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Wholesale of cucumbers in Crimea. The best varieties of cucumbers for open ground: description and characteristics of the varieties. Short fruits are used for pickling

An early-ripening cucumber variety called Competitor has earned positive reviews and popularity among domestic gardeners. In the photo these are medium-length cucumbers that will be convenient to eat fresh. The description and detailed characteristics of this variety say: the fruits have an excellent taste. Other advantages of the Competitor include early ripening and a high, stable level of yield.

Description of the variety Competitor

This variety has more than 30 years of cultivation history. Cucumbers bred in Crimea were initially intended exclusively for the southern regions, but then breeders expanded their geography. The demand for the Competitor is due to its advantages:

  • early ripening (1.5 - 2 months);
  • stable good yield (on average - 3-5 kg/sq. m);
  • compact size for preservation (9-12 cm);
  • sweetish pleasant taste;
  • high rates of pollination;
  • good level of seed germination;
  • resistance to certain diseases (powdery mildew, peronosporosis, as well as bacteriosis, cladosporiosis);
  • long fruiting period.

Other characteristics of fruits and bushes:

  • weight - about 100 g;
  • color - dark green;
  • the skin is thick;
  • the surface is very lumpy, with soft black spines;

Cucumber seeds Competitor

  • the pulp is aromatic, quite dense, juicy and crispy;
  • plant - up to 2 m in length, powerful;
  • stalk - 5-7 cm.

Among the disadvantages of the variety are problems that may arise if the crop is left in the garden: the skin becomes even thicker and becomes covered with cracks. Overripe cucumbers turn yellow and lose their flavor. In addition, like many other varieties, the Competitor will begin to taste bad if it experienced a lack of moisture during the growth process.

The variety is unpretentious. It can successfully grow and bear fruit both in open ground and in a greenhouse. For this, it is very important to properly plant in the soil. Sowing seeds for seedlings is usually carried out in the first days of May, and at the end of the month or beginning of June the sprouts are transplanted into the ground. The classic bed layout for this variety is 40x40 cm.

Attention! The further south your region is, the earlier the sowing/planting time.

Cucumbers can also be planted by seeds:

  1. The material is pre-prepared: sorted, disinfected, washed.
  2. Sowing is done using a strip or row method.
  3. The air temperature is maintained at the first stage of growth - this is about + 22-23°C. The soil should be well moistened and warmed to at least +15°C. In this case, you can expect shoots in 3-5 days.
  4. The beds are covered to create a favorable environment for the seeds.

Competitor cucumbers in the garden

The soil in which cucumbers will grow must meet the following criteria:

  • good looseness and breathability;
  • sufficient saturation with organic matter and minerals;
  • absence of weeds;
  • enrichment with fertilizers at the stage of flowering and budding;
  • normal moisture, best watering using drip irrigation.

Advice. It is best to prepare the soil for cucumbers in the fall: dig deep and saturate it with organic matter. For this purpose, you can take vermicompost or manure.

People who have experience growing the Competitor variety advise growing cucumbers on trellises. Another recommendation is to remove the ovaries during the formation of the first 3-4 leaf axils of the main vine. This way you will give the root the necessary reserve for intensive development and, ultimately, increase the yield. Then you can proceed like this:

  • at the 5-6th node, leave only a couple of ovaries and remove all the stepsons;
  • at the 6-7th node, pinch the ovaries and lateral shoots after the first leaf;
  • at the top level, pinch the side stems after 2-3 leaves (depending on the situation, focusing primarily on the degree of thickening).

Advice. When the whip reaches the horizontal grid, wrap the main stem around it in 2-3 turns. After that, lower it down half a meter and pinch some more.

The experience of gardeners shows that in standard beds the yield of Competitor cucumbers is significantly lower. The key emphasis during cultivation is timely and sufficient watering. And, of course, the heat-loving vegetable is very capricious with regard to changes in soil temperature. For care and attention, the Competitor variety will reward the owner with delicious fruits of an attractive presentation.

Cucumbers in open ground: video

Cucumber variety Competitor: photo

I’ll put in my two cents a little, as a manufacturer. For example, I buy seeds in bulk. Seed packages are thousand-packs, that is, 1000 seeds of one variety. If I order from Moscow, then the price is 2.50 for 1 seed.

But if I buy them from us, then the price is 5 rubles apiece, and for our prices this is cheaper than others. So, a cucumber seed costs 5 rubles each.

Those who bought the seeds know everything about germination, don’t they? If 50% germination is good. This means that the price of cucumber seeds automatically increased to 10 rubles per piece. But in order to grow not 10 cucumber bushes, but 1000, for example, seedlings must be grown using the seedling method. that is, for each seed you need a pot in the amount of one piece, the soil in which it must be planted. and again it costs a lot of money.

Plus, the presence of a greenhouse is also required, which requires heating in case of cold weather during the period of growing seedlings... and these are all costs. Well, the most important thing is water.

The heat is too hot. and the same cucumber now requires watering twice a day, which automatically increases the cost of the final product. Oh yes. To the expense item, add drugs for pests and diseases, which also cost not 1,000 rubles per liter, or even 3,000 rubles. May it rain now. Irrigation costs would be much lower. Of course, the cost of the same cucumber was lower. and so - 15-20 rubles wholesale, this is really the minimum threshold for a cucumber for this season.

Bye. In a couple of weeks, the wholesale volume will drop further, because the new batch of cucumbers, which is now growing, did not require heating. Therefore, the price will decrease accordingly.


Valery He was deliberately silent about prices. They are tall. But to speak more objectively, it is necessary to compare prices not Evpatoria - Moscow - Krasnodar. And the prices are Evpatoria - Saki - Simferopol - Feodosia. Those. take prices by region. And if prices in Evpatoria are significantly higher than prices in the region, then you can blame both Filonov and Steinberg for deliberately keeping prices high. And if the prices are comparable, then what is their fault? The fact that they did not build communism on the collective farm market?

So let's judge the problem in a broader context.

Sanie Of course our prices will be higher. Here the goods come through 4 hands. Everything is brought from Simferopol and costs 10-15 rubles. and in Simferopol everything is in place from the port of the car directly there and the markup is on the spot 3 - 5 rubles

Valery Sanie, and, for example, in Saki or Feodosia?

Sanie Valery in Saki the prices are higher than ours there, they are generally greedy, but in Feodosia I don’t know for sure, but I heard a conversation between the auctions that if not near the sea, then they are normal, but they have turnovers there, mother, don’t worry. Yalta, Sevastopol, they sell so much goods per season, but ours try not by volume, but by price. Why sell 40 kg of tomatoes and earn 50 rubles if you can sell 5 kg and earn the same money?

Valery. But this is the psychology of our traders. What is the fault of the city leadership that they cannot influence the psychology of our market workers?

Sanie Valery, it’s just that they shouldn’t go around and hit everyone on the butt. We just need an alternative, if there is a place where prices are the same as in Simferopol for imports, then others will think about reducing them. That’s how it will be, you’ll see some kind of magnet will come into the city and everything will go out, they may be cheaper than in the field, that’s their style of work

Evgeniya In Feodosia the prices are the same, meat is 50 rubles more expensive. And so the market is the same. But in Old Crimea prices are lower.

