All about car tuning

Bird project in the middle group. "Wintering birds" project for the middle group. Bottle bird feeder

Project type: informational and creative.

Project participants: children of the middle group, parents of pupils, teachers of the group.

Project implementation period: short-term (1 month).

Relevance of the project: In modern conditions, the problem of environmental education of preschool children becomes particularly acute and relevant. It is during the period of preschool childhood that the formation of the human personality and the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture take place. Therefore, it is very important to awaken children’s interest in living nature, cultivate a love for it, and teach them to take care of the world around them.

The theme of the project “Feed the birds in winter” was not chosen by chance. After all, it is birds that surround us all year round, bringing benefits and joy to people. During the cold season, there is significantly less available food, but the need for it increases. Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so many birds cannot survive the winter and die. And we, teachers, together with parents, must teach pupils to see this, expanding their understanding of wintering birds, their habits and way of life, and create conditions for the child to communicate with the natural world.

Problem: insufficient understanding of children about wintering birds.

Target: formation of ecological knowledge about wintering birds and a responsible, careful attitude towards them.


Replenish the subject-development environment on the topic of the project.

Expand children's knowledge about wintering birds.

Develop basic environmental knowledge.

Continue to develop in children a caring, responsible attitude towards the natural world.

Teach children to reflect their attitude to the natural world in productive activities.

Involve parents of students in making bird feeders and feeding them.

To cultivate an attentive and caring attitude towards wildlife, a desire to help birds in difficult winter conditions.

Expected results of the project:

The pupil has an understanding of wintering birds and can make a feeder together with his parents;

Knows what food and how to feed it;

Able to observe and analyze one’s own activities.

The parent is an active participant in the project and is able to instill in children love and respect for birds.

Project implementation stages:

Stage I - preparatory.

Defining the project theme, goals and objectives

Selection of necessary literature and visual aids.

Creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project.

Long-term project planning.

Selection of forms and main activities with children and parents

Stage II - basic (practical).

Introduction into the educational process of effective methods and techniques to expand preschoolers’ knowledge about wintering birds.

Joint walks with children;

Make feeders together with your child.

Memorize a poem about winter birds.

Look at winter birds in illustrations, books, and magazines with your children.

Stage III is the final stage.

Presentation of the project result in the form of an album with photographs.

Organization and participation of parents in the “Best Bird Feeder” competition.

Conducting the final event “Bird Festival”.

Planning work for different types of activities

the date of the

Artistic creativity

Drawing. Topic: "Titmouse"

Goal: To develop interest and a positive attitude towards the unconventional drawing technique - with palms.

Modeling. Topic: “Birds at the feeder”

Goal: Learn to sculpt birds from a whole piece based on folk clay toys.

Application. Topic: “Bullfinches on a branch”

Goal: To learn to convey the structural features and coloring of the bullfinch by cutting in silhouette.





“All the birds have flown to us” V. Kirilchuk

Musical and didactic game “Birds and Chicks” music and lyrics by E. Tilecheeva.

Musical and dance game “Little little birds have flown in”

In a week

Reading fiction

L. Vorontsova “Bird feeders”

V. Sukhomlinsky “How a bird wakes me up”, “What a titmouse is crying about”

O. Grigorieva “Titmouse”

A. Yashin “Feed the birds in winter”

Z. Sergeeva “Birds in winter”, “Birds and a cat”

I. Turgenev “Sparrow”

M. Gorky “Sparrow”, watching the cartoon

N. Rubtsov “Sparrow”, “Crow”.

Memorizing a poem: A. Yashin “Feed the birds in winter.”

Reading and discussion of proverbs and sayings about wintering birds.

Guessing riddles on the topic.

In a week


Formation of the integrity of the picture of the world

Topic: “Wintering birds”

Goal: To tell children about wintering birds, to explain the reason for their migration.


“How our birds live in winter”

"Who Takes Care of the Birds"

“Birds bring benefit or harm”

"What to feed the birds"

“How children and their parents can help birds”


Bird watching at the feeder.

Watching titmice.

Watching sparrows.

Crow observation.

Pigeon watching.

Observing bird tracks in the snow.


In a week

In a week

Play activity

Didactic games:

“The pigeons and tits have arrived.”

"One is many."

“Call me kindly.”

"The fourth wheel."

"Counting Birds"

"Who eats what."

“Find out by description.”

Cut pictures.

Domino - "Birds".

Role-playing game: “Bird yard”

Theatrical game: “Where the sparrow dined”

Outdoor games:


"Sparrows and the car"

"Wintering and migratory birds"

"The Little Dog and the Sparrow"


"Sparrows and the cat"

In a week

Working with parents


“How and from what you can make feeders”

“Formation of a caring attitude towards nature in preschoolers”

“Educating children to love nature”

Together with the children, make a bird feeder.

Look at birds together with your children on a walk, in pictures and illustrations.

Watching cartoons.

Conversations with children on the topic.

Memorize with children A. Yashin’s poem “Feed the birds in winter”

Throughout the project


N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova “We live in Russia.”

G.V. Lapteva “Educational walks for children.”

I.V. Kravchenko “Walks in kindergarten”

T.A. Shorygina “Birds. What are they?

V.N. Chernyakova “Environmental work in preschool educational institutions”

Nikolaeva S.N. Environmental education of younger preschoolers. M., 2002.

Nikolaeva S.N. Ecologist in kindergarten. M., 2003

Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten. Makhaneva M.D. Ecological development of children of preschool and primary school age. M., 2004.

Project implementation results

The work within the project turned out to be interesting, exciting and educational for all project participants. Many parents took an active part in making feeders, brought various food for birds, illustrations and coloring books for children in the group. Children listened with great pleasure to stories, fairy tales, poems about wintering birds, guessed riddles, played various didactic and outdoor games with pleasure, and drew birds, colored pictures on the topic.

The project allowed children to broaden their horizons about wintering birds; the children developed curiosity and cognitive activity.

The subject-development environment in the group was improved: literature, illustrations, notes, observations.

The goal and objectives set at the beginning of the project have been fulfilled.

Application.Parents and children made bird feeders

Nomination “Methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

The introduction of Federal state requirements requires the implementation of the principle of integration in the educational process of preschool educational institutions, as a condition for improving the quality of preschool education. One of the relevant and effective methods that implement this principle is the project method. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills. Today I will tell you about the implementation of one of my projects - “Wintering Birds”.

Project type: informational and creative.

Project participants: children of the middle group, parents of pupils, teachers of the group.

Project implementation period: short-term (1 week).

Relevance of the project: In modern conditions, the problem of environmental education of preschool children becomes particularly acute and relevant. It is during the period of preschool childhood that the formation of the human personality and the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture take place. Therefore, it is very important to awaken children’s interest in living nature, cultivate a love for it, and teach them to take care of the world around them.

The theme of the project “Wintering Birds” was not chosen by chance. After all, it is birds that surround us all year round, bringing benefits and joy to people. During the cold season, there is significantly less available food, but the need for it increases. Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so many birds cannot survive the winter and die. And we, teachers, together with parents, must teach pupils to see this, expanding their understanding of wintering birds, their habits and way of life, and create conditions for the child to communicate with the natural world.

Target: formation of ecological knowledge about wintering birds and a responsible, careful attitude towards them.


    Replenish the subject-development environment on the topic of the project.

    Expand children's horizons about wintering birds.

    To promote the development of creative and intellectual abilities of students.

    Involve students and parents in helping birds in difficult winter conditions.

The project was implemented in three stages:

Project implementation stages:

Stage I - preparatory.

    Discussion of goals and objectives with children and parents.

    Creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project.

    Long-term project planning.

    Development and accumulation of methodological materials on the problem.

II stage - main (practical).

    Introduction into the educational process of effective methods and techniques to expand preschoolers’ knowledge about wintering birds.

Stage III is the final stage.

    Presentation of the project result in the form of a presentation.

    Organization and participation of parents in the exhibition “The Best Bird Feeder”.

    Conducting the final event “Bird Festival”.

On the eve of the weekend, parents are told the topic of the week and given homework:

  • Make a feeder together with your child.
  • By adding food, develop the child’s vocabulary.

2. Memorize poems about wintering birds.

3. Guess riddles about wintering birds.

4. Look at wintering birds in illustrations in books and magazines, bring books to kindergarten.

5. While looking at books with the children, I set a goal that we would talk about wintering birds all week. With the help of the children, we drew up a plan for the implementation of the project. The children planned to learn about birds from films, encyclopedias, presentations, etc.

I. Game activity:

  1. Didactic games.
  2. Role-playing games.
  3. Theatricalization.
  4. Outdoor games.
  5. Breathing exercises.
  6. An exercise to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

II. Cognitive activity:

  1. Formation of a holistic picture of the world.
  2. FEMP.

III. Conversations.

IV. Solving a problem situation.

V. Bird watching in winter.

VII. Communication.

VIII.Creative storytelling.

