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Mobile radars. Capabilities of modern radars with antenna aperture synthesis. A new modification of the over-the-horizon radar station “Sunflower” is being developed in Russia.



(branch, Orenburg)

Department of Radar Weapons (Reconnaissance Radar and ACS)

Ex. No. _____

Design and operation of reconnaissance radar Part one Design of 9s18m1 radar

Accepted as a textbook

for cadets and university students,

training centers, connections and parts

military air defense

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The textbook is intended for cadets and students of universities, training centers, formations and military air defense units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, studying the design and operation of reconnaissance radar stations.

The first part of the textbook contains information about the 9S18M1 radar station.

In the second part about the 1L13 radar station.

The third is about radar stations 9S15M, 9S19M2, 35N6 and about the radar information processing post 9S467-1M.

A special feature of the textbook is a systematic presentation of educational material from general to specific in accordance with the sequence of passing the discipline “Design and operation of reconnaissance radars” at the Military University of Military Air Defense of the Russian Armed Forces (branch, Orenburg), as well as the use of experience accumulated at the Department of Radar Weapons and in the troops.

Part 1 of the textbook was developed by the team of authors of the Military University of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (branch, Orenburg), under the leadership of Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor, Major General Chukin L. M.

The following took part in the work: Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor, Colonel Shevchun F.N.; Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor, Lieutenant Colonel Shchipakin A.Yu.; Lieutenant Colonel Golchenko I.P.; Lieutenant Colonel Kalinin D.V.; Associate Professor, Lieutenant Colonel Lyapunov Yu.I.; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Captain Sukhanov P.V.; Candidate of Technical Sciences, Captain Rychkov A.V.; Lieutenant Colonel Grigoriev G.A.; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Lieutenant Colonel Dudko A.V.

Approved as a textbook for the discipline “Design and operation of reconnaissance radars” by the head of the military air defense of the RF Armed Forces.

This textbook is the first edition, and the team of authors hopes that possible shortcomings in it will not be a serious obstacle for readers and thanks for feedback and suggestions aimed at improving the textbook. All feedback and suggestions will be taken into account when preparing its next edition.

Our address and telephone number: 460010, Orenburg, st. Pushkinskaya 63, FVU RF Armed Forces, Department of Radar Weapons; t. 8-353-2-77-55-29 (switchboard), 1-23 (department).

Introduction 5

List of abbreviations and symbols 7

I. General information about the 9S18M1 radar. Structural design and placement of the main components 9

1.1 Purpose, composition and design features of the 9S18M1 radar 10

1.2 Performance characteristics of radar 12

1.3 Operating modes of radar 14

1.4 Design and placement of the main components of radar 17

II. Radar equipment 9S18M1

2.1 a brief description of devices and systems of radar equipment 24

2.2 Operation of the 9S18M1 radar structural diagram 26

2.3 Operation of the 9S18M1 radar according to the structural and functional diagram 31

2.4 Organization of space review 44

2.5 Power supply system 53

2.6 Radar transmitting device 9S18M1. Liquid cooling system 79

2.7 9S18M1 radar antenna device. Waveguide-feeder device 91

2.8 Radar receiving device 9S18M1 102

2.9 Anti-jamming device for radar 9С18М1 114

2.10 Radar processing and control device 9S18M1 126

2.10.1 Synchronization and interface equipment 139

2.10.2 Equipment for processing radar information radar 9S18M1 150

2.10.3 Radar operator console 9S18M1 153

2.10.4 Specialized digital computing device 160

2.11 General information about the ground radar interrogator 167

2.12 Indicating device 171

2.13 Data transmission equipment 187

2.14 External and internal communication equipment 195

2.15 Antenna-rotating device radar 9С18М1 201

2.16 Radar antenna deployment and folding device

2.17 Air cooling system for radar 9S18M1 216

2.18 Navigation, orientation and topographical equipment radar 9S18M1 223

III. General information about the base radar vehicle 9S18M1 243

IV. General information about the means of maintenance and repair of the 9S18M1 radar 261

4.1 Built-in monitoring and troubleshooting system for radar 9S18M1 261

4.2 Purpose, composition and placement of spare parts. The procedure for finding the required element in SPTA 272

4.3 Purpose, composition and capabilities for maintenance and repair of MRTO 9V894 275

The most vigilant in the structure of the Russian air and missile defense command are over-the-horizon radar stations. Today, the most modern of them is the Container radar, which uses the effect of radio signal reflection from the Earth’s ionosphere. The Container radar is one of the means of the reconnaissance and warning system against aerospace attacks.

