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Prayer for fear. Prayer for fear and anxiety will help cope with phobias and worries. The best remedy for vegetative vascular dystonia is Leuzea tincture in alcohol


We react differently to what happens around us. Often events, information, behavior of loved ones or strangers creates fear. It is deeply imprinted in the consciousness, takes root there and poisons our lives. Prayer against fear helps to cope with negativity. What is it, how to work with it, why does it affect consciousness? Let's figure it out.

Why is prayer for fear needed?

Let's think a little about how our subconscious works. This is important if you want to figure out why you or people you know need prayer for fear and anxiety. The fact is that the impressions received from events do not go away. They are constantly present in brain cells. Sometimes negative experiences pop up in your thoughts out of the blue. They torment a person, make him worry about his fate in general or a specific matter. And this, in turn, leads to a loss of confidence and gives rise to emotional dependence on some person or circumstances.

It turns out that under the influence of fears a person cannot fully act, make decisions, or feel pleasure from what he does or what he encounters. He is no longer a person, but a frightened animal trying to find a hole to hide from the “enemy”. And he does it himself: he allows provocative emotions into his thoughts. The Lord, of course, gave us freedom of choice, but is that what he meant? God created the Earth so that his children could feel its joyful fullness and harmony. Fears as such should only emphasize the beauty of being in this world. Prayer is designed to maintain in the soul a feeling of constant connection with the Almighty. That's why it's important.

In fact, there are many people who experience negative emotions in relation to the external environment. There are few who have never been afraid of anything. Fear is a natural reaction nervous system to unknown or threatening factors. But it doesn’t lead to constant worries for everyone. Some use it as a tool, others live in horror and are constantly afraid. The second one needs prayer for fear. These people need support, care, even some constant encouragement.

Not everyone has a worthy authority whose words allow them to look at the world more boldly. And a believer does not need it. Prayer for fear allows you to realize that you are not alone. The Lord is always nearby. His care is enormous, kind and affectionate. But only a sincere believer feels it. If he has a conversation with the Lord in his soul, then he is no longer frightened by difficulties or the evil tricks of others. The person is confident in support from above. It is more important than the words or actions of loved ones, the anger of the boss or the threats pouring from all information channels.

The Church believes that negative emotions appear in a person under the influence of the devil. These are his tricks aimed at pushing the believer off the path of righteousness. In Orthodoxy there are special texts against such influence.

The first of them is Psalm 91. It is recommended to read it when horror drives you to despair and prevents you from doing the most ordinary things: working, cooking or eating, communicating with loved ones. This is very powerful prayer because of fear. In serious cases, people read it continuously forty times. It helps you come to your senses and return to the Lord with your soul.

“Lord Jesus Christ! Help me, your sinful servant, strengthen my soul so that I can cope with the devilish scourge that gives rise to fears in my mind. Be with me, Lord! Protect and preserve your servant. Amen!".

You will see, after a while you will begin to perceive events much more calmly, and act, which is important, more decisively and successfully.

While a person can still somehow fight his own fears, childhood horrors make parents feel truly helpless. Of course, we need to figure out why the little man developed fear. It is probably necessary to eliminate the reasons that led to the emergence of negativity. The child needs to be explained the basics of faith. He must understand that he is never left alone, for the Lord is always near. And to cope with the problem, prayer for fear. It will bring peace and tranquility to the child. It is advisable to read it with your child, explaining the meaning of this good activity. Gradually the child will forget the terrible images. At the same time, he will learn to feel the Almighty and talk to him. This will become the basis of his happy and righteous life.

What prayers are read to help children?

In fact, there are no special texts. If the fears are enormous and drive the child to hysterics, use the mentioned 90th Psalm.

Place the little one nearby, light candles and read prayers in a quiet, calm voice. Let the older ones help. Kids can play without paying attention to your actions. The mere fact that his parents are nearby, calm, and benevolent will have a positive effect on his well-being. And the holy texts will be absorbed like a balm into a soul wounded by fears.

If a child screams and wakes up at night, read “Our Father” while standing at the head of the bed. Cross the child, wash with holy water. If the child is afraid of real circumstances - classmates, exams, hooligans in the yard - you will have to help in two ways. Firstly, try to eliminate the cause of the negativity, and secondly, talk with the little one about God and his influence on human life. A prayer for children before going to bed for fear in this case is the 90th Psalm. But it should be explained to the little reader and listener.

