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Why does my laptop boot up very slowly? The laptop takes a very long time to boot. Why? Adding RAM

Despite the fact that the capabilities of modern laptops are almost equal in computing power and speed to desktop systems, they can still be called more “capricious” devices that require more attention. “The laptop takes a long time to load” is one of the most common reasons that annoys their owners the most after a certain period of use. This manifests itself in increased loading times, slower app launch times, slower web browsing, increased operating noise, and freezing. In other words, the laptop boots slowly and performs poorly. The reasons for such phenomena can be hidden in both software and hardware, and it is advisable to fix both problems immediately by contacting qualified specialists. IN otherwise your laptop may fail, and restoring its functionality will cost much more than periodic maintenance.

The main reasons for a slow laptop

Let's try to figure it out: why does the laptop take so long to boot? Before considering the reasons for the decrease in the speed of this device, it is worth noting that we are talking about slowdowns during the operation of your laptop. Obviously, an entry-level device with a small amount of RAM will perform significantly slower than a mid- to high-end laptop. So, if you begin to notice that your laptop has started to work slower than before, there may be several reasons:

  • Clogging the file system with a large number of temporary files;
  • High fragmentation hard drive and lack of free space on it;
  • Frequent installation and improper removal of various software, leading to an increase in the size of the system registry;
  • The presence of a large number of programs that register themselves in startup;
  • Regular use of hibernation or sleep mode without restarting the laptop, which can lead to frozen processes and a decrease in the available RAM;
  • Infection of the file system with malicious code;
  • Heavy dusting of the case and drying out of the thermal paste, leading to overheating of the processor and automatic reduction of its clock frequency.

This is not a complete list of reasons, so it is possible to determine exactly which of them influenced the slowdown in operating speed only after conducting a comprehensive diagnosis of the operation of the software and hardware of the laptop.

Ways to increase laptop speed

There are two main ways to increase the speed of the device:

  1. Operation optimization operating system and software using built-in or third-party utilities. This may include disk defragmentation, removing unnecessary software, cleaning the startup list, and regular checking with anti-virus software. In some cases, reinstalling the operating system may help, however, here you need to take into account that you will have to worry about the safety of your data and spend time installing the software you are working with.
  2. Upgrading (modernizing) your laptop. Installing additional memory, replacing a conventional hard drive with a solid-state one, or replacing a discrete video card will significantly increase the speed of operation. However, in some cases such modernization is simply impossible due to the lack of compatible components.

You should also remember that it is advisable to take your laptop to a service center at least once a year to clean it from dust, replace thermal paste, and check the cooler of the cooling system. Such prevention will not only prevent a decrease in performance due to overheating, but will also extend the service life of the device.

In any case, if the speed of the laptop noticeably slows down, you should contact a specialized service center. As a rule, prevention is inexpensive and will avoid failure of expensive laptop components.

Sooner or later, a Windows 7 user may find that loading the operating system begins to take longer and longer, reaching the point where it becomes annoying. It becomes impossible to tolerate this, and something urgently needs to be done. But it is not always possible to immediately determine the cause of slow loading, since there may be too many possible options, related not only to the software, but also to the hardware of the computer. To resolve a frequently asked question, Loading slowlyWWindows 7 on startupwhat to do, let's look at all these options, starting with the most common reason for the operating system taking a long time to load and ending with the more rare ones. So, possible reasons can be:

  • system startup overflow;
  • resource-intensive antivirus;
  • littering the system registry;
  • lack of free space on the hard drive;
  • Windows 7 clogged;
  • hard drive wear;
  • computer obsolescence;
  • incorrect settings
Let us describe these reasons in more detail.

