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The reason for endurance is long distance running. Endurance to perform everyday tasks. Bart Jasso method - interval running

I encourage you to take a look at the options below and the stories behind them and choose what works for you. Develop your running endurance. Go!

Option #1. The quieter you go, the further you'll get

Yes, yes, yes, nothing new. But! But just listen to how much you can improve your results using a real example! I myself don’t like to prolong pleasure and the desire to achieve everything as quickly as possible takes precedence over caution. I've been lucky so far and the only unpleasant consequences are hellish pain. Some of my friends were not so lucky. There can be a lot of options for punishing such impatience - from microtraumas to fractures. Therefore, here is an example from the life of a person who was able to achieve amazing results thanks to patience and perseverance. And soon he will achieve even more!

So, meet Craig Beasley from Canada. Craig started running 2 years ago and at that time could only run for 30 seconds, and then switch to a walk and walk for 4.5 minutes. Then he ran again for 30 seconds. And so he repeated this cycle 8 times, for a total of 40 minutes. He tried not to miss and trained 3 times a week.

Thirty weeks later, Beasley was able to run 30 minutes without stopping and completed his first half marathon in 2 hours and 12 minutes. He decided not to stop there and continued his training even in winter at sub-zero temperatures. In May, he was already able to run non-stop for 2 hours 45 minutes and do 6 times 400 meters in 1 hour 45 minutes. His first marathon awaits him ahead.

Try increasing the distance gradually. For example, increase by 1 km at the end of each week for 3 weeks in a row (for example, 5 km, 6 km, 7 km), and in the fourth week, take a break, rest and recuperate. Then start adding 1 km again from your last distance.

Option #2. Bart Jasso method

This training option was used by Bart Yasso, manager of Runner’s World race. It involves running 800m as fast as you plan to run your first marathon. So if you want to run it in 4 hours 30 minutes, try running the 800m in 4 minutes and 30 seconds. This training was written about 10 years ago and since then this method has gained many fans.

Doug Underwood is one of the many fans of this technique. He has only been running for 3 years and has already completed two marathons in 3 hours 55 minutes and 3 hours 53 minutes. After that, he really wanted to take part in the Boston Marathon and decided to take his training seriously and based his training on the Yass method. Since his time had to be 3 hours 30 minutes to qualify for the Boston Marathon, he decided to train until he could run 800m in 3 minutes and 30 seconds and combine 10 sets into one run, inserting between the segments fast jogging for 3 minutes and 30 seconds.

As a result, Underwood ran the Baton Rouge Beach Marathon in 3 hours, 30 minutes and 54 seconds - this was quite enough to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

What's the best way to train? Try running according to the Yasso plan once a week. Start with 4-5 800m intervals at the speed you set for yourself, and then add one interval per week until you get to 10.

Option #3. Long and slow run

Megan Arbogast has been running marathons for 5 years and her best time is 2 hours 58 minutes. Everything would be fine, but there is one problem - while preparing for the marathon, she brings herself to exhaustion.

And starting in 1998, she began training according to a program that was developed by Warren Finke, a famous trainer from Portland. Finke believes that a marathon runner should focus on consistent, easy running that will help achieve the desired level of endurance without injury every few months. He believes that too many runners train too hard, get injured and then never reach their upper limit.

Finke's program is based on effort-based training and he believes that if a runner runs at 80% of his standard pace, he will achieve best results than if he runs at a speed that is 90%. Just a 10% difference that helps avoid injury and achieve the desired results.

And this program helped Megan a lot. Two years after starting training with this system, she improved her personal best to 2 hours and 45 minutes.

How to train using this system? If you run 10km at an average pace of 7 minutes and 30 seconds, then try running the same distance at a 9 minute and 23 second pace. So you just need to take your pace and multiply it by 1.25.

Option number 4. Record every workout

When you've been running marathons for 25 years and have a degree in physiology, you still learn a few interesting things about training. Exercise therapist Bill Pierce, chairman of the Department of Public Health at Furman University, has developed a program that works great - at 53 years old, he runs a marathon in 3 hours and 10 minutes - not much slower than twenty years ago, since he ran his first marathon.

His secret is that he trains three days a week, but on those days he trains hard, and the other 4 days he just rests. These days he doesn't run at all, but he can arrange for himself strength training or play tennis.

He creates a work plan for each workout in which he specifies speed and distance. One day he runs a long distance at a slow pace. On the second day he runs intervals, and on the third he does a tempo workout. It works at a higher intensity than others recommend, but by alternating your workouts the risk of injury is reduced. As a result, this training plan turned out to be ideal for Pierce and he has been practicing it for many years.

Pierce's training schedule includes interval training on Tuesdays, tempo training on Thursdays and he runs long distances at a slow pace on Sundays. Interval training - 12 x 400m reps or 6 x 800m reps at just above the average pace he runs his 5K at. On tempo days, he runs 4 miles 10-20 seconds faster than the pace at which he runs his 10K. And finally, a long, slow run - 15 miles at a pace that is 30 seconds slower per mile than his marathon pace. You can also calculate your work schedule in the same way.

