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Is it possible to play sports while intoxicated? Exercise for a hangover - more harm than good? Is it possible to exercise after drinking alcohol?

Yesterday I drank something green, it burned, and today, as if nothing had happened, I go to the gym and work even harder than I intended - I work off my sin. Is it possible to do this? And how does alcohol affect the quality of training? Let's figure it out.

Let's start with the basics. What does alcohol consist of? Any - from water and ethyl alcohol. Depending on the type of drink, it may also include yeast, malt, additives, sugar, etc. Alcohol, of course, seriously affects all systems of the body: nervous, cardiovascular, changes the mechanisms of thermoregulation, and affects metabolism.

Alcohol and fitness

You definitely shouldn’t exercise while drunk. In general, playing sports in any excited or under stress contraindicated. After drinking alcohol, when you are hungover, you can expect your reaction speed to slow down. It is able to influence speed, strength and endurance within 72 hours. And of course, the risk of injury at this time is very high.

Endurance is seriously reduced. During a hangover, your entire body is busy eliminating toxins, which means it won't produce enough glucose for your muscles to function effectively during exercise. When there is alcohol in the blood, it interferes with the synthesis of glycogen, which means that all the results of the workout are initially nullified.

Muscle growth slows down. After drinking, protein synthesis decreases, which interferes with the growth and formation of muscle tissue. The liver is busy processing alcohol and is unable to produce the amino acids necessary for muscle growth. In addition, the restoration of physical and mental tone, the burning of subcutaneous fat and the intellectual ability of the brain are impaired. The training comes to nothing, you are wasting your time.

Alcohol leads to dehydration. A decrease in fluid reserves in the body has a bad effect on both the ability to exercise and the entire body as a whole. Dehydration causes the blood to thicken, increasing the workload on the heart. Thermoregulation is disrupted: body temperature drops, the effect of training is zero. Alcohol has the worst effect on men: testosterone levels decrease, which in turn can lead to muscle degradation.

Alcohol and metabolism

Once alcohol enters the body, the body's main task is to eliminate it. The body does not have a place to store ethanol. It needs to be taken out. Ethanol is converted into acetaldehyde under the influence of various enzymes - and this is poison. When acetaldehyde accumulates, facial flushing, headache, nausea and vomiting occur.

Alcohol is a depressant. Like any depressant, it reduces your reaction time and ability to concentrate. It slows down your brain. Even after the brain is freed from alcohol, it remains in a depressed state; brain cells cannot function normally for some time. At this time, a person feels increased excitability.

Organism in drunkenness is in a state of stress, all organs are working under overload.

Alcohol and weight loss

As you might have guessed, it is not advisable to drink alcohol while losing weight. It negatively affects metabolism, increases the amount of adipose tissue, interferes with the absorption of vitamins and minerals, reduces the efficiency of glucose utilization, increasing the risk of its conversion into fat.

The calorie content of alcohol is about 7 kcal per 1 g. All calories that come with alcohol are stored by the body as fat, without having time to process them.

And needless to say, when you drink, your appetite increases, and your ability to control yourself decreases.

The presence of traces of alcohol in the body leads to chronic fatigue syndrome. Muscle recovery is interrupted. You should not think that by working out well and sweating, you will speed up the removal of alcohol from your body - exercise does not affect the metabolism of alcohol. In addition, alcohol has a bad effect on sleep, which is necessary for recovery after training.

You should not exercise for 1-2 days after drinking alcohol. If you drink alcohol after training (within the same 1-2 days), the training can also be considered in vain.

More interesting things

Briefly: Regular exercise helps the body cope better with alcohol. Morning exercise will help you digest alcohol easier in the evening. Physical activity even helps you sober up when you really need it.

Do you like sports? And yet you like to drink? You're probably wondering: how do these habits fit together? Will such a double load on the body spoil your health?

Are sports and alcohol compatible?

In fact, with regular (or occasional) alcohol consumption, it is much more beneficial to engage in light sports (jogging, physical exercise) than to lead a completely unsportsmanlike lifestyle. Because moderate physical activity is adaptogen, that is, sport increases the body’s resistance to various harmful influences, including the negative effects of alcohol. In particular, in athletes, muscle catalase is involved in the metabolism of alcohol (it can take up up to 12% of the amount consumed), so their tolerance to alcohol is higher.

