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Mikhalkov and the crimes of Yeltsin and Gorbachev - Colonel Cassad - LJ. December Mikhalkov regrets that he upset Naina Yeltsin, but does not renege on his words


Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov on Friday, November 9, as part of the parliamentary hearings “On the implementation of the Strategy of State Cultural Policy for the period up to 2030: the regional aspect,” sharply condemned the activities of the Yeltsin Center.

We are talking about regions, but we cannot help but understand that there can be no culture without an objective understanding of history. There is a center in Yekaterinburg where daily injections of destruction of people’s self-awareness are carried out.

The conversation is not about punishing someone or introducing censorship, I’m talking about the opportunity to change the vector, adjust the program,” the director explained. - This is a question national security, every day hundreds of children go there, they get this poison. This cannot be left to chance, then it will be too late

- Mikhalkov said in his speech.

The management of the Yeltsin Center did not leave the director’s words unanswered, reminding him of Boris Yeltsin’s support during his tenure as President of Russia:

Personally, I’m very eager to see Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov in the museum; we would be happy to show him exhibits with which he is definitely familiar. We have several very touching documents - Mikhalkov’s appeal to the first president as his confidant in the elections. It was sincere, which is always characteristic of Nikita Sergeevich in expressing his love for the current government in all its forms

- said Alexander Drozdov, executive director of the Boris Yeltsin presidential center, during a press conference at the Ural regional center TASS.

The collective conscious Internet did not stand aside and quickly found a video recording of Mikhalkov’s speech, as a confidant of Boris Yeltsin, during the 1996 election campaign.

1. The very formulation of the question here is of course correct, regardless of Mikhalkov. Yeltsin and Gorbachev took conscious actions aimed at dismantling the state and led the USSR to the death. In addition to this, Yeltsin has many questions about predatory privatization, the war in Chechnya, etc. So yes, in the interests of the future of the country, it would be highly desirable for these individuals to be recognized as criminals. But as you know, we are building “Yeltsin Centers” for Yeltsin, and Gorbachev, despite his current criticism, even managed to receive a state award, that is, there are not very many real prospects that under the current government, Yeltsin and Gorbachev will be convicted at the state level, the authorities would rather prefer to fight atomic bomb Lenin.

2. Regarding Mikhalkov himself, his current insights did not in any way prevent him from leaning towards power both under Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Since he understands perfectly well that they will remember this for him, he, of course, lays out a straw for himself in advance in the style of “I thought Gorbachev was like this, but this is what he turned out to be.” Apparently I didn’t think the same about Yeltsin during all 9 years of his presidency. Of course, he is not alone here; in our country there are many who first blindly believed Gorbachev and then Yeltsin. But with Yeltsin it’s a little more complicated, because in the 1996 elections Mikhalkov was pushed for Yeltsin only on his way.

It is possible that if circumstances develop in a certain way, Mikhalkov will delight us with his “realizations” even under the next president, if age and health allow.

And I would like to return to old story with the “banned” release of “Besogon-TV”, when in the comments to the material "The sheriff doesn't care about the problems of demons" Mikhalkov’s fans reproached me that I don’t understand anything, it’s the enemies, liberals and Russophobes who don’t want to let the truth teller Mikhalkov on the 2nd button and are hiding the TRUTH from the people.

A few selected comments.

Indeed, the point is not in Mikhalkov, but in the fact that he publicly tells and proves with facts and videos the entire Russophobic essence of our Federations. Channels.
IMHO the strongest Jewish lobby is entrenched in the media

I didn’t expect such nonsense from you, Boris
we are talking about the Jewish-liberal crowd in general and their shadow patrons
there is not only about “Besogon”, but also about Pushkov’s program “Postscript”

Yes, Mikhalkov is important. Imagine. Because despite all the differences in your views with him, you cannot in any way get around that simple fact. that he was the FIRST to publicly speak out against Russophobia. dominant in "Putin's glamour". But for you the RUSSIAN formulation of the question itself is alien. Hence.

Let's give the floor to Mikhalkov.

- Let's move on to the “exorcism of demons” and talk about “Besogon-TV”. What is the essence of the conflict?

