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Drugs for breast enlargement. We will look into what drugs enlarge breasts below. The effect of taking hormonal drugs

There are a huge number of women in the world who are not satisfied with their breast size.

This is why the fair half of humanity develops complexes and lacks self-confidence.

Such women consider themselves unsexy and unattractive.

However, don’t be upset, everything can still be changed!

Solutions for women with small breasts

By and large, small breasts are by no means a defect, since the size of the mammary gland does not affect a woman’s ability to breastfeed babies.

Breasts, in addition to being a female organ, are also an instrument of femininity and attractiveness.

The desire to enlarge breasts at least once arose in a third of women with small sizes. They want to be sexier in the eyes of a man. They use various gels and creams for breast enlargement, undergo plastic surgery and take tons of pills and capsules.

Basically, hormonal contraceptives have the effect of breast enlargement, but they must be used carefully and all contraindications must be excluded. There are also many pills and drugs that affect breast size.

Is it possible to enlarge breasts without surgery?

Breast augmentation without the help of a plastic surgeon is possible if you are between 16 and 20 years old, since at a later age, the drugs may not work at all.

To stimulate the mammary glands to enlarge, it is necessary to influence hormonal levels, namely the production of estrogen, which actually affects breast growth.

What hormones can enlarge breasts?

Not all medications that position themselves as drugs for increasing the growth of mammary glands can promote ear enlargement.

The most effective are those that consist of:

Breast enlargement


Effect of estrogen on breast enlargement

Women's critical days bring with them a huge number of restructuring and changes. During ovulation, estrogen levels are so high that it causes an increase in the volume of the mammary gland.

That is why breast growth during periods of ovulation and menstruation is due to increased blood flow and tissue swelling. In the absence of conception, this effect disappears.

Breast volume is also affected by sexual relations and fat deposits. It's no secret that breasts increase with increasing body weight and vice versa.

Nowadays, many tablets, creams and gels have been invented in the world, the main substance in which is estrogen. Often such drugs are synthetic or consist of phytohormones.


Self-prescribing and taking drugs for breast enlargement is prohibited!

Breast enlargement preparations containing the hormone estrogen:

dietary supplements

The effect of dietary supplements on breast enlargement

IN modern world A huge number of different drugs have been invented that provoke the growth of the mammary gland.

Among them are dietary supplements, which are natural dietary supplements; manufacturers guarantee gradual but effective breast growth. They combine various herbal formulas designed to stimulate the breast growth process. This is possible thanks to plant analogues of female hormones.


For example, special creams and gels can improve blood flow and normalize the condition of the breast skin. An example of this is cream Bust Cream spa", has a similar effect mesotherapy.


In addition, among the methods that provoke breast growth, there are various wraps, peelings and masks, and exercises for muscle growth.

The drugs are identical in their action, namely, they have a local effect without entering the internal tissues. However, the effect of such drugs is insignificant and short-lived.

Mechanism of action of breast enlargement pills

The work of these drugs is aimed at enhancing the regenerative functions of the glands due to the estrogen contained in these drugs.

There are special receptors in the female breast that are able to absorb the necessary enzymes from birth control pills. Such receptors are found not only in the chest, but also in the stomach and buttocks.

The effectiveness of hormonal agents for breast enlargement

In the process of treating the histology of female diseases, hormones help improve a woman’s condition and have a positive effect on their sexuality and attractiveness. And an increase in breast volume in in this case- This is an additional option.

By taking contraceptive medications, you can make your periods easier and normalize them.

Benefits of hormonal drugs

  1. contribute to breast enlargement by two sizes, sometimes even more;
  2. the effect is visible immediately;
  3. help prevent unwanted pregnancy;
  4. There is a change in the shape of the breast, hair, and skin.

Are such products safe?

Hormone therapy, which is used to increase breast volume, is absolutely safe for women. Such drugs have a positive effect on the body as a whole.

Hormonal pills are not toxic, but can cause side reactions that can manifest themselves in each woman individually.

There are some side effects to be aware of before taking breast growth pills.

