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Is papillomavirus dangerous? Human papillomavirus: why it is dangerous and how to detect it in time. How to determine whether papilloma is dangerous

About 75% of people are carriers of HPV, mostly women, but the question of treatment and diagnosis arises before them only with the manifestation of symptoms of the disease (detection of a tumor, condyloma, erosion, flat warts on the body).

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a collection of viruses grouped into many types and species. More than 120 types of virus are known to humanity. It may appear when in various forms somatic diseases caused by decreased immunity. It is transmitted through household contact and sexual contact, and you can become infected with several types of viruses at once.

Most types of HPV are harmless, but some types of the virus, entering a woman’s body during sexual intercourse, can cause the development of cancer. Thus, papillomaviruses are divided according to types: with high, medium and low risk of oncogenicity.

Features of the development of oncogenic viruses

How does the virus “work” in humans?

Viruses that enter a woman’s body produce special organic matter(enzymes), with the help of which, through a layer of intercellular substance, they penetrate into the keratinocyte cells (basal) dermis. As long as the viral DNA does not enter the cell nucleus of a healthy cell, no symptoms appear. But when it is introduced, the healthy cell undergoes “reprogramming”. At the same time, its genetic code changes precisely in those DNA zones that are responsible for the process of reproduction and cell growth.

As a result of changes in these processes, active uncontrolled growth and proliferation of cells begins, manifesting itself on the skin and mucous surface as outgrowths in the form of papillary formations - condylomas and papillomas, which do not differ in color from healthy skin. Under the influence of some strains of HPV, cells multiply so quickly that they do not have time to mature, forming a group of atypical (undifferentiated) cells.

With weakened immunity and genetic predisposition, it is these immature (atypical) cells that begin to secrete oncogenic protein, which gives rise to the development of malignant neoplasms.

What are the most dangerous types of HPV for women?

Not all types of virus are equally dangerous

Let's consider the viral strains that pose the greatest danger to women - HPV with high oncogenicity. All of them are combined into group “A-9” (these are strains of types 16, 18, 31, 33, 39, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59).

Malignant lesions of the cervix are now the most common disease with a very high risk of mortality. The greatest risk of infection reaches its peak during sexual activity. This is facilitated by promiscuous intimate relations, unprotected sexual intercourse, often medical manipulations, insufficiently sterile equipment when performing manicures, and many other factors.

The incubation period of the disease can reach 15-20 years.

Types of papillomavirus that lead to cancer in the cervix pose the greatest danger to women (in more than 65% of cases, infection results in cancer). There is evidence of the relationship of this virus with cancer development in the structure of the vulva, anal sphincter, and penis.

16 type HPV strain – in women it represents a high-risk group for oncogenicity and can manifest itself as cancer. Invading the body through contact with the mucous membrane, the virus is able to remain inactive for a long time, remaining in a latent state. After a few months, growths in the form of flat papillomas and condylomas form in these places. It is the deformation of the epithelial cells of the cervix or the uterus itself, with HPV type 16, that is a high risk for the development of atypical cells that provoke the development of cancer.

18 type HPV, like type 16, has a high risk of developing cancer. The virus has the ability to penetrate the DNA structure of a cell. Penetrating into the basal layer, the virus changes the cells, forming genital warts.

HPV types 31, 33, 39, 59 and, like types 16-18, are considered highly oncogenic; the etiology and pathogenesis of these types are very similar. Types 31 and 33 are detected more often in Bowen's disease or bowenoid papulosis. Both diseases are considered precancerous, but unlike HPV types 16-18, the virus is localized not in the basal layer of the dermis, but in the scaly layer of the epidermis.

Bowenoid papulosis is characterized by the appearance of flat papillomas, ranging from pale pink to dark brown. By location, most often on the labia of women, less often on the walls of the vagina or on the surface of the thigh. Bowen's disease is described in many sources in the same way as bowenoid papulosis, but is characterized as one of the types of carcinoma.

A prolonged viral load on the body of these strains, combined with weakened immunity and lack of treatment, is manifested by the development of:

  • non-condylamatous growths;
  • wart-shaped genital warts in the anal area;
  • condylomatosis in women in the groin and labia;
  • papillomatous growths on the scrotum, penis and urethra in men.

51st, 52nd, 56th, 58th types represent a group of average risk of oncogenicity, the manifestation of the clinical picture occurs only under conditions favorable for the papillomavirus (decreased immunity, concomitant infection or disease). Symptomatically, manifestations of the virus in women are caused not only by the development of neoplasms, but also by disorders menstrual cycle, infertility, as a consequence of cell mutation in female organs.

For example, the influence of the 51st type of papillomavirus causes mutation processes in the female genital organs, which ends in malignant damage to the structure of the uterine cervix and a radical hormonal imbalance. Even with timely treatment, women are prohibited from having sex without protective contraceptives for the next three years.

External signs can manifest themselves as various growths, in the form of pointed or flat papillomas and condylomas. Such growths are similar to grape bunches or resemble cauliflower inflorescences. From pale pink to brown-brown. They may protrude above the skin and have a smoothed shape.

Growths located on the organs of the reproductive system are considered more dangerous for women. They are usually detected during gynecological screening. By the way, in men this process much less often ends in malignancy and the development of oncological pathologies.

What danger does papillomavirus pose?

Lack of treatment for oncogenic papillomaviruses and the impact unfavorable factors can provoke the development of the most unpleasant pathological processes:

  • Degeneration of epithelial cells of the vagina, vulva, cervical and cervical canal of the uterus;
  • Development of vaginal cancer and tumor formations in the anal area;
  • Preinvasive carcinoma and oncological processes in the structural tissues of the uterus and its cervix;
  • Wart-like formations on the genitals and anus;
  • Malignant lesions of the mucous tissues of the larynx and mouth;
  • Papillomatous growths on the male penis and urethra.
  • Genodermatous warty growths (Lewandow-Lutz disease);
  • Malignant lesions of the conjunctival mucosa;
  • Cancerous tumors in the esophagus and tumors in the nasopharynx;
  • Development of malignant processes on the soles of the feet.

New growths formed on the skin are more likely cosmetic problem. But their germination in the nasal sinuses involves adjacent tissue in the process. Laryngeal papillomatosis leads to respiratory dysfunction and hoarseness of the voice. The growth of papillomas on the urethra leads to its narrowing and impaired urination. Damage to the bladder by wart-like formations that have grown on its walls leads to bleeding and ulceration.

Papillomas should be treated or removed in time if they are frequently injured by clothing, bleed or become inflamed. This can prevent their malignancy into cancer.

Treatment of HPV depending on the type of virus, drugs

Is it possible to cure HPV forever?

Despite the fact that every fifth woman is a carrier of HPV, treatment is indicated in the presence of clinical manifestations.

Annual medical examination and examination are carried out for early detection of signs of cancer. Colposcopy makes it possible to examine the area and structure of the genitals and identify the presence of inflammatory processes, erosions, neoplasms and other precursors of oncology. PCR diagnostics and biopsy, as a rule, confirm the relationship between oncology and human papillomavirus infection.

