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Why don't you want intimacy? Why don't you want sex? Thyroid hormones also influence desire for intimacy

They say couples break up when sexy attraction to each other fades away and intimacy becomes less. In one case reason for not having sex lies in lost or wasted feelings. In another, it’s a banal habit, mixed up with a host of everyday problems and raising children. The third reason for refusing intimacy can be hormonal changes in both men and women. But if there are reasons why you don’t want sex, then there must be ways to eliminate them. The author of the following article tells how to overcome all complexes and obstacles and harmonize intimate relationships in the family.

Why don't you want sex?

Unfortunately, the problem of regular intimacy with a regular partner in modern world This is an acute problem for many couples. Sex happens less and less often, until it disappears completely, turning the spouses’ relationship into a friendly one and forcing them to look for emotions on the side. To avoid this, it is very important to understand why don't you want sex and how to save intimate relationships.

So, the main reasons for refusing sex.

Reason #1: Hormonal imbalances and diseases of the reproductive system

On libido, that is sexual desire influenced by hormones. Therefore, any failure or disease accompanied by changes in hormonal levels can lead to a person ceasing to feel the need for intimacy. When it comes to men, the first thing you should do is test your blood testosterone levels. Among women decreased sexual desire can also be observed during treatment oral contraceptives(OK).

IN in this case It is important to be examined by an endocrinologist and carefully check your hormonal profile (hormone analysis). If any “problems” are detected, the doctor will prescribe treatment. As soon as the hormones stop acting up, the former desire will return.

If oral contraceptives are to blame for the decrease in libido, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist to select a different drug or consider other contraceptive options.

Reason #2: Resentment or complexes

It’s not without reason that they say that for some people, sex first happens in the head, and only then in bed. For such men and women, praise and positive assessment partner. But a remark or criticism, even uttered not out of malice, can hurt painfully and instill doubts in the soul about one’s own attractiveness and sexuality. Subconsciously the brain will refuse sex, in order to protect yourself from new disorders and experiences. This is how a psychological decrease in libido occurs, requiring confidential conversations with a partner, and sometimes consultation with a psychotherapist or sexologist.

Unfortunately, quarrels, disagreements and dissatisfaction with each other in everyday life and personal terms also affect intimate life. If a wife nags her husband about a small salary, and the husband is dissatisfied with the fact that his wife breeds cats, believe me, until problems in sex near. You should stop mutual nagging and treat each other with great respect. Such simple rules help to establish a warm climate not only in the family, but also in bed.

Reason #3: Platitudes

Even in those couples whose African passions were in full swing at the beginning of their relationship, a decline may occur. Partners know everything about each other, nothing surprises or arouses intense desire. In such cases, if you don’t add some zest to intimacy, you can even “bury” it. marital sex.

Role-playing games, unusual underwear, a date in a hotel, perfume with aphrodisiacs - in sex with a regular partner there should always be a place for novelty and bright flashes that fuel the fire of desire.

Reason #4: Chronic fatigue and lack of sleep

In the modern world, a person has almost no time for proper sleep and rest: work, long hours of traffic jams, many different activities and worries. But chronic fatigue and lack of sleep affect not only the immune system and mood, but also the libido! What kind of sex can we talk about if the only desire is to quickly get to bed and fall asleep? In this case, you need to give your body rest. Take a weekend off at least a couple of times a week - don’t do household chores or don’t take part-time work home - devote this time to your loved one and restoring your intimate life.

Fatigue can be not only physical, but also psychological, when a person has a lot of responsibility or is in a state of chronic stress. In this case, of course, we can recommend a relaxing massage, sedatives and aromatherapy, the purpose of which is to harmonize the functioning of the nervous system.

Reason #5: Physical inactivity

From home to the car or to the bus, from the bus to a chair in the office and in the evening the same way back? This is how most people in our country live, suffering from physical inactivity, that is, decreased physical activity. Our advice is a gym, swimming pool, yoga, jogging in the morning, dancing or a football section for amateurs. It is believed that people who regularly exercise have a regular need for intimacy.

