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The Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia was dismissed. Minister of Internal Affairs for the Udmurt Republic Alexey Popov. Independence Day

On April 6, 2018, it became known that Alexander Pervukhin, who has been serving as Minister of Internal Affairs for Udmurtia since 2011, is resigning. The corresponding Decree signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin was published on the Kremlin website. Komsomolskaya Pravda talked with Vladimir Baimetov, chairman of the public council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Udmurtia, who told how Alexander Sergeevich’s work in the republic began.


The time when Alexander Pervukhin came to the department coincided with the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the recertification of employees and the renaming of the police into the police.

The process was quite painful,” recalls Baimetov. At that time, he was a member of the certification commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Udmurtia. – Many former employees, even quite high-ranking ones, refused to undergo recertification. They just quit or retired. This was not just a renaming, it was a lot of meaningful work. And people were aware that requirements were changing - level, content and quality. To pass the certification, you had to have real results behind you. Of course, at the same time, additional benefits appeared, salaries increased - for 2011 they were really decent. But the competitive selection itself has become more serious, and employee checks have become tougher.

It was then, at a turning point for the law enforcement industry, that Alexander Pervukhin was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia. He moved to us from the Sverdlovsk region, where he worked as deputy head of the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for his region.

By the way, during the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of employees was reduced by almost 2 times. Despite this, the efficiency of the department remained at the same level, and later even improved.

I met Pervukhin as the chairman of the public council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Udmurtia,” recalls Baimetov. - There was “timelessness” - there were acting responsibilities before him, and everyone wanted the structure of the department to finally settle down. So that a person can come who will really take everything into his own hands, especially in those difficult times. There were many different fears - that now he would come, fire everyone, bring 30 of his own people, and disperse the old ones, sharply change the requirements...

Pervukhin was introduced, as was customary then, with the participation of the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - he spoke via conference call.

We gathered all the bosses, the council of veterans, and so on,” says Vladimir Baimetov. - And from the TV screen the deputy minister introduced Pervukhin as the new head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Udmurtia. This was the first time I saw him live.

Almost immediately after its official presentation, a meeting of the public council took place.

From the first words, I was captivated by his openness,” says Baimetov. – This is exactly the case when a person “does not need to be confused in his testimony”; he tells everyone the same thing. We immediately realized that he is a very direct person. And when he gave everyone his personal phone number and said that they could call at any time of the day, we were simply shocked.


The tasks facing Pervukhin were not easy - to complete the recertification and put the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia into working mode.

We must pay tribute, he has a very objective and calm approach to people,” recalls Baimetov. - Alexander Sergeevich’s requirements were simple: to fulfill his professional tasks with dignity and quality. I have never seen him raise his voice to anyone. He quickly gained authority among employees. Another issue is the solution of social issues. Pervukhin was shocked when he found out the state of the waiting list for housing here. Here the queue among employees and veterans was longer than in the Sverdlovsk region! And this unpleasantly surprised him. He took up this issue and was able to get money for it. We built residential buildings (the last ones were commissioned in the early 90s), issued housing certificates, and some employees received cash payments for housing.

It was under Alexander Pervukhin that our ministry began to consistently occupy the top positions in the ratings of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Many thanks were expressed to the employees who were involved in ensuring law and order at the Olympics in Sochi, the Universiade, and in hot spots. Alexander Sergeevich pays great attention to sports. Alexander Sergeevich is an athlete himself (master of sports in wrestling), and partly this is what shaped his character and attentive attitude to sports and its support, says Baimetov. –Employees actively and honorably participate in sporting events. I myself witnessed how representatives of various sports federations of the republic turned to the minister for support, and he tried to help and assist everyone.


According to Vladimir Baymetov, with the arrival of Alexander Pervukhin, more attention began to be paid to the activities of the veterans council.

Before this, there was also a council and German Sergeevich Sannikov. Alexander Sergeevich made him his assistant and gave him official status. Before this, our leaders of the veteran organization had not received such status. This is both support for the veterans’ movement and an indicator of respect for German Sergeevich personally.

