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"Panangin" and alcohol: compatibility, mutually exclusive effects, effects on the body when taken and possible consequences. Is it possible to combine panangin and alcohol? Panangin and alcohol: compatibility and contraindications Panangin after binge drinking how to take

Deaths from coronary heart disease and stroke account for about 17.5 million people every year.

In 54% of cases, death occurs due to alcohol abuse.

Violation of the water-electrolyte and acid-base balance causes a decrease in protein synthesis in the myocardium by 15%, the development of hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia is observed within 36-72 hours after 50 grams of ethyl alcohol.

10% drinking people the intoxication state is accompanied by extrasystole and atrial fibrillation; in 25-30% the situation is complicated by atrial and ventricular fibrillation. To restore metabolic processes, it is necessary to regulate the level of potassium and magnesium with the help of medication.

But the drug Panangin is not compatible with alcohol. Therefore, in order not to cause cardiac arrest from a hangover, it is better to choose another effective but safe remedy.

Why take Panangin: features and action

In cardiological practice, the properties of K + and Mg 2+ are widely used for the treatment of pathologies and functional disorders of cardio-vascular system. Vital macroelements are responsible for the processes of myocardial excitability, slowing down neural transmission and relaxing smooth muscles.

They provide energy metabolism, maintain the permeability and osmotic pressure of the cell membrane, and participate in the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Since 2007, the drug known under the trade name Panangin® began to play the role of a source of magnesium and potassium. And in 2015, the manufacturer GEDEON RICHTER released a new drug on the pharmaceutical market with the addition of the word Forte and the dietary supplement Panangin® Plus vitamin B6 to the existing name. For sale and distribution to the population, the pharmaceutical product is presented in tablet form.

Inside each white capsule with a glossy or film surface there are:

  • magnesium, potassium aspartate;
  • povidone K30;
  • corn, potato starch;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • Magnesium stearate.

Taking into account the original package insert, qualified reviews and the opinion of cardiologists, it is important to take Panangin during complex drug therapy, which is aimed at eliminating K and Mg deficiency in order to prevent heart failure and heart attack.

Against the background of hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia, the drug is used to treat such manifestations as arrhythmia, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, atrial and ventricular extrasystole.

You can speed up the action of Panangin by prescribing a transparent, green-tinged liquid composition for infusion. The concentrate consists of potassium, magnesium ions, and water for injection.

To improve heart rate contractility, restore the ratio of calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium ions, stop the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, changes in the myocardium, arrhythmia and enhance the anti-ischemic effect, doctors recommend Panangin.

Be sure to drink it after meals. Daily norm— 1-2 tablets in the morning, lunch and evening. For intravenous injection and drip infusion, dilute the contents of 1-2 ampoules with 5% glucose. Repeat administration is allowed every 4-6 hours.

There is no information that alcohol and Panangin cannot be combined.

Among the contraindications were atrioventricular block II, III degrees, sensitivity to sorbitol and fructose, first trimester of pregnancy, Addison's disease, renal and adrenal insufficiency, cardiogenic shock, arterial hypotension, myasthenia gravis, excess magnesium, potassium.

Side effects include skin flushing, dry mouth, fatigue, dyspeptic disorders, decreased heart rate and even cardiac arrest.

Is it possible to combine alcohol and Panangin?

Due to their physical and chemical properties and the ability to easily interact with liquid media, ethyl alcohol interferes with all metabolic processes and has a strong toxic effect on the body. In every 4 cases, the cardiovascular system suffers from ethanol.

If Panangin is consumed simultaneously with alcohol, cardiomyocytes begin to be damaged.

Under the influence of alcohol, the activity of sodium excretion increases, which causes the need for oxygen. The transport of potassium into the extracellular space is inhibited.

The interaction of alcohol and Panangin has a cardiodepressive effect. Penetrating into myocardial tissue, ethanol reacts with fatty acids such as oleic, palmitic, linoleic, forming esters.

The high rate of synthesis of toxic compounds activates lipid oxidation and promotes the deposition of amino acids in the tissues of the heart. As a result, it is suppressed heartbeat and breathing.

About 90% of the breakdown products of acetaldehyde are converted into acetate.

The breakdown of salts increases the load on the liver and energy costs. Stops the oxidation of carbohydrates, fatty acids, the level of ammonia in the blood increases, which in high concentrations impedes the excretory function of the kidneys.

The combination of alcoholic beverages and Panangin leads to a retention of uric acid in the body, urolithiasis, and kidney failure.

As part of the plasma, acetaldehyde enters the bloodstream from the biliary system, creating stable connections with the vascular endothelium, structural and functional proteins, and blood cells. Reaching nervous system, ethanol causes a decrease in calcium in parts of the brain and stimulates the release of large amounts of hormones by the adrenal glands.

The consequence of pathological changes in the endocrine system can be Addison's disease, in which it is strictly forbidden to drink Panangin or combine it with alcohol.

Water-electrolyte imbalance occurs in 30-40% of people diagnosed with alcoholism.

Daily drinking has a negative effect on the secretion of antidiuretic hormone. An increase in the volume of urine excreted stimulates the activity of the renin-angiotensin system, which is directly related to the occurrence of hypertension, difficulty in the absorption of potassium and magnesium, and acid-base imbalance.

Panangin for hangover

Along with the lack of nutrients that leave the body with feces, vomiting and urine, increasing metabolic disorders, against the background of severe myocardial dystrophy and respiratory failure during a hangover, it is better not to even think about taking Panangin.

Characteristic signs of a large hangover are intracellular acidosis, compensatory movement of sodium and hydrogen ions into the cell, excessive activity of the central nervous system and convulsions. If you take Panangin with a hangover, it is possible that the volume of circulating blood and the contractile function of the heart will decrease.

The formation of multiple foci of excitation in parts of the brain and disruption of metabolic energy processes increases the risk of toxic myocardial dystrophy, fibrillation, extrasystole, and arrhythmia.

The so-called withdrawal is accompanied by either a slowdown in urine formation, or a sharp increase in diuresis with the release of nitrogenous compounds, high acetate production, and symptoms of uremic intoxication.

Despite all the serious consequences, cardiologists, at their own peril and risk, prescribe Panangin for a hangover if the patient has pronounced post-intoxication arterial hypertension.

What could be the consequences of taking it?

Only a qualified specialist, based on the results obtained through laboratory and hardware diagnostics, has the right to decide whether Panangin and alcohol are compatible.

In a healthy person, potassium is part of cells and tissues, plays an important role in ionic balance, conduction of nerve impulses in muscles, normalization of osmotic pressure, dilates blood vessels internal organs and narrows peripheral capillaries, maintains water-salt balance.

The consequence of consuming Panangin after alcohol or with a hangover can be hyperkalemia.

It is associated with the entry of a high concentration of K + into the bloodstream and the body’s inability to absorb the macronutrient. It occurs due to deterioration of the urinary system, decreased sensitivity of the receptors of the distal tubules of the kidneys, and manifests itself in the case of intracellular acidosis, ischemia, hypoxia, and damage to cell membranes.

In patients, it is accompanied by muscle weakness, tachycardia, bradycardia and arrhythmia.

Hypermagnesemia– a complication that appears after the interaction of Panangin and alcoholic beverages.

An increase in magnesium in the blood serum occurs due to the redistribution of the macroelement from cells into the intercellular fluid, impaired absorption of the intestine, dyspeptic disorders, and inhibition of neuronal activity. respiratory center, with chronic acidosis, arterial hypotension, renal failure.

In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia result in cardiac arrest and death. Therefore, before starting use, you need to undergo consultation and approval of the treating doctor.

Not all medicines are compatible with strong drinks. To understand whether Panangin can be taken for a hangover, it is necessary to understand how this drug acts on the body during the treatment of poisoning.

Action of Panangin

The first signs of a hangover are felt several hours after drinking. They are manifested by pain, arrhythmia (heart rhythm disturbance), chills, disorientation in space, high temperature, problems with the digestive system and dizziness.

At such moments, a person agrees to any means to get rid of the symptoms of poisoning. Everyone has their own proven recipes for fighting a hangover. Somebody think

Panangin (Asparkam) the best remedy in the treatment of alcohol intoxication. It helps restore strength and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

The use of Asparkam allows you to solve the problem of potassium and magnesium deficiency.

The medication is used in the form of tablets and solution for injection. In the first case, the main active component of the drug is magnesium and potassium aspartate, in the second - magnesium and potassium aspartate.

The medicine is prescribed for the following anomalies:

  • micronutrient deficiency;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • problems with blood supply.

The drug restores the balance of electrolytes in the body, normalizes heart rate and metabolic function. Its use allows you to mobilize a person’s internal resources and speed up the healing process.

When using the product, you must adhere to the indicated dosage and doctor's recommendations. Abuse of the drug sometimes causes serious consequences.

Exceeding the dose can even cause death.

Compatibility of Panangin and alcohol

Ethyl alcohol, which is included in all strong drinks, is a diuretic and is capable of removing a large volume of fluid over several hours. Along with urine, the body loses many useful substances. This is especially true for potassium and magnesium.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals leads to the development of various pathological processes. When drinking alcohol, the concentration of calcium in the blood increases. Its excess leads to increased hangover symptoms.

Due to an increase in the amount of calcium in the bloodstream, the following symptoms of a hangover worsen:

  • pain syndrome;
  • muscle weakness;
  • changes in blood pressure (blood pressure);
  • nervous excitability;
  • chills;
  • increased body temperature;
  • fear of light.

Experts say that taking Panangin with a hangover is not advisable. When treated with Asparkam, its combination with ethanol can cause vasospasm and difficulty breathing.

If in this case the patient is not provided with timely assistance, even death is possible.

Combining the drug with alcohol leads to an imbalance in water balance. It should also be taken into account that ethanol deactivates the drug. Therefore, the effectiveness of therapy is reduced to zero.

If you have a hangover, Asparkam will be useless in the fight against nausea and headaches. It should be understood that Panangin is not suitable for symptomatic therapy. During a hangover, it is allowed to take the drug, but provided that the drinking the day before was one-time.

During the period of hangover, the patient is sometimes prescribed droppers with Asparkam, sodium chloride and vitamins from group B and C. Only an experienced doctor can choose the right treatment strategy.

Medications will allow you to stabilize the electrolyte balance and pH of the blood during a hangover. Before placing an IV, you need to do blood tests and determine the amount of electrolytes.

Panangin in the fight against alcoholism

Asparkam is used in the fight against alcohol addiction as an element of complex therapy. Its main task is to support the functioning of the heart muscle. Treatment of withdrawal syndrome begins after the decomposition products of ethyl alcohol have left the alcoholic’s body.

