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Snowdrop - a message about a plant from the Red Book. Snowdrops photo - snowdrop plant Post about snowdrop

Caucasian snowdrop is a type of bulbous plant that is listed in the Red Book and is carefully protected by the state. The appearance of the first snowdrops from under the snow indicates the imminent approach of spring.

Caucasian snowdrop is a rare plant species that lives mainly in Russia. It got its name because it grows literally from under the snow in early spring.
Snowdrops are found in groups, where they grow and form clearings. He is comfortable in wooded areas in loose humus soil. Requires cold for bud formation. The snowdrop is listed in the Red Book, since the total number does not exceed 200 thousand individuals.
The plant especially suffers due to improper harvesting for commercial purposes.

Description of the plant

Snowdrop - perennial, bulbous family. The growing season directly depends on the latitude and climate of its habitat. The first flowers may appear in both February and April.
The snowdrop bulb is no more than 3 cm in size and consists of last year's segment and a new bulb. And a new plant will subsequently grow from it.
Wide leaves emerge from the bulb, usually two or three of them. At the same time, buds appear, which, after changing from cold to warm, release a small inflorescence. The color of the flowers of the Caucasian species of snowdrops can be either white or with bright green spots. The peduncle is cylindrical, slightly flattened at the edges. The flower's head always looks down.
Reproduction occurs by seeds and vegetative methods. Seeds that fall out of the capsule are carried by ants. Pollination occurs through the efforts of flying insects.

Measures taken to increase plant numbers:

  1. A complete ban on the collection and distribution of snowdrops.
  2. Careful monitoring of the plant's annual population.
  3. Promotion of snowdrop cultivation on individual specialized farms for further implementation.
  4. Protection of plant habitats.

If you follow the rules for growing snowdrops, you can plant them in your local area. The main thing is not to disturb the bulb, which needs moisture during active growth, and also periodically feed with fertilizers.

Charming and tender, surprisingly defenseless and infinitely hardy - these are all snowdrops, the very first to appear every spring in barely thawed thawed patches.

The amazing aroma and no less amazing fragile appearance of this beautiful flower, unfortunately, turned against it - enterprising traders practically mow down the spring lawns covered with galanthus, threatening the very existence of this graceful beauty. Since 1981, snowdrops have been listed in the Red Book.

Delicate primrose

The botanical name of the snowdrop is galanthus, euphonious and elegant, like the representative of which one and a half dozen species are still found in the European forests of Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Chechnya and Dagestan, as well as in eastern Georgia and northwestern Azerbaijan. Galanthus is a primrose protected by the Red Book of Russia.

Snowdrop is a perennial and the earliest flowering plant that emerges from the ground with the first warm rays as soon as the snow begins to melt. Each bulb produces only one straight peduncle. The dark green, shiny leaves appear at the same time as the flower, similar in shape to the snow-white ones with a green edge, and have three inner petals surrounded by three larger ones. This unusual structure makes them unique and elegant. The plant reaches a height of 15-18 cm, abundant flowering begins in early April.

Red Book of Russia: snowdrop

Unfortunately, collecting galanthus for bouquets or for trade is not the only reason influencing the significant decrease in the number and representatives of this plant. The Red Book considers the factors leading to unpleasant consequences that cause snowdrops to disappear:

Digging of bulbs by amateur gardeners,

Deforestation, reducing the areas where snowdrops previously grew;

Trampling or destruction of forest floor;

Environmental problems of the region.

For example, in Dagestan, all species of the snowdrop plant growing on the territory of the republic are endangered. The Red Book of Russia assigned the third category to galanthus, characterizing it as a rare species, which today is not yet in danger of extinction, but since it is already found in small quantities and in fairly limited areas, with a negative change in the habitat provoked by any natural or it may very well disappear soon.

Snowdrop: description. Red Book and plant protection

The Red Book stipulates the responsibility of the country in whose territory endangered species grow, therefore, carrying out protective measures, such as bans on the sale of rare plants, the creation of nature reserves and nature reserves, as well as their cultivation, should bring results.

