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The benefits and harms of the herb. To sleep: beneficial properties of the herb and contraindications, methods of use for the treatment of diseases. Permissible daily dose

The bushes attract bees and animals. The characteristic smell is pleasant to humans, but is not at all perceived by some pets, for example, pigs, while cattle enjoy the greenery of the plant.


In the European zone of Russia, as well as in the East, the squirrel is found everywhere. The territory of Transcaucasia, Southern Siberia, Central Asia - the squirrel is densely and widely distributed. The European continent is inhabited by grass from Norway to the territory of Corsica.

Thickets of the plant can form among deciduous and coniferous trees, on the edges of forests and among log houses. It also grows among bushes, in ravines, and parks. An important condition is fertile, well-moistened soil, which can be either chernozem or with admixtures of clay. Common borer can infest gardens and vegetable plots.

The plant loves light, but normally tolerates the dense shadow formed among deciduous trees and bushes in the summer. Often, a plant such as common borer is adjacent to fern, sorrel, and oxalis.

Morphological characteristics

Perennial herb is characterized by the ability to form dense thickets. Moreover, all the grass has one common rhizome, from which numerous shoots arise. This is caused by the presence of a large number of buds on the underground part. Below is a description of all parts of the common dream plant.

  • Roots. The creeping rhizome of the gooseberry is located horizontally and can reach about ten meters in length.
  • Stems. Erect, tubular in shape, weakly branching upward. The plant reaches a height of about 1 m. The surface of the plant stems can be covered with faint furrows.
  • Leaves. The basal, double-trifoliate leaves of the honeydew sit on long petioles. The leaf blade, sometimes reaching 30 cm in length, has an ovoid shape. The width of the leaf blade is about 15 cm. On the shoots of the tree, the complex leaves are placed alternately. The edge of the plate is sharp-toothed. The upper side is bare, the lower side is covered with villi. The upper leaves are smaller, sitting on shortened petioles with a wide sheath.
  • Flowers. They form complex umbrella inflorescences, consisting of small umbrellas not exceeding 1.5 cm in diameter. The central umbrella is fruit-bearing, its white flowers are somewhat larger than the others. Umbrellas placed on the sides are barren. The plant blooms in the first half of summer and lasts about a month.
  • Fruit. Small, elongated. This is an achene, up to 4 mm long. The surface is ribbed, the achene is slightly flattened laterally, the color is brown. The ripening of the fruits of the dream is observed in the month of August.

The plant propagates equally effectively by seeds and parts. Seeds of the common nymph have a high ascending ability.


The harvesting period for pine grass begins at the end of April and can last until August if the grass is mowed in a timely manner. There is an opinion among herbalists that the greatest medicinal value is inherent in young grass - leafy, non-flowering shoots growing in a shaded place.

  • Collection. Young thickets of the plant are mowed with a scythe after the dew has dried.
  • Preparation. They sort through the shoots of the tree for spoiled parts, as well as the presence of plant impurities.
  • Drying. The beveled plant is laid out in a thin layer in a shaded place or hung. It is important to ensure adequate ventilation, which will ensure high-quality and quick drying of the shoots. If necessary, the drying material is dried in a dryer at 40 °C.
  • Storage. Dried herb is packed in linen or paper bags and stored with good ventilation for up to one year.

Less commonly, traditional medicine prepares and uses the underground part of the plant - the rhizomes.

  • Collection. After fruiting is complete - at the end of August, the plant is dug up. The roots are carefully shaken off the ground.
  • Preparation. The underground part of the plant is washed with plenty of running water and sorted for damaged roots. Dry from water in the open air. Grind the rhizomes into smaller pieces.
  • Drying. Place the roots in a warm attic or in a shaded area outdoors. Dry, turning thoroughly.
  • Storage. Completely dry rhizomes of the common gooseberry are placed in paper bags and stored in a well-ventilated area for a year.

The smell of the harvested underground and above-ground parts of the plant is not very pronounced, so batches of the harvested plant do not need to be put aside in a separate place, as is done with essential oil raw materials.

It is important not to confuse

The danger of the harvesting process lies in the possibility of confusing the herb with useless or even poisonous other herbs. Correctly navigate and distinguish similar appearance hints will help:

  • hemlock - the rhizomes of the herb resemble celery root in smell;
  • hemlock - all parts of the plant have a smell similar to that of a mouse;
  • dog parsley- the underside of the leaves is bare and smells like garlic.

A characteristic feature of all possible impurities is larger sizes. The common moth does not exceed a meter in height; its poisonous counterparts often exceed this figure. Also, the stems and leaves of twin plants may have purple impurities in color - on the stems, leaves, petioles, while the common gooseberry is green.

Composition of raw materials

According to scientists, the common mushroom has the highest nutritional properties. The plant composition has some similarities with the composition of human blood, which significantly increases the beneficial properties of dreamweed for the human body.
The plant contains unusual substances.

Unique chemical composition common dream makes it the most valuable plant used in folk medicine. Official medicine does not have the proper evidence base for the active use of the plant in the treatment of specific pathologies. All developments of drugs based on dreamy are at the research stage.