Side effects:

In addition, it must be borne in mind that hormones may not work at full strength if the patient drinks alcohol, smokes, or takes antidepressants, tranquilizers or antibiotics.


Herbal preparations for breast growth and phytoestrogens

What foods contain phytoestrogens?

Phytoestrogens are substances of plant origin. When they enter the body they become active hormones.

Phytoestrogens contain:

  • cereals,
  • soybean crops,
  • pomegranate,
  • carrot,
  • chamomile flowers,
  • cabbage.

It should be noted that the effect of phytoestrogens is weaker than the effect of natural estrogen. They help correct hormonal levels and help prevent the development of tumors, but their influence alone is not enough for breast enlargement.

It makes sense to take such herbal preparations solely to correct the shape of the mammary gland. With systematic use, the breasts become beautiful, toned and firm.

It is important to remember that a doctor should select the drug. This requires a blood test to determine which hormone needs to be adjusted.

Breast enlargement pills

In modern pharmaceuticals, the choice of various drugs is huge. We need to consider only the most popular and most effective.

Herbal remedies for breast enlargement

We bring to your attention the most popular preparations based on herbal ingredients.

Conclusions and reviews

None of the drugs for breast enlargement are dangerous to health.

How to choose an effective method?

The listed remedies can help increase your bust, but you shouldn’t have high hopes. A miracle won't happen. After finishing taking the medications, regardless of the result, the effect will begin to wear off.

On this moment, the most productive way of breast enlargement is Plastic surgery. However, before making such a decision, you need to know that this is fraught with complications and adverse reactions.

You can achieve an increase in breast size by taking hormonal and herbal medications, eating certain foods and regularly performing exercises that train the pectoral muscles.

In any case, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who will help assess the patient’s general condition and choose the appropriate method with a minimum of health risks!

About the effect of contraceptives

Here is the opinion of one of the women who writes: “The doctor prescribed birth control pills to protect against unwanted pregnancy, and the side effect was breast swelling, but after stopping taking it, the size returns.”

Sometimes ladies note that, without resorting to the help of a plastic surgeon, they can enlarge their breasts solely by gaining extra pounds.

About the effects of other remedies

As for the use of medicinal plants and herbs, in this case the reviews are different: some will note that the effect is significant, while others assure that all this is not true and breasts can be enlarged only if the internal tissues of the gland are changed.

The most effective way To increase the bust by one or several sizes in modern medicine are surgical implants. But this method is not accessible to everyone.

The most common are agents that can influence the size and shape of the mammary glands. The strongest influence on a woman's bust size is different types hormonal contraceptives. But before resorting to such drugs, it is worth familiarizing yourself with their features, risks, contraindications and side effects.

  • Show all

    Hormones that can affect breast size

    There are a lot of hormones that affect the mammary glands. But only a few of them contribute to the strongest increase in volumes:

    • Prolactin. This hormone is produced in the female body only during puberty and pregnancy. It enlarges the mammary glands by increasing fatty tissue and promotes milk production. Therefore, after lactation stops, the breasts decrease in size and sag.
    • Estrogen. This hormone is the most significant in the formation and growth of the mammary glands. Its production occurs in the body at the time of puberty. Its excess can lead to stopping the growth of the bust due to blocking of receptors.
    • Somatropin. During puberty, the body significantly increases its production. The amount of somatropin decreases significantly after 30 years.
    • Progesterone. The production of this hormone increases significantly during pregnancy. Estrogen and progesterone levels are constantly regulated by the body. If one of these hormones increases, the amount of the other decreases.

    Action of hormones

    Women experience constant changes in hormonal levels. For example, before the onset of menstruation, a woman’s breasts swell and become more sensitive. This is caused by an increase in the hormone estrogen in the body. The same happens during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Medicines taken for breast growth contain hormones similar to estrogen. Taking pills for breast enlargement with female hormones, no one can guarantee that artificial estrogen will be able to contact natural receptors. But if artificial analogues manage to influence female body, then the results will be visible within a week after starting to take the funds. The mammary glands will not only noticeably increase in size, but will also become more rounded and plump.

    The results obtained by using hormonal drugs last only while they are taken. If you stop taking the pills, the mammary glands will return to their previous state.