Option #5. Do plyometrics

Plyometrics (also plyometrics, plyometrics, plyometrics, English plyometrics) - initially - a sports technique using the impact method; in the modern sense - jumping training. Plyometrics are used by athletes to improve athletic performance that requires speed, quickness, and power. Plyometrics is sometimes used in fitness, and is one of the main elements of parkour training. Plyometric exercises use explosive, fast movements to develop muscle strength and quickness. These exercises help the muscles develop the greatest force in the shortest possible period of time.

Dina Drossin is one of America's all-time top female runners. She once asked Weatherford, a trainer at the US Olympic Committee Training Center in Chula Vista, California, to develop a special program that would allow her to develop endurance and improve her speed.

Weatherford said he hasn't worked with distance runners before, but will give it a try.

He ended up coming back with two ideas that worked well together. They started with core strengthening and continued with explosive plyometrics for the legs, focusing on the fundamentals and choosing quality over quantity.

Drossin performed different kinds jumping and after these trainings ran the London Marathon with her new personal (and American) record - 2 hours, 21 minutes and 16 seconds. And this is 5 minutes faster than her result before this marathon.

Try incorporating jumping into your workouts. For example, running in short, fast steps of 15-20 meters. This is when you run in small steps, moving your feet quickly and lifting your knees quite high, but not too high. Use your arms vigorously while running. Rest and then repeat 6-8 more times. Train in this way 1-2 times a week, adding 5 minutes of various jumps (on one leg, on two legs, etc.) Jumps are performed on soft grass or dirt.

Option number 6. Long tempo workouts

Patrick Noble, a military man, ran his first marathon in 1986 in 3 hours and 15 minutes, feeling like a hero. In the end, he decided not to stop at one marathon and ran 50 marathons without breaking his 3-hour barrier. But at the 52nd marathon he managed to jump over his head - he ran the marathon in 2 hours, 58 minutes and 23 seconds. Patrick believes that his special approach to training - running at a fast pace over long distances - helped him.

The standard approach to tempo training involves running for 20 to 40 minutes at a pace that is 10 to 20 seconds slower than your 10K pace. Noble raised the bar to 60 minutes. In the end, this is what helped him overcome his barrier at the 52nd marathon. At least that's what he thinks.

Try doing long tempo workouts once a week for 8 weeks. Start with 20 minutes at a pace 10-20 seconds slower than your average 10K pace. And add 5 minutes to the duration of your workout every week. After tempo training, do not forget to give yourself a complete rest for 1-2 days.

Option No. 7. Run fast and long

This option doesn't work for everyone and is the opposite of option #3. Meet Scott Strand, a fan of fast, long-distance running. Recently, he was able to improve his marathon result by 4 minutes - his time was 2 hours, 16 minutes and 52 seconds.

During his training, he ran between 18 and 23 miles. And he ran the last 9-14 miles at marathon pace or even faster.

Hard training at a fast pace over long distances was brought into fashion by Khalid Hanouchi, the world record holder in the marathon. And if previously it was considered important to stay on your feet for 2-3 hours, now many people prefer to take a high pace and run as fast as possible at the end of the distance.

Try running very fast for the last 25% of your distance, gradually increasing your pace. You'll probably end up feeling like a lemon at the end, but that doesn't mean you have to push yourself like a racehorse. Eventually you will feel your pace and can gradually increase it.

You can try all 7 methods and eventually choose one or more that really help you improve your results. The main thing is that they really help you and not harm you.

Be careful, pay close attention to your inner feelings and you will definitely be able to run your first marathon or improve your results

If we understand running as a mass sport, then it is dominated by medium and long distance varieties. This is due to the fact that distances of 3000-5000 meters are more comfortable for regular jogging than sprinting. In addition, long distances have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as on the development of endurance.

Most of those who have been running for six months or more show a desire to participate in mass starts, but such starts involve running along the highway for 10 kilometers or more. At the same time there is competitive moment and the person himself, without knowing it, runs faster than his capabilities, which makes the chances of finishing successfully less.

If the desire to participate in road running is great, but the performance still leaves much to be desired, then endurance running good way correct the situation.

Why endurance in running?

When an athlete trains with awareness of what and how he trains, the result will not keep you waiting. Therefore, let's leave popular expression“There is strength, no need for intelligence” and we will develop endurance with knowledge and understanding practical application quality and training processes.

The importance of endurance when running is great, since this physical quality determines success not only in competitive, but also in training activities. As a rule, the total volume of loads performed during training is greater than the distance itself. That is, an athlete specializing in 1000 meters in a training session can run 5000-10000 m. The effect obtained depends on how well the load is performed.

If the endurance reserve is low, then after several segments the athlete will feel very tired, as a result of which the running technique will be impaired. This will lead to a decrease in the quality of execution and loss of effectiveness of the exercise as a whole. Therefore, training is one of the main qualities that must be developed throughout a person’s entire sports life.

