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Flat rope name. Basic knowledge of ropes. Standards and norms

This topic will help you understand the basic names and concepts associated with ropes. There will be no comparison of manufacturers and individual ropes here; it is rather an educational program on the topic “what is a rope and what is it eaten with.” First of all, it is worth dividing ropes according to their scope of application. These are dynamic rope, static rope and cords. We are interested in the first type - dynamic rope or simply dynamics, because This is what we have to deal with most often. I will only note that a static rope is intended for descent/ascent along a rope (canyoning, speleology, industrial mountaineering) and, as a rule, has a thickness of 9-12 mm, rope cords are auxiliary ropes (of various diameters 4 - 8 mm) and in themselves for direct belay (upper, lower, rappelling, etc.) do not apply.

Standards and norms

All ropes intended for belaying in mountain sports are certified in accordance with European standards EN 892. Those. There is no such symbol on the rope; you cannot climb with it. Additionally, there are UIAA standards (UIAA 101) for safety ropes, but they largely overlap with EN 892, and since the EN standards are mandatory, and the UIAA is not, rope manufacturers only test ropes to one EN standard.

Types of ropes

Single rope
This is the type we encounter most often. Designed (depending on the characteristics) for mountaineering, rock climbing, ice climbing and other things. As the name suggests, it is enough to use one rope for insurance. The thickness of the ropes ranges from 9 to 10.5 mm, weighing 53-83 g/meter. They last on average from 3 to 5 years, depending on the intensity and conditions of use. Available in lengths from 50 to 70 meters. Tested with a weight of 80 kg.

Double rope
Lighter and thinner than single. However, for belaying, two ropes are used at once, which can be snapped into guy ropes in a checkerboard pattern (first one, then the other) or both at once into one carabiner. Such ropes are used mainly in mountaineering. Often in the mountains you have to rappel along the entire length of the rope (50-60 m), where because of this it is not advisable to drag 2 heavy single ropes. In addition, the probability of breaking two ropes at once with a stone is lower, which means that at least some kind of insurance will remain. Another advantage of the double rope walking technique is the reduction of friction and straightening of the belay rope, which provides a number of advantages and affects the quality of the belay. The diameter of double ropes is 7.7-9.5 mm, they weigh 38-53 g/meter, and are available in lengths of 50-70 meters. The service life is comparable to single ropes. It is allowed to use these ropes individually, but exclusively for top belay. Unlike single ropes, I test double ropes with a weight of 55 kg (each separately).

Zwiling rope
Even lighter and thinner than double rope. But it is allowed to snap both ropes into only one carabiner (no staggered order!). Available with a diameter of 7-8 mm, weight 37-45 g/meter, length 50-70 meters. They are tested on the snatch with a weight of 80 kg, but both at the same time. In general, this type of rope is identical to double ropes.

Why is such diversity needed?


By what criteria are ropes tested? For the reliability indicator, it is enough to take into account four criteria: the number of normalized jerks, the jerk force, the stretch and displacement of the braid.

Normalized jerk- this is a jerk with a factor of 2. The more the rope can withstand, the better and more reliable it is.
Jerk strength- the maximum permissible energy that is transferred to the insured (fallen). With a load exceeding 6kN (kilonewtons) or 600 kg there is a risk of injury to the muscular corset, internal organs and the bones are very large. Those. the rope must absorb energy by stretching.
Stretching- lengthening of the rope at the moment of jerking. This indicator affects the strength of the jerk; the greater the stretch, the less the force of the jerk.
Braid offset- the maximum permissible displacement of the braid relative to the central (main load-bearing) cores. The greater the displacement, the lower the reliability and service life of the rope.

There is another important criterion that is not taken into account in the EN 892 standard - this is the normalized jerk (jerk factor 2) over a sharp edge of 3-5 mm. This criterion is taken into account by the UIAA 101 standard, but it is not mandatory.

Term of use

As for the shelf life, as mentioned above, the intensity of use is relevant here. Under normal storage conditions, moderate intensity of use (this is evidenced by wear of the braid), and the absence of chemical contaminants (paint, acid, alkali), the service life of the rope is about 5 years. However, it is worth considering that manufacturers provide a maximum warranty of 3 years. Yes, even with ideal conditions storage, low intensity of use and absence of any external damage, it is recommended to discard the rope after 7 years of use.