- I would not apply the word “conflict” to the situation with the 38th episode of our Besogon-TV program. This is fundamentally wrong. There was no conflict; rather, we should talk about a difference in views on the situation and “terminology,” so to speak.
As you know, the Match TV channel was recently created on the frequency of the Russia 2 channel, which once belonged to VGTRK. And now, some time after the transaction between the media holdings, another channel of VGTRK plans to air a program in which the presenter attacks the employees of Match TV. From the point of view of the leadership of VGTRK, this would be politically incorrect and would violate business ethics. Of course, VGTRK’s reaction is humanly understandable.
When creating the issue, we thought exclusively about the need to draw attention to the inadmissibility of the permissiveness, frivolity and rudeness that some liberal-minded media workers allowed themselves, to their impunity, and at the same time, the complete helplessness of those towards whom offensive statements were directed, who did not has a public voice to respond and defend itself.
And having learned about the decision of the leadership of VGTRK, I quite honestly told Oleg Dobrodeev (head of VGTRK - IF) that I would be forced to release the program on the Internet. The TV show is my property; moreover, I do not work for the channel and have not received a single penny from the channel or holding company for the creation of the program. We made the program because we felt it was necessary to talk about this topic. And I couldn’t help but let her out.
As a result, the program was watched by more than three million people. I am satisfied? Yes.
At the same time, they immediately began to drag me, like a banner, into the camp of the systemic or non-systemic opposition: they say, “even Mikhalkov is not allowed to open his mouth by this evil regime...” Calm down, gentlemen.
Dobrodeev’s accusations of Russophobia are complete nonsense. Oleg Borisovich was guided by the principles business ethics and protected the business interests of the holding.
He saw the situation like this.

This is a given that happened. I have always had great respect for Oleg Borisovich. He is a true professional and my good friend. We always tried to find common ground and hear each other. Are we ready to continue working? Ready. So, during the New Year holidays, the Rossiya 24 TV channel showed a retrospective of six or seven of my programs on its own initiative.

Hope so. - zinc (there are still a lot of wonderful things on the link, like the ideas of carrying the remains of the Romanovs in your arms from Yekaterinburg to Leningrad and creating a map of the world from precious stones in the Lenin Mausoleum).

As one reader rightly noted:

Colonel, hold on! Don't let yourself get screwed!
Naturally, Russophobes are not capable of defeating nature and the laws of physics, but they can easily try to lead what they are fighting against.
And you Mikhalkovophiles are not pissing. They will return your master to your blue screen in the best possible form. Like the pineapple, the mustachioed nanny was not grown in greenhouses for YouTube

Those who foamed at the mouth back then for Mikhalkov can be congratulated that they successfully promoted the video “banned on a channel captured by liberals, Jews and Russophobes,” which Mikhalkov continues to air without any problems and with which Mikhalkov has no conflict, well Mikhalkov calls on his gentlemen-defenders not to worry, otherwise they have already registered as oppositionists and dared to encroach on the business interests of Dobrodeev’s holding.
As I wrote in December, everything will be fine for Mikhalkov. Match TV is also doing well; the most odious characters were simply removed from staff

On December 9, director and head of the Russian Cultural Foundation Nikita Mikhalkov spoke at the Federation Council at parliamentary hearings"On the implementation of the Strategy of state cultural policy for the period until 2030: regional aspect." Of all his statements, the assessment of the activities of the Yeltsin Center in Yekaterinburg received the greatest resonance.

9th December
Nikita Mikhalkov: “Every day hundreds of children go there, they get this poison”

“In Yekaterinburg there is a center where daily injections of destruction of people’s self-awareness are carried out,” Mikhalkov said at a hearing in the Federation Council. “A powerful program is being implemented that practically destroys people’s real understanding of what the history of Russia is.”

He expressed the opinion that the educational programs of the center should be adjusted. “The conversation is not about punishing someone or introducing censorship, I’m talking about the possibility of changing the vector, adjusting the program. This is a matter of national security, every day hundreds of children go there (to the Yeltsin Center. - TASS note), they get this poison."

Mikhalkov's position regarding the activities of the Yeltsin Center has been known for a long time. Back in March of this year, in one of the episodes of his Besogon TV program, he already criticized his work, believing that the center allows itself an ideological interpretation of history.