It is believed that we will all leave this world. There is no way to avoid this. And still people are afraid of the transition. They are afraid not of the fact of leaving this world, but of the unknown. Psychologists consider this a phobia.

How can you be afraid of the inevitable? Only a true believer understands that fear is inappropriate here. After all, we are not going into the unknown or emptiness, but to our Lord. And this is what the human soul strives for. A person can cling to earthly goods. But the truth lives in the subconscious of everyone: our place is next to the Lord. Those who cannot cope with horror should not hide negative emotions. There is a special orthodox prayer because of fear. Turn to the Lord with her, and he will not leave you.

If you are afraid of dying, say the following words:

"Jesus Christ! Turn your kindness towards your sinful servant. Have mercy on me, who fears the inevitable death for everyone. It is not death that my soul fears; its torment is terrifying and the unknowns of suffering. Help, Lord, to cope with corrosive grief. Extend to me the hand of Your kindness. Amen!".

You know, every person has their own fears. Some people see a cockroach and faint, others cannot be lured into an elevator with a gingerbread, others cannot fly on a plane without a serious dose of sedatives. In addition, the media create an information field filled with fictitious and real threats. If you react to everyone, as they say, you won’t have enough nerves. But the Lord, we repeat, gave us freedom. We build our own world. What to let in and what to push away is decided by the person himself. If he wants to suffer and tremble from every rustle, that’s his will. But, I think, it is better to be under the protection of the Lord, turning to him in prayer constantly.

Prayer for fear and anxiety will help cope with phobias and worries

Every person has an instinct of self-preservation, and fear is a completely natural reaction of the body to negative manifestations environment. However, there are situations when phobias develop into real panic and begin to interfere with an adequate perception of the current situation. At such moments, Orthodox prayer can help a person out of fear and anxiety - it will not only calm and normalize his state of mind, but also provide reliable protection from higher powers.

The benefits of prayer in relieving anxiety and fear

It is a rare person who can boast of a life devoid of emotional distress, anxiety, and fear. Fear and anxiety are familiar to anyone who has come into this world. Fear makes you afraid of some phenomena of the surrounding reality; anxiety poisons the human soul with the expectation of something unpleasant, with a bad feeling.

According to Orthodox Church, every representative of the human race was sent by the Lord to this world to enjoy life, enjoy God's gifts, His mercy, and lead their existence calmly and moderately. However, all kinds of phobias and anxieties hinder a full life, because they belong to negative types of internal state.

Fear and anxiety force a person to be in constant stress, undermine his health, and negatively affect his overall life expectancy. If people want to truly enjoy their existence and stay in this world until they are very old, they should, first of all, learn to live without fear, without experiences that torment and weaken the soul.

Faith in God, on the contrary, takes care of the soul of a layman and strengthens it, bringing it closer to the life that the Creator bequeathed for his sons and daughters. Therefore, Orthodox prayer for fear and anxiety is the best way to get rid of negative experiences. The sacred and wise words of prayer texts instill confidence in a person, give him peace and tranquility, and contribute to a sober assessment of the situation that has caused a feeling of horror and anxiety. Under the influence of prayer, he begins to approach difficult life situations more calmly and quickly finds the right solution.

Prayer for fear and anxiety: the most powerful Orthodox texts

There are several Christian prayers that help eliminate obsessive feelings of anxiety and fear. Many of them are widely known. Prayer for fear and anxiety can be long or short, and can be used in certain situations that deprive a person of calm and serenity.

The most famous and widespread Orthodox prayer texts that relieve anxiety and feelings of horror are:

Song to the Mother of God

This is a prayer that helps eliminate obsessive thoughts and fear that arise for no apparent reason. The text should be read at least three times:

Prayer to the Honest Cross

Jesus Prayer

A short prayer that can relieve anxiety and fear. It can be used in any situation:

Prayer for fear and anxiety to the Lord God

This prayer is suitable for reading at any moment, filling the soul with restlessness and making the heart pound in horror. The text is as follows:

Lord's Prayer

“Our Father” is one of the strongest christian prayers, on the pronunciation of which there are no restrictions. If you are overcome by anxiety and fear, read Lord's prayer as often as possible. If feelings of horror and anxiety visit you mainly at night, it is recommended to say “Our Father” at least 40 times before going to bed. Text:

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

A prayer directed to your personal heavenly protector - the Guardian Angel - eliminates many phobias and protects you from all troubles and misfortunes. It should be recited in moments of anxiety and fear, as well as every evening or night, before leaving for the kingdom of dreams. Text:

“Alive in the help of the Most High” is an Orthodox prayer that has powerful protective properties. In moments of anxiety and foreboding, it can help no worse than the most powerful sedative, put thoughts in order, and give peace of mind. Text:

“May God rise again...”

The prayer “May God rise again” in times of fear and danger can act as a powerful protective shield. Text:

Listen also to prayers for fear and anxiety in this video:

Kontakion to the Most Holy Theotokos from worries and fears

Regular recitation of the Kontakion to the Blessed Virgin Mary helps to get rid of fears and anxieties. Text:

Morning prayer of the Optina elders

The prayer of the Optina elders at the beginning of the day has proven itself well in the fight against worries and worries. You need to read it every day, in the morning (can be part of the morning prayer rule). Text:

When and how to say a prayer for fear and anxiety

A person’s daily life is full of surprises, and not always pleasant ones. It is often found difficult situations, and stress can strike at any moment. It is not surprising that all kinds of fears and anxieties have long become an integral part of human existence. The worst thing is if they develop into panic. At such moments, a person ceases to control himself, his mental and physical strength fails him, he becomes defenseless and weak. All this could end quite badly. Therefore, prayer for fear and anxiety should take its rightful place in the life of every believer. It can help out in a variety of situations, namely:

  • when a person experiences fear;
  • when the ability to concentrate is lost due to horror;
  • when panic overcomes;
  • when inexplicable and causeless anxiety attacks;
  • when fear becomes paralyzing.

It is better to know prayer texts by heart - this will help you concentrate better in dangerous and critical circumstances, quickly pull yourself together, confront your phobias and worries in time and get rid of them faster. If voluminous texts are quite difficult to learn, then at least one should always be stored in the memory arsenal. short prayer from the fear and anxiety presented above. Pronounce protective words it must be done clearly, without haste, with comprehension and understanding, and, preferably, out loud - indistinct muttering will be of no use.

It is useful to include visualization: imagine an image of your fear in your imagination and gradually mentally destroy it in any convenient way (tear it to shreds, dissolve, etc.). It is not forbidden to pray by candlelight - their flame will help you calm down and concentrate.

The most basic thing that is required when saying a prayer for fear and anxiety is sincere faith in God and heavenly powers. A prayer text pronounced with pure and unshakable faith in the soul will certainly be heard by the Creator and His helpers.

Thank you very much! IN Lately began to experience panic attacks. I started praying at such moments - and it really does become easier.

A long time ago I memorized several protective prayers and prayers against fear. My profession is dangerous, and sometimes I simply cannot live without them. Alive, healthy, serious dangers have always miraculously avoided me. I believe that the Lord and the saints are helping me

The most important prayer for fear and anxiety is the 90th Psalm from the book “Psalter”.

Anxiety is a very debilitating condition. The trouble is that while you spend mental energy on fear and fighting it, there is little energy left for action. And our actions, with a high degree of probability, turn out to be ineffective. And this exacerbates the feeling of helplessness. The knot is tightened. It is especially difficult if the source of anxiety cannot be eliminated. This is, for example, fear of the future. How to solve such a problem?

One of possible options cope with anxiety: instead of fear, experience a state of trust in the protection of something wiser and stronger than yourself. The 90th Psalm from the book “Psalter” is known from the first words “Alive in Help” (Church Glorious). It was used by believers in situations of danger. Wikipedia writes: “The psalm is constructed in the form of an address by a mentor, who, in his speech directed to a student or son, expresses confidence in the complete safety of a person who trusts in God and is in communion with Him. IN last three The verses introduce the words of God Himself, confirming what was said above. Ribbons and belts with the text of Psalm 90 written on them are often used as a talisman.”