Operating system startup overflow

When you turn on the computer and load the operating system, the programs located in the startup section are among the first to be launched to work in the background. And if there are a lot of such programs in startup, then, accordingly, the time required to load them takes a lot, and, maybe because of this takes a long time to loadWWindows 7 on startup. Of course, such necessary software components as antivirus, video and audio consoles, etc. must be present in startup. But most applications are simply superfluous, since they are not used that often, and if necessary, they can be launched through the Start menu or using a shortcut on the desktop. The fact is that many programs, when installed by default, offer to place them at startup, since software manufacturers are interested in promoting their product. So when the installer offers to add an application to startup, think about whether you need it there. If not, then uncheck this option. To remove unnecessary programs from startup, perform the following steps:
If as a result of this procedure it turns out that you mistakenly disabled important applications, then they can be returned in a similar way.

Resource-intensive antivirus

If after the changes have been made the startup still does not work The computer takes a long time to boot when turned on, the reason may be the antivirus, which, when loading, checks all loaded modules, which takes some time.
You can, of course, remove the antivirus from startup so that the system boots faster, but this does not guarantee the security of the computer. The only thing that can be recommended is to try changing the antivirus to another one that requires less computer resources when loading and operating. But here, too, you will most likely have to choose between the effectiveness of detecting threats and the speed of the application. Before switching to another antivirus, check out the relevant antivirus software comparison reviews and user reviews.


When The computer takes a long time to bootWWindows 7 on startup, this may be due to the penetration of viruses and other malicious software (Trojans, worms, etc.).
Such malware does not necessarily crash the system, but working in parallel with other Windows processes, they can significantly slow down the speed of its operation (including loading).
Run a deep system scan for malware in your installed antivirus software. Even if your antivirus doesn’t find anything, you should play it safe and use another antivirus, since not all of them are equally effective.

Littering the system registry

Another reason Why does my computer take a long time to boot when I turn it on?, there may be clutter in the Windows 7 registry.
The operating system registry stores records of all installed programs, their updates, changes, removals, and also contains a list of commands that the system must execute in relation to a particular application process. When installing a large number of programs, a lot of such entries can accumulate in the registry over time, and when some of them are deleted, fragmentary information from these applications may remain in the registry, which the system still has to constantly read in order.
In this regard, it is advisable to clean the registry from time to time. This can be done using special programs, of which quite a lot have been released. For example, you can use the free CCleaner application, install and launch it, click on the “Registry” button on the toolbar, and then click on the “Search for Problems” button. The program itself will find errors in the registry and what can be removed from it.
But before clicking the “Fix” button, it is still recommended to check the list of proposed changes yourself so that the program does not accidentally delete existing entries.

Lack of free space on the hard drive

The reason Why does my computer take a long time to boot when I turn it on?, there may also be a lack of free space on your hard drive.
For normal operation, the Windows 7 operating system requires a certain free space on the disk where it is installed (at least 5 gigabytes, and preferably 10), since special temporary files are created during the boot process and operation of the system. Therefore, if there is little free space, system loading may slow down. Check the free space on the disk, and if it is not enough, move or delete unnecessary files.

Windows 7 clogged

The longer the operating room is used Windows system 7, the more installed programs, service packs, temporary files and other components accumulate in it, which can slow down the system as a whole and cause The computer takes a long time to boot when turned on.

Using the CCleaner program mentioned above or the standard Windows “Disk Cleanup” function, which is available in the “Properties” of the disk on the “General” tab, you can clean the system of unnecessary data, thereby speeding up its operation.
If The computer takes a very long time to boot when turned on Most likely, the problem is in the hard drive, which has a certain operating life.
Over time, the hard drive wears out, and damaged or broken clusters may appear on its magnetic surface, when accessing them in an attempt to read information, more time is spent or the data cannot be read at all.
To diagnose the status of your hard drive, you can use the standard Windows 7 utility by right-clicking on the drive and selecting “Properties”. Then you need to go to the “Services” tab, where you can run the disk check program.
If a disk scan reveals many “bad” sectors, you should purchase a new hard drive. When you use a computer for several years, sooner or later it will become outdated, there is no escape from it. New programs that you install will require more and more computer resources (processor power, RAM and video memory), which you will no longer have enough for their full functioning. All this will affect the speed of operation and loading of Windows 7.
In this case, you will need to think about buying a new computer or “upgrading” it.

