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A device for walking together with a sick child. How to teach a child to walk: basic exercises, useful tips and safety tips. Conditions for proper use of walkers

The first step is one of the most exciting moments in a child’s development. Moms and dads always look forward to their baby mastering the skill of moving independently on his legs. And at some point, parents begin to think about how to teach their child to walk so that he can do it without support.

At what age do children start walking?

According to the conventional norm, based on statistical data, babies begin to walk between the ages of 9 and 16 months. But each child is individual, so going beyond the specified limits is not a mandatory sign of any developmental pathology. There are children who stand on their feet at 7 months, and after a while they are already walking. Others, on the contrary, have not yet mastered the skill of independent walking at the age of one and a half years. This depends on various factors:

  • Heredity. Doctors usually ask at what age mom and dad mastered a particular skill. If one of the parents started walking late in childhood, most likely the baby will also be in no hurry to take the first step.
  • Body type. All skills are usually more difficult for strong children, so they also begin to walk later than their thin and light peers.
  • Gender of the child. Girls are often ahead of boys in development, this also applies to the ability to walk independently.
  • The degree of development of the body muscles and sense of balance. This factor largely depends on the parents, who, with the help of exercises, can help the baby strengthen his muscles and learn to maintain balance.
  • Temperament. Calm and contemplative children may crawl longer and go later than active toddlers seeking to satisfy their curiosity.
  • Psychological atmosphere in the house. Constant quarrels in the family can lead to stress in the baby. He will not try to walk on his own until he feels completely safe.

Leading and being late

Don't rush your child to get on his feet and take the first step. If this happens too soon no thanks individual characteristics baby, and due to excessive activity and desire of the parents, the consequences can be negative. The baby's muscles are not yet strengthened enough and are not ready to withstand the weight of his body. This is especially true for overweight children. The result of such parental haste can be valgus deformity of the legs and feet.

A different situation arises when the child is already 16-17 months old and has not yet begun to walk. The reasons may be different: from the baby’s weakened immunity to more serious disorders, such as the consequences of birth trauma. In this case, you cannot do without consulting specialists. If there are no developmental deviations nervous system and the musculoskeletal system was not identified by doctors; the delay may correspond to the individual rhythm of the child’s development.

How to determine if your baby is ready to walk

Before teaching a child to walk independently, parents should observe him to determine whether he is ready for this.

The baby is physically and psychologically ready to start walking if he is able to:

  • stand on your feet, holding onto a fixed support, sit down from this position;
  • rise from your knees independently;
  • remain in an upright position for a long time;
  • stand without support;
  • attempt to move while holding onto furniture or walls;
  • release the support to take 1-2 steps.

Recipe for the occasion::

Preliminary preparation

The correct gait of a child must be developed even before he begins to walk. Special exercises will help develop your baby’s muscles and speed up the development of independent walking:

  • Place the child on his back and grab his ankles with both hands. Bend the baby's legs at the knees and place them flat on the floor. Take 2-3 “steps”, moving your legs forward, then back. Repeat 4-5 times. By doing this exercise, producing correct positioning Stop, it is important to ensure that the child does not curl his toes.
  • Place the baby on the fitball with his stomach, holding him under his arms. Lightly roll back and forth, touching the baby's feet to the wall and encouraging him to straighten his legs when pushing off. Repeat 5-7 times.
  • Place the baby on his back. Holding a wooden stick at the height of the baby’s straightened legs, ask him to reach the stick with his feet. The goal is to raise your legs at a right angle, without bending your knees.
  • Place the baby on the floor so that his feet are completely pressed to the floor. Take the child by the hands and ask him to sit down, spreading his knees to the sides, then stand up. When standing up, raise the baby's arms up so that he stands on his toes.
  • Place the child on the floor, pressing his back to you. Hold your knees with one hand, preventing them from bending, and with the other hand, hold your stomach. Ask your baby to bend down to pick up the toy in front of him, then straighten up. Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercises to master walking skills

The following complex is designed to be performed with children who are confidently standing on their feet:

  • Place the child on the floor with his back to you, holding his stomach with one hand. With the other hand, take the baby by the shin, lifting the baby’s leg bent at the knee. Hold in the raised position for 5-7 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times with the right and left legs.
  • Starting position - as in exercise No. 1. Holding the child’s bent leg with your hand, make a movement simulating stepping over an obstacle (slightly straightening the leg forward and down). Repeat 3-5 times, alternating legs.
  • IP - as in exercise No. 1. Place a large book or a strong box 6-7 cm high in front of the child. Taking the baby’s leg by the ankle and bending it at the knee, place it on the “step”, pressing the foot tightly to the surface. While supporting the child, help him lean on this leg, straightening it and climbing onto the box. Place the other leg next to it. Go down again and repeat 3-5 times with each leg. When it starts to work out well, you can put 2-3 steps of different heights.
  • Turn the child with his back to you, holding him under the armpits and placing his feet on yours. Walk around the room a little so that the baby can understand the principle and reinforce this movement for himself.
  • Place a small light ball in front of the baby. Take the child’s slightly bent leg with your hand and hit the ball with it. Repeat 4-5 times with each leg. After this, you can invite the baby to try to kick the ball on his own.

