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Methods for preventing spinal problems in dachshunds or how not to miss dangerous symptoms. How to treat back problems in a dachshund Back problems in a dachshund

07.05.2010, 01:41

:041:Girls, point your nose if there has already been a thread like this. I can't find anything :(

My dachshund (5 years old, girl, rabbit) fell sharply on April 29: 010: (she hobbles, but her hind legs are wobbly): 005:
in one thread they said that the kidneys or the uterus, etc., etc., because the stomach is acute and reacts to it.
They ordered an ultrasound, etc., etc.
The next day we went to our branch (which we have been visiting since we were 3 months old for little things. vaccinations, nails, sewing on a paw when we cut it on the street....). They immediately said it was the spine. They took an x-ray and took a blood test (everything was normal according to the results). but the X-ray shows something there (just now... I still don’t understand)
Now we give injections every day. They told us that if a course of injections does not give results, then we need to have an operation, but the results are 50/50. Either he will run normally, or he will be disabled for life
I really can’t believe that our little butt.........:041:
I sleep with her on the floor (if only I didn’t jump on the sofa and bed), my husband eats almost nothing, he’s so worried about our girl......but she has an excellent appetite:)
what to do? :091:
p.s. we do the following injections... nicergoline, depo-medrol (we did metypred a couple of times, but we couldn’t find it in pharmacies anymore. They made a replacement like this), bonkharen. I think that's how they are written...

07.05.2010, 02:09

07.05.2010, 02:10

I sincerely wish the taxi to recover.

07.05.2010, 02:19

We are familiar with this kind of trouble. Spinal problems in Dachshunds are a weak point of the breed. Our dachshund is 12 years old, she has had exacerbations 5 times already (diagnosis: discopathy), her hind legs were lost, she crawled on her front legs. They always treated it with medication; the issue never came to the point of surgery. The first days during the exacerbation period, Dexomethasone was prescribed, and then Proserin (a serious drug). We are being treated at the veterinary clinic by Olga Forsh (doctor Yulia Alekseevna).
we were told that there may be exacerbations every spring and autumn =(
After the injections, was the function of the hind legs restored completely?

I sincerely wish the taxi to recover.

P.S. If you need metipred - write in a personal message.
Thanks a lot.
So far, Metypred has been replaced with depot-medrol (we’ll already complete the course).

Girls, is there any point in getting a massage or swimming?
Motya, can I PM the clinic’s phone number?

P/s. ttt, she doesn’t crawl on the front ones. He even tries to run, but falls over first on one side, then on the other = (it’s so painful to watch.:005:

I’m used to climbing everywhere, so even in this condition I try to jump onto the sofa......(they made ladders out of pillows). but while we are not at home....., she *walks* to the fullest =(, and the doctor said that she shouldn’t:001:

07.05.2010, 02:45

07.05.2010, 02:50

We do massages and darsonval. I’ll give you the clinic’s phone number.
Thanks a lot.
I read about Darsonval. Interesting

07.05.2010, 09:53

We were treated at Zaitsev (if the area suits you, this is the Avtovo metro station) with the doctor Solovyov, very experienced and attentive. But we still had to do the operation, everything went well, Mikhail Sotnikov did it. Now we need to limit jumping. Doctors advise making a little shelter when you leave, and placing pillows in front of sofas and beds. Walking is minimal, maybe even carried in my arms, my smart girl learned to go out on the balcony in a diaper, then she would run in the night if she felt like going to the balcony and wait for me to take her out. The pool is good, but only after aggravation. Although mine was so bad that she didn’t jump on the sofas herself. I sympathize so much, I remember it all like yesterday, it was just the warm days of May, everyone was walking, celebrating, and we were crying and sitting in the veterinarian. 3 days in the hospital and then 2 droppers a day. I hope it will work out without surgery. Get treatment and hope everything will be fine!

07.05.2010, 10:38

We also encountered this problem in February, for me (a 4-year-old standard male). First they rushed to Fillmore, because... not far from home, and then were treated at CHIN by Sokolova.
According to the x-ray, we have a hernia, there is no escape from it.
We were treated ONLY with medication, then at home I had a massage every day, if the CHIN were closer to home, maybe. make a magnet.
We managed without surgery, thank God.
Sokolova said that relapses can happen, but you need to take a course in the spring and fall (milgamma, artroglycan, Dikul Balm), and try to swim in the summer.
Don't despair, you will succeed.

07.05.2010, 10:39

Yes, I forgot, on the stairs ONLY ON YOUR HANDS, limit jumping, otherwise as soon as the pain goes away a little, there will be attempts to jump.

07.05.2010, 11:14

Do not despair! Your dog is walking and sensitivity is preserved, and urination is normal, as I understand it. Then the prognosis with proper treatment is more favorable.
First of all, it is necessary to sharply limit movement, the dog should be in a small enclosed space (cage, container), walk for as little time as possible, pee, poop - go home and only in good weather. Wearing a sweater all the time, even at home, ensures your back is always warm. After the acute phase (about a month), start a course of massage, swim in the summer, but after swimming immediately rub (warm the muscles). And you were prescribed the usual treatment (painkillers), almost always hormonal drugs are also prescribed (perhaps they have prescribed it to you now, but I don’t know the names of the drugs). The most important thing now is to relieve pain and swelling of the muscle. In addition, it is best to castrate the bitch, since exacerbations of the disease in bitches are very often associated with a false (or real) pregnancy.
ness. If you still cannot do without surgery (the percentage of this is not large, don’t be afraid), then it’s best to go to the Sotnikovs. And the therapists for this problem are the best in China, there is also good physiotherapy - a magnet. Good luck to you!

07.05.2010, 11:31

Our male dog once got stuck in a fence a long time ago in the summer and injured his back. But this only affected the next winter - apparently I caught a cold. The hind legs are gone.
They got me back on my feet, but to be honest, I don’t really remember how - I was still in school, my parents were involved in the treatment.
But then he completely lost control over the output system - i.e. He pees and poops uncontrollably.
Periodically there was deterioration, but not criminal, without paralysis.
At the same time, the dog is active, with a good appetite and a harmful character - well, everything is as it should be.
And last fall, his hind legs lost weight - first one, and then the second =(They also injected metipred, something else, but they couldn’t get him back on his feet((But he’s already quite a few years old - 11.
So now he rides on his butt. In all other respects, he is a cheerful, active dog with a good appetite.

And by the way, yes, then, for the first time, they also treated me with a magnet.

07.05.2010, 12:34

I was advised on the Internet this scheme:
Buy KATAZAL at the veterinary pharmacy URGENTLY.
At the beginning of this year, this medicine raised our Rexyusha after a week of complete paralysis....
It is an immune stimulant. You can read about him. No harm...
Inject half a cube for 6 days, that is, you need to buy 3 cubes on tap in a syringe.... This is for the first time, and then always have it... I still inject half a cube 2 times a month.
Good luck to you....
Below I am conducting a course, which I then, after Exa stood on his paws, pierced him...

1. Structum - 1 capsule 250 mlg - 1 month
2. Milgama - 1.0 ml 1 time in 2 days - 7 injections IM
3. Traumeel - 1.0 and Target 1.0 - alternate IM - 5-7 injections
4. Ketofen - 12 mlg (tablet) 1 time per day in the mouth - 5-7 days

Repeat the entire course after 2 weeks.