Incorrect BIOS settings

Another reason why your computer takes a long time to boot may be incorrect BIOS settings, where the boot order of various drives is set.
There, for example, the following order can be set: first from a CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive, then from a flash drive, and then from a hard drive (HDD). And while the computer goes through the two previous boot options and reaches the hard drive, a few seconds will pass. To check your drive boot sequence settings, go to the BIOS before starting Windows 7.
We hope that from the above options you have found one or more reasons why your desktop computer or Laptop takes a long time to boot when turned onWWindows 7, and successfully solved this problem.

It is impossible to say unambiguously how long a computer running Windows 7 should boot. The indicator depends on the hardware. On the other hand, if previously the car came to working condition for a certain period of time, and now it has increased - this is a reason to think about it.

Checking the Event Log

When you suspect that loading is slow, you can use a stopwatch to be sure. It’s better to use a special system tool. In any case, you should not do this “by eye”.

The tool will tell you for sure how long the last download lasted and compare this indicator with previous ones.

  1. Press the Win + R key combination, enter “eventvwr.msc” in the window that opens and click “OK”.

    To open the “Event Log”, you need to enter “eventvwr.mcs” in the line and click “OK”

  2. On the left side of the window, go to: “Application and service logs” - Microsoft - Windows - Diagnostics-Perfomance. In the drop-down list, click on “Working”.

    At the specified address there are records of computer loading

  3. Next, in the middle window, you need to look for events with code 100. For convenience, you can sort them by clicking on the “Event code” column.

    For simplicity, it is better to sort events: you need to click on the “Event Code” column

  4. To find out the loading time, double-click on any of the lines with code 100 and find the “Download Duration” item.

    The “Download Duration” line indicates the exact loading time

IN in this example this figure is 83029ms. To represent it in seconds, the number must be divided by 1000. It turns out that the computer took 83 seconds to boot. The indicator is not bad, but it could be better.

Why does my computer boot so slowly?


The most likely reason is startup. This is a list of programs that start automatically when you turn on your computer. Each application takes up part of the resources and the more of them, the more resource-intensive they are, the longer the download takes. Among other reasons for slow loading, autoloading has the greatest negative effect, and solving this problem gives the most noticeable result.

Disk clutter

Secondly, you need to pay attention to drive C. The system itself and various programs are installed on it, and for their normal functioning you need free space for the swap file extension. This partition must have at least 5 GB free. If there is less memory, then drive C needs to be cleaned. Ideally, only programs and their temporary files should remain here. Everything else: photos, video files, audio files - needs to be transferred to other disk sections or to removable media. It is also useful to use programs for deleting temporary and old files to optimize system performance. Good tools are CCleaner (which can also be used to configure startup) and SystemNinja. They are available for free download on the Internet: and


Another likely cause is viruses. They are activated simultaneously with system startup and therefore slow down loading. In this case, you need to use a standard antivirus (Kaspersky, Avast, Dr. Web, Avira).

Condition of the computer or laptop

It is also worth paying attention to the state of the computer’s hardware. Dust accumulates on devices and components, causing the surface to heat up. And the higher the temperature, the slower the computer works. You need to clean the equipment with great care and attention because the elements are very fragile. It is highly recommended that you watch the instructional video before this process. Especially in the case of laptops. After all, you need to properly remove the cover and other elements. The video instructions should show exactly your laptop model, since different manufacturers have different device layouts. It’s easier with stationary computers - just remove the side cover, all components are visible at once, and their location is almost the same in all system units.

Video instruction: how to clean dust from the system unit

Speed ​​up startup - cleaning startup

Windows 7 has several tools for this operation. But, for example, changes in the registry editor can no longer be corrected, unlike the msconfig utility. Therefore, it can only be used as a last resort.

msconfig utility

As mentioned above, this tool is the safest, since changes can be rolled back by checking the box again.

Video instruction: how to remove unnecessary things from autorun

Via the Start menu

To launch the tool, you need to click on the “Start” menu, hover over the “All Programs” line, select “Startup” from the drop-down list and click on it.