When a child masters walking, it is important to ensure that his gait is correct: the baby should place his feet parallel and not spread too wide.

Stimulating interest in walking

Until the baby understands that moving independently is an interesting activity, thanks to which you can learn and see a lot of new things, he will have no incentive to learn to walk. Parents will have to be smart to encourage their child to break away from the support.

  • Offer a toy to a child standing near a support. The baby will take it with one hand. After that, offer him another, no less attractive toy. To take it, the child will have to let go of the other hand, standing without support.
  • Place several chairs at a short distance from each other, placing interesting objects on them. The child will be able to move from one of them to another. Over time, the chairs move further and further apart.
  • Joint games with parents are the most interesting thing that can be offered to a child. The baby will love to storm the sofas together with mom and dad and overcome small obstacles from various home furnishings (pillows, bolsters, etc.).
  • The example of other children who can walk and even run well will help encourage a child to move independently. Let the little one watch how those who are no longer led by the hand have fun on the playground.

Helping devices


These devices are created more for the convenience of parents than for the development of children. Walkers give the mother the opportunity to free her hands while watching her child in order to have time to do something around the house. They soften impacts on surrounding objects and provide the baby with some independence and mobility. The baby cannot fall or hit a sharp corner. But you should not leave a child in a walker for a long time, this can harm the child’s body.

  • The process of a child learning to walk will not speed up, since other muscle groups are involved when moving in a walker. The baby pushes off the support with the toes of his feet, and does not step over, as it should be when walking. This may further provoke the wrong type of walking - on toes.
  • A child placed in a walker too early may miss important developmental milestones such as crawling. As a result, his muscles and joints will not be properly prepared for upright walking. In walkers, the vertical load on a weak spinal column increases, which in the future can lead to poor posture and more serious consequences.
  • This type of movement does not engage or strengthen the back muscles, which can lead to problems with the spine.

For healthy children, it is permissible to be in a walker for no more than 30-40 minutes a day. Devices are strictly contraindicated for children with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, suffering from rickets, decreased or increased muscle tone, as well as children who do not yet know how to sit confidently.


Unlike walkers in which the baby sits, rolling walkers are designed for children who can stand confidently on their feet. The child pushes such walkers in front of him, moving freely. Children like bright and interesting devices, because on their front part there are usually various educational toys. With such helpers, even the most cautious children will be able to master the skill of walking without fear of falling.

Reins for children

Designed to support a baby who has poor balance and is learning to walk. The device allows mothers and fathers to protect the baby from falls. At the same time, parents do not need to bend over and strain their backs.

The danger is that with the help of such a leash it is impossible to teach the child to maintain balance. He will get used to the fact that there is no need to be careful when falling. But the baby must learn to fall in order to avoid serious injuries.

Choosing your first shoes

The correct choice of first shoes is very important for the health of the baby’s musculoskeletal system. It reliably protects the baby’s legs from mechanical damage, and also helps shape the child’s feet. High-quality and properly selected shoes will help give your baby stability and make his first steps more confident.

To determine the size, you need to place the baby on a sheet of thick paper or cardboard and circle each foot with a pencil. With the cut out stencil you can go to the store. If one foot turns out to be slightly larger, you should select the size according to it.

It is better to opt for children's shoes that meet the following criteria:

  • made from natural materials;
  • light in weight;
  • has a high heel for rigid and reliable fixation of the heel;
  • with a closed round toe;
  • the sole is non-slip and not overly soft, has a textured surface and a heel of approximately 0.5 centimeters;
  • securely fixes the leg in the ankle.

Many parents immediately buy orthopedic shoes for their baby. This type shoes are medicinal and are purchased only according to medical indications. The recommendation to wear orthopedic shoes is given by a specialist, taking into account diagnoses confirmed by x-rays.

You should not buy shoes one size larger. In shoes that do not fit properly and dangle on their feet, the baby will begin to tuck his socks inward, constantly keeping his knees bent.

To teach a baby to walk, he must first be prepared for it. It is necessary to stimulate the child to new achievements, while focusing on his mood. If the baby refuses to do something, you cannot insist or force, this can completely discourage him from moving independently and delay the development of walking skills indefinitely.

Doctors believe that a child with normal health indicators should take his first steps between the ages of 9 and 18 months; The fastest toddlers begin to move on their own feet long before they are one year old; the more mature ones can go closer to one and a half years.