The main criterion for the reliability of a rope is its ability to withstand five or more standardized jerks, while the jerk force (the load on the person who breaks it) should not exceed 12kN. A normalized jerk is a simulated stall with a jerk factor of 2. The jerk factor is the severity (danger) factor of the stall. There is an elementary formula for calculating the jerk factor: the height of the fall divided by the entire length of the rope between the belayer (his belay device) and the belayer.

The force of the jerk that falls on the person who has fallen off (let me remind you that above 6kN the risk of injury is high, and the maximum permissible load should not exceed 12kN) is very difficult to calculate on the fly. It is important to know that jerk strength is largely influenced by three factors: weight of the insured, jerk factor And rope properties(stiffness coefficient or stretchability).

You can further reduce the force of the jerk by using dynamic belay, i.e. deliberately thread a certain amount of rope through the belay device or through other manipulations (“moving towards”, jumping up, etc.) to smoothly (!) extinguish the energy of the jerk. The opposite of a dynamic belay is a rigid fixation of the rope during a fall, for example at a station.

From this we can draw the following conclusions:

The jerk factor is less than 0.3— the risk is minimal
jerk factor 1- high degree of risk
jerk factor 2- very high risk
Dash factor above 2— high probability of destruction of belay points, rope breakage, injury to internal organs and skeleton (regardless of contact with the rock surface)

General classification

Ropes– this is the most responsible type of twisted and woven products of large diameter with an increased breaking load, increased resistance to wear and impact environment, with a pronounced structure. They are designed for use in extreme conditions and are produced for reusable use.

Ropes– reusable twisted products, similar to ropes, but used in cases where the requirements for their strength, wear resistance and reliability are reduced. Ropes, compared to ropes, are more flexible products; they are well connected with a knot. Structurally, ropes differ from ropes in the smaller number of heels in the strands, the smaller number of twists of the strands and the smaller number of turns per linear meter of product. The most common ropes with a circumference of 16-60 mm.

Cords– thin twisted and wicker products for repeated use. Unlike ropes and twines, they are designed for more demanding purposes, have increased performance characteristics and improved appearance. Twisted cords are produced with a diameter of 1.5-6 mm, braided cords - 6-16 mm.

Twines– thin twisted products for one-time use. They are produced mainly from a mixture of short hemp, linen and other bast fibers, viscose and polyolefin (polypropylene, polyethylene) threads, as well as paper. Twines are produced with a diameter of 1-4.8 mm.

For raw materials:

Natural– are produced from natural fibers found in nature in a form ready for processing.

Vegetable– hemp, cotton, flax, jute, manila, sisal;

Animals– wool, silk;

Mineral– asbestos.

Artificial– are produced from artificial fibers obtained from natural high-molecular compounds ( viscose, copper-ammonia, acetate, protein).

Synthetic– produced from synthetic fibers obtained by chemical high-molecular synthesis ( polyamide, polypropylene, polyethylene, polyester).


By design:

Twisted– if at the final stage of production the elements forming the products (strands) are twisted together:

- cable lay– ropes consisting of 3 or 4 strands of right-hand twist;

- cable lay– ropes consisting of 3 or 4 strands (rope lay ropes) of left twist.

Wicker– if at the final stage of production the elements forming the products (strands) are intertwined with each other.

- throughoh weaving, when all the elements involved in the last stage of product formation are intertwined: spiral weaving, rep weaving, etc.;

- braidedweaving, when only the outer elements are intertwined, and the rest form a twisted, caned or braided core: 8-, 12-, 16-, 24-, 48- and more strand weaving.

In the middle of the last century, ropes were made from natural materials- like Penka. Hemp is a fiber obtained from the stems of industrial hemp, which, unlike Indian (hashish) hemp, does not contain narcotic substances. You can still buy “hemp” rope - they are quite strong - but when wet they become 3-4 times heavier, and the strength decreases by about half compared to dry (1000 kg). Most of the peaks and hikes were climbed with this rope.

In the 70s, the first polyamide ropes were produced.

Roughly speaking - polyethylene. These ropes were much lighter than Penkov's,

much more durable and much easier to use. The term has also increased

rope service life up to 5-7 years.

There were also disadvantages - the new rope was too slippery compared to hemp

- so we had to invent various braking devices - for descents.

Ropes are released different diameters– from 1 mm to 13 mm – larger ropes

not used for high-altitude work. Polyamide ropes are divided into 2 types –

Static– ropes that were developed for descents and tension of various

crossings and pulleys. Not intended for jerks and variable loads.

According to Loads - hold from 2500 to 4000 kg (depending on the diameter and manufacturer).

