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Drink from Ivan tea: healthy, tasty, profitable. Tea factory equipment Ready-made mini tea production lines

Why buy imported teas, the quality of which we are not sure of, if you can brew a delicious drink from local herbs? Ivan-tea or narrow-leaved fireweed is a perennial medicinal plant, which is used as an anti-inflammatory agent in folk medicine. Fireweed flowers are excellent honey plants, and the drink made from dried leaves has an exquisite taste. In our country for last years demand for natural products Therefore, the production of fireweed tea has become a profitable business.

Benefits of fireweed tea

Unlike Indian tea, fireweed does not contain caffeine, so it can be drunk by almost anyone and at any time of the day. Thanks to the cellular composition of the leaves, a drink from this plant tones the body and calms nervous system and relieves headaches. It is also recommended to drink it when colds, stomach ulcers and even cancer.

The healing properties of fireweed tea are explained by the content of a number of microelements and vitamins in it (it contains 6 times more vitamin C than lemon). It is also interesting that the plant does not lose its properties with any treatment of the leaves.

The fireweed drink has excellent taste, color and aroma.

Also, fireweed tea goes well with other plants: mint, chamomile and lemon balm. You can find more than 15 varieties of fireweed-based tea on the market. As we can see, the production of fireweed tea in Russia is a good alternative to importing flavored analogues.

Organization of production

Fireweed is a wild herb that grows in natural biocenoses, so to begin with it can be collected and processed manually without any investment. One person can collect up to 30 kg of plants per day, but these are too small volumes to build a serious business on. Since there are simply no wholesale suppliers of fireweed tea, you can hire pickers or buy raw materials in nearby villages, and then process it yourself. But there is a risk that the plants will not be collected in accordance with the technology: they need to be collected only during flowering, in the morning, when the leaves are dry, without dew.

To be able to control the harvesting process, some entrepreneurs buy a large plot of land, sow it with fireweed seeds, grow plants, hire and train people to harvest the harvest; They themselves process the collected raw materials. Thus, the full production cycle occurs under the supervision of specialists, and this guarantees the receipt of high-quality raw materials with the best taste and healing properties.

Manufacturing technology

The first stage in the production of fireweed tea is the collection of leaves. It is carried out in late June–early August during flowering, which depends on the climatic conditions of a particular region. Harvested leaves must be processed immediately so that they do not darken and lose their beneficial properties. To produce different types of tea, you can harvest other herbs, and also use Various types fermentation.

Tea leaf processing

Leaf processing consists of 7 stages:

  1. Preparation. The leaves are sorted, getting rid of debris and rot.
  2. Drying. The raw materials are transferred to a dark place and left for a day until they become more elastic.
  3. Curling or fragmentation. The leaves are processed, during which the plant releases juice to allow the tea polyphenols to react with enzymes. To obtain granulated tea, use a meat grinder.
  4. Fermentation. This is the main stage of leaf processing, which determines the type of tea and its taste properties. Leaves are stacked on wooden pallets or aluminum sheets in a cool, dark place. At this time, enzymes destroy oxalic acid. Depending on the degree of fermentation, different types of tea can be obtained using special equipment.
  5. Drying. Fermented leaves are dried in the oven for 0.5–2 hours. This process produces leaves with 2–5% moisture content.
  6. Tracking. Dry leaves are left for some time so that they acquire a tea color and acquire a characteristic aroma.
  7. Fractionation. This stage is used only in large productions. Large leaves are packaged, and small leaves are sent to the production of tea bags.

Tea varieties

As we have already said, using various fermentation methods, you can get different varieties tea. These include:

  • weakly fermented (green, yellow, white tea);
  • semi-fermented (red, blue tea);
  • fermented (black tea);
  • over-fermented (pu-erh teas - elite class teas).

The assortment can also be diversified by adding various herbs and flavorings to the fireweed. But experts recommend starting with making classic tea in order to thoroughly master the production technology.

Tea production as a business

You need to enter the market with a quality product, so you must gain experience in production. If you have mastered the technology of making fireweed tea and want to make it your business, you can start registering your business.

Business registration

To produce tea for sale, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC - if you are planning large-scale production. In this case, it is advisable to register your own brand and logo, and create a corporate label design.