In principle, you can already guess from the difference in timing: the first steps are a purely individual matter, and you shouldn’t even try to bring the achievements of a particular baby under a single standard. Of course, practice shows that there are children who develop “by the book” and go through successively all the stages described in the relevant literature. The “correct” child first learns to crawl, then, having passed all conceivable standards for running on all fours, begins to stand up in the crib, then masters moving around the perimeter of the playpen - and finally takes the first timid step into open space. However, for every one such baby there is at least one who does not know the pediatric canons and, calmly skipping the “plastic” stage, changes a sedentary lifestyle to upright walking with virtually no preparation.

This simple statistic contains the answer to the question that worries most young mothers: when should he go? And this answer is this: when he is ripe and strong enough to stand on his feet; Nature knows the required date better than a whole council of doctors.

Get ready to exercise!

Of course, the above does not mean that you need to let the baby’s development take its course, that he doesn’t need help - they say, sooner or later he will develop on his own. Both monitoring and helping are necessary. The first steps can be delayed both if the child’s leg muscles are too weak, and in the case of hypertonicity - that is, when the muscles are under very strong tension (in hypertonicity, the child does not place his foot on his full foot, constantly rising on his tiptoes). An accurate diagnosis of the condition of the baby’s musculoskeletal system should be carried out by specialists (orthopedist, surgeon, neurologist). As a rule, if hypertension is diagnosed, doctors prescribe baths with herbs or sea ​​salt and massage. If your baby needs to strengthen muscles, develop coordination of movements and instill confidence in own strength, special gymnastics can be very useful.

Exercise 1

Age: from 9-10 months, when the child has already begun to step, holding the hands of adults.

Inventory: a toy stroller or a stroller for the baby himself.

The child stands holding the handles of the stroller, the adult supports the baby. When the stroller begins to move slowly, the baby reaches for it, leans over and finally takes the first step.

Exercise 2

Age: from 9 months.

Inventory: table or any hard surface.

The adult makes the child squat, with his back to himself. Holding tightly by the hips, the adult rocks the baby back and forth, forcing him to stand on straight legs. It is necessary to help the child lean forward as far as possible, while simultaneously supporting him in the chest area. If the little one is in no hurry to get up, it means that the legs are still weak and you can leave the exercise and return to it after a while. The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the ability to stand independently.

Exercise 3

Age: 6-9 months.

Inventory: fitball average size, inflated 2/3.

The adult places the child on the ball with his back to himself and, holding him tightly by the hips, tilts him in different directions. The goal is to develop coordination of movements, teach balance and maintain balance.

Exercise 4

Age: when the child already knows how to rise from his knees with the help of support.

Inventory: baby's favorite toy and chair.

The toy moves along the floor in the direction of the chair, “encouraging” the baby to crawl on all fours after it, rises above the chair (so that the child tries to lean on it with his arms) and is placed on the edge of the chair. If the exercise is completed successfully, the baby should stand up without outside help, leaning on armchair.

Exercise 5

Age: 9 months and older.

Inventory: two poles about 120 cm high or a hoop.

The child takes hold of the poles, and the adult places his own on top of his arms. The adult begins to slowly step along with the child, rearranging the poles in the manner ski poles. If a hoop is used, the child is inside, and the adult, moving the hoop in different directions, pushes the baby towards different movements- walking in a circle, forward or backward.

Exercise 6

Age: when the baby moves around the room holding an adult's hand.

Inventory: long cord or rope.

The cord is pulled between the furniture at the height of the child’s knees. Holding the child by the hand, the adult leads the child to the lace. The point is for the child to step over the obstacle.

How to make the path easier?

In an effort to facilitate the first steps of babies, the modern industry is not lagging behind parents and pediatricians, year after year expanding the range of developmental products for children. Some of them are considered useful; on others, expert opinions may diverge in diametrically opposite directions. Below are three of the most popular and most discussed devices for learning to walk.

Walkers. A small round table with a fabric seat, designed like a kangaroo backpack, equipped with wheels at the base. Sitting in a walker, the child reaches his feet to the floor and, pushing off, can move freely around the apartment. The height of the seat is usually adjustable: the baby can reach the floor with just his toes, or he can stand on his full foot.

It is walkers that cause the most heated debate in the “near-infant” environment: there are both staunch supporters and ardent opponents of this device. In fact, if you do not buy cheap and, therefore, potentially dangerous models and follow basic safety precautions, you can hardly do any harm with a walker. Safety precautions are very simple:

  • walkers are not suitable for a child who does not yet know how to sit independently;
  • a child in a walker cannot be left unattended (as, in fact, without them);
  • Staying in a walker for too long will put unnecessary strain on your back.

In fairness, it should be noted that walkers do not only cause little harm, but also some benefit: the very idea that walkers can help a baby with his first steps raises great doubts. A child sitting in a walker, in fact, does not walk, but rolls, pushing off the floor with his feet. At the same time, he is deprived of the need to maintain balance and coordinate his own movements, he is protected from falls. On the other hand, at the stage when the little one has already begun to actively move around the house on all fours, but has not yet learned to walk, the described device can become a real salvation for the mother, giving her a break in the endless “race for the leader.”

