will go down to the lower level (Checkpoint), get out and stomp to the gate with “research”. But you only need to open them from the inside, so you need to climb the stairs to another room. The partner will roll up again with the bomb, stop at the gate and open the combination lock. It's your turn - we run to the new gate that leads to the mutagenic chamber and open the lock. And again Valerie is right there. Follow her and watch another video in which our heroes inject themselves with some kind of drug.
Once again we run after Valerie, she will activate the bomb, your task is to hold the defense, destroying hordes of attacking soldiers with plastic shields with heavy fire. After finishing the battle, we get into the elevator and leave the building. We watch another video clip of how our heroes miraculously manage to avoid the blast wave, the explosion will destroy the entire laboratory. Then the awakened Jack is thrown out of the helicopter again (what a shame, and this is not the first time) and Valerie remains on board as a prisoner of the main villain.


Your task is to reach the weapons room, the one on the mountain; you will have to stomp a lot. In the downed helicopter, find and arm yourself with two machine guns, they will be very useful in the fight against crowds of “thugs”, of which there will be a huge number. Climb the hill and crawl through the gap in the wall, there will be an armory on the left. We are watching the next video, Jack's hands will begin to turn green... Grab the plastic card from the table. Use it to open the door next to the car, get into the bug (Checkpoint) and move towards the volcano. Proceed across the bridge. All around, fiery jets are bursting out of the ground, everything is covered with lava. Cyborgs with bazookas are walking around. Save near the “satellite dish”, then break through to the laboratory, right in front of the entrance there are two statues of Kreiger. forward to the main entrance.


It's time to finish off the main villain. In the hall with holograms, eliminate all the guards and unlock the door. Behind her is Kreiger, who is now unrecognizable. He looks like a cross between a Terminator and a bodybuilder on steroids. Valerie lies against the wall, semi-conscious. Your time has come, smash everyone, punish, tear them apart and take out all your accumulated anger on Kreiger, ultimately killing him. At the end of the battle, watch the video: the mutant scientist will say his goodbyes last words, Jack will take Valerie to the ship, and in the meantime he will go to take revenge on Doyle. Enter the elevator, go up, follow the corridor and click on the two consoles near the huge doors. Exit to the area located above the small lava lake. Get over to the other side, use the console to turn on the elevator mechanism, and then, at the foot of the platform, go up, follow the bridge to the north, then up the stairs. In the control center, settle the score with Doyle and watch the final cutscene. Jack will recover by injecting Valerie with the vaccine. Our heroes will sail away from the terrible island on a luxury yacht. Valerie takes a final look at the next chair, where CDs and secret documents related to the project are stacked." Far Cry".

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

(Unknown optimist)

Tropical paradise in purple tones

It just so happens that you can’t expect anything good from cute-looking tropical islands in action games (and even in action movies): they have long been favored by gangs of thugs and crazy doctors making their next plans to destroy humanity. For lovers clear skies over your head, this, of course, will not be to your taste, but the brave saviors of the world (that is, you and me) are quite happy with this state of affairs, or at least are not surprised.

Before moving on to the plot of the game, we should talk about some of its features. Own CryEngine engine supports full set DX9 special effects, including dynamic lighting and destructible terrain. The character animation is built using motion capture technology, and the game areas are amazing in their size (fights in the narrow corridors of laboratories and underground communications are also present). Dynamic sound adds atmosphere.

The opponents have good artificial intelligence and try to act in a group according to the situation. Unexpected reinforcement can also tickle your nerves.

The plot of the game is linear, but there can be several options for completing each mission: some people like to covertly penetrate deep into the enemy base, while others prefer to go ahead, destroying everything in their path.


The game takes place in the near future (2020). The civilian sailor Jack Carver will long curse the day when he ended up on these islands lost somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. A week before the events described, he was hired by a young reporter, Valerie Constantine. The amount offered to her did not make Jack doubt for a minute.

Shortly after arriving, Jack's yacht was destroyed by artillery fire from an armed group patrolling the island. Now Carver's ship is destroyed, and Valerie disappeared somewhere shortly before. This is where the chain of strange and mysterious events. A stranger contacts Jack, he lifts the veil of secrecy over everything that is happening and offers him a simple choice: to interfere with the plans of the mercenaries and the one behind them, or doom the human race to inevitable death.

That is, now the life of the beautiful Valerie herself is in your hands...


Jack Carver (Jack Carver)

Captain of a small ship from the South Pacific. Jack was hired by Valerie to take her to an uncharted island in Micronesia, where she was supposed to take photographs of Japanese ruins from World War II.

Valerie Constantine

American journalist and photo reporter, works for the magazine “Exotic Travel”. Generally speaking, she looks too professional for the job.

Harlan Doyle

He will be the first to contact you on the island after the start of mysterious events. He seems to know what is happening on the island, but is clearly not eager to reveal his true nature.


A scientist who once worked for the World Health Organization. 5 years ago, he disappeared under mysterious circumstances related to his controversial and mysterious genetic research. Your main enemy is the creator of a secret laboratory on the islands, where experiments are carried out on organic objects, resulting in the birth of all kinds of mutants.

Col. Richard Crowe (Colonel Richard Crowe)

Soldier of fortune, leader of the mercenary forces guarding Dr. Krieger's laboratories on the islands. Origin unknown.


A bunch of scum from all over the world, all the dirt of the sinful earth. Professional killers who are paid not to ask unnecessary questions.



This light and fast vehicle has good armor and significant firepower, the latter provided by the built-in machine gun.

Hmmv (Humvee)

More powerful and secure than a buggy, this jeep is designed to get you anywhere quickly and safely. In addition to the machine gun, the hummer is equipped with a rocket launcher.


Travel on an inflatable boat quickly and silently. The advantages include convenient control. The disadvantages are poor protection and the lack of built-in weapons (although you can shoot the enemy with your guns).

Gun boat

This fast, well-protected boat is equipped with a 50mm machine gun and a rocket launcher.


Lightweight hang glider, used by pirates in emergencies. Capable of covering significant distances. Not protected or equipped with any weapons.


You can also ride on forklift And utility truck. Enemies will attack you with helicopters (helicopter gunship). The best way To resist them - shoot the mercenary behind the machine gun. Cargo helicopters with two screws (cargo chopper) used to transport the enemy. If you see one like this, expect uninvited guests.



Height: 168 cm, weight: 80 kg.

A born leader. The commander gives orders to lower-ranking mercenaries, trying not to get into the thick of things. If you kill the commander, the remaining mercenaries will not be able to act coherently.

Grunt mercenaries (Mercenary infantry)

Height: 180 cm, weight: 82 kg.

The very first mercenaries you will have to deal with. Fighting them is not difficult, although the infantry can be outnumbered.

Cover mercenaries

Height: 195 cm, weight: 113 kg.

These big guys can be easily identified due to their height. They are dressed in special armor and fight noticeably better than their colleagues. When they see you, they will immediately rush to attack.

Scout mercenaries

Height: 170 cm, weight: 68 kg.

Trained to move quickly and work as a team.

Rear guard mercenaries

Height: 186 cm, weight: 86 kg.

Dangerous and well-trained opponents use grenades and medium-range weapons.


Height: 168 cm, weight: 79 kg.

Dressed in black and equipped with a sniper rifle, these mercenaries are trained in long-range combat. Killers to watch out for.

Indoor guards

Height: 183 cm, weight: 79 kg.

Protect the premises. More dangerous than mercenaries patrolling open spaces. The bulletproof vest effectively saves them when they are under fire.

Shield guards

Height: 183 cm, weight: 79 kg.

The shield gives them additional protection, but does not cover the entire body, so vulnerable spots can always be found.

Elite guards

Height: 183 cm, weight: 77 kg.

They can be recognized by their gas mask and night vision goggles. Extremely strong and dangerous.

Evil workers

Height: 174 cm, weight: 73 kg.

These workers periodically forget about their professional duties in an attempt to kill you. Their orange jumpsuit does not protect them from shots at all, so they are mediocre opponents.

Senior scientists

Height: 168 cm, weight: 80 kg.

Scientists can be found in laboratories where they will go to great lengths to protect the results of their dirty work.

Junior scientists

Height: 168 cm, weight: 80 kg.

These are far from their senior colleagues. They are poorly equipped and armed with only a pistol. None of these poor fellows are fighters.