It is not forbidden to exercise even shortly before drinking alcohol: if you plan to visit the gym during the day and drink in the evening, then drinking alone will harm your health. So a feast is not a reason to refuse training.

On the contrary, early physical activity may reduce future harm from alcohol - for the best effect, cyclic exercise (running, skiing, treadmill or exercise bike) is recommended for 1-1.5 hours 12 hours before the start of the feast. This will improve metabolism in the body and allow you to better process alcohol, and therefore get less drunk and endure a hangover more easily, especially if you use the whole range of measures recommended by a toxicologist in a special article “How to drink and not get drunk” before drinking alcohol.

How to sober up with exercise

A short but very intense physical activity can even help you sober up for a short time in a critical situation when the drinking is still ongoing. To achieve sobering up, physical activity is required with the obligatory onset of profuse sweating and an increase in heart rate of at least twice the original. It is recommended to use only with good physical fitness!

Does drinking interfere with training?

As we found out, sports do not interfere with alcohol consumption. But alcohol, unfortunately, interferes with sports activities. Drinking after the gym will to some extent reduce all the main benefits that you intend to get from the workout.

It is especially undesirable to drink alcohol when doing sports with the aim of building up muscle mass: Alcohol in moderate doses increases strength endurance, but slows down muscle growth. Even a couple of glasses of wine (300 ml) taken daily will reduce the rate of glycogen formation in muscles by 15-20%. Namely, glycogen reserves determine muscle volume. In addition, alcohol reduces the difference between submaximal and maximum physical activity - therefore, there is a risk of “not calculating” the load.

Why does sport reduce cravings for alcohol?

One day a visitor to our site asked the following question:

“The question is more psychological: how to replace alcohol if you are used to drinking it in the evenings out of boredom, for pleasure and taste sensations? I can binge on junk food instead of alcohol, but that’s not very healthy either. And without satiating taste sensations, evenings are too boring. How to get rid of such a need - maybe there are some standard tips?

When is it possible and when not to do morning exercises?

Please note: this is a way to deal with a hangover suitable for young, physically fit people, since all of the above positive effects are realized due to additional stress on the heart, which during a hangover is already working under load.

Sex can also be considered as an option for physical activity. Sex with a hangover in the same way it stimulates metabolism at the cost of increased stress on the heart. The release of endorphins (pleasure hormones) during sex improves well-being and relieves headache.

What symptoms of a hangover can sports help relieve?

Physical exercise allow you to get rid of it faster fume smell, because fumes are the removal of under-oxidized alcohol processing products through the lungs. Physical activity speeds up metabolism and helps the body get rid of harmful substances faster.

What are the dangers of sports after binge drinking?

It happens that after drinking once, a person feels an irresistible desire to drink again and realizes that he is about to go on an unwanted binge. Physical activity (sports or labor) is the simplest and effective method prevent a person from going on a binge at home. If the body is too weakened for physical activity, then without medical care can’t be avoided: to prevent binge drinking, MDD agonists work well (use only under medical supervision!) and a short course of acupuncture from an experienced specialist.

But if you still go on a binge, then you can’t overload yourself with physical activity: it’s easy to break your heart. You can come across claims that sports help you get out of binge drinking, since muscle load improves blood flow and metabolic processes in the body. In fact, there are a number of dangers here.

What happens if an unprepared person is forced to run cross-country at high altitudes? Nothing good, and the state of a hangover in this sense is akin to acute oxygen deficiency at high altitudes. At one time, the slogan “Run from a heart attack” led many to this very heart attack. Another point that cannot be ignored: during binge drinking, some of the fluid from the vascular bed goes into the tissues, that is, the blood becomes thick and viscous. Imagine how much effort the heart will have to exert to push such blood through the vessels.

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This article was last updated: 12/18/2019

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Athletes do not live under one regime. Even the most disciplined sometimes allow themselves to drink a glass of wine or have a drink with a friend. It happens. But there is something you need to know about fitness after drinking right now.

What's bad about alcohol? Drank in the evening - in the morning for training

Strength training is a load on cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and lungs. All organs are working to the limit, and they need time to recover. When you also spend energy trying to get rid of ethanol and decay products, expect problems!


  • reduces energy reserves;
  • impairs coordination and reaction speed;
  • leads to dehydration;
  • oppresses the central nervous system;
  • increases the pain threshold;
  • destroys muscle fibers and slows down the formation of new ones.

In addition, alcohol is very high in calories. If you also eat plenty of snacks, the extra pounds will soon remind you of themselves.