If not handled correctly, Asparkam can be dangerous. It is worth considering that ethanol leads to dehydration. At the same time, the blood becomes thick and the potassium concentration increases. In this case, an overdose is possible, which can provoke cardiac arrest.

Not all experts support the idea of ​​​​using Asparkam during a hangover. Therefore, the treatment strategy for alcoholism is selected depending on the clinical picture and other circumstances.

What is Panangin prescribed for?

Medicine Panangin is a representative of the pharmacological group of medications that help replenish the body's magnesium-potassium deficiency. The content of the main active components - magnesium and potassium ions is characterized by the following manifestation: potassium deficiency in the plasma blood level is accompanied by a lack of magnesium, as a result of which correction of the content of such substances can be carried out simultaneously. The drug Panangin can compensate for the timely deficiency of these microelements.

This drug complements the complex therapy of ailments caused by myocardial infarction, heart failure, diagnosis of arrhythmia and other abnormalities associated with the cardiovascular system. The high absorption capacity of the drug facilitates its subsequent excretion through the human kidneys.

This drug has some contraindications:

  • chronic kidney disease;
  • decreased urine levels in the body;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • chronic failure adrenal cortex.

After the accumulation of drug components in the body, discomfort, which affect the general condition of the body.


  • paroxysmal, involuntary muscle contraction due to tension;
  • signs of nausea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • change in color of the epidermis;
  • obstruction of passage respiratory tract;
  • diarrhea.

Is it possible to take Panangin with alcoholic drinks? Instructional rules and warnings from medical specialists exclude the compatibility of panangin with alcohol. This statement is due to the following principles:

  1. 1. This medicine is indicated for patients experiencing abnormalities in the health of the cardiovascular system of the body. Alcohol consumption for this category of patients is contraindicated in any quantity. After drinking alcoholic beverages, the body faces a direct threat of exacerbation of the disease.
  2. 2. By introducing panangin and alcohol into your body at the same time, you can cause a spasmodic process in the blood vessels, disrupting the functioning of the respiratory system. Such an attack must be stopped in time by medical workers. In case of connivance or delay of the phenomenon, you can lose a person.
  3. 3. Alcohol promotes the removal of magnesium and potassium from the body, disrupting the necessary norm absorption of calcium by the body. This is how a person provokes a disruption in his water-salt balance, receiving in return dehydration of the body and loss of important electrolytes.

Panangin against alcohol

Panangin suppresses the effects of impaired health caused by alcohol consumption. In other words, the drug is indicated as an additional means of combined drug therapy for alcohol dependence. The compatibility of Panangin with alcohol is not discussed here, because this drug is indicated in the treatment of abstinence, when alcohol is completely removed from the patient’s bloodstream. The essential effect of the medication is aimed at maintaining the important vital functions of the heart muscle.

Some people use panangin after drinking alcohol in the unpleasant stage of a hangover in combination with other drugs. This therapy takes place in the days following alcohol abuse, because the compatibility of Panangin with alcohol is excluded. Contraindications in the instructions for taking Panangin allow for the possibility of dehydration and acidosis. Identical conditions are caused by alcohol, which expresses its negative characteristics in the stage of hangover syndrome.

Possible outcome

Excessive alcohol consumption is the primary cause of acidosis. Symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • gagging;
  • tachycardia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • breathing problems;
  • stressful state.

This condition is caused by an imbalance in the acid-base level. After a noisy feast, symptoms caused by blood acidification torment the patient. Taking Panangin in a small dosage is useless, and at higher doses the drug will cause negative effects. side effects.

Possible outcome

The drug Panangin is a source of electrolytes important for the functioning of the heart: magnesium and potassium ions. In addition, the drug affects metabolic processes.

Panangin medicine contains two vital components - potassium and magnesium. Why does their deficiency in the body cause a lot of problems in the functioning of the heart? Let's take a closer look.

  • Potassium. An important function of this element is that it maintains the membrane potential of myocytes, neurons and myocardial tissue structures. An imbalance between extracellular and intracellular potassium content can lead to a decrease in heart contractions, which, in turn, provokes arrhythmia and tachycardia.
  • Magnesium. An important cofactor in most enzymatic reactions, in particular energy metabolism and nucleic acid synthesis. It has an important effect on the functioning of the heart: it reduces the tension of contractions, as well as the heart rate, helping to reduce the need for oxygen in myocardial tissue. The substance magnesium has a pronounced anti-ischemic effect on myocardial tissue.

The “potassium magnesium” tandem in the drug Panangin reduces the toxicity of cardiac glycosides and does not affect their inotropic effect.

In addition, the combination of potassium and magnesium is based on the fact that a deficiency of one substance is often accompanied by a deficiency of the other, which develops diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, and arrhythmias.

Therefore, simultaneous correction of the content of both elements is required.

The range of possible uses of the drug Panangin is very wide; let us consider in more detail in what situation and what health problems it helps:

  • the drug is actively used for heart rhythm disorders, which are caused mainly by electrolyte disturbances (or, more simply put, disturbances in the ionic composition) - a lack of potassium in the blood,
  • the medicine is used for heart rhythm disturbances caused by drug intoxication medicinal plant foxgloves,
  • Panangin is effective for atrial rhythm disturbances (paroxysms of atrial fibrillation),
  • the medicine is used for early disturbances in the rhythm of the heart ventricles (ventricular extrasystole),
  • prescribe a drug for the treatment of coronary insufficiency (which in medical language means a discrepancy between the need for oxygen of the heart and the volume of its supply),
  • Panangin is used to reduce hypoxic disorders of myocardial metabolism (lack of oxygen supply to heart tissue or impaired absorption),
  • with a decrease in potassium in the blood, which is caused by the use of saluretic drugs (for example, diuretics, which increase the excretion of chlorine and sodium),
  • with myocardial infarction,
  • as replacement therapy for potassium or magnesium deficiency in foods.

3. Contraindications

The drug is not indicated for all patients; there are diseases for which the use of this medicine is contraindicated:

  • hyperkalemia (content of potassium in the blood above the established norm),
  • hypermagnesemia (magnesium content in the blood above the established norm),
  • cardiogenic shock,
  • severe form of myasthenia,
  • violation of amino acid metabolism,
  • acute form of metabolic acidosis,
  • hemolysis, dehydration,
  • insufficient function of the adrenal cortex,
  • increased sensitivity to components medicines,
  • lack of water in the body (dehydration).

Use with caution:

  • in the 1st trimester of pregnancy,
  • with sensitive and severe liver dysfunction,
  • with a possible risk of varying degrees of edema,
  • with hypophosphatemia,
  • with metabolic acidosis,
  • with urolithiasis, which is associated with impaired calcium and magnesium metabolism.

Panangin is prescribed using the following dosage:

  • the classic norm according to the instructions is 1-2 tablets per day,
  • severe cases (intolerance to digitalis, coronary circulation disorders) - 3 tablets 3 times a day, and after 5-7 days the dose is reduced to 1 tablet 2 times a day.

The tableted drug is taken after meals.

To relieve (stop) attacks of arrhythmia, the drug solution is administered slowly intravenously; for this, the contents of the ampoule must be diluted with an isotonic solution of glucose or sodium chloride.

Cases of overdose with Panangin have not been reported to date. However, there is a possibility of symptoms of hypermagnesemia and hyperkalemia, that is, an oversaturation of potassium and magnesium preparations in the blood.

Symptoms of hyperkalemia:

  • myasthenia gravis,
  • rapid and prolonged fatigue,
  • paresthesia,
  • disorders of the heart (arrhythmia, bradycardia, rarely - cardiac arrest),
  • confusion.

Symptoms of hypermagnesemia:

  • vomiting (urge),
  • Sopor,
  • decrease in blood pressure,
  • respiratory paralysis, coma,
  • with a sharp increase in the concentration of magnesium in the blood, deep tendon reflexes can be inhibited.

Treatment of an overdose of Panangin consists of discontinuing the drug or eliminating symptoms by administering calcium chloride intravenously. In severe cases, hemodialysis is prescribed.

If taking other medications, the patient must notify his doctor about this in order to establish the possibility of combined treatment with Panangin. Let's consider the interaction of this medicine with others.

  1. The drug can significantly inhibit the absorption of tetracycline and iron salts, as well as sodium fluoride. It is recommended to wait at least 3 hours between taking these medications.
  2. Simultaneous use of ACE inhibitors or potassium-sparing diuretics (Triamterene, Spironolactone) increases the risk of developing hyperkalemia, therefore potassium in the blood plasma should be monitored.
  3. Under the influence of potassium contained in Panangin, the side effects of cardiac glycosides are reduced.
  4. Anesthetic drugs increase the inhibition of magnesium drugs in the central nervous system.
  5. Parallel use of Panangin and the drugs Atracuronium, Decamethonium, Succinyl chloride, Suxamethonium can provoke increased neuromuscular blockade.
  6. The drug Calcitriol increases the magnesium content in the blood.

7. Cost

The price of the drug in question varies within the following limits:

  • in Russia - from 128 to 139 rubles,
  • in Ukraine - from 38 to 43 hryvnia.

8. Analogs


The most popular analogue of Panangin is Asparkam. This is a time-tested medicine - it has been produced for several decades.

This drug is domestically produced, its composition is completely similar to that of Panangin, while the price of Asparkam is several times lower.

The main indicator of these drugs is their effectiveness, and reviews of patients who have used both drugs indicate the high effectiveness of Panangin.

The dragee is covered with a protective coating, so for colitis, enterocolitis, stomach diseases, and ulcers, it is better to take Panangin to protect against the active ingredient.

The main difference between these medicines is that Panangin is the original, and Asparkam is an analogue, so its effect is somewhat weaker.


This medicine is a complete analogue of Panangin in composition, indications, contraindications and side effects. It is available in the form of dragees, solutions for injection and for intramuscular administration, however, the effectiveness of use is somewhat weaker and less pronounced than that of Panangin.

9. Reviews

Reviews about the use of this medicine are only positive; patients note an improvement in the condition and functioning of the cardiac system. Let's look at the most popular reviews.

Natalya Ivanovna, 38 years old.

“According to the indications, I was prescribed the use of a diuretic drug and Asparkam along with it.

Having gone to the pharmacy, they gave me a diuretic, and instead of Asparkam they recommended Panangin, since Asparkam was not available at that time.

After studying the instructions, I began to take this, I must say, expensive remedy.

To my surprise, the problems of shortness of breath, aching pain in the heart area, and fatigue disappeared. I told my doctor about this and he really confirmed the high degree of effectiveness of Panangin, but only noted its high cost.”