Wheelchair. A device shaped like a four-wheeled cart with a handle: the baby takes his first steps, holding the handle and pushing the gurney in front of him. It is more convenient than a regular baby stroller, which most one-year-old babies also like to carry, as it matches the baby’s height. At a certain stage, such an item has many benefits, since it allows the child to move without the help of adults, without losing balance and self-confidence.

Reins-leash. A design made of belts, reminiscent of a dog harness both visually and in the method of use. “Reins” are used at the stage of the very first steps, when the baby is already ready to move without outside help, but at the same time does not coordinate movements well enough. In this situation, the “leash” plays the role of a safety harness, preventing the novice “rope walker” from falling and getting hit hard. The main disadvantage of the device is that from the outside it looks unattractive. But if a grandmother who suffers from rheumatism has to walk the baby, a “leash” can be a real salvation.

Barefoot boy

Another controversial point regarding the baby’s first steps is related to his first shoes. Today, almost every orthopedist, seeing that the child is about to walk, suggests that parents buy sandals with a supportive arch support. According to most modern doctors, such shoes serve as effective prevention and also help the foot to grip the surface more firmly. However, this approach in orthopedics is not the only one, and its claims to the status of the ultimate truth are somewhat premature.

Back in the mid-twentieth century, American orthopedist Simon Wikler published the book “Take Off Your Shoes and Walk,” in which he described the results of his many years of research. After studying hundreds of feet of patients from one year to ninety, Wikler came to the conclusion that the healthiest feet are those who wear loose shoes with flexible soles and often walk barefoot. It is the instep supports that weaken the muscles of the foot, since its bending, which should occur naturally, in the case of an instep support is achieved mechanically, the doctor believes. The orthopedist’s conclusion is as follows: shoes should be loose enough to allow the ability to move the toes inside the shoe, there should be no arch supports, and at every suitable opportunity the child should walk barefoot (including at home, on a smooth floor).

Steps to safety

While making sure that your child walks comfortably and comfortably, it is important not to forget about his basic safety: as soon as the baby gets on his feet, he literally moves to a new level... and begins to reach those shelves and objects he needs. which I could only dream of before. This means that in order for the baby’s first steps to be a reason for joy, and not for permanent stress, you need to prepare for these very steps.

So, take a critical look at the apartment and...

  • move all fragile, valuable and heavy objects located less than 1.2 m from the floor;
  • remove the tablecloths: they are very easily pulled off the table along with all the contents;
  • hide all household chemicals in an inaccessible place: washing powders, stain removers and bleaches no longer have a place in an easy-to-open drawer under the bathroom;
  • block electrical sockets special plugs;
  • Get into the habit of putting all sharp, piercing, cutting objects in a place where the baby cannot reach them - even if he tries very hard.

In addition to potentially dangerous objects that can bruise, prick or burn the baby, at the “pioneer” stage, a myriad of corners and furniture handles are found in the apartment, located exactly at the baby’s eye level. Fortunately, modern industry offers a whole range of devices that can literally smooth out rough edges. Corners for tables, special covers for pens, plugs for drawers, door and window stops, staircase blockers are available today in any more or less large children's store. And yet, do not delude yourself: the straw, which, according to folk wisdom, it wouldn’t hurt to lay it in the right place; modern manufacturers have never invented it. The moment a child takes his first step, he takes a step towards his independence. And along this path there will certainly be sharp corners and treacherous steps, tears, abrasions and bumps. The baby will fall a thousand more times - and rise a thousand and one times, until he finally really stands firmly on his feet.

The first steps of a child are a long-awaited joy for parents, however, such joy can be overshadowed by a large number of falls and associated injuries. Reins for children can ensure complete safety for beginners.

This fairly simple device is useful for monitoring a child who is still learning to walk and is unsteady on his feet. Reins or a leash for teaching a child to walk will be useful for those parents who physically cannot lead the baby by the hands (for example, with back pain), who often go with the baby to crowded places (train station, shopping centers), and for those who want facilitate the period of rapid growth in the child’s physical activity. The reins are also convenient for those who have children the same age or twins.

Manufacturers offer several models of children's walking reins, depending on the age and personal preferences of parents.

What should you keep in mind when choosing reins for your baby?

  1. Safety. When choosing reins, check how strong the lines and clamps are. During walks, do not allow your child to play with the leash on his own or lead other children with the help of the reins. Do not choose reins that are secured with Velcro; your child will be able to unfasten them on his own.
  2. Comfort. When purchasing reins, consider the degree of comfort of the device: the materials should not rub the child’s skin or crush him while moving.