The main treatment regimen for HPV is based on a direct drug effect on the virus and methods for eliminating its external signs. Papillomas, condylomas, viral warts and erosions are removed. The method of removal depends on the location of the formation, the extent of the process, and the depth of tissue damage. This can be surgical treatment and electrocoagulation, laser removal, cryodestruction, chemical cauterization (with drugs).

Today there are no medications that would have a destructive effect on the oncogenic structure of the papillomavirus protein itself. Therefore, treatment is often limited only to careful monitoring of its development and removal of external symptoms (skin growths).

If the 31st or 16th HPV strains are detected, treatment is carried out with combination therapy, including:

  • removal of external formations and their proliferation;
  • immunocorrective treatment;
  • therapy with antiviral drugs;
  • vitamin therapy that strengthens the body.

When treating HPV type 51, as in general and other oncogenic strains of the virus, the need for immediate destruction of formations followed by immunostimulating therapy is due to the fact that with a constant concentration of the virus inside the body, there is a high risk of relapse of the disease. A strong immune system can cope with papillomas on its own. Once they dry out, they will disappear on their own.

But the impact of unfavorable factors can revive them again. Therefore, after destruction or removal of tumors, the prescribed treatment cannot be ignored. Since HPV does not go away and is still present in the body, further drug therapy will help keep it in check - in an inactive form.

When exposed to antiviral agents and immunostimulating drugs, the processes of growth, development and DNA copying (replication) of viruses of the oncogenic group “A9” significantly slow down or practically stop, which significantly reduces the occurrence of relapses. Today it is applied combination treatment, including several drugs:

  1. To reduce the viral concentration in the body, Panavir injections are prescribed.
  2. To enhance immune functions and increase the body's resistance, interferon preparations are prescribed - "Cycloferon", "Viferon", "Genferon" in the form of external agents (suppositories, creams, ointments).
  3. The antiviral effect is enhanced by tablet forms of the drugs "Groprinosin", or "Inoprinosin", "Cidofovir", "Alpirazin". For vaginal lesions, intimate spray “Epigen” and “Betadine” are effective.
  4. Drugs of the cytotoxin group, such as Podophyllin, Podophyllotoxin, Fluorouracil-5, Condilin, trigger the process of death of the malignant cell, causing necrosis in all its structures.
  5. To prevent relapses, transdermal creams are prescribed as prophylaxis - Aldar, Zovirax, Imiquimod.

With genital formations, many patients are embarrassed to come to a specialist with their problem. They begin to self-medicate, resorting to traditional methods. If, with cutaneous localization of various neoplasms, such experiments can still bring the desired results, then the independent destruction of papillomas caused by oncogenic viruses can cause them to grow even more with the risk of malignancy.

Is it possible to fully recover from HPV?

For many years, there has been an opinion that this virus is incurable. In healthy, young women, recovery occurs within two to three years (from the moment of infection). In other cases, a virus consisting of 6-8 protein cells is able to penetrate the wall of the mucosa, causing transformation (dysplasia) of the surrounding tissues. Under the influence of sex hormones, degeneration into oncology occurs.

Cure HPV forever this moment is not possible due to the lack of drugs specifically targeting the virus. Timely detection of the virus makes it possible to begin preventive treatment with immunomodulators as early as possible, allowing the body to have a reserve to fight the papillomavirus.

About 80% of the world's inhabitants are infected with the human papillomavirus. Depending on the genotype, the virus causes various diseases. It can manifest itself in the form of papillomas, condylomas, and warts.

About 100 genotypes of the virus have been identified, but only 80 have been thoroughly studied. About 30 species can cause oncogenic neoplasms and cause cancer.

Is it possible and how to cure HPV (papillomavirus) in women forever, what is it drug treatment, how to live with the human papillomavirus further?

Is human papillomavirus curable?

Bye no such medicines have been invented, which could completely kill the virus.

Treatment regimens for the disease are limited to the use of antiviral drugs and procedures to eliminate papillomas on the skin or mucous membranes.

This virus can be driven into a latent or dormant state when it does not harm the body.

It is especially important to carry out treatment when HPV of a high oncogenic type is detected.

The following genotypes of the virus are dangerous for women: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52. They most often cause dysplasia and cervical cancer.

After treatment for high-oncogenic HPV type, a woman should Visit a gynecologist regularly and carry out recommended examinations to eliminate the risk of malignant tumors.

“Popular Doctor” will talk about the human papillomavirus:

General treatment regimen

During normal operation immune system The body will be able to suppress the manifestations of the virus itself after a course of special therapy.

The general treatment regimen includes:

  1. Removal of external manifestations of HPV.
  2. A course of antiviral drugs.
  3. Strengthening the immune system.

Treatment can only be carried out after passing necessary tests and identifying the genotype of the virus. Self-medication does not always give results and can cause complications.

Very often, HPV is complicated by other inflammatory and infectious diseases. diseases of the genitourinary system.

First, concomitant diseases are treated, after which the condylomas are removed and antiviral drugs are taken.

Removal of papillomas is possible in the following ways:

  • laser;
  • chemical solutions;
  • radio waves;
  • scalpel;
  • electric knife;
  • liquid nitrogen.

Removing papillomas is very important, since they appear in places where the virus accumulates. This will reduce the viral load and reduce the risk of infecting a sexual partner.

Which method of removing papillomas will be the most effective depends on the location of the tumors, their genotype, number and size.

The most affordable way removal of condylomas - surgical method, which is now quite rarely used.

It can cause serious wounds and scars, so it is only relevant in the case of malignant neoplasms. The most painless removal method- radio wave.

The “Live Healthy!” program will tell you how to treat human papillomavirus (HPV, papillomavirus) in women:

Prescribed drugs and their use

HPV treatment is expensive and does not always guarantee recovery.

If the prescribed course is not completed completely, the disease will again begin to progress and manifest itself on the skin and mucous membranes.

Sometimes antiviral drugs need to be used for 6 months or more. How is HPV treated in women and with what drugs?


Antiviral drugs for treatment destroy the structure of HPV in women and disrupt the process of reproduction.

Medicines of this group are produced in different forms, since the nature of the course of the disease and the location of the tumors are different.

Antiviral drugs are available in the form of ointments, gels, creams, injection solutions, suppositories, and tablets.

Injections and tablets are the most effective. Ointments and creams should also be included in the regimen if neoplasms are detected on the mucous membranes or skin.

During treatment, it is important to prevent the spread of papillomas to healthy areas of the body.


Popular drugs:

    Valtrex. The active ingredient is valacyclovir. Prescribing the drug is relevant in the presence of concomitant sexually transmitted diseases.

    Valtrex blocks the RNA of the virus and helps stop its reproduction;

  • Groprinosin. Has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 6 months. On average, for genital warts, 2 tablets 3 times a day are used for 28 days. The use of Groprinosin should be at the same time throughout the course;
  • Famvir. The active ingredient is famciclovir. It is advisable to start treatment in the initial stages of the disease. The course of therapy is 7 days. Only the treating specialist can select the required dosage;
  • Amiksin. Harmless, unlike analogues. The course of application is no more than 4 weeks. The active ingredient is tilorone. If there are growths on the skin or mucous membranes, the use of additional medications is required.

Antiviral drugs must be prescribed by your doctor. These medications have a direct effect on the immune system, and their incorrect use can only aggravate the disease.