Medicinal properties of common dream

The benefits of common dream allow the plant to be used for the treatment of many ailments, their prevention, and for the general health of the human body.

Pharmacological effects

The pharmacological properties of the plant are determined by the chemical compounds contained in the above-ground and underground parts of the herb. She is credited with the ability to comprehensively maintain health through special actions.

  • Anti-inflammatory. The plant is able to relieve inflammatory processes localized in the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis) and more. Beneficial substances stop the production of inflammatory mediators in soft tissues, joints, vascular walls, and muscles, allowing the use of common sedum for the treatment of arthritis and polyarthritis, arthrosis, gout, myositis, sciatica, and neuralgia.
  • Sedative. Essential oil of dream helps to normalize the processes of inhibition and excitation in the brain. Thanks to this, sleep has a calming effect, but does not cause drowsiness. The positive effect is the patient's ability to better concentrate his attention. This allows the plant to be used as a means of supporting nervous system with increased emotional and physical stress.
  • General strengthening. Fresh honey saturates the body with vitamins, microelements, and amino acids. This leads to normalization of the production of necessary enzymes in all tissues - participants in energy exchange and redox reactions. This influence optimizes the functioning of all tissues and organs, allowing the body to remain young longer. The plant helps to tone up and restore the body after long-term illnesses and loss of strength.
  • Antiscorbutic. Snitch contains 100 mg ascorbic acid per 100 g of raw materials. This indicates the high antioxidant abilities of the plant, as well as its properties to prevent the development of scurvy. In addition, the immunomodulatory effect of vitamin C allows it to be used for colds, flu, and for their prevention during the off-season period.
  • Antitumor. It contains substances that are independently capable of eliminating atypical cells, and by interacting with each other, they enhance each other’s effectiveness against malignant diseases. In oncology, the plant reduces the likelihood of developing metastases, helps reduce pain, slows tumor growth, and supports the body after radiation and chemotherapy.
  • Painkiller. It manifests itself due to the relief of the inflammatory process. Pain in joints, muscles, ligaments, when used, goes away much faster.
  • Antibacterial. It effectively eliminates a variety of pathological organisms upon contact with them (bacteria and fungi). This makes it possible to treat dysbacteriosis and fungal diseases with its help. internal organs and skin. Bactericidal properties Dreams show themselves well in erysipelas, bedsores, trophic ulcers and wounds characterized by the addition of infection. Healers prepare effective drugs against nail fungus from the dream.
  • Astringent. Dryweed promotes granulation of damaged epithelium, covering it with a thin protective film. This reduces the release of exudate from weeping wounds and ulcers.
  • Detoxifying. It is associated with the content of antioxidants and neutralizers of free radicals that appear in the body during the processing of energy carriers or harmful substances. The detoxifying properties of dream also include the ability to activate the natural process of eliminating toxins of bacterial origin with the help of immune cells. Dream preparations remove salt deposits from the body.
  • Diuretic. Associated with improved blood supply to the kidneys and the antispasmodic effect of the plant. Sleeping helps eliminate edema of cardiac and renal origin.
  • Choleretic. The plant enhances the formation and excretion of bile. Relieves spasm of the bile ducts. Normalizing the composition of bile helps prevent the formation of gallstones, and activating the separation of bile helps eliminate flakes or small stones in gallbladder. The herb helps overcome cholecystitis, prevent cholelithiasis and dyskinesia of the gallbladder ducts.
  • Antihypoxic. It manifests itself due to the vasoprotective properties of dream. The plant normalizes the permeability of vascular walls and their tone, thereby improving central and peripheral blood flow. Normalizing the rheological properties of blood (antiplatelet effect), reducing the content of fatty compounds in it ensures the unhindered movement of blood through the veins and arteries.
  • Healing. Provided with a disinfecting and regenerating effect from the use of honey, as well as a combination of these effects with an astringent effect. Additional stimulation of regenerative processes is provided by the content of carotene, which clearly demonstrates its positive properties regarding the condition of the skin.
  • Hepatoprotective. It lies in the ability of dream to activate the process of restoration of hepatocytes. The plant regulates lipid metabolism, which means it prevents fatty degeneration of liver cells. Improving metabolism in all tissues of the body allows the herb to be used as part of weight loss preparations.

In addition, honey contains a complex of substances that gently irritate the intestinal walls and also improve the flow of bile and digestive juices. They normalize the process of digesting food and transporting the food bolus across departments gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract).

Thanks to sleep, the motility of the entire tract is normalized, and waste elimination becomes regular. The plant is used to relieve constipation caused by enzymatic deficiency or inadequate absorption of food. As you can see, herbal treatment will make anyone sick pathological condition will result in a comprehensive improvement in health for the patient.

Features of therapy

Traditional medicine uses common weed to treat many ailments. In this case, different parts of the plant are used against specific diseases.