Core engineers (Chief engineers)

Height: 174 cm, weight: 79 kg.

These fearless workers are located in the most inaccessible and dangerous parts of the laboratory. They are easily recognized by their biological protection suit.


The result of terrible biological experiments. At first, you will be dealing with simple specimens that can only harm you through direct contact (it goes without saying that you need to shoot these creatures from afar, without waiting for a fatal jump). Later you will meet mutants who can use ranged weapons and invisibility. In the latter case, you will have to wear special Cryvision glasses, although the outlines of enemies are slightly visible even without the use of optical aids.


The game has a large selection of weapons, but you can carry no more than 4 types and grenades with you at the same time, not counting stationary weapons and barrels built into various vehicles.

When shooting any portable firearm, you can aim, which improves accuracy. When shooting on the move, it decreases, as evidenced by the narrowed or widened crosshair of the sight. The damage dealt to enemies depends, among other things, on the part of the body you hit (as usual, hitting the head is the most lethal).

Machete (machete)

A large jungle knife, useful in close combat where it can become deadly to your enemies. Plus - it does not require ammunition, minus - it is ineffective against higher-level enemies.

Mode 1: Melee attack.


A large adjustable wrench is used to repair various objects.

Mode 1: Repairing an object.

Jungle falcon

Large-caliber semi-automatic pistol with a removable silencer.

Zooming in: aiming.

Jack Hammer shotgun (Jack Hammer shotgun)

Semi-automatic shotgun. Ideal for medium-range combat when clearing corridors and rooms.

Mode 1: Semi-automatic shooting.

Zooming in: aiming.


A modern automatic rifle with a high rate of fire.

Zooming in: aiming.


Less accurate than the P90 rifle, but comes with a suppressor, making this rifle good for covert infiltration.

Mode 1: automatic shooting.

Mode 2: Single shot.

Zooming in: aiming.

M4 carbine (M4 carbine)

Classic offensive rifle. Combines a high rate of fire and decent accuracy at medium distances.

Mode 1: automatic shooting.

Mode 2: Single shot.

Zooming in: aiming.

AG36 assault riffle (AG36 offensive rifle)

An offensive rifle equipped with a parabolic rocket launcher. Good for attacking with grenades through walls and other obstacles. Normal mode is good for medium-range combat. The optical sight is equipped with a night vision device and the ability to zoom in and out of objects.

Mode 1: automatic shooting.

Mode 2: Single shot.

OICW advanced assault riffle (improved OICW offensive rifle)

An advanced offensive rifle, equipped with an optical sight and a rocket launcher with a direct projectile trajectory. An excellent weapon for combat at medium and long distances in open landscapes against people and equipment. Built-in night vision device.

Mode 1: automatic shooting.

Mode 2: Single shot.

Mode 3: firing from a rocket launcher.

Zoom: optical sight.

AW50 sniper rifle (AW50 sniper rifle)

This weapon is equipped with a futuristic optical sight. Has a very low rate of fire, but deals extremely high damage to organic targets. It has the largest range of action and accuracy (several degrees of approximation). You won't find much ammunition for this rifle. Built-in night vision device.

Mode 1: single shot.

Zoom: optical sight.


Infantry offensive machine gun. Releases a huge amount of lead into the air per unit of time, but accuracy suffers.

Mode 1: automatic shooting.

Rocket launcher

Slow but powerful weapon ranged combat. Ideal against vehicles and groups of enemies.

Mode 1: single shot.

Zoom: optical sight.

Frag grenades (explosive grenades)

The explosion of such a grenade changes the terrain and kills people (though it would be hard to call them innocent).

Flashbang grenades (flash and shock grenades)

The smoke and noise from the explosion of this grenade disorganizes and distracts opponents.

Smoke grenades (smoke grenades)

Releases a large amount of smoke, hiding you from enemies, impairing their vision.

Mortar (mortar)

Stationary weapon. Large damage, very large range.

Vulcan minigun (Vulcan machine gun)

Also stationary. High rate of fire, low accuracy, significant damage when hit.


You can always carry stones with you. By throwing them, you will not cause damage to enemies, but you will be able to distract them by making noise.

This is interesting: Don't forget to shoot the fuel barrels next to the enemies. Barrel explosions are deadly. You can try to push the barrel onto enemies, and then shoot at it.


Flashlight (flashlight)

Turn it on to illuminate dark places. The ability to blind computer enemies in the dark is useful.

Radio (walkie-talkie)

Allows you to talk to Doyle and Valerie, as well as intercept mercenary conversations.

Binoculars (binoculars)

This binocular is equipped with night vision and a heat sensor. Allows you to scan terrain over vast distances. Enemies are highlighted by a frame, and you also get the opportunity to hear their conversation.

CryVision goggles (night vision goggles)

These amazing glasses come with a number of additional features. For example, you will be able to see in generally unlit rooms. In addition, enemies will be highlighted in a special color. Finally, you will be able to see invisible enemies. Don't forget to keep your glasses' battery charged.

Placeable explosives

Place the explosives in the indicated place and run. The explosion time in each case will be determined automatically.

Keycards (access cards)

Needed to get into restricted areas. Look for them near locked doors and dead enemies.

Interface and control

The controls in the game are not very different from classic action games, although they have a number of features. It will help you deal with them Table 1 (“Control: first layout by default”).

The game screen consists of the following elements:

Radar. This device displays all the sounds made around you in the form of concentric circles. In addition, if you spot an enemy with binoculars, he will be reflected as a bright dot. Its color will depend on whether the enemy is excited or not (i.e., whether he noticed you). Finally, the radar displays most of the key points of solo campaign missions, as well as your allies (Valerie).

Stealth indicator. The higher the level of the scale, the more likely it is that nearby enemies have noticed you.

Impact indicator. Shows which side of the screen you are being damaged from.

Compass. Like any decent object with such a name, it demonstrates the direction of the cardinal points.

Health scale. Reflects your current health level (restored when using first aid kits).

Endurance scale. Allows you to evaluate the level of endurance that is used when swimming underwater and sprinting. Moreover, in the first case, when it is reset, you will begin to catastrophically lose health, and in the second, you will simply stop moving quickly. Upon completion of swimming and sprinting, endurance is gradually restored.

Armor scale. Shows armor level. If it is zero, you become more vulnerable and will lose health when hit. Restored using body armor (including those dropped from armored enemies).

Ammunition indicator. Shows the amount of ammunition for all firing modes of active weapons.

Grenade indicator. Allows you to see the number of grenades of the selected type. The number of stones is not limited.

Additional indicators: glasses charge CryVision case damage vehicle.

Table 1
Control: first layout by default
Action Key A comment
Back and forth W,S Running or walking forward or backward, swimming, driving a car or boat forward or backward. When using a hang glider, tilt the wing forward or backward (allows you to adjust the flight altitude)
Left, right A, D Classic strafe on foot, turn when using vehicles
Running/Walking Z Hold the key to run or walk (depending on whether “always run” mode is on or off)
Bounce Space Jump, swim up and climb ladders
Steal Left Ctrl You make less noise when moving, while crouching slightly, becoming more invisible to enemies. You must hold down the key. At the same time, you do not lose the opportunity to shoot
Lie down V Great for hiding. Good pose for a sniper. Use the movement keys to crawl
Lean right, left E,Q Useful for peeking around corners
Sprint Left Shift Allows you to noticeably speed up for a while
Attack Left mouse button Basic attack
Changing attack mode X In the event that the weapon provides for it. Used in hummer and army boat
Reload R It is important to attack enemies with reloaded weapons, delay can cost lives
Changing weapons Mouse wheel (also PgUp and PgDn) Consistently changes available weapons
Throw a stone/grenade G Throw a stone (default) or a grenade of the selected type
Changing projectile H Choose a rock or grenade to throw
Drop your weapon J Drop weapons from inventory
Quick weapon selection 1-4 You can carry no more than 4 types of firearms at the same time. To pick up a new one, you will first have to throw out the existing active one.
Aiming Right mouse button Easily aim or use your weapon's built-in optical sight
Increase Mouse wheel You will be able to zoom in and out of the objects you aim at through the optics of the AW50 sniper rifle and the AG36 attack rifle. Similar action when using binoculars
Binoculars B Allows you to see enemies, aided by a motion scanner
CryVision glasses T Enable/disable glasses that will automatically stop working when the battery is low
Flashlight L Turning the flashlight on/off
Get in/out of the car F Stand close to the vehicle and use this key
Change location Left Shift Sit in the passenger/driver seat
Built-in weapon attack Left mouse button Don't forget about the ability to switch shooting modes. The angle of attack varies from vehicle to vehicle.
Headlights l Turning headlights on/off
Change view F1 Switch to third-person control mode. More comfortable to drive, less convenient to aim
Use F The most universal key, it allows you to get into a car, install explosives, use access cards, etc.
Briefing Tab Hold this key to view current jobs
Hold the breath Space Used when shooting with sniper weapons to improve accuracy
Talk to everyone Y Send a message to all players
Conversation with the team. U Send a message to your team players
Table with the result Tab View table with results
Limbo Screen Esc Go to the team and character class selection screen. At this moment you are not protected from enemy attacks

Online game

In addition to the single-player campaign, the game has a very good multiplayer built into it, on which the developers are clearly placing a big bet.