And also give Panangin - for the heart muscle - 0.5 tablets for the entire course

Karsil - for the liver - 0.5 tablets for the entire course

Piracetam (domestic) or Nootropil (imported, but more expensive) - saturates the brain and spinal cord with oxygen - 1/4 tablet for 10 days (Piracetam or Nootropil is given 1 course every 3-5 years)

And also, it is advisable to buy Cream-Gel for horses at a veterinary pharmacy (don’t be surprised, I apply it to my back and my husband’s, my mother’s knee, it helps well with radiculitis and pain), for ALEZAN joints, it’s not cheap, around 650 rubles 750 has an anti-inflammatory effect

E and analgesic effect, read the tap.....I smear Rexika's back, spine and paws.....

I myself rushed about to all my acquaintances and friends... and here, in the World... we were simply saved.....
But doctors do not recommend this drug, since everything here is on a commercial basis... it is not expensive and effective.....
Be sure to inject!....
All the taxi drivers we know are driving...
Rexyusha almost died with us.....he could not go to the toilet....we expressed urine and took out feces...I was one thing, my husband was another....two days later he stood up on his paws...staggered for a long time... and even now, sometimes, he chats a little... and I’m glad about that, because if he couldn’t manage his affairs. he would have to be euthanized...

07.05.2010, 12:54

seliger, thank you.
I'll read it.

07.05.2010, 13:41

07.05.2010, 14:49

I can't recommend anything. We were treated by 4 doctors. The dog was stabbed all over, but not a single vet could help. I couldn't. Apparently we were unlucky. Nyurashka has been gone for 3 months!!!

You are struggling. Maybe you'll find a doctor who can get your taxi driver back on his feet. Good luck!!

07.05.2010, 17:42

Hello dachshund!
Urgently buy a carrier and lock it in it! No movement. On the street in the arms, peed, straight into the arms and home in the carrier.
I treat mine with homeopathy for animals (Chondrotron and Traumatin)

07.05.2010, 18:14

girls, thank you very much for your support.
I don’t take her outside yet (she’s a bitch.. she won’t walk calmly.) . At home she has her own corner for these things. (She does all her business there)

Lock it in a carrier? wow - this is unreal. She'll go crazy right away, and the whole house will scream and squeal.
Ours tried to tear the carrier apart at one time, she doesn’t like it that much.
but as she felt so bad that we couldn’t even pick her up and carry her to the car to get to the branch, she went into the carrier herself without any questions.
Now it’s already moved a little, so again carrying is enemy number one =))
We have a sofa with ladders of pillows for her and we made a nest on the floor

P.S. our doctor also said about Sotnikov that if the injections do not help, then he will have to undergo a tomography and surgery =(

07.05.2010, 18:21

07.05.2010, 18:40

We got our dog back on its feet at Zaitsev, without surgery!

I was refused treatment at Zaitsev and was sent to Sotnikov.

Real Blonde

07.05.2010, 20:51

We weren’t so sick, but our friends’ dachshund, which the veterinarians strongly advised to euthanize, was put back on its paws by our doctor Ponomarenko. By the way, he’s not far from you, Rudneva/Lilac. You can call him or call him at home. True, it’s always worth calling before you go, since the doctor is often on the road. By the way, you can always consult by phone. This is not the first dog we have treated with him.

07.05.2010, 22:15

Dr. Efimov’s clinic is also praised as a surgeon (himself). Tsiolkovskogo, 10A (m Baltiyskaya). I don’t remember the phone number, it’s on the internet. a year ago I visited him with a kitten (the spine was broken, they recovered, pah-pah-pah)

07.05.2010, 22:36

We got our dog back on its feet at Zaitsev, without surgery!

We weren’t so sick, but our friends’ dachshund, which the veterinarians strongly advised to euthanize, was put back on its paws by our doctor Ponomarenko. By the way, he’s not far from you, Rudneva/Lilac. This is not the first dog we have treated with him.

Dr. Efimov’s clinic is also praised as a surgeon (himself). Tsiolkovskogo, 10A (m Baltiyskaya). I don’t remember the phone number, it’s on the Internet. a year ago I visited him with a kitten (the spine was broken, they recovered, pah-pah-pah)

We are in the Engels branch, we like our doctor, but
Let's complete the course of injections, and then we'll see...:005:. We could go for a consultation with another specialist. but I really hope that this will not be necessary.

07.05.2010, 23:07

We could go for a consultation with another specialist. but I really hope that this will not be necessary.
let it be so - get better!!! :flower:

07.05.2010, 23:49

let it be so - get better!!! :flower:
Thank you. we will try very hard:flower:


11.05.2010, 21:25

Hello! We had the same problem. A guy fell over. We went to Zhernovskaya. We treated him. It didn’t help. We went to Vedeneev 12 to 4. Very qualified surgeons!!! They confirmed the treatment. They added a few more things. They treated it again. It didn’t help again. The verdict was made... to put him to sleep. We showed them the muzzle and ordered a stroller in Moscow (the only place they make it for dachshunds). While it was being done, I decided to put him in the bath .For three days the butt sank and on the fourth the hind leg began to help the front ones. You can’t imagine what a joy it was))))):080::080::080:On the fifth the second one started working and we swam. It was a miracle of miracles))) ) :support:They gave up the stroller and now we’ve been running around for three years now)))))

11.05.2010, 22:43

This is great!!! Well done!!!

11.05.2010, 22:49

melony, I can’t support you, I can’t recommend anything :(. I wish you to find the ideal treatment option and alleviation of the disease.
Moomin, I’m happy for your pet, very positive!

11.05.2010, 22:57

Thank you. we will try very hard:flower:

11.05.2010, 23:30

Four years ago, Sotnikov operated on our taxi dog. There was complete paralysis of the hind limbs. They went out, treated him with injections and drips (prednisolone), there were no relapses, he runs around, albeit in a waddle)) even jumps on the sofa. True, the hmmm “pooping” function has not completely recovered - if she really has the urge, it’s difficult for her to restrain herself. doesn’t always reach the street)

12.05.2010, 19:23

They handed down a sentence... to put him to sleep. We showed them the muzzle and ordered a stroller in Moscow. I decided to put him in the bath. For three days his backside sank and on the fourth day his back leg began to help his front legs. You can’t imagine what a joy it was)))))):080: :080::080:On the fifth day the second one started working and we swam. It was a miracle of miracles)))) :support:They gave up the stroller and now we’ve been running around for the third year)))))

Wow, this is truly a miracle of miracles. I’m very happy for you, well done.:flower::support::support::support:

Melony, I can’t support you, I can’t recommend anything :(. I wish you to find the ideal treatment option and alleviation of the disease.
thank you so much,Moore:flower:

How are your business going???

Seliger:flower:, better already. sometimes his butt skids when turning, but he moves on 4 legs

Four years ago, Sotnikov operated on our taxi dog. There was complete paralysis of the hind limbs. They went out, treated him with injections and drips (prednisolone), there were no relapses, he runs around, albeit in a waddle)) even jumps on the sofa. True, the hmmm “pooping” function has not completely recovered - if she really has the urge, it’s difficult for her to restrain herself. doesn’t always reach the street)

Oh, I hope that things won’t come to an operation. =)
how does she walk on the street?

