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Creative advertising quickly. The most creative and interesting advertising projects. Nike ball rammed into wall

Scientists have determined that previously a person spent 11 seconds getting acquainted with visual information, but now – only 3. The task of marketers and advertisers around the world is not only to hold attention for more than three seconds, but also to force a person to purchase the advertised product or service. To do this, you need not only to be bright and original, but also to stand out from the abundance of advertising companies.

Money under glass

An original Canadian advertisement for the company ZM, which produces bulletproof glass Scotchshield. Marketers suggested constructing a glass safe and filling it with real money. It was installed right on the street, and everyone could try the advertised product for strength. Marketers handed out hammers, shovels, bats for this purpose - anything you could use to try to break it.

A policeman was constantly on duty near the safe, because little could happen.
Active participants cheated and broke the metal reinforcement of the safe frame, but the glass was never broken.

Eternal batteries

The famous company Kodak, which produces, in addition to photographic equipment and film, also batteries, for their advertising they created a funny banner with an equally funny inscription: “When you decided that they were already “died” ...”.

Home delivery

The American chain of fast food restaurants Papa John, which has offices in almost all major cities in the world, chose door peepholes to advertise its brand. Small advertisements with a picture of a pizza delivery man were taped to them. Looking through the peephole, it seemed that there was really a man standing on the threshold with a box of pizza in his hands.

Very bright flashlight

American LED flashlight company Maglite made an original photo advertisement using an art museum. The advertisement says that these are the most powerful flashlights in the world.

Fighting unpleasant odor

To promote Rexona deodorant in India (Mumbai), advertisers pasted a full-length image of a group of people on the sliding doors of a shopping center. When a person approached them, it felt like the crowd was parting before him. And outside the doors there was a sign waiting for them with the text: “People move aside if you smell bad.”

Time for coffee

To advertise American Folgers coffee in New York, marketers used a manhole with steam coming out of it all the time. They glued a photo of a cup of coffee to the manhole cover and wrote around it: “The City That Never Sleeps, wake up!”

Invisible tights

To advertise transparent and invisible Sauber tights, the advertising agency developed a series of funny images. They say the tights are so sheer that a burglar no longer needs to cut eye holes in them.

German quality watches

The German company IWC, in order to announce the release of a new watch model, IWC's Big Pilot's Watch, came up with its own original move. Flexible handrails in the shape of the same clock were placed in the interior of transfer buses in Berlin.

Listening to music in comfort

The music electronics company Bose created a fun ad for headphones in Niagara Falls. According to the advertisement, the headphones are equipped with noise reduction function.

Say NO to a hangover!

Alka Seltzer is a world-famous hangover cure. His photo advertisement was placed in public places with a short slogan: “Hangover is dangerous.”

Bright headlights

Marketers from the car headlight company M-Tech Plasma HID Lights painted two burnt marks on the wall of the parking lot. Interested drivers who came closer highlighted the inscription: “M-Tech Plasma HID Lights are 300% brighter than conventional headlights.”

Impenetrable helmets

New menu at McDonalds

In an incredibly original way, they used a billboard to advertise the McDonalds fast food restaurant chain. The poster depicted a sundial that shows which dish is best to eat at what time. The originality is that the shadow of the McDonalds sign actually shows the time of day.

Stylish jeans

For the popular American jeans brand Lee Jeans, dozens of pants were placed throughout the city: on posts along the road, on laces stretched over the heads of passers-by. This advertisement certainly attracted attention.

Sport - is life

German Olympic Sports Federation, in order to popularize a healthy and active lifestyle, created a unique interpretation of Michelangelo’s famous sculpture “David”. It comes with the slogan: “If you don't move, you get fat.”

Silky hair

International cosmetics brand Timotei has created a funny advertisement for its shampoo. For her, they used a photo of a lion and Photoshop. The advertising campaign turned out to be cheap, but unmistakably attracted attention.