“The station’s capabilities make it possible to monitor the air situation in the area of ​​​​responsibility, reveal the nature of the actions of enemy combat aircraft and warn about an air attack,” they note.

So far, only one such radar station is operating in Russia - in the Mordovian village of Kovylkino; the second, as Gazeta.Ru learned, is being built near the city of Zeya, Amur Region.

The first newest over-the-horizon radar as part of the air defense-missile defense system entered experimental combat duty (operating in test mode) in Mordovia in December 2013 .

Her job is to monitor westward in order to detect and determine the coordinates of various air targets at a distance of more than 3 thousand km. In the northwestern direction, the radar monitors territories as far as Poland and Germany and the Baltic, and in the southwest - to Turkey, Syria and Israel. Station overview - 180°. By 2017, the Container should be equipped, and it will be able to detect all aerodynamic targets, including small aircraft in an azimuth of 240°.

Developed by the research and production complex "Research Institute of Long-Range Radio Communications" (), the "Container" is a structure of 144 masts that work to receive and emit signals from antennas the height of a ten-story building. A receiver antenna and the main hardware of the radar were deployed near Kovylkino, and a transmitter antenna was deployed in the Nizhny Novgorod region near Gorodets.

An expert in the field of aerospace defense explained to Gazeta.Ru that “Container” is a station that can detect not only ballistic missiles (as, for example, the Voronezh missile attack warning system stations do), but also sea targets and planes. “The “container,” as a rule, is not used for missile attack warning tasks; it is a “detection” station,” he clarified.

“Now the most terrible weapon is hypersonic cruise missiles, which the United States equips its submarines with, removing ballistic missiles from them. And today there is nothing better than “Container” type stations. The station can solve problems of detecting ballistic missiles at a distance of up to 6 thousand km, and any aircraft, up to the Cessna that landed on Red Square during the Soviet era, at a distance of up to 3.5 thousand km,” he noted in a conversation with “ Gazeta.Ru" chief designer of the ZGRLS "Container", candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Valery Alabastrov.

So far, military personnel of the 590th separate radio-technical unit for over-the-horizon detection of air targets in Mordovia are testing the latest radar and are engaged in practical confirmation of the specified tactical and technical characteristics and clarifying its current combat capabilities. In its turn builds the foundation for new masts radar transmitting devices and completed the construction of a command post, and work on the creation of engineering systems will begin here in the near future.

As Valery Alabastrov told Gazeta.Ru, according to modern technologies All radar elements are modular in nature. This means that there may be a different number of transmitters and receivers at the transmitting and receiving stations, depending on the task being solved.

“In total, according to my estimates, in order to complete the station in Kovylki, we need to spend about 50 million rubles.

This means bringing a couple of containers with receivers to Kovylkino and a couple of containers to Gorodets, to the transmitting part,” said the designer.

According to him, the station’s command post should have only five workplaces, among them a geophysicist, a detection channel operator, and a takeoff and landing algorithm operator, which can be occupied by civilians.

The interlocutor added that the plans are to equip the antenna in Kovylkino with a second viewing sector, which will be able to control the airspace of not only Europe, but also the Middle East. Another sector will be responsible for the southeastern direction - Iran, Iraq, etc.

“In the future, there is the construction of another station near the city of Zeya in the Far East, which will control the Pacific region from Kamchatka to New Zealand and China,” Alabastrov told Gazeta.Ru.

He explained that reconnaissance had already been carried out in Zeya, and the place where the “Container” would be deployed had been chosen. The eastern over-the-horizon hub should be built in the next two years.