  • Dried grass (leaves, shoots). Used for poultices and compresses for joint pain. A decoction of the herb helps improve blood formation. The drugs are used in complex treatment heart diseases vascular system, as well as hypertension. Remedies prepared from herbs can be used for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, atherosclerosis, and vascular thrombosis. Infusions from the plant help cope with allergic reactions that appear on the skin, as well as diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature.
  • Fresh grass. Used internally to improve digestion and stimulate urine production, respectively, eliminating constipation and swelling. Fresh leaves are rich in iron and are therefore used to treat anemia. They are also added to food for vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis.
  • Rhizomes. In the form of baths, they have a sedative effect and normalize the patient’s emotional state. Decoctions and ointments are often prepared from the roots for the treatment of dermato- and onychomycosis.

In folk medicine medicinal properties Common sedum is used in pediatrics - for the weakness of the child, disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, and hematopoiesis. In Abkhazia, honeydew is used to eliminate atopic dermatitis.

It is interesting that this plant is not characterized by the manifestation of any side effects. Even the laxative and diuretic effect of the common sourweed manifests itself so mildly that it does not bring any discomfort to the patient.

Contraindications to sleep include only individual hypersensitivity reactions. Given the wide distribution of the plant, such reactions occur extremely rarely. According to doctors, moderate consumption of the plant, even during pregnancy, will be beneficial. Naturally, before using the herb to the expectant mother It's worth getting your doctor's approval.

Preparation of medicines

In folk medicine there are different recipes for preparing medicines from common dream at home. Here are the most common ones.

Tincture of rhizomes

Peculiarities. Indications for the use of this tincture are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including benign and malignant neoplasms.

Preparation and use

  1. The collected, washed rhizomes are twisted in a meat grinder or chopped with a knife. Fill a 1 liter jar with them by one third.
  2. Fill the rhizomes with pure vodka until the jar is full, and cover with a nylon lid.
  3. The mixture is placed in a dark place for two weeks.
  4. After this time, the resulting tincture is filtered, squeezing out the cake.
  5. Take 25 drops orally, three times a day. About half an hour before meals.

Universal infusion

Peculiarities. The product is suitable for the treatment of joint diseases - gout, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis. They treat kidney disorders, digestive disorders, diathesis, eczema, and also drink to cleanse the liver.

Preparation and use

  1. A couple of tablespoons of chopped herbs are poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. The herb must be brewed in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  3. After this, the infusion of dream is wrapped and left until it cools completely.
  4. The resulting infusion is filtered and brought to a volume of 200 ml with boiled water.
  5. Take up to five times a day, in equal portions, for two months.

Infusion of roots

Peculiarities. Used for the treatment of thrombosis, atherosclerosis, and hematopoietic disorders.

Preparation and use

  1. A tablespoon of roots is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Bring to a boil over low heat, simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. After infusing for six hours, the resulting product is filtered.
  4. Drink in equal portions throughout the day.


Peculiarities. They are used to heal wounds, bedsores, erysipelas, as well as to eliminate pain localized in the joints.

Preparation and use

  1. Chopped dry grass or mashed fresh grass is placed in a piece of gauze folded in half and tied loosely in a bag.
  2. Place the bag of herbs in a container of boiling water for five minutes.
  3. Take out the compress, cool it to body temperature, level the grass in the bag to obtain a compress corresponding to the size of the damage.
  4. Apply a poultice for half an hour after antiseptic treatment of the wound.


Peculiarities. Taking baths with the addition of the plant helps to cope with nervous tension, sleep disorders, loss of strength, and rheumatic pain. A decoction prepared according to this recipe helps to grow long hair.

Preparation and use

  1. Fresh washed rhizomes weighing 40 g are cut into small strips with a knife.
  2. Pour a liter of boiling water over the roots, heat over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for half an hour.
  3. After filtering, the broth is added to a bath of water at body temperature.
  4. Water procedures are carried out for 15-20 minutes.

There are many more recipes for using dreamy, however, they are united by one characteristic - ease of preparation.

Culinary role

The plant can be used in gardens and vegetable plots. With its help, weeds are prevented from colonizing empty land. There are also decorative types of dreaming. For example, the use of variegated honeydew is widespread in gardening as a way to decorate flower beds. The unusual color of the foliage allows you to create interesting compositions. In cooking, fresh, boiled, pickled foliage is used. Prepared from it:

  • salads;
  • side dish for the second dish;
  • sauces;
  • caviar

The plant is used in food as a substitute for cabbage, adding leaves to soups and borscht. To enrich the taste of spicy salads in winter, the squash can be frozen. The flavor combination of the plant and garlic is interesting.

In the West of Siberia, the honeydew plant is planted on purpose as an excellent honey plant. From a hectare of thickets it is possible to collect about 150 kg of first-class honey, with the same list of useful properties as the plant itself. Honey made from honey has a pleasant yellow-green color and interesting aroma.

The harm of the grass is only in its ability to grow strongly, displacing other plants from the garden. Considering the properties hidden in the widespread grass, proximity to the snot can bring considerable benefits to a person. With proper care of the area allocated for it, the grass will delight the owners with its pleasant aroma and health benefits and will not cause discomfort.