If you have no desire or opportunity to play sports, it is recommended to make it a rule:
go up on foot, not by elevator;
walk in the nearest park before bed at least 1-2 times a week;
get off one stop before home and walk this distance.

As for sleep, there should be a sufficient amount of it - at least 6 hours a day (ideally 8 hours). Be sure to sleep in a ventilated room - fresh air promotes quality relaxation.

Reason #6: Poor nutrition

Diets or, on the contrary, abuse of fast food and alcohol can lead to sexual attraction It will gradually “melt away”, and maybe disappear altogether. A lack of vitamins can also negatively affect the bed issue.

To avoid this, you need to learn a list of products that should always be on your table:
protein (lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy products);
potassium (baked potatoes, rice, nuts, bananas);
iron (green apples, liver, buckwheat);
vitamin C (black currants, sauerkraut, tomatoes, rose hips, oranges);
vitamin E (spinach, lettuce, olive oil).

And, most importantly, remember, you cannot let sexual problems take their course. We must look for the cause and eliminate it so that life can sparkle with colors again!

It seems like everything was just yesterday: the languid anticipation of the end of the day, and the trembling from touch, and the sweet languor rising from within with the memory of the past night... Where did it all go? Why don’t thoughts about sex make you happy now, and you want to put it all off for later, and for later, and again...

According to statistics, more than 60% of middle-aged men and women who are married or simply living together make love no more than twice a month. Moreover, men refuse sex even more often than their life partners.

For young couples, these problems are usually not relevant. They don’t miss any opportunity to make love anyway. But even with age, one should not underestimate a rich sex life, as an important part of a happy marriage. Where did the desire go and how to live now?

Reason 1. Workaholics are not active in sex

This is only in early adolescence, when hormones are boiling, a busy life schedule is not an obstacle to vigorous sex. In middle age, everything is completely different. If in the morning you are already in the shower calculating the day minute by minute, and during the day you lose your appetite from nervous overload and psychological pressure from your superiors, then in the evening you will want nothing at all but to fall asleep in order to relieve yourself of all the stress of the working day. It’s even worse for those who are business owners or managers of large companies. Not only do they have more worries, but the risks are also higher, which means their stress levels are simply off the charts.

An intensive work schedule generally does not contribute to a full life in all its manifestations. If you don’t have enough time and energy for anything other than work, then it’s time to think about what you even live for?

Reason 2. Catch the hidden disease by the tail

If you are sick and are lying down with a fever, then it is clear that you will not want to have intimacy until you recover. But it also happens that you don’t yet know that something has gone wrong in your body, or you don’t want to think about possible problems and brush them aside. This is where sexual lethargy, lack of desire, comes on like a red light: something is wrong in the body!

Majority hormonal disorders, heart diseases, gastrointestinal tract, and in general, the failure of any system is inevitably reflected in a decrease in sexual activity and often leads to a complete loss of interest in the intimate sphere of life.

But not everyone knows that depression, including its light variants like seasonal blues, which are so common now, acts in exactly the same way! So you shouldn’t underestimate your ailments, even if you really don’t like being treated.

And it is no less important to realize that the reason for the loss of sexual interest is not that the relationship within the couple has gone wrong, but that one of the spouses has had a bad relationship with himself. A psychotherapist and an attentive, patient attitude on the part of your significant other can help you cope with this.

Reason 3. Looking for what is the problem: nutrition, movement, sleep?

To have successful sex you need to be healthy, we have already found that out. But sex can also be disrupted by many other factors related to the state of the body. At a minimum, for sexual desire to arise, you need to get enough sleep. After all, if you can’t think about anything other than sleep, then what kind of enchanting sex is there!

