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Design and construction of railway lines. Construction of new railways Need help studying a topic

Classification of types of railway construction

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Railway construction includes

Construction of new railways;

Construction of second tracks;

Electrification of railways;

Reconstruction (redevelopment) of existing railways;

Reconstruction of stations and nodes.

Newly built railways are divided into universal and specialized.

Universal Railways are designed both for the transportation of passengers and cargo for various purposes (oil, coal, timber, engineering products, building structures, etc.). Most of the railways already built and those under construction are exactly like this.

According to their capacity, purpose and mechanical equipment, railways are divided into pioneer,



built immediately to the design capacity or with the expectation of its gradual strengthening;

having diesel or electric traction.

In addition, railways can be divided into those built for normal gauge (1520 mm), European (1435 mm) and narrow gauge (760 mm).

Pioneer railways are built mainly to develop developing areas. Their throughput capacity is relatively small - up to 1 million tons of cargo per year. However, when designing them, one should take into account the subsequent increase in cargo turnover - the possibility of opening additional separate points, increasing the useful length of receiving and departure tracks; the parameters of the lower track structure (subgrade, culverts) must comply with the design standards for category I and II railways. In difficult sections, the pioneer railway can be laid along long-term bypass routes.

Connecting Railways are designed to reduce the length of freight travel and reduce the time spent by passengers on the road. The power of such a road, as a rule, must correspond to the power of the lines it connects. The following roads were built as connecting roads: Astrakhan-Guriev, Beineu-Kungrad and others.

In some cases, instead of increasing the capacity of an existing railway, it may be advisable to build another line in the same direction, but along a different route - an unloading line. When individual lines are transferred to high-speed passenger train traffic, freight flows from them are switched to other lines that are newly built for this purpose or to existing ones that require additional reconstruction. Thus, one of the purposes of the Baikal-Amur Mainline was, in essence, to unload the Trans-Siberian Railway. Freight traffic from the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway has been transferred to the Sankovskoe direction.

Railways can be built immediately at full capacity if the productivity of the enterprise for which they are intended to transport cargo is known in advance. Commercial railways owned by private owners (investors) are immediately put into permanent operation fully completed (“turnkey”) so that in the future there will be no problems with their strengthening.

The capacity of newly built railways can be increased in stages.

At the first stage, the line is surrendered within the scope of the launch complex, the minimum required to open constant train traffic (the volume and cost of work performed is 70-80% of the design). The purpose of such a line (in general, a pioneer line) is to transport goods for the construction of enterprises, the development of an uninhabited area, etc. In the future, as enterprises are ready and the construction of cities and towns is completed, its capacity is increased to its design capacity.

Depending on the design cargo turnover, the line can be built for diesel or electric traction.

As a rule, universal railways are initially built as single tracks. However, in some cases, if it is necessary to ensure a large freight turnover, the railway can be built with two tracks at once with simultaneous electrification. At the end of the 19th century. For a number of roads, the lower structure was built for two tracks at once (for the future), and the upper structure was designed as a single track.

Almost no narrow gauge railways have been built recently. Existing roads in certain directions are being transferred to a normal track everywhere. So, in the 60s. During the development of virgin lands in Kazakhstan, narrow-gauge roads were initially built, but almost immediately they were switched to a normal gauge of 1520 mm. The Chudovo-Novgorod narrow-gauge railway was in operation for a long time. Separate timber transport lines are still in operation. Narrow gauge is used on children's railways. However, even here there are already significant difficulties - the rolling stock, the elements of the upper structure of the track (rails, switches) are worn out, and new structures are not produced by industry.

Specialized Newly built railways can be designed (and suitably equipped) for the transportation of one (general) type of cargo (coal, oil, timber). On such lines, heavy-duty, specialized rolling stock of great length is used. Weight loads on the track reach up to 30 tons per axle. The ego determines the increased power of the upper structure. Increased demands are placed on subgrade soils, methods of compaction and structures. Such lines can be built for two tracks at once. There are significant features in the design of stations and nodes (especially those intended for receiving goods from suppliers and transferring them to consumers).

Express and high speed Railways also have a number of features. If the former allow freight transportation, the latter are intended only for the transportation of passengers. High-speed railways include those with passenger train speeds of up to 250 km/h, and high-speed railways - up to 350 km/h.

Construction of second tracks

One of the main ways to increase the throughput and carrying capacity of existing railways is construction of second tracks.

It is advisable to organize the construction of a second track along the entire direction at once. At the same time, the problem of increasing the line capacity is being solved for the future. The organization of construction is also simplified - units systematically move from one stretch (section) to another. Construction can be carried out according to single- or multi-beam schemes, with the sequential commissioning of limiting stages into permanent operation.

If there are insufficient material resources, it is possible to initially build double-track inserts on limiting sections, subsequently, after a relatively long time, connecting them into continuous second tracks.

Recently, in order to reduce the duration of construction, construction has been practiced on a wide front. At the same time, contract and design documentation is prepared for each individual stage. Bidding is being held to carry out work on it, after which the works on the stages are carried out simultaneously by several contractors.

The PV.RF portal offers readers a list of companies specializing in solving construction, repair, transport, trade problems and problems of the railway industry. Our catalog publishes fresh, up-to-date information about the activities of organizations, data for communication with representatives of enterprises.