    Taking hormonal pills is the most effective way to increase bust size, but is not guaranteed. They also have many contraindications and can lead to negative consequences.

    The following drugs help to enlarge the mammary glands without resorting to surgery:

    • Medicines that contain hormones.
    • Biologically active additives.
    • Herbal remedies.
    • Oral contraceptives.
    • Creams containing phytoestrogens.

    Phytoestrogens and herbal preparations

    Phytohormones are hormones of natural origin. These are elements and compounds that are found in certain plants or foods. They affect the body in exactly the same way as female sex hormones.

    Most phytoestrogens are found in:

    • licorice;
    • lentils;
    • hops;
    • grenade;
    • barley;
    • linen;
    • red clover.

    Compared to other hormones, their effect on the body is very weak. Their use is less dangerous for the female body. However, if taken incorrectly, they can cause harm.


    Main action contraceptive drugs aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancy. Bust enlargement is a side effect of taking contraceptives.

    • Janine. These pills contain a large amount of estrogen, so they can only be taken after consulting a specialist. When taking the drug Janine, excess fluid accumulates in the body. It collects in different parts of the body: in the chest, abdomen and hips. It is the excess fluid that causes the mammary glands to enlarge.
    • Regulon. In rare cases, this drug can cause breast enlargement by enlarging the glandular tissue.
    • Yarina. This drug is prescribed not only to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also to treat malfunctions menstrual cycle. Yarina stimulates the enlargement of the mammary glands. Vomiting and nausea may occur when taken.
    • Byzanne. A complex action drug that promotes the growth of endometriotic tissue. You should start taking pills only after consulting your doctor.
    • Jess. The drug is used not only as a contraceptive, but also to treat acne and reduce pain during menstruation.
    • Proginov. This medicine contains the synthetic hormone progesterone. Taken to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

    Hormonal medications should be taken strictly according to the instructions for use. This will minimize the chance of disorders occurring in the body.

    Herbal preparations

    Titles herbal preparations, allowing you to increase the size of the mammary glands:

    • Push Up Natural. The manufacturer of this medicine is Holland. The plant components included in the preparation nourish the tissues of the mammary glands, which makes it possible to increase their elasticity. The volume when taking Push Up Natural can increase by 1-2 sizes.
    • Maxibust. A medicinal product that was developed jointly by specialists from Germany, Switzerland and France. The tablets contain phytoestrogens, which are similar in composition to the hormone estradiol. Taking Maxibust allows you to increase your bust size. This product also improves the condition of hair, nails and skin.
    • Klimadinon. The composition of this medicine is based on extract of the black cohosh plant. It is not recommended to start taking the drug without consulting a specialist.

    Hormonal medications

    Drugs that contain estrogen are prescribed in order to adjust the level of hormones in the body.

    These medications include:

    • Estradiol. This drug contains components that are identical to female hormones. It is prescribed to correct hormonal levels.
    • Proginova. The medicine is prescribed to treat estrogen deficiency. Used for postmenopausal osteoporosis.
    • Premarin. It is used when symptoms of menopause appear, when there is a lack of the hormone estrogen in the female body.
    • Microfollin. This remedy is used for cessation of the menstrual cycle, for ovarian dysfunction, and for the treatment of acne.

    Hormonal drugs that contain synthetic or herbal substances are the safest and most effective for enlarging the mammary glands. Before use, it is recommended to consult a specialist. During administration, you must carefully monitor the condition of your body and follow the rules of administration. medicines, do not violate the dosage.

The description is valid on 16.09.2015
  • Latin name: Oestrogel
  • ATX code: G03CA03
  • Active substance: Estradiol
  • Manufacturer: Besins Healthcare (Belgium)


1 gram of gel contains 600 mcg – active ingredient.

Additional components: ethanol, trolamine, purified water.

Release form

Estrogel is available in gel form in 80 gram tubes with a dispenser (1 dose is equal to 2.5 grams of gel, including 1.5 mg of estradiol).

pharmachologic effect

Hormonal (replenishes deficiencies) estrogen ).