Less obvious is that your intimate life can be affected by your diet. Moreover, both extremes are harmful - both overeating and too strict a weight loss diet. In the latter case, there is less and less energy left for sex, and the constant denial of small sensual pleasures like chocolate or ice cream dulls emotionality.

But you can also regulate your intimate sphere with the help of nutrition. Food aphrodisiacs contribute to the activation of sexual energy: oysters, chili peppers, asparagus, celery, bananas, walnuts and dried fruits: figs, prunes, raisins.

A sedentary lifestyle is also harmful to the sexual sphere. Working at a computer, sitting behind the wheel, sitting in front of the TV... Muscle tightness gradually accumulates, congestion in the pelvic area accumulates. All this directly affects sexual constraint and lack of desire.

The advice here is obvious: move more, sit less. And it’s best to move together: walk, jog, rollerblade or bike. Sport enhances muscle tone, activates blood circulation, awakens sexual energy, and a slim, trained figure has never harmed anyone in bed!

Reason 4. Technology keeps us apart

It would be funny if it weren't so sad. Social media And computer games They entertain us adults so successfully that often there is no time left to communicate with our other half. After work I sat down at the computer for 15 minutes - and for three hours nothing happened. Your beloved is already asleep, without waiting for you, and there’s not much time left before getting up.

The most important thing is that only you yourself can fight this situation. But those who are addicted to gadgets, as a rule, do not feel this, and are very angry when their “freedom” and the right to relax as they like are encroached upon.

The only way out here is to agree on a fixed time for gadgets and strictly adhere to the agreements. Otherwise, technology will eat up all the free time that could be spent together. And all the emotions too!

Reason 5. Monotony and predictability of family life

A monotonous, joyless life can lead to alienation in a couple and, as a result, to loss of sexual interest. Work, all-consuming everyday worries, monotonous intimate life, endless TV for a snack - all this can kill the joy in any married couple and lead to mutual claims and conflicts.

Fuel your love with new wonderful moments all the time! Deliberately plan for overall positive experiences. The two of you should definitely have time that you give only to each other, and not to business, work or children. Moreover, at this time you should under no circumstances talk about business and worries, but completely give them to your loved ones.

Don't become predictable to each other! Have romantic evenings, watch explicit movies together, fool around and experiment in bed. Do everything to prevent your sex life from becoming boring!

Tatiana Rubleva

Men often turn to sexologists with complaints that the wife does not want intimacy, which is inferior to the husband only out of necessity. But before marriage, everything was completely different - a woman’s desire to have sex was no less than her partner’s, and their sex life was very rich and varied. It happens that women also contact:

“I’ve been married for ten years now. We are a good couple, we have two wonderful children. Everything would be just perfect if it weren’t for the disputes over intimacy. I’m tired at work and also take care of the house and children, so in the evening I don’t feel like having sex at all - I have only one thought in my head - how to get to bed as quickly as possible.

There is no longer any strength left for intimacy. My husband, on the contrary, is in full combat readiness in the evening, and my refusals have a depressing effect on him. So it turns out that we only have sex once a week, on Fridays, when I’m not so tired. My husband is very unhappy about this. At first he delicately hinted to me that he wanted intimacy more often, but then Lately began to say directly that our sex life did not satisfy him. Sex is the only reason for our quarrels; on all other issues we have complete agreement. I even suggested that my husband go to a sexologist, but he replied: “Why is that? Neither you nor I have any problems, we just need to do this more often.” What do you advise?"

Sexologists answer

Motherhood and fatherhood are not as simple as they seem. The appearance of children in a family significantly changes marital relationships, including in the area of ​​intimacy. Changing priorities cannot be discounted. A young wife focuses most of her interests on her beloved, but when she has children from this man, a significant part of her attention, concern, and love is transferred to them. This is normal, this is natural, this is how nature created women. Mothers often and willingly hug, kiss, and caress their babies. At the same time, the woman unconsciously, without realizing it, satisfies her own need for physical touch. All living beings have this need. Without physical contact, people experience tactile hunger, and it can be no less acute than real hunger. This may be exactly what is happening to your husband.