Exercises to develop running endurance

There are different reasons that motivate you to develop endurance: the desire to run longer, run your first marathon, or improve your performance to get into the lead. Regardless of the reasons, the training will have common features and will differ only in the volume of loads performed.

It is worth remembering that exercises for the development of this quality are interconnected with the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of your training, I recommend additional exercises to improve the functions of these systems outside the main running program.

To increase your running endurance, I recommend using the following variations of running exercises:

  • Interval running
  • Running with weights
  • Non-specific exercises

Interval running actively involves the respiratory and circulatory systems, so it is worth paying great attention to running at variable speeds. The idea is to alternate running intensity throughout the entire distance, which is similar to the wave-like nature of training, but in in this case The load does not change during the week, but during one lesson.

There are various variations of interval running, among which are: running with transition to walking, time differences between kilometers and stepped segments.

Running to walking often used by beginner runners who are not yet able to run a long distance. The problem is to separate the intervals when to run and when to walk. Typically, they suggest using time intervals that indicate running for 2 minutes, followed by walking for 30 seconds. This option has proven itself well and is actively used.

Temporary changes refer to classic version interval running and consist of changing the running speed every kilometer. That is, having run 1000 meters in 4 minutes 51 seconds, the next kilometer should be faster, for example, 4 minutes. 30 s.

Stepped sections imply changing the duration of acceleration and rest time. For example, a run began with intervals of 50 seconds at a fast pace, 20 seconds at a slow pace. After 2-3 repetitions, the conditions change - 80 seconds acceleration, 30 seconds rest. Before completing such a run, it is recommended to run 1-2 repetitions with the initial conditions.

Running with weights Suitable for trained runners who can easily cover 10 kilometers. Using weights, you can run full distances or try interval jogging. Additional weight helps develop strength capabilities. But it should be remembered that weighting leads to an increase in the impact force on the ankle and knee joints, therefore this method is not recommended for frequent use.

Non-specific exercises involve performing actions that only indirectly affect running results and are capable of developing endurance. Such exercises include swimming, skiing, cycling and working out in the gym. Exercises for recovery, fitness, stretching (improving flexibility and stretching) or CrossFit for general physical fitness will also be useful.

  1. Run 3 times a week. More is possible, less is not recommended.
  2. Alternate the suggested exercises. At the same time, pay more attention to interval running and minimal weights.
  3. Measure your pulse in the morning and evening. If the indicator begins to decrease by 1-2 strokes within a month, then the training is bringing results. Although a decrease in heart rate is not a direct indicator of good endurance.

The result of the classes will depend on the efforts made. You can notice an improvement in your performance by paying attention to how you feel while jogging. Each workout will be easier than the previous one. If one day it was unusually difficult to run, it follows that the muscles were in the process of recovery and were not ready for the load. Try to run at the same time so that your muscles have time to rest.

Endurance determines the intensity of training, well-being during physical
loads and recovery rate. Professionals need it to achieve
maximum results, for amateurs - to improve physical capabilities and transition to
higher sports level. Adapt the body to work in difficult conditions and
Endurance running helps to shift the limit of fatigue, which helps strengthen
muscular-ligamentous apparatus and expands the adaptation of oxygen transport and muscle
systems It is advisable to develop endurance in running not only for those who dream of running the first
marathon, but also for everyone to modern man to maintain a normal lifestyle and

Professionals distinguish between two main types of endurance:

  1. General– the ability of a person to perform muscular work of low intensity and
    Always be prepared for physical activity.
  2. Special– the ability to tolerate hypoxic conditions for a long time and
    physical exercise, characteristic of a particular sport.

Specific (special) endurance is:

  • power,
  • express,
  • coordination,
  • dynamic,
  • static.

Endurance is developed from scratch in each area with special training sessions.methods. Before starting classes, you should consult with your doctor, since developing general or special endurance in running can negatively affect the condition of the joints and the “performance” of internal organs.

How to develop speed and endurance in running?

Moving for a long time in a state of fatigue will help:

  • regular training (long, medium and short distance running);
  • full recovery (36–48 hours, cool down after training, massage,
  • correct balanced diet(porridge, meat, fish, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms,
    legumes, fruits).

Professionals can include drugs to increase resistance in this list
of the body, which do not lead to depletion of its reserve capabilities. To such drugs
include non-steroidal and steroidal anabolics, actoprotectors, nootropics, energy
substrates, macroergs (phosphagens), amino acids and vitamins.

There are also drugs that mobilize body functions. They have a debilitating
type of action, and their use is associated with great health risks. Not without side effects
effects and can harm the body with mixed-action drugs.

The most popular are vitamin and mineral complexes. The iron they contain is
increases the number of red blood cells, helping the body to better consume oxygen.
No less beneficial are B vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium, which
prevent cramps after training and prevent exhaustion of the body. Men and
women can add BCAA amino acids to their daily diet to speed up regeneration
muscle tissue.

What workouts improve running endurance?