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Estrogel gel, thanks to its active ingredient - estradiol ( ), is a drug with estrogenic activity intended exclusively for external (local) use.

During therapy with Estrogel, the manifestations of (including state , tides , , vaginal dryness ). According to clinical productivity of treatment postmenopausal symptoms Estrogel is not inferior to therapy using oral estrogenic drugs. In addition, when using the drug during There is a slowdown in processes that reduce bone density.

The treatment also helps to reduce the level general , passing without deviations of the ratio HDL/cholesterol .

Among other things, Estrogel has procoagulant efficiency, reduces the content antithrombin III and increases the hepatic synthesis of K-dependent blood clotting agents (II, VII, IX, X).

When applying Estrogel, rapid evaporation occurs ethanol and as a result penetration estradiol through the skin. Most of the drug immediately enters the systemic circulation, and its residual amounts remain in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, where they are also gradually released into the systemic circulation.

When using the gel topically, the plasma Cmax estradiol observed after 180-240 minutes. Bioavailability is at the level of 82%.

External use estradiol results in the drug not undergoing the “first pass” phenomenon, resulting in higher plasma concentrations estradiol , in comparison with its oral counterparts.

Metabolic transformations estradiol and its further elimination, when using the drug in gel form, are comparable to those for natural estrogens .

Indications for use

The use of Estrogel is recommended to reduce or eliminate symptoms (including artificially induced menopause ), as well as for prevention and therapy during postmenopausal .


Estrogel is absolutely contraindicated for use when:

  • ischemic /hemorrhagic ;
  • acute or ;
  • Rotor syndrome;
  • unknown etiology;
  • Dubin-Johnson syndrome;
  • estrogen-dependent malignant tumors or suspicions of their presence;
  • benign/malignant pituitary tumors ;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • serious in the acute period, jaundice , liver tumors .

Estrogel may be used with extreme caution when:

  • liver function disorders;
  • leiomyoma ;
  • family hyperlipoproteinemia ;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system in women;
  • previously observed jaundice (including its manifestations during the previous pregnancy);
  • hepatic porphyria ;
  • in severe form;
  • , or history of estrogen therapy;
  • hypercalcemia associated with metastases in bone tissue at ;
  • gallbladder pathologies, especially cholelithiasis (in history);
  • circulatory disorders .

Side effects

Local manifestations:

  • cutaneous hyperemia ;
  • skin irritation.


  • /migraine ;
  • mood swings.

Reproductive system:

  • increased size and/or increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • soreness;
  • menorrhagia ;
  • breakthrough bleeding ;
  • spotting from the vagina during intermenstrual periods;
  • increased libido ;
  • neoplasms V .

Digestive system (rare due to lack of first pass phenomenon through the liver):

  • gallbladder obstruction;
  • vomiting of central origin (usually when using an excessive amount of gel);
  • nausea;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • cholestatic jaundice;
  • cholelithiasis ;
  • gastrointestinal spasms (including intestinal/biliary colic).


  • intolerance to contact lenses;
  • peripheral ;
  • thromboembolism ;
  • weight change;
  • (including And );
  • promotion ;
  • contact .

All data side effects most often mildly expressed, mainly manifested in the initial stages of treatment and rarely require discontinuation of the drug.

Estrogel, instructions for use

Estrogel is used only externally, in a cyclic or continuous mode of use. The duration of treatment and dosage of the gel is selected individually.

1 dose of gel (2.5 g) includes 1.5 mg of estradiol.

When using the gel, a one-time daily application of its 1st dose in a thin layer on the skin of the lumbar region, abdomen, forearms or shoulders is indicated until complete absorption. Plot skin The area on which the gel is applied must be no less than the area of ​​both palms of the patient.

The correct application with the most effective result is considered to be a procedure in which complete absorption of the gel occurs in 2-3 minutes. Maintaining the sticky consistency of one dose of the drug for more than 5 minutes after its use means that there is insufficient area of ​​skin used.

Estrogel should be used by the woman herself, in the morning or evening, preferably on previously cleansed skin.


When these manifestations occur, the use of the gel is stopped and treatment is prescribed that corresponds to the observed symptoms.