To sell your products, you will need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and certify each batch of tea. In the future, you can register the products as dietary supplements and sell them in pharmacies and sanatoriums.


For industrial production of fireweed, you will need special equipment:

  • blending drum (mixer);
  • rollers;
  • oven or drying chamber;
  • Packaging equipment.

Equipment for the production of fireweed tea is almost impossible to buy in Russia, so it must be ordered from other countries.

You can save a lot by buying an entire line, the price of which depends on the configuration, power and automation and amounts to 1–2 million rubles.

Standard equipment:

  • apparatus for cutting leaves;
  • drying machine;
  • rollers;
  • apparatus for breaking lumps;
  • fermentation machine;
  • Dryer;
  • bake;
  • packaging machine.

To produce tea bags you will need to purchase a separate unit.


For a tea business, the first thing you will need is leaf pickers. One worker must collect six bags of raw materials per day, the payment for which is about 800 rubles. Operators are hired to process the leaves. Since the equipment for the production of fireweed tea is automated and easy to operate, the qualifications of workers are not particularly important.

You need to select a technologist with special care, because the quality of the product depends on him. His responsibilities include developing tea varieties and monitoring all stages of production. An experienced engineer is also needed to monitor the operation of all machines and control the work as a whole.

The staff may also include electricians and mechanics to repair equipment, but if you are planning a small production, you can use their services as needed, without registering them with your company.

Sales market

Natural tea is in great demand. But despite this, you need to carefully plan your marketing policy. First, work with private shops and small shops. If you manage to build a good reputation with consumers, you can target large retail chains. A good option would be to open branded stores. Restaurants, canteens, fitness centers, sanatoriums, pharmacies and vitamin shops can also become potential clients.

IN Lately More and more manufacturers are selling their goods via the Internet. You can sell products using classified sites or your own online store. It is also helpful to attend various festivals and fairs where you can promote your product by hosting tastings and retail sales.

Expenses and income

For large-scale production, you need to purchase equipment for at least 1 million rubles. Registration, certification and purchase of packaging will cost approximately 100 thousand rubles. per month. You also need to consider the payout wages, utilities, rent and equipment repairs.

The cost of tea depends on the degree of fermentation and the presence of additives in it and ranges from 800–1300 rubles/kg. This is about 50% more than the actual cost. The production of fireweed tea as a business has a profitability of at least 40%. Experienced entrepreneurs have concluded that with good organization of work, such a business pays for itself in about a year.

Professional equipment for the production of Ivan tea: Video

Ivan tea, also known as fireweed, Koporye tea, was used as a drink and medicinal infusion in Rus'. Its merits were also appreciated in Europe. But with the entry of Indian tea into the market, fireweed was forgotten. Today, concern for health has made many remember the miracle herb, and the production of Ivan tea at home is of great interest.

Reasons for popularity

Ivan tea in science is called “angustifolia fireweed”. The flowers of the plant are a good honey plant, so growing it at home in non-industrial conditions can act as a supplement to honey production.

The drink made from fireweed has pleasant taste, color and aromatic properties.

It is easy to combine with other plants from the medicinal family - mint, oregano, chamomile. Fireweed is very combinatorial, which has allowed manufacturers to produce about 15 varieties of the finished drink today.

Studies have established that Ivan tea is rich in vitamins and microelements. Unlike green tea, fireweed does not contain caffeine. However, this does not deprive the drink of its tonic properties; First of all, it is recommended for use by people suffering from cancer spectrum diseases.

Ivan-tea is not medicine, so you can use it on an ongoing basis.

Organizing a business

The specifics of building a business activity are determined by the available capital investments and opportunities. The plant is often found in the wild, making hand collection possible. With one person who has experience in this activity, it is possible to prepare about 30 kg of raw materials. However, due to the small volumes, the production of Ivan tea as a business will not be practical.

Another option is to organize the purchase of raw materials. The entrepreneur dries and ferments, that is, takes on the main stages of working with the initial material. The disadvantage is that in our country there are no companies that specialize in wholesale Ivan-tea.