Reading is fashionable

Mint Vinetu Bookstore
in Vilnius, for his advertising, he created not only a series of incredible new book covers, but also an entire photo project, hung throughout the city. The idea behind the advertising campaign is that by reading books, you can become someone else in your imagination. He promotes not only the store, but also the culture of reading itself.

Insure your car

Allstate Auto Insurance Company
reinforced its slogan “Are you in good hands?” a clear example in a multi-storey car park.

Super soft

To promote Ariel laundry detergent in America, they designed an unusual billboard that imitates a soft towel. The advertising slogan is very simple: “Super soft.”

Big Jump

The company that produces Smart cars used a drawbridge as an advertising area. When the bridge is closed, it's just an advertising board. But when parts of the bridge open, it appears as if the car is jumping.

Advertising is a powerful engine of trade. Although sometimes you can advertise, for example, a charity foundation. Advertising can also be social - calling on people to be kinder or to pay attention to some problem. In any case, the brighter, more interesting and creative the advertising, the faster it will be remembered and the longer it will remain in the minds and hearts of people. Today we're going to look at some creative advertising prints that will make you stop and think at least twice.

1. Anti-wrinkle remedy.

38. “More attractive than you think.”

3. “Before it’s too late.” Stop smoking, planet!

5. Whiskas!

6. Do you recognize this family?

7. “Every minute, 1.5 km² of rainforest disappears.”

9. “Boyfriend + more guys = yes, but how do you know if it hurts?” “That’s why we insure women.” Advertisement for the first insurance company just for women.

10. Nike: “Yesterday you said tomorrow.”

11. Intimate gel lubricant for women. In case anyone hasn't figured it out, the girl is sitting on one of those black things. Fully.

12. “More than 3 million people in France think this is a bikini ad.” In fact, this is an advertisement for an organization that fights illiteracy and lack of education. Dig deeper, bright photos and names in large letters are not an indicator.

15. Fast delivery worldwide.

16. “One child in this poster is holding something that is illegal in the US to protect children. Guess what exactly? “We have banned Kinder chocolate eggs in the interests of children's safety. What about weapons? An advertisement for an organization against the sale of weapons.

20. “Keep your distance!” “Give trucks more space. This is the law."

27. “You can’t help grief with a like.”

29. JEEP. Will go anywhere. Even on the nose of the George Washington statue on Mount Rushmore.

30. It's all in the bag!

31. “Where does your trash go?” Let's keep Australia clean.

A well-written text of an advertisement with the obligatory inclusion of psychological elements makes it possible to provide potential consumers with information about a product, service, as well as planned promotions. The most advantageous offers for customers about discounts, gifts for purchases, holiday events accompanied by prizes will not be effective and will not attract the expected number of customers without organizing their information.

How to attract buyers

To achieve success in promoting a product or service, you need to effectively declare the subject of your business activity.

Timely drawing attention to planned marketing activities will increase the effectiveness of their implementation among numerous potential clients. Advanced entrepreneurs take advantage of the modern capabilities of specialized Internet platforms. They allow you to quickly, and in some cases free, post current news in specialized services and on social networks. All resources provide the opportunity to select target audiences based on interests. If you already know your target audience, you can order printing of your brand or slogan on clothing from FairPrint, which will undoubtedly be effective in attracting attention to your product or activity.

Features of advertising text

  1. The headline should reflect the essence of the trade proposal, as well as the benefits of cooperation. There must be an element of intrigue.
  2. The text part should take into account all channels of human perception and detail the advantages of the proposal.
  3. Text advertising must take into account the interests of the target audience for which it is intended.
  4. The use of specific facts and precise information expressed in numerical terms is encouraged.
  5. The product should be concise and not intrusive.

Algorithm for presenting information

Customers' interest in a product is directly dependent on the way information is presented. His choice depends on the social affiliation of the citizens for whom the product or service is intended, and on the place where the advertisement is published.

The best examples of advertising texts contain a bright headline that is informative. They are characterized by clearly formulated rules for the promotion and price parameters of the product. And the offer to purchase is always veiled and expressed in the form of a motivating offer.