Alexey Petrovich, 64 years old.

“Recently, I was on vacation at a sanatorium, where I was prescribed Panangin as a prophylactic agent, explaining that it is a good prevention of heart disease (it was with these problems that I went to the sanatorium).


Immediately I did not attach importance to my good mood and well-being, but when I arrived home and stopped taking Panangin, after a while I felt unwell and heaviness in the heart area.


A large concentration of potassium ions is called hyperkalemia. The disease is accompanied by arrhythmia, a violation of the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle. Oversaturation with panangin is accompanied by disorganized myocardial contraction. This condition is characterized by a violation of the blood circulation system. Abundant excess of potassium causes in some cases the cardiac muscle to stop working.

Statistics from medical observations show that during inpatient treatment, abstinence from potassium deficiency, which usually occurs in patients with alcoholism, is eliminated by the administration of potassium chloride. On the first day of treatment for withdrawal symptoms, only 50% of the required amount of this macroelement is administered to avoid the danger of exceeding the dosage. Potassium levels are measured daily.

Action of panangin

Panangin is a drug that is used in cardiological practice to treat patients with potassium and magnesium deficiency. Patients need subsidies of these components for heart diseases, especially after 40–45 years. Available in tablets and ampoule for parenteral use (administered intravenously).

Patients are interested in the question: can Panangin be taken with alcohol or not? All medications must not be combined with alcoholic beverages. This interaction can lead to a change in action chemical substance on metabolic processes in the body.

  1. Panangin is prescribed for the treatment of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. It can lead to collapse of veins, arteries, and spasms of the respiratory muscles, which can cause the ventilation of the lungs to stop. If the patient is not given emergency medical care, he may die.
  3. Panangin and alcohol, when used together, alter metabolic processes and water-salt balance in the body.


Panangin should not be taken for certain painful conditions. If the patient has had allergic reactions to these chemical components in the past. Acute or chronic kidney failure, liver disease, is an absolute contraindication for the treatment of patients with Panangin.

Reviews from patients who violated the cardiologist's recommendations and also took alcohol together with Panangin can be characterized as negative. Since the patients showed signs of poisoning, which were accompanied by nausea, vomiting, upset stool, and general weakness.


A person constantly receives from food a certain amount of magnesium and other substances necessary to maintain homeostasis in the body. Uncontrolled use of Panangin can lead to hypermagnesemia and hyperkalemia. In this case, the concentration of these substances increases sharply, which negatively affects the level of metabolic processes.

  1. Depression of the respiratory center.
  2. Violation of the physiological functioning of the heart muscle.
  3. A coma may occur.
  4. Weakness of skeletal muscles is observed.
  5. Sometimes patients experience a decrease in blood pressure.

To prevent such conditions, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the specialist’s recommendations and not violate the time of taking the medicine.


A sharp increase or, on the contrary, a decrease in the concentration of potassium in the body can provoke interruptions in the functioning of the heart.

  1. Disturbance of the physiological rhythm of the myocardium – arrhythmia.
  2. Increased or decreased heart rate (tachycardia and bradycardia).
  3. In case of overdose, ventricular fibrillation may occur. Heart rate stays at 300-400 beats per minute.

    Naturally, such activity is not able to maintain blood circulation through the vessels of the human body.

  4. Sometimes the heart and breathing stop.
  5. There are disturbances in filtration and reabsorption in the kidney channels.

During the day, the amount of potassium and magnesium constantly changes, which is natural, since a person consumes foods containing these elements.

If a person suffers from alcoholism or periodically drinks alcoholic beverages, then his metabolic processes are disrupted and micro- and macroelements that are necessary for performance “leave” from the body.

Potassium and magnesium are no exception. Over time, a deficiency of these substances occurs, but the patient should not take Panangin to compensate. This combination is fraught with danger to the patient’s life and can lead to death within 1–2 days.

After these measures, the patient may be recommended to take Panangin to make up for the deficiency chemical elements.

The drug is also used for hangovers, in combination with other medications. But the drug is not used as an independent remedy that can relieve a severe hangover.

Panangin should not be combined with alcohol. Alcohol lowers blood pressure and causes dehydration due to its diuretic effect. In these conditions, taking Panangin is contraindicated.

Panangin is a drug that affects metabolic processes in the body. The active substances of this drug are calcium and magnesium ions. Therefore, the medicine can be called a mineral preparation that replenishes the lack of microelements. This combination of substances is due to the fact that if a potassium deficiency occurs, this necessarily leads to a magnesium deficiency.

Panangin is prescribed in complex therapy:

  • after myocardial infarction;
  • heart failure;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • other dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, the product is used simply to replenish potassium and magnesium in the body if they are deficient.

The drug is characterized by a high level of absorption. It is easily excreted through the kidneys.

The product also has contraindications. These include:

  • renal failure;
  • cardiogenic shock;
  • Addison's disease;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • oliguria;
  • anuria.

Due to an overdose, the following may occur: Negative consequences like nausea. The urge to vomit, convulsions, red spots on the skin, fever, diarrhea, difficulty breathing and others. Although this happens rarely, and reviews of the drug are mostly positive.

Red spots are a consequence of an overdose

Consumers are also interested in questions regarding the drug Panangin Forte. In particular, what is the compatibility of a product with the forte prefix with alcohol-containing drinks - similar to simple Panangin or not. To resolve this confusion, you need to understand what the difference is between two medications with similar names.

The word forte is translated from Latin as durable, strong or strong. In the pharmaceutical industry, the term is used to show that the drug has an enhanced effect due to increased doses of active substances.

Regarding Panangin, you will note that the usual drug contains 140 mg of magnesium, and with the forte prefix it is twice as much of this microelement. The same applies to potassium: 158 mg in regular and 316 mg in fort.

Thus, the compatibility of the drug Panangin Forte with alcohol will be similar to that of a simple drug. Only due to increased doses of substances, negative manifestations (if they arise) will manifest themselves more strongly.

Despite the good reviews, Panangin, like any drug, has side effects. And if you have a tendency towards them, and at the same time drink alcohol during treatment, negative manifestations will not keep you waiting. They may appear as:

  • ulcerations of the intestinal mucosa;
  • pain in the epigastrium;
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diarrhea;
  • hypotension;
  • nausea;
  • dry mouth;
  • itching skin;
  • thrombosis;
  • dizziness;
  • increased sweating;
  • asthenia.

Sweating is a side effect

All of the above can act as side effects from using Panangin. Rapid administration of the drug intravenously can provoke hypermagnesemia and hyperkalemia.

Excessive penetration of drug substances into the body can lead to cardiac arrest, paresthesia of the limbs, and changes in cardiogram readings. In such a critical situation, intravenous use of sodium chloride or dextrose will be required to save life. In extremely severe cases, hemodialysis and dialysis methods are used.

Panangin refers to medicines that have an effect on metabolic processes in the body. The medicine contains minerals - potassium and magnesium. Potassium maintains magnesium concentrations in the required amount, regulates blood pressure and helps obtain energy from glucose.

Magnesium is involved in protein synthesis and glucose breakdown. A sufficient amount of the mineral promotes the absorption of vitamins C, B1 and B6. Magnesium relaxes the muscles of the heart and dilates the arteries. The drug is prescribed for potassium and magnesium deficiency, as well as to combat heart rhythms. Taking Panangin allows you to increase the amount of microelements in the human body and normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

The medicine is prescribed by a doctor when chronic diseases hearts, complex treatment after myocardial infarction. Panangin is prescribed for the treatment of blood vessels. However, in this case, taking vitamins C and P will be much more effective, so they can replace taking medication.

Panangin contains magnesium aspartate and potassium aspartate. Thanks to this, it actively participates in the metabolic processes of the body.

Magnesium, in turn, determines the therapeutic effect of Panangin, improves the functioning of the circulatory system, promotes better absorption of B vitamins and vitamin C in the body, and also reduces blood pressure by dilating blood vessels.

In addition, magnesium ions sufficiently act to relax the smooth muscles of the heart and arteries.

This drug is prescribed for: heart rhythm disturbances, water-electrolyte imbalances, hypokalemia, paroxysm of atrial fibrillation, ventricular extrasystole.

Panangin is also used to treat coronary insufficiency, as well as for hypoxic metabolic disorders of the heart muscle.

There is also a stronger version of this drug - Panangin Forte. Each tablet of this drug contains double the dose of the usual drug Panangin.

Panangin for hangover

  • arrhythmias of atrial or ventricular origin;
  • myocardial infarction and rehabilitation in the post-infarction period;
  • heart failure.

The effect of the product on the body occurs at the cellular level. Action potentials and the functioning of the sodium-potassium pump are normalized. Excitation along the nerve bundles of the heart occurs in a timely manner, and there are no interruptions in the heart rhythm.

The medicine does not affect the functioning of the liver, and also does not put a strong burden on the kidneys. Therefore, the unwanted interaction of alcohol with Panangin occurs at the level of the bloodstream. When increasing the dose of tablets, there is a risk of changes in the electrolyte balance of the blood, microelements, and acid-base balance. Under the influence of large doses of alcohol, changes occur faster, and accordingly the negative effect is stronger.

The compatibility of potassium, magnesium and ethyl is low. When Panangin and alcohol are simultaneously ingested in standard doses, the effectiveness of the medicine is reduced. While drinking alcohol, the kidneys intensively excrete metabolic products and microelements (potassium, magnesium) along with urine. Therefore, the effect of the drug is lost even before its components begin to act.

If you have a hangover, taking Panangin will not relieve headaches or eliminate nausea. It is not suitable for symptomatic treatment and will not quickly relieve a hangover. Taking Panangin will have a minimal effect on the cardiovascular system if the kidneys have previously removed excess fluid and ethanol breakdown products. Therefore, a course of taking the drug can theoretically be started with a hangover, but provided that the alcohol intake the day before was one-time.

In case of hangover, only a doctor can prescribe droppers with Panangin, vitamins B and C, and sodium chloride. This way, the substances will quickly enter the bloodstream and normalize blood pH and electrolyte balance. It is necessary to conduct a clinical study before placing an IV, to find out the amount of electrolytes in the blood (magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium).

There are no cases where alcohol can be consumed at the same time as the drug. If the dosage of alcohol does not exceed 20-30 ml per day (fortified drinks) and a person takes no more than two Panangin tablets per day, there will be no harm to the body if consumed simultaneously. Just as there will be no effect from taking the drug.