How told local media commander of the Zeya unit Alexander Listopad, construction of the radar station is underway in the area of ​​the old airport, 19 kilometers from the city, as well as on the territory former position anti-aircraft missile unit. “There will be two points at a considerable distance from Zeya. The dimensions of each station where the antennas will be installed are quite large. After all, the antenna layer alone takes up at least one and a half kilometers. In addition, the administrative and economic part will be located on the territory of the city,” Listopad said.

We developed the “Container” radar, using the experience of creating and trial operation of the “Duga” over-the-horizon detection radar, one of which was built in Chernobyl. As Alabastrov explained, the design of the “Container” is lighter than that of the Chernobyl “Arc”, the vibrators of which each weighed 500 kg, and the vibrators of the “Container” - 5-6 kg.

Over-the-horizon radars use the effect of reflection of short radio waves (from 3 to 30 MHz; decameter waves) from the ionosphere. Having been reflected once or repeatedly, radio waves reach the ground, where they can again be reflected from various man-made targets - airplanes, trains, ships and taking off rockets. The signal already reflected from them can return through the ionosphere to the place of sending, where, with the help of mathematical processing, it is possible to understand its nature, and by the nature of the Doppler shift of the spectrum, the speed and direction of movement.

The reconnaissance and warning system for an aerospace attack (SRPVKN) must solve the problem of warning the country's leadership and armed forces about the preparation and start of an aerospace attack and provide information to the control system and fire weapons of the aerospace defense.

Modern warfare is fast and fleeting. Often the winner in a combat clash is the one who is the first to detect a potential threat and respond adequately to it. For more than seventy years, a radar method based on the emission of radio waves and recording their reflections from various objects has been used to search for the enemy on land, sea and in the air. Devices that send and receive such signals are called radar stations (RLS) or radars.

The term “radar” is an English abbreviation (radio detection and ranging), which was put into circulation in 1941, but has long become an independent word and has entered most languages ​​of the world.

The invention of radar is, of course, a landmark event. Modern world It’s hard to imagine without radar stations. They are used in aviation, in maritime transport, with the help of radar they predict the weather and identify violators of the rules traffic, the earth's surface is scanned. Radar systems (RLC) have found their application in the space industry and in navigation systems.

However, most wide application radars were found in military affairs. It should be said that this technology was originally created for military needs and reached the stage of practical implementation just before the outbreak of World War II. All the largest countries participating in this conflict actively (and not without results) used radar stations for reconnaissance and detection of enemy ships and aircraft. It can be confidently stated that the use of radars decided the outcome of several landmark battles both in Europe and in the Pacific theater of operations.

Today, radars are used to solve an extremely wide range of military tasks, from tracking the launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles to artillery reconnaissance. Each plane, helicopter, and warship has its own radar complex. Radars are the backbone of the air defense system. The latest phased array radar system will be installed on the promising Russian Armata tank. In general, the variety of modern radars is amazing. These are completely different devices that differ in size, characteristics and purpose.

We can say with confidence that today Russia is one of the recognized world leaders in the development and production of radars. However, before talking about trends in the development of radar systems, a few words should be said about the principles of operation of radars, as well as about the history of radar systems.

How does radar work?

Location is the method (or process) of determining the location of something. Accordingly, radar is a method of detecting an object or object in space using radio waves that are emitted and received by a device called a radar or radar.

The physical principle of operation of a primary or passive radar is quite simple: it transmits radio waves into space, which are reflected from surrounding objects and return to it in the form of reflected signals. By analyzing them, the radar is able to detect an object at a certain point in space, as well as show its main characteristics: speed, altitude, size. Any radar is a complex radio device consisting of many components.

Any radar consists of three main elements: a signal transmitter, an antenna and a receiver. All radar stations can be divided into two large groups:

  • pulse;
  • continuous action.

The pulse radar transmitter emits electromagnetic waves for a short period of time (fractions of a second), the next signal is sent only after the first pulse returns back to the receiver. Pulse repetition rate is one of the most important characteristics of a radar. Low frequency radars send out several hundred pulses per minute.

The pulse radar antenna works both for reception and transmission. After the signal is emitted, the transmitter turns off for a while and the receiver turns on. After taking it, the reverse process occurs.