Alcohol is not a stimulant, it does not increase endurance, but acts as a relaxant. Therefore, training after drinking alcohol is difficult and pointless.

Alcohol before training

Nobody forbids drinking, of course. Alcohol is sometimes used in professional sports, such as shooting, to reduce hand tremors and increase accuracy. They also say that beer helps you recover after running. But this is all debatable.

The only drink compatible with sports is water!

In fact, alcohol and sports are incompatible things. By skipping a bottle of beer in the evening, an athlete reduces the effectiveness of training tomorrow. And desperate fatalists drink before training.

Considering the negative impact of strong drinks on the human body, we ourselves do not drink and we do not advise you to.

Training in drunk hazardous to health.

Alcohol after exercise

If you have a goal - to build a sculpted body - eliminate alcohol from your diet for 3-4 months. Well, or at least forever.
Do you really want it? You can indulge in a glass of wine during the rest periods between workouts, but it is better to abstain the day before or on the day of physical activity.

Fitness after alcohol: how long after you can exercise if you've been drinking?

  1. If possible, skip going to the gym, let your body exhale from what you took on your chest.
  2. If this option is not for you, then the most important thing is not to get a hangover. Exercising while intoxicated is dangerous to your health and life, the risk of getting injured or something worse is too high.
  3. Avoid cardio training to minimize the strain on your heart.
  4. Let your trainer know that you took a nice walk the day before, and he will select the type and intensity of physical activity.
  5. If you are your own coach, then reduce the load to approximately 70% of the planned one.
  6. If you decide not to train after drinking alcohol at all, you have made the right choice.

And yet, when can you return to exercise after, say, corporate gatherings? It all depends on the quantity taken. If it was 100 grams of pure alcohol, then after about two days there will be no traces of ethanol breakdown products in your body, and you can begin physical activity. If you consumed 250 grams or more, it will take up to one week to recover.

And remember: there are no safe doses of alcohol and fitness after alcohol is dangerous!

Many athletes are interested in the question “is it possible to play sports with a hangover?” Today the number of people supporting healthy image life has increased significantly. Going to the pool, jogging, fitness and other disciplines help a person feel more harmonious and confident. However, sports hobbies sometimes manifest themselves quite fanatically.

There are situations when, after the last feast, the next morning a person faces symptoms of alcohol poisoning. How to be in this case? Is it worth going to training with a hangover or is it better to take a break from everything that day?

Can I exercise?

Of course, drinking alcohol occasionally and exercising regularly is better than not practicing sports at all. Any balanced physical activity, be it light sports or weightlifting, has a positive effect on the human body.

With the right approach, classes:

  • strengthen muscles and joints;
  • help train the heart and blood vessels;
  • have a positive effect on the digestive system;
  • increase stress resistance;
  • normalize sleep quality;
  • improve recovery processes and metabolism.

A sports lifestyle is a powerful prevention alcohol addiction, reduces cravings for alcohol, helping to get rid of a bad habit. However, you should still be careful when exercising with a hangover. The heart muscle is already overloaded, so additional work can cause unpleasant consequences. At best, training will not bring any positive results.

Due to ethanol's effects on the central nervous system, alcohol can dull the pain experienced during exercise.

When ethyl alcohol enters the body, the growth of muscle mass is reduced to zero. It has already been proven that a glass of wine can reduce the productivity of glycogen production in the muscular system by 20%. It is this substance that acts as an energy booster during sports activity. Therefore, drinking and alcohol are far from perfect combination.

During training, with alcohol intoxication, there is also a risk of not calculating your strength. This is due to the body’s inadequate response to stress. Alcohol poisoning is characterized by dizziness, high blood pressure (blood pressure), nausea, and problems with the vestibular system. Therefore, doing sports during a hangover can aggravate the condition.

However, in the question “is it possible to exercise the next morning with a hangover?” There is also positive news. Light exercise has a beneficial effect on the recovery processes in the body. A gentle workout will improve detoxification and speed up your metabolism.

A light jog lasting 20-30 minutes will increase blood circulation and help the kidneys remove the decomposition products of ethyl alcohol. A lighter version of the workout will improve intestinal function, as well as eliminate swelling and headaches.

This option for getting rid of a hangover is not suitable for everyone. People over 40 need to be careful with alcohol intoxication. Even minor strength loads during a hangover can negatively affect the cardiovascular system. There is a risk of heart attack or stroke.