IX. Artistic creativity:

  1. Drawing.
  2. Modeling from plasticine.
  3. Application.

X. Music.

XI. Working with parents.

The detailed content of the project implementation is outlined in the presentation.

“So birds and people live side by side, often not paying attention to each other, sometimes quarreling, sometimes rejoicing at each other, like members of one big family. Which one of them needs more - man for birds or birds for man? But will a person survive if there are no birds left on Earth? E. N. Golovanova

ABOUT THE PROJECT Type of project: informational and creative Project participants: children of the middle group, parents of pupils, group teachers Duration of the project: short-term Forms of work: playful, educational, productive, work with parents Problem: insufficient understanding of children about wintering birds.

Goal: Formation of ecological knowledge about wintering birds and a responsible, careful attitude towards them. Objectives: 1. Replenish the subject-development environment on the topic of the project. 2. Expand children's horizons about wintering birds. 3. Contribute to the development of creative and intellectual abilities of students. 4. Involve students and parents in helping birds in difficult winter conditions.

Stages of project implementation: Stage I - preparatory Stage II - main (practical) Stage III - final

Stage I – preparatory Discussion of goals and objectives with children and parents. Creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project. Long-term project planning. Development and accumulation of methodological materials on the problem.

Stage II – basic (practical) Introduction into the educational process of effective methods and techniques to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about wintering birds.

Homework for parents Recommendations for walking together. Make a feeder together with your child. Learning poems about wintering birds. Guessing riddles about wintering birds. Look at wintering birds in illustrations in books and magazines, bring books to kindergarten.

Contents of work during the project implementation. Game activity Didactic games: “One-many”, “Name it affectionately”, “Counting birds”, “Odd Four”, “Guess the bird by description”, “Whose tail? ", "Who eats what", "Find out by voice", "What do birds eat". N/and “Domino” (birds), “Cut pictures”, Lotto. Labyrinth Wintering birds. Role-playing games: "Bird's yard". Theatricalization: “Where the sparrow dined.”

Outdoor games “Bullfinches”, “Sparrows and a cat”, “Wintering and migratory birds”, “Sparrows and a car”, “Owl”.

Cognitive activity: Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Topic: “A flock of bullfinches on rowan branches” Objectives: to expand ideas about the diversity of birds; learn to identify the characteristic features of bullfinches; create a desire to watch birds and feed them; strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly; continue to learn how to work together. FEMP Topic: “How many birds flew to our feeder? "(Ordinal and quantitative counting to five).

Conversations: “How do our feathered friends live in winter”, “Who cares about birds”, “Do birds bring benefit or harm? ", "Birds Menu", "How do children and parents take care of birds in winter? ". Problem situation: “What can happen if you don’t feed the birds in winter.”

Bird watching in winter: Tit watching, wintering bird watching, crow watching, bullfinch watching, pigeon watching, titmouse watching.

Communication: Reading stories: I. Turgenev “Sparrow” by M. Gorky “Sparrow” watching the cartoon “Sparrow the Braggart” watching presentations: “Wintering Birds”, “Feed the Birds in Winter”, “Voices of the Birds” by V. Bianki “Terenty - Black Grouse” Sladkov “The Magic Shelf” by I. Gurin “How a Bird Appears” Creative story “How I saved a bird”. Learning and reading poems about wintering birds (mnemonic tables); discussion of proverbs, sayings, guessing riddles; looking at illustrations depicting wintering birds.

Artistic creativity: Drawing “Titmouse” (palm imprint). Task: teach children to draw a bird in an unconventional way, placing the images in the center of a sheet of paper. Develop memory, imagination, thinking. Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards drawing.

Modeling from plasticine “Birds at a feeding trough” Tasks: continue to teach children to sculpt birds, conveying the oval shape of the body, pull out and pinch small parts: beak, tail, wings. Note the diversity of the resulting images and enjoy them.

Application "Bullfinch". Objectives: practice cutting corners of squares, rounding them. Develop the ability to work correctly with scissors. Cultivate sympathy for wintering birds and a desire to help them.



Head of the Medical Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 1 "Skvorushka"

Markhaychuk A.V.

"____"___________ 2017




Developed by:Dudina Anzhelika Anatolevna ,

teacher of the first qualification category




In modern conditions, the problem of environmental education of preschool children becomes particularly acute and relevant. It is during preschool childhood that the beginnings of ecological culture are formed. Therefore, it is very important to awaken children’s interest in living nature, cultivate a love for it, and teach them to take care of the world around them.

Winter time is not only about cheerful holidays, lively slides and desperate snowball fights, but also severe frosts with a piercing wind.During the cold season, it is vitally important for wintering birds to feed themselves. The available food is becoming significantly less, but the need for it is increasing. Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so many birds cannot survive the winter and die.


Many children of middle preschool age do not know the names of the birds that live in their city.Our task is to introduce children to the birds wintering in our area, their species and characteristics; teach how to take care of birds and help them in the cold winter.

After conducting a diagnostic conversation and offering children demonstration material (cards with images of wintering birds), it was possible to establish that of the 23 pupils surveyed, less than half of the group (11 children) recognized and named correctly (6 birds: sparrow, pigeon, tit, crow, woodpecker, owl ) of almost all the birds presented, every third (7 children) was able to recognize and confidently name 4 birds (sparrow, pigeon, woodpecker, owl) and every sixth (5 children) was able to remember and name only 3 birds. It follows from this that children have little experience in observing birds in nature. The majority of children surveyed do not have the skills to help birds in winter.That is why we decided to take on the project “Wintering Birds” for the cold winter period.

Project type: informational, educational.

Objective of the project: expanding and enriching children's knowledge about wintering birds.

Project objectives:


    Consolidate and systematize children's knowledge aboutwintering birds and the role of humans in the life of wintering birds.

    Learn to establish a connection between the habitat and lifestyle of birds.

    Teach children to communicate communicatively with children and adults.


    Develop children's cognitive abilities, teach them to express

curiosity and independence.

    Fdevelop bird watching skills and abilities.

    Activate the cognitive and speech activity of children.

    To promote the development of creative and intellectual abilities of students.


    Educatechildren's desirehelp birds in difficult times.

Project implementation timeline: short-term (February)

Project participants: educators, parents, children 3-5 years old.

Stages of implementation and content of the project

Forms of work

Implementation deadlines



Stage I – organizational and preparatory


Defining the goals and objectives of the project


Dudina A.A.


Selection of material for educational activities


Dudina A.A.

Selection of children's fiction to read to children


Dudina A.A.

Stage II – implementation

Looking at illustrations of wintering birds


Dudina A.A.

Conversation “How our feathered friends live in winter”


Dudina A.A.

Reading a storyM. Gorky “Sparrow” + watching the cartoon


Dudina A.A.


Didactic games “Feeder”, “Guess”


Dudina A.A.

Hanging feeders on the territory of the kindergarten


Dudina A.A.

Conversation “Titmouse - a guest of our yard”


Dudina A.A.


Memorizing A. Yashin’s poem “Feed the birds in winter”


Dudina A.A.


Didactic games“Cut pictures”, lotto “Birds”


Dudina A.A.


Modeling “Sparrows on a feeding trough”


Legendzova S.M.


Conversation “Helping birds in the winter season”


Dudina A.A.


Drawing "Bullfinches"


Dudina A.A.


Theatricalization:"Where the sparrow dined"


Dudina A.A.


FEMP “How many birds flew to our feeder?”


Dudina A.A.


Application "Titmouse"


Dudina A.A.


Creative storytelling"How I saved a bird."


Dudina A.A.


Didactic games“One is Many”, “Counting Birds”, “The Fourth Wheel”

Within a month

Dudina A.A.,

Legendzova S.M.


Outdoor games: “Owl”,

"Sparrows and the car"

"Sparrows and the cat"

Within a month

Dudina A.A.,

Legendzova S.M.


Observation:for a tit;

behind the crow; behind the dove

Within a month

Dudina A.A.,

Legendzova S.M.


Listening to an audio recording from the series P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons"; voices of birds (tit, sparrow, crow, magpie, etc.)

Within a month

Dudina A.A.,

Legendzova S.M.

Stage III - generalizing


Summing up the project implementation


Dudina A.A.,

Legendzova S.M.


Exhibition of books and illustrations about wintering birds of our region


Dudina A.A.,

Legendzova S.M.


Exhibition “The best bird feeder”


Dudina A.A.,

Legendzova S.M.

Expected results of the project:


    The children's horizons about the wintering birds of the Kaliningrad region expanded (what birds flew to the site, what they looked like, what they fed on).

    Children have developed curiosity, creative abilities, and cognitive activity.

    Children have become more communicative and competent on this topic.

    RThe group's educational environment was replenished with: literature, photographs, illustrations, poems, stories about birds, riddles, and presentations about wintering birds.

    The pupils and their parents took an active part in helping the birds in difficult winter conditions.


    Changing attitudes towards this problem.