Sometimes attempts to improve aerobic endurance lead to a setback in muscle mass,
weight loss, decreased immunity, and any workout is perceived by the body even more
heavier. What is the reason that progress has stopped? How to make the body increase
endurance in running and adapt to increasing loads?

First, listen to your body. He himself will tell you whether there are hidden reserves for
progress or he is weakened and needs help. Sometimes trivial things get in the way of succeeding in sports.
overtraining, and to improve results you just need to rest more. Often
the problem lies in an incorrectly designed training plan.

The following will help increase endurance:

  • Interval running - alternating sprinting with jogging throughout the entire distance.
  • Running or race walking with weights - jogging is carried out with dumbbells in hands,
    weighted backpacks or vests. Athletes can train their bodies this way
    which easily cover a distance of 10 kilometers.
  • Non-specific exercises – a set of exercises or full-fledged training,
    indirectly affecting results in running (fitness, cycling, swimming, skating
    skiing, etc.)

Running outside is preferable to training on any treadmill, because indoors there is no
wind resistance, hypoxia quickly develops (insufficient supply of the body
oxygen). And if we remember the technical aspects, then on the street the human body adapts to
acceleration, and on the treadmill the running belt accelerates.

Examples of training for developing endurance in running

Before you start working on improving your endurance, you need to honestly evaluate your
current training and, based on this, draw up a training schedule. During
preparation will require persistence, patience and determination. After 20–30 days you
you will notice that it is not as difficult for you as before. Moreover, you will become not only more resilient, but also
morally more stable.

The following will help improve endurance:

Each jumping exercise is performed for 30 seconds. For one exercise
3-8 half-minute rounds with 15-20 second rest breaks between them are enough.
A small set of exercises can be done three times a week or daily, even in
at home. At the end of each month, it is recommended to slightly increase the load.
In running training, it is advisable to increase your weekly mileage by 10%.

How do famous athletes increase their endurance?

Even for champions, completing the marathon distance was once difficult
test. Let's take a look at the training programs of famous runners:

In addition to endurance, it is necessary to hone your technique. will help spend
less energy, avoid injury, run faster and further. About foot placement, breathing and
You can learn about running options without mistakes from expert videos.

You need to maintain activity without excessive stress and chronic fatigue, which
will only lead to enslavement, a decrease in speed, a reduction in tempo and width of steps.
It is important to learn to control freedom of movement and create optimal conditions for
recovery. Having cultivated this quality in oneself, it is easy to adapt the body to hard work and
set your record.

Yes, yes, nothing new. But just listen to how much you can improve your results! I myself don’t like to prolong pleasure, and the desire to achieve everything as quickly as possible often takes precedence over caution. I'm lucky so far, and the only unpleasant consequences are hellish strength.

Some of my friends were not so lucky. There can be a lot of options for punishment for such impatience: starting with microtraumas and ending with fractures. Therefore, here is an example from the life of a person who was able to achieve amazing results through patience and perseverance. And soon he will achieve even more!

So, meet Craig Beasley from Canada. Craig started running two years ago and at that time could only run for 30 seconds before breaking into a walk and walking for 4.5 minutes. Then ran again for 30 seconds. He repeated this cycle eight times for a total of 40 minutes. He tried not to miss and trained three times a week.

30 weeks later, Beasley was able to run 30 minutes without stopping and completed his first half marathon in 2 hours 12 minutes. He decided to continue training and trained even in winter at sub-zero temperatures. In May, he was already able to run non-stop for 2 hours 45 minutes and do six sets of 400 meters in 1 hour 45 minutes. The first marathon awaits him ahead.

Try increasing the distance gradually. For example, increase by 1 km at the end of each week for three weeks in a row (for example, 5, 6, 7 km), and in the fourth week take a vacation, rest and recuperate. Then start adding 1 km again.

Option 2. Bart Jasso method

This training option was used by Bart Jasso, manager of Runner's World Race. It consists of running 800 meters at the speed at which you plan to run your first marathon. So if you want to run it in 4 hours 30 minutes, try running 800 meters in 4 minutes 30 seconds. This training was written about 10 years ago, and since then this method has gained many fans.

Doug Underwood is one of the many fans of this technique. He has only been running for three years and has already completed two marathons in 3 hours 55 minutes and 3 hours 53 minutes. After that, he really wanted to take part in the Boston Marathon and decided to take his training seriously. His training was based on the Yass method.

To get to the Boston Marathon, you need to do it in 3 hours and 30 minutes. So Underwood decided to train until he could run 800 meters in 3 minutes 30 seconds, and combine 10 sets into one run, interspersing 3 minutes 30 seconds of jogging between the fast runs.

Underwood ended up running the Baton Rouge Beach Marathon in 3 hours, 30 minutes, 54 seconds. This was quite enough to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

What's the best way to train? Try running the Jasso plan once a week. Start with 4-5 800m intervals at the speed you set for yourself, and then add one interval per week until you get to 10.