There are many amazing stories associated with this prayer. Here is one of them:

“At the age of 16, the nails on my big toes began to grow in, I went under a scalpel once every six months. I was already exhausted and didn’t know what to do. I sat with my mother and talked about it, and my finger was festering again. And I say that I don’t want to go to the surgeon again, that I’m already tired of enduring pain and suffering. And then she, already in despair, says that she probably needs to go to her grandmother to talk about this misfortune. And as soon as she said this, the phone rang. I picked up the phone, and there was silence in response. I hold the phone, but they don’t hang up there either. I say “Hello” and in response there is silence. All you can hear is a crackling and hissing sound in the receiver, as if they were calling from an old phone. And then, at the other end of the line, music began to play, quiet as if from a dungeon and old, as if they were playing on a gramophone. And through this music they say to me “ninety, ninety, ninety.” They said it quickly, like a tongue twister, I didn’t even understand it right away. She asked again, “Repeat, I can’t hear.” Who is this?" But the interlocutor has already disconnected, only short beeps remain. At first I thought it was a joke or they had the wrong number. But my mother, a believer, said that these were higher powers and you need to read Psalm 90, and not hang around with grandmothers and healers. Now I’m writing, and I’m getting goosebumps...”

text of Psalm 90 in Russian

1 He who dwells under the shelter of the Most High rests in the shadow of the Almighty,
2 He says to the Lord: “My refuge and my defense, my God in whom I trust!”
3 He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, from the destructive plague,
4 He will overshadow you with His feathers, and under His wings you will be safe; shield and fence are His truth.
5 You will not fear the terrors of the night, nor the arrows that fly by day,
6 The plague that walks in darkness, the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but will not come close to you:
8 Only you will look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked.
9 For you have said, “The Lord is my hope”; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge;
10 No evil will befall you, and no plague will come near your dwelling;
11 For He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways:
12 They will carry you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone;
13 You will tread on the asp and basilisk; You will trample on the lion and the dragon.
14 “Because he loved Me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he has known My name.
15 He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him,
16 I will satisfy him with long days, and show him My salvation.”

This is a very powerful text. And, of course, it is capable of immersing a person in the healing state that we wrote about above. This means that anxiety will decrease, and the released energy will be directed to solving urgent problems. The main thing is to feel a state of security and peace next to the almighty and all-good force, under whose protection you are entrusting yourself.

Real stories



We react differently to what happens around us. Often events, information, behavior of loved ones or strangers gives rise to fear. It is deeply imprinted in the consciousness, takes root there and poisons our lives. Prayer against fear helps to cope with negativity. What is it, how to work with it, why does it affect consciousness? Let's figure it out.

Why is prayer for fear needed?

Let's think a little about how our subconscious works. This is important if you want to figure out why you or people you know need prayer for fear and anxiety. The fact is that the impressions received from events do not go away. They are constantly present in brain cells. Sometimes negative experiences pop up in your thoughts out of the blue. They torment a person, make him worry about his fate in general or a specific matter. And this, in turn, leads to a loss of confidence and gives rise to emotional dependence on some person or circumstances.

It turns out that under the influence of fears a person cannot fully act, make decisions, or feel pleasure from what he does or what he encounters. He is no longer a person, but a frightened animal trying to find a hole to hide from the “enemy”. And he does it himself: he allows provocative emotions into his thoughts. The Lord, of course, gave us freedom of choice, but is that what he meant? God created the Earth so that his children could feel its joyful fullness and harmony. Fears as such should only emphasize the beauty of being in this world. Prayer is designed to maintain in the soul a feeling of constant connection with the Almighty. That's why it's important.

In fact, there are many people who experience negative emotions in relation to the external environment. There are few who have never been afraid of anything. Fear is a natural reaction of the nervous system to unknown or threatening factors. But it doesn’t lead to constant worries for everyone. Some use it as a tool, others live in horror and are constantly afraid. The second one needs prayer for fear. These people need support, care, even some constant encouragement.

Not everyone has a worthy authority whose words allow them to look at the world more boldly. And a believer does not need it. Prayer for fear allows you to realize that you are not alone. The Lord is always nearby. His care is enormous, kind and affectionate. But only a sincere believer feels it. If he has a conversation with the Lord in his soul, then he is no longer frightened by difficulties or the evil tricks of others. The person is confident in support from above. It is more important than the words or actions of loved ones, the anger of the boss or the threats pouring from all information channels.