Pulse radars have both disadvantages and advantages. They can determine the range of several targets at once; such a radar can easily make do with one antenna; the indicators of such devices are simple. However, the signal emitted by such a radar must have quite high power. You can also add that all modern tracking radars are made using a pulse circuit.

In pulsed radar stations, magnetrons, or traveling wave tubes, are usually used as a signal source.

The radar antenna focuses and directs the electromagnetic signal, picks up the reflected pulse and transmits it to the receiver. There are radars in which signal reception and transmission are carried out by different antennas, and they can be located at a considerable distance from each other. The radar antenna is capable of emitting electromagnetic waves in a circle or operating in a specific sector. The radar beam can be directed in a spiral or shaped like a cone. If necessary, the radar can track a moving target by constantly pointing the antenna at it using special systems.

The functions of the receiver include processing the received information and transmitting it to the screen from which it is read by the operator.

In addition to pulsed radars, there are also continuous radars that constantly emit electromagnetic waves. Such radar stations use the Doppler effect in their work. It lies in the fact that the frequency of the electromagnetic wave reflected from an object that is approaching the signal source will be higher than from a receding object. In this case, the frequency of the emitted pulse remains unchanged. Radars of this type do not detect stationary objects; their receiver only picks up waves with a frequency higher or lower than the emitted one.

A typical Doppler radar is the radar used by traffic police to determine the speed of vehicles.

The main problem with continuous-wave radars is their inability to determine the distance to an object, but during their operation there is no interference from stationary objects between the radar and the target or behind it. In addition, Doppler radars are fairly simple devices that only need low-power signals to operate. It should also be noted that modern continuous-wave radar stations have the ability to determine the distance to an object. This is done by changing the radar frequency during operation.

One of the main problems in the operation of pulsed radars is interference that comes from stationary objects - as a rule, these are the earth's surface, mountains, and hills. When on-board pulse radars of aircraft operate, all objects located below are “obscured” by the signal reflected from the earth’s surface. If we talk about ground-based or ship-based radar systems, then for them this problem manifests itself in detecting targets flying at low altitudes. To eliminate such interference, the same Doppler effect is used.

In addition to primary radars, there are also so-called secondary radars, which are used in aviation to identify aircraft. Such radar systems, in addition to the transmitter, antenna and receiver, also include an aircraft transponder. When irradiated with an electromagnetic signal, the transponder provides additional information about the altitude, route, aircraft number, and nationality.

Radar stations can also be divided according to the length and frequency of the wave on which they operate. For example, to study the Earth's surface, as well as to work at significant distances, waves of 0.9-6 m (frequency 50-330 MHz) and 0.3-1 m (frequency 300-1000 MHz) are used. For air traffic control, a radar with a wavelength of 7.5-15 cm is used, and over-the-horizon radars of missile launch detection stations operate at waves with a length of 10 to 100 meters.

History of radar

The idea of ​​radar arose almost immediately after the discovery of radio waves. In 1905, Christian Hülsmeyer, an employee of the German company Siemens, created a device that could detect large metal objects using radio waves. The inventor proposed installing it on ships so that they could avoid collisions in poor visibility conditions. However, ship companies were not interested in the new device.

Experiments with radar were also carried out in Russia. Back in the late 19th century, Russian scientist Popov discovered that metal objects interfere with the propagation of radio waves.

In the early 20s, American engineers Albert Taylor and Leo Young managed to detect a passing ship using radio waves. However, the state of the radio engineering industry at that time was such that it was impossible to create industrial designs radar stations were difficult.

The first radar stations that could be used to solve practical problems appeared in England around the mid-30s. These devices were very large and could only be installed on land or on deck. large ships. It was only in 1937 that a prototype of a miniature radar was created that could be installed on an aircraft. By the beginning of World War II, the British had a deployed chain of radar stations called Chain Home.

We were engaged in a new promising direction in Germany. And, I must say, not without success. Already in 1935, a working radar with a cathode-ray display was demonstrated to the Commander-in-Chief of the German Navy, Raeder. Later, serial models of radars were created on its basis: Seetakt for the naval forces and Freya for air defense. In 1940, the Würzburg radar fire control system began to arrive in the German army.