And read it. It’s interesting how the girls dance in our Cosa Nostra. Make suggestions on what to do with all these outrages. My proposal would be to thoroughly check the carrier companies in terms of:

Last week, the city administration unpleasantly surprised Evpatoria residents with the news of plans to build a temporary road to bypass the section of the street. Simferopol. On the current carriageway of the road it is planned to place a promenade zone - an embankment, which, according to the idea of ​​​​the authors of the idea, will run exactly along the elite residential complex built here.

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Country plastic windows

Everyone knows what a dacha is; many people love to spend their summer holidays there. The most important advantage is that it allows you to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, enjoy fresh air, feel the taste of nature, and the smell of summer. This is a place where you can shake off stress and restore your inner strength.

Original plastic windows

To add originality and individuality to buildings when designing and constructing country houses and cottages, customers and architects use non-standard plastic windows of various shapes and sizes. As a rule, these are round plastic windows, arched, triangular, trapezoidal windows.

Arched PVC windows

In order to emphasize the individuality of your home, you can install windows made in the form of an arch or trapezoid. An interior with a plastic arched window that imitates expensive types of wood will look unique. It will give an atmosphere of triumph and antiquity.

10.12.2015 15:54

We talk a lot about sanctions and import substitution: they say, we can, and how. At the same time, in Crimea, where only yesterday everything was in full bloom, today nothing is being planted. Why - found out "Notes".

Crimean Tatar Raya returned to her parents’ native land in the late 80s. Raya is a teacher by profession; in distant Uzbekistan she worked in a kindergarten and knew almost nothing about agriculture: her parents grew vegetables in their garden for themselves and didn’t even think about “business.”

Arriving in Crimea, the Rai family bought a house in the Saki district. There was a large garden in front of the house. Apples, peaches, and grapes grew. During the days of collective farms, villagers worked in the fields, and as an incentive, in addition to monetary earnings, they could take home some vegetables. On weekends they took these “surpluses” to the city market, where there were special places for collective farmers.

In the 90s, surviving in the countryside became difficult. But the harvested crops still helped. What was harvested was sold at the city bazaar. Over time, the family realized that you couldn’t earn much from fruit. “The peach is capricious: it’s there this year, not next year. That's why we removed the trees. And on 18 acres they began to develop greenhouses,” says a village resident.

Radish and a bad reseller

In the Saki region, many grow radishes, lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes in greenhouses. The most profitable time is spring. It was good when we managed to grow radishes in time for early Easter. “You plant in December, cover it under film, and in March you already harvest,” says Raya.

Previously, people came from mainland Ukraine to buy vegetables. They took it in bulk and immediately, and paid in real money. From 18 acres, on which the woman had four greenhouses, only about 1.5-2 tons of radishes were harvested per year. But they could earn up to 3 thousand dollars.

The first radishes, says Raya, were taken for 16-20 hryvnia per kilogram. Then they bought 10 or 8. To collect the first, most expensive harvest, the family even hired two workers. “They paid well: 10 hryvnia per hour,” the woman boasts. The whole family worked for 10 hours: five of them selected from the beds and pulled out radishes. Two old people - grandparents - are cutting off their tails. Bundles could be sold at a higher price, but tying requires a certain skill.

Up to a ton of radishes were collected per day. “We handed in 16 hryvnia, received 16 thousand (about 64 thousand rubles, 2 thousand dollars at the spring 2013 exchange rate - author’s note). It turned out to be a good brew. I used this money to educate my children, get married, and build a house for my eldest son,” says Raya.

The woman remembers easily and the expense figures are ingrained in her memory. “We bought 6 rolls of film for 300 hryvnia. They also spent a lot on water - radishes love water, but still they didn’t pay more than two thousand for the season. 200 hryvnia for the workers,” the woman lists.

Now radishes and lettuce are not planted in the village. “Nobody comes to pick it up. Local resellers only. But they charge 10 rubles maximum, and sometimes even 3,” complains the hostess. According to Rai, they cannot sell the harvest on their own - there is simply no place in the city markets for village residents.

We asked her who acts as resellers? Raya finds it difficult to say: “The same ones come all the time, there are Russians and Tatars - different ones. But now there are not many of them, and they take little and cheap goods.”

Koreans and emptiness

In the village of Orekhovo, which is located not far from Sak and the village where Raya lives, strawberries used to be grown. Several harvests were collected. It was impossible to find a single piece of free land in the vicinity of the village; now the fields are empty.

Raya's son tried to master a new business: growing chrysanthemums for sale. It turned out profitable. I planted several popular varieties, then sold them to a wholesale buyer from Sevastopol. Flowers require painstaking care. You need to sow the seeds, then plant the seedlings strictly along the cells of the supporting mesh. As the stem grows, the net is raised and the plants are tied up once a week.

But now this business is also abandoned, and Raya’s son has left to work in Moscow. “At least we have a pension. The children are working. But what about those who have nothing but a garden? They'll probably get drunk, there's no work in the village. Some are seasonally hired as tenants and earn a living, but it’s pennies,” the woman complains.

This year, villagers gave only their own surplus to resellers. Selected pink tomatoes were sold for 40 rubles per kilogram in the summer, and in Sevastopol they were already sold for 90. Milk is now bought for 60 rubles per three liters. But this, according to Rai, is done by the neighbors: they recently bought equipment and are making homemade cheese, feta cheese, and cottage cheese.

“In our country, only the Koreans grow a lot. They make pickles. Do you know how tomatoes are made? They dig a large hole in the garden, cover it with film and pour tons of it in there. Then they salt it, cover it with film and cloth and cover it with a thin layer of earth. And in winter they sell it. Can you imagine how many containers it takes to put so much salt in barrels?” - says the woman.

Nobody needs real Crimean fruits?

Crimean farmers are not having the best of times. Wheat remains more or less in demand. With the loss of water from the North Crimean Canal, we lost rice. Now small greenhouses are dying out.

“We are ready to grow if there are buyers. Tatars are an inventive people. Some Tatars grow lemons and oranges near Simferopol and shelter them in greenhouses in winter. Russians are also hard workers. We just need to be patient until new buyers appear,” says Raya.

In the meantime, everything comes down to the notorious logistics. Carrying vegetables and berries across the crossing is a risky and expensive undertaking. But would Crimean radishes and strawberries be on the shelves of chilly St. Petersburg or snowy spring Norilsk? Especially against the backdrop of sanctions against Turkey?

Moreover, sellers on the mainland have long adjusted to the market situation and, smiling, call the imported vegetables on the shelves “Crimean.”

Joint planting of vegetables and fruits in the garden

It makes it possible to obtain three vegetable crops from one area with minimal labor costs. Judge for yourself, in October we plant garlic, and at a time close to freezing of the soil, we add nigella to them (such a late date is needed so that this crop does not even think of sprouting, otherwise the whole thing will freeze).

In the spring we sow carrots between them. By the time it rises, the garlic and onions will have already risen and will shade it from the sun. And everyone feels good, and no one is offended by anyone. And in the place where tomatoes grew last season, you can sow radishes or lettuce. Before the tomatoes are planted, they will already have time to grow. And those that have not yet risen to their full height, tear them out and put them instead of mulch - here’s a double benefit for you.

And now comes the turn of planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants. We plant. After this, you need to sow a crop that would shade the vegetables, but not interfere with their development. Personally, I use sorghum for this. After 3-4 beds I sift a row of this plant. Sorghum is generally a profitable crop, it will grow up to three meters, it is an excellent shade plant, poultry loves its grain, and I make brooms from the panicles.