Of course, all these events happened before, but the content was different, the level was different. Take, for example, the procedure for taking the oath - before Pervukhin there was no such scale. I remember once standing in the rain, on central square, in the village of Zavyalovo on Heroes Square, where there is a bust of General Saburov. And then, the ceremonial transfer of the received equipment (when they received cars for the local police and operational services and handed them over on the central square) - before Pervukhin there had never been such a quantity. This, of course, is the effect of federal programs, but I am convinced that his lobbying capabilities also played a role here. It also impresses the residents of the republic when a convoy of cars with special signals, with a special coloring... it inspires respect.

Separately, Baimetov also notes Alexander Sergeevich’s integrity.

He always paid great attention to legal requirements. He has a life principle and credo: if you don’t know what to do, act according to the law,” says the expert. “He understood that everyone would never be happy with the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. When you work hard with the offender, he is not happy, when you work gently, the injured party is not happy. Since the police are at the intersection of the interests of citizens, everyone will never be happy. What remains in this case? Act strictly according to the law.


Over the 7 years of work in the department, Alexander Pervukhin managed to achieve a lot. The buildings of the Oktyabrsky district police department were built, for example, several buildings of temporary detention centers, and the issue of the main building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was almost resolved. During his work, the detection of crimes increased by more than 25%, and the number of registered crimes decreased by 19.87%. Large-scale work was carried out to check law enforcement personnel and identify crimes committed by police officers. All this is a significant step forward, Baymetov believes.

He is also supported by the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia, German Sannikov. He is convinced that Pervukhin has done a lot that has not been done before.

He did a lot of useful and kind things, solved a lot of economic issues. Look how Dynamo functions today! This is largely his merit. But somehow they decided to transfer the swimming pool at Dynamo to other hands. The minister stood for life and death! And he defended it. And there were a number of issues that he defended, including the construction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs building. They couldn’t do this before him and didn’t do it,” comments German Sergeevich.

It seems to me that such success was achieved because his subordinates worked not out of fear, but because they were afraid to let Pervukhin down as a leader,” continues Baimetov. – But I believe that Pervukhin’s main merit is the unity of the department. With him the feeling of a single team returned, which we lost in the late 90s. The team spirit is largely the merit of Pervukhin. Because he's used to working like this. Because the demands he made were not supernatural, but quite normal. That's why he succeeded. And now, no matter where a person works - in a village as a district police officer, in Glazov, Izhevsk - the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Udmurtia is one team that works for one goal - maintaining law and order, protecting the rights and freedoms of the inhabitants of Russia.

Let us recall that on April 6, by presidential decree, Alexander Pervukhin, who headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia, resigned from his post. Komsomolskaya Pravda decided to recall what high-profile cases were investigated during the period of his work.



In July 2011, a gang of thugs attacked vacationers on the banks of the Kama River near the village of Golyany. The thugs brutally beat people, sparing neither children nor women.

It all started suddenly: they suddenly ran out in a crowd and immediately rushed into a fight,” the victim said. - My wife called my father, he was at the dacha nearby. My father arrived immediately, and in the end he suffered too: his ribs were broken and there was also an open fracture of his jaw. Now he has had surgery. They beat everyone: our wives, and even our friend’s 12-year-old daughter.

The attackers used whatever came to hand - stones, bottles, chains, and they also had a bat. An hour and a half later (it was already about one in the morning) the gang loaded into the Gazelle and moved further along the Kama - towards Doksha. Inhumans, brutalized by blood, were looking for their next victims. And they found it. In total, about 15 people were injured. Three of whom were hospitalized in serious condition, four were children.

While the investigation was underway, police patrolled the area along the Kama. On weekends, a riot police and police car group and a water patrol were on duty.

Soon they managed to catch 17 suspects. Three more people were put on the federal wanted list. And only in 2012 the instigators were sentenced. There were 12 people in the dock. They all admitted their guilt.

One of the attackers got off with a fine, the rest were given from 4.5 to 7.5 years in a high-security penal colony. In addition, the court satisfied the claims of the victims in the amount of over half a million rubles.

It is interesting that police officers, investigating the “Kama Massacre”, found out that members of this criminal group are also involved in other crimes, including 3 facts of extortion, 2 thefts (scooters and wheels from a car), 2 robberies, 2 frauds, 2 robberies. They extorted money and took it from passers-by Cell phones, laptops.


300 rubles for 1 gram of heroin. Two men offered drugs for that amount. The price can be said to be wholesale. It's very cheap compared to the market price. And their weight was impressive - about 4 kg. They would have earned good money: about 1,200,000 rubles. But when the Maldives flashed before our eyes, the seller of the goods was captured by masked men with machine guns.