Option 3. Long and slow run

Megan Arbogast has been running marathons for five years, and her best time is 2 hours 58 minutes. Everything would be fine, but there is one problem: while preparing for the marathon, she brought herself to the point of exhaustion.

And starting in 1998, she began training according to a program that was developed by Warren Finke, a famous trainer from Portland. Finke believes that marathon runners should focus on easy running that will help them achieve their desired level of endurance without injury every few months. He believes many runners train too hard, get injured and then never reach their upper limit.

Finke's program is based on learning that is built on effort. He believes that if a runner runs at 80% of his standard pace, he will perform better than if he runs at 90%. Just a 10% difference helps you avoid injury and achieve the desired results.

And this program helped Megan a lot. Two years after starting training with this system, she improved her personal result to 2 hours 45 minutes.

How to train using this system? If you run 10km at an average pace (a kilometer in 7 minutes 30 seconds), then try running the same distance at a kilometer pace in 9 minutes 23 seconds. So you just need to take your pace and multiply it by 1.25.

Option 4: Record every workout

When you've been running marathons for 25 years and have a degree in physiology, you know some interesting things about training. Bill Pearce, Chairman of the Department of Health at the University of Fermanagh, has developed a program that works very well. At 53, Pierce runs the marathon in 3 hours 10 minutes - not much slower than when he ran his first marathon 20 years ago.

The secret is that Pierce runs three days a week, but on those days he trains hard. The remaining four days he just rests: he doesn’t run at all, but maybe do some strength training or play tennis.

Pierce creates a work plan for each workout that includes speed and distance. One day he runs a long distance at a slow pace. On the second day he runs intervals, and on the third he does a tempo workout. He works at a higher intensity than others recommend, but by alternating his workouts, the risk of injury is reduced. This training plan has proven to be ideal for Pierce, and he has been practicing it for many years.

Pierce's training schedule: interval training on Tuesdays, tempo training on Thursdays, long-distance slow training on Sundays. Interval training - 12 repetitions of 400 meters or six repetitions of 800 meters at a pace slightly faster than the pace at which he runs his 5K. On tempo days, Pierce runs 4 miles 10 to 20 seconds faster than the pace he runs his 10K. And finally, a long, slow run - 15 miles at a pace that is 30 seconds slower than his marathon pace. You can calculate your schedule in the same way.

Option 5: Do plyometrics

Plyometrics is a sports technique that uses the impact method. In the modern sense - jumping training. Plyometrics are used by athletes to improve athletic performance that requires speed, quickness, and power. Plyometrics are sometimes used in fitness and are one of the main elements of parkour training. Plyometric exercises use explosive, fast movements to develop muscle strength and quickness. These exercises help the muscles develop the greatest force in the shortest possible period of time.

Dina Drossin is one of America's all-time top female runners. One day she asked Weatherford, the trainer Training center US Olympic Committee in Chula Vista, California, to develop a special program that would allow her to develop endurance and improve speed.

Weatherford said he hasn't worked with distance runners, but he'll give it a try. He ended up coming back with two ideas that worked great. Weatherford and Drossin started with core strengthening and continued with explosive plyometrics for the legs, focusing Special attention basics and choosing quality over quantity.

Drossin performed various types of jumps and after these trainings ran the London Marathon in her new personal (and American) record of 2 hours 21 minutes 16 seconds. And this is 5 minutes faster than her result before this marathon.

Try incorporating jumping into your workouts. For example, running in short, fast steps for 15–20 meters. This is when you run in small steps, moving your feet quickly and lifting your knees quite high, but not too high. Use your arms vigorously while running. Rest and then repeat 6-8 more times. Train in this way 1-2 times a week, adding 5 minutes of various jumps (on one leg, on two legs, etc.). Jumps are performed on soft grass or dirt.

Option 6. Long tempo workouts

Military man Patrick Noble ran his first marathon in 1986 in 3 hours 15 minutes, feeling like a hero. Noble decided not to stop there and ran 50 marathons without breaking his 3-hour barrier. But 52 times he managed to jump above his head: he ran the marathon in 2 hours 58 minutes 23 seconds. Patrick believes that his special approach to training - running at a fast pace over long distances - helped him.

The standard approach to tempo training involves running for 20 to 40 minutes at a pace that is 10 to 20 seconds slower than your 10K pace. Noble raised the bar to 60 minutes. In the end, this is what helped him overcome the barrier at the 52nd marathon. At least that's what he thinks.

Try doing long tempo workouts once a week for eight weeks. Start with 20 minutes at a pace 10-20 seconds slower than your average 10K pace. And add 5 minutes to the duration of your workout every week. After tempo training, do not forget to give yourself a complete rest for 1-2 days.

Option 7. Run fast and long

This option doesn't work for everyone and is the opposite of option #3. Meet Scott Strand, a fan of fast, long-distance running. He was recently able to improve his marathon time by 4 minutes: his time was 2 hours 16 minutes 52 seconds.

During his training, he ran between 18 and 23 miles. And the last 9-14 miles he ran at marathon pace or faster.