Yes, one more thing: choose the direction of the rows and beds - both vegetables and shade - yourself, according to local conditions.

The second shade is climbing beans, but here you need to make a trellis, i.e. hammering in posts and stretching wire between them, which is already labor-intensive (especially for older summer residents). But for the northern regions, where heat-resistant sorghum does not grow, you can’t imagine anything better.

And one more note: only garlic can be planted in beds with cabbage; the cabbage will cover the rest of the crops with leaves and they will disappear. Corn for shading can only be used on cucumbers, pumpkins, and mahogany. The fact is that the scoop loves corn very much, and it happily eats tomatoes, peppers, and cabbage.

Last season proved this throughout Ukraine. Beware, this caterpillar is voracious, so I advise you not to rely on folk remedies, but to treat the plants with chemical protection agents. The first year of butterflies coincides with the flowering of dandelions, subsequent spraying occurs after 10-12 days.

Now, as promised, I will focus on planting vegetables and fruits.

A peach and a tomato, like two best friends, hugged each other in my city, the height was up to three meters (it couldn’t even fit into the lens). And such a miracle has grown in just one year! It all started with the birth of my granddaughter, and to commemorate this event I planted two trees: a peach and an apricot.

The peach, however, was caught frostbitten, but I did my best and got him back on his feet. In the first spring it did not bloom, all the flowers were “shell-shocked”, but one branch moved away. You know, when I saw her, I had the feeling that the tree smiled at me, winked: like, don’t lose hope, maybe I’ll still get through. And I began to look after this single twig like a child. And she began to grow. Four more of her little sisters grew in the lower part of the trunk, and in this promising form the tree went into winter.

For some reason I didn’t have the slightest doubt that I won this battle. When the frosts hit, I wrapped both the trunk and branches with agrofibre - and in the spring the peach began to grow. Well, all that remains is to make friends with a tomato bush. By the way, if you believe the label on the package of seeds, this variety is called Korean long-fruited, which I very much doubt. But nothing can be done: what grows grows, as they say in one old joke. There must have been an error during packaging, anything can happen.

Everything is now error-free. The height of the plant is on average about a meter, the weight of the fruit is on average 200 g, and bears fruit until late autumn. In the photo it looks like the tomatoes are red in color, but when fully ripe they turn dark pink. And very tasty!

This is how the cohabitation of plants turned out. What's the use of this? I haven't seen any disease on these plants this entire season.

I must tell you that it was not me who came up with this method, this is all a folk experience that I once observed in the Crimea, in the gardens of local residents, and only remembered now.

Think about it too—maybe you’ll remember something interesting.

S.Ocherednik, Poltava region.

Planting grapes in the fall with cuttings - simple rules

Propagation of grapes is an interesting process that requires attention, caution and patience from winegrowers. Traditionally propagated in the spring, after the spring frosts have passed. But not everyone knows that it is also possible to plant grapes in the fall using cuttings. The article will tell you how to plant grapes in the fall and what advantages this method of propagation has over spring planting.

Preparation of planting material

Planting grapes in the fall is practiced in warm regions, where winters are not so harsh, seedlings can overwinter in the ground without the risk of freezing. Grapes are propagated in this way in Crimea, in the southern regions of Ukraine. If you plant a cutting in the fall, it will germinate faster than one planted in the spring. That is, the seedling will have more time in the summer to grow and accumulate nutrients before the next wintering. The winegrower will also avoid such a difficult procedure as preparing and storing seedlings in winter.

Chubuki for planting are prepared during pruning of grapes in the fall. It is not recommended to harvest after pruning, as the vine dries out at the ends and such stems will not take root. Also, you should not use damaged, flattened or diseased branches for propagation - the natural flow of nutrients in them is disrupted and there is a high probability that such cuttings will not take root.

Those grape bushes that are planned to be used for taking cuttings are marked in advance. In autumn, especially in a large vineyard, it is easy to confuse the branches due to the overgrown vine. Many gardeners believe that the optimal time for preparation is the beginning of autumn, since towards the end of leaf fall the likelihood of bud damage increases.

Annual bushes, correctly selected in the fall for further propagation, should be healthy, without dry branches, and bear fruit well. Chubuki are cut from vines that have borne fruit. There are several ways to determine a mature vine:

  • by color. Mature branches are light brown in color;
  • by temperature. If you simultaneously wrap your hands around a green shoot and a healthy fruit-bearing vine, the latter will be much warmer. This is due to sap flow processes;
  • if you place cuttings from a mature part of the bush in a 2% iodine solution, the color will change to blue.

Fat shoot cuttings should not be used for propagation. Such branches growing in the lower part of the bush look healthy and thick, but they will not be able to sprout.

Properly selected and prepared chibouks should have a diameter of at least 10 mm (but here everything also depends on the grape variety, because there are some that have thin branches), 40-50 cm long and contain 3-4 living healthy buds. The cut stems are freed from tendrils, leaves and stepsons, while it is advisable to make the lower cut 0.5 cm below the node, and the upper cut no further than 3 cm from the node.

If you plan to plant immediately after pruning, then it would be correct to place the chubuks in a bucket of water, and if you plan to plant later, wrap them in a wet cloth and cellophane so that the planting material does not dry out.

Video “Preparing grape cuttings”

This video will tell you how to correctly select and prepare grape cuttings for planting.

Technology of planting cuttings

To plant grape cuttings, a piece of land – a shkolka – is selected and prepared in advance. A correctly chosen school will be located in a place well lit by sunlight, protected from the winds. It is desirable that the soil is light and fertile. Chernozem, sandy loam or slightly loamy soil is perfect. When preparing the site (this is done in late summer or early autumn), you need to apply fertilizer: for each square meter 15-20 kg of humus, 100 g of superphosphate, and 50-70 g of potassium sulfate. After applying fertilizer, we dig up the soil, and then prepare a trench with the width and depth of one shovel bayonet.

Before planting, the dug trench must be watered with warm water. The pipes are placed in the trench so that they are oriented to the north and located at an angle of 45 degrees. The distance between the chibouks should be 10-15 cm. If all the seedlings do not fit into one trench, dig a second one at a distance of 30-40 cm from the first. Chubuki should be planted so that 2-3 eyes (buds) are underground, and one is above the surface. After planting, sprinkle the seedlings with soil and water again with warm water. When the water is absorbed, we hill the ends of the pipes protruding above the surface to a height of 4-5 cm.

Scheme for planting grape cuttings in the ground

To create a greenhouse effect and protect plants from frost, the school is covered with cellophane. You can do this in several ways:

  • We completely cover the school with film, and pour a layer of earth 25-30 cm high on top. In the spring, when constant warm weather sets in and the soil warms up to +10 degrees, the layer of earth is removed. A cross-shaped hole is cut in the cellophane above each seedling to allow access to fresh air and further growth;
  • A greenhouse 40 cm high is built above the school and left to winter in this form. In the spring, the greenhouse is periodically opened, and with the onset of warm weather it is removed altogether.

It should be noted that before the seedlings reach two years of age, they must be dug up and transplanted to a permanent place or, after dipping the roots in a clay solution, placed in plastic bags and stored in the basement.

Harvesting and planting grapes in the fall is recommended for the southern regions of Russia, Crimea and Ukraine, where winters are relatively warm. Such cuttings will sprout and take root faster than those planted in the spring. Of course, there is a risk that severe frosts can damage the seedlings, but this rarely happens.