In the case of a combination with spirit, Panangin, entering the body, is immediately excreted in the urine. Therefore, while undergoing treatment with Panangin, you should avoid drinking alcohol, even beer or low-alcohol drinks. The effect of using Panangin can only be obtained the next day after drinking alcohol. This is due to the fact that the main products of ethanol metabolism are excreted by the kidneys within a day.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medicine with alcoholEnter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol

There is an opinion that the drug is effective in relieving hangovers. We are talking about a situation with chronic alcoholism, when relief from withdrawal symptoms is required. Indeed, the medicine can be prescribed during this period, because it can nourish the body with magnesium and potassium - microelements that quickly leave the body during dehydration. As you know, with a hangover, the body suffers from fluid loss.

But such therapy also has back side. When there is a lack of water in the body, blood thickens. This causes potassium levels to rise. If you take panangin, there will be an excess of this substance, which is life-threatening. As a result of this overdose, cardiac arrest is possible, which is already weakened by regular libations of alcohol.

In this regard, the issue of using the drug for a hangover is controversial. Decide if it's possible to a specific person Only a doctor should take Panangin in such a situation. If a person who previously suffered from alcoholism has given up his bad habit, he can be treated with a drug to support the heart.

In general, it can be argued that Panangin and ethanol-containing drinks are not the best combination. It is better not to jeopardize your health (and sometimes life) and not to use them together. If treatment is carried out in a course, it is advisable to wait some time after its completion. and only then allow yourself a glass of wine.

The fact is that alcohol is a strong diuretic, i.e. diuretic. This is why you often want to go to the toilet during a feast with alcohol. As a result, too much magnesium and potassium are excreted from the body in the urine.

Thus, the next morning with a hangover, a severe deficiency of potassium and magnesium occurs in the body, especially the first element. At the same time, a lack of magnesium leads to saturation of the blood with calcium, which is washed out of the bones in excess. A lack of calcium in the skeletal system threatens such a serious disease as osteoporosis.

At the same time, an excess of calcium in the human body is the cause of obvious hangover symptoms, such as:

  • nervous excitability,
  • chills,
  • muscle weakness,
  • heart problems.

Thus, panangin (asparkam), replenishing the lack of these two important elements in the body, leads to the rapid elimination of the listed hangover symptoms.

Panangin replenishes the lack of magnesium and potassium in the body, leading to the rapid elimination of the listed hangover symptoms.

By the way, this drug is an integral part home first aid kit for provision of emergency drug treatment.

To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover, it is enough to drink 2 tablets of Asparkam. However, in frequent situations where the consequences of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages are not severe, it is recommended to use brine or other means traditional medicine. Panangin has a small number of contraindications for use:

  • pathologies of the structures of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney failure, observed in acute and chronic forms;
  • excess amounts of potassium and magnesium in the human body;
  • myasthenia gravis, which occurs in a complicated form.

The drug exhibits and side effects. Consequences of taking the drug:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • painful sensations in the abdominal area.

Remember, the effective result of panangin for a hangover is observed only in the complex composition of treatment for alcohol poisoning. The medication is useless in the form of a substance for first aid or for use as an independent drug to relieve discomfort. If you have an unbearable desire to drink pills, the greatest effectiveness in eliminating hangover symptoms is observed when using Magnesol.

Attempts to find a universal cure for alcohol hangover will never stop. Instead of moderating a single dose of alcohol, people are actively looking for a panacea for morning suffering. Many miraculous abilities are attributed to asparkam for a hangover, they say, drink as much as you like, and in the morning a couple of tablets of the drug will quickly bring you back to life. Is it so? We'll figure out.

Asparkam (panangin) is a pharmacological agent containing bioavailable magnesium and potassium salts as active components. The main purpose of the drug is to compensate for the lack of relevant macroelements in the body.

The easiest way to recover from alcoholism. 100%

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The main component of asparkam is potassium, since its role in many metabolic and physiological processes cannot be exaggerated. Without this element, a full exchange between the cytoplasm of cells and the intercellular fluid will not be possible, which occurs due to the work of potassium-sodium pumps that transport the necessary molecules in two directions.

In addition to ensuring full cellular metabolism, potassium is necessary for the normal conduction of cardiac impulses, which ensures the sequence and timeliness of contractions of various parts of the heart (ventricles, atria). With a pronounced deficiency of a macroelement, there is a risk of arrhythmia attacks.

With increased kidney function, which may be a consequence of the prescription of strong diuretics (Lasix, furosemide) or the need to quickly remove toxins from the blood (alcohol poisoning), more potassium is excreted in the urine than normal, resulting in a deficiency of the element in the body. Taking asparkam quickly replenishes potassium losses, preventing the consequences of its deficiency from developing.

Magnesium is also intensively excreted in the urine when the kidneys work hard, so this element is also included in the drug. A lack of magnesium is not so critical for the body, but they also try to avoid it, so as not to unbalance the water-salt balance.

Each organism has an individual ability to process ethyl alcohol. For some, 300 grams of vodka drunk in the evening will have no effect on their morning health, while others will suffer after two bottles of beer. The maximum single dose of alcohol depends on the state of the liver's enzymatic system and the organ's ability to utilize alcohol.

If the individual dose is exceeded, especially significantly, there are not enough enzymes that break down alcohol into simple molecules that are safe for the body, so intermediate products of ethanol decomposition are formed in large quantities, first of all, very toxic acetaldehyde. It needs to be removed urgently, since the substance is carried by the blood to all tissues of the body, causing organ dysfunction, so the kidneys come to the aid of the liver, beginning to actively remove the toxin in the urine.

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Asparkam is produced in the form of tablets and solution used for infusion. The effect of the drug lies in the ability of the active element (aspartate) to send potassium and magnesium ions through cellular structures. Panangin is prescribed according to the list of indications for use, which is prescribed by the instructions for use of the drug:

  • impaired contractile functioning of the myocardium;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • arrhythmia;
  • glaucoma;
  • gout;
  • increased alkalinity in the blood;
  • high altitude hypoxia;
  • injury to areas of the brain.

Asparkam should be taken strictly in accordance with medical recommendations, taking into account its compatibility with alcohol. Correct technique The drug helps to quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptom of a hangover and without negative side effects. It is recommended to take 1-2 tablets at a time in three approaches per day.

Treat according to the course for at least 21 days. If it is necessary to use the infusion method, the solution is administered very carefully at low speed, slowly. The drug should be diluted with a 5% glucose solution. The dilution method is different - jet or drip. Add 20-25 drops or 4-5 ml over a minute.

Lethal dosage for humans:

  • beer – 350 ml;
  • malt – 230 ml;
  • wine – 130 ml;
  • port wine – 80 ml;
  • aperitif – 60 ml;
  • brandy – 40 ml;
  • vodka – 40 ml.

The body produces specific side effects and consequences under the influence of Asparkam:

  • feeling of dryness in oral cavity;
  • burning sensation in the epigastric region;
  • ulcerative formations on the mucous tissues of organs gastrointestinal tract;
  • inhibition of reactions, decreased reflex speed;
  • feeling of heat in the body;
  • allergic reaction;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

If the doctor performs intravenous administration at an accelerated pace, a corresponding symptom is possible, in which a struggle of elements occurs, and an acute overdose of a medicinal substance is reflected:

  • convulsive attacks, sudden muscle contractions accompanied by unbearable pain;
  • there is a danger of falling into a coma;
  • normal breathing is disrupted and the respiratory rhythm is disrupted;
  • swelling of the facial tissue occurs;
  • hypotension;
  • a person feels a constant feeling of thirst.

It is necessary to begin with the fact that disturbances in the functioning of the heart themselves are a contraindication to the consumption of any alcoholic beverages. Moreover, when taking medicine and alcohol at the same time, microelements such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and potassium are washed out of the body, and dehydration also occurs.

A person’s blood pressure drops significantly, which can cause extremely undesirable consequences.

There is an opinion that the medicine helps get rid of a hangover, but it is wrong. Treatment begins only after ethanol is completely eliminated from the patient’s body.

A remedy is prescribed to normalize the water-salt balance and prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

You should also remember that the effectiveness of the drug is significantly reduced, and a person’s general condition may deteriorate significantly. In such cases, it is unlikely that you can do without medical help.

The results of combining ethanol and Panangin are not as harmless as they might seem. First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that the blood vessels narrow slightly after taking the medicine, and even this can cause difficulty breathing.

Alcohol has the same effect on the body and ultimately can cause vasospasm, which is life-threatening. If the patient is not given first aid in a timely manner, a fatal outcome cannot be ruled out.

If the excess substance is not excreted through vomit or feces, the person will need hospital treatment.

You can clearly see that Panangin is absolutely incompatible with alcoholic beverages. Patients should take care of their health and eliminate alcohol from their diet during treatment.

"Panangin" can be prescribed during the treatment of alcoholism in combination with other drugs. The purpose of the medication is in this case– maintain the heart muscle in normal condition. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of alcoholism only when all alcohol substances have been removed from the patient’s body.

Many patients think that Panangin can be taken with alcohol.

After all, the drug is used to eliminate hangover syndrome, also in combination with other medications. The drug is not used as monotherapy in the treatment of alcoholism or hangover.

Doctors believe that the combination of Panangin and alcohol should be prohibited. Alcohol dehydrates the body, lowers blood pressure, and has a diuretic effect. All of the above are contraindications for taking medications.

  • renal failure;
  • severe form of myasthenia;
  • extreme degree of left ventricular failure;
  • individual intolerance;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • hypermagnesemia;
  • insufficient water content in the body and other diseases.

In addition to contraindications, the drug also has side effects - vomiting, redness of the skin, nausea, convulsions, difficulty breathing, decreased blood pressure, arrhythmia and bradycardia.

Post-intoxication (hangover) syndrome is a condition associated with alcohol poisoning. There is an opinion that Panangin is prescribed for the treatment of hangover syndrome, when a break from alcohol occurs due to chronic alcoholism. The drug can indeed be prescribed during the period of recovery from a long binge.

  • to normalize water and salts received and removed from the body;
  • for the treatment of heart disease (in remission).
  • Have you tried many methods, but nothing helps?
  • Another coding turned out to be ineffective?
  • Is alcoholism destroying your family?

Check out official information about the drug Panangin, the instructions for use of which include general information and treatment plan. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

The drug Panangin is a source of magnesium and potassium ions. It is a drug that affects metabolic processes.

Magnesium and potassium are intracellular cations that play main role in the work of many enzymes, in the formation of connections between intracellular structures and macromolecules, in the mechanisms of muscle contractility.

Medicine release form:

  • Pills.
  • Injection.

Composition of the medicine in tablet form

The active ingredients of Panangin tablets are: potassium aspartate (K = 36.2 mg) 158 mg, anhydrous magnesium aspartate (Mg = 11.8 mg) 140 mg.