12.05.2010, 19:26

12.05.2010, 19:29

get well soon:flower::flower::flower:
thank you very much :flower:

12.05.2010, 20:49

seliger:flower:, better already. sometimes his butt skids when turning, but he moves on 4 legs
. The legs are weak, of course, but there is a result.
he just drinks a lot of water and pees =) his nose gets very dry...... the doctor said it’s from the injections:005:
Her butt hurts a lot from the same injections...., but there is only a little more than a week left to complete the course.
then we’ll do darsonval currents and swim. (We’re bathing in the bathroom a little, but he doesn’t like to dry himself with a hairdryer)

We lubricated the cat's dry nose with vegetable oil and Vaseline. a little. This also happened from injections.

12.05.2010, 20:56

Our nose did not dry out, although a bunch of injections were given, as soon as I saw the syringe, I got out of the room and hid in the kitchen under the table.

12.05.2010, 21:20

Dorsenval, buy a regular cosmetic and 10 procedures with a “fungus” attachment, starting for 5 minutes, each time increasing by 1 minute, costs a penny, compared to procedures from Vetov..., we had 4 of these attacks, the last one was cured with Dorsenval, during periods when it’s “damp”, for prevention, 5 sessions + vitamins for joints... It’s not the right word that helps, over the last year I forgot that I was once sick with it, and before that I suffered twice a year. Get better :flower:

12.05.2010, 22:54

oh, I hope it doesn’t come to an operation. =)
how does she walk on the street?

13.05.2010, 02:56

We lubricated the cat's dry nose with vegetable oil and Vaseline. a little. This also happened from injections.

You need to rub your butt, but now, when there is no living space there, try applying cabbage like a person. or iodine grids...

I'll start lubricating, thanks for the advice.:flower:
We rub her butt, but she thinks that we are playing with her and starts trying to jump.
Should I make a cabbage leaf with a bandage? Mine won’t wear that on me.... she’ll eat it :))

Our nose did not dry out, although a bunch of injections were given, as soon as I saw the syringe, I got out of the room and hid in the kitchen under the table.
He didn’t even come to sleep with me out of resentment.
and ours pissed on the bed:008:.takes revenge:001:

Dorsenval, buy a regular cosmetic and 10 procedures with a “fungus” attachment, starting for 5 minutes, each time increasing by 1 minute, costs a penny, compared to procedures from Vetov..., we had 4 of these attacks, the last one was cured with Dorsenval, during periods when it’s “damp”, for prevention, 5 sessions + vitamins for joints... It’s not the right word that helps, over the last year I forgot that I was once sick with it, and before that I suffered twice a year. Get better :flower:
Thank you: flower:
1 session in our thread 100 rub.

She walks normally)) like all dogs) by the look of it you can’t tell that she was paralyzed.
then four years ago I also created a topic here, thanks to the forum members who helped me a lot with information and support!

Do you play roulette or are you on your own? they say that you can’t pull, but ours doesn’t just walk around like that... she can scare the birds, bark with the dogs.... she’s a terrible bully, she can’t stick her nose into anything, she can sniff the poop, but it’s very fragrant:046: and lick it, explain to drunk people she likes people not to come too close to not to tug at her?

13.05.2010, 09:52

13.05.2010, 10:50

1 session in our thread 100 rub.
and how is it made? and how much does it cost?

That’s right, it’s 100, but just for 1 time, in order to remove a relapse, you need 10 procedures; So, after running around the branches, I bought mine, it costs around 2 thousand, so it has worked for us a long time ago. At home, take the device, put the fungus attachment on medium speed, move along the spine from the neck to the tail without touching the fur, in a shorter canopy, leaving a gap of 1 cm between the device and the dachshund, slowly, the first session is 5 minutes, add 1 minute every day and bring it to 10, conduct 10 sessions in a row. My dachshund now comes on his own, when I see that he’s starting to walk poorly, I take out this Dorsenval and he, of course, reluctantly, but crawls towards me, five sessions for prevention and my dog ​​is like new. We suffered so much with his back that for me now this is a panacea. These procedures were recommended to us in the thread, but it’s very inconvenient to carry it there, pull it every time, otherwise it’s always at hand. So try it first in the branch, usually after three procedures there is a noticeable improvement, so decide whether you need it or not. Good luck:flower:

14.05.2010, 00:33

Mine refused to go for walks at all, I carried him out in my arms, put him on the ground, he turned around and went home.

My identity is not yet burning with a great desire to go for walks:008:

Good luck:flower:
Thank you. I'll do that. :flower:

15.05.2010, 21:51

So everything in order:

15.05.2010, 22:48

Oh my god, of course, you won’t have patience and strength right away, recover

16.05.2010, 01:01

Girls, I read everything... the whole topic. Because now we are in your ranks! :(
So everything in order:
on the night of the 13th to the 14th, my dachshund’s legs went numb... But I already knew about this dachshund problem. Of course, I sinned against my daughter, I thought that she had harmed her in some way. In short, at one in the morning, the dog is in the car and off to the doctor. For many years now I have been giving preference to the clinic on Kollontaya 11 “veterinary service No. 1”
X-ray - diagnosis of disc condylosis, in other words, vertebral hernia. She had 3 (!) of them.
Now treatment: travmatin, aflutop.
Today I realized that my dog ​​cannot relieve himself at all. Let's go to the clinic again today. Today they put in an IV, and tomorrow a second one. And from Tuesday I was referred for physical therapy - Dorsenval and laser. They said that the course is 10-12 days.
The prognosis is not encouraging: (They don’t see the point in the operation. They said that this is an extreme case and not a panacea.
Now the dog sleeps almost all the time. But out of habit, he asks to go out on the streets, although he doesn’t do anything there. Today, after the diuretic injected at the clinic, I urinated, but not on my own, but I squeezed it out. With stool, everything is more difficult, but she doesn’t eat much. Although the doctor said that she needs to eat... and for now give her the goodies that she loves, since she completely rejected drying!
Well, now she moves like a seal. The back is just dead! :091:
Forgive me, but it seems to me that we urgently need to change the clinic. Firstly, to prescribe only homeopathy (traumatin, aflutop) to a dog with such symptoms... this is strange... Secondly, physiotherapy is good, but in case of complete paralysis, first of all, pharmacological treatment is carried out with serious drugs (painkillers, hormone therapy), and physiotherapy, massage, swimming - help with properly prescribed treatment. And prescribing a diuretic for yourself, who cannot write on her own, is already beyond the bounds... Here you need to insert a catheter in order to drain the urine or “drain it with your hands”, which is what you did, unless of course there is swelling. If there are intervertebral hernias (by the way, how were they discovered, did they do an MRI?), surgery is only indicated for large size of these hernias. An absolutely accurate diagnosis can only be made at the Sotnikov clinic (the only neurosurgeons in St. Petersburg) during an MRI examination, and if surgery is indicated, then it is best to do it with them, although Efimov (on Tsiolkovsky) is still good. True, all this is not very cheap, an MRI costs about 10 thousand rubles. But, alas, it is useless to receive treatment from non-specialists with such a severe dog. But they really like to scare you with diagnoses, they say that “the prognosis is disappointing,” but a good specialist can cope with this problem. Please note that the most important thing in this matter is not to waste time, it is more precious than ever. So don’t delay, go to the specialists. IMHO.