Why won't working out after alcohol give the desired results?

Since alcohol reduces protein production in the body, during intoxication the muscles are deprived of building material. Therefore, until the cells are cleared of harmful toxins, training will not be effective. The only thing that physical activity will help with is improving blood circulation and removing toxins from the body.

Exercises with alcohol intoxication often result in injuries. During this period, it is easy to miscalculate your strength and drop the projectile on your leg or injure someone nearby. While jogging, you can literally lose concentration for a second and fall.

The dangers of training and consequences

If you are confident in your abilities and still plan to devote time to classes, you should also know that:

When training with a hangover, there is a high probability of tissue ruptures and injury. skin, displacement of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, as well as fractures.

What can you do?

If you drank a little alcohol the day before, you can still speed up the recovery process with a light workout.

During alcohol poisoning you can:

  • do Pilates;
  • perform light jogging, excluding jumping and sudden movements;
  • do light stretching;
  • include elements in the “sitting” or “lying” position into the set of exercises;
  • do a light warm-up.

Also on this day you can add a walk in the fresh air and water procedures, which will help in the fight against toxins and improve your general condition. You should pay attention to your diet in the next few days. It is recommended to exclude spicy, fatty, starchy and fried foods.

Ideal drinks for a hangover day:

Food must contain healthy vitamins and minerals. You can stick to a vegetarian diet for 2-3 days, then add seafood and dietary meats.

The question of the effect of alcohol on an athlete’s body is one of the most common, especially among novice athletes. Arguments that alcohol interferes with sports are often shattered by concrete facts about mysterious strongmen who increase training performance in proportion to the amount of alcohol they drink.

It is immediately necessary to clarify that sport and alcohol are incompatible in principle. You can have a couple of glasses of wine during periods of rest after competitions, but regular libations will in no way allow you to achieve any serious results.

Below we will consider in more detail the question of whether it is possible to exercise after drinking alcohol, as well as possible consequences attempts to combine alcohol and sports.

Drinking alcohol before exercise

It is worth knowing that even a bottle of beer, strongly recommended by television advertising, in the evening significantly reduces the effectiveness of your workout even the next day. Immediately before going to the gym, only people who are very eager to change our mortal existence for a better world can drink alcohol.

Training in the gym, especially strength training, in itself puts a fair amount of stress on the heart, circulatory, digestive and other systems of the body. The heart, lungs and other organs work in near-limit modes, and they need time to recover. And if at the same time a fair amount of the body’s energy is spent on trying to remove alcohol and its breakdown products, then the result can be very sad.

The statement that you can play sports after drinking alcohol was invented by those who have never done anything systematically, and determined the level of their achievements by eye. Indeed, after “breastfeeding” the feeling of fatigue is dulled, which gives the illusion of an incredible surge of strength. But in fact, strength indicators are reduced, and quite noticeably.

One of the manifestations of alcohol intoxication is a slowdown in the passage of nerve impulses from the brain to the muscles and from sensory nerves to the brain. An example is the “sea gait” of a drunk person.

If there is a high level of alcohol in the blood at the time of physical activity, the commands to contract muscle fibers will be weakened and will also arrive with a significant delay. Therefore, the effect of alcohol on muscles during training will be expressed in a decrease in strength indicators only because the brain will not be able to force the muscles to contract with the required force and speed.

In addition, it is necessary to remember about the impairment of coordination and self-control when intoxicated. This is expressed in a deterioration in control of the grip of projectiles, as well as a dulling of the sense of responsibility. The result of such a situation could be, for example, the barbell being torn from your hands during a bench press.

Another common thesis from “experts” is the assertion that sport drives away alcohol. In fact, physical activity really speeds up metabolism and helps eliminate ethanol breakdown products. But this applies to low load at medium intensity, for example, jogging.

Strength training is more likely to “drive” alcohol into the muscles and increase its destructive effect on the body.

Thus, playing sports after drinking alcohol at a minimum makes no sense, and by and large does more harm than good.

Drinking alcohol after exercise

In terms of the degree of negative impact of alcohol on an athlete, drinking alcohol after training in some cases may even exceed the above situation.

It is worth knowing that over a certain period of time after physical activity, the transport of the resulting substances to organs and tissues is significantly accelerated. Accordingly, the alcohol consumed will be absorbed to the maximum extent possible by both skeletal muscles and tissues internal organs, for example, the heart muscle.