Some parents who consider reins to be a successful and useful device are deterred from purchasing reins by the price. In this case, many mothers wonder how to make reins for the child themselves. We offer you a master class on sewing the simplest model of children's reins. To do this, you don’t need to be a professional seamstress, and you can even do without a sewing machine.

DIY reins for children

To make a leash you will need 4 meters of textile sling and 4 fastex (semi-automatic plastic fastener). To correctly calculate the length of the slings, you should measure the child and add a few centimeters for clothing and smell.

Top-top... Hurray! The baby stepped.

A timid step, then another. And suddenly - he fell! How nice it is if on a soft fleecy carpet...

And if - on the road? It would seem that tears, bruised palms and soiled clothes certainly cannot be avoided.

Or is it possible to survive your first independent walks without annoying troubles?

What is a baby leash?

Probably, in childhood, many played “horse”: the child running in front was caught with a rope by the belt or armpits, and the ends of the rope were held by the “rider”. This children's fun served as an example for creating a children's leash.

A child's leash, or reins, or harness is a device that will ensure the baby's safety while learning to walk, and will allow the mother to take the strain off her back. It is quite inconvenient to lead a child by both hands when the little pioneer demands to walk again and again.

Why does a child need a leash for walking?

When a baby just begins to learn to walk, his movements are uncertain and poorly coordinated. With the help of reins, it is convenient for an adult to control the child’s movements and prevent falls. The baby's hands are not busy, and this helps to balance, maintain balance, and play.

When going shopping with your baby, for example, you can be sure that the novice runner will not get lost in the crowd, will not run far, and will be in the mother’s field of view.

Important to remember! You can’t drive your baby with insurance all the time! In safe places, you should let your child run around on his own. After all, if he does not learn to fall, he will not know what caution is.

Leash for a child: pros and cons

There is no clear opinion among parents about the benefits of leashes. Some people purchase them in advance, even before birth, and then actively use them. Mothers who have more than one toddler can be called special connoisseurs of this invention. They know firsthand how difficult it is to walk with an active baby.

Opponents of the reins consider their use unacceptable. This, in their opinion, humiliates the child, putting him on the same level as animals being walked on a leash. There is also an opinion that children’s posture and psyche deteriorate.

A children's leash undoubtedly has its advantages:

  • protection against falls and injuries
  • The leash is adjusted individually to the child's size
  • in a leash, the baby feels balance, and he has to place his legs correctly: lean on his entire foot
  • affordable price

The main drawback is the ethical and aesthetic perception of others. In our country, walking reins are not very common, and for many who meet a child on a leash on the street, this sight causes bewilderment and condemnation.

If worn for a long time during the day, the reins may rub the baby's delicate skin.

Important! A walking leash is not a teaching tool, but only a safety net when teaching a child to walk!

Types of leashes for teaching a child to walk

There are several types of children's leashes. Their difference from each other is in the design and method of fastening.

Leashes with a hard handle holder and soft panties for fixation

Externally, this model resembles the well-known “jumpers”: durable textile panties and long straps ending in a holder. These are some of the safest leashes. This model allows you to evenly distribute the load on the baby’s fragile spine.

The disadvantage may be the price, which is the highest for this model among all types of leashes for children.

If you don't use a diaper during your walk, you can be prepared to wash the leash after each use.

Leashes that attach to the child’s chest, armpits and shoulders

A very convenient option. Allows you to avoid chafing thanks to the sewn-in fabric insert on the chest.

The straps are adjustable so you can choose the optimal length. This makes it possible to put the reins on even bulky winter clothes.

Sometimes straps can rub your armpits due to their high position, so it is better to wear them on thick clothes with sleeves.

Leashes made from slings and fasteners

This model is the simplest. Consists of slings and fasteners, adjustable along the entire length.

You can use such a leash only when the baby is already confidently standing on his feet: the leash only controls balance, but does not provide support.

The straps can cut into your baby's skin and cause chafing.

The big advantage is the low cost.


This option looks like a backpack behind a child’s back, and a leash is attached to the backpack.

Very suitable for hyperactive kids, does not restrict movement. However, in such a leash the support for the shoulder girdle is minimal, and this leash is not suitable for a child who walks poorly.

Children's walking leash: what to look for?

Having chosen one or another model of reins, it is worth checking how well it meets the safety and comfort requirements.

  1. Safety. Some important rules! When purchasing, it is important to determine the strength of the slings and fasteners. You should not buy a model with Velcro, otherwise the child will be able to remove the leash himself. You should not allow your child to play with the leash by himself or with other children. Care must be taken to ensure that the slings do not twist around the child’s neck.
  2. Comfort. The materials from which the leash for learning to walk is made must be strong, but not hard, so that the baby’s skin does not rub or be crushed. The slings must be adjusted individually to the height and build of the baby.
  3. Price. The simplest leash for walking costs from one hundred rubles. The more famous the brand and the more complicated the model, the higher the price. For those who want to save money but have a high-quality children's leash, you can make this little thing yourself.