The sellers turned out to be the police department No. 3 (Pervomaisky district) of the Izhevsk Internal Affairs Directorate. One of them is a 32-year-old police major, the second is a 24-year-old senior police lieutenant. They stole 6 kg of seized heroin from the office. And instead of drugs they put burnt sugar. Let us note that such actions by former employees could not be ignored by current employees - MRO-6 and former minister Alexander Pervukhin personally oversaw the progress of the case and participated in the arrest.

Naturally, the men were fired from the internal affairs bodies. The court sentenced the ex-policemen to 6 and 5 years in prison to be served in a maximum security colony.

YEAR 2013


A five-story brick building on Lenin Street in the center of Izhevsk also found itself at the center of a complicated story. On the area between the third and fourth floors, a frozen pool of blood was found in the entrance. Among the stains of dirt and drawings on the green wall, red stains can be discerned.

At this place on the night of April 13, a police colonel, without exaggeration, a local MVD bigwig, fired a bullet from an Izh-78 “trauma” into the head of his neighbor below. Too bad he went off on Saturday evening with songs, dances and shouts in the company of a dozen brothers and matchmakers.

The security officer’s family was taken into protective custody on the same day. Colleagues feared that the relatives of the deceased (representatives of the Azerbaijani diaspora) would begin to take revenge. A police patrol crew was stationed in front of the house. And the Ministry of Internal Affairs officially issued a statement that the colonel was defending himself.

As the police subsequently reported, the employee made a remark to the noisy company. But in response, two men began to beat him. “Running towards his apartment, in order to repel the attack, the police used a registered Izh-78 traumatic pistol,” the Ministry of Internal Affairs said.

Colonel Andrei Glukhov was charged with committing crimes under Part 1 of Art. 105 (murder), part 1 of Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional infliction of slight harm to human health).

The story about the shooting colonel was shown in the “Man and the Law” program on Channel One. The journalists did not agree with the version of self-defense, since they met with the relatives of the deceased neighbor.

The victim turned out to be the deputy director of the Reduktor group of enterprises, Artur Fatykhov. On that ill-fated day, he, his wife and a classmate were returning from Tatarstan from a meeting of classmates. A young man was traveling with them - a fellow traveler who simply asked for a ride.

The deputy director of the Reductor plant was killed

Arthur's friend and wife managed to escape; the doctors examined the fellow traveler on the spot - hospitalization was not required. And Fatykhov himself was seriously injured. He died 4 days after the attack.

As it turned out later, there were four attackers. Among them was a 32-year-old “gunner”. It was he who handed over the deputy director to the attackers. This gunner turned out to be a friend of Artur Fatykhov. A man set up his friend for money. The four's plans were to rob the deputy director of Reductor. That's why they stole the car - they hoped to find keys to the apartment, a wallet with credit cards and other “profits” in it.

They decided to commit a crime out of envy and unwillingness to repay a debt of 700 thousand rubles, investigators said.

In June 2016, they were found guilty in court. Each received a sentence ranging from 9 to 23 years. In total, they will serve 52 years.



A beautiful March day. The Maximov family was returning home after a skiing trip. Suddenly the police major's car flew onto the road. At that moment, 63-year-old Vladimir Maksimov was standing by a car parked on the side of the road and packing his skis. The foreign car crashed straight into him, the man died on the spot.

The court found that Ivan Chupin was driving a car with an expired license and significantly exceeded the speed limit. But for the injured party it was important to prove that the defendant was drunk at the time of the accident. It is this circumstance that would determine the severity of the consequences of the crime committed.

The debate continued for a whole year. The main question is: “Drunk or sober?” The former policeman claimed that he was sober at the time of the accident, and after the incident he sipped cognac from an open bottle to relieve stress after the accident. Witnesses said that Ivan Chupin behaved inappropriately at the scene of the accident. And in the store where he went with a relative a couple of hours before the accident, he behaved defiantly.