Is the construction of railways and highways the main activity of your company? You can place information about your company in the popular publication PV.RF and soon hundreds of our readers - managers, industrialists, businessmen - will know about you.

Features of railway construction

The transport industry is of great strategic importance for the country. Railway a connecting link between individual regions of Russia, business partners, industrial complexes, private entrepreneurs, and millions of traveling people.

Cargo and passengers travel along transport arteries every day. Russian Railways plays an important role in the country's economy and logistics. Its infrastructure needs to be developed, improved, sometimes reconstructed, expanded to the North-West and East of the country, to sea ports, important trade and economic hubs and populated areas of the Russian Federation.

The responsible task of constructing and repairing railway tracks is carried out by specialized companies. Difficult work requires professionalism, strict adherence to technologies for developing, laying, updating tracks, the availability of special equipment and qualified personnel. Requirements for the work of companies involved in railway construction , regulated by state standards and regulations.

Failure to comply with technology can lead to tragic consequences, so choosing a contractor is a serious task that requires a balanced decision. Reputable companies engaged in the construction of high-speed and ultra-high-speed railways , As a rule, they offer the full range of work from project development and its approval to commissioning of the facility and maintenance.

An important set of tasks that enterprises have to solve includes issues related to ensuring the safety of train traffic in harsh climatic conditions, on overloaded routes, when railways run on difficult soils, etc.

  • Construction of new lines.
  • Construction of second tracks.
  • Electrification.
  • Reconstruction of objects.

Services for the construction of high-speed or other types of railway lines may be needed in connection with an increase in freight turnover or passenger traffic, due to the need to create additional stations and nodes. New connecting tracks will reduce the length of shipments and reduce the time passengers spend on the road.

Each railway industry has its own characteristics. Thus, there is a difference between high-speed railway construction and high-speed railway construction. The first industry is designed to travel at speeds of up to 350 km per hour, the second to operate at speeds up to 250 km per hour. Without exception, all technical features of roads are taken into account at the stage of designing railway tracks. More detailed information about the development of the industry and construction services can be obtained from representatives of specialized companies from our catalog.

The construction of new railways in Russia will allow for productive modernization and rapid economic development of the country. For this purpose, in 2000, the Development Strategy of Russian Railways, designed until 2030, was developed and approved.

The country's strategic plans for the construction of railways

Half the term has passed. What awaits the railway industry in the remaining years, how the economic situation will affect the implementation of the plan and what to expect from the implementation plan in the future, are thought in the Government and in the railway industry divisions.

It must be said that until today, the conditions for promoting the Strategy plan have always been difficult. Crises and economic difficulties did not contribute to the rapid growth of the total length of railway tracks in Russia. If by 1992 the total length of steel tracks was 87 thousand km, then over the next 15 years, as a result of the construction of new railways, the national network increased by only 9 thousand km.

Railway high-speed lines

But Russia ranks second in the world (after China) in the electrification of railway tracks. Eco-friendly and cheap electric trains allow you to reduce costs and transport a huge amount of, if not cargo, then passengers. The electrified tracks in our country today amount to 43 thousand km.

The target version of the Strategy provides for by 2030:

    • lay 20.7 thousand km of railway;
    • update 23 thousand locomotives;
    • supply 1 million freight cars;
    • launch more than 23 thousand passenger cars;
    • increase motor-car rolling stock by 24.5 thousand units.

The plans are colossal. Particularly important is the construction of the railway in the south, the Far East and Siberia. Close friendly relations with China and a weakening partnership with Europe have led to the signing today of a Russian-Chinese agreement on 10 billion Chinese investments in the construction of a high-speed railway between Moscow and Beijing.

The parties also signed an agreement under which by 2018 (for the FIFA World Cup) they will build a 770-kilometer section connecting Moscow and Kazan. Moreover, the maximum speed of trains will reach 400 km/h.

By 2030, the all-Russian high-speed railway line will be 5 thousand km.

Construction of a railway bypassing Ukraine

Considering that the railway line between the Rostov and Voronezh regions crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border twice, it was decided to begin construction of a railway bypassing Ukraine. For this purpose, railway troops were involved, which, according to Lieutenant General O. Kosenko, head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Railways, are ahead of schedule by 20, and in some areas even 40%.

4 mechanization battalions from 3 military districts (900 military personnel and more than 350 pieces of equipment) are laying out a 20 km long section. This efficiency will allow the canvas to be delivered ahead of schedule for 2018. And this is especially important in connection with the worsening relations with Ukraine and military actions in the east of the neighboring power.

The Millerovo-Zhuravka railway line will allow travel from Rostov to Voronezh only through safe Russian territory

Railway lines of the north

As you know, our North and East are rich in minerals. To reduce the cost of transporting extracted materials, in November 2011 a highway was laid from Tommot to Yakutsk. And another project, the construction of a railway bridge across Nadym, is being carried out by Mosstroy-12 with the help of German engineers from DB International. This will make it possible to implement projects to provide Russia with minerals and raw materials faster and cheaper.

By the way, the Strategy provides for the construction of railway tracks to places where new mineral deposits are still being developed. Moreover, rolling stock and construction of railway infrastructure should be carried out only at domestic enterprises. This will help solve the problem of employment of the population.

In the national interests of our country, the Strategic Plan for the development of the Russian railway network provides for the prevention of technological and scientific-technical dependence on foreign sources. For this purpose, comprehensive fundamental and applied research is carried out by Russian specialists.