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Review of the brick production equipment market. Brick production at a factory and machine. Manufacturing technology. Basic equipment of a brick factory

Listed below are the main suppliers of equipment for the production of wall building materials produced by subsequent heat treatment.

(Note: Similar data on suppliers of equipment for the production of mineral (basalt) wool, stone processing machines, glass production lines and suppliers of cement plants can be viewed in the relevant sections of our website.)

The sample included exactly the enterprises and companies operating in the 3rd quarter of 2015 offering equipment for delivery: from individual machines, units or components, to a “turnkey plant” intended for the production of facing bricks, tiles, clinker paving slabs, porous blocks, facing tiles, glass, mineral basalt wool, stone processing, etc.
This time, the list of suppliers of equipment for brick production does not include a large number of representatives of the PRC. But not because of any bias towards them or any special status, but only because in China you can find appropriate suppliers with 100% probability, but in other countries this is quite problematic; although, it should be noted honestly, the quality is significantly superior to Chinese offers (with the exception of a few companies). However, even with all this, the Chinese market has provided the predominant number of potential representatives.

During your search, you can, using the information provided below, directly contact the appropriate automatic line supplier, or entrust this mission (or part of it - at the preliminary approval stage) to our Company. We already have established relationships with all of the listed enterprises, so we can SIGNIFICANTLY speed up the process of resolving any questions you may have.

So, the main equipment suppliers and brief reviews about them (the review is purely subjective and does not pretend to contain statistical data and conclusions):

An operating company, however, they prefer to work primarily in China. There are problems with English- and Russian-speaking staff, and therefore there may be some difficulties with communication.
Foshan Tech-Leader Machinery Equipment co., LTD (China)
Operating company. He makes contact well. The company can work together with German companies specializing in equipment for the production of clay bricks.
Changsha Golden Bay Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd (China)
Same as ZHENGZHOU YINGFENG MACHINERY, specializes mainly in the Chinese market, as well as in India and the African continent.
It should be taken into account that machines designed for the production of clay bricks are not the main specialization of this company.
Shandong Mechanical Company "COSMEC" LLC (China)
The company specializes in the supply of mini-factories and automatic lines for the production of bricks and porous clay blocks.
The factory has consultants who speak Russian (note: upon your request, we can provide the necessary contact information).
Currently, the company actually sells only the equipment that is under its control: extruders, conveyors, automatic control systems, etc.
The production capacity of the plant (brick production, weight) is 160-180 tons/8 hours.
Hebi HeLong Special Machinery Co.,Ltd (China)
The factory specializes in the production of equipment intended for the production of so-called. honeycomb ceramics. Has its own production of extruders and mixers wide range appointments.
However, the possibility of supplying the entire line - a turnkey plant - has not yet been clarified.
Shuangyashan-East Wall Materials Group LLC (China)
In fact, this is a group of companies that provides comprehensive supplies of both main components for lines for the production of bricks and porous blocks, and implements solutions for the construction of brick factories.
The company employs specialists who speak spoken Russian.
The Chinese factory is quite flexible in cooperation. Works "in conjunction" with German companies (in particular withTecton).
Capable of supplying and installing an automatic line for the production of facing bricks good quality.
The company has Russian-speaking staff.
Wangda Machinery Factory (China)
A machine-building plant specializing in the production of vacuum equipment (extruders) intended for brick factories, as well as furnaces and transport equipment.
At present, there is no confirmation of the capabilities of this plant to implement the supply, installation and launch of turnkey brick production.
Gongyi Zhongfang Manufacturing Co.,Ltd (China)
It is positioned as an enterprise with 30 years of experience, producing equipment for making clay bricks and supplying it to countries adjacent to China.
However, there are no reviews about this company.
Gongyi Zhengtai Machinery Factory (China)
A Chinese company seeking to enter the international market, offering appropriate equipment for the production of clay wall products.
Equipment capabilities - good quality ordinary bricks and porous blocks.
TECTON GmbH (Germany)
Supply of automatic lines for the production of facing bricks and porous blocks.
Design and installation of a full cycle brick factory.
The company employs employees who provide consultations in Russian.
A company that designs, supplies, installs and subsequently maintains a brick factory with an automatic control system. The supplied lines allow us to produce good quality facing bricks of various sizes and shapes.
Preference is given to already established and tested equipment options. Judging by the reviews, they are reluctant to embrace various kinds of innovations in production.
Staff speaking Russian - yes.
Ar-sanmakina (Türkiye)
Manufacturing and supply of equipment intended for the production of facing bricks and tiles. Main regions of supply: domestic market, Iran, Tunisia, Algeria.