In case of parallel reception with antihypertensive drugs , indirect anticoagulants And hypoglycemic drugs may reduce their effectiveness, which may lead to a revision of the dosage regimen.

Combined use of Estrogel and hypolipidemic drugs leads to increased effectiveness of the latter.

When used together with drugs that are inducers of hepatic microsomal proteins (including , , , barbiturates ) there is a decrease in plasma content estradiol .

Using Estrogel reduces effectiveness diuretics (diuretics) and men's sexual .

Concomitant use opioid, tranquilizers and drugs used for , promotes acceleration estradiol .

Compatible use with some (including Rifampicin , ) And Phenylbutazone reduces plasma concentrations estradiol .

Parallel therapy hormonal drugs thyroid gland And

Having found out what determines the growth of the mammary glands, women strive to try all the available options for breast enlargement in order to match the desired one that men dream of. Hormonal pills containing hormones that can affect bust enlargement are also used.

What makes breasts big

There are three hormones in the female body that are important for bust enlargement: estrogen, progesterone and prolactin. Estrogen has the most strong effect on the mammary glands. However, a large amount of this hormone in the body causes a reaction to close the receptors necessary for breast enlargement. Therefore, the opposite effect may occur, and the solution: the more the better, does not work in this case.

The hormone progesterone, which stimulates the growth of glandular tissue, also has a great influence on bust enlargement and the formation of its shape. Prolactin affects the functioning of estrogen receptors and has an active effect on the development of mammary glands during adolescence. After puberty, its production practically stops.

You also need to know about hormones such as somatotropin and testosterone. The first has a positive effect on the growth of the mammary glands, and its content can be increased naturally, for example, in a healthy way life and diet. An increase in another hormone, testosterone, which is a male hormone, occurs with excessive consumption of sweets and contributes to the reduction of mammary glands.

It is also important to remember that forced changes in hormonal levels in the body can lead to side effects. Sometimes the effect of a drug for breast enlargement has a temporary effect, and then the bust size returns to its previous size. Therefore, you need to buy hormonal pills on the recommendation of a doctor.

What kind of tablets are there?

Before deciding to take hormonal drugs, it would be good to find out the reason why your breasts are small. This will help you understand whether it is possible and meaningful to take pills for breast enlargement, since a hereditary cause actually does not give a chance for breast enlargement.

The size of the mammary glands is affected by:

  • heredity;
  • general hormonal levels in the body;
  • nutrition and sleep;
  • physical and mental stress.

The final formation of the female breast is completed by the age of 22. At this age, the use of massage and special creams can still affect her growth. But after 30 years, you can make your bust bigger only through surgical correction or using pills, which require a blood test for hormones.

Only after this can the doctor prescribe hormonal drugs taking into account the patient’s age and determine the required dose. More often these are ordinary contraceptive pills or capsules, for example, Diane-35, Zhanin, Yarina, Regulon, containing estrogen and progesterone. The hormone prolactin is contained in Fisolactin and Mammotrophin tablets.

Regulon is a combined contraceptive pill that contains ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. It has a number of side effects, including breast enlargement. Therefore, it should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

Janine includes ethinyl estradiol and dienogest. Its main effect is to prevent pregnancy. An increase in the size of the mammary glands is a side effect of taking this drug. The dosage regimen and contraindications are indicated in the instructions that must be followed.

For women who have experienced a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen due to menopause, pills are recommended for hormone replacement therapy. These include Klimanorm, Divina, Klimen and others, the side effect of which is thickening of the mammary glands.

Medicines of natural origin

Considering the woman’s condition, the doctor may recommend starting with biological active additives containing phyto- and mycoestrogens. These are analogues of human hormones, but of plant origin. They come in the form of tablets or capsules. The use of dietary supplements does not have the same side effects as long-term use of hormonal pills. But their effect is much weaker and stops when you stop taking such supplements.

The following drugs are known to act:

  • climadinone;
  • feminal;
  • Maxi;
  • Maxibust coffee;
  • cedar strength;
  • soy isoflavones;
  • preparations with resveratrol;
  • natural Push-Up.