Any rope has the following parameters:

Weight – grams per meter

Elongation factor

There are marks on the static rope -

These are parallel stripes of another

colors - you can tell by them

diameter and purpose of the rope.

Dynamic ropes – designed for soft belaying, for absorbing jerks, for climbing from the bottom and top rope- on the rocks. If the Static rope’s main task is to be as rigid as possible and not allow strong sagging, then the Dynamic rope has a completely opposite purpose.

Stretch to the maximum and take as much load as possible on the tension of the rope during jerks. Every year, manufacturers produce softer and softer rope, the stretch coefficient of which reaches 20% of the original length. They even make safety lanyards from dynamics - for hard jerks while working at height. After small jerks, the dynamics shorten again in about a day. After serious jerks, it no longer recovers. It is recommended to discard such a rope. In essence, Dynamics turns into statics - because. all dynamic properties are lost.

Dynamic rope is very easy to recognize - by the pattern on the rope.

It consists of a constant crossing of a pattern on a rope.

The colors of the rope and patterns can be completely different. To dynamic

properties are influenced by such factors as: manufacturer, diameter, transferred

previous jerks, humidity and year of manufacture of the rope.

Naturally, any polyamide rope ages - but this affects the dynamics

more - because Every year the dynamic properties of the rope deteriorate.

A 5-year-old rope is no longer dynamic at all -

even if it was stored properly.

Polyamide rope is very vulnerable.

Especially if it is loaded. The rope consists of thousands of small thin fibers and is cut into pieces.

The rope must be protected from sharp edges, from brick and concrete, and especially from sharp iron.

There are protectors for this. The purpose of the protector is to isolate the rope from cuts and abrasions.

Any polyamide rope is afraid of fire and can withstand about 150-200 degrees, then melts.

A little about the manufacturers

In Russia, only one rope is certified to work

people – VSS – “Belay and Rescue Rope”.

No others are suitable because central cores

do not consist of one continuous piece and are often

are built up by soldering. Naturally such a soldering

cannot withstand loads. From foreign manufacturers

Almost all ropes are solid. Ropes are for people.

Auxiliary ropes are just utility ropes.

clothesline for drying clothes. Each rope comes with

Product passport – which contains the following:

Purpose of the rope - Static


Tension coefficient - 5 %

Overall rope diameter - 10 mm

date of manufacture

Manufacturer information.

Quick Start Guide

  1. Connecting links - carabiners, nodes - general properties

Any rope must be attached or tied somewhere.

For this purpose, there are many nodes of all kinds and purposes.

Majority maritime knots It is also used for tying modern slippery ropes.

The most reliable nodes are the simplest ones. Any bend or knot weakens the rope.

node Eight

Regular - to obtain a loop

Counter – for tying

Two identical ropes

One end - for

tying around a support

When tying a figure eight knot, the rope is weakened by 35-40%

However, this is the simplest and most commonly used node.

Knot Bayonet- consisting of

half bayonets. Necessary

tie at least 3

half bayonets. At the end you need

tie a control knot.

Attention! The knot can be untied

even if the rope is loaded!

The knot weakens the rope by 15-20%.

Ideal for tying crossings.

The size of the support can be any.

Attention– it is forbidden to tie the rope to sharp edges or to metal thinner than 5 mm, because even with a load of 100 kg the rope can be irretrievably damaged or even completely cut...

There are special knots for tying ropes of different diameters. Great care must be taken when tying a rope to a cable or metal rod. There are special gripping knots for this.

ROPES, products obtained by twisting several strands of yarn. In general, the name rope generalizes a number of products made of fibrous materials, having a circular cross-section with a length many times greater than the circumference of these products. Rope or twine often includes thin ropes, braided cords (halyards), twisted cords (so-called English cord), sometimes hemming and twine.

The main production of ropes is artisanal; mechanical makes up no more than 3-4% of the total rope production.

According to the nature of production, handicraft ropes are divided into two groups: plain and twisted. Straps are ropes made by twisting three or four strands of yarn at the same time. Twisted ropes are those obtained from several strands by twisting them into downsides. The total number of threads of yarn in a handicraft rope usually does not exceed sixteen.

