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Who is Vyacheslav Maltsev? We read in detail about his life and work. Opposition leader Vyacheslav Maltsev left Russia, fearing criminal prosecution. Main Blogger Vyacheslav Maltsev biography

Vyacheslav Maltsev. NOT GUEVARA

Deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the third convocation for the Kirov electoral district No. 5 of Saratov, deputy chairman of the regional Duma Vyacheslav Maltsev


In the office of the deputy chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma, Vyacheslav Maltsev, hangs a large portrait of the famous revolutionary Chegevara. This is his idol.

Maltsev likes to say about himself that he is a “fighter.” A fighter by vocation, a fighter by character, a fighter by profession.

In the late eighties, Maltsev was one of the first in Saratov to engage in private detective work and security, organizing the Allegro detective bureau, where he became general director. A lawyer by training, he served for three years in the border troops, worked for two years as a local inspector, and therefore the creation of such a company, which exists to this day, was quite logical for Maltsev, with his knowledge and experience.

But still, politics became the main thing for Maltsev from the beginning of the 90s. Maltsev is one of the long-livers of the Saratov Regional Duma, and has been working here for his third term. In 1994-1996 - Chairman of the Duma Committee of the first convocation on legality, fight against crime, security and protection of individual rights. In 1996-1997 - Deputy Chairman of the Regional Duma. Since September 1997 - member of the regional Duma committee of the second convocation on fiscal policy, taxes and use of regional property and the committee on legality, work with territories and public organizations. Since May 2005, Maltsev has been deputy chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma.

Maltsev’s favorite singer and composer Freddie Mercuri has a song “Show must go on” - “The show must go on.” What do politics and the status of a deputy mean to Maltsev? He once said: “This is not a sport, more of a hobby. Moreover, a hobby for extreme sports enthusiasts,” and further, Maltsev draws a parallel with parachute jumping: “Once a person has become infected with this, a person cannot be cured.”

Some political analysts define Maltsev’s politician’s style as more populist. One of the Communist deputies once remarked on the sidelines of the regional Duma: “Just look at him, he’s lazy, he sat in the Duma for ten years and did nothing...”.

Yes, on the one hand, Maltsev took his deputy duties quite freely, if not frivolously, and could, for example, not attend meetings of the regional Duma for weeks. This was the case, for example, when Maltsev went to Volgograd, where he supported the mayor of Volgograd, Yuri Chekhov, in the gubernatorial elections. Maltsev, in total, during this period of time, did not attend meetings of the regional Duma for about two years. However, it couldn’t have been any other way. Then Maltsev was in deep opposition to Ayatskov, while the regional Duma was completely on the side of the former governor.

Maltsev was and always remains in the forefront of the opposition to the authorities, and in our conditions this is rather not populism, but still an active civic position. And to decide on this, you have to be at least a brave person. He says about himself: “I’m an impulsive person, I make decisions right away... It’s not for nothing that they say, “don’t wake up when it’s quiet.”

Maltsev was the only one of the deputies of the Saratov Regional Duma who spoke out openly against the now former governor Dmitry Ayatskov. Without exaggeration, we can say that the fact that Ayatskov ceased to be governor is a huge merit of Maltsev and his social movement“Fund for the fight against Ayatskov,” which was organized and headed by Maltsev.

“Down with Ayatskov!” was the main and main slogan of this foundation and its activists in 2004 and 2005. For almost two years, a huge banner with the inscription “Down with Ayatskova1” hung over the office of Maltsev’s company “Allegro”.

This public organization, under the leadership of Maltsev, organized pickets of regional government buildings and the collection of signatures for Ayatskov’s resignation. More than 50 thousand of them were collected, and they were sent to the reception of the President of Russia. One of the Foundation’s activists, Igor Karmishin, went on a hunger strike under the slogan “Down with Ayatskov!” in the summer of 2004. He lived in a tent opposite the building of the Saratov Regional Duma for 12 days, and during all these days he did not eat; at the same time, a collection of signatures for Ayatskov’s resignation was organized here. It is curious that PR people from Ayatskov’s side organized another picket next to the tent: “We eat in support of Ayatskov!”, where young people ate sausage and bread, inviting passers-by to do the same.