16.05.2010, 01:47

Girls, I read everything... the whole topic. Because now we are in your ranks! :(
So everything in order:
on the night of the 13th to the 14th, my dachshund’s legs went numb... But I already knew about this dachshund problem. Of course, I sinned against my daughter, I thought that she had harmed her in some way. In short, at one in the morning, the dog is in the car and off to the doctor. For many years now I have been giving preference to the clinic on Kollontaya 11 “veterinary service No. 1”
X-ray - diagnosis of disc condylosis, in other words, vertebral hernia. She had 3 (!) of them.
Now treatment: travmatin, aflutop.
Today I realized that my dog ​​cannot relieve himself at all. Let's go to the clinic again today. Today they put in an IV, and tomorrow a second one. And from Tuesday I was referred for physical therapy - Dorsenval and laser. They said that the course is 10-12 days.
The prognosis is not encouraging: (They don’t see the point in the operation. They said that this is an extreme case and not a panacea.
Now the dog sleeps almost all the time. But out of habit, he asks to go out on the streets, although he doesn’t do anything there. Today, after the diuretic injected at the clinic, I urinated, but not on my own, but I squeezed it out. With stool, everything is more difficult, but she doesn’t eat much. Although the doctor said that she needs to eat... and for now give her the goodies that she loves, since she completely rejected drying!
Well, now she moves like a seal. The back is just dead! :091:

Oh:001:hold on.

- spondylosis;
- osteochondrosis.

Regarding the toilet.... we are being diuretic a little, probably because we drink and pee sooooo much. Or is this a reaction to the injections: 008:
poop ourselves
we were told to do the currents after a course (a little over 20 days) of injections only..
You can swim at any time... just dry it with a hairdryer right away. no drafts, etc... well, here the girls wrote about what is possible and what is not

For the first two days, I just slept, ate, drank and did my business throughout the apartment. And we cried and lay next to her. Now I’m already starting to swear at her sometimes:017:I think that she’s already being more of a fool....than she actually is:046:
*The prognosis is not reassuring: (They don’t see the point in the operation. They said that this is an extreme case and not a panacea* - how, in what terms? :005:
What is your IV with?

Hang in there, get better. everything should be fine :flower:

P.S. We have this treatment.
1. They took an x-ray. The doctors saw something there.....
They took blood. before receiving the test result, they administered metypred, furosemide, heparin (we had a catheter)
2. when the result of the blood test was ready and with a good result, we started doing this
metypred, but it is not available in pharmacies. They started making a replacement - depo-medrol 1 ml on the 3rd, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20 in\m
nicergoline every day 2.0.v\m
(15 days)
bonkharen 0.7 ml s.c. 1 time per week

This is the main thing.
we swim, eat all sorts of vitamins, massage the butt and paws, lubricate the nose with a drop of olive oil (it gets very dry from the injections)

16.05.2010, 02:37

16.05.2010, 14:21

girls, I have one more question. mine is always hungry now.....ready to eat 24 hours straight. I have gained a lot over these weeks... sides... tummy (the first days they fed me by hand, brought some water to the crib). I try to feed him as before (2 times a day), but he lies down next to the plate and whines. We are forbidden to eat in front of her, because it’s eye to eye and howling: 010: even she relaxed :))
I understand that she’s already playing the fool, because at night she kicks with her hind legs so that I wake up.... there’s not enough room for her....* move over, please*
what to do with food? ignore whims?
Under no circumstances should your dachshund become fat! Excess weight puts stress on the spine, is it necessary now? Don’t pay attention to the whims, he begs, give him a piece of apple or carrot, let him chew. If she doesn’t want to, it means she’s not hungry. Don’t hand-feed, he will want to eat and will eat while lying down.


16.05.2010, 15:10

A year and a half ago, Hacker lost his hind legs, within a week Aleksashina got him back on his feet: love: from CHIN (, a week later we went to the competition. Since then I have loved magnet and artroglycan dearly. Our top was somewhere here, probably in the archives.

16.05.2010, 22:51

Under no circumstances should your dachshund become fat! Excess weight puts stress on the spine, is it necessary now? Don’t pay attention to the whims, he begs, give him a piece of apple or carrot, let him chew. If she doesn’t want to, it means she’s not hungry. Don’t hand-feed, he will want to eat and will eat while lying down.
Thank you. got it:flower:

16.05.2010, 23:56

Forgive me, but it seems to me that we urgently need to change the clinic. Firstly, to prescribe only homeopathy (traumatin, aflutop) to a dog with such symptoms... this is strange... Secondly, physiotherapy is good, but in case of complete paralysis, first of all, pharmacological treatment is carried out with serious drugs (painkillers, hormone therapy), and physiotherapy, massage, swimming - help with properly prescribed treatment. And prescribing a diuretic for yourself, who cannot write on her own, is already beyond the bounds... Here you need to insert a catheter in order to drain the urine or “drain it with your hands”, which is what you did, unless of course there is swelling. If there are intervertebral hernias (by the way, how were they discovered, did they do an MRI?), surgery is only indicated for large size of these hernias. An absolutely accurate diagnosis can only be made at the Sotnikov clinic (the only neurosurgeons in St. Petersburg) during an MRI examination, and if surgery is indicated, then it is best to do it with them, although Efimov (on Tsiolkovsky) is still good. True, all this is not very cheap, an MRI costs about 10 thousand rubles. But, alas, it is useless to receive treatment from non-specialists with such a severe dog. But they really like to scare you with diagnoses, they say that “the prognosis is disappointing,” but a good specialist can cope with this problem. Please note that the most important thing in this matter is not to waste time, it is more precious than ever. So don’t delay, go to the specialists. IMHO.

We only had an x-ray. Homeopathy was prescribed because she had noticeable inflammation of the internal organs (liver, spleen, intestines)... So they took tests. No results yet.
Diuretic injections yesterday and today. But you still have to move your hands away.
I'll call the Sotnikovs tomorrow.

There were droppers yesterday and today:
- saline solution
-IN 1
-AT 12

Thanks for the advice!

Oh:001:hold on.
Tell me, please, do the taxi's paws not function at all?
and I would like to say about the treatment.....(the doctors are now telling us that we will get better only by quickly seeing a doctor and proper treatment).......
Traumatin - *has a tonic effect on the walls of blood vessels, especially veins and capillaries. Used for healing wounds, dislocations, bruises, hematomas, treatment of diseases of the arterial and venous systems....*
alflutop - primary and secondary osteoarthrosis of various localizations (including coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, arthrosis of small joints);
- spondylosis;
- osteochondrosis.
I would doubt the doctor’s prescriptions a little... I was worried about my injections, whether this treatment is enough for my taxi driver. and with you it’s finally nothing:005: I’m not a doctor, of course. just a person who has encountered this problem personally

My paws are not functioning, but there is skin sensitivity.

About Aflutop - we have discospondylosis.

Girls, thanks for the advice... as I wrote above, I’ll go to the centurions.

17.05.2010, 23:17

Girls, thanks for the advice... as I wrote above, I’ll go to the centurions.
I apologize in advance... I won't always unsubscribe. But I'll keep an eye on the top!

Hold on @@@@@

21.05.2010, 18:28

girls, everything is fine with us. The last injection was given yesterday. My butt is like a stone =(
I'll wait until our doctor's shift and let's go try currents.:fifa:
got fat and we only go for a walk to pee/poop..... then straight home.... she rushes like a tank to the front door: 001: today I tried to persuade her * let's take another walk, the weather is good *, etc. she made sad eyes and looked sideways, sideways to the front door:010:
but we can walk on our own and our legs are stronger (but not as strong as they were before, of course. He doesn’t even try to jump onto his knees)
happy houses...ttt:017:started stealing potatoes, carrots, apples from the net and making snags:046:
going to visit dad for the weekend :))
thank you all so much for your advice and support: flower: everything seems to be fine with us, ttt

1001 nights, how are you?