Hard training at a fast pace over long distances was brought into fashion by Khalid Hanouchi, the world record holder in the marathon. And if previously it was considered important to stay on your feet for 2-3 hours, now many people prefer to take a high pace and run as fast as possible at the end of the distance.

Try running very fast for the last 25% of your distance, gradually increasing your pace. You'll probably end up feeling like a lemon at the end, but that doesn't mean you have to push yourself like a racehorse. Eventually you will feel your pace and can gradually increase it.

You can try all seven methods and eventually choose one or more. The main thing is that they really help you and not harm you.

Be careful, pay close attention to your gut feelings, and you can definitely run your first marathon or improve your next one.

We have already touched upon the development of speed endurance through exercises that load muscle groups involved in movement in general and in running in particular. Performed in an explosive manner with the goal of increasing strength and energy reserves.

Taking into account the intensity and rest time, the emphasis was on the “speed” part, and not on the “endurance” part, although this was also developing. This training focuses specifically on the “endurance” part.

The endurance of football players is understood as the ability to perform game activities without reducing its effectiveness throughout the match. Play activity varied and, accordingly, endurance varies.

There are several types of endurance, which manifests itself in different situations. Polishkis M.S. and Vyzhgin V.A. (Football: textbook for institutes physical culture) give 3 types of endurance - general (aerobic) endurance, mixed (aerobic-anaerobic) endurance and speed (anaerobic) endurance. Godik M.A. (Physical training of football players) identifies 6 types of endurance: general, speed, strength, mental, sensory and special. There are other classifications, but they all focus on speed endurance.

Speed ​​(anaerobic) endurance determines the ability to perform jerks with maximum (or close to it - submaximal) power or speed throughout the game or training.

Any type of endurance is influenced by several factors.

So the ability to run for a relatively long time at high speed or recover quickly between short bursts at maximum power or speed affect the state of the respiratory and circulatory systems, the availability of energy and muscles in general, as well as the efficiency of tissues in removing lactic acid. The factor (system) that will limit the endurance of a particular athlete is the limiting factor.

As a rule, in the process of training, even standard, not narrowly focused training, the athlete develops a respiratory and circulatory system, strengthens the necessary muscles (for football players, mainly leg muscles) and if we train even 3-4 times a week and eat well, we gradually build up and energy reserves (glycogen). The limiting factor in speed endurance in football players is often the lactic acid utilization system. .

If lactic acid, which causes pain and burning in the muscles, is produced faster than the body can get rid of it, local chemical processes in the body tissues change - this manifests itself in fatigue. Lactic acid blocks muscle function. They say that “the muscles have become acidic.”

Mitochondria are responsible for recycling lactic acid.

The more there are, the better/faster the lactic acid will be excreted. As a result, the duration of the dash will be longer, the recovery time between dashes will be shorter - all this will lead to an increase in the distance covered at maximum or sub-maximal power or speed during the match.

To simplify, we can say that Fatigue will come later, performance will increase.


The first step to training speed endurance in general is strength work - we need muscles to work at maximum power and speed. And already in the presence of muscle fibers and sufficient energy reserves, we have to solve the issue of acidification in the process of intense work.

Although it will not be possible to completely solve it, we can definitely make very significant progress. There are 2 main types of training aimed at growing mitochondria in glycolytic muscle fibers. We’ll tell you about the first one, and we’ll also show you the second one.

For the muscle whose endurance we need to increase, we perform regular strength work, but with certain regulations. This could be, for example, squats, lunges or leg presses - in general, an exercise that loads the muscles needed in your case.

In one approach we perform 10 repetitions, but with a pause between each repetition of about 2 seconds. That is, not continuous execution, but with fixation in the initial position, a pause. Then rest 8-10 minutes. But rest is not in a sitting position, but rest for this muscle.

You can, as an option, perform a similar approach for other muscles, or you can walk. Then another approach. And so on. Number of approaches determined by the form and tasks, standard 5-10 .

It is important that the muscles should not be “clogged”; there should not be “to failure”. The greater the weight of the projectile, the more muscle fibers will be recruited and you can expect a greater effect. But at the same time, with a lot of weight you can overload the muscles and burn them out. The truth is often in the middle; here the optimal weight would be “average”. You can train this way quite often – several times a week.

You can do it on free days, you can do it on the day of training in the morning if you trained in the evening, or vice versa in the evening if you trained in the morning. Usually we are talking about one or two such workouts per week and a cycle of 6-10 workouts.

2. This method is more dynamic and complex.

If we want to increase endurance in jerks, then we will do jerks - All the right muscles will be involved in the process of natural work.

The training consists of doing 5-10 jerks at a distance of 30 meters, s active recreation for 2 minutes between each jerk. The intensity should not be maximum, we are not running for a record, we are not running at full speed. 80-85% power/intensity enough. The first of the jerks is retracting, and can be performed at an even lower intensity - 75-80%.

Cycle – 6-10 workouts, you can train 1 or 2 times a week. The choice depends on your workload, goals and time before the competition. The training will be effective throughout the season. The training is not long and can be done in the evening on free days or on other training days.