Medicines for topical use

Use of drugs for internal use most often it has no effect on already existing condylomas and papillomas. To remove them, you need to see a doctor.

There are many ways to remove tumors, but before removing them you should make sure that they are not malignant.

Removal of formations is possible by the following means:

After removing condylomas, apply to the affected areas of the skin or Epigen gel. Wound treatment should be carried out after removal of tumors until they are completely healed.

Suppositories for papillomavirus

Very often treatment regimens include suppositories. Their action is aimed at preventing the development of the inflammatory process in the vaginal area, strengthening the immune system, and preventing the development of condylomas and papillomas.

The following candles are often used:

  • Genferon;
  • Viferon;
  • Polyoxidonium.

The suppositories must be used in conjunction with other medications that are included in the regimen. The course of application is 10 days.

List of immunomodulators

In order for the body to suppress the replication of the virus, medications with immunomodulatory properties are recommended.

They can only be used as prescribed by a doctor., as they affect human immunity.

Depending on the degree of decreased immunity, the following is prescribed:

  • human interferon;
  • Kipferon;
  • Reaferon-EC;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Leukinferon.

These drugs act on the entire body and are quickly absorbed into the blood, but they may cause an allergic reaction and unpleasant side effects.

Other immunomodulators:

  • Tamerite;
  • Neovir;
  • Cordyceps;
  • Immunofan.

Folk remedies

Is it possible and how to treat human papillomavirus in women? folk remedies and drugs? Treatment of HPV with folk remedies is unacceptable.

Various methods that are aimed at cauterizing papillomas and condylomas, can only lead to complications of the disease.

You can find a lot of advice where It is recommended to remove tumors with celandine and garlic. These methods are powerless against the insidious HPV virus.

Methods and recipes traditional medicine can strengthen the immune system. Echinacea tincture, Chinese lemongrass, aloe juice, honey, thyme and elecampane root help.

But with severe immunodeficiency, these drugs will not have an effect on the body.

For many women HPV diagnosis looks scary, especially when they have a high oncogenic type of virus. After all, most publications indicate the possibility of condylomas degenerating into malignant formations.

There is no need to be afraid - all efforts must be directed towards strengthening the immune system and eliminating the virus from the body.

HPV does not always cause dysplasia or cancer. This can happen if left untreated.

If you take a course of antiviral drugs, remove tumors, refrain from bad habits, HPV will not lead to dire consequences. The woman will be able to lead a normal life and give birth to a child.

It is important to eat right, lead an active lifestyle, quit smoking, alcohol, and avoid stress.

Human papillomavirus is not cancer, but one of the factors that can lead to it. Smoking, eating fatty foods, and frequent stress have a similar effect.

Each person is responsible for his own health. If you consult a doctor in time and undergo a course of treatment, you can forget about HPV for a long time.

Human papillomavirus is a dangerous disease that is transmitted to a person from another person and causes pathological changes in tissues. The causative agent is a DNA virus that enters the human body through microwounds and cracks in the mucous membranes and can integrate into blood cells, causing them to divide and multiply uncontrollably, as a result of which a person develops papillomas and condylomas. So, why is papillomavirus dangerous for women?

The main route of transmission of the virus is physical contact with an infected person, including through sexual relations. Moreover, even protected sexual intercourse is not a guarantee of protection against infection; it can only reduce the risk. This is due to the dangerous virus being too small.

Thus, many are wondering how to protect themselves from this infection?

The danger of the virus for women

Today, doctors know more than 150 types of papillomavirus. All known types of HPV are usually divided into three types:

  • non-cancerous;
  • capable of causing cancer with a low level of probability;
  • with a high probability of causing the appearance of malignant tumors.

As it becomes clear, the third type of virus is especially dangerous, since it can cause the development of genital cancer, in particular, cervical cancer in women. This type includes the four most oncogenic known ones: 16, 18.6, 11. The danger also lies in the fact that they progress quickly.

The human papillomavirus causes warts, papillomas, and genital warts on the genitals and respiratory tract. They can look different: like flat calluses, spiky growths, bushy growths, or raised spots.

If the growths are located in places where they are easily injured, they cause physical discomfort, open as ulcers and even bleed. All this can contribute to the development of progressive skin diseases.

But a particularly dangerous type of virus is one that causes cancer of the female genital organs: cervix, vagina, vulva, anus.

Risk group and likelihood of complications

According to medical research, almost 80-90% of the population are currently carriers of the virus. Therefore, there is a very high possibility of becoming infected. But why is human papillomavirus dangerous in women? Representatives of the fair sex are especially at risk if they:

  • sexual activity began very early;
  • sexual partners often change, and unprotected contacts occur periodically;
  • advanced inflammatory processes in the genital organs, STIs;
  • weak immune system;
  • pregnancy period, abortion;
  • neglect of personal hygiene;
  • excessive drinking and smoking.

At risk are also infants, since the mother can infect the child during childbirth.

There are many types of papillomavirus, and not all of them are dangerous. However, oncogenic types can influence the development of cancer.

However, it is worth understanding that simply the presence of the papilloma virus in a woman’s body does not mean the onset of cancer development, and also that if an infection is detected, the disease will soon begin to develop.

According to doctors, tumor development usually begins 15-20 years after infection, and then under favorable conditions for the development of HPV. Only one in three carriers can actually become ill, and for a tumor to develop, the natural protective barrier against cancer must be lowered.

The decrease in natural protection against a dangerous disease is influenced by:

  • too many free radicals, that is, molecules that damage cell DNA;
  • frequent smoking;
  • decreased immunity;
  • rare exposure to fresh air and sun;
  • metabolic diseases such as diabetes, hormonal imbalances;
  • hard work;
  • the presence of toxins and waste in the body, consumption of harmful foods.

In the absence of these factors, the risk of developing malignancy can be reduced.

The connection between papillomavirus and cancer

The highly oncogenic type of HPV promotes the development of precancerous formations in cells, and as a result, the occurrence of a most dangerous disease of the genital organs, such as the cervix, vagina, vulva, penis. According to doctors, almost all patients with cancer were diagnosed with HPV. Types 16 and 18 are especially dangerous.

Since there are a large number of people in the risk zone, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences you need to undergo periodic examinations: cytology, colposcopy, PCR for HPV, its types. By observing the behavior of the virus, you will be able to control it, notice that something is wrong in time, and begin timely treatment.

Cervical cancer develops more often than others. When a person is infected, the virus does not immediately “go on the offensive.” Papillomavirus does not quickly lead to the development of the disease. Several months or even years may pass between infection and the degeneration of the virus into a malignant tumor. First, cervical dysplasia occurs, if it is not treated and left untreated, it will degenerate into a malignant formation. Therefore, studies can help detect infection, even if there are no external manifestations, after which timely treatment should be started.

What to do if you are diagnosed with HPV?

First of all, you should see a doctor; at the very beginning, genital warts may not be very noticeable. All modern methods are used to determine the presence of a virus:

  • colposcopy;
  • cytology of smears from the walls of the vagina and cervix;
  • PCR test, it will allow you to find out about the presence or determine the type.