One of the final stages of the Foundation’s struggle with Governor Ayatskov was the so-called “campaign on Moscow” in the summer of 2004, when several buses with activists went to Moscow and there, in the capital, they organized a rally with an appeal to the President for Ayatskov’s immediate resignation.

There were also many original actions by the “Fund for Fighting Ayatskov” - on November 9, activists led by Maltsev held a picket near the Jumanji club. At this time, guests came to the club for a pompous celebration of the birthday of Governor Dmitry Ayatskov, and about 20 picketers held posters “Down with Ayatskov”, “Bring Ayatskov to justice!” and “Happy Birthday DF!” Police officers tried to disperse them, but this was prevented by Vyacheslav Maltsev, City Duma deputy Vladimir Malkov and former secretary and ex-vice governor of the region Alexander Miroshin. The head of the Regional Department of Internal Affairs, Alexander Shinkarev, who arrived at the scene, did not allow the demonstrators to be treated roughly.

Once, in a narrow circle, Maltsev, a witty man and, speaking in youth slang, somewhat “untied,” said the following phrase, laughing: “Oh, it’s a pity that I don’t have cancer. Otherwise I would have tied myself with grenades and went to Ayatskov’s office for a reception...”

Why exactly did Maltsev launch an open attack on Governor Ayatskov?

Opinions agree on one thing - there was a moment when Ayatskov “blocked” Maltsev’s business.

At one of his press conferences, Maltsev once said: “Ayatskov is ruining the economy of the region...I also have personal complaints against him. He strangled my company, and in 1999 he ordered corrupt police officers to file a criminal case against me.”

Being, in his own words, an extremely vindictive person, Maltsev’s actions are guided by resentment, even if it was inflicted on him many years ago. The first time he was offended by the governor was when, as he once put it, Maltsev “took away his business.” Maltsev’s legal business was concentrated in the security company Allegro, and then in the first private ambulance service he created, Allegro-M. During the election campaign in State Duma, and Maltsev was nominated in Saratov, in the information about the property submitted to the election commission in 2003, Maltsev did not say a word about the two business structures mentioned above. It is known that Maltsev owned 100% of the shares of a certain LLC “24 Karat”, and his total income for 2002 amounted to 477 thousand 261 rubles (about 40 thousand rubles per month). As a result of an inspection of the Department of Tax Administration for the Saratov region, it turned out that Maltsev was the founder of not one, but three commercial organizations, but in which ones exactly is not known exactly.

Maltsev responded to the “taking away of business” with a demarche, becoming the only regional Duma deputy who voted against the Saratov Region Law “On Land.”

Even earlier, in December 1999, when Maltsev took part as a candidate in the State Duma elections, a provocation was committed against him - a bag of white powder and a pistol were planted in his car. The scandal then, those who organized the provocation, barely managed to hush up, and Maltsev emerged victorious - through the court he managed to prove his case. He filed a lawsuit against the newspaper Izvestia, which reported on the incident related to the detention of Maltsev during the State Duma elections in December 1999, as well as about a pistol and a bag of white powder. Moral damage was assessed by the court at 1 thousand rubles. The regional newspaper Saratovskie Vesti also lost the case to Maltsev and paid him 5 thousand rubles. “This is how much the honor and dignity of a deputy is valued today,” Maltsev said at a press conference then.

Today, deputy and deputy chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma Vyacheslav Maltsev heads the public environmental movement “Future”.

“Future” and Maltsev actively advocate the closure of the chemical weapons processing plant in the village of Gorny, Saratov region, and against the start of construction of a sodium cyanide processing plant at the Orgsintez plant.

This position contradicts the official policy of the governor of the Saratov region, Pavel Ipatov, who lobbied for a cyanide processing project in Saratov.