Ceramic brick production process

Brick has been produced for more than a thousand years, and the very essence of the process has not changed at all, while the level of technology has reached a completely different level.

Let's consider the production process of ordinary ordinary ceramic bricks. It begins with obtaining the necessary clay of different fat contents. After this, it is delivered to the factory, crushed, moistened and left to settle for several days so that it acquires a homogeneous mass. After this, it is cleaned of stones and other foreign impurities. This is usually achieved by passing the clay through a system of rubber rollers with spiral edges to remove lumps and such. After cleaning Various types clay material is mixed to obtain the required consistency and properties of the future brick. The formed mass enters a belt press, where it is cut into fragments and placed on special wooden frames, leaving a small distance between the forms. The result is a “raw” product, which enters a sealed heated drying chamber. There are chambers with natural and artificial heating. In the first case, the process is delayed and depends on too many factors that are difficult to take into account in large-scale production, so automatic artificial systems are more often used. Their essence lies in the fact that heated air from the furnaces enters the chamber. At the same time, its temperature gradually increases to 400 degrees, due to which the raw material is dried evenly. After drying, the workpieces enter the oven, where at a temperature of about 1000 degrees they are already transformed into full-fledged bricks. Products with cracks, pores or voids are rejected, because with a sharp change in weather conditions they can collapse and worsen appearance and the strength of the future building.

Modern brick is very diverse. There are many for different uses.

We represent the interests of the largest engineering company in China, which produces equipment for the production of bricks, including brick production lines, as well as turnkey brick factories.

Brick factory projects:

Project for the construction of a plant for 30 million bricks (file.doc 692 kb.)

Project for the construction of a plant for 50 million bricks (file.doc 693 kb.)

Business plans for brick factories:

Business plan for a turnkey brick factory with a capacity of 50 million bricks per year with a high degree of automation production process. (file.doc 693 kb.)

Business plan for a plant using gas equipment for the production of kiln bricks for 15 million units/year. (file.doc 191 kb)

Business plan for a plant using gas equipment for the production of kiln bricks for 30 million pcs./year. (file.doc 209 kb)

Business plan for a plant using coal-fired equipment for the production of kiln bricks for 30 million units/year.

- quite a profitable business, because construction industry is developing rapidly, and the demand for bricks is constantly growing. Business will be profitable when your enterprise can provide self-production products, and for this it is necessary to purchase special equipment for brick production.

They often start their business as a business in a garage, but if you take the business seriously, you should start with a detailed business plan, as well as planning all stages of production.

Types of bricks and manufacturing technology

There are 3 main types of brick:

  1. Private;
  2. Facial;
  3. Special:
  • decorative;
  • ceramic;
  • clinker;
  • refractory;
  • thermal insulation;
  • acid-resistant.

There are 2 main types of production:

  1. Using firing technology

The extracted clay is transported to the facility where it passes through destoning rollers and then into a box feeder. The clay goes through a grinding process. The processed material is passed through flexible rollers and enters a belt press. After this, the brick is cut from the clay belt using a cutting machine and sent to the lining wooden frames. The packaged products are sent to a drying chamber, and then to a ring or tunnel oven for firing (temperature about 1,000 °C).

  1. No firing

The method involves the use of hyper- or tribo-compression - welding of mineral bulk materials under high pressure. The process requires binders with water and is completed by ripening in a warehouse for about 5 days.