P.S. sleeping under a pillowcase on the pillow =))..... woke her up with her camera =))))

21.05.2010, 20:36

That's good. Get well soon, don't get sick anymore.

That's how things are with us! ttt...

21.09.2010, 01:52

Girls, thank you all for your support! I’m very sorry that I didn’t write, but I haven’t been on the forum since May either - first treatment, then summer... we were leaving.
The other day, when I went to LV, I saw several letters in personal messages about our well-being... I was pleasantly surprised! Thanks to everyone who was interested. :flower:

Things have improved significantly for us. Of course, not everything is as it was “before”, but still. After the whole huge course of treatment, we went to the sea. There I raced her 750 m a day of swimming. And lo and behold! After arriving in St. Petersburg, we already walk on a leash, as she walks, even sometimes runs.

That's how things are with us! ttt...

I’m planning a preventive course of physical therapy in November, and we still need to inject something.

PySy: I just noticed that we didn’t have a summer heat...:005:

:flower: thank God everything is fine.ttt
look carefully now. so I didn’t jump in vain and didn’t get fat, didn’t freeze, etc.
We're in great shape so far. We’ve lost weight and are running (we swam a lot in the summer. Every day for 15-20 minutes in several passes. I even dove with the children from a rock. I had such a laugh.)

But about the heat...... I thought that mine had started, but I was wrong...... it turns out. (I just started making a nest, putting toys there, everything was swollen)


21.09.2010, 02:12

Things have improved significantly for us. Of course, not everything is as it was “before”, but still. After the whole huge course of treatment, we went to the sea. There I raced her 750 m a day of swimming. And lo and behold! After arriving in St. Petersburg, we already walk on a leash, as she walks, even sometimes runs.
But in recent days, I’ve been able to itch and get up and run on the tiled floor without slipping!))):080:

Well done! :flower:

21.09.2010, 12:28

but about the heat...... I thought that mine had started, but I was wrong...... it turns out. (I just started making a nest, putting toys there, everything was swollen)

No heat..... and where is she? Could this be from the injections? from stress? or so it went. Previously, there were just drops in the first week, but here it’s clear. A little dripped on day 1 and that’s it
I myself am shocked by this. It used to be right on the clock.

So I think that against the background of treatment...:005:
So now we are treating the consequences of the stroke, and there seems to be some progress.

27.09.2010, 14:29

Girls, I’m coming to you for advice. Three years ago, my dachshund’s back legs gave out. We went to the branch to get an x-ray and it turned out that she had 3 vertebral hernias. I won’t retell how we treated her, in the end she became very ill. She became under herself to walk, then she lost sensitivity and in the end the front paws were treated (this is all against the backdrop of active treatment). As a result of this whole nightmare, she refused to eat and died: 041:. Now they are planning to adopt the dog again and the husband insists on a dachshund. I have vivid memories of the horror we went through. We looked through all the breeds, but the result was the same - dachshund. Girls, how common is this problem in dachshunds? I can’t go through this again, please help me with advice: flower:

27.09.2010, 15:01

17.10.2010, 16:58

I'll tell you how our case ended, maybe it will be useful to someone.
At the 4 Paws clinic, without an X-ray, everything seemed to be clear, they began to treat me with prednisolone and mildronate for a strangulated disc herniation. Within two days the dog was completely ill, so we went again. The doctor said that she didn’t know what was wrong with her and advised her to go to another doctor! The next day we went to the state. veterinary hospital, where an x-ray was already taken, it turned out that the spine was healthy. There was probably a stroke in the cerebellum; if the doctor at the 4 Paws clinic had taken an x-ray and prescribed therapy for an ischemic stroke (which is now too late), the dog would have been much better!
So now we are treating the consequences of the stroke, and there seems to be some progress.
wow, horror:010:

How are you doing now?

17.10.2010, 20:33

It occurs quite often in dachshunds, but with modern technologies it is almost always successfully treated. Bitches are more prone than males, dogs that are overweight or itchy are more prone than dogs that are in good condition and have enough exercise. Choose a dog from a good breeder in a kennel, because if your dog has any health problems, he will always be able to help, tell you who is best to contact and how to behave with the dog.
So it turned out that almost 50% of the dachshunds I know have spinal disease - some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent, at least
at least half of them have paralyzed paws, this did not escape us either, although we took great care of the dog, we survived the operation successfully, but I remember like yesterday my horror and further long-term treatment. A year ago Zhunechka passed away, I’m terribly sad, I’m on all sorts of taxi sites, there’s no better breed, but how afraid I am of these problems again! Well, to find out in advance that there are no discopathy in the line is, in my opinion, unrealistic. who's to say! I’ve even thought about changing the dachshunds and getting a similar dog - a red miniature pinscher or an Italian greyhound (I mean externally), but I still can’t come to any conclusion. I also thought that maybe dwarfs are not so long - but no, they get sick too! I raised my son, but I didn’t suffer so much because of his illnesses - firstly, I didn’t get sick often, and secondly, I could at least say that it hurt, but here - when a beloved girl looks at you with her almond-shaped, expressive eyes and can’t help herself. moving places is terrible!

17.10.2010, 20:39

Well, to find out in advance that there are no discopathy in the line is, in my opinion, unrealistic. who's to say!

There are simply no absolutely free lines.:005:

17.10.2010, 21:17

wow, horror:010:

How are you doing now?

It’s almost like before, but I can’t jump well. We are very happy, although, to be honest, I was already thinking that I would have to put them to sleep, what to tell the children, where did the dog go...By the summer, I will probably be chasing cats in the dacha again.

Dachshund diseases are best diagnosed by veterinarians, but owners may be the first to spot the problem and bring the dog to the doctor. As soon as there is a suspicion of illness, any responsible owner should drop his business and take the dog to the veterinary hospital.

We can exclude known diseases in dachshunds, knowing the symptoms of the disease, or cure them in a short time. We can take care of dachshunds, keep them healthy with vaccinations, proper nutrition, education and walks. Let's learn in detail about dog health, what diseases it can suffer from and how to cope with them.

About diseases and healthy lifestyles

The dachshund, in general, is in good health, but sometimes it is overcome by some kind of illness; how to cope and provide first aid if the dachshund is in pain?

There are many answers here, depending on what is bothering the dog. In any case, with a little effort, the dachshund will be healthy, especially if there is an optimistic owner next to it.

To move on to the list of diseases, I would like to remember the dachshund as a hunting breed. This dog is a born hunter, swimmer and a wonderful “chaser” of everything that moves. So judge for yourself, is it worth locking her within four walls for the whole day and leaving for work?!

Of course not, with such an attitude, the dachshund will not only experience a lack of exercise, but will also be upset being away from his soul mate. The dachshund will get stressed, and with it a bunch of diseases. After all, the psyche is closely related to physiology.

Daily walks in the fresh air must be present; it is even better if the dog takes two walks - once walking and breathing, and the second - practicing burrow hunting and playing games, following several commands.

From such walks, the dachshund becomes happier, and its health only gets stronger. Some reading this article may think that this is bullshit, as they say. But let's not express ourselves.

The dog really needs frequent walks. This breed needs them very much, and if you ignore these actions, keeping dachshunds is not for you.