Excipients Panangin: anhydrous colloidal silica, magnesium stearate, povidone, corn starch, titanium dioxide, potato starch, Eudragit E, macrogol 6000, talc.

Panangin: use in tablet form

Dosage for use of Panangin for treatment

The instructions for use of Panangin state that the dosage of the drug should be determined by the doctor in accordance with the patient’s condition, his medical history and individual characteristics.

In most cases, it is customary to prescribe 1-2 tablets three times a day for oral administration. In severe cases (for example, with intolerance to digitalis drugs, coronary circulation disorders, etc.

) – 3 tablets three times a day.

After a few weeks of treatment (if it is successful), the dosage of Panangin can be reduced to 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

The duration of use of Panangin and the need to repeat therapy is determined by the attending physician.

Use of Panangin intravenously

Panangin solution for intravenous administration has a greenish tint (in some cases it is completely colorless), without observable mechanical inclusions, and transparent. The drug contains potassium and magnesium aspartate (452 ​​mg and 400 mg in one ampoule, respectively). Water (up to 10 ml) serves as an excipient.

The instructions for use of Panangin note that the drug can be prescribed intravenously. A slow infusion is used (20 drops per minute).

If necessary, the drug is re-administered after a few hours. To prepare a solution for intravenous administration, the contents of one or two ampoules are dissolved in 50-100 ml of a 5% dextrose solution.

The medicine can be used for complex therapy.

Use of Panangin for heart diseases

The instructions for use of Panangin say that the drug is available in pharmacies by prescription, so its use must be agreed with the attending physician.

For any heart disease, the use of this drug is completely regulated by specialists depending on the current condition of the patient, his medical history, stage of the disease and additional individual indicators. When treating chronic heart diseases, it is recommended to take the drug in the amount of 1-2 tablets three times a day. In exceptional cases and if there are appropriate indications daily dose can be increased to 6-9 tablets.

Panangin and alcohol: is it possible to combine, possible consequences, reviews

If the dosage of alcohol exceeds the permissible norms (which is 20 ml of pure alcohol per day), then taking Panangin simultaneously with alcohol will result in:

  • bronchospasm, suffocation;
  • spasm of blood vessels, which will lead to hypertensive crisis or cardiogenic shock.

In some cases, dyspeptic disorders are observed: nausea, vomiting. Arrhythmia develops, heart rate increases, shortness of breath appears. Dizziness and confusion are possible, as manifestations of food poisoning and intoxication of the body. Side effects are increased if the patient drinks alcohol chronically and has a history of renal failure.

Death from drinking alcohol and Panangin is possible. Its probability is no more than 0.5% of the total side effects of the drug. It increases with binge drinking, exceeding the recommended dose of medication, concomitant disorders of salt metabolism, chronic kidney disease, Addison's disease.


Hyperkalemia develops when there is a loss of blood plasma and an accumulation of potassium in the blood of more than 5.5 mmol per liter. The condition is dangerous due to heart rhythm disturbances and cardiac arrest during the contraction phase. Hyperkalemia can occur with an overdose of Panangin, as well as in the case of taking drugs during a binge.

This is explained by the fact that an overdose of alcohol causes not only intoxication of the body, but also a state of dehydration (dehydration) of cells. Liquid is removed from the body due to the action of the kidneys, as a result of which the blood acquires an acidic reaction and a thick consistency. There is a lot of potassium in relation to the reduced amount of plasma (liquid component) of the blood.

This cause of mortality from taking Panangin together with alcohol accounts for 80% of cases, and to relieve ventricular paroxysm with hyperkalemia it is necessary ambulance and a defibrillator.


Hypermagnesemia is a condition in which the amount of magnesium in the blood increases to more than 1.2 mmol/l. The condition is dangerous due to paralysis of muscles, nerve structures, and respiratory arrest. High level magnesium causes coma, cardiac arrest in diastole (during relaxation).

Contraindications for taking Panangin include dehydration and acidosis. These are the conditions that occur when drinking alcohol during a hangover.

Alcohol abuse is cited as one of the main causes of acidosis. This condition is characterized by:

  • malaise;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased heart rate;
  • arrhythmia;
  • shortness of breath with slight physical activity;
  • confusion;
  • shock.

This condition is caused by a shift in the acid-base balance towards blood acidification, and is treated by taking medications containing organic acids(amber, lemon).

It is the symptoms of acidosis that plague a hangover. Taking Panangin in a small dosage is useless, and with increased doses of the drug it will cause unpleasant side effects.

Thus, the simultaneous use of Panangin and alcohol can cause spasm of blood vessels. A particular danger is posed by uncontrolled intake and overdose of potassium and magnesium with the development of hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia. Accordingly, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to combine is a categorical no.


A high concentration of potassium - hyperkalemia, is characterized by arrhythmia, a change in heart rate with a decrease in heart rate (bradycardia) or an increase (tachycardia).

With an overdose of Panangin, it is possible to develop such a dangerous condition to health as ventricular fibrillation of the heart - disorganized contraction of the myocardium with a frequency of up to 300-400 beats per minute.

In this condition, blood circulation is disrupted and there is no pulsation of large arteries. With a high concentration of potassium in the blood, significantly exceeding the norm, cardiac arrest is possible.

A high concentration of potassium in the blood is dangerous due to the risk of respiratory and cardiac arrest. Hyperkalemia develops when the excretory function of the kidneys is impaired or when there is an overdose of drugs containing potassium.

When treating abstinence in a hospital, potassium deficiency, which is almost always observed in alcoholics, is eliminated by intravenous administration of potassium chloride. On the first day of treatment for withdrawal syndrome, only 50% of the required amount of this macroelement is administered due to the danger of exceeding the dosage.

And the concentration of potassium in the blood is measured every day.


Deviations in the concentration of magnesium in the blood cause life-threatening conditions. Taking Panangin without a doctor's prescription, without taking into account the patient's health condition, can cause an increase in the concentration of magnesium in body fluids - hypermagnesemia.

With an increased concentration of magnesium in the blood, depression of the respiratory center, disruption of heart function, and coma are possible.

Patients with alcoholism almost always have a deficiency of magnesium, which is manifested by drowsiness, weakness, convulsions, and heart rhythm disturbances. Replenish magnesium deficiency with magnesium gluconate. Panangin is used in hospitals, but as an additional agent, gluconate and magnesium oxide are often administered intravenously.

There may be a lack of potassium in the body when the concentration of magnesium is normal. Taking Panangin to replenish potassium in the blood, you can overdose on magnesium concentration. And vice versa.

We are not talking about 1-2 tablets taken for a hangover. If you take this amount of medicine for a hangover, there is no need to worry. But this mistake should not be repeated; self-prescription of any medicine without preliminary tests or a doctor’s prescription can lead to unexpected consequences.

Symptoms of hypermagnesemia


In a healthy person, potassium is part of cells and tissues, plays an important role in ionic balance, conduction of nerve impulses in muscles, normalization of osmotic pressure, dilates the vessels of internal organs and narrows peripheral capillaries, maintains water-salt balance.

It is associated with the entry of high concentrations of K into the bloodstream and the body’s inability to absorb the macronutrient. It occurs due to deterioration of the urinary system, decreased sensitivity of the receptors of the distal tubules of the kidneys, and manifests itself in the case of intracellular acidosis, ischemia, hypoxia, and damage to cell membranes.

Hypermagnesemia is a complication that appears after the interaction of Panangin and alcoholic beverages.

An increase in magnesium in the blood serum occurs due to the redistribution of the macroelement from cells into the intercellular fluid, impaired absorption of the intestine, dyspeptic disorders, inhibition of the activity of neurons in the respiratory center, chronic acidosis, arterial hypotension, and renal failure.

In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia result in cardiac arrest and death. Therefore, before starting use, you need to undergo consultation and approval of the treating doctor.

1. General malaise.

2. Nausea and vomiting.

3. Increased heart rate.

4. Arrhythmic manifestations.

5. Shortness of breath with minor exertion.

6. State of shock.

7. Confusion.

The provoking factor is an imbalance in pH towards oxidation of the blood composition. Treatment consists of taking medications that contain various organic acids, including citric or succinic.

Symptoms of acidosis always accompany a hangover. Taking the minimum dosage of Panangin will not have the expected effect, while increasing the dose will lead to the development of adverse reactions.

Uncontrolled use of the drug can lead to hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia, and when Panangin is combined with alcohol, spasm of the blood vessels of the circulatory system also occurs.

If you take Panangin and alcohol at the same time or with a short period of time, this can lead to the following phenomena and consequences:

  • spasm of blood vessels;
  • holding your breath;
  • in especially severe cases, complete cessation of breathing.

Of course, if a patient drank a glass of wine at a family celebration or corporate party, and the morning before that he took a Panangin tablet, he is unlikely to end up in intensive care with respiratory arrest.

But in case of chronic alcoholism or severe intoxication, you should stop taking the drug; such a combination can lead to the most dire consequences, even death.

Although in the remission stage, Panangin can be used to treat chronic alcohol dependence, as it restores the water-salt balance and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.

If alcohol abuse has led to problems with the heart and blood circulation, then Panangin will be a good medicine to treat the patient.

Finally, it is worth noting that if a person has heart problems and is well informed about it, is undergoing treatment with serious medications, it would be better for him to forget about alcohol altogether.

Even on the body of a healthy and young person, alcohol has a very negative effect and significantly harms the functioning of internal organs - the heart and blood vessels in the first place.

If it is abused by an elderly person who has a number of chronic diseases, one should not hope for the success of the treatment and wellness.

Compatibility of Panangin and alcohol

  1. The drug is usually prescribed to people suffering from heart disease, and for such people alcohol should be prohibited. Combining this medicine with alcohol can seriously harm an already weakened body.
  2. Drinking alcohol and panangin at the same time can provoke spasm of blood vessels and lead to difficulty breathing. If in such a situation timely medical assistance, this could be fatal.
  3. Together with alcohol, this drug contributes to disruption of the water-salt balance. As the organs process alcoholic substances, microelements are washed out of the body, and the therapeutic effect of the drug is reduced to zero.


Panangin is approved for the treatment of alcoholism as part of complex therapy. The main purpose of the drug is to maintain the functioning of the heart muscle (myocardium). The drug is used to treat withdrawal symptoms, when alcohol is no longer present in the patient’s blood.

Ethyl alcohol, which is included in all strong drinks, is a diuretic and is capable of removing a large volume of fluid over several hours. Along with urine, the body loses many useful substances. This is especially true for potassium and magnesium.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals leads to the development of various pathological processes. When drinking alcohol, the concentration of calcium in the blood increases. Its excess leads to increased hangover symptoms.