The main goal is to score the most points by killing opponents. There are no teams - every man for himself. Players appear on the map with a pistol and a knife, but can later receive additional weapons and ammunition. All items appear again after a certain amount of time (for example, for armor it is 60 seconds)

Team Deathmatch

The gameplay is similar to the previous game, except that players form teams (red and blue). The team whose members kill their opponents the most times wins.


Attack is the most entertaining type network game. Two teams - one attacking, the other defending - try to control three strategic points on the level. The attackers touch the point, after which the time for its capture begins. Defenders, by touching it, can cancel the countdown. Once a location is captured, players will move closer to the next location, making it easier to capture. The attackers win by capturing 3 points, the defenders by holding out for a certain time.

There is the possibility of building defensive structures. IN table No. 2 you will find their types and statistics.

In Assault you can choose a character class:

Grunt (Infantry)- a character with the best weapons, ideal for combat.

Sniper- feels best away from battle, with a sniper rifle in his hands, covering the infantry.

Support- the character is optimally suited for the construction and repair of bases, can destroy enemy buildings, and is equipped with first aid kits for treating wounded team members.

Points are scored as follows: starting a capture - 5, preventing a capture - 5, capturing a point - 25, building a structure - 5, destroying an enemy structure - 5, healing an ally - 2, killing an enemy - 5.

At all levels of the multiplayer game there are vehicles that appear in their original places if they are abandoned (after 60 seconds) or destroyed (after 30 seconds).

table 2
Structures in a network game


A single player campaign in “Far Cry” consists of 20 missions in which you have to complete certain tasks. There is no standard saving system in the game: it is replaced by a system of checkpoints, where saving occurs automatically.

It is important: If you have passed the checkpoint, then you are most likely moving in the right direction. Don’t forget to also look at the radar; as a rule, the place where you should go is indicated there.


Training level. Follow the instructions provided to become familiar with the interface. When you get out, you will be instructed to search the mercenaries' huts for ammunition (you have already received a pistol). Then go up the hill and get the binoculars from the hut. Get to the mercenary camp. Don't rush to steal a car there. Go around the island to the right (you'll have to swim) and find the hummer. Now follow to the aircraft carrier, find a hole in its hull and swim there.

2. Carrier

The first task is to find Valerie, if possible. Swim underwater to the interior of the ship and explore it. When you walk along the deck to the opposite side, you can find a cabin where you will understand that Valerie cannot be found. The next task is to find a boat. Climb to the very top of the ship (of course, you will have to clear everything). Shoot the ropes of the suspended boat, jump into the water and climb into it. Continue east.


Take a boat to the island, after which you will have to get to the ruins at the top of the mountain. Fight off enemy attacks for a while until Doyle cracks the door code. Did you open it? Come in. In one of the rooms, a guard will talk to Krieger. Kill this guard and take the access card. Find a room with explosives here and install the latter in the indicated location. Run through the opened door.

4. Pier

Find the mercenary camp (to get to it, you need to use a hang glider). In the building opposite the entrance to the armory, find an access card; in the armory, open a warehouse with explosives and commit sabotage by installing explosives in the right place. Steal the car and follow it to the pier, kill all the enemies there. Go to the edge of the pier.


Find the cave entrance: to the left of it, a path leads up to a hut, where an access card awaits you. Go back to the entrance and take the elevator. Explore the cave. To run another elevator, turn on the backup generator. Take the elevator up and you will soon find the desired entrance to the research laboratory.


Go towards the scientist's laboratory. He is killed by mutants, but you can get his access card. Go to the bunker. On the way, you will receive a task - to find explosives near the tower. Take it and install it where they indicate. Enter the bunker.

7. Bunker

Your goal is to find a helipad. The only difficulty: the radar will not work. Follow the level, remembering the road (so as not to go in circles). When you reach the room where the mercenaries will be standing behind the glass, go up the stairs and open the cages with mutants using the control panel. In general, at this level it is already useful to give mercenaries and mutants the opportunity to attack each other.

8. Steam

Find night vision goggles in one of the village huts and follow the steam generator. Kill the worker not far from him - you should receive plans for the regulating plant. The exit from the level is not far from here.


Get to the rooms with valves. There will be 3 of them in total, the access cards to them are located nearby. You can turn off the gas using a valve in a nearby room. Once all the valves are closed, find the control center and use the remote control. Then hide in the indicated ventilation shaft, having previously shot the lock on the door leading into it.


Get out of the building. At this level, you will periodically have to use the ventilation shafts to find a way out. Don't forget to also use stationary machine guns: there are more mutants and they are much stronger.


Leave the building. Now find your way to the archive; to do this you will have to do a fair amount of climbing around the island at night. True, the end point of your route will be indicated on the radar.

12. Archive

This guard is having a bad day today.

Find the only working freight elevator. When you get to the laboratory, break the glass in the center and jump down. Move aside the barrels and the door closing the hatch under water. Get to the security control room and disable the door security. Move on. In the first warehouse, kill the elite guard at the very end and get the code to the door. In the next warehouse at the very end of the level, you will have to shoot at the chain on which the container hangs in order to open the ventilation passage to the freight elevator.


You will find the card for the closed door opposite from one of the killed guards in the corridor on the right. When asked to disable the security system, run into the room behind the first door on the right after the elevator door: there is a switch. Take the elevator and find another security room. Now find the large doors behind which is a huge laboratory. At the end of it, turn the valve and swim out through the hatch at the top. It's very close to Valerie. The last task is to protect her from mutants.

14. Boat

Land at the first island and get 3 explosives from the mercenaries' tent. Use it to successively destroy three towers on other islands. Get to the ship, there you will find more explosives in the control room. Blow up the ship and climb onto the roof of the control room. You may have to deal with a helicopter. Soon they will come for you.

15. Catacombs

Follow the ruins of an ancient temple. To get to it, you will have to find explosives nearby to blow up the rubble. In the temple, take the lost laptop computer and you can get out. The exit from the catacombs will also have to be blown up.

16. River

First you will have to ride a boat and get to the end of the river. Then destroy Colonel Crowe and his minions. Transfer information from the computer you found.

17. Spawn

Now you have an ally - Valerie, but you need to take care of her (if the girl dies, you will lose). First, grab a car and get to the mercenary base (you will have to act as a shooter, shooting back from the chase). Inside the base, find a computer terminal, Valerie is using it and you will have to follow her. From the headquarters, obtain access codes for explosives. The headquarters access card is located in the office opposite the main entrance. Follow Valerie and get to the entrance to the Arsenal.

18. Factory

Go inside and call the elevator. Soon Valerie will pull up on the forklift. You must cover her and encourage her in every possible way. Open the next gate, and then the gate to the mutagenic room so that the girl can pass through. After which you will have to protect Valerie while she equips the bomb. Then take the elevator out of the building, Valerie should follow you.

19. Dam

The worst thing is that at the beginning of this level you will not have a weapon, so you will have to be extremely careful. The goal is to get to the Vulcan base. Along the way, you may come across a helicopter, which will contain a walkie-talkie for communicating with Doyle. Soon you will reach a weapons warehouse. The video insert will show that you, too, have become susceptible to viral mutation. Take the weapon and access card. Open the door in the lattice wall and continue on your way. The final battle is just around the corner.