The court remained adamant. He decided that all the testimony of witnesses was in the nature of assumptions and could not serve as evidence. The judge of the Glazovsky District Court imposed a sentence of 3 years in prison. But since the state alcohol intoxication was not proven, the court reclassified the charge from Article 264 Part 4 to Article 264 Part 3. Ivan Chupin was released in the courtroom under an amnesty in honor of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

However, in November 2016, a second hearing was held after the lawyers of the injured party appealed the initial verdict in the Supreme Court of the Republic. This time, the court considered the fact that Chupin was intoxicated at the time of the accident to be fully proven. He was sentenced to 4 years in prison to be served in a colony settlement, and was also ordered to pay compensation to the widow of the deceased in the amount of about 800 thousand rubles.


In November 2014, operatives received information about the impending sale and detained the attackers on the spot. They found an AK-74 assault rifle and more than 100 rounds of ammunition on them. And in the garage they found over 20 firearms, grenades and more than 1,700 pistol and hunting cartridges.



During 2016-2017, in four cities of Udmurtia, namely Izhevsk, Votkinsk, Sarapul and Glazov, the criminal community distributed “synthetics”. As it turned out, the members of this gang included not only residents of our country, but also foreigners, a total of 13 people.

They found buyers for drugs through a specially created online store and left bookmarks where the buyer later found them.

Drug control officers, together with investigators, seized over five kilograms of “synthetics”, which were already prepared for sale.

A criminal case has now been opened. Nine drug trafficking participants are in pre-trial detention. Let us note that the sanction of the article provides for a maximum penalty of imprisonment for a term of up to 20 years.



Two Moscow residents decided to profit from federal programs and created a network of employees of insurance and brokerage companies. They entered into insurance agreements with agricultural enterprises located in Udmurtia, Tula and Ryazan regions. But the fact is that according to the program, partial reimbursement of insurance costs is assumed. Of course, the insurance was fictitious, but the money from the federal budget was real. Thus, they “earned” 115 million rubles.

Employees of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia together with colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia managed to close down the shop of twelve gang members. Criminal cases have been initiated under several articles of the criminal code, and all illegally obtained money is now under arrest. The criminal case has been sent to court.

One minister and three governors

Pervukhin’s resignation did not become a sensation; people began to talk about the general’s resignation from his post already in the fall of last year. Various reasons were given. Pervukhin’s ill-wishers blamed the results of certain inspections that revealed violations and mistakes of the ministry’s leadership. Those who were sympathetic to the minister argued that 7 years in one position in an era of very rapid horizontal personnel movement was already nonsense. And that rotation should be expected very soon.

Over the course of several decades, the post of Minister of Internal Affairs of the republic increasingly acquired political features. No, no one has removed responsibility for ensuring security from the head of the department, but it is also impossible to admit that the security forces are last years everyone is showing more interest in politics, it would be wrong. And Minister Pervukhin was, perhaps, the most “politicized” of all his predecessors.

The fact that at a certain moment Pervukhin became one of the significant centers of influence in the republic was obvious to everyone. As a minister, he managed to work with three leaders of Udmurtia at once - Volkov, Solovyov and Brechalov. And in such contacts, not only will and character are strengthened, but political weight is also gained.

Even the very fact of the emergence of a well-known conflict with KOMOS, in which Pervukhin was involved, is very indicative. Just 10-15 years ago it would have been difficult to imagine such a situation. And, despite the initial scandalousness of the conflict, it subsequently died down and had virtually no effect on the minister’s image.

Soulful Minister

Alexander Pervukhin became, perhaps, the first Minister of Internal Affairs who, in his work, tried to expand the boundaries of responsibility. In addition to direct investigative work, he was actively interested in the conditions in which his employees lived, what salary they received, and how they spent their leisure time.

Under Pervukhin, the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were constantly growing, the department managed to retain the Dynamo sports complex, and the stadium of the same name was finally ready for reconstruction.

The minister failed to complete his idea of ​​​​constructing a new ministry building in the city center. This project has both supporters and opponents, but it would be a mistake to deny the importance of federal investments worth almost 1 billion rubles, which Pervukhin was ready to bring to Izhevsk for new construction.

At the same time, the minister was mentally different from many of his predecessors. He did not shy away from local journalists, touchingly told how he reads bedtime stories to his little daughter, quoted literary classics, supported Izhevsk sports teams in football and hockey. There has probably never been such a minister in Udmurtia, which is why journalists, social activists, and veterans of internal affairs were drawn to him.

Three roads of the ex-minister

After the first information appeared that Pervukhin might leave the post of Minister of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia, conspiracy theorists began to develop three main lines of scenario for the future fate of the main Udmurt policeman.