Let's look at some of them:

  1. Natural Push-Up is offered as a means to increase breast size, which contains only herbal ingredients without the inclusion of artificial and synthetic hormones. The course should consist of 5 tablets per day for one and a half to two months.
  2. Klimadinon is a remedy for relieving symptoms associated with menopause in women. Being a herbal medicine, it includes extract of black cohosh rhizomes. Breast enlargement is a side effect of taking this medication.
  3. Soy isoflavones are intended to regulate the composition of estrogen: when they decrease, their content increases, and when they increase, they decrease. As a rule, supplements are not cheap. Therefore, before giving them preference, you need to carefully study the composition so as not to buy a simple imitation of hormones.

What are the benefits of using hormone therapy?

According to reviews from women who have decided to use pills to enlarge the mammary glands, the effect of medications occurs differently on different female bodies. Therefore, it is necessary to listen carefully to your body and notice unwanted changes in a timely manner.

Taking contraceptives helps:

  • pregnancy prevention;
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • rounding the shape of the whole body (fullness);
  • prevents the development of acne;
  • improving the condition of skin and hair.

Such positive results must be supported by a special diet containing large quantities of natural estrogen and other necessary hormones. It is advisable to exclude sweets, especially chocolate and sweets, which contribute to the production of the male hormone testosterone.

This therapy is incompatible with alcohol, even in small doses. Therefore, you should completely avoid alcoholic beverages. Taking antibiotics and painkillers also weakens the effect of hormonal drugs. It is necessary to follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor and under no circumstances change it yourself.

Undesirable consequences

When taking hormonal therapy to improve the appearance of your bust, you need to remember the side effects that can complicate a woman’s life, namely:

  • decreased immunity;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • headache;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • insomnia and nervousness.

The use of hormonal pills for breast enlargement really gives a positive result. But the effect of this lasts only as long as the medications are taken. As soon as hormones stop entering the female body, the breasts actually return to their previous sizes.

The hormone estrogen promotes water and sodium retention in the body. There is also an increase in cell sensitivity to insulin, which activates the cells' consumption of glucose. Therefore, weight gain and swelling are noted. Some doctors believe that bust enlargement is mainly due to fluid retention in the body.

Taking hormonal medications for a very long time is not recommended due to the risk of cancer and the development of serious abnormalities in the body. For example, the artificial introduction of estrogen into the body can lead to addiction and a complete cessation of the body's production of this hormone.

It is important to remember that taking hormonal pills for breast enlargement is a temporary remedy that does not solve the problem, but can have serious consequences. It is important to reconsider the question and ask it differently: small female breasts - for whom and why is it a problem?

Hormonal pills for breast enlargement are used by representatives of the fair sex in order to add missing volume to the breasts. Many are dissatisfied with a small bust and deliberately enlarge it, although the size of this female organ does not affect milk production after birth. However, not everyone is ready to lie on the operating table to acquire attractive shapes Therefore, conservative methods, such as breast augmentation with hormones, are popular.

What determines breast size?

Women have different bust sizes, so some people invariably have the question of how to enlarge their breasts using available ways. Mammoplasty is not suitable for everyone, since it is a radical method, but breast growth pills are a conservative method of solving the problem.

However, before taking decisive action, it is worth understanding what determines natural breast size.

The following factors affecting bust volume can be identified:

  1. Genetic predisposition. It is highly likely that female representatives of the same family have almost the same bust size.
  2. Female hormones. Well-developed breasts are a sign of high levels of breasts in the blood (mainly estrogen).
  3. Daily diet. The bust grows and expands depending on the level of estrogen, so eating foods containing this hormone can add volume to it. At the same time, nutrition for the growth of the mammary glands must be varied and complete, so that the fat layer necessary for round shapes is present in the breasts.
  4. Intensity of mental and physical stress. Useful for breast enlargement physical exercise, you can pump up your muscles, thereby lifting your chest. Constant stress and emotionally intense situations negatively affect the entire body, disrupting the normal balance of hormones.
  5. Having bad habits(alcohol, smoking, etc.). All harmful substances that have a toxic effect interfere with the normal development of the body. This is especially true for teenagers during puberty.
  6. Adverse environmental factors. This includes the release of various gases into the atmosphere, exhaust from cars with gasoline engines, exposure to harmful UV rays and much more. This negatively affects the general condition of the body, interfering with its full development.