20. Volcano

Don't expect a warm welcome. First you will have to deal with a detachment of guards, but soon you will have a fight with Dr. Krieger himself, who has undergone a mutation. He is not an easy opponent: he jumps high, uses invisibility, and is also surrounded by guards. Try not to waste ammo on the guard - shoot straight at Krieger. We defeated him, now it’s time to get the antidote: use the elevator, take the weapon from the warehouse and follow further. Soon you will find yourself in the center of the volcano. The task is to avoid the mutants and get to the opposite side, where... Garlan Doyle will be waiting for you. Yes! He's in league with Krieger, so don't hesitate to shoot him.

The world and, most importantly, Valerie are saved. Evil is defeated. And you say there are no happy endings...


A local Montana sheriff receives a video of the leader of the Edensgate religious cult killing a man. The sheriff's deputy, who is under the direction of the player, along with his boss, a federal marshal and a female pilot, travel by helicopter to the cult's lair to arrest Joseph.

During the arrest, the preacher will not resist, but will stretch out his hands to you so that you can handcuff him. It is advisable to put on handcuffs immediately, because after 2 minutes of waiting, members of the organization will begin to fight, so the end will be instantaneous.

When you lead the arrested Joseph to the helicopter, the locals will not interfere with you, but as soon as the helicopter starts moving, they will grab onto the device. This will lead to an accident.

Two team members will be captured, and the main character, along with the federal officer, will be able to escape from the helicopter in flames.

No exit

The player's next task is to escape from the insane sectarians. To avoid getting shot, you need to run from side to side until you reach an abandoned house. Crouch, hide in the bushes and silently kill one of the psychos by approaching from behind (F).

When you enter the next house, try to repel the attack of the sectarians. Be prepared to cover the marshal as he runs into the yard to start the car. Shoot enemies from the window, shoot at red barrels. Then jump out of the window and hide behind the car, and after the first signal, get into it.

During the chase, shoot the cars that are chasing you. Aim at car drivers to make them crash. Subsequently, take the dynamite, and before throwing it, hold down the F key for a couple of seconds so that the explosion occurs during the flight. When you reach the large bridge, you will be let down by a plane and fall into the water. The marshal will be captured, and you will be rescued by the resistance fighter Dutch.

A glimmer of hope

At this stage, the player must choose his appearance and clothes and communicate with his savior. Dutch will tell you how to confront cult members. You can also familiarize yourself with the dossier on the gang leaders, three assistants and Joseph himself. The dossier hangs on the wall. There are also a lot of notes and sound recordings in Dutch's house that might come in handy.

The man will hand you a weapon and coordinate your actions from the bunker. First you must clear the island in the center of the river.


The player must liberate Dutch's island. The first altar of the sectarians, which is located on the northern shore, is guarded by three enemies who need to be killed silently or, by shooting the balloon in the center of the altar from afar, to neutralize them all with one explosion.

To find the next altar, you first need to get to the Forest Service Center. There is a note with a hint and no enemies.

The second altar is in the small western island. The scheme for overcoming the enemy is the same as in the first case.

Next, go to the fishing pier. In the inner lake, you need to examine the northern shore, where 2 enemies are holding Luke Smith captive. Free him, then he will join you and can go to enemies or points (G), and the rest of the time he will be nearby.

Now again you must return to the Forest Service Center, but now more than 5 enemies are waiting for you. Lure them into the center of the courtyard and shoot the barrel to make it explode. After this, go into the building and find two civilians there who will tell you the location of the enemy outpost.

From the pier on the inland lake, take the road up. On the pump house you will find a note from the survivor, which indicates that there is a treasure nearby.

Subsequently, jump into the water to swim into the enclosed hangar. Inside, press the switch to supply electricity to the boat station.

The next task is to get into the bunker. To do this, go up to the pump house and turn the tap on the left of the pipe so that the pump begins to pump out water. In front of the booth, open the hatch leading to the bunker. When the water is pumped out, go downstairs and find $500, boosters and a new weapon - a bow with a scope.

Your next goal is to liberate the sectarian outpost. There are only 5 enemies and 1 hostage in the camp. Attack from the side of the house and try to shoot at the enemy from the windows.

Climb onto the radio tower and turn on the switch, this will allow Dutch to transmit and collect signals throughout the region.

Part 2. John's region. Holland Valley

Falls End

Reach and capture the central city. Be prepared that the sectarians will be covered from the air by an airplane. There will be a man outside the church who will tell you that there is a machine gun on the roof of the large house. Once you get there, use the machine gun to shoot down the plane. Having done this, the city will be liberated, and you will receive a reward of 900 points.


When the character dies again, and 1/3 of the resistance points are accumulated on his account, the sectarians will catch him to take him to John and Joseph. John will want to baptize the hero, trying to drown him in the river. After this, the deputy sheriff will be transported in a truck, but Pastor Jerome will attack the convoy, so the car with the hero will get into an accident.

The player needs to free all the cars in the column. First of all, you need to neutralize the two snipers who are standing on the gate ahead. There is a hill to the left that you can climb to approach the snipers from behind. After killing them, take away the weapon, assault rifle with a scope, and take their place to fire at enemies from above.

Behind the gate there is a gorge, and between the rocks there is a wooden bridge. From another rock the hero will be fired at by a mortar. Since you need to get there to free the hostage Merle, go down the cable or metal bridge. A sniper rifle will allow you to kill mortars from afar.

After releasing the hostage, enemies will storm the rock. You must hold the resistance for 2 minutes. There are several options for this: sit at the mortar and fire; stand at the bridge and fire at them with a rifle. The second option is preferable. After that, you will get into the helicopter and fly.


Having collected 2/3 resistance points and died again, you will find yourself captured in Joseph’s bunker. Along with the main character there will be a female pilot - assistant Hudson. When Joseph takes the girl to another cell, jump with the chair to the doorway and fall down the stairs. This will allow you to decide the hands.

Move along the pipes to quietly sneak up on the first enemies and take their weapons. When you go through three compartments of the bunker, you will see the hostage Hudson behind closed doors. John will call our sin Wrath.

At this moment you will understand that the hostage cannot be saved yet, so run. You need to run to the surface for 1:30 minutes, otherwise you will be poisoned by the intoxicating gas. There will be many poisoned sectarians waiting for you from above. Hide from them in the room on the right, and then run into the forest.


When you reach the full resistance scale - 13,000 points, John Seed will be waiting for you in the Falls End city church. There you will be captured again. When you need to repent, the pastor will give you a gun that you can point at your enemies. During this commotion, John will run away.

To catch up with him, get into the car. When you get to the ranch, board the Airwolf plane and fly after John.


The player must destroy John's plane. If you bring it up in the air, it will land at the bunker. Sit on his right, but be prepared to face a lot of armored enemies.

Go from behind to go up to the high ground behind the bunker where there is a mortar. You will be able to kill all enemies and John, for which you will receive the Affirmation reward.

Grace under duress

Now you can enter the bunker using the key taken from John. There are still many enemies inside, for which a shotgun or machine gun is better suited for shooting.

Go to John's dungeon to save Hudson, and with her open all the cells with hostages.

Return to the missile silo and shoot the yellow holders. Jump up the platforms - exit on the top floor and destroy all the containers with the “whims”. Go out the far doors.

On the top tier of the shaft, press the two levers. This will open the hatch on the ceiling. Fend off enemies from this point for several minutes. After opening the hatch, enemies will attack from all sides. Cling to the helicopter, because soon the bunker will explode. This way you will free the region and receive $3000.

Part 3. Region of Faith. Henbane River

Hope County Jail

Representatives of the local resistance found refuge outside the prison gates. Use the bus at the gate to climb inside and join the others. Together you must neutralize the enemies that will approach.

You need to destroy the trucks with loudspeakers. After the fuel truck arrives and blows up the gate, drop the last 3 trucks into the air. Meet the local sheriff, Tracy Leider's girlfriend, and join the Cougars club. The reward for completing the task is 900 points.

Leap of Faith

When you first walk close to the huge statue of Joseph, like a ghost, Vera will appear in front of you and tell her story. As it turned out, although Joseph saved her from drugs, he hooked her on a “fad.”

When you get to the book in the hands of the statue, you will see that the marshal, having fallen under the influence of Vera, jumped into the abyss. Many people have crashed like this, but don’t be afraid and jump, you will survive.

After this, the mission “False Prophet” will become available to you, during which you need to destroy the statue.