    Read fiction about wintering birds together with children.

    Active participation of parents in the exhibition “The Best Bird Feeder”


    Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology. Part 2. St. Petersburg, 2004.

    Gorky M.A. Sparrow. – Leningrad: “Children’s Literature”, 1974

    Kolomina N.V. Education of the fundamentals of ecological culture in kindergarten. Moscow, 2004

    Charushin E.I. Sparrow. Software development of educational areas “Reading fiction”, “Communication” in the middle group of kindergarten. – Voronezh: Uchitel LLC, 2013


Appendix No. 1



Target: consolidate knowledge about birds, their structure, way of life.

Visual material: picture, model of a sparrow, game character Teddy Bear.

Educator: Listen, children, who I want to tell you about: jumps, flies, collects crumbs. Mishka says it's a cat. Do you agree with him?

Children: no.

Educator: Can a cat jump?

Children: Yes.

Educator: What about flying?

Children: No.

Educator: So who did I talk about?

Children: About the sparrow.

Educator: Prove that this is a bird and not a cat. Is a sparrow an animal, is a sparrow a bird?


    Why is a sparrow a bird?

    What does the bird have? (show model)

    what color is the breast?

    What is the body covered with?

    What color are the feathers?

    What color is the cap?

    What is this? (show beak)

    What beak?

    Why is it needed?

    What is the sparrow pecking at?

    Why do you need a tail?

    Why does a sparrow need eyes?

    Who are his enemies?

    Can birds live without food?

Getting cold. Birds fly away and eat only midges, flies and caterpillars. And the sparrow pecks grains and crumbs, flies to the houses where people live to find some food there. So who is a sparrow?

The children answer.


Target: Find out the reason for the flight of birds, lead to the establishment of a cause-and-effect relationship - there is less food, so they fly away to where there is a lot of it.

Visual material: pictures of birds, insects.


    Who is this?

    What are they?

    Are they alive?

    What are they eating?

    What is the name of this bird?(Show a picture of a tit).

    What does she eat?

    Are there many insects now?

    Why do you need to feed birds?(It has become cold, there are no insects, we will feed the birds with crumbs).

    What birds fly away?

    What are they called?

    Why are they flying away? (Swallows, larks and nightingales flew to where there was a lot of warmth and insects).

    Why do titmouses, pigeons, sparrows, and crows stay with us for the winter?

    So what kind of birds are there?

The children answer.


Target: bring to the concept that in winter the birds do not have enough food, they need to be fed.

Visual material : bird feeders.

    What is this?

    Why do you need a feeder?

    Who are they for?

Guys, let's help the birds who are left to spend the winter. Let's hang a feeder, sprinkle crumbs, grains, porridge, a piece of lard, grains there and see who comes to eat.

    What does a dove, sparrow, titmouse eat?

    So why feed birds in winter?

The children answer.

Conversation “Titmouse - Guest of Our Courtyard”

Target: Teach to recognize and name tits, expand knowledge about birds.

Visual material: Game character bear, models, pictures of tits and beetles.

Educator: Bear says that he saw a lot of beetles on the tree. They are large and yellow, with black heads(show models). Who is this?

Children: Tits.

Educator: And Mishka says that these are beetles: they are yellow and they have wings. Let's prove that these are titmice.

Children: Beetles have six legs, and a titmouse has two; beetles do not have a beak, but birds do. A titmouse is a bird.

Educator: What do birds have? (Children answer).

What color are the feathers on the tit’s chest, head, and tail? (Children answer).

What does she eat?

Children: When there are no insects, he likes to peck lard.

Educator. So why is a tit a bird?

The children answer.


Target: clarify knowledge about birds and changes in their lives in winter.

The teacher reads to the children L. Voronkova’s story “Helping the Birds” and asks questions:

    Where did the children go?

    For whom were they carrying grain?

    Where did they put the grain? For what?

    Why did the birds come?

    Who did the seeds pour to?

    Were the birds happy?

    So why should you feed the birds?

The children answer.

Appendix No. 2

N. Sladkov

Tales of Birds

Various birds winter with us. Eat"wintering birds" who live with us in the summer and remain to live next to us in the winter. Which birds You sees ein the yard both in winter and summer? (Explain that those birds are wintering ) .

And there are birds - guests, they are also called"nomadic"Nomadic birds come to us in winter from the distant, cold north. Our winter guests are tap dancers, waxwings, crossbills, and bullfinches. In their native lands it is so cold and frosty in winter that it seems to them that we are warm! Yes, and we have food! Waxwings and bullfinches feast on mountain ash. Crossbills have cones, and redpolls have seeds. For them oursregion How - like south. This is how interesting it is written about this in the fairy tale “Icicle Resort” by Nikolai Sladkov. It turns out that you and I live at the Icicle resort in winter! And we didn’t even know!

Resort "Icicle"

N. Sladkov

Magpie sat on a snow-covered tree and cried:
- All the migratory birds have flown away for the winter, I’m the only one, a sedentary fool, enduring frosts and blizzards. Neither eat well, nor drink deliciously, nor sleep sweetly. And in the winter, they say, it’s a resort... Palm trees, bananas, hot!
And suddenly he hears a voice:
- It depends on what wintering place you are in, Soroka! Which one, which one - on an ordinary one! There are no ordinary wintering grounds, Magpie. There are hot winterings - in India, in Africa, in South America, and there are cold ones - like yours in the middle zone. For example, we came to you for the winter - for a holiday - from the North. I am the White Owl, they are the Waxwing and the Bullfinch, and they are the Bunting and the Ptarmigan.
- I don’t really understand you! - Soroka is surprised. - Why did you have to fly so far to slurp jelly? You have snow in the tundra - and we have snow, you have frost - and you have frost. The resort is a disaster for me too!
But Waxwing does not agree:
- Don't tell me, Soroka, don't tell me! You have less snow, milder frosts, and milder blizzards. But the main thing is the rowan! Rowan is more valuable to us than any palm tree or banana.
And the white partridge does not agree:
- I’ll peck at some delicious willow buds and bury my head in the snow - why not a resort? Nourishing, soft, not blowing.
And the white Owl does not agree:
- Everything is hidden in the tundra now, and you have both mice and hares. Happy life!
And all the other winterers nod their heads and agree.
- Live and learn! - Soroka is surprised. - It turns out that I don’t need to cry, but have fun! It turns out that I myself live at the resort all winter. What a miracle, what a miracle!
- That's right, Soroka! - everyone shouts. - Don’t regret the hot winters, you won’t be able to fly that far on your scanty wings anyway. Have a holiday with us!
It's quiet in the forest again. The magpie calmed down. The cold holidaymakers started eating. Well, as for those in hot winter quarters, I haven’t heard from them yet.

What birds came to visit our Icicle resort in winter? What did Magpie talk to them about? What did the guests like about our region? What did Waxwings like (Rowan) . What did Partridge like?(Willow buds and loose fluffy snow in which you can bury yourself) . What did Owl like? (Mice and hares that it feeds on). What do you like about us in winter?

Why do we call bullfinches and waxwings with such a strange word “nomadic”? Who is a nomad? (A person who is nomadic, that is, moves from place to place with his family, with all his neighbors from the same village and with his herd ) . So nomadic birds also migrate from one place to another. Have you already guessed how these birds choose a place to roam? Which location do they choose?(Tell your child that the main thing for birds is food. The birds will find a place where there is a lot of food and stay there longer. And when the food runs out, they will fly further. But if there is enough food, then they may not roam and live on one place)

Magic shelf


I am the master of the birds! I want it, and the birds themselves will fly to me. Pigeons and sparrows, tits or bullfinches will arrive. No, I'm not a wizard. I don't whisper mysterious spells. I don't have a magic wand. But I have a magic shelf. So be it, I’ll tell you a secret. And wild birds will also begin to fly to you. In appearance, the shelf is quite simple: simple plywood with simple wooden sides. But there is magical power in the shelf! On a simple shelf you need to pour simple cereals and simple bread crumbs. Then the shelf needs to be placed outside the window. And the shelf will immediately become magical! Pigeons and sparrows will immediately fly to it. And if you place a piece of lard on a shelf, tits will come to you. Rowan berry brushes will attract the attention of bullfinches. Make a magic shelf! Every day different birds will fly to you. Look at them, admire them, take pictures! You will become a good patron of birds!

Who is the Good Lord of the Birds?

    How can one become one?

    What does the Wizard need - a magic wand or a magic shelf?

    What should you put on the magic shelf so that birds will fly to it?

    How to invite sparrows to a magic shelf? How to invite titmouses? How can you make bullfinches and waxwings fly to the magic shelf?

Appendix No. 3


Game "Who flew to the feeder"

Educator:Guys, look, what is this hanging on our tree?

Children: Feeder!

Educator:Why do you need a feeder?

Children: Pour food for the birds.

Educator:What can we put in the feeder?

Children:Bread, grains, seeds, millet.