Due to an increase in the amount of calcium in the bloodstream, the following symptoms of a hangover worsen:

  • pain syndrome;
  • muscle weakness;
  • changes in blood pressure (blood pressure);
  • nervous excitability;
  • chills;
  • increased body temperature;
  • fear of light.

Experts say that taking Panangin with a hangover is not advisable. When treated with Asparkam, its combination with ethanol can cause vasospasm and difficulty breathing.

If in this case the patient is not provided with timely assistance, even death is possible.

Combining the drug with alcohol leads to an imbalance in water balance. It should also be taken into account that ethanol deactivates the drug. Therefore, the effectiveness of therapy is reduced to zero.

If you have a hangover, Asparkam will be useless in the fight against nausea and headaches. It should be understood that Panangin is not suitable for symptomatic therapy. During a hangover, it is allowed to take the drug, but provided that the drinking the day before was one-time.

During the period of hangover, the patient is sometimes prescribed droppers with Asparkam, sodium chloride and vitamins from group B and C. Only an experienced doctor can choose the right treatment strategy.

Medications will help stabilize the electrolyte balance and pH of the blood during a hangover. Before placing an IV, you need to do blood tests and determine the amount of electrolytes.

You cannot take Panangin with alcohol - all doctors are convinced of this. There are several reasons for this:

  1. The medicine is prescribed to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. And for such persons, strong drinks are strictly contraindicated. In this case, the already weakened body will be undermined even more.
  2. There is a high probability of spasm of blood vessels and difficulty breathing. If such a situation occurs, the patient is not provided with medical care, there is a high risk of death.
  3. The therapeutic effect will be reduced to zero due to a violation of the water-salt balance in the body after drinking an ethanol-containing drink. Microelements will leave the body very quickly, and taking the drug will be practically useless.

  1. Drinking strong drinks has a lowering effect on blood pressure.
  2. When drinking alcoholic beverages, blood vessels dilate.
  3. Alcohol in large doses and the simultaneous use of Panangin disrupts water-salt metabolism, which leads to the body losing water and trace elements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium).
  4. In addition, the drug is prescribed to people with cardiovascular disease, which in itself is a contraindication for drinking alcohol.

Infusion therapy for acute alcohol poisoning

Before prescribing the medicine, the doctor must carefully examine the patient's condition. Intravenous administration of 10 ml of a solution of the drug, 5 ml of a 5% solution of vitamins B 6, B 1 and C in combination with a solution of sodium chloride and hemodez, helps remove alcohol from the body. Panangin helps normalize the balance of water and salts, vitamin complex normalizes metabolism and promotes detoxification. The effective action of the dropper is due to the fact that the medicinal substances are delivered directly into the blood.

There is also a downside to this treatment. With a severe hangover, a person’s blood thickens, which is associated with dehydration. This reaction leads to an increase in potassium in the body. Taking Panangin will lead to an overdose of potassium, which will cause a threat to human life - due to heavy load the heart may stop. Administration of the drug as a dropper leads to hypotension (a sharp decrease in blood pressure).

That is why taking Panangin during a hangover is quite a controversial issue. Before prescribing a medicine, the doctor must carefully examine the patient's condition. The drug can be prescribed during this period if the person has completely given up drinking alcohol.

Promotes the removal of alcohol from the body by intravenous administration of 10 ml of Panangin solution, 5 ml of 5% solution of vitamins B 6, B 1 and C in combination with a solution of sodium chloride and hemodez. Panangin helps normalize the balance of water and salts, the vitamin complex normalizes metabolism and promotes detoxification. The effective action of the dropper is due to the fact that the medicinal substances are delivered directly into the blood.

There is also a downside to this treatment. With a severe hangover, a person’s blood thickens, which is associated with dehydration. This reaction leads to an increase in potassium in the body. Taking Panangin will lead to an overdose of potassium, which will pose a threat to human life - due to the heavy load, the heart may stop. The administration of Panangin in the form of a dropper leads to hypotension (a sharp decrease in pressure).

Panangin (during the treatment period) should not be combined with alcohol, this can lead to a deterioration in well-being and the person will not receive the expected result from the treatment.

Supporting the heart while treating alcoholism

In this regard, the issue of using the drug to treat a hangover is controversial. Only a specialist can decide on the use of this remedy after carefully studying each specific case.

Under no circumstances should you take Panangin on your own without consulting your doctor. And even more so, it is not recommended to combine this drug and alcohol. It’s not worth risking your priceless health for the sake of a couple of drinks.

Attention, TODAY only!


Deviations in the level of magnesium in the blood are no less life-threatening. Uncontrolled use of Panangin without consulting a doctor can lead to serious consequences for the body. Hypermagnesemia is accompanied by depression of respiratory functions, as well as disturbances in cardiac function and coma.

In patients with alcoholism, tests almost always show a lack of magnesium in the blood. The disease manifests itself as weakness, drowsiness, convulsions, and heart rhythm disturbances. "Panangin" is included in the complex therapy of withdrawal syndrome and is used in hospital treatment.

In some cases, potassium deficiency is recorded against the background of normal magnesium levels. Therefore, taking Panangin can normalize potassium levels, but create an overdose of magnesium.

It should be borne in mind that all the rules described above are associated with taking an abnormal number of tablets. One or two pills as a hangover cure will not cause an overdose. “Panangin” after alcohol is acceptable.

An increase in magnesium ions in the blood vessels causes strangulation of the respiratory tract, destruction of the heart muscle, causing the patient to fall into a coma.

The body of a patient suffering from alcohol addiction may lack potassium or magnesium. The drug Panangin helps maintain the regulation of these substances in the body as a means of complementing the main treatment. Therefore, self-medication is not allowed to avoid undesirable consequences.

Many processes in the human body are magnesium dependent, since this macroelement is considered a necessary participant in the activation of more than three hundred enzymes. A deviation in the concentration of magnesium in the blood plasma provokes a dangerous threat. Panangin with unauthorized alcohol can form an accumulation of magnesium - hypermagnesemia.

The first manifestations of a hangover can be observed within a few hours after drinking alcohol. Increasing headache, rapid heartbeat, loss of orientation in space, chills, fever, dizziness, indigestion - far from full list symptoms that characterize a person’s morning state after a successful party.

It is not surprising that a person in such a state is ready to use any available means in order to alleviate the unpleasant and painful symptoms of alcohol poisoning. At the same time, some are “treated” only with proven recipes of traditional medicine, while others rely exclusively on medicines from the home medicine cabinet. Using Asparkam for a hangover, many consider it one of the most effective drugs for restoring vitality and getting rid of the unpleasant symptoms of “morning sickness”. Let's try to figure out if this is so.

How does Asparkam work?

Asparkam (aka Panangin) is a medicine intended to replenish magnesium and potassium in case of their deficiency in the human body. The drug is produced in the form of tablets and ampoules for injection. Depending on this, the main active ingredients are potassium and magnesium aspartate in the first case and magnesium and potassium aspartate in the second. According to the official annotation, the medication is recommended for patients to:

  • lack of microelements in the body;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • chronic circulatory disorders;
  • heart rhythm disturbances.

Panangin helps to quickly restore the balance of electrolytes, eliminate arrhythmia and stabilize metabolic processes in the patient’s body. This means it contributes to the rapid restoration of the patient’s vitality and his speedy recovery.

Important! When taking Asparkam, you should strictly follow your doctor's instructions and dosage. If the medicine is taken independently, you must strictly follow the instructions for the medicine. Do not abuse the tablets or exceed the recommended dosage. Dangerous complications, including death, are possible.

How to combine with alcohol

Alcohol is a strong diuretic. Consequently, it is capable of removing a significant amount of fluid from the human body in a short time. Together with urine, a person loses quite a lot of minerals. Especially potassium and magnesium. This leads to disruption of metabolic processes and malfunctions of organs and systems. At the same time, the concentration of calcium in the blood increases, which is actively washed out of bone tissue. Excess calcium increases hangover symptoms, especially:

  • chills;
  • muscle weakness;
  • temperature increase;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • photophobia;
  • nervous excitability.

Important! By taking Panangin for a hangover, you can quickly replenish the lack of potassium and magnesium in the body, which means eliminating painful symptoms and restoring the normal functioning of vital organs. The medicine is especially effective in combination with other drugs that are used to treat alcohol poisoning.

How to take it correctly

The instructions for use included with each package of Asparkam fully describe the drug, indications for use, side effects, dosage, compatibility with other medications and contraindications. When taking the product yourself, you should read the instructions and strictly follow its instructions.

As numerous reviews indicate, it is better to drink Asparkam after cleansing the body of toxins and getting rid of nausea and vomiting. That is, after waking up you should immediately take the sorbent - Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Zorex. After that you can have a drink green tea, mineral water still, herbal decoction, kefir or yogurt. And only then take Asparkam for a hangover. The correct dosage is 1-2 tablets depending on the severity of symptoms.

Important! If the symptoms are very mild (no nausea or vomiting, frequent urination and diarrhea), you can do without taking the drug. If alcohol poisoning is very severe and the symptoms cannot be alleviated within 2-3 hours, you should immediately call an ambulance. In this situation, taking Asparkam can only do harm.


Along with beneficial properties Panangin also has a number of contraindications for use. So, the medicine should not be used if a person has low blood pressure, excess magnesium and calcium in the body, various states of shock, chronic or acute renal failure.

Important! Uncontrolled use of the drug can even cause cardiac arrest! Therefore, before taking Asparkam, it is better to consult a doctor.


"Panangin" and alcohol: compatibility, mutually exclusive effects, effects on the body when taken and possible consequences. Is it possible to combine panangin and alcohol?

Again, after yesterday's holiday, my head is cracking, I feel sick and feel completely overwhelmed. This is the “sweetness” of a hangover. And you don’t know what medicine to grab to relieve the unpleasant symptoms. One of the effective remedies in the fight against hangover is panangin.

What is Panangin

Panangin (or asparkam) is a drug that is a source of potassium and magnesium in case of their deficiency in the body.

The active ingredients of this inexpensive and very accessible medicine in tablet form at any pharmacy are potassium aspartate and magnesium aspartate. If you are prescribed the drug as part of a dropper, then the active ingredients are magnesium and potassium aspartate.

  • This drug performs the following functions:
  • Restores electrolyte balance,
  • Eliminates arrhythmia,

Regulates metabolic processes.

  1. Panangin is usually prescribed in the following cases:
  2. lack of potassium and magnesium,
  3. chronic circulatory disorder,
  4. shock states arising for various reasons,
  5. cardiac ischemia,

heart rhythm disturbances.

How does panangin (asparkam) work for a hangover?