I would like to believe that it will be possible to preserve the galanthus population, because the Red Book of Russia is responsible for its protection. Plants, including snowdrops, that are under protection cannot be picked, sold, etc. Selection research for the cultivation of many rare species is carried out constantly, and cultural breeding of snowdrops is encouraged among flower growers. To propagate galanthus on your own summer cottage you should know about his preferences and developmental characteristics.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

The snowdrop is unpretentious. Growing under the canopy of forest trees and shrubs, it has long adapted to perfectly tolerate partial shade, but it also feels no worse in open spaces. Excellent winter hardiness and endurance to changes in spring temperatures enable gardeners to plant it in various parts of the garden. You just need to know that it will grow better on loose and well-drained soil fertilized with humus or compost. In heavy clay soils it is worth adding sand. But stagnation of groundwater will not allow the snowdrop to successfully take root.

Garden propagation is welcomed by the Red Book of Russia. Plants - snowdrop, crocus and other bulbous plants - are planted according to general rule: to a depth corresponding to two bulbs. Usually snowdrops regulate the planting depth themselves. If they are deepened too much, they form a new bulb on an upward peduncle already at the required distance from the soil surface. When placed shallowly in the soil, the bulbs become smaller, but children quickly form.

About the choice of planting material

It is better to buy bulbs in July-September and plant them in the fall. At this time, the plant is at rest. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the condition of the planting material. The bulbs should be dense to the touch, with intact shells, without mechanical damage or putrefactive manifestations. If they have overgrown roots and stems, this will require prompt planting. Small (dried and not affected by mold) cuts on the scales of the onion are acceptable, but there should be no damage to the bottom. Planting material with the top cut off but the bottom not damaged is considered viable. You should not purchase broken or crumpled bulbs - they may have internal damage or areas of rot. It is impossible to grow a good snowdrop from such planting material. The Red Book does not give recommendations on the cultivation of species, it only determines the status and area of ​​growth. The most favorable conditions for breeding will be exactly where the natural habitat is located.

Galanthus bulbs do not tolerate prolonged drying. There is no need to keep them outdoors for more than a month. If the time for planting has not yet arrived, then the bulbs must be sprinkled with sawdust or small shavings and placed in a cotton bag or perforated plastic bag. The shelf life will last 2-3 months.


While the snowdrop is actively growing, it needs liquid fertilizing with inorganic potassium phosphate fertilizers without nitrogen, which can cause excessive leaf growth. Potassium is needed for the formation of healthy winter-hardy bulbs, and phosphorus is necessary for flowering. Active growth requires a lot of water. Usually watering is not needed, but if suddenly the spring is dry, then the grower will have to provide the plant with moisture. Watering small bulbous plants is not burdensome - they are very resistant to drought and will not die, but will not be tall. No maintenance is required until the end of the season.

So, easy care of the unpretentious plant will bring joy to gardeners and preserve the snowdrop. The Red Book is needed as a document that controls its protection.

Hello, Dear friends! Spring! Spring is outside! Spring days! Nature wakes up from its winter sleep. The snow is slowly melting and March is already in a hurry to please us with its first beauty. The first spring flowers, snowdrops, appear right out of the snow.

Of course, we all, even small children, know that they exist. Many have seen them. But what do we know about them? I don't think so much. And therefore, I propose today to learn as much as possible about snowdrops, so that you can later tell your classmates.

Lesson plan:

What kind of flowers?

So, snowdrops appear on the edges of forests and meadows, along river banks in March-April. They look right out from under the snow. That's why they got their beautiful name.

A strong stem, a pair of shiny green leaves and a white flower with a green edge, similar to a hanging bell, are pleasing to the eye. They grow in large groups, not just one flower at a time.

You can grow these delicate flowers in your garden or vegetable garden. The main thing is to provide them with suitable conditions. They love moist, nutritious soil that is warmed by sunlight.

There are about 18 species of snowdrops in nature, for example:

  • snow-white;
  • Caucasian;
  • Alpine;
  • snowdrop Voronova and others.