However, despite the obvious achievements of German scientists and engineers in the field of radar, the German army began to use radars later than the British. Hitler and the top of the Reich considered radars to be exclusively defensive weapons that were not particularly needed by the victorious German army. It is for this reason that by the beginning of the Battle of Britain the Germans had deployed only eight Freya radar stations, although their characteristics were at least as good as their English counterparts. In general, we can say that it was the successful use of radar that largely determined the outcome of the Battle of Britain and the subsequent confrontation between the Luftwaffe and the Allied Air Force in the skies of Europe.

Later, the Germans, based on the Würzburg system, created an air defense line, which was called the “Kammhuber Line”. Using divisions special purpose, the Allies were able to unravel the secrets of the operation of German radars, which made it possible to effectively jam them.

Despite the fact that the British entered the “radar” race later than the Americans and Germans, they managed to overtake them at the finish line and approach the beginning of World War II with the most advanced aircraft radar detection system.

Already in September 1935, the British began building a network of radar stations, which before the war already included twenty radar stations. It completely blocked the approach to the British Isles from the European coast. In the summer of 1940, British engineers created a resonant magnetron, which later became the basis for airborne radar stations installed on American and British aircraft.

Work in the field of military radar was also carried out in the Soviet Union. The first successful experiments in detecting aircraft using radar stations in the USSR were carried out back in the mid-30s. In 1939, the first radar RUS-1 was adopted by the Red Army, and in 1940 - RUS-2. Both of these stations were put into mass production.

Second World War clearly demonstrated the high efficiency of using radar stations. Therefore, after its completion, the development of new radars became one of the priority areas for the development of military equipment. Over time, all military aircraft and ships without exception received airborne radars, and radars became the basis for air defense systems.

During the Cold War, the United States and the USSR acquired new destructive weapons - intercontinental ballistic missiles. Detection of the launch of these missiles became a matter of life and death. Soviet scientist Nikolai Kabanov proposed the idea of ​​​​using short radio waves to detect enemy aircraft at long distances (up to 3 thousand km). It was quite simple: Kabanov found out that radio waves 10-100 meters long are capable of being reflected from the ionosphere, and irradiating targets on the surface of the earth, returning the same way to the radar.

Later, based on this idea, radars for over-the-horizon detection of ballistic missile launches were developed. An example of such radars is Daryal, a radar station that for several decades was the basis of the Soviet missile launch warning system.

Currently, one of the most promising areas for the development of radar technology is the creation of phased array radars (PAR). Such radars have not one, but hundreds of radio wave emitters, the operation of which is controlled by a powerful computer. Radio waves emitted by different sources in a phased array can enhance each other if they are in phase, or, conversely, weaken each other.

The phased array radar signal can be given any desired shape, it can be moved in space without changing the position of the antenna itself, and it can work with different radiation frequencies. A phased array radar is much more reliable and sensitive than a radar with a conventional antenna. However, such radars also have disadvantages: big problem is the cooling of phased array radars; in addition, they are difficult to manufacture and expensive.

New phased array radars are being installed on fifth-generation fighters. This technology is used in the American missile attack early warning system. The radar system with phased array will be installed on the newest Russian Armata tank. It should be noted that Russia is one of the world leaders in the development of phased array radars.

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A new modification of the over-the-horizon radar station “Sunflower” is being developed in Russia.


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According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, in 2017, 70 (radar) systems were delivered to the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS). Radars are necessary for conducting radar reconnaissance, the tasks of which include the timely detection of various dynamic targets.

“The radio engineering units of the Aerospace Forces received more than 70 of the latest radars in 2017. Among them are the medium and high altitude radar systems “Sky-M”, the medium and high altitude radars “Protivnik”, “All-Altitude Detector”, “Sopka-2”, the low altitude radars “Podlet-K1” and “Podlet-M”, “ Kasta-2-2”, “Gamma-S1”, as well as modern automation systems “Foundation” and other means,” the Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

As the department notes, main feature The newest domestic radars are that they are created on a modern element base. All processes and operations performed by these machines are as automated as possible.

At the same time, control systems and Maintenance radar stations have become simpler.