Your taxena should eat properly, do not overeat, in order to avoid the dog becoming fat and then acquiring a couple of other diseases. Dachshunds love to eat, so you need to carefully monitor the condition of your dog's bowl.

And although the dachshund has no problems with digestion. Fresh food and drink are the basis of everything!

Main diseases, diagnosis and treatment measures

Many people are familiar with diseases such as false pregnancy, tumor and obesity. What to do when such symptoms of the disease appear - the dachshund’s hind legs have failed, skin spots have appeared, hair is falling out or convulsions have begun, why the mammary glands are swollen for no reason, the dachshund is trembling, let’s figure it out.

First on the list of diseases is discopathy, why do you think? This disease manifests itself most often in old age, but there are cases in young people.

Discopathy is a displacement of the spinal discs, as a result of which normal blood circulation is disrupted and the spinal cord is pinched. The dog experiences pain, especially if a nerve is pinched; this most unpleasant feeling of discomfort and pain is a real scourge of dachshunds.

It is important to recognize the disease in time - at the stage when the symptoms of the disease are such that the dog’s behavior has simply changed, and not when the hind legs have already failed. She may fall off her feet, whine with back pain; in severe cases, her coordination of movements is impaired, first her hind limbs fail, then her forelimbs.

To make a diagnosis, the veterinarian will ask you about any possible injuries and whether your dachshund has been jumping carelessly. He will also prescribe x-rays and MRI. After which he will prescribe treatment, and possibly surgery.

Prevention of this dachshund disease, oddly enough, lies in education, for example, you need to stop the dachshund’s favorite pastime - standing on its hind legs, or sitting in an upright position.

Anything that puts pressure on the back and hind limbs should be excluded; jumping off the sofa, jumping onto it, other tall objects, trees should not be allowed. Carrying a dog an extra few meters is easier than treating and torturing it later.

As for the stairs - if you live low, then going up and down can even be useful, because these jumps are more or less smooth. Prevention of the disease - “burrow activities” in nature or in an artificial burrow, swimming.

The second hereditary disease is “swimmer’s syndrome,” which occurs as a result of osteoporosis. This problem appears in puppyhood up to 3 months. Symptoms of the disease - he moves on his stomach and cannot fully move on four legs - they move apart, like a seal's.

Often such a congenital or hereditary problem goes away if treatment is provided on time, but sometimes it does not. The reasons for its manifestation may be improper living conditions for small puppies, when weak joints cannot cope with the load, for example, slippery floors in the room.

A disease such as obesity contributes to other problems - heart disease, pancreas and kidney disease. Avoid overfeeding; a fat dachshund has difficulty moving almost on its stomach; by the way, in overweight dachshunds, discopathy or hernias occur more often.

Overeating and lack of exercise every day can contribute not only to excess weight gain, but also to the development of diabetes. Check often how your dachshund eats, whether it leaves food or, conversely, reluctantly licks the plate.

Reducing the portion is not a problem, it only takes a couple of minutes, but it takes years to recover from a bunch of diseases. Entrust the care of your dachshund to Mother Nature - go for walks and jogs more often; movement for dachshunds is life.

Acanthosis nigricans in dachshunds or papillary pigmentary dystrophy occurs rarely with dachshunds, but aptly, as they say. This is a skin disease where spots appear, hair falls out in some places, leaving bald patches, the skin sags and resembles elephant skin.

Dachshunds generally go bald in the areas under the arms, in the hips and abdomen, and on the chest. In places where hair falls out, an unpleasant odor and spots appear; whether this disease is hereditary has not yet been clarified.

Some believe it is preceded by allergies in the dachshund, while others think it is a sign of diabetes. In any case, stress plays an important role here. This disease is not dangerous and treatment takes place without problems if you go to the clinic in a timely manner, and new hair grows.

The doctor will prescribe treatment - an ointment containing elements such as sulfur, tar and vitamin A. If your dog has symptoms of acanthosis nigricans, stick to a strict diet and under no circumstances allow dachshunds to breed or breed, this is risky and can affect future generations so as not to be surprised later why their hair also falls out.

Epilepsy - for many this word sounds scary, but in dachshunds it usually passes quickly. Symptoms of this disease are as follows: wandering from corner to corner, whining, nervousness. This is the first stage and the symptoms may go unnoticed by the owner.

In the second stage of the disease, the dog may lose consciousness, twitch its lower jaw, experience convulsions, tremble, and foam flows from the mouth. If you don’t take your dachshund to a doctor, blindness may set in, ears may become clogged, and new fainting spells will occur, which will only make the dog worse.

In general, an attack that lasts more than half an hour requires intervention. Hereditary damage to the nervous system is rare.

Most often, the symptoms of epilepsy, when the dog trembles and rushes about, appear after severe stress, as a result of poisoning, brain injury, lack of vitamins D and A, and with an infectious etiology. Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian, usually you need to give IVs, injections with vitamins, and maintenance therapy.

False pregnancy is quite common in dogs. Such a pregnancy, or false pregnancy as it is called, can happen to any dachshund, unfortunately. To recognize pregnancy in time, you need to study the symptoms and what to do in this case.

Symptoms of the disease: sudden loss of appetite, and then vice versa, apathy, mood changes, the dachshund sometimes trembles, begins to lick foreign objects, caring for them. The mammary glands are also swollen, and there may be discharge from them.

False pregnancy or whelping may appear after the first estrus, then go away, and if there was no mating at the next estrus, the disease may recur. The fact is that when a dachshund is in heat, hormones are released, and false pregnancy occurs, despite the absence of puppies in the stomach.

Treatment is usually contraindicated and false pregnancy disappears after 2-10 weeks. The mammary glands return to their normal state and no longer secrete fluid. If the bitch experiences pain during uterine contractions, she is prescribed drugs that relax the muscles. Some are prescribed testosterone.

And in extreme cases, if false pregnancy (pregnancy) recurs, you need to have surgery to remove the ovaries.

Uncontrolled crossbreeding, for example, can lead to the dog's ears not hearing anything, that is, dachshunds are born deaf. Take a dachshund of a different color as your partner if you want your dog's ears to hear well.

Like most breeds with hunting roots (think spaniels, basset hounds, fox terriers, miniature dogs, etc.), dachshunds have good health. At least against the backdrop of 100% decorative dogs. However, due to the structure of the skeleton and the characteristics of the psyche and nervous system, the breed is characterized by a number of characteristic diseases, which we will talk about today.

The purpose of this article is not so much in correct diagnosis (let veterinarians do this), but in making the owner think about the necessary prevention and maintaining excellent health of the pet.


One of the most common reasons for visiting a veterinary clinic is complaints about back problems in a dachshund. As a rule, symptoms appear unexpectedly: an always active animal, capable of taking the most intricate poses, suddenly shows anxiety, spends a long time moving from place to place in search of a comfortable position. When palpating (we gently and carefully feel the spinal column with our fingertips), the dog shows a painful spot in the lumbar region.

Over time, the hind legs may begin to fail, and the animal will not be able to control the process of urination. In some individuals, the motor activity of the paws is lost instantly, without any prerequisites.

All these signs indicate a hernia or displacement of intervertebral discs - the most common, one might say breed, disease of dachshunds. The disease affects adult animals that have crossed the age of five. In rare cases, relatively young pets can also become ill.

Treatment is carried out exclusively as prescribed by a veterinarian after a thorough examination: examination, x-rays, collection of tests. Therapy depends on the condition of the dachshund: in some cases it is enough to carry out conservative treatment (massage, physiotherapy together with medications), while in others surgical intervention is required.