“When I started the campaign in Gorny, I didn’t know what place Ipatov would take there. As soon as I began to fight for Gorny and for the rights of its inhabitants, he immediately moved to other trenches and began to fight with us. Therefore, everything is clear to me here. Now, in fact, the fight with Gorny is a fight with Ipatov. But he himself took this side, and no one pushed him there. When we started the campaign in Gorny, Ipatov was not yet there. We were told certain people, that if we now move along Gorny, they will leave Ayatskov. They said it was better to keep quiet. Bye. And we remained silent, stepping on the throat of our own song, because we understood that we would receive two evils - Gorny and Ayatskova. We decided to act progressively - to destroy first Ayatskov, and then Gorny.”

Maltsev and Future are no less actively fighting to ban the production of cyanide in Saratov, this most dangerous substance. Maltsev wrote official letter V. Alekperov (“Orgsintez” belongs to “Lukoil”), where he actually presented an ultimatum - if work on the construction of production facilities for the production of sodium cyanide does not stop, then “Future” will announce a boycott of Lukoil products in the Saratov region. Maltsev never received a response to his official letter.
The response of environmentalists, as the deputy promises, will not be long in coming. In particular, special metal signs have already been prepared (like those signs on the roads) depicting the symbols of Lukoil, and against this background - a skull and crossbones. “We will hang such signs at all Lukoil gas stations,” Maltsev promised.

Assessing the policy of Governor Pavel Ipatov, deputy Vyacheslav Maltsev said that today in the “Saratov Regional Duma there is a majority of deputies dissatisfied with the policies of the new governor. It’s just that the majority hasn’t spoken out yet.”

Maltsev’s relationship with the governor changed after the elections of deputies to the Saratov City Duma. For Maltsev, these elections may in general become a turning point in his political destiny. In the May live broadcast of one Saratov TV channel, where the presenter was openly “stupid” and almost had a heart attack from the directness of our hero, Maltsev drew popular parallels between the members United Russia and one of the most unpopular categories of convicts in Russian prisons. The delivery sounded hysterical, the voice broke, the ears turned red, but the deputy spoke confidently and preparedly, they only say that when they either really believe in it, or know in advance how it will all end and therefore have nothing to fear.

Maltsev, a man with a good memory, remembers evil for a long time. In January 2006, when pre-election alliances had already begun to take visible shape, Maltsev asked Grishchenko and his political strategists not so much for money for the Narodnaya Volya campaign, but for participation. He sincerely wanted to be “respected” as a veteran of the war with Ayatskov, as “your guy,” as a charismatic politician who for some reason decided that he deserved a “monument” during his lifetime. The presence of “People's Will” members in the City Duma would become a lifetime monument to Vyacheslav Maltsev. In reality, no one expressed the expected respect to the absolutely lonely “fighter”. United Russia rightly considered that feeding and nursing Maltsev was expensive. Then “Narodnaya Volya” was removed from the elections, later restored, then there was a shocking and useless advertising campaign “Breathe Freely!” Then there were elections and a result that did not suit everyone. Then processes began within United Russia, its pillars lost their former inviolability, and this became the catalyst for many political processes in the Volga region. And now, if we don’t “wander too much”, but to be clearer and simpler: Maltsev, together with Ipatov, the leaders of the Duma opposition and a group of schismatic constitutionalists with a dubious reputation, are playing against Volodin. All this looks unconvincing at times: Poimtsev and Arzhanov against Volodin... I think Vyacheslav Viktorovich will only have more supporters, because “tell me who your enemy is and I’ll tell you who you are.” But let’s not rush, we’ll read this “Personal File” in the depths of the Internet in 5 years, and then we’ll draw conclusions.

I think that this part of the book of Vyacheslav Maltsev’s life can become the most interesting, in the chaos of turbulent events that drag this extraordinary personality into a mysterious political tomorrow. It’s too early to close our hero’s “personal matter.”

Sergey Mikhailov, especially for United Volga

Official certificate

Maltsev Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich

Deputy Chairman of the Duma, member of the Duma Council, member of the Committee on State Construction and Local Self-Government, member of the Committee on Public Relations and Information Policy, Chairman of the Control Commission, member of the United Russia deputy group.