The advertising text for any product can be published on social networks, on specialized platforms, on your own website, in newspapers and magazines. Placing it on billboards is effective. Distribution to the mailing addresses of regular customers and, through patronage, their acquaintances is effective.

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Before creating your own advertising brainchild, you should study various examples of product advertising in order to copy the best ideas that are a feature of the product in question. To compose your own advertising, you should first think through all your wishes, as well as compile a list of information that was relevant and useful at the time of creating the brand.

A marketing model must be chosen based on the advertised product and the target audience that might be interested in it. In this case, only one parameter of the model should be taken into account, aimed at activating attention, understanding, desire, and, as a consequence, actions. The technique of identifying with a well-known brand has a good effect.

By adding a unique style to your advertising, you can give your entrepreneurial idea an exclusive image, which will ensure product recognition and significantly expand the target audience. The use of slogans will add an element of originality and uniqueness, and a well-written text structure will allow you to quickly achieve the desired effect.

When advertising is ineffective

Advertising is a powerful sales tool. However, if used incorrectly, it can ruin the reputation of a business entity. It must reflect truthful information. It is unacceptable to embellish with events or additional services that are not relevant for the advertised product. There is no need to intrusively attract the buyer; this always creates the impression of lack of demand in the market for similar goods or services. You need to be able to masterfully present relevant information. If this rule is violated, all marketing and advertising efforts to promote your product are doomed to failure.

Determining the target audience

In advertising activities, it is important to competently determine the target category, since this parameter has a direct impact on the effect of the information offered for review. Its main feature is that the potential client belongs to a certain social status, age, gender, and place of residence.

Advertising stunts

Advertising is necessary so that a business entity can stand out among thousands of similar companies with their own offers. To do this, it is not enough to simply tell your potential consumers about the availability of a quality product and encourage them to buy it. To attract the attention of customers, it is recommended to use several marketing schemes, following which allows you to advertise correctly. This will ensure maximum results from its publication. Promotion methods such as a unique selling proposition and the classic sales model, in which the buyer is accompanied at all stages of the purchase, are popular.

The advertisement is engine of the trade. We are all familiar with this concept. However, few people think about the fact that this engine sometimes needs special fuel that will give maximum exhaust. We are talking about creative ideas that will make the viewer convert from a layman to a client.

Nowadays, most manufacturers, during advertising campaigns, strive to saturate the market with the maximum number of commercials on TV and banners on the streets, often forgetting what exactly the purpose of such companies is. The “smartest” owners try to independently promote their products, relying solely on their own strength. And for the most part, they receive minimal response from such actions, since now it is not enough to show your product, you also need to interest the consumer in it. Or they may end up with funny advertising tricks like this.

Sane managers listen to the opinions of their employees and turn to advertising agencies. An example of such positive work can be seen on the website It is here that you can see the whole process of imagination and creativity, which will allow you not only to apply the most original and creative approaches to product promotion, but also to diversify the selection of advertising media themselves. And in addition to traditional lightboxes, light panels, signs and stands, you will be able to see such original approaches as stylizing public transport stops and unusual design of elevators.

Creative advertising of public transport stops

An example of an original idea that created a bright advertising concept from an ordinary boring stop can be seen in this photo.

Here consumers will be able not only to get the most out of the promoted new line of sandwiches, but also to appreciate its warmth in the winter. Many passengers appreciated the heating elements on the ceiling of the stop.

Original ideas for decorating elevators

It turns out that elevators can become an interesting and effective method for popularizing your product. If you approach such advertising creatively, you can get a fascinating effect at the end. This can be especially achieved if you use the main advantages of the elevator - movement. Below you can see a number of successful and effective advertising companies.

The most exciting advertising banners

At the end of the article I would like to show a selection of the most striking advertising banners that can be seen on the streets of cities around the world. It is this kind of advertising that can be considered the most creative and original, and it is the one that consumers most often remember.