Do not panic if you have been diagnosed with human papillomavirus. You need to determine what type (strain) you have specifically, and how much, how active it is.

It is impossible to completely get rid of the infection, but you can help the body suppress it and prevent the development of dangerous diseases.

It is impossible to cure papillomavirus by removing warts or condylomas.

Before proceeding with removal, antiviral therapy is necessary. The attending physician prescribes antiviral drugs. Their job is to stimulate the body to produce interferons, which naturally destroy infection in the body.

Additionally, it should be clarified that it is necessary to strengthen the body’s natural defense against cancer, and trace elements will help with this: zinc, selenium, magnesium and iron.

If you have concomitant diseases, STIs, cervical erosion, you need to start treating them. As you know, one of the factors contributing to the development of cancer is weakened immunity, so the attending physician prescribes immunostimulating drugs.

And finally, you need to remove the growths that have appeared. There are many methods for this:

  • radio wave removal;
  • cryotherapy;
  • ultrasound excision;
  • electrocoagulation.

After a course of treatment, mandatory control and monitoring is necessary to avoid relapses.

Particular attention should be paid to women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. In addition to the sexual route of infection with papillomavirus, there is infection during childbirth, when the child passes through the birth canal. When he catches a papilloma infection, he develops pointed papillomas on the larynx and in the mouth. Thus, a caesarean section is often performed in these cases.

At the same time, treatment is impossible, since during this period you cannot take antiviral drugs that stimulate immunostimulation. So, all treatment is postponed until after the birth of the child.

Vaccination against papillomavirus

Recently, a lot of information has appeared that you can get vaccinated against papillomavirus. Only girls and women who have not had sexual relations and have not yet been infected can get the vaccine, and for them it will be effective. Thus, infection with oncogenic types is reduced to zero.

But for those who have already had sexual relations, the effect of the vaccine does not matter. For such people, the most effective method is constant monitoring and examinations by a doctor.

Symptoms of papillomavirus

The incubation period for this disease is quite long, so the first symptoms may appear even after several years, and even then, with a weakened immune system.

The main syndrome is the appearance of pinkish growths and genital warts on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the virus is detected in one partner, the other must undergo all tests. Often, when the infection is present in only one of the couple, this indicates that he has a strong immune system and is not susceptible to bacteria.

The human papillomavirus is dangerous and insidious. People transmit the disease to each other, often without even knowing it. Due to the large number of infected people, it is almost impossible to protect yourself from infection, and barrier contraceptives are not absolute protection. The virus is too small, so it easily penetrates the female body through a condom.

What is important to know?

The main way to protect yourself is to follow simple rules: do not have a large number of sexual partners, healthy image life, personal hygiene, and strengthening the immune system. At the first signs and symptoms, and also if you are sure of the likelihood of infection, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When a woman is diagnosed with a highly oncogenic virus and at the same time has some kind of cervical disease, even a benign one, then the combination of the papilloma virus and the benign disease equally requires close monitoring or more extensive treatment.

This is another danger factor, which is the reason that, in the conditions of some benign changes, oncology can form.

Many people are interested in the question: what is the human papillomavirus, and why is it dangerous?

Human papillomavirus refers to a whole group of viruses that are part of the papillomavirus family, consisting of 5 genera, more than four dozen species and about 200 strains.

16 genotype of papillomavirus: is there a risk of developing cancer?

The infection is transmitted from person to person through sexual contact and household contact, as well as from mother to child during childbirth.

  • The main condition for transmission of the virus is the presence of microtraumas on the skin and mucous membranes.
  • There is a risk of so-called self-infection when shaving or epilating.

In an infected cell, the pathogen can exist in two forms:

  • episomal - the virus does not invade the cell’s chromosomes, this form is considered benign;
  • introsomal - the virus integrates into the cellular genome, this form is defined as malignant.

Manifestation of HPV in women

In women, HPV often manifests itself as follows.

The following methods are used to diagnose this infection in women.

Currently, HPV is treated with various methods, but it is completely impossible to get rid of it. All treatment of this virus comes down to the elimination of its clinical and subclinical manifestations. In each specific situation, treatment is selected individually.

Treatment of papillomavirus in women should take place simultaneously in several areas.

  • Local treatment. Provides for the removal of altered areas of the epithelium using different methods: traditional surgery, cryodestruction, radio wave method, diathermocoagulation, laser radiation, chemical removal.
  1. Surgical treatment means removing the affected areas with a scalpel. It is used mainly in the presence of extensive tissue damage and suspected malignancy.
  2. Cryodestruction involves freezing tumors using liquid nitrogen.
  3. Using radio wave coagulation, genital warts are eliminated. For this, a radio wave knife is used.
  4. Diathermocoagulation is a procedure for excision of condylomas using high-frequency radiation or an electric knife.
  5. Laser radiation - elimination of tumors using a laser. It is the only procedure suitable for pregnant women to eliminate condylomas. But treatment with this procedure does not eliminate the formation of scars.
  6. Chemical removal means the removal of formations by exposing them to acid-containing preparations using the application method.
  • Prescribing antiviral drugs. It is carried out for the purpose of anti-relapse therapy, as well as during the acute phase of the disease. Such treatment is necessary to prevent the development of malignant neoplasms.
  • Prescription of immunomodulators, vitamins and minerals. Treatment of the human papillomavirus thus helps restore and strengthen the immune system, which is important in the fight against HPV.

There are several areas for preventing HPV in women.

  1. Use of a special prophylactic vaccine. Currently, there are two types of vaccines available in the retail chain that are used to prevent cancer of the cervix and other genital organs: Cervarix and Gardasil. It is worth noting that these vaccines are applied only to healthy women, that is, to those who do not have the human papillomavirus.
  2. Using condoms during sexual intercourse.
  3. Quitting smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
  4. Boosting immunity.
  5. Regular visits to the gynecologist. Periodic visits to the doctor will help detect human papillomavirus in women on early stages its manifestations, and this is the key to more successful treatment.

Human papillomavirus infection, that is, infection with the human papillomavirus, poses a certain danger to women of reproductive age. It has been scientifically proven that some strains of the virus lead to the development of cervical cancer.

Timely detection of the virus itself and the changes that the microorganism causes at the initial stage of its development allows the doctor to prescribe a course of treatment that is the prevention of a malignant process.


Human papillomavirus in women is a very common infection. According to statistics, today more than 50% of sexually active women are infected.

HPV causes cancer in women, although it can be asymptomatic and discovered by chance during a routine examination.

The causes of the appearance of the papilloma virus can be different, but the most common cases are sexual transmission of the infection. Papillomavirus can be contracted through household contact. There is a possibility of infection during childbirth, transmission from a sick mother to a child. The following are at risk of developing papillomavirus:

Classification and symptoms of the disease

Modern medicine identifies more than 150 types of papilloma in women. Among these species there are both safe types and malignant strains. Virus type 68 in women, as well as HPV 58, are types of papillomavirus that carry a high risk of oncogenicity.

In total, there are 14 types of papillomavirus that pose a threat to people, but it is papillomavirus type 68 in women and HPV 58 that cause cervical cancer in 70% of cases.