Higher education: in 1987 he graduated from the Saratov Law Institute named after. D.I.Kursky, majoring in "Jurisprudence" with the qualification "Lawyer"

After graduating from secondary school No. 8 in Saratov in 1981, he worked as a statistician in the Kirov district committee of the Komsomol and studied at the evening department of the Saratov Law Institute.

From 1982 to 1985 he served in the border troops.

After military service, he continued his full-time studies at the Saratov Law Institute.

From 1987 to 1989 Maltsev V.V. worked as a local inspector of the Zavodsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Saratov, and from 1989 to 1996 - general director of the Saratov Detective Bureau "Allegro" (SSB "Allegro").

In May 1994, he was elected as a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the first convocation and until April 1996 was the chairman of the committee on legality, combating crime, security and protection of individual rights, and since April 1996 he was Deputy Chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma.

In August 1997, Maltsev V.V. was elected deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the second convocation. He was a member of the committee on fiscal policy, taxes and use of property in the region and a member of the committee on issues of legality, work with territories and public organizations, while simultaneously working as director of CJSC SSB Allegro, then CJSC SSB Varyag-VM.

From November 1999 to April 2002, he worked in the committee on issues of legality, work with territories and public organizations on a professional permanent basis. In April 2002, he was elected secretary of the Saratov Regional Duma and worked in this position until the end of the term of office of the deputies of the Saratov Regional Duma of the second convocation.

In September 2002, Maltsev V.V. elected as a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the third convocation, and at its first meeting - secretary of the regional Duma, a position in which he served until December 2003. Since April 2005 - Deputy Chairman of the Regional Duma.

Maltsev visiting Venediktov on Ekho.

Maltsev lived in Vyacheslav Volodin’s hometown of Saratov and worked as a policeman. He was involved in various dashing matters, they say he helped Volozhdin squeeze Ayatskov out of the governor’s post, and then became a big democrat and worked in PARNAS. From the rostrum of PARNAS, Vyacheslav Maltsev shouted “the Jews are to blame for everything!” being a democrat and practically a member of the “Jewish circle”. His presence in PARNAS caused a quarrel among the whole party. And then Maltsev became a Russian nationalist and promised the people a new socialist revolution on the eve of the Great October Revolution. Maltsev himself fled abroad on the eve of the revolution, and everyone he called to the streets was arrested by the FSB.

The funny thing is: 63% of the PARNAS congress delegates voted for the inclusion of Natsik Vyacheslav Maltsev in the party list of candidates for the State Duma. So he was going to the elections from PARNAS.

It’s worth going back to that time and seeing who lobbied Maltsev? He was lobbied by the “owner of PARNAS” himself, Mikhail Kasyanov. He must have lost his mind.

The opposition party PARNAS, led by former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov and historian Andrei Zubov, has become one of the Kremlin projects. They built it to lose. Maltsev was introduced into her as a “death gene”. All sorts of Ilya Yashins and other democratic boys immediately jumped out of there as if scalded.

Publicist Ivan Ushenin wrote back in 2016:

“From 1989 to 1996, Maltsev served as general director of the Saratov detective bureau Allegro.

According to Maltsev, in the 1990s he was the richest man in the region, his agency employed 2,000 employees. Subsequently, Maltsev allegedly sold all his property.

Three times he was elected as a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma.

In the 1990s, he was a member of the Fatherland - All Russia party, where he met Vyacheslav Volodin (now first deputy head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Putin).

At a recent speech to members and supporters of the PARNAS party, Maltsev said that he is one of the founders of the United Russia party. According to my observations, Maltsev began to be very actively and aggressively promoted and promoted in the media about a year ago. Let's start with the fact that in connection with the upcoming elections, they began to show the terrible and irreconcilable oppositionist Maltsev on all the central and main television channels of the Russian Federation.

In particular, on one of the main federal channels “Russia-1”, Maltsev called openly and throughout the whole country to impale Russian President Putin.