December 10
Naina Yeltsina: “Spreads lies... and has never been to the center”

Widow of the first president of Russia personally reacted to the words of Mikhalkov.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, unlike Mikhalkov, were at the Yeltsin Center and in their speeches praised both the center itself and its creators. I think that the country’s leaders are no less concerned than Mikhalkov with the decent education of the younger generation

Naina Yeltsina

What is "Yeltsin Center"

A public, cultural and educational center in Yekaterinburg, opened by the B.N. Yeltsin Presidential Center Foundation.
The basis of the Yeltsin Center is a museum dedicated to modern political history Russia and the personality of the country's first president. The center regularly hosts public events, lectures, and exhibitions.
The B.N. Yeltsin Presidential Center Foundation is a non-profit organization whose goal is to preserve and study the historical legacy of the first president of Russia. The fund's board of trustees is headed by the head of the Russian Presidential Administration, Anton Vaino.


Speaking about the Yeltsin Center exhibition, she noted: “I saw this museum, walked through it more than once and I can say: there is no varnish of the era, there are no assessments at all - only documents, only facts, only eyewitness accounts.”

Naina Yeltsina expressed the opinion that Mikhalkov’s statements “are false and have nothing to do with either the Yeltsin Center or its activities.” At the same time, she drew attention to the fact that, “hanging labels and directly insulting people,” Mikhalkov “has never been to the Yeltsin Center.”

“I can’t wrap my head around this. How can you criticize something you haven’t seen?!” - Naina Yeltsina summarized.

December 10
Mikhalkov was reminded of his support for Yeltsin in 1996

Part of the Internet community responded to Nikita Mikhalkov’s speech with a reminder that during the 1996 presidential election campaign, the film director was a confidant of Boris Yeltsin and spoke in his support.

An excerpt from a 1996 TV report has appeared on the Internet, in which Mikhalkov, in particular, states: “Boris Nikolaevich is Russian. Forgive me, he is a man. And Russia is a noun female, and she needs a man."

Personally, I’m very eager to see Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov in the museum; we would be happy to show him exhibits with which he is definitely familiar. We have several very touching documents - Mikhalkov’s appeal to the first president as his confidant in the elections. It was sincere...

Alexander Drozdov

Executive Director of the Presidential Center B.N. Yeltsin

Executive Director of the Yeltsin Center Alexander Drozdov noted: “Personally, I’m very eager to see Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov in the museum, we would be happy to show him exhibits with which he is definitely familiar. We have several very touching documents - Mikhalkov’s appeal to the first president as his confidant in the elections. It was sincere, which is always characteristic of Nikita Sergeevich in expressing his love for the current government."

December 11th
Mikhalkov regrets that he upset Naina Yeltsin, but does not retract his words

Nikita Mikhalkov published an open letter in which, addressing Naina Yeltsina, he expressed regret that his words had caused her grief. At the same time, the director noted: “I have never renounced and will never renounce what I have done and said.”

“I am sure that you were misled by interpreting my words from a certain angle. I did not speak about the memory of Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin and not about his activities, but about how and who draws up and implements programs of dubious historical content with dubious historical conclusions.” , he wrote.

Mikhalkov admitted that he had never personally been to the Yeltsin Center, but had “a very complete understanding of what was happening there.” “Several film crews worked there, specially sent there, who completely filmed all the expositions, exhibits, interiors, cafes, people’s opinions, and so on,” he said.

12 December
Governor Kuyvashev to Mikhalkov: “If I knew your films only from retellings, I might not like them either”

Governor of the Sverdlovsk region Evgeny Kuyvashev invited Nikita Mikhalkov to visit the Yeltsin Center. The head of the region published this message on his page in social network Instagram.

“If I knew your films only from retellings, I might not like them either. Life has taught me that you can only trust your own eyes and feelings. Therefore, come to Yekaterinburg, I’ll personally give you a tour of the Yeltsin Center, and together we’ll go to the museum Boris Nikolayevich. He ruled the country in difficult times, he had to make difficult decisions, but as a true Uralian, Yeltsin bore this burden,” Kuyvashev said.

According to the governor, he is proud to have taken part in the creation of the Yeltsin Center. “Many Sverdlovsk residents love this place; people even come from Austria to see it. But you (Nikita Mikhalkov - TASS note) can’t make it from Moscow. I’m looking forward to visiting you!” - Kuyvashev wrote.