Planting grapes in the fall with cuttings is one of the simplest and most accessible, which even beginning winegrowers can use.

Planting cucumber seedlings: from preparation to cultivation | Homemade crafts, crafts for the garden, do it yourself

Cucumbers are one of the few vegetable crops that are most often eaten when unripe. The smaller the cucumber, the sweeter and tastier it is.

More about cucumbers

This vegetable grows well, planted both in seedlings and without seedlings. Very sensitive to low temperatures. The most optimal temperature for good seed germination is at least 14°C.

Cucumbers are sensitive to the soil in which they grow, so you should not plant them in the same soil more than once every 5 years.

They grow well in soil where corn, tomatoes, peas or early potatoes previously “lived”.

They respond positively to the addition of various organic fertilizers to the soil to improve the soil structure.

Cucumber seedlings

The advantages of the seedling method of growing cucumbers are that the fruits appear two weeks earlier. This is under the condition that the plant will have at least three formed leaves when planted. That is, to be about 2-3 weeks old.

Full color seeds are best. Before sowing, the seeds need to be warmed up: keep them near heating devices (25 ° C) for a month. Such seeds will give maximum germination and will bear more fruit, thereby producing less barren flowers.

The next step is to disinfect the seeds using a special infusion: 100 g of cold water per 30 g of garlic pulp. The seeds should remain in this infusion for at least an hour.

Next, the disinfected seeds are placed in fabric bags and soaked for 12 hours in a solution: 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon of sifted wood ash and 1 teaspoon of nitrophoska. After this, they are washed with clean water and placed on a damp cloth for two days, until completely swollen. Under no circumstances should the seeds germinate during this time, but only slightly sprouted.

The last step in preparing cucumber seeds for seedlings is to store them in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Important: All these procedures are not necessary for hybrid seeds!

Seeds are sown in small containers about 10 cm high throughout April.

Nutritious soil for cucumber seeds consists of the following parts:

  • fine sawdust - 1 part;
  • humus and peat – 2 parts.

For 10 liters of this mixture you will need:

  • nitrophoska – 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • wood ash - 2 tbsp. spoons.

We sow cucumber seeds in this soil: 1 seed per 1 container. And in a month the seedlings will be ready.

With the appearance of two leaves you will need feeding:

  • warm water – 3l;
  • nitroammofoska or nitrophoska - 3 teaspoons.

Water the entire period, once a week. Planting cucumbers

The best soil for cucumbers is a mixture:

  • 1 part: sawdust, humus, peat, wood soil;
  • 6 parts: peat.

But this is optional. Cucumbers will feel quite tolerant in ordinary soil.

You need to water the beds with hot water: 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water.

Cucumber care

It is imperative to get rid of all weeds. During the first three weeks after planting, you need to carefully loosen the soil. Then once a week will be enough.

In general, cucumbers consume a lot of water during the growth period, which should be taken into account. But you should water it carefully. A strong stream from a hose will destroy the plant.

What varieties of cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries are suitable for the climate of eastern Crimea, for growing in film greenhouses?


Are there greenhouses in Crimea? it's so warm there

Anna Vesnina

EVERYTHING will grow in your Crimea!!! Any greenhouse varieties.. And in the greenhouse the main thing is not to get sick and not to be eaten by boogers! This means - Spray the soil and walls against these “problems” And then on young plants (preferably in the ovary stage, not fruiting!) Good luck!


We were in Crimea this year. There, in my opinion, everything grows there that you can’t even imagine. Just not enough water.

Planting cucumbers in open ground is a rather complicated procedure. This is explained by the fact that every gardener needs not only for the cucumbers to sprout, but also to produce a decent harvest. That is why it is necessary to choose the appropriate varieties of this crop, which are the most productive. These varieties include: delicacy, gherkin Madame, alligator, son of the regiment, pickling, etc.

Cucumbers of the Delicatesny variety are an early-ripening crop, which is mainly grown in open ground.

Characteristics of the variety:

  • The shape of the fruits of this plant is cylindrical.
  • They have small tubercles on the surface, and the surface itself is as smooth as possible.
  • The skin of the fruit of this plant is very tender and has a dark green color.
  • Delicatessen cucumbers have dense pulp, which is characterized by the presence of a large amount of sugar.
  • The small seed chamber gives these cucumbers special value.

All these qualities indicate that these cucumbers, which are used for planting in open ground, are an ideal option for pickling.

This variety is characterized by a high level of resistance to short-term cold snaps. Thanks to the extended fruiting period, the gardener can harvest over a long period. This plant should be planted no denser than 3-4 pieces per square meter.

Planting the seeds of this plant in the ground should be done no more than 1.5-2 centimeters. Also, Delicatessen cucumbers can be used for planting in greenhouses that are not heated. This action will take place at the end of May.

Features of the variety Son of the Regiment

Cucumbers of the Son of the Regiment variety belong to the category of mini gherkins. This plant is a mid-season variety. From its planting to the appearance of fruits, 40 to 45 days pass. This plant is characterized by a female type of flowering and also has medium branching.

The fruits of this cucumber variety are characterized by:

  • Oval in shape, the surface of which may be coarsely tuberculate. In this case, the tubercles are located quite rarely on the fruit.
  • The thorns of the fruits of this type of cucumber are white.
  • The average length of the fruit is from 6 to 8 centimeters.

The fruits of this plant are not able to outgrow or turn yellow, which makes them a particularly valuable garden crop. This plant is characterized by a high level of resistance to diseases such as cucumber mosaic virus, powdery mildew, and pumpkin scab.

This variety of cucumber is characterized by excellent taste and long-lasting fruiting.

These cucumbers are quite suitable for harvesting in the form of pickles. The fruits of this variety have a universal purpose.

Characteristics of Madame gherkins

Madame variety gherkins are an ideal option for planting in the ground. This is a mid-season variety that bears the first fruits 43-48 days after planting. This hybrid is capable of pollination by bees. This plant is characterized by the presence of a female type of flowering.

The ovaries of cucumbers of this variety have a bunched arrangement. One bunch can include from 3 to 6 fruits.

Cucumbers of this variety have:

  • Short cucumbers, which are characterized by a cylindrical shape.
  • Quite often there are tubercles on the surface of the fruit, which are characterized by small dimensions.
  • The fruits of this variety are dark in color, along which there are white stripes.
  • The thorns that are located on the cucumber fruits are white.
  • The thin and delicate skin of the fruit gives it special value.
  • The length of cucumbers ranges from 10 to 12 centimeters.
  • The weight of one fruit can range from 65 to 85 grams.

The fruits of this plant are not able to outgrow and turn yellow, and are also characterized by an increased level of density. This hybrid is quite valuable, as it is characterized by a high level of resistance to diseases such as root rot and downy mildew.

This plant has intensive fruit formation, which allows you to get a fairly high yield. The fruits of this variety can be consumed fresh or for canning. In order to form this plant, it is pinched above the third leaf.

Features of the Alligator and Chinese disease-resistant varieties

Cucumbers of the Alligator and Chinese disease-resistant varieties are ideal for planting in the ground. Alligator cucumbers are a bee-pollinated hybrid, which is characterized by long-lasting fruiting. This type of cucumber can easily be used not only for open ground, but also for greenhouses.

This plant is characterized by a high level of power and vigor. This type of cucumber has elongated cylindrical fruits. They have a dark green color and large tubercles on the surface.