He releases hour and a half videos every day on his YouTube channel (107,000 subscribers), where only his talking head is present, and where he speaks out about literally everything that is happening in the country and the world.

Who is even able to withstand daily viewing of one and a half hour videos of this format? It's a mystery to me."

Maltsev and Navalny. Debate.

And then Maltsev became a Russian nationalist and promised the people a new socialist revolution on the eve of the Great October Revolution. On the eve of the revolution, Maltsev fled abroad, and everyone he called to the streets was arrested by the FSB.

It would seem that a rare idiot would go out into the street at Maltsev’s call, but this is not so: there were many idiots.

So that today, on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, the authorities could begin mass repressions against the so-called. extremists and thereby teach a “historical lesson” for a long time, a reason is needed. More precisely, a provocation in the form of a mass protest movement, which does not exist in Russia, but which they are strenuously trying to organize. Not only Alexei Navalny is involved in this, but also Vyacheslav Maltsev, whom, it turns out, was too early to write off, wrote Novye Izvestia.

Journalists, historians, and adults warned that Maltsev was a provocateur. "Maltsev announces that in this moment is in Western Europe, but it turns out that he is not at all interested in his own situation. But it should interest any reasonable listener. What does he live on? No tongue. Without status. Out of employment. However, for Maltsev these are “little things in life” that are not worthy of attention. He, like Lenin, is absorbed in organizing the revolution in Russia. “In this particular place I’m doing a lot more now than I did in Russia, because they interfered with me there, but here no one really bothers me,” he says. – That’s why I conduct Skype conferences, webinars and whatever you want. ...I’m doing the same thing that I’ve been doing, in general, probably for the last four years, that is, I’m preparing a protest movement in Russia, and, in general, I’m organizing those protests that Russia has yet to see. I'm involved in politics."

Maltsev in a T-shirt with the date of the “revolution”

Despite the fact that Maltsev has the classic mug of a provocateur, Ekho Moskvy regularly calling Maltsev on air and touchingly promotes him.

Maltsev’s pseudo-organization “Artpodgotovka” triumphantly enriched police paddy wagons yesterday, November 7th. They grabbed everyone, including journalists.

At the same time, Maltsev’s “Artpodgotovka” group on FB is not blocked. Please come in and join if you want to get to know the FSB.

Discussion of the article

Jun 7 2018 7:27PM

Rebbe, who can tell you that training your brain without paying them - Maltzer and Navalson are very kind teachers - they don’t charge much. club and prison. It doesn’t hurt to pay large fees in the form of a fine for the work of police boys.

Dec 8 2017 12:53PM

Provocateur Slava Mokhnoryly 05/11/17. handed over more than 400 of his fellow citizens - accomplices - to the cops. Now they face real prison sentences of up to TWENTY years! Therefore: Handing over Maltsev to the cops is not a joke at all (I’m responsible for the market!) In the zone, or even in a pre-trial detention center, Slava will be killed on the very first night, and then turned into the so-called “devil”, which, according to prison concepts, is even worse than a rooster . So that anyone can now do whatever they want with Maltsev. Slava Mokhnoryly is outlawed and outlawed. He is *DAMN*

Nov 26 2017 12:08AM

The degenerates have pledged to manage Russian money, TV, land, all that remains is to take all the manure into their redneck hands)))

Nov 10 2017 11:10AM

Type on YouTube: “Putin financed Maltsev’s revolution.” Actually, we are talking about 150 thousand dollars that the security officers gave Maltsev for his pseudo-revolution. We’ll soon find out how many people are blaming Navalny.

Nov 10 2017 10:20AM

Navalny is a real fighter for the happiness of the Russian people!!!

Nov 9 2017 11:37AM

Azef may be far away, but there are quite a lot of people provoked by “Artillery preparation”. I fed the FSB and Center "E" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with Russian meat from the heart. If there were fighters against the genocide of the Russian people, they will be encrypted for a long time after such “leaders” with the support of Echo of Matzo."