Few people know how HPV manifests itself; moreover, a huge number of people do not even realize that they are carriers of the papillomavirus. Depending on the type of virus, the signs of HPV will differ, but there are a number of symptoms that are common to all types.

Among these signs one can note genital warts, which look like warts. In most cases, these signs of HPV appear on the cervix, less often on the labia and anus.

This is how the virus manifests itself 3 months after the initial infection.

HPV type 68 and HPV 58 require mandatory treatment. Even after completion of therapy and normalization of the condition, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Diagnosis of the virus

Before starting treatment, the doctor is required to conduct a series of tests to confirm the diagnosis. Among the necessary examinations are:

  • visual examination of the patient;
  • colposcopy;
  • PCR analysis;
  • cervical biopsy;
  • cytology smear;
  • molecular biological test;
  • histological analysis.

Only based on the patient’s test results, medications are selected. Under no circumstances should you try to prescribe medications for yourself or use medications that have been prescribed to someone you know with a similar diagnosis.

A very important step in diagnosing a disease such as the papilloma virus is testing for the presence of other sexually transmitted infections. According to statistics, in 90% of cases in a woman, the papilloma virus is combined with chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and herpes. If there is a concomitant infection, it is initially treated, and then papillomavirus therapy is started.

If one of the sexual partners has the papilloma virus, treatment should be carried out on both, as there is a risk of re-infection. During treatment, both partners must use contraception.

Human papillomavirus infection is one of the most common diseases; about 90% of all people are infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV). This infection is caused by a peculiar virus that provokes growth or changes in the upper layers of the skin.

general information

HPV has up to 100 types, each of which can cause various formations: warts, genital warts, cervical dysplasia, which can develop into cancer. So, what do you need to know about the virus?

Human papillomavirus during pregnancy

This infection is very dangerous during pregnancy, both for expectant mother, and for the child, the reasons for its danger are the high probability of transmission of the virus to the baby during childbirth or during intrauterine development.

Before planning a pregnancy, all women should be screened for HPV.

If the virus is detected during the examination, doctors usually advise delaying the birth of the child and treating the infection first.

In cases where the human papillomavirus is detected already during pregnancy, doctors recommend postponing treatment until 28 weeks - all the organs of the unborn baby are already formed by this time and will not suffer from negative effects medicines. Women are not recommended to give birth on their own if condylomas are in the vagina, because in this case the risk of infection of the child increases.

Human papillomavirus infection poses the greatest danger to women who are pregnant. The disease can harm her baby if measures are not taken urgently to help protect the fetus.

The main reason for the danger is that the baby easily becomes infected with the virus during childbirth. Therefore, immediately before conception, women are recommended to be tested for the presence of a pathogen in the body.

If it is detected, you will initially have to undergo full treatment, and only then think about pregnancy.

Treatment of papillomavirus in a pregnant woman can begin after 28 weeks. By this time, the baby will have formed important organs, so his body will not suffer due to the influence of the disease.

If condylomas are found in the genitals, then the woman should agree to a caesarean section to prevent infection of the baby during labor.

Papillomas during pregnancy are a common occurrence. Unlike many infections, HPV during pregnancy is not considered a significant threat to the health of the baby or the mother herself.

The disease does not have any detrimental effect on the formation of the fetus. The only threat to the baby may be genital papillomatosis of the mother, since this is a serious risk of transmitting the pathogen during childbirth naturally.

Formation (appearance) of type 16, 18 papillomas during pregnancy: photo

HPV 16, 18 and pregnancy are conditions that require immediate observation by a specialist, since these strains of the pathogen can lead to the formation of a cancerous tumor.

Papillomavirus (HPV) types 16, 18 during pregnancy manifests itself in the form of pointed processes, most often concentrated in intimate areas women. Such growths have the potential to develop cancer. When HPV is detected in pregnant women, the woman automatically falls into the risk group and is closely monitored by a specialist.

What is the effect of HPV on the fetus? There is a high probability of infection of the newborn during the birth process. After this, the baby may develop papillomatosis of the respiratory tract or oral cavity and throat. The presence of HPV of these types in the expectant mother is an indication for caesarean section.

If during pregnancy the papilloma virus actively progresses and poses a threat to the life of the fetus, the issue of removing the tumors is considered. The removal method is chosen by the attending physician depending on the condition of the female body and the degree of development of the disease.

Papillomas during pregnancy are an indication for a thorough and complete examination. Careful medical supervision is established to prevent the negative impact of the disease on the child.

Pregnancy and HPV 31

Until recently, papillomas of genotype 31 received less attention than genotypes 16 and 18. Now the opinion of doctors has changed somewhat.

HPV 31 is in second place for the risk of developing cancer. External signs The appearance of papillomavirus (HPV) in pregnant women is the development of squamous processes.

The main sites of papillomatosis are the genital area and the cervix. This type is characterized by the absence of genital warts.

The main danger of the virus for a woman is considered to be the possibility of bowenoid papulosis and neoplasia. For a child, this is a high risk of contracting a viral respiratory tract infection during the natural birth process.

HPV 33 and pregnancy. Is there a danger?

Why is HPV dangerous during pregnancy? Carrying a fetus is a great stress for the female body. The process of hormonal changes, decreased immunity and rapid weight gain are the main reasons active growth neoplasms. Papillomas appear especially often in places of increased friction.


The clinical picture of papillomas depends on the location of the growths and the type of epithelial damage.

  • New growths that appear on the skin of the face or neck, as a rule, spoil the aesthetic appearance and do not carry any serious consequences.
  • Other types of papillomas, for example, those localized on the laryngeal mucosa, can cause swelling, breathing problems, obstruction, etc.

Papillomas are often injured, for example, by friction with items of clothing, then the neoplasm becomes inflamed and blackens.


Treatment of papillomavirus in young girls and older women is prescribed only after preliminary diagnosis. It consists of the following activities:

  • Diagnosis of papillomavirus begins with a clinical examination to identify the type of papillomas.
  • Next, laboratory tests are prescribed, and the laboratory diagnosis of HPV in men and women is somewhat different.

Both sexes are assigned:

  • PCR diagnostics, which allows you to determine the amount of virus in a scraping taken from areas affected by HPV and identify other STDs;
  • enzyme immunoassay that detects antibodies to the virus;
  • cytological or histological examination;
  • anoscopy, which allows you to examine the perianal area under magnification;
  • Daijin test that identifies the type of HPV.

Women undergo colposcopy and cervical biopsy, and take a PAP test.

How to treat

All questions related to how to treat human papillomavirus in girls and women must be discussed with a doctor.

Modern medicine offers several proven techniques that have helped suppress the active spread of papillomavirus for most women. The success rate of this treatment is 90%. The results of the patient’s tests help determine the treatment regimen. When choosing medications and procedures, attention is paid to the genotype of the papillomavirus.