They are common in Central and Southern Europe, Crimea, the Caucasus and Asia Minor. There are especially many snowdrops in the Caucasus, where you can find representatives of 16 species of this plant.

The harbingers of spring bloom for 3-4 weeks, then the flower petals fall, and in their place appears a round box with three compartments in which black seeds are stored.

Beauty is under threat

All types of snowdrops are protected by the Red Book of Russia. Therefore, they cannot be picked and sold. But they rip it off and sell it. And if they sell, then they buy.

And you and I can help snowdrops survive. To do this, you just need to stop buying bouquets from merchants. After all, if there is no one to sell flowers to, then there is no need to pick them.

But flowers are threatened not only by pickers and bouquet sellers. Other unfavorable factors are:

  • deforestation, which reduces the area where flowers grow;
  • trampling and destruction of the forest floor in which the bulbs are hidden;
  • environmental problems (soil, water, air pollution).

To date, the Red Book has assigned snowdrops the third category.

This means that they do not disappear yet. But they are found in limited areas and in small numbers. And if measures are not taken, then soon we will no longer be able to admire these magnificent creatures.

Snowdrops in creativity

Snowdrops, with their extraordinary fragile beauty, have inspired many people to create.


Here are some poems.

There are also funny, comic versions)

To some, these white flowers resemble the tears of the Snow Maiden.

And for some, heroes.


In the painting by Pavel Eskov, white snowdrops bloomed among white birch trees, very beautiful)

There is still snow all around, but in the thawed patch white flowers are already rejoicing in the spring, cheerfully nodding their bells to the sun. The author of this painting is the artist Yuri Vladimirovich Sizonenko.

Nikolskaya Ekaterina Alexandrovna saw the first spring flowers like this. Very unusual)


Try asking your friends these interesting riddles)

Fairy tales

There are quite a lot of fairy tales about “snow droplets”. I'm sure you definitely know one of them! This tale is called "Twelve Months". I suggest you watch it right now.

Snowdrops have something to surprise you with:

That's all for today!

I wish you amazing spring discoveries!

Yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

Snowdrop (Galanthus platphyllus) is a perennial bulbous crop., one of the varieties of snowdrop. The species belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family, the variety is listed in the Red Book (we will consider why below).

The variety is also called broadleaf (G. Latifolius). This is a flower that is perfect for growing in gardens. Grows especially well in middle lane Russia and in the northern regions.

Brief description of the plant

According to the description, flat-leaved snowdrop has a height of no more than 20 cm. The diameter of the bulb does not exceed 3 cm. The flat leaves have an oblong shape. The color of the leaves is dark green without a bluish bloom. They have a shiny smooth surface.

During the flowering period, the length of the leaves is about 15 cm, and at the end of flowering they grow up to 25 cm. Due to appearance leaves (flat and wide) the plant got its name.

The peduncle is up to 20 cm long. The perianth leaves are distinguished by a delicate, white color. The inner leaves are up to 7 mm long, and the outer leaves are up to 2 cm. The flower itself has a diameter of about 4 cm.

This crop begins to bloom in April, and the short flowering period itself lasts about a month.

Where does it grow

Flat-leaved snowdrop became widespread in Georgia, as well as in North Ossetia. Where it grows: the species prefers to grow in alpine meadows, as well as in the gorges of mountain slopes.

When do they appear and when do they bloom?

You can see this snowdrop when the first snow melts and thawed patches appear. Flowering begins in mid-spring, around April. The flowers remain on the stems for a month.

Bloom culture at home growing begins only in the 3rd year after planting or sowing seeds. The plant can grow in one place for 5 or more years.

When and why was the species listed in the Red Book?

Reasons for including a flower in the Red Book:

  • small growing area;
  • quite a rare species in the wild;
  • collection for bouquets;
  • digging up bulbs for medicinal purposes;
  • use as an ornamental plant.

The culture was listed in the Red Book of the RSFSR in 1988. This variety is also listed in the Red Book of North Ossetia.

Medicinal properties of flat-leaved snowdrop

Snowdrop is a poisonous crop. It contains toxic substances such as alkaloids. Of particular importance is an alkaloid called galantamine.