(On the plate there are real seeds, millet, bread.

Children take turns pouring treats into the feeder.)

Educator:Now the birds will flock to the feeder for a treat. Who flew to the feeding trough?

Children:TOA sparrow flew to the feeder. Etc.

Educator:What are all the birds called in one word?? Pwhy were they called that?

Game “The Nimble Tit Jumps”

The nimble tit is jumping,

She can't sit still,

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Spun like a top.

I sat down for a minute,

She scratched her chest with her beak.

Game "Collect the picture"

The children sit at the tables.

Educator: Guys, there are pictures on your table,but to find out what is depicted on thembut we need to collect them.Anya, what is shown in your picture? What is he doing? Etc.

Educator: Guys, what were we doing now?

Educator:Guys,We stand on the carpet and imagine that we are walking in the forest. Let's listen, whose voices are heard in the forest?

Audio recording

Educator:HIs that her voice? (Children's answers). Etc.

Game "Paint the bird"

Educator: Guys, you have pictures in a basket on your table, take them. Only the pictures are not colored. Who is on them?


Educator: What color is a tit’s breast?


Educator: Take a pencil of the desired color and color the chest of the tit.

Educator: What did we do now?

Guess game

Ball game; say it is a migratory bird or a wintering one.

Game "Funny Ball"

movements according to words m poem

You roll a funny ball

quickly, quickly hand over hand,

who has a funny ball

calls the bird to us.....

Game Crow and Sparrows

Children put on sparrow hats and sit around a table representing a feeder, one child puts on a crow hat.Sparrows peck grains and chirp. At the teacher’s signal: “Crow!” - a crow located outside the circle flies to the feeder and drives out (salits) the sparrows that did not have time to jump out in time. The greasy ones leave the game. The outdoor game ends when the crow kills 2-3 sparrows.

Game "Feeder"

Educator: I have a feeder like this.(The teacher shows the children the “Feeding Trough” panel). We will guess riddles about wintering birds, and we will attach pictures with the answers to the feeder.


And in winter it will find shelter:
He is not afraid of colds -
The first snow is here!(bullfinch)

Been chattering since the morning:
Let's go! Let's go!
What time is it? such a hassle for everyone,
When it cracks... (magpie)

The back is greenish,
The belly is yellowish,
Little black cap
And a strip of scarf (tit)

Educator: Well done. Look how many birds flocked to our feeder.

Finger gymnastics “How many birds have flown to our feeder”

How many birds are there for our feeder? Has it arrived?

We'll tell you

Rhythmically squeeze and unclench . cams

Two tits, a sparrow,

Six crows and doves

Woodpecker with motley feathers.

for each name the birds bend

one finger.)

EveryoneEnough grains.

Rhythmically clench and unclench your fists

Appendix No. 4


Perhaps this is the simplest and most common version of a homemade feeder. Any size plastic bottle will do, it doesn’t matter if it’s transparent or not. If you take a 5-liter bottle, you will get a whole dining room in which not only titmice, sparrows, but even pigeons and crows can dine.

So, with a marker, felt-tip pen or pencil (whichever is more convenient) on the bottle we outline the lines of the future window or several windows. Then use scissors or a stationery knife to cut along them. It is better to somehow secure sharp edges so that the birds do not get hurt. The cut areas can be covered with tape, electrical tape, cloth, or simply melted. You can attach a stick at the entrance, which will be convenient for the birds to climb inside.

Now all that remains is to hang our feeder. There are several options here. You can tie a rope to the lid or make several holes in the top of the bottle and then thread the rope through it, or you can attach a hook to the lid itself.

Because a plastic bottle is very light, it will sway a lot in the wind or when birds fly into it. Our feeder can be stabilized using additional weight. At the bottom of the bottle you need to put earth, sand or something else heavy, having previously packed it in a bag or some kind of box.


This is also a very simple version of a feeder, which many people probably made in childhood. Any box will be suitable as a base: shoes, milk, juice or some kind of equipment. In principle, such a feeder is made in exactly the same way as from a plastic bottle, but it will not be as practical; it can quickly fall apart from rain and snow. You need to make one or more windows for entry and attach a perch to it. That's it - the feeder is ready. By the way, some birds trust open feeders more than those with only one “door”.


A very practical and attractive feeder made of wooden planks or moisture-resistant plywood. It is usually made in the form of a house with a triangular roof, but a simpler form with a flat top can also be made. So, how to make a bird feeder from wooden planks? To begin with, it is better to draw a drawing on which all the dimensions will be indicated, so as not to confuse anything later. The feeder will consist of a roof, side walls and bottom. You need to cut out all the required parts and sand them if necessary. Then comes the connection stage. All parts can be fastened with glue or self-tapping screws.


These DIY bird feeders are hung from trees by a string and represent something edible. You will need: a mold for making, feed components and a base that will glue them together.

First recipe: You need to soak the loaf in water and mix it with grain, then roll it into balls, attach ropes to them and put them in the oven to dry them a little.

Second recipe It is lard based. It is heated over low heat in a saucepan. When the lard has melted, it is mixed with grains, dried fruits and poured into molds into which wires and ropes have already been inserted. When the mixture becomes cold, place the molds in the freezer until completely frozen. Now edible feeders can be hung on trees one at a time or several by tying them into one garland.

Third recipe: It is gelatin-based, but is made in the same way. Gelatin should be poured with hot water, mixed with edible ingredients and placed in molds.

Fourth recipe: A paste is prepared from water and flour, applied to a small piece of wood (you can screw a hook into it), and rolled in grains.


In frosty weather, it is more difficult for birds to obtain not only food, but also water, since it simply freezes, so it is important to make not only feeders, but bird drinkers will also be a lifesaver. If you notice that birds come to you to eat at a certain time, you can put a saucer of boiling water in the feeder. In the cold, the water cools quickly, so no one will get scalded. Now let's look at what you shouldn't feed birds. It is fried, salty, spicy, hot and sour. It is also not recommended to give black bread, since in cold weather it is poorly digested and sours in the crop. Products that can be fed to birds: sunflower seeds (an excellent source of energy); corn (helps keep you warm, but you shouldn’t feed this product all the time); millet (millet is the same millet, but without the husk); oats; pumpkin, watermelon, melon seeds; seeds of nettle, burdock, quinoa, thistle and other weeds; unsalted lard, margarine (this is an excellent source of calories); nuts; boiled eggs (chicken or quail); honey; boiled potatoes; bread crumbs; eggshell; food for parrots.

Rules “How to feed birds”:

    The feeder should be convenient and safe for birds (no sharp edges, inaccessible to the cat).

    It’s not enough to make a feeder, you also need to know what you can put in it. Wintering birds love: watermelon, melon and sunflower seeds, fresh lard, oats, millet, bread crumbs.

    You should not feed birds salty foods (Birds go blind from salt)and rye bread (this is deadly for them).In the cold, wet foods turn into ice and become inaccessible to birds; feathered birds will not peck at fried seeds. The food must be fresh - spoiled food makes birds sick and may die.

    The feed must be protected from the weather so that it can beIt wasn’t covered in snow or blown away by the wind.

    The feeder needs to be cleaned regularly.

    Necessarymake sure that bird canteens are not left empty.

If you started feeding the birds,

Don't quit!

And you're an empty feeder

Don't leave it to them!

Appendix No. 5

Poems and riddles about birds

Frosts are severe
This year!
Worried about the apple trees
In our garden.

Worried about Zhuchka:
In her kennel
The same frost
Like in the yard.

But most of all
Worried about the birds -
For our sparrows,
Jackdaws, tits.

We have it prepared
Everything for winter:
We'll wrap you in matting
We are apple trees.

More hay
We'll bring it to the kennel,
Poor mongrel
We'll save you from the cold.

But the birds! So cold
In the air!
Will we help
Defenseless like that?
Let's help! They need to be fed
And then
It will be easy for them
Survive the cold.

E. Blaginina

Cold winter has come

With snowstorms and blizzards,

A hungry winter has come.

My friends and I decided

So as not to say unnecessary words,

We need to feed the birds in winter.

We gave crumbs to the sparrow

The titmouse was given lard.

It's so cold around here in winter,

There is so little food for birds.

O. Zykova

Little Sparrows,
Little gray feathers!
Peck, peck the crumbs
From the palm of my hand!

No, they don’t peck from the palm of your hand
And they don't let me pet you.
How can we get along?
To let them pet you?

S. Egorov

Two handfuls of wheat
I carry it in my mitten -
One for the bullfinch,
and the othertit .
And your joy
I give them too -
First the tit,
then the bullfinch!

- Tit , tit,
What are you dreaming about?
- Grains, midges,
Yes bread crumbs.
- Tit, tit,
Are you dreaming about something else?
- Sunny, river,
House with a porch
Boy Antoshka
And... bread crumbs.

- Seagulls, seagulls! Where is your home?
Seagulls, seagulls, where is your home?
On the ground, on the wave
Or in the blue heights?