The medicinal properties of honeydew have been known to people for many years, so the plant is in particular demand in medicine. This is a perennial herbaceous crop that grows in vegetable gardens, near houses, in parks and wastelands. This plant is popularly considered a weed. But, despite this, older people know how useful it is to sleep and what it cures.

Description of the plant

Most summer residents don’t even know what sap is and how to use it. It is actually an herb that is very popular in Europe and Asia. The plant grows well both in the shade and in areas that are well lit by the sun.

- bushes that form dense thickets, which are quite difficult to remove. This is due to the fact that all shoots have a common rhizome. Their average life span is about 50 years.

The grass belongs to the Umbelliferae family. The rhizome has a horizontal direction, creeping. The stem is straight. Its surface can be either bare or slightly pubescent. It grows up to a meter tall.

If the tree is mowed, harvesting can be done in mid-summer.

The grass blooms very beautifully. The buds are collected in wide umbrellas. Each of them can contain from 15 to 20 flowers. Plants that are more than a dozen years old may have from 300 to 500 open buds. The flowers are snow-white and consist of 5 five petals. At the end of flowering, fruits are formed. All of them have an elongated shape with pronounced ribs. Ripe grains are brown in color.

Main types of dream

Let's get acquainted with the common types:

Among all the above species, the medicinal properties of the common dream are the highest.

Medicinal properties

Everyone who prefers traditional methods treatment, they know that this is the best plant. Dryweed has many beneficial properties. This is a unique herb that is used to treat a number of diseases.

The ground part is especially useful. Roots are much less commonly harvested for preparing mixtures.

Dryweed is a plant that is used as food. The green part is low in calories. 100 grams of fresh herbs contain about 12.7 kcal. According to studies, it has been proven that the structure of the dream is very similar to the formula of human blood.

The dream is used as:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • restorative;
  • painkiller;
  • antitoxic;
  • detoxifying agent.

The leaves and stems of honeydew are rich in citric and malic acid. They also contain a large percentage of mineral salts. They are a good antioxidant. Infusions from this plant can neutralize free radicals, which increase the risk of developing tumors. Also, decoctions are often prescribed to boost immunity. Thanks to the large amount of vitamin C, the risk of colds is significantly reduced.

The root part is famous for the presence of essential oils, resins, saponins, and starch. We should pay tribute to the grains that appear in place of the flowers. The seeds are rich in fats, fiber, and proteins. If you properly prepare a product based on this plant, you can a short time restore the functioning of the digestive system and normalize salt metabolism.

Who should not use snot?

This plant has been studied quite well from a pharmacological point of view. Therefore, it can be stated with certainty that sap has a number of beneficial properties and has no contraindications. The exception is individual intolerance to certain components that are present in the composition. Young mothers who are breastfeeding should also use the herb with special caution.

In order to avoid negative consequences Before you start taking snyt, you should consult your doctor. After the prescribed procedures, the doctor will tell you whether you are allergic to this plant.

It is also not recommended to drink tea decoctions on an ongoing basis. Despite all its benefits, long-term use can negatively affect a person’s general condition. You also need to carefully combine the herb with other medications.

Rules for preparing honeydew for the winter

To prevent the grass from losing its medicinal properties, you should know how to assemble it correctly. By following the basic rules, you can obtain high-quality raw materials that will retain their capabilities until next year.

Requirements for collecting and storing the plant:

  1. For medicinal purposes, you should choose only young shoots and leaf blades that are of medium size.
  2. The parts of the bush should be collected before the buds begin to appear. The best time The harvesting month is May.
  3. The leaves and shoots of the plant should not be washed. Contact with water can reduce the amount of useful components.
  4. The plant should be dried only in partial shade. The room where the workpieces will be located must be well ventilated. Spread the grass in a thin layer on a towel. If the weather remains rainy outside for a long time, then final drying should be carried out using an electric appliance.
  5. The prepared raw materials should be kept in a paper bag. This will allow you to preserve the medicinal properties of the dream until the end of the year.

As for harvesting roots, this should be done immediately after the bush has flowered. Any underground part can be used to prepare infusions. Separate the roots and rinse well under running water. There should be no dust or dirt left on their surface.

Place the prepared roots on a paper towel and keep at room temperature for several hours. This is necessary so that they dry out a little. Then grind them using a grater. You can also use a meat grinder.

Dry herbs should not be stored in glass containers. A long stay in such a container can lead to the spread of dangerous fungi.

The resulting shavings should be dried in the oven at a temperature of about 35 0 C. This can also be done in. Prepared roots should only be stored in a wooden container.

Snooze in cooking

This herb is not only often used in medicine, but also used as food. To create dishes, you should take only young shoots and leaves. They give vegetables a special aroma and an unusual aftertaste.

The leaves for cooking should be of a light green hue.

Food with this herb becomes incredibly tasty and healthy. The leaves contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines.