The Church believes that negative emotions appear in a person under the influence of the devil. These are his tricks aimed at pushing the believer off the path of righteousness. In Orthodoxy there are special texts against such influence.

The first of them is Psalm 90. It is recommended to read it when horror drives you to despair and prevents you from doing the most ordinary things: working, cooking or eating, communicating with loved ones. This is a very powerful prayer for fear. In serious cases, people read it continuously forty times. It helps you come to your senses and return to the Lord with your soul.

There is a text that is recommended to be read before bed. It helps you calm down and have a normal rest. If terrible visions come to a person, prayer at night will also help him. Before going to bed, out of fear, say these words:

“Lord Jesus Christ! Help me, your sinful servant, strengthen my soul so that I can cope with the devilish scourge that gives rise to fears in my mind. Be with me, Lord! Protect and preserve your servant. Amen!".

You will see, after a while you will begin to perceive events much more calmly, and act, which is important, more decisively and successfully.

About children's fears:

While a person can still somehow fight his own fears, childhood horrors make parents feel truly helpless. Of course, we need to figure out why the little man developed fear. It is probably necessary to eliminate the reasons that led to the emergence of negativity. The child needs to be explained the basics of faith. He must understand that he is never left alone, for the Lord is always near. And to cope with the problem, prayer for fear. It will bring peace and tranquility to the child. It is advisable to read it with your child, explaining the meaning of this good activity. Gradually the child will forget the terrible images. At the same time, he will learn to feel the Almighty and talk to him. This will become the basis of his happy and righteous life.

What prayers are read to help children?

In fact, there are no special texts. If the fears are enormous and drive the child to hysterics, use the mentioned 90th Psalm.

Place the little one nearby, light candles and read prayers in a quiet, calm voice. Let the older ones help. Kids can play without paying attention to your actions. The mere fact that his parents are nearby, calm, and benevolent will have a positive effect on his well-being. And the holy texts will be absorbed like a balm into a soul wounded by fears.

If a child screams and wakes up at night, read “Our Father” while standing at the head of the bed. Cross the child, wash with holy water. If a child is afraid of real circumstances - classmates, exams, hooligans in the yard - you will have to help in two ways. Firstly, try to eliminate the cause of the negativity, and secondly, talk with the little one about God and his influence on human life. A prayer for children before going to bed for fear in this case is the 90th Psalm. But it should be explained to the little reader and listener.

Fear of death:

It is believed that we will all leave this world. There is no way to avoid this. And still people are afraid of the transition. They are afraid not of the fact of leaving this world, but of the unknown. Psychologists consider this a phobia.

How can you be afraid of the inevitable? Only a true believer understands that fear is inappropriate here. After all, we are not going into the unknown or emptiness, but to our Lord. And this is what the human soul strives for. A person can cling to earthly goods. But the truth lives in the subconscious of everyone: our place is next to the Lord. Those who cannot cope with horror should not hide negative emotions. There is a special Orthodox prayer for fear. Turn to the Lord with her, and he will not leave you.

Prayer for fear of death:

If you are afraid of dying, say the following words:

"Jesus Christ! Turn your kindness towards your sinful servant. Have mercy on me, who fears the inevitable death for everyone. It is not death that my soul fears; its torment is terrifying and the unknowns of suffering. Help, Lord, to cope with corrosive grief. Extend to me the hand of Your kindness. Amen!".


You know, every person has their own fears. Some people see a cockroach and faint, others cannot be lured into an elevator with a gingerbread, others cannot fly on a plane without a serious dose of sedatives. In addition, the media create an information field filled with fictitious and real threats. If you react to everyone, as they say, you won’t have enough nerves. But the Lord, we repeat, gave us freedom. We build our own world. What to let in and what to push away is decided by the person himself. If he wants to suffer and tremble from every rustle - his will. But, I think, it is better to be under the protection of the Lord, turning to him in prayer constantly.

There is not a single person who has not experienced anxiety due to some life circumstances at least once in his life. In such cases, prayer for fear and anxiety is very helpful.

A sincere and ardent appeal to God for help is the only The right way eliminate inner anxiety and invite the grace of God into your life circumstances.