It is possible that your need for intimacy has “dozed off” because you pay a lot of attention to your children and give them that part of your bodily warmth that is intended for your husband. In a word, he can be understood. But we can understand you too. Your husband’s dissatisfaction, his reproaches, his demands for intimacy turn this pleasant activity into an additional responsibility for you - one of many that you face as a working mother of two small children. The solution to your family problem is as follows. It is advisable for you to relieve yourself of some of your household responsibilities in order to devote more time to yourself and your body. This will reawaken your sex drive and bring intimacy back into your bedroom. Take a moment to have an honest conversation with your husband. Tell him how tired you are and think together about how you can make your household work easier. Perhaps your husband should take on some of the housework himself or organize your life in some other way - for example, periodically invite a nanny for the children or a house cleaning assistant so that you have the opportunity to relax and gain strength. And one more piece of advice for your husband. Instead of reproaching his wife for her lack of desire, it is better for him to ask what turns her on the most, what gives her pleasure.

Since such questions arise very often, we are publishing an article on the topic of the characteristics of female libido.

A woman’s sexual desire or why the wife doesn’t want intimacy

A woman's sexual desire largely depends on hormones. Libido often decreases after the birth of a child and in cases of thyroid disease, as well as as a result of taking hormonal pills. What else increases or decreases the desire to have sex?

Hormones are often blamed for the lack of desire for intimacy. It's true, hormones are largely responsible for a woman's mood and desire for intimacy. When it comes to a woman's monthly cycle, the presence of cyclical fluctuations in sex hormones has a significant impact on libido levels. So, in the first stage of the ovulation cycle, estrogen dominates, which causes a greater desire for sex. After ovulation, the hormone progesterone increases in a woman’s body and libido decreases. Women's libido is at its lowest just before menstruation due to a reduction in both progesterone and estrogen levels.
The sensitivity of the endocrine system explains the frequent drop in libido after using hormonal contraception - many women, in order to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy Thus, quite unexpectedly, they begin to lose their mood and desire for intimacy with their husband.

Wife doesn't want intimacy after childbirth

Libido levels, among other things, also depend on prolactin, a hormone produced in high concentrations in women after childbirth. High prolactin levels block ovulation and cause decreased sex drive. This is a natural phenomenon to prevent another pregnancy from occurring too quickly. Prolactin gives a woman’s body time to recover and allows her to focus on caring for the baby’s condition. High levels Prolactin levels can also be caused by other reasons, such as surgery or a pituitary tumor.

Thyroid hormones also influence desire for intimacy

Not all of us know that a small gland - the thyroid gland - is also responsible for readiness for intimacy or reluctance to have sex. Meanwhile, hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's disease also causes a decrease in libido. In this case, it is necessary to consult with good specialist, have various thyroid hormone levels tested and receive appropriate treatment.

Little things that influence a woman's interest in sex

Regardless of female hormones, the choice of contraceptives and their effect on sexual desire, scientists continue to study and research what affects a woman's desire for sex. Here are some interesting facts:

Chocolate increases the desire for intimacydark chocolate increases dopamine levels and the bioflavonoids contained in it are good for blood vessels, which improves blood circulation. The doses contained in chocolate and sugar can add energy for love affairs. However, chocolate does have " dark side“- two years ago, the world was surprised by the results of studies that showed that more than a third of women prefer to eat chocolate instead of... sex. The research was conducted by a dessert manufacturer, but may be highly reliable given that women often seek comfort in sweets. So chocolate - yes, but only in small quantities and only dark chocolate!

Research has shown positive effect of glass and red wine on women's desire for sexual intercourse. Red wine dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow to key areas of arousal, but very large amounts of alcohol have the exact opposite effect - it can reduce sexual performance, act as a sedative and suppress libido.
Red color is associated with passion and sex. In a study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, researchers found that women want men dressed in red because it is sexier.