The material is crushed to 3 - 5 mm, and then sent to the receiving hopper through the supply hopper along a belt conveyor. It enters the concrete mixer, where it is mixed with cement. Then, along a belt conveyor, it enters the formation installation through a two-arm chute. After going through the pressing process, the products are placed on pallets on which they are kept for up to 7 days.

List of main equipment

Even if the company has just opened, you need standard equipment.

Technical resources include:

  • forming installation or – RUB 3,700,000;
  • press;
  • two-arm estrus;
  • (with a capacity of 0.5 cubic meters) – 350,000 rubles;
  • drying chamber (capacity up to 170,000 pieces) - about 2,000,000 rubles;
  • bunker of inert materials (for large production you will need 5 pieces) - 100,000 rubles / piece;
  • cement bunker (3 pcs required) – RUB 50,000/pc.
  • cement dispenser;
  • feeder-dispenser;
  • screw conveyor;
  • belt conveyor;
  • receiving and supply bins;
  • skip hoists;
  • mobile compressor device;
  • steam chamber;
  • bolt;
  • crusher;
  • technological pallets.

Press selection

Equipment for a brick factory includes a press. There are several options you can choose from.

Press “Vector”– brick equipment operating using the method of semi-dry hyperpressing. Suitable for firing and non-firing methods. Works automatically. Produces: solid, hollow and shaped bricks.

The press can work with the “Pre-pressing” and “Shaking” modes. Does not require additional adjustment work.

Press “Viking”– a device that works using the method of semi-dry hyperpressing (with or without firing). Includes setup, manual and automatic operating modes.

Characteristics / Model"Vector""Viking"
Productivity, pcs/h480 - 600 500
Maximum force, tn250 173
Maximum product size, mm250x250x90250x120x140
Installed power, kW30 30
Overall dimensions, mm1600x1600x22002000x2000x2800
price, rub.3 740 000 4 950 000

Bunker dispenser and steaming complex

– equipment for brick production to weigh and measure bulk materials.

Equipment includes:

  • weighing dispenser;
  • strain gauges;
  • connecting box;
  • controller;
  • imaging device;
  • pneumatic cylinder;
  • cylinder position sensors;
  • pneumatic distributor;
  • vibrator.

Additionally, it can be equipped with belt and screw conveyors.


  • Dimensions: 1,100 x 950 x 1,915 mm.
  • Hopper volume, cubic meters: 0.55
  • Weight, kg: 390
  • Maximum weight of material for weighing, kg: 2,700
  • Cost, rub.: 206,250

Woodpecker or Woodpecker semi-automatic– a machine for the production of bricks that cuts products to obtain a decorative surface.

Productivity: 200 – 600 pcs./hour

Electric motor power: 2.2 – 5.5 kW

Price depending on the model: 110,000 – 226,875 rubles.

Steaming complex– equipment for heat-wet processing to give the product strength. Productivity is up to 12,000 pcs. per day.


  • steaming chamber;
  • electric generator;
  • pallets.

Price – RUB 3,232,760.

Complete production line

Pay attention to the professional equipment of the workshop, such as RK_mini_01 “Russian swing”. This equipment is ideal for mini-production producing bricks from clay and cement.

The process occurs due to high pressure and significantly saves cement consumption.


  • payback in 12 months;
  • servicing is carried out by 2 workers;
  • automatic operating mode;
  • possibility of transportation;
  • possibility to install optional equipment(belt conveyor, vibrating sieve, concrete mixer).


  • productivity – 500 bricks per 1 hour;
  • finished product size – 250 x 120 x 65 mm;
  • power – 3 kW;
  • voltage – 380 V;
  • equipment dimensions – 1,039 x 770 x 1,301 mm;
  • weight – 450 kg.

Video: making bricks from clay

Starting from April 2015 . Russian production ceramic bricks fell until May 2017, then a rebound began. The situation in this market is reflected in a table compiled according to Rosstat data.