The animal always has a chance to get out: slipping disc syndrome is not a death sentence!

The best way to avoid the disease is prevention: in spring and autumn, take a course (two to three weeks) of artroglycan. In addition, they strengthen the muscles of the spine by swimming in the pool or on the river. When this is not possible, it is quite enough to conduct classes in a regular bath, this is especially true for dwarf dachshunds.

Osteoporosis in puppies

The second breed disease is osteoporosis, or swimmer's syndrome. The disease occurs in many dogs, but in the case of dachshunds, the disease is recorded much more often: puppies as young as one month are affected.

Lack of sufficient amounts of minerals and vitamins (in particular D) in the diet, and rare walks in the sun are predisposing factors for the disease.

The characteristic symptoms of the disease are a floating gait: the paws move apart and the puppy has to walk on its stomach.

With proper treatment, the disease quickly regresses, the bones are restored, and the pet does not face disability.
Again, the disease can be avoided by proper feeding, in which the ratio of calcium and phosphorus is balanced. It is important to find a middle ground when creating a diet: overfeeding contributes to obesity, while overweight puppies have a very high chance of developing the syndrome.

Acanthosis nigricans - skin dystrophy

Sweets are not good for the dachshund.

Another purely “dachshund” disease, which, if it affects other breeds, occurs only in isolated cases. Dachshund skin with this disease looks horrifying: in the armpits, thighs, chest and abdomen there is increased pigmentation, hair loss and the formation of thick, hanging folds, all of which is complemented by a fetid odor.

It is difficult to say what causes the appearance of “elephant skin”. Some believe that acanthosis is a genetic disease; others are a consequence of frequent diathesis, ultimately leading to a radical change in hormonal levels and metabolic disorders; still others directly link the sore to diabetes and hypothyroidism. Stress can be the impetus for development. And one more point that has been repeated more than once: obesity provokes pathology!

It is quite difficult to predict the outcome, the main thing is not to give up. The pet is prescribed corticosteroids, and the skin is treated with special ointments and shampoos containing sulfur, tar and vitamin A preparations. There are and will be cases of complete recovery!

Prevention - preventing animals suffering from or predisposed to acnatosis from breeding, using the right hypoallergenic food and no handouts in the form of chocolates and other harmful things between feedings.

Ear diseases

vectra3dAs with all breeds with long floppy ears, dachshunds are a target for ear mites (the medical name for the disease is otodectosis). The symptoms are simple: first it appears as itching, the dog itches, then the auricle becomes covered with a dark crust, similar to sores. The main thing here is not to neglect and start treatment in a timely manner.

Vectra 3D has proven to be the best treatment for ear mites. Dosage for small breeds - 1 pipette from 0.8 to 1.6 ml, depending on the weight of the dog.

Presumably, the medicine label in the photo speaks for itself...


Idiopathic epilepsy is relatively often observed in long-haired dachshunds, as a consequence of a congenital anomaly of the nervous system.

Before attacks, the dog becomes very anxious, does not respond to external stimuli, the head muscles twitch, and the gait becomes unsteady. Immediately after this, the animal loses consciousness, convulsions appear, and breathing is hoarse. The duration of the attack is from several seconds to an hour. After an attack, the dachshund is disoriented, does not recognize its owners and is in prostration.

Epilepsy is treated with sedatives, most often phenobarbital.

Please do not despair if you have been diagnosed with this! With high-quality therapy, the pet is guaranteed a long and high-quality life.

Eye diseases

Among dachshunds, especially short-haired ones, there are often diseases associated with eyelash pathology (double rows or growth at right angles with corneal trauma), accompanied by redness of the eye, lacrimation and photophobia.

All the diseases described are genetically dependent and can be easily corrected with a surgical scalpel from a competent veterinary ophthalmologist. However, animals with documented pathology should not be allowed for breeding.

Obesity in dachshunds

This is a real scourge of the breed. Created for hunting, for a life full of activity, the city dachshund often finds itself in a situation where its instincts remain unfulfilled. As a result, bulimia becomes second nature for the dog. In this place we could show shocking photos of animals in the final stages of obesity, but we will not do this: there is no desire to spread negativity.

There are not so many specific diseases in dachshunds, and all of them are treatable or can be easily prevented by proper feeding and maintenance.

With all our hearts we wish all dogs good health and love!

If you are not yet sure about the breed you want to get, read our other material about diseases of decorative dogs.

One of the most amazing dog breeds is the dachshund. But, like humans, the dachshund is susceptible to various diseases, which cannot always be avoided in advance, and one of them is discopathy in the dachshund.

She is very energetic, active, like an ever-running engine that cannot be stopped. For many, this cheerful companion becomes a true friend.

In addition, dachshunds are very inquisitive, they are ready to run for hours after any moving objects, and movement for them means the meaning of life. From the outside it may seem that this breed is not the best choice for you. However, the dachshund will complement a large family well.

She will not cause you much trouble, and all because she is quite independent, smart and capable of making her own decisions.

Like dysplasia, rickets, osteochondrosis and problems with the kidneys and liver, discopathy is considered one of the “frightening” diseases that terrify many dog ​​owners.

Almost everyone who spends time with their pet in a park, playground, etc. and communicates with other owners, I have heard about this disease, but what is it, and what does the treatment look like?

It is not uncommon for such a pathology to be diagnosed by doctors when the dog loses its mobility, its movements are constrained, etc. But in order to make the necessary decision about further actions, you must know the characteristics of the disease and be able to recognize it.

Discopathy in dachshunds is a generalized concept of intervertebral disc disorders. Discopathy is often understood as degenerative disorders that lead to disruption of the properties of the discs between the vertebrae.

Such deviations rarely end with the integration of the intervertebral substance into the spinal canal, compression of the spinal cord from its endings with characteristic symptoms.

Species susceptibility

A disease such as discopathy can be found in representatives of almost any breed. It is believed that pugs, Pekingese and a couple of other breeds suffer from this disease more often than others. Unfortunately, the most dangerous enemy of discopathy is dachshunds. Among these shorties, pathology occurs in 55%.

The first symptoms of the disease appear at the age of 3 years and older (in most cases at 6-7 years), but sometimes degenerative disc disorders appear in the puppy’s early childhood (up to 1 year).

Stages of the disease

The course of the disease can be divided into several stages of development. At the dawn of its formation, the disease does not show any obvious symptoms. A healthy intervertebral disc consists of an outer shell and an inner jelly-like core.

Over time, this center changes its structure and becomes thicker and denser, and subsequently the shock-absorbing properties of the disc begin to deteriorate. This process may take several years.

Due to the loss of elasticity and springiness, the dog's movement is accompanied by discomfort and pain, but neurological disorders are never observed.

  • X-ray readings can sometimes reveal the colorless intervertebral disc substance.

Over time, such a disc changes its shape and integrates into the spinal canal. When a deformed disc affects only the ligaments of the spine, symptoms manifest as stiffness of movement and pain when moving.

But if the pressure of the disc extends to the spinal cord, then neurological disorders are inevitable.

The sensitivity of the dachshund's paws decreases, the gait changes, tendon reflexes are disrupted, and it may completely lose the ability to walk.

All pathological changes occur in the body slowly and smoothly. Therefore, over time, the dog adapts to painful sensations and adapts to them. Often at this stage a corset is used to limit the dog's mobility.