Based on these characteristics, market varieties of ropes are divided into two groups: 1) simple ties - tee and quadruple, which include market names: obornik, twine for tying calico, pulley, command, ligature, investment spacer, and 2) twisted ropes: shesterik , eight, nine, etc. The six includes the market names of ropes: breaker, shirt, shaft, snag, cord, semi-snatch, mainline, streamer and others. The octagon includes: a shirt, a cord, a rein, a German rope, a leash, etc. The nine: a snag, a rein, a hose. To the dodecader: cart, reins, string, cord, barket, hosin, heavy, etc. To the fifteen - sea anchorage and to the hex - cart rope. Names listed constitute only a portion of the types of ropes found on the market. The variety of names of ropes (up to hundreds) is caused not only by differences in varieties, but also by the diversity of consuming areas. Thus, the same thin resin rope, made by simply spinning three strands of yarn, used by fishermen to tie up floats, is called “team” in the Rostov water region, and “shkimka” in the Astrakhan water region; in the Odessa region it is used for tying roof tiles and is called “ligatures”. The rope used for tying carts is called “heavy” in some areas, “otosnoy” in others, “correct” in others, etc.

Homemade ropes usually have a short length, often depending on the “spill,” that is, on the length of the plot of estate land where the ropes are usually produced (“twisted”). Market demand for long (no knots) rope made of good quality hemp, especially for fishing purposes, is satisfied with thin ropes, approximately from 20 to 75 mm in circumference. In their construction, with the exception of length (up to 250 m), they are almost no different from twisted ropes, and therefore the difference between ropes and mechanically produced ropes is generally difficult to establish; In common parlance, thin ropes are often called mechanical rope or mechanical twine. There is no longer that division that can be found in handicraft ropes, and they, having the same name, differ from each other only in the size of the circumference or diameter, as well as in quality. Seine or net hauling ropes are called "edges" in some areas.

Main features Most hemp ropes found on the market come down to the method of production (plain or twisted), thickness (diameter or circumference size), number of threads of yarn and length of the ropes. Based on this, we can give the following diagram for constructing ropes. Group I: handicraft (household) ropes - plain and twisted. Group II: handicraft and mechanical ropes (fishing) - twisted. Group III: mechanical ropes (technical) - twisted. Group I ropes are primarily intended for economic purposes: straight ropes - for packing and tying, and twisted ropes - for horse-drawn transport (for building tugs, reins, lines, etc.). Group II ropes are used primarily for fishing purposes: for hooking up to nets (mesh nets), for constructing self-catching hook gear (line, line nets, offshore moorings) and for tying nets and seines (snags). Group III ropes have a predominantly technical purpose and are used in the construction of river seines and fishing rigging (rigging for fishing vessels).

The technical construction of various ropes (regardless of their quality) is clear from the table above. 1, and for machine-made ropes the length may, of course, be longer than shown. This scheme includes the construction of ropes of almost all market names.

Rope quality to some extent is reflected in the size of the ropes in terms of thickness: the smaller the diameter or circumference of the ropes, the better it will be. raw materials; The more strands of yarn are used to construct ropes of the same thickness, the better it will be. quality rope. Quality standards for ropes have not yet been established, and definite guidelines cannot be given. The main disadvantages that are found in handicraft ropes are: excess moisture, not entirely satisfactory quality of raw materials and unevenness in size. Since ropes are sold by weight, artisans tend to artificially moisten the rope to increase weight. IN winter time Excessively moistened ropes, when they hit each other, knock like wooden blocks, and when rubbed, they make a creaking sound. If such a rope, made in winter, is not dried, then in the spring it begins to heat up, becomes moldy and rots. You can use conditioning machines to check the moisture content, but this method is quite complicated. In practice, the following determination of excess moisture in ropes is sufficient: selected samples of ropes are accurately weighed and left unrolled in a room at 15-17° for a period of at least 24 hours; then they take the samples into the room where the goods from which the samples were taken were located and let them lie there for at least 12 hours, after which they weigh them again; If the difference in the initial and subsequent weighing does not exceed 3%, the moisture content of the ropes is considered normal. Regarding the quality of raw materials, it should be noted that hemp for yarn should be. clean, free from fires. However, you often find ropes with a lot of fire in the middle, and only the outer side of the rope is cleared of it or covered with glue. In practice, to reduce the cost of ropes, there is also direct falsification of raw materials, which consists in adding sand to the hemp before making yarn from it to weigh down the ropes. From the outside, such a rope may give the impression of a good, dry rope, but its quality will be unsatisfactory. When producing yarn for ropes, waste from hemp processing or the plucked ends of old ropes are sometimes used as the main raw material, and only good quality hemp is used to cover the yarn. Ropes made from such yarn seem good from the outside, but their service will be unsatisfactory. Less common are cases of uneven development of ropes along the entire length, for example, the rope is worked thinner towards the ends, and thicker in the middle. When rolled into circles, such a rope gives the impression of a thin, well-made rope, but when unrolled it looks like a long cigar.