Well, of course, on earth!
We are born on earth!
Well, of course, on the wave!
Swinging on the wave!
Well, of course, in the heights!
We fly high!
The edge of the earth, the wave and the sky
We consider it home!

V. Berestov

Sunny, fine
It was a day.
The whole family goes skiing
We got out into the woods.

Suddenly three-year-old Vovka
Mom says:
"Miracles! On the Christmas tree
The apple is hanging!"

And I looked to the left
And froze without words:
On the next spruce
Scatterings of fruit!

But the wind blew
And immediately from the branches
The apples flew away
A flock of bullfinches.

T. Gusarova

A bird is knocking on our window -
Yellow-breasted titmouse.
He looks at us through the glass,
He says: “It’s warm here...

And I'm cold. It's a shame:
The grains are nowhere to be seen.
I ask you: you are a little
Give me some bread crumbs,

And a little more fat
It wouldn’t bother me in the cold...
I will be friends with you -
Just promise to feed.

If you don't mind the crumbs -
I'll call my girlfriends.
Together we will fly,
Twitter on the window."

S. Bogdan

A. Yashin

No tits: they haven’t arrived!
Where are the two tits?
Our book is empty
Motley pages.
What happened to the birds?
Where are they, pray tell?!
Look, near you
In the kindergarten, in the park
Maybe they're jumping now
Two little gray little birds?
Or birds flew into the house
Straight from the page of a book?
Curious tits
They love new places.
We ask you: run after
Behind every tit.
No tits!
No and no!
At least call the police.

A. Barto

We made a feeder
We opened a canteen.
Sparrow, bullfinch neighbor,
There will be lunch for you in winter.

Visit on the first day of the week
The titmice flew to us.
And on Tuesday, look,
The bullfinches have arrived.

There were three crows on Wednesday
We weren't expecting them for lunch.
And on Thursday from all over the world -
A flock of greedy sparrows.

On Friday in our dining room
The pigeon was enjoying porridge.
And on Saturday for pie
Seven forty flew in.

On Sunday, on Sunday
A spring guest has arrived to us -
Starling traveler...
That's the end of the song.

Z. Alexandrova

The back is greenish,
The belly is yellowish,
Little black cap
And a strip of scarf.

Here's a bird, like a bird,
Not a blackbird, not a titmouse,
Not a swan, not a duck
And not a nightjar.
But this bird
Even though it's small,
Hatches chicks
Only in severe winter.

Red-breasted, black-winged,
Loves to peck grains
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again.

Apples on the branches in winter!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples flew up,
After all, this...

You will find it in your yard,
She's a joy for the kids.
Don't you dare offend her!
This bird is...

Jump to the grains!
Peck, don't be shy!
Who is this?

Sleeps during the day
Flies at night
It scares passersby.

Been chattering since the morning:
"Por-r-ra! Po-r-ra!"
What time is it?
What a hassle she is,
When it cracks...

The fidget is motley,
Long-tailed bird,
Talkative bird
The most chatty one.
White-sided prophetess,
And her name is...

Flies all night -
Gets mice.
And it will become light -
Sleep flies into the hollow.

It knocks all the time
The trees are being hollowed out.
But it doesn't hurt them
But it only heals.

I'm knocking on wood
I want to get a worm
Even though he hid under the bark
- He will still be mine!

Guess what kind of bird
Afraid of bright light
Beak with a hook, eye with a snout?

Who is wearing a bright red beret,
In a black satin jacket?
He doesn't look at me
Everything is knocking, knocking, knocking.

Appendix No. 6


Topic: “Looking at bird tracks”

Target: teach to distinguish bird tracks.

Visual material: drawings of bird tracks.

The teacher asks questions

    What is this?

    Who left them?

    Who guessed?

    Whose tracks are these? And this?

    Why do sparrows have small footprints?

    Why did the tracks end here?

Topic: Bird feather research

Target: teach to examine a new object, consolidate knowledge about birds.

Visual material: picture of a bird, feather.

The teacher asks the children questions.

    Who is this?

    What does the bird have?

    What are her body and wings covered with?

    Why does she need feathers?

    What do feathers look like?

What can you say about the pen?

Ecological project

in the middle group

Topic: “Wintering birds of our region”

Project type: informational and creative

Project duration: short-term (1 week)

Project participants: children of the middle group, parents of students, group teachers.

Relevance of the project: in modern conditions, the problem of environmental education of preschool children becomes particularly acute and relevant. It is during the period of preschool childhood that the formation of the human personality and the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture take place. Therefore, it is very important to awaken children’s interest in living nature, cultivate a love for it, and teach them to take care of the world around them. Winter time is not only about cheerful holidays, lively slides and desperate snowball fights, but also severe frosts with a piercing wind. During the cold season, wintering birds face vital questions: how to feed themselves. The available food is becoming significantly less, but the need for it is increasing. Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so many birds cannot survive the winter and die. Our task is to introduce children to the birds wintering in our area, their species and characteristics; teach how to take care of birds, help them in the cold winter time

Target: formation of ecological knowledge about wintering birds of our region and a responsible, careful attitude towards them.

Tasks: to develop the ability to distinguish and name wintering birds.

Broaden your horizons about wintering birds (appearance, habitat, nutrition).

Develop children's creative and intellectual abilities.

Involve students and parents in this issue

Stage 1. Preparatory.

Selection of methodological and fiction literature on the topic;

Replenishment of the subject-development environment in the group (thematic album “Winter and wintering birds”, books about birds;

Development of forms of educational work with children;

Interaction of teachers with parents on the formation of the principles of environmental education in children

2 stage. Basic

Form of work

Conversation about birds.

Conversation “What do we know about birds”

promote children's ability to compose stories about birds, highlighting the bright distinctive features of their appearance and behavior; development of comparison based on the characteristics fixed in the model, the ability to use the model as a story plan, mastering the ability to tell a sequential, coherent story. Teach observation and caring attitude toward birds.

Lesson on getting to know the outside world:

To consolidate and clarify children's ideas about wintering birds. Talk about the relationship between the appearance of birds and their nutrition, movement and lifestyle. Cultivate a love for birds, a desire to care for them, and help them. Continue to learn how to write descriptive stories based on previously acquired knowledge.

NOD "Wintering Birds"

develop the cognitive interest of middle preschool children in wintering birds through experiments.

Outdoor games "Owl".


migratory birds"


Didactic games:

"Guess the bird from the description"

“What birds you don’t see in winter.”

"Flying away or not"

practice running and the ability to quickly find your house.

learn to move in all directions without bumping into each other.

consolidate the skillfind, recognize and expand children's knowledge about birds, name wintering birds, develop visual memory and thinking; cultivate a love for nature.

Reading fiction

I. Turgenev “Sparrow”, I. Polenov “Titmouse’s Pantry”, G. Serebritsky “Take Care of the Birds”, riddles and poems. L. Kvitko “Brave Sparrows”, M. Gorky “Sparrow”, V. Levin “Sparrow Bathing”, Y. Kazakov, “Our Friends” G. Ladonshchikov.

Guessing riddles:

About wintering birds.

teach carefully, listen to a work of art, understand the theme and content of the story, answer questions. Develop attention, speech, reaction.

Bird watching at the feeder.

Watching titmice.

Watching sparrows.

Crow observation.

Observing bird tracks in the snow.

deepen knowledge about the features of the appearance of birds, life manifestations; teach to recognize birds, name their body parts; to form in children a desire to take care of wintering birds.


"My Feathered Friends"


"Bird on a branch. Bullfinch"

teach children to draw a bird, conveying the shape of the body (oval), parts, beautiful plumage. Practice drawing with pencils and coloring without going beyond the outline of the drawing. Develop figurative perception and imagination.

Expected result

Expanding children's horizons about wintering birds.

Development of curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, and communication skills in children.

A student who has an understanding of wintering birds and can make a feeder together with his parents

The parent is an active participant in the project and is able to instill in children love and respect for birds.

Working with parents. Drawing up a reminder for the parents’ corner “Feed the birds in winter”; participation in the “Bird Canteen” campaign. Recommendations for parents.

The final stage. Promotion “Bird Canteen”; exhibition of children's drawings on the theme “My feathered friends”


NOD "My feathered friends" in the middle group.

Goal: To clarify and expand ideas about wintering birds and their structure. Form the concept of “wintering birds”.

Activate vocabulary on the topic, learn to answer questions, make sentences.

Improve the grammatical structure of speech, learn to form high-quality adjectives and plural nouns.

Drawing using the “poking with a bristle brush” technique.