In order to use saplings for food in winter, young leaf blades should be ground with a small amount of salt. Place the mixture tightly in a jar and refrigerate.

A similar preparation can be used to prepare:

  • stewed potatoes;
  • okroshka;
  • sauces.

The honeydew prepared in this way does not lose its medicinal properties and has no contraindications. It goes well with meat and fish. It is also good to use the preparation for making soups.

Medicinal properties of dream for the treatment of many diseases

The plant is used to alleviate the condition of various pathologies. It is not difficult to achieve the desired result in treatment, the main thing is to follow the rules of use and the stages of preparation of the product.

To create this recipe you need to use the root part of the plant. It can be either dried or fresh.

Main ingredients:

  • one liter of vodka;
  • 300 grams of plant.

To prepare the mixture, you need to chop the roots. This can be done using a grater or meat grinder. Place the shavings in a jar and add vodka. Cover the container tightly with a lid and place in a dark place. It must be kept in this condition for 14 days. After two weeks, the tincture can be taken. Drink 20-25 drops of liquid 30 minutes before meals. Use three times a day for a month.

For joint diseases

It is not difficult to prepare such an effective remedy. To get rid of pain in the joints, you will need to combine half a glass of chopped herbs with 200 grams of boiling water. Place the resulting mixture in a water bath and cook for 10-15 minutes.

At the end of this period, move the container to the table and give it a little time to cool. Strain the concentrated broth through cheesecloth, and then dilute with boiled water in an amount of 200 ml. Drink fluids throughout the day. The course of treatment ranges from a week to ten days.

This recipe is also the best way to get rid of bladder and kidney diseases.

Dream mask for facial skin

This plant is very often used in cosmetology. Thanks to a set of useful components, your facial skin will become soft and very soft.

To prepare the mask you will need to use:

  • juice from the leaves of the plant;
  • natural (liquid);
  • fresh cucumber.

You need to start cooking by chopping the vegetable. Wash the cucumber and grate it on a fine grater.

Place chopped vegetables, honey and honey juice into a container. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. This should be done with a wooden spatula. Pour the resulting pulp into gauze and apply it to your face in this form. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes. If such a procedure is carried out systematically, the result will not be long in coming.

Beneficial features, photos and recipes based on the herb, which are described in this article, once again confirm its relevance. This plant is the best way to improve your health in the shortest possible time.

Video about the medicinal properties of dreaming

In this article we talk about common sedum and how it can be used. You will learn recipes for preparing folk remedies based on this herb, and what therapeutic effect they have.

Common duckweed (lat. Aegopodium podagraria) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Umbrella family.

People also gave it other names: snitka, snit, snyd, goat's leg, shnit, yaglitsa, dedelnik.

What does it look like

Appearance (photo) of common pineweed The height of the plant reaches from 50 to 100 centimeters. It has a long, creeping root. The stem is straight, slightly branched at the top.

The upper leaves are bare, with serrated edges. The lower ones are pubescent with short hairs, larger than the upper ones.

White, small flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences. The flower consists of five petals with deep indentations. The plant blooms in late spring - early summer.

The fruits are dark brown two-seeds of oblong shape. Fruit size is 3−4 mm. They ripen in the second half of summer.

The plant reproduces vegetatively and by seeds.

Where does it grow

Habitat: Europe, Central Asia, Caucasus.

Loves open places and fertile soils. Often found in mixed forests, on forest edges, clearings and along roads. Drooping grass sometimes grows in shady places. IN in this case it will never bloom or bear fruit.

Leaves of common pineweed

Dryweed (photo below) is used in folk medicine and cooking. The common herb is used in the manufacture of medicinal products.

The herb has a pleasant taste, so it is suitable as an ingredient in almost any dish, even confectionery.

The plant is also used as livestock feed.

The plant is classified as a weed. It is very difficult to remove due to the root, which is difficult to uproot. If even a small piece remains in the soil, the tree is guaranteed to grow in that place again.

Chemical composition

Common borer contains a number of useful substances, including:

  • proteins;
  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • umbrelliosis;
  • phytoncides;
  • folicacetylene compounds;
  • enzymes;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamin C;
  • essential oils;
  • saponins;
  • coumarins;
  • ash;
  • resins;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • cobalt;
  • manganese;
  • titanium.

Medicinal properties

Common borer - useful properties:

  • tonic;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunoprotective;
  • cytotoxic;
  • vasoprotective;
  • hypotensive;
  • antiallergic;
  • detoxifying;
  • antispasmodic;
  • calming.

The benefits of honeydew have been proven in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system. Its Latin name translated means “pain in the legs.”

How to collect

For medicinal purposes, the upper part of the plant or separately collected leaves and shoots are used. The roots of the tree are practically not used.

The plant is harvested during the flowering period, which is when it brings maximum benefits. It is not recommended to use grass grown on roadsides, near landfills and manufacturing plants as raw materials. Harvest in dry weather, in the morning or evening, when the sun is least active.

Dry the common gooseberry (photo below) in a shady, well-ventilated place, laying it out in a thin layer. Stir the herb to prevent it from becoming moldy.