Of course, you can distribute purchase announcements among residents of villages near which fireweed grows. But in this case, it is impossible to guarantee exact compliance with technological requirements and procurement rules. In particular, a prerequisite is to collect the plant exclusively in the morning, but there should be no dew on the leaves. Violation of this rule negatively affects the natural and taste qualities of the finished tea.

Due to these difficulties, the production of Ivan tea in Russia is still at the development stage. Orientation towards a full cycle system, especially one conducted exclusively on our own, according to experts, is economically unjustified.

Manufacturing technology

Collecting leaves is the first step. The time period for harvesting is from the last days of June to the beginning of August. Specific dates to be determined climatic conditions, in which it is organized entrepreneurial activity. Raw materials are placed in bags and processed as soon as possible - when long-term storage fireweed leaves begin to darken and lose their beneficial properties.

Technologically, the production of the drink is similar to the production of tea from any other leaf. Therefore, the equipment used for the production of Ivan tea is identical.


  1. Raw materials are sorted and debris is removed. The leaves should be washed thoroughly and then dried in a place where light does not reach.
  2. The resulting material is thoroughly ground until juice appears. You can use a meat grinder. It should be remembered that it is not recommended to freeze the leaves, since after defrosting most of them useful qualities will collapse. This step can be skipped if the goal is not to obtain granulated tea.
  3. Withering. The leaves are placed in a thoroughly ventilated, darkened room for a period of 10 to 24 hours. The use of special drying chambers will reduce this time to 5-8 hours. This length is enough for the material to lose a little more than half of the moisture, becoming elastic, but not brittle.
  4. Twisting. Allows the mixing of enzymes and polyphenyls contained in the leaf. This stage is extremely important for high-quality, proper fermentation. The procedure is carried out either manually or using special equipment.
  5. Fermentation. You will need a room with a constant low, but not sub-zero temperature. Light should not penetrate into it, either natural or artificial. The sheets are laid out on wooden pallets or aluminum sheets. The process allows you to destroy oxalic acid and activate beneficial substances. For getting best result It is recommended to use special equipment that allows you to adjust the degree of fermentation.
  6. Drying. Lasts from 20 minutes to 2 hours. For this stage of Ivan-tea production, special equipment is needed - drying cabinets.

Required documents

To produce Ivan tea in Russia, registration is required either as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or as an LLC. The choice is determined by the size of the company. Beginners should give preference to the first option.

The next stage is obtaining permission. To do this, you must go through the procedure of approving the recipe and technical specifications in Rospotrebnadzor.


You will have to resort to hired labor if you plan to use the equipment. If we are talking about manual labor, then the need for hiring arises only in cases of large volumes of products.

It will not be possible to do without a raw material collector. With a daily norm of 6 bags for work, he should receive approximately 800 rubles.


Since the development of production in Russia is at an extremely low level, this explains the small number of stores specializing in the sale of the necessary equipment. Therefore, it is better to look for equipment for the production of Ivan tea through foreign companies.

Financial questions

Opening a home business for the production of Ivan tea will cost about 100 thousand rubles. Approximately a third of the amount will be spent on obtaining certificates and permits. The remaining funds will be spent on purchasing:

  • labels;
  • packaging materials;
  • tools;
  • equipment.

If large volumes are planned and powerful production equipment is needed, the amount of starting capital should be in the range of 0.5-1 million rubles.

As for profitability, you need to count on the fact that one pack of Ivan tea contains no more than 100 g of raw materials (ramming will lead to loss of presentation). Its market value ranges from 400 to 500 rubles.

How to sell

Restaurants and cafes specializing in preparing dishes from local products can become consumers of the product. It would be useful to take part in thematic fairs and festivals. This will help form a customer base and expand the sales market. Promotions are recommended in which you are offered to try and purchase the product. You should add as friends those event organizers who advocate promoting healthy image life.

Fitness centers, sanatoriums, and pharmacies can become consumers of medicinal tea. Some entrepreneurs are launching online trading.

Estimated assortment

You should start a business with ordinary varieties. This will allow you to study the production technology in detail. After gaining experience and forming a certain customer base, you can try your hand at expanding the product line. For example, offer consumers a mixture with aromatic plants and/or dried berries.