When you reach 1/3 resistance points, the next task can appear anywhere after the phrase “You have been blessed” is heard. Vera will create a hallucination character, after which you come to your senses in prison, you will be saved by your allies from being infected by the “whim”. They will inject you with adrenaline.

Ignorance is bliss

After gaining 2/3 resistance points, you will talk to Vera, who will suddenly appear. In the visions, you will meet a marshal on a boat, with whom you will swim to the shore with a gate. When you come to your senses, you will realize that they have found the marshal and taken him to prison. A person is infected with a “whim”, but tries to resist its effects.


Having collected all the resistance points, you cause Faith to appear. Your disobedience will cause the infected marshal to kill Virgil, open all the cells in the prison and commit suicide.

The infected sectarians have made themselves at home in prison. Climb over the walls there. In the courtyard, kill two unarmed angels. Climb the walls and jump to the roof of the building, go up the stairs. In one place you can get into the ventilation pipes, and with them you can crawl into the central hall. Save some of the hostages by killing all the cultists below.

Tracy is locked in the hallway. I need to talk to her. One of the enemies has the key, so look at all the bodies in the room. In a separate room there will be the bodies of Virgil and the marshal.

Lost heaven

After the previous part you will be taken into your visions. In them, Vera leads the sheriff. On the round platform you start a fight with her. You can't stand in one place, constantly run in circles to avoid her attacks. When you win, Vera will drown in the river.

Finish the journey

Get to Vera's bunker. There will be incomprehensible images in front of you, but when you go through several rooms, reality will return.

The player destroys the production of “whims”. Enemies will not let you do this, they will constantly appear, so kill them silently. They killed the enemy - they unscrewed the valves nearby - and so on until the last.

In a narrow room there are three installations - central pumps, they need to be blown up. After the breakdown, the “fad” will flow from all the pipes. Carefully run upward through the streams to escape from the bunker, which is about to explode. For this you will receive $4000 and a D2 Sin Eater shotgun.

Part 4. Region of Jacob. Whitell Mountains

Sawmill "Baron"

You must clear a regular outpost in the center of the region from enemies. Just a couple of towers and a dozen enemies. After killing the enemies, you can free the archer girl Jess Black, who will tell you about the local resistance. She will also invite you to complete the optional quest “A Dish Served Cold.”

The world is weak

When you see the sign “You are being hunted” in the region, you will soon be put to sleep with a dart. You will come to your senses in Jacob’s military camp, where you will watch a film about wolves. Jacob will put you into a trance.

You will be taken into your visions. This will be a kind of shooting gallery. You need to reach the finish line in 45 seconds, killing other hostage soldiers. A regular kill +4 seconds, for a bare-handed kill +8. Before each new room- a new type of weapon. There is access to the elderly corridor.

Resistance fighters will find you and save you. You will come to your senses when you are taken to the Wolf's Lair bunker. There are many new things you can do here story missions. You will receive the "Only You" achievement.

We must be strong

Having collected 1/3 resistance points, you will be captured. You will come to your senses in a cage, not far from Jacob’s estate. When Joseph finishes talking to you, Jacob will put you into a trance.

Now you will find yourself in the same shooting range as last time, but you can move a little further along the elderly corridor. Two more rooms need to be cleared of enemies, and then you will come to your senses. The character will be in an abandoned clearing among the people he killed.

Sacrifice the weak

When you gain 2/3 resistance points, you will again find yourself captured by Jacob, who will tell you how he survived after killing his comrade. He will teach you to do the same.

You are again in the shooting range, which you can now complete to the end. When you come to your senses, the prisoner assistant will organize your escape on the roof of the truck.

Only you

Having collected all the resistance points, you will find yourself in Jacob’s cage. Again there will be leads in which you will walk through the corridors with soldiers for the fourth time. Your last enemy is Eli. After killing him, you will come to your senses. Jacob programmed the hero so that he actually killed Eli. Your allies will forgive you and send you to fight the enemy.

We find ourselves in visions in a forest with towers. We begin to clear the territory, it is better to go in a circle, counterclockwise.

When you return to reality, Jacob will shoot at you from a high cliff. Get closer, eliminating ordinary enemies. Once you climb the mountain, you can neutralize the boss if you have a scope. For this you will receive $3000 and a Jacob's rifle.

Victims of war

When you kill Jacob, take his key and go to his weapons bunker. Enter the control room and open all cameras.

You will see a hostage in the hypnosis chair. Free him so that he destroys the room, after which the room will flood. Run to the surface together, shooting at rare enemies. After victory, you will take part in Eli's funeral.

Part 5. Joseph's region. Sect base

Where it all started

When you kill 3 followers, move to the small island in the center. Joseph will be waiting for you in front of the church, he has drugged all the local resistance leaders and again taken your colleagues hostage. When he offers to show up, the player can choose one of two options.

Option 1: “Resist”

During resistance, you will be forced to fight with your own allies who are under the influence of dope. After killing them, approach and animate them again so that they come over to your side. Together you can attack Joseph more effectively. This needs to be repeated three times.

Get to Dutch's bunker. When you grab Joseph, nuclear explosions will begin around you. For 2:40 minutes you will hide from the apocalypse in the nearest bunker, so drive along the road, remembering to dodge fires and falling trees. On the way you will get into an accident. Joseph will get out and save only you. The two of you will stay in the same bunker.

Option 2: “Leave”

Joseph will say goodbye to the main character, touching his head to the character, there will be a white flash. When you are four in the car, the sheriff will turn on the radio with the song “Only you”. After John is injected into the character in captivity, the reflex is triggered by this song - to kill everyone around. So everyone will die without leaving the island.

A beautiful tropical island called Roo Island. It is on this island that young people conduct their luxurious life and do not deny themselves anything. But the fun soon comes to an end...One fine day, the whole company of young friends will be captured by local pirates, led by a certain Vaas Montenegro.

The main character is a man named Jason Brody. He and his older brother Gran are sitting in a cage with pirates. After Vaas finishes his nice conversation with you, he will leave to count his money. At this time, Grant unties his hands and frees you. But this is just the beginning of your exciting adventure. Soon you call the pirate and your brother kills him.

As soon as you get out of your prison, follow your brother. Get up at full height it’s not necessary, because here you will need to be “quieter than water, lower than the grass.” Soon together you reach the shack. There on the table you find a lighter, a map, a camera, a tablet and even a cell phone. In general, after you take all your things, go outside and quickly hide behind the well. Next, you will need to distract the pirates with stones. Distract them and get to the next house, after which Grant will kill another pirate.

Now get out of this house onto the street and climb up the boxes to the next house. Inside, exit through the passage with right side and quickly hide in the grass. Here you will need to use the stones again to distract the attention of your enemies. Once you do this, quickly move on. After you crawl under the bridge, Vaas suddenly finds you and the first person he shoots will be your brother Grant. He will let you go, but only in order to continue hunting.

Here you have few options, or rather none, since there is only one: run headlong into the jungle until you reach a small passage in the form of a cave. Bend down and crawl forward. On the other side, a pirate with a knife will suddenly attack you; quickly press the button shown on the screen and eventually you will kill him. Once you deal with him, you will need to continue to run away from the chase.

Soon you will have to climb the vines, after which you will find yourself on the bridge. Then fire will open on you from a helicopter and at some point the bridge will collapse and you will fall into the water.

Amanaki Village

So you wake up in Dennis Rogers' house. He found you on the river bank and was able to go out to his house. Once you're back on your feet, head outside to see a local party taking place in the village of Amanaki. Soon Dennis will give you $60, with which you need to go to the local gun store and buy your first weapon - a 1911 Pistol. In addition, in the store the saleswoman will give you a new task - Activate radio towers.

The note: Activating radio towers gives you access to new types of weapons, some of which you can get for free. In addition, you will also see part of the territory on the map.

In general, follow Dennis to the radio tower that is nearby. You don't have to rush, because in front of the stairs to the radio tower you will come across a snake that won't let you pass calmly, so you'll have to shoot it. After you destroy the encryption device, part of the territory on the island opens up to you. You can slide down along the cable located nearby. Dennis is waiting for you downstairs. When you arrive to him, he will give you the next task - Go hunting. Open your map and point to the place where the wild boars live and place a mark on them.