Drawing using the technique of “drawing with cotton swabs”

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”, “Musical and artistic creativity”.
Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive, productive, motor.
Objectives: To teach children to reflect in a drawing the idea of ​​wintering birds;
Arouse interest in drawing a flock of birds using the poking technique;
Clarify the appearance of the bullfinch (structural features, coloring);
Introduce children to the concept of color and composition;
To cultivate curiosity, artistic taste, and interest in drawing.
Planned results: has an idea of ​​wintering birds, their characteristics and appearance; knows how to work using the technique of poking with a bristle brush; knows how to use auxiliary lines to construct a drawing, in the process of his own activities he shows initiative, independently in choosing materials for work.
Materials and equipment: easel, pictures of wintering birds, blue A4 paper, gouache: red, black, brown, bristle brushes, squirrel brushes, cotton swabs, sippy cups.
Preliminary work: observing birds flying to the site, looking at images of birds in illustrations, photographs, postcards, and encyclopedias for children; reading and learning poems about birds, the speech game “How many mistakes did the artist make?”, games to recognize objects by description, folk games, getting to know the silhouettes of various birds.

Progress of the lesson:
Hello! I invite you today to the winter forest. Let's pretend to put on mittens, hats, boots and go into the forest! Music sounds: An excerpt from a work by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. January".
Educator: - The winter forest is sad.
Who hid secrets under the snow?
Why is the river silent?
Doesn't the bird song sound?
Enter the forest carefully
Don't wake up the secrets of the forest.
Why do you think it is so quiet in the forest? (The birds don't sing.)
- Why don’t the birds sing? (Fly away to warmer climes.)
- I see birds here (on the easel there are object pictures depicting wintering birds), which means that not all the birds have flown away.
(Looking at a stand with illustrations of birds)
Educator: Look at the pictures and name the birds that are depicted here.
Educator: How can you call a sparrow, tit, bullfinch, crow in one word?
Children: Wintering birds.
Educator: Tell me about the sparrow. What is he like?
Children: Small, gray, nondescript, modest, but pugnacious, fighting, daring! (sparrow)
Educator: Tell me about the bullfinch? What is he like?
Children: Red-breasted, fat, sedentary, (bullfinch).
Educator: Tell me about the crow? What is she like?
Children: Black-tailed, black-winged robber, (crow).
Educator: Tell me about the titmouse? What is she like?
Children: Small, with a black stripe on the belly, nimble, dexterous. (tit)
Educator: Tell me about this bird yourself. Who is this? What is he like?
Children: The dove is large, cooing, and loves to eat bread crumbs.
Educator: Bullfinches are very beautiful birds that live in a flock. Let's look at bullfinches together. This bird is slightly larger than a sparrow and has a very dense build. The bullfinch got its name because it flies to us along with the snow and lives all winter. The bullfinch is a beautiful, calm bird. Look carefully and remember what it looks like. The top of its head, wings and tail are black. And the chest, belly and cheeks are red. The bullfinch's beak is short and thick.
Educator: Now let’s play the ball game “Name it affectionately”:
Bullfinch - bullfinch,
Titmouse - titmouse,
Dove - dove,

Educator: You liked the bullfinches, so let us draw them.
Educator: Let's look at the bullfinch more closely. What parts does his body consist of?
Children: Torso, eyes, wings, tail and legs.
Educator: What shape is the body?
Children: Oval.
Educator: Our bullfinch was cold, so he pulled his neck into his body. What shape is the beak?
Children: Triangular.
Educator: What shape is the wing?
Children: Oval.
Educator: What color is the bullfinch’s belly?
Children: red
Educator: We draw an oval-shaped body, we will paint the body using the poking method with a semi-dry brush, then we draw an oval-shaped wing and tail.
Educator: What do bullfinches eat?
Children: Berries, rowan.
Educator: That's right, and we will draw rowan with cotton swabs. You have red paint on the tables, dip the cotton swabs in your right hand and place the berries around the twig.

Clarification of the sequence and methods of performing work.
Productive activities of children.
Educator: Let's go. Let's stretch our fingers before work

Finger gymnastics:
We went for a walk in the yard
One two three four five,
We went for a walk in the yard.
(Fold your fingers one at a time)
They sculpted a snow woman.
(Imitate sculpting lumps.)
The birds were fed crumbs,
(Crush the bread with all your fingers.)
Then we rode down the hill.
(Run the index finger of your right hand along the palm of your left hand.)
And they were also lying in the snow.
(Place your palms on the table with one side or the other.)
Everyone came home covered in snow,
(Shake off your palms.)
We ate soup and went to bed.
(Make movements with an imaginary spoon, place your hands under

Educator: Well done, that’s right. Now we take our places at the tables and get to work. We work slowly and very carefully. (turn on music).

Here we have a picture. What is drawn here?
Children: Bullfinches.
Educator: That's right, a flock of bullfinches. Why a pack?
Children: Because bullfinches do not fly alone, they can die.
Educator: Correct.

Well done! You did amazing work! Your bullfinches glow in the branches like holiday lanterns. Tell us what non-traditional drawing techniques you used in your work when creating the picture (children talk and share their impressions).
- We will also organize an exhibition of your works -
Educator. Well done boys! Let's remember how we drew today.
Educator: now let's play
We'll make snowballs
Let's play together. (They make snowballs)
And each other snowballs
Having fun throwing. (They throw snowballs)
Look at the branches (they clap their hands on their sides)
Bullfinches in red T-shirts. (Showing their breasts)
Feathers spread out (Hands slightly to the sides)
Bask in the sun. (Wiggle their fingers)
The head is turned, turned, (Turns the head to the right, to the left)
They want to fly away. (Run in a circle, waving their arms)
Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away!

Lesson on familiarization with the outside world: “Wintering birds.”
Program content:
To consolidate and clarify children's ideas about wintering birds. Talk about the relationship between the appearance of birds and their nutrition, movement and lifestyle. Cultivate a love for birds, a desire to care for them, and help them. Continue to learn how to write descriptive stories based on previously acquired knowledge. Practice using adjectives, antonyms, and agreeing nouns with pronouns. Enrich children's vocabulary.
Preliminary work: Bird watching on a walk. View illustrations, read stories about birds. For this lesson, children should know the appearance of several birds.
Vocabulary work: red-breasted, black-headed, black-tailed, nimble, motley-winged, nondescript, sedentary.
Materials: illustrations of birds, audio recording of birds singing, an envelope with riddles about birds.
Progress of the lesson.
Educator - What time of year is it now?
Children - Winter
Educator - Winter has come. Busy:
Wrapped in snow, all the bumps and stumps.
Benches and haystacks, winter told the oak tree
Throw on lush fur, waxwings turn red
On birch branches, they did not fly away.
Will they withstand the frost?
- What is nature? What is it like? (living, non-living)
- Guys, how did nature prepare for winter? (the rivers are covered with ice, the trees have shed their leaves, the days are short, it’s cold, the birds have flown away, the animals have gone into hibernation, changed their fur coats, stocked up on supplies for the winter...)
- Guys, what kind of brave birds do you know that are not afraid of the cold winter and remain to spend the winter? Name them.
(sparrows, magpies, crows, tits, bullfinches, woodpeckers, pigeons, waxwings, jackdaws...)
- What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter? (wintering)
Educator - Guys, look, we have received a letter. And who is it from? Unknown. Let's see what's inside the envelope and find out from whom the letter came to us.
Here are cards with riddles. Let's solve them.
Little boy