The fruits of the Alligator variety are characterized by:

  • Shiny surface, as well as the presence of thin and delicate skin.
  • The length of the fruit is from 35 to 40 centimeters.
  • The pulp of the cucumber has a pleasant aroma and a sweet taste.
  • This hybrid is characterized by a high degree of resistance to diseases such as downy and powdery mildew.
  • It can be consumed both fresh and canned.

Chinese disease-resistant cucumbers are characterized by a high level of endurance and productivity. This powerful plant has short internodes and forms a single stem. The foliage of this plant is small. The fruits of this plant are characterized by a cylindrical shape and a smooth surface. The presence of a kind of handle gives the fruits originality. The fruits of cucumbers of this variety can have a length of 30 to 35 centimeters.

The fruits of cucumbers of the Chinese disease-resistant variety have excellent taste.

The name of this hybrid speaks for itself. It is indeed very resistant to various diseases. This variety of cucumbers can be grown in low light conditions and at low temperatures. The fruits of these cucumbers are used for fresh consumption, canning and preparing salads.

Features of the varieties Erofey and April

Many gardeners recommend Erofey and Aprilsky varieties for planting in open ground. Cucumbers of the April variety belong to the category of early ripening hybrids. Fruiting of this hybrid occurs within 45-55 days after planting in the ground. This plant can be grown not only in open ground, but also in boxes on the balcony. The fruits of this plant are cylindrical in shape and large in size. Their length can be from 22 to 25 centimeters, and their weight can be from 200 to 250 grams.

The fruits of the April variety do not have bitterness and are also undemanding in care, which allows them to be grown on various soils. This type of cucumber is quite resistant to cold, which allows them to be planted in early April. This quality also allows you to obtain rich harvests.

Cucumbers of the Erofei variety are bee-pollinated, which not only allows, but also requires their planting in the ground. This versatile mid-season variety allows it to be consumed both fresh and for canning.

The plant has a mixed type of flowering and is also characterized by:

  • Strong branching and vigorous growth.
  • The fruits of this plant are quite short. Their length can be from 6 to 7 centimeters.
  • The shape of the fruit is elongated-ovoid. They have slight tuberculation.
  • This variety is characterized by a high level of resistance to diseases such as powdery mildew.

Characteristics of the Corinna variety

The Corinna cucumber is an ideal option for planting in open ground. This variety is ultra early ripening. This parthenocarpic hybrid is very productive. This type can be widely used for both protected and open ground. Cucumbers of this variety belong to the category of medium-sized plants.

Characteristics of the variety:

  • The fruits are gherkins, which are 8 to 10 centimeters long.
  • They are characterized by a dark green color and the presence of small tubercles.
  • The thorns of the fruits of this plant are white.
  • The pulp of the fruit has absolutely no bitterness and is characterized by excellent consistency. They are widely used for pickling and canning.
  • This plant is quite resistant to various diseases.

This plant is planted in the ground at the end of May. No more than three plants should be planted per square meter. The depth of planting seeds in the ground is no more than 1.5 centimeters. This variety is characterized by ease of care, which consists of regular watering and fertilizing (done once every ten days).

Features of the varieties Konny and Nezhinsky

If you need to plant small cucumbers in open ground, varieties such as Connie and Nezhinsky would be an ideal option. Nezhinsky cucumbers are an ideal option for pickling.

They can be grown not only in open ground, but also in film shelters.

This variety belongs to the category of mid-season plants, which are characterized by unpretentiousness and a high level of resistance to various diseases. This variety is pollinated by bees, which allows it to be planted in open ground.

The cucumber bush of this variety is characterized by:

  • Long-climbing.
  • This plant has short fruits, which are characterized by an elongated ovoid shape.
  • The fruits have large tubercles, which are located extremely rarely.
  • The length of the fruits is from 10 to 12 centimeters, and their height is from 80 to 110 grams.

This plant is planted in open ground at the end of May. This action must be carried out with a density of 3 plants per square meter. Seeds are planted in the ground no deeper than 1.5-2 centimeters.

Connie cucumbers are a parthenocarpic early variety. They are characterized by:

  • High yield, as well as average climbing ability.
  • The first fruits of this plant appear 45 days after germination. On this plant, the ovaries are formed in bunches.
  • The fruits are characterized by a cylindrical shape and small size.
  • The length of cucumbers is from 7 to 9 centimeters, and the weight is from 60 to 80 grams.
  • The fruits are characterized by resistance to overgrowth, as well as the presence of white thorns.
  • The fruits of cucumbers of this variety have a crispy core, which is characterized by juiciness and lack of bitterness.

All of the above varieties are ideal for planting in open ground. Today there are many more varieties of cucumbers, but these are the most popular among gardeners. The choice of variety directly depends on what kind of harvest the gardener wants to have in the future.

Cucumber seeds: proper preparation of cucumber seeds and growing features

To avoid problems with growing crops, so that all the work is not in vain, and it is of high quality and rich, you should take a responsible approach to the choice of varieties and hybrids. Is the variety you like suitable for the conditions that will be provided to it? Very often, gardeners sow varieties that are intended for planting in a greenhouse directly into open ground and are left disappointed. If there are no shoots, you should not blame the manufacturer - you should carefully study the recommendations on the bag.

The best cucumber seeds in the photo for open ground and greenhouses

You can select the best cucumber seeds that will delight gardeners with a high-quality harvest.

Hybrids that do not require formation are well suited for greenhouses, i.e. there is no need to pinch their lashes.

The best hybrids that are capable of producing crops already in the first month of fruiting are Temp and Bouquet.

Early triple hybrids:

They are capable of producing early harvests and bear fruit in bouquets - several greens from each bosom. Their advantage is that they can set fruit in poor lighting and at low temperatures.

The following are distinguished by long-term fruiting:


Hybrids for open ground:


Treasure Island



Take a walk

The following can be distinguished from parthenocarpics:

Spring whim

Bee-pollinated varieties and hybrids for growing in a greenhouse:


First grade



For covering soil you can choose:

Worthy varieties and hybrids:

Tarapunka F1


Grasshopper F1

Kuzmich F1

Choosing a variety to grow is a responsible matter. Some are suitable for open ground, others only for greenhouses. In addition, you need to pay attention to what area the variety was bred for. If you make the wrong choice, the vegetables may not grow at all. Not many varieties can grow well in both the south and the north.

In the southern regions of Russia the best varieties are considered:

Call 238

Barrel F1



Ant F1

red mullet

Donskoy passage

Salty ears


Nezhinsky 12

Salting clove

In the Far East and Siberia:

Altai, Dalnevostochny 27, Vladivostoksky 155, Cascade, Dar of Altai, Universal, Dalnevostochny 6, Avangard 121, Kit.

In the European part of Russia, the following are popular: Altaisky early 166, Nerosimy 40, Muromsky 36, Izyashny, Vyaznikovsky 37.

In Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Transcaucasia, in addition to varieties of European origin (Donskoy 175, Vyaznikovsky 37, Nerosimy 40, Nezhinsky 12, and others), local varieties are grown - Pervenets Uzbekistan 265, Tashkentsky 86, Kuilyuksky 262, Uzbek 40, Margelansky 822,

The following are most often grown in greenhouses and under film: Altaiskiy early 166, Muromskiy 36, Izyaschny, Nerosimy 40, Kharkovskiy 6, Vyaznikovskiy 37.