Defense element

Radar stations in the Russian Aerospace Forces are designed to detect and track air targets, as well as for target designation of anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM). Radars are one of the key elements of Russia's air defense, missile defense and space defense.

The Nebo-M radar complex is capable of detecting targets at ranges from 10 to 600 km (all-round view) and from 10 to 1800 km (sector view). The station can track both large and small objects made using stealth technology. The deployment time of "Sky-M" is 15 minutes.

To determine the coordinates and track strategic and tactical aircraft and detect American ASALM-type air-to-surface missiles, the Russian Aerospace Forces use the Opponent-GE radar station. The characteristics of the complex allow it to track at least 150 targets at an altitude of 100 m to 12 km.

The mobile radar complex 96L6-1/96L6E “All-Altitude Detector” is used in Armed Forces Russian Federation for issuing target designation to air defense systems. The unique machine can detect a wide range of aerodynamic targets (airplanes, helicopters and drones) at altitudes of up to 100 km.

Radars “Podlyot-K1” and “Podlyot-M”, “Kasta-2-2”, “Gamma-S1” are used to monitor the air situation at altitudes from several meters to 40-300 km. The complexes recognize all types of aircraft and rocket technology and can be operated at temperatures from -50 to +50 °C.

  • Mobile radar complex for detecting aerodynamic and ballistic objects at medium and high altitudes "Sky-M"

The main task of the Sopka-2 radar complex is to obtain and analyze information about the air situation. The Ministry of Defense is most actively using this radar in the Arctic. The high resolution of Sopka-2 allows you to recognize individual air targets flying as part of a group. Sopka-2 is capable of detecting up to 300 objects within a range of 150 km.

Almost all of the above radar systems ensure the security of Moscow and the Central Industrial Region. By 2020, the share of modern weapons in air defense units in the Moscow zone of responsibility should reach 80%.

At the stage of rearmament

All modern radars consist of six main components: a transmitter (source of an electromagnetic signal), an antenna system (focusing the transmitter signal), a radio receiver (processing the received signal), output devices (indicators and computers), noise protection equipment and power supplies.

Domestic radars can detect aircraft, drones and missiles, tracking their movements in real time. Radars ensure timely receipt of information about the situation in the airspace near the borders of the Russian Federation and hundreds of kilometers from state borders. In military parlance this is called radar reconnaissance.

The incentive to improve the radar reconnaissance of the Russian Federation is the efforts of foreign countries (primarily the United States) to create stealth aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles. Thus, over the past 40 years, the United States has been actively developing stealth technologies, which are designed to ensure an approach to enemy lines undetectable by radar.

The huge military budget (over $600 billion) allows American designers to experiment with radio-absorbing materials and geometric shapes aircraft. In parallel with this, the United States is improving radar protection equipment (ensuring noise immunity) and radar jamming devices (creating interference for radar receivers).

Military expert Yuri Knutov is convinced that radar reconnaissance of the Russian Federation is capable of detecting almost all types of air targets, including American fifth-generation fighters F-22 and F-35, stealth aircraft (in particular, the B-2 Spirit strategic bomber) and objects flying at extremely low altitudes.

  • Radar screen that shows a target image synchronized with antenna movement
  • Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

“Even the newest American aircraft cannot hide from the Nebo-M station. The Ministry of Defense attaches great importance to the development of radars, because they are the eyes and ears of the Aerospace Forces. The advantages of the newest stations now entering service are long range, high noise immunity and mobility,” Knutov said in an interview with RT.

The expert noted that the United States does not stop working on the development of radar suppression systems, realizing its vulnerable position in front of Russian radars. In addition, the American army is armed with special anti-radar missiles that are guided by station radiation.

“The newest Russian radars are distinguished by an incredible level of automation compared to the previous generation. Amazing progress has been made in improving mobility. In the Soviet years, it took almost a day to deploy and collapse the station. Now this is done within half an hour, and sometimes within a few minutes,” said Knutov.

RT's interlocutor believes that the VKS radar systems are adapted to counter a high-tech enemy, reducing the likelihood of his penetration into Russian airspace. According to Knutov, today the Russian radio technical troops are at the stage of active rearmament, but by 2020 most units will be equipped with modern radars.