In a gray army jacket.
Snooping around the yards
Collects crumbs.
Roams at night,
Steals hemp (sparrow)
- Who, guys, will solve this riddle and tell us about it?
The sparrow is a small, very active bird with a round head and a crusty neck, a thick, ovoid body, short rounded wings, and a thin beak. Pointed towards the end. The sparrow has short but strong legs and holds its tail up. During the cold season, sparrows sit ruffled, huddled close to each other. They are clean and love to swim in puddles, sand and dust.
-Where do they spend the winter?
-Where do they find food?
In the cracks of walls, under the roofs of houses, in abandoned nests. They feed in yards, in landfills, and in feeders.
Sparrows live in flocks. If a guard sparrow notices a predator in the sky, it will make a sound similar to “chur,” and the entire flock will fly away.
Educator - Let's, children, see what else our unknown friends have prepared for us.
This bird is a restless bird, the same color as a birch tree. Who is this? (magpie)
Magpie is a large bird with beautiful black and white plumage. The color of the feathers on the head, wings and tail is black with a greenish tint, and on the sides it is white. Hence its name “white-sided magpie.” The tail is long. The legs are large, strong, the beak is curved towards the bottom. Magpies do not fly very well, preferring to jump from place to place. Walks in forty small steps, with a raised tail, holding the tail like a fan.
Why is she called the “thief magpie”? Where does she make her nest?
- Magpie loves shiny things, takes them away and hides them.
In dense branches of trees or bushes. The nest has a spherical shape, and the entrance is located on the side. The magpie makes sounds similar to chirping, crackling, (listen to a recording)
Magpies are beneficial. They destroy insects and rodents, carry plant seeds, and smaller birds take up residence in abandoned magpie nests.
Educator - Who else are the riddles about?
A very small bird, what’s her name?...(titmouse)
- Who wants to talk about the tit?
The titmouse has a black cap on its head, white cheeks, and a black stripe-tie on its neck and belly. The back is yellow-green, the belly is yellow, the wings and tail are gray. Tits make their nests in the hollows of small woodpeckers, recesses and crevices of rotten stumps and trunks - titmice. Tits destroy insects equal to their own weight.
- Here's another mystery.
Red-breasted, black-winged,
Loves to peck grains
In the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again. Who is this? (bullfinch)
- Why is this bird called bullfinch? (from the word snow)
- Who knows about the bullfinch and will tell us?
The top of the bullfinch, wings, tail and spot under the beak are black, the back is bluish-gray, the rump and undertail are white, the belly of the bullfinch is red, and that of the bullfinch is gray. The beak is short, thick, black.
- Why does the bullfinch need a short, thick beak?
To peck rowan berries and eat grains, as well as to cope with the seeds of other trees.
Educator - What other mystery is there?
I'm knocking on wood
I want to get a worm.
Although hidden under the bark,
You will still be mine!
Who is this? (woodpecker)
- Guys, look how handsome he is, who wants to talk about him? The head, neck, back and wings of the woodpecker are black, and there are white spots on the head and neck, white stripes on the folded wings, a black stripe running from the beak along the body, the bottom of the crown is white, the undertail and crown are red. The woodpecker is a poor flyer, so it spends most of its life in a tree.
- Look at the woodpecker’s beak. Why does he need it like that?
The woodpecker has a strong beak; with it he knocks on the tree trunk, chisels the bark and pulls out insects and larvae from under the trees with his long, sticky beak.
Apart from him, there are no birds that could destroy so many insects living in the bark of trees. The woodpecker is considered the orderly of the forest.
Educator - Guys, there’s still a mystery here.
Who's jumping and rustling there?
It guts pine cones with its beak.
With a clear, clear voice
“Kle-kle-kle,” sings with a whistle? I (crossbill)
Educator - An unusual bird, who can describe it, please.
The color of the male crossbill's plumage is orange-red, the wings and tail are brown-black, the female is greenish-yellow. She has an unusual beak. The mandible and mandible are curved and cross each other. This beak is convenient for cracking nuts. The crossbill is the only bird that breeds chicks in winter; in severe frosts, it builds warm nests in trees for the chicks. The crossbill whistles something similar to “kle-kle.” Listen to how he whistles (recording sounds).
Educator - Guys, the last riddle.
Wears a gray vest.
But the wings are black.
Do you see twenty couples circling?
And they shout: “Kar - kar - kar! (crow)
- Who wants to talk about her?
The crow has a black head, throat, neck and tail, the rest of the body is gray. During the day, crows hunt in the city and village, and at night they fly to the park, forest and spend the night in the trees.
Educator - Let's play crow, guys.
Here under the green Christmas tree
The crows are jumping merrily:
They screamed all day long
The boys were not allowed to sleep:
Kar-kar-kar! (children run and wave their arms)
Only at night they fall silent
And everyone falls asleep together:
Kar-kar-kar! (children squat down, hands under cheek - fall asleep)
Educator - Guys, you are so great! How much you know about birds and how you can tell interesting stories. I think that the forest birds who sent this letter with riddles are very pleased with you. Do you want to guess my riddles now? Can you? Well, then listen carefully:
1. Small, gray, nondescript, modest, but still pugnacious, fighting, daring! (sparrow)
2. Red-breasted, fat, sedentary, (bullfinch)
Z. Hard-billed, red-headed, spotted-winged, hardworking, (woodpecker)
4. Agile, restless, black-tailed, white-sided, (magpie)
5. Black-tailed, black-winged robber, (crow)
6. Small, black stripe on the belly, nimble, dexterous, (tit)
7. With a cross-shaped beak, only she hatches chicks in winter (crossbill)
Teacher - Well done! You guessed all my riddles correctly, however, I still want to play the game with you.
Birds are different, there are a lot of them, so it’s difficult to remember them.
I invite you to play a game with me: “I will start and you will finish.”
1. The tit has a thin beak, and the woodpecker....(thick)
2. The crow is big, and the sparrow... (small)
3. The bullfinch is sedentary, and the tit... (nimble)
4. The crossbill is elegant, but the sparrow...(nondescript)
5. Tits hatch chicks in the summer, and crossbills... (in winter)
6. If the bullfinch moves little, then which one? (sedentary)
7. If a tit has a black head, what is it like? (black-headed)
8. If a magpie has a white side, what is it like? (white-sided)
9. If a crow has a black tail, what is it like? (black-tailed)
10.If a bullfinch has a red chest, what is it like? (red-breasted)
Educator - About which of the wintering birds can we say:
My...(crossbill, woodpecker, bullfinch, sparrow...)
My...(crow, tit, magpie...)
Do you know who sings what?
Sparrow - tweets
Magpie - chirping
Crow - croaks
The dove is cooing...
Educator - Let's have a bird fair! Who wants to be who, what bird? (children choose their own birds).
Let's arrange a praise show: each “bird” praises itself and talks about its merits.
(children's stories)
Educator - What benefits do birds bring to people?
Children -
Save trees, fields, and vegetable gardens from pests;
They delight with singing and trills;
Decorate nature...
Educator - How and with what can we help the birds?
Children - Feed in the cold season, treat if possible
wounded bird, etc.
Feed the birds
Feed the birds in winter!
Let it come from all over
They will flock to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Their food is not rich,
A handful of grain is needed
One handful - and not scary
It will be winter for them.
It’s impossible to count how many of them are dying!
It's hard to see!
But in our heart there is
And it's warm for the birds.
How can we forget:
They could fly away
And they stayed for the winter
At one with the people
Train your birds in the cold
To your window
So that you don’t have to go without songs
Let's welcome spring!
Educator - Guys, our lesson is over. I am very glad for you that you know a lot about birds, and that you will not abandon them, but will be able to help them. Well done!

Conversation about birds. (Winter)

Goal: to promote children’s ability to write stories about birds, highlighting the bright distinctive features of their appearance and behavior; development of comparison based on the characteristics fixed in the model, the ability to use the model as a story plan, mastering the ability to tell a sequential, coherent story. Teach observation and caring attitude toward birds.
Progress of the conversation:

What do we know about birds?
Questions: -How do birds differ from other animals?
-Name the birds you know.
-What do they eat?
Verbal description based on a picture of a bird.
Working on cards with images of birds.
(Children compare and find distinctive features and common features in the structure, colors, homes, and food of birds.

Guessing riddles about birds.
Apples on the branches in winter! Hurry up and collect!

And suddenly the apples fluttered, After all, this is (snigeri)
The hut was built without hands, without an axe. (Nest)
In the forest, to the sound of chirping, ringing and whistling, the forest telegraph operator knocks:

“Great, blackbird buddy!” And he pees... (woodpecker)

Lesson summary application “Bird Feeder”

Arouse children's interest in creating birds by folding paper, the basic shape of which is a square.

Develop fine motor skills and coordination in the movements of both hands.

Foster independence, confidence, and interest in artistic experimentation.

Expand interest in knowledge of nature and instill a love for birds.

Preliminary work. Creation of a subject application “Bird Feeder”. Bird watching on walks. A conversation about wintering birds. Making feeders together with parents. Feeding birds using feeders on walks. Examination of images of birds (sparrow, tit, bullfinch, crow, magpie).

Lesson materials, tools, equipment.

Sheets of paper tinted in a light blue tone with an applicative base “Bird Feeder”.

Squares (4 by 4 cm) brown - single-sided colored paper in black and red - double-sided colored paper, three pieces for each child.

Cloth napkins, oilcloths, glue stands, glue brushes, PVA glue.

Progress of the lesson.

Birdie, birdie,

Here's some water for you,

Here's some crumbs for you

On my palm.

This poem, guys, is a continuation of our work yesterday. What did we do with you yesterday? Children's answers.

Why, guys, do people make feeders? Children's answers.

Why do we feed the birds? Children's answers.

Guys, where did the bird food go? Children's answers.

You said everything correctly, well done. It is after the disappearance of insects, after the harvest, that birds fly closer to people, hoping that you and I will feed them.

Guys, please tell me, what birds stayed with us for the winter? Children's answers.

That's right. Let's now invite the wonderful birds we make with our own hands to our feeders!

Let's now quietly get up from our seats and turn into birds. What wonderful birds! Now let's fly to our workplace.

Guys, pay attention to what kind of geometric shapes are lying on the table in front of you? Children's answers.

In fact, these are not ordinary squares, they are magical! Why magical? But here’s the secret: now in our hands the magic squares will turn into birds, which we will send to our feeders.

Now, guys, pay close attention to the work of my hands.

1. Bend the square diagonally and get two triangles.

2. Take the free corner of one triangle and bend it halfway downwards.

3. Fold diagonally in half from right to left.

Well, guys, look what wonderful birds we got.

Finger gymnastics.