There are different types of cucumbers. They are usually divided according to storage method or use. These are salad cucumbers for pickling and canning.

You should not grow different species nearby. As they grow, they will all get mixed up with each other in the beds. If you preserve together species suitable and unsuitable for this procedure, then soon the jars will have to be thrown away.

Short fruits are used for pickling:






Far Eastern 27


Faithful friends



Bochkovoy Salting

Vyaznikovsky 37

Siberian gherkin


Mommy's favorite


For pickling, vegetables are grown in the open ground and picked very small. These are Delicatessen, Regia F1 and Leandro F1.

The best cucumbers for salad:



Neroshimy 40

The Little Humpbacked Horse

The following are considered universal varieties:

Moravian gherkin






baby crane



Dutch cucumber seeds

Dutch cucumber seeds are quite popular. They are resistant to various diseases, excellent for canning, and not bitter. Hybrids Masha and Herman are popular. Both of them produce high yields. They are usually sown at the end of March.

Growing cucumber seeds

Growing cucumber seeds has its own characteristics. This is a heat-loving crop. Seeds ripen at temperatures not lower than 12°C. Shoots may appear after ten days at a temperature of 18°C. If the temperature is 25-30°C, then after 3-6 days. When the temperature drops below 10°C, the seedlings turn yellow and rot. If the temperature is below 6°C, then physiological processes are disrupted.

If the nights are too cold in summer and early autumn, the number of female flowers on the plant is reduced. In addition, there is a risk of the formation of ugly fruits and the development of diseases.

How to collect cucumber seeds

Not all gardeners know how to collect cucumber seeds. Harvesting cucumber seeds is a simple procedure. The main caveat is that you should not collect them from hybrids - they will not produce a harvest. The F1 inscription on the bag means that it is a hybrid.

You should take ripe fruits. They are yellow, brown or brownish in color. Cucumber fruits are heterogeneous. It is believed that the female fruit gives the greatest yield. The male has three sides, the female has four.

A ripe cucumber is cut, the seeds are separated and washed. Then the saline solution is poured into the enamel bowl. And they put the seeds there. After a few days, they are washed again and begin to dry.

They will germinate somewhat earlier than purchased ones, and besides, they will not get sick. The ovaries on the plants are in no way inferior to those purchased. To prevent the harvest from being bitter, harvesting should be done from the front of the fruit.

However, there is a risk that if they are planted next year, a lot of barren flowers will grow. For this reason, they should be planted only after three years.

It is better to store them in paper bags. In the refrigerator or in the cellar. For convenience, the bags should include the year of collection and a description of the benefits of the variety.

Growing new varieties of cucumbers in open ground

The most common vegetable grown is cucumber. The agricultural technology of its cultivation is quite simple, you just need to know some of its tricks. Breeders have developed a huge number of varieties of cucumbers, dedicated to the climatic conditions of any area. In this variety and abundance of varieties, it is very difficult to navigate and make a choice.

Characteristic features of varieties for open ground

Having decided to start growing cucumbers, you should study in detail the necessary growing conditions for the selected variety. Breeders divide the entire variety of cucumber hybrids into two main types:

  1. Grown in open ground
  2. Grown in greenhouse conditions

Therefore, before planting the selected variety, you should make sure that the plants are suitable for growing in the existing conditions. These subtleties directly affect the yield of the plant and its taste. A correctly chosen variety can produce a good harvest even in the northern conditions of the country.

Most of our fellow citizens grow these plants in open ground conditions. In this article we will try to talk about cucumber varieties suitable for cultivation in such conditions.

Before you start growing cucumbers in open ground, you should familiarize yourself with many of their characteristic features.

Firstly, if you decide to grow early varieties of cucumbers, you should know that this category of plants is more susceptible to disease than, for example, late varieties. In addition, the fruiting period of early cucumber varieties is somewhat shorter than that of late ones. The advantage of early open ground varieties is the early harvest of the long-awaited harvest.

The correct selection of a variety for the conditions of a given area will protect cucumber plants from many diseases that can affect cucumber plants zoned to the conditions of the central zone of our country.

The most common such diseases are:

  • Various manifestations of bacteriosis
  • Powdery mildew

An important feature that influences the growth and productivity of open ground cucumber crops is the soil structure chosen for the hole. Typically, cucumbers are planted on loose, sun-warmed soils containing a certain amount of fertilizer.

If you decide to plant cucumbers on virgin soil, you should take care of:

  • Necessary soil cultivation, otherwise all the vines will often be overgrown with weeds.
  • Before sowing, the selected area should be well fertilized, with the calculation of one bucket of manure per area of ​​one square meter.
  • Cucumber plants are best planted after predecessors such as cabbage, onions or tomatoes.

Cucumber plants are grown both by seedlings and by directly planting seeds in open ground. In open ground conditions, it is the seedling method that will contribute to an early harvest.

Planting cucumber plants directly in open beds is carried out from May twenty-fifth with dry seeds. If the seeds have been previously germinated, then it is best to plant them in open ground from the beginning of summer, when the soil is sure to warm up.

When cucumber plants begin their active growing season, they should be fed once every two weeks with the following composition: about ten grams of ammonium nitrate are added to one liter of mullein.

Another method of feeding cucumbers is based on dissolving urea in ten liters of water. Feeding consumption is calculated based on the ratio: from two to three liters per square meter of area. With the beginning of fruiting, this feeding rate is increased. Water the holes in advance to ensure the best penetration of the fertilizing solution into the soil. Any drops of prepared fertilizer are washed off the leaves with abundant watering.

All cucumber varieties developed, adapted for cultivation in open ground, are conventionally divided by breeders into the following groups: self-pollinating, gherkins, early and Dutch. Let's look at each group in more detail.

Self-pollinating cucumber varieties do not require bees or any other insects to carry out the pollination process. After self-pollination, such plants usually have a bountiful harvest of fruit.

Cucumbers obtained from such plants are characterized by an almost complete absence of bitterness. They tolerate unforeseen climatic anomalies well, which are not typical for the summer in our part of Russia. In addition, self-pollinating cucumber plants are practically not susceptible to diseases.

Today, these varieties are grown in agricultural conditions where the number of natural pollinators is reduced. Self-pollinating cucumber varieties for open ground are resistant to temperature changes that occur during the flowering period of plants.

The most common varieties of self-pollinating cucumber plants are the following:

  • Orpheus is an ideal variety for growing in central Russia. Great for preparing light salads. The shape of the fruit is parthenocarpic. Fruits from the fortieth day. The plant is characterized by strong growth and branching vines. The leaves are medium-sized, green with a smooth edge. The length of the fruit reaches ten centimeters with sparse tubercles and white pubescence. The fruits do not outgrow for a long time.
  • Zozulya is one of the most common bee-pollinated cucumber hybrids. Ideal for growing in spring and summer. Characterized by an extended fruiting period. The length of the resulting cucumbers reaches up to twenty centimeters. The plant requires fertilizing. Cucumber plants of the Zador variety are distinguished by abundant fruiting of fruits selected in shape. The resulting greens are slightly lumpy, crispy and juicy in taste. They bear fruit early and for a long time, regardless of weather conditions. They pollinate without attracting insects. Can be used for preparing various types of salads and for canning.
  • The fruits of the Alliance variety are parthenocarpic and mid-season. Resistant to summer drops in air and soil temperatures. Medium-sized greens can grow up to fifteen centimeters long. The fruits have brown pubescence, sometimes white stripes are visible. In terms of taste, the fruit is absolutely not bitter. Group ovary. Hybrids have excellent salad characteristics. Plants are practically not affected by powdery mildew and bacteriosis.
  • Kroshka Raccoon is an early ripening variety of cucumber hybrids. Ideal for growing in open ground conditions. Zelentsy reach a length of nine centimeters. The cucumbers are sparsely tuberculate, with a dark green color and slight light stripes. The greens are dense, crunchy when eaten, without bitterness. Resistant to pathogenic influences.