The range can also be expanded by using various fermentation methods in production. In other words, the consumer can be offered different types of tea depending on the degree of fermentation:

  • green, white, yellow - the result of a low degree of fermentation;
  • red, purple, blue – half;
  • black – full;
  • pu-erhs are over-fermented.

The easiest way to determine the demand for a particular variety is at a public tasting.

From Kiprey to Ivan-chai. All stages of production: Video

Many enterprising businessmen have already turned their attention to the field of manufacturing natural products. And for good reason - today it is in high demand among the population, due to the dominance of low-quality artificial products. And when looking for an idea of ​​just such an orientation, it is worth thinking about buying equipment for the production of Ivan tea and starting its mass production. Ivan tea has long been called “Russian tea”. This plant was previously exported abroad in large quantities. From the dried stems, leaves and flowers of fireweed, you can get a delicious drink, which is also famous for its beneficial properties– prevention of many diseases, sedative.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 0 rub.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 4/10.

The production of Ivan tea as a business will be beneficial to the entrepreneur from the point of view that it will not require large investments. Let's say more - you can get the finished product right at home, without spending money on purchasing special equipment. Making fireweed tea at home is not at all difficult, and by following the technology, the output can be a product that is no different in quality from what is produced in a full-fledged factory.

Will activity registration be required?

Whether it is worth registering your activities depends on the circumstances. If an entrepreneur sells only surpluses from his own subsidiary plot, and the sale of Ivan tea is carried out only to friends and close neighbors, then it is hardly worth spending money on completing a package of documents. But with non-certified products, it is definitely not possible to enter larger sales markets and conclude profitable supply contracts! Do you want to deliver a high-quality product, with labels and packaged in original containers, to store shelves? Then, observing all the rules prescribed by law, you will have to start registering your activities. In order to produce granulated Ivan tea, since we are talking about the food industry, you will need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor to conduct activities and certify the products planned for release. Also, an entrepreneur may think about obtaining a special certificate for the production of a line of healthy teas as dietary supplements.

It does not matter what organizational and legal form the entrepreneur chooses to conduct business. To avoid paperwork, you can first register an individual entrepreneur.

A mini plant for the production of Ivan tea will supply original products to store shelves if you register your own brand. Here you have to develop your own logo and label design.

What range of products can be produced?

While the technology is just being mastered, the entrepreneur can only produce regular tea. But as practice shows, the product is also in demand on the market in a mixture with other components - dried berries and leaves of currants, raspberries, and lemongrass. There are a lot of variations, and to diversify the assortment, you can expand the product line.

There is one more classification. Depending on the fermentation conditions of Ivan tea, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Weakly fermented - white, yellow, green.
  • Semi-fermented - red, purple, blue.
  • Fermented - black.
  • Over-fermented - pu-erh.

And even fermenting Ivan tea at home will allow you to get the output different types product.

Where to get raw materials?

The raw material for the production of natural tea is the fireweed plant. Surely everyone has seen it on own dacha or in a field - very often it grows like a weed. It turns out that there is plenty of raw material for further production. Of course, it is useless to look for dried leaves from suppliers - the collection and preparation of Ivan tea is, as a rule, carried out on one’s own.

Depending on the specific region, plants are collected between June and August. Moreover, it is better to pick plants early in the morning - when the dew has just evaporated.

If you believe experts in this field, it is quite possible to collect up to 5 kg of fresh raw materials in an hour. But the preparation of fireweed leaves must be done in a timely manner, because if you leave it in bags for a long time, the leaves will begin to darken and lose their beneficial properties.

To obtain tea at home, you can collect plants yourself. But if we talk about industrial scale release, then, in order not to miss the time of harvesting Ivan tea and in a short time to provide the enterprise with large reserves of raw materials, it cannot do without additional labor. Hired workers can be paid by the volume of collected raw materials or by the hour.

Tea production technology

The production technology of Ivan tea is very simple. And in industrial conditions the process is almost completely automated.

What stages can be distinguished here?