Last stage of pathology

But the corset is not always purchased on time. As a result, pressure on the outer shell of the intervertebral disc increases and it ruptures. The nucleus, which has changed its structure and has become like cottage cheese, penetrates the lumen of the spinal canal and begins to put pressure on the spinal cord.

As a result, the dachshund’s hind limbs (in rare cases, the front ones) suddenly fail and the functioning of other organs is disrupted. Literally after a few days, and sometimes hours, the animal’s paws become paralyzed and sensitivity disappears.

If emergency measures are not taken in this course of events, the dog may remain forever chained to a gurney or die, so it is necessary to begin treatment immediately.


As soon as the dachshund begins to show the first symptoms, treatment must be taken immediately. The disease in this case is diagnosed based on medical history and radiography.

At the first stage of the disease, you can get by with treating the symptoms. Often, doctors at veterinary clinics prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

A corset can serve as part of the treatment complex, which will speed up treatment. All these measures can relieve the animal from pain and discomfort for several years.

But it is worth understanding that treating symptoms is not fighting the root cause of their occurrence. Deviations in the intervertebral region cannot be cured by a corset and painkillers.

If symptoms of the disease reoccur, a second examination is carried out and the damaged disc is removed.


No matter how much I would like to, it is impossible to completely eliminate a disease such as discopathy in a dachshund. Not long ago, almost 75% of dachshunds suffered from this disease.

Dog culling contributed to reducing this figure by more than 20%. By continuing selection, you can significantly reduce the possibility of developing such a disease, but the risk will always remain.

  • The introduction of prophylactic medications (chondroprotectors) into the dog’s diet will help preserve the structure of the intervertebral discs longer. But even in this case, alas, there is no complete guarantee.

How a dog corset can help with prevention. It will prevent sudden jumps and movements of the dog. The corset will also help to avoid complications at the first symptoms of discopathy.

Like most breeds with hunting roots (think spaniels, basset hounds, miniature dogs, etc.), dachshunds have good health. At least against the backdrop of 100% decorative dogs. However, due to the structure of the skeleton and the characteristics of the psyche and nervous system, the breed is characterized by a number of characteristic diseases, which we will talk about today.

The purpose of this article is not so much in correct diagnosis (let veterinarians do this), but in making the owner think about the necessary prevention and maintaining excellent health of the pet.


One of the most common reasons for visiting a veterinary clinic is complaints about back problems in a dachshund. As a rule, symptoms appear unexpectedly: an always active animal, capable of taking the most intricate poses, suddenly shows anxiety, spends a long time moving from place to place in search of a comfortable position. When palpating (we gently and carefully feel the spinal column with our fingertips), the dog shows a painful spot in the lumbar region.

Dachshund Skeleton: The health and strength of the back muscles must be maintained from the first day in the house.

Over time, the hind legs may begin to fail, and the animal will not be able to control the process of urination. In some individuals, the motor activity of the paws is lost instantly, without any prerequisites.

All these signs indicate a hernia or displacement of intervertebral discs - the most common, one might say breed, disease of dachshunds.

Treatment is carried out exclusively as prescribed by a veterinarian after a thorough examination: examination, x-rays, collection of tests. Therapy depends on the condition of the dachshund: in some cases it is enough to carry out conservative treatment (massage, physiotherapy together with medications), while in others surgical intervention is required.

The disease affects adult animals that have crossed the age of five. In rare cases, relatively young pets can also become ill.

The animal always has a chance to get out: slipping disc syndrome is not a death sentence! The best way to avoid the disease is prevention: in spring and autumn, take a course (two to three weeks) of artroglycan ( Artroglycan

Osteoporosis in puppies

The second breed disease is osteoporosis, or swimmer's syndrome. The disease occurs in many dogs, but in the case of dachshunds, the disease is recorded much more often: puppies as young as one month are affected.

Lack of sufficient amounts of minerals and vitamins (in particular D) in the diet, and rare walks in the sun are predisposing factors for the disease.

The characteristic symptoms of the disease are a floating gait: the paws move apart and the puppy has to walk on its stomach.

With proper treatment, the disease quickly regresses, the bones are restored, and the pet does not face disability.

Again, the disease can be avoided by proper feeding, in which the ratio of calcium and phosphorus is balanced. It is important to find a middle ground when creating a diet: overfeeding contributes to obesity, while overweight puppies have a very high chance of developing the syndrome.

Acanthosis nigricans - skin dystrophy

Sweets are not good for the dachshund.

Another purely “dachshund” disease, which, if it affects other breeds, occurs only in isolated cases. Dachshund skin with this disease looks horrifying: in the armpits, thighs, chest and abdomen there is increased pigmentation, hair loss and the formation of thick, hanging folds, all of which is complemented by a fetid odor.

It is difficult to say what causes the appearance of “elephant skin”. Some believe that acanthosis is a genetic disease; others are a consequence of frequent diathesis, ultimately leading to a radical change in hormonal levels and metabolic disorders; still others directly link the sore to diabetes and hypothyroidism. Stress can be the impetus for development. And one more point that has been repeated more than once: obesity provokes pathology!

It is quite difficult to predict the outcome, the main thing is not to give up. The pet is prescribed corticosteroids, and the skin is treated with special ointments and shampoos containing sulfur, tar and vitamin A preparations. There are and will be cases of complete recovery!

Prevention - preventing animals suffering from or predisposed to acnatosis from breeding, using and no handouts in the form of chocolates and other harmful things between feedings.

Ear diseases

As with all breeds with long floppy ears, dachshunds are a target for ear mite(the medical name of the disease is otodectosis). The symptoms are simple: first it appears as itching, the dog itches, then the auricle becomes covered with a dark crust, similar to sores. The main thing here is not to neglect and start treatment in a timely manner.

Vectra 3D has proven to be the best treatment for ear mites. Dosage for small breeds - 1 pipette from 0.8 to 1.6 ml, depending on the weight of the dog.

Presumably, the medicine label in the photo speaks for itself...


Idiopathic epilepsy is relatively often observed in long-haired dachshunds, as a consequence of a congenital anomaly of the nervous system.

Before attacks, the dog becomes very anxious, does not respond to external stimuli, the head muscles twitch, and the gait becomes unsteady. Immediately after this, the animal loses consciousness, convulsions appear, and breathing is hoarse. The duration of the attack is from several seconds to an hour. After an attack, the dachshund is disoriented, does not recognize its owners and is in prostration.

Epilepsy is treated with sedatives, most often phenobarbital.

Please do not despair if you have been diagnosed with this! With high-quality therapy, the pet is guaranteed a long and high-quality life.

Eye diseases

Among dachshunds, especially short-haired ones, there are often diseases associated with eyelash pathology (double rows or growth at right angles with corneal trauma), accompanied by redness of the eye, lacrimation and photophobia.

All the diseases described are genetically dependent and can be easily corrected with a surgical scalpel from a competent veterinary ophthalmologist. However, animals with documented pathology should not be allowed for breeding.


This is a real scourge of the breed. Created for hunting, for a life full of activity, the city dachshund often finds itself in a situation where its instincts remain unfulfilled. As a result, bulimia becomes second nature for the dog. In this place we could show shocking photos of animals in the final stages of obesity, but we will not do this: there is no desire to spread negativity.

There are not so many specific diseases in dachshunds, and all of them are treatable or can be easily prevented by proper feeding and maintenance.

With all our hearts we wish all dogs good health and love!