Store dried herbs in linen bags, cardboard boxes, clay, wooden or glass containers with a tightly closed lid. If you choose a transparent container, place it away from sunlight.

When properly stored, the medicinal properties of sedum are preserved for a year.

How to use

Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are made from the dream Dreamweed leaves are used fresh and dried.. They are used to prepare medicinal decoctions, infusions, tinctures and juices - there are many recipes. We will look at some of them.

Remedies from the dream are used internally and externally. For example, making a paste from fresh grass leaves will create an effective compress to combat rheumatic pain.


A decoction of common thyme can be added to medicinal baths. The common herb (photo below) has a calming effect. In the presence of allergic manifestations on the skin, it promotes a speedy recovery.


  1. Dream leaves - 40 grams.
  2. Water - 0.5 liters.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the leaves, keep in a water bath for 10-20 minutes, strain the broth.

How to use: Use the decoction when taking a bath. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes. Recommended before bedtime.

Result: Relieves nervous tension. Promotes good sleep.


An infusion of common gout is taken for joint diseases, rheumatism and gout.


  1. Common gooseberry (leaves) - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Water - 450 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the leaves. Keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. After removing from heat, cool to room temperature and let steep for 2 hours. Add 250 ml of boiled water to the strained infusion.

How to use: Drink the drink in small portions throughout the day.

Result: Joint swelling disappears, pain goes away.


Dreamweed tincture is also effective for the treatment and prevention of joint diseases.


  1. Vodka - 0.5 liters.
  2. Common gooseberry - 5 tablespoons.
  3. Marsh cinquefoil - 5 tablespoons.

How to cook: Chop the plant leaves and place them in a glass jar. Fill with vodka. Place the tightly closed jar in a dark place for 20 days, then strain.

How to use: Dilute 1 tablespoon of tincture with 50-70 ml of clean water. Drink 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon before meals.

Result: Stiffness in the joints disappears, their mobility increases, pain goes away.

This tincture can be used to rub joints.


This recipe is suitable for those who suffer from gout.


  1. Snot leaves (fresh) - 100 grams.

How to cook: Using a blender, grind the raw materials. Then squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth.

How to use: Rub the juice on sore joints. Wrap the top with plastic wrap and insulate. Keep it for about 2 hours, then remove the compress and wipe the skin with a damp cloth.

Result: The warming effect helps relieve pain.

When taken orally, the juice restores strength, cleanses blood vessels, and normalizes metabolism.


Medicine has proven that whining has no contraindications. The herb is recognized as an absolutely safe medicinal plant.


Taxonomic position:

  • Domain - Eukaryotes.
  • Kingdom - Plants.
  • Department - Flowers.
  • Class - Dicotyledons.
  • Order: Umbelliferae.
  • Family - Umbrella.
  • Rod - Whining.
  • Species - Common moth.


There are several types of dream. The most famous are the common warbler and the variegated warbler. The latter was bred through selective breeding for cultivation as a garden crop.

For more information about dreaming, watch the video:

Snooze ordinary infographics

Photos of common dream, its beneficial properties and uses:
Infographics on common dream

What to remember

  1. Common gooseberry is used in folk medicine to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Dryweed, the properties of which are described in the article, is an absolutely safe remedy.
  3. The plant is used in cooking. Fresh leaves of the plant are especially good - they can be safely added to any vegetable salad.

To sleep (lat. Aegopodium)- a genus of herbaceous perennials of the Apiaceae family, common in Europe and Asia. There are eight species in the genus, but the most famous is the common herb (Aegopodium podagraria), which is used as a melliferous, medicinal, fodder and vitamin plant. At the same time, gooseberry is a weed that is very difficult to control, but its variegated form is very popular among gardeners and is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant, despite its aggressive behavior. We will tell you what the pine tree looks like, how to grow it and what its value is.

Planting and caring for the tree

  • Landing: sowing seeds - in spring or before winter.
  • Bloom: The plant is grown as a medicinal or decorative foliage.
  • Lighting: for decorative deciduous species – shade or partial shade, for medicinal species – bright light.
  • The soil: any.
  • Watering: regular, but moderate, during periods of prolonged drought - more frequent and abundant.
  • Feeding: when grown in poor soil at the beginning of summer, the plant is fed with a weak solution of organic or mineral fertilizer.
  • Trimming: during the summer to maintain decorativeness.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Diseases: anthracnose, powdery mildew.
  • Pests: aphids and spider mites.
  • Properties: the plant has healing properties.

Read more about growing honeydew below.

Drying grass - description

The rhizome of the dream is creeping, horizontal; The stem is hollow, up to 1 m high, straight, grooved, branching in the upper part. The lower leaves are twice trifoliate, with pointed oblong and sharply serrate leaflets up to 8 cm long along the edge; The upper trifoliate leaves are located on short petioles and are smaller in size than the lower ones. On the upper side, the leaf blades of the tree are almost bare, pubescent below, and their veins are pinnate.