Early varieties of cucumbers

Early cucumber varieties are in great demand among gardeners. Such species are the first to obtain a bountiful harvest. Early varieties are divided into bee-pollinated and parthenocarpic. Bee-pollinated varieties may not please the gardener with an abundance of harvest if cold, rainy weather prevailed during May and June. But parthenocarpic hybrids of open ground that have been under temporary shelters since early spring will delight you with early greenery.

The most common of them is the Muromsky variety.

It is characterized by high productivity and is unpretentious to conditions. The fruits can be collected on the thirtieth day after germination of the plant. In addition to the Muromsky variety, the most popular among the population are early varieties such as Ecole F1, Kurazh F1 and many others. The fruits of these varieties are perfect for making various summer salads and dishes that can relieve hunger in hot weather.

Hybrids of the Moscow Dude variety are also ideal for growing in open beds.

The plants produce early fruits and are pollinated primarily by bees. Quite resistant to the manifestation of most diseases. The egg-shaped greens have light stripes. The fruits grow up to thirteen centimeters in length and are characterized by excellent taste and high yield.

Gherkins are excellent for growing in open garden conditions. These are small cucumbers, very demanding on soil composition. Soil saturated with calcium is most favorable for them. Ideal for marinating, including at home.

The following gherkins are the most popular among gardeners:

  • “Son of the F1 regiment” are high-yielding hybrids used for growing in open ground. They have medium height characteristics and are light green in color. Cylindrical gherkins have a slight glossy coating on the surface. The bushes are able to bear fruit for a long time. The variety is not affected by powdery mildew.
  • Cucumbers of the “Moth F1” variety have a long fruiting period. The gherkins are meekly cylindrical in shape, narrow with small grooves. Light stripes are visible on the fruits. There is no bitterness in terms of taste. Very resistant to adverse conditions.
  • "Filipok F1" is characterized by the formation of early ripening hybrids. Suitable for growing in open beds. The fruits are dark green in color and cylindrical in shape. Light stripes are visible on the surface of such gherkins. They do not turn yellow for a long time. The fruit is practically not susceptible to downy mildew.

Dutch cucumber varieties recommended for cultivation in open ground are especially popular among the population of our country. Before growing, amateur gardeners select those varieties that are most suitable for growing in specific weather conditions:

  • The ideal variety for consumption is Pioneer F1. Its fruits ripen already on the fiftieth day from emergence. The plant is resistant to cucumber diseases and weather surprises.
  • The fruits of the Baryon variety are ideal for canning.
  • A variety that is universal in terms of use, Marinda, has high yielding qualities.
  • Angelina F1 is a variety of Dutch cucumbers characterized by early fruit ripening. The plants are easy to grow and can pollinate themselves. The fruits are very juicy, reaching fourteen centimeters in length. Cucumbers of the Angelina F1 variety can be consumed either fresh or canned. Plants of this variety have good resistance to most known diseases.

Among the variety of groups and varieties of cucumber crops presented, everyone will be able to choose their own plant. You just need to carefully read the conditions of their growth and recommendations for use.

More information can be found in the video.

What varieties of cucumbers are best to plant in the country?

Of no small importance for the ripening of a good harvest is the choice of a suitable variety of cucumbers. Today, the choice of seeds is huge and includes more than 270 types, differing in taste, shape, size, ripening period and growing conditions.

Hybrids and varieties of cucumbers grown in open ground

The early ripening variety “Competitor” is a high-yielding pickling variety with excellent taste characteristics. Quite resistant to diseases and unpretentious to growing conditions. The weight of the fruit reaches 130 g, the growth period from planting to fruit ripening is 50-55 days. The “Graceful” cucumber variety is characterized by rapid ripening and good growth of the ovary. The first harvest can be achieved 45-50 days after germination. The average weight of a cucumber is 100-120 g. The “Graceful” cucumber is suitable for growing in greenhouses and open ground. Plants resist bacteriosis and olive spot well. Used for preparing salads. The pickling hybrid “Rodnichok” is characterized by increased productivity and good preservation properties. Flowers are pollinated by bees, and fruiting occurs on the 45-50th day, with an average fruit weight of 80-120 g. Ripe cucumbers are well stored and do not have bitterness. The Phoenix 640 cucumber variety was bred by Crimean breeders and adapted to local climatic conditions. It has proven itself to be excellent for growing in open ground, ripening occurs in 60-65 days, and is pollinated by bees. Plants of this species have proven to be the most resistant to powdery mildew. Zelentsy are 10-15 cm long, covered with black thorns. The main fruit ovary occurs on the side shoots. Cucumbers of this variety are intended for pickling and eating.

Varieties of cucumbers grown in protected soil

The early ripening variety “Boy Thumb” begins to bear fruit already on the 40th day. The plant blooms with female flowers and is immune to a whole range of diseases. The fruits are small, gherkin-type, no more than 10 cm in length and weighing 50–60 g, excellent for pickling and preservation. A universal parthenocarpic (self-fertile) hybrid “Emelya F1”, the early ripening fruits of which are successfully used for pickling and food. It develops and grows best in heated greenhouses. Cucumbers ripen in approximately 45 days. Plants of this variety are characterized by unlimited growth of vines and a bunched arrangement of ovaries. Early ripening hybrid “Murashka F1” (up to 42 days after germination) with a bunched type of flowering and limited growth of lateral shoots. It bears fruit in large tuberous cucumbers with black spines, up to 8–12 cm in length.

The best varieties of cucumbers

Cucumbers are a valuable food product that has gained well-deserved popularity among the population of the most diverse countries existing on our planet. In this article we will look at the best varieties of cucumbers that are suitable for certain conditions and needs. But don’t forget, choosing a good variety is not everything, cucumbers still need to be grown, so be sure to read the following articles: Growing cucumbers indoors and Growing cucumbers outdoors.

When choosing cucumbers for greenhouse cultivation, you don’t have to think about anything else other than the convenience and high yield of these wonderful vegetables. However, if we are talking about growing cucumbers in open ground, then in this case the most important factor is their zoning (one or another variety of cucumbers is intended for each region). It is on this factor that not only the degree of yield depends, but also the question of how cucumbers of this variety will sprout and whether they will grow at all. It should be noted that the further north your region is, the more important it is that the variety you grow in your garden bed is zoned (local). Only a few varieties grow with equal success in both the south and the north.

There are a huge number of varieties of cucumbers, but only the right, competent choice of variety will allow you to get a good harvest and satisfaction from the work done.

First of all, it is necessary to plant varieties that are zoned in a given climatic zone. Some varieties of cucumbers can only be grown in open ground, while others can be grown in greenhouses or greenhouses.