First Vice Speaker of the Federation Council Nikolai Fedorov also responded to Nikita Mikhalkov’s statements. “Indeed, a visit to the center named after the first president of Russia is a kind of injection. But not of poison, as you think, but of a healing vaccine, which is designed to cure our society of arrogance and pride, one-sided views and hatred of opponents, from the habit of raising the index finger finger and teach with mentor intonations,” Fedorov said in open letter Mikhalkov.

"is that there is a daily injection of destruction of the national identity of children." Mikhalkov also addressed the speaker with a request to pay attention to this problem. The politician replied that she “heard” the director.

The Yeltsin Center regularly hosts lectures and game quests for schoolchildren and students. At them, the organizers talk about the Yeltsin era and its significance for Russia today.

For example, in one of the center’s educational games, participants are asked to imagine themselves as schoolchildren in the 80s or 90s. “A lot of things surprised the young quest participants. Thus, fourth-graders could not understand what they needed to do with coupons, why stand in line at six in the morning if the store opens at 9 o’clock. Why can you only buy tea or sugar and why should you buy for future use, but not more than the norm,” describes game process Yeltsin Center Facebook page.

The Yeltsin Center was opened in November 2015. The idea of ​​the museum, according to its creators, is to show not only Yeltsin himself, but also the controversial era of his reign.

Putin himself never publicly allowed himself to speak critically of the late first president of Russia. Nevertheless, the current Russian leader has repeatedly criticized the 1990s, calling them “dashing” in one of his speeches.

According to a survey conducted at the beginning of the year, 36% of Russians had a negative attitude towards Yeltsin, and only 14% had a positive view of the late president. By the way, the Levada Center itself is now included in the register of foreign agents.

“Mikhalkov’s personal opinion is widely circulated, finds supporters and opponents, which means there is no public consensus around the object of his criticism,” a political scientist told Gazeta.Ru.

“Russia is behind him”

Mikhalkov's own attitude towards Yeltsin changed over time. The director supported Yeltsin in the 1996 elections, when he opposed the leader. Mikhalkov acted as a confidant of the president and starred in campaign videos in his support.

“There are no parties behind Yeltsin. Russia is behind him. I am for Russia, which means I am for Yeltsin,” the director said in one of his propaganda videos. Mikhalkov also stated that Yeltsin “saved the country from disaster.”

True, in 1993, Mikhalkov indirectly supported Yeltsin’s opponent, the rebellious vice president, during the confrontation between the president and parliament.

At the beginning of this year, Mikhalkov called for recognition of the “crimes” of Yeltsin and USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev “at the state level.” “They committed a real crime. Willingly or unwittingly, guided by ambitions - not ambitions, that’s not what we’re talking about now. Their achievements led to the collapse of our country! And this is the greatest geopolitical catastrophe that has happened this century!” - Mikhalkov said in an interview.

Representatives of the Yeltsin Center stated that they would like to invite the director to the museum. “Personally, I’m very eager to see Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov in the museum, we would be happy to show him exhibits that he is definitely familiar with,” said the executive director of the center, recalling the director’s participation in Yeltsin’s election campaign.

Drozdov noted that the expression of sympathy for the politician at that time was “sincere, which is always characteristic of Nikita Sergeevich in expressions of his love for the current government in any of its forms.”

The ex-head of Boris Yeltsin, Sergei, also agreed with Drozdov. In a conversation with Gazeta.Ru, he stated that Mikhalkov’s opinion often changed “depending on who was in power.”

“I remember when Yeltsin was nominated for president in 1996. Now that Yeltsin is no longer alive, Mikhalkov believes that he can be slandered,” says Filatov.

According to the former head of the administration of the first president of Russia, such a speech may be connected with Mikhalkov’s ideological position. “He has been imposing a monarchy on us for a long time, and he is doing it very rudely,” he believes.

As reported by a source from the Yekaterinburg website Ura.Ru at the Yeltsin Center, perhaps Mikhalkov is simply offended that he was not invited to the opening of the center in 2015, which was attended by the top officials of the state. “Mikhalkov was not at the opening. I can’t say with exact certainty that he was invited. Perhaps he was offended by this,” the source explained.