The fact is that alcohol is a strong diuretic, i.e. diuretic. This is why you often want to go to the toilet during a feast with alcohol. As a result, too much magnesium and potassium are excreted from the body in the urine.

Thus, the next morning with a hangover, a severe deficiency of potassium and magnesium occurs in the body, especially the first element. At the same time, a lack of magnesium leads to saturation of the blood with calcium, which is washed out of the bones in excess. A lack of calcium in the skeletal system threatens such a serious disease as osteoporosis.

At the same time, an excess of calcium in the human body is the cause of obvious hangover symptoms, such as:

  • nervous excitability,
  • chills,
  • muscle weakness,
  • heart problems.

Thus, panangin (asparkam), replenishing the lack of these two important elements in the body, leads to the rapid elimination of the listed hangover symptoms.

By the way, this drug is an integral part of a home first aid kit for emergency drug treatment.

How to take Panangin for a hangover

To relieve hangover symptoms, it is enough to take 1-2 tablets of Panangin. However, in most cases, when the consequences of excessive alcohol intake are not very pronounced, it is better to get by with brine and other folk remedies, because Panangin has a number of contraindications for use, namely:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • renal failure (acute and chronic),
  • excess potassium and magnesium in the body,
  • myasthenia gravis in severe forms.

In addition, the drug itself has side effects such as nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, etc.

Panangin is a source of potassium and magnesium, which are involved in metabolic processes involved in the synthesis of DNA and proteins required for cell growth. But will this drug be beneficial if combined with alcohol to treat a hangover?

Panangin and alcohol

Panangin is a drug in tablets and ampoules for injections from the group of mineral-containing, antiarrhythmic combination drugs. Panangin contains potassium aspartate and magnesium aspartate.

Panangin supplies the body with potassium and magnesium. Due to aspartate, it participates in the utilization of endogenous ammonia, converting it into urea. Aspartate is a salt of aspartic acid, serves as a neurotransmitter - is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Panangin is prescribed for patients with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, for persons taking diuretics, sedatives, hormonal drugs, contraceptives, for leg cramps, high blood pressure.


Panangin is allowed for treatment as part of complex therapy. The main purpose of the drug is to maintain the functioning of the heart muscle (myocardium). The drug is used to treat withdrawal symptoms, when alcohol is no longer present in the patient’s blood.

The drug is also used for hangovers, in combination with other medications. But the drug is not used as an independent remedy that can relieve a severe hangover.

Panangin should not be combined with alcohol. Alcohol lowers blood pressure and causes dehydration due to its diuretic effect. In these conditions, taking Panangin is contraindicated.

Possible consequences

Contraindications for taking Panangin include dehydration and acidosis. These are the conditions that occur when drinking alcohol during a hangover.

Alcohol abuse is cited as one of the main causes of acidosis. This condition is characterized by:

  • malaise;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased heart rate;
  • arrhythmia;
  • shortness of breath with little physical exertion;
  • confusion;
  • shock.

This condition is caused by a shift in the acid-base balance towards acidification of the blood, and is treated by taking medications containing organic acids (succinic, citric).

It is the symptoms of acidosis that plague a hangover. Taking Panangin in a small dosage is useless, and with increased doses of the drug it will cause unpleasant side effects.

Thus, the simultaneous use of Panangin and alcohol can cause spasm of blood vessels. A particular danger is posed by uncontrolled intake and overdose of potassium and magnesium with the development of hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia. Accordingly, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to combine is a categorical no.


A high concentration of potassium - hyperkalemia, is characterized by arrhythmia, a change in heart rate with a decrease in heart rate (bradycardia) or an increase (tachycardia).

With an overdose of Panangin, it is possible to develop such a dangerous condition to health as ventricular fibrillation of the heart - disorganized contraction of the myocardium with a frequency of up to 300-400 beats per minute.

In this condition, blood circulation is disrupted and there is no pulsation of large arteries. With a high concentration of potassium in the blood, significantly exceeding the norm, cardiac arrest is possible.

A high concentration of potassium in the blood is dangerous due to the risk of respiratory and cardiac arrest. Hyperkalemia develops when the excretory function of the kidneys is impaired or when there is an overdose of drugs containing potassium.

During hospital treatment, potassium deficiency, which is almost always observed in those suffering from alcoholism, is eliminated by intravenous administration of potassium chloride. On the first day of treatment for withdrawal syndrome, only 50% of the required amount of this macroelement is administered due to the danger of exceeding the dosage.

And the concentration of potassium in the blood is measured every day.


Deviations in the concentration of magnesium in the blood cause life-threatening conditions. Taking Panangin without a doctor's prescription, without taking into account the patient's health condition, can cause an increase in the concentration of magnesium in body fluids - hypermagnesemia.

With an increased concentration of magnesium in the blood, depression of the respiratory center, disruption of heart function, and coma are possible.

Patients with alcoholism almost always have a deficiency of magnesium, which is manifested by drowsiness, weakness, convulsions, and heart rhythm disturbances. Replenish magnesium deficiency with magnesium gluconate. Panangin is used in hospitals, but as an additional agent, gluconate and magnesium oxide are often administered intravenously.

There may be a lack of potassium in the body when the concentration of magnesium is normal. Taking Panangin to replenish potassium in the blood, you can overdose on magnesium concentration. And vice versa.

We are not talking about 1-2 tablets taken for a hangover. If you take this amount of medicine for a hangover, there is no need to worry. But this mistake should not be repeated; self-prescription of any medicine without preliminary tests or a doctor’s prescription can lead to unexpected consequences.

Symptoms of hypermagnesemia

Is it possible to combine

Taking Panangin after alcohol has no practical significance. In small doses, it does not improve the patient’s condition in any way, but the drug will not cause harm in such quantities. You can take the drug in the first 2 hours after waking up at a dose of 1-2 tablets.

When increasing the dose or repeating the dose, the risk of overdose increases. It is very dangerous to take even such a seemingly harmless drug without knowing how low the concentration of potassium and magnesium is.

You cannot treat a hangover with Panangin on your own, or use it simultaneously with alcohol. The safety condition for using Panangin is to control the level of potassium and magnesium in the blood, which is impossible to do at home.

The first manifestations of a hangover can be observed within a few hours after drinking alcohol. Increasing headache, rapid heartbeat, loss of orientation in space, chills, fever, dizziness, indigestion - this is not a complete list of symptoms that characterize a person’s morning state after a successful party.

It is not surprising that a person in such a state is ready to use any available means in order to alleviate the unpleasant and painful symptoms of alcohol poisoning. At the same time, some are “treated” only with proven recipes of traditional medicine, while others rely exclusively on medicines from the home medicine cabinet. Using Asparkam for a hangover, many consider it one of the most effective drugs for restoring vitality and getting rid of the unpleasant symptoms of “morning sickness”. Let's try to figure out if this is so.

How does Asparkam work?

Asparkam (aka Panangin) is a medicine intended to replenish magnesium and potassium in case of their deficiency in the human body. The drug is produced in the form of tablets and ampoules for injection. Depending on this, the main active ingredients are potassium and magnesium aspartate in the first case and magnesium and potassium aspartate in the second. According to the official annotation, the medication is recommended for patients to:

  • lack of microelements in the body;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • chronic circulatory disorders;
  • heart rhythm disturbances.

Panangin helps to quickly restore the balance of electrolytes, eliminate arrhythmia and stabilize metabolic processes in the patient’s body. This means it contributes to the rapid restoration of the patient’s vitality and his speedy recovery.

Important! When taking Asparkam, you should strictly follow your doctor's instructions and dosage. If the medicine is taken independently, you must strictly follow the instructions for the medicine. Do not abuse the tablets or exceed the recommended dosage. Dangerous complications, including death, are possible.

How to combine with alcohol

Alcohol is a strong diuretic. Consequently, it is capable of removing a significant amount of fluid from the human body in a short time. Together with urine, a person loses quite a lot of minerals. Especially potassium and magnesium. This leads to disruption of metabolic processes and malfunctions of organs and systems. At the same time, the concentration of calcium in the blood increases, which is actively washed out of bone tissue. Excess calcium increases hangover symptoms, especially:

  • chills;
  • muscle weakness;
  • temperature increase;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • photophobia;
  • nervous excitability.

Important! By taking Panangin for a hangover, you can quickly replenish the lack of potassium and magnesium in the body, which means eliminating painful symptoms and restoring the normal functioning of vital organs. The medicine is especially effective in combination with other drugs that are used to treat alcohol poisoning.

How to take it correctly

The instructions for use included with each package of Asparkam fully describe the drug, indications for use, side effects, dosage, compatibility with other medications and contraindications. When taking the product yourself, you should read the instructions and strictly follow its instructions.

As numerous reviews indicate, it is better to drink Asparkam after cleansing the body of toxins and getting rid of nausea and vomiting. That is, after waking up, you should immediately take a sorbent - Activated Carbon, Enterosgel, Zorex. After this, you can drink green tea, still mineral water, herbal decoction, kefir or yogurt. And only then take Asparkam for a hangover. The correct dosage is 1-2 tablets depending on the severity of symptoms.

Important! If the symptoms are very mild (no nausea and vomiting, frequent urination and diarrhea), you can do without taking the drug. If alcohol poisoning is very severe and the symptoms cannot be alleviated within 2-3 hours, you should immediately call an ambulance. In this situation, taking Asparkam can only do harm.


Along with its beneficial properties, Panangin also has a number of contraindications for use. So, the medicine should not be used if a person has low blood pressure, excess magnesium and calcium in the body, various states of shock, chronic or acute renal failure.

Important! Uncontrolled use of the drug can even cause cardiac arrest! Therefore, before taking Asparkam, it is better to consult a doctor.

Deaths from coronary heart disease and stroke account for about 17.5 million people every year.

In 54% of cases, death occurs due to alcohol abuse.

Violation of the water-electrolyte and acid-base balance causes a decrease in protein synthesis in the myocardium by 15%, the development of hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia is observed within 36-72 hours after 50 grams of ethyl alcohol.

In 10% of drinkers, the intoxication state is accompanied by extrasystole and atrial fibrillation; in 25-30% the situation is complicated by atrial and ventricular fibrillation. To restore metabolic processes, it is necessary to regulate the level of potassium and magnesium with the help of medication.

But the drug Panangin is not compatible with alcohol. Therefore, in order not to cause cardiac arrest from a hangover, it is better to choose another effective but safe remedy.

Why take Panangin: features and action

In cardiological practice, the properties of K + and Mg 2+ are widely used to treat pathologies and disorders of the functional functioning of the cardiovascular system. Vital macroelements are responsible for the processes of myocardial excitability, slowing down neural transmission and relaxing smooth muscles.