The leaders in the production of these products are LLC LSR. Wall, LLC Wienerberger Brick, LLC OSMIBT, OJSC Slavic Brick, JSC Norsky Ceramic Plant, OJSC Golitsyn Ceramic Plant.

In June 2017, the production of ceramic bricks increased by 9% compared to May 2017, but compared to June 2016 it shows a negative trend of 5%. Experts note a direct correlation with the cement market. We also note that brick, unlike building stones made of gas silicate or aerated concrete, can be stored for years in open areas, so many brick factories operate in warehouses even with a decrease in demand.


January - June 2017

Production volume, million conventional units bricks

Growth rate, % y/y

At the same time, in Russia, due to the gigantic size of the country, there are several regional markets. The fact is that rail transportation of bricks over 1000 km loses all economic sense, but if you use road transport - no more than 300-400 km.

The largest share of ceramic non-refractory building bricks (million standard bricks) of the total volume in the first half of 2017, as in 2016, was produced and sold in the Central Federal District, which is the largest regional market. We are talking about the most prosperous Russian regions - Moscow and St. Petersburg, the Volga region and the center of the Black Earth Region.

The greatest demand for ceramic bricks as a percentage of the total volume is observed in the Kaliningrad region, where construction from this wall material accounts for 45% of all new housing construction. Residents of this enclave prefer to buy apartments with autonomous gas equipment or in brick houses no higher than 9 floors. Most developers react to this regional specificity, explaining it by the fashion for German houses.

On average across the country, the share of housing construction made from “red” brick remains at 18.7-18.8% and ranks second after monolithic housing construction.

A more “gloomy” picture is observed in sand-lime brick. For the first half of 2017, its production volume is estimated at 1,012 million conventional units. bricks, or 11% less than in the same period a year earlier. But what’s interesting is that in the Ural and Siberian federal districts Last year's production figures for this building material have been maintained.

The average factory cost of sand-lime brick in Russia (excluding VAT and delivery) remained at the level of summer 2016 and amounted to approximately 5,900 rubles/thousand. PC. This most likely indicates zero profitability of production, which is a harbinger of bankruptcy.

The negative impact in national brick production is due to two factors: a reduction in demand for housing due to falling income levels and, as a consequence, a decrease in investment in fixed assets. At the same time the Ministry economic development predict an increase in investment in fixed assets of at least 2.7% per year in the period 2017-2020. This is due to the rising cost of oil on world markets and the adaptation of the Russian economy to Western sanctions.

Confirming the forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development, Rosstat has already recorded an increase in volume construction work: in May by 3.8%, in June - by 5.3%. The situation on the mortgage market and the revenue of developers are also improving.

As a result of this revival in the market, there is a restructuring of a significant number of brick manufacturers who began to change their norms of behavior with customers. It is noted that customers have become more discerning and literate, and they are no longer able to sell bad products, as was the case five years ago.

However, the current improvement will not give respite to everyone. Brick factories with energy-intensive technologies, which are characterized by worn-out equipment, are unlikely to be able to use it. There are about 33% of enterprises that still feel very bad. There is a high probability that they will go bankrupt in the next two to three years. If this happens, then Russian builders will already be faced with an acute shortage of this environmentally friendly wall material in 2020.

In general, the situation in this market can be characterized by a well-known expression, slightly paraphrased: saving the “drowning” brick factories is the job of the “drowning” ones, especially since the storm subsides.

Entrepreneurs, both new and experienced, are wise to pay attention to the construction market. Every year it develops more and more, so any product intended for this market will be in demand. Today in this article we will talk about how to set up your own brick production.

There is a stable demand for bricks in any season, so producing it is quite profitable. And although there are now a lot of competitors in the construction brick production market, the increase in the pace of construction gives potential entrepreneurs the opportunity to work for the future. By the way, experts predict for the next few years that the annual growth rate of the brick market will be approximately 4-5%.