It is not recommended to train like this the day before a match. But it is strongly recommended to run uphill, up a slope, or at least on soft surfaces. This applies not only to these jerks, but also to running work in general. When running upward, there is less load on working joints. No one needs extra wear and tear.

Therefore, even when running on a treadmill, set it to an incline mode.


How to Increase Endurance in Running

If we understand running as a mass sport, then it is dominated by medium and long distance varieties.

This is due to the fact that distances of 3000-5000 meters are more comfortable for regular jogging than sprinting.

In addition, long distances have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as on the development of endurance.

Most of those who have been running for six months or more show a desire to participate in mass starts, but such starts involve running along the highway for 10 kilometers or more. At the same time, there is a competitive moment and a person, without knowing it, runs faster than his capabilities, which makes the chances of finishing successfully becomes less.

If the desire to participate in road running is great, but the performance still leaves much to be desired, then endurance running is a good way to improve the situation.

Why endurance in running?

When an athlete trains with awareness of what and how he trains, the result will not keep you waiting. Therefore, let’s leave the catchphrase “you have strength, you don’t need intelligence” and let’s develop endurance with knowledge and understanding of the practical application of quality and training processes.

The importance of endurance when running is great, since this physical quality determines success not only in competitive, but also in training activities.

As a rule, the total volume of loads performed during training is greater than the distance itself. That is, an athlete specializing in 1000 meters can run 5000-10000 m during a training session.

The effect obtained depends on how well the load is performed.

If the endurance reserve is low, then after several segments the athlete will feel very tired, as a result of which the running technique will be impaired. This will lead to a decrease in the quality of execution and loss of effectiveness of the exercise as a whole. Therefore, endurance training is one of the main qualities that must be developed throughout a person’s entire sports life.

Exercises to develop running endurance

There are different reasons that motivate you to develop endurance: the desire to run longer, run your first marathon, or improve your performance to get into the lead. Regardless of the reasons, the training will have common features and will differ only in the volume of loads performed.

It is worth remembering that exercises for the development of this quality are interconnected with the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of your training, I recommend additional exercises to improve the functions of these systems outside the main running program.

To increase your running endurance, I recommend using the following variations of running exercises:

  • Interval running
  • Running with weights
  • Non-specific exercises

Interval running actively involves the respiratory and circulatory systems, so it is worth paying great attention to running at variable speeds. The idea is to alternate the intensity of running throughout the entire distance, which is similar to the wave-like nature of training, but in this case the load does not change over the course of a week, but during one session.

There are various variations of interval running, among which are: running with transition to walking, time differences between kilometers and stepped segments.

Running to walking is often used by beginning runners who are not yet able to run a long distance. The problem is to separate the intervals when to run and when to walk.

Typically, they suggest using time intervals that indicate running for 2 minutes, followed by walking for 30 seconds. This option has proven itself well and is actively used.

Temporary changes refer to the classic version of interval running and consist of changing the running speed every kilometer. That is, having run 1000 meters in 4 minutes 51 seconds, the next kilometer should be faster, for example, 4 minutes. 30 s.

Stepped segments imply a change in the duration of acceleration and rest time. For example, a run began with intervals of 50 seconds at a fast pace, 20 seconds at a slow pace. After 2-3 repetitions, the conditions change - 80 seconds acceleration, 30 seconds rest. Before completing such a run, it is recommended to run 1-2 repetitions with the initial conditions.

Running with weights Suitable for trained runners who can easily cover 10 kilometers. Using weights, you can run full distances or try interval jogging.

Additional weight helps develop strength capabilities.

But it should be remembered that weighting leads to an increase in impact force on the ankle and knee joints, so this method is not recommended for frequent use.

Non-specific exercises involve performing actions that only indirectly affect running results and are capable of developing endurance.

Such exercises include swimming, skiing, cycling and working out in the gym.

Exercises for recovery, fitness, stretching (improving flexibility and stretching) or CrossFit for general physical fitness will also be useful.

  1. Run 3 times a week. More is possible, less is not recommended.
  2. Alternate the suggested exercises. At the same time, pay more attention to interval running and minimal weights.
  3. Measure your pulse in the morning and evening. If the indicator begins to decrease by 1-2 strokes within a month, then the training is bringing results. Although a decrease in heart rate is not a direct indicator of good endurance.

The result of the classes will depend on the efforts made. You can notice an improvement in your performance by paying attention to how you feel while jogging. Each workout will be easier than the previous one.

If one day it was unusually difficult to run, it follows that the muscles were in the process of recovery and were not ready for the load.

Try to run at the same time so that your muscles have time to rest.


Development of speed endurance

It is customary to talk about speed endurance in relation to exercises of a cyclic nature (running, walking, swimming, rowing, skiing, cycling, etc.). Any of them can occur at different speeds.

The one who can maintain a given speed of movement longer than the other will be more resilient.