Guys, before we attach our birds to the feeders, let's do exercises for our fingers so that they do the task well.

Birds are flying merrily

And they look at your fingers.

One two three four five

The grains will be pecked

Kluk, kluk, kluk

I love mommy very much!

Well done! Guys, why do you think we have confetti on our plates? Children's answers.

That's right, with the help of confetti we will “feed” our birds. Now let's get to work and don't forget how carefully we know how to use a brush and glue.

Children complete the task.

Guys, now put everything aside, take your work and come to me.

Flock, flock, forest birds!

Now you are not afraid of cold blizzards!

In cold blizzards, in cold blizzards

We must remember and think about each other!

Look, guys, what beautiful birds we got! And the work is good, because you all tried very hard. Now the birds will not be hungry and they will not be afraid of cold and blizzards! And our lesson is over. Thank you!

Conversation: Birds.
Goal: to promote children’s ability to write stories about birds, highlighting the bright distinctive features of their appearance and behavior; enriching and deepening ideas about birds (structural features, habitat, needs and ways to satisfy them); developing the ability to compare according to the characteristics fixed in the model, the ability to use the model as a story plan; foster a sense of caring for birds.
Progress of the conversation

Guessing riddles:

Like a fox among animals, This is the most cunning bird.

Hiding in the green crowns, And her name is.. (Crow)

Who flies, who chirps - Wants to tell us the news? (Magpie)

The chest is brighter than the dawn Who has... (the bullfinch).
Conversation “What do we know about birds”
-What is the name of the bird?

Describe your appearance.
-What do they eat?
Game "Birds and Cat".
(Children of the birds are looking for food, find it, peck, the cat is hiding behind a tree. At the signal “Cat,” the children scatter, and the cat tries to catch them.)
Onomatopoeia game “Who is screaming?”
Kar-kar (crow).
Cha-cha (forty)
Ryum-ryum (bullfinch)

Hsin-hsin (tit).

NOD "Wintering Birds"

Goal: to develop the cognitive interest of middle preschool children in wintering birds through experiments.

Objectives: To consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about wintering birds and their structure.

Teach children to solve problem problems through experiments.

To develop children’s dialogical speech, to activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “Wintering Birds.”

Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards feathered friends, lay the foundations of environmental education.

Preliminary work: talking about birds, looking at pictures of birds, watching birds on a walk, sketching birds, learning physical education lessons, learning the game “In the Forest, in the Little Woods,” reading fiction by A. Barto “The Scary Bird”, V. Zhukovsky “ Bird”, N. Sladkov “Winter fun”, work with handouts: color the bird, homework: making a bird feeder.

Equipment: tray with feathers, tray with stones, bowl of water, pictures of birds, bird feeder

Progress of the lesson:

(The teacher releases the parrot. The children pay attention to him.)

Educator: Children, who is this?

Children: Bird, parrot, sparrow...

Educator: That's right - a parrot.

(The children examined the parrot; the teacher offers to play the game “Birds.”)

Children walk in a circle saying:

In the forest, in the little forest,

On a snowy oak tree

The birds sat

They sang songs quietly.

Here comes the birdcatcher -

He will take us prisoner.

(The children run away, and the “bird catcher” (teacher) tries to catch them.

The guys sit on the slide (built in the group room).

Educator: Children, let me tell you riddles, and will you guess?

(After each guessed riddle, a picture depicting a wintering bird is posted.)

Little gray lump

Chik-chik he is very cold!

The sun will come out soon

Who's waiting for warmth? (Sparrow)

The bird is chatty, no doubt about it,

He will tell you news and secrets!

Beautiful in appearance, white-sided,

Who? – Long-tailed... (Magpie)

It's nice to look at

Red breast bird!

Her native home is Siberia

What is her name? (Bullfinch)

Kar-kar-kar screams the cheat

A very clever thief!

All the shiny things

This bird is picking!

She is friends, familiar to you,

What is her name? (Crow)

With a yellow breast at the window

Quickly collects crumbs

Guess what kind of bird

It's called... (Tit)

Educator: Guys, look (the teacher pays attention to the pictures) how many riddles you have guessed! What can you call these birds, in one word?

Children: Domestic, forest, wintering...

Educator: That's right, wintering. Why do we call them that?

Children: They don’t fly south, they stay with us for the winter

Educator: Guys, today I will tell you a lot of new and interesting things about birds and we will conduct experiments.

Educator: Children, it’s difficult for birds in winter. Finding food under the snow is not easy. Birds need help in winter to feed themselves. So the birds fly closer to the person. To do this, adults and children make feeders and pour food into them. Sparrows get grains and bread crumbs, tits are hung out with lard, bullfinches peck at rowan berries, and they also love small cereals. Sunflower seeds and crumbs are thrown to the pigeons and crows.

Game: “Bird food.” There is various food on the tray; the teacher invites the children to choose what the birds eat and put it in the feeder.

Educator: Children, look at the pictures, all birds are different. They differ from each other in color and size. How are they similar?

Children: There is a beak, paws, feathers...

The teacher complements and clarifies the children’s answers:

Educator: The entire body of the bird, with the exception of the beak and paws, is covered with feathers. They protect birds from hypothermia, protect from bruises, drying out, and getting wet. Birds use their wings and tail to help them fly. With open wings and tail, even a small bird becomes wide and large. Therefore, it can rely on air. With the flapping of its wings, it pushes off the air. On the ground, the open wings and tail are in the way of the bird, so it folds them. Birds move on the ground with the help of their paws: some birds jump, for example, a sparrow, others walk and even run (crows, pigeons). Guys, do you think birds have light or heavy feathers?

Children: Heavy, light, I don’t know...

Educator: Do you want to know?

Children: Yes...

Educator: Come with me


White grains pour into the garden (we slowly lower our hands)

And the sparrows are flying to dinner (flying, waving our arms)

They sat down in a flock. They began to peck (squatted down and pecked the grains)

What kind of food? They can’t understand (stand up, arms to the sides, head rotation)

This is not cereal, not cottage cheese (raise your shoulders up)

This is a cold white snowball (patting hands)

(The teacher and the children approach the table. There are stones on one tray, feathers on the other.)

Palm Weighing Experience

(The teacher suggests taking a stone in one palm and a feather in the other.)

Educator: Guys, which hand is heavier, where is the stone or the feather?

Children: Where is the feather?

Educator: Right, why?

Experiment with feathers: “Let’s blow”

(The teacher invites the children to take a stone in one hand and a feather in the other. First, the children blow into the palm where the stone is, then where the feather is.)

Educator: Children, what happened to the stone and what happened to the feather?

Children: The stone remained in the palm, but the feather flew away.

Educator: Why?

Children: Because the feather is light, but the stone is heavy.

Experience “Drowning - not drowning”

(The teacher suggests placing stones in one bowl of water and a feather in another. Observe what happens to the stones and the feather.)

Educator: Children, why did the stone sink but the feather did not?

Children: Because the stone is heavy, but the feather is light.

Educator: Guys, you are great! Let's tell the parrot what you did today and what new things you learned?

Children: We conducted experiments and found out that birds’ feathers are light. If they are heavy like stones, the birds will not be able to fly.

Wintering birds need help, make feeders for them, they do not fly south, all birds have a beak, feathers and wings.. (The teacher complements and clarifies the children’s answers)

Educator: Guys, what kind of bird is a parrot?

Children: Wintering, because she did not fly south...

Educator: A parrot is an ornamental bird, it lives in people's houses, if it is released into the street, it will die.

The parrot really liked being in our group and will stay here for a while. Do you agree, children?

Walking with a child is a unique condition for comprehensive and harmonious development, where his needs for active movements, independent actions when getting to know the world around him, new vivid impressions, and free play with both natural materials and toys are fully satisfied. However, due to age characteristics, children cannot use all their walking time with maximum benefit for their development. An adult must pedagogically correctly guide their activities.

During a walk in winter, draw your child’s attention to how difficult it is for wintering birds to endure the cold. Here are ruffled pigeons sitting on the ledge, sparrows swarming in the snow near the bus stop. When going out for a walk, take with you crumbs of white bread (black bread is harmful to birds), a handful of millet, and sunflower seeds. Pour food into the feeder in the park. If you can’t find a feeder, make them yourself from scrap materials (juice boxes, plastic bottles, pumpkins) or string pieces of dried fruit and lard onto a string to create “garland” feeders. Teach your child to recognize birds and name their body parts.

Learn with your child E. Blaginina’s poem “Fly”

Are the jackdaws and sparrows hungry, cold?

Are you hungry, my little pigeons?

Come and visit us, we have a handful!

Peck, visit, don’t be afraid, peck!


Play with your child the finger game “Small Birds”

The birds flew (“birds”)

Waving their wings, (flapping their tassels)

They sat on the trees, (“tree” with each brush)

Relaxed together

(“bird” with each brush)

Such walks will form in children: a desire to take care of wintering birds, the basics of ecological culture.