  1. Pervukhin’s resignation was facilitated by some kind of inspection of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which revealed a lot of violations and now the minister is leaving his post practically with a “wolf ticket”. This version did not receive exact confirmation, if only because more than six months passed from the moment rumors about the results of the audit appeared until Pervukhin’s resignation. It is unlikely that the minister who committed misconduct would have been kept in office for so long if there really were some serious complaints against him.
  2. Considering the relatively young age of the minister (Pervukhin is only 54 years old), he was allegedly offered, in terms of rotation, to head the Ministry of Internal Affairs of another region. We talked about Bashkiria. It is not yet possible to confirm or deny this information. No order - no assignment. And it may not happen for a very long time. 9-10 months of being in the nearest reserve before a new assignment is a common practice in the law enforcement system.
  3. Pervukhin is allegedly preparing to transition to the civilian service. They say that Alexander Brechalov is actively wooing him for a position in the regional government. He has not closed the key position of Deputy Prime Minister, who would oversee “serious” topics - industry, road construction and housing and communal services issues. This direction is unlikely to be taken by yesterday’s social activist or fashionable Skolkovo graduate. But a strong general’s hand would probably be just the thing. But Pervukhin has not yet publicly reacted to this prospect for his future.

In any case, no matter how it turns out further fate ex-head of the Udmurt Ministry of Internal Affairs, Alexander Pervukhin has already left a noticeable mark on himself in modern history republics. And it is possible that in his “Izhevsk” period of his career it is still far from the moment when it will be possible to put an end to it.

The results of Pervukhin’s work in numbers

Over the past eight years (since 2011) in Udmurtia, the number of registered crimes has decreased by 26%, while the crime detection rate, on the contrary, has increased by 25%. In addition, the number of unsolved crimes decreased by 3.5 thousand (from 13,444 to 9,895), and the number of reported serious crimes decreased by 2.7 thousand (from 6,233 to 3,537).

Pervukhin's predecessors as Minister of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia

Over the past 30 years, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been led by only 5 people. Each of them had their own history, their own characteristics of leading a troubled police economy. They had only one thing in common - all of them (with rare exceptions) were Varangians for the republican law enforcement agency.

Nikitin Alexander Makarovich

A native of the Tomsk region. He served as minister for the longest time. He headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia from 1988 to 1998.

During his period there were the most difficult times - the collapse of the socialist system, chaos in the authorities. Along with this, there was the rampant “wild business” of the 90s and, as a consequence, crime. The famous criminal wars between the “blues” and “athletes” are also Nikitin’s era. Like the brutal murder of his deputy, Colonel Perevoshchikov, along with family members, this also all happened under Nikitin.

It was under him that such structures as the Organized Crime Control Department, SOBR, PPS were created in Udmurtia, and the first rebuff was given to organized crime. After leaving the post of minister, Nikitin sold his cottage in the village of Sosnovy Bor to Sergei Chikurov, and left for Moscow, where he worked as chief research fellow Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. Now retired, he actively participates in the work of the Tomsk community in Moscow.

Shcherbakov Vladimir Filippovich

Native Omsk region. He led the ministry less than others - only three years: from 1998 to 2001.

He left a serious mark on Udmurt politics, first of all, by the fact that after his resignation from the authorities, he represented the republic in the Federation Council until 2012.

After three years in Udmurtia, Shcherbakov, unexpectedly for many, was transferred to Nizhny Novgorod, where he headed the district department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After leaving the republic, materials appeared in the media in which the authors hinted at the corruption of the former minister, but an official check did not produce results. After leaving the Federation Council, his place was taken by the future head of the republic, Alexander Solovyov. Shcherbakov himself went into the shadows after his resignation.

Arzamastsev Nikolay Evgenievich

He was born in the village of Agryz, but spent most of his career in Udmurtia in state security agencies. He headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia from 2001 to 2006.

Before heading the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Arzamastsev headed the FSB department for the Udmurt Republic for more than ten years. It is known that colleagues from the two law enforcement agencies do not like each other. Therefore, one can imagine the psychological turning point that occurred in the Ministry of Internal Affairs when a career security officer came to its leadership.

Arzamastsev was the creation of the first president of Udmurtia, Alexander Volkov, who had just headed the region and was strengthening his power, including in the law enforcement agencies.