This active substance is quickly absorbed into the blood, having a strong effect on nervous system. In this regard, the plant is included in many medicinal preparations, and is also actively used in folk medicine.

Snowdrops are used to treat the following diseases:

  • cerebral palsy and polio;
  • radiculitis, polyneuritis;
  • myopathy;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • nerve ending injuries;
  • fungus;
  • skin diseases and boils;
  • cancerous tumors.

Important information: Before using the plant, you should consult a specialist to avoid unpleasant consequences - poisoning and burns.

Since the culture is poisonous, not everyone can use it for treatment. It is not recommended to use snowdrop:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • persons under 16 years of age;
  • suffering from epileptic syndrome;
  • those suffering from asthma;
  • with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertensive patients.

Overdose symptoms:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • rare heartbeat;
  • increased salivation.

In folk medicine it is actively used in the form of ointments, tinctures, and decoctions. For treatment All parts of the plant are used - bulbs, leaves, stems and flowers.

Landing rules

For planting snowdrops it is recommended to choose open sunny areas, or slightly shaded. If you plant a plant in the shade, the snow will not melt as quickly as in the sun, as a result of which flowering will be delayed and not so decorative.

The soil for planting will need to be loose, enriched with nutrients, and also with good water permeability. Snowdrops do not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the soil. The soil must contain humus or compost.

Watering is only needed during the germination stage of seeds or bulbs., in the future, the crop should be watered moderately, only as needed.

Fertilizers are applied only during the active growth stage. Snowdrops need elements such as phosphorus and potassium.

There is no need to apply fertilizer with a high nitrogen content, as this can provoke the development of fungus.

The flower does not need shelter for the winter, like other plant varieties.


Broadleaf snowdrop can be propagated in two ways:

  1. Seeds.
  2. Bulbs.

Seeds must be sown immediately after collection., because they quickly lose their viability. The seeds need to be deepened approximately 1 cm into light, nutritious soil.

Self-seeding gives excellent results, so there is no need to rush to collect seeds. Flowering will begin only in the third year after sowing the seeds.

The division of the bulb and its further planting is carried out at the end of summer or early autumn. At this time, the culture is at rest.

For planting, you need to use only bulbs and seeds purchased in the store., digging up bulbs in nature, as well as collecting seeds, is prohibited, since the flower is listed in the Red Book.

Other types and their differences

There are many varieties of this crop known, many of them are cultivated and grown in garden plots as ornamental ones.


Caucasian is the most common variety of the genus. Grows in the Caucasus. At the end of flowering, the leaves reach a length of about 30 cm. They have a dark green color with a bluish tint. The species is also called alpine.

Diameter white flower with a green spot - about 3 cm. Snowdrop begins to bloom in April. The flowering period is about 2 weeks.

It differs from the flat-leaved one in the bluish shade of the leaves, as well as in the flowering period; in the flat-leaved one it is longer. In Latin it is pronounced Galantus Alpinus.


Broad-leaved is the second name for a flat-leaved species. It differs from other species in having wide and flat leaves without a bluish tint.

Snow white (white)

Snow White is a widespread species in horticulture in temperate climates. This variety begins to bloom already in March, which makes it different from many others, including the flat-leaved species.

The height of the crop does not exceed 15 cm. The leaves are dark green with a bluish tint. The flowers are very delicate, white, have a diameter of about 3 cm. In Latin, the name of the snowdrop sounds like Galantus Nivalis.

Thus, broad-leaved or flat-leaved snowdrop is a fairly common crop in nature and gardening. Listed in the Red Book.

This unpretentious plant easy to grow on garden plot , propagated by seeds and bulbs. Differs from other varieties in its wide and flat leaves.

The lovely snow-white snowdrop is the first to please the eye with its truly winter severity and touching tenderness. Spring has not yet become the full-fledged mistress of its domain and a white fluffy blanket covers the ground, and a small fragile flower is already fighting for a warm ray of sun. The legendary “Tears of Eve” remind us of a lost paradise and fill our hearts with a vague sense of pristine beauty.