To open “Startup” through the menu, you need to click on “Start”, select “All Programs” and the “Startup” folder

To remove an application from autorun, you need to remove the program from this folder.

Registry Editor

To remove autorun, you need to select the appropriate option and delete it. IN in this case This is VM WareWorkstation.

CCleaner utility

It is available for free download on the Internet ( To remove startup from the list, you need to open “Tools”, then “Startup”. Here you can see a list of all startups and delete unnecessary ones.

CCleaner will speed up your system

This program also allows you to perform a general system scan and improve the performance of your computer or laptop.

Autoruns program to speed up startup

This application shows all applications and files that are running simultaneously with the system, and also gives the user the opportunity to disable unnecessary ones.

Autoruns workspace: Everything tab

The program is available for free download on the official website - You need to unpack the downloaded archive and install autoruns.exe, then accept the agreement.

List of tabs that are related to startup:

  • Everything. Shows autorun files. There is a built-in search tool here (click “File” - “Find ...”).
  • Logon. Displays autorun programs. It is not advisable to disable "rdpclip", "C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe" and "explorer.exe".
  • Explorer. All elements of Windows Explorer with autorun. Recommended for advanced users only.
  • Internet Explorer. All settings and options in Internet Explorer.
  • Services tab. Service files that start simultaneously with system startup.
  • Drivers tab. Here is a list of all driver related files. It is also useful to refer to this tab if a device has stopped functioning correctly and you need to find out the reason.

To exclude a program from startup, you need to remove it from the list.

If you are sure that this autoloader can be deleted, then you need to right-click on the line and select Delete.

But when setting up startup, you need to remember two rules:

Yellow lines indicate that the file was not found, although autoloading remained. Such lines need to be deleted.

The yellow line indicates that the program itself does not exist, but its autoloader remains - you can safely delete them

The boot speed of a computer is a good indicator of how the computer is performing in general. To make the startup process quick, it is enough to check the system according to several parameters: the startup list, the load on drive C, the presence of viruses and the cleanliness of the hardware itself. Programs such as CCleaner or Autoruns can partially help with this.

We will reveal the reasons why the laptop boots for a long time and slowly, what influences this factor and how to speed up the loading of the operating system.

If you need professional help with optimizing the operation of your laptop or repairing it, contact our service center in St. Petersburg.

As users use their laptop, they encounter situations where Windows takes too long to load or does not load at all. There are several reasons for this development.

Laptop needs software cleaning

People use a variety of programs at work. Some of them leave behind files that load the computer. A large amount of system garbage leads to heavy CPU load, which prevents the operating system executable files from being installed at the usual speed. The way out of this situation is to clean Windows. The service center technicians have full set programs that will return the OS to full functionality.

Laptop needs cleaning from dust

Dust collects in important parts of the computer. This leads to the fact that the fans on the coolers stop spinning at the proper speed, which leads to overheating of the laptop parts. Accordingly, when the temperature of the central processor is too high, its operation slows down - the computer takes longer to load or it becomes impossible to use it.

Cleaning a laptop is a serious matter. Unlike a desktop computer, there are many small parts, fasteners and clamps that can easily be damaged if you lack experience.

Search and remove viruses

Computer viruses are the scourge of the modern generation. What they have in common is that any of them slows down the operating system, which results in slow booting of the laptop. Fighting viruses is a complex process. It all depends on the severity of the malware. Service center programmers have the skills and necessary software to combat viruses.

Reinstalling Windows

System failures render the operating system unusable. It becomes impossible to use. Another situation is that Windows files are damaged by viruses. It is practically impossible to restore them. In such cases, reinstalling the operating system will help. Only licensed programs and high-quality services are found in the service center.

Hard drive and RAM need to be checked/replaced

When system errors and malfunctions are excluded, then attention is paid to the components of the laptop. Slow booting is caused by bad sectors of the hard drive and faulty RAM. First, technicians check the status of the hard drive's memory cells using specialized utilities. If there are any, then the problem is eliminated by removing bad sectors or replacing the entire hard drive.