The first thing that drinking strong drinks will affect is the duration of recovery after exercise. Any training cycle is designed for certain speed muscle regeneration after previous exercise. And if, under the constant influence of alcohol, the muscles do not recover - that is, grow - there can be no talk of any progress.

Increased absorption of alcohol into the tissues of internal organs threatens serious disruptions in their functioning. The consequences for the heart are most pronounced, which is expressed in heart pain, tachycardia and other similar manifestations. But the absence of pain symptoms in other organs does not mean that ethanol is less harmful to them.

Thus, the question of whether alcohol is harmful after a workout can be answered in the affirmative.

Features of training after alcohol the next day

The mistakes of most novice athletes are that they consider a high training load to be the only condition for progress. In fact, the key to increasing performance is equally the fatigue after training and the recovery process before the next training.

The next day after heavy libations, the body’s tone cannot be normal, and accordingly, it will not be possible to increase the result. In addition, often the effect of alcohol on training in the gym is manifested in the presence of high blood pressure, which, in addition to reducing performance, also poses a health hazard.

It is also worth knowing that the harm from alcohol during training is a decrease in the rate of protein production (in particular for muscle fibers) and a decrease in the level of testosterone, which also regulates muscle recovery processes.

If, nevertheless, a certain amount of alcohol was drunk before training, the load must be reduced to approximately 70% of the planned one.

Sports nutrition and alcohol

As mentioned above, one of the main effects of alcohol on the body is a decrease in the rate of muscle fiber formation. This in itself makes both the training itself and the use of alcohol, as well as the use of any kind, pointless. sports nutrition for building muscle mass.

In addition, many types of combined sports nutrition, when mixed with alcohol, can pose serious health risks. It is worth knowing that most types of gainers and complex cocktails for mass gain contain different kinds permitted stimulants (guarana, caffeine, thiamine, etc.). When used in the dosages specified by the manufacturer, such substances should not have side effects, but when mixed with alcohol they pose a significant health hazard.

Harm of alcohol for athletes

The harm of alcohol in sports lies not only in the manifestations listed above. It is worth knowing that high doses of alcohol tend to destroy muscle fibers.

Therefore, if you play sports during the day and spend your evenings in the company of bottles of alcohol, then at a minimum you cannot expect an increase in results, and at most you can earn exhaustion, since the body will not be able to recover in such conditions.

It is also worth considering the combination of alcohol with used sports supplements or pharmacological support. As mentioned above, not all types of sports nutrition are compatible with alcohol. If you use any steroid stimulants, drinking alcohol can be life-threatening.


  • Is it possible to exercise after drinking alcohol?

Considering the negative effects of alcohol on the body, you should not exercise after drinking strong drinks.

The exception is ultra-small dosages (equivalent to 5-10 g of pure alcohol), but generally the term “drinking alcohol” implies a much larger amount.

  • How long after drinking alcohol can you exercise?

  • Why athletes should not drink alcohol

The presence of alcohol in the blood slows down or makes muscle growth completely impossible, and also creates a high ineffective load on the cardiovascular system, which can lead to the development of a number of diseases.

Also, the presence of stimulating substances in a number of types of sports nutrition (for example, guarana extract), when mixed with alcohol, can cause a hypertensive crisis.

  • How alcohol affects muscles

Ethanol slows down the formation of new muscle fibers and also has a destructive effect on existing ones.

  • Is it possible to drink alcohol after training?

Since after physical activity substances entering the body are actively absorbed by organs and tissues, you should not drink alcohol after training.

  • Is it possible to drink alcohol on the day of training?

To ensure the normal effectiveness of the workout itself, as well as recovery after it, you should not drink alcohol on the day of the workout.

  • Can bodybuilders drink alcohol?

It is worth noting that achieving the required indicators for building muscle mass in modern bodybuilding is only possible with the use of steroid stimulants. Taking such drugs creates a significant burden on the liver and kidneys; in addition, the reaction of the metabolites of such drugs with alcohol creates substances dangerous to health and life, so drinking alcohol is contraindicated for bodybuilders.

  • How much alcohol can you drink after training?

It is worth knowing that alcohol and power training are completely incompatible things. Before you start playing sports, you need to understand that in order to achieve results you will have to give up some bad habits, which also include alcohol. Therefore, you should not drink alcohol-containing drinks after training at all.

If you still have questions about alcohol and sports, write them in the comments and we will definitely answer them.