The abnormalities we noted relate mainly to homemade plain rope and partly to twisted rope, packed in circles, making them difficult to detect. But these abnormalities are by no means characteristic of handicraft production, which in general is no worse than mechanical production.

Ropes are marketed rolled into circles or skeins of various lengths and are almost never released from production as finished products, except that in some cases the length of the rope corresponds to its intended purpose (pair rein, etc.).

Ropes in maritime affairs. Every rope in marine language is calledcable. On ships, in addition to wire steel cables, hemp and manila cables are widely used. The material for ship rigging is the highest quality hemp or manila yarn (fiber from the Musa textilis plant). Hemp cables according to the number of strands are divided intothree-strand And four-strand, as well as on cablescable work And cable work , in addition - on white, or untarred, And tarred. The thickness of the cable is measured along its circumference, in inches.

In table 2 and fig. The most commonly used knots and braids in maritime affairs are given, indicating their purpose.

The main element of the cable isheel- twisted from hemp in a clockwise direction; twisted from heelsstrands- counterclockwise, and from strands -wire rope work , clockwise. The four-strand cable has insidecore- the fifth, weakly twisted strand, filling the void in the middle and thereby keeping the cable from bending the strands inward. Four-strand cables are used where special flexibility and smoothness of the cable surface are required. Where the density of gear that resists getting wet is required, they are usedcable work ropes , twisted from cables of cable work in a counterclockwise direction, and these stranded cables are calledtrends. The cable cable, which has a large surface area, dries out faster after getting wet. To protect the hemp of the cables from rotting under the influence of dampness, it is resinized.

Manila cable, having a strength no less than hemp cable, has the advantage of being lightweight: it does not sink in water and is therefore used mainly for tugboats. Manila cable is usually not tarred, since it is not very susceptible to rotting from dampness.

Based on the quality of hemp, the cables are divided into Nos. 20, 25, 37, 40 and “special combing”. The numbers at No. indicate the number of heels in one strand of a 3" three-strand wire rope.

Eyeglasses are used to make so-called beard lines .

Name of cables by thickness: rope- cable work rope having a circumference of more than 14", cable- cable work rope, from 6 to 14", hawser- cable work cable, from 4 to 6". Cable work cables do not have a special name, as well as cable work cables from 1 to 4" (for example, 3 "cable, 1 1/2" cable, etc.) . Cables of 1" or less are called lines. Heels in lines are called threads, and lines differ in the number of threads.

The beard lines descend into 12, 9 and 6 threads. In addition to these lines, shkimushgar is prepared from the beard in 6, 3 and 2 threads (skimushgar six, tee and double).

The cable is produced in coils of 100 fathoms of 6-foot measure (182.9 m), lines - of 45 fathoms (82.3 m). Before using the hemp rope, it must be stretched. It is allowed to stretch it by 8-9% without losing strength. The strength of a hemp cable depends on the quality of the hemp and the uniform tension of the fibers of the heels and strands. Theoretically, the strength of the cable should be equal to the sum of the strengths of all the cables that make it up; in practice, the tension of the heels is uneven, and the actual strength is much less. To determine the strength of a resinized three-strand cable, the following formulas are used: 1) breaking strength in tons is equal to c 2/3, where c is the circumference of the cable in dm.; 2) working strength in tons is equal to c 2/18; 3) for a cable pulled out on a winch or subjected to variable tension, the working strength in tons is equal to c 2/30; 4) the cable work cable is 1/4 weaker than the cable work cable; 5) white unresined cable is 1/4 stronger than resin; 6) one well-made splice reduces the strength of the cable by 1/6.

The strength of the cables is tested by means of a weight hung on 6-foot-long heels. Resined heel No. 20 must withstand 61.4 kg in cable work, 57.3 kg in cable work; Unresined heel No. 20 in cable work should withstand 68 kg, in cable work - 63.9 kg; heel of manila cable No. 21 - 80.9 kg. Hemp products should be submitted for testing only after drying them in a heated room at a temperature of about 15°. The heel taken for testing should not be used. untwists, because two or three turns are enough to break its strength. The load is applied gradually. The thimbles to which the ends of the heels are tied should have the largest possible diameter. If the cable ruptures at the ends, then such a test should be considered invalid. When testing heels and cables, you should first remove at least a fathom from the ends, since these parts are always much weaker. The strength test should be carried out in a warm room.