Note! You should not use a leash for walking before 8 months, until the baby begins to move, at least holding onto the hands of adults with both hands.

DIY leash for a child

Some craftswomen sew the leash themselves. The advantage of a homemade leash is the ability to adjust the length of the handles and choose the appropriate color.

To sew a leash, you will need about 4 meters of textile sling or strong braid and 4 semi-automatic fasteners - fastex.

  1. First you need to measure the baby's chest circumference. You need to measure in clothes appropriate to the season when you plan to walk. You must remember to leave a small margin for fasteners.
  2. Then the length of the future straps is measured: from the middle of the child’s chest over the shoulder to the back. The straps need to be basted to the chest part.
  3. The handle of the leash is measured to be such a length that it is comfortable for an adult to lead the baby without bending over.
  4. The handle of the leash is sewn to the chest part.
  5. Fasteners are attached to the ends of the braid.
  6. You can sew a thin pad to the chest to make the baby more comfortable.
  7. The leash is ready.

This one simple model Children's reins do not require special sewing skills. You can even do without a sewing machine. Having spent very little money and time, you can build a little thing no worse than those offered by the industry of goods for babies.

Leash for a child: reviews from parents

Olga Shipunova (Omsk). When our overly active daughter got reins at 11 months, I finally learned what quiet walks were. We chose the Love&Carry model. I am pleased. And my daughter also likes it, she can grab anything with her hands instead of giving them to me, and run around calmly.

Yulia Akimkina (Belovo). I have twins. When they got out of the stroller, I couldn’t walk with them alone. We bought Lindam leashes. Very comfortable, do not rub! And I don’t care what grannies whisper about. The main thing is that now we walk safely, and we have forgotten about broken knees.

Anna Lavrova (Novosibirsk). My grandmother gave me a Chicco harness. Very cute, with a teddy bear on her chest. We couldn’t go for walks with her; it was uncomfortable for the child to run around on a leash. But we liked being buckled into a stroller or high chair. This harness turned out to be universal.

Irina Shabalina (Murmansk). The BabyOno leash is an excellent thing, of high quality. But it’s our own fault that we didn’t use it enough. They started walking in the summer, in the heat. I was afraid that my sweaty little body would rub through my T-shirt. They wore it a little in the fall, but they no longer needed much support - they ran on their own.

Polina Kostyuk (Moscow). Maybe I used the children's leash incorrectly, but I absolutely did not like it. We bought a Polish model Womar. My son rubbed his armpits after his first walk. We put it on a warm blouse later - it still rubs. I do not recommend this leash to anyone.

Sergey Ovchinnikov (Perm). I walked with my grandson a couple of times - “I was left without legs and back.” They advised me to buy a leash. In our store only from the Malyshastik company were found. Not expensive at all. Now my back doesn’t get tired, and my grandson doesn’t run away. My daughter and son-in-law laughed at first, but then they themselves began to take the leash for a walk with their tomboy.

A walking leash makes it much easier for mom to walk with her baby. The simple design provides support for the baby and prevents it from falling. You can take your child across the road without fear: he will not escape and fall onto the roadway. You can safely go to the store: the baby won’t get lost in the crowd, and the mother free hand will be able to carry purchases. You can just walk on the site and know that the walk will be without bruises and scratches.

Disapproval of others? For those who are wary of this, it is worth considering what is more important: backward views on life and upbringing or the comfort of the child and your own peace of mind.

Last article updated: 04/05/2018

At a certain point, many mothers and fathers begin to think about how to teach their child to walk. This question may arise if parents think that for some reason their child’s walking skills are delayed. However, it should be understood that each child develops this skill at his own age, which is why, at the very least, it is unreasonable to look up to the kids you know.

Child psychologist

There are several simple but effective exercises and methods that allow you to strengthen the children's spine and develop muscles lower limbs and stimulate the child’s interest in learning about the world around him.

Read in the article by a child psychologist what the most popular and common ones can be used in the first year of a child’s life.

Timing of skill appearance

A child's first steps can usually be observed at 12 months of age. But this does not mean that all children master the skill of walking at one year old.

What is it features of walking at an early or late age?

  • too early. It also happens that a child gets on his feet at the age of seven months, and after a couple of weeks begins to walk. Doctors are wary of such “acceleration”, worrying about the condition of the fragile spinal column. But you need to look at the baby. If it develops at an accelerated pace, then there is no need to worry too much;
  • early. If a child goes to school, then it is also generally accepted that his motor abilities are formed earlier than the normative dates. There is also no need to worry, but only if the parents did not specifically stimulate the walking skill;
  • late. Walking at 16 months and even a little later is also considered normal. This occurs in healthy children, but more often the delay in motor skills is associated with prematurity or high weight.