  • Withering. Removing moisture from leaves to create optimal conditions for further processing of raw materials.
  • Preparation of raw materials. Leaves, stems and flowers are cleared of debris and, if necessary, sorted.
  • Curling of leaves. The goal is to destroy the cell walls and give the leaves the desired shape.
  • Aerobic fermentation. Keeping leaves under certain temperature and humidity conditions.
  • Drying. The goal is to complete the fermentation process.
  • Roasting. Processing a product under certain conditions to impart its final properties.
  • Package. The product can be packaged in containers of any size.

And at home it’s not difficult to get the finished product. To do this, freshly picked and slightly dried plants need to be crushed in your hands so that the leaves release juice. It is also possible to ferment Ivan tea through a meat grinder. And this option is even better, since all biochemical processes will proceed much faster in the future. Wet leaves are “packed” in gauze and placed under pressure in a dark place (up to 2 days). Next, the leaves of Ivan tea are dried. This can be done outdoors in partial shade or in the oven.

What equipment is used to produce fireweed?

If we talk about home business, then in the process of obtaining the finished product you can use available “equipment” - knives, meat grinder, oven, baking sheets, containers. But the industrial method will definitely require special machines, since considerable volumes of raw materials will be processed here. The price of equipment for making Ivan tea will vary in a wide range (800,000-2,000,000 rubles), depending on the power, degree of automation and configuration.

The complete line includes the following names of machines and devices:

  • leaf cutting machine,
  • curing machine,
  • rollerballs,
  • tea lump breaking machine,
  • fermentation machine,
  • automatic dryer,
  • bake,
  • packaging and filling machine.

To receive tea packaged in disposable bags, you will need to purchase a special machine separately.

Industrial production of fireweed tea in Russia is still poorly developed, but some domestic companies are already offering for sale machines for producing a high-quality product. A specific line should be selected based on the planned volumes of tea sales and available investments.

The issue of product sales and enterprise profitability

The product is in demand on the market, so there should be no problems with its sale. True, at first, most likely, you will have to cooperate only with private shops and stores, and not with large retail chains.

The payback period will depend on the investments made in the business. If you have a meat grinder for Ivan tea and an oven, then starting a home business may not require any investment at all. Industrial production of the product can be established by spending at least 1,500,000 rubles.

Fermentation methods for producing tea are different, and therefore the price of the finished product also varies. On average, fireweed tea sells for 800-1300 rubles/kg. Its cost is 40-60% lower. These are excellent indicators of the profitability of the planned business.

The most labor-intensive stage in preparing fireweed tea is the process of preparation for fermentation, namely the destruction of the fiber of the tea leaf.

The option with an electric meat grinder does not suit everyone. Particularly picky fans of this drink try to avoid interaction of the leaf with metal objects (meat grinders).

Maybe it’s a matter of old traditions, maybe it’s the opinion that the interaction of fireweed leaves with metal triggers the oxidation process. I won’t guess, I’ll just describe the process of making a small device for another option for rolling a leaf of fireweed.

If there are no problems with curling a well-withered leaf of fireweed, then you will have to tinker with the leaves of fruit trees (apple trees, pears, etc.) and raspberries. And, most likely, it will not be possible to do without freezing and thawing the leaves.

Materials and tools

To work you will need a wide board (pine, linden, etc.), corner Sander(aka angle grinder) with a disc diameter of 125 mm, a petal end circle and sandpaper.

Work process

Using a compass we draw a circle.

We make a sketch of future convolutions.

If it is convenient for you to do circular rotations clockwise, then we make the convexity of the convolutions as in the photo. If counterclockwise, then the direction of the convexity is changed to the opposite.

Now, using a petal circle, we make indentations along the contour. First from the inside,
then from the outside.

If possible, choose the interval between the “waves”.
Smooth out any unevenness using sandpaper.

Your DIY roller is ready. You can start rolling the tea.

PS. Subsequently, for convenience, the board had to be made wider and more massive, for which a tongue-and-groove floor board 36 mm thick was used. The diameter of the cup was also increased.

After some experiments with this device, I was once again convinced that a very important component of the process of rolling fireweed leaves is proper withering. It is the correctness of withering that determines whether the sheet will curl or break.

We all constantly hear advertisements for tea with bergamot flavor, not with bergamot, but with taste!!! Taste is achieved using various additives. At the same time, a large number of different herbs grow in Russia, which can either tone or, on the contrary, calm the nervous system, help with various diseases, and improve the overall well-being of the body.