The snowdrop, whose Latin name is galanthus, which means "milk flower", belongs to the amaryllis family, which includes eighteen species and two natural hybrids. Being perennial grass With a bulbous root, the snowdrop appears in early spring and lives no more than four weeks. The height of the stem reaches thirty centimeters; different subspecies differ in the shape and size of the corolla.

Snowdrops grow in the forests of Central and Southern Europe, as well as in Turkey and the shores of the Caspian and Black Seas. Flowers prefer areas exposed to sunlight, although they can also grow in the shade. However, they cannot tolerate places near swamps or springs with standing water. They are not demanding on the composition of the soil and can withstand sub-zero temperatures. With a lack of moisture, flowering slows down, so in an artificial environment galanthus needs additional watering.

The plant has an elegant white corolla with three long outer petals and three short inner ones. At the very edge of the petals there are barely noticeable green spots. On a low flexible stem there are several narrow dark green or grayish leaves. Only one flower grows from one bulb of small diameter.

Popular varieties

Of the twelve species of snowdrop growing in the post-Soviet space, the most common are:

  1. Elvis's snowdrop. A species with rather large round flowers, native to Asia Minor. The height of the stem can reach twenty centimeters. The leaves have a pleasant bluish tint.
  2. Snowdrop snow. Flowering period - second half of March, grows in wooded areas throughout Europe. It has a small corolla with a slit compared to other species. The height of the stem is from ten to fifteen centimeters, the leaves are pale green with a grayish tint.
  3. Snowdrop is snow-white. The most common species, with more than fifty subspecies and the longest flowering period. On the inside, the fragrant corolla is decorated with yellow spots. The length of the stem is on average ten centimeters, the bluish, keeled leaves are covered with a waxy coating.

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Galanthus snow-white received its name in the first half of the 18th century from Karl Lineus, the famous naturalist. In Europe, this type of snowdrop is also known as “snow earring”, “snow bell”, “snowflake”. Regardless of where it grows, it blooms equally mesmerizingly - the tightly compressed bracts open spectacularly as soon as the flower breaks out from under the snow.

Under "red" protection

As the first flower of spring, the forest snowdrop suffers every year from excessive displays of human love. Yearning for the green beauty of nature, people mercilessly pluck every single specimen they come across, often not leaving even a bulb. The “cleansing” of flowering islands reaches a special scale during the spring holidays.
Such negligence towards flora led to the fact that Galanthus quickly joined the list of endangered species.

Now the flower is listed in the Red Book and is under state protection. Environmental legislation provides for liability for unauthorized actions that lead to the death of the snowdrop population. The Red Book contains detailed description rare species of galanthus indicating external structure

and features of vegetative propagation.

According to the provisions of the Permanent Commission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the joint efforts of almost all countries of the world are actively working to restore the plant population and develop effective measures for its protection.

In the Red Book you can also find a description of the species and subspecies of snowdrops protected in a certain area. This could be a list of endangered plants both in the region and in a particular country. Authorities can pass local and national regulations. At the same time, it is possible to organize comprehensive measures to save the population and expand the plant’s range.

After flowering ends, galanthus bulbs remain dormant underground until autumn. And only by the second half of September they awaken in order to grow roots and bloom again in the spring. Visible growth and blooming of flowers lasts until the first leaves appear on the trees.
Snowdrops take root well in loose soil with plenty of moisture. When planting in clay soil, add a small amount of sand and organic fertilizer. As soon as galanthus begins to germinate, you can apply inorganic fertilizers. It is not recommended to cut the leaves before they are completely dry.

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Behind summer period“babies” form on the bulb, which greatly simplifies the propagation of the flower. Snowdrops can also reproduce by self-sowing, but they bloom no earlier than after four years.

Summarizing the article

The snowdrop is not only a lovely wild plant, but also a favorite of gardeners. The plant is grown to decorate lawns, rock gardens, and lawn decoration. Galanthus looks great surrounded by crocus, lungwort and blueberries. Unfortunately, a cut flower does not live very long, and in order to prolong the pleasure at least a little, you need to regularly add pieces of ice to a vase of water.