As soon as the baby masters the skill of independent movement, you can notice the difference between his walking and the walking of adults. The child will place his feet next to each other, “printing” steps due to the inability to roll from heel to toe. This is fine.

If the baby is very clubbing, walks on his toes, or has invented his own, not entirely adequate, method of movement, you need to show him to an orthopedist and neurologist.

They will be able to assess the condition of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems and recommend the necessary therapeutic procedures, including massage and gymnastic exercises, swimming.

If the child has not walked independently at 12 months, but at the same time is developing normally, without neurological and orthopedic diseases, you should not worry too much.

As mentioned above, the ability to walk at 12 months is an average normative indicator. However, parents need to know What can slow down the development of walking skills:

  • excessive fatness. The kids are recruiting excess weight due to an ill-conceived diet, overeating and impaired metabolism. Unnecessary kilograms load the spine, as a result of which the child cannot take a vertical position;
  • temperament. Phlegmatic and melancholic children crawl and walk somewhat later than the more “groovy” choleric and sanguine people. This pattern arises due to the connection between motor activity and the characteristics of the neuropsychic organization;
  • genetics. Is walking delay a family trait? In this case, it makes no sense to expect the child to develop the skill of walking as soon as possible;
  • climate. Residents of the southern regions of the planet, as a rule, master motor skills faster than natives of the northern territories;
  • fear. Children's walking is always accompanied by small failures in the form of stumbling and falling. Some kids, having had bad experiences, are afraid to walk without parental support;
  • stress. Kids are sensitive to any change in the psychological atmosphere. An unfamiliar environment, scandals in the family, punishment and other unfavorable conditions lead to the emergence of stressful situation. The child will go as soon as he feels safe;
  • disease. Even a common cold weakens a baby. Some children even forget the skill after being sick for some time. However, after a couple of weeks the skills return easily.

Pathologies in the development of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system stand apart. In such a situation, constant supervision by an appropriate specialist is necessary, medicines and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Creating conditions for walking

If parents do not know how to teach their child to walk independently, they should contact the child’s doctor. It is likely that he will recommend taking note of one of the following popular teaching methods:

  • in shoes. Many experts recommend putting shoes on children before they begin to move independently. Naturally, you need to take only high-quality orthopedic shoes. These shoes are made of natural materials, tightly cover the leg, are distinguished by the presence of a hard heel and instep support that supports the arch of the foot;
  • barefoot. According to this approach, there is no need to rush to put your child’s shoes on, especially if the walking skill began to appear in the warm season. Walking with “naked” heels on a hard surface allows you to strengthen the ligamentous-muscular system, joints, and form the correct arch of the foot;
  • on a safe surface. The child moves uncertainly, so you need to limit his movement on slippery surfaces: tiles, linoleum, parquet boards. If your baby still slides on the floor, you need to purchase socks with rubber soles that improve traction with the surface;
  • in free territory. When a baby learns to walk, parents should provide him with space. This means moving large items out of the way of the young “traveler,” as well as providing access to other areas of the apartment;
  • with reins. Parents who lead their child “on a leash” are subject to all sorts of criticism, as well as sidelong glances from others. However, such a device can help if the baby is afraid to walk without support.

Popular TV doctor Komarovsky is not against parents using the reins. However, it indicates a serious drawback of such a device. The design prevents falls, and the child must learn to fall and get up.

Teaching a child to walk

Before you start learning, you need to make sure that the child is ready to learn this skill. You shouldn’t rush the baby, but you shouldn’t miss the most appropriate moment either.

Signs that the baby is ready to walk: rising from his knees, the ability to remain in an upright position for a long time, attempts to move while holding onto furniture or walls.

The more signs of readiness are observed, the easier it will be to teach the baby to walk. And certain exercises, which will be discussed further, will contribute to accelerated learning.

Much will depend on what the parents lay down at the beginning of his life’s journey. That is why, before quickly teaching a child to walk, it is necessary to prepare the child’s body for subsequent loads.

A baby who moves a lot, shows activity and interest in learning about the world around him, will begin to walk faster than his peers who constantly lie down and move little.

In order for a child to grow up more physically fit and strong, you need to perform certain exercises:

  • laying on the tummy. As soon as the baby begins to roll over onto his tummy, you can put him in this position more often. This will strengthen the neck and back muscles;
  • coups. A 2-month-old baby is already trying to roll over while taking off clothes or changing diapers. Mom should encourage such “freaks”, because they improve the muscles of the limbs and cervical-dorsal region;
  • taking a sitting position. At approximately 4 - 6 months of age, the child begins to sit down, and already at 8 months he is able to sit fully. When he is in a sitting position, encourage him to reach for a doll or car.
  • crawl. The child, wanting to get the desired object, tries to crawl. These are very important exercises, so parents should encourage their baby to move on all fours or on his belly as often as possible.