Why a woman doesn't want a man - reasons

“In the beginning, we had sex three times a day, anywhere. Now she doesn't want me anymore, doesn't want intimacy. When we do this, it is always on my initiative, and she often refuses."
This is a very common situation that couples often find themselves in after a year or two of relationship or marriage.

  1. A man's desire for sex does not depend on his emotional state. Perhaps he quarreled with a woman, and after that, after 10 minutes, he has a desire for intimacy with her. Women's desire for sex is completely determined by emotional attitude to your husband. If a woman feels comfortable, if he has created positive emotions, the woman wants the man and this increases the desire for intimacy with him.
  2. It is much more important for a woman to communicate with her partner before the act. Daily communication, romantic gestures and foreplay. The emotions associated with these gestures make her want intimacy with men.
  3. At the beginning of a relationship, a man feels admiration for a woman. This naturally happens in his attitude towards her. Looks, touches, kisses, kind gestures feed her imagination, emotions increase her sexual desire. Over time, the man gets used to it and stops treating her as a special woman. This leads to a weakening of her emotions and, consequently, reduces her sexual desire.
  4. When a man wants intimacy (or worse, in the case of intimacy with a woman, as a “commitment”), it worsens the situation. If a man insists on sex, the woman feels pressure and the desire for intimacy disappears completely. She can satisfy his request, but does not experience any positive emotions.

Scientists believe that people's sexual needs are embedded in their genes. Some people enjoy increased libido, some are satisfied with sexual release once a week, and some are completely content with only platonic love. Libido may vary slightly depending on different circumstances. But, in general, sexual desire is a constant. Why you don't want to have sex may depend on various factors. If attraction begins to noticeably decrease, then you should think about your health. Because The reasons may be psychological, but the basis of everything, nevertheless, lies in physiology. Even many psychological reasons, in many ways, are formed under the influence of hormonal levels.

Physiological reasons

Sexual attraction is directly related to a person’s hormonal background, to his sex hormones. In men - with testosterone, in women - with estrogen and testosterone, but in smaller quantities. In men, most testosterone is produced in the genitals and is controlled by the central nervous system.

  • With age, the amount of testosterone produced in the blood slowly decreases by 1-2% per year. This process is almost invisible in the age period up to sixty. This is one of the most common reasons why you don't want sex. It is difficult to reduce testosterone production, but in the case of a sudden weight gain of twenty kilograms, prolonged alcohol abuse, genital injuries, radioactive radiation or reception hormonal drugs, testosterone levels will decrease.
  • Women don't want to have sex, usually due to hormonal imbalances.
  • Hormonal levels are not very stable; they are affected by the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause. The physiological reasons for decreased libido should be determined by a gynecologist and endocrinologist. The main reason for decreased libido in a physically healthy woman is, first of all, the use of oral contraceptives. Therefore, you should always consult your doctor before taking them to avoid such side effects.
  • If the basic needs associated with maintaining life are not satisfied, then you usually do not want sex. What to do in this case? Check whether you suffer from insomnia, diet, excessive fatigue. These may also be reasons for decreased libido. It is worth consulting a therapist, because... Some of these symptoms may be the result of more serious illnesses.
  • In general, in case of illness, desire may decrease not only due to poor health, but also due to the drugs taken. medicines. They will not necessarily be hormonal; they can be antipsychotics, diuretics, tranquilizers, medications for diabetes and hypertension, and others. So if you are prescribed pills, be sure to carefully read the instructions for them. Decreased libido may be a side effect.
  • After giving birth, many women do not want sex with their husbands due to changes in hormonal levels. Nursing mothers produce more of the hormone prolactin. It reduces the possibility of re-pregnancy and libido itself. Changes in hormonal levels, among other things, are also the cause of postpartum depression.
  • It also reduces libido and birth trauma. Tears and cuts are very common in mothers. Many of them develop a fear of re-injury, which in turn reduces libido. Also, women who have given birth do not produce lubrication for some time, which also does not add pleasant sensations to sex.