From worries and fears that have firmly settled in the soul, first of all, you need to seek salvation in prayer to God. Psalm 90, “Alive in the help of the Most High...” is considered the most effective in such cases. Usually people turn to him when they need God's special protection.

A child or adults have some kind of fears, some have nightmares at night. Someone is in trouble and thinks that many want him harm, and then he turns to these words of prayer.

Sometimes people of little faith use this psalm as some form of protection, like some kind of amulet. They even buy a belt with the words of this psalm, or write it out on paper and carry it with them all the time.

But first of all, it is important to understand the meaning of the psalm, the words of which contain great trust in God, love for Him, and the understanding that He is our protector. And without this faith, without awareness of who God is and what role he plays in our lives, all these wearing of belts and pieces of paper do absolutely nothing to protect a person.

Another Orthodox prayer, so as not to be afraid, is Psalm 67 “May God rise again and let his enemies be scattered…”. It is also read in difficult circumstances, in fear and anxiety.

This psalm with Easter motifs instills in a person unshakable faith in triumph and victory over sins and troubles. In addition, the psalter contains other texts that help a person turn to God with faith and call on Him for help in a difficult situation, both external and internal.

  1. Against demonic attacks – 67, 45.
  2. For slander and unfair accusations - 51, 36, 7, 4.
  3. When enemies seek a person’s destruction – 42, 34, 25.
  4. When persecuted by sorrow and troubles - 142, 82, 76, 68, 21, 12, 3.
  5. For despondency and fear – 101, 90, 26.
  6. For protection from enemy misfortunes and intrigues - 139, 90, 58, 53, 49, 37, 3, 2.
  7. In mental confusion, disorder - 69, 53, 39, 36, 30.
  8. If the evil one prevails – 142, 67.
  9. In diseases – 69, 46, 29.

God has given us shrines, thanks to which we are not defenseless in the face of danger. This is a cross that we always carry with us, without removing it from our chest, as well as water blessed at a prayer service or brought from holy springs, prosphora and others. In addition, Orthodox believers are protected by prayer, through which we receive help from God.

How to pray

The Holy Fathers advise that every time you leave home, protect yourself and your loved ones, especially children, with a cross, and say a prayer asking God for protection and patronage. Text of the prayer: “Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross, and save me from all evil.”

Prayer of the Optina Elders

There is more than one strong prayer from fear, which you can read when you find yourself in difficult circumstances:

  1. Our Father.
  2. The elected Voivode is victorious.
  3. Prayer of the Optina Elders.
  4. To the honorable cross.
  5. Saints George the Victorious, Theodore Stratelates, Demetrius Donskoy.
  6. To the angelic forces - Archangel Michael, Guardian Angel.
  7. In your own words.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Prayers should be memorized. This will help you not to get confused in difficult times and immediately call on God for help. It is difficult to learn lengthy texts, but it is advisable to know short prayers.

The most important thing that is required is a firm belief in Heavenly powers and their patronage. A prayer for anxiety, said with unshakable hope, will certainly be heard.

Possible causes of anxiety, fear

It is common for people to experience fear and confusion in certain situations. These emotions are present in us from the very beginning, they are necessary for us, as they serve as a warning bell about danger and encourage us to take decisive action.

With their help, we can save both our own life and health, and help our neighbors who are in trouble or an unpleasant situation.

Sometimes natural feelings are brought to a hypertrophied state, out of obedience and control. Such states often become obsessive and acquire a dominant, panicky character. There is only one step left to serious mental illness.

The following can lead to hypertrophied manifestations of anxiety and fear:

  • disease;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • psychological trauma;
  • stress;
  • acute situations
  • other.

It’s bad when a person loses his sense of proportion and control over himself, bringing himself to such a sinful state. Worry and anxiety become chronic, constantly present in the human soul.

Lack of faith

The first and most common cause of a restless state is distrust of God or lack of faith. Many consider themselves believers.

But when the time comes for testing in the form of any problems of current life, illnesses, troubles, such people easily lose ground under their feet.

They become anxious, aggressive, easily fall into hysterics, and are characterized by short temper and irritability. Many are overcome by despondency and hopelessness.

In addition, the lack of genuine spiritual activity gives rise to various superstitions, fear of the evil eye, and fear of the unknown future.