It is best to fight papillomaris with medicines. They are the ones who prevent the spread of the disease. female body and the appearance of new rashes on the body. The action of medications prescribed for this diagnosis is usually aimed at strengthening the immune system and destroying viral cells. The following performed best pharmaceutical drugs:

  • "Allokin-alpha." This drug belongs to the group of antiviral immunomodulators. It is suitable for women who are sick with a virus with a high oncogenic risk. When the active components of the medicine enter the blood, they begin to fight the pathogen;
  • "Groprinosin". Another effective immunostimulant with a pronounced antiviral effect. These tablets are designed to kill the viral pathogen that is inside the body. In addition, the medication helps eliminate the external manifestations of the disease;
  • "Viferon". The drug is presented in different pharmacological forms. HPV in women can be treated with spray, ointment and suppositories. The immunomodulatory agent has a local effect. It helps stop the spread of the virus and removes its external manifestations. skin;
  • "Genferon." Strongly expressed antiviral drug, which contains interferon. It improves the body’s protective properties well and eliminates the main signs of papillomavirus;
  • "Isoprinosine." An equally effective immunomodulator, which has a fast and sustainable effect. It is intended both for the treatment of papillomavirus and for its prevention. The tablets have a positive effect on the immune system of women.

Sometimes injections are needed to treat HPV. If the analysis shows that the human papillomavirus is present in a woman’s body, she may be prescribed a course of Allokin-alpha injections. This drug enhances the effect of tablets that are necessary to suppress disease activity.

Surgical methods

Surgical methods of treating HPV help to quickly get rid of viral rashes on the skin of the body and face. They are prescribed in combination with medications, since they themselves are not able to influence the activity of the papillomavirus. Hardware procedures are needed only to remove existing growths.

Surgical excision of papillomas is difficult to call effective technique treatment, since in 55% of cases, after removal, rashes reappear at the site of the lesion. Taking medications prescribed by your doctor helps to avoid this.

Helps remove viral growths on the skin and mucous membranes:

  • Electrocoagulation;
  • Radio wave surgery;
  • Cryotherapy;
  • Laser therapy;
  • Surgical removal with a scalpel.

The patient and the doctor must choose the most best option hardware treatment of papillomas.

What is HPV type 58? The abbreviation HPV stands for human papillomavirus. It belongs to the group of epitheliotropic viruses, since it infects epithelial cells in the ectoderm. Its activity extends to the skin, mucous membranes of the genital organs, and oral mucosa. There are several types of the virus, including HPV type 58.

HPV and its types

The particles reach 55 nanometers in diameter and lack an outer shell. The peculiarity of the virus is that it is capable of causing proliferation of the epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes.

Initially, the introduced pathogenic environment invades the basal cells of the skin, where it enters through microcracks. Most often, papillomas are found on the skin of the neck, armpits, groin area and where clothing fits closely to the body.

A common place for papillomas is the mucous membrane of the mouth and genital organs, and the nasopharynx.

The virus may not manifest itself immediately; it is planted for primary reproduction and remains in a chronic form for a long time. Its location in the upper layers of the skin is typical, and HPV-infected integuments begin to gradually grow. This phenomenon is called hyperplasia. With laryngeal papillomatosis, HPV begins activity in the mucous membrane of the throat.

HPV is divided into types; not all of them are equally well studied and can be quickly treated. Virus types are classified as highly oncogenic and low oncogenic. The relationship between HPV and cancer cells lies in the effect of the virus on the human DNA genome.


Today there are several types of diagnosis of human papillomavirus infection. These are colposcopy, cytology, histology, as well as a molecular biological research method.

Women need to be tested for papillomavirus every 3-5 years. This test detects the papillomavirus itself.

Timely diagnosis reduces the percentage of cancer diseases by a thousand times.

Today there are no drugs that treat the virus. There is no pill that you can take and be cured of papillomavirus. But there are drugs that act on immune defense and are capable of adjusting natural immune responses aimed at destroying the papillomavirus.

Simple preventive measures will help women avoid infection with the human papillomavirus:

  1. Get vaccinated. This method of prevention is suitable for those who are not sick. If a woman is diagnosed with the virus, the vaccine will not provide her with adequate protection;
  2. Use contraception in in this case condoms during intimacy with a man;
  3. Avoid excessive use alcoholic drinks and smoking;
  4. Strengthen your immune system. They can help with this vitamin complexes, proper nutrition and warning colds;
  5. Regularly make an appointment with a gynecologist for routine examinations.

Absolutely any woman can become infected with the human papillomavirus. Preventive measures only reduce the chances of infection, which are usually critically high.

If a woman is already sick, then she should start monitoring her more carefully. own health. Such attentiveness will help keep the papillomavirus in dormant mode for a long time.

It is also worth making an appointment with a specialist and asking him to prescribe preventative medications that do not allow the viral pathogen to awaken.

It is possible to avoid the entry of HPV into the human body by observing the following: preventive measures:

  • use a condom during sexual intercourse;
  • stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • increase immunity;
  • visit a gynecologist regularly;
  • get vaccinated in a timely manner.

HPV is considered an insidious infection from which no woman is immune. It is possible to prevent it from entering the body through various preventive measures and by leading a healthy lifestyle. You can find out why papillomavirus is dangerous for a woman from a gynecologist.

In order to avoid infection or activation of a virus, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • avoid contact with people infected with HPV;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene in public places;
  • use the patch when the skin is injured.

Women need to undergo regular preventive examinations with a gynecologist.

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

General information

Viruses these have been known to people for many centuries. In the first century AD, healers knew for sure that pointed condylomas (they were called differently back then) are transmitted sexually. And only at the beginning of the twentieth century it was proven that the reason for the appearance warts And papillomas– virus.

This virus, belonging to the genus papillomaviruses, is transmitted only from one living organism to another. The papilloma virus inhabits exclusively the basal layer of the skin, but its reproduction occurs in the upper layers of the skin. Being in cells for a long time, it causes disruption of their division. It is one of the most common viruses transmitted during sexual intercourse. In a few last decades the number of infected people increased 10 times. The entire life cycle of the virus takes place only inside the cells of the body, but for some time it can also exist in the external environment.

Types of virus

To date, more than a hundred varieties of the virus have been studied. Moreover, approximately forty of them cause the development of condylomas on the genital organs of representatives of both sexes; a large number of varieties of the virus are not harmful to humans at all, but among the papillomaviruses there are also oncogenic ones ( provoking the development of malignant cells).
  • HPV types 1, 2, 3 and 4 cause plantar warts, which are similar to calluses.
  • HPV types 10, 49 and 28 cause the development of flat warts,
  • HPV 27 causes the growth of common warts, as well as “butcher’s warts”,
  • HPV 11, 13, 6, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 provoke the development of genital warts and papillomas on the genitals of women and men,
  • HPV 58, 52, 39, 30, 40, 43, 42, 55, 59, 57, 62, 61, 67 – 70 provoke rashes that are precancerous.

Oncogenic types

According to the likelihood of developing cancer, all human papilloma viruses are divided into several types:
  • Safe: 1 – 3, 5. These types of viruses are completely safe from the point of view of cancer development,
  • Low oncogenic risk: 6, 11, 42 – 44. In some cases ( not too often) these types of viruses can provoke cell mutations,
  • High oncogenic risk: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, 68, 56, 58, 39, 70. There is evidence that when certain factors are combined, these viruses can provoke malignant cell mutations and cause cervical cancer.
Viruses of high oncogenic risk are found in the form of papillomas or genital warts on the genitals of both men and women. If they are detected, you must definitely visit a consultation with an oncologist and eliminate the growths.