Psychological reasons

  • Feeling of dissatisfaction. Men are also susceptible to it, but women are more susceptible to it. Women take insults and quarrels too closely. Even if it is clearly unnoticeable, self-esteem often suffers from the slightest doubt about its significance. Therefore, you should be careful in your expressions, because... resentment can ruin your personal life.
  • Addiction. Vivid love with strong feelings usually lasts from six months to three years. This is the time of blossoming of mutual, incredible sexual attractiveness given by nature, from a biological point of view, for the conception of future offspring. Then, naturally, cooling occurs.
  • Comparisons. Constant comparison of a partner with other people, with their external data. Especially if it is not so much the people living nearby that can be compared, but media pictures and popular personalities whose images are created by stylists. Especially if the comparison is based on novelty, then almost anyone is doomed to failure. At the end of this process, only loneliness awaits. After which there will also be a regular decrease in libido.
  • After giving birth, you don’t want sex because you are insecure about your unattractiveness. Many women experience very significant weight gain after childbirth. The body takes on a completely different shape, plus stretch marks appear, veins enlarge, cracks appear on the nipples, the stomach sags, and the thighs become covered with cellulite. And women who are always overly critical of their appearance may be seriously affected by body changes and, as a result, be reluctant to show their body to their husband.
  • Maternal instinct also prevents the revival of libido. Maternal instinct forces the mother to take care only of the child, blocking signals that are less important from the point of view of the survival of the species and offspring. Libido is one of them.

Now you know the reasons why you don’t want sex at all. This will help you, in some way, correct the current situation, turning it in the right direction. Because sex between partners is an important factor in living together. You will also be interested in our articles: "

The number of divorces is constantly growing in our country. Often couples break up, even after many years of marriage. Often the problem is the lack of romance and love that existed before. Over time, everyday life negates the passion and feelings of love between spouses. And without them, discord, quarrels and claims of partners against each other immediately begin in the family. A woman does not want a man, and a man does not want a woman.

Marital duty

For many married couples, intimate life plays a very important role in the relationship. But everyone approaches marital duty differently. Some people consider this work, not realizing that this is how they can show all the love and tenderness to their partner. If there is no intimacy between people for a long time, then they begin to emotionally distance themselves from each other. As a result, mutual claims, disputes, scandals and unwillingness to listen to the opinions of the opposite side appear.

According to statistics, it is women who begin to show coldness first. And only with rare exceptions are men. Ignoring the wishes of their husband, the fair sex begins the gradual destruction of the married couple. Then the question arises: why don’t men make their women sexually attracted to them? There are quite a lot of factors.

Where it all begins

How to recognize when problems arise? When a woman does not want a man, there are different signs. It all starts with her coming up with a variety of excuses when her partner offers her intimacy. Often used banal headache or just tired. If this happens rarely, then perhaps the girl really feels some kind of discomfort. But in the case when excuses are constantly used, such a situation should alert a man.

However, often the question remains unspoken and a strong half of the population begins to seek sexual intimacy from other women. This moment is the turning point, the family collapses. To prevent things from leading to divorce, you need to immediately find out the cause of the problem and try to solve it together.

Female physiology

It is a common belief that women need sex differently than men. And that is why omissions arise in a couple. So, why is women's sex drive lower than men's? The reason lies in hormones. The fact is that the male body contains testosterone, and the female body contains prolactin. But unlike men, women are characterized by hormonal surges. Due to stress, menstrual cycle or simple fatigue. And all this directly affects her behavior.

There is no reason to worry if the refusal of intimacy is due to the onset of menstrual bleeding. This problem is temporary and should not worry a man.

But there are other more significant reasons. For example, if a couple's sex life stopped after they had a strong quarrel. In this case, the offended woman waits for the man, with the help of courtship and gifts, to take the first step towards their reconciliation.