1999 In the center: Head of the FSB Directorate for Udmurtia Nikolai Arzamastsev, Chairman of the State Council of the Udmurt Republic Alexander Volkov and Chairman of the Government of the Udmurt Republic Nikolai Ganza

At the beginning of the 2000s, governors could still influence the personnel appointments of the security forces, and Volkov coped with this task brilliantly, promoting Arzamastsev, who was loyal to himself, to a key position.

In fact, this was the only case when the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia was not led by a Varangian. Arzamastsev is remembered for having created an informal “general’s club”, which included heads of all departments “in uniform”, and Mikhail Kalashnikov became its honorary leader.

Grand opening of the Kalashnikov Museum. Nikolai Arzamastsev is third from left | November 4, 2004

Also during the Arzamastsev period there was a high-profile closure of medical sobering-up stations and the first attempt to introduce a “curfew” for children and teenagers and to prohibit drinking beer in public places. Then these ideas failed, although a few years later they were implemented at the federal level.

Arzamastsev’s resignation was preceded by a high-profile inspection of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which revealed a number of violations and shortcomings of the Udmurt police officers and their leaders. Arzamastsev had to leave, although no public complaints were made against him personally. Currently retired, lives in Izhevsk.

Sosnovsky Valery Vladimirovich

A native of the Moscow region. The most “inconspicuous” Minister of the Interior. He headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia from 2006 to 2011.

He came to Udmurtia from a much more profitable position as Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region and in a narrow circle called the transfer to our republic “exile.” Being a non-public minister, he always reacted very painfully to criticism in regional media and even sued certain publications.

During his leadership, investigations began into the first high-profile corruption cases involving officials and deputies. However, this was a merit not only and not so much of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But corruption scandals also affected the ministry itself.

Thus, the head of the UBEP was arrested, the leadership of some city departments was shaken, the minister himself was accused of nepotism and placing his relatives - his wife and nephew - in good positions. And under Sosnovsky, a wild incident occurred at boarding school No. 2, when several students tried to commit suicide by opening their veins.

Federal ill-wishers also spoiled the minister’s nerves. For example, Russian State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein, in his investigations in the Moskovsky Komsomolets publication, directly pointed out the connections of the police general with Solntsevo criminals.

After his resignation, Sosnovsky returned to his native Moscow region, where he successfully runs a business.

On April 6, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree dismissing 11 generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Investigative Committee. Among them is the Minister of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia Alexander Pervukhin. Despite the fact that talk about his dismissal began at the end of last year, for many this news came as a surprise - a few hours before the publication of the decree, Police Major General Pervukhin spoke at gala event in honor of the 55th anniversary of the formation of investigative units in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. A former employee of the internal affairs bodies and a member of the public council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs evaluate his work only positively and regret his dismissal.

On April 6, by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 11 generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Investigative Committee were removed from their posts. Among them is the Minister of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia Alexander Pervukhin. The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the republic could not answer the Kommersant-Udmurtia correspondent about how long the major general will work in the department and who will perform his duties until the president appoints a new minister. It is also unknown whether Alexander Pervukhin will remain in the republic or move to serve in another region.

Alexander Pervukhin headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia in 2011, having arrived in the republic from the Sverdlovsk region. Before that, he served at the headquarters of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Region, the Inspectorate Directorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdloblast Executive Committee and the Department of Internal Affairs of the Kirov Regional Executive Committee of Sverdlovsk.

Rumors that Alexander Pervukhin wrote a letter of resignation appeared in local telegram channels in October 2017. His release from office was first expected in November last year, then in January 2018, and then in February and March. Then the conversations stopped. However, on the sidelines they continued to discuss where Police Major General Pervukhin would go to serve or work. The press service of the head of the Kommersant-Udmurtia region denied information about his appointment to a government position.

According to the legal statistics portal of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, over the past eight years in the republic the number of registered crimes has decreased by 26%, while the detection rate of crimes, on the contrary, has increased by 25%. In addition, the number of unsolved crimes decreased by 3,549 (from 13,444 to 9,895), and the number of reported serious crimes decreased by 2,696 (from 6,233 to 3,537). Among the high-profile crimes uncovered by the internal affairs bodies, when they were led by Alexander Pervukhin, in July 2011, 12 young people beat up vacationers near the banks of the Kama River, in the same month, a traffic police officer shot his colleague in the head in the traffic police building, in 2013, a police colonel shot a neighbor in the head with a traumatic pistol; in 2014, in the village of Alnashi, two men killed the deputy director of the Reduktor group of enterprises, Artur Fatykhov, and stole his Lexus car; in March 2015, a police major hit and killed a pedestrian.