The most common types of cancer are types 16 and 18. Two-thirds of cancer patients have one of these types of viruses.

One should not assume that the presence of high oncogenic risk HPV in the blood is an inevitable death sentence. Indeed, the presence of the virus increases the risk of developing precancerous conditions by sixty times. But according to doctors’ estimates, no more than one percent of women who carry the virus are diagnosed with uterine cancer.

IN Lately Scientists have suspicions that HPV provokes not only cancer of the uterus and penis, but also bladder cancer in men. There is an opinion that the virus suppresses the activity of certain genes present in the epithelial cells of the urinary organs and thereby provokes their degeneration.

How is it transmitted?

1. The types of virus that cause the development of genital warts are transmitted mainly through sexual contact, including through anal intercourse, as well as oral sex.
2. The virus is transmitted during childbirth from mother to child. Then the newborn develops papillomas on the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, as well as in the genital area and anus.
3. A household route of infection also exists. That is why the virus is very common, because every third representative of the fairer sex is its carrier. A sign of the presence of a virus is genital warts, papillomas or warts. The virus does not die for a certain time in the external environment, for example, in a swimming pool or shower. Therefore, it can be infected through minor damage to the skin.
4. Self-infection is the transfer of a virus from one part of the body to another during hair removal or shaving.

The virus is very easily transmitted from person to person, therefore, according to American scientists, by the age of 50, eight out of ten women are carriers of the papilloma virus. In the United States alone, six million people are infected with this virus every year!

Diagnostics. What tests and studies can the doctor prescribe?

Diagnostic methods:
  • Patient examination,
  • Colposcopy (make an appointment),
  • Smear cytology (sign up) from the cervix,
  • Tissue histology,
If a virus causes clinical manifestations, they are always very characteristic, and a routine examination is sufficient to identify the virus. If the patient has papilloma or condyloma in the anus or genital area, a cervical examination is prescribed (sometimes the method urethroscopy (sign up)).

Flat warts
They develop when infected with virus types 3 and 5. Flat warts are small growths with a diameter of no more than 3 millimeters, flat. The face and palms are most often affected. Young people are most susceptible to this disease, which is why it is often called juvenile warts. Usually the body copes with the infection on its own.

Plantar warts
They develop when infected with viruses of types 1 and 2 in those places where shoes rub or press on the feet. The skin at the site of the wart becomes thicker, clear boundaries do not have warts. Pressing on a wart causes an unpleasant sensation. Most often, these warts do not go away on their own. They are treated surgically.

There are two types of plantar warts:

  • Those caused by human papillomavirus type 1 grow deep into the tissue, hurt severely,
  • Those caused by HPV 2 resemble growths stuck to each other in the form of a mosaic. They hardly hurt.
Condylomas acuminata
They are provoked by oncogenic viruses types 6, 11. This is the most common type of disease caused by HPV. In men, they are located on the head of the penis, on the foreskin. In women, on the labia, vestibule of the vagina, and on the anus.

Epidermodysplasia verruciformis
Expressed in profuse rashes Pink colour, flat, resembling flat warts in appearance. Teenagers are more susceptible; there is a genetic predisposition to this disease.

There are two forms of epidermodysplasia:

  • It is provoked by high-oncogenic risk HPV types 5, 8 and 47. In nine cases of skin cancer out of ten, this virus is detected.
  • With a low oncogenic risk of types 20, 21, 14, 25. Most often they cause benign neoplasms.
Laryngeal papillomatosis
Develops when infected with virus type 11. Most often transmitted from mother to child during childbirth. However, there is a possibility of transmission through oral sex. Most often, this form of the disease is observed in newborns and children under five years of age. The main signs are: difficulty swallowing, hoarseness of the voice. With abundant formation of papillomas, breathing may worsen.

Bowenoid papulosis
It is provoked by a virus type 16, sometimes 31 - 35, 18, 42, 48, 51 to 54. It usually develops in representatives of the stronger sex who are promiscuous in their sexual partners. It is a semicircular and flat growth with a rough or smooth surface of various colors. Appear both on mucous membranes and on the skin. The disease often goes away on its own.

Specifics of the course in men

The infection may be hidden. Genital papillomas may develop ( genital warts), which threaten the cells to degenerate into malignant intracellular neoplasm of the anus ( rarely) and penis. In addition, cancer of the anus or penis may develop. Men may also have laryngeal papillomatosis in a recurrent form.

Specifics of the course in women

The infection can occur in a latent form, or can cause the development of genital papillomas. Genital warts are observed mainly in women aged 15 to 30 years.

The risk of condylomatosis is 10% in sexually active women. It is advisable to be tested for the presence of the virus from 26 to 28 years of age. At the same time, having contracted the virus in her youth, a woman may not suspect it for decades. And only at the onset of menopause can the virus cause malignancy of the cells of the genital mucosa.

The main danger of developing a disease caused by types 16 and 18 is the development of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer reduces life expectancy by an average of 26 years.
From the point of view of cancer development, only the virus that remains in the body for more than a year becomes dangerous. Therefore, regular examination by a doctor can prevent all negative consequences.

Specifics of the course in children

Under the influence of the virus, warts on the skin and laryngeal papillomatosis ( often in chronic recurrent form), or maybe the virus does not manifest itself at all. Skin warts are found on average in 12 percent of schoolchildren. Among all dermatological diseases in children, these diseases are the most common.

Laryngeal papillomatosis in children is manifested by hoarseness; in severe cases, the voice is completely lost. In addition, children’s respiratory function deteriorates and shortness of breath is observed, especially during active movement. In severe cases, spasms of the larynx can lead to suffocation syndrome, which can be fatal.

Sometimes deterioration in breathing develops against the background of a respiratory disease, moreover, than smaller child, the more severe the disease, since Airways the crumbs are narrow, and there is a lot of loose connective tissue in them. Therefore, they swell quickly, and papillomas grow rapidly.
The disease is easily curable with surgery. Even if the child has papillomas again after removal, they go away with age.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by examining the patient. There is no effective non-surgical treatment for this disease in both children and adults. The only alternative is laser removal. But this method increases the likelihood of malignancy ( malignancy) papillomas.

After the operation, the patient is given one dose of a steroid drug, which will help prevent swelling, and antibiotics are also often prescribed in the postoperative period to prevent the wound from becoming infected, sometimes medications are prescribed arsenic and estrogens. Taking methionine for a month after surgery helps prevent the disease from returning.

Human papillomavirus and pregnancy

Doctors often try to intimidate expectant mothers dire consequences pregnancy due to HPV. However, official medicine does not know of a single proven case that the virus is dangerous for a pregnant woman or for the development of the fetus.
An expectant mother should be wary only if she is diagnosed with genital or anal warts caused by viruses types 11 or 6.

This virus can be transmitted to the baby during childbirth and cause respiratory papillomatosis. And even in this case, doctors are not yet completely sure exactly how the virus is transmitted from mother to fetus: during childbirth, through the placenta or in the postpartum period. Therefore, there is no firm guarantee that delivery by cesarean section can help protect the baby from infection. In this regard, the presence of HPV 6 or 11 in the mother is not a sufficient basis for prescribing a cesarean section.