Strong muscles are the key to timely walking. In order for children's legs to confidently hold their little owner, the child must be taught to bend and straighten his knees, and jump with the help of adults.

Exercises for early ages

How to properly teach a small child to walk? First of all, there is no need to insist; on the contrary, it is recommended to carefully monitor the baby’s development. The following activities will help improve your walking skills:

  1. Fitball exercises. A child 6-9 months old can be seated on a large ball with his back to himself, supporting him by the hips. The little “rider” is rocked in different directions to train the vestibular system and coordination of actions.
  2. From 9 months of age, children can teach to stand on a hard surface. The child is turned with his back towards him, supported by the sternum. Then they lift him up so that he can rise from his haunches and straighten his legs. This exercise can be done with music.
  3. Also a 9 month old baby you need to encourage him to get up from his knees. To do this, you need to attract his attention with the help of a doll or a car, which is placed further away on the sofa. The child, trying to get a toy, gets up and tries to walk.
  4. One more question: how teach a child to stand without support. Experts advise waiting for the moment when the baby is standing at a reliable stand and giving him his favorite toy. Then he is offered another game object so that he is forced to let go of the support he is holding on to.

If a child is interested in walking before 9 months, do not interfere. Usually, children who are already physically stronger are ready for new achievements.

The child learns and grows quickly, so you need to constantly come up with new activities.

Experts advise doing Some useful exercises:

  • From 10 months, you can use a regular baby stroller (for girls) or a pushchair (for boys) to train walking skills. The stroller is pushed forward and the child follows. His parents support him from behind;
  • As soon as the baby learns to hold himself confidently (in the tenth month of life), exercises with sticks are included. The length of these devices is approximately 100 cm. The child grabs them, and the parent places his hands on the children's arms. By moving the sticks forward, the baby learns to walk;
  • By 10 months, children are usually trying to walk independently, but some are afraid of large spaces. The child is put into a hoop, and then this sports device is moved in such a way that the child is forced to walk;
  • If the baby already knows how to walk (usually at 11 months), holding on to the parent’s hand, you can teach him to move around obstacles. At a low height, you need to pull the rope, and the child must step over it.

Parents should monitor their children's mood. If the child is uncomfortable and refuses to get up or walk, the exercises are postponed for a while.

Safety precautions

First of all, you should be concerned about the safety of the child while training walking skills. The first piece of advice is to not put your baby on his feet if he is still too small and not ready to move. What else do you need to remember?

  • purchase special shoes designed for walking. Avoid booties and soft sandals. The optimal shoes are lightweight, with a stiff sole. If the lower part seems slippery to parents, it can be sanded with sandpaper;
  • as already noted, avoid practicing walking on slippery surfaces to avoid injury and damage. In addition, some babies stop even trying to walk when faced with a surface that is too smooth;
  • an inexperienced “walker” should not encounter obstacles: steps, thresholds, carpets and other barriers. Only when the child learns to walk can you come up with various obstacles, but at the initial stage they must be avoided;
  • You should also protect the baby from sharp corners of furniture, large floor flowerpots, swinging doors and boxes and cans of household chemicals lying in cabinets, fragile objects and hanging tablecloths;
  • Avoid using walkers, in which the baby will not walk, but ride, and very quickly. In addition, such a device will not encourage the child to move independently.

Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky is also convinced of the uselessness of walkers in teaching a child to walk upright. This device helps exclusively parents who want to take a break from communicating with their child.

Learn more about why they are dangerous and whether they are beneficial. to a small child, read the informative article by a child psychologist.

When taking care of children's safety, it is necessary not to go to the other extreme - excessive guardianship. Children should move independently, freely, and parents just need to help and protect their kids from injury.

Usually the learning process goes smoothly, but in some cases there may be Some issues to be aware of:

  1. Constant falls. The child is just learning to walk - therefore, he will fall due to the ineptitude and underdevelopment of the vestibular apparatus. However, if falls are too frequent, you may suspect poor vision and consult an ophthalmologist.
  2. Fear of walking independently. This usually happens to overly sensitive children. If the baby gets scared of something while walking or falls, you should not scold him, but support him and encourage him in every possible way to walk.
  3. Increased tone of the lower leg muscles. If your child walks on his toes, you should consult a doctor. The reason is ? In this case, the specialist will prescribe special relaxing exercises and massage.
  4. Incorrect foot position. How to teach a child to walk if he is constantly clubbing, “rolling” his foot outward or inward? These positions are incorrect, so it is important to consult with an orthopedist and carry out corrective exercises.

Is it necessary to teach a child to walk? An unexpected question, since we wrote about training above. However, it should be understood that by teaching we mean more like training if the baby develops at an optimal pace.

Targeted training is necessary only if the child is delayed in mastering the skill and the doctor prescribes special exercises. Remember that all children develop individually!

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Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.