They provide energy metabolism, maintain the permeability and osmotic pressure of the cell membrane, and participate in the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Since 2007, the drug known under the trade name Panangin® began to play the role of a source of magnesium and potassium. And in 2015, the manufacturer GEDEON RICHTER released a new drug on the pharmaceutical market with the addition of the word Forte and the dietary supplement Panangin® Plus vitamin B6 to the existing name. For sale and distribution to the population, the pharmaceutical product is presented in tablet form.

Inside each white capsule with a glossy or film surface there are:

  • magnesium, potassium aspartate;
  • povidone K30;
  • corn, potato starch;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • Magnesium stearate.

Taking into account the original package insert, qualified reviews and the opinion of cardiologists, it is important to take Panangin during complex drug therapy, which is aimed at eliminating K and Mg deficiency in order to prevent heart failure and heart attack.

Against the background of hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia, the drug is used to treat such manifestations as arrhythmia, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, atrial and ventricular extrasystole.

You can speed up the action of Panangin by prescribing a transparent, green-tinged liquid composition for infusion. The concentrate consists of potassium, magnesium ions, and water for injection.

To improve heart rate contractility, restore the ratio of calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium ions, stop the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, changes in the myocardium, arrhythmia and enhance the anti-ischemic effect, doctors recommend Panangin.

Be sure to drink it after meals. The daily norm is 1-2 tablets in the morning, lunch and evening. For intravenous injection and drip infusion, dilute the contents of 1-2 ampoules with 5% glucose. Repeat administration is allowed every 4-6 hours.

There is no information that alcohol and Panangin cannot be combined.

Among the contraindications were atrioventricular block II, III degrees, sensitivity to sorbitol and fructose, first trimester of pregnancy, Addison's disease, renal and adrenal insufficiency, cardiogenic shock, arterial hypotension, myasthenia gravis, excess magnesium, potassium.

Side effects include skin flushing, dry mouth, fatigue, dyspeptic disorders, decreased heart rate and even cardiac arrest.

Is it possible to combine alcohol and Panangin?

Due to its physicochemical properties and ability to easily interact with liquid media, ethyl alcohol interferes with all metabolic processes and has a strong toxic effect on the body. In every 4 cases, the cardiovascular system suffers from ethanol.

If Panangin is consumed simultaneously with alcohol, cardiomyocytes begin to be damaged.

Under the influence of alcohol, the activity of sodium excretion increases, which causes the need for oxygen. The transport of potassium into the extracellular space is inhibited.

The interaction of alcohol and Panangin has a cardiodepressive effect. Penetrating into myocardial tissue, ethanol reacts with fatty acids such as oleic, palmitic, linoleic, forming esters.

The high rate of synthesis of toxic compounds activates lipid oxidation and promotes the deposition of amino acids in the tissues of the heart. As a result, heart rate and breathing are suppressed.

About 90% of the breakdown products of acetaldehyde are converted into acetate.

The breakdown of salts increases the load on the liver and energy costs. The oxidation of carbohydrates and fatty acids stops, the level of ammonia in the blood increases, which in high concentrations impedes the excretory function of the kidneys.

The combination of alcoholic beverages and Panangin leads to a retention of uric acid in the body, urolithiasis, and kidney failure.

As part of the plasma, acetaldehyde enters the bloodstream from the biliary system, creating stable connections with the vascular endothelium, structural and functional proteins, and blood cells. Reaching the nervous system, ethanol causes a decrease in calcium in parts of the brain and stimulates the release of large amounts of hormones by the adrenal glands.

The consequence of pathological changes in the endocrine system can be Addison's disease, in which it is strictly forbidden to drink Panangin or combine it with alcohol.

Water-electrolyte imbalance occurs in 30-40% of people diagnosed with alcoholism.

Daily drinking has a negative effect on the secretion of antidiuretic hormone. An increase in the volume of urine excreted stimulates the activity of the renin-angiotensin system, which is directly related to the occurrence of hypertension, difficulty in the absorption of potassium and magnesium, and acid-base imbalance.

Panangin for hangover

Along with the lack of nutrients that leave the body with feces, vomiting and urine, increasing metabolic disorders, against the background of severe myocardial dystrophy and respiratory failure during a hangover, it is better not to even think about taking Panangin.

Characteristic signs of a large hangover are intracellular acidosis, compensatory movement of sodium and hydrogen ions into the cell, excessive activity of the central nervous system and convulsions. If you take Panangin with a hangover, it is possible that the volume of circulating blood and the contractile function of the heart will decrease.

The formation of multiple foci of excitation in parts of the brain and disruption of metabolic energy processes increases the risk of toxic myocardial dystrophy, fibrillation, extrasystole, and arrhythmia.

The so-called withdrawal is accompanied by either a slowdown in urine formation, or a sharp increase in diuresis with the release of nitrogenous compounds, high acetate production, and symptoms of uremic intoxication.

Despite all the serious consequences, cardiologists, at their own peril and risk, prescribe Panangin for a hangover if the patient has pronounced post-intoxication arterial hypertension.

What could be the consequences of taking it?

Only a qualified specialist, based on the results obtained through laboratory and hardware diagnostics, has the right to decide whether Panangin and alcohol are compatible.

In a healthy person, potassium is part of cells and tissues, plays an important role in ionic balance, conduction of nerve impulses in muscles, normalization of osmotic pressure, dilates the vessels of internal organs and narrows peripheral capillaries, maintains water-salt balance.

The consequence of consuming Panangin after alcohol or with a hangover can be hyperkalemia.

It is associated with the entry of a high concentration of K + into the bloodstream and the body’s inability to absorb the macronutrient. It occurs due to deterioration of the urinary system, decreased sensitivity of the receptors of the distal tubules of the kidneys, and manifests itself in the case of intracellular acidosis, ischemia, hypoxia, and damage to cell membranes.

In patients, it is accompanied by muscle weakness, tachycardia, bradycardia and arrhythmia.

Hypermagnesemia– a complication that appears after the interaction of Panangin and alcoholic beverages.

An increase in magnesium in the blood serum occurs due to the redistribution of the macroelement from cells into the intercellular fluid, impaired absorption of the intestine, dyspeptic disorders, inhibition of the activity of neurons in the respiratory center, chronic acidosis, arterial hypotension, and renal failure.

In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia result in cardiac arrest and death. Therefore, before starting use, you need to undergo consultation and approval of the treating doctor.

Very often, when taking medications, people ask the question: “Can they be combined with alcoholic beverages?” To figure out whether compatibility between alcohol and a drug is possible, you need to find out what the drug is and how it acts on the body.

Effect of the drug

Panangin refers to drugs that affect metabolic processes in the body. The medicine contains minerals - potassium and magnesium. Potassium maintains magnesium concentrations in the required amount, regulates blood pressure and helps obtain energy from glucose. Magnesium is involved in protein synthesis and glucose breakdown. A sufficient amount of the mineral promotes the absorption of vitamins C, B1 and B6. Magnesium relaxes the muscles of the heart and dilates the arteries.

The drug is prescribed for potassium and magnesium deficiency, as well as to combat heart rhythms. Taking Panangin allows you to increase the amount of microelements in the human body and normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The medicine is prescribed by a doctor for chronic heart diseases, complex treatment after myocardial infarction. Panangin is prescribed for the treatment of blood vessels. However, in this case, taking vitamins C and P will be much more effective, so they can replace taking medication.

Contraindications for use

It is necessary to be treated with the drug with caution, since there are diseases that are a contraindication for use. The drug has a high degree of absorption and is excreted from the body through the work of the kidneys. There are the following restrictions on taking the drug:

  • renal failure;
  • severe form of myasthenia;
  • extreme degree of left ventricular failure;
  • individual intolerance;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • hypermagnesemia;
  • insufficient water content in the body and other diseases.

In addition to contraindications, the drug also has side effects - vomiting, redness of the skin, nausea, convulsions, difficulty breathing, decreased blood pressure, arrhythmia and bradycardia.

Compatibility of Panangin and alcohol

All experts say that it is strictly forbidden to take Panangin and alcohol at the same time. The compatibility of the drug and alcoholic beverages is poor. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Drinking strong drinks has a lowering effect on blood pressure.
  2. When drinking alcoholic beverages, blood vessels dilate.
  3. Alcohol in large doses and the simultaneous use of Panangin disrupts water-salt metabolism, which leads to the body losing water and trace elements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium).
  4. In addition, the drug is prescribed to people with cardiovascular disease, which in itself is a contraindication for drinking alcohol.

By taking Panangin and alcohol, you can be sure that the following consequences will occur for the body:

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What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

  1. sharp and sudden narrowing of the arteries (angina);
  2. difficulty breathing, and sometimes stopping.

Panangin should not be combined with alcohol during the treatment period. Of course, in small doses, weak alcoholic drinks cannot harm a person, but they will worsen the course of the disease and treatment will not bring results.

The use of Panangin for the treatment of post-toxication syndrome

Post-intoxication (hangover) syndrome is a condition associated with alcohol poisoning. There is an opinion that Panangin is prescribed for the treatment of hangover syndrome, when a break from alcohol occurs due to chronic alcoholism. The drug can indeed be prescribed during the period of recovery from a long binge. The fact is that during this period a person experiences dehydration and loss of important microelements and salts. Therefore, Panangin is prescribed in the following cases:

  • to normalize water and salts received and removed from the body;
  • for the treatment of heart disease (in remission).

Infusion therapy for acute alcohol poisoning

Promotes the removal of alcohol from the body by intravenous administration of 10 ml of Panangin solution, 5 ml of 5% solution of vitamins B 6, B 1 and C in combination with a solution of sodium chloride and hemodez. Panangin helps normalize the balance of water and salts, the vitamin complex normalizes metabolism and promotes detoxification. The effective action of the dropper is due to the fact that the medicinal substances are delivered directly into the blood.

There is also a downside to this treatment. With a severe hangover, a person’s blood thickens, which is associated with dehydration. This reaction leads to an increase in potassium in the body. Taking Panangin will lead to an overdose of potassium, which will pose a threat to human life - due to the heavy load, the heart may stop. The administration of Panangin in the form of a dropper leads to hypotension (a sharp decrease in pressure).

That is why taking Panangin during a hangover is quite a controversial issue. Before prescribing a medicine, the doctor must carefully examine the patient's condition. The drug can be prescribed during this period if the person has completely given up drinking alcohol. The drug is taken to normalize heart function and will not cause an overdose.

Panangin (during the treatment period) should not be combined with alcohol, this can lead to a deterioration in well-being and the person will not receive the expected result from the treatment.