Dead end
Nov 9 2017 10:42AM

We Jews are obligated to rule and manage Russian manure. They, those who shout about their Russianness, have not even registered themselves in the laws of Russia! Legally and politically there are no Russians and there never will be.

Because, thanks to “Echo”, at least it reminds us: Who’s the boss in the house?!

Nov 8 2017 9:51PM Irina
Nov 8 2017 9:08PM

He is far from Azef, so he behaves in a small-town way.


In July 2017, politician Vyacheslav Maltsev was warned of an impending arrest. A criminal case against him has not yet been opened. “I was simply warned that it would be opened and that the order had been given to imprison me for life. (I received the information) from those people who were given this directive, because they hate Putin and are our secret supporters. I don’t know them at all,” Maltsev says now NT. Together with his comrade-in-arms Andrei Nemchinov, he drove a car into Belarus and headed to the border with Ukraine.

Flight and refuge

But Maltsev was not allowed into Ukraine: it turned out that the oppositionist was included in the “black list” on the notorious website “Peacemaker”* (this is an open database of personal data of people whom the site’s authors call “separatists” or “agents of the Kremlin” - information collected by illegal through or through open sources, the site is blocked in Russia; it contains, for example, data on Russian journalists who received accreditation in the DPR and LPR). Then Maltsev called his supporter Olga Kurnosova, a Russian activist living in last years in Kyiv. She, in turn, contacted their mutual friend - the Frenchman Pierre Affner, known among Maltsev’s supporters as “France” (he has lived in Moscow for a long time and has participated in their actions in the last year and a half). Kurnosova told NT that she asked Affner to help Maltsev enter France.

Affner met with the oppositionist in Montenegro - there another associate, Vladimir Kuznetsov, joined Maltsev and Nemchinov. All three did not have French visas. To help the fugitives obtain them, Affner made an appointment with the first secretary of the French embassy in Montenegro and flew to Podgorica. The embassy suggested that they go to Belgrade for visas, where the nearest consular hotel was located. “But a whole brigade of FSB men was waiting for us in Belgrade,” Affner described what was happening in an interview with the Kyiv website Rusmonitor. - Maltsev said that he would not go to Serbia, as he could be captured there, because the Russians had put him on the All-Russian wanted list and to Interpol. He told me: the Serbian police will detain me, and then I will end up in Moscow, in Lefortovo. Then I suggested another option. I said: if you cannot fly directly to France, then let’s fly to the visa-free country of Morocco in transit through France, through Charles de Gaulle airport. We will get off the plane, and when we find ourselves in the transit zone, I will go with you to the border guards and say - these are my comrades, they need political asylum.”


Maltsev received asylum last week - “in one of the European Union countries,” as he said for secret reasons, apparently, in an interview with the Current Time TV channel. In September, he and his comrades were released from the temporary detention center where they had been held since their sudden arrival in Paris. Affner then told Rusmonitor that he was going to help Maltsev and his comrades settle in France with the participation of Russian emigrants. Interview NT Maltsev also gave with the assistance of France.

Where does the Saratov oppositionist get money to live in exile? “I lived quite well all my life because I made a lot of money in the 1990s. There was property that I periodically sold. I never got fat, I didn’t buy expensive things, I lived modestly, so I had enough to live on,” says Maltsev. And he reminds us of his financial sense: “On December 16, 2014, the ruble fell sharply, and on November 10, I hosted a program with Stepan Demura**, suggested everyone to play to reduce the ruble and named the date of the collapse of the ruble - December 17 - I was wrong by only one day. Our people who watched the program and invested, roughly speaking, a thousand dollars, earned $60 thousand. And I also made money, and not bad at that. I always feel things like this in my skin.”

Maltsev, Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich

Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich Maltsev(born June 7, 1964, Saratov) - politician, leader of the opposition movement "People's Front of the Saratov Region", president of the environmental organization "Future", coordinator of the Saratov branch of the Great Russia party. In the past - deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma, deputy chairman of the regional Duma


After graduating from Saratov secondary school No. 8 in 1981, he worked as a statistician in the Kirov district committee of the Komsomol and studied at the evening department of the Saratov Law Institute. DI. Kursky.