Since you have a mark to the checkpoint, you can reach the specified goal without any difficulties. Eventually, you find yourself in a place where wild boars live. All that is required of you is to collect a herbarium, kill two wild boars and expose them. All herbs will be marked on your mini map. You will need to pick: blue, red and green plants. The most important thing: do not leave the yellow area. If you leave the territory, the task will fail. When you finish collecting herbs and boar skins, open your global map and quickly move to the village of Amanaki.

The note: In the near future, your skills in collecting herbs and animal carcasses will be very useful. Collecting skins will give you the opportunity to create various things. In general, with the help of skins, you can collect and improve various equipment. To upgrade your equipment to the maximum, you will need to complete the “Path of the Hunter” task, where you will meet unique animals. Herbs will also play an important role. Herbs will allow you to create a variety of useful poultices that will strengthen you or restore health.

As soon as you leave the house, go again to Dennis. But before you talk to him, open your menu and select “Create Items,” then improve your equipment and make a couple of useful poultices. Use the glasses you already got to get some new tattoos (swing).

Outpost capture

Reply to phone call. The pirates will ask to meet at the outpost. Get into the truck and drive with Dennis to the meeting point. Once you get to the outpost, you can act as you please, as long as Dennis does not die, but if he dies, then the task will be failed.

As soon as you finish clearing the outpost of pirates, don’t forget to raise your flag as well. Then all you have to do is run into the house, which is located in the center. It turns out that there is no one inside and Lisa has escaped. From the words on the radio, you learn that she was running away in a western direction.

The note: Capturing outposts is the key point of the game. You need to capture them first in order to move around the map faster. And if you just want to take a ride/walk, then you won’t have to fight pirates every time or hide from them.

The note: Remember that capturing an outpost is a kind of special operation, for which it is advisable to carefully prepare. There are two options for capture: break in and destroy everyone, or quietly and secretly neutralize everyone. It's up to you to choose. But it is also worth noting that the silent capture of outposts is more encouraged. For a successful, quietly carried out operation, you will receive much more points, unlike if you burst into the enemy and smashed everything to pieces.


Now you need to send the local doctor to the house, which is located on this island. The doctor is called like Earnhardt. Talk to him and go to his house. In the house, go up to the second floor. Here you will finally find one person from your lost company - Daisy. Daisy is the girlfriend of your late older brother Grant. On this moment she is unconscious. To prevent her from dying, she has to inject an antidote every hour, but the fact is that the reserves are already on the verge of depletion and you need to collect new ingredients from which Earnhardt can prepare a new medicine.

Drive to the indicated blip on your radar. Find the passage to the cave. The path will not be very easy. In order not to drown or fall from a great height, you will need to constantly act extremely quickly. At the moment when you are just a stone's throw away from the mushrooms, you will have strange hallucinations. You need to be patient and survive a couple of minutes of serious glitches. In the end, he will let you go, you can take the mushrooms and get out.

Now go back with the mushrooms to the doctor. Now you can go upstairs and talk to Daisy, who is now awake. You need to tell her that Grant died. After that, it's time to go in search of other friends.

Call of Medusa

Answer a new call from Dennis. He invites you to find a ship called "Medusa". As Dennis said, the ship ran aground near the doctor's house. You will have to act extremely quietly and not attract attention. Here you will have to use the camera you found to mark your enemies and monitor their movement. When completing this task, you need to be lightning fast and as careful as possible.

As soon as you go up to the wheelhouse, put on a bulletproof vest here and listen to the pirates’ conversation. It turned out that after the ransom the pirates were planning not to give up the hostages, but to sell them into slavery. As a result, everything became even worse than it was. You need to hurry up and find your friends quickly. However, while you were listening to this entire conversation, new thugs had already arrived for you. Get ready to fight these pirates. Don't worry, you shouldn't have any problems with them. After you kill all the bandits who arrived, old Dennis will call you and inform you that the pirates have decided to carry out a complete purge. Hurry back to the village before it's too late.

Playing the Robber

As soon as you find yourself in the village, talk to Dennis immediately. He will tell you that the pirates of Vaas are going to attack one of the Rakyat settlements. To hold back their onslaught, you will have to destroy the enemy’s ammunition.

So, you will have to get to the pirate warehouses. You have two options: boat or car. The safest option would be a boat. Using it, you can extremely safely get to the enemy’s warehouses and mark all opponents with your camera, turn off the alarm in the center and get inside the central house and plant a bomb there. Then you just have to decide: to clear the territory, or to quietly escape into the jungle.

Prison Raid

You soon learn that Lisa is being held by pirates in a place called “Pirate Bay”. Before you go to this place, it is better for you to stock up on as much ammunition as possible and buy a bulletproof vest. In addition, we recommend that you also have a bow along with a weapon that has a silencer. These items will greatly facilitate your passage.

As soon as you are ready for the task, it’s time to go to Pirate’s Cove. Get to the camp quickly and turn off the alarm. Next, take out your camera and mark all the enemies. You need to first find the head of this camp (who is marked in yellow). You don't need him so much as his keys.

As soon as you clear this area of ​​enemies, feel free to move inside the bunker. It will be more difficult to move further inside the bunker than outside. In general, you should move until you are unexpectedly stunned.

Girlfriend Rescue

Well, you ran and Vaas and his people were able to catch you. In addition, he even prepared a simple trap for you, from which getting out (despite its “genius”) is not so easy.

Listen carefully to his great speech and prepare to be brought down from great heights. When Vaas finishes talking to you, he will set the wooden floor on fire. Well, naturally, because of this, you fall down. Lisa, in turn, remained upstairs. The task here is clear - climb to the top and save your beloved girl.

Hurry up the stairs and wait until the fire goes out. after that, go quickly into the room on your right side and then climb up the stairs. Your path will be blocked by fire, so shoot first at the valve, and then at the pipe, which is located above the fire. Now you can move forward. In the end, you will reach Lisa and save her.

After you have untied it, then go to the truck and start it as soon as possible. As a result of your efforts, it will still start and you will have a tail - pirates. There will be a grenade launcher in the trunk - take it out and destroy all the “rusty cans” that are on your tail. At some point, you will be able to break away from them and eventually you will get to Earnhardt's house.


Go down into the cave to Daisy. Below you will find a girl trying to control the boat, which allows her to leave this island. But the problem is that it lacks one element - the power head. You need to dive into the water nearby and swim to the marked point, and then get the indicated item. Once you have the item, return to Daisy. She will try to launch this boat, but still nothing will work. Okay, it's time to go out, but lastly, talk to Lisa.

Meeting with Citra

Get out of the cave and call Dennis. He will tell you that the time has come to meet with the leader of the rakyat, whose name is Citra. According to him, she will help you gain powerful power. Well, apparently this is what you are missing. The easiest way to get to it is with a glider.

Get to the meeting point. Near the entrance you will be met by Dennis, who will take you to the Citra. The girl will not be very welcoming to you. But soon she will let you knock out an incomprehensible potion, from which you will continue to have “glitches”.

Follow the man who is dressed in white clothes and then go into the house. After this, you will find yourself at the bottom of the ocean. As soon as you have a dagger in your hands, you will immediately return to reality. After you wake up, talk to Dennis again. You will have a new task - to find a real artifact. In exchange for this artifact, Zither will give you the desired power.

The wrong side of the city

Go to Badtown now. Local residents will be very friendly. Go to a local bar and sit down at a table there. There will be a company sitting here that is missing one person to play cards. As soon as you finish the game, follow the man in white clothes (like in your “glitches”). You need to try and stay out of his sight, but you also can’t let him out of your sight.


Go to the house. Soon you will find yourself in a room that is literally filled with explosives. This will be followed by questions from an unknown person to which you will need to answer as quickly as possible so as not to explode. After you tell him your name, doors will open for you. Go down below and meet a gentleman in a white suit, whose name turns out to be Willis. In addition, it turns out that he is a secret agent who works for the United States. He arrived here with one goal - to take Hoyt Walker (Head of the Pirates). He offers you to burn down the plantation where drugs are grown. The loss of the plantation will cause considerable damage to Hoyt's business.

Well, go to this plantation with drugs and start shooting everything that is there. In addition to the flamethrower, you can also use barrels of fuel and Molotov cocktails. Be careful here, because after setting the fire, pirates will run out to you. In general, be prepared for the fact that a serious brawl can occur here. Small houses contain ammunition and first aid kits in case of problems. After you finish shooting fields with drugs, then go to the pier. Here you will see that one of the boats is sailing away in a direction unknown to you. At this moment you need to quickly take a grenade launcher and destroy the boat. When the boat is sunk, you can safely return back to Willis.