Laptop upgrade

Any equipment wears out over time, mentally and physically. Therefore, sooner or later you will have to think about upgrading your computer. Service center specialists will select and install the necessary parts:

  • Video card.
  • RAM.
  • HDD.
  • CPU.

The new laptop works quickly and smoothly, but over time problems arise with the speed of processing requests. Most often, the reason for poor performance is the actions of the users themselves, so if your laptop is running slowly, reconsider your attitude towards its use.

Common Causes

If the laptop takes a long time to load everything, then the following factors may be causing the problem:

  • Excessive system clutter with files and programs.
  • Action of viruses.
  • The autorun list is crowded.
  • A large number of running processes.
  • HDD fragmentation.
  • Using an economical power supply.
  • Cooling system clogged.
  • Obsolescence of equipment.

Sooner or later, the system will still start to slow down, but you can keep it in working order for a long time on your own if you properly care for your laptop.

System optimization

If your laptop starts to run slowly, pay attention to how much free space there is on your hard drive. 12-15% of the total volume should remain free on the system partition. You can fill more space, but then “brakes” will arise, because fragments of the file table will begin to be laid out in free sectors of the disk, the search for which will take more time.

Therefore, delete unnecessary files and uninstall unnecessary programs so as not to take up useful space with junk. To uninstall programs, it is recommended to use the Revo Uninstaller utility, which allows you to immediately clean the system of empty folders that remain after removing applications.

Don't forget to destroy temporary files and clean the registry. Use for system optimization free program CCleaner – through it you can perform all the necessary actions, from deleting temporary files to cleaning the startup list.

Note: When deleting temporary files through CCleaner, uncheck the boxes of the browsers you use so as not to erase your browsing history and saved passwords.

You can also clean startup using the built-in tools. On Windows 10, the startup list is available in the task manager:

Since you are in the task manager, move to the “Processes” tab and see which programs are loading the system and how much. If there are unnecessary processes (for example, Skype is running, but you are not using it or waiting for messages), end them to reduce the load.

If Windows 7 is loading slowly, follow these steps:

If you leave a minimum of programs, then the laptop's resources will be directed to loading Windows rather than starting third party software. In addition, if your laptop is slow, be sure to check it for viruses. Use not only the installed antivirus, but also the Dr. cleaning utility. Web Cure It.

Disk Defragmenter

If your laptop has an HDD drive, do not forget to periodically defragment it. During the work process, the data is broken into parts, that is, fragmented. In search of parts of files, the disk head is forced to wander across the entire surface, which ultimately affects the response speed. Disk defragmentation allows you to collect pieces of data in one place.

Attention: if the laptop has an SSD drive, then defragmentation is not necessary and even harmful, because solid-state drives use a different technology than HDDs.

If your disk is more than 10% fragmented, defragment it. To remember to perform this procedure constantly, click “Change settings” and enable scheduled optimization.

Power settings

There are several plans available in the laptop power options. If you haven’t created your own plan, there will be three of them:

  • Energy saving.
  • Balanced.
  • High performance.

The name of the schemes directly indicates their purpose. If you have the energy saving mode set, then good operating speed is out of the question - the laptop will try to consume a minimum of resources. To fix this, you need to install a different power plan.

Try to install a balanced circuit first so that the laptop is sufficiently productive, but does not discharge in half an hour. If a program or the entire system is still running very slowly, set it to High Performance mode.

Cleaning and updating components

If neither system optimization nor even a complete reinstallation of Windows helps, then you should pay attention to the physical condition of the laptop. Perhaps it slows down and freezes because the cooling system is clogged. How to fix it? Disassemble the laptop and clean it from dust, and replace the thermal paste. You can do this yourself by first finding a laptop disassembly diagram, but it’s safer to contact a service center.

We should not forget that “smart” technology quickly becomes obsolete. Therefore, if you are using an old laptop, then do not be surprised that Windows 8 slows down on it, and some programs do not start at all. You can try to update individual components (processor, motherboard, hard drive, RAM), but in the case of a laptop it’s easier to buy a new model.