From the very beginning, you need to find a room that will be suitable for brick production. It is necessary to look for a workshop whose minimum size is at least 500 square meters to completely and without any problems place the brick production line. It is clear that this premises can be rented rather than purchased. Abandoned workshops, factories, factories, country warehouses, etc. are ideal for this. The rent for such premises will not be very high.

Note that brick production, unlike other industries, does not require a mandatory connection to the sewerage system, which will save a lot of money, time and effort.

A brick production facility should ideally consist of three zones (raw material warehouse, production workshop, finished product warehouse) with a ceiling height of no lower than five meters. It is better, of course, to choose a building so that the ceiling height is even higher.


Brick can be divided according to the following criteria:

  • According to its composition and technology - ceramic, silicate, acid-resistant, clinker, brick - expanded clay;
  • By size - single, one and a half, double and non-standard;
  • By purpose - for facing, construction and special;
  • In terms of strength - solid (voids no more than 45% of the volume), hollow (voids no more than 13% of the total volume);
  • According to the type of surface - smooth, embossed, and with a chipped surface;
  • In terms of frost resistance, there are grades F15, F25, F30, F50, F100;
  • In terms of water absorption, the designation of this indicator should be in the range from 6 to 16%. The highest indicator is determined for clinker bricks.

Brick production equipment

After searching for a room and preparing it for use, you need to start purchasing necessary equipment for production:

  • Mixer. Used for mixing clay mass.
  • Slurry strip cutting machine. The resulting mixture is cut into strips.
  • Automatic machine for cutting raw bricks. The resulting strips are cut into raw bricks.
  • Bake. It is usually built, not sold. But there are also ready-made options on sale, although they are small. An oven is not required when using the hyper-compression method in production (see below).
  • Dryers. They come in tunnel and chamber types. Dryers are not required with the traditional firing-only production method.
  • Trolleys, trolleys and so on.

This list can, of course, be supplemented with various automatic developments, but above is the most basic thing you need.

Manufacturing methods

As you know, brick is produced in several ways and sometimes using different equipment.

Manufacturing methods:

  • By plastic formation method. The finished mixture is cut into raw bricks and allowed to dry. After drying, they are fired. This method considered the most expensive. It is economically feasible to use it for the annual production of over 30 million bricks.
  • By hyperpressing method. This method of brick production is considered to be relatively new, producing high-quality products. It is economically feasible to use it for the annual production of over 20 million bricks. It requires a stationary vibration press. An automatic press like this costs from 1 million rubles. Read more about hyperpressed brick.
  • Traditional firing method. This production method is considered the most ancient of all the above methods and, accordingly, the cheapest. It is economically feasible to use it for the annual production of over 400 thousand bricks.

Nowadays hyperpressed brick is in high consumer demand; it is distinguished by its chemical composition and the production process.

The method of producing bricks depends only on how much financial resources you are willing to invest in production. To start the first type of brick production, you need about 100 million rubles. To start the second type – 10 million rubles. To start the third type – 2 million rubles.

After determining the type of equipment that will be used in the business, you need to find its supplier. Today this will not be difficult, because... equipment of this type is sold in almost every region. You just need to remember that by purchasing it from reliable and trusted suppliers who are located near you, you make your life easier. Firstly, it will make commissioning work easier. And, secondly, in the future it will significantly simplify Maintenance your factory.

If we consider a brick production line, it consists of a screen, a crusher, a receiving hopper, a concrete mixer, a molding unit, a two-arm chute, a lift, a compressor, and an output hopper.

In order to operate the line, you will need four workers, even though the brick production is semi-automated. Believe me, there is enough work for everyone.

Based on practice, a brick production plant pays for itself in one to three years. It all depends on the type of production. As you can see, this business has serious prospects due to its profitability.

Home production

This type of activity can be organized at home. Making bricks at home will require very little effort from you. To see this, we suggest you watch a video on this topic:

This kind of brick is perfect for buildings on your site, and the equipment for it will cost you very little.