A Man Named Hoyt

While you are talking with the secret agent, you will be given a very interesting recording to listen to. As it turns out, Hoyt has now declared a hunt for you, so you are now target number one. In general, it’s time to visit the bandit a second time and spoil him one more time.

Move towards the rice fields and watch what Hoyt and his subordinates are doing. Hoyt decided to amuse his pack of thugs, so he forces the hostages to run through a minefield. Two will explode immediately. The third one will somehow miraculously escape and hide in a house nearby. The boy's name is Rango - you need to save him, because there is a possibility that he has information that will help you in your search.

You can try to follow Rango's path or find another path. If you move along his path, then carefully watch where you stand. As soon as you get to the guy, he will ask you to help him get to one hut. Inside the house he will look for the invoice, and at this time you will have to fight off waves of enemies that will attack you from all sides.

Once you have dealt with all the pirates, Rango will give you the invoice he found. As a result, you received information regarding where to look for Oliver.

Save Oliver

So, take a photo of the invoice for Willis, and in return you will receive information on the convoy in which Oliver is to be transported. Before you find yourself a car, don't forget to fill your pants with cartridges.

At the first parking lot where the column will be, you will suddenly find out that Oliver is not there. Therefore, move to the next point on the map. Clear the area and go to the edge of the cliff, then wait for the convoy to approach you. The first thing you need to do here is take out your camera again and take a couple of pictures. After that, kill all the pirates. When Oliver gets to the boat, jump into the water and swim quickly to him.

After you meet in Oliver, get behind the machine gun and destroy everyone who will chase you. In the end, you will also need to deal with the helicopter. When the pirates are finished, you can calmly go together to your cave to the rest of your surviving friends.

A fragment of the past

Leave the cave and go to Badtown. Go to the bar, where you will need to talk to Buck. It was to him that Hoyt once sold your friend named Keith. Buck will not refuse negotiations and will offer a deal. In general, you will need to quietly sneak onto a ship called Nostalgia and find data there that will help in finding the dagger that Citra once told you about.

The ship is located in the ocean, so your best bet is to think about how to get there first. You can go there - by boat, speedboat or jet ski. After all, you don't want to feed the sharks, do you?

So, get to the ship and clear the entire deck of vile pirates. There will be no alarm on deck, so here you can act as you please, but when you find yourself inside, you will have to curb your ardor a little. If you make too much noise, then the pirates will call for reinforcements. The number of enemies here will increase each time, but you will be saved by fairly narrow corridors through which you can destroy packs of your enemies.

When you find yourself in the very last room, you will meet an armored enemy, whom you most likely could have met before. Once you kill him, quickly download all the data from the laptop located here. After this, the ship will begin to sink. To get out faster and not die alive, move along the checkpoints. When you are saved, arriving ashore you will meet a man named Buck.

Down into the darkness

So, be patient, as you will have to listen to Buck's quite a long story. After the story, go to the bunker. Climb up onto the box here and then climb up the wall using the rope. Next, jump over the rift and go down below. Soon you will come across the pirates of Vaas. In the center and a little higher there will be pirates who will throw Molotov cocktails. We recommend that you destroy them first, since they can cause you a lot of problems in the future.

Next, you will have to climb the steps and turn to the left to find yourself in another opening. Pirates will already be waiting for you here. Even though the passage was locked, the pirates still decided to go through this particular place (the room was completely filled with explosives). Well, kill the pirates, then find the fuse and click on it.

Climb up and continue on your way. There will be a door on the right side - open it. Now get ready for the fact that you will again have to swim along a very narrow corridor. Once you get to the surface, continue moving forward. Ahead of you lies an abyss that you will not be able to jump over at first. In any case, you will fall down, but not fatally. You will have to climb to the top again. To do this, you need to fill the room with water. On the left and right sides are two huge rooms, each with wooden beams supporting a dam. The task is simple - spread the beams and climb up.

After you get out of the water, you go to the treasury, where you will find a part from the compass. When you take this part, suddenly everything will begin to collapse, so you will need to quickly leave this place.

Treasure in the mine

Buck will again be one step ahead of you. Listen to his new idiotic story, then go inside the mine. Go down on the lift, then push the cart to open the passage. As always, pirates will come across your way, so you can either shoot them or act quietly. In general, get to the pirate camp. Soon you will find two carts in front of you. Push these carts and use them as cover at the same time to avoid getting shot by snipers. When you find yourself in the next camp, quickly clear the area and collect all the ammunition.

Next, go into the round room. In the center of this room there will be a ring that you will need to pull. As soon as you pull the ring, a further passage will immediately open. Basically, you will reach a trail with a cliff. At the end of your journey you will also find an elevator, which, as expected, will collapse. But don't lose hope. Climb up again and move on. You'll soon reach a stone path with a couple of drop-offs.

So, jump over these cliffs and eventually you will get to the third part of the compass. Hurry up, take this piece and get out of here. It will soon turn out that Buck was waiting for you at the exit again.

Lin Kong, I guess?

You will have to meet with Buck again. Listen to his next instructive story and then jump into the water. You again need to find a passage to the cave - there will be a dagger inside.

As soon as you find yourself in the cave, climb up and find a safe place from where you can shoot the pirates. After this, use the cable to go down. Now you need to work very quickly and “rigidly”. There will be a huge number of enemies here, so the faster you kill them all, the better.

Find the body armor and continue moving through the scaffolding. Jump on the pebbles to avoid falling into very hot water. In addition, be careful, as there are also geysers here. As you move, you will also need to defend yourself from enemies. It is best to first destroy the pirate who is behind the grenade launcher. If you don’t neutralize it, then you’ll make life very difficult for yourself. In general, keep moving forward and don’t forget to look to the sides as well. There may be few pirates, but they will be scattered everywhere.

When you reach the wall on which there will be vines, you know that the dagger is already close. So, climb higher and open doors using the assembled compass. Behind this door you will find a fight with monitor lizards. When you kill all the animals, the further road will be clear. Soon you will finally be able to pick up the dagger and leave this ancient place.

Sad reunion

Now you need to meet Buck in his house. Give him the dagger you found and then go down to the basement, where you will finally meet Keith. Before you leave, you are attacked by Buck, so quickly kill him and take your dagger.

This knife is for you

Once you find yourself in the cave where all your friends are waiting for you, Keith will tell you that your younger brother, Riley, was killed. So, leave this place and move to Citra. You will need to return the knife to this mysterious girl. She will also ask you to save the hostages in the local pirate lair. We'll have to help out - there's no way out. At the exit you are met by Dennis, who is already preparing for the future operation.


Dennis will tell you that they are going to attack the convoy where Vaas's prisoners are being transported - your friends should be among them. So, go to the leader of the rakyat and you will receive C4 (explosives). The bomb will need to be attached to the tanker. Once you install it, climb up the water tower and wait there.

It soon turns out that the local residents were kidnapped not by Vaas’s people, but by Hoyt’s people in general. You will have to fight anyway. The mercenaries will need to be killed until the convoy moves. You will have the opportunity to catch up with the remaining enemies and save all the hostages. After the last truck is destroyed, go to the transport with hostages and tear off the hatch. Vaas is already waiting for you inside, and he will knock you out.

Warrior Rescue Service

Listen to Vaas's interesting speech again, and then get ready to press the buttons in quick succession. Vaas tied a concrete block to you and throws you down into the water. Thus, if you do not free yourself from the ropes, then you will drown (as is logical).

Once you are free, swim out and kill all the enemies you meet. You will need to work quietly and unnoticed. There is no need to complicate your life - everything is already difficult. You don't have to clear the pirate camp. You can leave them alone and just calmly get to the helipad. But still, at one point you will still need to make some noise, since the helicopter will be guarded not only by a machine gunner, but also by an armored one.

Once you kill him, climb into the helicopter. Soon a grenade launcher (such a brute) appears and blows up the helicopter. As a result, you fly down. Vaas is waiting for you on earth again. But this time he decides to shoot you straight in the heart, but by luck, your life is saved by an iron lighter.

But still, you wake up in a mountain of corpses. Get out of here quickly and go to the pirate camp. In the very last house you can find the things that Vaas took from you. Then you can do whatever you want.