Pregnancy and postpartum period

According to surveys, problems in the sexual life of spouses appear precisely after the birth of a child. Hormonal changes occur in mothers' bodies. Prolactin, which is responsible for sexual desire, is produced in too large quantities, which leads to a lack of ovulation and, as a rule, a decrease in desire for sex. opposite sex. This function is needed in order to prevent a new pregnancy. However, prolactin levels should be monitored. After all, its excessive presence in the body may indicate tumors and other neoplasms.


Often, problems in this organ can lead to reluctance to have intimacy. If it is impossible to associate the problem with anything else, then you should visit a doctor. After conducting an examination, he will draw up a treatment plan.

Psychological problems

During a visit to a psychologist, many married couples talked about how happy they were with each other, spent a lot of time together, and constantly experienced sexual desire. Why is everything changing radically? Often you have to seek help from family psychologists.

Some women not only withdraw from men sexually, but simply do not want to be around them. People, if they live together for a long time, accumulate a certain baggage of grievances and claims over time. And when the interlocutor does not want to listen and compromise, trouble begins. This is especially true for women. Soon she withdraws into herself and becomes depressed. It is impossible for a couple to get out of it on their own.

It often happens that after a strong quarrel, a man quickly calms down and begins to show signs of attention to his partner. It takes women a long time to come to their senses after such scandals. And if a man, in the heat of a quarrel, utters words that are offensive to her, he will completely cool down for a long time.

In order to improve the sex life of partners, a man should know that for a woman, an important criterion is the spiritual component of the relationship. We need to show her more attention, love, and care. Indulge in various little things.

Helpful information

This information is based on scientific research this question. However, the problem of women's separation from men continues to interest sexologists around the world. They find various factors that can help bring intimacy back into the family. For example:

What do the professionals think?

Some experts have their own opinion about the reasons why women do not want men - due to lack of satisfaction during sexual intercourse. Many women do not receive it and over time begin to consider marital duty as some kind of obligation. Often they themselves are to blame because they initially put their partner's satisfaction above their own.

To solve this problem, spouses should talk and find out each other’s desires and preferences. This is the first and most important step to solving the problem. And after the conversation, you need to try to correct all mistakes and be more attentive.

How to fix the situation

If the reason for a woman’s reluctance is found, we need to move on to eliminating it. Often, girls find it difficult to start a conversation with their partner. Explain what they want, admit that sexual intimacy does not satisfy them. However, this is a required step. If it’s hard to say everything at once, you can do it step by step, little by little. In extreme cases, you will have to resort to the help of specialists. It is possible to return those feelings that were there before only with the help of trust and frankness, even in the most intimate matters.

If the problem is men

Now we need to mention why a man does not want intimacy. There are much fewer such reasons. The main ones:

  • Lack of love. This often happens when a couple has been together for a long time. Over time, love passes and only habit and attachment remain.
  • Female appearance. Men really like it beautiful girls. And when their partner changes a lot and shows signs of an unkempt and cheap woman, they lose desire for them. But sometimes it also happens that a man gets complex because of his own appearance.
  • The presence of another woman. The man spends time with her, gets tired and because of this begins to be indifferent to his wife.
  • Birth of a child. Most often this problem is purely psychological in nature. And if the reason for the lack of male desire is her, then the couple should talk about this topic.
  • Health problems. With age sex life becomes not the same as before. Men may experience characteristic problems. In this case, the main thing for a woman is not to mock or scold her partner. After all, the problem can be solved.

These are some of the most popular reasons why men don't want women. It is important to remember that to solve problems you need to talk openly. A man really wants a woman only when they are completely open to each other.

Sexual intimacy is one of the most important aspects in family life. But many couples refuse to give it great importance. Only regular conversations, sexual satisfaction and openness will guarantee a strong relationship. Troubles will not disappear on their own, and it is worth showing patience and dedication to solve them. Only after this will all aspects of married life improve in the couple.