From 1982 to 1985 he served in the border troops.

After military service, he continued his full-time studies at the Saratov Law Institute. In 1987 he graduated with a degree in Law with the qualification of Lawyer.

From 1987 to 1989 Maltsev V.V. worked as a district inspector at the Zavodsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Saratov, and from 1989 to 1996 - general director of the Saratov Detective Bureau "Allegro" (SSB "Allegro").

In May 1994, he was elected as a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the first convocation and until April 1996 was the chairman of the committee on legality, combating crime, security and protection of individual rights, and since April 1996 he was deputy chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma.

In August 1997, Maltsev V.V. was elected deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the second convocation. He was a member of the committee on fiscal policy, taxes and use of property in the region and a member of the committee on issues of legality, work with territories and public organizations, while simultaneously working as director of CJSC SSB Allegro, then CJSC SSB Varyag-VM.

From November 1999 to April 2002, he worked in the committee on issues of legality, work with territories and public organizations on a professional permanent basis. In April 2002, he was elected secretary of the Saratov Regional Duma and worked in this position until the end of the term of office of the deputies of the Saratov Regional Duma of the second convocation.

In September 2002, Maltsev V.V. elected as a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the third convocation, and at its first meeting - secretary of the regional Duma, a position in which he served until December 2003. Since April 2005 - Deputy Chairman of the Regional Duma.

Since 2004 - leader of the Popular Front of the Saratov Region.

Since 2006 - President of the Saratov Regional public organization"Ecological organization "Future".

Since 2006 - President of the Foundation. Fridtjof Nansen.



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See what “Maltsev, Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich” is in other dictionaries:

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Kotlyar. Vyacheslav Kotlyar ... Wikipedia

    Maltsev: Maltsev, Alexander Nikolaevich (born 1949) Soviet hockey player, champion Olympic Games. Maltsev, Alexander Nikolaevich ( statesman) (born 1952) Russian statesman, member of the secretariat of the CPSU Central Committee in July ... ... Wikipedia

    Saratov Regional Duma ... Wikipedia

    The Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods is a form of encouragement for citizens of the USSR for significant services in the technical development of Soviet industry, the development of new technologies, modernization... ... Wikipedia

    List of laureates Contents 1 1967 2 1968 3 1969 4 1970 5 1971 6 … Wikipedia - ( full list) Contents 1 List of laureates 1.1 1941 1.2 1942 1.3 1943 ... Wikipedia

    This page is an informational list. Main articles: Stalin Prize, Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods ... Wikipedia

Vyacheslav Maltsev is a well-known political personality in the Saratov region, a non-systemic oppositionist, entrepreneur, public figure and video blogger. Since 2011, he has run the YouTube channel “Artpodgotovka” (the movement of the same name is recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation), known for the “Bad News” section. In 2016, he ran for the State Duma from the PARNAS party.

Early years and education

Maltsev Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich, born in 1964, grew up in Saratov, graduated there high school No. 8. After receiving the certificate, he entered the evening department of the Saratov Law Institute named after D.I. Kursky, and at the same time worked as an analytical statistician in the Kirov district committee of the Komsomol.

In 1982, he decided to serve in the border troops, which he completed in 1985. After returning home, Maltsev decided to finish his studies at the institute and was reinstated in the specialty “Jurisprudence.” In 1987, he received a law degree and joined the Allegro detective bureau, which was engaged in private detective work and security. In 2 years, Maltsev managed to achieve the director’s post, which he held until 1996.

The enterprise brought Vyacheslav good income - in the 90s he was perhaps the richest man in the region. Subsequently, he sold it and all the property for an amount that, according to him, would last him for many years to come.