By studying this article, you will be able to get acquainted with the best varieties of cucumbers for open and closed ground, consider the concept of the yield of varieties, their characteristics, purpose (salad, pickling). When choosing from the varieties offered by the modern market, experienced gardeners still give preference to varieties of cucumbers of domestic selection and those that are most suitable for growing in the region of their residence.

List of the best varieties of cucumbers

Before you continue to study the best varieties of cucumbers, I recommend watching the following video, where the girl clearly and intelligibly explains which varieties of cucumbers are best sown in certain conditions and for what purposes.

“Vyaznikovsky - 37” is an ancient, Russian, early variety of cucumbers (from the appearance of the first shoots to fruiting - 50 days). It is advisable to grow in open ground. Characterized by an elongated ovary (up to 10 cm). This variety is universal: it is suitable for direct fresh consumption, as well as processing.

“Competitor” is a productive, early-ripening, pickling variety of cucumbers. Resistant to bacterial spotting and powdery mildew. The fruit weighs 120-130g. This variety of cucumbers is recommended to be grown in greenhouses, in open ground.

Cucumber “Bush” is an early-ripening and productive variety of cucumbers. The plant form is bushy. The taste of cucumber is excellent. From germination to fruiting – 55 days. This variety is for universal use. Preferably grown in open ground. Cucumber “Bush” is an early bee-pollinated variety for open ground. Has female type flowers. The length of the juicy green fruits is 9-12cm. The variety is universal and suitable for fresh consumption, pickling or canning.

“Zozulya” is an early ripening parthenocarpic variety of cucumbers. The period from the germination of these cucumbers to their fruiting lasts about 48 days. The degree of susceptibility of this variety to white and root rot is average. The climbing ability of the plant is weak. The length of the main lash is average. The leaves are green in color, rounded - pentagonal in shape, and medium in size. The ovary is cylindrical in shape with a slightly tuberculate surface. The greenery of this variety has a smooth base. Pubescence is sparse, white. The length of the cucumber reaches 23 cm, and its weight reaches 290 g. The taste of fresh fruits is good. This variety is distinguished by early and friendly fruiting. These cucumbers are recommended to be grown in greenhouses.

“F1 Moravian gherkin” – medium-ripening cucumbers. This hybrid is grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. Pollinated by bees. The fruit reaches a length of 8-10 cm and has no bitterness. A variety for universal use. Used fresh, also suitable for pickling and canning.

Cucumber “F1 Connie” is an early-ripening, productive parthenocarpic hybrid. The plant has an average number of lashes, the formation of ovaries is bunched. The fruit has white spines, is not bitter, and is cylindrical in shape. This is a universal variety, resistant to diseases.

Cucumber “F1 – Masha” is the earliest parthenocarpic hybrid. The length of its fruits ranges from 8 to 11 cm. The variety is universal. This hybrid is resistant to major diseases, such as cladosporiosis, powdery mildew, and cucumber mosaic virus. Intended for cultivation both in open and closed ground.

Cucumber “F1 New Nezhinsky” is a productive, early ripening, bee-pollinated hybrid of the pickling type. The fruit has a fruit length of 8-10cm, without bitterness. The plant forms long vines. The variety is excellent for growing in open ground and for greenhouses. This is one of the best varieties used for pickling.

Cucumber “F1 Champion” is a hybrid for open and closed ground, which gives a very high yield. The variety is early, parthenocarpic. The fruits are quite large and tuberculate. Very good for canning. This hybrid is resistant to many diseases.

“Phoenix – 640” is a bee-pollinated variety with female flowering and late ripening. The lashes are long and branched. The fruits are large, crispy, without bitterness, and do not turn yellow for a long time. The variety is resistant to major diseases and is universally used. Consumed fresh, suitable for processing. Fruits until the onset of frost.

“Rodnichok” is a productive, bee-pollinated variety of pickling cucumbers. Fruiting earlier (48-50 days). Fruits weighing up to 120g have excellent commercial quality, no bitterness. However, this variety of cucumbers requires a pollinator variety. They are grown both in open ground and in greenhouses.

“Courage F1” is an early-ripening, self-pollinating hybrid (flowering type is female). The growing season of this hybrid is 50 days. The plant is vigorous, has 4-6 ovaries per node. The fruit is dark green, with light stripes, weighing up to 130g and up to 15cm long. Often tuberous, with white spines. There is no bitterness in the fruits, the taste quality is high. The variety is resistant to diseases. Universal use, grown both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.

“Herman F1” is one of the most popular high-yielding parthenocarpic hybrids of early ripening cucumbers (begins bearing fruit after 45 days). The plant is vigorous. The length of the fruit reaches 12 cm. The pubescence is white, the color is dark green, the shape is cylindrical, bitterness is completely excluded. The hybrid is large-tubercular, dense. Up to 6 fruits can form in one node. This plant is resistant to cladosporiosis, downy and powdery mildew, as well as cucumber mosaic virus. This cucumber is used for fresh consumption and processing. This hybrid is grown through seedlings. Planting pattern: 70 by 30 cm.

Universal varieties of cucumbers include: Stork, Beregovoy, Vostok, Blagodatny, Golubchik, Druzhina, Duet, Dachny, Unity, Whale, Zhuravlenok, Cruise, Libelle, Levina, Marinda, Pasamonte, Moravian Gherkin, Regia, Seversky, Nightingale, Serpentine, Sagittarius , Farmer, Ussuriysky 3, Photon, Khabar, Squadron, Epilogue and many others.

How to choose the best variety.

Shape and size are not the only characteristics by which hybrids and varieties of cucumbers are distinguished. The pubescence (spininess) of the fruit is sometimes completely absent, and sometimes it is quite dense. The thorns, depending on the variety, can be small or large. They also vary in color (brown, black, white).

Cucumbers with white spines are usually salad-type cucumbers. They are not suitable for pickling. It is the cucumbers that have white thorns that come to our shelves from greenhouses at any time of the year. Even on the long, smooth fruits of cucumbers you can see sparse white thorns.

Brown or black spines are a sign of universal or pickling type cucumbers. Most often, these varieties and hybrids are intended for cultivation in open ground or in greenhouses. These fruits are consumed fresh, salted and pickled. However, these varieties of cucumbers also have a drawback: they quickly overripe, turn yellow, and become rough. And again, I recommend taking a break from reading and watching the following useful video on how to choose the right varieties of cucumbers.

Video on how to choose a cucumber variety

Early varieties ripen quickly and produce a harvest. However, late varieties of cucumbers are more resistant to diseases and bear fruit for a long time.

The cucumbers you choose to grow must be resistant to weather conditions, as well as diseases that are common in your area.

If the variety is parthenocarpic (female flowering type), then a pollinator variety must be planted with it. Otherwise, the selected variety will not give the expected results - it will bloom profusely but produce few fruits. In addition, parthenocarpic varieties are usually grown in film shelters or in greenhouses. If these varieties are pollinated by bees, the fruits will be ugly and twisted. Therefore, you should refrain from growing these varieties in open ground unless there is an indication that they are suitable for this purpose.

It is a known fact that after many years of experiments, geneticists in the United Arab Emirates produced cucumbers with square fruits that are convenient for both storage and transportation. They say that the taste of such cucumbers does not differ from ordinary ones.

Having carefully studied the cucumber varieties proposed above, as well as following our growing recommendations, you will certainly find a suitable variety or hybrid of this vegetable for you and will be able to delight yourself and your family with beautiful, crisp green fruits grown on your own plot.