Here are a few types of plants that are traditionally used as tea additives.

  • mint,
  • Melissa,
  • yarrow,
  • raspberries,
  • currant,
  • chamomile,
  • calendula,
  • rose,

1. Organizational issues

To start an activity, you need to register with the tax office; to start an activity, the optimal organizational form is “Individual Entrepreneur”, as well as choose a form of taxation, the most suitable form is “Simplified taxation system, income minus expenses.”

1.1. Obtaining permits

To start tea production, you must obtain the following documents from the SanEpidemStation and RosPotrebNadzor:

  1. Technical specifications agreed and registered (TU)
  2. Technical instructions (TI)
  3. Recipe
  4. Permission from the veterinary service
  5. hygienic conclusion of SES for production
  6. Others (according to individual characteristics project)

The list of documents is large and collecting all the documents takes a considerable amount of time. You can either do everything yourself (which takes a long time), or contact specialized companies that will do everything themselves and relatively quickly, but for a fee.


Opening of a tea production workshop

2.1. Equipment

There are many offers on the Internet for the sale of equipment for the production of bagged tea; the most popular are Constanta automatic equipment (productivity 130-150 bags per minute) and automatic equipment EC-12 (productivity 120 bags per minute).

This equipment can produce sheet or Herb tea as well as fruit teas.

The cost of equipment varies depending on the brand of machine, year of manufacture and modification. So prices for new equipment start from 100,000 euros, used equipment can be bought for 35,000 - 40,000 euros.

View other tea packing machines.

2.2. Selecting a room

Premises requirement:

The premises in which production is planned must comply with the requirements of the SES.

The premises should have several rooms, one containing a warehouse for raw materials, a warehouse for finished products, a production area, and staff rooms.

The premises must have electricity and water supply.

2.3. Staff

To service a small tea production workshop, the following employees must be on staff:

  • Director (general management, product sales),
  • Technologist (makes recipes, controls the quality of raw materials and finished products),
  • Workers 3 people (engaged in production and packaging of products).

2.4. Raw material suppliers

To produce a high-quality and competitive product, you need to choose good suppliers. There should be no problems with suppliers; there are many offers on the Internet for the sale of both loose tea and various medicinal herbs.

You can organize the reception of various field herbs from local residents of rural areas by first announcing this.

2.5. Sales markets

Finished products can be sold through several distribution channels:

  • Federal and regional grocery chains
  • Specialty tea shops
  • Online store
  • Pharmacy chains

3. Feasibility study

3.1. Capital expenditures:

  • Packing equipment ES-2 (used from 1996) - 1,700,000 rubles
  • Receipt permitting documents- 150,000 rubles
  • Repair of the premises (according to SES standards) - 500,000 rubles.
  • Conducting an advertising campaign: 500,000 rubles.
  • Creation of inventory, other 500,000 rubles
  • Total 3,350,000 rubles

The productivity of automatic equipment EC-12 is 120 bags per minute or 6 packs of 20 filter bags. In a month (22 days) at 8 hours, this equipment can produce 63,360 packs of tea, at a selling price of 30 rubles per pack, monthly revenue (with 100% sales of manufactured products) will be 1.9 million rubles.

The cost of tea production includes the cost of raw materials and electricity, the markup depends on the type of product, but on average it is about 50%

3.2. Economy

7.3. Payback

The payback period for a workshop producing bagged tea is 14 months.

Victor Stepanov, 2012-05-23

Questions and answers on the topic

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Below are the characteristics equipment for drying tea leaves, offered for delivery by our company.

The price is indicated in US Dollars so that you can quickly calculate the price for today.

Internal rate of companies: Central Bank rate +1.5%.

You can order tea leaf drying equipment, at a favorable price, in our company.

Tea leaf drying equipment


This position is included in the section Tea production equipment Buy a roller for rolling tea leaves

In any corner of Russia it is impossible to imagine breakfast, lunch or dinner without drinking tea. Modern equipment for tea production is made in such a way as to preserve the structure and everything best properties tea leaves at all stages of processing. We have already told you how to open your own, and now we will look at what tea production equipment you need to create your own factory.