Small white flowers in the amount of 15-20 pieces are collected in umbrellas with a diameter of up to 15 cm and form a complex inflorescence with 20-30 rays. The umbrellas formed at the top of the stem are fertile, while the lateral ones are sterile. The fruit of the plant is a brown oblong and flattened two-seeded capsule up to 4 mm long.

Sowing dreamweed

The plant is sown like any other herb. Sowing is carried out in spring or before winter. The sown area must be limited so that the weed does not spread throughout the garden. To do this, iron sheets or slate are dug along the perimeter of the bed so that they go into the ground at least 30 cm.

If you want to grow decorative honeydew on your property, you can purchase its seedlings in specialized stores or garden pavilions. It is better to first plant them in plastic or iron containers with drainage holes, and then dig these containers into the soil in the flower garden.

In the photo: Flowering dream

The moth prefers shady places and grows well under trees, and on sunny place a variegated variety of the plant will not be as attractive.

Caring for the dream

Water the trees regularly. During drought, the plant requires more frequent watering, but water consumption should be moderate. Decorative varieties and plant species require periodic sanitary pruning: diseased, dry and damaged shoots should be removed. Some gardeners renew their greenery by resorting to complete mowing of the sap.

To preserve the decorative appearance of the plant, it is necessary to promptly remove the peduncles with inflorescences, otherwise the sapling will gradually degenerate into a wild-growing form: only the common sapling can grow from the seeds spilled on the ground.

When growing dreamweed in poor soil, it is advisable to start in early summer. add fertilizer to the soil– organic or mineral. However, do not overdo it: it can do without feeding.

In the photo: Dream leaves

The plant is winter-hardy and can withstand frosts down to -39 ˚C, without requiring shelter.

Pests and diseases

Chickweed can suffer from fungal infections that cause anthracnose or powdery mildew. These diseases must be combated with the help of drugs Skor, Horus, Maxim, Radomil Gold or other fungicides of similar action.

Types and varieties of dream

As ornamental plants grown:

A drought-resistant plant up to half a meter high, native to Central Asia with openwork inflorescences-umbrellas of small white flowers and finely cut leaves of light green color.

In the photo: Alpine warbler (Aegopodium alpestre)

The garden form of the common honeydew with a wide light green, almost white border on the leaves.

In the photo: Variegated warbler (Aegopodium podagraria Variegatum)

Both of these plants are not as aggressive as the common grass, which, if you plant it on your site, you are unlikely to get rid of it. However, many deliberately sow pine in their garden for its medicinal properties.

Properties of dream - harm and benefit

Medicinal properties of dream

It contains flavonoids kaemferol and quercetin, which are beneficial for the human body and have high antiviral and antitumor activity. They also increase the elasticity of blood vessels and help get rid of allergies. Falcarindinol and falcarinol contained in dreamweed reduce the risk of cancer and destroy fungal infections. It also contains a substance such as apigenin, in which American scientists have discovered the ability to stop the development of cancerous tumors and reduce the size of existing formations. Further research into the substances that make up the drug may lead to the creation of a drug with a new principle of action on cancer cells.

Ecology of life. Traditional medicine: Dreamy greens contain vitamins A and C, proteins, sugars - glucose, fructose, fiber, essential oil, coumarins, flavonoids, malic and citric organic acids, micro and macroelements - magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, boron, copper, titanium

Dreamy greens contain vitamins A and C, proteins, sugars - glucose, fructose, fiber, essential oil, coumarins, flavonoids, malic and citric organic acids, micro and macroelements - magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, boron, copper, titanium.

Medicinal use.

In folk medicine, the herb is used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing agent for rheumatism, gout, and joint pain (crushed fresh leaves are applied to sore spots).

The herbal infusion is taken orally for rheumatism, gout, gastrointestinal diseases, kidney and bladder diseases. Young leaves have antiscorbutic properties.

  • Pour 3 teaspoons of the herb with 2 cups of boiled water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take ½ glass 4 times a day.
  • Fresh leaves or juice from them for compresses and rubbing.

Terms and methods of procurement

Leaves and leaf petioles are collected for fresh use throughout the summer, before the plants begin to budding. To always have young, fresh greens, it is recommended to mow the leaves periodically.

For future use, the leaves and petioles of the tree are dried, crushed into powder and stored in a sealed container. In winter, they are used to season soups and other dishes. In addition, snyti greens are fermented like cabbage or pickled, they make puree and caviar from it, which after pasteurization are well preserved in hermetically sealed glass jars.

Food use

Dryweed contains up to 133 mg of green mass per 100 g. vitamin C, up to 8 mg. carotene. It is rich in proteins and mineral salts. Salads, cabbage soup, sauces, okroshka, cutlets, and stewed with potatoes are prepared from young unopened leaves and juicy tender leaf petioles. You can ferment for the winter, pickle. Cabbage soup made from cabbage soup is not inferior in taste to cabbage soup.