New challenge

Move to meet Citra. She offers you to drink an unknown drug. The liquid will act on you instantly. So, you find yourself in a completely different reality. Move back and wait for the ink monster to appear. Next, you will need to run from side to side and try not to get caught in the eruption of your enemy. In these seconds you will need to shoot him in the face, and best of all try to hit him in the eyes. After a couple of successful attempts, strange enemies will appear on the ground. Kill them and then fight the monster again. Once you defeat him, you will need to cut his throat. After the fight, you wake up.


Jump into the water quickly and swim to the cute island of Vaasa. Kill everyone who gets in your way. Through the hole in the wall you will enter the village. Since Vaas knows that you are coming for him, his pirates will act coherently and in a more organized manner. As soon as you kill the bandits, then climb onto the roof of the building that is burning. You will need to get to the large gate, simultaneously shooting back from the enemies you meet next. If it becomes too difficult for you, then we recommend that you free the tigers from their cages. They will make your life easier. As soon as you approach the gate, an armored pirate will come out of the house - kill him. Once you have finished with all the enemies, you can finally go inside.

Vaas is once again one step ahead of you. After the door opens, he immediately rushes at you with his dagger. Move forward with your glitches. Follow the markers and kill the ghostly shadows of Vaas along the way. When you reload a weapon, it is best to step back - it will be safer. Soon you will kill Vaas. After the death of this madman, your next target is Hoyt.

Zither's Grace

You wake up in the temple of the beautiful Zither. Now is the time to tell her what you have done. After a very long conversation with her, leave this temple. At the exit, don’t forget to talk to old Dennis, who suddenly decided to turn his heart out in front of you. After this, go to your friends and tell them that you have decided to stay on this crazy island.

Flight to the south

So, leave the cave and contact the US secret agent. It turns out that Willis is going to go to Russia - he has a new assignment there. Moreover, it will fly away in five minutes. But still, before leaving this place, he helps you with Hoyt. You need to take a normal route where there are no sharp turns. Take a car and go. Please note that your time is limited.

Soon you will find Willis with a couple of pirates. The pirates are not too eager for the secret agent to leave this place. You need to help him get rid of the arriving thugs. After one attack, the plane will be heavily damaged. While Willis is busy repairing his plane, you will need to deal with defense. Enemies will attack you from all sides, so get ready for it to be very hot here. You can use the stationary machine gun that sits on the box to protect a very open area. The most dangerous enemies are the machine gunners, so they will need to be taken down first. After you fight off the pirates, get on the plane.

Three blind mice

Jump down and open the wing suit, after which you fly to the shore. The game itself will tell you when is the best time to open your parachute. Get to the mercenary camp. It is there that you can get ammunition and body armor. To make clearing easier, release the tiger that lives in the cage. Once you kill everyone, then drive the truck to a bar called "Healthy Horseradish", where you will need to find Sam.

Talk to the bartender here and he will tell you that the guys are playing poker in the basement. It is there that you can find Sam. Next, ask the mercenaries to let you through. So, go downstairs and sit at the table. Remember that the result of the game does not matter. After the first game, Sam will leave you and go out through the back exit. You will need to follow him to his house. Go up to the second floor and tell him that you came from Willis.


As a result, you have an ally who agrees to share information that concerns old Hoyt. After Vaas died, Hoyt declared a hunt for you. Even though he doesn’t know your face, tattoos will easily give you away. And without equipment, you also won’t be able to move around its territory. In general, you will have to join the ranks of mercenaries and start working from the inside. Move until you fail. You will need to move quietly and unnoticed, as you may be discovered. To distract the attention of enemies, throw a variety of objects that you come across. Go downstairs. When there are already more than three enemies, then start using a camera here to mark them and monitor the movement of the enemies. Plan your route carefully and move carefully.

When you get to the port, jump into the water and swim to the ship. At the side you will meet a new fighter. Kill him, take his uniform along with his ID. Your name is now Foster. Move to the point with the group. When you meet an officer, there is no need to panic. All he has to do is scan you. He will also offer you a job that no one should know about. Go ahead and listen to Hoyt's speech regarding the recruits. After you hear what happens if you don't follow the rules, then leave this place on your boat.


When you get out of the mercenary camp, Sam will get in touch and tell you that you need to kill three conspirators who live in the camp that is located nearby. This trio is the boss, so the camp is simply swarming with ordinary soldiers. It is best to eliminate said targets without making any noise. Once you kill them, quickly search their bodies and soon you will find a note near the last corpse (which is what you need). After the operation has been successfully completed, then leave this camp.


We need to meet Sam at the plantation. You will have to help him complete the assignment from Hoyt. After Vaas died, the pirates generally lost fear. Therefore, they decided to attack Hoyt's plantation. The task is not too difficult, so there should not be any particular difficulties. While Sam is clearing bombs, you will be destroying the advancing pirates. In addition, there is also a machine gun that you can use.

Into the enemy's mouth

So, Sam will say a few words for you to Hoyt, but still this will not be enough. You still need a list of all the conspirators, so head to the gorge. Use your camera on the spot and watch how the meeting on the bridge takes place. At the right moment, take a photo, and then go down the cable. Find a box with an RPG (you'll need it soon). Walk along the bridge on the left side and turn off the alarm. After that, using the taken RPG, destroy all the vehicles on the bridge. Get ready for mercenaries to attack you soon. Move from one side to the other until you reach the bridge. Finally, search the leader's body and take the list from him, then jump into the water.

All in

It's time to go meet Hoyt and tell him what happened. After that, he will send you to the basement to interrogate the prisoner. Hoyt himself will observe the process through his video camera. Go downstairs and talk to Sam, he will be able to help you turn off the camera so that you can talk to Riley in a calm atmosphere. Behind a short time you will need to tell him the most basic things, and then beat up your little brother in order to please Hoyt.

Paint it black

Go to enemy territory. This time, your disguise will not help you, since the mercenaries will start firing at you as soon as they notice you. Crouch down and move through the center, as it will be safer here. Don't forget to turn off the alarm - it will make your life easier. How do you get to the machine gunners (who are holed up around iron doors), then distract their attention with pebbles, then place explosives and when the explosion occurs, then go inside.

Move along narrow corridors. Beware of the flamethrowers here, as they are the most dangerous enemies here. In general, you need to get to the satellite dish, which is located at the top and install C4 there. Soon you will have to hold the defense until you meet Sam. After his arrival, get into the helicopter and detonate the finally installed explosives.

Black gold

Jump down and open your wing suit. Tell Dennis that your brother is alive and you intend to save him. Dennis is subtly hinting at the fact that you should supposedly forget about your family and the past in general.

Meet with Sam and move with him to the territory of Hoyt's mercenaries. You will have to destroy four fuel warehouses. The procedure is standard as always: first get inside, clear the room, or immediately go outside to lure out your enemies. In general, plant the bomb and quickly leave the area within the allotted time. Next, it’s time to get to the central fuel control. When it's all over, you can watch a strong "boom".

Game in the dark

Meet Sam, then go with him to Hoyt's poker game. Place your bets and watch the cards. Quite unexpectedly, Hoyt will take out his knife and plunge it into Sam's neck. But he won't kill you. I'll have to continue playing poker with him. In the next game you lose anyway, after which your finger is cut off. This will be followed by a knife fight with Hoyt. The outcome will depend only on your attentiveness, so kill the bastard and go in search of your little brother.

Playing against the bank

Go out into the fresh air and get into the first car you come across. If anything, the car is in the hangar, but along with it there is also a flamethrower. As soon as you free your brother, quickly run to the helicopter. After that, get behind the machine gun and destroy all the enemies that attack you while Riley tries to figure out how to control the plane. When you do take off, you will still have to shoot back from the enemies.

Death of a Doc

As soon as you land, run to the gazebo, which is located next to the house - here you will find a half-dead doctor. In the last minutes of his life, he will tell you that rakyat soldiers arrived and took your friends to the local temple. Now return to the helicopter and go to this temple.

Difficult choice

Get to this temple. Riley was taken to an unknown location, sedated and tied up. Soon Citra will confess her feelings to you, and naturally she will not want to let you go. Take the dagger that Citra gives you and then it’s up to you to decide what to do: save your old friends or take Citra’s side. After this, the final video will follow.

Ends here story line game, but does not end the exploration of the island of Ruk Iledn, so in the game you can continue your adventure further.