Until the age of 22, breasts grow naturally, the process can be stimulated by everyone possible ways. Radical measures are taken after 30, when it is almost impossible to increase the volume with dietary supplements and ointments. Women turn to plastic surgeons and try pills to grow their breasts using hormones.

An increase in the level of female sex hormones, especially estrogen, also entails an increase in the bust. The drugs cannot be chosen in any order, even if the woman is sure which tablets she needs. They are prescribed by a doctor after examination and consultation. The dosage that will be prescribed by a specialist will minimize the risk of side effects.

The effect of hormones on breast size

Changes in hormonal levels in women occur during the onset of menstruation. During this period, it is easy to feel that the breasts swell, slightly enlarge, and the nipples become especially sensitive.

Tablets containing female sex hormones for the mammary gland have the same effect:

  • estrogen;
  • progesterone;
  • prolactin.

Estrogen is responsible for the development and growth of mammary glands in a woman’s body. However, the rule that high hormone levels also means large breast size does not always apply. Sometimes you have to reduce its amount.

Progesterone causes breast growth and expansion of the milk ducts, promoting the formation of a round shape. If you use these hormones to enlarge your bust, you will notice that it has significantly increased in volume.

The same thing happens when taking drugs with prolactin, which causes and stimulates milk production during pregnancy. The content of this hormone in the blood of girls during puberty is very high.

Somatotropin is prescribed only to women after 30 years of age, because during breast formation, that is, in adolescence, there is a lot of it in the body. Over time, the amount of the hormone decreases, although its level can be increased without medication. This requires a nutritious diet, adherence to sleep and wakefulness, and giving up bad habits.

Breast enlargement drugs

To give additional volume to the bust, women are mainly prescribed the following hormonal pills for breast enlargement:

  1. Regulon is a combined type of contraceptive pill. Desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol are the active ingredients in their composition. Breast enlargement acts as a side effect, as indicated in the instructions. This drug is not intended to be used for this purpose. However, some women, in agreement with the supervising doctor, neglect this recommendation.
  2. Janine consists of dienogest and ethinyl estradiol. Indications for its use do not include an increase in breast size, but swelling of the mammary glands in this case can be found in the list side effects. If the bust has nevertheless acquired the desired volume that meets the owner’s requirements, then you should undergo a thorough examination to identify cysts.

Breasts actually grow from birth control pills; they increase their size, but they also have many contraindications. Reviews from women after using the pills are divided into two large groups: those who got the desired result, and those who had to restore their health after taking them.

The use of dietary supplements containing phytoestrogens for bust enlargement to acquire attractive curves has become very popular. These are bioflavonoids with a high content of active substances or their precursors, which are converted in the body.

Among them:

  1. Maxi, which contains isoflavnoids, hop cone extract and Pueraria marifica.
  2. Klimadinon is a remedy consisting of an extract from the rhizome of black cohosh.
  3. Resveratrol for breasts with red wine, resveratrol, green tea and grape seed extract.

All dietary supplements are taken in courses that alternate with breaks. To achieve the effect, manufacturers recommend taking tablets and capsules constantly in accordance with the recommendations specified in the instructions.

Positive and side effects of breast enlargement

Hormonal drugs for breast enlargement help:

  • increase in breast size;
  • pregnancy prevention;
  • acquisition of rounded shapes by the figure;
  • improving skin and hair.

Taking hormonal medications should be regular and combined with a special diet and giving up bad habits.

You cannot change the dosage of the tablets yourself!

Side effects of hormones for breast enlargement, which can become a serious obstacle to the acquisition curvaceous, are as follows:

  • possibility of allergies;
  • increases and surges in pressure;
  • swelling lower limbs;
  • decreased libido;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • decreased immune defense;
  • insomnia, etc.

All of the listed side effects should be taken into account before purchasing breast enlargement pills.


You will learn about the effect of contraceptives on the health of women's breasts by watching our video.