During confession, priests constantly have to deal with people who are in horror and panic because they want to damage them, send misfortunes, illnesses, and so on.

One of the most common superstitions says that a found cross should not be lifted from the ground, otherwise all the misfortunes of the previous owner will pass on to the person who found it. But leaving a shrine on the road to be trampled underfoot is also a great sin.

To get rid of the fear of such finds, we should understand that the cross is always a reminder to us of Christ, the focus of all Orthodox confessions. And after picking up a find from the ground, you must cross it and read a prayer.

And if you don’t take it home, then it’s best to pick it up and hang it on a fence or branch of a nearby tree. This way there is a chance that the owner of the cross will be found.

If there is no spiritual basis, the impetus for the appearance of fear, excessive fear, can be any life situation: problems with work, behavior and health of children, illness, etc. All this is eliminated by sincere prayer, which forms a living connection with the Lord, in which any fear recedes.

Not only prayer against anxiety helps a person to strengthen, but also faith in God’s providence for us, humility and submission before His Holy Will. A Christian firmly knows that all trials are sent from God, and in the final result they will turn out only for the best and most favorable side for him.

Advice! Prayers for anxiety and obsessive thoughts, for anxiety in the soul - this is the first ambulance a person confused in difficult circumstances.


In addition to lack of faith, the basis of an anxious state may be sadness, one of the sinful passions that torment a person. Worldly sadness is caused by excessive care and worries about everyday, material things, which leads a person to despair and despondency. Often in such cases a depressive state develops.

Important! Sadness, just like unbelief, is cured by trust in God, His Holy Providence.

Christians in the sorrows that visit them should see, first of all, a test sent by God, which is necessary for self-improvement and strengthening in virtues.

Then all the negativity that hides a clear vision of the world recedes from a person’s gaze.

How can we learn to observe moderation in everyday affairs? We must always remember the words of the Savior that we should seek, first of all, salvation, the Kingdom of Heaven, and all earthly things will be added to us. That is, we will put the spiritual in the main place in our life, and then the rest, the temporary. But not the other way around.

In this case, everyday sadness will recede from us, and there will be no more anxiety about the unclear, foggy future and fear of it.

How to find a peaceful spirit

States of fear and anxiety are the opposite of what a believer should strive for.

The goal of Christian life is to acquire the Holy Spirit, one of whose gifts is peace in the soul, peace and balance. The Kingdom of God must already now, in this earthly life, settle within a person.

Believers achieve this state of grace by fulfilling the commandments, prayer, fasting and other Christian virtues.

It is very difficult for people who build their lives without God and His Holy Will to find support for spiritual peace and tranquility. If a person in life does not have any moral pointers in the form Gospel commandments, how can he perform actions that will bring grace-filled peace and joy into his life?

Informative! for the repose of the deceased: how to order correctly

The conscience of such people is unclean, and does not give them the opportunity to live a peaceful life.

Modern people, driven by passions, very often have no meaning in life and do not find a place for themselves. And those suffering from various forms of addiction, for example, drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling addiction, live in such a depressed state every day.

Only a pure life and an impeccable conscience help a person find peace and peace of mind.

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Let's sum it up

If you do not live in obedience to God and do not bring repentance to Him, and do not struggle with yourself and your sinful habits, then prayer offered to the Lord may not help in difficult circumstances. In order not to be afraid of anything and not to worry too much about anything, you need to develop a spiritual view of many things.

Often the Almighty allows sorrow to enlighten unrepentant sinners and call them to correction through troubles and illnesses. And if you don’t know this, then you can fall into the deepest despair.

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Do you know what exactly ruins our lives and brings our death closer? Not troubles and misfortunes, but an attitude towards the fact of their existence and the likelihood of their occurrence. Thinking that something bad will happen, a person suffers immeasurably more than when a misfortune happens. Prayers for fear and anxiety help you cope. What are they, when to read them, what are the words? Let's figure it out.

Explanation of the clergy

When faced with failures and hearing about them from family and friends, a person begins to worry. His fears lead to such events coming to life. He says, well, I knew it, my heart told me that trouble was on the doorstep. And he himself does not realize that the Lord gave him this world for joy. And he, endowed with freedom of choice from above, decided to fill the space with sad emotions. and alarms are uttered so that the believer remembers who he is, who created him and why.