The review will look at the main (most common) types of synthetic ropes. Their advantages and disadvantages. Basic information is provided - difficulty level - beginner.

You can read about the types of materials used in the production of ropes in the article: Comparison of materials. Synthetic ropes: what are they made of?

1. Twisted ropes

Most common twisted three-strand ropes (Laid three-stand)
The design is simplified - three individually twisted strands (in one direction) are then twisted all together (in the other direction).

Depending on the final number of torsions there may be
-soft– small number of twists. In this case, the greatest strength of the rope and the lowest elongation are achieved structurally. In this case, there will be low resistance to abrasion and a high tendency to snagging and pulling out strands (formation of “tufts”)
-hard- a large number of twists. Lowest strength, highest elongation and high abrasion resistance.
-medium hardness– average number of twists. The most common of the three designs.

Such ropes are made from natural fibers, metal wire, synthetic - multifilament, monofilament threads. Combined - synthetic/synthetic, synthetic/natural fibers, synthetic/metal

- easy to manufacture (cheap)
-convenient for splicing (weaving - splish, fire).

Disadvantages include:
- tendency to “unwind” (it is necessary to fix the ends of the rope)
- tendency to form loops (and knots) when the rope is unloaded, in a free state

Other types of twisted ropes will not be considered in this article due to their relatively low prevalence. A general comparison of performance with other types of ropes can be seen in the conclusions.

2. Braided ropes

The general characteristic is the yarn count of the rope, i.e. the number of strands from which it is braided. The yarn count corresponds to (or is a multiple of) the number of bobbins on the braiding machine.

Braided ropes without core

All ropes in this group will have an internal cavity. The higher the spunness, the larger the diameter of the cavity. For example, for 8-strand ropes the cavity is insignificant, and by touch it is very difficult to distinguish them from a rope with a core. But a 24-strand rope without a core will already resemble a stocking (easily wrinkled to a flat state).

8-strand L type ropes. (plaited rope).

The figure shows that this rope structure is achieved by interweaving double strands. The strength and linear weight of such ropes are comparable to three-strand twisted ones (with the same diameters). However, they are not prone to the formation of loops and twists.

Simple hollow n-strand ropes (hollow single-braid)
They are ordinary braided ropes. Below is an 8-strand rope. This structure is achieved by simply interweaving the strands. In general, the braiding machine uses 8 bobbins with thread, four of which move clockwise and four counterclockwise. Such ropes are simple to make and easy to use.

Twill braid ropes
Similar to the previous type, they have a void in the center. Visually, they are easily distinguishable from simple wicker ones.
This structure is achieved by interweaving the strands with an offset. For example, a machine uses 12 bobbins of thread, six of which move clockwise and the remaining six move counterclockwise. However, unlike the previous look, each left strand is “covered” by two right strands. And vice versa, each right strand is “covered” by two left ones.

Diagonal braided ropes have a slightly thicker braid than similar simple braided ones.

Solid braid ropes
Can be separated into a separate group. Thanks to the special type of machines on which such ropes are produced, it turns out to be filled with thread inside, i.e. without voids. Such ropes are widespread in America.

Braided ropes with core

Bundles of threads, braided cores, twisted cores can be used as a core. There are also more complex designs; they are used for special-purpose ropes.
The core and braid can be made of different materials This combination is used to obtain certain properties. For example, abrasion-resistant material can be used in the braid, and a lighter or stronger material can be used in the core.

Ropes with a braided core (Double-braid, braid-of-braid rope)

As a rule, a braided 8- or 12-strand fast-pulling rope is used as a core. The braid consists of a larger number of strands (usually 16 strands or more) and has a dense weave.

Ropes with parallel twisted strands (parallel stand rope)

They are ropes in which the core strands are located parallel to the central axis of the rope. One of the most common examples in this group is Kermantle rope - safety ropes. The core consists of three-strand twisted cords, the braid is usually 24, 32 or 48 strands. Ropes of this type are very effective (the strength of the threads is used by 80-90%, while on simple braided ropes only about 60%) and at the same time they do not have the disadvantages of conventional twisted ropes.

As a result, you can display a comparison table (you must understand that this information is conditional, and the ropes being compared must be of the same diameter and made of the same material).