Naturally, depending on the speed of movement, the duration of the exercises will also be different; the higher it is, the shorter the duration of the work will be, and vice versa.


Endurance manifests itself only when there are phenomena of fatigue. It has been proven that the better developed speed endurance, the later during movement over a distance the phenomena of fatigue and, as a consequence, a decrease in speed begin to appear.

Consequently, speed endurance in a particular power zone develops only when a person in the process of training reaches the required degrees of fatigue - the body in this case, as it were, responds to such phenomena by increasing the level of endurance development.

Table 1 shows the time characteristics of various zones of relative power in cyclic exercises in people of different ages. Knowledge of the time intervals of relative power zones at different ages is of important practical importance. These data serve as a guideline for normalizing speed loads in classes.

Table 1

Indicators of work time in relative power zones in cyclic exercises in people of different ages

The main way to improve speed endurance in each power zone is to use slightly more intense work in classes compared to what is typical for it in different age groups.

Such work involves moving at a speed exceeding the competitive speed at distances falling within the appropriate zone. Of course, the distance will be shorter than the competition distance, so the impact on the body is not enough.

To achieve the required nature of responses, their magnitude and direction during the development of endurance, training segments in one lesson are overcome several times.

During the training, the repeated (interval) method is mainly used, which involves performing exercises with an intensity of 90-95% of the maximum and a duration of 10-20 seconds. The number of repetitions of the exercise in each series is 3-4.

The number of episodes for those without sports ranks is 2-3, for well-trained people – 4-6. Often they use the passage of a competitive distance with maximum intensity.

In order to increase the safety margin, they practice walking a longer distance than the competitive one, but again with maximum intensity.

The main criterion for the development of speed endurance is the time during which a given speed or tempo of movements is maintained.

Speed ​​endurance in submaximal power work in people of different ages and preparedness manifests itself mainly in exercises of maximum duration of at least 50 seconds and no more than 4-5 minutes.

The main means of developing speed endurance when working in the submaximal power zone is to overcome training segments of various lengths at a speed exceeding the competition speed.

Speed ​​endurance in the zone of submaximal loads is mainly ensured due to the anaerobic-glycolytic mechanism of energy supply (i.e., from the amount of glycogen decomposing into lactic acid) and often aerobic, so we can say that the work is done in an aerobic-anaerobic mode.

Speed ​​endurance in high power work manifests itself in exercises, the duration of which can reach approximately 2-10 minutes or more. The boundaries of the time range within a given zone are not the same for people of different ages.

The main means of developing endurance is moving over training distances at a speed close to, equal to, or slightly exceeding the critical speed.

In terms of its impact, such work should cause maximum oxygen consumption in the body and allow it to be maintained at a high level for a longer time.

The process of providing energy to working muscles is mixed, aerobic-anaerobic with a predominance of the aerobic component.

To develop endurance in this power zone, predominantly variable, repeated and interval methods are used. The intensity of movement in the variable method can be used from moderate to competitive.

Variable training is carried out either according to the “fartlek” type, when distance segments of different lengths are covered at different speeds, or with strict alternation of identical distance segments, run alternately at high and low speeds.

As preparedness increases, the interval method is used to develop endurance, characterized by a large number of repetitions of the exercise over long periods at a speed below the competitive one and relatively short rest pauses.

Speed ​​endurance for moderate power work typical for exercises in which the maximum duration of competitive activity ranges from 9 to 10 minutes and up to 1-1.5 hours or more.

The basis of speed endurance at long and ultra-long distances is, first of all, the capacity of the aerobic mechanism of energy production, i.e. glycogen reserves in muscles and liver, fatty acids. Its informative indicators are the level of the threshold of anaerobic metabolism (IIANO) in relation to the maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) and the speed of movement at the level of ANNO.

PANO corresponds to such an intensity of work at which oxygen is clearly not enough for complete energy supply, the processes of oxygen-free (anaerobic) energy formation sharply increase due to the breakdown of energy-rich substances (creatine phosphate and muscle glycogen) and the accumulation of lactic acid. Increasing the threshold level of anaerobic metabolism allows a runner, rower, skier, etc. to cover most of the distance in aerobic conditions and use anaerobic reserves during the finishing acceleration.

The main means of developing speed endurance over long and ultra-long distances are: running, rowing, swimming, cycling and other cyclic exercises performed at subcritical speed.

Improving endurance is carried out using continuous and intermittent exercise methods. When using the uniform method, exercises are performed at a relatively constant speed, amounting to 75-80% of the critical speed for 20 minutes or more.

This mode of operation creates optimal conditions for improving the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems body.

To increase endurance using the variable method, it is important to maintain the optimal level of movement speed and not overestimate it, so as not to unnecessarily activate anaerobic processes. It should vary in the range of 60-80% of the critical value.

To develop the ability to maintain movement speed at the competitive level for a long time, it is useful to include in classes control runs of a shorter distance compared to the competitive one.

This is usually done as a control exercise.

Then the duration of movement at the speed required in competitions gradually increases until the selected distance is almost completely covered.