Every time dark thoughts overwhelm you, you should think not about future misfortunes, but about the Lord. He created the earth for happiness. He gave it to man with all the creatures and plants for his enjoyment. And people in their busy world forget about this simple truth.

Only prayer from anxiety and fear in the soul can turn thoughts in the right direction. You should turn to the Lord, trust him, uncertainty and fears melt away, leaving no trace. There is a higher meaning in prayer in general, and in turning to saints to help get rid of depressing thoughts, in particular. They fill the soul with light, dispelling the darkness of sometimes vain worries.

What do believers say?

And anxiety helps many people get rid of unnecessary, dark emotions. For example, a mother cannot help but worry about her child. But should she feel constant fear about his fate? Does this involve faith in the Lord? He created it and gave it the opportunity to continue in children. God is concerned about their lives in the same way as about the fate of the parent herself. Why doesn't she trust him? This is how clergy recommend thinking when fears and worries fill the soul.

Logic doesn’t help - read prayers from Buy a collection in the church. There are a lot of texts there. Although the temple workers offer a very short phrase that can instantly change the attitude towards what is happening. Say this: “All is Your will, Lord!” Repeat this short phrase until it fills your soul with light. You can stop when you feel the love and care of the Creator in your heart. And this feeling is much more voluminous than all the far-fetched and real fears.

Orthodox prayer for fear and anxiety, even if very short, changes consciousness. The person feels that he is not alone. His life is filled with meaning and love. There may only be enemies and haters around, but the Lord is nearby! He not only takes care of daily needs, but opens up the opportunity for the soul to develop, to become a co-creator of this beautiful space! Why should one with whom the Lord is constantly present be afraid?

What are prayers for fear and anxiety?

Turn to Christ, who cares about everything in the world. He will never leave his child without help. When the situation seems absolutely hopeless to you, repeat the words of the liturgy: “You will do everything for us!” Feel the deep meaning of this quote. It contains complete, childlike, sincere and pure trust in the Creator. Do not allow doubts about His Higher Help to poison your soul.

Believe me, the Lord is truly omnipotent. But He will not allow himself to deny a person freedom of choice. The Lord has given him the right to decide for himself what to do, who to seek protection from, who to fight, and who to surrender. Jesus comes to the suffering. This means that He helps not those who feel bad, but people who trust Him.

Prayer for anxiety and fear in the soul: an example

When you turn to Jesus, it is important to give birth to words in your soul. Remember the legend of the publican and the Pharisee? It is not the one who is closest to God who speaks correctly, but the one who honors Him as the Creator. There is no need, Jesus taught, to read from the book of the “Pharisees.” Seclude yourself (lock yourself in a room) and tell them what’s bothering you. Here is the text recommended by Archimandrite Andrey: “I am a child of God. I feel His love with my whole being. My soul calms down. God clearly shows me throughout my life that He protects and protects His child from troubles and misfortunes. Let my fears, insecurities, anxieties that haunt me disappear! Amen!"

When do they turn to the Lord?

This is also an individual question. Some people remember prayer only in critical situations, others constantly have the Lord in their souls. Both are right in their own way. That's not what this is about. Father Andrey recommends not to wait for troubles. After all, they come after bad thoughts. Fight not the consequence, but the cause. That is, as soon as you start to worry, say a prayer. And the priest is also sure that he saves not only from fear and anxiety. He says you need to live by hard work. When a person has a lot of worries, he forgets about empty worries. His head is busy with real things to do today, tomorrow and every day. Where can I fill my head with worries? We need to deal with important and pressing issues that benefit others. And let them be far from the exploits of Hercules. Every person has his own task in life. This is what you need to focus on.


It is necessary to provide people's feedback on prayers. We not only learn from our own mistakes, the experience of others is also worthy of study. And believers say that prayer, read not at the moment of misfortune, but at times of anxiety, acts as the most useful medicine. Like a ray of light, it drives away darkness from the soul. If previously a person suffered, was nervous and was sick, then by turning to God, he gets rid of not only troubles, but also illnesses. His life becomes simpler and more joyful, and the feeling of loneliness goes away forever. Check it out yourself. After all, there is nothing complicated. Just remember the phrase “Lord, all is Thy will.” And repeat it whenever you are worried or worried.