Most entrepreneurs choose tea production lines from Chinese manufacturers, which are used to process tea leaves of all kinds. Using new technologies for processing high-quality raw materials, we will obtain a tasty, aromatic drink that is so popular in our country. This line can be used to produce various types tea: black and green.

A mini-tea production workshop is a modern machine that performs a number of technological processes production. They are equipped with automatic control systems and are distinguished by relatively low energy costs.

Metal air heater

For example, model FP-14III - 4 pcs.

An air heater is equipment for tea, with the help of which the first drying of tea leaves is carried out to achieve technological humidity.

Technical characteristics of the air heater type FP-14III:

  • nominal temperature of warm air: 120%,
  • Air heater efficiency ≥60%.

Rotary Tea Leaf Wrinkling and Cutting Machine

For example, model 6CRQ-20 - 2 pcs.

Very popular equipment for tea production. The mass of leaves is separated in a rotary machine, after which this raw material is placed in an automatic machine for initial twist drying.

Technical characteristics of rotary machine type 6CRQ-20:

  • productivity: 1000kg/h;
  • main axis speed: 34r/min;
  • drum range: 200×915mm;
  • component energy: 5.5kW;
  • dimensions: 2400×440×810mm.

Tea leaf splitting sorting machine

For example, model 6CJS-30 3pcs.

Technical characteristics of 6CJS-30 type sorting machine

  • productivity: 500kg/h;
  • chopping roller speed: 700-740r/min;
  • shaking frequency: 330 times/min;
  • component energy: 1.1kW;
  • dimensions: 2160×1110×1200mm.

Tea drying machine

For example, model 6CH-20 - 7 pcs.

The tea drying machine has a drying area of ​​20.4m2. Its component energy:

  • main engine 1.5kW;
  • wind turbine 4kW;
  • efficiency: 120kg/h;
  • number of layers of drying plate: 6;
  • dimensions: 5240·2120·1900.

This tea production equipment is necessary for fermenting raw materials to obtain color and bitter taste. This line costs 15–20 thousand dollars. Chinese companies offer high-quality equipment for tea production. Here you get excellent service, good prices and a warranty on the equipment.

High income from tea production will be achieved due to free raw materials. By growing tea yourself, you will get a very profitable tea business with the smallest investment.

Four options for a set of equipment for tea production

You can assemble your own mini-workshop for tea production by purchasing modern equipment from the manufacturer, and at the same time save several thousand dollars. With its help, you will be able to produce tea products from the raw materials of your area. These can be raspberry, cherry, pear, grape leaves, and also all famous Ivan tea or fireweed. You will receive an ideal, unusually tasty natural product.

Let's consider several options for tea equipment.

Option 1:

  • tables;
  • mechanical sheet curling machine;
  • mechanical sifter;
  • mechanical drying.

The productivity of such a line is from 40 kg. per day of input raw materials. Price – from $7200 to $8000. We recommend purchasing equipment for tea production from trusted suppliers, such as EURASIA GROUP.

Option 2:

  • tables;
  • trays for drying and fermentation;
  • mechanical roller;
  • mechanical sifter;
  • electric drying.

Productivity - from 130 kg of tea raw materials. Price – from $9100 to $10000.

Option 3:

  • tables;
  • trays for drying and fermentation;
  • electromechanical roller;
  • electric sifter;
  • electric drying.

Productivity - from 150 kg of tea raw materials. Price – from $10,600 to $11,000.

Option 4:

  • tables;
  • trays for drying and fermentation;
  • automatic sheet curling machine;
  • electric sifter;
  • electric drying.

Productivity - from 220 kg of tea raw materials at the input. Cost – from $13,000.

You can save a little money if you build the tables and drying trays yourself.

The last stage of production is packaging and packing of tea products. Equipment for tea packaging and automatic dosing can be purchased from $500, depending on the brand and manufacturer.

Tea production is a fairly simple process consisting of several technological operations. Each operation requires highly specialized equipment. Since tea is the most popular drink in the world, the tea business will not lose its relevance for at least another 10 years.

Video: professional tea equipment