As Fania Fedorova, vice-speaker of the Izhevsk City Duma, who served in the internal affairs bodies for 25 years, told Kommersant-Udmurtia, Alexander Pervukhin informed her of his intention to resign this week, but did not indicate the exact date. In addition, today, April 6, speaking at a gala event in honor of the 55th anniversary of the formation of investigative units in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Major General of Police spoke about his work in the internal affairs system in the past tense. “Under him, over these seven years, the attitude towards the investigative apparatus has changed. It has become much clearer and clearer. Alexander Pervukhin was able to organize the joint work of all departments with the investigation. Today at the event he repeated his accents. With my service experience, I evaluate his work in the republic as one of the best,” the vice speaker shared. She also noted his integrity in work matters and openness in providing data on the operational situation in Udmurtia. “He will definitely not sit in retirement. He shared that he would choose from the proposals received. And I'm sure they will. At the same time, it is possible that Alexander Pervukhin will remain in the republic. I'm sorry he quit. But this is his decision, and the decision of the generals must be respected. I would like him to continue to work and be useful,” added Fania Fedorova.

A former member of the public council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Udmurtia, political scientist Alexander Balitsky told Kommersant-Udmurtia that he also regrets the dismissal of Alexander Pervukhin. “It was immediately obvious that this minister was in the right place. He has the rarest professional erudition and unique, subtle humor. Therefore, we can safely say that we got a simply outstanding minister. Thanks to the way he brought order to the department, he gained authority. According to professionals, he is a man of action - very principled and consistent,” said Mr. Balitsky. He also noted his professionalism in management - the ability to ask and create a normal working atmosphere. “I don’t know what his future fate will be. I would be glad if he stayed in the republic. With his professionalism and management experience in law enforcement agencies, this is a very important acquisition for the subject of the federation,” the political scientist believes.

09.12.2018 / 18:16 Today, September 12, Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Russian Federation Igor Zubov introduced the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Udmurtia to the new head of the regional department, police colonel Alexei Popov.

The event was attended by the Chairman of the Government of the Udmurt Republic Yaroslav Semenov, the Head of the Administration of the Head and Government of the Udmurt Republic Sergei Smirnov, as well as representatives of the legislative, judicial and executive authorities of the region, heads of law enforcement agencies.

As Igor Zubov reported, after graduating from the Omsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Alexey Popov went from an operational officer in the Omsk line department of railway transport to the deputy head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Arkhangelsk Region. “Professional police officer. He has extensive experience in operational work, including in organizing the work of units to combat organized crime. The acquired skills and experience of working in internal affairs bodies allowed him to competently and effectively organize interaction with the heads of the law enforcement block of agencies. state power and achieve positive results in all areas of operational activities. In connection with this, he was enrolled in the federal personnel reserve for promotion. The personnel policy of the new minister is his prerogative. I am impressed that he is going to rely on local personnel. And at the same time, we clearly understand that the rotation mechanisms have worked and will continue to work,” noted Igor Zubov.

In response, Alexey Popov stated that there were no significant changes in personnel policy departments are not planned. “I am proud to be assigned to our region, to our republic, the arms heart of Russia. There will be no revolutions, we will work with what we have here,” the minister said.

Congratulating the new head of the regional law enforcement agency on his appointment, Chairman of the Government of the Udmurt Republic Yaroslav Semenov, in particular, said: “First of all, I congratulate Alexey Vladimirovich on his appointment to such a responsible and important position. I would like, Igor Nikolaevich, in your person to thank the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Udmurt Republic for constructive interaction with the executive authorities of the republic. Not a single event held on the territory of the republic is complete without the assistance and assistance of police officers. Alexey Vladimirovich, I want to assure you that we will continue to actively support the level of interaction that has been achieved.<…>Good luck! Good luck in your difficult service."

Let us recall that by Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin dated August 28, 2018, Alexey Popov was appointed to the post of Minister of Internal Affairs for the Udmurt Republic. Before that, he served as deputy head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Arkhangelsk Region - chief of police.