Snyti soup with oatmeal

Pour boiling water over oatmeal, add a little oil and cook for 1 hour. Wash the young leaves of the sorrel, chop it, put it in boiling oatmeal, add salt and cook until tender. Before serving, season with oil and finely chopped dill.

  • For 2 l. water - 80 g oatmeal,
  • 200 g of dream leaves,
  • 30 g butter,
  • salt to taste.

Snyti soup with fresh cucumbers

Chop the leaves and green onions, pour boiling water over them and cook for 20 minutes. Add oil, salt, peeled and chopped cucumbers, potatoes and cook until tender. Season with flour and sour cream and let it boil. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

  • For 100 g of honey leaves - 100 g of cucumbers,
  • 20 g butter,
  • 30 g. sour cream, 1
  • 20 g potatoes,
  • 6 g flour,
  • 8 g salt.

Cabbage soup from dream

Rinse the young mushrooms in cold water, cut them, put them in boiling water and cook until half cooked. Add potatoes, cut into strips. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add raw onions, salt and spices. When serving, place half a hard-boiled egg and sour cream on a plate.

  • For 100 g of honey leaves - 100 g of potatoes,
  • 20 onions,
  • 10 g butter,
  • 15 g sour cream,
  • ½ hard-boiled egg
  • spices and salt to taste.

Botvinya from sorrel and sorrel

Wash the young leaves of sorrel and sorrel, boil in a small amount of water, drain the broth, rub the greens through a sieve and dilute with kvass. Add green onions, fresh cucumbers or borage. Add dill and parsley, chopped egg, salt, season with sour cream and sugar.

  • For 250 g of snyti - 50 g of sorrel,
  • 2-3 fresh cucumbers or 100-150 g of borage,
  • 100 g green onions,
  • 4 eggs,
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream,
  • 1.5 l. kvass,
  • salt, sugar, dill and parsley to taste.

Dream cutlets

Pass the young leaves of the tree through a meat grinder along with white bread and boiled potatoes. Salt and pepper the resulting mass, add raw eggs and finely chopped parsley and celery. Divide into cutlets, bread in flour or breadcrumbs and fry in butter. Serve sour cream with cutlets.

  • For 500 g of dream - 100 g of white bread,
  • 200 g potatoes,
  • 2 raw eggs,
  • 50 g butter,
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste.

Dream soup.

Quickly fry oatmeal or rice in butter, place in boiling water and cook until tender. Then add finely chopped mushrooms, salt and pepper and cook a little. When serving, place a tablespoon of sour cream or mayonnaise and fried onion into plates.

  • For 600 g of snow - 30 g of butter,
  • 100 g. oatmeal or rice,
  • 1.5 l. water,
  • 125 g sour cream,
  • 75 g. onions,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Salad of sorrel and sorrel with vegetables

Cut the boiled vegetables into small slices, put chopped sorrel and mushrooms on them, add salt, add vegetable oil and sauce.

  • For 300 g of snow - 200 g of potatoes,
  • 40 g carrots,
  • 80 g. sorrel,
  • 60 vegetable oil,
  • 60 g spicy tomato sauce,
  • salt to taste.

Caviar from squash and zucchini

Boil the leaves with chopped carrots for 40-50 minutes, add the peeled zucchini and continue cooking until tender. Then pass through a meat grinder, mix with fried onions, add salt and simmer until the desired thickness. Peel the sweet pepper from the grains, boil for 3 minutes in water, cool, chop. Add mustard, vinegar and hot pepper to the cooled mixture. When serving, sprinkle the caviar with dill.

  • For 400 g of snow - 80 g of carrots,
  • 400 g. zucchini,
  • 80 g onions,
  • 40 g vegetable oil,
  • 80 sweet pepper,
  • 8 g mustard,
  • 120 g. apple cider vinegar,
  • 40 g dill,
  • hot pepper, salt to taste.

Snitch with stewed potatoes

Chop the white roots, add water, boil, add oil, chopped leaves and simmer for 30 minutes. Then add potatoes and simmer until soft.

Season with tomato and sour cream. Sprinkle with dill before serving. For 1 kg. snyti - 1 kg. potatoes, 150 g of celery, 50 g of parsley, 150 g of onion, 150 g of tomato and sour cream, dill and salt to taste.

The herb and juice of the dream can also be used for cosmetic purposes, for preparing face masks:

  • For oily skin - 2 tbsp. mix spoons of crushed leaves of snot with 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed oatmeal, add warm milk until you get a paste, apply to face, keep for 15 minutes.
  • for dry skin- 2 tbsp. mix tablespoons of crushed leaves with egg yolk and 1 tsp. olive oil, apply to face, rinse after 15 minutes.
  • for a rejuvenating effect- squeeze the juice from the petioles of the dream, 2 tbsp. Mix spoons of this juice with 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 tbsp. l. grated cucumber, distribute the resulting mass between layers of gauze and place on your face for 20 minutes.

An infusion of the herb will help get rid of dandruff., if you use it to rinse your hair after washing. It, used in the form of warm baths, will have a softening and rejuvenating effect on the skin of the hands. published