Political Views

In May 1994, Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich was elected as a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma, and in June he took the position of chairman of the Duma Committee on Legality, Combating Crime, Security and Protection of Individual Rights, which also included deputies Anatoly Astashkin, Oleg Karpov, Vladimir Pavlov, Anatoly Sokolov and Yuri Sosedov. In April 1996, Maltsev became deputy chairman of the regional Duma.

He held this post until September of the following year, until the second convocation of the Saratov Regional Duma. Maltsev was re-elected “for a second term”, after which he headed the committee dealing with issues of budget policy, property and taxes. In 2002, he was again elected deputy speaker. At the elections to the Duma of the third convocation, Maltsev again found himself in the ranks of deputies, subsequently again occupying the post of deputy chairman.

From 2003 to 2005, the politician opposed the governor of the Saratov region, Dmitry Ayatskov. While running for the State Duma, he founded the Anti-Ayatskov Foundation, demanding the early termination of the governor’s powers under the slogan “Down with Ayatskov!” At the same time, Maltsev did not hide his old personal resentment and hatred, since it was the governor who once “destroyed” his company.

In the 90s, he was also a member of the Fatherland - All Russia party (the future United Russia), where he met Vyacheslav Volodin. He ran for the State Duma for the first time from this bloc (in 1999), but failed. According to Maltsev, in 2003 he himself decided to leave the party, although membership opened up great political prospects for him.

After that, he became a convinced antagonist of United Russia, and his idol was the revolutionary Che Guevara, whose portrait always hung in his office. To himself, Vyacheslav liked to say that he was a true fighter: by profession, by occupation, by character and vocation.

Debate: Maltsev VS Zhirinovsky

In 2007, Vyacheslav Maltsev became one of the co-founders of the nationalist party “Great Russia” and headed its branch in the Saratov region. However, official registration of the party was denied twice.

In parallel with his membership in Great Russia, he promoted Mikhail Kasyanov's Russian People's Democratic Union in Saratov, and in 2012 he attempted to run for the Saratov Regional Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but was unsuccessful.

"Art preparation"

Maltsev started blogging on YouTube at the end of 2011. He recorded a video in a “talking head” format, expressing his opinion on the current political situation in the country. The channel's audience grew exponentially - the number of viewers of its daily live broadcasts exceeded 100 thousand users. Many users noted that Maltsev is like a drug for them – it’s addictive.

The success of “Artpodgotovka” largely helped Maltsev win the PARNAS federal primaries in 2016. However, due to a personal data leak scandal, the voting results were canceled. At the party congress, about a third of its members voted against Vyacheslav’s nomination, including leader Ilya Yashin and Vladimir Kara-Murza.

Maltsev had to fight off accusations of anti-Semitism and populism. The politician himself claimed that his main goal of being nominated to the State Duma was “the repeal of Vladimir Putin’s unconstitutional laws and the impeachment of the president.”

Personal life of Vyacheslav Maltsev

For Vyacheslav Maltsev, family and children have always been a priority. His wife Anna Maltseva and three children - Roman (born 1989), Varvara (born 2009) and Valery - were always by his side.

Vyacheslav’s sons followed in their father’s footsteps, joined the PARNAS party and ran for the State Duma on its behalf.

Roman Maltsev “distinguished himself” by posting in in social networks photographs of themselves in Nazi uniform, holding weapons, and wearing a woman's wig.

Vyacheslav Maltsev now

On April 13, 2017, police officers detained Vyacheslav Maltsev. To search his apartment in Saratov, they had to cut out the door with a grinder. The politician was accused of causing unlawful violence to an official government representative at an anti-corruption rally on March 26 in Moscow.

On July 4, 2017, Maltsev managed to escape the investigation in Moscow, leave Russia and move to Georgia. After this, a criminal case was opened against him for public calls for extremist activities. In October of the same year, the court recognized Artpodgotovka as an extremist organization, thereby banning its activities in Russia. Maltsev was arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list.

Maltsev’s “art preparation” planned a series of arson attacks on administrative buildings in major cities. The action was planned for November 4-5, National Unity Day. The FSB prevented the action in Moscow by detaining several of Maltsev’s supporters.