Caesarean section is prescribed in cases where condylomas can interfere with the expulsion of the fetus or their presence in certain places threatens severe bleeding for the mother. In any case, the expectant mother should be aware of the likelihood of respiratory papillomatosis developing in the baby.
Moreover, any other types of viruses are not dangerous at all for the child and for the course of pregnancy.

Which doctor should I contact if I have human papillomavirus?

Since the human papillomavirus can cause diseases of various organs, if it is present, it is necessary to contact doctors of various specialties, whose competence includes the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies provoked by the virus.

So, if you have vulgar and flat warts on the skin of the body and face, you should contact Dermatologist (make an appointment), which will remove them.

8. Solcoderm – processed once. Up to 0.2 ml of the drug can be applied per treatment. The treated surface area should be less than 5 cm.

9. Cryotherapy. In three to four sessions you can completely get rid of warts and papillomas. But the procedure is quite unpleasant, and a scar may remain at the treatment site.

10. Laser therapy. One to three sessions are required. The disadvantages are the same as with cryotherapy.

Human papillomavirus and folk remedies

1. For warts: cut off the great celandine at the very root and treat the warts with the resulting orange juice several times a day. After it darkens, remove the darkened skin and continue to smear. For some, three days are enough for the wart to completely disappear.
2. Treat warts with dandelion juice twice a day.
3. Pick hare cabbage, make a paste from the leaves and apply compresses to the warts.
4. Collect rowan berries after the first frost, grind them into porridge and make lotions with it. Keep for 6 hours, after which they are removed and immediately made with fresh gruel. In the same way, you can treat warts with garlic and Kalanchoe.
5. Lesser duckweed juice helps not only against warts, but also against papillomas and condylomas.
6. Make a strong infusion of St. John's wort and chamomile ( take in equal quantities) and take baths every day for 15 minutes. Helps with condylomas of the rectum and genital organs.
7. To activate local immunity, wash the genitals with cool water once or twice a day.
8. Take equal amounts of horsetail, nettle, plantain, lemon balm, and dandelion root. Pour three tablespoons of the mixture into 800 ml of water at room temperature, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Then let it cool and leave for 3 hours. Pass through a sieve and consume 3 tbsp orally 30 minutes before meals. infusion three times a day.
9. Crush one clove of garlic in a garlic press, add two teaspoons of rich cream. Use the resulting ointment for lotions. Keep for 3 – 5 hours. To get the effect, continue for 4 weeks.
10. If the papillomas are small, you should take a raw chicken egg, beat it into a glass, and remove the remaining protein from the walls, and use it to treat the papillomas.
11. Take a green apple, squeeze the juice out of it and lubricate the papilloma or condyloma with the juice several times a day. The duration of treatment is at least 10 days.
12. Take a raw onion, soak in 9% vinegar for two hours, cut it and bandage it to the condyloma overnight.
13. Wet each papilloma or wart with water and then treat with ammonia.
14. Apply morning and evening with your own urine.
15. Dilute the ash obtained from burning wood with water to form a cream. Apply this cream once a day to all papillomas and warts.
16. Morning and evening, treat warts with aloe juice.
17. Take some willow bark and boil it in vinegar. Use for treating warts.
18. Take cornflower seeds, grind them into dust and add a little lard to make an ointment. Treat warts with it and make a compress for 3 days. Change compresses without interruption until the wart is completely eliminated.
19. Remove the zest from two lemons, chop finely, place in a glass sealable container and add 100 ml of table vinegar. Keep in a dark place for a week, shaking constantly. Then pass through a sieve and use the liquid to treat papillomas and warts.
20. 100 ml warm water, 1 tbsp. salt, 1 tbsp. vinegar, one pitted and peeled plum. Keep the plum for two hours. Then make a puree from it and attach a compress with it to the wart. Leave for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight. Do this every day until the wart is completely eliminated.
21. Pour 3 tablespoons of wormwood leaves into 200 ml of boiling water, cover the container on top and leave for 2 hours. Every day, treat warts and papillomas with the product once a day.
22. For plantar warts: steam the foot in water with soap and soda, cut off the hard layer from the wart without damaging living tissue, dry the foot, make a compress with a slice of raw meat. The compress should be left for three to four days, but it should not be wetted. After removing the compress, you need to steam your leg again; the wart may fall off immediately. If the wart is large and once is not enough, you need to repeat the procedure several times.
heart and blood vessels.
26. Eat one juniper berry on an empty stomach. It should be chewed very well and swallowed. If there are no discomfort, you can add one berry daily up to 12 pieces, then reduce it to 1 piece and finish the treatment.


  • To prevent infection with sexually transmitted types of HPV, the most effective method is complete abstinence from sexual relations in any form.
  • Reduce the number of sexual partners as much as possible. Ideally, this is one sexual partner for a long time.
  • It is advisable to have sexual partners who have not been promiscuous in the past.
  • You should not rely on a condom, since infection can occur through areas of the body that are not covered by a condom. At the same time, the use of a condom significantly reduces the likelihood of HPV infection.
  • Sexual activity should not begin until the age of 18, when the cervix is ​​already mature enough and its mucous membrane can protect itself.
  • Avoid rough sex and induced abortions. All this negatively affects the condition of the genital organs and reduces antiviral immunity.
  • Timely visits to the doctor and treatment of inflammatory diseases.
  • Sports activities, healthy lifestyle.
  • Those who have people in their family infected with HPV should take special care to monitor their health.
  • Vaccination with a special vaccine against the human papillomavirus.


Depending on the vaccine, vaccination occurs immediately against the four most dangerous types of HPV: 6, 11, 16, 18, or only against two of them: 16 and 18. The vaccine is not live, so it is completely harmless. The types of viruses that the vaccine is effective against can cause cancer of the vagina, cervix, penis and anus.

There is evidence that vaccination also protects against a number of other oncogenic types of the virus. The vaccine cannot be used as a treatment, but only as a preventive measure. There is no need to undergo any special examinations before vaccination.
Vaccination is given to young people of both sexes aged 9 to 17 years, and women up to 26 years old. Research is being conducted on the effectiveness of vaccination among older women.


  • Prevention of cervical cancer,
  • Prevention of cancer of the vagina, vulva, penis in men,
  • Prevention of genital genital warts,
  • Prevention of precancerous diseases,
  • Prevention of laryngeal papillomatosis.
How is vaccination carried out?
The vaccination is done three times. The interval between the first and second is two months, between the second and third is four months. But you can also do it according to a more dense scheme: the second one a month later and the third one two months after the second one. If all three vaccinations have been carried out within 12 months, it is successful and complete. The effectiveness of vaccination ranges from 95 to 100%.

Side effects of vaccination
In isolated cases, there was a deterioration in health in the first three days after vaccination, and a slight increase in body temperature. The vaccine injection site turns slightly red.


  • Individual intolerance to vaccine components ( including aluminum or yeast).
  • Diseases in the acute stage, including exacerbation of chronic ones. Vaccination can begin after the exacerbation has ended or the patient has been cured.
Vaccination should not be carried out during pregnancy.
Vaccination can be carried out while taking oral hormonal contraceptives.
Before use, you should consult a specialist.